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Star Wars Outlaws turns out to be brutal flop - only one million copies sold Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 11:54:33 Id: 9aab80 No. 1021279
This seemed large enough to be posted outside of minor news. https://archive.ph/O10dQ The sales targets are not known, but Ubisoft has publicly admitted they're lower than than expected. It's currently believed this might be the reason AC: Shadows was delayed, not the controversies surrounding it.
>>1021279 Still too many copies in my opinion.
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Man, imagine being told back in the early 2000's that star wars would be constantly flopping and unable to sell toys.
>>1021279 >might be the reason AC: Shadows was delayed, not the controversies surrounding it. They know it will sell badly too due to all the controversies. One of the current hypothesis is they delayed the game so that they won't have to report 2 failures in the same fiscal year which will look badly for the investors when they have to write a report.
>1 million people actually bought this garbage. This is like when watch dogs sold millions and I couldn't understand why. There are that many morons in the world? I see great games going completely unsold like 13 sentinels and then ubisoft selling garbage. I am pretty happy its "flopping" but it is still selling more than I thought it would.
>>1021281 I agree, but Star Wars as a brand still has its drones who refuse to let the past die. It's really sad if you think about it.
>>1021279 I'm still laughing my ass off from the leaks saying they expected this trash to do Red Dead Redemption numbers. I can't even imagine how out of touch with reality these niggers are. >>1021282 They turned the money printer into a debt collector. An incredible feat. Bravo disney. >>1021319 It may not be what it once was, but it was always going to get some sales from the brand alone. You had the ubishit niggers who still buy ass creed and far cry, and the star wars fags who will buy anything that gets shoveled their way with STAR WARS written on it.
>>1021326 >They turned the money printer into a debt collector. An incredible feat. Bravo disney. Someone is collecting the money from that debt no matter how much 'debt' they accumulate.
Remember when all the journos were strangely saying "BROOO IT'S LIKE RED DEAD REDEMPTION"? Guess its sales were closer to Red Dead Revolver
>>1021374 Don't talk shit about Red Dead Revolver, it was a master piece.
>>1021381 He said sales Sales =/= Quality Normalfags love utter trash and mediocrity because they can't see past surface level.
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>>1021383 Digitial sales is another conundrummer in of itself since we don't know 'who' is exactly buying it.
Now that you bring Red Dead Redemption into the discussion, I have to say Red Dead Redemption wasn't bad but Gun for the ps2 was much much better.
>>1021342 True. Failing upwards is common enough too. >>1021389 I remember anons shitting the sequel, but I never really paid much attention to it. How was it?
>>1021394 There was a sequel?
>>1021395 >>1021389 Well, if you mean RDR 2 the online had potential if it wasn't a fucking whale hunting operation that would make some Gacha games blush.
>>1021395 Right, RDR2 is a prequel.
>>1021398 I meant this for >>1021394 and >>1021399 but I'm retarded and also too lazy to bother deleting the post and reposting it fixed.
>>1021398 RDR2 is one of the shitties games I have ever played, I managed to play GTAV longer than it by an hour or two at least before I uninstalled it for being bloat.
>>1021403 I mean, it had potential if it was modded like GTA RP which I didn't play because I don't want to buy anything Rockstar.
I honestly liked RD1 and especially Undead Nightmare.
>people would rather talk about fucking RDR over this I guess it really did sell like shit because nobody's played it
>>1021281 this the number has to be inflated by something, I haven't met anyone who's played it or is even really talking about it. It just came and went.
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>>1021403 >>1021405 The issue with these fucking AAA trash games filled with bloat is that they do not have enough depth for the amount of shit they add. Like the inventory system or the crafting system, they're all pathetically simple for normalfag brains not hurt too bad.
>>1021282 This probably would have made me really happy, if I also wasn't aware that Star Trek would have been an even bigger flop and shittier franchise at the same time.
>>1021452 Why would anyone even care about anything Star Wars in the past 10 years. Speaking of RDR2, the game was kinda boring. I stopped playing it around chapter 3. I came in expected a sand box game cowboys but was forced to give a fuck about the shitty story the devs prepared. <woe is me age of cowboys is dun and over my friend boo hoo meanwhile lets shoot up the whole town and rob trains
>>1021484 I never understood the hatred trekkies harbored for star wars, i never once gave a shit about what you retards did or liked, why would you want star wars to be ruined?
>>1021279 >>1021281 For context on how bad that is, the Battlefront II remake which was plagued by the lootbox scandal, sold 9 million copies in the first month.
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>>1021500 Not a Trekfag, always thought it was pretentious self righteous boomer bullshit, but it's merely because Star Wars was dead simple while Star Trek dealt in morality and politics. And they're not wrong, thought Star Trek doesn't execute it's grand ambitions well half the time. When it's good it's great, when it isn't, it's fucking terrible and lacks even more consistency in it's characters and worlbuilding than Star Wars. Plenty of other SciFi media that simply stopped being attention to due to Star Wars. Star Wars is massively overrated, and I say this as someone who enjoys it.
>>1021500 Same as all "teams." One insults the other, the other does back, dumb fights start, fighters keep grudges.
>>1021500 Basically the same shit as the console wars back in the day, and made equally irrelevant by the modern day products being such shit that both sides can agree that they want nothing to do with them anymore. Friendly rivalries are good for you, and fun, and retarded. It's the sign of a healthy industry that is still pleasing their customers enough to the point that they'd want to waste their time on such idiocy. I'd rather still be getting into pointless arguments over whether Blue company is better than Red company, than look at the shouldering crater that is the modern vidya market in the race to make the most bland and pointless no-game beige box.
>>1021566 I always found that to be retarded. If star trek was doing good, then all the better, i didnt care either way, i likes my space western with wizards and samurais.
>>1021467 Key resellers maybe?
>>1021282 It really is amazing how badly they've managed to completely fuck it up through sheer arrogance and a corporate mindset. Y'see, the success of Star Wars as a franchise was due in large part to how liberal they were with the IP. Yeah you had plenty of garbage in there but you also had some real gems and while garbage is quickly forgotten (or purposefully ignored, if it's bad enough to have staying power) people didn't forget about what they liked. Who gives a fuck about the Yuuzhan Vong or the Holiday Special or some mobile game that turned out to be garbage when you have the Thrawn novels and Dark Horse's comics and Rogue Squadron and KotOR and Battlefront? Nobody, that's who. Fans read a couple of the New Jedi Order books, said "wow, this is shit" and then stopped reading them and went back to enjoying Star Wars. This hasn't been the case with Yidsney, who tried to turn Star Wars into the next MCU by being extremely niggardly with the IP and dumping vast amounts of funding into a few carefully curated and intertwined products. They thought they were guaranteed to print money just because of the name on the tin but right from the word go they engendered a lot of ill-will and suspicion by canceling things that people either liked (TCW) or were anticipating (1313, Battlefront III) and declaring basically everything outside of the movies non-canon. Then when they DID start releasing their sparse handful of tie-ins, those things they released were judged somewhere between "mediocre" and "garbage fire" and were dragged down by each other because DUDE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE LMAO. On that note: just look at how little vidya Disney has put out. They've had the franchise for 12 years now and they've released two mediocre ARPGs, two Lego Star Wars games, two re-skinned Battlefield games that got sued for the level of shekel-grubbing involved, a buggy Uncharted knock-off, a FTP arena shooter and a 5-hour flying game starring a strong black womyn. That's it, that's their total output. Even just cherry-picking the half-decent or better games from 2002-2012 we have: KotOR, KotOR 2, Battlefront, Battlefront 2, Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, Empire At War (plus an expansion), Galactic Battlegrounds (plus an expansion), Galaxies (plus three expansions) , Jedi Knight II, Jedi Knight III, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, TFU, TFU II, Jedi Starfighter and four Lego Star Wars games. If we expand the "decade" a little to start in 1998 to include when things were ramping up for TPM we can also tack on Rogue Squadron 1 and 2, X-Wing Alliance, Episode 1 racer and Starfighter. Seriously, just compare TCW to whatever the fuck Disney is doing. TCW started as a mediocre made-for-TV movie but it did well enough that there was profit in the air so they made it into a TV show and then that made more money and it was noticed that a lot of teenagers and adults were watching it so they upped the budget and gave the writers a longer leash and you ended up with the last few seasons of TCW being easily some of the best SW media since the OT - and then the whole thing was unceremoniously and immediately shit-canned by Disney before the ink was dry. Then, adding insult to injury, they did their own much worse show in the same style and when that got a tepid reception they started shoehorning in characters from TCW before raising the corpse of TCW from the grave when that also didn't work.
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>>1021667 Man, they made Ahsoka such a boring, unlikeable cunt, she went from being sassy to being as entertaining as watching paint dry.
>>1021530 Yeah I used to think this until I actually watched Star Trek. The Motion Picture is the smartest thing in the whole franchise, and it's still just a retard's half-remembered version of 2001. There are a few episodes of Next Generation that act like they deal with ethics or whatever, but it's really overstated by the fans, and when they're trying to act like it's smart, they understate the silliness. Like some of the best episodes, which actually have relatively thoughtful ethical dilemmas, are the ones where they fight Professor Moriarty. Easily some of my favorites, and I'd definitely recommend them to anybody. But let's not forget the fact that these episodes are about them fighting Professor Moriarty. There is a very strong dose of silliness here, and that's also a major part of the appeal. Star Wars, meanwhile, is way smarter than people give credit for, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and argue the prequels add a lot to that. There is relatively complicated philosophy just a tiny bit beneath the surface, but it's also presented in a simple enough way that people who aren't paying much attention can hear me say that and laugh because the bad guys are literally called "the dark side." But the good guys are flawed and there are all these pseudo-religious themes. People have called it religion for atheists, and it sort of is, but the point is it communicates the ideas effectively. The other thing is that the six Star Wars films are far better films than anything Star Trek has ever produced. That's not quite fair because Trek is mostly a TV series, but there are like 13 movies and honestly the first one is the only one that comes even close to the level of any Star Wars film. Yeah, Wrath of Khan is good and everything, but it's not Star Wars good. And though I enjoy the rest of the Trek movies, honestly as early as the third one they become pretty average quality, and while I definitely think they're fun movies with some great character stuff, I wouldn't call any of the latter ten movies classics. I'd call all six Star Wars movies classics. But as I mentioned, it's not fair. One's a TV show and one's a movie series. And really Trek is five or six different TV shows (if you count the animated series) and two or three series of movies (if you count the Kelvin timeline). Tuning in for an hour and seeing Kirk go on an adventure can be fun. I love the one where they go to the 1920s gangster planet, or all the stuff with Data's evil twin, Lore. But let's not pretend that the episode about Worf wanting to kill himself because he gets crippled is what the majority of the series is like, and frankly, let's not pretend that those more thoughtful episodes are honestly much more thoughtful (if even as thoughtful) as Star Wars. But actually I think a lot of it probably goes back to the '70s. Star Trek fans wanted their show back on the air for years, then Star Wars comes out and is a huge hit, and casuals start equating the two even though they're actually completely different except for the fact that they take place in space. Then the success of Star Wars leads to Star Trek actually coming back, as a movie, better than any of the fans probably hoped. But the movie bombed because it wasn't Star Wars, but was 2001, and everyone wanted Star Wars at this point. And though some of the sequels were a lot more successful, none were nearly as successful as Star Wars. And the sequels were all notably dumber, because they were trying to be Star Wars. I bet Star Wars fans also probably dislike Star Trek fans partially for making them look even nerdier. Casuals conflate the two, and I'd definitely argue Star Trek is a lot nerdier. Star Wars is for casuals.
>>1021678 >But actually I think a lot of it probably goes back to the '70s. Star Trek fans wanted their show back on the air for years, then Star Wars comes out and is a huge hit, and casuals start equating the two even though they're actually completely different except for the fact that they take place in space. Then the success of Star Wars leads to Star Trek actually coming back, as a movie, better than any of the fans probably hoped. But the movie bombed because it wasn't Star Wars, but was 2001, and everyone wanted Star Wars at this point. And though some of the sequels were a lot more successful, none were nearly as successful as Star Wars. And the sequels were all notably dumber, because they were trying to be Star Wars. So I take it that no one remember Battlestar Galactica, that was a major hit on TV riding off of the release of Star Wars until ABC ordered them to slash the budget and played around with which nights the series aired. And fuck the remake.
>>1021676 Have a cunt and Hollywood makes you one on screen.
>>1021279 Get woke, go broke.
>>1021774 Woke doesn't go broke enough.
>>1021530 >" while Star Trek dealt in morality and politics." If that's what you're into, Babylon 5 handles that much better. That brutal russian pragmatism.
>>1021822 I really wish we'd get that Babylon 5 reboot that the creator's been trying to get going. All of Babylon's 5 themes are EXTREMELY relevant, especially nowadays.
>>1021890 Personally I would rather they leave the show alone. It was already left leaning, but since it was in the 90s and now we are in the 2020s I dread to think what they would cook up in today's climate. The idea that Earth's Governemnt just suppressed all data about the poor and homeless in order to pretend they didn't exist, might seem like what a hippie would fear from a Right Wing government or just Tokyo city, but he would be unable to see the irony in that the Left Wing government would do a similar thing with Covid. Something, something The Shadows want to build giant walls between every planet, and Babylon 6 will be a bridge to unite them all again.
>>1021906 >The idea that Earth's Governemnt just suppressed all data about the poor and homeless in order to pretend they didn't exist, might seem like what a hippie would fear from a Right Wing government or just Tokyo city, but he would be unable to see the irony in that the Left Wing government would do a similar thing with Covid. What about what they're doing that right now? Where in order to say that America's economy is doing "fine", they had to fudge the books to the point at everyone is suddenly half a million dollars "richer"? Or that high gas prices, high food prices, high health care prices, and so on are not actually occuring and where it you do see it occuring is the result of "greedy" Capitalists (Because the elderly couple running a small brick-and-morter on the corner are the evil kulaks rich who refuse to turn over their grain are causing inflation).
>>1021890 > "All of Babylon's 5 themes are EXTREMELY relevant, especially nowadays." Agreed. He was criticizing the worst parts of the Soviet communist model. >>1021906 > "but since it was in the 90s and now we are in the 2020s I dread to think what they would cook up in today's climate." > We are well underway to getting a new Soviet communist model.
>>1021774 >>1021806 >>1021898 >>1021937 <it's just allowed to spam every thread, every day, infinitely, without anyone doing anything about it Yeah, I'm done reporting these posts.
>>1021967 2 of those disagree with him, he's only 1021774 and 1021937 if it's him.
>>1022074 The others are luciano, which is proven to also be him.
>>1021967 I just autopilot past anything he posts. >>1021676 Dave Filoni should have let her die off like George Lucas wanted. That faggot is ruining star wars alongside KK.
>>1022090 >Dave Filoni should have let her die off like George Lucas wanted Sadly, it's his waifu so he will never kill her, unless it's a heroic sacrifice to save the entire Galaxy and be remembered as the most important Jedi to have ever existed even more than the Skywalker family.
>>1022182 The most important Jedi to ever have existed in the Skywalker family is Rey now, not much better.
>>1021500 I got into Star Trek and Star Wars because my old man was a fan of both. I only saw Star Trek vs Star Wars arguments made by cartoon characters on TV, but I don't doubt things were like what >>1021530 and >>1021566 describe. I just never met people who were actually like that. That said, I now want both to burn to the ground because both went to shit for very similar reasons >>1021748 There were parts of the remake I liked, but at that point, the parts I liked were done better in Space Battleship Yamato 2199.
>roughly half the thread is arguing about Star Trek Why do I bother expecting insights on the industry on this board?
>>1022292 What did you expect? Its a thread about a Star Wars IP.
>>1022292 There isn't much left to see.
>>1022292 then be the change, talk about star wars and how it shapes up its failures. I'll start - The biggest failure disney did with star wars was to explicitly state all the games and cartoons as non-canon. They never had to say anything about canon or non-canon. The games could have continued as they have all been - telling separate stories in lesser known planets and maybe few movie tie-in games. Or maybe go full rey skywalker movie game if they wanted big dollars. But nope, they went half assed in this too.
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>>1022311 Oh, is it time to talk about wastefull mismanagement? >Reminder that we didint get KOTOR 3 just because EA wanted to shove Revan into the shitty MMO for a bossfight because they werent getting enough paypigs, thus ruining the finale they were working up to for KOTOR 3, killing Meetra offscreen and making both of their games pointless
Ubisoft has been shitting uninteresting stuff for a while now from Far Cry, to AC, but now these games have become mediocre at best on top of it. Can't say I'm sad abut it, these people needed a slap on the face.
>>1022314 I don't think retcon bullshit would stop a company from releasing a new product if they got the money to do it.
>>1022321 Im just saying, they cancelled KOTOR 3 back in the day in the hopes of turning SWTOR into the next WOW because EA.
>>1022322 I seriously doubt it was ever in development beyond maybe Ass Effect 1.
>>1022317 >now these games have become mediocre at best on top of it Yeah it has been a noticeable decline in all areas despite the budgets/developers ballooning more and more each year (or at least they were until recently). They clearly need to clean house from top to bottom. >>1022314 I'm glad they haven't managed to shit out the remakes/remasters yet. I can't even imagine how fucked that will be.
>>1022311 I imagine it was possible to make a new canon, if Disney gave a shit. The biggest problem wasn't that the EU was destroyed and rebranded as Legends so Disney could make money of other people's work, it's that they destroyed the EU, rebranded it as Legends to make money off other people's work, then went on to awkwardly half-ass reintroductions of some EU material in their on canon in the shittiest ways possible. Obvious examples being every fucking EU thing that got shoved into Rebels, like Thrawn, the Dark Troopers, The 181st (except not really, just the paint mark on the Interceptors that shouldn't even be there), and fuck you, I'm not looking up more shit from Rebels just to make this point. Then when it's time to make spinoff movies, we get the mentally retarded shitshows that took the place of Operation Skyhook and the muh 12 parsecs Kessel Run. While the Sequel trilogy was pure malice towards fans of the movies, everything else Disney makes is malice to fans of the EU, while simultaneously trying to reference parts of the EU like jingling keys so fans of the EU would begrudgingly buy their shit sandwiches.
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>>1022329 Yidsney gives a shit, but a bad shit, like diarrhea. Yidsney gives a shit about destroying the canon, like Yidsney destroys all canons, because of their woke workers, and the Yidsney General Entertainment Content Inclusion Standards.
>>1021678 >>1021748 What was wrong with the reimagining? A proper ripoff of Star Wars nowadays would be a breath of fresh air considering the current state of the franchise, even if a lawsuit were to happen over something that's banal.
>>1022292 What other insight do you need? Disney and other retards have run the property to the damn ground. 7 years ago even with scandal and bullshit they could sell 9 million copies as seen here >>1021522 But today it can barely break a million. Does it need to be spelled out that Star Wars is not in a good place?
>>1022359 LucasArts was already running it into the ground while skimming money from it with the third movie, it's just more obvious now.
>>1022350 No wonder Disney's fucked with standards like those.
>>1022357 >What was wrong with the reimagining? Became too much of a soap opera with character motivations and actions. >A proper ripoff of Star Wars nowadays would be a breath of fresh air considering the current state of the franchise, even if a lawsuit were to happen over something that's banal. There was John Carter (Based on the book series that was the basis for EVERY sci-fi opera over the past century) and Valerian, but both of them flopped. The former because Yidsney pulled the marketing budget since they had just acquired Marvel and LucasFilm (John Carter had been in development because they wanted a property that appealed to "male audience", PoP and The Lone Ranger were also greeenlit for that purpose before also failing because of the above), meanwhile the latter just didn't do well outside of Europe (And no one can actualy pin down what the problem was, because all speculation goes out the window when you factor other movies having the same exact "issues" or worse yet still making bank).
>>1022367 >LucasArts was already running it into the ground No, they weren't. Star Wars always had its share of misses as well as hits but in 2011 (arguably the nadir) the harshest opinion about Star Wars you were likely to find anywhere was "the prequels sucked, I don't like the Clone Wars cartoon and the new games are lame and retarded; Battlefront II and the comics are still fun though" whereas at this point a significant chunk of all of the people who can remember Star Wars in the 00s would like to see Disney lined up and shot for their mismanagement of the franchise or who have become so disgruntled that they stopped caring altogether. Lucasarts could easily have kept on keeping on but Lucas wanted out. I don't blame him for it, either.
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>>1022292 >>roughly half the thread is arguing about Star Trek At least Shatner made better use of Carrie Fisher than Disney ever did.
>>1022379 The people making the games are not the same people making the media, LucasArts outsourced all of their games, it's a wonder that games like Star Wars Racer and Rogue Squadron aren't shit just because the devs wanted to make them.
>>1022382 >The people making the games are not the same people making the media, LucasArts outsourced all of their games, Yeah, no shit - but they were still holding the pursestrings.
>>1022389 Doesn't count for the generic movie games which are literal shovelware.
>>1022379 >>1022382 If Lucas had the need for managerial control the Mouse does, we would have never had Battlefront or Empire at War since they clash with Lucas's anti-war hippie vibe.
>>1022391 I think management control amounted to making sure that'd it'd sell and that it wasn't unplayable, I guess some of the management could have been more likely to tard wrangle some projects versus say others since they did their own game dev themselves, just not Star Wars.
>>1022390 >Doesn't count for the generic movie games which are literal shovelware. They doled out the licenses, which was the important part. I'm not arguing that there weren't plenty of absolute dogshit SW games or that LucasArts' in-house talent was anything special. >>1022391 >If Lucas had the need for managerial control the Mouse does, we would have never had Battlefront or Empire at War since they clash with Lucas's anti-war hippie vibe. Yeah, Lucas not really giving a fuck was the point. He was generally happy to just sit back and collect his checks. >>1022393 It varied. Lucas was involved with TFU, which was probably the closest that pre-Disney SW came to modern AAAslop.
>>1022395 Who would have thought that EA would have ended up the unintentional good guy by sitting on exclusive rights to the SW license and producing fuck-all but pay to win Battlefront slop. People bitched at them for years for not doing anything with the license, losing prime opportunities to release games in tandem with the sequel trilogy. Turns out the sequel trilogy was hot garbage and EA was actively punishing people for mindlessly buying Star Wars slop.
>>1022390 Some of them were decent. I enjoyed Episode III on PS2. It had a fun multiplayer mode that sort of functioned like a fighting game, which was better than the actual fighting game on PS1. Plus, just what do we consider to be a movie tie-in game? Does Episode I: Racer count? Because that game is awesome. >>1022391 It's called Star Wars. I don't think Lucas has a problem with media about war.
>>1022441 The exclusive license producing nothing is almost certainly why a bunch of games got updates for modern systems like 64 bit Empire at War and a bunch of older stuff. Fantasy Flight Games claimed the exclusivity license for EA was so overbroad they couldn't sell PDF copies of their tabletop RPG books or reprints of the WEG stuff after they bought the rights.
I still haven't heard anything about what this game is actually like. I remember it looking fine from the trailers, as fine as AAA slop gets at least.
>>1023210 The OP shows a desexualized woman with an ugly face some jealous diversity roast obviously dictated to the model team, it's obviously garbage.
>>1023245 She looks fine to me? Normalfags don't care about that shit anyway, everybody in Skyrim is hideous but they love that. But it also doesn't tell me what the game is like. I'm guess it's another boring Ubisoft copypaste job?
>>1023248 Aside from the main character being a boring, ugly female, there's the issue that Ubisoft failed miserably at getting people interested in the game from the moment they revealed it. Every trailer for this game depicts an absolutely generic Ubisoft open world formula, couple that with general Star Wars fatigue and the fact that Rey has demolished any prospect of a female MC in a Star Wars related piece of media and you get a flop. Shit not being on Steam didn't help either for that matter.
>>1023248 Shes not ugly, but the actual actress is much prettier and they also considerably shrunk her boobs, they took a pretty woman and made her as androgynous as possible.
>>1023248 >Normalfags don't care about that shit anyway They say they don't, but obviously they do, or they care about something else that the game lacked, which is why so few people bought this game. Keep in mind, Normalfags always try to keep up appearances, even when no one else is listening.
>>1023274 The only thing keeping Skyrim alive are the porn mods.
>>1021279 Imagine being such a retard as to still buy things based on brands. >This game is shit <"I will pass" >This game is shit, but it is called Star Wars <"TAKE MY MONEY!" I hope that those retards who bought it die from cancer.
>>1023382 The Star Wars brand means good high budget sci fi, you're the retard to not buy things with that brand.
>>1023393 >Star Wars is high quality LOL! Retard spotted.
>>1023414 The original Star Wars movie was so ahead of its time there are still people today who believe we've been in space.
>>1023393 >good high budget sci fi Isn't that title taken by 40k these days.
>>1023418 Avatar: The Way of Water had a big budget. Good? I don't know, didn't see it.
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>>1021279 They're afraid of having a feminine woman, and they tried to get some of the popularity of HTTYD from making the animal look like Toothless but hairy Good riddance, both were terrible ideas
>>1023479 >they tried to get some of the popularity of HTTYD from making the animal look like Toothless but hairy Fuck, now I know why that fucking creature's design looks so familiar
>>1023417 And it is still shit. Popularity doesn't mean quality, retard. LOL! Imagine judging something as being "good" based on popularity. Holy shit, you brand loyalists are dumb.
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>>1023414 >>1023417 >>1023500 Where do you newfags come from?
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>>1023501 >>1023417 It was real in my mind.
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>>1023479 Reminder that this is one of the best pilots in the Star Wars universe thanks to Disney. https://archive.md/w2Nmq
>>1023538 Honestly the fart fetish wedding story was my favorite disney addition.
>>1023503 >Jews in Space Wasn't that just Spaceballs?
People want Jedi/Sith and somewhat recognisable characters I see 2 anybodies and a blob with eyes in the OP pic, it's staggeringly easy to see why it is failing. >>1021319 >There are that many morons in the world? There's SO many more, there's at least as many again who're too dumb to use a computer/Steam to get it in the first place. >>1022350 Those 'standards' are suicide, obviously they're trying to milk shit tier foreign markets as hard as they can, so they'll churn out trash (made by trash) effectively cutting their business at home and in foreign markets that matter, in half or worse. Hilarious, so woke so broken.
>>1023587 >People want Jedi/Sith Not really, you can totally have star wars games without Force users, just look at Rogue Squadron or Republic Commando.
>>1023619 He's talking about recognizable star wars characters, which there are none visible. Hence a big portion normalfags didn't click with it. >>1023587 You have to understand, majority of those million people are john smith/grandma tier normalfag, the upper tier of normalfags. They don't look at "video game news" or read reviews or even watch youtube videos before purchase. They just see a cool boxart on xbox front page, the name Star Wars boldly on top, or just a small clip of a streamer going "WOAH THIS IS SO COOL!! Star Wars Outlaws available now on xbox, ps5" and go purchase it. They treat video games as we treat shampoo, we look at the bottle, check its price, maybe read some of the blurb at the back about how it'll make hair shinier, and then purchase it. That's how they buy games. And maybe there's a hair care forum out there saying how can there be such morons who buy anything selling on the shampoo aisle.

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