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Metal Gear Solid Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:11:32 Id: b8ea2b No. 931193
I've been thinking about Vol 2 of the Master collection. There is no doubt Peace Walker is going to be apart of it, and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. But that's making me think Peace Walker is built entirely around Co-op so they will be supporting that, and that's making me think if they are working on PW's MP stuff then there is a chance they're also going to relaunch MGS4's Multiplayer, I'm not gonna hold my breath of course they didn't bother with MGS3's MP, still seems like there is a slim chance of it, but it's interesting to think about.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/29/2024 (Mon) 11:10:28.
You could have tried anon, you could've, but you didn't did you? I'm sure you will get the validation you seek back on 4chan, so just go back and be happy.
Where's the snake? Fuck is this?
>Just a dot This isn't the test board.
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>no topic >not even a sentence, just a dot >pic doesn't display anything at all It's been a while since I saw OP being a faggot from the very first post. Metal Gear thread?
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OK Ok ok Haven Trooper pussy Gekko pussy Metal Gear Ray pussy
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I'v been thinking about Vol 2 of the Master collection. There is no doubt Peace Walker is going to be apart of it, and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. But that's making me think Peace Walker is built entirely around Co-op so they will be supporting that, and that's making me think if they are working on PW's MP stuff then there is a chance they're also going to relaunch MGS4's Multiplayer, I'm not gonna hold my breath of course they didn't bother with MGS3's MP, still seems like there is a slim chance of it, but it's interesting to think about.
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>>931234 They're gonna have to rewrite this scene for a modern re-release
>>931234 Peace Walker is the worst fucking game in the series. >>931235 or simply remove it
>>931236 >Peace Walker >not Survive out of your fucking mind
>>931235 >>931236 >They're gonna have to rewrite this scene for a modern re-release >or simply remove it Or leave as is, why is this a concern?
>>931234 Put your question into the OP, hope you don't mind.
>>931193 It takes a beasty of a CPU to run MGS4 on emulation. Seeing as the lazy fucks at Konami outsourced their port just did the bare minimum. Interesting to see how it runs in consoles and especially on PC.
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>>931228 You got 1/3 right.
>>931243 Can't leave it as is. At the very least they would have to changes PS3 to PC.
>>931270 If Konami weren’t cheap fucks Bluepoint would do a great job like they did for the PS2 MGS games. I’d rather see a HD collection of Silent Hill than a remake too.
>>931273 >can't Are you stupid.
>>931235 Did they change the Psycho Mantis scene in MGS1 for the newest PC release?
>>931243 Well Capcom edited the MO disk terminal easter egg related to the GCN with the HD port of the REmakie, so it's not a stretch that konami would do something along those lines as well.
>>931299 Stupid, then. Got it.
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>>931288 No, they actually made a virtual PSX memory card program from the main menu that you can load with fake save files from all the Konami games to trigger the scenes. Same thing with changing the controller to port 2.
>>931344 Ok that's actually really fucking cool.
>>931344 shame BluePoint got bought out by Sony because they are one of the few studios that I remember making decent remasters. Master Collection is literally a rerelease of the HD collection on the PS3.
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>>931344 here's a screenshot
>>931350 That's really neat
>>931346 Yeah, it is a nice touch. The port is still lazy as fuck though, and they censored Meryl's panties.
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I won't say the distaste for MG Survive isn't warranted, there is no real excuse for even the single player being always online, but I was too damn curious about the game and I wanted to give it a shot before the day it becomes unplayable. I have to admit I like the game, it's definitely janky, but I find this hodgepodge of reused assets, forged into something new charming. The story actually ended up getting me a little invested, You and other survivors were sucked up through worm holes at different points in earths time to a different dimension, only for the plot twist to be it's not a different dimension it's the future, and you need to figure out a way to destroy the Lord of Dust the source of all the Zombie creatures, which is actually out of control medical nano machines. The Lord of Dust continuously travels back in time and absorbs all life in the world into hivemind, if you were to take the bad ending where you abandon things and get the hell out of there during you're only opportunity on the final mission, you end up as one of the wandering Mother Base soldiers in MGSV, but the entire timeline cycle is just going to happen again. In the good ending you blow a hole through it's head with the rail gun of Sahelanthropus. I was lucky enough to find people who still play the online the entire thing is built around co-op, and setting up you're defense against waves of zombies is just something that builds comradery. I'm not surprised the game had a negative reception, but compared to something like Umbrella Corps, it's leaps and bounds more of a polished product. "These webms ended up lower quality then I was expecting."
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>Kojimbo announced right after the Death Stranding 2 trailer that he was working on an "action espionage" game >also mentioned something about movies Please don't tell me he's gonna try making some movie-game hybrid, that never worked, last I checked.
>>932253 He's making MGS4 again
>>932258 Knowing Kojima, I hope it's just MGS4 again, it's less damage than some Defiance type of project.
The real question is will Master Collection Vol 2 include all of the other games in the series or will they stretch it out to Vol 3. And will they release Silent Hill Master Collection on Steam? (Or at least a port of HD Collection)
>>932341 4, Peace Walker, and V should represent the headliners of Volume 2. What other games are there to release alongside? Acid? 4 getting off the PS3 will be very interesting to see. Guaranteed V will just be a re-release of what's already still available on PC without any changes AND with online still disabled.
Peace Walker is just Metal Gear Solid V with its base building mechanics but without the so bad it’s good story or open ended gameplay.
>>932381 Aside from those and twin snakes, portable ops and ghost babel I think that's all of them. Hopefully they release them all as a Vol 2, online will certainly be disabled.
What's the point of the "Master Collection" releases when the entire series can already be played on the PS3?
>>932429 HD collection on PS3 requires the pressure sensitive buttons only found on the DualShock
>>932384 I mostly agree, even though I think PW had a so bad it's good story. Though we need PW to exist for the exploding womb joke in V.
>>931422 I thought it was a pretty fun game, but it wasn't a Metal Gear game.
>>931193 >and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. I doubt MGS4 will actually be in these, considering both how much effort a port would take (keep in mind, nothing in the first Master Collection is truly ported- 2 and 3+MG1&2 are just the PC builds for the HD collection, everything else is emulated) as well as how much other stuff they could cram in instead. Here's every MG title they haven't touched >Ghost Babel GBC, can be emulated. >Portable Ops/+ >Ac!d 1 and 2 PSP, can probably be emulated. >Peace Walker Probably has a build in a similar state to 2 and 3 HD. >Metal Gear Rising While its on PC, it hasn't been ported to newer consoles. >The Twin Snakes GCN, so iffy on if they have the resources to emulate it, but porting it would probably be easier than MGS4. >MGSV Probably in the cards to fill out the collection, and since MGSV itself is already on all platforms, it'll probably just mean a discount for players who already on it (at least on PC, since the Master Collection is a bundle of games).
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I beat the game UnMetal, and I feel it's a bit weird to recommend. On one hand there aren't many games that imitate the MSX Metal Gear games that I know of, so the gameplay is novel for that,and one interesting part of the gameplay is due to the unreliable narrator who's telling the story, you have multiple choices of what will appear in the levels at times. On the other hand the game is purposefully stupid. Like it's a obvious parody of Metal Gear, but humor is subjective. The writing in this game tip toes a fine line between being kind of funny, and getting dangerously close to "lol quirky, video games are silly X3" It gave me a chuckle about half of the time, although I could see an anon from here not able to stand the writing. But I have to give the game credit, if you do something stupid in the game at time it will call you out for being an idiot, there was a section were you need to pass by a room full of fire, and I went through it timing myself to avoid the fire turning on and off, and once I made it the person integrating the Narrator asks why I didn't just use the Thermal suit I got in the previous level, and it's because I forgot about it, because I used to cover my body heat from sensors, not to pass by fire.
>>938539 Damn, I have to finish that. Thanks for reminding me.
Is the series dead?
>>955652 >Collection Volume 2 >Remake of 3 No, but it should be
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>>938539 Reminds me of Merry Gear Solid. 3 never came out.
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Struck with a little bit of Inspiration, and made this.
>>938539 >"lol quirky, video games are silly X3" It's pretty much a signature style of every single game by this dev, and it was worse in his previous one (though not as bad in the first one though it might've been because it was more obscure stuff / stuff i don't get seeing as it was a D&D parody instead). Not that it means they're bad mind you but still kind of annoying at times and the game part is usually good enough to excuse it.
>>931235 Isn't there a similar joke where the ghost of Psycho Mantis tries to read your memory card but can't because the PS3 doesn't have external memory storage?
>>975532 Yep, in the fight on Outer Heaven.
New infromation is on the MGS3 remake website. https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/us/en/ It says they'll have the 3rd person camera, but also the Original overhead view, and while it's not stated yet, the overhead view there seems to have a similar filter to the Original game. So we might be able to toggle the filter on or off.
>>978469 >clothes and wounds update permanently Fuck yeah. Time to use a trainer to give me infinite health and turn Snake into a walking pile of ground beef. Completely red, totally naked, just sinew and bone barely hanging together.
>>978469 Given, pic 4 says you can have classic controls, or modern controls. In combination with the Overhead camera, it seems they'll be 3 ways of playing the game. You could have Modren Style, Original style with the Over Head camera and classic controls, and subsistence style where you use the classic controls with the 3rd person camera. Maybe there could be a 4th style as where you use modern controls with the over head camera. So you'll be able to look around with the overhead camera, but aim and move around with the 3rd person camera instead of being locked in place with the first person camera, and it'll quickly snap back and forth based on holding the aim button.
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What do you guys think about how The Boss looks? I think I need to see it in motion more, but I don't think I hate this look. The Boss was in World War 2 pregnant on D-Day. If there is any Female character who it's appropriate to have some noticeable age on her face, it's The Boss. She should look like she's seen shit.
Here's the gameplay trailer.
It looks like they recorded some new lines for the Remake, it could be similar to the HD collection where they just did it for the tutorial.
>>978603 I think she looks off a bit, just because I've met a couple older women who look exactly like The Boss and the new model does not look like them at all. I'm not bothered by the "aging", I just think they botched her facial structure. And her hair is clearly supposed to be lighter, but that might be a consequence of the lighting. Considering The Boss, like most Metal Gear characters, is based on an actor, they had source material to work from.
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Looking forward to seeing my favorite character in the remake.
>>978603 That's a man, she has hair growing from her ears. Those side burns are not like. Normal for girls. Thats a man. Shes some kinda tranny now, or at the very least uglier than a rats ass and uncanny valley as fuck. That's just not a human face. >>978640 Who gives a shit about paddock, is Hayter recording new lines or not?
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New Metal Gear Solid Legacy Video about Delta. It's 10 minutes long, so I don't currently feel like making a webm of it, and Invidious doesn't seem to work anymore, so forgive me for the direct link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p-dbSJ2MK8
>>978784 Ah so they did hire Hayter. Well, that actually does change a lot for me. Hmmm, pretty tasty.
>>978784 I like the interview with Okamura, he sounds very honest about their intentions, and is willing to accept the Master Collection wasn't perfect at launch. Frankly, I'm already impressed they updated it at all, since I'v seen plenty of Re-releases over the years when they just launch it and forget about it. DMCHD for example. Only the Switch version of DMC3 gets official style switching. Every other player on other platforms can go fuck themselves. >>978787 They've got Hayter at the very least doing these Legacy Videos, and hyping up the new releases. Which I'm sure he's happy to do.
>>978603 >parachuted into France on D-Day while pregnant >secretly the first person in space >agrees to pretend to be a traitor and give the soviet union nukes simply to root out an even bigger bad who has access to "one hundred billion dollars" even though it's now the Bretton Woods era and you can just print infinity currency out of nothing >entire franchise--every single game--retroactively based on her actions and others' misinterpretations of them Is The Boss literally the worst Mary Sue in the history of all media? That shit ruined the whole franchise for me.
>>979141 >Is The Boss literally the worst Mary Sue in the history of all media? Anon, there's much worse ones made just in the last ten years. The Boss is just Kojima wanting to have his own Ripley type. I don't think it was explicitly trying to push an agenda, which means half the bitches from modern jewlywood are worse by default.
>>979141 The Boss is indeed a Mary Sue feminist hippie cunt. Fags here don't want you to know that Hackjima was always shit.
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>>979242 Hideo Kojima is like the George Lucas of video games, They both did great stuff, but they're not the 2nd coming as some of their fanboys would have liked you to believe in their heyday. They just made stories that are heavily inspired by of some of the movies they really liked. Which there really isn't anything inherently wrong with that, no story is entirely original. The movies/games they made are entertaining, and that's all they need to be. There is nothing wrong with enjoying their work, but it's also important not treat them like the 2nd coming of Jesus, because they're human like the rest of us. I'm sure if most of us were given complete and total control over a production to make a movie/game exactly how we envisioned with nothing but yes men at our side, and nobody criticizing our ideas to help refine the story into something better, then we'd probably make missteps too. Who out there is actually perfect?
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No amount of seething will retroactively make Metal Gear bad.
>>979267 You misunderstand. I love the games. They play quite well, they're very interesting, and even the premise and themes discussed work well for me. It's just… the whole thing is retroactively the fault of some mary sue whore who could never have existed in the era.
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>>978603 One was created with a modicum of professionalism and knowledge of how modeling an designing a character should be done. Gritty Fake realism for the sake of gritty fake realism is the modern day excuse for the lack of talent. She looks exactly like any other AAA open world sandbox experience side character. Realistic portrayal, either physically or mentally can't stand on its own. See AI art. I'm glad i just did my part and didn't contribute to what has become of gaming and art design in general. Enjoy.
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https://invidious.incogniweb.net/embed/JzN5viHF4Qo? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzN5viHF4Qo Pretty interesting video by George Salonikh. "Posting two links because I'm not 100% sure that Invidious link is going to embed" He got the bottom of the MGS3 Ranking system, and figured out that nearly every ranking guide online is entirely wrong, because the first person to write one of these guides 20 years ago just copied most of the lower rank requirements from MGS2 instead of actually getting the correct requirements MGS3 asks for, and then all the other guides copy that first guides wrong information. The only Accurate guide he could find is from Samurai Gamers. https://samurai-gamers.com/metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater/list-of-titles-and-how-to-get/
>>994352 A lot of faqs on the internet are like that to the point where I think a lot of them aren't actually made by people who actually played the game.
>>994352 Sounds about right with Konami and they're not giving a shit attitude about incorrect information being spread on their games. For example they hired that GameFaqs Fag to write their game guides for Silent Hill and his misinformation got spread to the fucking Silent Hill wiki.
>thread's been up for half a year with no image in the OP Fix your fucking site already.
I've been playing Vol 1 and its the first time I've experienced MGS2. Its pretty fun, but Kojima's constant beating you over the head with his messages is grating on my nerves. Maybe I'm old but the constant shounenshit trope of "WHY DO WE BATTLE? WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOORRR??" gets really old, really fast.
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The Current Devs have been holding good to their word when it comes to continuing to improve the collection. MGS2 and MGS3 got another big update. >Better Screen/Resultion settings >Actual controller rebinding >Improved Mouse and Keyboard Settings >Mouse look support added to MGS2 now.
>>994352 >>994432 Yes, virtually all of the "game secrets/information/walkthrough" websites just copy and paste things from each other without even pretending otherwise. Ross (the Freeman's Mind one) uncovered a typo on the level select guide of an obscure video game from the '90s that every single website had simply copied from the original (mistyped) source. Not even the pretense of checking it. He had to figure out where the spelling error was himself.
>>994554 Gameplay being second to story, and characters never shutting the fuck up, is all okay when Kojima does it.
Hypothetical for discussion: Since Kojima had minimal involvement in it and its in its own canon, how would people feel about a 3D Ghost Babel remake (ala Trials of Mana) after Delta?
new trailer
>>1019548 >Afraid to show EVAs cleavage What the fuck happened to society?
>>1019548 It looks good in still pictures, but something is very of with the graphics in the trailer.
>>1019565 It looks ok given that they just slapped it into UE4.
>>1019699 Apparently it's in UE5, that's a great sign given it's performance :^).
>>1019548 Interesting that they turned the Mary Sue that destroyed the entire franchise into a tranny.
>>1019704 Sure, just pick the one moment shes grunting and in a fight scene.
>>1019705 So screenshot the one where she's standing there with the exact same face, coward.
>>1019709 I wont because its always the same shit. Thats like screenshoting the face of an actress in the middle of a stunt, you go from pretty girl to constipated gremlin.
>>1019711 Most actresses don't do their own stunts, they hire ugly girls and edit in the face of the actress.
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>>1019557 >>Afraid to show EVAs cleavage You were saying?
>>931193 Snake doesn't look solid blending into the background.
>>1020478 The cleavage is covered in this very picture. What ISN'T covered however is how much they shrunk her breasts.
>>1020757 the fuck is a calorie mate? looks fine to me
>>1020478 >Calorie Mate I bought one of these out of curiosity at a Japanese market. Still got the box. It tasted terrible. No idea why they eat these things.
>>1020783 >the fuck is a calorie mate? It's a Japanese energy bar that's nutrient balanced and calorie dense and shelf-stable. It's cheap and meant as an emergency food or a meal replacement. Most Japanese eat it when they do not have a time for a proper meal as a sort of last resort, when sick, to get some calories during or right after a workout, or as a struggle meal. If you read enough manga or light novels you will run into references to it. It's somewhat popular among Japanese college students. It belongs to the same niche in Japan that instant soups, peanut butter, instant mac and cheese do in the west. Cheap food that's shelf stable, quick to make, and relatively filling. Perfect for someone broke and with a limited amount of time. >>932283 OD that he is working on with Jordan Peele is the movie-game hybrid. I suspect that his espionage game will be either MGS4 or 5 all over again or back to basics type of project. I am just mildly happy that at least someone is making a big budget stealth game again.
>>1020478 That's my cleavage, right there.

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