>I don't understand what makes ones think that these mediums are 1-to-1 or even close to that.
It's simply because of a sense of inferiority.
Regardless of the reason why these retards first became involved in video games, they're effectively deadset on the destruction of the media because they (Themselves) see video games as being an "inferior" form of art.
No, no one ever actually said this , but that's how they
FEEL . And so they are attempting to change everything about the media so that it is "accepted" by wider society and no longer feel insecure about it.
The problem is that this state will never be reached. As I said, this is about
THEM feeling insecure about video games. If you actually take a step back and look at the history of vidya beginning with it's rise in the 1970's, video games have always been taken "seriously" as a medium. Yes, there were a couple of asshats who like to ridicule gaming regardless, but those are the same idiots who like to ridicule people who are fans of sports. So you're never going to change the minds of those people because they see themselves as "too smart" to have fun.
And that's where much of the issue comes from , that these people see themselves as "too smart" to sucumb to and engage in basic human desires.
Except for sex, then that's "serious business" as long as it can be framed as "empowering". So they're constantly trying to prove to themselves that
THEY have "progressed" enough, and will never be happy about things until they reach that impossibly high and completely unrealistic standard that they have set for themselves. And it's because of this line of thinking we get games like Dragon Gay, Niggerborn, And Concuck, because they will never "respect" themselves or see themselves as "serious" for liking games like
Lollipop Chainsaw or
EDF . Unless it's to be ironic.
TL;DR, these idiots are goons in all but name.