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Deadlock thread #2: "Semi-officially announced" edition Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 19:46:22 Id: e9f3fd No. 1013231
Old one here >>969360 What a strange rollout this game has had, I can't think of anything else quite like it. It seems to have worked for Valve, the game is pulling great numbers. <Who are you maining? <What changes do you want to see? <What classes do you hope get redesigns?
Any spics ITT who can translate Ivy's lines? Also in reply to >>1011781 Most competitive games favor perfection right when the first bell rings. Remember that old .gif of the Starcraft player who forfeitted right away because he misclicked the resource right when the game began and lost a few seconds of mining? That's a good representation of it even in its purest form
>>1013259 >Any spics ITT who can translate Ivy's lines? What are they, nigger?
>What changes do you want to see? Add a cute loli, preferably with visible pantsu.
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Is it just me or is Warden kinda underwhelming? He's an annoying lane bully, but after the laning phase he can't do shit. His shield instantly melts down, everyone just warp stones away from his 3 and his ult takes so much to activate and lasts so short it has 0 impact in teamfights. Whenever i play as him or someone in my team plays as him we lose, and whenever the opponents have a Warden we win. He's a giant nothingburger.
>>1013259 >most competitive games favor perfection right when the first bell rings Mostly relevant in symmetrical games. In an ASSFAGGOT, many games will not come down to a big showy decisive moment, but instead will be decided by a large amount of small victories and defeats throughout the course of a game. I'm talking about a carry having just enough gold to finish a key item before a team fight, or a support having enough gold to get extra counter-wards and force the enemy team to play more defensively. There will almost always be a big team fight at the end, but like I said it'll be the conclusion of a long stage play, as opposed to a one minute Street Fighter round.
>>1013499 >ASSFAGGOT It's repeated but not explained here so what's an ASSFAGGOT?
>>1013514 Aeon of Strife style fortress game going on two sides. Aeon of Strife being a popular StarCraft map that helped inspire the genre.
>>1013514 >>1013515 To expand on this: the term moba doesn't actually mean anything. It's just a marketing thing that the faggots at Riot invented to make themselves relevant. It'd be like some dumb cunt making a Rogue-like game and coming up with a new "hip" and "cool" acronym in order to give herself clout.
>>1013548 Literally speaking, it stands for "multiplayer online battle arena", but that's meaningless. TF2, Ratchet Deadlocked, Quake, WoW's PVP, Worms 2, and any RTS could also classify as a multiplayer online battle arena
>>1013548 Fuck it, the name pisses me off. The arena isn't mobile, so the M enter refers to the players or gameplay. Except that the most effective and efficient way to gain power is to sit still in a lane and farm creeps. Online battle doesn't mean shit either, you could just say PvP or just online or team based PvP. And it's not even an arena since there are no spectators. Aka the term is fucking meaningless and I hate Riot and I have dumb faggots for popularizing the stupid term and bastardizing the gaming lingo.
>>1013514 A nearly decade-old meme acronym. >>1013515 Was this actually what it stood for? I can't remember at this point. >>1013548 >moba doesn't mean anything Nah, it clearly does. Its just another name for a game that follows DotA conventions. Calling "Dota" a genre would seem weird though since DotA stands for "defense of the ancients" which isn't really informative. Nothing much has really changed since the original Dota days as far as I can think of. What you can expect are >lanes >creeps >minions >towers >heroes with levels, skills and inventories of items
>already another thread for this >posts actually talking about gameplay Wait, this isn't just another pozzed hero shooter?
>>1013556 > this isn't just another pozzed hero shooter It's an ASSFAGGOTS hero shooter with one of the heroes (Pocket) being a they/them.
>>1013557 Say no more, into the trash it goes. And anons are unironically playing this now?
>>1013556 Its Valve's response to Overwatch. It as gay as you expect from current year and as scuffed as you would expect from a valve trend chaser game.
>>1013562 You're so fucking dumb. They're different genres you numbskull. It's like saying Demon's Soul is Fromsoft's answer to Diablo.
>>1013568 That makes me wonder, why did Valve even make this game? DOTA 2 was their answer to LOL and it was successful, Artifact was Valve's answer to Heartstone and it failed, so Deadlock is Valve's answer to...?
>>1013573 Why would it need to answer to anything? Haven't played Deadlock yet, but from what I've seen it's a vast improvement over DotA2/LoL in terms of mechanics and gameplay flow. Valve would be stupid to kill DotA2 and release DotA3, as such it stands to reason that Deadlock is either a "sequel" to DotA2 that won't kill the game or completely cannibalize it, or it's Valve devs getting tired of DotA2 and moving on to another project.
Is this one of those snowball games where if you win at the start of the match you're basically guaranteed to win the rest of it because your team's characters are more decked out than the enemy's?
>>1013574 >Why would it need to answer to anything? Sometimes it's just how Valve operates, another example would be Dota Underlords which was a rushed resoponse to both Dota Auto Chess and Riot's Teamfight Tactics. Unless this was really someone's passion product and managed to get people motivated enough to work on it enough time to release something, my gut feeling it's that Valve wanted to have a response to something, even if it's a completely different genre like Overwatch. Or maybe you are right, they got tired of DOTA 2 and wanted to make something different as a quasi-sequel, I wonder if they will also make something different to Team Fortress 2 in this case.
>>1013515 Thanks.
>>1013561 >And anons are unironically playing this now? Never forget the fags who played Overwatch.
>>1013561 Yeah I don't get it either. Even gave it a try myself, realized it was an ASSFAGGOTS marketed as a shooter, and never wanted to touch it again after how boring that first game was. I still don't get the appeal of this fucking genre. Though those gambling elements mentioned in the other thread might be the answer. I asked it at the end of last thread so I might as well ask it again. Why do people even like ASSFAGGOTS/DOTA clones/MOBAs/etc? The game is also full of pronoun faggotry and mostly shit character designs. Which is another turnoff.
>>1013648 >Why do people even like ASSFAGGOTS/DOTA clones/MOBAs/etc? High skill ceiling team based PvP.
>>1013575 No it isn't. Its actually much better to stay out of snowballing lanes so you can focus solo leveling >>1013605 >>1013557 >>1013561 >>1013556 Yeah, and? Don't pretend like you're some auteur gamer who didnt play normalnigger crud like Tf2, rust, dayz back when it was mod, any FF after X or WoW for fun. The fact you dismiss it with buzzwords and how it looks tells you have no intention to play this or learn about how it plays, so why enter this thread? Not everybody here is a 30+ balding man who is playing 8 year old backlog, plays zero new games and cries how the industry isn't catering to old true gamers like us. Go bother the blue archive thread and virtue signal how old guard gamer you are.
>>1013577 How long until Dota 2 gets an update killing the mood for everyone like with Meet your Match?
>>1013660 It's a MOBA shooter, MOBA are loathed on /v/ so it's not a suprise that they don't like this game as well.
>>1013561 You were never going to play it anyway, even if all the characters were lolis.
>>1013231 >>1013695 Why is the gay-looking guy with the mustache being drawn with the ugly-yet-weirdly-hot spic gargoyle?
So I need a friend (which I don't have) to invite me to play this garbage? >>1013738 I think she looks pretty cute, the art at least, in game she looks fucking awful. The art makes me think of a lizard-like Midna. A mischievous walking onahole that must be corrected.
>>1013738 The closest way I can understand it she gives off 'tomoko' vibes. You know the "i could have an actual chance with her even IRL" sexual fantasy.
>>1013747 Yes but there are people who mass-invite. Ask somebody to friend you, they'll invite you, and unfriend you straight afterward. I know of somebody who claims to have invited 1000+ people like this.
>>1013660 I've never played TF2, the only MMO I ever played was Runescape when I was in high school, I've played FF12 back when it first came out on the PS2 and I don't see what it has to do with pozzed zoomer online games. The reason I entered this thread is because the game looked like pozzed trash but then I saw a second thread about it and anons talking about the gameplay and I got curious about what people here even see in such a shitty looking game.
>>1013747 I like Midna a lot though. >>1013751 Dude stop being so fucking desperate for pussy.
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>>1013889 I'm not into that shit, I was explaining the mindset. That's why I said "The closest way I can understand it", it implies that i don't quite know why people like this goblin. I knew should of said "being a devils advocate" instead or some other shit.
>>1013660 >Tf2, rust, dayz back when it was mod, any FF after X or WoW for fun I have literally never played any of those except for final fantasy XII. And i really like that one.
>>1013899 I got what you meant but my point is still correct :^)
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>>1014034 >Calico she looks like that one target from the Eyes Wide Shut level in Hitman 2
>>1014047 She looks like a scrapped character from Concord
>>1014049 Looks like scrapped shit alright
>>1014034 Wrecker and Kali are the only interesting characters here
>>1014034 >Wrecker That's just Clockwerk lol >Kali ONE WHO CONSORTS WITH BEASTS
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>>1014034 I don't get hero shooters. Why would anyone care what his character looks like? He never sees his character. A generic terrorist/counterterrorist works perfectly well.
Are you guys having fun with this game?
>>1014889 This game is third-person over the shoulder not FPS.
>>1014899 It's also barely a shooter, it's just a generic ASSFAGGOTs with guns.
>>1014889 I always preferred playing the generic soldier types with different classes over heroes.
Dwag amazing
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>>1013856 Deadlock is pozzed trash but pozzed trash sells and retards will play shitty looking games for retards, they're the audience.
>>1013856 Retards love ASSFAGGOTS for some fucking reason. That and it's a new game from Valve which is enough to draw in a ton more attention than it deserves. The accidental marketing wildfire of the mass-spreading invite only beta was also a huge boost to the popularity, albeit unintended by Valve. >>1014889 Adds a more personal element to the characters, which can help give the game a distinct feel and play into the style of the game well (See: TF2 before the hats got out of hand). It's kind of similar to the idea of fighting game characters, if you need another way to understand it. With similar design principles in how to do variety in such.
>>1015089 >Retards love ASSFAGGOTS for some fucking reason Most ASSFAGGOTS are made addictive to get the lowest sludge in society hooked on paypigging for shitty games.
>>1013660 >normalnigger crud I think they got burned out? This might sound crazy but anyone with a functional brain realized how cancerous those games have gotten while the creators just stopped giving a shit and clog them with goyslop. >>1015100 And for the love of god, never call out the incompetence of developers, it's so mean and hurtful.
>>1015177 developers are pale nerds who can gulp my fat cock
>>1013747 options: 1. Post steam here. 2. Go to deadlock discussions on steam and add a guy running one of those threads.
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The game is kinda fun and the ping system elaborate enough to be useful. I don't see myself sinking thousands of hours but it's free so who cares
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>>1015925 >she's a muppet At last I truly see
Here's a neat trick you can accomplish with Ivy. You can fly Seven around while he is doing his ultimate.
>>1016065 What's the joke?
>>1016383 Deadlock is the joke. It's pozzed ASSFAGGOTS garbage worse than Overwatch with boring gameplay and shit characters.
>>1016383 It's in the file name.
>>1014034 >Calico LOL
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>>1016421 This is the ugliest fucking retard I've ever seen. Who is this for?
>>1016450 That's a similarly designed character from Sony's flop of the decade Concord, but the one in Valve's game isn't a tranny. Also neither is the supposed they/them character as there is no in-game indicator of such a thing.
>>1016432 It's a character from Concord
>>1014034 Anons will play concord tier soulless trash ASSFAGGOTs as long as it's free and made by valve.
>>1016589 You got a problem with free nigga?
>>1016647 I got a problem with free niggas. That's why I support prisons!
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>>1016647 It's Special Nigga Month at participating nigga stores! You can buy a special pimp suit for a dollar.
>>1016741 >pic i like her moxy
>>1013574 >Why would it need to answer to anything? They forced shitty matchmaking onto TF2 (replacing Quickplay) when Overwatch was getting big, so they probably just feel they need to "keep up with the times".
>>1016589 I unironically trust Valve more than 90% of game developers
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>>1017702 Most of what people rightfully critique Valve for (lootboxes, broken and unfinished releases, perpetual licenses, paid cosmetics) are things that aren't unique to them but are ubiquitous throughout major gamedevs. I'm not saying that makes it right, but I see iconoclastic types want to tear down Valve as if they're a particularly bad evil. I think the good Valve has done vastly outweighs the bad. You don't see Microshit or Sony pushing for Linux, refunds and repairable hardware. There's also the fringe "Valve killed PC gaming" argument which I have never understood. Beyond PC gaming being bigger than its ever been, Valve didn't force devs to stop selling physical or to only sell on their platform. Devs went where the money was, and the money was with Steam. If you consider it an issue, it's issue with gamers, not Valve.
>>1017705 I was under the impression that valve was forced to provide refunds.
>>1017710 Wasn't it forced by the EU ?
>>1017705 Valve is not some developer that just happens to deploy some nigger methods in their products. Valve is the fucking progenitor of everything you listed. >Valve didn't force devs to stop selling physical or to only sell on their platform. They're literally in a lawsuit because they prohibited undercutting your own game by selling it cheaper on your own website than their platform. Valve actively engages in anti-competitive behavior that if anyone other company engaged in reddit niggers would be losing their shit over it. You are the exact kind of faggot that whitewashes Valve by pretending like they're this agnostic neutral party of libertarian nerds instead of the same money grubbing kike fucks that everyone in the industry is.
>>1016452 >>1017705 people get assmad someone they think gets unjustified "praise" or "love" from people when that thing doesn't get drowned in hate. Like they can't comprehend people aren't slinging vitriol and hate towards valve to the same level as other companies like m$, Blizzard, EA, nintendo... because they genuinely aren't that bad as compared to those other companies. Their smoothbrain automatically puts a label of "bad" something or someone in a label and think everything on the same level of hate and negative. And when people don't automatically hate every valve thread with same points, same steam monopoly, microtransactions, esports, valve pushed gambling (lol everyone did), valve killed pc (yeah loved that 15 different gamespy and gfwl online drm and storefronts that was already pushed), they think there's a valve defence force going about. When people in every valve thread criticize and call them out. Like >>1017789 who say all the "agnostic neutral party of libertarian nerds" when nobody thinks that, nobody here defends them to the degree they pretend to strawman, then cry valvedrone gaben shill when people here don't hate them to the same degree like other companies (EA, nintendo, M$) are hated here. Vulva is not as hated as others because they didn' do as bad and made retarded decisions as others did. They did same bullshits as other companies do and they're rightfully called out, but not outright spammed or dismissed like say a sony thread or a blizzard thread. When EU forced valve to give refunds, everybody cheered on EU, valve btfo, but nothing on steam sales, games or steam machines which was also going bust. They assume people are putting valve on a pedestal just because they aren't chimping out on mindless hatred. So they think we are going soft on them. Niggers haven't seen all the crap people (not just here but all over the internet) give to valve due to their failings with tf2/csgo/ep3/hl2dm/artifact every single game for years. But since people also acknowledge the not shit things valve has done, all the right stuff they did, they don't beat over the head of what M$ or crapcom does on daily basis. People smartly criticize them, not mindlessly spam valvedrone on everyone, and this makes mad as fuck and think everyone is valveshill, when they're just selectively attacking the bad parts and not chimping out.
>>1017803 What are you talking about? Just because people give them shit is irrelevant, the reason that people are called valvedrones and shills is because they keep acting like whales for them just like they would for any other company. Blizzard, as an easy similar example to point to, have had numerous times where the wider audience, including their own hardcore fans, has loudly given them shit and even had multiple calls for boycotts, but many of those same niggers who loudly complain about them can't stop giving them their fucking money and buying shit the second they put out something new and shiny. The amount of gamers (really most types of consumers) who have any sort of principles is probably a fraction of a fraction of a percent. I used to be one of those "support people/companies who deserve it" type fags but after getting jerked around and fucked with as a consumer for so long, I've fucking had it. I haven't given Steam (and most companies period) any money in the last 8 years and I'm proud of that fact. I'm willing to bet fags who think they are "enlightened critics" have given Valve and these other companies thousands of dollars by this point. When people refuse to exercise their consumer power, they will end up losing it in the future as time goes on.
>>1017803 >valve pushed gambling (lol everyone did) Hold it right there nigger, is there actually any other game other than Valve's that has tradable and sellable items you get out of lootboxes? Maybe Diablo 3 RMAH but they got rid of that. You know retards are actually hooked on that shit, right? My college roommates would spend hundreds every week unlocking CS:GO crates chasing things to sell. Also in general, what is your fucking point, if there is a volvo thread people will bring up those criticisms. You can't get rid of people criticizing them. Also yes people absolutely put them on a pedestal, go look at any normalfag discourse, it's still "based Gaben" to them. Are you so surprised that there's criticism towards Valve on this board when it's been over 10 years since they've had a game that people actually wanted, and then they make a tumblr-looking ASSFAGGOT? I like them for making it easy to buy PC games, I like them for making Linux more viable for games, but I'll yell at them for how they handle their own games like retards.
>>1017705 >Valve is not some developer that just happens to deploy some nigger methods in their products. Valve is the fucking progenitor of everything you listed. >They're literally in a lawsuit because they prohibited undercutting your own game by selling it cheaper on your own website than their platform. Valve actively engages in anti-competitive behavior that if anyone other company engaged in reddit niggers would be losing their shit over it. >You are the exact kind of faggot that whitewashes Valve by pretending like they're this agnostic neutral party of libertarian nerds instead of the same money grubbing kike fucks that everyone in the industry is. How are they the "progenitor of everything he listed"? Because you said so? >>1017812 >Just because people give them shit is irrelevant, the reason that people are called valvedrones and shills is because they keep acting like whales for them just like they would for any other company. >Blizzard, as an easy similar example to point to, have had numerous times where the wider audience, including their own hardcore fans, has loudly given them shit and even had multiple calls for boycotts, but many of those same niggers who loudly complain about them can't stop giving them their fucking money and buying shit the second they put out something new and shiny. >The amount of gamers (really most types of consumers) who have any sort of principles is probably a fraction of a fraction of a percent. I used to be one of those "support people/companies who deserve it" type fags but after getting jerked around and fucked with as a consumer for so long, I've fucking had it. I haven't given Steam (and most companies period) any money in the last 8 years and I'm proud of that fact. I'm willing to bet fags who think they are "enlightened critics" have given Valve and these other companies thousands of dollars by this point. When people refuse to exercise their consumer power, they will end up losing it in the future as time goes on. Valve offers a service people want. If it wasn't worth thousands of dollars they wouldn't receive those thousands of dollars.
>>1017840 Bingo, the mind-scrawl of a madman. My god, he knows who I am; he knows my ever fantasy. But I am hot on your trail sicko - you can feel my hot breath on your neck. This is no longer a clue - it's a game. You may have just gotten checkmate, but we're playing Chinese checkers, and as my old friend Confucious say, "The Hunter has become the Hunter-ed. "
>>1017842 >digital goods >being "worth" anything No, that's just further brainwashing people who have traded away their value without realizing what they've lost until later down the line. The mere fact that you call it a service already points to part of the problem. You don't see the issue of all your games being controlled by a single service is? Those people in question are retards who have enabled and fucked everything, and once Gaben either dies or gives the company up to the snakes below him, you'll see how terrible leaving a heavily centralized de facto monopoly in charge of PC gaming can be. He's the only thing preventing the company from being genuinely terrible (and its already not good as it is), and network effects, raw money stockpiles, and their incredible market position will ensure Valve and Steam will stay alive and powerful long after GabeN is gone, enough to harm the industry for a long, long time.
>>1017847 The company is private so I'm not entirely sure if that's the case or not.
This isn't related to Deadlock.
>>1017845 >The Hunter has become the Hunter-ed And the life of the creator of HunterXHunter being a submissive cuck whose dogleash is tied to Sailor Moon's creator.
>>1018116 What's this buzzword shit even mean?
>>1018123 Anon's brain is so fried he cannot recognize a quote from Xavier Renegade Angel.
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>>1018116 Is his back hurting because he gets pegged by his wife?
>>1018129 >implying people with brains watch edgy garbage barely anybody has heard of that you shill on basketforums
>Supposed to be running and hiding from his father >Very serious guy who doesn't want anyone to find his identity >Has fucking they/them pronouns in early fucking 1900s It's like putting a "kick me" sign on your back when you have glass bone disease.
>>1018219 The pronoun shit is nowhere in the actual game, it was faggots grasping at straws for (((respresentation))) when his BIO is in third person.
>>1018360 Do you not know what a pronoun is? Why do you think a bio written in "third person" makes a difference?
>>1018360 Then show a counterexample. I don't remember if the characters interact in-game as I only played one match, but if you find in-game banter referring to him as HIM and not they/it/creature, then post.
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>>1017780 The EU and Australia.
>mark nuked criticism of valve calling it meta spam right after an anon swore mark doesn't delete criticism of valve Absolute pottery
Is this game any popular? I've seen a bunch of Xitter posts about the high concurrent player levels, but aside from maybe cuckchan or the occasional 10k views video on Youtube I see barely any discourse surrounding it. Might be that I'm just in my own content bubble or I'm not paying enough attention though.
>>1018683 It apparently has 100k concurrent players consistently. I don't really understand it because everyone I know played it like once then never touched it again. And as you said it has virtually no cultural relevance or discussion. Yet steamdb says there's a shitload of people playing it. I guess you can't underestimate subhuman moba retards and their silent desire to play bottom of the barrel shovelware.
>>1018680 >repeat same 3 points about valve bad, they brought evil in gaming, monopoly, everybody is valvedrone >even when people are calling vulva out in thread but apparently its not enough >cry to being muh oppressed by ebil valveshills like pottery read thread again
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>>1013231 If only refundable microtransactions was a thing
>>1018360 His bio is hardly grasping at straws, it's pretty integral. Not to mention voice lines saying "they" instead of "he"
>>1019393 >calls 64 tick anti-competitive and illegal This guy is fucking retarded.
Been playing the game for a bit. Some random thoughts: >the skill ceiling is through the fucking roof, into the stratosphere, and out into fucking space >being great at Deadlock will be THE gamer badge of skill >it includes the entire skill set of ASSFAGGOTS (communication, presence of mind, reaction time, situational awareness, timing, anticipation, etc, etc) except now you have to shoot precisely to last hit/deny, you can no longer auto attack while looking at the map, no more wards to keep you safe, far easier to focus fire heroes so positioning matters a lot more, 3d space, far more complex movement, ammo conservation, melee/parry system, hard angles for cover >they fixed most of the design issues in dota/HoN >picking phase has been replaced by a roster system where you pick 3 heroes before you queue, and you can assign three levels of priority to your picks >deny/gold/exp system was overhauled, gold and exp have been merged into one currency called souls >you only get souls on creep kills if you or an ally get the last hit on the creeps >about a second after getting a last hit, a floating orb will spawn at a random location near the creep that died >the orb despawns after about 3 seconds >you can shoot your orbs to confirm the kill, you can shoot the other team's orbs to deny their kill >gun kills and skill kills give half the souls, the orb gives the other half >melee kills immediately give the full soul value and don't spawn the orb >this creates a laning phase where players are constantly playing against each other through harassment, harassment when poking out to melee, fighting for confirms/denies, managing ammunition and health >unlike other ASSFAGGOTS, it means that things get crazy and intense >no wards mean supports no longer have to spend all their time and gold warding and counter warding >new item system feels way better, you now have 3 item categories for weapons, vitality, and spirit >each category has 4 slots, items are split into 4 tiers which give an increase amount of free baseline stats based on tier >get 4 extra flex slots after destroying certain enemy towers >this opens up genuinely different builds, with some items being soft/hard counters to heroes This is going to overthrow DotA and LoL, and it won't even be a competition.
>>1019663 >unlike other ASSFAGGOTS, it means that things get crazy and intense 30 seconds into the match, not 5 or 10 minutes later like in other games Forgot to mention that they removed TP scrolls, but they added a zipline system which is a fast travel across lanes, the distance the zipline extends to is based on how far your creeps pushed. Getting hit by heroes prevents you from getting on the zipline for 4 seconds, if you get shot in the back while riding a zipling (aka running away), you get thrown off and stunned for a few seconds.
>>1019663 >thinks a higher skill ceiling = more people playing it Moba's killed RTS games because they required 1/10th the skill to play competitively.
>>1019663 >picking phase has been replaced by a roster system where you pick 3 heroes before you queue, and you can assign three levels of priority to your picks Also there's a 0% chance that this is how the actual competitive e-sports version of the game will work. Drafting will still exist.
>>1019663 I agree that it is very complex, but I worry about two things. Namely: 1. Will the public get behind it as much as they got behind Dota and LoL and TF2? 2. Will Valve implement an anti-cheat that actually works without going kernel-level? These two questions will decide how Deadlock survives, even though I really hate the abysmal character design and the matchmaking system which is entirely unfair, but those problems aren't factors in a game's sustainability unfortunately. My first two questions/problems posed, will be. I know (not just suspect, know) they will add cosmetics later due to the currently blacked out spot which implies each character will get a loadout, but not even cosmetics will kill this game if the rest of it holds up. CS2 is currently struggling because it's failing question 2, and many z-celebs are dropping their support of it, which is leading to failing question 1. The public is thankfully wisening up to Valve's bullshit and not letting the terrible anticheat go. >>1019666 (Thanks Satan) I don't see drafting a possibility until much later in development, personally, but then again, neither do I see formal tournaments.
>>1019663 Good morning sir, I will also do the needful in Steam buy Deadlock, the upcoming action game developed and published by Valve! It is best in Hero Shooter and MOBA genre, worth every United States Dollars (my currency, I from United States).
>>1019669 If Valve is smart they will churn out the most basic soulless fap bait skin to appeal to the bug hivemind known as asia.
>>1019727 If valve was smart they would have made characters that were even remotely attractive or appealing to begin with.
>>1019738 Valve doesn't have to be smart when it comes to games, since Deadlock proves that people will literally eat anything from them.
>>1019742 I think valve can fail. It's just that ASSFAGGOTs mongrels are uniquely comfortable playing terrible games. They're brain broken crack whores.
Does this game actually do anything unique? Valve likes to say the reason they don't release Half-life 3, or Portal 3, or TF3 is that they want make new things. Does Deadlock actually bring anything new to the table?
>>1019746 Icefrog wanted to make a shooter moba so he made one.
>>1019746 One of those 3 will come eventually
>>1019750 Not TF3, Deadlock killed that hope. Probably Half-Life 3 because of Half-Life: Alyx.
>>1019746 It's an ASSFAGGOTS! In 3D!
>>1019793 Code strings show a lot of signs towards developing a HL3 actually
>>1020005 >HL3 >after the main writer left You will be getting Half-Life: Alyx 2 and you will be happy.
>>1020007 Quarter-life. It's just like me!
>>1020007 The code strings very explicitly reference the HEV suit. Almost all the HL writers left Valve years ago, several of them still worked on Alyx as contractors. The same would most likely happen with 3. Laidlaw appears to not want to work on games anymore judging by his public statements, he turned down a role on Alyx. <he plays Half-Life for the story As much as people joke about psuedo-cutscenes, there's barely any actual dialogue in HL2. The entire script is only about 8000 or 9000 words. For context, the average 90 minute movie is about 22,000 words. Half-Life 2 is 13 hours.
>>1020019 Isn't Gordon mute? I didn't play HL2.
>>1020005 If it doesn't have John Freeman, it's not canon.
>>1020034 Yes, but other characters talk. That's probably a big reason there's not much dialogue. Most of it is focused towards the start and end of the game, humans suffer from something call the serial-position effect where usually the the beginning and ends of something are remembered the best. I think this is why psuedo-cutscenes have become such a meme when HL2 when they're mostly at the beginning - it's because there are a lot at the beginning.
(7.85 MB 600x326 no forklift cert.gif)

>>1019615 These people take seriously Valve games as competitive to begin with. >>1020040 Doesn't even mention John Freeman pulling Lowtax's life support plug everyone was expecting that, Laidlaw confirmed to be a hack. >>1020075 UPVOTED EPIC FUNNY KEANU REEVES CHUNGUS MOMENT
>>1020205 She just died. It's not funny at all. What is wrong with you.
>>1020215 You're asking what is wrong with an unfunny shitposter on a site of unfunny shitposts?
>>1020215 It's ok she used her gargoyle skill which made her invulnerable
>>1020215 Why all of the sudden licensed forklift memes became a thing?
(177.27 KB 1080x1920 The nose knows hoes.jpeg)

Since the only thing this game is good for is the gargoyle porn here's this
>>1020075 Are they ok?
>>1022565 New exodus is underway I see.
>>1022565 No that's not good either. Especially not the low effort play-doe people you're posting.
>>1022728 The model is fine, it's just not meant to be seen that up close.
>>1022770 The model is shit.
(54.32 KB 800x800 data.jpg)

>>1022827 It's the actually game model. You'll have to hope somebody makes their own if you want a better one.
>>1022850 Makes sense, the game looks shit.
>>1022581 Ivy is acute pie.
>>1022884 I always wanted my ass torn by Goliath from the Gargoyles TV show.
>>1022884 Then why do you draw her off-model?
>>1023145 Well, I didn't.
>>1023163 NEVER EVER
(188.62 KB 900x900 WTF did I just read.jpg)

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