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Astro Bot Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 21:14:09 Id: 852db3 No. 1009810
The next game from last remnant of Japan Studio. This comes out on Friday, any thoughts about it? Any hopes? The footage looks really fun, it's been so long since Sony has funded a game like this. I don't like the nostalgiabaiting and the crossover orgies, wish they'd tone that part down. The only other games like this Sony directly supports anymore is Rachet & Clank, and that's become more of a third-person shooter as the years go by.
>>1009810 I would get it, but I don't have a PS5 since the only thing worth on the console after five years is this game, Stellar Blade and MAYBE GTA6
I have a PS5 due to mental illness. I'll probably get this game on Friday and return it next week before the refund policy at my local game store expires then put the money towards the new Zelda game. I can't imagine Astro Bot will take longer than a weekend to finish. It's kind of amazing that the closest thing Sony has to a mascot is this thing and the only thing it has going for it is aping third party characters for nostalgia points. Sony has truly shit the bed this generation, but at least it hasn't managed to actually commit suicide like Xbox.
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I don't have any particular interest in Astrobot, but Astrobot Robot Rescue for PSVR was a surprisingly competent third person platformer that made good use of perspective tricks and controller gimmicks. Not a huge surprise since Team Asobi pretty much exclusively exist to showcase PS's more proprietary features - dating back to PSMove on PS3. But as a character who's primary role was just to demo system features, there's not a lot of real character there. I mean visually it's very good looking and it has a competent art design, but there's no real soul or hook to the characters or world the way Sonic, Rayman, Mario, or other platformer heavyweights have. And for what it's worth, it's one of the best looking PSVR games on the platform. I still go back to play Astrobot Robot Rescue on PSVR every now and then - it's fun, but I'm not buying a PS5 for fucking Astrobot. Release it on PC, and maybe I'll give it a second look on a deep discount sale.
>>1009810 That looks like Boti Byteland.
>>1009883 I very concerned that I may fall prey to the same mental illness, how much more painful is this mental illness than the one that caused me to end up with a Bloodborne box?
>>1009892 PS5 mental illness is much worse, more severe than PS4 mental illness. There is a PS5 Pro being announced soon, so if you are curious I would still wait for the new hardware.
>>1009889 I had never heard of this game but wow, it really does.
Astro Bot is certainly a graveyard of Cameos
>PS5 exclusive >Barely any promotion >From a dead studio >Killed by sony >Any hopes
>>1009810 I'm only interested in seeing the intercourse between Eve and Wall-E that gave birth to this robot. >>1010013 >buy IPs >sit on them >tease people with cameos to further rub salt in the wound Sasuga Sony
>>1010013 >you will never jam her lammy Why even live?
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This looks like something that could have released in 2021.
I want to fug the robot
>>1009810 >The next game from last remnant of Japan Studio >it's the highest rated game this year on metacritic >shut down the studio anyway Reminds me of Hi-Fi Rush and Tango. Why is Sony retarded?
>>1010128 They're not shutting Team Asobi down though. They shut down Japan Studio a few years ago and that became Asobi. You could argue Asobi is Japan Studio, like how Rockstar North is DMA Design, but I imagine people might object to that.
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>>1010163 Asobi was an internal team within Japan Studio, and Sony just scooped them out and shitcanned the rest of the studio. No idea what became of Team Ico - but Team Siren (the makers of Gravity Rush) formed Bokeh Studios and are working independently on a new horror game called Slitterhead. Team Asobi, while based in Japan, is headed by a Brit from the old London Studio who were known for such illustrious titles as "EyeToy: Chat", "SingStar: Party", and "Everybody Dance". They also made Playstation Home for PS3, Getaway: Black Monday, and Blood & Truth for PSVR
>>1010178 Brits working with Japanese studios isn't anything new. Rareware and Argonaut are two big ones I can think of.
>>1010029 Still a better love story than Twilight
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>>1011244 Damn what is it about this damn robots
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Game's out btw >>1011258 >this damn robots I'll help you with your English, ESL-kun. "This" is a singular demonstrative, while you're using it to determine a plural noun. That should be "these damn robots".
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>>1011251 >>1011294 >>1011296 Would you jam her lammy I'd jam her lammy I'd jam her lammy so hard
>>1011294 >>1011296 >shipping Lame, I prefer her to be with a human.
I think this game looks incredible, from the footage I've seen it reminds me a lot of Mario Galaxy, which is an absolute childhood favorite of mine. I don't own a PS5 nor do I have any real interest in getting one (I only get consoles if they have around 10 to 20 games I'm interested in that I can't play anywhere else) so I hope this game either gets ported to PC or the PS5 gets better exclusives later on to justify buying it. Also, am I the only one that thinks the MC looks vaguely like the Plebbit mascot? They have the same antenna
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>>1011342 >or the PS5 gets better exclusives later on to justify buying it.
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>>1011342 I get consoles if they have around 10 games I'm interested in that I can't play anywhere else but PS5 only has 3 exclusives I want. This is one, another's Final Fantasy XVI on Windows in a week, and the third's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, on Windows soon.
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>>1010029 >18 years after haha <look it up ...oh :(
>>1009810 So they are planning a level editor or something? If the game is solid, they could bring back some of the Little Big Planet autists they've lost.
>>1011432 >third image That's an artist from 4/v/ though I'm sure you know that :^) His Astro drawings are mostly male, not that you could tell from that one
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>>1009810 You know i kinda miss this type of whimsy games published by a giant gaming corp that has been known for the past decade for pivoting into Mature™ and Deep™ games. And yet against all odds, this fucking platformer manages to outperform a 250 Million dollar Live-service game that was closed down just a days ago. Schadenfreude at it's finest.
>>1011735 >You know i kinda miss this type of whimsy games published by a giant gaming corp that has been known for the past decade for pivoting into Mature™ and Deep™ games. And yet against all odds, this fucking platformer manages to outperform a 250 Million dollar Live-service game that was closed down just a days ago. Sony kind of backed itself into a corner with the Mature™ and Deep™ marketing, a corner without enough profit when only manchildren who want to hear they're a big boy cared. If Astro Bot isn't a flash in the pan, maybe Sony will turn their ship around.
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>>1011728 i know, supposedly he has a MEGA folder with all his art but i can't find it.
>>1011791 Fairplay$ wasn't immediately canned. There's no chance Soyny will make fun games with cute girls anymore. That's the fun thing about dropping hundreds of millions into 4+ year long projects: It's impossible to pivot, even if absolutely everyone can see something is going to be a massive disaster with absolutely no chance of success.
>>1011791 >3-4 years in between releases of Triple A slop with 100-300 million dollar budgets >Retarded faggot Sony shills think this is sustainable while bragging about "Units shipped" for the PS Cinco with no games in between big releases but multiplatform vaporware or live service garbage 5 fucking years and there's still no major system seller of a game and there's little to no fucking difference from last gen.
>>1011791 Sony killed the vita and their japanese devs. What makes you think they will turn their ship around?
>>1011791 Have they fired Astro Bot's devs yet for committing the anti-semitic crime of success?
>>1011860 It does make me wonder if they'd actually kill Asahi for actually making a video game instead of cutting the money.
>>1011860 That's called the Visions of Mana treatment.
>>1011839 Sony themselves seemingly has noticed this. Do you know what really tipped them off? Spider-Man 2. The game sold about as well as the first, took longer to develop and cost $225,000,000 more. In the end, the game didn't look or play very different to the first, there were reportedly a lot of uncomfortable questions asked internally about why the game cost over $310,000,000 for few notable improvements over the first. Former PlayStation people also sounded the alarm, most noticeably Shawn Layden. I assume Sony will take note of them. I have to wonder what the PS6 will look like, this generation has been a big disappointment for Sony with the PS5 being their worst-selling home console, but the numbers still aren't bad it's nowhere near too late for them to course correct and move away from bloated AAA releases and GaaS. Nintendo had several iffy gens in a row the Wii was a fluke and had arguably a worse library than the 64 before finally striking gold with the Switch, Sony's only had a single middling generation they can easily fix. >B-but the PS4- Sold over a 110,000,000 units, yes I agree it had a lackluster library but don't pretend it wasn't a roaring success. That gen was by no means a failure for Sony. >>1011860 >>1011861 As bad as Sony has gotten I don't think they're quite on the level of Microsoft yet.
>>1011875 Microsoft gets contracts directly from the government so they just can't afford it.
>>1011839 Crank a zillion dollars into a turd of a game and it's still a turd. Polish it, pose it, shit remains shit. Live service fags should be publicly hanged.
>>1014311 There is a huge amount of art of the robots and the only reason I haven't posted is because it's mostly Homo-Sexuality
>>1014311 I have one like that ha ha
I was confused. Damn, guess the PS4 got finally a game now.
>>1011860 They already killed Asobi once, they can do it again.
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Has anyone even attempted to make an Ape Escape spiritual successor? All sorts of classic abandoned IPs have gotten one.
>>1014312 But is it really gay if it's a robot?
>>1014738 It's robosexual.
>>1014738 Straight in the front port, gay in the back port.
Just beat the first the first major area. I got a big smile on my face playing the Ape Escape world. Though, sadly, from word of mouth I was sort of lead to believe every world would be like that; celebrating a certain video game, but really most of the time they aren't and you just find bots themed after certain characters. Still it's a fun game that feels good to play. I was pissed Sayaka/Yumi wasn't represented in that world, though.
I really hope the people behind this are paid well and get good bonuses. Probably the most detailed/fun game connected to Sony since Bloodborne.
Think it comes to PC ever?
>>1019370 Why wouldn't it. Sackboy did.
>>1019374 I'll try when it comes then
>>1019376 Stellar Blade will come first.

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