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Murder Miners X needs your help Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 03:28:45 Id: 762eff No. 1016799
Murder Miners X, a sequel to Murder Miners, a Minecraft/Halo hybrid from 2013, is getting raided by evil Girl Gamers after .mp4 related got shared on /r/Gamergirls Anon, are you a bad enough dude to save your faceless wife? https://archive.is/HBCni https://store.steampowered.com/app/274900/Murder_Miners/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/668900/Murder_Miners_X/ For any anon who wants a copy of the original Murder Miners, post your Steam ID and I'll gift it to you. Maybe we can organize a gamenight, maybe a raid on the reddit faggots. I'm just so fucking sick of this shit, even the most obscure things get ravaged by these politically motivated retards.
Looks like shit. >(((EAC))) Incredibly shit.
Murder Miners is way more fun than it has any right to be. My friends and I still dust it off every year or so and have a blast with it. It sucks that they're getting raided but what can you do? >>1016803 You're missing out. It's an excellent shitpost of a vidya.
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Remember when people used to just laugh at stuff like this, because it's clearly just supposed to be lighthearted fun? Then again, many probably still do, it's just that the whiners are incredibly loud. The gameplay actually looks interesting too. Having a healer/trampoline/rolling explosive that the player can deploy where he sees fit opens up many options for strategizing. >has breast slider >has butt slider >size changes are actually significant They seem to know what they are doing. Hope they stay strong and just continue development without paying attention to those complaining. Some kind of game night would be cool. If anons were informed far enough in advance, a number of them would probably show up for one. >>1016810 >It sucks that they're getting raided but what can you do? There's a chance that this "controversy" will bring much more positive attention to the game than negative. If the devs stay on track and just continue with their plan, the whole thing will just blow over in no time.
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These devs understood one important thing, it's that faceless/masked girls should always have the nicest bodies. Look at Roka from Concord, she was a washboard, so the game bombed, and now Sony has a $200M hole in their pocket. >>1016815 >Remember when people used to just laugh at stuff like this, because it's clearly just supposed to be lighthearted fun? If anything, the whole video felt like an extremely elaborate shitpost that wasn't meant to be taken seriously, especially with the mention of SBI. I'm not even sure, after watching this, if it was all a joke or if this will be a genuine feature, though I wish they do add her simply for the shitter shattering it apparently produces, and that she gives a good support/territory control advantage if used correctly. If it was just a stunt, and we just get playable female characters with or without the apron or body sliders, it'd still be okay with it. Getting angry over a shitpost instead of thinking "this is not my game, so I will just play another one" feels childlish at best.
>>1016799 Jesus christ imagine being such a piss baby of getting mad at this. Literally the inclusion of sweet baby inc is obvious enough. But hey when females make unfunny jokes it's fine.
>>1016848 Nah not going on reddit
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there better be a very detailed 'death' animation of her being raped by the zombies when they grab her
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>>1016848 ARCHIVE, NIGGA, ARCHIVE https://archive.is/HBCni
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Don't really have any interest in the game what so ever but the video was funny. You should keep at it. There is a lot of negative comments but you still got a ton of likes. I compared the likes on youtube versus your previous vid and it is twice as much. If you want to you should try and send it to like asmongold or something, That would probably give you a ton of publicity.
>>1016854 >t. Lara Croft animator
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>all it takes for XLA shovelware to become the center of a culture war battle is shoving tits in the game The west needs a purge.
>>1016876 >the center of a culture war battle is shoving tits in the game the video has 16k views hold your horses
>>1016848 jesus christ redditors legitimately hate fun, this is the kind of goofy shit developers do when they actually have fun developing something, and you know what a developer is having fun, you'll be having fun I haven't seen goofy shit like this in a game since the fucking 90's and I genuinely miss it, in fact I think the last time I saw something in a game that a developer added just for the fun of it, is when Notch added tall black creatures that stole blocks, and big nosed merchants that ripped you off with trading emeralds for seeds.
>>1016876 God, the things I would do to that magic bullet using cumrag.
>>1016848 Didn't it turn out the majority of the sub were men years ago?
>>1016799 Kek, I bought this game way way way back, I remember JForce from their indie games on Xbox, my cousin was able to beat Chuck Norris in that Avatar reaction time game
>>1016906 I bought a quad pack just in spite
>>1016799 (checked) Devs should keep antagonizing the reddit whores. Free advertising. I never would have heard about this game if it wasn't for the outrage.
You know what's gonna happen OP. They're gonna walk back the titties after the whore-tranny confederation doxes the devs. There's simply not enough clout for them to push back. Let's hope the devs have good enough opsec and the whores are stupid enough to not get fucked over.
>>1016899 Now that you mention it, that happened. Most of the subreddit is just men pretending to be women.
>>1016931 I agree, it's good exposure.
>>1016834 >I'm not even sure, after watching this, if it was all a joke or if this will be a genuine feature Apparently there has been a segment of their development timeline titled "Booba" for quite some time now, at least a few months. There are people on Steam, for example, that have wondered what the "Booba" part meant long before this video was even released. If this was all just for laughs only, would they have really planned a joke like this many months in advance? It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility for a couple people on the dev team to dedicate a week to some simple coding, modeling a female helmeted character, and making an edited trailer. But the fact that "Booba" has been in their development plan for awhile indicates that they could be planning to seriously add the feature to the game. Plus, they aren't some big name company, they can afford to be less serious with their advertising.
>>1016834 >>1016975 This is an actual thing, optional server side
It seems the voice of the "people" have spoken. Game looks like a decent gamenight fodder, if it weren't in Early Access hell. Not a fan of the Booba because I'm a retard who likes Super Serious Space Marine style and shit, but w/e, it's just an optional goofball thing. >politically motivated retards What really gets me is these cunts acting all "mature" and high and mighty and shit about video games. "What is this, 2009?" etc, as though mediums are not allowed to be fun or simple, and must always maintain the current trends.
>>1017040 It's one of the most ironic things they could say considering that their idea of "being mature" is to play games made to appeal to children, where everything is sterile and safe and wont hurt anyone's precious feelings with bright colors and easy game loops.
>>1017010 I saw at the very start that the whole thing is off by default, but I thought there was a chance they could have put that there to make the joke more convincing. I'm glad it really is a real thing. It'll be great to see everyone's wives running around. >>1017053 People like them live a life of hypocrisy. They're claim they are all for "challenging narratives." But only the ones they decide to challenge, and they have to control the conversation completely. If anyone wants to debate them about anything they say, they just shut down or become aggressive. They claim they're for reasonable, modest character designs but will salivate over any fan service involving men. It's no wonder they are so miserable. >>1016848 It doesn't even seem like their "raid" is doing anything. Less than a handful of the recent reviews are negative ones. Most of them are actually praising the game. And pretty much all activity on the Steam groups are from people making posts about how the trailer was funny or it made them more excited for the game. Timing can't be blamed either, since it's the weekend, when people are more likely to have time off, and thus more time to raid.
Thanks for the heads up Mr. Murder Miners dev despite your blatant advertisement the game looks fun
>>1017095 They raided the youtube video, look at the comments.
>>1017107 >>1017095 Forgot the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhvzNa-xUYo >inb4 direct linking Invidious isn't working.
>>1017095 >great to see everyone's wives running around I hope they make it even more ridiculous than what was shown in the video. I want it to be as cartoony and campy as possible, hell make it a whole game mode where every player can summon a decorated wife support that gets different abilities based on their customizations, and done in a way to make even more redditors upset. >>1017109 >invidious Anon, I.... >>1017105
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>>1016799 >Murder Miners X needs your help Welp, I guess they're fucked then.
>>1017107 >>1017109 That does seem to be the center of it. The thing is, even there it seems like the raid was weak. Sure there were a number of negative comments around when the video was posted. But sort by new and 99% of the comments in the past 12 hours are saying some variation of "Wow, this is great/ridiculous/hilarious, I'm buying this game." A number of them are directly calling out the raiders too. If only there was some way to tell how many of these raiders are using multiple accounts to make comments, or how many of them are men pretending to be women. >>1017114 >I hope they make it even more ridiculous than what was shown in the video. I want it to be as cartoony and campy as possible, hell make it a whole game mode where every player can summon a decorated wife support that gets different abilities based on their customizations, and done in a way to make even more redditors upset. See, now that sounds fun. Might as well add even more features/options, especially if there was some special game mode. Maybe some challenge mode or challenge levels crafted by the devs. You'd have to be aware of the customizations you and your allies' wives have, as well as their abilities, in order to efficiently tackle each obstacle. For example, your wife could have an especially bouncy boob trampoline ability that can send you and your allies over some huge wall, skipping it, and everyone else can save his wife's power for a big upcoming fight instead. Could work as some future update once the game comes out.
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>>1016799 It's utterly embarrassing to see those fags get that easily offended by a bit of edgy comedy like that. How do they even function in the real world?
>>1017193 I guarantee the retards attacking it have had no such gripe with playing GTA games where you can kill hookers to get your cash back after fucking them, or even just randomly assaulting women on the sidewalk for no other reason than to hear the funny voice lines, but that's okay because a big name company released it so they can do no wrong.
>>1017193 The real world caters to them.
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now thats what i call a platform game
>>1017199 Oh, they did have that exact issue with GTA games. I've met wackos in real life that complained about exactly what you pointed out and told me I just didn't understand the problem when I pointed out that the game lets you attack anyone. The only reason GTA didn't get the Japanese game treatment from social media back then was because GTA is such a huge name, and journos didn't want to get blacklisted from news regarding the future of the series. Here's where things get interesting, though. GTA5 came out a decade ago. These people have long since lost what little grip on reality they had back then. We might actually see rags like Kotaku and Polygon try to cancel GTA6.
>>1017215 GTA5 got sucked off because the story admired drug addicts and niggers and it promoted cuckoldry and journos are drug addict cuckolds who love niggers. GTA6 will be woke and get sucked off harder.
>>1017215 I guess the real way to find out is by checking the discussion on steam for this game, and looking at the games of anyone giving it shit
>>1017222 Checked one of the users complaining on steam. >GTA5 >GTA:SA >Senran Kagura Estival Versus >Mortal Kombat >Leage of Maidens (the fuck is this) >Nier: Automata >Dead Rising just to name a few in their library the only other poster who seemed to take a stink over it seems to actually have a library that reflects their inclination since I can't find 1 game with anything remotely sexual, but then again half of their games I never heard of, plenty of violent games though that's it though, 2 people on steam forum standing on their soap box
>>1017199 The retards attacking it are trannies who have no problem attacking men or women for refusing to sleep with them. Because they're totally real women.
>>1017199 Not only that, but Cuckstarfags always give a pass to their beloved company because they're pushing the (((message))). They can crunch their employees over horse testicles as long the storyline and characters are progressive: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=w8chqgtKuVY >>1017220 Not to mention they cut a voiceline of Trevor Phillips saying "nigger" and replaced it with "sugartits", fratboys say eff no to racism.
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>>1017239 >>League of Maidens (the fuck is this) Oh shit, I remember that absolute trash, shovelware superheroine "MMORPG" that didn't even get the MMO part, the gameplay was a chore as you had daily login bonuses everywhere and the game throttled you with an upgrade system that resets when logging off, and it already has micros when the game isn't even 20% done and even looks abandoned by the devs. The nude patch was $25, and the shower scene ws $20.
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>>1017289 >Waifufags Get Duped: The Game The took notes from the developers of Skullgirls.

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