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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 03:14:06 Id: c5f4ff No. 1028520
What games are you emulating? What do you need help emulating? Post screenshots of games you are emulating. Discuss games you are emulating. Discuss hacks of games you are emulating. ROMs https://r-roms.github.io Emulators Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 Super Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 https://nightly.link/bsnes-emu/bsnes/workflows/build/master Nintendo 64 https://github.com/ares-emulator/ares/releases https://github.com/simple64/simple64/releases https://github.com/Rosalie241/RMG/releases GameCube/Wii https://dolphin-emu.org/download/#download-dev Wii U https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases Nintendo Switch https://gamebanana.com/tools/16395 https://www.softpedia.com/get/Gaming-Related/Ryujinx.shtml Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance https://mgba.io/downloads.html#current-downloads Nintendo DS melonds.kuribo64.net/downloads.php Nintendo 3DS https://github.com/PabloMK7/citra/releases Sega Genesis https://github.com/ares-emulator/ares/releases Sega Dreamcast https://redream.io/download https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast/releases
[Expand Post]PlayStation https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/releases PlayStation 2 https://pcsx2.net/downloads PlayStation 3 https://rpcs3.net/download PlayStation 4 https://github.com/shadps4-emu/shadPS4/releases PlayStation Portable https://nightly.link/hrydgard/ppsspp/workflows/build/master PlayStation Vita https://vita3k.github.io/#download Xbox https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases Xbox 360 https://github.com/xenia-project/release-builds-windows/releases Arcade https://www.mamedev.org/release.php Flash https://ruffle.rs/downloads FAQ Where do I get BIOS files, prod.keys, NAND dumps, system ROMs, and other firmware? https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulator_files My PC is a toaster. Are there any emulators I can run? Most emulators of the 16-bit era (fourth generation) and earlier consoles (e.g., Sega Genesis, NES, Atari 2600, etc.) can be run on any PC, even one with a CPU clock speed of below 1 GHz. higan is the only exception because it's highly accurate and requires a 3 GHz CPU for optimal performance. Other emulators such as Snes9x, Kega Fusion, Mesen, etc. can be run on any PC that can run Windows. My save states do not work in the new version of the emulator I downloaded. Why? Save states are not compatible between different versions of emulators, or between different emulators. Don't rely on them. Use real/battery saves which typically can be transferred, even if they need to be converted first. My game isn't working. How do I resolve problems on my own? Emulators can have stable builds that are weeks, months, and sometimes even years old. The "stable" version is often just a randomly picked dev (short for development) version, which is why the latest dev versions should often be preferred, as they solve emulation issues most of the time. If you're using a plugin-based emulator, graphical glitches and sound issues could be solved by changing the settings or using a different, better plugin altogether. Newer, more accurate emulators that do not use a plugin system may also be recommended. Try changing the graphics backend between OpenGL, Direct3D, and Vulkan. Sometimes, questions may have been asked and answered multiple times in the past. Check online. If you still can't find a solution, ask. Provide system specs, operating system, emulator, version, settings, plugins, system emulated, game emulated, and the problem itself.
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The last game I emulated was an unreleased Yoshi game for Nintendo DS found in the Pokemon leak. I thought it looped forever, but it has 4 stages. You win each stage by matching all falling characters in vertical lines of 2. The gameplay is addictive, but other stuff's unfinished. The title screen is glitched, the end is black, and music stops eventually. https://1fichier.com/?5mb9s30msu15dj8c8vas
Just started running Catherine Full Body on Ryujinx. Had an issue with giant transparent grey bars and a pink bar showing up during certain cutscenes whenever there were subtitles on screen. Fixed this by turning on graphics backend multi-threading. Then I experienced audio crackle during the the cutscene for starting the first level. Fixed this by changing audio from SDL2 to SoundIO. But now I'm getting outright bad lag that comes with severe audio crackle during some cutscenes and whenever I get close to the end of a level. Backend multi-threading requires a reset to apply, so I haven't tested if turning it back off will fix it, but there's really not that many graphical options for this emulator. Maybe my computer just can't handle the game? I'm well into safe temperatures and I'm not using more than around 40% RAM or GPU in taskmanager. >Inb4 wangblows Yes, I know. That's probably not the issue. I experienced something bizarre. I had the game paused in the middle of a lag heavy cutscene while typing the above, and when I unpaused, it ran smoothly. Maybe it was just compiling shaders or something in the background? I'm still running into mild-to-severe lag in the bar though.
超次元ゲイムネプテューヌ on RPCS3 keeps freezing at random albeit without crashing the emulator as a whole, enabling or disabling GPU labels as suggested by the compatibility list wiki article doesn't help. Wat do and why (if dmesg is to be believed) does the emulator sometimes send vdpau requests to my GPU's UVD which the amdgpu driver rejects? Haven't heard anything about it using or requiring hardware video decoding.
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>>1028606 Tried playing again. Was having heavy lag even in the main menu, which wasn't present before. I toggling everything but backend multi-threading to no avail. Then I tried toggling backend multi-thread back to off and the game works almost perfectly. I had a "saving" icon get stuck in the corner where the goldrn playhouse logo should have been, but resetting got rid of it. After that, zero problems in the bar and through a whole level. No gay bars, nothing. I have no idea how I actually got the game to stop fucking up.
State of PS4 emulation? Updates last thread were really promising.
>>1028923 This is the compatibility tracker for PlayStation 4 games on shadPS4. https://github.com/shadps4-emu/shadps4-game-compatibility/issues
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>>1029040 >'ShadPS4
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>>1029040 >ShadPS4
>>1029133 >>1029137 It has nothing to do with that Shad m8.
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>>1029163 >You either like chromatic aberration, or you're a pedophile
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>>1028923 Here's the current state of Bloodborne. It's moving along shockingly fast. I'd say it will be fully playable before the end of the year. Bloodborne PC is here. <<1029133 <<1029137 Very old joke that was worn out last thread. >>1029191 Don't even know what he was talking about, those Anons were mocking Shitman. Low IQ newfags.
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>>1028919 Game was going perfectly for two more levels. Then, before I could save after the boss level, it just crashed right as Erica mentioned Rin playing the piano.
>>1028606 reddit.com/r/Ryujinx/comments/nyw7oa/catherine_full_body_playable/ Xeraphiem says Catherine Full Body is playable and finishable on Ryujinx but FPS drops to 10-20 sometimes on R5 2600, 1660ti, with 16GB Ram. I didn't run Catherine Full Body but experience good performance for other emulators with much better hardware, except Switch emulators. Many Switch games perform like ass. Alternative firmware loaded through a Switch jailbreak is the smartest and best performing piracy for Switch.
Lmao. Got past the crash, and during actual bar gameplay, just Rin is fucked up.
>>1029552 Had a couple other graphical glitches in the bar. They cleared upon reloading the area by using the Nero glasses.
Any reason why the desktop version of Duckstation separates, in the game list at alphabetical order, the custom eboots (for multi-disc titles) from the rest of the PS1 games? It doesn't do that on the mobile android version so I was just curious.
>>1029552 Left dude: "Can you believe this? Bitch is a glitch"
>>1029488 >>1029552 Xeraphiem mentioned FPS in the bar is 10-20 but bearable, and the game hanging in the bar after certain moments at certain days.
>>1030930 The bar is my main hurdle now. It's where I regularly encounter graphical glitches and have had 2 crashes. Graphical glitches tend to go away if I just reload the area via Rapunzel or the Nero Glasses.
>>1029552 Got another.
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Archive of previous thread: https://archive.ph/zEXN8 So what's the status of 3DS emulation these days? Has it gotten significantly better since Citra's demise?
>>1028520 Now that I actually look at this collage >Half-Life 2 >Portal 2 >Borderlands >Left 4 Dead >Diablo >VVVVVV >Terraria >Cave Story OP, where did you get this image? This is just a random collection of games, many of them not even requiring emulation.
>>1031707 I think there was an updated image of the third one that tells you to play MM3D with the Project Restoration patch. There needs to be one for Etrian Odyssey Untold as well where there's a patch that allows you to play with the new dungeon and Highlander + Gunner in Classic mode.
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I'm emulating Mario & Luigi: Brothership, which releases this Thursday. I described Brothership in the Switch thread. >>1031442 >>1031712 >>1031898 >>1032138 I'm playing the NSP leak on Ryujinx, so I'll describe more Brothership here. The themes are nautical and electrical, and names of people, places, and things are electrical puns. The land mass of Concordia (concord, connection cord) "disconnected" into islands by the villain Zokket (socket) and his generals, the Extension Corps (extension cord): Ecks, Ten, and Shun (extension). They extract dark energy from Spite Bulbs (spite, light bulbs) to infect islanders with Glohm (gloom, ohm) so they're gloomy and "disconnect" from most social contact. Connie (connector) the Wattanist (watt, botanist) is the caretaker of the Uni-Tree (unity, tree), who helps Mario, Luigi, and their porcine sidekick Snoutlet (snout, let, outlet) reconnect the islands so Concordian plug-people connect again. >>1031707 3DS emulation has gotten slightly better since Citra's demise. Lime3DS and PabloMK7's Citra fork will merge in the coming weeks to create a new unified collaboration containing features from both forks so development isn't fragmented between them. This collaboration will contain greater prior development effort than other forks.
>>1032054 MM3D with the Project Restoration patch is also my "definitive edition," though /vb/ recommended this alternative through Zelda64Recompiled. >Majora's Mask N64HD Project. Handmade HD textures done right by a huge Majora's Mask fan that started in November of 2016 and took nearly 5 years of work and another few years of improvements to finish. The total texture count is around 6500 and with the MLE expansions by ghostlydark it goes over 10700. It remakes the effect animations and is pretty accurate to the original. >A trailer for MMN64HD on Zelda64Recompiled was uploaded last month for 4K, high-res textures, ultrawide support, and 60fps. It should inherit future enhancements to Zelda64Recompiled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E79U0WqJyVE The GIF animates to show before and after.
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>>1034633 More screenshots of the Brothership leak from Ryujinx, before its official release tomorrow. Brothership explores bonds. The bonds between brother and brother, father and son, father and daughter, mother and son, mother and daughter, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, friend and friend, leader and people, nature and people, god and mortals, assisted and assistant, team members and team, community and citizens, mentor and mentee, and even respect between rivals. Mario and Luigi travel Concordia to help build many bonds, in contrast to their foe Zokket, who breaks them. The theme of bonds repeats in the main story and the side quests, which explore examples of many types of bonds. Father-son bonds, for instance, through Bowser and Bowser Jr., Patriarc and Arc, Chilliam's dad and Chilliam, and Leyden and his son.
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>>1036533 >Patriarc Let's get Patriarcy.
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Brothership officially released yesterday. More screenshots with a "fire and ice" theme, 8 from Heatfreeze Island in the Brrrning Sea. Heatfreeze Island is settled by the Slippenglide people, in Freezin Village, and the Skorcheen people, in Boilin Village. They're always in conflict, now over their specialty dishes, their Potato Gelato and Hottato Stew. To arbitrate their conflict they appoint as food critics Mario and Luigi, who later resolve their bigger conflict through a marriage of state between the lovebirds Prince Chilliam of Slippenglide Island and Princess Burnadette of Skorcheen Island.
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>>1036533 There was a Brothership leak? Did the Brothership sink?
>>1036958 Her body, his choice. Forever.
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Started playing Super Mario 64 a while back. Honestly, it's hard to imagine how a game this great could come packaged in such a (relatively) primitive cartridge but it's true! The mechanics, the world(s), the boss fights they're all very fun coming together like this. The platforming works very well for a game that came out - I think - shortly after the jump to 3d. I can see why some keep playing it to this day and even making ROMhacks for it.
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>>1037477 >Did the Brothership sink? No, it didn't. But its sister ship did.
>>1037812 >>1037477 These puns are Hullarious, I think I lost my bearings.
>>1037801 I remember that area, near the bottom of the slide, where Mario brings the baby penguin to his mom.
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>Finish Catherine Full Body on the new faggotry route >Erica is now trying, and succeeding, in getting into female wresting, "and that's a good thing!" I know his old name was censored in the credits only in the new English localization, but was this also something localizers added, or did Atlus really promote trannies in women's sports?
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Sorry for posting this in two threads in a row, but I realized I hadn't posted any updates on the state of Bloodborne emulation. Here's where it's currently at, the current issues are mostly sound and visual effects related. If you check YT you can see dozens and dozens of videos posted everyday of people testing it. There's one Russian dude who's doing a straight up Let's Play, he's about 7 hours deep.
>>1037801 >>1037870 My favorite area is the water world where the level you enter the painting determines how high the water level is. That and the haunted house.
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>>1038368 >the level you enter the painting determines how high the water level is I never knew.
What emulator would you recommend if I want to play Saturn 2D games?
Just chilling with real cozy monster hunting. >>1038182 Feels like it'll be fully done any day now.
>>1038430 You cannot go wrong with nearly any of them. Just check the compatibility lists: http://www.segasaturn.org/ https://tradu-france.com/wiki-emu-compatibility/index.php?title=Compatibility_list_of_Kronos https://www.uoyabause.org/games I personally tend to father SSF because it's the only one that renders DoA correctly.
>>1038370 I understood that there was some connection as a kid but I misinterpreted. I thought it was what kind of jump you did to enter the painting that made the difference, which of course it's easier to jump higher with some types of jumps than it is with others, so that explains why I thought what I did. It was only a couple of years ago that I learned the truth.
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Would it be better to emulate the Wii-U or the Switch to play Xenoblade Chronicles? What differences are there? Does one or both have decensor patches? I won't be able to stand everyone else being English, but I still want the Welsh catgirl. How jarring would it be, and possible would it be, to only have her speak English?
>>1038483 >spoiler Undubs for the game exist
>>1038483 XBC games are 1, X, 2, 3. Wii U's only X. Wii has 1. Switch remasters 1+adds DLC, has 2+DLC, 3+DLC, will remaster X in 4 months. 1 (Wii), X, and 2 emulate ok on gaming hardware. 1 (Switch) and 3 probably do. X (Switch) is unreleased, untested, and bad emulator bugs won't be fixed. Better to emulate the Wii U than the Switch. 2 has the Welsh catgirl, Poppi α, and Poppi QTπ.
>>1038368 >>1038370 Did you know Boo's laugh in Mario 64 is Bowser's laugh played faster?
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More Brothership screenshots, of Skorcheen Island in the Brrrning Sea, and rank and bonus information, for players who plan character builds. From level 1, each 7 added levels raises your rank. At each new rank up to Star, you choose 1 bonus from unchosen bonuses in that rank and earlier ranks. At the last rank 1 rank after Star, you choose 2. HP's hit points, BP's "magic" for Bros. Attacks, power increases jump and hammer damage given, defense decreases damage received, speed's for turn number and order, stache's for criticals and item drop rate. Shell (Level 8) Gear Slot (1 added accessory slot) HP Up (1 added HP each level) Quick Leveling (enemies give 20% more experience) Speed Up (1 added speed each level) Stache Up (1 added stache each level) Boomerang (Level 15) Def Up (1 added defense each level) Pow Up (1 added power each level) Flower (Level 22) Hammerhead (hammer does 20% more damage) Jumpman (jump does 20% more damage) Leaf (Level 29) Big Lucky (critical damage increases from 1.3 to 1.5 times) Counterer (counters do 50% more damage) Iron Body (you take 20% less damage) Star (Level 36) Bros Pro (Bros. Attacks do 20% more damage) Casual Bros (Bros. Attacks cost 30% less BP)
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>>1038580 >Pic I see that someone flunked color theory because that image almost makes me feel like my eyes want to bleed.
>>1038580 How do you like the battle plugs mechanic when compared to badge powers? >>1038595 >color theory Why is this happening? Explain like I hab da smol monkey brain.
>>1038580 >>1038600 >Explain the color theory like I hab da smol monkey brain. Not 1038595 but the 1038580 shots skillfully use color theory since the analogous color scheme of orange, red, and purple keeps each dominant color to the same half of the color wheel, and dark colors for terrain contrast with light choices for lava, highlighting lava's hotness and drawing players' eyes to objects of interest like the coins, blocks, and pipe.
>>1038430 Mednafen with the Beetle Saturn Libretro core is recommended by /emugen/ for Sega Saturn emulation. https://mednafen.github.io/releases/
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More screenshots, from my Brothership emulation, of the frozen Slippenglide Island. The IDLE group tracks the villainous Extension Corps to Slippenglide, where they built a secret lab that Mario and Luigi scout for clues. >>1038600 Battle Plugs build on the foundation of the classic system without taking it over. They're special gear made from Lumenade gathered from collectible Sprite Bulbs. As Brothership's adventure goes on, you get more Power Taps, so you can set more Battle Plugs in your Set Plugs menu. Setting Battle Plugs improves your moves in battle or grants other advantages. Coinpiler causes enemies to drop coins each time you damage them in proportion to damage dealt, Empower Counters turns jump counters into ground pounds and charges up hammer counters to do an extra 30% damage, and Performance Bonus restores 50% of BP used on a Bros. Attack that earns an EXCELLENT rating. Battle Plugs, like Gimmicks from Tomato Adventure, have a use limit then a recharge period. A Battle Plug like Boomerang Items, which returns used items to your inventory, is balanced by few uses and many recharge turns. Running out of a Battle Plug's charges in a battle can limit you in others if that battle has fewer turns than the Battle Plug's recharge turns, getting players to manage charges across battles. Compared to badge powers, I like Battle Plugs more. Learning enemy patterns in Brothership is harder than earlier Mario & Luigis, which Battle Plugs balance.
>>1038493 Yeah, I only want to play 2. I played 1, the gameplay was a slog, and the characters felt generic and boring, and it isn't much necessary to understand 2. I heard 2 had some offline gachashit style mechanics, but I'll cheat those when it feels like I'm wasting my time, without remorse. >Poppi α, and Poppi QTπ. Weren't their names censored? What's the actual names? Something like Hana JS and Hana JD (elementary schooler and college girl)? >>1038493 >Undubs for the game exist Yes, and I plan on playing it in JP with english text and subs, but what I'm talking about is whether it would be too jarring to have everyone except Nia speak JP while she's speaking English with a Welsh accent. I don't think that's possible though since the audio in some, many, or all cutscenes is probably one single track. >>1038538 No.
>>1038438 >>1038612 Which would have the fastest loading speed? I tried Beetle on Retroarch time before (because shaders), but I got tired of waiting every time I change the location playing Magic Knight Rayearth.
>>1038681 >Which would have the fastest loading speed? They're all going to be comparable because the Saturn is a disc-based console.
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More screenshots from my Brothership emulation. Bowser's introduced with menacing style and power in a full-scale war scene where Bowser's minions attack Zokket's forces from the air, then Bowser turns his air force on you. In the middle screenshots, Mario and Luigi recon Bowser's Concordian base at Offandon Island.
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>>1028524 Game Freak did release an 8-bit version on the NES.
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>>1038891 There was also a Game Boy version.
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In Brothership, Bowser built another castle on Wayaway Island, a place so remote it was an island before the Uni-Tree was destroyed and the world of Concordia was broken apart. In Bowser's castle, Mario and Luigi find plugs to carry to elevators to power those elevators to reach new floors. From Bowser's Ampberry hoard, they take Ampberries to cure Glohm, and from Bowser's air force, they take machine parts for Shipshape Island.
>>1038916 Yoshi had a lot of puzzle games. Remember Yoshi's Cookie?
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>>1038916 The Game Boy version's colorless which confuses what characters switch to what columns. The Yoshi LDX (SGB Enhanced) patch fixes this, but limits colors to the palette the GBC chooses for the game, so dithers red and green to create the illusion of brown for the checkerboard and Goombas. That illusion shatters up close. The Yoshi LDX patch isn't DX quality, but improved from gray.
>>1038891 >>1038916 >>1039310 I remember getting Yoshi and Yoshi's Cookie as a kid and those games fucking sucked. They made me hesitant of getting Yoshi's Island, which is actually excellent. Anybody who nostalgiafags over the NES probably never had the console, because 80% of its library was complete shit. There are much better consoles with not only better games, but a high ratio of good games.
>>1038891 >>1038916 >>1039310 >>1039504 Anybody who spergs so hard over hard IQ games (puzzle games, many NES games) is a guaranteed fucking retard who's complete shit at games. The experience sucks for you since failing reminds you you're stupid, your comment's like an unevolved nigger calling math racist.
>>1028520 >What games are you emulating? Ristar for Sega Genesis. >>1039545 Don't feed the wild hispamonkeys, they're observation-only.
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>>1039545 Yoshi's Cookie games feel thoroughly rewarding if you can set up good chains. RTA in Japan Marathon 2021 streamed Yoshi's Cookie, look how efficiently the Japanese streamer sets up his chains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMIJ2GoTSGg&t=167s
I'm considering trying to run Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but only if I can get it uncensored and undubbed. I've tried looking up mods, but the best I can get is a patchwork of several different people's mods that I'm not sure are even comprehensive. https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/xenoblade-chronicles-2-heart-to-hearts-uncensored-mod.2153/
>>1039504 People don't judge a system's library based on how many bad games it has, but how many good games it has. People can go and play many great NES games, while ignoring the bad ones. Also, Yoshi is a fun game. I always preferred it over Yoshi's Cookie, but the impression I've always gotten is that most people disagree with me on that. >>1039498 I've played the Game Boy version plenty, and it's really hard to get confused on which sprite is which. Those Mario enemies are pretty recognizable. Also, it's been a while since I played it, but I could have sworn that playing on hardware like SGB, GBC, and GBA gives the game one of those built in default palettes that a few earlier Game Boy games got. I remember playing on actual hardware and seeing most of the colors be correct.
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>>1040566 >I've played the Game Boy version plenty I have too, enough to have Yoshi LDX to screenshot and recommend to the Emulation Megathread over the unpatched GB version. LDX is improved from GB. NES Yoshi's my favorite, I recommend it over both GB and LDX. I will compare and contrast the 4 versions. Characters in columns have clearer color separation in LDX than GB, so I don't confuse them. LDX colors Boo's mouth, adds an extra color to Piranha Plants, and dithers red and green to create the illusion of brown for Goombas. NES upgrades to true brown. GB's white BG contrasts worst with characters as white's used for each character. LDX green's better, but shared with Yoshi egg spots and Piranha Plant leaves. NES blue's best, DS blue/purple's 2nd. DS characters contrast best with each other, its Yurarin Boos and Blurps replacing Boos and Piranha Plants improves color variety. GB, LDX, and NES Boos and Bloobers, all white, don't contrast well, nor brown Goombas and red Piranha Plants in LDX, where brown's near red. LDX does better there than GB, and NES than LDX, as NES brown's further from red than LDX's dither. Yoshi eggs are colored wrong on GB, right on NES and LDX, and upgrade from 3 to 8 colors on DS. DS downgrades game settings to none and cuts A Type's triple-drops. GB and LDX clutter the interface. GB, LDX, and DS have lower resolution than NES, limiting each to 7 rows where NES has 8. LDX plays unused music on the title screen different from GB music. I played many GB demakes on GB hardware, they're worse than originals but portable and UMPCs make originals portable. Color clarifies how to move so it's better. Worse versions of good games remain good. GB Yoshi's good, but LDX and NES are better. >Also, it's been a while since I played it, but I could have sworn that playing on hardware like SGB, GBC, and GBA gives the game one of those built in default palettes that a few earlier Game Boy games got. I remember playing on actual hardware and seeing most of the colors be correct. This APNG compares the GBC palette (white BG) to the LDX patch (green BG). Yoshi's colors are correct, but characters set in columns are not, and have clearer color separation in LDX. Where colors count, the GBC colors are incorrect. They help less to match. >it's really hard to get confused on which sprite is which. Those Mario enemies are pretty recognizable. For this APNG, if 50 people count Piranha Plants in the built-in default GBC palette, and 50 more in the LDX palette, the median time should be shorter for the LDX palette.
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>>1040566 >The Game Boy version's colorless which confuses what characters switch to what columns. The Yoshi LDX (SGB Enhanced) patch fixes this <I've played the Game Boy version plenty, and it's really hard to get confused on which sprite is which. Those Mario enemies are pretty recognizable It's not confusing if you play the start of Yoshi GB at stock settings. It's more confusing on high speed, in A Type's later levels, when unlucky triple-drops RNG your stack higher, or on high speed, early in B Type's later levels, when you start 5/7 rows high, and you change your plan after an incoming drop. I process colors/shapes faster than shades/shapes and these shades aren't distinct enough. Color communicates more to me, faster. With color I react to incoming drops, plan movement, then execute in around a quarter second plus input lag. Without color I slow to a third, limiting what's possible for me. Click my GIF. The talk had me boot Yoshi LDX to play an hour anyway, so I clipped level 26. Maybe you're smarter than me, but I'm not a furious puzzle failure or troll like c3019f. I'm a Euro with decent skills who still processes no colors slower. Everybody probably does. At 26 seconds, 2 Goombas fall. I plan 1 in the lowest column for a short stack, and the other in the 3rd lowest, for match potential with 3, not 2, top characters. As a plant spawns, I change my plan. I swap the lowest and 2nd lowest columns to keep the plant line open. I wouldn't react in time without color. And colors are cooler. I'd rather see colors than none, or better colors than worse colors, but gameplay changes are more objective.
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>>1041776 >>1041777 The thumbnail from 1041776 comparing the GBC palette to the LDX patch should loop here. My other GIF from 1041777's too big to animate its thumbnail.
>>1041777 (Lucky trips checked) You could be sick at Yoshi's Cookie, emulate it. It's like a 2D Rubik's Cube. The best Yoshi's Cookies are on Super Nintendo (Yoshi's Cookie) and GameCube (Nintendo Puzzle Collection), linked in that order. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bsnesemulator/SNES-ROMS/main/Yoshi's%20Cookie%20(USA).zip https://www.mediafire.com/file/ne9b6xo6981vgbq/CreditsTestV4.rar/file Super Nintendo has the best start for beginners, the puzzle mode. GameCube's Nintendo Puzzle Collection is Japanese, but includes sequels to Dr. Mario, Panel de Pon, and Yoshi's Cookie which has better graphics and sound, a story mode, and supports 4 players instead of 2.
>>1041777 Your posts are acting like I said the hack you recommended wasn't beneficial. I didn't say that. I just said that even the original Game Boy version is pretty easy to play. The sprites are pretty well made. But yes, color is information, and careful application of a greater amount of information is of course better. I'd never argue otherwise. But I can glance and recognize all the sprites on the original version pretty easily. I just don't like when people exaggerate about things like graphics, even Game Boy graphics. Plenty of games, including this one, played pretty darn well.
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>>1039498 >>1040566 >>1041776 >>1041777 >>1042076 I arranged a mockup APNG of Yoshi NES and DS in GB format to compare colors and styles. It's a graphical progression from GB, GB in GBC, the LDX patch, NES, and DS. I don't compare resolution upgrades as character positions would change. My NES style GBC mockup envisions a Yoshi DX. >Your posts are My posts are my chance to get autistic over a childhood game I continue to play. You of all people should relate. >are acting like I said the hack you recommended wasn't beneficial. I didn't say that. I know you didn't. I said "The Game Boy version's colorless which confuses what characters switch to what columns. The Yoshi LDX (SGB Enhanced) patch fixes this." You replied "it's really hard to get confused" with >>1040566, so I detailed how worse palettes, >>1041776, slow my reactions and limit what's possible for me, >>1041777. >I just said that even the original Game Boy version is pretty easy to play. I can glance and recognize all the sprites on the original version pretty easily. The start at stock settings is pretty easy to play, but it's less easy on high speed, in A Type's later levels, when unlucky triple-drops RNG your stack higher, or on high speed, early in B Type's later levels, when you start 5/7 rows high, and you change your plan after an incoming drop. Your average recognition time for those sprites is non-zero frames. Add those, thinking frames, execution frames (character descent continues between imperfect swaps), and input lag (the game's 2 frames, plus hardware polling) to get response time. That limits choices. Faster responders can do more stuff and play better. If someone's response time colorless is over color, they're worse colorless. I am. On Wednesday, to reach and win level 26 took just short of 1 hour. Colorless, I'd be over 1 hour. I'd play more carefully than my GIF >>1041777, or mess stuff up, like my plant reaction at 26 seconds. >I just don't like when people exaggerate about things like graphics, even Game Boy graphics. Plenty of games, including this one, played pretty darn well. I understand people exaggerate the shortcomings of games too much here, and challenging that is good. You correctly challenged c3019f's exaggeration. I didn't exaggerate. "Here's a flaw, here's the fix" isn't exaggerating, it's guiding. "Colorlessness ruins the game" would be exaggerating, "colorlessness confuses decisions" is the truth. Yoshi GB does play well. LDX and NES are better. GB sprites are good, for GB limits. GB's very limited to 4 shades and a small canvas. LDX is GB with better color. NES is LDX with better color and no canvas clutter. They're upgrades, and NES Yoshi's my favorite. >>1039310 >>1039572 >>1042029 I played Yoshi's Cookie, though not GCN's. It's deeper than Yoshi, but I played less of it. That Japanese guy plays better than I do.
>>1041777 >I'm a Euro
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Going to play Chrono Trigger again.
Is there any Switch emulator right now that is not in some way backdoor'd by Nintendo? Will Ryujinx run newer games?
>>1046748 >not in some way backdoor'd Clicking the Yuzu link in the OP, it says telemetry's removed. The Ryujinx link is just a normal Ryujinx and may have telemetry. >Will Ryujinx run newer games? Some with newer firmware but bugs and bad performance don't get developed out.
>>1042642 Is this a CRT or a CRT filter? Leaning "filter," as there's no bubble deform.
gonna download pcsx2 on my m3 mac from my company, wish me lock bros...
>>1046833 Does PCSX2 have the Metal API? Samuel Zubor has been working on a Metal rendering backend for the Cemu Nintendo Wii U emulator.
>>1046833 Go back to cuckchan
>>1046757 >Is there any Switch emulator right now that is not in some way backdoor'd by Nintendo? Depends on your definition of "backdoored", all post-shoah Yuzu and Ryujinx forks removed the pre-shoah telemetry code whereas LDN emulation still remains or got moved from Gaytreon to public repos in Ryujinx' case. Development on both emu lines may have slowed down but is far from inactive, the Ryujinx forks in particular didn't take long to get running thanks to Kiketendo not throwing DMCAs at the source code. >Will Ryujinx run newer games? Eventually provided the fork maintainers aren't retards.
>>1046970 I think Switch emulation is in a good enough place it doesn't really "need" maintainers for it to be usable. That said, I fear Switch emulation will go the way of original Xbox emulation where the projects goes dormant for years before new blood really gets to work. Newer emulators are very difficult pieces of software to engineer and it will take a while for even professional SWEs to learn enough before about any project they can start meaningfully contributing to it.
>>1047354 It'll go back to full overdrive the moment the Switch 2 drops, there's always gonna be the one guy who knows there's money to be made and has the skills to do it, and if he's not a complete dumbass like the Yuzu devs he might get to keep it as well like the Ryujinx devs.
>>1053615 Unmap the functions if you can
Great video on the state of PS4 emulation. The video is a little confusing but some of the games are menu-only, which is why the video skips to another game before any gameplay is shown. It's genuinely shocking how fast things are moving considering PS4 emulation was at a virtual standstill for years.
>>1053615 >>1053616 >and this is on PCSX2 You're fucked.
>>1053778 I might, what games you PCSX2ing?
>>1053886 >recently beat Catherine: Full Body via emulators You're >>1028606 who recently beat Catherine: Full Body via Ryujinx? Did Ryujinx have PCSX2's problem? >I plan on getting around to the Devil May Cry games eventually, and might need to switch controllers Try getting around to the Devil May Cry games on Ryujinx eventually, if Ryujinx didn't have PCSX2's problem.
>>1054017 But you randomly pause on PCSX2 and not Ryujinx?
>>1054036 >Probably going to play Super Mario: Eclipse Looks interesting on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwLPgvgL5Vk If you're going to play I'm requesting screens.
>>1054036 >Yes. But it's only PSCX2 that I have savestates bound to my extra controller buttons Sounds to me like it's just your controller doing some bullshit
The CRT beam effect can now be simulated via a MIT-licensed shader by BlurBusters. A 120Hz+ monitor without any HDR applied (or any full array local dimming) is recommended. There's already a patch submitted for RetroArch, and another version of the algorithm will be released in January. https://archive.md/of2c6
>>1055017 The recommended monitor specs are fucking retarded. Like a $3000 monitor to replicate a $90 CRT.
>>1055017 Who wants the CRT beam effect, though? People want CRT scanline simulation because your imagination fills in the details between the scanlines.
Where do I download clean ROM sets from? By clean I mean the ROMs in their original state, no hacks and translations. I was able to find a couple of ROM sets on the Internet Archive, but they all contain hacks. Nothing against hacks, but I don't want someone's private ROM folder, if I want a particular hack I will patch the ROM myself. I mostly want US and European releases. Japanese ROMs are fine, but I would not be able to understand any of them, so I might as well save on memory. Looking for NES, SNES, PC Engine, Master System, Mega Drive, anything that will run on a MiSTer FPGA.
>>1055241 I don't believe the No-Intro sets are hacked. If I'm not mistaken, that's specifically the point of those sets. archive.org [thwarting link crawlers; remove this] /download/no-intro_romset_collection
>>1055254 The name is misleading, it means it has no "cracktros"; things like vid related. There's history here, during the GBA's life basically all cracking groups would add intros like this to their ROMs. NI was founded to share clean ROMS with no annoying bullshit added.
>>1055057 There's a $400 hardware shader thing that takes and outputs any common input port with pretty good settings to tweak for your actual consoles, along with upscaling.
>>1055308 Common mistake! I thought the same thing at first until I learned its origins. >Ah. That looks gay as shit. You have no idea. This might seem cute to any younger gamers out there who didn't have experience with them first-hand, but these intros were the most frustrating thing. Most cracked ROMs had them, they played every time you booted a game, they were like a minute long, and they were UNSKIPPABLE. Cracktros had always existed, but by the GBA they had gotten unreasonable and the practice fell out of style. The entire No-Intro community formed as a response to these and that arguably killed it.
>>1055308 It is a hack to skip annoying unskippables but unskippables added by hackers. The monkey's funny in a picture or animation but 40 seconds of cracktro per boot would make me want a hunting rifle.
>>1055271 >>1055311 God this shit reminds me of how much I fucking hated the VG warez scene. Adherence to their stupid rules eventually made them irrelevant, do you know scenefags endlessly shit on Empress because he didn't follow their "rules"? Bunch of clout-chasing egotists with terrible opsec who operated inside muh sekrit klubs "uhh you're not relevant enough to be invited to our topsite, sweetie ;^)", I'm so glad that era is largely over and people focus on preservation and free sharing of software now. Oldheads only liked "The Scene" because of nostalgia, if a new crew came to the community and operated the way the warez faggots did they'd be told to fuck off immediately.
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>>1055517 If it's roms op already links most of what's possible to emulate, except playstation 4 and switch. https://r-roms.github.io/
>>1055241 >clean ROMs No-intro for cartridges and downloadable content, Redump for disk images. If you want unclean ROMs for the authentic 1993 Pooropean Amiga experience there's TOSEC.
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Bloodborne plays quite well with the PS4 emulator
>>1055683 If they're going to emulate Bloodborne then they desperately need to improve the broken things while they're at it. To start with >fix the mirror in hunters dream >make all the oath runes work >make that one caryll rune actually avaliable I feel like I'm forgetting something obvious.
>>1055241 >Where do I download clean ROM sets from? No-Intro and Redump, >>1055617 and OP answered best. https://r-roms.github.io looks to link No-Intro and Redump ROM sets.
>>1055697 It's been functional for THREE months, have a little patience anon. There are already a few mods, though most of them are fixes and UI changes. https://www.nexusmods.com/bloodborne
>>1055704 That wouldn't be a terrible idea at all. There's some weapons that you just get way too late, which impacts Bloodborne more than it does most Souls games. I've pondered that question in the past and I came up with some ideas but I never wrote them down so I kind of forgot them. Probably the simplest way to go about it would be to add a special chalice that you can get near the very start that lets you access a custom chalice dungeon that functions as a shop/loot horde.
>>1055697 I don't know what you're talking about, I already defeated Ludwig and so far I haven't encountered any bugs or glitches(Of course I installed a couple of Nexus mods that were supposedly necessary), maybe an occasional random crash/stuttering and since some updates I haven't suffered any more.
>>1055733 He means gameplay and balance mods, the game itself works fine when patched.
>>1055738 >RTX 3070 >250$ Lies >RTX 3070 >Capable of emulating Bloodborne Double lies.
>>1055749 Bloodborne ShadPS4 | RTX 3070 | 1080P 60FPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn517EWlLdc Filtered by sold under 251$ on ebay, many 3070s.
>>1055754 I will never recover from this humiliation. Lewd mods when?
How's Halo 2 running on Xemu nowadays? Did they fix the rendering issues?
>>1055758 You do realize that Halo 2 is on PC.
>>1055792 A surprising percentage of the emulation community play games that were never console exclusive. The Vault reports some of the most popular PS3 downloads being Assassin's Creed IV, NBA 2K16 and Driver: San Francisco.
>>1055801 Retards who play AssCreed and Niggerball are too stupid to realize they're not console exclusive.
>>1055482 Tried Dragonyhm, third NPC was a nigger, dropped. No tolerance for this shit anymore.
>>1055863 You will never play Front Mission 4 then? Also, why does protagonist of Jade Cocoon 2 reminds me of something? Albeit this game is clearly based of Nausicaä.
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>>1055883 picture failed to attach. Not the first time this happens
>>1055863 Do you know if there's a pokemon crystal clear patch to undo actual niggers?
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No, seriously, does this look like someone to you?
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>>1055801 To be fair, there are old games that I'd rather emulate their console versions over bothering with the old PC installers or Windows compatibility issues. Be old point-and-click, platformers or even visual novels.
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I abandoned the great compatibility of Windows for the dogshit compatibility of Linux where many of my games break but emulation's had better stability than Wine, Proton, and anticheat issues so I'm glad for emulation.
>>1055921 He admitted he'll never recover from his humiliation Anon, he's already dead.
>>1055922 Wayland might be what killed linux for me, along with nixOS going woke and doing a hostile takeover of the project from the founding owner. If the amd drivers really were open source then it makes no sense that variable x11 refresh rates on multiple monitors work for windows and not for linux.
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>>1055749 >emulation >being GPU bound RPCS3 runs with a fucking GTX 470
>>1055958 I doubt you could emulate a PS4 on an iGPU
>>1055968 Probably because the package temp would affect the cpu side.
>>1055958 Well, Xenia needs at least a GTX 1060 or something like that, I already checked it because a GTX 1050Ti with Gear of War 2 was going badly for me (less than 30 fps) and then with an RTX 2060 it went to 60 fps without problems and the CPU I had was a 11400F
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There there a place where I can find Sys Modules for PS4? I can't find >libSceFont.sprx >libSceFontFt.sprx >libSceFreeTypeOt.sprx Which are apparently needed for Gravity Rush Remastered.
>>1057140 Are you running in software or hardware mode? Running on high speeds in hardware mode can be unstable. 2x~5x is usually fine though.
>>1057152 >I can't navigate these horrible ad ridden jeet sites and I wouldn't trust a file I got from them anyway. Tolerate those horrible ad ridden jeet sites, trust rar and zip files for extraction, and trust nsp and xci files for launch. Don't trust other extensions. Salt and Sanctuary nsp: https://mega.nz/file/gcF2gYzT#fJESRgSzz9ERqgKRaOXSiCEMuFwDA5hgcsGUvEhEW-k
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. A completed copy of Star Wars: Battlefront III was leaked. It's from one week before it was supposed to go to print, so it's complete. LucasArts didn't release it SOLELY because they couldn't dedicate funding to marketing. For a fucking STAR WARS game. From one of the most popular subfranchises of it. Total bullshit. Anyway, it's only the Wii build, but surely they'll be able to mod in keyboard/mouse support, right? https://hiddenpalace.org/Star_Wars_Battlefront_III_(Nov_21,_2008_Prototype)
>>1058214 >the Wii build Thank God, since Wii's Dolphin has the best emulation of Gen 7. Games at 97.2% playable when RPCS3's 69.5%, games run better, on more devices, at higher FPS, with fewer crashes, and fewer glitches. Dolphin's looked up to by other developers in emulation as a software engineering marvel. Did LucasArts program Battlefront III until it's beatable? I might start Battlefront III if it's beatable. Wii has the most expansive modding scene of Gen 7 too (Brawl modding's really insane) so if unbeatable, autists will patch that.
>>1058258 Dolphin outperforms all dedicated GameCube emulators astronomically, no dedicated GameCube emulator's close. Dedicated GameCube emulators like Gekko and pureikyubu are dogshit next to Dolphin. Dolphin's so good, to emulate N64 some people "emulate an emulator" (Dolphin emulating Wii, Wii emulating N64) and load N64 wads like Wii Shop Channel wads into Dolphin.
>>1058258 >>1058258 >Since the Wii can run GameCube games, does Dolphin outperform any dedicated GameCube emulator? >Dolphin outperforms all dedicated GameCube emulators astronomically, no dedicated GameCube emulator's close. Dolphin IS a dedicated GameCube emulator, that's what it started out being. Wii was added later. It doesn't emulate GameCube games "inside" Wii emulation.
>>1058279 Dolphin started out being a dedicated GameCube emulator but Dolphin's now a GameCube and Wii emulator. f4e115 used dedicated right. Dedicated's definition: >2. exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose The dedicated (exclusive and particular) purpose was GameCube emulation, which became inclusive and nonparticular with Wii emulation.
>>1058282 I meant to add >>1058264 as well, but I did the other post twice on accident. I see what you mean, but he seemed to think that GameCube games were being emulated through the Wii emulation itself, which isn't correct.
>>1058258 >>1058264 >>1058279 >>1058282 >>1058285 Dolphin doesn't emulate GameCube games inside Wii emulation, Dolphin directly emulates GameCube games, but Dolphin emulates pre-GameCube from Wii Shop Channel, like N64 wads, inside emulation, and Dolphin's so good, some people do that instead of directly emulating N64.
>>1058289 Correct.
>>1058287 >seemed to think that GameCube games were being emulated through the Wii emulation I didn't, my emulate inside emulation in >>1058264 was N64 games. N64 wads on Dolphin do emulate inside emulation.
>>1058214 Is it possible to play this game on an actual Wii?
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>>1058313 >Is it possible to play this game on an actual Wii?
>>1058313 Wii U Only
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>>1058313 Yes, with an external drive or SD card for Battlefront. You modify your Wii using an exploit then use the HackMii installer to install BootMii and the Homebrew Channel Follow https://wii.hacks.guide/
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>>1058363 >>1058360 No orders 66 around my fucking watch. t. your worst nightmare moderator (not 8chan moderator)
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>>1058214 >I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. A completed copy of Star Wars: Battlefront III was leaked. Holy shit more star jews, i am gonna blow up myself.
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>Star Jews
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Famidash, the Geometry Dash port, has been out of beta since 10 Oct and on v1.1 since 10 Nov. and may be 2024 GOTY among NES homebrews. It's by kandowontu. He's better known for 200+ SNES Fastrom conversions, Starfox EX, and being the romhackplaza.org manager who makes romhacking.net trannies mad. It has 2 player, and character palette customization, so in my screenshots, I played as a Spurdo Sparde and Gondola fusion. I completed 13 levels from the Play menu on Normal Mode with all coins. The game starts simple but later tests your skill where levels get like Celeste C-Sides. https://github.com/tfdsoft/famidash/releases
>>1058374 This guy meant to be a pope figure, ended up as a jewish stereotype.
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Also have some more stephanie gifs while the at it.
>>1058626 >Also, the emulator refuses to keep a memory card between sessions. It keeps like I saw a bug report about this and someone made a pull request to fix it on their GitHub. I could be wrong though. Also might not have anything to do with your particular issue.
>>1058635 >>1058662 >JMC47 It's likely that only people who have been following Dolphin's development for a long time (over 12 years, in my case) know who that is. :) >>1058670 >You've probably followed it for years by how fiercely you defend and praise every decision. See above.
>>1053718 >>1053731 >Grabity Daze gameplay Do you know what this means? WE EVENTUALLY MIGHT ACTUALLY GET NUDE MODS!!! Too bad I'll probably never have a PC powerful enough to play it.
Is the Parallel-GS renderer any good? t. GPU too old for Vulkan 1.4 by one(1) extension
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>>1053731 >>1058753 >>Grabity Daze
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>>1058378 My favorite's Witch n' Wiz (2021) out on NES, SNES, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
>>1058821 I haven't used Parallel-GS but Parallel-RDP is good and Arntzen says Parallel-GS is similar in spirit.
>>1058955 >Relying on savestates instead of fixing your configuration per >>1058635 Bad idea, upgrading emulators breaks savestates sometimes.
>>1058821 >>1058835 >I haven't used Parallel-GS but Parallel-RDP is good and Arntzen says Parallel-GS is similar in spirit. paraLLEl-RDP being good doesn't make paraLLEl-GS good. paraLLEl-GS is much newer and GSdx has been state-of-the-art for 20 years, paraLLEl-GS probably has a million bugs.
>>1028520 There's an upcoming collaboration between Lime3DS and PabloMK7's Citra fork in OP, called Azahar Emulator, by real programmers. Should be Citra's defintiive successor.
>>1058961 Will it finally be a 3DS emulator that doesn't require me to do random bullshit in order to open a ROM file? Will I be able to just double click the game file and it will open in the application?
>>1058961 >>1058990 "Finally?" It's apparently a Citra fork, Citra's used by 99% of 3DS players, and Citra lets you double click game files and they open in the application. What's with Emulation Megathread in the last few days? It's filling with people lying to shit on Nintendo emulators, presented as questions about Nintendo emulators. Please leave console wars at the door.
>>1058991 Citra's used by 99% of 3DS players emulating 3DS, specifically. Never met a Panda3DS user since Panda3DS compatibility's lower but Panda3DS should let you double click game files to open in the application too.
>>1058991 The only Nintendo emulators I can think of that are actually kind of shit are the N64 ones. Not even that they're inaccurate, but they're all weirdly awkward in their own unique ways. Like fucking Mupen which has no UI.
>>1058991 Could be, could also be ESL communication by someone who won't set up Citra by DLing the AES keys file to the sysdata folder to play encrypted games. Only takes a moment but ESLs are lazy and get impulsively angry at tiny roadblocks. It's also on lazy pirates who share 3DS games encrypted. Myrient (better piracy) has pre-decrypted 3DS games playable without AES keys. https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Decrypted)/
>>1058996 >Not even that they're inaccurate Accuracy was shit before 2015, but good since. Graphics issues were unfucked by gonetz' plugin, and paraLLEl-RDP, which uses Angrylion-Plus as an implementation reference, is state-of-the-art for LLE RDP emulation. >Like fucking Mupen which has no UI. It does, the RMG UI for Mupen was linked by OP and RMG is state-of-the-art: https://github.com/Rosalie241/RMG/releases
>>1058996 That has nothing to do with Nintendo and everything to do with the Nintendo 64. The N64 has an admittedly tiny and mostly underwhelming library, most emudevs would prefer to work on more interesting systems. I can't remember the exact saying, but in the retro community you'll sometimes hear the N64 called something to the effect of "a mediocre console with some of the most important games ever made". What's the point in polishing an emulator when its average user will play maybe five titles on it. >Not even that they're inaccurate For a long time Project64 was the best, and that is saying something. >>1059005 >RMG Not Mupen proper though, that's a GUI/bundle of plugins maintained by others. The core Mupen64Plus team took the unix autist approach and released it as a command line interface.
>>1059007 N64 had few games but far more than five worth time. Its strong games were amazing. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Super Mario 64 still make "greatest games ever" lists today, and there's Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Super Smash Bros, Paper Mario, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Mario Kart 64, Wave Race 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Star Fox 64, F-Zero X, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Sin and Punishment, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Puzzle League, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Party 1, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Kirby 64. Its library was tiny but its peaks were mountainous.
Let's please keep the emulation thread to emulation and not start console comparison wars here.
>>1059009 Your post was strangely aggressive, and wrong, singling out N64 and no other system with "the average user will play maybe five titles on it," next to other N64 put-downs, on a board into older games, in a thread unrelated to your opinion. The average user doesn't play many games on any system, though more than 5. Everyone I knew with N64 owned more than 5, the average owned for PSX and N64 was around the same, and depended on income, not system. Game rentals were common, too. In 2021 those with a Switch owned an average of 28 games according to The State of Switch 2021.
>>1059012 >defensive All he said was that there were good games on the platform and listed them, he didn't call you names or be hostile or anything, and you also called the library "underwhelming".
>>1059015 >>1059016 If you guys came from the index, 7d032e is likely another ID of the same guy who's tried thin veil derailing Emulation Megathread into console wars since the 7th. Let's ignore his bait or he won't stop and will destroy the thread with autism.
>>1059018 https://ootrandomizer.com I've done OoT rando before, randos breathe replayability into older games.
>>1058991 >"Finally?" It's apparently a Citra fork, Citra's used by 99% of 3DS players emulating 3DS, and Citra lets you double click game files and they open in the application. >What's with Emulation Megathread in the last few days? It's filling with people lying to shit on Nintendo emulators, presented as questions about Nintendo emulators. Please leave console wars at the door. To add to my comment, Citra always worked this way. I have used Citra since early builds where you could always double click game files and they'd open in the application. >>1059005 >N64 accuracy was shit before 2015, but good since. Graphics issues were unfucked by gonetz' plugin, and paraLLEl-RDP, which uses Angrylion-Plus as an implementation reference, is state-of-the-art for LLE RDP emulation. The RMG UI for Mupen was linked by OP and RMG is state-of-the-art: https://github.com/Rosalie241/RMG/releases Do you recommend Mupen with RMG for N64 emulation? The console wars guy you quoted repeated and generated new lies about Nintendo emulators to shit up the thread again. Earlier, he answered a post on the wrong samefag, implying a post from "another person" was his. Embarrassed he messed up, he self-deleted >>1059012 that d01f6f quoted.
>>1058958 >paraLLEl-GS probably has a million bugs. One less than GSdx :^) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJ1plCi2dw
>1059142 >Do you recommend Mupen with RMG for N64 emulation? Each N64 emulator has a purpose. For Mupen, yes, use the RMG UI, it's state-of-the-art for Mupen UI. RetroArch with paraLLEl-RDP gets you the most bells and whistles, but RetroArch's learning curve, to some, is steep. Use PJ64 for compatibility with legacy ROM hacks and mods, and the million guides explaining anything and everything. The beg prompt decried by the shitflinging Sony fanboy is easily negated setting [Support Project64] Run Count to -1 in Project64.cfg, or if it fails, skip it with PJ64Launcher, or by running games from the file system. OP suggested simple64 which has VRU support, full LLE boot, accurate CPU/RSP/interrupt cycle, 64DD support, native Vulkan, accurate screen refresh rate, and cloud based netplay, but it's newer and less proven, with higher system requirements than most N64 emulators. >>1059145 >One less than GSdx :^) The bugs will differ because paraLLEl-GS doesn't use GSdx as an implementation reference, but GSdx should have fewer in total, being much older and more proven. paraLLEl-GS, eventually, could pass GSdx. paraLLEl-RDP uses Angrylion-Plus as an implementation reference but PlayStation 2 has nothing as accurate as Angrylion-Plus and GSdx's software renderer isn't bit-wise accurate with real GS hardware.
>>1059019 Waiting on a board/map editor for mario party 4 or newer, currently just for switch but only for moving spaces around.
>>1059305 https://partyplanner64.github.io/ There's PartyPlanner64 for the Mario Party 64 trio. Bet you know, linking for unknowing anons.
>>1059310 Yeah, I'll probably settle for it if super mario party doesn't get one. I really like the dice gimmick from a board game perspective, wonder if theres a mod/hack to allow duplicate character picks or decouple characters from dice by then.
>>1058961 >Should be Citra's defintiive successor. Does it need one? Beyond the development ceasing. I know little about 3DS emulation, but I was under the impression it was developed enough.
>>1059362 Mostly no, it is developed enough, but PabloMK7's Citra fork improves some games, like Luigi's Mansion 2 slowdown.
Has anyone tried PS3 emulation? There are some nice exclusives I missed out on, but I don't want to download a 50GB bluray and find out it's still shit.
>>1059395 What PS3 exclusives that you missed out on might you download?
I'm too lazy to remake the post - does anybody think PS4 emulation will lead to faster PS5 emulation as they're very similar? >>1059395 PS3 works great, though visual glitches are common. I played inFamous last year and the only issues it had were strange artifacts around alpha particles. The only game I've played that's truly broken is Inversion, an obscure shitty third-person shooter. I did see somebody post a video of it working correctly, but I don't know how they did that. Sometimes games will freeze randomly and you need to toy with the driver wake up delay. If you ever used PS2 emulation circa mid 2010s, that's what it's like. The biggest pain in the ass are canary patches, some games (the Ratchet & Clank Future series for example) require custom patches you need to manually add to a .yml file for them to work right. You can find them all on the wiki.
>>1059398 Good to hear. At the very least I know MGS4 works well, there are videos of it running without the PS3-era piss filter and it looks great. I tried emulating MGS3 back in the day and it was visually broken despite being one of the flagship PS2 games.
>>1059397 I don't have a list, but there were a bunch I'd look at on store walls when I was a poorfag and hope to try at one point. The Witch and the Hundred Knight was one of them.
>>1059404 Wikipedia has a good list of PS3 exclusives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_3-only_games I don't think it's exhaustive and it might not count games that were ported to PS4/PS5 later, but it has most western releases. It mostly lacks JP only games.
>>1059404 Here's one you could look at: >>>/v/1034280 >The Witch and the Hundred Knight Avoid the Western release. NISA's localization causes a console-breaking bug. Who knows what it does to emulation.
>>1059406 RPCS3's biggest problem's bad compatibility. Checked 0-9, A, and B exclusives, only half are playable on RPCS3, the rest either can't be finished, have serious glitches, have insufficient performance, or display image but don't make it past the menus. Most exclusives I checked are shit, but from 0-9, A, and B, 3D Dot Game Heroes being broken hurts, because 3D Dot Game Heroes was a good PS3 exclusive. MGS4 should work.
>>1055482 >>1058378 >>1058834 I don't like triple A games, do like indies, and want to try emulator homebrews. Can one of you answer: 1. What homebrews should I try besides these? 2. Is there a review aggregator for homebrews, and where? 3. Where's the most complete homebrew collection for homebrew piracy?
>>1059421 I don't homebrew but, counting ports, homebrew types ported Cave Story to many platforms, like the Sega Genesis and the Nintendo 64.
(1.91 MB 1280x720 shadPS4_4s9ZvfmmkY.png)

It's pretty impressive how Bloodborne is playable through emulation within such a short amount of time, although it still needs fixes against the occasional but sudden vertex explosions and sometimes audio bugs. I'll probably wait a bit more to have the rough edges being polished but at least it's something.
>>1055017 Does this actually work?
>>1055057 Aren't 240hz oled monitors about $200 now?
>>1060296 The absolute shittiest ones maybe.
>>1055017 BlurBuster's CRT beam racing simulator shader was merged into RetroArch on January 5, 2025, since Retroarch 1.20.0. Settings > Video > Synchronization, enable "Shader Sub-frames" that matches your monitor's refresh rate. 120Hz or higher supports BlurBuster's shader.
>>1060299 Shitty in what way, ghosting? The page said no HDR or local brightness should be used, which are the more premium features now. VA panels often get confused with oled, they're in curved monitors because that's how bad the viewing angles are.
>>1060302 Very susceptible to burn-in.
>>1060300 120 hz refresh is the min spec then?
>>1060304 Forgot about that
>>1060305 120Hz will work with BlurBuster's CRT beam racing simulator. It needs tuning based on your specific display, adjust the gamma to eliminate any unusual dark lines and fine-tune brightness and motion clarity. At 120 Hz (2 subframes) use 0.5, at 240 Hz (4 subframes) use 0.7. The shader has advantages over BFI like less flicker, and it works with arbitrary refresh rates. >>1060304 The shader prevents image persistence for flat-panel monitors at risk of it by offsetting cycle timing.
>>1060309 What about all the time you're not using the shader?
>>1060304 I had an OLED smartphone for 6 years that never got burn-in.
>>1060304 Modern OLED seem to be quite a bit better about that than the earliest ones, or so I've heard. I still can't afford anything like that nonsense on any of my devices, so I wouldn't know. I do know that I never bought plasma displays because of burn-in and just waited with my CRTs until LCD became cheap enough instead.
>>1059185 >but GSdx should have fewer in total, being much older and more proven. paraLLEl-GS, eventually, could pass GSdx. Gonna have to be honest with you anon, so far I've not found any noticeable bug with ParaLLEl-GS besides ones that could reasonably be from core issues like Z fighting, despite testing my full catalog of "Shit that was broken forever in PCSX2".
>>1028520 Anyone got direct rom links for most Switch roms without ads and wait times?
>>1062910 Not direct but to waste the least time, https://fitgirl-repacks.site/all-switch-emulated-repacks-a-z/ has small repacks.
>>1062912 Thanks but it's only like 100 popular roms missing some I want, got a bigger list of direct rom links?
When I was cleaning a drawer, I found an old 3ds. How good is emulation on it? Is there an "idiots guide to emulation"?
>>1068600 It's perfect for NES, Game Boy Family, Genesis, & DS. Haven't tested Game Gear or TG-16 to comment performance, I don't forsee them having performance issues. SNES games worked but, IIRC, SuperFX games had slowdowns when emulating them on the original 3DS, whereas it had no problems on the New 3DS. That was years ago though when I used bubble2k16's ports of PicoDrive, Snes9x, & VirtuaNES. Now you can use a tool called New Super Ultimate Injector to add the roms as CIAs. I cannot vouch for it playing SuperFX games better as I haven't played the 3DS since then.
>>1068600 >How good is emulation on 3ds? To install emulators you install custom firmware and custom firmware should run DS and 3DS free and without an emulator, so don't emulate those. 3DS hardware like dual screens and touch support make 3DS great for DS, that plus motion makes 3DS great for 3DS. 3D also makes 3DS supreme for Virtual Boy emulation. >Is there an "idiots guide to emulation"? There's 3DS Hacks Guide, a complete guide to 3DS custom firmware from stock to boot9strap, and 3DBrew, a wiki dedicated to homebrew on the Nintendo 3DS, with 1362 articles. https://3ds.hacks.guide/ https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Main_Page These are the homebrew exploits you can execute on a previously un-exploited system. https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Exploits Homebrew games and ports, like 2048, Minecraft, Breakout, Cookie Clicker, Portal, Quake, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Flappy Bird, World of Sand, and Diablo 1. https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Applications#Games Emulators, I recommend RetroArch. https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Applications#Emulators Downloading, installing, and updating RetroArch for 3DS. https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-3ds2ds/
>>1068609 >>1068612 Thanks! This is a silly question, but will it still be able to do streetpass?
>>1068618 >will it still be able to do streetpass? Yeah, you just wouldn't be able to get the extra puzzle pieces or buy the extra games. Spotpass was also shut down last April. Pretendo should be able to revive some of those features.
>>1068600 >How good is emulation on it? You'll be able to emulate all handhelds preceding the DS, and fourth gen systems and below (Though SNES and Sega CD are temperamental, haven't had any success with PCECD). >Is there an "idiots guide to emulation"? Absolutely do not use any of the RetroArch releases. >>1068621 > you just wouldn't be able to get the extra puzzle pieces Yes, and no. The Streetpass internet service is shut down, but you can still receive puzzle pieces through passing by other people. Though good luck finding anyone. Despite still carrying my 3DS around, but I constantly have the wireless disabled for the purposes of extending the battery life.
>>1068612 >Emulators, I recommend RetroArch. https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Applications#Games I don't just "recommend it," it's objectively superior. It's still undergoing rapid development while half the others in that list were last updated in 2015 and 2016, nearly a fucking decade ago. It's a general emulator with 226 official emulation cores, and more unofficial emulation cores, for different platforms: https://docs.libretro.com/guides/core-list/ And it's way more feature-complete than the other 3DS ports of emulators, which mostly lack: >Advanced GPU shader support – A multi-pass post-processing shader pipeline to allow efficient usage of image scaling algorithms, emulation of complex CRT, NTSC video artifacts and other effects; >Dynamic rate control to synchronize video and audio while smoothing out timing imperfections; >FFmpeg recording – Built-in support for lossless video recording using FFmpeg's libavcodec; >Gamepad abstraction layer called Retropad; >Gamepad auto-configuration – Zero-input needed from the user after plugging gamepads in; >Peer-to-peer netplay that uses a rollback technique similar to GGPO; >Audio DSP plugins like an equalizer, reverb and other effects; >Advanced savestate features – disabling SRAM overwriting, etc.; >Button overlays for touchscreen devices like smartphones; >Thumbnails of game box art; >Low input and audio lag options; >Automatically build categorized playlists by scanning directories for games/ROMs; >Multiple interfaces including: CLI, XMB (optimized for gamepads), GLUI/MaterialUI (optimized for touch devices), RGUI and Ozone (available everywhere); >Game ROM scanner – Automatically constructs playlists by comparing the hashsums of a directory's files against databases of hashsums of known good game copies; >Libretro database of cores, games, cheats, etc.; >Vulkan API support; >Run-ahead – Hide the input lag of emulated systems by using both savestates and fast-forwarding; >Achievement tracking – Integration with the RetroAchievements service to unlock trophies and badges; >AI service – Uses machine translation external services to translate game text on screen.
>use RetroArch bro Squarepusher go away
https://ares-emu.net/news/ares-v142-released Ares got an update with some good improvements.

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