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Advance Wars By Web Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 10:34:16 Id: 1b782e No. 864003
Hey anons, do you also enjoy the Nintendo Wars series? How about making some sort of clan (similar to fullderp's) and beat up other Advance Wars players online, or organize gamenights gamedays? https://awbw.amarriner.com/ Wiki, use it to learn the single units' strengths and weaknesses - https://awbw.fandom.com/wiki/Advance_Wars_By_Web_Wiki Useful channels to learn about the intricacies of the game from some top players Deejus (Standard, Fog) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCdVletBUPnDn3199K_PRLKw Go7 (Fog) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCbHQsp34FNSxkyYZDto6pcQ atrueboss (High Funds) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCyobnXFu3iCr2wRyQl0-4UQ There is also Tinywars, if you're into Days of Ruin instead, but I'm not as knowledgeable of the meta. https://tinywars.online/game/legacy/index.html
What stops me from picking Kanbei and Sturm and steamrolling everyone?
>>864016 People generally better than you doing the same thing.
>>864017 >The meta is just to play as Kanbei and Sturm Sounds kind of boring
>>864019 There's tiered matches and other ways to limit your CO selection if you want something fairer, plus some people will just pick their favorite CO no matter what.
>>864016 If you are playing casual matches, nothing, as lomg as the host for themindividual game didn't put CO bans. The Global League - the better part of the game - has CO tier lists depending on the map and game mode. For instance, Sturm is banned on Standard because his movement bonuses break the maps, but he can be chosen in Fog of War as a Tier 1 CO. Kanbei has a similar treatment, you can only use him in High Funds where he is Tier 1. The only COs the league disallows entirely are Luck COs, Hachi and Colin. You can still use them in casual, there are even special tournaments all about using the busted Tier 0 COs.
>>864031 >>864043 I get that some matchups will be more balanced than others, that's just how it is and variety > Esports cancer. But Kanbei and Sturm are just outright broken, that's all. >The only COs the league disallows entirely are Luck COs, Hachi and Colin Colin isn't RNG though, he's just pure map and will only be good in certain maps, usually with plenty of cities and factories.
>>864016 Sturm uses his AW1 80/120 stats, I can only imagine how much fun Sturm mirror matches must be.
>>864045 Sturm is broken because Tire and Infantry units ignore movement penalties except in snow. In Fog, however, certain COs can still beat him, because he does not have vision of the entire map - thus he cannot use his meteor properly to get kill comfirms. Additionally, you may be thinking that AWBW is using AW2 Sturm, which is not the case. AWBW has a weird version of Sturm that has Battle Sturm's day to day from AW1 (80% attack, 120% defense), perfect movement and both a CO Power in the form of the AW1 3x3 4HP removing meteor, and the AW2 3x3 8HP removing meteor. Even so, he is banned on maps where you get full vision because you cannot deal with his movement. Kanbwi instead is broken on modes where the opponent cannot tech up, because of his staying power. However, High Funds (each city gives 2k instead of 1k) significantly tip the scales against him. In fact, in HF, Kanbei is usually the worst pick of his tier. I should have said, Nell, Jugger and Flak. They are banned in the league because they are too volatile and Nell is the most cost effective CO in the game. Colin and Hachi are banned because they can tech up several turns before their opponent. They are good on any map because they get to use their cheaper prices for comparatively better units - even in a map with a single base and a single hq, Colin can buy a Recon on day 3 whike the opponent can at best afford it on day 5. Mind you, you can still use all of them if you play casual.
>>864054 They are miserable. A Sturm Recon on a HQ requires a Sturm MD Tank to get to half hps. Mind you, most League maps have Comm Towers exactly because some COs can do this.
>>864003 >3rd pic >artillery vs infantry on plain = 130% attack >artillery vs infantry on forest = 140% attack >artillery vs infantry on city = 160% attack What?
Where in Tier 4 would AWRBC's Clone Andy be? In AW2 style MP he has no day to day or super power, but his standard power has an extra +10%/+10% boost to stats. I doubt he'd be near Adder and Jake, but would he be up with Jess in "Can be good on some maps", or down with Sonja and Grimm?
>>864117 That picture indicates what are confirmed 2/1HKOs at specific attack percentages. They assume that the attacker (Green) has x% Attack power (through day to day, comm towers and powers/supers), with the defender (Blue) having 100% defense (plus the defense star given by the terrain) and every unit is at full 10.0 HPs. So for example, if you choose Andy vs Andy (both at 100/100 atk/def), with no comm towers you need two Infantry units of your own to kill a single Infantry on plains (110% defense) without having to rely on luck rolls. If you have 1 comm tower (110% attack), then you have enough firepower to kill an Infantry on a woods tile (120% defense) using 2 Infantries of your own. With 2 comm towers (120% attack) you have guaranteed kills without luck rolls on a city, and so on so forth.
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>>864136 >Where in Tier 4 would AWRBC's Clone Andy be? Bottom of the list but above Flak and Jugger (if luck COs are included). Even Javier with no Comm Towers would be better than him, since he gets extra defense against Indirects, and healing 2HPs is not really all that good, since you need to save that power for the EXACT moment when you have injured units that are also near other injured enemies. If Clone Andy had a Super of any kind, he'd immediately jump above at least Tier 3. Andy is in that tier because of all the utility he gets from his SCOP, which includes the movement. Also, Grimm is really the weirdest Tier 4 CO, since he has awful matchups with every commander except for the ones in Tier 1. Somehow, the guy who can't handle Adder can fuck up Von Bolt and Sasha.
>>864016 >>864019 Nobody on the site will play a Kanbei or Sturm match-up, most matches are tier based where CO's above the match chosen tier are banned.
>>864117 each comm-tower owned will give you 10% more attack, some COs have higher base attack aswell, translated the image is: >artillery will one-shot infantry with 130% attack power >artillery will one-shot infantry on forest with 140% attack power >artillery will one-shot infantry on city with 160% attack power Planes, forests and cities provide different levels of defense, hence the point of the chart.
>>864198 >Planes Fuck me, plains*
>do you also enjoy the Nintendo Wars series? No. I see a disturbing lack of diversity in those characters.
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>>864208 We have a black friend so it's an invalid point
How come unit health is displayed as a number from 1-10 when they actually have 1-100 hitpoints?
>>864246 Because it's supposed to help you gauge the damage output of that unit (and memory limits, I imagine). The base damage of an unit is multiplied by the ceiling of its health and the day to day, after all. It's interesting because you can technically have a 9.1 HPs unit (which still works as a 10HPs one) and heal it up to 10HPs for no cost at all.
>>864003 >How about making some sort of clan What do you mean clan, since when were there clans on AWBW?
>>864422 We could just put an "_[8chan]" or "_[8CH]" in our profile names and team up to form strategies to beat up people. I mean, TF2 and CS:GO don't technically have them either but I remember people would pubstomp together joining with similar names or their own little website logos. Same thing, really.
>>864003 Has anyone else tried the Live League? If so, is it any good?
>>864208 Didn't they shove a bunch of niggers into the remake? Be happy with that. >>864246 >they actually have 1-100 hitpoints I never knew that. Granted I never really looked into it all that much. Still mildly neat to know.
Here is the CO tier list for AWBW.
>>885263 This is the general tier list, but every map has its own specific tier list depending on the type of game (Tier 4 through 1) or if there's some banned COs. Some maps ban certain COs because they have a broken strategy (there was a fog of war map where Sonja's +1 vision made her capable of defending her HQ uncontested, Grit is similarly more often than not banned because some maps can easily see him target deployment bases from way further than any CO can reach, even with powers). It also happens the other way around, Kanbei is a Tier 1 opponent on most High Funds maps, rather than a broken one. Plus all luck COs are banned by default because the compfags get really upset about unfair trades, but at least with the case of Nell it's understandable. AWBW is a fascinatingly complex game, it's completely unbalanced but the formats allow for some really fun times. Objectively speaking, only Colin and Hachi never see any real play outside of meme games.
>>885281 There's also some COs who are just very well (un)suited to, like the maps that are all about forcing naval combat having Tier 2 Drake
>tfw awbw is dying because of the reboot
>>889139 Did the reboot really do that well? I never paid attention to it since I don't own a switch.
>>885531 Funny thing is, Drake is not even that good as a naval CO, Grit and Sasha are the better ones because Grit's Battleships and Carriers are actually worth the investment and Sasha because she gets so much money in Fog of War and Standard maps (not so much in High Funds) that she can outproduce Drake. >>889139 The hell are you smoking, mate, AWBW is going pretty strong and most people already abandoned the Reboot because there won't be any DLC in the foreseeable future and Wayforward/Nintendo totally fucked up the multiplayer bit of the game.
>>889583 No one cares if Wayforward/Nintendo fucks up the multiplayer, they only care about shiny new product
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So to the anons who still play Advance Wars By Web, what exactly do you think makes for a good map? I know that the majority of the Map Committee are just circlejerking and approving each other's designs, however something I have noticed by watching replays is that some maps genuinely do have more interesting plays and set pieces than others, yet I haven't been able to create a new map worth of at least a B-Rank.
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>>903925 What's always interesting, to me, is when there are interesting layouts in regards to bases. Instead of something either lIke: ZZX ZXX or XXX ZZZ (where Z and X are the different players), you have layouts like: XZX ZXZ or ZXX XZZ For instance, in your first pic I would have put red and blue bases in the areas with the colored squares and have the X'ed out areas replaced with neutral cities.
>>905594 ...Spreading out the bases gives multiple fronts for combat.
>>905594 The maps with your former placement of troops tend to be Fog of War, while the latter is usually reserved for Standard (and High Funds is basically whatever the fuck the committee feels like adding that day because no one fucking plays High Funds but atrueboss). The reasoning behind avoiding sticking too many bases for a single players too close to each other is COs that thrive from stalling the match, wait for their SCOPs or otherwise have an advantage building up their unit count and amassing a lot of troops. Out of all of them, Eagle is the most egregious abuser of this tactic, because even if you manage to wall break his units, you have dealt enough damage for him basically having double his unit value for a turn. Bases are either divided in the >XZX >ZXZ configuration to create a "mixed bases" map (basically one lone, weak and hard to defend base that both players rush to try and capture first) or in configurations like >X A ZZ > > >XX A Z (where A denotes an airport) to ensure that reinforcing your lone base is harder than taking on your opponent's. By the way, configurations like >ZXX >XZZ are very rare because of First Turn Advantage dictating that, assuming X is P1, he gets to immediately rush the lone base of Z, which leads to boring games. Layouts like >XXX >ZZZ or >ZZX >ZXX Are much more commong in Fog of War because the fact that you don't really know where the opponent is building up his forces makes it harder to make large scale pushes. Also, fog maps tend to be very symmetrical and with easy to traverse terrain.
Finally tried out the Live League, it's much more fun than the Global League if only because I can expect to finish a match in under an hour instead of having some asshole prolong it for a month. In actuality, I think the Olaf player could have still survived another 3-4 turns before my income lead became unsustainable, since he lost a lot of units, but still had a better unit value (and likely unit count by the end of his turn), but he got super dejected once he saw I was one capture away form a capture limit victory.
>Enjoy watching awbw match replays. >Majority of them is presented by one of the cringiest persons you could ever imagine. God how I hate deejus.
>>905610 I want more tall sami
>>889583 >grit's battleships Still got nothing on Days of Ruin
>>909110 >I want more tall sami Be the change you want to see in the world and make them or commission them, not much fan art for Advance Wars in general and what little there is is of dubious quality. Except for the vaguely autistic amounts of re-designed units, I remember a ton of WW2 inspired Advance Wars sprites back in 2010ish. >>909124 Naval combat is so much more viable in Days of Ruin (and in Advance Wars Returns for that matter), but their own online, competitive version of the game (Tiny Wars) just isn't for me. I've seen a few replays and played a couple of matches, it just feels much more stale since it's a rush to see who can keep their CO alive the longest and thus every match up is between stally players. It's much more balanced and it has the potential of being even more hype, but generally speaking I have more fun winning and losing in AWBW.
>>864246 Devs couldn't fit all that info on screen and Advance Wars, like all Nintendo games, was designed to be a casual title. They only ever realized how much people were thirsting for competitive games by Days of Ruin and at that point it was too late. >>909108 What's wrong with uncle deej?
>>909560 Advanced wars could benefit fromm a remaster, or a proper sequel
>>864045 Forgot sensei having endless fodder always ready to cap your cities. >>903925 I'm sure you know about mitigating first turn advantage and reducing cheese for players like sami, grit, and sturm, so what I see a lot of care for is a side where one player has more of an advantage over another, like a base and an airport vs the mirror of two bases. There doesn't have to be a dividing line or terrain separating them, but it's just about distance to where the fighting is most efficient for that base. Another aspect is measuring from one base to another to see how many turns tank movement takes, and having interesting objectives or terrain to fight over. Some also have interesting predeploys, like a blackboat that can block shoals to an airport or move to block forward movement from a base, or placing one on top of an HQ. Lastly, mixed base maps like caustic finale make for some dynamic matches that some people love. >>909108 Mangs picked up a handful recently, I watch deejus at 2x and it's not too bad.
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>>909723 Have the animated version.
>>909108 Be the change you want to see, anon. I'd like to hear or watch "non cringe" AWBW replay analysis videos. I like Deejus despite his personality because I learned a lot of the bases from his videos. Applying what I understood of the strong/weak side stuff and front shifting tactics made me jump from 800 to 1100 very quickly in fog.
Man I need to learn how to use the replay-watcher tool, could probably just record my games and nitpick my retarded errors with anons. >>910060 I think it's no exaggeration to say that Deejus is the most important Advance Wars player so far, not the best by a long shot (Voice of Akasha, Incugarch, those billion chinese players who keep reaching the top spots of the ladder, Go7 etc.) but he's definitely the one that improved most people's games. Mangs is carried solely by his charisma, Deejus popularized the majority of the strategies and terminology. IIRC before him, replay videos didn't even bother explaining Weak Side / Strong Side mechanics, nor Transport Boosting or any macro-element to a match.
Only Mangs would be capable of losing to kindle while playing kanbei...
Playing matches on the Live Queue is so fun, holy shit, especially in fog. All the twists and turns
>>910200 >Only Mangs would be capable of losing to kindle while playing kanbei... I'm assuming you're talking about this game with atrueboss https://anontube.lvkaszus.pl/watch?v=T_uMOG_QlSk Now, I'm the first guy to admit that Mangs is a downright mediocre AW player, probably a bit better than average thanks to all the tutoring, definitely in the low-middle tier. However, atrueboss is one of the top High Funds players, currently #9 on the aggregated Global League, even. Additionally, Kanbei in High Funds is very strong, but not as dominant as in Standard and Fog, since the fact that he cannot tech up as effectively as other COs means that a he needs to have at least a few more properties than the opponent to keep up, while not having enough tools to deal with stronger units - 130/130 Tanks still don't do that much damage to a Neotank. Plus there's the fact that tiers in general correspond more to the expectation of how likely a CO can win a match, but they don't factor in the individual match-ups. Global Damage COs are theoretically very powerful against him, because they cut through his defense and in general Global Damage is stronger against players with a larger economy, since the economic drain from the repairs alone can force the opponent to buy worse units. Plus I'd even argue that in High Funds, Kanbei is the weakest of the Tier 1 COs, since he's forced to play with a limited set of units whereas you have shit like Sensei popping a billion Infantry units and Eagle having a downright broken SCOP when it can be activated so frequently. In Standard, where the Early Game is usually the most important as you need to get key areas on the map and hold onto the economic and/or unit count lead, Kanbei is banned because unless you counter pick him or another Tier 0 CO you're very likely to fall behind in income and slowly in unit count too. In High Funds instead the Late Game is more important, where you pump out a ton of heavy hitting units to counter your opponent's. Having a few more properties early on is less important, since you can still produce the heavy hitters somehow, but Kanbei is at a disadvantage if the opponent techs up and prevents him from owning as many properties.
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How do you deal with Kindle in T3? Fog pic related is kindle units on a city
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>>910757 Position yourself so that you're surrounding a city you want to hold without giving Kindle any chance to sit on it. Kindle is the best T3 CO, but that's only because she's the noob killer. In general, to defeat her you have to play outside of defensible terrain, because the way for Kindle to get the most out of her powers is to rush to the contested properties in the early game (up to like day 8-10 depending on the map) and then slowly move her army by city-hopping. However, playing like that makes her very predictable, you always know she's going for the city, so you can just trap her by strategically placing units so that she cannot directly move on it. Additionally, even in Fog, her Power Meter is always visible, so you can time your purchases to prevent taking too much economic damage when she pops her normal power, or you can just play Rachel and negate it every turn with repairs. On the other hand, smart Kindle players will hold onto their normal power until they see that they can deal a lot of damage, so usually it's much more convenient to just play around the fact you'll be hit with Urban Blight and either just strategize with a bit less HPs for the next turns or even bait her into popping it by sitting an expensive unit on a city. You basically need to do the economic calculation in your head, if the amount of unit value you lose by putting an unit on a city is manageable, you can just force her to use Urban Blight, otherwise try and make it unfeasible for Kindle to sit on a city without taking damage herself. Also keep in mind that even though she gets 140/130 units on a city, a Recon still fucks up an Infantry with very little damage taken back, ditto with Copters vs. Tanks. Just use the kill confirm charts in the OP and it doesn't matter if you take a couple extra HPs worth of damage if you can flat out remove an enemy unit without having Kindle have any response to it. Pic-rel is sort of like the scenario you want to aim, ignore the specific units and the fact it doesn't look like it, but pretend it's a Fog of War map.
>>910759 >>910757 Oh yeah also remember that missile silo platforms (the white squares with 3 defense stars) do NOT count towards Kindle's bonus, so that's some place where you can sit with extra defense, they don't even count against Urban Blight. However, laboratories do count as extra properties. In general, if you can cap it, she can hit you harder there.
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>>910759 >>910760 Thanks, following your advice has significantly improved my performance against kindle players
>>909108 I find Deejus pretty palatable which I didn't expect, considering he looks like a faggot and all. Mangs is also fairly reddit but also somewhat decent at commentating, also his FE shitposts are fun.
>>909725 >>909723 Made me think of picrel >>910757 Artillery, or more honestly pick Kindle yourself.
>>864003 Watching replays has been mad comfy, thanks anon
>>919325 Dual Strike was fun though despite being broken as fuck. Never played Days of Ruin thought what was wrong with it?
>>919339 >>919322 Cheers. I think the strength of AWBW replays is that the game is just base AW2 plus some stuff from Dual Strike, so it's already pretty easy to understand by itself thanks to the great care that Intelligent System put in the gameplay and its presentation, but even at a high competitive level all you need to know is a handful of specific terms, most of which are pretty self explanatory. I have watched competitive Civilization, TF2 and a handful of other RTS and Fighting Games matches and if you don't follow the scene or have an in depth understanding of the game they're impossible to follow. You don't need to have prior experience of bizarre lingo like Okizeme or Banana Farm 2-0-5 to know that an Artillery piece can zone out Tanks in an open field. >>919399 >Never played Days of Ruin thought what was wrong with it? Frankly speaking, to this day is one of the ugliest games on the NDS, even among shovelvware. IS tried to steer the series into a more dark and edgy tone with a completely revamped gameplay loop that favors keeping units alive and hankers back to the times of Super Famicom Wars. Units can gain promotions by killing enemy units, while Commanders are severely nerfed by being only deployable by loading them into any unit and having their passive powers applicable only to a certain area around their own unit. CO powers are still busted and the competitive scene is even more intense than AWBW (check out Tiny Wars) but generally speaking the game had a few bad problems with its map pool (Versus maps were some heinously awful shit) and not everyone got invested in the story when it came out. Had some pretty great characters though, which is very unexpected from a series known for a lackadaisical approach to war. Give it a try if you can.
Thread is 5 months old idiot.
>>919474 >Had some pretty great characters though Yup.
>>919399 Atheistic aside, which is the major complaint of the game, the devs attempted to balance the broken gameplay of dual strike but overcorrected as a result. So it feels a little bland as a result. I still love the shit out of dusters though
I like how Grit is considered to be much weaker in dual strike while having no actual nerfs from the previous game.
>>919535 The true voice of reason of Freehaven, if you disagree you're no better than the bandits >>919665 >Atheistic >dusters Really nice unit but the funniest ones to use for me are the Gunboats, they really expedite naval warfare so it's not twenty turns of overcorrecting your position so that the opponent doesn't first strike you. >>920017 >I like how Grit is considered to be much weaker in dual strike while having no actual nerfs from the previous game. I am not sure what the tier list is for Dual Strike since that game is really janky, but I assume that it's because of the different way power is generated depending on destroyed units? I know that Infantry and Recons have absurdly high amounts of power generations at least.
>>920017 Those super missiles who remove 5 HP at once in a wide area exist in that game. Basically spelled the end for stationary artillery defenses.
>>921212 Those were in AW2 and they're a map feature never seen in competitive maps (except for a few in places where they can't be reached by infantry). Only way to see them outside of maps with such silos is Rachel's SCOP (which does make her quite strong, but hardly broken tier)
>>921212 >>921212 Black Bombs are banned on Global League for a reason Generally any unit that has no counter with the resources on the map will be banned, that is why some maps also ban Stealths even though they are not really good.
I believe the game series is based around whether the co a rush/offensive co or a turtle/defensive co. A prime example of this is Max vs Grit. Max is a rush/offensive co, he wants to overwhelm his opponents with superior firepower as soon as possible. Grit on the other hand is a turtle/defensive co, he wants to build up his indirect units, and slowly creep them forward and use them to defend every unit as they slowly creep forward. Other examples (though I might be wrong): Offensive co: Grim, Sturm, Adder. Defensive co: Drake, Sensei, Olaf.
>>921566 Your generalization only kind of works, and just for Standard. It's true that there are Cos specialized in aggressive or stalling play, but there's a lot of overlap between the playstyles. I. E. Olaf is technically a defensive CO, but if he's playing against Eagle he has to be an offensive one. Generally speaking, there are three phases to every AW game, regardless of mode or title: 1) Capture Phase, where you build up your economy and seek positional advantages by playing aggressively, also known as Early Game; 2) Build Up Phase, where you use the funds and areas you control on the map to build units and force your opponent to build counters or make them yourself, while also securing the positional and capture advantage by moving units in tough spots while protected by a back line of other counter units, also known as Middle Game÷ 3) Offensive Phase, where you use your day to day, powers and units to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy while securing strategic objectives like removing certain units so the enemy has no counter play or capturing extra cities to strengthen your economy while weakening the enemy's, or you respond to your opponent's aggression, also known as Late Game. Note that the Early Game is always kind of fixed up until the two players are close to each other or they reach contested properties and lasts anywhere from 5 to 10 turns, while Middle and Late game can happen a lot of times during the entire match since you lose and gain advantages as the powers come into play. This is true of all modes too.
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Just beat two insanely tough opponents back to back in Global League matches but damn, ELO rankings go up at a snail's pace. +7 victories ratio and all I got was like 60 points to show for it. I was manhandled by tesla246 though, so that may have played a part on that slow growth of my ranking (for those who don't know, he's an insane player who only picks Adder and is capable of punching well above his weight).
Mangs just flashed his browser on stream, confirmed for cuckchanner.
>>931679 Convert him to a fullchanner
>>931680 board is likely too slow for that, maybe if it was 8chan prime
>>931679 Big whooping deal, he literally made a Hetler gameplay video on 4/20
>>931679 Old news. During one of his 2015-2016 streams he had a /pol/ tab open.
>>864003 Is anyone else participating in AWBW leagues/tournaments? Would you be interested in game commentaries?
>>943512 I'm too much of a casual with a big ego to attempt participating in those tournaments. >game commentaries I like those
>>864003 >playing tournament match with some 900 ELO >each turn allows for a maximum of 7 days >making a move restores your time limit to 7 days, regardless of how late you end it >no penalty for taking the whole week >this piece of work has prolonged a match for 45 days now and we're barely at the mid game Literally trying to outlast me IRL, people like this belong to the cross
>>962912 >1 week turn limits Good god man. I could see a day or two, but an entire week is brutal.
>>943512 I used to about a year ago, got burnt out and hopped to aoe4. The new live matches seem fun though.
bump to save from death
After years of just minor bug fixes the first major "balance" patch just dropped for AWBW. Granted, it's actually more about bringing the original spaghetti code on parity with AW2/AWDS, but it's still pretty meta redefining: - Kindle now gets an extra 3% offensive buff from all production bases she owns (Factories, Airports and Harbors) when using High Society. This sounds like a minor change but in actuality it's like an extra de facto +12% offense, which lets her reach certain damage thresholds and one shot a lot of units. She is now permanently tier 2.5, so expect to see a lot less asparagus hair mains. - Drake got the worst treatment of all, now his Navy is 100/110 down from 100/125, and his Air is 70/100 down from 80/100. This virtually makes him bottom of Tier 3, I fully expect the devs to either go back on these changes or put him in Tier 4. Crucially, he cannot one-shot Neo Tanks with Bombers on his Tsunami. - Von Bolt now affects his units when popping Ex Macchina, meaning you can't just throw it without pre planning a bit. It's a slight nerf, especially in live, but he was the best Tier 1 CO anyhow. - Rachel also has some changes to one of her Covering Fire missiles, the Infantry one now tries to target all units but treats Infantry as top priority targets, meaning you can't just park 4 dudes in a corner of the map and reduce her effectiveness by 1/3rd. Slight buff.
>>1002066 Drake changes only make sense if they're reducing naval costs like some rom hacks do.
>>1002066 They need to introduce Clone Andy to tier 4 and drop Grimm/Sonja/Flak/Jugger down to a new tier 5 so they'll actually see play.
>>1002066 If they're so obsessed with making it game-accurate why don't they bring Sturm back to his AW2 glory?
>>1002103 Actually Drake IS that shitty in vanilla AW, but for the longest time people believed some disinfo about his dossier and that's why he was the way he was in AWBW. On a competitive stand point though this nerf makes him unplayable. >>1002195 I also saw some people ask for a The Beast / no CO type character to compete in Tier 5. I would really like it if they could do what Tiny Wars did and just allow multiple types of the same CO with community driven balance changes >>1002259 Exactly, they flip flop between muh balance and muh cartridge parity.
>>885263 >Sonja besto waifu >shit tier I feel insulted, but make sense since almost no one plays hide and seek and trolly mind games in the fog of war What i can say, i love being an annoyin´ little bitch camping Sturms that rush their COs while hiding a a secret BIG UNIT ina corner
>>1004003 It's more than lots of forests in fog are really tedious and annoying to play. Now if there were DoR fog mechanics where cities and ruins hid units... She'd still stuck in non-fog though. I think the best way to start to fix her for non-fog while keeping her character would be to make her bad luck symmetrical: You miss all those important 1HKOs and 2HKOs, but so does your opponent.
>>1004026 Days of ruin also reveals units you pass, as if you stopped on every path tile for vision.
>>1003103 >allow multiple types of the same CO with community driven balance changes DoR's COs (bar final boss) are relatively close in power (only the purposefully OP is oppressively overpowered) due to how COs work in that game so it takes relatively little to tweak them balance wise. There's also fewer COs there total (13 COs with effects, 28 for AWBW). Still, I think there are a few characters with distinct incarnations that could be included in multiple tiers. >AW1 Max is so stupid he may work in Tier 0 even without a SCOP >DS Jess, being Max with artillery but no battle copters/bombers, would be Tier 2 if (air)ports exist on map >cartridge Drake can drop down to tier 4 while AWBW Drake can stay in tier 3
Looks more like a wargroove clone than an advance wars one, I'd hope they don't do critical hits like wargroove though.
>>1004003 Sonja is not even good in fog of war on competitive maps because of her bad luck. Generally all luck COs are inconsistent, which is why they see very little play except for Rachel. If you cannot confirm a kill, you're practically playing at a disadvantage all the time. However, Sonja in standard performs a lot better when you're starting out and playing people not used to the matchup, because her Super grants you a full turn of technical invincibility and below 1k MMR players don't even know what it does. >>1004026 IMO they should just grant her the -1 Defense Star gimmick from AWDS, but only when using her powers. Would force people out of just sitting on highly defensive terrain.
>>1008112 See, this is why Tiny Wars is superior even though I don't like the core gameplay very much, they know that a character is busted or bad and so they make two version, one for casual and one for competitive play. That way everyone's happy. >>1010011 Looks uninspired to be honest. Wish they'd change the AW formula a bit if they were making an entirely new game.
I remember there being a flash game a long time ago that was based on Advance Wars. I also remember the game suddenly getting extremely hard once the enemies started using invisible tanks.
>>1018899 Hasn't this been out for a while? >>1019022 >invisible tanks Oh God someone get the modding community ready. Mirage Tanks but in AW sounds like it'd be a great challenge. You can technically achieve that by giving the "dived" option to an unit.
>>1019022 I remember the name now, it's this series: https://kongregate.fandom.com/wiki/Battalion:_Series
>>1010313 >Wish they'd change the AW formula a bit if they were making an entirely new game Just out of curiosity, how would you do it? >>1018899 (checked) >no close up battle animations Lame.
>>1019099 >Just out of curiosity, how would you do it? - FTA versus mode maps, just like AWBW (or the closest equivalent); - Faction specific units (with the option to toggle whether they can be used or not, and whether all factions get to use them or not); - More focus on naval warfare, kind of like what Days of Ruin did but with even more complexity; - Base building / map destruction game mechanics. By that I mean having units that can build bridges, forward operating bases etc. or units whose damage output affects the defense stars and movement costs; - Transport boosting; - Units that do not just rise up in ranks, but can also have divergent evolutions (think of Infantry units that can specialize in either stealth or damage output, but not both); - An art style that doesn't look like a generic indie sprite based game like the cucklefish one or that strives to be different from anything Nintendo Wars (part of why so many of these games repulse me is that they overdo it with their looks, they're all legible enough but the designs and overall style feels completely generic if not just checkbox-filling, though I did like the Tiny Metal's direction a lot); - Less focus on balance and more on creating an actually fun core gameplay loop that caters to casuals but has a high skill ceiling that autists can latch onto; - I would also do away with stun mechanics for powers but that's just a me thing.
>>1019219 >>1019099 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'd like to make logistics harder to maintain. I don't really know of a coherent way to do it, either a cap on the total amount of units you can deploy or properties having to be maintained to extract as much resources from them.
>>1010011 Demo came out, it seems to have simplified damage values into entities having an infantry, light, armor(medium), heavy, etc chassis but the demo lacks a map editor. Transport copters can carry 3 units, with infantry costing one, a light vehicle costing two, and armored vehicles unable to load in that mission. The bulldozer seems interesting and it has heavy armor. Splitting infantry and vehicle spawns is odd to me but might be alright for map balancing, the truck does nothing in the demo and currently only a medic unit can restore health to infantry. It has wargroove style capturing and currently cities don't deal damage back, which might be a wip. Overall, interested in what it offers and if there are airports or ports deeper in the demo. >>1018899 I will report back on this one next.
Oh and the steam store page lists faction specific units, which probably aren't specific to characters.
>>1018899 Initial impressions are that it's a bit odd for campaigns, you have the dark souls option of enabling coop and invasions, and there are a few hard counters like snipers and flamers instant killing infantry on plains if full health. Capturing is sitting on buildings and seems to just require two capture actions, regardless of infantry health. Vehicles can also destroy buildings, which doesn't decapture them, but instead lets you build a house or unit production on the empty lot with a builder infantry unit. Lots of boats and new infantry, a few rail units, a few extra flyers. Fog of war still ends a unit's turn if it collides with an enemy, but stopping right next to it reveals tiles and allows you to perform an attack action, and movement in general allows moving and doing other actions before going back to that unit for a wait or fire command.
>>1019309 Also of note is you can go into the settings on the steam version to set an account for non-steam windows, mac, ios, "steam deck", and android, but the last one is one of those browser apps instead of an apk, and the whole game seems to currently require a net connection to do anything on all platforms but has plans for offline play eventually™.
>>1019320 Browser apps can run offline so if they don't it's deliberate
Do all fog of war battles happen during the night?
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>>1020258 Would Elon Musk play Advance Wars?
>>1020340 That's probably paid product placement for Polytopia. Musk plays normalfag games like Elden Ring to seem relatable.
>>1020258 I always thought so, but then again turns are called "Days" so you could argue that Cosmo/Macro/Omega Land are all in a Scandinavian like position of 6 months of nighttime or it's just bad weather >>1020340 One of his sons sacrificed his Pawn to become a Queen >>1020349 Musk is objectively the least cool rich person to ever exist. No matter his achievements and his wealth, the fact that only pre Xitter acquisition Reddit is the group that even remotely liked him is a testament to how cringe he is as a human being.
>>1020340 He did play Fallout 3, so who knows. As far as I know the reason Todd and Elon know each otehr, is because Todd bought a Tesla with all the options, and when you do that Musk personally calls you, and incidentally he had played Fallout 3 https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=XXhyONB9Q5k
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>>1020397 Your Musk take is actual Reddit and you have to go back.
>>1020397 You realize that most rich people are old pedophile vampires want you to eat bugs and live in pods, right?
>>1020437 Pray that you never become the top 10% in net worth or it'll happen to you too.
>>1020444 What are those numbers supposed to be, yearly wages? Net value of personal property? Because I don't buy the latter for a second. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/release/tables?eid=813668&rid=453
>>1020458 It's from Credit Suisse 2022 Global Wealth Report, go find out.
>>1020458 Your table lists value of wealth, not amount of people in that category, dunno if its global or america either.
What's the wealth pyramid for America?
(7.22 KB 460x109 Source.jpg)

>>1020512 Not how sourcing works. >>1020517 It says "global," so it would seem to be about the world population, but then who knows? It could be talking about the Swiss bank's depositors for all we can tell. The link I put >>1020458 shows the population breakdown for the Americans, but it isn't global.
>>1020530 It's how sourcing works, the source tells you where to answer the question of what those numbers are supposed to be.
>>1020537 No, sourcing is not, "do a Google search for some company I mentioned and try to find a particular study somewhere that may or may not explain the numbers on this inforgraphic." The internet really has made people stupider.
>>1020580 Sourcing cites where something came from. The figures on The Global Wealth Pyramid come from the Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse 2022. That's the cited source. It's where they come from. You're the stupid one, go back to /mex/.

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