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Nintendo sues Palworld Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 02:18:23 Id: ce6dcc No. 1015942
https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html https://archive.is/hlTK6 Nintendo has filed a lawsuit against Palworld. In this case, it's patent-based, not copyright. The specific patents aren't stated, but since Japanese patents expire after 20 years, it would seem to be for features that first appeared in or after Emerald. So it's not something as fundamental as "catching monsters in a ball".
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>>1015942 >niggertendo being retarded faggots once again I hope they lose and have to pay the devs of palworld 1 gorillion dollars for doing this
Patents have to be explicitly filed for and any prior art invalidates them, so Nintendo can't just say X feature was done by them and only they can use it. This screams patent troll.
>>1015946 Cutting the throat of your competitor isn't retarded, it's smart. It just makes you an asshole.
Wasn't Palworld caught copying meshes from Pokemon models then editing a bit?
So they just waited for the hype to die down and some actual money out the palworld devs? Clever. That said, fuck nintendo obviously.
>>1015957 iirc there was never any definitive proof of that being true. People's reasoning was pretty much >Oh wow this four-legged pal inspired by a lion sure looks a lot like Luxray, which is also inspired by a lion! Surely the Luxray model was traced/copied/stolen and put into Palworld! There can be no other explanation. During the surge in popularity Palworld had, it never seemed like any actual concrete evidence was presented to prove any of its supposed infractions. People just kept parroting the same accusations while sometimes showing some dubious screenshot. The existence of a very popular monster-catching game that could possibly compete with Pokemon seemed to rub many people the wrong way.
>>1015942 Didnt people months ago said nintendo have no case to sue them
>>1015957 This is a patent lawsuit. That would be copyright (and/or potentially trademark if Nintendo has a trademark on an individual Pokemon's appearance, which is plausible).
https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html https://archive.ph/hlTK6 Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc. >Nintendo Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto, Minami-ku, Japan; Representative Director and President: Shuntaro Furukawa, “Nintendo” hereafter), together with The Pokémon Company, filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court against Pocketpair, Inc. (HQ: 2-10-2 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, “Defendant” hereafter) on September 18, 2024. >This lawsuit seeks an injunction against infringement and compensation for damages on the grounds that Palworld, a game developed and released by the Defendant, infringes multiple patent rights. >Nintendo will continue to take necessary actions against any infringement of its intellectual property rights including the Nintendo brand itself, to protect the intellectual properties it has worked hard to establish over the years.
>>1015957 Probably. I saw a screenshot comparing wireframe models between Pokemon and Palworld with too many vertices at the same 3D coordinates. This is a patent suit though.
>>1015942 >Might be a patent infringement of the FUCKING POKEBALL! https://patents.justia.com/patent/20230191255
>>1015972 >Nintendo patented hit collision for objects thrown by the player character >in 2022 How the fuck was this approved beyond "patent office is run by morons who rubber stamp everything put in front of them"?
>>1015972 Is that the patent from the lawsuit? This sounds like a Pokeball: >the player character is caused to launch, in the aiming direction, a fighting character that fights
Shin Megami Tensei and Digimon will stay winning as the superior moncolles. Normalfags, gaze upon the awe of Suzuhito Yasuda. FATLUS GIVE US DEVIL SURVIVOR: TRIUNE ALREADY YOU DUMBASSES WTF DID YOU TOSS OUT SH2 AND NOT DEVIL SURVIVOR
>>1015972 https://patents.justia.com/assignee/nintendo-co-ltd >Patent for riding a monster >Patent for saving your game progress >Patent for fucking VR >Patent for fucking breathing the same air as Nintendo So Pokeball and riding a monster are the two obvious things that Palworld "infringed" according to these horseshit patents!
>>1015978 >Patent for riding a monster Capcom would get sued for World/Rise too if that's the case
>>1015972 >>1015973 >>1015978 >>1015979 This is a bullshit lawsuit and everyone knows it. The only question is if Pocketpair will cuck out and pay the protection money, or tell Nintendo that they'll see them in court.
>>1015972 >>1015975 Do pals come out of pokeball-likes and fight other monsters for you? I didn't play Palworld.
>>1015979 It's obviously not the case and everyone would get sued if it was. That poster's making these patents sound much vaguer than they are.
>>1015983 https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Pal_Spheres It's speculated launching a fighting character that fights out of a ball is a violated patent.
>>1015988 Read each of these patents, they are fucking vague on purpose! There's even a patent for fucking CIRCUITRY AND CARTRIDGES!
>>1015997 >they are fucking vague on purpose In other words, this is a shakedown.
>>1015942 >So it's not something as fundamental as "catching monsters in a ball". Looks like this might not be quite true after all. It probably is something that basic. >>1015997 They have the money to hire lawyers that know exactly how to write these kinds of things in a way that the copyright and patent office likes. They lose nothing from being vague with their patents. Their broad sweeping claims either work and they gain more control over the gaming market, or they settle with the opponent in court. Money is no object to them. If they have to give a million or two to Pocketpair, they'll make up the loss tenfold when they release a new bing bing wahoo game.
>>1015997 It's not for circuitry and cartridges, the claim is for this highly specific cartridge design. You're making it sound vaguer than it is on purpose. >>1015979 is correct. >1. A cartridge configured to be inserted into a cartridge insertion slot of a game apparatus in a first direction, the cartridge comprising: > a terminal placement region that includes four groups of terminals configured to electrically connect to terminals in the cartridge insertion slot of the game apparatus, > wherein each group of terminals comprises a first terminal that extends longitudinally in the first direction and two second terminals that extend longitudinally and are positioned sequentially in the first direction, the first terminal and the two second terminals being positioned sequentially in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction, and > wherein each group of terminals is arranged sequentially in the second direction. >2. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > at least one of the first terminals is one of a power supply terminal, a ground terminal, and a chip-enable terminal, and > at least one of the second terminals is one of a data input/output terminal, a strobe terminal, and a clock terminal. >3. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > the four groups of terminals are arranged sequentially in the second direction across the terminal placement region such that the first terminals and the two second terminals alternate with one another, with one first terminal being positioned at an end of the terminal placement region in the second direction, and > a fifth group of terminals is arranged sequentially in the second direction after the four groups of terminals, the fifth group of terminals including two first terminals that extend longitudinally in the first direction and two second terminals that extend longitudinally and are positioned sequentially in the first direction, and the two second terminals of the fifth group of terminals followed by one of the first terminals of the fifth group of terminals and then followed by another one of the first terminals of the fifth group of terminals sequentially in the second direction. >4. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > each of the second terminals has a first length, and > one of the first terminals has a second length that is longer than the first length, and another one of the first terminals has a third length that is longer than the second length. >5. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > one of the two second terminals of one of the four groups of terminals is a clock terminal and the other is a strobe terminal. >6. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > the cartridge has a cartridge front end and is configured to be inserted into the cartridge insertion slot from the front end, > each of the first terminals includes a first terminal front end, > one of the second terminals of each group of terminals is positioned proximal to the cartridge front end and has a second terminal front end positioned proximal to the cartridge front end, and > the first terminal front end of at least one of the first terminals has a different position in the first direction relative to the second terminal front ends. >7. The cartridge according to claim 1, wherein > the cartridge has a cartridge front end and is configured to be inserted into the cartridge insertion slot from the cartridge front end, > each of the first terminals includes a first terminal front end and the first terminal front end of one of the first terminals is positioned closer to the cartridge front end than the first terminal front end of another one of the first terminals. >8. The cartridge according to claim 7, wherein > one of the second terminals of each group of terminals is positioned proximal to the cartridge front end and has a second terminal front end positioned proximal to the cartridge front end, each second terminal front end being positioned between the first terminal front end of one of the first terminals and the first terminal front end of another one of the first terminals in the first direction. >9. A cartridge configured to be inserted into a cartridge insertion slot of a game apparatus in a first direction, the cartridge comprising: > a terminal placement region that includes a first region proximal to a front end of the cartridge in the first direction and a second region distal from the front end of the cartridge in the first direction, the cartridge being configured to be inserted into the cartridge insertion slot from the front end; > four first terminals configured to electrically connect to corresponding terminals in the cartridge insertion slot of the game apparatus, each of the first terminals being positioned partially in the first region and partially in the second region; and > four pairs of second terminals configured to electrically connect to corresponding terminals in the cartridge insertion slot of the game apparatus, each pair of second terminals comprising a proximal second terminal positioned in the first region and a distal second terminal positioned in the second region, > wherein each pair of second terminals is positioned adjacent to one of the first terminals in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction. >10. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein each proximal second terminal is positioned in only the first region and each distal second terminal is positioned in only the second region. >11. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > at least one of the first terminals is one of a power supply terminal, a ground terminal, and a chip-enable terminal, and > at least one of the second terminals is one of a data input/output terminal, a strobe terminal, and a clock terminal. >12. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > the four first terminals and the four pairs of second terminals are arranged in the terminal placement region such that the four first terminals and the four pairs of second terminals alternate with one another across the terminal placement region in the second direction, with one first terminal being positioned at an end of the terminal placement region in the second direction, and > arranged sequentially in the second direction following the four first terminals and the four pairs of second terminals, is a fifth pair of second terminals is followed by a fifth first terminal and then followed by a sixth first terminal sequentially in the second direction. >13. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > each of the second terminals has a first length, and > one of the first terminals has a second length that is longer than the first length, and another one of the first terminals has a third length that is longer than the second length. >14. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > one of the second terminals of one of the four pairs of second terminals is a clock terminal and the other is a strobe terminal. >15. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > each of the first terminals includes a first terminal front end, > one of the second terminals of each pair of second terminals is positioned proximal to the front end of the cartridge and has a second terminal front end positioned proximal to the front end of the cartridge, and > the first terminal front end of at least one of the first terminals has a different position in the first direction relative to the second terminal front ends.
[Expand Post]>16. The cartridge according to claim 9, wherein > each of the first terminals includes a first terminal front end and the first terminal front end of one of the first terminals is positioned closer to the front end of the cartridge than the first terminal front end of another one of the first terminals. >17. The cartridge according to claim 16, wherein > one of the proximal second terminals has a second terminal front end positioned proximal to the front end of the cartridge, each second terminal front end being positioned between the first terminal front end of one of the first terminals and the first terminal front end of another one of the first terminals in the first direction.
>>1015998 Yes, why do you think they waited five months to see if Palworld made any money before making this lawsuit?
>>1015958 They're doing it before the game's PS5 release and TGS. Killing it in its cradle would have been a bad idea because they could gain no money, it would make them a villain, and the complaint of, "The game isn't out yet!" would be shouted by fans and potential customers. The game is out. The developers have plans to continue development. Nintendo will no longer appear to be a bully. >>1015972 It was retarded of the Palworld devs to choose something even similar to a Pokeball, alongside their dubious, possibly traced, design choices. Nintendo's grip on the toy side of the monster capture market is why everyone else chooses different models for capture. If you make anything close to a Pokeball, you'll be screwed over. >>1015977 >superior moncolles I miss Spectrobes, Amazing Island, and Fossil Fighters. >WTF DID YOU TOSS OUT SH2 AND NOT DEVIL SURVIVOR SH2 sucks, and I don't have high hopes for a DeSu3, considering DeSu2. >>1015978 You haven't read the patents. Palworld's infringement is on the method by which it employs these mechanics, as well as the existence of Pal Spheres. Nintendo can't sue Capcom for being able to ride a monster in MonHun, but it could sue if the method by which you obtain this monster and/or the mechanics which this monster is ridden are the same as their patent. This is why patent law is detailed and libertarians scream about it so much. You need a patent lawyer or someone with enough time and a good enough understanding of the English language to process which patents you are and aren't infringing. If you're not already part of the elite class, it's doubtful you have either of those.
>>1016001 >>1016005 To add to these, 59e75c doesn't understand patent law. if a defendant shows prior art exists that meets the criteria of the plaintiff's patent this invalidates the plaintiff's patent in court which stops patents too vague from ever being issued so companies lose everything by being vague with their patents.
>>1015979 Reading more on the weasel word law speak, it's "Monster Riding" AFTER you capture said monster with a specific spherical capture device. It's a mechanic in Palword and the patent date matches up with Scarlet and Violet's "Innovative design". This is becoming ridiculous. >>1015988 >>1016001 >It's not vaguer than what is written! >Totally not a problem with this super specific original designs that were just patented A COUPLE YEARS AGO! I would respect someone explaining what's a legitimate patent and what's fucking patent troll, like what these "original patents" are but you're implying there's something legitimate to what Nintendo is doing more than what fucking Sony patented. But that's what you're implying with your Kill yourself >>1016005 >>1016007 >These are LEGITIMATE patents as long as Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft, or anyone who can pay the dough patents it! I won't accuse you two retards as Nintendrones, but looks like there's actual retards like you two who seems to agree patent trolling as long as it's "legit". But please, explain and legitimize video game patents!
>There are actual Nintendrones defending their beloved Nintendo by legitimizing garbage patents Not even surprised, just disappointed you faggots are still licking their boots.
>>1016010 Nintendo has been scummy with patents since forever. They had a patent on "sanity effects" that they took from Silicon Knights when they made Eternal Darkness, and it's why games haven't done anything like that since other than stuff like Amnesia which was different.
>>1016010 > It's a mechanic in Palword and the patent date matches up with Scarlet and Violet's "Innovative design". >it's "Monster Riding" AFTER you capture said monster with a specific spherical capture device I never touched scarlet and violet but I thought you dont capture Korai/Mirai don aka the bike pokemon, Dont it just get recruited to your party dragon quest style after you found it unconscious
>>1016014 The language goes from "capturing" to "acquiring", at least they got that fucking covered.
>>1016005 >It was retarded of the Palworld devs to choose something even similar to a Pokeball A better word would be risky. In an ideal world you'd be able to create a game where creatures are put in orbs without getting forced into bankruptcy by one of the biggest powerhouses in entertainment. But we do not, and yet the devs behind Palworld did it anyways. Not only that, but they included the riding mechanic, firearms, as well as forced labor, all of which they boldly advertised pretty much from the start. They knew what they were doing. They wanted to test the limits. > alongside their dubious, possibly traced, design choices Again, there hasn't been any actual proof of this, has there? Tell any artist to design a fantasy creature based on a cat and ten times out of ten, the result would look like an pokemon. >>1016010 >This is becoming ridiculous. If there is anyone out there with any amount of ethics still looking for a reason to dislike Nintendo, this whole situation should be convincing enough. >>1016014 >I never touched scarlet and violet but I thought you dont capture Korai/Mirai don aka the bike pokemon, Dont it just get recruited to your party dragon quest style after you found it unconscious Koraidon/Miraidon both have a pokeball of their own. After you find Korai/Mirai and escape some dangerous pokemon, Arven gives you its pokeball. Unless you are riding it, it stays in its pokeball. So I guess technically you are riding a captured monster whos ownership has been transferred to you.
>>1016001 >>1016005 >>1016007 >>1016010 I didn't agree with the patent system in >>1016007, you fucking retard. I explained how it objectively works. That being informed on patent law happens to invalidate retarded claims about Nintendo's patents in this thread isn't "for Nintendo," it's "for reality." "Nintendrone," and defending misreadings of patent law across IPs to make a company look worse, shows the biased party here is you.
>>1016020 The only monster collecting game affected is Palworld as it's the only game to infringe the patents. If Nintendo had a case against others they would have sued, it's what they do when they can win.
Hi Niggerpill
>gets linked in the gg thread >autism starts
>>1016025 Niggerpill is just extra bad because it's a burger election year.
Someone's been larping lately as Niggerpill and other spammers so "Niggerpill" isn't always Niggerpill.
>>1015957 That was some twitterfaggot fabricating the meshes himself.
Blame the patent system where any stupid patent gets granted and it's up to the courts to decide what that means. Patents aren't as screwed up as copyright, but they're still screwed up. >>1015973 >>1015978 They patented it in the 3D field, that's totally new and different!
>>1016029 Proof?
>>1016005 >You haven't read the patents. Palworld's infringement is on the method by which it employs these mechanics, as well as the existence of Pal Spheres. Nintendo can't sue Capcom for being able to ride a monster in MonHun, but it could sue if the method by which you obtain this monster and/or the mechanics which this monster is ridden are the same as their patent. This is why patent law is detailed and libertarians scream about it so much. You need a patent lawyer or someone with enough time and a good enough understanding of the English language to process which patents you are and aren't infringing. If you're not already part of the elite class, it's doubtful you have either of those. He knows but doesn't care. He's turned this topic into his mission and fact-checking won't stop him from spamming what you corrected.
>>1016032 https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=WLhAVeInRJY It's not the video where I first saw it but the meshes presented are the same.
>>1016033 >He knows but doesn't care. He's turned this topic into his mission and fact-checking won't stop him from spamming what you corrected. <Being against regressive patents based on GAME DESIGN is being on a "Mission!" <Pointing out a broken system that allows patents on THE DIALOGUE WHEEL, THE NEMESIS SYSTEM, and as mentioned the Sanity System! You know this is wrong, but you're weaseling so much on "lawful interpretation" on blatant patent bullshit to be right that you're showing your jew form, you fucking kike.
>>1016034 Thank you for the link. Watched his 6 minutes and I'm convinced he's a faggot but not that he fabricated meshes. His accuser equates scaling models to fabrication. >I didn’t edit the models in a way that would modify their meshes, proportions, or other fundamental features (other than their size in Blender), but I did scale them uniformly. Won't waste my time replying to the retard spamming lies about patents.
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>>1016033 >He knows but doesn't care. He's turned this topic into his mission and fact-checking won't stop him from spamming what you corrected. <(2) posts early on in the thread Take your pills.
>>1016039 To be clear, my green quote is the response to the accusation by the mesh comparer.
>>1016039 No need, you got a fucking hard on for the patent system and showed how much bootlicking faggot drone you are to Nintendo.
>>1016033 >>1016040 Wait, could it be that you don't know about the local spammer known as niggerpill? 1016019 - 1016022 is some retard who wastes his life away spewing the same bullshit on the board. The doomposting is easy to see, and just as easy to ignore.
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Everybody predicted this would happen but assumed otherwise when a year went by with no action. Patents, though? I honestly wonder what, Palworld and Pokémon don't play the same.
>>1016046 People who were also confused about copyrighting with patenting said it was gonna be a copyright infringement because of how close Pals were to Pokemon, but guess Nintendo had the foresight to patent their game design and everyone were surprised and starts looking at their new patents are just amazed how little has changed since they patented the Sanity system from Eternal Darkness. Like how last year the story of Nintendo registering 30 or 32 patents just for Tears of the Kingdom features was swept under the rug.
>>1016046 >I honestly wonder what It's all speculation without the filed documents from the Tokyo District Court.
>>1016051 I was under the impression game mechanics couldn't be patented? Though I've repeatedly seen evidence to the contrary.
So, how badly do you think the yakuza are going to fuck them up?
>>1016054 It's been that way for decades as discussed in the thread, biggest jews in that regard are Nintendo. They are almost close to 10,000 patents at this rate. Disney are copyright Jews, Nintendo patent jews. I could list the insane ones, but there's too many. Most of them are plastic garbage peripherals or idiotic ways to play a game. But the worse ones are game design ones or features like the Sanity system. It's the same old bullshit of holding and extending a patent so no one can do anything with it, and we are at era where someone innovating is damn rare.
>>1015942 >filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court I think a good thing to know is what are the main differences of patent infrigment cases in Japans courts vs US courts? I only asking because you can be sued for libel/slander in japan even if what is stated is true.
>>1016056 What do you mean?
>>1016071 In Japan, Article 29 implies that, if prior art exists that meets the criteria in the patent, this invalidates the patent. Japan won't uphold patents that are obvious, noninventive, vague, or done before. This stops patents too wide from being issued or taken to court, giving companies reason to make patents specific, meaning courts hear few frivolous claims, where only 120 to 150 patent infringement litigation cases are filed each year over Japan's population of nearly 124 million people. I'm not defending Nintendo punching down, just explaining Japan's system.
>>1016078 Isn't Nintendo effectively a Yakuza/Mafia in Japan?
>>1016087 Every corporate entity is
>>1016083 >In Japan, Article 29 implies that, if prior art exists that meets the criteria in the patent, this invalidates the patent. Japan won't uphold patents that are obvious, noninventive, vague, or done before. This stops patents too wide from being issued or taken to court, giving companies reason to make patents specific, meaning courts hear few frivolous claims, where only 120 to 150 patent infringement litigation cases are filed each year over Japan's population of nearly 124 million people. I'm not defending Nintendo punching down, just explaining Japan's system. Doubt Palworld will win this then.
>>1016010 > it's "Monster Riding" AFTER you capture said monster with a specific spherical capture device Japanese patents are likely more bullshit, but patenting a shape generally requires the shape have a particular practical purpose inherent to the shape and be novel. Further, if a shape is "functional" it can't have trademark/tradedress protection and is "dedicated to the public upon expiration of the patents" (hence why every generic cereal brand makes shredded wheat the same "pillow" shape: That shape was originally patented for its ability to float in milk.). You can be sure that 2042 Nintendo isn't going to be agreeing the Pokeball shape is free game because the patent expired. >>1016013 Sanity System patent has been expired for years. >>1016005 Obvious combinations of existing technology can't be patented (at least not in sane countries).
https://archive.ph/Vnd52 >At this moment, we are unaware of the specific patents we are accused of infringing upon, and we have not been notified of such details. Even the party being sued has no idea what they're being sued for!
Nintendo is waiting for a court to bust their ass for trying to patent game design.
>>1016092 This is a case against the JP division that supposedly have patents registered in Japan for Palworld, which is fucking retarded if they actually bothered to do that since the game isn't on the Switch.
>>1016083 >punching down
>>1016130 Their lawsuit letter arrived late because the fax machine was busy
>>1016087 >>1016090 Just like how in china every large enough company has to get under ccp's skirt to operate, so does every large company in japan mysteriously gets visited by yakuza
>>1015957 >>1015969 >>1016039 see >>1016029 Fucker also literally admitted it. >proof Sorry been too long and i forgot to archive
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Its afraid.
>>1016118 >Obvious combinations of existing technology can't be patented You would have to legally define obvious. It's not obvious that throwing a ball at a creature would capture it, unless you view it through the lens of someone who knows about Pokemon, who holds patent for that game mechanic. They didn't patten the shape of a sphere, but a specific device used in that shape. You don't see other companies using this device in this shape unless it's a blatant knockoff typically made in a country untouchable by IP law. These are Japanese developers who have made a game about catching monsters in balls, riding them after capturing them with balls, and making them fight after capturing them with balls. These are Pokemon mechanics. Nintendo's case is legally air tight. While the patent for the Pokeball's mechanics may expire (though they'll simply implement a new mechanic and make a new patent), the Pokeball itself is under copyright, so they won't strike other companies for using their old technology when it expires. They'll against anyone using anything similar enough in appearance to a Pokeball to confuse the consumer. In America, which forms the basis for most patent precident, you can make these kinds of patents. My proof for this is that these patents exist plentifully across multiple fields.
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Palworld feels a copyright troll in general since the company for the game is registered in Japan with Japanese employees listed even though the game looks like it's a Chinese prop and was marketed partially by Tencent.
>>1016153 Think people dug up their Chinese connections and found out they outsourced a lot of the assets to some bugmen devs from West Taiwan. Sadly any digging was drowned out by those retarded Nintendrones who were pointing out copyright violations by Palworld to Nintendo.
>>1016153 >>1016154 It's not even a thing that needs digging, all you need to do is look at the credits for the game, that are freely provided by the Palworld devs(Pocketpair) https://archive.ph/HCmeJ (you have to select the text in order to see it) https://www.pocketpair.jp/palworld/palworld-credit Pocketpair has about 120 employees and most of their names are Japanese(if we exclude Discord moderators and the guys doing localization, which I doubt had much of an impact on the game), however they also credit another company with about 80 employees Lakshya Digital which is mostly filled by chinks and poos. Now since, most of the guys from Lakshya Digital are character designers, I think it's safe to assume that they worked on making the 3D models for the pals, and maybe designing them as well, whereas the guys at Pocketpair worked on physics, story, engine, the world map, and gameplay mechanics. Now why would a company outsource, what is probably the most important thing about their game, to some other studio is beyond my comprehension, maybe they had 2D sketches, and needed some chink assembly workers to make those 3D models and animations. It's almost like Zun outsourcing the music for his new Tohou game to some company in Afghanistan. Now there was another anon, who did some digging and said how there was some CIA and Tencent money mixed in this whole thing, sadly I did not verify the information, not did anyone try to debunk it, at most just organize the events, since the original post was a jumbled mess, and some other anon cleaned it up a bit.
>>1016152 >These are Pokemon mechanics. Nintendo's case is legally air tight. Prior art invalidates patents, and there were games like Robotrek featuring a powerless protagonist using creatures stored in capsules to fight on his behalf before Pokemon ever existed. Mounts have been around it video games forever, and the step from "I magically summon a creature that I can ride" (not patent-protected) plus "I summon a creature from a capsule to do my bidding" (not patent-protected) to "I summon a creature from a capsule that I can ride" is very much obvious. However, while Nintendo's case is bullshit, it is also airtight in practical terms, because there's no fucking way the courts will rule against Nintendo for this.
>>1016176 They're doing the lawsuit in Japan, so home field advantage. But Nintendo lost back then, they lost to some patent troll who had a broad worded patent on motion sensing controls. >Nintendo Loses Patent Lawsuit, Ordered to Pay $10 Million - 2017, September. https://www.inc.com/will-yakowicz/nintendo-loses-patent-infringement-case-wii.html Archive is shitting itself on my end. So the only way to prevent this from happening again is to preemptively do it on everyone they perceive to be infringing on their parents. Also why they're autistcally filing patent after patent like with their new games like Tears of the Kingdom. Scumfuck move, but better be the aggressor than victim. Don't condone it, but I can understand why in a hand rubbing merchant way.
>Nintendo Loses $21 Million Controller Patent Case - 2008, May https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/nintendo-loses-21-million-controller-patent-case Another one, always fucking Texas.
>>1016187 Aren't people leaving texas because the infrastructure is shit and the housing prices are high enough to move mostly anywhere?
>>1015942 Well palworld was trash so i don't care
>>1016210 People are running away from infinity nonwhite invaders, all over the country. That's not an argument or evidence of anything.
>>1016210 That's california.
>>1016249 Everyone leaving from California is going to Texas, and so Texas inevitably is having California's problems imported.
>>1016054 >I was under the impression game mechanics couldn't be patented? Though I've repeatedly seen evidence to the contrary. Patent law is a bit of a gray area by definition and you generally have to get into "deliberate rip-off" territory and achieve some degree of financial success before getting hit with a serious lawsuit because of how common many game mechanics are (collecting coins to earn an extra life, dancing mini-games, grappling hooks, carjacking, whatever) and even then it's a matter of degrees. Let's take BotW and a hypothetical BotW knockoff (similar but non-infringing aesthetic, gameplay, etc.), for example. >Having little nature spirits hidden around the map that give you rewards for finding them A-ok. It's far too vague for any kind of specific infringements. >Having little nature spirits hidden around the map that give you points towards an inventory upgrade for finding them Still vague enough, but not as vague as previously. >Having little nature spirits hidden around the map that give you points towards an inventory upgrade for finding them, most of them behind some kind of physics puzzle Might be worth a lawsuit >Having little nature spirits hidden around the map that give you rewards for finding them, most of them behind some kind of physics puzzle, that look very similar to koroks You're definitely getting sued. >Having little nature spirits hidden around the map that give you points towards an inventory upgrade for finding them, most of them behind some kind of physics puzzle, that look very similar to koroks and which say "you found me!" and play a musical jingle when you find them Instant loss 2-koma.
>>1016273 That's not patent law at all.
So this is the supposed patent that Palworld infringed upon according to some twitter posters. Noticed that it was issued this year. >>1016258 I know, it hurts man.
>>1016279 Those twitter posters are retarded, because Palworld launched before that patent was filed. If the patent doesn't cover Palworld's gameplay, there's no infringement, and if it does cover Palworld's gameplay, then the patent is invalid and there's nothing to infringe.
>>1016279 I'm extremely fuzzy on patent law but from what I understand, a patent doesn't apply to "prior art". In fact, that can invalidate a patent outright.
>>1016299 That's why this is fucking retarded, but I'm just not sure which is worse, the obvious Tencent prop company masquerading as Japanese or Nintenkike being retarded jews.
>>1016153 It would also make sense considering how big of a success it was, a massive push like that is hardly a thing that happens to small Japanese devs. I don't really blame Japs for seeing the anime-obsessed bugman market that is literally next door and working with them. Also 不良製品 is a Japanese word so that guy is wrong on that point at least
>>1016304 He was probably quoting google translate since it lists the phrase as traditional chink.

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