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Space Marine 2 and 40k thread Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 10:04:26 Id: 24e569 No. 1033135
Space Marine 2 magnet [DODI repack] - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d514e812ab7cb3436286b5c1bf654f7c88044a6b FoV mod - https://github.com/St1ckys/SpaceMarine2FovChanger Disable depth of field, vignettes and other stuff - https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40000spacemarine2/mods/29 Space Marine 2 sold quite well, about 3M copies and has sizable concurrent players. Last thread anons talked about how Rogue Trader was also a good entry and future 40k titles
>>1033135 Previous thread >>1011473
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And dont forget darktide, we also talked about darktide and how fun it is right now.
>>1033140 Darktide sux
I'm a janklord who loves weird shit like EYE and Pathologic, with that in mind would I like Necromunda: Hired Gun? I've heard people say the game is shit but that always comes down to "it's not polished".
>>1033156 Why do you think that?
>>1033160 Watch some gameplay and a couple reviews. From what I've seen the shooting is pretty linier and the guns kind of boring. Though the level and art design are on point from what I've seen, but yes also it can be buggy with one or two game breakers.
>>1033135 >Rogue Trader was also a good entry One of the best CRPGS I've played in a long while.
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>>1033261 I'm genuinely surprised at it. I never got to play the original computer RPGs because of my age and now they are too jank for me. The modern CRPG are all some weird wishy washy shit with both shit combat and weak setting that I can't immerse myself in. Owlcat had to gain black marks from me because I fucking hated the Pathfinder games. This is the first CRPG I feel I can sit down and play till the sun goes up.
This board can still produce some kek worthy shit from time to time.
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>>1033310 It's been a while since I did any OC, and thought this be a funny bit.
>>1033140 is that an ogryn with a god damn bolter ?! Still having a lot of fun with my pickaxe
>>1033160 most unwieldy game I've ever played, hope you like getting downed by stray shots. It's around 5 euros or dollars in key sites so it might be worth checking out.
>>1033502 Hey, if we go by Lore, Ogryns shouldnt be using anything more complex than a shotgun. And currently im trying to master the crusher like an anon sugested after i got doen with the thunder hammer, im also mastering the braced autogun (its so good now!) and saving up melkbucks to buy perfect versions of the next weapon y decide to master to be able to be competitive with it until i get anywhere with the blessings.
>>1033508 The Ogryns in Darktide canonically have had the BONE treatment, making them able to do much more menial tasks
>>1033512 Bullshit, theres dialogue of ogryns talking ot each other about getting it in the future.
>>1033523 Alright well there's definitely some Ogryn archeotypes in Darktide where they complain about their BONE implants tingling or them remarking how glad they are they got it.
>>1033508 Ogryns are able to wield things above a shotgun. it's not like he's using a katana I was probably the one that shilled the crusher on the previous thread. Slaughterer and Skullcrusher right? I'll try the autogun but I can't let go of the bolt pistol it's so good rn.
>>1033554 >Slaughterer and Skullcrusher right? Yeah mang >I'll try the autogun but I can't let go of the bolt pistol it's so good rn. I know, i mastered, its so, soooo good. Right now i mastered the autopistol, and got a braced autogun so i decided to go for it, and boy, it trully is a space AK.
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>>1033310 >Lynox xenomixing tips
>>1033556 I'll try that one then for my vet I need to find something to click heads, for some reason the hellbore stab got fucked and doesn't flow as good as before If you're EU we could one day play together, even US but I'd have to play ogryn for 0 aim
>>1033617 >I need to find something to click heads Oh, then thats not the one, use the headhunter/Vigilus autogun since that one is more like the DMRof the game, the braced autogun is for you to dig your heels, aim, and just let it rip against an uncoming wave of maulers, youll probably drop one or two and stun the rest while the rest of the party killes them. >If you're EU we could one day play together, even US but I'd have to play ogryn for 0 aim Yeah im EU, i normally play on US east coast to meet halfway with my buddies (with massive ping).
>>1033623 nta but I am a pro veteran player (by my own opinion) and I'm down to play whenever. Just keep in mind I am in the US West
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>>1033648 I handle myself fine in Heresy but have a harder time in damnation, and cant get past low intensity auric.
>>1033670 I can only play Auric Damnation now since everything else feels easy in comparison. But I have a hard time finding teammates who don't get downed or die during Auric missions. I'd be fine training you, though. I don't play Zealot but the melee concepts are basically the same wherever, right?
>>1033670 >Playing as a woman
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>>1033767 The original plan was to play a repentia sister, but there were no cool cosmetics that fit the bill.
>>1033767 >not playing the female variant of the batshit crazy preacher of the Emperor's word
>>1033772 I play the scottish one that yells, and made her tiny, hence screechina. I like the concept of a tiny, loud woman going around whacking heretics with eviscerators, tunder hammers, and other fuckhueg melee weapons.
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>>1033774 Nigger
>>1033648 >>1033623 I guess if it's not auric maelstrom and I don't play vet I can also play in the mutt servers. My fs code is 1380992169. I'll take this beaut for a ride
>>1033310 Gurilyman approved.
>>1033310 Wait is this mocking Linus Tech Tips?
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>>1033922 Yes. There was an image that combined these 2 images, but I can't find it.
>>1033310 >>1033922 >>1033924 >Some autist made a fucking 40k shitpost version about Human-Eldar race mixing to mock Linus Why is it that Grimdark fags like 40k tards of all people have such amazing senses of humor?
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>>1033924 all I got is this one
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>tfw no abhuman gf
>>1034080 >those shaven monkey feet This is the most disgusting shit I have seen in a good decade. I am perturbed.
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>>1034080 Dear god I want to give that hobbit the mating press of her life. Also can someone tell me what the communications agent in the bottom right is supposed to be? Never seen that kinda mutant. >>1034086 >He lets some weird feet keep him from fucking ratling GF. Weak.
>>1034080 That guy does horrid guro art of those cute guardswomen.
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>>1034080 I'm not sure what that long limed woman and the small creature next to her are supposed to be and I assume the one on the far right is an imperial psyker that's been somewhat lobotomized.
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>>1034103 From the left >Psyker >Beast(wo)man >Ratling >Ogryn >Felinid >”Voidborn” (possibly an abhuman called a Longshank) >Navigator >Nightsider
>>1034103 Long limbed woman must be a spacer. Not the 40k term I think but I can't remember the proper term. People who pilot imperial warships and spend all their time on the ships have a tendency to develop strange mutations. Long limbs must be because of the constant low gravity environment. Left is a psyker, the pale woman on the right is a navigator. people who navigate ships through the warp. >>1034112 >Voidborn Thank you that was the term. >Nightsider Been a fan of 40k since 2010 and I still find new shit every other day.
>>1034080 This guy's artstyle is kind of gross to be honest. Not badly drawn, but unpleasant to look at even for characters which aren't supposed to be ugly.
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>>1034132 I kinda like it in a weird way
>>1034132 You really think so? I think its kinda cute. It would be a lot cuter if I didn't know he drew gore but oh well.
>>1034136 Anon many artists draw some fucked shit, not to sound edgy but his is relatively tame to some of the shit I've seen in my time.
>>1034144 I know, I have seen way worse stuff too. Still just annoys me. I really shouldn't be but I am always disappointed when I see a great drawing from an artist, only to find out that everything else they draw is horse cocks and dogfucking.
>>1034148 It's unfortunate.
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>>1034144 He drew an armageddon steel legionary getting gored by an ork,, disemboweled like a pig, eaten, and then greatchings kicking her head around like a football, thats pretty bad if you ask me.
>>1034170 It's bad but unfortunately I've seen even worse and, I've become desensitised
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>>1034170 I found the art that you mentioned, the fifth image was not what I expected. Also found out that she had a friend that was a Death Korps of Kreig that got mutated into a demon of Nurgle.
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>>1034181 Follow up.
>>1034170 Realistic fate. Life in the Guard isn't very kind.
>>1034170 Why am I not surprised?
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>>1034187 Of course, and Orks do eat humans, still offputting to see horrid things happen to cute characters. >>1034190 Theres something about guro artists and cute characters, man.
>>1034191 Take it easy!
>>1034144 >>1034191 Mental illness has proliferated throughout the twitter artist community. One of the reasons why I don't "follow" many myself, the other is that I don't use twitter so keeping a list of twitter artists and putting their usenames into nitter whenever I want to see their more recent art is a pain.
>>1034115 Nightsiders (and felinids as far as I know) don't even have any official art. The abhumans with the most attention are the ratlings and ogryns. I don't personally count Navigators and Psykers though they are technically abhumans as well. You could technically count beastmen since they are holdovers from Warhammer Fantasy, though.
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>>1034183 >>1034181 Is this also the guy who does the chaos mutated girls who all have implied sad backstories?
>>1034268 Let's not even get started on why they allow Rogue Traders to exist.
>>1034269 They have a paper signed by the Emperor, the fuck are the high lords going to do about it?
>>1033135 >webm A darkie space marine? I thought they're all about genetic excellence.
>>1034268 >Armageddon Well it's allowed to keep existing because of the Mechanicus. It was suppose to be destroyed like 10,000 years prior but the Cog Boys teleported it light years away and gave it a new name and back story because it has ancient tech on it.
>>1034261 When you really think about it The imperium should have way more mutants. 1000 worlds with radically different climates should spur on radically different kinds of humans. Especially since the Imperium has been around for a good 10k years. Could be small stuff like people on ice planets being taller or some archipelago planet having people with webbed feet. Holy Terra doesn't even have water on it anymore but somehow the humans there haven't developed some mutation because of it.
>>1034320 Abhumans are older than the Imperium, and there really are a whole lot of mutants, the imperium just purges the unstable strains. Theres lore implications that 40k humans are not even exactly like us but that at some point humanity was genetically modified to be hardier when colonizing space but that also makes them more volatile genetically.
>>1034320 The good god emperor fearing people of the imperium are kept in perpetual homeostasis by his divine will.
>>1034193 it's more akin that shock value sells. Your brain is wired to hate negative sentiment and to fight against the recipient of that (remnant of our survival instinct where a suspect bush could hide something ready to rip out your throat). Advertisers and people yearning for your attention understood that and now use bad feelings because it has the biggest probability to catch your interest
>>1034369 I'd be pissed too if I found that my brother fucked a knife ear xenos.
>>1034380 That joke got stalled since the first time it got uttered
>>1034395 >That joke got stalled Is this zoomer lingo or some regional slang?
>>1034380 The fact a chunk of 40kfags get so personally offended by these memes. Is hilarious within of itself.
>>1033261 The game is a bit wonky and needs updates for several party members plots. But I still enjoyed my 200 hours with it.
>>1034405 Currently in the DLC.
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>>1034397 I'm guessing he's a vile phone-poster and that was autocorrected from "stale".
>>1034402 >chunk of 40kfags Without asking i know who you talking about.... the grimdank niggers. They barely pass as 40k fans. Most of them are tourists from twatter, flooding and invading the hobby. They proudly celebrate the fact how they never read or watched any 40k content beside the memes, and openly hate the Emperor with passion. They unironically want female space marines, speard misinformations about the lore for shit and giggles, Most of the fag and tranny porn also comes from them. The whole "community" (if you really want to call that fucking rainbow cultist cabal a community) is a festering and bleeding wound on 40k and sooner ore later will lead to "disney marvelization" ofn the whole fucking hobby.
>Speaking of mossacannibalis Apparently /r/girmdark took offense to his art and edited it, when brought to his attention. He tried to intervene to get it taken down, but the faggots at /r/girmdark banned mention of him. https://archive.ph/KWCDb https://archive.ph/xY741 https://archive.ph/5DBAk
>>1034498 Grimdank unironically praise/d a pedophile called Archon of Flesh. The deranged faggot posted femboys, torture porn and gore porn with minors and grimdank formed a little cult arround this tranny trash. When people with spine doxxed the vile shit grimwankers made a site wide tempertantrum technically leading to the rise of r/horusgalaxy. The 8chan-like bad boy of reddit, which the grimwankers desperately trying to remove from the platform. Like i said shit is wild over the house of 40k!
>>1034502 What a train wreck! Please tell me more as I've mostly kept to my friends or /tg/ for, my 40k autism.
>>1034498 What the hell are wrong with these people? They are offended over the tamest bullshit around.
>>1034523 I don't get it. Aren't they familiar with 40k's background material at all? Orks are fucking horror monsters if you look past "ork perspective" stories where they are portrayed as cockney chavs. From the pov of any other species an ork invasion is not much different from a tyranid incursion. Possibly worse because tyranids will just eat you instead of what orks will do.
>>1034495 Nigger, it's reddit, what did you expect? They're probably in the same camp as the faggots in r/Sigmarxism. The other corral of Warhammer adjacent retards.
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Hey remember the time Chaos and The Imperium both built a pair of cool boats so they could have awesome naval battles against each other? Also I'm pretty sure Chaos sort of ripped off Final Fantasy 8.
>>1034498 >>1034502 >>1034523 >>1034535 >grimdank >pretending the settings doesn't use soldiers as meatshields >pretending the imperium doesn't have the mantra/Battle Cry of: Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean; and the equally known "Fear The Alien. Hate The Alien. Kill The Alien." Barring the foremost left and right all these faggots are expendable and even the left doesnt get that much of a stay of execution if heresy is suspected. Imagine thinking you have a moral high ground on imaginary bullshit purity when you engage in all of that >>1034536 I expect the capability of self reflection and not engaging in double think. Everyone and I mean everyone from author to enjoyer should be shot in the back of the head by a real Commisar if they employ this ideological purity bullshit Everyone's hands are dirty
>>1034538 No, but I know it's canon the Orks built a submarine at one point.
>>1034543 This is a setting where not killing the other race on sight is seen as an act of treachery, the fucking High lords think Guilliman is the anti Emperor, for having an alliance with some of the Eldar. In Rogue Trader having Yrliet part of the party is barely barely tolerated, a fucking Rogue Trader who can do whatever he wants has to tip toe because the racism is that bad. But fucking reddit wants to cry over >Scum >Grox cum bag >Cunt On a fucking mutant! Go fuck off in a pit of razor blades reddit. >>1034553 I thought it was a flying Spacehulk?
Isn't Trench Crusaders also full of pozzed Redditors?
>>1034569 Yes the creators are huge reddit fedoras and the fanbase is trying to astroturf the game HARD.
>>1034570 What a shame.
>>1034570 Got some proof?
>>1034573 The shitshow with the discord and how much sjws are propping it up, but I will look for some caps of the discord shit and other drama.
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>>1034574 >Discord Anon, even the most based and redpilled shit is filled with faggots if that platform is involved.
>>1034576 The creators hired sjws mods and got butthurt over people being pro religion in a game where, demons are trying to rape murder humans to death.
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I was looking and this isn't really looking great.
>>1034581 Leftists have no standards.
>>1034582 If they did mankind would ironically solve problems. I would look at them and go, well theres a faggot that practices what he preaches. But they never do
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>>1034579 Yea, they defended that and this is the official discord, forgive me for the lack of achieves it's been nearly six months. >>1034584 >How dare the artists make grimdark shit like the goat girl being a cum dump Yet what goes on in Commorragh on a slow day would make that Goat whore's worst days seem like sunshine and rays.
>>1034588 The Kickstarter is gaining half a million dollars and defectors from GW.
>>1034589 Time will tell if they gain market-share.
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>>1034588 Senechal, requisition a goatcumdump at the nearest opportunity.
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>>1034591 How beastly do you want your Emprah loving beastman girl?
>>1034591 Senechal! Inform Cassia she is to enter my chambers once the Goatwoman arrives, I desire surf and turf tonight.
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>>1034593 >dogmatic: as long as it's a girl that can make me a sanctioned sandwich >herekek: surprise me >iconocuck: ...it doesn't have to be a girl
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>>1034578 Being pro-religion in 40k is missing the point. Religions in 40k are supposed to be psychotic. The Emperor is a corpse who feeds on a thousand souls per day and whose plan is nothing but eternal war. How he is any different from Khorne or Gork and Mork is intentionally unclear. The Omnisiah is a technology-blocking anti-life body horror factory. The Chaos gods are the only deities who offer change, but the change they offer is ridiculously bloody annihilation. The Eldar's great failure was in creating a god. Religion is just about the most disastrous force in the 40k universe. That has always been the point of the story.
>>1034598 I'm talking about Trench Crusade.
>>1034598 But isn't it the point that the old relgions were keeping Chaos at bay because all that faith directed towards Jesus or Muhammad and not the chaos gods explicitly kept them weak and benign (In as much as Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch existed back then, and no Slaanesh since the Eldar hadn't fallen yet.) And the Emperor's fedora tipping Crusade actually made things worse in that regard? Also, Lorgar and the Word Bearers were more a cautionary tale about blind faith, and how zealots who lose their faith in one thing will always become zealots for something else, usually the opposite of what they initially believed. I don't think "religion bad" was the point any more than being a "parody of authoritarianism" or whatever else people claim was the "point" of the setting.
>>1034598 The current Imperial dogma is directly derived from the Book of Lorgar which the Emperor personally forbade and which morphed over the millenia of war economy and being surrounded on all sides by enemies as well as being further morphed by corrupt and power hungry such as Vandire. Also potentially everyone being a traitor. You can't really blame big E for the status quo. >technology-blocking anti-life body horror factory As opposed to the shit dark mechanicum pull? Yeah, I think it's preferable. Or should we all hold hands, equip our own HALO device and turn into cannibalistic space roaches while raising chattel in daemonculaba 2.0? >Eldar's great failure was in creating a god And here they are, going at it again with Ynnari. >That has always been the point of the story <fedora tipper perspective on 40k >How he is any different from Khorne or Gork and Mork is intentionally unclear Outright retardation, this. Even the most fanatical (sanctioned) death cults or the most militant ordos or chapters don't promote indiscriminate skullfucking. G&M don't give a shit about anything other than fucking. I don't recall orks ever having built museums, hospitals or tried to change things for the better. Big E for all the good that did him wanted to take the chaos out of the equation and provide more lebensraum for his people. I can't blame him for that.
>>1034538 this reminded me that i always thought that 40k was a bit bare in the naval battle department
>>1034498 Only Reddit could be this stupid.
>>1034610 Fantasy was always the one that had naval combat with Man O' War/Dreadfleet. Reminder in that setting the Dwarfs have aircraft carriers that launch zeppelins. Pre-Age of Sigmar, by the way.
>>1034598 how the god of the tau going?, i always thought i was a pic related(custom made, https://files.catbox.moe/7pzxm7.svg if you want to fiddle with it, this site ain't kind to svg files) kind of situation with the RGB being the OG immaterium gods & the CMY being the immaterium gods brought about by specific races/group in the materium(for fantasy the great horned rat would be gray and grouped with the CMY(im fairly certain), while the decanonized malal would be black 'n white and (perhaps) grouped with the RGB(extraneous head canon on top of all my color-based head canon malarkey))
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>>1034598 how the god of the tau going?, i always thought i was a pic related(custom made, https://files.catbox.moe/7pzxm7.svg if you want to fiddle with it, this site ain't kind to svg files) kind of situation with the RGB being the OG immaterium gods & the CMY being the immaterium gods brought about by specific races/group in the materium(for fantasy the great horned rat would be gray and grouped with the CMY(im fairly certain), while the decanonized malal would be black 'n white and (perhaps) grouped with the RGB(extraneous head canon on top of all my color-based head canon malarkey)) yes, i posted many times because im retarded
>>1034618 oh, and i forgot to mention that as i have them on the diagram the chaos gods form a sort of 4-crawed "evil" hand-thing while emps and t'vidu stand "shoulder to shoulder" as the "good" gods, as well as the factoid that if we take into account that the color receptor distributuon in our eyes is 50% green, 25% red and 25% blue we get that from (aparent) lightness, colors go: black=0%, red & blue=25%, green & magenta=50%, yellow & cyan=75% and white=100%, shit's additive with the receptors, hence magenta, yellow & cyan being what they are, as for gray, it can vary, but for the rat let's set it at 50%, which makes it kind of tie-in with fantasy's death of slaanesh making 2 gods at 50 instead of 3
>>1034498 I looked at mossacannibalis guy and he makes pretty tame stuff. Its cool I guess
>>1034639 /our/ gal.
>>1034642 wait, he also does abusive and borderline guro stuff. So he's only targeted because of that meatshield pic and not being archeron of flesh who also posted lot of abusive "undertones" and homo shit and grimdank celebrated him for years
>>1034584 My Daily Life With the Abhuman Regiment
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>>1034594 >>1034595 Do not engage Cassia in heretical behaviour! Glad to know i wasnt the only one that picked the navyman.
>>1034502 this archon of flesh dude definitely looks like a uwu im a softie femboy with grooming abuse discord kittens. He was playing eceleb attention whore in r/grimdank. So he's connected popular artist with mods and terminally online discord fatties till he was outed as a standard pedo with preference for minor femboys.
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>>1034658 I edited the default negroid instead
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>>1034615 >>1034610 >this reminded me that i always thought that 40k was a bit bare in the naval battle department Aye!
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>>1034644 >wait, he also does abusive and borderline guro stuff. It's not borderline at all. He also does loli, too. There's multiple galleries of his stuff on sadpanda. >So he's only targeted because of that meatshield pic I don't believe the narrative that they're crucifying him over the beastman being a former fuckslave or what have you. We're talking about a setting that has rape monsters that will violate your body, mind, soul, and corpse ala Slaanesh and those niggers go on a moral crusade against something as innocuous and tame as slavery in comparison? No, there's no way these mentally ill degenerates lazer focused onto that without a reason. The artist must have slighted them aka did nothing for them to go on a crusade against them; it was real in their mind tier mental illness. Honestly, them editing mossa's picture to pass off as their own seems more likely the reason for their lashing out. It's common for those niggers to act out like that when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
>>1034588 Pathetic
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>>1034602 >But isn't it the point that the old relgions were keeping Chaos at bay because all that faith directed towards Jesus or Muhammad and not the chaos gods explicitly kept them weak and benign (In as much as Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch existed back then, and no Slaanesh since the Eldar hadn't fallen yet.) I do not remember much pre-Crusade lore, but I do recall it being said that the reason for the Immaterium being as bloodthirsty and crazy as it is was that it reflected the character of the material world, which is why Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeench became the greatest of the warp gods in the first place. The Emperor's crusade of world-destroying galactic conquest significantly accelerated the Ruinous Powers despite the Emperor's supposed intentions. >Also, Lorgar and the Word Bearers were more a cautionary tale about blind faith, and how zealots who lose their faith in one thing will always become zealots for something else, usually the opposite of what they initially believed. >I don't think "religion bad" was the point any more than being a "parody of authoritarianism" or whatever else people claim was the "point" of the setting. All the religions in 40k are bad. It's not making a statement about the real world like some art house cinema, but it does come down pretty hard on the idea of organized religion within its setting. It's religious institutions and figures are drawn from things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, witch hunts, and god-emperors--the worst examples from real religious history taken to absurd extremes. You definitely don't find any Mother Theresa-types in 40k. >I don't think "religion bad" was the point any more than being a "parody of authoritarianism" or whatever else people claim was the "point" of the setting. 40k does not appear to be anti-authoritarian as any kind of point, since being anti-authoritarian in the universe tends to lead a person to becoming a psychotic daemonhost. On the point of authority v. freedom, the 40 universe takes the position that you're fucked either way you go. Religion, though... it is none to kind to that idea. >>1034607 >The current Imperial dogma is directly derived from the Book of Lorgar which the Emperor personally forbade and which morphed over the millenia of war economy and being surrounded on all sides by enemies as well as being further morphed by corrupt and power hungry such as Vandire. Also potentially everyone being a traitor. You can't really blame big E for the status quo. Given how the Primarchs came about and then came to their split, you absolutely can blame the Emperor for the status quo. He may have been fightan Chaos, but he did so in the most self-defeating way possible. >As opposed to the shit dark mechanicum pull? Ah yes, another lovely 40k religion. >And here they are, going at it again with Ynnari. They never learn. >Outright retardation, this. Even the most fanatical (sanctioned) death cults or the most militant ordos or chapters don't promote indiscriminate skullfucking. Yeah, theirs is just a little bit discriminatory and thorough just to be on the safe side. >I don't recall orks ever having built museums, hospitals or tried to change things for the better. They don't need to change things for the better; they are having a good time. >>1034618 >how the god of the tau going? The T'au are such a weird outlier. They never fit well into the setting, but then I suppose that was their purpose--to be a kind of isekai.
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<<1034498 >some gurofag seething about being banned on leddit Okay? >>1034644 >>1034667 This is awful, please stop posting it.
>>1034706 That's real convenient selective memory of what you remember and bitch about, and what you don't remember and dismiss as irrelevant. Amazingly enough the same cherry picking bullshit is applied to what's kosher destruction and what's not. Almost as if you're a shitposting, lorelet baiting, vpn hopping, (1) rat cocksucker with a chip on his shoulder over irl religion because mommy dearest chopped the tip of his schlong off. Keep your crap out of my hobby bud.
>>1034607 >The current Imperial dogma is directly derived from the Book of Lorgar which the Emperor personally forbade Because Emperor is a colossal retard. The Emperor is the root cause of the Horus Heresy, Erebus merely seized Lorgar's moment in the darkest hour... A darkest hour that would not have happened if the Emperor, if he had even a fraction of the prefrontal cortex, had put Lorgar in the place of a propagandist/preacher who would spread the word of the Emperor, allowing the Imperium to subjugate worlds through diplomacy alone, saving military resources only for battles with xenos. <B-But the Imperial Truth!.. ...is a lie. This lump of horseshit writing was trying to prove that the universe works according to the precepts of logic and science, when the Emperor was well aware of Chaos. tl;dr Emperor is a fucking retard.
>>1034729 The fuck are you doing on reddit to begin with? Id tell them to go suck on my dense chode, but the faggots would probably enjoy that.
>>1034727 While we are on the subject on the Emperor. How do you guys feel about the idea that the heresy was inevitable? That something was always going to happen? Personally I think it is bullshit. In an alternate universe where the emperor was a perfect father one of his sons would have to just randomly turn around and go "I LOVE MURDER I LOVE RAPE I LOVE DICKROT I LOVE THE UNITED NATIONS" . That is just not how humans work.
>>1034736 He would eventually have gotten rid of the space marines and shittier primarchs like he did the thunder warriors.
>>1034736 When you're talking about the scale of time 40k is working on, there probably would have eventually been some kind of heresy. All it takes is one crazy motherfucker to convince a lot of people and suddenly you're in a civil war. Events like the Horus Heresy have happened real life with religious schisms, the most bizarre instance being the Taiping Rebellion. Get off of 8chan right now and look that up, perhaps the strangest war in history.
>>1034741 I may not like his guro shit, but atleast im not going around "correcting" his works and calling him a creep. If redditors are here, do a flip, faggots.
>>1034740 I know about the taiping. I was thinking more about the primarchs turning traitors.
>posts deleted because its "drama" Wtf? That was drama?? We're making fun of redditors and sjw pearl clutchers infesting 40k. The same guys who are pushing female ultramarines and trannys in 40k, especially after Space Marine 2's success. Every thread in here is making fun of sjws and redditors mark. Metaphor thread, veilguard thread is nothing but politics and screeching. But somehow you think we're causing "drama" and targeting someone? Restore the posts mark you stupid fuck.
>>1034767 Alright fine, but don't bitch to me about MUH REDDIT later
>>1034769 >don't bitch to me about MUH REDDIT later >when the same topic still up in gg thread >when veilguard thread is nothing twitter screencaps and review outrage We 40k fans are made of tougher mettle, we can outshit reddit
>>1034771 I know, I already restored it. thank you Codexx.
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>>1034740 You hopped yet gaylord?
>>1034771 >We 40k fans are made of tougher mettle, we can outshit reddit
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>>1034771 >We 40k fans are made of tougher mettle, we can outshit reddit
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>>1034719 >blah blah mah hobby Kill your autistic self, faggot. >>1034736 Didn't Fulgrim do something kind of like that? Some of the Primarch's reasons for turning to Chaos were pretty stupid. >>1034740 And you have to think that he knew what would happen when he divided the responsibility for an empire up among siblings. Of course they are going to fight each other.
Back onto a more 40k related topic I really wish there was more fluff on the abhumans. I think a story set around a conglomeration of abuhuman regiments near to some sort of chaos corrupting macguffin would be fun. I suppose they could just use the eye of terror again but that just seems trite at this point.
>>1034788 The eye of Terror doesn exist anymore, theres te great rift though.
>>1034750 I imagine that was inspired by some of the treachery within the Roman Praetorian Guards, but I do think the whole "actually becoming mass murdering flesh monsters sounds good" is not well done. They wanted a heresy to happen so they forced it to happen. >>1034772 >I already restored the reddit drama for what purpose
I just don't want them going the route of the squats where lazy right takes precedence and they just go "look they were space dwarfs all along" and they even kept the ancestor worship in the form of AI cores. >>1034789 I just meant a location that's had enough corruption over a period of time for these abhuman societies to develop over a long period.
>>1034791 >lazy right god my brain is mush lazy writing.
>>1034791 >>1034792 >lazy writing Wasn't it an april fools joke, which turned out to be too profitable to not bank on it? Also the concept of the Votann aren't bad, it actually has some great potential with the whole AI overlords from the AoT. Current Empire is so fucking beaten its already handwaves shit like eldars. Also it only a matter of time Girlyman getting buddy-buddy with the Silent King. Fuck, hope the next returning primarch going full "fuck this, we dont ally with the xenos" to keep the imperium away from the carebear route.
I really want more Rogue Trader DLC.
>>1034736 >>1034740 I think the Emperor knew that a civil war among the Primarchs was inevitable when he was creating them, probably even figured it into his plans. What he didn't know, at least until they were taken, that it would take the form of Chaotic taint.
>>1034804 According to actual lore from the Horus Heresy and Siege of Terra books, Big E and Malcador had planned on having the primarchs feud eventually and thin their own ranks down, but they didnt plan on it happening so soon. They wanted them to eventually die off just like the Thunder Warriors so that they wouldn't struggle to find their own place in a galaxy totally owned by Humanity, and their eventual succession into the webway to live free of Chaos forever. The Emperor was a victim of his own success.
>>1034810 Didn't Malcador want to make all the Primarchs women for some reason?
>>1034824 That was sjws trying to push that in a newer book.
>>1034824 >>1034832 If that was said, it was probably said with tongue in cheek. >>1034798 IIRC in Warhammer Fantasy End Times, even the Empire there decided to go 'neutral' with the Tomb Kings, which didn't mean letting the Empire invade their territory, but did mean the Tomb Kings would 'look the other way' and let Empire forces leave Nehekhara territory if it was for the sake of driving out or finishing off Chaos forces. Since the Necrons have been turned into Tomb Kings but in space, I suspect they'll take them in a similar direction. It's been espoused here before, but I miss when the Necrons were terminators in space. Where they'd kill literally every form of life a la the Tyranids except where Tyranids are the Xerxes to the Necrons' SHODAN.
>>1034824 Was Malcador one of us?
>>1034798 >Also it only a matter of time Girlyman getting buddy-buddy with the Silent King. It's been canon since 7th edition that Sanguinius met with the Silent King at some point, and left enough of an impression he was willing to help the Blood Angels out against the Tyranids.
>>1034918 I wonder how they had the time to meet.
>>1034919 Looked it up and apparently Matt Ward wrote it, so I'm guessing most people just disregard it like they do his Ultramarine wanking.
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>>1034922 >Matt Ward wrote it
>>1034727 To be fair to big E, Earth was a total shitshow and only could be brought to control by mostly violent means.
>>1034727 The Imperial Truth was essentially the Imperial Cult, just with religious words swapped out except for the times it didn't i.e. "crusade".
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>>1034660 Why would you link such a shitty version?
>>1034993 Because that was already more than that asslusting homogarbage deserved?
>>1034922 >Matt Ward wrote it
Is darktide finally playable???
>>1034824 They'd better be hermaphrodites otherwise they'd only have X chromosomes and women would be just as viable space marines.
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Spice Marine!!
>>1034660 Thats definitely a mentally ill groomer
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>>1034727 The Emperor fucked up pretty bad.
>>1035531 eh, he's still alive*, so there is still time for him to fuck up some more
>>1035099 Its been for a while, atleast since the first big rework.
>>1035102 Amazing.
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You niggers ready to get pozzed good n' proppah? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Djvgs0IsQ2E
>>1037473 You asshole, i thought this was the promised second episode. They told they will release the second episode in this month!!!
>>1037399 the event was fun enough as an accatran player. Hope you all like Beasts of Nurgle. Also am getting used to the heavy pickaxe
>>1037399 >>1037685 It just makes auric maelstroms even more difficult I'm glad I have the regenerating krak grenades talent, though. It makes these missions a lifesaver. Anyone need a veteran?
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>>1037685 >>1037694 I just got done running through Auric 4 and got my priesthole throughly pozzed, good shit though, won most missions, this event is much more fun than the infected guardsmen.
>>1037479 That's what they said on the Cream Crew podcast. Link it to us when they release it.
>>1037935 You know I have a theory about 40k beastmen. I don't think they are chaos mutants but I do think they are mutated because chaos. 40k kind of works off of the same rules as Bloodborne in that those exposed to eldritch truth but can't handle it seem to devolve into a bestial state and a more animalistic mind protects them from it. That's basically what happens with the Space Wolves and their Wolfen and a similar thing seems to happen with Blood Angels and possibly Raven Guard although that last one also involved some Alpha Legion fuckery. Additionally to the Wolfen a large portion of Fenris' population devolved into human derived wolves. If beastmen were truly fundamentally chaos tainted then the Emperor would have had them all purged back in 30k and he certainly wouldn't have let them into the Imperial Military. And beastmen are relatively stable compared to true chaos mutants. I think that beastmanhood is just a "natural" response that humans have to chaos energies as a protective mechanism. The rub comes in that the 40k universe differs from the standard sort of impersonal uncaring universe of most Lovecraftian type fiction. You might find the universe caring for you very personally and it ain't a good thing. Chaos can just completely overwhelm protective mechanisms but just actively fucking Chaos energy directly into something or by generally flooding the environment with too much for reality to be able to hold. That's where Chaos aligned beastmen come from. It doesn't help either that the Imperium barely tolerates beastmen and tend to drive them into the arms of Chaos as well. It's a kind of a vicious cycle that I'm not sure if even a genius statesman autist like Guilliman could untangle.
>>1037991 Aren't several abhumans also warped by Chaos?
>>1037992 Generally if something is an abhuman then it's stable over generations and breeds true. Genuine Chaos mutants are unstable as fuck and keep mutating and have a variety of forms. Pretty much the early stage of becoming a chaos spawn. Most abhumans seem to either be natural mutations or in a lot of cases gene modified humans from the DAoT era.
>>1038031 Because they wanted an excuse to reboot Fantasy to 1. Make it more like 40k, since that was the moneymaker (inb4 some Euro comes in saying "Actually, Fantasy was the better selling system in Europe, only Burgers think 40k was more successful, blah blah") 2. Force people to rebuy their armies, since Fantasy players who'd been in the game since the 80's/90's were comfortable with what they had and didn't buy new plastic crack, and GW can't have that. 3. They needed to copyright fucking everything after the Chapterhouse Studios and the Spots the Space Marine debacles. So they had to scrap the generic/Tolkien inspired setting for the high fantasy Age of Sigmar, where those elves, dwarves, and orcs are replaced with Aelves, Duardin, and Orruks. Granted, they did this with 40k too (Hence why the Eldar were renamed to Aeldari and the Imperial Guard to "Astra Militarum") but it gets really stupid with the reintroduction of Fantasy through Warhammer the Old World, where they've retconned in some of the name changes from Age of Sigmar. Namely in that Malekith, the king of the Dark Elves/Druchii is referred to by his age of Sigmar name of Malerion (Probably because Marvel has a character named Malekith who's also king of the dark elves and GW doesn't want to get sued, it's still stupid.)
>>1037694 >It just makes auric maelstroms even more difficult what do you mean? Maelstroms aren't affected by the event it's a special condition. >>1037723 yeah it's fun, I dread the nu-weaves they are preparing tho >>1037888 awww yeah the outrage bait of the month
No, we're not having another "Katana slicing through European sword" debate. I allowed it once, but I don't want it taking up the entire thread.
>>1037991 Beastmen and women are naturally occurring, or I guess you could consider it unnaturally occurring, in the 40k universe, just as it is in the Fantasy universe. Basically, two beastpeople having a child will result in a beast child but two normal humans having a child could also potentially result in a beast child. More often than not, this is because the child's conception was tampered with by warp fuckery or even by polluted environments. Usually, these kids are killed as soon as they're revealed to be beasts. Sometimes, they run away and join up with other beasts, harboring resentment towards normal people. Sometimes, they are collected by the Ecclesiarchy or Guard regiments and kept along as low class infantry, almost like penal legions. They may also be kept on the lower decks of certain ship crews to perform dangerous jobs like cleaning out plasma from thrusters and whatnot. They're never servitor-ized, and I think that's just because they are too gruesome for Mechanicus to consider good enough to be servitors. This Vermintide trailer explains Beastmen pretty well
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>>1038044 I'm just so pissed how they fucked the skaven, and even denied them a 40k equivalent. > Force people to rebuy their armies, since Fantasy players who'd been in the game since the 80's/90's were comfortable with what they had and didn't buy new plastic crack, and GW can't have that. Like if they made new updated models for newfags coming into it, then most people wouldn't care. But no GW has to go full brit kike and pull this. >Granted, they did this with 40k too (Hence why the Eldar were renamed to Aeldari and the Imperial Guard to "Astra Militarum") Most still call them the Eldar and isn't Eldar in public domain?
>>1038195 Eldar is a word created by Tolkien so I do not think its in the public domain yet.
>>1038252 I just looked and GW more changed the name so they could copyright.
>>1038260 Pretty much, thats why they renamed their codexxes and tend to use the "high gothic" versions of the names now. You see more Adeptus Astartes instead of Space Marines, Astra Militarum instead of Imperial Guard, and Aeldari and Drukhari instead of Eldar and Dark Eldar.
>>1038261 I'm going to be calling them Space Marines and, Eldar till I fucking die.
>>1038252 No offence to the late Professor, but Aeldari sounds better than Eldar. To bad everything else about them is inferior
Is GW still trying to sanitize 40k into grimdrep?
>>1038300 40k has been derp since the beginning.
>>1038300 >into grimderp Grimdark is grimderp, any distinction of the two is entirely subjective and arbitrary.
>>1038300 Yes they've been slowly going into safe edgy. >>1038307 >Grimdark is grimderp, any distinction of the two is entirely subjective and arbitrary. Oh here we go.
>>1038300 They are absolutely sanitizing it. Not sure what you mena by grimderp though. Grimderp is the opposite problem of making stupid shit for no other reason than making it darker.
>>1038322 >Oh here we go Stating objectively true facts, yes. All the murder/rape/defecation in 40k canon can easily be seen as retarded, and conversely if someone did something you consider to be grimderp in real life such as impaling a million babies with dragon dildos must people would find it horrifying. The distinction is purely arbitrary.
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>>1038324 A lot of grimderp also comes from the "rule of cool" things they (used to) add like dual wielding swords with pistols, carrying a banner on a mound of dead bodies, mega gargants and walking churches of mass destruction.
>>1038300 40k was ALWAYS grimderp since the beginning, never forget that
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Reddit BTFO
>>1038520 wew lad.
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>>1038520 What an edgelord, but if he pisses off Reddit, then Godspeed.
>>1038520 I want to save those goat girls.
>>1038530 >[muffled inquisitorial noises]
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>>1038520 Isn't it about time for a CHANGE? Come to Prospero beastladies! We know how to treat our abhumans right!* *not responsible if you turn into some combination of bird, blue, and/or crazy. No refunds. One way trip only.
>>1038536 Speaking of abhumans. This is a brave new era for the Imperium.
>>1038520 What a fucking madlad.
>>1038539 >drop 40k in 4th Edition when Daemonhunters got turned into Grey Knights and Inquisitorial Stormtroopers were made stupid expensive thus rendering my elaborately-painted army of mechanized stormtroopers and assassins useless >Come back for a look ten-or-so years later >furries No regrets.
>>1038548 Felinids have been a thing for a long ass time though, and no, they dont have any artwork or miniatures, people just assume they are Emperor approved catgirls. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=iUuvHPr4BGk
>>1038520 >Some gook who makes edgy loli and guro art is attack by SJW 40k Reddit >They fix his art and act smarmy about it >He then proceeded to double down on his degeneracy and makes fan art to trigger Reddit even further >Is beloved by the non pozzed 40k and Grimdark community at large This year has just been a number of wins against Reddit.
>>1038520 is that piss or a long stream of cum?
>>1038520 >>1038536 No wonder they join chaos in mass.
>>1038539 Second one looks a little like Vivian.
If furries are 40k canon, what about scalies?
>>1038603 It's not fan art of Vivian? My Space Marine 2 and 40k knowledge is lacking.
>>1038605 I'm pretty sure they are, yeah.
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>>1038606 Its a ratling. They are space hobbits and known for being really good snipers in the guard.
>>1038608 >and known for being supremely sticky-fingered
>>1038605 Dear god what have they done.
>>1038608 >Really small dwarf guy with a really big gun that is hard to wield but powerful as fuck I want to see more archetypes like this
>>1038630 Those are supposed to be halflings, though. The bare feet with hair are the hint. Spess dorfs in 40k are the squats, not the ratlings.
>>1038631 I know, I am using dwarf in the real world sense of a person below 4 foot.
>>1038605 Yeah, Fulgrim.
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>>1038637 Shit, i hadnt thought about that. Its the Lion furry too?
>>1038638 Don't think so, although Russ and his boys are closer to that. There's also the Black Dragon chapter from the Cursed Founding which are based off of the Salamanders who feature extreme bone growth and scales.
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>>1038638 Lion went to the beach that makes you old.
>>1038579 Has anyone screencapped the whole thing?
>>1038701 You can find it here >>1034498
>>1038579 In the actual Imperium they'd all be purged as Slaaneshi degenerates, so I guess they deserve each other.
>>1038701 >second pic Fucking wew.
>>1038631 I was surprised we didn't see any in Rogue Trader.
>>1038820 Spess Muhreen 2 just updated but I didn't see a changelog. Anybody know what's going on?
>>1038605 Mechanicus 2 when???
>>1038830 Just like Ogryns, they are vastly over-represented, there arent that many ogryns or half-lings, the imperium keeps them in their planets except for the force tithes.
>>1038836 Ratlings, like Ogryn, come from only one planet in the entire Imperium, just like Catachans, just like Cadiand (not anymore), just like Kriegers. While it is rare to see any of them, it is by no means impossible that they would be assigned to a regiment somewhere in the galaxy, even one far away from their homeworld. Darktide makes Ogryn more common than they should be, I agree. To see one Ogryn not a part of the IG is rare but to see Chaos Ogryn and in such larger numbers is even rarer. But hey, it's a video game
>>1038841 >Ratlings, like Ogryn, come from only one planet in the entire Imperium wrong
>>1038832 They removed Steam Deck support :^)
>>1038833 >>1038605 Mechanicus wasn't a good game It was just average especially for a 40k title
>>1038882 Excellent opinion, unfortunately, you are wrong. Mechanicus had excellent story and soundtrack, and that makes the gameplay - which is only somewhat serviceable on its own - into a great game.
Is Darktide worth getting?
>>1038943 Yeah, its very fun, i have over 100 hours played, it helps that all content is free and the only monetization is ingame currency for cosmetics.
>>1038943 https://www.humblebundle.com/ Darktide is part of the premium humble bundle. Get it on a major discount.
>>1038832 They added the Volkite pistol to the game along with some other cosmetic stuff. >>1038841 There are so many Ogryn planets that there are multiple regiments of just ogryns that have their own reputation. Like the Ogryn from Krourk which are so brutal the Inquisition classifies letting them run wild on a planet to be a form of Exterminatus. The only Abhuman that comes from one singular planet are Felinids who come from a planet called Carlos McConnell (Not even joking)
>>1039098 >Carlos McConnell >mexican-irish huh
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>>1039104 >eldar makeup routine
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>>1039165 The clown elves are the most competent of the Eldar, in that they actually realize that "hey, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves maybe realize chaos and those not-Egyptian murder robots are bigger problems"
>>1039168 And they're pragmatic enough that they realize that being haughty elf supremacists doesn't actually further their goals. They're totally willing to work with other species to get the job done. They're just a little on the nutty side since their patron god is the order aligned reflection of Tzeentch or something to that effect.
>>1039171 >being haughty supremacists doesn't actually further their goals Works for humans.
>>1039190 Yeah but they actually fuck and aren't the personal targets of one of the chaos gods.
>>1039218 They're the personal targets of 4 chaos gods.
>>1039219 Kek, he needs some whiskey.
>>1038539 This thread and that one non sjw 40k subreddit, are some of the last places where a sense of humor is allowed for GW shit.
>>1034588 >>1038702 >Forcing le big chungus wholesome in a game with the lowest of the lowest r/etarded moment. >>1039139 >John C Reily the leader of the Saint Patrick Platoon that got exterminated the day after gringos took over Texas.
>>1039219 You reckon so, I always got the feeling humanity get's hit as part of the chaos gods general fucking of the galaxy.
>>1039139 is it your?, nice art >>1039171 >order aligned reflection of Tzeentch what
>>1039603 I remember reading a thread back on /tg/ one time I think and there was speculation that the Eldar Gods are "the other side" of the Chaos Gods. There's 4 surviving Eldar Gods (including the still gestating Ynnead) and 4 Chaos gods and the speculation was that was the reason that Khorne and Nurgle intervened and "saved" Kaine and Isha because if Slaanesh had eaten them too then they would have been absorbed. The further speculation was that before the Fall of the Eldar there may have been more Chaos Gods that got reconnected out of reality by the destruction of the Eldar pantheon. Kind of like what happens in Chainsaw Man now that I think about it. There definitely does seem to be an Order-Chaos duality in the warp. Even recently with the Dark King vs the Star Child.
>>1038882 great dialogues and musics but mediocre game
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>>1038882 >It was just average especially for a 40k title >specially for a 40k title What does that mean? That most 40k games are average at best, with few games like SM2 being top of the chart, unlike mechanicus?
>>1039621 oh, good to know, thank you
>>1039603 >Is this yours? That was made on /tg/ eons ago.
>>1039621 If Big E becomes the Dark King then 90% of humanity goes.
Ended up playing RT all night and, it makes me want more CRPGs in the 40k. I wouldn't mind if OwlCat did stuff for Dark Heresy, Deathwatch and Only War.
>>1040554 >that pic Chef kiss Also, since we have no info about RT anon who promised a detailed post about the new RT DLC and the murder waifu, can you do a quick review?
>>1040576 I'm actually playing the DLC so I'll give some info, she's surprisingly sweet and you can start her romance by hosting a party for her to be more social. She's arrives dressed in full cult gear and eating with her hands, which kinda ruins the mood of the party. RT can be a chad and take her away from the party, you can be a pussy and firendzone or you can >[Passionately wrap your arm around Kibellah's waist.] >[Kiss Kibellah] >I want to stay with you, somewhere private. I chose the third which ends with you in bed 8 hours later, implying our RT railed her for a good while. She'll request a new party where she'll dress proper for it. If you're an Iconochad you can fix her or if you choose heretical you can, make her even worse. Also if you ask her to bathe with the RT she'll drown temporarily for ritual purposes, this gives you exp. <Just because Owlcat are cool like that I found out you can command Jocasta Sauerback to the bedroom to give her want she wants. So far the RT can fuck >Fish girl >Racist craftworld Eldar >Drunk Cold Trader arab woman >Murder Waifu >Bongish black arch militant What next a Tau, a bestwomen or abhumans waifus?
>>1040582 >So far the RT can fuck >Racist craftworld Eldar no, he can't their souls holding hands don't count
>>1040582 >abhumans waifus? I would a ratling.
>>1040582 Owlcat 100% knew what they were doing with Kibellah's romance, parts of it feel like teaching feeling: grimdark assassin edition.
>>1040609 Isn't implied things will become physical after a while? With him being the only Human she'd be willing to be intimate?
>Best 40K vidya stuff is made by Russians
>>1040648 Where the fuck do you think you are?
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>>1040649 I just find it funny that everyone but Western companies are making good games, and even using western IPs better. There was once a time where when you thought about the USA, you thought of quality.
>>1040652 Scandinavia seems to be the capital of good games in the modern era. They brought us plenty of good 40k games.
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>>1040648 Darktide is pretty good though, its the closest thing we have to AGP the game.
>>1040658 I know that my countrymen made Vermin tide and dark tide but I don't know of any other 40k games made in Sweden. Can't say I know of any being made in Norway or Denmark either. Besides I thought everyone hated Darktide?
>>1040662 >Besides I thought everyone hated Darktide? What? No, it was rough in 1.0, but its been getting progressivly better with each update. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=7VZQd_aDwpA
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>>1040658 >Scandinavia seems to be the capital of good games in the modern era
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>>1040666 Ya ok fair
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>>1040616 > parts of it feel like teaching feeling: grimdark assassin edition.
>>1040554 He got mixed up with a local chapter of space marines after he got krumped really hard bya dreadnought. He thinks he's a space marine too now, and nobody is willing to question it on account of his incredible combat effectiveness.
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>>1040780 >Some fucking Ork shouting "for da empra" while dressed up in make shift Space marine armour
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>>1040648 So e-celeb fag (i think Asmon, but i could be wrong) also made a list of the best games which came out this year. Every single of them was outside the USA. >>1040582 Thanks man. I really appreciate your post! Good to see Owlcat still cant write a mentally stable not autistically retarded woman. Its their brand.
>>1040811 Owlcat is just giving the RT a harem of autistic women of various degrees, at this point who is next?
>>1040814 The next DLC is hinted at being something about the Adeptus Arbites. Maybe they'll flesh out the planet system more so you can actually do stuff on the grounds of the planets the Valencius dynasty owns. Also rumor is that you get an Adeptus Arbites as a companion. Hopefully female?
>>1040814 We will find out when they drop the trailer for the next big DLC. But if you ask me, then the next companion will be an ork freebooter. RT fans asked for an ork buddy from the start, i dont think they will hold it back from them. Also Owlcat. RT players still have a better harem than Pathfinder:WotR players. In that game every women were a cannibal in some degree. If you ever kissed a semi or full time chainsmoker you know that some taste never ever gone fully.
>>1040816 I think an ork companion is even less likely to occur in-universe than a dark eldar. I'd love it, don't get me wrong, but it just seems so unlikely. If you want another xenos, why not the Tau?
>>1040818 With uncle Marazhai him joining the party at the time made logical sense, they'll have to really justify a reason for an Ork and Tau.
>>1040818 >>1040821 Tau would be easy enough to bullshit a reason. Tau are pretty sane and they have no problem working with humans. There's breakaway factions of Tau now as well. Imperium would generally now be happy but with sufficient justification and sanctioning they would tolerate a Tau. Orks are a whole different bag. The average ork stupid and violent and generally doesn't play well with non orks. Intelligent orks are even worse since they're going to have aspirations of being a warboss. Honestly a grot would work better than an ork. There's also the spore issue.
>>1040828 We've had fags also wishing for a necron.
>>1040828 Tau are probably more tolerated in the Imperium than Eldar, actually. There are "pirate" or "independent" Orks who have canonically bartered with Rogue Traders in the past but I am pretty sure it doesn't ever go further than trading a few gubbins and teef for some flashy bitz and that's it - with most of these interactions probably resulting in the humie getting a choppa to the back of the head or a dakka punching a hole through them. But an Ork staying in your party and taking orders from you? Out of the question. >>1040829 I saw some funny fanart of a rogue trader talking to herself saying, "I want a Tyranid companion now"
>>1040829 >Necron The only one that would work is Trazyn who would be there just for shits and giggles. >>1040830 >Tyranid Possibly a genestealer hybrid might work but it'd be a stretch. The more human generations tend to have more free will and if one were a survivor of the fate that awaits them when their "Star Gods" appear it might break the genetic conditioning. That's a hell of a stretch though. Inquisition considers genestealser to be just barely under chaos cults on the purge immediately scale.
>>1040830 >Tau are probably more tolerated in the Imperium than Eldar, actually. What's funny is the Humans, Corsair and outcast Eldar who live out in frontier/RT territory. Especially in older lore have a bizarre coexistence, where it's equal parts killing each other and equal parts trading or even working together. If I remember most of the half Eldar in the old lore possibly current lore depending on GW writer not giving a fuck came from Corsairs. >>1040857 >Trazyn He'd even stay for a Heretical RT just for the lulz.
>>1040829 >>1040857 >>1040859 >Mid to low tier necron who woke up naturally and thus has his mind >makes a deal with RT for mutual benefit Pretty easy if you ask me.
>>1040830 The only way I could see an ork working would be one that a dok experimented on and ended up completely crazy, from an ork perspective. The more horrifying option would be a dok transplanting a captured human's brain into the body of an ork that got domed, just to see what would happen.
>>1040878 Reminds me of a Priests of Mars book where some tech priest turned orks into servitors and he was declared heretek
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>>1040830 >Nids I mean majority of nid players are women. Glue sniffing girlfriends, wifes or femcels too crazy even for incels. You can farm hard cash and good rep with catering to them. See Bald and Gay 3. Guys, after Chapter 5 i think lore should be the least of our concern. A Freebooter would do fine with what ever bullshit excuse.
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>>1040883 they are troons, women don't play it
>>1040883 >tyranid >not slaanesh
>>1040662 Darktide is pretty bad but you literally don't have other good options, even if you're just looking for a L4D clone. Whatever happened to that Space Hulk co-op game...It seems better in every way than Darktide but seems to be abandoned?
>>1041009 >Whatever happened to that Space Hulk co-op game The one made by the guys who did EYE Divine Cybermancy? That game was pretty jank but still probably the most fun would could have in a 40k L4D clone.
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>>1041174 heheh
>>1040883 >>1041188 Other than the Salamanders and the Celestial Lions are there any other chapters for the Darkies? (I know the Blood Ravens have a black chief librarian, but who better for a chapter noted for "appropriating" relics)
>>1041189 Given how far in the future 40k takes place and on how many separate planets humanity settles AND how common gene manipulation was during the DAoT I'm honestly shocked that there are ANY normal modern day races still extant at all.
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>>1041191 Yeah, and you have to think that 40k humans are about as far removed from us as we are from early humans who were interbreeding with neanderthals and denisovans. The species would look very different from the recognizably human characters who get depicted in the game's artwork. Lel, I wonder if the "pure humans" in 40k have a couple percentages of eldar genetics in their DNA like we do with neanderthal and denisovan DNA.
>>1041243 I know GW is trying really hard to pretend half Eldar don't exist in the setting. How much do you want to bet in the backwater regions you have a percentage of the human and Eldar population that has each other's DNA?
>>1041191 >>1041243 It isheavily implied that the humans in 40k are not even what we are nowadays and that at some point all of humanity got genetically engineered slightly in order to be more durable for space colonization, hence why you see humans surviving some seriusly ridiculous places and thriving, with the downside that their genes are more unstable and thats why you get so many mutants even when warp shenanigans arent involved. That said, yeah, by this point each planet is its own people, you wont get europeans or africans, you will get humans having adapted to whatever planet they are in.
>>1041009 >Darktide is pretty bad Again, why do you say that? I legitimately want to know what you find so bad about it.
>>1041189 I mean... Nightlords are a bunch of criminals and rapists. So... But i think Conrad would be pretty popular at old /pol/.
>>1041276 There was that one guy in first edition. There's probably no biological reason they can't exist, just that both eldar and humans would consider race mixing to be an abomination.
>>1041279 Canon expert here. The only divergence humanity has had in 40k is that at some point, humans became "awakened" to the warp, possibly as a result of eye of terror opening up following the birth of Slaanesh/downfall of the Eldar empire. This awakening allowed humans to become psykers, but it also caused a lot of humans to go crazy and kill each other, either as a result of the psychic awakening or because they became paranoid of eachother. This is referred to in the canon as "old night" but I have seen it also sometimes referred to as the age of strife, perhaps falsely. The reason the Tau have very few psykers or no real psykers at all is because they weren't fully evolved as a species when that rift opened, it is speculated.
>>1041189 Asckshually that black blood raven youre referring to was an Inquisitor, not associated with the Blood Ravens at all and he was still human.
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>>1041369 Well so called canon expert, youre talking about different characters, hes refering to Jonah Orion.
>>1041370 >psyker Maybe the Warp turned him into a nigger?
>>1041370 Aw shit I thought you were referring to this nigga >>1041375 Wouldn't be the first time excessive magic use has darkened one's skin
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>>1034080 mfw Mossa is a xeno steadily manipulating Anons' fetishes to normalize the coming species to Earth and the ones who already have been living here before the human species was created
>>1034170 Your newfag smell comes from outside the screen
>>1034256 If you're Chaos mutated then you almost certainly have a sad backstory. Possibly with the exception of Tzeentchian mutations since if you get his attention there's a pretty good chance that you were, if not deserving of it, were at least asking for it. Of course collateral damage does occur sometimes.
>>1041281 I'm pretty tired so this is not everything but: -Weapon variety is bad and what is there is not fun to use. There is no pump-action shotgun or sniper rifle for example. The lasguns are awful, considering how iconic they are it pretty much encapsulates the game's weapon design. It's weird because enemy's get pump-actions and sniper rifles and their lasguns seem to work better. -The cosmetics are crappy, they'll sell the same thing twice at full price when the model doesn't change. You can't just apply skins to your items, you can't change the colors of items, a color change will be a whole new cosmetic. Lack of really easy to implement and simple things like a "Standard Issue" skin so you can make the things within the same cosmetic group look however you want. No real interactivity with emotes. -Overall poor game design, they've moved farther away from L4D and it makes things worse. Billed as a looter shooter but you can't find weapons in levels, you can't even find dice like in Vermintide to reward exploration. Diamantine is still useless. Supplies don't show up on character models, neither does stowed weaponry. Redundant abilities across classes like Zealot and Guardsman both getting stealth, rehashed abilities from Vermintide like Kruber's charge and his Rallying Cry. Classes get abilities that make more sense for other classes like Guardsman getting something that reveals enemies through walls rather than, you know, the fucking Psyker with a Seer active ability. You can't shoot a sidearm when downed, still have the issue where you can get stuck hanging from ledges, guess our guardsman and zealots can't do a single pull up. Basically the worst of all worlds. -Awful performance, DLSS is basically a requirement and makes everything look smeared. Crashes randomly, always online, uses P2P hosting only when L4D had dedicated servers. Can't have fan servers because need to track worthless drops and modded servers would disrupt the nonexistent economy. Player base is actively hostile to modders, especially pissy about mods that add a scoreboard because knowing how you did is apparently uninclusive and meritocratic. Also full of secondaries who actively praise the lack of good looking female characters in the game, meanwhile Krall exists to provide you with sex changes but can't have cosmetic options to make your character not look like a tranny. There's more but I'm not really feeling it. Also, the way you assume everyone who thinks the game is bad is the same person is really faggoty which clicks with you being a part of its fan base.
Out of curiosity decided to see If the Big tity Eldar gf memes had any slight truth to them. What I found from reading and etc >The audience chamber in the Fortress of Hera was empty but for Yvraine, the Visarch, and Guilliman. In a matter of solar hours, the Terran Crusade would depart Macragge, yet the Primarch had found a few moments to speak to the Ynnari leaders alone. Even after solar weeks of mutually fruitful alliance, most warriors would have been cautious of standing alone in the presence of two such sinister and powerful xenos. Guilliman was not most warriors. >"It will be a long and dangerous journey", said Yvraine. "The galaxy grows darker by the day. Have a care, Primarch. You may have cheated death once, but you are not invincible." >Guilliman nodded solemnly. "Can I say nothing that will convince you to join us on our road? I have come to value the strength of you and your warriors greatly these past weeks." >"You cannot", Yvraine replied. "Already we have given you the gift of rebirth, not to mention a number of our peoples' lives. Is that not enough?" >"It is a debt I'm sure won't be forgotten", said the Primarch. "Before you depart, tell me this. Cawl may have fashioned the armour that I wear, but it was not he alone who ensured my resurrection, was it?" >Yvraine smiled demurely. "His technology would have healed your physical wounds, Roboute, but you and I know that the worst damage had been done to your soul. So no, Primarch; it is by the grace of Ynnead that you stand once more amongst the living. If you wish to remain, however, I would caution you against removing your war-plate. Not that you could easily do so." >A flicker passed across Guilliman's features at this, a faint ghost of pain well-hidden, swiftly replaced by a stony mask of duty. >"I could press you for greater insights into the powers that brought me back, and assurances against any taint in their nature", said Guilliman, noting how the Ynnari stiffened their postures at this. "But I suspect that our newfound understanding is of more value to my father's realm than my own satisfaction. And that those answers would not come easily." >Yvraine inclined her head, while the Visarch silently eased his hand away from the hilt of his blade. >"Thus, instead, I shall simply wish you victory in your ongoing battles against our mutual foes." >"May you walk with fortune, Roboute Guilliman", said Yvraine. "And know that we shall stand together in battle again, before whatever end befalls us." >The Visarch offered an elaborate warrior's salute to Guilliman, who nodded curtly in return before the Eldar turned and swept gracefully from the chamber. >"No doubt we will", murmured the Primarch thoughtfully, watching the enigmatic xenos withdraw. "As long as it serves your needs..." GW has no one to blame for the shipping memes as they knew full fucking well that they were doing.
>>1041514 One could use a knife to cut that tension.
>>1041505 >lasguns are awful Hellbore and Recon lasguns are excellent. Even the normal one can be good,especially with the full auto mod. >The cosmetics are crappy on that I agree tho I must say the full mastery red weapon camo is pretty cool (and free) >-Overall poor game design, they've moved farther away from L4D and it makes things worse. It's still about killing horde with a cool gunplay and melee system >-Awful performance, DLSS is basically a requirement and makes everything look smeared My 1650 runs the game without much problems, this game is very easy to tinker and once you know what do disable it runs pretty smoothly apart from the start of a wave. Disable FSR 3.1. Linked my settings. > Player base is actively hostile to modders Scoreboard posters are always annoying, apart from that I never saw hostility to modders except on halfchan sometimes but I shackle it up to (you)s farmers.
>>1041514 They knew.
>>1041593 I can handle FidelityFX Super Resolution myself, but it's too sharp in games at 100%. 25% to 75%'s the sweet spot.
>>1041600 I'll be honest I don't know a single thing you mentionned
>>1041602 FidelityFX Super Resolution's what you called FSR. "F"idelityFX "S"uper "R"esolution, FSR. It's AMD's competitor to NVIDIA's DLSS. At higher percents the sharpness is too much, but 25% to 75%'s just right.
>>1041604 oh right, I only saw how it (especially the recent 3.1) killed performances when enabled
>>1041605 It's a spatial upscaler focused on edge quality that that can produce high resolution frames from lower resolution inputs, it can "fake" higher resolutions without performance falling as much as directly rendering those resolutions. Native 4K performs worse than "FSR 4K" which performs worse than 1080p.
>>1041514 Of course GW knew but they didn't expect how, much of the fanbase would enjoy this. >>1041505 I should play DT since it's been a year since I played.
>>1041804 the crafting system got unfucked
Fucked myself pretty hard in RT by getting a rash.
>>1042800 The price you pay slumming it with the rabble (Also holy shit it's been years since I've seen anyone make art of Dranon.)
>>1042800 I thought that was a necron for a sec.
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>>1042801 I had to go back a save and figure shit out but I got rid of it.
>>1041505 >-Weapon variety is bad and what is there is not fun to use. That is completely subjective, and i fail to see how theres little variety, you have flamethrowers, plasma guns, 3 different kinds of lasguns, 3 different kinds of autoguns, SMG, 2 different types of shotguns, revolvers, laspistol, bolt pistol and bolter, grenade launchers, HMGs and the ripper gun, and thats not taking melee into account. >The cosmetics are crappy That much is true, although now theres actually good free cosmetics, you have to unlock them via penances. >Overall poor game design, they've moved farther away from L4D and it makes things worse. So you just want L4D with a 40k coat of paint? I genuinely cant go back to L4D now, between the actions like slides and dodges, character building and techniques, the game is much more complex and interesting to the relativly simple shooter that is L4D. >the way you assume everyone who thinks the game is bad is the same person is really faggoty which clicks with you being a part of its fan base. Theres a nigger that keeps popping as a (1) to shit on the game and never elaborates on why, so excuse me for assuming things, mr (2).
>>1042882 What's really happening is everyone shits on the game because it's a shit game. Have you thought about that instead of saying everyone who disagrees with you is one guy pretending he's zillions of people? You're a paranoid schizophrenic, and a shill, trying to create a boogeyman to get everyone's arguments deleted, to shill your shit game, and everyone can see it, and how retarded you are. You are the nigger, your shilling is really faggoty, and I'm not buying your shit game. Idiots like you don't belong here.
>>1042890 Literally none of that is happening, calm your autistic tits.
>>1042891 Literally all of that is happening. People can go read the conversation. You literally want a hugbox, where no one talks bad about any games, and if people talk bad about your game, you say everyone who disagrees with you is one guy. You're some newfag who belongs on Reddit, your shilling and saying people are ID hopping is just shitting up the imageboard.
>>1042896 Ive talked about other 40k games and 40k games in general, and what im saying is that retarded (1)s that refuse to elaborate are shitposters. The fact that you inmediatly reacted like a histrionic bitch saying i want a hungbnox and to get you banned says way more about you than it does me, nigger, since at no point di i even imply any such thing. Wanna talk about videogames? do so, you faggot, go ahead and actually give me an argument.
>>1042899 >Get you banned >Assuming he's the same person, not that you're arguing with multiple people You're a schizo.
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>>1042901 >inmediatly starts the IP hopping Jesus man, you didnt need to prove my point right away as soon as i called you out, could have been more subtle.
What's this schizophrenic even sperging about that made him so mad? Darktide being shit? Darktide is pretty shit. Everyone hates Darktide with its shitty performance, shitty cosmetics, shitty rehashes, and random crashes. It's a common opinion here.
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>>1042911 In any case, anon, who gave your RT the clap? Was it Jae?
>>1042912 I got it from being in the lower decks.
>>1042914 Thats what you get for mingling with the unwashed masses
>>1042914 lower dicks* fix'd for you
>>1042916 I did kill some people in the lower deck for acting up.
>>1042962 There are many instances where killing the "innocent" rioters is the correct choice. Like the ones going "we dun see no chaos! sotp oppressing us :(" and then theres a goddamn Book of Lorgar in a cache behind the steam puzzle. Nah. I reload my save and I gun them down, since there's no option to purge the entire factory floor afterwards.
>>1042981 It is very enjoyable that so many times, being a space asshole and shooting up the plebians is the absolute correct choice, like abandoning the people in the planet of the first system.
>>1042981 It's 40k, no one is innocent. People think the Inquisition is just being meanie jerks saying things like that, but 9/10 times it's absolutely the case.
>>1043008 Inquisition has taken shit too far to the point where in the months of shame, the Grey Knights who while didn't agree with the Space Wolves. Were actively planing on killing the Inquisition lord who started the mess, as he was abusing power to an insane degree.
>>1043076 I dont think that proves the point you want it to.
>>1043078 No it proves my point while the Inquisition is needed and etc, it can also do some shit that fucks everyone. The months of shame starting the Octarius War (which made the fucking nids and orcs uber stronk), and several other fuck ups.
>>1043082 Kryptman did nothing wrong.
>>1043082 >The months of shame starting the Octarius War (which made the fucking nids and orcs uber stronk) What in the hell is that headcanon >>1042890 why so angry Rager?!
>>1042996 >like abandoning the people in the planet of the first system Bruh, if you try to save some or steal the reactor then you doom billions to a never ending rape and torture fest. Not blowing up the planet is "the bad and mean" choice! I think RT's whole act 1 is for tourist filtering. Also pic unrelated.
>>1043186 I'm trying a full chaos asshole route but damn it's really hard for me to make mean choices, even in a video game.
>>1043186 >Bruh, if you try to save some or steal the reactor then you doom billions to a never ending rape and torture fest. Billions must doom.
>>1043164 >What in the hell is that headcanon The Octarius War gave the nids a fuck ton of Ork biomass and the Orks due to fighting the nids 24/7 grew super strong from the waaagh!
>>1043082 Did you forget to put a , between "shame" and "starting the octarius war"?
I want to play as servitor.
>>1043272 Yes I was falling asleep. >>1043280 Just vote liberal.
>>1043268 A war where both sides are happy and everybody wins? Who says everything is grim dark in the far future!
>>1043082 The problem with the Inquisition is that they don't have Mal around to tell them what to do and not fuck shit up. Without guidance the Inquisition groping in the dark and are too trigger happy.
>>1043314 The Eisenhorn books kind of prove to us (the audience of 40k) that the Inquisition at large is similarly corrupt as the rest of the Imperium, but that doesn't mean it still isn't capable of doing great good. I think the Primarchs returning will lend these agencies that kind of guidance you speak of.
>>1043325 Really what the Inquisition and probably the Ecclesiachy both need to fill in their gaps is someone who knows shamanism. So Russ and/or Khan basically.
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>>1041514 >Fucking Guilliman >>1043325 Guilliman has been trying very hard to tard wrangle most of institutions but things are so fucked at this point, that the poor bastard almost wants to just drop everything and be a farmfag. But is so honour bound along with genuine love for humanity, that he pushes on despite being completely fed up with the sheer state of the galaxy.
If everything else in 40k lore was the same except there were no humans, so the imperium of man in this version is the imperium of some random species, would you still side with them?
>>1043334 >Imperium of man but they are all Tau. I would still play Chaos. Biggest change would be playing as demons instead of warriors of chaos.
>>1043335 >Imperium of man but they are all Tau. I was more thinking they would be some of species like the blobites of blobinieum or something.
>>1043186 >Bruh
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>>1043186 >bruh
>>1043186 >bruh bruh is literally nigger slang >Bruh remains used as a term of address for a (usually male) friend or person in Black English. (dictionary.com) why are you talking like a fucking nigger anon
Like half the people here are even white anyway.
>>1043430 Those brown people mostly aren't niggers. Jose's more tolerable than Tyrone.
>>1043434 You have a number of nogs here too.
>>1043325 I do not know that the Inquisition would be too keen to follow the lead of the primarchs. The primarchs have proven to be susceptible to chaos corruption, and they are ten-thousand year-old anachronisms whose method of fighting chaos involved throwing power armored supermen with boltguns at it. Although perhaps the Ordo Xenos with their reliance on non-Grey Knight space marines and general RIP AND TEAR modus operandai will be amenable.
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>>1043509 This is a good lesson in why you shouldn't learn English from Americans.
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>>1043514 >cultist-chan trying to lewd the child Emperor Malcador! this is not allright!
>>1043268 Yeah that is true but the month of shame (Armageddon war aftermath) giving way to this is bullshit. Also xenos aren't relevant, remember that fleshy tyranid tower that kills psykers?
>>1043514 >>1043539 Let's be honest, she'd be a better GF for him than Erda was.
>>1043574 Depends eef he cwood staan heer talkeen h’like theese all tee taim.
>>1043539 I mean, I know "I can fix her" is a meme, but if anybody could do it - he could.
>>1043618 I can name 9 (+2) reason why he would make her worse.
>>1043630 (-1)?
>>1043643 And then there was that other one that he locked in a stasis coffin because he didn't feel like trying to fight him.
>>1043630 >>1043675 Statistically speaking, wouldn't one of the two missing Primarchs have sided with Horus?
>>1043675 He locked him in a stasis coffin because Emps programmed him to KILL CHAOS so hard that he moved from killing heretics, to psykers and astropaths, to offing regular people because even the average joe has a touch of the warp in him, and would have kept killing until the only ones left would have been Blanks.
>>1043717 >until the only ones left would have been Blanks You say this like it is a bad thing
>>1043716 Depends on your headcanon. Those guys are literally for donutsteel OC making. If you want, then one of them was so fucking loyal he willingly let himself erased.
>>1043752 I fear one will be unveilled as a female primarch for female marines
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>>1043630 But what about the other half of the time?
>>1043755 The two missing Primarchs are basically the FF7 Remake of GW. They're saving it for some future last ditch effort to make money. >>1043716 The implication is that at least one of them was so bad that it would have made the Emperor and Horus desperate allies. What ever that was going on with one or both of them was apparently so bad that it made Dorn suddenly realize that the Heresy really wasn't such a bad thing in the grand scheme of things.
>>1043762 They turned out to be okay, because Big E wasnt arround. Also half of the loyalists still hate him. I know "Big E is a bad parent" is a meme, but it has some truth. Its a miracle how Malc and Olie sticked with him. Also nice meme! >>1043755 I hate how you are right on this. I wonder how close are we to the inevitable.
>>1043778 >Its a miracle how Malc and Olie sticked with him. Because just like most of the well adjusted primarks,they could see past the man and focus on his quest to protect humanity. I still headcanon that Big E appeared all shrivled up and incoherent to Guilliman to make sure he 100% focuses on crusading against demons and the bureaucracy worshipping him
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>>1044014 Nice! Only the real ones get the third pic!
>>1044031 I spent a couple seconds wondering where his arms were before I remembered.
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>>1043334 if they are skaven, then yes, anyone has those caps explaining the similarities between the imperium and the skaven?
>>1044272 Best I've got is a meme, and also have some random skaven art I had in my files while searching.
Heresyposting is funny and heresyposters sound like my people, so I want to get into Space Marine and Warhammer 40k. Where should I start as an aspiring heresyposter?
>>1044770 Heresyposting? There's no better place than in the Eisenhorn books, followed by the Ravenor books.
>>1038605 This thread couldn't have been any more tainted by furfaggotry and degeneracy, so allow me to say: I WANT TO BREED A STEED
>>1044836 >/d/orse.jpeg no thanks
>>1044836 Recently the whole board has been tainted by furfaggotry. A suspiciously sudden increase of it that happens to have coincided with certain changes at cuckchan.
>>1044822 Thank you, I'll check out the Eisenhorn and Ravenor books. Which first, and where should I start with games? >>1044859 The furfaggot tainter's the rigger from that Game of the Month thing who VPNfagged to rig 4/5 of its last polls. His first rig, the YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin poll, was a July poll, so he could be a summerfag, but I'm guessing. There's certainly a sudden increase in him samefagging his furshit.
>>1044876 >so he could be a summerfag Only if he's Australian or various other countries but that's not as funny
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>>1044876 Eisenhorn comes first, then Ravenor is the sequel (it follows Eisenhorn's protege). The book(s) itself is an omnibus, so look for that because I don't remember the names of the individual books. >Where should I start with games? It will be a short journey for you, but it really depends on the kind of gameplay style you prefer most. FPS? Try Darktide or Space Hulk: Deathwing. RTS? Dawn of War 1, then go up to Dawn of War 2. Turn-based? Go with Mechanicus and then try out Ultimate Apocalypse. TPS? Definitely Space Marine 1 and 2. Now, if you don't have any preference in terms of gameplay, I definitely recommend playing Rogue Trader first. It is extremely underrated in how much lore it fills the player in on throughout the course of the game. It's an 'epic' game, and I put that in apostrophes because of how frequently the term epic is misused, but this one truly deserves it. You can build out your entire 40k portfolio starting from there.
>>1044879 >Eldar are more racist than the Imperium I'm no loretist, but from what I know of 40k the Imperium has the extermination of all aliens as a moral creed. The Aeldari, on the other hand, seem to only kill humans because its useful to them. So it should really be the other way around.
>>1044876 >>1044859 Hasn't there always been an undercurrent of furry when it comes to /v/(Rouge, Krystal, etc)? >>1044820 How frequently does he draw guro/bestiality anyway that it's warranted some people getting pissed off?
>>1044878 I think he's Portuguese since one of his uploads had a Portuguese name. >>1044879 I'll check out Eisenhorn, then. As an aspiring heresyposter I have a preference in terms of lore, so should I start with Rogue Trader?
>>1044882 Doesn't matter how much, since I can view it all for free on alternative platforms without having to give him you shekels or twitter clout. :^)
>>1044880 The Imperium may be the most racist in writing, but in practice they are actually rather tolerant, maybe to their own chagrin. They have teamed up with the Eldar before, and even the Tau and Necrons. The Eldar, however, have only ever teamed up with Humanity. I don't think they have ever teamed up with any other xenos to my knowledge. The Dark Eldar especially. >>1044883 >so should I start with Rogue Trader? Definitely. Rogue Trader has a wealth of lore. You might want to pirate it first, and then consider purchasing it if you feel like going on a second playthrough.
>>1044882 Emphasis on undercurrent. I don't know why people see posts saying "X has become posted a lot more than usually in a suspiciously short timespan" and hear "X was literally never posted on /v/ until now". >>1044890 Tolerant enough to tolerate pic related.
>>1044891 >Tolerant enough to tolerate pic related. GW retconned their appearance recently. They still look less human than aliens genetically engineered by toadmen a million years before humans even existed though.
>>1044820 Chaos and Necrons getting along? Now that's crazy.
>>1044890 Thank you, I'll pirate Rogue Trader first. I always pirate games first, since I play games second, and until I play a game, I don't know if that game deserves my money.
>>1044942 The guy's art is good, that's literally it, nigger. People gush over Adrian Smith as well since he's a godlike artist. Doesn't mean it's shilled.
>>1044883 >I start with Rogue Trader? Yes it's one of the best CRPGs to come out in years. >>1044890 The Eldar aside from lusting after human cock/vag begrudgingly admit the IoM is the largest faction, along with the one who is most competent at helping them in the shared goals. Those being wiping out Chaos and the nids, Guilliman aside from getting a stiff >>1041514 realises that an Eldar-Human military alliance is necessary. The Eldar have the black library and old obscure knowledge but lack the manpower needed, the IoM has all the manpower but lacks the knowledge the Eldar have. Both sides hate to admit this but they have no choice but to co-operate.
To check out Eisenhorn, is there a pdf or epub of Eisenhorn online without login requests or borrow periods?
>>1045132 Thank you, I downloaded and opened Dan Abnett's omnibus. It's long, but if I read a bit each day, I should finish.
>>1045206 Good shit anon I hope you enjoy it.
>>1045296 >sample
>>1045113 >Both sides hate to admit this but they have no choice but to co-operate. it's not just that. The Eldar have a superiority complex and believe themselves to be the inheritors of the Old Gods dominion. The problem is that they look at humans and see a younger less refined version of themselves and it pisses them off because despite looking down on humans they are much closer to them than they care to admit and it reminds them of their own flaws. Everything special about the Eldar exists in humans to some extent, if humans underwent a system wide eugenics process they could have natural born humans on par with Eldar in single Eldar lifetime. It's like upper class Whites looking down on lower class Whites far more than they do completely foreign groups, and getting mad when those lower class Whites succeed and rise above their station, the proximity is a constant reminder that they aren't that special.
>>1045113 >>1045429 If you could get the Imperium, Eldar, and maybe the Tau and Nu Squats to all band together that would pretty much put Chaos and most other threats on the back foot. But that requires having actual sense, which since Warhammer is a setting written by crack toothed hacks from a rainy island that hasn’t been good since the French had their rape spree under William the Bastard (or maybe when Herr Goering was doing some high explosive aerial urban restructuring) is in short supply since they can’t write a stubborn dogmatic society without making them irrational zealots dialed up to 100.
>>1045525 Guilliman is trying. >>1045541 Are the left still trying to say 40k is fascist?
>>1045545 Things getting worst with more and more tourits. Jewtube keep bombarding me with videos like >>1045541 this, and you can tell from the first minute niggers know nothing about 40k. The whole hobby's future looks grim...
>>1045584 Tench crusaders is being heavily pushed by the pozzed crowd due the creators being left wing. The only grimdark media that has genuine potential so far is Forever Winter.
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>>1044883 >Rogue Trader This has been my experience so far. Lost a 4 hour save to the Prologue and apparently this bug has been in since Launch.
>>1046037 Fuck that sucks anon.
>>1046037 Tried again with a new character. Got to the Navis station. Auto, quick and manual saves all crash. I'm not playing this game anytime soon. Owlcat have said there's a 1.3 patch coming soon but who know when that'll be.
>>1046085 I've never had that issue, must be something on your system not playing nicely with the game. What OS you runnin'?
>>1046097 Simple Win10. There's an option in Toybox to force load the dependices and I think it might be one of the item mods that's causing the failure to load blueprints. I'll find a way around it but I can continue now at least.
>>1045525 >If you could get the Imperium, Eldar, and maybe the Tau and Nu Squats to all band together that would pretty much put Chaos and most other threats on the back foot. I'm not so sure. Chaos mostly plays everything as a game most of the time. When things get serious, Chaos goes into overdrive. And they've got a 5th Chaos God in waiting that might just wreck everything if it gets born. >>1045541 Who is this whiny little communist faggot?
>>1046360 Malice is already a chaos god.
>>1046362 Sorry chud, new lore states that only 4 Chaos gods can exist at a time. It's why Slaanesh was pushed out like a little bitch in Fantasy/Smegmar and the Horned Rat was made into one of the four instead, allegedly because the Skaven were able to give him more power than Slaanesh's followers could give him.
>>1046363 Going by the end and the death vol 3 thats not a problem in 40k. And anyway he goes by the "Dark King" now in nulore apparently.
>>1046363 For what purpose? The horned rat didn't want slaaneshs position, he wanted Nurgles throne. They are both gods of death and birth, You can't have 2 of those in the pantheon. The existence of the horned rat already implies that there are other deities in the warp constantly looking to usurp the gods position, they couldn't make up another different god of excess? I already know why they did it like this. Some fucking jackass at GW wanted to market the game to kids so we gotta get rid of slaanesh. Skaven are popular so elevating the GHR to one of the 4 probably seems like good fan service but it is just fucking stupid.
>>1046201 Figured it out. It was this mod here. Heavy Bolter Patterned Variants was causing it to crash. https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kroguetrader/mods/168?tab=posts
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I will take any and all Cassia art.
>>1046371 I think the Dark King is just what the Emperor would have become if he allowed the chaos energy to overtake him. I don't think it's the same as Malice/Malus, but it's up to interpretation. I always considered Malice to be separate from the Emperor. Maybe, the correct interpretation is that in-universe, Chaos was expecting Big E to a Chaos god and thus be the prophesied 'Dark King', but in reality, that Dark King would not come about for another 10k years or so (aka current-day 40k) as Malice/Malal/Malus, who is a separate entity from the Emperor but still aligned against chaos and, ultimately, humanity.
>>1046409 >get Cassia. <Nasty bug in that I can't level her up. <This bug also applies to new characters created in a separate save. And I don't think it's the mods doing it this time. Desna, WOTR didn't give me this much grief. I'm gonna wait for that 1.3 patch and then try again.
>>1046477 That whole thing is screwy now, you got the traditional Big E stuck on the throne and now with no empathy or humanity, and then you got the nice Big E out there as the star child basically being a chaos God anyway. Who knows how thats all gonna shake out.
>>1046477 >>1046371 The Warp being a clusterfuck of then-now-later all existing at once The Dark King isn't so much what the Emperor is fated to turn into as much as it is a hole of probibility that someone or something is fated to fill but the exact who/what/how is subject to flux. Slaanesh was apparently the same way. Something bad was going to happen to the Eldar at some point but the specifics weren't set in stone. Kind of goes along with the Emperor and Malcador's precognitive war games. Half of the primarchs were going to fall but it wasn't set in stone which ones. >>1046486 >star child basically being a chaos God anyway Star Child is a Warp god but not a Chaos God. There's a distinction in both Fantasy and 40k even if originally there wasn't. Also the fucking Tau got a warp god started now too. She's a benevolent Ara
>>1046549 >Star Child is a Warp god but not a Chaos God Who cares, the Warp always becomes chaos. The only solution is Total Organic Death.
>>1046549 thoughts on my 'tism dumbery? >>1034618 >>1034620
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>>1046549 >Son who is noble, modest, and cares for his own sons to a fault >Son who respects you above all else and does your dirty work gladly >Son who always had a soft spot for mortals and the weak/oppressed >Son who had his own similar empire and gladly incorporated it into yours >Son who skinned people alive all for the sake of fear tactics and let prisoners/criminals into his own ranks >Son who never hid his disdain for you or his brothers >Son who has ancient technology woven into his brain which make him insanely aggressive at all times I wonder which one of my sons will betray me...
The new heavy swords in darktide are pure sex, slow to dodge with tho
>>1046639 Just stick in it here anon it's pretty grimdark inside there.
>>1046549 >Star Child Are they still using it or did they drop him completely?
>>1046629 Heavy weapons are sex when hits land, like in God of War. When Kratos lands hits it's "meaty."
>>1046914 I think it was referenced in the last HH book.
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>>1046947 >the last HH book
>>1046948 Yeah, its all the scouring from here out. Well. Okay so theres still an anthology of short stories to come out but that hardly counts as a real book. Surely the end and the death volume 3 is the last one.
>>1046914 They still somewhat reference the Star Child, even if they have retconned the Sensei into being a cabal of psykers duped by Tzeentch (though the official lore of their purging states that the Tzeentch symbol looked planted, so maybe the Inquisition really did fuck up and kill a bunch of the Emperor's actual children (Get fucked Fulgrim, though he'd probably enjoy that)
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>>1046593 better for you 'tism?, if so, would you be so kind so as to express your opinion on what i wrote?
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>>1047104 Nurgle should be opposite of Tzeentch, but other than that good job putting everything on a Star of David. Now add the Great Horned Rat.
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>>1047104 <There's a fucking Tau God War entity now >8th Edition Of fucking course!
>>1047120 >>1047126 Big titty warp mommy is going to spread the greater good, and we're going to help.
>>1047129 If I'm not going to trust anyone from this shithole reality, why would I trust the Tau of all things? There's no such thing as the greater good anyway, if you kill any of this shitty realities deities you'll probably spawn something ten times worse.
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>>1047105 >Nurgle should be opposite of Tzeentch mh, that does break RGB & CMY being on different triangles of the hexagram, but sure >but other than that good job putting everything on a Star of David thanks, thoughts on the CMY being gods created by beings of the materium?, or about how vision works with respect to how i arranged colours in terms of darkness to lightness to our eyes on the second post? >spoiler mh, i based this diagram on 2nd pic from wikipedia, but for you i whiped out inkscape to add it & malal, it did take me a while, sorry >>1047120 dumb stuff by me >>1034618 >>1034620 don't worry about it >>1047126 that they did >>1047129 and that she will
>>1047104 I though that the Choas God rivalries worked more like "Khorne vs. Tzeench" and Nurgle vs. Slaanesh."
>>1047142 IIRC Khorne and Nurgle both hate Tzeentch. Slaanesh basically has no allies.
>>1047159 God no, it was a SSeth joke.
New thread?
New Thread >>1047230

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