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Vidya Enhacements: Mods, Romhacks, Remasters, Texture Packs, Undubs, ReShade, etc Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:58:07 Id: b26773 No. 860195
Do you like to garnish your vidya experiences? Whenever I play a videogame, I like to see if there are enhanced fan made versions of them, and if there are I will play those instead of anything official, not that official is bad ofc but fans tend to make the better creative decisions. The most common mods are used in BOTW and minecrank, but it should be our duty to share the more obscure or newer mods to give anons a nice feeling of catharsis. That's what I'm doing. Check these two mods out, feel free to share your favorites too! Sonic Free Riders: Controller Patch https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VmK3rCxL4mE Paper Mario: Originality King https://yewtu.be/watch?v=blmnHQnVZTk
>>860195 Also repost on >>>/mods/
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I recommend cdromance for getting undubs of older console games. Seems the majority of them are posted there, even if they didn't necessarily originate from cdromance.
>>860195 For almost every game on PC I play with mods if possible. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines has the Clan quest mod that I just finished recently. Currently playing Avorion with a friend and using the Xavorion eXtended modset that makes it more like the X series of games. No mod to fix the boss fights sadly. I might go back to Rimworld later this year. I honestly dread setting that shit up again, so I keep putting it off.
now Newtonian flag if available. I won't even pirate the game if i can't have the faggotry removed from my sight.
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>>860288 https://rentry.org/Non-NewtonianMods It's unfortunate that every mainstream modding site won't be hosting any of those, and are willing to defend the choices made. I want to escape from the current years, not wallow in them. It helps to create mirrors since nobody knows when they'll be deleted.
What's anon's opinion of "Grounded Commonwealth"? I don't think it fixes Falllout 4 because of the inherent problems with the game, and the arguments for racial changes fall apart to me when I consider how many non-whites and women are in positions of power in the NCR in New Vegas and the NCR being started by an Indian and the Shi existing. I also remember reading a few times that the Pre-War 50s revivalism was just that, revivalism. Of course, this means conditions for things like 4's open Pre-War homosexuals in a veteran community would be impossible due to the culture necessary for such revivalism. Despite this, I'd be grateful for mods to re-enable Fallout 2's Rainbow Confederation encounter and remove Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme from New Vegas. While I would prefer certain New Vegas NPCs be changed, I think it's funny that Arcade, a moralistic obvious homosexual know-it-all who constantly complains and is tied to the Enclave, might be a reference to Tim Cain and Veronica is a naïve, gullible, purposeless homosexual who wants the BOS to be the "good guys" again by abandoning their values like Lyon's Pride and has her best ending as joining the Followers, spineless pacifists who are doomed to be crushed by the NCR because they haven't been militarized since Fallout 1. A mod to sell companions at Cottonwood Cove might be good too. There's a mod to add a slave market to Cottonwood Cove, but it has no functions or voice acting because its creator is a wimp. In a theoretical slave trading mod, the player could barter over the price of each companion (and other NPCs), revealing details about them to raise their price and having to pass Speech and/or Barter checks to come up with convincing lies and not lower it if they say the wrong thing. For example, saying Arcade is a Follower of the Apocalypse while trying to sell him (rather than turn him in, which would be possible) would cause him to be executed on the spot and lower the player's reputation with the Legion. A problem with this idea would be transporting the NPCs to the slaver. It would be unrealistic to bring them and negotiate their sale in front of them, despite this happening in Fallout 2. My ideas are that Boone could be tricked into an ambush or betrayed during his companion quest, Cass could be put into a drunken stupor before she's recruited, Lily would need no coercion unless she's taking her meds full-time, Raul could be enslaved when you rescue him if you have a collar with you, and Arcade and Veronica could be negotiated for while they're not present and brought later or seized at the Fort. Relatedly, I'd like to see a mod to let the player leverage companion skills for skill checks. Arcade would be for Medicine checks, Raul and ED-E for Repair checks, and Veronica and ED-E for Science checks. >>860304 How do you change creature orientations in the Steam release of Dwarf Fortress? They aren't in creature_standard anymore. I wonder if this was intentional by the publisher. You can remove niggers by changing the human "[TL_COLOR_MODIFIER" above "[TLCM_NOUN:skin:SINGULAR" under "[CREATURE:HUMAN]". You can do the same for Elves and other species.
>>860195 I like the stuff you can pull out in the PC version of Dragon Quest XI Some guy even made a post post post game mod with bullshit bosses
My favorite is the Final Fantasy Tactics hard mode patch. The "easy" mode version of it. The mod is ball breakingly difficult mod that: >killed every exploit (like deleveling) >outright removed a few game breaking abilities (like Blade Grasp) >custom changed every story and random encounter so that the enemy teams synergize together (enemy formations usually have a healer/rezzer in a hard to reach position) >every enemy has a bit more JP available at any given level, along with a smarter skill and gear set >humanoid enemies scale faster than the shops do, bosses stats scale way faster than players do >enemies are always higher level than you, even in story mission >the last two points make it so you can't just grind your problems away The original versions of the mod were both extremely difficult and extremely tedious. If you failed to kill a tanky boss quickly and it got healed, you'd gain too much experience and you'd need to restart the battle due to the very real possibility of being too high level 10 or 20 hours down the road. The easy type version of the mod mostly alleviated this problem with a few tweaks. Later on, some faggot decided too massively overhaul a lot of under-performing jobs. Stupid shit like turning Archers and Black Mages into World of Warcraft Hunters and Shamans, along with a whole slew of retarded changes. This version I'm linking is the last good version before the author went full retard. Warning: this is insanely difficult. We're talking "losing the tutorial fight" hard. mediafire.com/file slash 3nktz5sx08fmet1 slash FFT_1.3.0.8.ppf.zip/file Here's a copy paste I use whenever the subject is brought up: I'm going to shill the Civ 5 mod I always talk about in these threads: Acken's Minimalistic Balance mod. The mod makes a few sweeping changes which have immense ramifications in how your basic strategies will be approached. >ranged units get a large defensive strength nerf, melee units get a large strength/defense buff Vanilla archers are 7 attack 5 defense, modded archers have 4 defense. A 20% nerf. Vanilla spearmen have 11 strength, modded is 13. And this trend of ranged unit defense being nerfed and melee units being buffed continues until the late industrial era. Cavalry DEMOLISHES archer units. Barbarian horsemen will 1 shot your archers and almost 1 shot your composite bowmen. Enemy civs' cavalry will almost always 1 shot your archers, even through rivers/rough terrain defense bonus. This drastically changes how warfare is conducted: it's no longer a tower defense game where your three range two attack archers endlessly mow down enemy melee units as they pathetically struggle to approach your positions. The doom carpet approaches, and you better have forts and melee units occupying those forts. Those melee units better have ranged units backing them up to focus fire and kill enemy melee units. And you better have cavalry ready to flank and chase down fleeing units. >cities now have a LOT more health, they also have a LOT less strength That doom carpet of melee units the AI loves so much will conquer an undefended city within two turns: one to get in range, two to have their melee units take it over. Coupled with the above change, this makes cities something you defend with armies, instead of having armies stand behind the cities and just wait for the AI to kill itself attacking. Added bonus is that siege units are now extremely deadly. A catapult will 2 shot an early game city that doesn't have walls built. Cavalry also gets their penalty vs cities lowered significantly. >the AI now plays to win You've been at war on and off with Soloman for three ages, neither side making much of a headway. You fucking HATE each other. Genghis starts getting fat, wipes out a neighbor that you had Soloman had shared. Soloman is now your best friend, he will ACTIVELY seek to mace peace with you, other AIs will recognize the threat that Genghis poses and will seek to form an alliance with you and Soloman. The AI will chain denounce Genghis, and the moment they smell weakness, they'll all dog pile on Genghis. The AI is now ruthless in its pursuit of its goals, knows and acts with and against civs when it suits its interests. Of course, that's with personality still being a limiting factor, Gandhi and Hiawatha probably won't backstab you at the drop of a hat since they value allies. A perfect example of this is that if you get real close to a diplomatic victory, the AI will sometimes try to conquer its own city states if it perceives you as being able to win. >playing wide got buffed Easy to access sources of extra happiness, and a nerf to the research/social policy penalties for extra cities means that the days of sitting on 4 cities for a few hundred turns is over. Playing tall means finishing the game with 12-15 cities. And the best way to get extra cities is, in most cases, to take them from your enemies. Since you need all those extra units to survive AI aggression, you'll want to use them and neutralize the strong, and pick off the weak. >social policy and ideologies rebalanced Piety is now a strong starting choice, as is Liberty. You can now make actual fucking choices! Overall, it's an amazing mod. I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about trying Civ5 again. One thing I will say is that it makes the game much harder. I had to drop down two difficulty settings in order to have a chance at fighting back.
>>860346 As much as I love rebalance mods like this, Vox Popoli, and JFD's civilizations, I never feel like I'm playing them very well. But then I can't go back to the flaws in the vanilla game, which is easier for the wrong reasons.
>>860331 Speaking of New Vegas mods, the first of three gameplay trailers for Nuevo Mexico released alongside multiple YouTube shorts that are poorly formatted clips of it. At best, it's disappointing. The narrator is obviously from Fiverr, and his script is so poorly written that it's indistinguishable from one an AI could generate. However, clumsiness in the mod's writing seems to be normal as the dialogue is stilted, unnatural, and at times cringe-inducing. Worse, it sometimes doesn't match the voiceovers. This extends to the video's description, too, as it contains a glaring logical inconsistency. The mod may as well not have audio mixing, and most of the the voice actors are noticeably putting on an accent while reading from a script when they speak Spanish. The models and textures peak and dip in resolution and polycount, some of them appearing to be from GUN, which notoriously ports models. I think the raider facemasks are from RAGE. This rollercoaster of visual quality is especially noticeable in character's faces, some of which may be masks or from mods like Mannequin Race. Many characters' hairs are also from outside sources. The radio host's voice is weak and uncharismatic. The player has new sounds, and these are amateurish. There are also new walk cycles, and the female cycle is meant to accentuate its butt. The mod is pre-packaged with an ENB and other mods, practically being a mod pack. Because the mod's start date since its first trailer has been switched from post-Legion victory in New Vegas to its current state of five years after Fallout 1, the writers seem to be beating around the bush with a last minute jet substitute: jexx. However, the script also mentions morphine by name, despite Med-X being widely accepted as morphine. Boxcars asks for Med-X, not morphine, when he's looking for a painkiller for his overdose suicide in the base game, yet the script of Nuevo Mexico keeps pushing morphine rather than a non-Med-X heroin or meth proxy. The ghoul start can use "Radiation Boosters" to give himself "feral ghoul-like abilities" because Turbo doesn't exist yet. The mod also continues with the Bethesda canon of aliens being real, showing one at Area 51 in an easily accessible cage. The writing also falls into a trap by having both possible starts be canon and treads on ground already covered by Fallout Nevada, making the Res Ghouls seek procreation. The video ends by showing an OC sexy crazy ghoul nurse with a full head of white hair. She ties up the player and experiments on him. My only compliment to the mod is for its locations. Whoever worked on location and level design seems to have done exceptionally well compared to the rest of the mod. My current theory on why the mod is in such a poor state is as such: there was major drama, possibly Frontier-level, within the mod team. This left a skeleton crew run by an ESL. The team has edited the first trailer's description to reflect this, saying most, if not all, of said trailer's content is now gone "to match the Fallout lore". Every video description has been changed to scrub the old start date and content. The team has also changed its YouTube logo from a woman, Vera, to a mascot corncob, and it is favoriting almost every comment under its videos, a common ESL tactic. Lastly, Tibett's Prison no longer matches the trailer from ten months ago. New Vegas overhaul mods are cursed.
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Anyone here playing hoi4?
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For a very simple but very useful QoL mod, there's the automap for Legend of Zelda. If you've never played the original, the top left corner has a little rectangle to roughly show where you are, but no actual map under it. It's a red rectangle on a blank black void. Of course, this is of limited use. The automap mod reveals the game world in that corner as you explore it, making traversing a lot easier. It feels so natural and integrates into the game so well I forgot it wasn't official only a few hours in.
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>>860352 Real Burgundian Hours
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>>860362 Talking about mister himmler
>>860362 Ronald Reagan had a side kick named Donald Regan.
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New Mario Bros. Modding Direct! Where a chunky negro shows you the newest romhacks. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=40OUE8quoz4 Peppino in Sonic Mania https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ISLoyl-_6YM Ratchet and Clank Randomizer https://yewtu.be/watch?v=xj8Y4YB5cnk There's also some argentinian remaking simpsons hit and run https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DfJJ9ax87co
>>860382 The Hit and Run mod is honestly incredible. Guy went ahead and learnt how to draw like an OG animator just for the sake of a bunch of cutscenes.
>>860195 I really wish there was a way to quickly look up improvement patches that are basically official content, rather than just original mods. Things like porting content from one version of a game to another, retranslating things to be more accurate than the "official" translation, etc. Sonic 3 Complete is a good example of what I want. Yes, it might be nice to add other mods that are just original content, or which tweak difficulty or whatever to your liking, but that's a bit different, since it is changing the gameplay experience. Sonic 3 Complete is just giving you options for all the different versions of Sonic 3 that have released. And sure, I'll allow widescreen and HD or whatever since they're straight quality things and not subjective, and Sega did eventually do that anyway. Another one I advocate for often is Castlevania II: Retranslation + Map. Unlike the also popular Castlevania II Redacted, which rewrites dialogue to make it easier to figure out puzzles, this one retranslates it to be more accurate. Though some parts are still cryptic, they're cryptic on purpose and not due to bad translation. And honestly, if you're exploring and talking to everybody, there isn't anything that will really leave you stuck without a guide. The Map is a digitized version of the map from the Japanese manual, which you were supposed to have when you were playing the game, so it's not cheating, it's just making it so you don't need to pull out a separate book. (Actually, I guess I should allow the Zelda I map for the same reason.) It adds the save system from the Japanese version into the American version, which means it skips the load times and disk flipping of the Japanese version, which Japanese fans argue makes the Japanese version actually worse than the badly translated cartridge version. So now you get the best of both worlds. And for a bonus, the creator also added an opening cutscene with a translated version of the intro from the manual, and the slideshow pictures he uses are just the relevant screenshots from Castlevania I, so again, it's basically all official content but putting it all in the game instead of in the manual. You can also turn on a bunch of other quality of life options that some people might like, like being able to jump off stairs, or turning off fake blocks, but I didn't do that, since it's not what the devs intended. I just want the best version of what they intended. Yes, the fake blocks still suck, but I can deal with it. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2's HD remakes have some problems, but there are mods which fix most of them, adding in all the content from the various different versions, and giving you the best of all possible versions. There are videos on Youtube recommending which mods do this. Last I checked there were still a couple of minor issues from the remake that weren't solved, but they're barely noticable and it does result in the best versions of the games. My personal favorite thing for these are the retranslation mods. You can set the language to Japanese, but the subtitles will still just be the script for the English dub. You can instead make it so the subtitles are much more accurate, while also listening to the Japanese dub, which does have some substantial changes that you can notice even as an English speaker (like for example, the English version removes some Chao sounds that come from Chaos sometimes, which goes a long way to explaining what the fuck he is). Last I checked, the retranslation for Sonic Adventure 1 didn't change the NPC dialogue in the Adventure Fields, but it's still a vast improvement, and that issue doesn't exist in Adventure 2 anyway. A lot of games have translated versions that were changed beyond translation, like censorship, or changing the difficulty. So sometimes retranslations aren't even to change the script, but to just put the translation, which may be reasonable, into the original version, sans the other changes. Castlevania III and especially Bloodlines are made much harder outside Japan (and they're already very hard), so though this is a mod that changes the difficulty, which I normally don't want to do, it only changes it back to what it was originally, which is way better. There should be a wiki with a list of mods like this for as many games as possible, as well as listing the best version of each multiplat game. I'd do it if I didn't actually have a stupid job that eats up all my time and doesn't let me do massive autistic undertakings like this. Crowdsourcing this type of knowledge would be very useful, and might encourage more creators to make more mods of this nature for other games.
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>>860304 >basic ass nude mods I thought Nexus was okay with adult mods unless it had loli in it? Did those modders say a no no word that Nexus didn't like?
>>860382 I completely forgot about the insane fucker reanimating Simpsons cutscenes.
>>860350 I forgot to link the video, https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=-kFVf7q-9iY >>860352 I don't see a reason to play HOI4 right now. Extremis Ultimis is barebones, the Poland mod hasn't been updated in a while, Stahlvorhang looks like it won't release any time soon, and Sun Shining on the World has small, infrequent updates. I thought Kaiserredux was alright for some time until I noticed its large holes in content.
>>860304 Well part of the problem happened because everything got too centralized, it just take a few faggots with money to screw these places even if they are good, the ideal is to find and keep pushing it in a more decentralized manner, like people are still uploading mods like this on mega and shit and it easily gets taken down then they get demotivated when they basically didn't even try to be cautious
>>860622 Eh I'm still playing some mods for the while. Like TNO or darkest hour.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6_XvF8p24Mo There's a texture pack for Mario and Luigi dream team, in case you dislike the fuzzy pixel art, this upscales that. I don't know if this was done via AI or manually, haven't played it yet but looks nicer than I expected.
>>860756 For once, filters ain't so bad
>>860596 I agree, but at least checking pcgamingwiki, romhacking.net and nexus mods gives you a good idea for a lot of these types of mods. Would be nice to have a centralized resource for that kind of thing though as some things you just need to research or discover yourself.
>>860813 PCgamingwiki is usually just for the technical stuff, and wouldn't include things like retranslations or porting content from one version from another. romhacking and nexus mods might have stuff like that, but good luck sorting through everything quickly and efficiently. Then sometimes you get good stuff hosted elsewhere, and you never know if you'll find it. And sure, it's doable, but sometimes you just wanna play a game without having to do all this research. At least one place you know you could go to to find which version of a game is objectively best, and which mods might help make it the best, would be good. And in a lot of cases there can be tradeoffs, one version might be better in one way and another version in another way. That's why there should be a wiki, so there can be charts and explanations.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Modding Direct 7.21.2023 https://yewtube.com/watch?v=IclsSxh5p0g Mama mia! That's a lotta content.
Oh jeez, nvidious is down. If there's an instance that works pls lemme know. https://youtube.com/watch?v=IclsSxh5p0g
>>861591 I always use this link and it gives me a rotating list of instances https://redirect.invidious.io/
>>860723 TNO sucks because it tries to take itself too seriously while going through a revolving door of developers, not to mention the feature creep. TWR suffers from similar problems, even having a "canon" ending. KX seems to be doing something similar with KW. A few years ago, I played OWB regularly, but its vision is schizophrenic while drifting toward non-Fallout and development cycle is held back by long wait times for region-based revisions. I prefer the KX model of dedicated developers per section who take up the mantle because it's what they enjoy. This does lead to some shitty developments like RM's integration and lobotomy and the extreme focus on the 2CW while leaving Chinese fans to pick up the slack on the 3I's development with submods, but it's better than seeing the majority of the map have content unchanged from release. How is DH? Is there a demo or release date for SVH? What does its tech tree look like? When it comes to Axis victory scenarios, the only one I've enjoyed so far is SSW.
>>860813 >Would be nice to have a centralized resource for that kind of thing though as some things you just need to research or discover yourself. >>860596 I really wish there was a way to quickly look up improvement patches that are basically official content, rather than just original mods. Be the change you want to see in the world. In fact, considering wikia-styled places are dying, you can start putting links to interesting mods on a single resource yourself, telling the modders about it and slowly try and build your archives. Or even better, build some sort of Focused Crawler that searches specifically for pages, discord channels and youtube channels containing mods, patches and fan translations of games. They're not even hard to set up, though the retrieved content then needs to be saved on some other place like a specialized site.
>>861664 I think a wiki would be the best idea because that way there could be thorough explanations of what each mod does, in addition to comparisons of different versions of games, so that way people can come to look up which version is objectively best, or if some are objectively worse than others, and then since many times different versions will have tradeoffs, they can at least make an informed decision. But I have no idea what goes into making a wiki, nor do I have the time to administrate a website. Wikia apparently made it easy back in the day, but they're well past fucked now. Where else would one start to make a wiki these days? Even just starting by crowdsourcing knowledge from here would be a good start.
>>861699 >Where else would one start to make a wiki these days? UESP uses MediaWiki. Many of its affiliates do too.
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>>861634 >When it comes to Axis victory scenarios, the only one I've enjoyed so far is SSW. Yeah it's intresting from what I've heard. But will likely wait till stahlvorhang comes out. But so far been playing only a few mods. I don't like that they made dolfuss into a democrat in DH that's just stupid
Edited last time by Mark on 07/24/2023 (Mon) 01:54:55.
>>861699 >But I have no idea what goes into making a wiki Pick a template, create articles copying the ones that already exist and promote it through SEO and word of mouth. Refer to the Infinity Cup wiki, and see how just like four people made the entire thing.
>>861765 So I have to actually get a server? There's no replacement for Wikia/Fandom that lets you just do it? If we found one, I'd get it started, though I'd need to find other anons to help me admin, because I don't have the time for that sort of responsibility. >>861869 See this is the part I could do. The more technical stuff though is where I have no idea.
>>861765 >>861899 Actually, forgot to ask, I'm looking at Mediawiki's page of Hosting Services, and there are a lot. Of course I'm immediately discounting any that don't have a free option. Out of the ones that do have free options, I'm not sure which ones are any good. There is something about "Wiki farm or host?" What's a wiki farm and how does that result in me not having to host a server myself? What's a good free option? From what I've found, trying to narrow it down, I've found the following seem to be free. Are any of these actually good? >Miraheze.org >neoseeker.com >wiki-site.com >Shoutwiki.com >WikiTide.com I just wanna type my autism into the internet. I don't wanna do the tech stuff. I can make charts and organization systems and stuff to help organize which versions of games are better than others with/without improvement mods, but beyond that, it's a different kind of autism.
>>861900 I have no history making wikis, but I see Miraheze used the most.
>>861900 I recall the /icup/ wiki being on shoutwiki and having a lot of issues because of it. Miraheze seems the most stable
sonic 3 a.i.r is great
Someone posted this on the other site's /v/: https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page I remember signing up for Ucoz years ago to make a free website like GeoCities, and it gave a free forum option. If they still do that or there's a better free forum provider, you could try that.
>>871981 A forum doesn't really seem like an adequate replacement for a wiki.
>>872007 This. I guess I will just have to so it myself once I get back from my trip.
>>872067 Good. Then I can get back to theorycrafting how this type of thing should be organized. Of course, whoever puts in the effort to make and administrate it would have more say, but crowdsourcing ideas in this thread might be useful. Here are ideas I was thinking of to put forward. Feel free to say they're stupid. >Every game gets its own page Even if a game doesn't have multiple versions, or improvement mods, a page existing is still good, because at least people can look it up and confirm that they aren't missing anything. >Different versions of games that are clearly meant to actually be the same game get one shared page, even if the different versions have different names As far as I can tell, Super Smash TV is not intended to be some sort of sequel, it's just Smash TV on Super Nintendo. Mega Man 64 and Mega Man Legends are the same game, one's just on 64. >Different games with the same name, even with the same cover, are sometimes actually different games, and should be on separate pages. There can be sections on each of the games' pages for "related games." Having little drop down menus at the bottoms of pages for "series" would probably be a related helpful thing. Sonic Unleashed on PS3 and 360 are the same game, but they're a different game than Sonic Unleashed on Wii and PS2. There are tons of examples of games like this. Games with the same name should have links at the top of the page. "Not to be confused with (name of other page of same/similarly titled game." Perhaps a section at the end of each of the pages can then be dedicated to explaining the differences between them, though since the differences are larger, these sections might not need to be long, though that depends on a case by case basis. "Differences from Sonic Unleashed (Wii/PS2): Though sharing the same title, cover, story, and FMVs, the level design is entirely different between the two games. Boss fights in Sonic Unleashed (Wii/PS2) seem to take place before boss fights in Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3), as bosses in the latter seem to show damage taken in the former." >On a page for a single game, open with a brief intro for what the game is, then a chart listing the different versions and key version differences, then sections for each version, discussing that particular version's differences more in depth Make clear that the pages should focus on the differences, not on general game info. General game info can be found by looking up the actual game, and including it here would distract from the vital info that the site is about. >List improvement patches But make clear that "improvement" should be defined somewhat objectively. It should either be straight technical improvements, or amount of content. Porting content that was exclusive to one version into another version counts, creating original content does not. That's a different type of mod that is more subjective, and doesn't count for this. We're looking for "definitive versions," not your favorite mods. >The chart that lists the different versions counts a version + all available improvement mods for it as a different version Since the improvement mods listed should be relatively objective, all available ones would presumably be used at once, so there is "NES version," and then "NES version + hacks." If there are different improvement hacks that don't work together, then list each as different versions of the games, but if there are different ones that do work together, count them all together. >Sort the chart into objective order of best to worst This needs to be kept as objective as possible to be useful, so I would say you shouldn't even rank which improvements are better than others. A version only gets a higher spot if it has literally everything the versions below it also have. This will frequently result in many versions that are equal to each other, so a tier system is needed, maybe color coded for convenience. You'll probably also end up with a lot of games where most versions are all just equal, but then you have a few that are objectively worse, so there are just two tiers. That's fine. The point is you can ignore the lower tiers if you want. It narrows things down. But they should still be listed in case, for whatever reason, a particular user wants to compare that one in particular, or doesn't want to bother with the ones in the higher tiers. This is why it's important to have a chart listing the differences between the versions, and not just a tier list plainly listing the versions. Maybe one version is best, but a user doesn't have access to it. Maybe many versions have different mutually exclusive benefits, so we should make it easy for the user to decide which they care about. Maybe one version has a higher resolution or framerate, while another has an extra level. It's subjective which of those things is more important, so they'd go in the same tier, but the chart should make it easy for the user to see the differences and quickly pick for themselves. They can scroll down to the sections about each version for more detailed info. >Edge cases can be decided on the talk page Some of these cases probably get complicated. That's why the info needs to be crowdsourced. That's also why it's important to put down the strict rules about objectivity, such as "you might prioritize extra level as higher than framerate, but that's a subjective decision, so they go in the same tier." But for those times when a real edge case appears, it goes to the talk page and the users of the page can decide it. (Admin reserves the right to make the final decision in such disputes.) >Versions are sorted by tier>release date>alphabetically by platform Higher tier versions go first, so they're easiest to find. After that, we want versions to be listed in relatively bias-free order, so release date would be the next way to sort, so as to avoid the bias of sorting alphabetically by platform (and thus always putting PS before Xbox, for example). But after that I can't think of another good way to sort objectively versions that are equal tier and released on the same date, so those versions get sorted alphabetically by platform. That leaves the lists with slight alphabetical bias, but it's minimized, and I think it's better than organizing them randomly, or up to editor whims. Yes, this is autistic.
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What does /v/ think of All-Stars redrawn? There's demos out now for 1, 2, and Lost Levels right now. Demos: https://mega.nz/folder/6CRU3ADY#xV3kUhMufDyreEL_OfErDA Thread: https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=29877.0
>>872218 Very interesting. It is cool to be closer to the official art, but it's also tough to change such an iconic game, such iconic sprites, without it looking weird no matter what. Also, I question if the level of detail they're going for in some of the images, such as Mario's sprites, and especially Small Mario's sprites, is a bit too high for the actual resolution and size of the picture. It looks cool close up, but in action, perhaps it's a bit muddled. Trying to put the blue in Mario's eyes makes it look like blur rather than blue, and the hair blends in with the hat a bit. Kind of makes you realize why the sprites are as simple as they are in the actual game, even though the Super Nintendo technically could have done more.
>>872218 The project sounds absolutely retarded.
>>872223 >It looks cool close up, but in action, perhaps it's a bit muddled. This. Especially on a 2-Chip SNES connected to a cheap 90s TV via some shitty RF cable. These games were first and foremost toys, so the sprites were drawn to look good on the kind of setup an average person would have had back then. This level of detail would look like a complete mess under such conditions. I guess it makes for an interesting study of what can be done with old games on modern displays.
>>872218 HIRE THIS MAN
>>860195 Trying to mod BG:EE and BG2:EE because I want to play it again. I fucking hate the mod tools but it's understandable why they suck. The game is not made for modding. The way the game determines whether an NPC should be spawned in an area is via a LUA script, ie each area has a giant LUA script that goes through all the flags necessary for the area and spawns the required creatures. So when you want multiple mods that happen to modify the same area, it needs to decompile the LUA script, patch in one mod's additions, recompile because each mod is done in essentially isolation, and then do it again for the next one. The same thing happens with items and strings, but it's indices in a table, not string manipulations that have to happen. With no official mod tools, this is all third party tools that hack around everything and inevitably end up a giant pain in the ass. Because these tools are so old as well, they don't have any of the newer mod tool features like dependencies etc. Each mod essentially has to script the tool to check for dependencies and optional dependencies, and add their options based on that. In short, giant fucking pain the ass. Despite all this, multiple quite large mods have been made that work well together, except installing them is a pain because of the singular nature of all of these tools ie if a mod install breaks, the best option is to completely ditch that install of the game, restore from backup, fix the issue, then start again.
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>>860195 Odyssey of the Dragonborn when?
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https://basedmods.eth.limo/ Cool site for rad people Remember to download and archive it.
>>872353 > LUA Why do people keep spelling it like this? It's not an acronym, Lua means "moon" in Portuguese, it's a word. I have never seen other language names written in all-caps, except for Lua for some reason.
>>882025 I dunno about that. This site wanted me to enable javascript like all the other shitty modding websites and the name of the javascipt it wanted enabled sounded fishy.
>>882144 Looks like webpack, nothing fishy about it.
>>882025 Submitted a few mods to whatever dude runs this website.
>>882025 thanks anon, very cool.
>>882074 No one cares, autismo, go find some water to play in.
>>882025 >no hoi4
>>882510 see the be change you want
>>882510 What mods could be uploaded that the workshop wouldn't allow? Uberreich? Return of the NMDVP? The Warcrimes mod(s)?
Damn just saw that historically accurate hogwarts mod. Out of a sudden i really want to try that game.
>>861786 >DH turned Engelbert Dollfuss into a democrat
Came across this enhancement mod of Turok 2. It looks pretty cool, allot of changes and additions to many areas of the game. Weapon adjustments and alt fires, enemy AI improvements, enemy repositioning, the change log for the mod is pretty massive. https://www.moddb.com/mods/turok-2-plus
>>882934 This looks neat, thanks anon.
>>882581 >Uberreich Why was that one even removed?
>>882877 The worst thing is... that's a historical mod
>>861786 >edited by Mark I wonder what was changed. >>882954 Uberreich brought back Hitler and, in the eyes of the Steam, HOIV, and Kaiserredux communities, glorified him. Its uploader was fairly edgy too and included some text file of why he added certain things that they didn't like, I think while calling them fags. If you want it but updated for the latest version of KX, use https://gothub.frontendfriendly.xyz/ajaxxxxxxx/Deutsches-Uberreich-Updated. As a forewarning, RM and its content in KX is total shit made by a drug addict, and the KX dev team have even added a description for the decision which would lock you into the path that it's only maintained in the mod for archival purposes. It seriously breaks the rest of the mod's content because Red Germany doesn't share the same tag as regular Germany, even after winning the civil war.
>>883056 >I wonder what was changed I don't see anything changed. >1.6 Thanks will try it out as soon as realise how to make it work.
>>882025 For Rimworld, I suggest someone adds "Diversity and Discrimination". It's a mod that adds a tenet for colonists to like or dislike each other based on skin tone relative to their own. Unfortunately, there's no granularity to it, and, while the developer has mentioned it as an amusing possibility, it only covers race. For Dwarf Fortress, your included screenshot notoriously doesn't work for the Steam version because Kitfox changed the code for the storage of humanoid sexuality variables (or at least those for dwarves. I might be misremembering). I don't know what the new location is, but I can confirm that the race changes still work. For BG1/2/EET, you're missing Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs. It allows the player to remove/edit the new NPCs from the EEs. >>883374 Download the mod and extract it to the HOIV folder in your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod directory. From there, unpack the zip into a file of its own. You can name it whatever you want as long as you don't use too many or invalid characters. Open descriptor.mod in the new folder. In there, you will add a new line, path="path to mod". If you're using a non-standard (read: non-Latin) language for your system (i.e. Japanese to make eroge translations work), make sure the path is separated by strokes, not backstrokes. Paradox is a shit games company and has neither programmed their launcher nor their engine to accept backstrokes. From there, rename the included descriptor.mod (because you'll probably be downloading more mods manually in the future) and move only it to the Hearts of Iron IV/mod directory. The launcher reads the .mod files in the directory, and the path variable directs it to the location of the mod. From there, it works it into the load order, though I think they haven't ported the load order feature to HOIV's launcher. The v1.6 designation is the mod version (1.0 being the base update), not the game version.
>>884788 Thanks anon.
American Krogan's overhaul mod is active on basedmods, for those who aren't aware. https://basedmods.eth.limo/browse/ I only bring this up again because a friend of mine was trying to find it on Nexus of all fucking places.
>>893640 Is basedmods becoming more popular?
>>893640 >actively encouraging purchases As if this retard wasn't enough of a faggot already.
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>>893640 I will never understand this guy's autism. Does he seriusly believe that the great war started in the 1950's? Literally the first settlement you run into in Fallout 1 has indian people, hes just retarded.
Is there a mod that takes out all the niggers from stardew valley?
>>882025 It's fascinating to browse this site because these are all mods that got banned from every mainstream site. Looking at the mod list it's plain to see that any whitening of the skin or removal of leftoid symbols is insta-banned from everywhere no matter how innocuous. The sheer faggotry of nu-modding sites is staggering. We really need a memeteor to put this planet out of its misery.
>>893640 >last image Yeah it is pretty funny how the bans always all come at once for shit like this. >>893827 These people are hypocritical cunts. Rainbow cult shit is a-ok, but change a pride flag and even paid site supporters are getting axed without any hesitation. >>893824 Fairly certain I've seen one posted before, but I don't remember it since I never bothered with that game.
>>893757 F2 explicitly states Shady Sand's vault was deliberately made multicult to see how it failed. Even in Fallout 1 it's stated there was a "schism" that caused part of the populace to split off and form Shady Sands while the "original" half was ended by raider attack.
>>893833 Are you really going to ignore vault city and all the other non-white characters to die in this most retarded of hills, anon? And i fail to see how the vault failed, it spawned shady sands wich formed the NCR, the most sucesfull post war state.
Anyone played this? It's a Red Alert 3 mod that makes the game playable by porting over the Generals formulas as much as the game allows it to.
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Not sure what to call a decompilation, but that Links Awakening PC port got a DMCA from Nintendo
>>921458 It doesn't help that journos ALWAYS have to make articles about the fangames, thus drawing Soytendo's attention to them. Always happens without fail. Are they in cahoots?
>>921460 To be fair, if the fangame is being hosted on the clearnet, Nintendo will find it anyways. A victim of its own success. All one can do is mirror the game and hope people find that mirror. That's why it's best for the devs of fangames (Nintendo fangames) to keep their yaps shut on the project until they can release it so that a DMCA can't do much damage. "It's already out there" , that kinda thing, which makes DMCAs powerless
>>912343 >The Dev hasn't posted in awhile, I wonder why? >His home was in Mariupol and got blown up late 2022. https://www.moddb.com/mods/command-and-conquer-generals-evolution
>>921485 Wow at least he survived
>>921485 I have a Ukie friend I met on Vola before it died, he says the destruction in the western parts of the country is indescribable. Entire cities leveled. Mariupol was hit particularly bad, roughly 90% of all homes destroyed. Sure, the Russians captured the city, but there's barely anybody left. I think the last estimate was 25k, meaning the population is down 94% from 425k. There are also reports they've setup an Israeli-style settlement system where they're paying people to move from Russia into the ruins of the captured cities, so who knows how many of that 25k are even from Mariupol. There's a lot of modding and gamedev in Ukraine, the war has disrupted most of it.
>>921492 >western Sorry, I meant eastern.
>>921685 >Christians are mentally ill The fuck are you talking about? How does that relate to anything? >>860331 >What's anon's opinion of "Grounded Commonwealth"? A completely retarded mod made by someone that hasnt played any of the previus games speaking out of his ass. > remove Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme from New Vegas. Why though? Its a world where there are prostitutes, rapists, drug addicts and all kind of filth, why wouldnt there be homosexuals here and there?
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bvFoFQLLkA0 For the anon who got forces instead of frontiers, a consolation prize to improve your gaming experience. It's a new mod called "Sonic Forces: Overclocked" that improves level layout, design and gameplay.
>>893824 Believe it or not, there was one hosted on the official Cucklefish forums. For some reason, the forum mods allowed it to stay up unlike Nexus. Long as you have/make an account, you should be able to get it.
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Speaking on romhacks, I found some romhacks in a japanese site called 8bitmania (now dead) so I decided to post in here. First, we have a romhack of bomberman (japan) called "Killer queen" with are pic related. https://files.catbox.moe/n1p530.zip there is also a romhack of flappy (japan) called "Fnassy" with apparently its a mascot of the city of Funabashi. https://files.catbox.moe/6f0hwk.zip Last one is a romhack of the game Cocoron (japan) called "Final Cocoron", the romhack is in japanese and is a rpg, so if anyone want to translate be my guest. https://files.catbox.moe/7xk0xm.zip Btw, all the hacks are on ips file, I would patched them myself, but my pc is broken right now. Archives of the site https://web.archive.org/web/20210527042943/https://sites.google.com/site/8bitmania/
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>>927812 Your post reminded me of an NES game my brother had when I was about 5. It was like Bomberman but it wasn't Bomberman, it had boss fights. I can't remember the name of it. I want to say Cybernator but I know that's a completely different SNES game.
>>860195 >romhacks I went through a phase where I played a shitload of Super Metroid romhacks. Three of them were really good. >Hyper Metroid It's just more Super Metroid. A few new areas, a "new" beam type, a new backflip move and some more goodies. Its difficulty balancing is perfect and it's a lot harder than vanilla, but not in the usual romhack bullshit way where it expects you to be able to do a pixel-perfect shinespark on the drop of a hat and instead just throws different or difficult enemy combos at you. The escape sequence is also fucking awesome. >VITALITY Everyone sucked this hack's dick when it came out because muh graffix and it does look awesome, but its spritework is way overdone in a lot of places and it ends up looking messy. That said it was still pretty fun, although the ending sucks. >Oxide It's really short but it's incredibly fun. Just kicks you out the door and tells you to have a good time.
>>928457 Anon you don't need to bump threads like this please stop being such a newfag FUCK
Due to retarded licensing costs for sound libraries, the recent RoboCop: Rogue City game couldn't feature some of the signature sound effects from RoboCop, like the Auto 9's firing sound, RoboCop's holster, and his footsteps. Mods restoring these effects (and tweaking animations to match the sounds) have done an excellent job of improving the game a great deal, in spite of the usual UE5/DX12 horseshit making it crash harder than a troon in a house of mirrors. Finished KoTOR 2 with the restored content mod, plus widescreen and other visual enhancements. Practically a remaster, and it's only a shame I didn't mod the fuck out of KoTOR 1. I was tempted to make another run through Republic Commando, but I am not super big on squad controls. Kind of a tangent: I was looking through a few "New homebrew games for the [GAME SYSTEM/COMPUTER] in 2023" videos, and the trend that I keep finding is HORRIBLE visuals, and needlessly so. I was reminded of a livestream interview with the developers of FX Unit Yuki (how very nineties weeb), in which the autists making the game ignored questions and suggestions, after stating that they were looking for feedback, and let the bland and boring garbage that was in their early demo carry on into the final physical release. What the shit, I hate autists. Sure, you can code, but at least see that you should subcontract art and music/sound work.
>>930368 >KoTOR 2 with the restored content mod, plus widescreen and oth It's been ages since I played kotor2, gonna give this a shot
>>930458 If you play it on Steam, you can install most of the mods via the workshop, which handles it automatically, with no need to go through the fag parade that is Nexus.
>>930368 >making it crash harder than a troon in a house of mirrors
Anyone have Fallout 4's cwss redux (Craftable Working Showers Sinks)? Author pulled it after some drama and it's therefore duty to distribute it elsewhere.
Saw this done by one of the guys behind the Tomb Raider HD remasters: https://www.sr1hdremaster.com/download
Pacific Drive has a fun gameplay loop but comes with alphabet flags as free decals for your car. Does anyone know how to mod those to change them?
>>939809 Also looking for this. Annoying as fuck having to scroll through a billion rainbow flags when you just wanna slap a cute puppy on your trunk.
>>939809 >>939819 Just play good games. Removing the flags doesn't mean it wasn't made by SJWs that hate you for not liking to suck cock. There are millions of good games you could be playing instead. Why flagellate yourself like this?
If you download Non-Newtonian Creatures for Dwarf Fortress from BasedMods and want to make it work with the Steam version, you have to copy an info.txt file from another mod, paste it in the Non-Newtonian Creatures folder next to the objects folder, and change the relevant variables so they won't conflict with the mod you grabbed the text file from. The mod won't load into DF's mod manager otherwise.
>>945951 I've tested this now. While it does register the mod, the object files that come with it don't register for some reason.
In the wake of the Fallout TV show, Nova Arizona just released. What does anon think of it? To me, it looks promising, but I'm wary of it taking inspiration from HOIV's Old World Blues. However, I'm glad that someone took up the mantle after TheGreatBahn schizo'd out. The team has ideas to make DLC-like areas. What would you want to see? I'd like to see the Flagstaff-Phoenix-Two Sun area, Sonora or Texas, and the Twin Mothers-Denver area. The mod makes me wish someone would do something similar for the NCR, like remake The Long 15 Reborn. It's too bad that no one can add anything past Jacobstown because it would inherently conflict with Lonesome Road. There's loads of unused space, but it's more than likely that Ashton and Hopeville are where Pahrump would have been, given where the Canyon Wreckage points to. If I were to write lore for the area, I'd contextualize the Bitter Springs Massacre and the relationship between the Khans and Legion by writing it as an excuse by Moore and Oliver to wipe the Khans after they overstepped their boundaries and burned Pahrump to the ground, themselves doing it under the pretense of vengeance for the tribals who previously lived in the area and later made the Tribal Village.
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https://gamebanana.com/mods/515693 This Mod has been trashed for a rule violation. >Trash Date 6d Rule Violation >Content may be withheld or trashed and members gagged or banned at the sole discretion of top level site admins. This rule is used in specific cases where when no other rule is appropriate. Additional Details >Given the creator signed up just to submit this, and has no other submissions or history on the site, the admins believe this was created and shared in part to cause controversy.
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>>975531 What a bunch of faggots. >Given the creator signed up just to submit this, and has no other submissions or history on the site So what? What does that have to do with the mod? Everyone who uploads mods already need to have a history of uploading mods? >the admins believe this was created and shared in part to cause controversy. That's your assumption and really just an excuse. Fuck these cunts. Why did gamebanana start cucking out in recent years?
>>975676 Transgender tails mod changed that website.
>>975720 *ruined a whole generation of mods
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>>939809 https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Pacific_Drive_mods/Stickers_Remover >>860596 Love this post but how do you feel about mods like this? (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7159/) Technically a QoL upgrade for Road Rash 2 but it does affect the gameplay. I'm still unsure about it. I'm assuming the developers took into account the low FPS so this feels "unnatural".
>>978761 sage for double posting like a nigger, link doesn't work it's a frame rate increase for road rash 2
I would be great if there was a mod for the first Insomniac Spider-Man game to remove auto-webbing enemies who fell off the stage, cause a game over if these enemies hit the ground, and significantly increase the cooldown for Impact Webs and Web Bombs. Requiring the player to pay attention to the positions of enemies and reducing the usefulness of gadgets which discourage movement would greatly benefit gameplay and give a more authentic feeling of playing as Spider-Man.
MetalMAME: MAME fork that replaces the music in games with heavy metal covers from Brazilian heavy metal band MegaDriver. This includes the soundpacks. Only games supported: Gyruss, Contra, Golden Axe, and Altered Beast https://mega.nz/file/NbxGUDKL#Zm40G4gTV_PeFtsBtV2OCFheNcagPjFrAtDZTccDfoo
Read the fucking comments! https://archive.md/3xwQZ You unironically have fags complaining that the "problem" with RHDO was that Spike was uploading pre-patched versions of games without the modders "permission". The absolute fucking gall of these people
>>1000822 Spike will do as Spike does and fags complaining will speed him up before it slows him down. If these idiots want to stop him they should notify Nintendo, not act righteous.
>>1000822 >"my free to use work" >upset when someone uses it freely Very niggardly
>>1000830 >Help i stole a game's stuff for my game now a dude stole my stuff oh no Oh no
>>1000822 Why are some modders like this? It's really strange.
What are some recommended Mega Man stuff? I'm playing MM+B on SNES emulator right now and its translated but after that I'm done with the classic series.
>>1001232 What games are "the classic series"? Recommended: Mega Man World 5 DX, Mega Man X (123), Mega Man Zero (1234).
>>1001232 Honestly I've never felt the need to mod Mega Man games. They're good games that don't usually get butchered in translation. I prefer the Japanese names of characters, but nobody seems to care enough to mod the games to give them new translations just for that. That said, if translations count, like Rockman & Forte on SFC, then check out Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future on WonderSwan. It's the next classic series game after Rockman & Forte, and the last one to come out before the long gap and the retro revival that led to Mega Man 9. It's a pretty cool game. A bit easy for my taste, but it's a few more classic Mega Man levels, and I like that. As mentioned by the post before mine, check out the Rockman World DX romhacks. They take the Mega Man games for Game Boy and give them Color. Especially if you overlooked the Game Boy games in the first place, you should definitely play these. The Game Boy games are good. I - IV reuse bosses from the NES games, but do have new levels. V has new levels and new bosses. Challenger From the Future sort of feels like the sequel to these games, being essentially one last Game Boy game, since the WonderSwan was essentially a successor to the Game Boy, made by the same guy and all. The guy above me also just seemed to be recommending regular games and not modified games. In that case, just play all the Mega Man games in release order, regardless of series. They're all good throughout the '80s and '90s. Even the more obscure ones, like Mega Man Xtreme and Xtreme 2 are good.
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>>1001232 >>1001244 >>1001477 Mighty Gunvolt and Mighty Gunvolt Burst. Classic MM in all but protagonist.

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