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Hyped gaming failures Anonymous 08/15/2024 (Thu) 14:42:32 Id: f2d04d No. 1001693
I'm not talking about games that were disappointing but people grew to like, such as Fable or Cyberpunk 2077. I'm not talking about dreaded flops like Saints Row 2022 or Mighty No. 9 that people knew were going to be shit long before release. And I'm not talking about games that casuals love but niche hardcore gamers don't, so no Skyrim or Fallout 4. I'm talking about the games that had excited fanbases shilling them constantly that just didn't turn out great. These don't have to be inherently bad games, they don't even have to be financial failures, but they're not going to be good. >Duke Nukem Forever How do you make a video game? Simple, you scrap development over and over until you run out of money and have to push a product. If you weren't alive at the time it's hard to get across the anticipation people had for this game, if you play a lot 2000s FPS you'll see references to Duke Nukem Forever like in Serious Sam 2. It was all in a teasing way, like "haha, we beat you to market" because devs thought it was going to be good, they thought it would heavily influence the FPS landscape the way Duke Nukem 3D did. The final version of DNF is thematically quite close to its famous E3 demos, the dev build leaks from awhile ago show the 2011 version ended up being surprisingly faithful to the original game, just poorly designed and horrendously executed. There's a point in development when DNF legitimately was good, but tragically the constant chase for muh grafix trapped the game in a death spiral it never recovered from. Anybody familiar with Daikatana's development cycle will know this was sadly a common disease for late 90s and early 2000s FPS. Some recovered, some didn't, but none of them got it as bad as DNF. >Starbound From the creators of Terraria! I'm sorry, I meant from the guy who briefly worked as a texture artist on Terraria in 2011! If any of you were in the Terrara threads on /v/ in 2015, 2016 it was impossible to not hear about this game. People proudly proclaiming they'd stop playing Terraia when it released, dumping SB R34, posting screenshots and just general hype. When the game launched and they suddenly went very quiet very fast Starbound isn't bad per say, it has its fans, it's just not remotely as good or well designed as Terraria. It's full of bloat and useless features that were promised on the Kickstarter but the devs obviously struggled implementing. It released lacking a lot of features and being kind of a messy experience. Though it's gotten updates over the years and has maintained a small fanbase, it never really took off in the way many other games in its genre did. >Cube World One of those foreverdev projects that the creator eventually got bored with. Cube World never looked particularly good, but it was in the right place at the right time - the beginning of the Minecraft craze in 2011. The actual story isn't unique, it's every other prolonged early access mess: some solo dev or small team releases a WIP that looks neat, gets a lot of attention, team radically change to a direction nobody likes, playerbase leaves, devs get bored and "launch" game broken and unfinished. Tons of games from 2011-2013 were like this. Honestly I could have filled five slots in the OP and a further five in the first reply with games that follow this exact path, but that would be boring.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/15/2024 (Thu) 19:23:27.
You are telling a massively sanitized story of Starbound. Brice, the "guy who briefly worked as a texture artist on Terraria in 2011", is a fucking scumbag who'd bully modders into giving them the IP rights of their mods for free and manipulated underaged teens to do unpaid labor. Other devs from Eric Barone (ConcernedApe) to Toby Fox have publicly spoken against the guy.
Didn't Cube World get a new version a couple months ago?
>>1001693 You forgot Cyberpunk2077: >Redditors had to swallow it after such catastrophe >Fucking Sony had to code a "refund" button <Meaning half-assed games have been normalized and excused despite being sold at 60 dollars
Diablo 3, I don't think I need to explain this one.
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>>1001718 Not wrong but not actually relevant to why people found the game disappointing, and most of this wasn't known until years later. Though I should have also mentioned Chucklefish's baffling design choices post-beta, like stripping out huge portions of content and replacing it with much worse content or nothing at all. >>1001739 I wasn't aware. I briefly looked into it and it looks like he's remaking it entirely in a new engine starting last year and calling it Cube World Omega, which according to him is a play on "Cube World alpha". Nothing's actually come of it yet but he's been posting updates regularly on social media. Not the first time I've seen this! There was a 3D mascot platformer called Super Lucky's Tale, it got awful reviews and sold quite poorly. The studio tightened their belts, went back to the grindstone and released a complete remake a few years later titled New Super Lucky's Tale which was much more positively received. Overhauled graphics, changed art, new gameplay, improved design; they essentially reformed the game into something actually good. I hope Wolfram can pull it off. Everybody likes to point to games like No Man's Sky as an example of "making it work" but in truth, these types of comebacks are very rare. >>1001746 Re-read my OP.
>>1001693 What, no BADASS?
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>>1001753 I suppose we're talking about either Aliens: Colonial Marines, or the Borderlands movie? How did B3 fare, actually? I heard it wasn't such a good entry in the Borderlands series.
>>1001750 YIFFE
>>1001790 What's a paladin?
>>1001750 >Everybody likes to point to games like No Man's Sky as an example of "making it work" but in truth, these types of comebacks are very rare. I could never understand that one. When it was announced and everyone was creaming their pants all I could see was an empty game where you just fly around and collect space shit on space planets. Then when it came out everyone was crying how it was an empty game where you just fly around and collect space shit on space planets, I was like "isn't that exactly what was promised"? And now that the game is supposedly fixed it still looks to me like an empty game where you just fly around and collect space shit on space planets. What am I missing here? What is it that people are seeing in No Man's Sky? Because all I see is the same boring game, except now it has more shiny trinkets for your autism to get distracted by.
>>1001791 Do you think a paladin would shoot a mexican if given the chance?
>>1001693 >Tons of games from 2011-2013 were like this. I remember the shilling about player choices and multiply endings then game out it's all lies just hot turd.
Dragon's Dogma 2 >should be Dragon's Dogma, but without PS3 hardware and dev time holding it back >instead get broken game that doesn't work because double dose of DRM >even if it did work, the layered cloths+armor system was scrapped for a single slot thing where every piece is an ugly and(seemingly at random (it has names that refer to pieces are obviously wrong, like a brigandine set with no brigandine) combo of two pieces from OG and DDO >and you can only equip half as many skills (despite the one class that can only equip three skills being well documented as one of the biggest design fails of the original) so you can't take fun or utility skills and have to run the one true build >tranny shit in character creation >a 100% bland, call center "on hold" music tier, main menu theme as though they lost a song license at last minute and had to scramble for a replacement >worst of all, not only has no lolis, but actually implemented lolis in full then altered the menus to block the player from using them! >sales fell off so badly after initial con that Capcom is still collecting feedback on game (till end of month) with a second survey (they have previously only released surveys for new releases and events) as though they're going to Realm Reborn it Actually, speaking of Realm Reborn, OG FF15 counts. For that matter every numbered FF from 13 on may as well: SE can't deliver. Also: Didn't Yandere Simulator get a nominal 1.0? I'm not sure people cared about it at that point though.
>>1001746 You forgot to read the post, you piece of dogshit
>Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) I remember being so excited for this when it was announced. Now, I must admit that the series was already polarizing by that point, with a lot of people on the internet not liking the Gamecube releases, but there was still a big cohort of diehard Sega fans (myself among them), and while a vocal percentage of internet people didn't like the Post-Dreamcast releases (including the rereleases of Dreamcast games, which everyone who played on Dreamcast loved), little kids still loved those games, and they sold like hotcakes. Me personally, I thought Heroes and Shadow were fun playthroughs, but not nearly as good as Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, which were and are some of my favorite games ever. So then they announced a next gen Sonic game, and it was free of gimmicks like the ones that defined Heroes and Shadow. It looked like it was a return to the core Sonic Adventure formula. The graphics were legitimately very impressive, and I'd argue they still hold up well today. They brought back the Adventure Fields from Sonic Adventure 1, which I really liked. It looked like a next-gen Sonic Adventure, which is exactly what I wanted, and frankly what I still want. Then they announced the title was just "Sonic the Hedgehog," and they kept talking about how they were going "back to the roots," and some of the earliest bits they showed off included updated versions of old enemies from Sonic 1. People don't even notice today, but there are crab enemies and wasp-like enemies that look like essentially edgy-redesign versions of enemies from Sonic 1, and everyone noticed that at the time. That combined with the title lead to some people (including myself) thinking the game might be a 3D remake of Sonic 1. Remember that in the last main Sonic game that didn't have some major gimmick, Sonic Adventure 2, the unlockable for getting 100% was a 3D version of Green Hill Zone. To this day it's still my favorite unlockable in any game. It's actually a faithful translation which keeps the original level design, yet feels perfectly natural in 3D. The idea of a full game of levels like this is still something I want, and for a short period of time, people thought this is what Sonic Next-Gen was going to be. After all, why else would they just call it the same name as the original game? Then they announced Silver the Hedgehog. So okay. It's not a remake of Sonic 1. But whatever. Might still be good. It's like Sonic Adventure 3. It's gonna be awesome. Then the game came out, and the PS3 version, originally meant to be a launch title, was delayed a few months, even though the 360 version actually did come out the same week as the PS3. I was waiting for the PS3 version, because I liked PS2 more than Xbox. But I saw on the internet people immediately complaining that the promised day/night cycle wasn't actually in the game. People were also complaining about it being glitchy, but the internet had been complaining about that in Sonic games for five years by that point, and I always found it to be bullshit. They said the same thing about Sonic Adventure 2, and to this day I still say it's bullshit. So I got the game for PS3, when that version finally released. I was still very optimistic. But the loading times were really annoying. There were loading screens just to load an NPC asking to confirm if you wanted to retry the mission (luckily only in side-missions). After saying yes, you'd then be hit with another loading screen as it re-loads the actual mission. Honestly to this day I still say this is the worst part of the game, and people don't complain about it enough. Glitchy? A bit, but that's the least of the game's problems. The real problem is all the fucking loading screens. They make it just unbearable to do the Town Stage missions, which are meant to be short and repeatable. They're short, but due to having to go through two loading screens just to retry one, they are not repeatable. I heard people say the 360 version has even more loading screens, just to load result screens when you beat a level. The only other things in the game that really bugged me significantly were that Sonic can buy these gems that give him powerups, but they're never required anywhere in the game, and the bar that's supposed to limit them doesn't even work, so you can use them infinitely, breaking the game if you choose to use them. Also, I remember being very bothered by how Knuckles' climbing animation doesn't match with his speed, so he just glides over the walls as his fists and feet move randomly. Anyway I still think the game is playable and not as bad as everyone says, but it says a lot that when I beat it and was watching the final credits, my main thought was "well the music was pretty good, I guess." Now some autist is making "Project '06," a remake for Windows, trying to "fix" the game, but I've tried it and it still fucking sucks. Okay, it's not finished, but the point is that it's built on a fundamentally unfinished game, and just fixing the glitches, even fixing the loading screens, isn't enough. The level design probably would have been very different if the game had actually been finished, as evidenced by Sonic's gems, which obviously would have been required at least somewhere in the game if they had time. But now you get idiots on the internet saying Project '06 is the best 3D Sonic game. Jesus Christ. I've always been one of Sonic '06's biggest defenders, saying it's not as bad as everyone says, but the best? Hold your fucking horses. I love the fundamental gameplay formula, and I would love a game that's just Sonic Adventure but more, but even if you fixed the glitches and loading times, this game would just be a very poor version of that, since the level design isn't done. Worth playing once, for a fan? Sure. Is it particularly good? No. Project '06 is already more than just a faithful remake, as it's changed some basic aspects of Shadow's movement and combat, for example, so it's getting creative and thus becoming its own game. At that point just make your own game. I figure the real appeal of Project '06 is that, once it's done, not only will you have a non-glitchy version that doesn't load too damn much, but it will be easier to mod. That's appealing. I do look forward to the whole game being done, I'll try it out again, but changing it beyond a technical level doesn't prove Sonic '06 was almost good, because you're making it a different game at this point. But everything I'm saying is being charitable, since I'm a big fan of the games it was trying to be a sequel to. It was an ambitious game, so when it was announced, and those ambitions were announced, people were psyched. Then the game came out, and it was Sonic '06.
>>1001844 Shame we'll never get an Adventure 3 since there are a LOT of people who want a new entry in that series but SEGA doesn't want to make the investment into it.
>>1001693 >I'm talking about the games that had excited fanbases shilling them constantly that just didn't turn out great. These don't have to be inherently bad games, they don't even have to be financial failures, but they're not going to be good. How has no one mentioned Star Citizen in this thread yet? Does it not count because it still hasn't technically been released?
>>1001852 Even if we got Adventure 3 now, and the gameplay actually felt the same, it would still be missing the anime story that was a significant part of those games. If it was made pre-Frontiers it would just be stupid ironic bullshit. Now, post-Frontiers, it will just be touchy-feely feminzed bullshit. Sonic would just be fighting Eggman to steal a wedding ring for Tangle to give to Whisper or something.
>>1001844 Sonic 2006 is basically an unfinished beta, I remember replies mentioning a story about the dev team deleting the bullshot/bullshit version they showed off at an E3 that didn't have fucked physics that they could have just faked for all anyone knows.
>>1001855 Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how Ian Flynn handles Shadow Generations since Frontiers was a HUGE step up from the Forces/Lost World/Colors era of ironic writing. I understand that having American comic book writers isn't ideal and I would much rather have Bingo Morihashi or Kiyoko Yoshimura writing the future of the series since despite Yoshimura's issues writing Sonic 06, you can make the argument that 06 had an extremely rushed story regardless and that he's done good stories in the past with Sonic: Unleashed and Garo: Vanishing Line where Sword feels kinda like Sonic, especially in the first few episodes.
>>1001888 Hell, I think Ian Flynn has written excellent Sonic stories in the past. But his recent output in the last like five years has all been exactly what you'd expect from a modern American comic book writer. Okay, not quite as bad, but it's like a version of that restrained by Sega keeping a close eye on things and not letting it get too out of control. But it's also not terribly exciting. The guy clearly understands the appeal, because he wrote good stories before, but now that's just not what he wants to do anymore.
>>1001855 They can't even give us the same art direction, sound design, or music the Adventure series had anymore. Eggman's tech has been a wildly varying scale between Apple iproducts and baby toys I still can't stand Eggpawns, the new sound effects have only gotten more annoying since 06 added that "approaching sound barrier" screech, nobody shuts up during levels, and their current pool of musical talent hasn't come close to what SA1&2 had. >>1001888 I wish we could have Shiro Maekawa back. To me, SatBK was the last time it felt like we really had good Sonic writing, which is fitting due to the theme of that game's plot.
>>1001908 Honestly, I agree with you.
Duke Nukem Forever is a bad example. The real DNF had effectively died many years before the eventual release of what we got. Nobody was waiting for it anymore, at least with positive expectations, when it came out. Its welcoming party was a mix of cynics and early SJWs who lambasted Duke's machism. The hype had been dead for over a decade.
>>1001947 >Burned out by the developers' incompetence and constant teasing The other case has to be the Banjo-Kazooie knockoff starring a fucking iguana and a purple dog with JonTron's then deleted voicelines (because that's how memorable it was) that was supposed to save the WiiU and bring back the N64 era. Really shows that Rare should've stayed in the past and let the ex-employees move on, nostalgiafaggotry is a fucking tumor.
>>1001808 >shitty, rushed game design choices everywhere >cut content >performance I could rage about DD2 for years and write entire books about how it fills with so much distaste. Whatever love I had left for video-games died along with DD2, the probable DLC won't even manage to fix things because several issues in the game are fundamental and deep in the game engine (Story, performance, design choices), and I guess that's what leaves me most distraught.
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>>1002061 I don't understand why Anons were prostating themselves like muslims whenever even the slightest rumor/meme regarding supposed DD2 developments surfaced in old 8/v/'s final years, Crapcuck back then was heavily transitioning towards ESG/DEI which Anons knew about and discussed frequently even with the terms themselves not having been coined, then DD2 actually gets made and Anons are somehow mad the game is shit. One ought to reason people on this corner of the Interwebs would cease their religious worship of worldly entities after the horrors of the 8th console generation, yet the more things change the more their stay the same.
>>1002057 Yooka-Laylee? Didn't we also have Anton and Coolpecker >>1002067 One word - potential. The game had (and still the sequel has) untapped potential waiting to be exploited, it's visible all the time yet never extracted. And not like "what could've been" it was "here's 2 out of 3 three things for perfection sorry no 3rd thing". DD2 had every opportunity to get the 3rd thing but nope they went for MonHun money
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>>1002078 >Sample
>>1002057 The problem with Yooka-Laylee is that it was not made by the same people who made Banjo-Kazooie. Even if a few of the names in the credits are the same, they and their priorities and methods of working have clearly changed. They now prioritize censorship and appeasing SJWs over making a good game. Cutting a character's voice is just the example we can all point to, but how many other times during development did they end up hiring some untalented hack because he or she liked to suck dick? Because it's not like literally everyone who worked on the game worked on Banjo. And even if so, they're not the same as they were back then, as evidenced by the censorship.
>>1002105 Does this upset you?
>>1002193 >Smaller resolution >Bigger filesize Yes it does annoy me. Fuck you.
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>>1001797 >"isn't that exactly what was promised"? Not to that extent, mp4 related. Plus there was the whole multiplayer thing, where they never outright denied it, instead said things like "For how big the universe is, it's astronomically impossible for two players to ever meet" or something to that extent, only for two players to be in the same exact spot using live-stream to coordinate and not seeing each other. Then there were all the bugs and crashes. I really recommend watching Crowbcat's video on it, as it shows they hype and expectation that the game had, versus what people got after paying 60 dollars. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=A8P2CZg3sJQ Now as for "they fixed the game", I will give a more cynical take. It's less that they were nice guys that worked to fix the game for free, and more that they had no other winning move. They couldn't make a second game after the disaster that was No Man Sky, Sony especially would not give them money again, and going to some other studio like Ubisoft with No Man Sky as your only thing on the resume wouldn't do you any good either. So the only thing they could do was work on a redemption story.
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>>1002228 >Sony especially would not give them money again Sony is why it released in such a shit state in the first place
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>>1002078 >One word - potential People need to understand potential is just the damage cap not the chance that it will hit it said cap.
>>1002248 No. It was released in a shitty state because it was made by shitty subhumans who hired a tranny, among other stupidities.
>>1001854 Not only not released, not even out of fscking alpha. It was in alpha eight years ago and I got single-digit framerate when I tried it with my shiny new PC.
>>1001808 Oh man, Final Fantasy XV, formerly Versus XIII. Was announced in 2006 as a PS3 exclusive, had amazing-looking story trailers every two years or so; when FFXIII finally came out the rumors about what Nomura started sounding like fever dreams. Got renamed, bumped to PS4, and when it finally came out, it was... okay. Had some good stuff but the longer the game went the more of a mess it turned into. When it came to the PC they implemented a few fixes, some time-limited content for a single-player game (there's a special level of hell reserved for Squeenix for that), and the ability to skip a late-game dungeon because they'd boogered it so badly.
I'm surprised Metroid: Other M was not mentioned at all yet. >After nearly a whole decade of Metroid Prime sequels and spin-offs, a new Metroid title is revealed that would return the series to it's 2D roots. >Developed by Team Ninja, who did Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. >Game was set after the events of Super Metroid, so it was going to serve as the immediate follow-up of a beloved title in the series. >Gameplay trailer showed off flashy moves and even a first person mechanic, blending both the 2D and FPS Metroids in one game. >Game is relased in August 2010. >Game is blasted for having a very linear gameplay style that pisses all over what the series had established in the 1990s. >Samus is fleshed out as a character for the first time with her own voice and personality, which actually took away from the silent, thematic atmosphere shown in games. >Instead of finding new weapons and abilities for her suit, Samus instead waits to be authorized to use her weapons from Adam Malkovich, which makes her annoyingly codependent and makes her come off as uncharacteristicly weak. >Samus has an anxiety attack facing off against Ridley, which is odd considering she never had such an event facing off against Ridley canonically about 3 or 4 times before the events of Other M, making her look more weak. >The ending is a gigantic letdown, where the final confrontation with a gynoid designed to be an AI copy of Mother Brain is just a QTE cutscene. >The game sold so awfully, and was received so terribly, that it put the series on hiatus for seven whole years.
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>>1002404 Back to Brazil, huemonkey.
>>1002360 >when FFXIII finally came out the rumors about what Nomura started sounding like fever dreams. Got renamed, bumped to PS4, and when it finally came out, it was... okay. Had some good stuff but the longer the game went the more of a mess it turned into. Nomura was so buttmad about having his baby Versus stolen from him that he let it bleed into Kingdom Hearts III with Yozora, especially in the Re:Mind DLC (compare the cutscene if you lose the Yozora fight with one of Versus XIII's trailers).
>>1001905 >The guy clearly understands the appeal, because he wrote good stories before, but now that's just not what he wants to do anymore. He admitted in his podcast (BumbleKast) that after having his long-term writing plans torpedo'd multiple times by mandates and negotiations during his time working for Archie Sonic culminating in losing the Archieverse outright before being being strangled especially hard early IDW, he's been permanently dismotivated by Sega's mercurial behavior. He no longer makes writing plans "beyond the current year" and defaults to seeding mystery box setups that he isn't fully certain will be followed up on if at all (like all that garbage about Sonic's friends going on journeys to "find themselves apart from him" in Frontiers). >>1002067 Nobody wants to be a cynic forever, because it's empty and painful to live with the expectation that nothing will ever be good again. Doesn't help that - as much as people deny it - anons are not immune to propaganda despite recognizing it as such, having grown up on the same culture that turned today's soyboys into brand-worshippers and having their own "pet company(s)" that they don't hold in bitter contempt like the rest so much as "wish would stop sucking" like they consider them a friend on the wrong road I'm self aware enough to admit that if Nintendo brought back Free Online with the Switch 2 I'd probably fold and buy one
>>1002404 >The whole thing with the game being hated back them was mostly the typical beta numales complaining about Samus being portrayed as a weak woman (which they all are) and full of fears (which they all are). >Literal mentally ill deranged freaks like Jim Sterling and similar others all complaining about "muh no stronk whore" all the time, and pretending that the game was bad because of it. >The game was mostly ok, with a few very good segments. It was blasted all over the internet solely by the libtards infecting it. Thank you. Good game I beat when it dropped. 8/10 in reviews, short of 8.5 or 9 due to beta numale and feminist criticism, who ironically hate what women actually are. Some from mixed reviews: >Let's say Team Ninja has some traditional ideas about masculinity and femininity >The real problem with the game is the horrendous mistreatment of Samus's character >They took the most badass independent woman in the universe and transformed her into a delicate sobbing flower with "daddy issues" >Samus should have given Adam the finger when he demanded that she follow orders >she can do what she wants >fans of Samus find her more fragile than ever >“Get to know Samus in a whole new way,” said Nintendo. I prefer the old way I knew Samus: silent, strong. Not the whinging, soporific cry baby of Other M >lord of mercy, there’s a bunch of patronising space marines already there that call her things like ‘princess’ and ‘lady' >she can’t use a great deal of her arsenal until ‘authorised’ by Adam, the aforementioned angry mentor >while intending to make Samus more human, it instead makes her whiny and insecure >But then, she does shut up, and the game takes over. And it’s wonderful. We get the old Samus back, the one of lonely exploration, rolling up into a ball to explore the ventilation system, battling off creepy crawlies and giant monsters with expansive gadgetry. The bottle ship is an atmospheric, knotted sprawl of tight, long corridors and wide-open arenas, given life by the ship’s hologram chambers and malfunctioning systems. Leaking pipes flood facsimiles of verdant jungles, wide hangers freeze over while some areas overflow with hot magma. Even in what you quoted: >Samus instead waits to be authorized to use her weapons from Adam Malkovich, which makes her annoyingly codependent and makes her come off as uncharacteristicly weak >Samus has an anxiety attack facing off against Ridley Doesn't help it follows Metroid Prime (try living up to that).
>>1002428 >8/10 in reviews, short of 8.5 or 9 due to beta numale and feminist criticism If you only Reddit, NeoGAF, and ResetEra you'll think it's a 2 and trannies are beloved. Hate was started by whinging progressives, recycled by Wii haters without a Wii, and spread to normalfags via YouTube bandwagon. Not GOTY, not even on Wii (SMG2) but bad's exaggerated. Mark's OP names actually bad games like Duke Nukem Forever and the waste product Cube World.
>Anons have become so consumed by culture war bullshit that they've psyopped themselves into thinking Other M is good because feminists didn't like it Sometims a game is just bad enough that people on both sides agree. Stronk womyn nonsense is annoying, but a game about a woman crying and panicking the whole time wouldn't be fun either. Samus should have stayed silent.
>>1002600 >a game about a woman crying and panicking the whole time wouldn't be fun either Crystal Dynamics have sent a hit squad to your location
>>1002600 That was a retard who unironically agreed with Luciano.
>>1002419 >he's been permanently dismotivated by Sega's mercurial behavior. Well I do think he was a dummy for continually making so many stories about the Freedom Fighters 25 years after their show was cancelled, but that Master Overlord arc at the beginning of the IDW run was good. That's all I want. More of that. It's not about long term planning, it's about how the style has changed to being touchy feely girls doing girly things bullshit, instead of actual action adventure stories.
>>1002613 >woketard Did you take a good look who praised the game that almost killed your precious blonde waifu with the complex of a wet cardboard?
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>>1002627 In fairness, that's not all on Ian. About 4 years ago, Ian left the IDW book largely in the hands of his co-writer Evan Stanley, an artist who got promoted to head writer who's the tumblr type to headcanon Sonic as Aromantic Asexual due to his aversion to relationships. I wouldn't be sympathetic to either of them though: both she and Ian have admitted that were it not for Sega crucifying them for trying, they'd all but turn Tangle & Whisper into token dykes similar to what he wanted for Sally & Nicole during Archie (I recall them trying to sneak a Lesbian Flag into IDW #61).
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>>1002665 >Evan Stanley I like how she's drawn in a cute way, she's probably one of those subhumans that's supposed to be a female but looks like a middle aged man.
>>1002681 You're wrong, she's a real cutie
>>1002696 Pure scottish phenotype.
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>>1002696 Yas queen, self-care is so transphobic and patriarch like traditions.
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>>1002428 >Doesn't help it follows Metroid Prime (try living up to that). The burden of being old enough to remember how Metroid Prime was relentlessly shit upon by everyone on the internet for being an FPS game. I remember when Metroid Prime was criticized for being a Halo clone. Now it's hailed as one of the best games to have ever came out. All these moments will be lost to time like tears in rain.
>>1002859 >I remember when Metroid Prime was criticized for being a Halo clone Only retards like Moviebob did that, most people liked the game.
>>1002864 You obviously didn't read the forums back in 2002, or the user-submitted "letters to the editor" sections in gaming magazines at the time.
Realized Starfield hasn't already been mentioned. >supposed to be next evolution of Bethesda games >so dependent on random generated dungeons to get random generated loot that Arena, which had a clear goal of clearing the 20 handcrafted (and generally pretty decent quality) main quest dungeons and offered unique artifacts for sidequests, actually had more handcrafted content >"everyone on Earth died, but did you hear about what happened to the Native Americans? That was messed up!" >literal pronoun selection >every child is a clone wearing same clothes (they didn't even bother modeling anything past that, only other child model in game is just the floating neck and arms), couldn't be assed to pallet swap, let alone head swap, the girl >NPC faces are even worse than normal for Bethesda, which is impressive limbo given how low that bar is >only thing to do in space is look for random encounters because planets are fake and just static sprites that can't be interacted with (even 1999's X: Beyond the Frontier had the dignity to put a killplain causing your ship to burn up on reentry if you were determined to touch a planet) >>1001808 Meant to say OG FF14, but FF15 isn't much better in this department and falls into "number FF from 13 on".
>>1002866 His point still stands, those people were retards. Me and my friends all thought the game was cool as shit.
>>1002867 Doublechecked. >only one female each for male and female children >3 skin tones with barely any pigmentation variety >most prominent kid doesn't look like her parents because that would require giving her a unique haircut and skintone >you can choose your character's background with traits, but these traits aren't even internally consistent (alien DNA varies between saying your character was grown in a lab and saying they underwent an experiment to alter DNA) let alone actually compatible >entire plot was based around scene for multiverse shit Emil had years ago so the entire plot is meeting alternate universe version of yourself in NG+ >new engine (actually still old engine, with merchant chests OOB) >runs like shit (free space)
>>1002859 >>1002864 >>1002866 >>1002869 This seems to have been the case for a LOT of games, where they critics and vocal minority outright trashed good games. G4 was infamous for this.
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>>1002879 I will never get over how this review just starts with the Great Replacement.
>>1002881 I'm still disappointed that during the Charlottesville shitshow that they weren't shouting rhythmic indian chants. What was the point of the tiki torches if you weren't going to yell Ooga Chaka for shits and giggles.
>>1002879 >Wow bruh it's only funny when I shit on the japs Xd Peak goysplaining, I hope Sessler gets used as a meat shield now that kikes are running low at Gaza.
>>1002859 I played a lot of games in the early 2000s, but never got into Metroid until recently. I was shocked at how well Metroid Prime adapts the 2D games and feels like the same thing but in 2D. Calling it a Halo clone is crazy. I mean, I hated seeing my favorite series of the early 2000s slowly turn into shooters, like Ratchet & Clank, for example, but Metroid Prime plays just like Super Metroid but in first person. Those enemy scans are bullshit, though. I hate that a couple are permanently missable. Makes me have to play the game super slow to not miss any. Ruins the whole thing for me. >>1002665 Yeah, Stanley is definitely worse. The stories she writes are markedly worse. But I still blame Flynn because he must have more control, right? He's the guy who got hired to write the games. I would give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was feminism making it so he can't control the woman that ranks lower than him, but he's a vocal soyboy, so naw, he's probably into it. >Making Sally & Nicole gay Did he really say he wanted to do that? Christ. Sega tells him Sally isn't allowed to be Sonic's girlfriend, so his idea is to make her gay? And Nicole had a bit of a thing going with Shard before he died and got erased. That ain't gay. They should just modify Shard's backstory slightly (so he's a copy of Metal Sonic and not the original) and just use him again. Of all the OCs, I much prefer Shard over Tangle and Whisper. And he's literally Metal Sonic. Surely even Penders can't be autistic enough to try to argue he owns Metal Sonic, right? Right? And yes, I know Mecha Sonic now functions somewhat similarly to Shard. And I like Mecha Sonic better. But still, it's not quite the same.
>>1003056 >Surely even Penders can't be autistic enough to try to argue he owns Metal Sonic, right? Right? Penders believes he owns the fucking concept of echidnas.
>>1002859 Not to mention, paid microshit shills that attacked any game that could overshadow gaylo.
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>>1001693 The dev of Cube World wasn't bored, he's manic depressive. And not just a little bit; he's completely suicidal most of the time. He desperately needs drugs, but refuses to take any. He'd work on the game during his manic phases, and not work on it during his depressive phases. He posted publicly about his depression, and said it was the reason why he couldn't get the game released. He said that the game itself was making him suicidal, and how he just wanted it to be finished or dead so he could move on with his life. Then, in a fit of mania and retardation, he started working on Cube World 2. You just can't help some people, I guess. I shudder to think what life must be like for someone so mentally ill.
>>1003433 I'm in the same boat. Everytime I have a manic phase I write and dev like crazy and love every second of it, I can't believe how great life is, then it all comes crashing down and I delete it all because it's all garbage and there's no point. I'm medicated though, and I still have these episodes, I can't imagine the depth of despair duing a melancholy phase he must be going through. There is one difference between us, aside from the depth of talent, and it's that I don't take people's money though. I couldn't in good conscience take someone's money even for a "finished" product knowing that support for it is dependent on medication and the phases of the fucking moon.
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>>1003056 >But I still blame Flynn because he must have more control, right? He's the guy who got hired to write the games. He was once on record for saying that (much like what let Penders fuck Archie, since Sega never learns the right lessons), Sega is simultaneously cripplingly strangling on games characters but doesn't give a shit about OCs that the writers gravitate to the OCs because at least they have creative freedom with them.
>>1004163 That pic is wrong, or at least overstating things. Fang, Bean, and Bark do appear in many later IDW comics. Sega just clearly doesn't want them using that term that was only ever used in the Archie comics. Now they call them Fang's Gang. Many of the so-called mandates are perfectly reasonable. Don't have Sonic cry. Don't give him OC love interests. Don't give main characters family members that don't appear in the games. There do seem like there might have been some things Sega said that were a bit more restricting, like saying to only use certain characters in "Classic Sonic" stories (but even that seems to have relaxed recently), but generally Flynn clearly has enough freedom to write good stories. But he's more interested in Tangle and Whisper. Just write characters in character. And sure, sometimes Sega might say "yeah don't use X old obscure character for the next little while." Sure, that's lame, but the better alternative would just be to write proper stories about the real characters within the restrictions, rather than just make it all about OCs. Also, Flynn has also said people overstate the mandates. It's not like a list of concrete rules, but more just like general things they told him at different times. I doubt the people at Sega even remember most of the things they told Flynn over the years. It's mostly just "no, that seems weird" or "don't use this old shit from other adaptations." I disagree with some of the ideas, but I totally get where they're coming from.
>>1004200 They just don’t want another Penders making weird shit like a whole ntr arc with Sonic.
>>1004163 I guess something similar happened when Nintendo asked Universal Studios to create the Mario movie by looking at the scrapped ideas: >Daisy was planned to appear >Neglected characters making cameo appearances during a scene of Bowser getting humiliated in a highschool prom
Coming "from the creators of Doom® and Quake®", Rage was quite the disappointment. Not that it was completely bad, but it was very much incomplete. To the point that I was surprised when I beat the game, as there was nothing to tell me that was the climax of the story, it felt like it was still half-way.
>>1004461 Rage reminded me a lot of Borderlands, but if it wasn't fun. I remember the game's tech being really hyped up but then the game itself not really looking any different to any other 2011 game.
>>1004488 Both were very unfun. Borderlands is a looter shooter where you have to constantly be swapping out weapons. Legendary weapon? Too bad, a normal weapon you find 20 minutes later will be better in every regard. Rage has the problem of not having enough weapons, a generic map, and gameplay that's utterly boring
>>1004488 I remember they were hyping the clouds in the game.

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