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Aesthetics Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 04:36:06 Id: a3b300 No. 1013419
How important are aesthetics to you in games? It's common to hear people say graphics don't matter. While I don't care about graphical fidelity or polygon count, art style and music are very important to me, depending on the genre. For a genre like strategy games, they're not that important, but for something like shmups or beat-em-ups they're probably at least 50% of the reason why I play them if I'm being honest.
It's important enough that you can't ignore it, but it's not important enough that you can't overlook it in some cases. Unless it's so bad as to stop your enjoyment. I can't imagine aesthetics fully carrying a game for me, but I can definitely imagine it stopping me from playing a game altogether.
Aesthetic can absolutely ruin a game for me. For example: Don't Starve. I hate the Tim Burton aesthetic and couldn't play the game because of it. But sometimes it can carry a mediocre game too. None come to mind but anything with an 80s/90s anime aesthetic will get me hooked with good art even if the gameplay is mediocre.
>>1013419 Game is Power Slave btw. >How important are aesthetics to you in games? Surprisingly more than I would have thought about at one point. >art style and music are very important to me I would include aesthetics of the setting itself to that list as well. Take Souls related stuff as an example for me. I became aware of it some where around DS2, and while the challenge and the game mechanics intrigued me I ignored looking further because of what on the outside looked like generic dark fantasy setting. Then Bloodbornehappened and the gothic horror setting really got my attention, being a classic Castlevania fan and all, but still wasn't quite enough to make take the plunge. Then Nioh happened and I was all in. Even got in on the demos because I was that hooked from the get go. Then from there I've basically worked myself backwards from Nioh to Bloodborne to DS3 and then the earlier ones. On the other hand something like The Surge completely turns me off. Even if it turned out that it wase the best possible Souls type game I'll never play it because I despise the near future scifi setting. Reminds of DUNC and how I refuse to watch it as soon as I saw the aesthetic I tuned out. Lynches may not be book accurate but aesthetically it's the superior movie.
>>1013426 >I can't imagine aesthetics fully carrying a game for me The only game that comes to mind that that aesthetics straight up carried a game was Helltaker. Without the girls and humorous writing, It's nothing more than a sokubon game (that box pushing puzzle) with a par mechanic.
>>1013419 Any game on consoles pre-SNES is a hard pass from me.
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>>1013451 There's plenty of games that look great on the sega genesis, turbografix, and neo geo.
>>1013451 >excluding the 3rd generation of consoles entirely That's pretty harsh.
>>1013456 There is also plenty of ugly looking games on those consoles too.
>>1013426 >It's important enough that you can't ignore it, but it's not important enough that you can't overlook it in some cases. Unless it's so bad as to stop your enjoyment I agree with this.
>>1013447 Honestly, I think you're right, now that I think about it, there might be other examples where the aesthetics might be enough to carry a game, but it's really rare for me and it has to be just right. Helltaker is a good example, I like puzzles but I was 100% hooked on the characters and art alone, it's not often that happens for me. (And I actually quite despise how there's pretty much no anime game that I really like 100% for the gameplay, it feels as if any game that chooses anime as aesthetics will 100% toss away gameplay focus and end up with pretty subpar gameplay as a result)
Not very, last thing I played was Frogger
Gameplay > everything else > art style > power gap > graphics. And like >>1013447 alluded to, sometimes the everything else/art style/graphics can be good enough to trump gameplay. Perfect example of this is Morrowind: shit combat, but the exploration, setting, and lore are just so fucking good.
Gameplay and aesthetics don't compete, they trigger different pleasure centers for problem-solving and art appreciation.
>>1013474 >>1013476 Arcade Frogger but other Froggers are cool, Frogger 2 on Game Boy Color does to Frogger what Donkey Kong on Game Boy does to Donkey Kong
>>1013463 Name one ugly Neo Geo game.
>>1013478 To an extent most (all?) JRPGs are carried on aesthetics, setting, and story alone. Striped down to bare minimum they're mostly the same mechanically, with quirk or two thrown in sometimes to try to mix things up. VN's and Renai games even more so. I almost included platforms but then I considered that the programed physics of a platformed SO very much head and shoulders above all considerations. If you've played a badly programed platformer then you know exactly what I mean.
Good aesthetics aren't necessary but they're preferable and become more important when gameplay is lacking.
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Its a visual media so aesthetics are important. Graphics not so much. A clear vision for the world, a palette of colors, characters, design, etc, etc...
>>1013694 For me I would say for me the JRPG appeal lives and dies by the battle system. Without the battle system a JRPG is just a gloried VN that you can move the character but without the extra routes as well. Does the game do random encounters or can you see them? A class system, can you swap said classes? Does fleeing feel like a coin flip or not? Are status effect worthwhile to use? Timed hits? do the stats actually follow a simple formula that one can napkin math how effective a stat is only Fire Emblem seems to do that besides WRPGs. Etc. Etc. >>1013706 I can understand >>1013463 not putting up with the 1st pic, but the 2nd and 3rd is just being picky. The 1st pic looks a pre-mapper NES game using stock hardware. SMB 1, metroid, and kid icarus, is the hard limit you can do with the NES without extra hardware be that be the disk system or adding mappers to the cart.
To this day, SMT Imagine is still the best adaptation of Kaneko's art into 3D, and it's not even close. >>1013463 Nice booty.
Sometimes I think gameplay should be built on top of aesthetic. Y'know, give the game a world the user can immerse themselves into. Then give up the goods. But then again I think that sometimes a good game was thought up mechanics first, scenery second. It's important tho
>>1013426 It depends on the genre sometimes to me, if a fantasy game have mostly ugly aesthetics without any cool looking characters i just ignore
It depends on genre. For a VN? Very important. For a puzzle game? Not very important. No one plays Checkers for the graphics.
>>1013694 >To an extent most (all?) JRPGs are carried on aesthetics, setting, and story alone. This is the reason I started playing JRPGs, but I've really come to enjoy the typical turn-based JRPG gameplay over the years. It's almost therapeutic. I think I may have brainwashed myself.
>>1014130 JRPG's a genre by programmer B-teams not bright or dedicated enough to design real-time battles, and good JRPGs are good in spite of battles.
>>1013724 A good battle system is what elevates a JRPG for me. It's what puts it in the top tier of may favorites. BUT I can play a basic bitch standard JRPG and love it if the music, setting, characters, story, etc. are all enjoyable. Or most of those things any way. It can have deficits in one or a couple and make them up in other places and I'll still love it. FFTA for an example. The story and plot are shit. But everything else is great so I still rate it as a great game. In it's case the battle system and other mechanics (that aren't the law system) fill in the gaps for me. Different example, Final Fantasy 12. I fucking hate the battle system. But all other aspects of the game are so fun that I'm able to ignore it and just have fun playing the game. Couple of other examples, Chrono Chross and Legend of Mana. I love both from head to toe so I consider them both in my top 10 of personal favorite JRPGs. Any complaints I have mostly come to nit picking. So for me anyway the battle system is important but it's not even close to make or break for me unless the game is failing on other levels.
i like when theres a consistant theme going. particularly with the enemies, i like fighting enemies that are the living representation of something beyond themselves. like how each boss in lollipop chainsaw is themed around a particular style of music that was at one point popular with teenage counterculture.
>>1014341 >Chrono Chross and Legend of Mana I love Chrono Cross but got bored of Legend of Mana. Too unconventional, other Manas are better.
>>1014362 I didn't think I would like it when I first got it. I bought it blind without know anything about it or the Mana series but I totally fell in love with it. The literal painted backgrounds and the Swedish music were a big part of that. I also like the whole build-your-own-map thing that it and FFTA both have. I'd like to see more games with that little mechanic.
>>1013447 You can say this about most gacha games.
>>1014488 They also get carried by story and music.
>>1014496 I have never heard of a gacha with a good story.
>>1014497 Arknights did get an anime if you want to sit through that, although obviously it isn't an isekai. The some design is also nice.
>>1014497 >I have never heard of a gacha with a good story. Genshin Impact
>>1014497 Fate/Grand Order Blue Archive
>>1014533 That visual design video was fun.
>>1014631 It's one of the nicer ones I saved, I just restructured my nas to hopefully start saving far more.
>>1013447 >Without the girls and humorous writing, It's nothing more than a sokubon game (that box pushing puzzle) with a par mechanic. Hey, it already sounds superior to Tales of Symphonia!
>>1014744 Bot? How's Tales of Symphonia relate? Do you wake up, have toast, then announce, "At least this toast is superior to Tales of Symphonia," you weird retard?
>>1014744 I'm making a bad joke since Symphonia is nothing but shitty block puzzles pretending to be a dungeon.
>>1014793 >These block puzzles hurt my brain. It's this game that is in the wrong!
>>1014801 >play a JRPG >for block puzzles Nah he's not wrong
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>>1014857 Not gonna lie the most interesting part of Golden Sun was the gloried box puzzles that you used PSI to overcome them. In fact I wish It wasn't a JRPG at all and just a zelda clone with fanatsy PSI powers.
>>1014860 Golden Sun had some great Psi powers and puzzles. It's a pity the series died out. It also had a nice anime aesthetic that looked muddied and messy on the GBA.
>>1014860 mh, you don't see very often a fantasy setting/game with psionics instead of magic, right?
>>1014863 On the actual gba/sp or in an emulator?
>>1014801 Block puzzles are literally IQ tests, I can tell beforehand how a Twitch streamer will do from their race. Someone upset about those just tells on themselves, like holding a sign that says "I'm retarded." >>1014874 I would play Golden Sun 4 if they don't fuck it up like 3. 2 was the best.
>>1014801 Retarded puzzle design isn't intelligent anon, the puzzle design is more of a clusterfuck at the end of Destiny but I still think that clusterfuck is better designed than any of the block pushing time wasting bullshit in Symphonia sandwitched intbetween a bad rehash of Phantasia mixed with FFX. Making a Sokoban joke off of it really isn't far off.
>>1014966 Block puzzles are literally IQ tests as I said >>1014953. Blaming games for your retardation as >>1014801 said outs you as literally stupid. Not "banter" stupid, it outs you as a literal moron. As a eugenics supporter I'd have you castrated, but given you replied 2 minutes after >>1014792 yesterday and 19 minutes after >>1014953 today, quarantining yourself to /v/ and never going outside, as a failure with nothing going on would do, is effective enough birth control. Carry on doing exactly that.
>>1014971 What's the minimum Tetris score threshold for proper whiteness?
>>1014973 If you're like me it's infinite because you break the rng and get only S pieces in a handful of games.
>>1014953 Block puzzles are boring because there's only one fucking answer 99% of the time. And they take forever to solve. They're the reason why I can't get myself to replay Soul Reaver or Vagrant Story.
>>1015007 >are boring >take forever to solve. This just supports >>1014971. He's exaggerating with "retaration" if he's being "literal," but you're obviously low IQ and your pride displaces skill issues you can't admit. I never met one I couldn't solve fast.
>>1015015 >I never met one I couldn't solve fast Bull. Fucking. Shit. I haven't played many cube pushing puzzle games, but all the ones I played took forever to push all the blocks into position. It's like having a high school teacher telling me to "prove my work" even knows he knows damn well I clear his fucking exams in 10 minutes and score 100% every single fucking time.
>>1015018 >>1015015 Shit no wait I have an even better analogy. It's like being forced to talk to a retard IRL and knowing what he's going to say three sentences before he says any given word. It's fucking torture.
>If you can do things I can't you're bullshitting This further supports >>1014971 and it's what I mean in >>1015015 by "you're obviously low IQ and your pride displaces skill issues you can't admit." Post a Sokoban puzzle in the next 30 minutes, I'll solve it fast. You resent what disrupts your self-image as a smarter person than you are.
>>1015018 >>1015015 >>1015022 You know this talk about sokubon and IQ is reminding me how a certain survival horror youtuber hates those sliding title puzzles, because he doesn't know how to solve them. They're hilariously easy to do, in Alisa there's an achievement for solving one under a minute; You just put the number you want to postion into the middle and just rotate the rest of the numbers in circle til you get middle number into potion. Doesn't help his case not white either.
>>1015022 My post here challenged him to post one in those 30 minutes. He'll act like he didn't see it even when it was right after, but he didn't post one while I remained online because he knew I wasn't bullshitting while he was. Low IQ people are all talk and no action, and bad attitudes towards these puzzles are expressed by low IQ people. >>1015025 Fischer (the 11th World Chess Champion) was challenged on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1972 to solve a bigger one of those sliding tile puzzles that had another row and another column. He solved it in 17 seconds.
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>>1015025 >tfw can land a 4-engined WW2 stratbomber with 1 engine and no ailerons on a minimally prepared airstrip but suck nigger dick at slide puzzles And here I thought transethnicity was a meme.
>>1015015 Covers one half but ignores the other half of why his post was retarded, "there's only one answer." Smarter people solve them in fewer moves.
>>1015025 >a certain survival horror youtuber Vinny Vinesauce is a nigger?
>>1015038 What games have good aesthetics on lower power hardware?
>>1015076 I quoted the wrong thing when roasting gachashit somewhere else, anyway I say Xenoblade 2 and 3.
>>1015076 Kirby's Adventure (NES)
>>1015201 >>1015076 As well as Little Sampson and Gimmick. I feel like the first 3 Castlevania games would be good examples too for a completely different sort of aesthetic.
>>1013419 for me games need 3 things, good gameplay, good music, and good art direction. i don't care if the characters has only 12 pixels or is photorealistic, if the art direction is garbage, i can barely play the game, same with games where i need to fight the controls or have shit mechanics or bad music.
>>1015204 The third Castlevania game would be the best example from the first 3 Castlevania games.
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>>1015205 >photorealistic >art direction is garbage
You stupid fucking monkeys just cannot fucking read, can't you? I'll use small sentences and smaller words, to hopefully make things easier for your mono-cell brains to grasp. >solving a puzzle isn't the same as figuring out the solution >solving a moving block puzzle in a VIDEO GAME means sliding shit around for a few minutes >moving blocks around for a few minutes is boring when you already know the solution >made worse when most video game block puzzles only have one solution >I don't like playing video games where every problem is a nail and the only tool I have a hammer >I like playing video games where the problems that need solving are complex and I'm given a tool box to solve them >>1015015 Look at this here nigger. "I never met one I couldn't solve fast." Hey nigger, you can only solve video game block puzzles as fast as the game allows you to. >>1015025 Wow, you're bragging about playing tic-tac-toe. Good job! I'm so proud of you.
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>IQ-deficient retard returns to derail thread with ego-wanking word salad to cover up his mads at puzzles he's too stupid to solve fast and clearly still misunderstands
>>1015274 Are Crysis+Warhead the only hyper-realistic games with proper, civilized art direction to support the reelizms? >>1015308 Meds.
>>1015065 Anon, just because Italians aren't white does not mean they're niggers, and beside vincent's problem is connect four not slide puzzles. feel free to show proofs of him failing slide puzzles so I can laugh at him though. Anyway, I was talking about Under The Mayo. Last time I heard he was black. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=JRczA0juYVg Around the 14:00 mark he complains for a solid minute about how he hates slide puzzles. Generally any time a slide puzzle comes up in a game he bitches about it. The mentioned slide puzzle is really easy since you only 5 in the correct order as opposed to all 8.
>>1015346 >Italians *Sicilians
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>>1015007 >>1015018 Solve this simple Zelda puzzle with merely 6 blocks to push and merely 19 squares at once to move in. Answer with arrows ^, <, >, v. No one else help him.
>>1015354 >its this fag again
>>1015346 Listened to him cope from 14:02 to 15:07, sounds line for line like the retard who confused your slide puzzle with Tic-Tac-Toe. These NPCs really come in series manufacture and wouldn't be half the butt of jokes if they knew their limits, but they strut about like their shit's stinkless and strike with shitty insults at anyone who calls their cope. >>1015204 Simon's Quest is underrated because of AVGN. His bit against it got 13 million views, probably >10 times over the game's sales. It's got its issues but people exaggerate them.
>>1015354 Is it push or is it push + pull?
>>1015367 Probably push since nes zelda didn't have pulls.
>>1015367 After giving it a second look it, it doesn't look like it'd be possible to do push only, so I'll give an answer based on push + pull. down left3 up2 left2 up left2 down right2 down right2 down right3 up2 left2 down up right2 down2 left2 up left3 pullright2 right2 down right up left2
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>>1015007 >>1015018 >>1015354 >>1015369 >These block puzzles hurt my brain. It's the rules that are in the wrong! It's rare any 8chan narrative collides at 100 MPH with real life like this. I wasn't even going full asshole by giving you a hard one, it had merely 6 blocks and merely 19 squares at once. At least you took a swing at it, even if it knocked you on your ass, so GG but if one that easy gave you any trouble, let alone this much, don't posture you already know the solutions and can clear these as fast as games allow, or that realizing you're mad because you're bad at these makes people "stupid fucking monkeys with mono-cell brains" when you're among the dimmer bulbs on the Christmas tree.
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>>1015204 Little Samson's a good one
>>1015378 >8chan narrative What kind of schizo shit are you babbling on about?
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>>1015354 You push the blocks until there is only a 1x2 corridor in the middle, push the left block in place, bomb jump over it, and put the right block in place. Only a retard would ignore the rest of the game's tools when block pushing is only 1/100th of the game.
>>1015354 Unironic question: Does Link have to be on the same side of the key door at the end a la >>1015435 ? I've found a few routes that "solve the puzzle" but don't look like his response
>>1015494 It doesn't say you can't walk on blocks once they're inset.
>>1015368 And you only push like once.
>>1015366 >>1015225 The thing about Simon's Quest, aesthetically speaking, is that it's probably the comfiest of the early Castlevanias. No time limit means that you can take your time and explore and take in the environments. >AVGN Don't forget Egoraptor's part in the slander too. And unlike James, Arin was being completely serious.
>>1015525 James did say in his review that he was not aware people considered simon's quest to be a shitty game.
>>1015532 That and a lot of people never got that AVGN was a shtick rather than an actual review.
>>1015532 >>1015533 People don't play games. People watch other people play games and their only talking points is what they heard people say about the game. I fucking loathe people.-
>>1015537 I read anon posts from people who watched other people play games.
>>1015556 That was also me
>>1015533 AVGN was a product but his criticism regarding badly translated riddles/directions wasn't exactly wrong.
>>1014973 Pace of improvement would correspond to proper whiteness better than minimum score, white people should have higher maximums and more potential. >>1015025 In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Link can get a deed to a cabana on a private oasis from a teacher, and the first room in the cabana has a mini game with this puzzle type but more complex. >>1015354 This says "push" (not "pull") in the post, and the goal says to move the block squares to sand squares, not "return to the door." Lots of ESLs in here angrily misunderstanding these instructions. >>1015556 I read anon posts from people who don't like games and watched other people who don't play games use footage from people who do play games to make talking points about games they pretend to play.
>>1015346 Moving one number is one thing but picture slide puzzles where you have to rearrange a drawing are worse, like Beyond the Beyond or >>1015565. With BtB you could just record footage and just retrace steps from that though since it shows you the pattern for the puzzle pieces from the beginning.
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>>1015493 You can't bomb jump on nes zelda you're immune to bombs. >>1015565 He still did bad design to put a door there even though the instructions are right. I mean yes pushing blocks in nes zelda does make stairs and doesn't drop keys so you don't get a key. But door on the bottom's better cause of 3ce820's point and it stops assumptions so it should look like this better design.
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>>1015579 Or this is even better cause this door type opens to blocks. Like the left room in level 1 that's how to get in it.
>>1015525 Right, James does it for comedy, but Egoraptor's the "I suck? No, game sucks and you suck" from this thread, broadcast to eight figures of people. Arin's always been a drawfag without a brain for games and Jon stayed based while Arin got woke. What's the worst gameplay from Arin you watched?
>>1015596 one? He was insufferablely bad even when jon was there.
>>1015596 I never really watched him on his own but he was always terrible during his Game Grumps videos.
>>1015525 >>1015596 >>1015600 >>1015607 Arin Sucks at Video Games Compilation - Game Grumps www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQXGD237tKo
>>1015562 It's a little bit wrong. A lot of the things people think are due to bad translation are actually just useless or cryptic on purpose. Only a few clues are legitimately fucked up due to bad translations. AVGN's point about the fake blocks is also totally legitimate. That said, his actual point was that it was funny to get so upset over not just an old game, but an old game that, even with these issues, is still a good game overall. He's making fun of how nerds nitpick stuff. Or at least he was. Somewhere along the line he seemed to forget what the point was.
Only time I've ever bought a game for graphics was when I just got a new(ly upgraded) PC. However there's plenty of games I've avoided because they're super ugly, impossible to read what's going on (e.g., everything blends into background), or full of distracting effects (e.g., everything has a full screen flash).
>>1015647 >somewhere along the line he seemed to forget That's what happens when you review legitimately shit games for as long as he has. Simon's Quest was one of the few exceptions among his reviews where the game wasn't bad, it just had some stupid/annoying shit in it.
I like the aesthetic that you see in some DOS games and in some older arcade games where it looks like the backgrounds were made free hand in paint.
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>>1015494 Link doesn't, but finishing on either side is possible. As there's 1 well-disposed post by your ID, you have not much to gain nor prove. The puzzle, at merely 6 blocks and 19 squares at once to navigate, shouldn't filter men whose IQs start with 1. Your hesitancy to jump to conclusions is evidence yours may. Share steps if you want, but I lack reason to disbelieve you solved it. Constructive critics: it was a rough piece as I didn't expect all these replies, and I don't plan a repost, but if others do here's another, adjusted to feedback and improved all-around. The block puzzle hater that called enjoyers stupid fucking monkeys with mono-cell brains, who I baited to my trap, hasn't solved in 24 hours what he implied takes him an instant. If he eventually does it won't reverse how long he took, nor will excuses. Because it amuses me, I played with my foreign food, I won, I feasted again on the following seethe, and now my fork here is done.
OP I'm very sorry your thread was so utterly ruined.
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>>1015699 Should have used SNES tiles, more aesthetic walls >>1015719 Says another (1) ruining it with useless comments
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>>1015699 1 v<<< 2 ^^<<^<<v>> 3 vv<^>^^<<v>^>v<v> 4 v>>>>>^^<< 5 v^>>v<< 6 >>v<< *do de do de do de do* blocks disappear doors open fuck you lets talk about aesthetics
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>>1015723 >1 v<<< >2 ^^<<^<<v>> >3 vv<^>^^<<v>^>v<v> >4 v>>>>>^^<< >5 v^>>v<< >6 >>v<< >*do de do de do de do* blocks disappear doors open Checked this, you're wrong. I visualized against >>1015699 and you didn't clear it. I stopped visualizing at 4 when directions made no sense at all, like you threw in the towel between 3 and 4 but assumed no one will check then bullshit the rest. >fuck you lets talk about aesthetics Except you're not, only >>1015721 is. If you wanted to you would have. His picture's aesthetics surpass >>1015699, though for me it's Minish Cap.
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Metroid Prime games nail sci-fi aesthetics from alien planets to space stations.
I really love the aesthetics of Folklore. The various designs of the fairy tale creatures are really creative. I do not think I would have enjoyed the game without the aesthetics. Without the style it would be just a really repetitive beat em up. The story and the intrigue it builds up also helps quite a bit.
>>1015847 Cousin Itt from The Addams Family as a demonic octogenarian with congenital malformation of the hands, rotting teeth, and tobacco addiction.
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>>1014020 >For a puzzle game? Not very important. Layton and Phoenix Wright owe a lot of their fanbase to their aesthetics and overall presentation. The sad reality is that games are a holistic art that has every medium in it play a role, if one fucks up hard enough it can drag down the whole experience or if one excels it will drag the rest of the experience with it to greatness. This is without going into how the game is designed and how much emphasis it places on any of it's aspects, like if a horror game sucks at horror that's worse than a adventure game sucking at it's spooky section etc.
>>1015850 Yeah, sounds sick right?
>>1013426 >>1013497 These two posts pretty much sum it up. Only thing to add is that different people have different thresholds. Untimately, if aesthetic is good or unique enough, it can outweigh other shortcomings and even make the game remembered. Brutal Legend is a good example of game that is carried by its aesthetics. Personally, I would have never played old WoW for as long as I did if it was not for the aesthetics. I like thick purple elves with gigantic ears and eyebrows, humans build like brick shithouses, goofy trolls with big tusks, flashy equipment, everyone having oversized shoulderpads, color-coded dragons, everything being hammy, and a dozen of Forrest zones that manage to look interesting and distinct.
>>1017246 WoW is an addiction posing as a videogame. An old friend lost everything (job, friends, marriage) because he wouldn't lay off WoW's drug pipe.
>>1017246 I played Hand of Doom entirely for the aesthetics because the gameplay is clunky as hell, but the gameplay is also part of the aesthetics choice as well so it fits very nicely.
>>1015721 There was a remake of Zelda 1 on SNES?
>>1017246 Blizzard in the 90s and 00s was on another level as far as sound and art direction is concerned; as good as anyone that's ever done it. I can still hear the siege tank and half of the music from vanilla WoW and Duriel (yeah, it's a quarter of a century later and I'm still salty about that absolute nigger) in my head and I can still remember exactly what the Nemesis and Judgement sets look like and recite all of the SC1 cutscenes by heart. Some of that is surely the nostalgia of a misspent youth but Blizzard's work had immense staying power.
>>1017286 It was a download-only release for the Satallaview, and only in Japan.
>>1017286 For Super Famicom, not Super Nintendo, and on Satellaview, but patches get it beatable on emulators.
>>1017286 It's not really a straight remake. It doesn't feature the exact full overworld map, and it has different dungeons, and it has a time limit. The Satellaview essentially let you play live games, and live sound was streamed, so they had CD quality audio, including voice acting. And things would happen like at a certain time, no matter where you were, certain effects would happen, and the live voices would announce it. Because of the live stuff, the games could only be played when they were "broadcast." If you weren't there at the time, they were gone. The Zelda ones were broadcast in four parts, and you could miss a part, but if you did you'd never get it again. BS (Broadcast Satellaview) Zelda was broadcast twice, with different dungeons, so online you'll sometimes see these referred to as "Third Quest" and "Fourth Quest," but they're more different than that. That said, since parts of these games were live, and the downloaded ROMs thus weren't the full games, they couldn't just be emulated. Autists spent like 20 years recreating the games based on VHS tapes and stuff. At first they were missing a lot, so actually they made other dungeon maps that are still floating around, and if you find very old downloads, you might find those, but they're fanmade. But after a very long time they finally made accurate romhacks that let you play the game just as it was, even with the sound and the time limits, but you can play whenever you want. They also let you get edited versions that remove or change the time limits, or add English subtitles, or even swap the voices for an English fandub. While normally I hate dubs, in this case you do want to be playing fast, and reading subtitles while playing might be awkward, so I did find the dub useful. The two BS Zelda broadcasts based on Zelda I are very cool, but there is also a third one, called Ancient Stone Tablets, which is based on Link to the Past. It has a much more original story, which takes place during Link to the Past, and Zelda summons you to save Hyrule since he's away. But anyway you have four parts, each about an hour each (actually more like 50 minutes due to loading and cutscenes and stuff) where you have to do new dungeons and a few new overworld challenges. It's a similar concept to the first BS Zelda maps, but more expanded. They also did broadcast regular Link to the Past over Satellaview, but that was just the regular game, with no special features. So you actually could just download and play whenever you wanted. But it's just the regular game. Anyway the BS Zelda games are cool as hell, and especially by Ancient Stone Tablets, you can see the time mechanics that feel like early versions of ideas that would become more important in Majora's Mask. There is also an Ancient Stone Tablets-esque semi-sequel to Super Mario Bros. USA that was only broadcast on Satellaview. Does anyone know if that's fully playable yet? That game seems cool as hell. There were also F-Zero tracks, basically DLC. And wasn't there a Fire Emblem game that was originally Satellaview but then got rereleased? (I don't know anything about Fire Emblem.)
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Aesthetics I find eye-catching and refreshing are aesthetics that do something unusual, like claymation. Anything different from the stock "hire this man" Unreal Engine aesthetics.
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>>1017481 I'm trying to think of any games made by This Man that look good. Twilight Princess?
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>>1017484 That one Sonic game? I heard the game looks much better than this preview. For a less shitpost answer, I guess Crysis 1.
>>1017484 Are you referring to independent developers in general?
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>>1017485 Frontiers looks bland, but it's exciting. Crysis looks bland, and it's boring. Twilight Princess decorates with details artists draw, which is the opposite aesthetic.
>>1017484 GTA IV for what it's worth can have a nice moody fall atmosphere at times, even if they went a little too hard on the orange-brown filter like every other late 2000s AAA game. Flight shitter games like Soy Thunder and Boomer Sim 2020 are perhaps the best looking "realistic" games of the modern age because the latter's community is more concerned with accurately recreating VFR+IFR flight conditions down to the tiniest detail than fulfilling opto-diversity quotas and the former while a Russo-whatever F2P >game somehow employs men with decent taste in environmental lighting only held back by varying asset quality owing to the game's age and a schizophrenic monetization focus.
>>1017502 Flight games get away with good graphics because absolutely nothing in the environment needs to be interactive beyond rough collision (which is instant death/missile explosion) and it avoids the hardest thing to make realistic looking (humans). Its even more extreme than cars, which at least need to have some interaction with stuff.
>>1017522 The only car games with some sort of interaction tend to lack licenses since said car companies are niggers about having their branded cars dented.
>>1017496 Twilight Princess' art style is almost as stylized as Wind Waker. The major differences are that the lighting is dimmer and the colors are far less saturated. The actual designs are only slightly more realistic.
>>1017522 Doesn't Microsoft Flight Simulator stream graphics from the cloud?
>>1017626 You can download various quality maps to local storage, I remember saving about 300 gb of maps in my state.
>>1017626 Microsoft claims it has 2.5 Petabytes of data for the world map, and it is plausible since there is a high amount of detail to the game world, and it's Microsoft so they can afford Petabytes of storage. I guess it is one of those few games that is justified in being Cloud based, as you only need to install 50GB of the game to run it. The fact that you can download parts of the map, as >>1017632 claims, so in case teh game ever gets shut down, like with Driver, maybe hundreds or even thousands of people could download parts the map, then using some P2P connection recreate the game world, using the computers of thousands of fans. It would be very hard, but somewhat possible. That, or Microsoft would release a version that is a fraction of the original quality, but only takes up 200GB or so. >>1017484 Another game I forgot to mention, is Unrecord, which apparently is actually using a Game Engine, and isn't just a Full Motion Video, though the game hasn't been released yet, and it might be a severe downgrade from what they have shown.
>>1017642 The map data are just files for each grid section if I recall correctly, but zooming in your selection increases the level of detail by using a smaller grid. The downloading is what took forever but otherwise you could probably do it in a few sittings.
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The paper aesthetic of Bug Fables balances "cool to see" and "easy to draw" well.
>>1017899 That aesthetic bugs me.
>>1017899 I think you could use the PM/Bug Fables style for several kinds of games. JRPG, platformer, LoM style ARPG, maybe a classicvania-like or a metroidvania, brawler, etc. Should be really east to iterate sprites and keep a consistent character design. It's a nice clean style too.
>>1017899 It does bug me when insects in vidya have cartoony mouths. One of my favorite things about them is their weird faces.
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>>1018165 It's a common mistake, since people depict them as smooth and undetailed as they see them due to their small size in which you can barely see any detail with the naked eye. Bugs are terrifying, but look 10 times more terrifying when up close and detailed.
>>1018175 No way there isn't an anon who wants to fuck that
>>1018186 Perhaps? They do look like little aliens, some here are very into xenos. Strong emphasis on alien, many species don't look real.
>>1018186 There's nothing at least one freak out there won't fuck.
>>1018195 Would.
>>1018507 Isn’t it supposed to be autumn now?

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