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VR Games Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:17:21 Id: 4c0939 No. 917459
VR has been around for around ten years at this point, and personally while I think overall there's not a single game that I'd suggest is a "system seller" for any headset, I'm a bit curious to see if there's anything that has captured anyone's interest for more than a couple hours. I'll list a few of mine in the thread.
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Shooty Fruity: Pretty basic, but I keep coming back to it so it must be doing something right. You're a supermarket employee who is protecting their workstation from angry sentient fruit. Problem is you still gotta do your job or you cant get your better guns. Fun but very difficult.
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Horizon Vanguard: Drops you into a shmup in first person. It feels weirdly like I'm just playing a regular shmup even though they also give you a handgun. Though there are a lot of points where you'll need to shoot at stuff above you to avoid damage, so the vr isn't a complete gimmick. Pretty fun if that's your sort of thing
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Just in Time Incorporated: Become and employee for a insurance company that operates in the stopped time. You're given a task to either save someone or prevent something and then let loose to do whatever you can to accomplish that task. You can beat it pretty fast, but you'll get a few chuckles out of it.
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Ruins Magus: Claims to be a full JRPG experience in VR. This is absolutely incorrect. It's basically just a fancy shooter. It does give you a bit of an idea what that COULD look like and is fun in its own way, though it feels eerily like a Japanese developed VRChat world sometimes.
>>917469 Haha I love when he smacked Trump with the constitution xD
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Budget Cuts: A vr stealth game using the anti-sick teleportation mechanic in a way that is actually interesting gameplay wise. Probably the most polished one I've played aside from half life alyx.
>>917471 Yeah twitter indie dev humor woooo. That's really the only time they make a reference like that.
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"VR" games, or games that have been jacked up with mods to make them VR? Because VR games are largely completely shit - but with mods, you can get a pretty decent library of VR games. Resident Evil 2 - It's just Resident Evil 2 Remake, but with 6DOF and hand-tracked aiming. Pretty fucking good, for VR. Resident Evil 3 isn't bad as a VR game either, though the problem is that RE3:Remake relies heavily on the dodging mechanic and there's no real way to know when you're supposed to time the dodge, especially if you're running away since there's really not much in the way of visual or audio cues. Skyrim surprisingly had a LOT of thought put into visual and audio cues to guide the player - as I found out when turning off the vast majority of the UI. You don't really notice it when the music is up and there's waypoints and glowing markers and fast travel and other assorted bullshit. They really dropped the ball on quest specifics and directions, though. Compound is sort of like a rogue-like/boomer shooter with a decent aesthetic, good weapon handling, and lots of "mutators" to make the game more challenging or easy to mix things up. Apparently it was heavily in development during Covid, so it leans heavily into the story of an evil corporation creating a disease or a fear of a disease to push dangerous mind-control vaccines on people - and you have to shut down the operation. American Truck Simulator doesn't have great VR implementation - it's not even official, but a Beta that one guy on the staff created and upkeeps in his spare time. But it's a great game to just relax and have a few drinks while hauling flesh-melting hazardous chemcials across country. Derail Valley is like ATS, but with better VR implementation (you have hands to tweak levers, push buttons, and grab your job manifest) - but with trains. You can also get out of the train while it's running, teleport quickly to another train, and set them on a collision course - or run them off the rails and watch the destruction. Pretty fun, but the meat of the game is very much just driving a train to pick up passengers and cargo. Hellish Quart supports VR, but doesn't really add anything at the moment aside from a diorama view. I hear they're working on adding in hand tracking, since all of the combat is physics based - but I have no idea how they're balance for the weight and slower swing of heavier swords. Gameplay wise it's basically Bushido Blade in Europe. There are no super moves or combos. It's an attempt at a more accurate HEMA game - so you have basic high left, high right, mid left, mid right, low left, low right, and grapple moves. First one who hits a vital spot wins the match.
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Warplanes WWI: Haven't played this one much. It's not great, but it's fun being able to fly over enemy positions and drop bombs out your plane by hand. Ironwolf VR I haven't played much of either, because I don't have a lot of playspace for standing VR and it kind of requires you to stand up in order to reach the full range of stuff you need to grab and tweak. Neat concept though. Left 4 Dead 2 is another VR mod for a flatscreen game, so there's not much to say. It's Left 4 Dead 2 - with mods... in VR. The setup is kind of a bitch, but it does give you 6DOF and hand-tracked aiming, though they did this by just detaching the arms from the model, so they're not animated. Brutal/DOOM VR - Again, not much to say with this. It's GZDoom jacked up into VR with 6dof and free aiming (and mods). Generally the weapons are still 2D flat planes, sometimes a cross section of three of them in a kind of "cardboard box", but there are also primitive voxel models.
Surely H3VR is a system seller for VR. >shooting game >full of whacky prototypes and guns from early internet memes >have to figure out how to use each as you're given them at semi-random
>>917502 well if we're opening it up to that there's a ton of stuff you can do. Theres a lot of games that provide a VR option as well. No man's sky being a big one. Compound looks cool.
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One I almost never see recommended is Budget Cuts, a very Portal inspired stealth game wherein you use portals and knifes to slowly take down robots undetected and progress through the story. As a joke I was going to post an image of the robots with huge asses but I can't seem to find it again. It's arguably one of the first "real" VR games - as in it feels like an actual, realized video game instead of a tech demo. Most of the criticisms laid at it boil down to "it's too confusing :(" which I don't find to be valid unless you're suffering from some kind of coordination disorder, a grown adult should be able to figure out how to navigate a building.
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Really surprised I don't see Into the Radius. It does a great job capturing the comfy of stalker - I've legit sat at the front of my home base smoking a virtual cigarette. I don't really like how quickly weapons degrade and need maintaining, but I've put 25 hours into it, beaten only by BeatSaber as a true made for VR experience.
>>917606 Have you ever played Boneworks? That's the one I see come up the most when people ask about VR games that aren't glorified tech demos.
I've been dicking around with it but are there any games that are just adventuring or dungeon crawling? I want a good rpg
>>917642 RuinsMagus is billed as a dungeon crawler, and like I said it doesnt hit the mark, but thats one you could look at. >>917470 (Was posted here) Theres also a few other dungeon crawley vr games, though they're all either in early access not a first person thing or just a regular first person dungeon crawler adapted to 3d.
>>917639 Oh shit stalker vr sounds sick.
Half Life 2 and Episodes 1 and 2 have VR mods that are a lot of fun. Apparently the same guy made a Far Cry VR mod that I'm excited to try since his Half Life ones were so good.
>>918066 How the hell did they get FarCry to run with VR?!
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>>918000 If you have a VR headset try it out. You'll know well within 2 hours whether you like it or not. Another game that would be a headset seller is Ghost of Tabor. It does a really good job of emulating Escape from Tarkov, but I definitely have some issues with the game. I played the open beta and the biggest gripe I had was that the controls weren't as smooth as Into the Radius; I really had to think about every action I wanted to do because they had separated movements to different buttons and it wasn't always natural. The game does have icons to inform you if you need to use the grip or trigger button, but oddly that seems to throw me off more - there's just a general jank to it that could be gone since its out of closed beta. It's also a tedious game - actually reloading ammo with a press from base components is pretty cool, but VR makes everything physically harder to do; "you're gonna carry that weight". I'm going to try it again for 2 hours and see if I like it. I could just be getting filtered by the extraction shooter gameplay.
>>918182 Kraut space magic I guess. https://farcryvr.de/
>>917459 The Sam and Max one is pretty fun. The human characters though look awful.
>>917470 This is one I've heard of & I never bothered with it because as you say it doesn't deliver what it claims to offer. Also the hub looks like it had some effort put into that environment while the levels look barren. >>917472 I have this, but I didn't play it enough to get into it. >>917546 It's one of those "fuck around" games where you are given things to play with with little to no real objectives. Those are okay & are plentiful for VR, but they don't really keep me coming back since it's like.. playing with toys as a kid, you have to make your own fun, your own goals. You are assembling a large part of that experience yourself. I can do that for a while, but I get bored with it.
>>934695 >It's one of those "fuck around" games where you are given things to play with with little to no real objectives. Take and Hold has real objectives.
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>>917639 I put a lot of hours into this. Don't like how they introduced enemy spawners & some missions are essentially broken unless you wait for the weekly world reset. Otherwise, it does have a good feel to it similar enough to STALKER. The hording, survival & guns are nice. Monsters & anomalies could use more variety. >>918066 My experiences with VR mods has been rather poor. VR mods have had a tendency to be unreliable or unapproachable due to certain flaws. <Half-Life 2 VR mod >tried it out to see it's working, it's alright >come back days later to really get into it >crashes to desktop any time I try to load a save file >give up <Stray VR mod >resolution looks shit so try to change it >it defaults to an ever shittier resolution >reinstall mod trying to fix it >won't launch anymore >give up <Alien Isolation (Mother VR mod) >I have to click & hold in the right joystick then tilt it down while holding to USE things >go to controls settings & can't rebind it >game's still working, but you'd struggle to even pass the first room with such obtuse controls >haven't given up, but I'm rather annoyed <Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (VR for 1st & 2nd Encounter HD, 3 BFE, + DLCs & mods for those games) I don't know how third party this is, but it actually functions, doesn't crash, controls are fine. Only issue is they DO break some things like bounce or launch pads. I don't know if it's due to motion sickness plebs, but there are puzzles I couldn't do or secrets I had to skip because of it so I'm kinda pissed when I see it. If you can put up with those shortcomings (HD releases changed content anyways) then this is probably the best VR experience for a shooter. Their "Serious Sam VR The Last Hope" dedicated VR game where you stand in place & don't get to explore temples, forests, deserts & all the cool shit + secrets in other Serious Sam games.. that game sucks. It stripped away too much so you're left only with the "repetition" that people who dislike the series bitch about. Fusion is miles beyond that since you're getting the actual Serious Sam games in VR. Some caveats, but still damn good for VR. >>934701 I pirated H3VR so long ago I haven't updated it. I don't know if my copy has that. I updated Blade & Sorcery some time after they added a dungeon crawler mode, but I'll get into that in a moment. I'm still building text walls on this topic.
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>>917642 I was searching for a good VR dungeon crawler as well. I've tried a few. <Ancient Dungeon VR This is go-to recommendation I've seen around. Has a Minecraft aesthetic, but with better animations. Rougelite with randomly generated areas. I think it needs.. more. Once you've been through the 5 biomes over & over, seen the enemies & all their re-skins it starts to get rather meh. For the final boss you don't get a final area really. You just go straight to the boss who keeps teleporting you into short sections to fight adds & it's honestly a let down. <The Morrigan I haven't played this enough yet, but I'm already sick of the enemies being only skeletons. Areas are rather short & I heard the game itself is pretty damned short. <The Wizards: Dark Times The way they do spells with motion gestures is neat. Environments have some decent clutter & variety so far. It's another game I haven't played enough. There were a fuck load of checkpoints in the last section I played. They let you revisit the hub or quit. Seems designed for people worried about their headset battery. <Karnage Chronicles I put some hours into this one. Seems to have good amount of content as VR usually skimps on that. Environments & enemies are colorful. Decent art style. Good overall. Haven't played it in ages though. <Skyrim VR (modded of course) After all my searching for VR dungeon crawling with good atmosphere, graphics & content. This is pretty much as good as it's going to get. Struggling with mods (even while using a manager) reminded me how annoying modding Skyrim can be the first time I played it on PC many many years ago. However, if you can get all the bullshit working with dependencies & conflicts without things fucking up it's going to be the best experience. I got torches & wearable lanterns that CAST SHADOWS from nearly everything & my textures are modded to hell with high resolutions & parallax. There are mods to see your own body & have more physics-driven interactions with everything. As usual, mods make this game 100x better. Still, audio is too damn quiet & I have to crank the shit out of the volume. Virtual Desktop Streamer had an update that plays a tune every time I start it so it blows out my fucking eardrums every time since I had to crank volume for Skyrim. Maybe there's a mod for the low volume audio problem. Need to look into that. I saw there are mod lists that make it easier to get a fuck load of mods downloaded, installed & working together, but they use a utility called Wabbajak with a DRM-cuck developer so pirated copies cannot be detected. Even if I use the stock DLLs & EXEs it pretends the game doesn't exist to get you to go buy Todd's game like a good goy. I recall there was a similar anti-piracy shill during the launch of Nier Automata on PC which was broken as fuck thus NEEDED mods. We already saw what Bethesda tried to do with paid mods & DRM shills are facilitating that level of hand-rubbing walled-garden control. Coding talents should go toward removing DRM not requiring it & these DRM cucks should honestly be shot. Every time I see this shit I think how social+legacy media have manipulated masses to be the most brainwashed, gullible, compliant sheep imaginable. Hate these fucks. /tangent
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>>934726 Looking back, one of the more memorable mods I used was a Werewolf modification which swapped out corpses for bloodied skeletons after you devoured them. They still kept their inventories, so you could come back later and loot the remains. It's kind of a small thing, but it was a neat touch.
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>>934703 >Blade & Sorcery Oh right, back on that since it slipped my mind. Blade & Sorcery was a pretty good "fuck around" game like Hard Bullet where they just give you the toys & you make your own fun pretty much. But Blade & Sorcery later added a sort of campaign mode that makes it more like a dungeon crawler. I have a mod that adds a stupid amount of weaponry to it. Some weapons are executed better than others, like the scythe can only stab, not slice. Also IIRC I modded it to have easier dismemberment. Decent game. More VR games I've tried. <Survival Nation This game feels a bit cheap & maybe a little jank, but the gameplay loop can keep me engaged for a while. The zombies are not much of a threat & I've only seen one time that actually sprints at you while the rest will only charge if you've shot them a few times. There are different zombie types at least. Game has some hunting, fishing, cooking, metal detector, treasure hunting, thirst, hunger, guns, missions, skill tree, progression, etc. I think the fishing is nice to have, but needs more depth since you just wait around until you hook something then reel it in with no timing or struggle at all. The hunting is basic, you get bow, there's a couple different animals you kill for meat that can be cooked. Everything in this game is rather basic, but you get enough shit to do that it's fairly engaging. I've put a lot of hours into it & still haven't progress enough to have anyone set up in other camps. There's online multiplayer & I saw mentions of other maps with different weather in a changelog so it's really not short on content. I think night should be darker & have flashlights or something, as it's kind of underwhelming for a zombie survival game. But I think they designed this game to be kind of relaxing at-your-own-pace in some ways so spooky or horror wasn't something they were striving toward. Into The Radius has more of that atmosphere going for it. <Propagation Paradise Hotel For horror games, Propagation Paradise Hotel is the best I can recall. Very much like Resident Evil in the progression of it, but I guess you could literally just play VR mods for the Resident Evil games. Regardless, the game has nice environments & atmosphere. Plus it's not cookie cutter zombies all over, there's some variety & actual bosses with some build up to them. I generally don't have a good attention span for VR games since so many of them lack content & are designed for short play sessions thus conditioning me to not get too invested, but this one I played to completion. It's good. >>934731 I installed mods for the Vampire & Werewolf, but I don't know the extent of what they do yet since I haven't played far enough. There's so many mods to improve aesthetics, mechanics, interactivity, like it can go on for days. So for content, for VR especially, I think Skyrim is the best I'm going to get for a VR dungeon crawler.
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>>934735 >Propagation Paradise Hotel Somewhat related. While I was looking at images for this game I saw a guy who reminded me of Cock Mongler. It really takes me back. Been on the internet far too damned long.
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>>934735 Blade & Sorcery is a great one.
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>>934798 It says alot about the incompetence of disney and EA managing star wars that they havent made a game like that for real. Imagine a VR jedi battle simulator with force powers and all, that shit would sell and get more people to buy VR stuff.
>>934799 Nah, too obvious. What people really want from Star Wars is dancing mini-games with moderately successful modern day hiphop songs (because nothing says Star Wars like thud culture) which is retro-fitted to have Star Wars references ham-fisted into the lyrics.
>>934807 ^thug culture, lol Posted wrong webm, this one has actual gameplay (if you can call it that)
>>934799 >Imagine a VR jedi battle simulator with force powers and all, that shit would sell and get more people to buy VR stuff. I doubt that given all the mediocre reception to Krome's version of The Force Unleashed (It is a good game). Every single time a game has ever properly implemented motion controls, the "public" bitches about how "terrible" the game is for preventing them from sitting on their ass all the time.
>>934807 >>934808 I actually played that with some friends and had fun >>934826 We have come a long way with motion controls though.
>>934883 You could throw bricks at shit and have fun if you're doing it with your buds
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So apparently the PSVR2 is performing so goddamned poorly at market that Sony is going to release official drivers for the PC so that PSVR2 users can actually have some games to play. PS5 fanboys are coping hard, praying that Sony intends to have you route everything through a home network to a PS5 in order to stream games from the PC to PS5 (so they can pretend they're PS5 games). If Sony is smart, IMO, then they'd have it connect directly to the PC using an adapter that provides the extra power to run the headset via USB. (It uses a VirtualLink, so standard USB-C won't be able to fully power it). Then again, Sony also created the Portal - a PS5 streaming device that can't actually stream PS5 games remotely to you unless you're within viewing distance of the TV that the PS5 is hooked up to. https://archive.is/ddlN0
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>>939138 >unless you're within viewing distance of the TV that the PS5 is hooked up to.
>>939147 It'd be more accurate to say within WiFi Range. Technically you could play it from anywhere, but the vast majority of people have shitty luck with trying to stream it over the internet. It has no mobile data, so you'd need to tether it to a phone acting as a mobile hotspot - and since there is no web browser, you're not going to be able to use the internet at any business that requires you to sign an agreement before logging in (basically all of them). Since it's completely fucking worthless as a remote streaming device, most customers to don't want to admit they are complete retards have started to bill it as a "Dad Station" that lets you play your games while the kids watch TV. Except it doesn't have Bluetooth or On-board speakers, so you either need to carry around wired headphones - or stream audio from the PS5 to a pair of Pulse earbuds, so must remain within bluetooth range. So most people end up just using it at home, within sight of the PS5. It's practically a WiiU tablet with less features, and it's outclassed in it's primary job by a goddamned phone app.
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Trying out Fallout 4 VR. Loaded it with so many mods the total install is over 200GB. Things that piss me off: >pip boy doesn't "just work" on your wrist (dunno if VRIK fucked that up, had to set it to projection instead) >separate mod fix that you absolutely must have, else can't leave vault 111 without crashing game >stuck moving in direction the controller points instead of the HMD (tried a fix, did nothing) >homemaker mod crashes game so can't get all extra building objects (stuck with inferior mod with less content) >still have random crash after playing for hours, dunno what mod is causing it >as already stated, game + mods use a ton of space on my PC >VRIK mod is not perfect >"take" dialogue box appears inside my gun & I can't fix it (tried changing positioning in INI, didn't work) <kind of neat to explore post-apocalypse world in VR <settlement building is autistic & time-consuming, didn't leave hometown until after clean up, huge wall & structures built <gunplay is decent <VR flashlight mod is nice to have <weather mod is nice to have <VRIK mod is nice to have I haven't done enough in the game yet I think. Spent too much time building. Even with many texture replacements game only looks okay so that's kind of a plus but also a minus. I went into a cave that looked neat, but I think the darkness & flashlight added a lot to the atmosphere. A combinations of things to create good atmosphere should keep it engaging for a while if not the autistic settlement building.
>>934726 >got torches & wearable lanterns that CAST SHADOWS from nearly everything Examples. Dynamic shadows help muh immersion a lot.
I also got the Pipboy light to cast shadows, although if I use mods to change the light position the shadows won't work so it's not entirely ideal. It does improve immersion immensely though. I deleted the the high resolution textures DLC from Bethesda for Fallout 4 VR because they're not improved enough & were wasting space. I found other texture mods which look decent although not mind blowing. Now the space used is down from 200GB to around 150GB.
Here's an example of how FRIK for Fallout 4 VR is worse than VRIK for Skyrim VR. In Skyrim VR I pick up a skull and it attaches to my hand. In Fallout 4 VR I pick up a skull and it attaches somewhere near my hand. F4VR's FRIK has very janky leg animation as well. You can try to adjust positioning of things, but it doesn't get much better & the solution is to just never look at your legs. Also my gun doesn't cast a shadow in F4VR, although my entire body does. So my dynamic shadow solution is imperfect, but it's helping a lot. It makes lights in my settlement cast shadows too so those places have improved atmosphere.
>>939410 Some more examples of the dynamic shadows. Tried another Pipboy headlamp mod that literally has a section of options that turn on dynamic shadows, but it didn't work right. I read somewhere that I could edit a Pipboy flashlight/headlamp VR mod to enable dynamic shadows on that light source, but the editor program used to do it doesn't work without a registry entry & even if I create the registry manually it won't see it so that became a dead end. So far, I can still only get dynamic shadows out of the default Pipboy light positioning which has some shortcomings with how my left hand interacts with the light source. I kept trying to get dynamic shadows with Pipboy lamp mods, but just couldn't get it to happen. Still, a half-baked solution is preferable over no shadows which sucked.
Went to a place with a lot of Raiders & Ghouls. You can see some weirdness in the last image with the light source clipping into some VRIK body part & occluding the shadow.
https://web.archive.org/web/20240318104523/https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-reportedly-pauses-playstation-vr2-production-to-clear-backlog-of-unsold-units (archive.is results in a blank page for IGN) >Sony has reportedly paused PlayStation VR2 production in order to clear a backlog of unsold units. >Bloomberg reported sales of the $550 virtual reality headset have “slowed progressively” since its launch in February 2023, causing a buildup of stock. According to the site, Sony produced “well over” two million PSVR2 units. >The relative success of the PSVR2 was called into question earlier this year when Sony announced a number of upcoming games for the device, none of which were from its first-party studios. Then, as part of a wave of devastating layoffs affecting 900 staff, Sony’s VR-focused London studio was earmarked for closure. IGN investigated the state of PSVR2 as part of a feature that painted a grim picture of Sony’s VR headset, which looks abandoned at this point. >Six weeks after launch, Sony announced PSVR2 had sold nearly 600,000 units. Analysts suggest it sold just over one million units in its first year. Last December, SIE's head of global business Eric Lempel told the Financial Times that PSVR2 was “a bit of a challenging category right now,” adding he thought “there was a higher expectation generally for what VR would do to gaming.” It appears PSVR 2 sold poorly during the 2023 holiday season. RoadToVR tracked the Amazon sales of the Meta Quest 2 and 3 compared to the PSVR2 during the holiday season and found Meta’s headsets significantly outsold the PSVR2. >Where does the PSVR2 go from here? Sony is currently testing compatibility with PC, which it said would allow PSVR 2 players access to more VR games via PC. This opens the door for users to access more games otherwise unavailable on PSVR2, but it does not address the lack of first-party support from Sony itself. So it looks like PSVR2 has potentially been a flop. VR has been so fucking disappointing, everything is a walled garden and the only headset to sell well is Facebook's. Obviously this has also been bad for Sony, the PS5 is on track to be the worst preforming PlayStation and its expensive addon looks to have been a massive money sink with no return. As the article says, they might pivot and make it PCVR compatible, but why would you buy it for that? It's at such a weird pricepoint for PCVR, it's not a cheap entry level device and for the cost you might as well buy a better headset instead. The segmenting of VR into different ecosystems has been one of the worst, most self-cannibalizing things about the current VR market. The medium already barely has any "real games and that's spread out even thinner over three or four different competing platforms.
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Seeing Sony Playstation killing itself will never not be funny.
You know what PSVR2 reminds me of but I couldn't figure out until now? Those weird console peripherals from the 80s and 90s, like the Famicom Disk System and the Sega CD. Those died off for a reason and the being reason they were almost never a success. It's odd to see one of them in the modern day and age, it doesn't matter how good it is when it's a $550 expansion to a $500 console. >>948224 >10mb gif of muskrat dancing Are you cryptocurrency investor
>>948225 No, he's a crypto miner.
I don't see why anyone would buy it for pc compatibility unless the sony execs somehow think it will be an entry point for a ps5 purchase. If someone forced $500 in gift cards onto me, I'd rather get a quest 3 and see if it has emulators.
>>948222 >IGN investigated the state of PSVR2 as part of a feature that painted a grim picture of Sony’s VR headset, which looks abandoned at this point. <implying IGN actually tells the truth

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The Apple Vision Pro may revive VR/AR, but the software and price is a pain unless you're one of those rich devs that really like using visionOS. The current state of VR still needs work because the hardware still isn't good enough to replace your computer or monitors. In other words, watching movies on a VR headset sucks, software aside. For further info, I bring you this spergy analysis of the headset that has a lot of technical stuff on viewing displays: https://archive.ph/9Alyz https://archive.ph/MbW4v https://archive.ph/VHfR6 https://archive.ph/15HJT By the time VR hardware and software is perfected, you already have multiple ideal monitors for games, movies, reading, and more.
>>948293 1st gen Vision Pro is akin to the 1st gen iPhone. It's "open beta" hardware to introduce the platform and concept to developers, first and foremost. Remember the Tesla Roadster? $100,000 and pitched explicitly as a sports car. Why? To subsidize R&D and future costs for consumer-level cars, and that went massively well for Tesla. The original iPhone was AT&T only and had no subsidy, so it was full cost out of the box in an era when all cell phones were subsidized on cell plans. Why? To introduce people to an objectively better way to use a phone (every single phone since the iPhone copied the UI and UX identically) AND to introduce the world to a better class of mobile application. I remember the bullshit "software" on my flip phone, after all. In 3 to 4 generations, Apple will have Vision Pro and Vision Air. Air will have current Pro's hardware (and better) for $999. That will mean widespread adoption for its use as both a general purpose computer (everything I've read says it's surprisingly fantastic for that) and as a gaming platform. Developers will take advantage of Apple's best-in-category hardware to create games that fit environments (both VR and AR) better than any other headset on the market, and the rest of the industry will be dragged along like before. But yeah, it'll take… I'll say 5 years for widespread adoption. Expect the M6 chip in there, so take the performance trajectory of M1 to M3 and extrapolate forward to see what it will be able to do at $999 in 2029.
>>948293 >>948306 Man, i really hope that shit stays like the Macs and iPhones: Just a walled circlejerk for Apple autists, while the rest of the civilized World makes a similar VR but with a much healthier and free ecosystem for emulation, gaming and such
>>948293 Honestly, I can see Apple or Valve doing it depending on how they approach 2D content. I believe Apple has some good ideas but some bad implementations.
>>948242 You don't need to set up base stations for PSVR2 to work, unlike headsets like Valve Index.
Still waiting for the PSV2 so I can stream my games while in bed
>>948242 There are idiots out there so desperate to not have completely wasted $500 that they've convinced themselves that the only way the PSVR2 will work on PC is if you have to already have a PS5 and use the PSVR2 on that while it streams VR games from your PC over the wireless network. I had some asshole argue with me until he was blue in the face that THAT would be the PSVR2 on PC solution. Couldn't get through to him that the entire thing is just off the shelf parts - it's just that some of them are fairly uncommon parts, but not proprietary. The PSVR2 basically uses VirtualLink with an encryption encoder (like their controllers have). It's just USB-C with a bit of extra voltage to power more demanding devices. nVidia used to include them on the 20-series graphics cards, but removed them in the 30-series because nobody was using it. So all you need to get the PSVR2 working on the PC is a small adapter that plugs into USB-C and has additional juice flowing in either from other USB ports or more likely from an AC Adapter. Throw the encryption decoder into the adapter, and could sell them for less than $20. They'd probably also need to create some kind of basic launcher/portal to facilitate the actual video over USB-C - and this is where, if Sony were smart, they'd take a page out of Microsoft's book and use it to advertise PS5 features, games, timed exclusives, controllers, and other assorted bullshit for themselves and their partners. Windows Mixed Reality has/had a whole side-panel dedicated to advertising.
>>948222 >the only headset to sell well is Facebook's. Doesn't the index frequently go out of stock?
>>948450 Yeah but as far as we know it's never sold a million units, while Quests are multimillion sellers.
Honest question outside of a few medical or engineering things, is VR even used seriously?
>>948457 VR is completely worthless, AR however can be extremely valuable.
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AR for productivity, VR for gaming. They don't mix very well the other way around. The problem with AR for gaming is that game designers have no way to actually build any sort of cohesive art direction, level design, or mechanical depth - because everybody's "reality" will be different from moment to moment - so games have to be designed to procedurally generate around the bullshit in your living room. You end up with mobile-tier game design because there are infinite different configurations of an environment that the development team can't account for. AR is best used in a mixed reality environment where you can overlay information to assist you in preforming tasks. VR is shit for this use case, because it explicitly cuts you off from the real world, limiting your potential to actually get anything done. However, since it's a head-based sensory deprivation device - it sets the environmental variables to nil and provides game designers a blank canvas by which to produce whatever game, with whatever mechanics, in whatever design, with whatever pacing that they want. At least until you trip over the coffee table and face plant into the television.
>>948467 Both have their place. How is VR even remotely worthless? Have you just never used a headset with a high enough resolution?
>>948494 VR is worthless because all it is is a screen taped to your face with a wiimote attached to it. Who gives a shit? Okay, fine, you can move your head and the camera moves. Big deal. But that's not VR. It's not VR until it replicates touch. If I can't feel my sword clashing with the opponent's sword, then what's the point? If I can't feel when I hug my waifu, then what's the point?
>>948497 Sony doesn’t have Chad Warden anymore to sell the PSVR2 let alone the PSVita 2
Wonder how happy they are now about the money they saved by not bothering to code a backwards compatibility layer for PSVR1 games. Totally not necessary to keep the platform lock-in effect, right? What a predictable trainwreck.
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>>948239 No, he's a crypto minor.
>>948811 They're trying to bring it to PC before they bring PSVR1 comparability. Sony have been treating PC gamers better than their own customers lately.
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>>948222 >The medium already barely has any "real games Nothing exemplifies this more than RE4R VR ,the absolute GOAT VR game, is trapped on PSVR2. PC never ever.
>>917459 The problem with VR games is that they do not ever justify the reason why your game cannot be played on another console or a pc screen. Tellingly, the only three games that are any good with vr are beat saber (stationary, waggle controls), Alyx (the only outlier) and that one game that is about shooting sausages (basically an fps on semi rails). VR chat is the only good application, too, because it justifies its existence by improving on traditional chat rooms by adding your own gestures and 3d characters. Any new VR game should just ask itself if it's building upon another pre existing game or just adding unnecessary shit between you and the game.
>>951807 It's only trapped on PSVR2 because Capcom and Sony both lowkey threatened to sue the fuck out of Praydog after he embarrassed them with RE7VR, and undercut them with REVillage by a full fucking year. Now that the Universal Unreal Injector has been released to the public, maybe he'll go back and rework his RE4VR mod into a proper first person 6dof with hand tracking standard. Besides, it's going to be hard for them to prove damages when market saturation is already long since peaked and Sony halted production on PSVR2 because nobody fucking wants it. Man, this really is a weird timeline. The console industry is taking it's last few dying gasps and fanboys on both sides are crowing to each other about how superiorly fucked their system is getting by PC. Sonyfags are bragging about PSVR2 is coming to PC, while Xbox fags are bragging about how cool it will be to have Steam on Xbox and Xbox games on Playstation systems. Both systems are going diskless and gameless.
>>957427 >Sony halted production on PSVR2 because nobody fucking wants it. >Sonyfags are bragging about PSVR2 is coming to PC They should just port over the three PSVR2 games and the Wipeout Omega Collection too. No reason that deserves to die on PSVR. > Xbox fags are bragging about how cool it will be to have Steam on Xbox Kudos to Michaelsoft if true. Xchumps can finally play Futanaria Dungeon Quest from the comfort of their living room.
>>948222 Did this really need to be merged?
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>>957632 Damn that's hot
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>>957632 >Xchumps can finally play Futanaria Dungeon Quest from the comfort of their living room.
>>917459 I finally started playing Amid Evil after it sitting in my backlog for who knows how long. I enjoyed the first few levels so much, when I noticed it had a VR version, I finally bit the bullet and ordered a VR kit. It was the aesthetic, I think. I really like how the game looks. I also plan on trying out New Retro Arcade: Neon
Any other poorfags buy the Cockulus/Meta Quest 2 since the price dropped to $200 and it doesn't require a Faceberg account anymore? I just got one recently as a dedicated BeatSaber machine. I used to play on someone else's Cockulus and had set it up for custom songs and whatnot. However, now that I've gotten everything 95% working, and weeded out one of my old songs, Gourmet Race from Kirby, that now caused the game to crash merely by being in the song folder I've noticed something important is missing from my UI. There's no fucking way to make playlists. I have to slowly scroll through hundreds of custom songs over and over again. There used to be a button right on each song that let you add it to a playlist and it's gone. Shit's barely usable like this. Why the hell isn't this a basic feature used for normal base game and DLC songs? I look at the core mods and it says there's a playlist core, but it's not doing any good. And I've tried looking up how to add playlist functionality, but every fucking guide is about how to download other people's playlists. Nigger, I want to manage my collection of songs, not go through a list of some random faggots recommendations. Anyone got a clue how to make this shit not garbage?
>>972785 Did you expect better from Facebook?
>>917470 >It's basically just a fancy shooter. I was happy with what I got, but I want Etrian Odyssey VR now.
>>972785 >I just got one recently as a dedicated BeatSaber machine. From everybody I've heard talk about VR, after you play the five or decent games VR has this is what every headset turns into it. That, or porn. >>972851 Facebook didn't make Beat Saber. Not originally, anyway, they bought the game a few years ago.
>>972926 >From everybody I've heard talk about VR, after you play the five or decent games VR has this is what every headset turns into I figured as much, which is why I've barely touched anything else, and what I have touched was free and forgettable.
>>That, or porn. vr, the hitachi magic wand of gaming
>>972785 Tried installing QuestSongManager, as that's something that's recently updated and ought to be compatible with the latest moddable version of the game. Sidequest says it successfully install. App is nowhere on the Quest or in the list of installed apps on Sidequest. Why is this simple, practically necessary function, so fucking hard to get?
I found the time to play BeatSaber today instead of struggling to get it to work perfectly. As enraged about playlist functionality as I still am, it was still worth it. I haven't played in about a year and half, and it's still loads of FUN. My whole body hurts. BeatSaber is the one really really good thing there is on VR. Why the fuck can't they do it right?
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playstation vr 2 is officially getting pc compatibility.
>>975013 The leaks have been happening for awhile, but of course. The device has been selling abysmally, it would have more utility also playing PCVR games. I'm surprised it was an afterthought.
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>>975013 Without eye tracked foveated rendering and the single-cable portability, I don't see what the selling point for PSVR2 on PC is over other VR headsets in the same price bracket. Especially since the dual sense controllers are built-in rechargeables that will force you to stop playing every so often to juice them back up. Most other headsets have replaceable AA batteries you can just hotswap in and keep going. I was kind of planning to eventually get a PSVR2 to take some strain off of my battle scarred Reverb G2 - and eventually get a PS5 for the dual-use utility. But now... they're cutting core features from the PSVR2 on PC, and in all this time still haven't managed to get any games that would make me want to buy a PS5. Ironically this is probably a better deal for people who are invested in Xbox systems since Microsoft is just giving up and turning Xboxes into full-on SFF living-room PCs. Series X doesn't have the necessary display port, but a later Series X refresh or their next console could play PSVR2. Hell you might even be able to get away with a HDMI 2.1 to Display Port adapter to work on the current Xbox Series X if you're willing to make the PSVR2 your only display output. Sony probably would have been better off just begging Valve to work with them on a streamlined and sandboxed version of SteamOS that could run on the PS5. At least then they'd have something to compete with Microsoft's rollout.
>>973295 PLayed Beatsaber again yesterday. It took me nearly a week to recover from playing last time. This time I think I managed to stop before hurting myself.
>>976370 >Generic gachaslut #3428
>>977269 >generic If it was generic, it wouldn't have been raping the shit out of Comiket for the past year with endless new doujins
>>977406 Why its the shittiest games getting the most fancontent?
>>977543 The most average person has terrible taste in general.
What are the most unique movement systems you've seen in a VR game? A lot of games simply have some variation of directional movement plus warping for the motion sick, but can you actually think of any games that wowed you with their movement systems?
>>1007811 There's a game called Budget Cuts where you move around through controllable portals, it was posted earlier in the thread.
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So, I just got done running some American Truck Simulator in VR and finished off the night with some VRChat. Are there any 8Chang VRChat rooms or anyone here willing to run some ATS convoys? I can only run friday nights because of my schedule, and I'll be drinking when I do, but fuck it. If anyone is on, let's run faggots.

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