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Amateur Game Development General: Japanese Work Ethic Edition Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 15:30:09 Id: 40ae53 No. 946073
The fake enthusiasm is key. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via irc.rizon.net >https://app.element.io/#/room/#agdg:matrix.org via matrix programs >Dev resources: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/resources >Wiki: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/ >http://mu-sic-production.wikia.com >https://pastebin.com/qtDwktHP
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Added gas spores. Still need to get a good sound effect for them though.
I am going to get big now. I will try my hardest to make my DWM mod as polished as Brutal Doom.
>>946075 The spores looking like an underripe blackberry is amusing. I'm really curious, Rogueanon, how many copies has RogueFP sold? I once heard the average game on Steam sells less than 2800. If you're comfortable answering that I'd also like to know what the legs on the game have been, copies per month since launch kind of thing.
>>946097 Rogue-fp has sold a bit under 500 copies and Ive handed out almost 50 keys. In the last 30 days I've sold 75 copies so sales have picked up a little bit since I released the 2.0 update. But for other months it could be anywhere from 20 to 30ish depending on if I have a sale going on or whatever. I'm not sure about the 2800 figure. I'll probably hit that eventually if I keep supporting it but there's also a lot of shovelware on steam with no reviews or anything so its hard to say what that "average" actually consists of. But yeah I mean its been slow in terms of legs but I expected that when I put it out so its not discouraging or anything.I put the game out know that there's not a lot of appeal to even the average roguelike player. Just the ones that 1. know what rogue even is and 2. are curious to see what it would be like in first person. Once I start adding more unique features and the game assumes its own identity I think I'll attempt a decent marketing push. Because right now its still mostly rogue which is fine but rogue is actually out of the wheelhouse of most roguelike players. Roguelikes are known for being an extremely feature dense genre and most people think of nethack when they think of roguelikes. So since I just have rogue as a base I would imagine at this point my game seems pretty light in terms of depth to most hardcore roguelike players. There's also the issue of a lot of roguelikes out there being available for free so there's a lot of competition in the niche for attention. But my plan was that the games gimmicks would make it worth the money and that seems to be working out ok.
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to the anon who suggested i added spell editing of gems in towers: i wasn't lying when i said my UI code sucks. the feature will be added soon(tm) but damn is my code hacky just look at this retarded shit (pic related) (my implementation of pinable UI elements is... dogshit)
>>946261 Is that Lua? If you use numerical for-loops to iterate through a table you are almost always doing it wrong. Use the generic for-loop with ipairs: for i, p in ipairs(pinned) do -- ... end Next up, why are you using table.maxn instead of # or ipairs? If your sequence has holes you will trip over it either way. Why are you iterating over the same table twice using the same logic? Couldn't you do it all in one loop? for i, p in ipairs(pinned) do for j, v in ipairs(nodes) do if v.group == p then local px, py = v.px, v.py redrawdynamics() v.hover(px, py, v) end end end In general the numeric for-loop is very rarely of use in Lua. Instead the generic for-loop uses an iterator, which is a function that implements the iterator protocol. Since iterators are functions they can return any number of values per iterator, can be combined or dynamically created at runtime. ipairs for example is a constructor function which when given a table creates a new iterator function. There are lots of other standard functions which return iterators. You can of course write your own iterators as well, or use 3rd-party libraries. https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.4.5
>>946289 >ipairs ipairs is slower than numeric iteration, and will stop when it hits nil, which i can't have. that reminds me i need to have nil detection. >why are you using table.maxn instead of # because lua's # operator is funky, and likes to return the incorrect result when arrays have holes in them (it's technically correct, but undesirable output), which the nodes table will often have. maxn ensures i will traverse the whole table.
I made some few progress. I reanimated the Enforcer pistol and replaced ingots with media storage for money. Later I will be working on other weapons. I need to look up some weapon animation stuff whose animation style is not realistic but more action style.
I am back and here is Kasha but lowpoly. Found a good workflow for texturing blender models with aseprite. Sadly the faggot who made this tool decided to 86 it so I had to go into some community discord to grab their version. Unlike my previous Kasha model this one's for an actual game, it's that minigolf game I said I was prototyping in unity a couple of threads back. I'm going to restart it in Godot, and I really want it to have the vibe of a PS1 or 90s PC game you'd play on a coffee break or at a doctor's office. It also needs to be multiplayer (offline). In unrelated good life news, my aunt is stable and not as sick as I thought, although she's dealing with some shit from her retarded husband who seems to be starting to hear voices.
>>946089 >Still waiting for an FPS-RPG spinoff of Strange Journey Other than that, godspeed anon,
>>948991 I want to fuck it
>>948991 Good to see progress. How are you going to put a golf club in her hands though?
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>>949006 Thanks. Heres my recent progress. It's gonna take a while to redo the animations of 18 guns oh man.
>>949049 You fool, SHE IS THE BALL
>>949049 Like the anon above me said, Kasha herself is the ball and she putts herself around with her tail which cartoonishly detaches itself from her bottom and turns into a floating golf club.
Do you think I can get get away with using this as the steam trailer and not put in any text? https://files.catbox.moe/f9ax0x.webm
>>949251 Yes but you should have Cole loudly chewing taffy.
Kasha is "done" for now at least, I still have to model/texture her tail and rig her but this is more or less what the final model will look like. Good place to take a break and grind some other stuff. Still have to prototype the game itself. Just happy to have grinded out my blender skills enough to make what I wanna make. Now how the fuck do I make a game with it
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>>948991 >>949811 >>949812 Impressive, very nice. Let's see the gameplay.
I reworked the shotty.
>>950676 Why is it Renamon
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>>950715 Because I want to play as her while capping niggaz ass. Simple as.
>>948991 >>949811 Have you ever played Neverball? That might give you some gameplay ideas.
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Added the Smith and Wesson model 19 revovler.
>>950715 Why knot Renamon?
one of these days i will continue working on my game too
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>>950735 Yeah, I've seen it. I like the aesthetic of it, but a ball platformer is different from minigolf. Gameplay-wise the game is more like Kirby's Dream Course, Zany Golf and Tower Unite minigolf.
Anyone familiar with EpicNameBro and his "game"? Ive been a big fan during dark souls release and since then its just been one sad dumpster fire, his game is now apparently ready to be showed on goytube, but if you know you know how thats gonna go, kek
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Dear anon that developed this cat in javascript and put it on some board that I can't find anymore: I stole your cat.
>>951119 You mean this ancient thing? https://github.com/glreno/oneko
>>951134 Huh, so we're all thieves.
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in the last thread an anon suggested i try some alternate styles. i've made them pixelated now, though i'm not entirely convinced about it with just the enemies, but maybe i'd have to redo the tilemap graphics to see the real difference. i will say that some of them do look better now (namely the skeleton, egis, and wisp (but those latter 2 are probably because my poor implementation of gradients with layer masks)) what do you guys think?
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Do you guys have channels or game dev blogs you'd want others to follow? I'm looking at the grind of this guy, and he's made vidya his livelihood instead of his hobby, I know he made a kickstarter to port one of his games and had a healthy dose of distrust, but he took it in stride. SungrandStudios is the name. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cs5vxvmqIiw https://youtu.be/cs5vxvmqIiw
>>951253 All the blogs I liked are dead now or replaced with Discord bullshit. RIP to the old web.
>>951237 i think it's an improvement
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>>951237 Yeah this is much better, though for your next project if youre gonna make your own art try to pick something more deliberate. It doesnt have to be unique just something appealing to look at. Or use premade assets cause many arent bad.
>>951618 my future ideas will have a greater need for graphical assets, so i'll get someone to do those (besides stuff like UI symbols, which i can semi-competently make, i tell myself)
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>>951237 got to the map tiles. the old water tile always bothered me. also i made the levels start just before the first wave instead of having that intermission time, like that one anon suggested.
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Hey anons I will be taking modelling request (preferbaly something that I can use for my farming game or for my doom mod). So go ahead reply to this post and make your wish and it will become true. However since I am also planing to stream something later today I may not be able to do so right away but rest assured I will be doing your request.
>>952448 Care to elaborate on what your farming game and Doom mod are?
The thing is finally up for sale, in all honestly I don't expect a lot of takers, but at least I know how the marketplace works. Dragging my feet a little (a lot) but I'm gearing up to work on the next project.
>>952497 Good job, I guess
>>952497 Also >OS 10 or above I chose to believe that this means that it will work on Unix version 10
>>952509 I actually think that's a quirk with steamworks/store. it might be inferring your OS somehow. This thing runs uncompiled so if you grabbed the linux version of godot 4 and placed it into my game folder it should probably work. I think
>>952509 Probably just a default setting on Steam since they officially stopped supporting Windows prior to 10 this year. But 7 still works from what I hear, support just won't help you with any problems related to using 7.
>>952468 For the farming game I want it to be just a comfy 3D game with modern guns, so you get to farm crops where there is a lot of seeds to choose from, bunch of guns to shoot enemies with. I want to work this game with a friend of mine but he is quite busy and he has some different ideas what the settings should be. There will be kemono girls, a german styled village, and several types of other human, monster girls and kemono factions that may or may not be friendly. I don't have much to showcase for the farming game because I had to spend a lot of time with the code and I have some difficulty making crop models so I still need to do some practices to make good looking crops. So for the combat there will be 2 paths a violent one obviously and a peaceful options so it's possible to be diplomatic and not having to fire a single bullet I think. The game style will be bright and colorful and it will be done in Godot. This farming game will be a bit tough to make but I think it's gonna be worth it. As for my doom mod I just want to make a furry themed weapon mod with many weapons as I possible can make, so around 50 guns at least or maybe a bit more. I am in the process to reanimate the guns so that its more action styled and exaggerated as well retexturing the weapons so that its a simple colored but stylistic one. I also want to add magic/special powers for the characters so for example Renamon will be able to use with her power of magic perform various elemental powered attacks such as fireballs, lightning balls and what else can be done for magic offense attacks, those magic attacks will be powerful. And I want to also add fire modes and different types of ammo to shoot from, this part will take longer to make since I need to write some code so that it's easy and quick to select different types of attack modes instead of cluttering bunch of different modes between a toggle key which is for me annoying so this part will come later.
>>952521 7 still works, but I've officially stopped supporting Steam regardless. It's a pirate's life for me.
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I made a spear and master sword.
>>952592 *master dagger
>>952609 I didn't made the master sword that big because I wanted the sword to be completely visible.
>>952592 The hand is backwards when holding the spear. Should be palm up.
>Game is finally released. >Catboy twitch streamer shows up with an actual audience and breaks my game immediately. Gah.
>>952881 If I ever do this again I gotta make an actual test harness.
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>>952448 Modelling huh? Please model this character. Don't shoot at her in your doom mod though
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>>952900 (checked) >Character Ah hell, I will try.
anyone else here get an idea for a game that is far too ambitious for you to realistically create?
>>954245 That's every single person who sets out to create a video game.
>>952497 Hey man, it's a lot of work going from idea to finished product. Congrats on your dedication.
>>952497 That's pretty cool actually. Congratulations.
>>954245 that's how every project starts, and how it dies >>954253 >it's a lot of work going from idea to finished product you're right, i passed his post by because the game didn't seem interesting to me personally >>952497 congratulations on finishing that game anon, a model for the rest of us
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>trying to put my demo on steam >trailer upload takes over a day >can't actually test the package myself what was valve thinking?
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>>955678 What the fuck?
>>955678 That's a horrendously obtuse way of handling things.
>>955678 Yeah you have to use an alt account to test a demo. Usually its fine since I don't think most devs use their regular gaming account for steamworks. At least I don't anyway.
>>955809 I don't think I've heard of anyone using their main account for steamworks. Steam makes it really easy to multi-account as well.
>>952506 >>954253 >>954258 Thanks, I just hope I can correctly dial in the time it'll take for my next project so I don't burn myself out like I did with this one. >>954260 And honestly I think the Rouge-FP guy is a better role model. He's the first person here I've seen who put his game out and there's a lot more going on in that one.
>>955809 >>955866 ...i use my main account for steamworks...
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Just.... 10.... More... Years...
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https://eyeballtank.itch.io/project-nortubel/devlog/711334/07apr2024-some-tweaks-and-2-guests An update to make the game less unfun, hopefully and also before the "main" update in which I succeeded at 2 boss fights. These 5 images are part of the upcoming new setting.
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Questions for any art friends in the thread: How do I model low-poly hair? Also, how do I make pixel art look less flat? I've been considering getting something up and running in Godot since it's better than when I last tried it back in ~2014, and I'd like to aim for the Mega Man Legends artstyle.
>>958670 Use the Megaman Legends games as a good pointer for how low poly hair should look The idea is to let the shading do all the work for you, to make it seem like your low poly hair look high poly.
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Taking a break from long projects and just doing small things rn. Making a replication of rotating menu from DDR.
>>958670 To model lowpoly hair you just get the general shape of the character's hair down. With lowpoly characters the overall appearance of the character will come down to how well you texture it, so don't sweat the modeling process too much. As to how to make pixel art look less flat, I'm not sure what you mean. You could try adding bevels and cuts to the model where it has visible seams but that increases the polycount and the idea is to be as minimal as possible. IF you mean giving the texture a more diffused appearance like Kasha's earholes here, it's as simple as just going over it with a blur brush in the drawing program you use to make textures. Adjust the strength and go over it a few times to give it the look you want.
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>>958717 this is as far as I think I'll go tonight, but I'm liking what I've got so far.
>>958719 I recognize those ears.
>>958717 >>958732 looks good, anon. though the initial movent of the label boxes feels a bit too fast and snappy.
>>958732 That can be tweaked by changing the transition type, currently you're looking at a tween of type Ease Out + Circ
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god making a modding API really sucks. I'd love to just give everything globals, but bad actors don't let me make it that easy for everyone. not to mention that i'll have to make documentation for everything. but horray! i got health and energy bars displaying for the player through it.
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>>959369 do you guys think that having movent be based on heading would be too obtuse to play? (eg, pressing w does not move you up, rather makes your character move in the direction they are facing). I feel like if i stick with heading-based movment i can do things like proper directional attacks and the like, but at the end of the day it won't matter if it's not intuitive to play
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>>958689 >>958670 Thanks for the advice anons - I finished the truck model, and am moving on to tackling a few characters next. Maybe I can get the hair down after a few different tries >>958719 I didn't really know the word I was grasping for at the time, but I'm pretty sure it was "shading". For example, I think the windows on my model came out pretty good after looking at some tutorials and comparing it to how MML handled vehicle windows.
>>959500 tank controls are fine. will filter out retards though
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>>959475 Kasha ain't no gatdamn furry, boy.
Which free DAWs would you guys recommend? I heard good things about Reaper but it doesn't really convince me. And I don't wanna pirate software I might delete eventually and go through the hassle of pirating again.
>>959475 https://www.twitch.tv/catboiaoi/video/2104612273 This guy lol. Allowed me to discover an obvious error I should have caught....
>>959500 Unreal world does that. It feels kind of awkward.
>>959569 looking at some gameplay of it i have to agree with it looking awkward, though i don't think that it (seeming to be, at least) being turn-based does that any favors. i think that in a live-action system it'll feel a bit more natural at least
>>959500 on a top down view? No. Player will have to constantly look at the nose of sprite to know where they're going. Especially hectic when you've to manage your health and enemies. Only viable in racing games where going forward is all you do, no strafing. If you have trouble making sprite follow global directions and not its own - make an empty object and put the viewing sprite object as its separate child object. Put the movement script on the parent and the rotation stuff on the sprite one. That way rotations will only affect the sprite object while the up-down-left movt will be on parent, which will not rotate at all.
>>959636 >Player will have to constantly look at the nose of sprite to know where they're going. i mean, i can make the camera rotate with the player to make it a bit more apparent. >If you have trouble making sprite follow global directions and not its own this isn't the issue. making moments relative requires more code, actually. The issue is that i want to implement systems which require movent inputs to do, movent inputs based on your direction. eg, a forwards attack with a sword to thrust forward, backwards attack to pommel bash - stuff like that which will require the player to input movment directions to execute. Having it be locked to the world would make it so that which key you have to press is ambiguous, which is equally as undesirable as visual confusion.
>>959639 oh yeah, if that's what you want you'll best have the camera rotate with player, its back towards the camera. This will make aiming their attacks natural. The player would seamlessly go from using movement buttons to attacking them with desired action. You're essentially making movement buttons as modifiers, like directional dodge but with attacks
>>959662 one thing i worry about with that is possible disorientation/nausea as a result of the camera spinning around so much, but i'd probably have to actually make more progress on the game to know for sure
>>959667 you can possibly have a smoothening effect to camera so it doesnt feel jittering to a position. But yeah its not likely to have nausea while in top down view
>>959676 actually i think that the main thing right now is that looking left/right is controled depending on a circle, but my intuition is left-right should control look direction. i guess i can always add a config so that a user can pick which turning mode they want
>>959507 The shading's not the worst but it could be a lot better. I would make use of more gradients on your model's textures. To get a better texture on the tires, rub the blur brush over those lines you drew for the treads, and also add more "noise" pixels (like the kind on this door behind Tron Bonne. Add those to the tire texture and then go over it with a blur brush). Lastly you'll want to disable all the scene lighting. That'll make your models look more convincingly PS1.
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wasted most of the day looking for cool shaders I could tweak, seeing if I can make the colors of the ui change dynamically.
>>960718 That is the most 2003 Euro indie game looking screen I have seen and I'm not sure if that's even the intention
>>960718 What's all this then Cole. You're making a rhythm game?
>>960718 That background animation is fucking sick, is it your creation or a video you found?
>>960724 It's going for Y2Kish video game aesthetic ,but that's about it. >>960746 Just a mock-up of a rhythm game menu cause I thought it'd look cool to make. Still gotta make the rest of the screen, and I'm not sure I'm gonna keep the look of the little title cards there... >>960752 https://godotshaders.com/shader/kaleidoscope/ I just tweaked a shader that I plucked off this site.
>>960880 What made you choose Godot for game development? I have Unity experience but Unity's shit now so I plan to switch but there are so many engines.
>>960945 for me Godot was just more intuitive to use. I'm not sure why but it just clicked with me.
>>960945 Godot's support is about to skyrocket because of Slay the Spire 2 being a Godot game, and STS1 already had a massive install base. So in a few years time it will be as well-supported as Unity.
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>>960718 I think this is a bit overkill but I'm having fun.
>>960968 Hey man, it bleeds style. It's not overkill, in fact this kind of aesthetic will make it more memorable.
>>960968 how the fuck did you make this? It looks sick you can post this on patreon $10k goal and people will buy it
>>960968 This is so fucking impressive. How did you get that fluid motion while moving through the menu items? I will buy whatever you're selling, btw.
>>961011 Those are tweens.
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>>961011 >>961006 Theres no actual game here, its just a little UI experiment, I'll post the project here when its done if you wanna see how it works. >>961022 Also correct tweens are your friend.
>>961022 >>961034 Well regardless that looks really good.
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working on a runechat-like system was tricky getting it to rotate with the camera, but i think this'll be a nice way to display things in-game like actions/dialogue. plus, since it's using standard text nodes, i can change fonts and colors on the fly if i really feel like it.
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Didn't work on this too much this weekend but I added music samples you can cycle through. It's pretty easy to add tracks too! I'll probably add some small artistic flourishes to the UI but other than that I think this is where I wanna stop, this is a bit overkill as is.
>>946073 >y'all
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>>963359 >gay furry programmer >likes DnB
>>963839 Dick n' Balls?
>>963839 there is nothing bad about dnb.
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>>963886 Absolutely, it's just funny how well he fits the stereotype.
>>963900 At this point I just play into cause I know I act like a massive faggot.
>>963912 >Krystal and Lt. Kitsuragi judge you.jpg As much as I think you're kind of strange, I don't think you should beat down on yourself like that. You're a cool anon Dingo, even if you're a weird furry with an overly "advanced" sexuality.
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>>963916 >Krystal That's Omaneko, Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force's trap mascot: https://www.mod.go.jp/asdf/omaezaki/1/kichishoukai/index2.html
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>>963923 I know who it is. It's a joke my friend, those two only vaguely look like the characters I named. Doing that used to be an common filename joke.
>>963916 Honestly I don't mean "faggot" as a beatdown but like... as a guy who claims to be straight I sure to make a lot of gay shit. I appreciate the sentiment though
The dingo wants to be filled with coconut milk
>>964008 >claims to be straight You commission fetish art of Dingo though? I don't understand, that's not even lying to others that's just lying to yourself.
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ITT: anons gay for dingo cock
>>964091 Dingo doesn't have a cock, nerd doesn't even know his obscure furry OC lore lmao
>>964061 I think theres a difference between liking an anime character designed to be pretty vs a real person. but yeah I just done think about it too hard >>964095 I actaully keep waffling on whether or not I want to explicitly say he's ken-doll anatomy or just leave it open to interpretation
>>964144 Oh I like that new girl
GGPO input test in UE5. GigaMaidens... always ever.
>>964172 Networking shit sucks so good work on that, was it tough?
>>964172 Wow, I think this is the first time you've shown any actual work towards the elusive Gigamaidens. And it's a demo you could create in 5 minutes. Good work on the models I guess, the faces look a little wonky but I'm sure you can fix that.
>>964266 It's using assets and code from previous builds. I'm still too much of a coding retard to create this myself so I had some help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9nGu_wda3g >>964264 I have a codefrien helping me and he says it wasn't that hard. The real test of GGPO will be the online test since this is just using it for offline inputs. I'm mainly focusing on remodeling Sachi and redoing her animations and a bunch of other artfag stuff.
>>964149 Interpretation is more fun, we are used to modding things as we like around here.
>>964095 >>964149 Only real niggas remember the H.R. Giger dick
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I am not going to post on agdg anymore.
>>964482 How come anon?
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if there's one thing i'm bad at it's names. how do i make fantasy species names?
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>>964482 Honestly we did go a little far. I don't wanna scare people away from the thread. if its alright lets please try to keep dingo lust either in the stream thread or /vb/
>>964500 I just pick a fancier way of saying the thing that it is. I once had this idea for a fantasy race where each individual member of that race was a hivemind of two bodies. I called them Gemini
>>964506 >just pick a fancier way of saying i dunno it always came across as contrived when things did that to me. i suppose there's a reason for so many things doing that. i guess that'll just be my fallback when i inevitably am not creative enough >hivemind of two bodies interesting, but sounds like a bitch to implement into a game
>>964508 I thought of them them as a way to have a character that could quadruple class (as opposed to standard double classing) at the cost of stats but having them basically be two weaker characters that can occupy extra positions in the party would be cool. Literally just giving them the ability to act twice would work imo.
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>>964491 I am getting tired that I constantly post screenshots of the new content I have made and I get no reactions from it, which gives me the impression that the anons here don't care at all that I have made new stuff. >>964501 It's not because of dingo.
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>>964557 Honestly it looks like you're doing a good job. I would feel like I'm just spamming the thread if I replied to everyones content post with "cool" or "nice" every time. If you're still taking requests how about implementing something like these into the game.
>>964557 8chan's more negative than positive. That's good sometimes (corporate scum who ruin games should be challenged), but not for this. Maybe try a forum with post reaction buttons?
>>964564 if there's one thing pseudo-anonymous imageboards are good for it's honest feedback. i got some very valuable feedback (all critique, but valid) about my game from here. I found it encouraging, even - like it was motivating me to make the best game i possibly could.
>>964557 I mean, I thought your UI looked cool but like you said it's just a UI and not a game you're going to finish. So you kinda gave us a reason to stop caring. Unless you're offering to do UI work for us.
>>964562 I guess maybe it would be a good idea if there is a small selection of 8chins selected emojis to react a post with so that content creators here get some encouragement, just a idea. >>964564 I am trying my luck on shitcord minetest and on twitter, on twitter I get some likes and on their shitcord not so much. Meh maybe on second thought there isn't much point on chasing some clout on stupid social media sites. To be honest I did this clout chasing stuff because I kinda could use a bit more money but it seems unless I am super popular or something I wont have much success with that. Okay whatever sorry for being so negative here. I will post then my recent minetest content here when I come back home
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Some stuff I have made for Minetest Game (MTG), Which are stone transformer bench (need to work the script for it), janky enforcer and bekas-12m weapons. The weapons are janky since I had to rewrite steal code from other MTG mods since I partially refactored my mod to work with MTG instead of Voxelibre since Voxelibre doesn't have many good mods to play with which sucks. So I still need to figure out how to handle the damn weapon stuff since the projectiles have some awkward physics and the shotgun buckshot pellets doesn't work correctly for unknown reason. Joining the Minetest shitcord was a mistake since they are not much of a help whenever I had issues with my mod since I don't know all the intricate of this game that I have to watch over for which causes bugs and what are not added in this game engine and so on. The water boiler and saline crystalizes are partially working but I need to do more work on them because I want them to be more versatile production machines that can take several inputs and outputs items depending on the input and what got selected. Dealing with GUI system here named in formdefs is for me fairly easy to deal with so I have not much trouble doing some GUI work, but it did took me a while to understand how I can make the GUI system to work in the first place since the Minetest documentation is not descriptive enough compared to Godot's documentation. As for my GZDoom weapon mod I will take a break from it for now because I would like to do something different. I will continue the weapon mod soon enough I am just getting bored from playing shit tons of GZDoom all the time since there is no good other FPS games to play with, well I did also played a bit of Fallout 4 after suffering from slowpoke download speeds because all the mods for this game are xbox huge, thanks to the british faggot who caps the download speed to 1-3 mb/s depending on his mood. No I won't be making any content for any of Bethesda titles, don't feel like using their scuffed editor and trying to tard wangle with wine/proton to get this shit to work under Linux. If anything I would rather make mods for OpenMW when I have time for that. Sorry for my long ranted blog post.
>>964600 Well at least I'm not the only one now dissatisfied with documentation on minetest. The last time I thought about touching it was for an idea of adding better character models. I thought "oh well minetest supports blender objects for nodes, surely I can just use that for the player model", and rather than going down the rabbit hole I tripped into a ditch. While blender can be used to make a player model, there is virtually no documents on it, and you cannot export it natively to the format minetest supports, you have to install a third party plugin someone is maintaining just for this purpose, because minetest uses a dead format for these models called b3d or blitz3d. There has been discussion on their forum about just adding support for a modern format but that is really low priority for them and probably wont happen for years. Maybe by that time they'll have finally impleneted a mob framework into the engine. Anyway good work on getting as far as you did with it. Maybe one day I'll get my shit together enough to mod for minetest again.
>>964612 Yeah I don't like the mintest docs at all, for example I wanted to use on of their RNG functions and I couldn't get it to work because I wasn't aware I was supposed to use a double colon instead of a dot. The fact that it uses archaic model format for things that needs animation is really a shocker for me, why the fuck do I have to use x and b3d for that instead of something more modern, I didn't know their work on modern model format is that much of a low priority which is another bummer for me considering that Minetest is meant to be heavily modded and having such a poor modding support as a FOSS engine makes that engine really not that attractive for modding to be honest. But I don't want to deal with all the shit with Minecraft and it's Java language either which is 10x times worse. And thank you for appreciating my mod. I hope you get some motivation to work on Minetest too, since that game really could use a few more mods to be honest.
>>964557 Make sure to ask for feedback if you want it. The implication is often not enough.
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>>964600 Could you elaborate on what this is? What is "Minetest"? Are you remaking Minecraft in a different engine or something? I've never played Minecraft for longer than five minutes so I'm not entirely sure what you're making.
>>964636 Minetest is a FOSS voxel game heavily based off Minecraft, It used to ship with a default game named Minetest Game which has a bunch of stuff but not a complete set that vaguely plays like Minecraft, so for Minecraft like experience in Minetest Game you have to install a bunch of mods from their website. Don't ask me why Minetest Game is bare bones for a Minecraft clone I just don't know why they made their game like that. Well there is of course Voxelibre game that uses Minetest as a base and is actually more close how Minecraft plays except it doesn't has so many mods for it being made so you cannot customize it that much. >>964627 I wasn't aware I was supposed to do that, I guess I will do that once I made some stuff that took me ages to finish.
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Crop and Claw dev here again. We're releasing in less than 24 hours on Steam and Itch. I know at least one or two were interested, so I figure I may as well drop the note here as well. Just in time for Japan's Greenery Day.
>>964562 >taking request Which one exactly? From that screenshot you posted only the sharp blade weapon from the 1st image looks doable to me, the character model is out of my league and the second picture requires good texturing skill which I don't have. If you have something else in mind I may be able to make those instead. Yes I apologize if I can't do those types of model, I am too specialized in hardsurface modelling and grug tier texturing. For my purpose when I was making stuff it was enough for me and nobody else before that wanted me to do stuff which required me to practice on that in order to fulfill their request.
>>964642 Very nostalgic. You've got the style down to a tie and I love screen being included within a larger painterly picture. There definitely will be pornographic pictures of the dragons
>>964642 While it's not perfect, I want to give you credit for the art design. It's much closer to actual NES/FC and Mega Drive games than most faux 8-bit retro titles are. If I were to criticize it, some sprites are too detailed and the colour palette doesn't look right. Are you guys furries by any chance? That's not an accusation, I'm just curious. We have other furry devs ITT.
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>>946075 >Still need to get a good sound effect for them though.
>>964645 >While it's not perfect, I want to give you credit for the art design. It's much closer to actual NES/FC and Mega Drive games than most faux 8-bit retro titles are. If I were to criticize it, some sprites are too detailed and the colour palette doesn't look right. The color palette is being run through a shader that handles clamping to something similar to the NES palette. It's mostly noticeable during fades which are definitely incorrect. Sprites otherwise were actually kept close. The battle sprites have too many colors because they are using the background layer + sprite layer as extra colors (we never have more than 8 8x8 sprites on a scanline, so no flickering/hiding would occur). You can actually notice it because there's a deliberate desync when the foe appears, disappears, and takes damage. Mother had this happen a lot. The main thing we were getting a bit loose on was VRAM tracking, especially on the background layer. The tilesets are designed with 16x16 tiles rather than 8x8 tiles and metatiles to compress it. A real NES game would probably have to make less unique 8x8 tiles. More importantly, there's not really much room in VRAM for all the English text tiles plus numbers. And that's made even worse in the Japanese localization we made (we have a Japanese localization with a few minor changes to mimic Japan having an uncensored version of the game.) You have to store so many tiles or use a contiguous block of VRAM for text boxes. There's probably ways to get similar to how Mother/DQ do menus, maybe some scanline/nametable/cartridge VRAM trickery. But I don't know the NES workaround techniques quite well enough. >Are you guys furries by any chance? That's not an accusation, I'm just curious. We have other furry devs ITT. No, but we're probably going to get that a lot. Creature design is one of our strengths and makes things far more iconic.
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>>964654 imagine the stench
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tilemaps are hell, but i finally got it to swap textures at runtime! now i just have to code in chunk culling so performance isn't shit
>>964641 big problem with minetest was that the main dev decided "minetest isn't a game, it is strictly a game engine" and any "game" elements that would have been implemented came to a halt, leading to forks of the entire thing so that people could actually make it a game
>>964794 Which one of those minetest fork is the most popular?
>>964795 Mineclone 2 I think
>>964795 I have absolutely no idea, I've heard of voxelands that is supposed to be geared towards actual gameplay development, but I'm sure they have far less popularity purely from the degrees of separation, minetest already being rather obscure the forks are even more so.
>>964817 They rebranded it for some reason, it's called Voxelibre now.
>>964642 At least link the game mother focker
>>964648 I think its pretty obvious there's other furries in this thread bud
>>964567 If youre talking about the fancy DDR background, thats not him. I personally dont mind if people pay attention to me or not I just wanted keep this thread moving
>>964642 This is peak steam deck game, I'll pick it up for sure.
>>964939 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2760970/Crop_and_Claw/ https://dinoleaf.itch.io/crop-and-claw Sorry. I tried to earlier when I just launched it, but 8chan's captcha refused to let me post. Also, if any anons have Windows 10, let me know if the game crashes often. I've got Windows 11 crashing constantly in combat during certain actions, but this hasn't happened on Linux + Steam Deck in the six months we've been making this. Development was done on Linux devices. I only have a Windows 11 Mini-PC which was used for very brief testing. I'm trying to figure out what in my code is causing it, or if it actually is an issue at the Godot/Windows OS level.
Demo day soon fellow anons
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I wanted to make more progress on Kasha vs. Kritters and I began drawing up level 2 but I'm not sure how to shuck and jive the game loop in later levels. I think what's there is fun, but I don't really know how to make Kasha's moveset better work with the idea of racking up combo kills for killing lots of enemies. I also tried to think of different enemy behaviors and new types of enemies (for example I'm thinking of a type of slug that appears in the bathroom level that makes floors slippery, but I don't know how effective that'd be for this game design). I'm a little bit stuck. I will try doing updates to the character sprites soon but I think that's just delaying the issues I'm worried about. At it's core I just thought that Wario smashing through tons of blocks and enemies in Wario Land 4 was fun so I just wanted to make an arcade-style game that's simply about killing hordes of enemies with melee and dashing attacks.
>>965054 Ironically, it may as well be Steam Deck exclusive. It works well on the Steam Deck and doesn't crash constantly like Windows.
>>965128 After trying random things, I think it's (more) stable with the 32-bit Windows build of Godot. I have no idea why. If it still crashes, I may have to compile the engine myself and narrow down exactly what's up via debugger. Rest of my night will probably be playing on the Windows mini-PC I have. Good thing I have a USB NES controller, I suppose.
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>>964817 >>964923 >>964936 Damn that's some shit fest just because that main dev decided to turn into a fucking game engine instead of being a proper minecraft clone. Fucking dumbass. What else is retarded on minetest is that I am forced to use nodes which are used as blocks like dirt and cobblestone for 3D models because reasons, that's fucking retarded that tools and items can't be rendered as 3D models like there is no reason at all for it not having this feature.
>>964794 >>964795 >>965169 As >> 964641 said Minetest, used to ship with "Minetest Game", the actual game portion. They stopped shipping with it because it was giving people such a bad impression of the project. Many anons here don't seem aware of the project so I'll give a little context, Minetest Game isn't far off what Minecraft alpha in creative mode was. There are no mobs, no other dimensions, not much of anything. It feels like a prototype anybody with decent gamedev skills could make in a month. It is extremely bare on content. For whatever reason the developers refused to actually build it out and expand it, stating it's meant to be a base for other people to work on. Their plan didn't even work, because a total conversion mod called Voxelibre (formerly Mineclone 2) is what most use the Minetest engine for. They might as well delist Minetest Game entirely.
>>965167 Is this a consistent crash? Or completely random?
>>965262 Yes to both. If that pisses you off, don't worry. I am too. Luckily after wrestling with the horrible Windows 11 interface, I was able to compile the Windows Godot runtime with debug symbols. It's pretty easy to do on Linux, but Windows is such a horrid mess. Scoop is actually pretty cool, because Windows has no package manager system like *nix systems tend to. After that, I had to teach myself gdb (not too hard for a simple logging bt) and got the crash on a stack dump. I can only hope I can at least find some kind of workaround from there.
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Holy fuck, fuck the minetest shitcord server. They are fucking useless I was just asking a god damn question how to load a fucking mod from a modpack and they didn't bothered to answer me what the fuck I need to do so that I can call a fucking function from a mod pack. I fucking hate shitcord and their retarded gorilla nigger monkeys so much.
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made a quick little hut to test collisions. I'm hoping the engine supports dynamic tilemap collision shapes, but i doubt it.
>>965530 also the rotating camera isn't really disorienting once there's a bit of scenery and you get used to it
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I think I finally removed the Windows crash from Crop and Claw. It was obtuse and I'll write a devlog eventually during retrospective stuff. Sorry to any of those stuck on Windows and can't learn a more stable system.
>>965734 How have sales been?
>>965738 Made billions. I have three yachts. Nah. Pretty mild. But more than I got from our test game (Feywing. It isn't very good. It was more for us to get familiar with Godot and learn Steam's process before releasing something bigger.) Some feedbacks' been good, got bug reports from patient folks, especially in regards to the Windows instability. We're too unknown to get much attention. That, and the game's pretty niche. The Steam algorithm also likely won't pick us up until some number of sales and/or reviews. Usually I hear ten positive reviews, and we got two. It'd be nice to get ten before Steam's "new game release" boon wears off, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Anyone who helps though, it's appreciated.
>>965814 >Crop and Claw Oh shit that came out. I got an email the other day about it but I didn't remember wishlisting it. I'll go buy it now and give you a review.
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https://cole-dingo.itch.io/sylish-menu-demo The thing is UP, along with the code if you want to see how it works! a good palette cleanser, but I think I'm gonna take a break for a little while longer before tackling a larger project again.
>>965837 That would be kind, thanks.
>>966096 Gotta say anon it captures that old-school DQ1 era of RPG perfectly. I've only played it for half an hour but I can tell I'm gonna finish it already. You've inspired me to keep working on my retro RPG project.
>>965522 Have you tried asking the mod author?
>>965851 Good shit.
I've been itching to do some gamedev for some time but can barely find the time to do so. I want to change that and make some time to work on one project idea out of 2 that I really want to pursue. I also want to use this as an opportunity to learn Godot. My question to you anons is this - which project would you like to see? -DIFOTT (Delivered in Full on Turbo Time) - Warioware style microgame collection about transporting goods. For reference, I work in transport (hate my job which is why I want to gamedev) and understand all aspects of the business, and figured it'd be hilarious to make a game about all the shit that goes on. Start by warming up/exercise before a shift, unload trailers, load trailers, get yelled at by management, truck catches fire etc. Swiping and tapping away - easy to understand and play (probably mobile focused but not ruling out a PC release). Easiest of the two options especially with learning Godot. -Florageddon - Doom/Build engine style FPS about a plant apocalypse, caused by scientific shenanigans (mutating and merging flora/fauna DNA and animals/humans). Escape from an overgrown city into a jungle to take down Mother Nature herself, because fuck trees. I'm thinking of using grass as an environmental hazard (rather than typical poison water or lava) and was also thinking more of a melee focus (weed whackers, chainsaws, machettes etc). Definitely considering a map editor but want to make it as easy to use as Doom Builder or the Build engine, which with my skillset at the moment is next to impossible but not out if the realm of possibility. Thoughts, opinions, advice?
>>966619 Make the highly detailed delivery comedy game, assets can be shitty but still be fun, and you know your job so you have a LOT to draw from, I like it.
>>966619 First one, it sounds fun. It also sounds a bit like streamer-bait, which could only help you. I'd love to see the second one done at some point too.
>>965734 I like your game anon but when you said resource management you weren't kidding. I feel like I'm heading out on an expedition every time I leave the outpost. I only really started playing JRPGs when the 3DS came out (except for pokemon) so except for maybe the FFIV remake, I have no concept of what was the standard for games back then. Also, I like how the druid wears an orb around their neck, since you're probably gonna have one on you from the get go if you're working towards a magic build.
>>965734 I went ahead and bought a copy, anon. Best of luck!
>>965734 Can you fart in this game?
>>965734 I see you're starting to get some reviews and Steam Discussions, it's kind of surprising how long that took. One thing to remember is the average Steam game only gets roughly 2000 sales, but the median is around 400. Sales can be crushingly low. You should submit your game to some indie showcases, there are a bunch every year. It's a way to get heard with no marketing budget.
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>>966619 before you make a game start by learning how to make a game. Get some generic projects done so you're familiar with godot and basic stuff. Then you can comfortably start with making games you like.
>>966691 how can you tell if your game is preforming poorly due to it not being appealing, having bad luck, or just poor marketing?
>>966700 general consensus when hearing about people talk about your product. If they say generic vague things like "game is fun", "its time waster", "it got good premise" without going anything deep, its likely you need better feedback. Basically try to get as wide of feedback as possible
>>966700 I remember hearing András Arató saying something like "There are three rules for guaranteed success. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." Poor marketing is definitely a big one. You'll hear people say no amount of advertising dollars can save a bad product; true, but not many people will buy your game if they don't know it exists.
>>966706 A "fun" consensus isn't actionable feedback but does mean you did gameplay right. AAA slop isn't fun anymore as Hollywood rejects who don't get the appeal of games make movies instead.
>>966119 If it helps with scope, this video dropped during CnC's development by coincidence and it validated our decisions to heavily keep scope down. It's basically what the team behind the original Dragon Quest games did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2ZCACLbrk0 >>966656 A lot of games from the era were even stricter. The original Mother, without any XP and Gold hacks, are notoriously grindy. FF1's Marsh Cave is the first big difficulty spike in the original and even the remakes encourage multiple trips due to its multiple branching paths and high concentration of poison. We use DQ/Mother style inventory to further impress resource management and go into detail in the devlog: https://dinoleaf.com/2024/02/08/classic-rpg-dungeon-design/ >>966665 Thank You For Believing™ >>966691 I'd have to look into it eventually. 400 is pretty unrealistic at our current phase, but maybe by the time the next discount period finishes, if word of mouth spreads, it could hit that. Our strategy isn't to bank on one game. Every game sells the previous and is advertising for the next. >>966707 Poor marketing saved CnC. The constant Windows crashing and other since-fixed bugs would've made casual players refund more often and possibly leave negative reviews. The very few people that saw us and gave it a shot were willing to stick through during the janky few launch days while we fixed bugs, translation issues, and The Crashes. Imagine being Team Cherry with the weight of Silksong having to release and live up to Hollow Knight. You don't want that for your first few releases. Embrace nobodyism, embrace anon (to the extent you can when running a business.)
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been working on getting entity logic right behold, revolutionary fisticuffs combat! so far i can deal damage and have it call death functions, so that's something. progress, though, right?
>>966878 Progress is progress, regardless of how small it may seem. As long as you're making progress, you'll eventually get to where you need and want to be. Keep it up, anon!
>>966878 >their eyes dead and lifeless as opposed to dead and full of life?
>>967239 Some people have those eyes at death, yes. >he looked so full of life, it's hard to believe he's dead
>>967239 don't think to hard about it, i ripped that line from SS13 (it's also a good test of how words will wrap and display together)
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>>967239 >their eyes dead and lifeless
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I'm carrying the big gun
>mfw I have 5 model requests now I didn't asked for this
>>967356 >Hey anons I will be taking modelling request you kinda did kek
>>967394 If you want a modelling request that's relatively simple god knows I hate when I would ask for art requests and somebody gives me some complex 200$ commission tier shit, I can recommend the legendry Soviet laser pistol, actual name unknown.
>>967400 (hecked) I uhhh... I just need to find my life and motivation then I think I will do a streaming marathon where I will be modeling and texturing all of this stuff that I have on the backlog so far.
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adding some more UI functionality. i hate making UI. i also implemented an actual localization system so i won't have to redo the entire UI code just to swap languages because the text is hard coded.
>>968663 delegate ui to an artfag?
>>968663 Yeah programing UI is a hassle.
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Made a SA-85m gun. Took me longer than usually I guess because I added too much details then I should have done.
>>968765 Now... Now, give it big tits.
>>968737 i'm working solo at the moment.
>>968780 Small tits is fine too
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>>968781 C'mon what kind of sick joke is this?
>>968822 I'm digging the PS2 vibe to a lot of these, which of the three was the hardest to render?
>>968824 None of them were particularly hard to make for me.And thanks.
In the next chapter of Nortubel, you'll see Bonka again and meet characters from her world.
>>968826 >Loona God everything related to that bitch is a dumpster fire.
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new gun
>>969350 nice gun, but can it fire bullets?
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>>969369 Why shouldn't it?
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>>969371 Have you thought about making them explode?
>>969374 No I didn't but I plan to add additional ammo types as soon I figured out how to make mouse driven GUI system.
>>969371 betty nice
>>969369 >>969382 Thanks. Next weapons I want to make is: Sawn Off Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun, Auto Shotgun and PKM Machine Gun
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Shotgun goes brrrrt
>>968765 >>969371 Cool shit. How do I make an FPS? Or rather, how do I make one that isn't sprite-based? I'd ideally want to make one where all the assets are 3D.
>>969470 You could do a Half-Life TC, that's what a lot of game designers did. That's what the EYE/Necromunda guys did. GoldSrc is old and awkward but probably easier to use than a game engine proper, though I've heard Hammer is a nightmare of a software to use.
>>969472 Hammer is great except for the parts where you need to code logic because you have to use a buncha noded entities and shit
>>969470 Thanks. >How to make FPS For asset creation you should learn how Krita (or any other app) and Blender works. Practice with that for a while and don't mind your result being not good looking at the beginning, just keep on truckin' for a few months and you should be able to make good looking assets in no time. For modding I don't know many FPS games which are suitable for beginners. Well there is GZDoom of what I've been doing all the time and it's fairly easy to get new content added for that source port. If you want to make a Game instead look up Godot instead, it's more work to get things going since you have to start everything from scratch but at least you get access to the latest FOSS based rendering and you have 100% control over it unlike Unity Engine and Unreal Engine. >>969472 Isn't there a newer source port or whatever based upon Gold Source that anon could use instead? OG Gold Source engine has quite a lot of limits when you want to do fancy stuff, okay it might really not apply to him much since he is just starting out but not having to worry about limits because PC's were weak back then would be a massive plus for him in my opinion. I think you could also use Trenchbroom for map making that one is really easy to use and good enough for making 90's styled BSP maps with it. At least when I did a bit of Sven Coop modding where I tried improving the particle effects I hit upon the fucking edict limit which causes the game to crash so I couldn't do much with it which sucks because I really like fancy looking particle effects. Sven Coop would be otherwise a good choice too because it comes with AngleScript so you can make custom content and enjoying existing maps to play with.
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Took me a while to animate the TOZ-34 but only because I had trouble with the fucking child of constraint that messed up with my animations, turns out I wasn't supposed to tie the shell with the IK, I had to use the non-IK one. Anyway that means I have a the doom equivalent of a super shotgun.
Gigamaidens lives once more being built off an older build and I have much to do. Gotta make a new model and animations for Sachi as well as getting the attack and movement systems working.
>>969579 how many models of those girls do you have? I wanna see em
>>969579 Good for you man, hope progress gets made.
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>>969582 Several. Can't use any of them, sadly.
>>969590 Nice work on those models anon, I personally like the girl from the third picture the most.
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>>969591 Thanks, I actually hired other people to make these but but I'm going to be making completely new models and animations for them on my own. >Third girl Her name is Sachi and she is the lead protagonist of the game.
Preview of the new Kasha vs. Kritters sprites. I think I'll just keep the black outline on all the characters in addition to adding more detail, makes things more visually cohesive.
>>969590 How many triangles does Sachi have? >>969593 >hired people for that hmmm well it ended up looking good at least so I guess money well spend?
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>>969669 Sachi has 25k tris, not including her sword. I'm still deciding what her new stances will be though. I wanted something with her standing confidently, but the standing pose in this sheet makes her look a bit too much like a grappler (she's supposed to be a balanced all-purpose fighter).
>>969821 Like: Line art execution, amazing art skill Dislike: Body concept is feminist derangement, would not waifu or play your game
>>969866 >Everything is red vs. blue culture war bullshit I don't give a fuck. I just like strong girls.
>>969866 >Like: amazing art skill Wrong nigger, that character's anatomy is fucked, not even from a feminist angle, it looks like she has some kind of dwarfism or stubby limbs (overly muscled body?), but not in the aesthetically pleasing way like a shortstack or Amazoness Dragon's Crown, but in a homonculus way
>>969887 >Sam Hyde I don't know the context of this conversation but it's sad how all that dude does now is ramble on his podcast while people give him money. Sure he's probably making way more money than he ever was doing skits but it's pure grifter shit. He's also a fucking idiot politically but he's so confident in his statements that his teenage fans just believe whatever he says.
>>969866 How is sachi a feminist concept art if she has tiddies? I thought feminist hate that.
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>>969878 >Complains about 'feminist' shit and 'the natural order >Says it isn't about stupid politiboomer bullshit Somehow I don't believe you Anon. In any case I'm not censoring my game and what I like just to appease the subjective tastes of someone else. Fit girls exist and they're hot as fuck. >>969892 Anon is just being a retard who views everything through the lens of us vs. them /pol/ shit.
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>>969821 >>969885 >dwarf Yeah I can see it.
I'll clarify a little further. I think the biceps are a little too big and the legs and torso aren't quite long enough and thats what give that art a bit of a dwarf vibe.
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>>969896 That is fair, I just kinda speed-drew it to get an animation sheet down and didn't make time to eyeball her proportions. It was before I had a proper sheet for her. Does this look better?
>>969893 >fit girls exist in real life To be fair, most of them don’t have muscles that big in proportion to their body. >>969885 What’s a homonculus?
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>>969902 >Full retard rant If you want a safe space from fit girls, the Sam Hyde stream is that way, Anon. Liking women who value fitness does not make you gay, if you associate muscles exclusively with men it's because you are gay, low T, and do not lift. I am not interested in making generic moeshit for retards. I don't like flatty femboy penis like you do, I like big titty amazons. If the world's against strong amazon girls then I'm against the whole world.
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>let's go over a autistic fight because anons didn't liked the character design on a thread which barely gets to see activity AGDG thread needs progress and content, not fucking autistic bickering.
You have a persecution complex. No one's trying to censor you. I just wouldn't play your game since the body concept's gross. You started the "culture war" you're complaining about.
>>969913 Man this guy really hates coming to terms with his latent homosexuality that he's samefagging super hard just to attack me for it. It's okay anon I'm sorry my girls made you realize you prefer penis. Anyway, I'll push an update on KVK soon, I'm done with Kasha's new detailed sprites. Even changed her broom a little bit.
>>969899 still dwarfish (or rather overly boulbous muscles), sorry. the dot pixel art has better grasp of anatomy over your modelsheet
>>969899 Maybe 10 to 20 percent taller? I think she'd look good if her legs went all the way up as they say. Like a ripped chun-li.
>>969920 What? I was essentially saying this thread needs more content, not autistic shit flinging.
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>>969899 >>969921 Not chun li but here's an example of proportions I'm talking about.
>>970229 Why are her calves so short?
>>970243 I would imagine it's to accentuate the thighs. Like on midna.
i would assume that the advent of AI voices would help this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_game game medium flourish
>>970247 She's not a shortstack, you can have thick thighs and long legs too.
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So now that github wants my fucking phone number, should I use gitgud or gitlab? Dicking around in Godot and might have something worth showing eventually.
>>971167 Might as well go with gitgud.
>>971175 >>971167 I'm interested too. I haven't used github since the change. Any way not to have to use gitgud's Sapphire centralized account service bullshit? Some links in the Sapphire website aren't working, which isn't very reassuring.
>>971167 Are you talking to two-factor authentication? You can just use any TOTP authenticator, which is better and more secure than SMS verification anyway.
>>971167 Also forgot to mention, Git is decentralized, you can spread your code over any many repos and keep them in sync as you want. GitLab has a repo mirroring feature, so any GitLab instance (which is what gitgud is) can be set up as your "master" remote and push to the others.
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>>971167 Use gitgud
>>971167 Speaking for myself, I put my game's files on Mega but there's probably a better alternative.
>>971167 Self-host, if you can. Otherwise, just use any of the GitLab or Gitea instances.
>>966304 Forget to reply. No I didn't because I don't know where all those modders are active, if they are still even active when it comes to Minetest.
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Made recently a molotov cocktail, meat and hardware models
I have an idea of the start and the end, not sure what I should do for the middle parts.
>>973198 Make it fun
>>973216 >fun You will have Gacha and GaaS instead, how about that for FUN?
Hmmm I wonder if I can implement a Valheim styled hunger system, where you can eat 3 different food items and get health from it. I would have to redesign how the health items pickups are spawned though then.
>register for gitgud they said >it'll be fun they said I am fatigued. One step closer to showing off my awful design choices at least. Speaking of, is it really a sin if I getparent().getparent() ? I want to cache a reference to a characterbody2d so I can use stuff like IsOnFloor() while in different states. Want to make sure I'm doing as much of this as I can correctly before I start expanding.
>>973198 >missing the middle parts Are you talking about the story or something else. >>974234 >pronouns I really hate how wide spread that dumb shit is.
>>974234 >getparent().getparent() They say you should signal up and .get_node() down. If you do it once or twice then whatever but if you find youself doing it a lot then you probably need to rethink your code.
In my head before I fall asleep I'm going to learn to draw, program, 3D model, and speak japanese. Then I jerk off and watch youtube videos all day. Rinse and repeat for the last 15 years. You fuckers just wait, one day you'll see how epic I am.
>>974953 Hello, literally me. Anyway, GigaMaidens has hitboxes and hit detection now... not much going on otherwise.
>>974958 Cool, when's hitstun, hitstop, pain animation, KO state, knockdowns, and most importantly knock-ups?
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I will be doing some OpenMW modding. I wanted to take a break from doom modding anyway. OpenMW modding is easy so I can already add new items for it already, I just need to learn more how it's Lua API works though before I can start doing advanced stuff. Though I am really in the mood now to add Unreal Tournament weapons to my doom mod, shit's cash.
>>979358 Cool. OpenMW is based.
>>979520 Open Modern Warfare
>>979520 Yeah, I just only wish they get around supporting Oblivion or Fallout 3 at least. Anyway I just need some time first then I can start doing some work. >>979523 Call of Duty mod exclusive for OpenMW
>>979358 Join the auTESm fold, anon. >>979570 They're planning to work on all NetImmerse/Gamebryo/Creation games, but the engines versions aren't the same between them and they haven't even finished fully implementing Morrowind yet, though they're very close. One of the devs was talking about this recently on the forums, and explained they'll first have to get TES4/FO3/NV in a "walking simulator" state and that will require generalizing the code. After that they'll have to get the engine, which is currently hardcoded to play like Morrowind, into an gameplay-agnostic state controlled by Lua scripting. After that, Skyrim and FO4 are a distant dream. As much as people like to joke Bethesda has been using the same engine for over 20 years there are actually a lot of core differences between Creation and Gamebryo, the biggest possibly being the fact they use a different scripting language.
>>979666 (holy shit, satan) I will join the OpenMW modding autism tbh. >2nd part Oh so do they have it planned, well that's good to know. Too bad I don't know anything about Math and C++ to help with development though. If they work on FO3/NV well that's a good start at least, can't wait to use OpenMW to play FO3/NV with. At the very least they added Lua API support so I better get around learning how it works and reading the docs of it. >Skyrim/FO4 being a distant dream Figures, while I do wish myself I could play FO4 using OpenMW engine I guess it's just a pipe dream for now. Anyway, so I am planning to add modern era content to Morrowind, yes I am aware it's not lore friendly but OpenMW doesn't support FO3/NV yet soo there is that. Just the usually type of content. I will be working on a crafting stuff so that you can mine ore and harvest plants, then firearms that are vanilla balanced. So you may ask how do I balance firearms in a fantasy settings? Well it's simple, I just don't make the weapons ammo stronger than melee and magic weapons/attacks or maybe a little bit so powerful ammo and weapons are very costly in price and ingredients. I already have added spell tomes and broken crossbows in this game, so I just need to figure out how I can apply custom animations to characters and held items. But that also means I need to figure out all the model formats that OpenMW supports I am not sure if there is something like GLTF or anything similar that I can use for my models so I need to check then of course I need to check if I can playback the animations of the models somehow.
>>979666 It's cool that they have plans to add more games, but honestly I would not hold my breath to get any of those games into a semi-playable way in this decade. Neovim development has been progressing steadily since the early 2010, over a decade ago, and that is just to support one game. I wish them be best of luck, but if Morrowind was all we get, then I would still be content with what we have.
>>979666 >After that they'll have to get the engine, which is currently hardcoded to play like Morrowind, into an gameplay-agnostic state controlled by Lua scripting. This sounds like hell.
>>979666 >After that they'll have to get the engine, which is currently hardcoded to play like Morrowind, into an gameplay-agnostic state controlled by Lua scripting. that doesn't really sound like a good thing if you ask me. Making a specialized engine is often better than a generalized one. Lua scripting allows for a lot of code generalization, but at the end of the day you'd have to pass through the C API to do anything meaningful outside of a pure code environment, and adding too much bloats everything.
>>974953 I know this feeling. Does anyone have good resources for writing? I've been writing all my ideas in Obsidian but I want to start actually writing something proper.
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it was surprisingly difficult to make a party follow the player system that didn't look like ass
>>980138 See if you can get them to dynamically reorder themselves based off of their distances to the player at any given moment.
>>980155 what do you mean by this?
>>980160 I think what he means to say is that the followers won't choose to follow a unit based on their position in the party, but based on their position relative to you. so basically when you walk past the party to the other end of the line what would happen is you might potentially flip the order of the units. Though the more I think about it the more I wonder if that'd turn out the way the first anon thinks it will.
>>980209 ah, ok i honestly don't know how i'd do that, and i think that the order being based on your party is better since communicates in a fast way the state of your party (downed members are not shown)
>>980209 Its what I was thinking the punies in paper mario should have done. Would have solved a decent amount of problems.
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>>980209 Did a little test. It looks like vid related. You do get a bit of odd movement when they shuffle into the right order but I think it looks alright. The order might just not only have to be based off of distance to the player but maybe also weighted by their current position in the line.
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Do 3Dfrens know of any resources that would help me get better at making chibi/super-deformed models? I'm not really interested in achieving a realistic style with my models. I'm shooting for goofy cartoony stuff like the Disgaea 3D models and Blue Archive, but it's honestly hard to find resources on how to learn to make chibishit. pic not related.
>>980733 Can you make a man? If so, make man, but less detailed anatomically with shorter torso and/or limbs and bigger head
>>980744 ok, i'm retarded, let me try that again, the key to SD is exaggerating key noticable traits (ala caricature) but also like, cute and childlike. look for fundamentals of 2d chibi, you can apply it to 3d pretty easily. In regards to preestablished CB 3d, take a peeksies at Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles or Dokapon Kingdom
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>>980744 I can model most of the body by now, I'm still struggling with a method for the head that works for me. I've decided to stick with poly-modeling since it seems that's what the asians do, and it's also a more direct approach that sculpting then retopoing. >>980745 I'm not that big into the way Square does chibi, but may be worth a look. Thanks, anon.
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>>980744 >Can you make a man?
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Maaan, it looks like it's not fucking worth it making my own models. I will just make a new Doom mod and just fucking rip off models from various sites and pages instead. Of course I won't publish this mod into a public site then because of hurr durr muh copyright violation, why the fuck should I ever bother spending time making subpar looking models with shitty textures when absolutely nobody gives a fuck about it.
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>>981976 Good work takes time dude, and I can tell you from personal experience you're never going to be 100% pleased with the work you create. You just have to find something you can improve on every time you make a new thing.
>>981996 I still haven't figured out how I can make better looking textures at least, I guess with animations it comes a long slowly but not for texturing since I am just using Grug method for it. I don't know how to add all those details and shading to make the model look nicer as well making the pattern repeat seamlass along the UV maps
>>981976 >why the fuck should I ever bother spending time I thought you did it because you enjoyed it.
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>>981996 >>982177 (checked) I am not sure man. I am just disappointed that people don't seem to be much interested in what I am doing which gives me the blackpill attitude, I am not asking that I become the next Robin Williams but at least a small fanbase or something where people appreciate my simple works, that's all I want to have. But when not even the doom community gives a heck about my mod then I just don't know it anymore. Other mods who are essentially a rip off of other content seems to be far more popular despite the author of said mods didn't created a single shit made by himself, which questions my ability of creating content that people want to see more of it. I've learned to make shit first with Wings 3D first at 2010-2012 I forget exactly which year and then later on with Blender so which is really a fuck ton of time that I have spend just alone with making code and models, yet I am still the same nobody as I was in the past. I tried my luck with twatter and I had no success with it, same result with newgrounds.
>>983221 If youre creating things because you want people's attention, then youre going about it the wrong way, anon, simple as.
>>983221 To be honest, I was under the impression that the RenaDoom mod was more of a personal exercise in weapon design, modelling, and shop based balance than an actual mod for people to enjoy.
>>983221 If I wanted to play Doom, I would play Doom. Renamon. I'm not a Digimon fan or a furry, but if I was, why would I bother with fan games when I could be playing official Digimon games instead? Poor quality assets. Clearly you know how to use tools to make stuff. Making stuff that's more pleasing to the eye shouldn't be impossible to achieve from where you already are. From my perspective you've stacked the deck against yourself by choosing not to make an original game and being sloppy about it. Between the two, a shit game is a lesser sin because you could still identify it as being its own unique thing.
>>983222 >>983235 Pretty much this. Assuming you're not trying to make money off of these things, then you're goal should just be to hone your craft. Better mods with better models, better animations, more interactivity, and so on. I think it's one of those things where if you keep trying to outdo yourself then eventually people will take notice. or you could make a renamon SEX mod and reap the publicity from that
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>>983222 >If youre creating things because you want people's attention, then youre going about it the wrong way, anon, simple as. Why should I be in the fucking dark while all the other doom modders constantly get posts and attention just for making another fucking weapon/monsters mod for GZDoom? I spend several months on my fucking mod and what the fuck do I get in ZDoom forum? Just a fucking literally who youtuber who ask me to add a 3D model renamon, that's it and nobody else. >>983235 It isn't a personal exercise because I am more than enough experienced with making models, I am just struggling making good looking animation and let alone making good looking textures because it's those field I never had enough practice and experience with, I spend far too much of my time making untextured and unanimated models so it is something I still have yet to learn. It would help me greatly if I have at least a lightweight 3D texturing program which lets me do also precise painting for things like decals and pattern. I don't have any experience with Gimp and Krita at all, so I don't even know how to make better looking textures. >>983245 >If I wanted to play Doom, I would play Doom. What? it is a mod for GZdoom, so I don't understand this sentence. >Renamon. I'm not a Digimon fan or a furry, but if I was, why would I bother with fan games when I could be playing official Digimon games instead? See above, it is a mod for GZDoom not a game. mods and games are 2 different things. >Poor quality assets. Clearly you know how to use tools to make stuff. Making stuff that's more pleasing to the eye shouldn't be impossible to achieve from where you already are. You clearly overestimated my damn ability to make content. I have only enough experience with making models, not with making textures and animation, which is something I still have yet to learn and so far nobody else bothered giving me a hand or any fucking hint where I can get some free courses and tutorials which explains me the basic of making good looking animations and textures. Secondly I do not want to spend 3-4 fucking days on a single model alone just to make people like you and others happy who have absolutely unreasonable standard for asset quality. Making a fucking 100k triangle counted and 8k giga nigger textures for a model is something that really needs a lot of time, something that I am not willing to spend on when I don't even get a fucking euro from other people, and even if I did it would also mean I will be able to provide less content because people demand super nigger quality models because they are not happy with simpler looking models. >From my perspective you've stacked the deck against yourself by choosing not to make an original game and being sloppy about it. Between the two, a shit game is a lesser sin because you could still identify it as being its own unique thing. Are you even fucking aware of the implication what it means to make a game? The signs clearly shows no. If I would make my own game then I would have to provide content for own made music, maps, sounds effects, monsters, code with good foundation and clean structure which is the bare minimum for a game that doesn't look and play like shit. Just because every hipster faggot is capable of making a shitty platforming game on the shitpile called unity engine doesn't also mean your game will become just as popular like Mario and Sonic and whatever the fuck. Making a good game + earning enough gold for it + have a dedicated fan community is something that takes shit tons of effort.
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>>983268 Don't let him down anon. Most people don't even get one reply like that.
>>983268 >if success and gratification isnt inmediate and guaranteed, then it isnt worth it Like i said, if you arent doing mods purely because its fun to you, then youre going about it the wrong way. Look at the guy that created ashes, how many times do you think he created bullshit noone cared for until he hit it off?
>>983268 This is that villainy that will lead to dissatisfaction. The kind where if you were to make a semi-passable product with a following, you'd go the way of YanDev. That being said, glad you recognize Animation and Texture-work are needed to make your product look less like shit. Being completely honest, Doom (especially GZDoom) is among the worst environments to put 3d shit in, regardless of fidelity (fullbright, no dynamic lighting effects on the monsters afaik [even though they affect the map and sprites???], etc). If a high school me could find high quality resources and tutorials on making not shit looking models/animations, you reasonably can too, even if you sail the high seas.
>>983287 One more thing, if your work is worthwhile/aesthetically pleasing enough, people are sure to naturally come, so keep at it tbh. People who play video games are shallow after all, me included, and want aesthetically pleasing audiovisuals that fit together. - - - On the dev-side, I'm pleased that I got a semi-functioning gameplay prototype cobbled together in C++/SDL2 . . . after a year of bashing my brains in trying to port more "complicated" projects haha. Even though there's plenty more to be done before I have a minimum viable product, it's kind of sad to not have too many posts of active game dev, no?
>>983290 >People who play video games are shallow after all, me included, and want aesthetically pleasing audiovisuals that fit together. This, as much as I wrote about the Renamon mod having a good power fantasy feel to it, my unsaid, biggest complaint about it is you can't see Rena when using chasecam.
>>983268 >so far nobody else bothered giving me a hand or any fucking hint where I can get some free courses and tutorials which explains me the basic of making good looking animations and textures Here. It's a bit old but the amazon reviews say it's still decently relevant. https://annas-archive.org/md5/ecd097117ec554fef6b0ef6a50e566fd
I see the light now. My friend recently redbulled me on Shoigu wood working hobby and how much he enjoys it doing it for himself. My vein attempt at becoming more popular has blinded me true path. To just become a simple person who enjoys doing development for his own enjoyment, regardless if other people like it or not as it is a path that is not to be threaded lightly. Well then I excuse for myself for causing a unnecessary attention to me which is in fact was just a unwarranted discussion over something that would have been for me impossible to achieve anyway and I should have known it. So that means, I will just continue doing what I usually do and just make stuff that for the sake that I can play with the toys that I enjoy using it, if the content made by other people doesn't bring me enough joy. Well actually nothing really brings me any joy now these days so I often become blackpilled, maybe in the past few days I was just simply too blackpilled to make more progress instead as I was blinded by the false light of popularity. So I will just be like Shoigu and enjoy crafting content because it keeps me busy and makes my mods and games more filled with content. Despite the fact I am very well capable of making high polygon model which I already did with the MP5 and AR-70 model it just takes for me too much time which gets taken away from me to make more content instead, so that means I am more focused on quantity instead of quality and for my Digital Weapon Mod it is anyway too late to remake all the over 20 weapons in higher quality as it would take months just polishing existing models to a higher standard so I will keep the standard instead I usually work in. Low polygon models look good enough to me, I just need to hone my craft more in texturing at the very least so that my low polygon models look better through textures alone. To be honest I don't have any idea how I am supposed to be better at texturing, it seems Gimp and Krita is my only FOSS available solution for texturing the models with which is not quite ideal because I would rather have a 3D painting tool but a good FOSS program for that has yet to happen. I wouldn't count ArmorPaint 3D as one of these tools as it is very barebones, so barebones it doesn't even come with a set of brushes and other stuff to use with and making modifications from it.
>>983320 is UV mapping truly so daunting?
>>983320 Best of luck anon.
>>983335 I like UV mapping. It's like doing reverse origami.
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>>983335 No. UV unwrapping is just a long and annoying process, it's just the texturing part with Krita/Gimp that gets me. >>983346 Spasibo.
I saw someone on PLW /animu/ claim this was an old 8/agdg/ project but I don't remember seeing it before, nor is it on the wiki Does anyone remember anything like this? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/illseer/sunset-devils/description https://illseer.itch.io/sunset-devils It would be nice if it was, I like it when anons make quality games and succeed in their endeavors.
>>984252 Oh, and on that note there are several projects that I didn't see on the wiki for some reason, should be added in imo (e.g. Rogue-FP, the two Uncommon Time games being worked on, that one Greek MMO, etc.)
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Crop and Claw dev here. We just released an update that gives an extra coat of paint over the original game. You can still play the original NES-esque graphics and music, but now you can also play with MIDI music and more detailed pixel art. Check it out if you'd like. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2760970/view/4238531900071070057
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>>984321 Looks great anon. I saw the game just had a big update and wondered what it was. I'll play it some more later tonight probably.
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i changed the party follow system. instead of following behind the player/previous member, it follows keypoints the player leaves behind as they walk. this approach does have flaws, but i think it looks less awkward than all the smoothing and wall clipping that happened before. also i've been working on populating this town and writing the associated dialogue. it takes a bit since i have to more or less do it twice because of translations.
>>984321 Huh, I'd like to give it a go, but my cart is fat enough as it is due to the sale.
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>>984813 Nothing personnel. Just wishlist it if you're interested. I don't remember when the next sale will be. Either that or I'm under Steam NDA (I tend to obsessively pay attention to NDAs even though probably no other dev cares, including Valve)
>>984889 Will do
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>>984321 From an NES to an MSX game. It's funny how some of the designs went from looking like enemies to fuck monsters just by changing their palette and shading. This guy in particular with the diffusion on his rear and thigh.
>>984321 I appreciate what you're doing her anon.
>>966619 You need to make prototypes first, then start making your own thing
>>984928 why are you like this
>>980733 Chibi/SD has a really simple formula. >Start off with a generic chibi base All chibi characters in a style have some unifying features. If you look at two or three different characters by the same artist/studio you will see a lot of similarities, from limbs to proportions to head shapes. Put these similarities together and you get a generic template you can make all your chibi characters with. If one character has some special proportions or unusual limbs you might have to vary the template a bit, but for the most part the template should be set in stone. >Add just enough features to make a character recognizable If you have some characters you want to make an SD version of, you need to look at the design, figure out which features make the design unique, and translate them over to your template. Don't go overboard trying to copy features exactly, you just need to add enough so people can recognize it. Overly detailed figures are less readable and less recognizable, so you need to know when to stop. And that's all there is to it. As usual with character design, start with a 2d drawing and turn that drawing into 3D. Much like you would write a script before shooting scenes of a movie, a simpler medium allows for quicker drafts and easier revisions. >>983268 >I don't have any experience with Gimp and Krita at all, so I don't even know how to make better looking textures. Part of texturing is understanding what makes a texture work. For example almost all low-poly models put most of the lighting into the textures instead of woing complicated in-engine lighting. To do texturing, you need to have a general idea of how a surface looks in detail. This part is independent of what tools you use, and just making normal, 2D drawings where you try to replicate the texture of an object will help you get a sense of what's important. This video ( https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HPwVdOJo-28 ) at 5:50 shows you a few tricks for texture work in Krita. >where I can get some free courses and tutorials which explains me the basic of making good looking animations and textures Take a stab at The Animator's Survival Kit, it's a great resource for getting into animation. >then I would have to provide content for own made music, [...] sounds effects, monsters That's what royalty free assets are for. And when you release a game and make some money, you can invest money into hiring artists to make some assets for you. >code with good foundation and clean structure Yandev made a living shitting out if-else block monoliths. Most modern engines are built in a way that makes coding relatively retard-proof. >doesn't also mean your game will become just as popular like Mario and Sonic Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on it. Doom wads won't make you as popular as Mario and Sonic either. >>966619 The microgame collection sounds like a great way to get your bearings in gamedev. You can make a lot of different setups and experiment with them as much as you like. Then, when you feel you're done making making microgames, you can tackle something with more complexity.
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>>985033 It's a disease, and it's very much contagious.
>>985019 A friend of mine worked on a Metroidvania that was originally a floor-based dungeon crawler in the prototyping phase, had the team not gone through all that experimentation and testing they would have kept trekking on a concept that they couldn't make work and that wouldn't have known that until years into development. A very famous example of this is The Elder Scrolls, the first game was going to be a first-person arena combat game simply titled "Arena", but their prototypes were tedious and repetitive. They added side missions between sets of fights to break things up and found these were much more fun than the core game, development pivoted from there and I don't think the finished game even featured the original concept. Figuring out this stuff early is vital. >>985033 It does look kinda like a scalie OC. The tongue hanging out doesn't help.
>>985098 That much experimentation is the mark of amateurs without a clear vision of the game they want to make.
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>>984321 You should give the monsters large boobs haha
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>noo don't get into game devving you're gonna starve yourself <get into a based and redpilled codemonkey job! fucking niggers make me sick, the job market is fucked, and I don't wanna spend more time denigrating myself for some bitch position where you can be laid off because you're nothing there sorry for the rant
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>>985199 >>985199 Also an image that will show up on chapter 6.
Testing building destruction
>>985095 >>985033 At the very least if someone wants to fuck your characters it means you're good at character design.
>>985439 i for one am happy this nigga still around grinding his hustle mad respects bro keep at it one love brother
>>985439 Wheres the destruction?
>>985527 Over here >>984811
>>985571 In motion i mean. Do you have a vid?
>>985572 Not yet, destruction makes the FPS slow to a crawl, we're optimizing it first.
>>985521 I'm not, he's a giant sperg and has a history of sperging out.
>>985578 And I will continue to do so faggot. This is Spergtown, normalfags get out.
I need to make MONEY but I'm RETARDED
>>985593 Become a streamer.
>>985285 Just don't look for jobs where programming is a cost rather than a profit producer. If kelloggs is hiring programmers you will be treated like shit and atrophy and be replaced by 20 pajeets.
>>985593 Do shift work.
>>984321 Hey DinoLeaf anon, I'm not sure if youre the artist, but if you are, do you have any tips for iterating quickly to learn faster?
>>985593 This man decided to drop into the thread and contemplate the human condition.
>>985775 I'm not the artist. But the artist recently found about Michael Mattesi's concept of Force, and compiled some highlights of both books and streams he had done on the subject. If we knew about this before, we could've gotten a lot better a lot faster. In his words, "yeah force basically cleans up a lot of the noise in what you're drawing to focus on the pose and how it functions. Effectively just making you draw faster after you get used to it, and drawing faster means iterating faster". This PDF has a bunch of links and books to check out. I myself don't have much public art in the game, but there are unused beta sprites sitting in the game files for data miners to find.
>>985780 That's a great find. I've been looking for some resources on gesture drawing. Having watched the intro video, it gives some solid general advice for beginners. "Force" seems like a forced marketing term, but from what I could gather they mean figure defining contours combined with some squash and stretch. Is that about right? Also, have a look at Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching course, there's some great material on leading the eye there: https://archive.org/download/cg-master-academy-dynamic-sketching-2
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Couldn't get the destructible mesh stuff optimized enough to run the game smoothly at all, so my coder just made instanced meshes with the foliage tool and some simple effects. I think it looks okay but I really want the buildings to break into pieces and fly around and stuff.
>>986011 can't just fake it and spawn building gibs ala quake?
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Working on a digimon clone game now.
>>986016 Unless its important to the gameplay, I agree you should just fake it.
>>986026 Will there be sex?
>>986029 Sir. This is a childrens game rated 14. No adult (18+) content here.
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It seems fucking Godot doesn't let me selectively make certain objects visible and other invisible, I need a proper solution to hide the map geometry when the battle mode is triggered. I will look later how the fuck I am supposed to fix this. Well whatever I need to adjust the battle camera first so that its properly aligned, so that it looks similar to other 3D turn based games. Then after this crap I will work on getting basic combat system working. This game will have a bit different combat system then other turn based games, mainly that units have special abilitys, regular abilitys and a set of weapons to choose from for various forms of attacks and other effect types that can change the outcome of a battle. So for example a Marder 1 will be able to use his coax-MG, main autocannon and the missile launcher. while for example a infantry can use his various weapons he is equipped with and other stuff like grenades for example. Player will be commanding in total of about 8-10 units where the battle can go upto 10 vs 10 units. The reason why it's that many compared to Digimon Cybersleuth where its only 3 vs 3 at maximum is due to units role, so units like artillery and support units can be utilized.
>>986043 >>986043 >It seems fucking Godot doesn't let me selectively make certain objects visible and other invisible, I need a proper solution to hide the map geometry when the battle mode is triggered. I will look later how the fuck I am supposed to fix this. Isn't there a property nodes can have that is called Visible, that lets you toggle if certain things are visible or not? You could niggerrig it by adding a function to the scene you want to make non visible, and make the 3dmesh/other node non visible, while still maintaining the others. That being said I mostly work with 2d so no idea if 3d is the same
>>986063 I will look into it later in the documentation how this thing works, I need to do that anyway before I start working more on maps and props but right now I want to get the battle system to work. I also need to work on the movement system a bit so that there is a behavior for vehicle and character movement.
>>986011 So THIS is the true power of the unreal engine...
>>986016 >>986028 That is possible but it would still be heavy on performance. Also we'd have to make the building gibs by hand which would require some additional art dev for each unique building.
>>986223 I donno destructable enviroments have been in games forever, I think you could so it. I know theres tools out there that pre-chop-up models to turn into chunks so you wouldnt actually need to make them yourself. Though I do wonder with your drawing skill why gigamaidens isnt a going to be a 2d fighter with building gibs shooting out of the ground when you do attacks. Feels like it'd fit your style moreso and would be a lot less overhead.
>>986345 I feel like a 2D fighter wouldnt stand out as much. Everyone and their dog is making 2D fighters, no one's making 3D ones. Plus I don't think city destruction would be as satisfying in 2D. There would be a bunch of buildings in the back you'd have missed and my OCD wants me to make my character sit on all of them.
>>986366 you know what, you're not wrong but there's probably a reason for that. I'd at least say bring the graphical aesthetic down to like, ps1-ps2 levels with very polygonal models so it's not as much of a load on the machine. Make all the buildings just tall boxes. Your drawing style is very cartoony already so I think leaning into that would help you a lot. Though tbf unreal engine isn't exactly friendly to low end machines so maybe it's just the cost of using something like that.
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>>986375 I do plan on redoing the models entirely so that it's more in line with a cartoony style, maybe celshaded, maybe not but we'll see. However I probably won't go with a retro lowpoly style because I think that would make it more niche than it already is. I think most of the people who are interested in this game kinda want it to have a "dramatic anime" kinda look to it. Perhaps something like this, but more celshaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6u5Cs3-77U
>>986375 The buildings are just free asset store placeholders, I probably will simplify them.
>>986435 I mean at some point people dont know what they want until they see it. I mean fuck cruelty squad looks like literal ass but it got a ton of attention. If you like it you can probably find other like minded people who'd like it too. As long as it looks visually appealing that's all that matters.
>>986435 NEVER EVER.
>>986538 "People" includes me personally in this case, I'd rather see the GMs be decently detailed with a higher polycount. I agree that the buildings don't have to be highpoly, in fact it's probably better that they'd all be extremely lowpoly. I see the appeal of PS1-style graphics but I'm saving that for my Kasha minigolf game which I think is far more suited to it.
>>983368 Ask yourself: "why do i do it?" If your answer is a self gratification, then why bother? You have no fucking idea how many people are there in the world, constantly creating something with their hands, skills and tools. Their only gratification is the result of their work, not some phony compliment from anonymouse on the net. If you need motiation, read the life of real well known geniuses that we admire to this day. It was full of suffering, setbacks, misery and treachery. Did they give up? No, that's why you know them. Most of these men either lost respect of their contemporaries or never had it in their life, the deserved recognition came only after they died. If you need instant gratification, go eat a spoon of sugar, they will tickle your receptors and soothe your brain. Post your itchy.io page where you describe your game (you do have one, right?). Make a random passerby interested in it, read these comments, pat your own head, >>986043 Are you sure your node structure is valid? In a sense that you are not trying to add a child to an element that you are trying to hide. If that's not it, you might nigger rig nodes with self_modulate property, setting transparency to 0 for select nodes. Here's a cat to brighten up your mood. JUST DO IT and NEVER GIVE UP
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>>986366 I would like to encourage you to at some point make a 2D fighter/beat 'em up/Rampage clone though. The concept would work great with your characters.
>>986643 >Ask yourself: "why do i do it?" If your answer is a self gratification, then why bother? You have no fucking idea how many people are there in the world, constantly creating something with their hands, skills and tools. Their only gratification is the result of their work, not some phony compliment from anonymouse on the net. If you need motiation, read the life of real well known geniuses that we admire to this day. It was full of suffering, setbacks, misery and treachery. Did they give up? No, that's why you know them. Most of these men either lost respect of their contemporaries or never had it in their life, the deserved recognition came only after they died. If you need instant gratification, go eat a spoon of sugar, they will tickle your receptors and soothe your brain. Post your itchy.io page where you describe your game (you do have one, right?). Make a random passerby interested in it, read these comments, pat your own head, The reason I made those mods was because I wanted to create shit instead of just passively consuming media and use with whatever remaining skill I have of making models and coding to make content for. I've been making mods for quite some time already, though admittedly I never bothered to actually put that much effort and time into my mods to make it more polished and filled with content and I am suffering from depression which makes it for me more difficult to keep myself motivated and keep pushing forward so I need to often force myself to get things done. I do sometimes feel blackpilled because I usually try with my best ability to spend enough time to make my mods somewhat enjoyable to play or at least what I think looks enjoyable to play, I dunno it's hard to tell when I virtually never get feedback from other people commenting on my stuff if I am going in the right track or not. Well comments or no, for my Doom DWM mod I did spend some months on it adding content, working on code and trying to polish things a bit more so its actually one of my more polished mods out there so far. And pretty much so far all of my project has been done alone, I did tried making mods for various games just to see how much I can push the game with content and idea I had in mind which was more or less successful. And no I don't have a itch.io page or anything else where I would publish my mods and games there. >Are you sure your node structure is valid? In a sense that you are not trying to add a child to an element that you are trying to hide. If that's not it, you might nigger rig nodes with self_modulate property, setting transparency to 0 for select nodes. My node structures should be valid, I am not adding childrens to a element that are being hidden at least not that I can see so far. I will try with the other anons tip and see if one of those visibility node is the one I need to utilize. Or in worst case I just have to ask in the poopcord train friendly server for help if they even bother answering me >Here's a cat to brighten up your mood. JUST DO IT and NEVER GIVE UP Well thanks I guess. I am more of a furfag myself, but that should do to. I will try continuing working more on my projects and then post my progress here.
>>986646 Absolutely, I wanna do tons of different games with my girls.
>>986663 Most people don't know what being on track looks like, if you show them something incomplete then it just looks like "completed" games made by bad devs.
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>>986728 Well I am just one man doing a jack of all trades work kind of thing, so it would take even far more longer time to showcase only completed stuff.
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My first gif ever, could be added to Nortubel.
>>985780 So, I actually kinda inspired by the first video and made this. I still have a lot to learn but this was fun. Also my first time using Krita.
>>987506 fug I forgot eyebrows lol
>>986842 Some propaganda piece.
>>987506 That looks great. A bit back breaking but a very dynamic pose. Post it in the draw thread too, but post the exported version, not a screenshot of the canvas.
Back on that engine dev bullshit. Going to do a small wolf3d-like to ease back into it. >SDL for window, input, audio >OpenGL 1.1 or God's gift to lazyfags >Scheme scripting because I just worked thru SICP >>985621 >Just don't look for jobs where programming is a cost rather than a profit producer This anon is very wise.
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Custom physics testing, basically just a glorified screensaver. My plan is to make a game similar to monster strike and world flipper.
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>>989725 and now flicking works, yay!
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anyone having this productivity issue, where they get only the most work done while they're dead tired and it's damned near lights out, while dicking around and being distracted while they're most awake and alert?
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I fucking hate wayland it's always a bitch to work with and it gets features slower than X11 anyway. It's fucked in NixOS and needs to pollute LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use glfw.
>>990544 Then use something else :^}
>>990195 Focusing is a skill that has to be learned/practiced just like anything else. That said there are definitely things that can make it harder.
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How would you even go about writing a story about a character letting go of someone romantically important in their lives? I fucking hate NTR/Cheating/other sort of soul crushing things and I want to avoid this game being conflagrated with that, but I can't think of anything really. I might just drop what I wrote and make something more straightforward and less "conflagrated".
>>991508 Note, when I mean "I can't think of anything", I don't mean "I'm gonna use NTR for my plot", I'm saying that I don't know a proper way to avoid outsiders mentioning that. I got some "plot devices" for why things didn't work out already. None of those involve NTR
>>991509 I mean, aren't things like >Serious accident leading to physical/mental decay >Death >Lack of shared interests >Loss of passion all just plot devices anyway? Don't see the big deal
>>991510 Life is a bad plot device.
>>990544 Isn't X11 basically dead though?
>>991571 It's going to be maintained for the foreseeable future because all that work in enterprise software isn't going to magically migrate to wayland and xwayland has a performance penalty. DRM leasing, which is required by VR headsets only got merged into GNOME's wayland last fucking month after being usable on X for 4 or 5 years!
>>991510 I see. I think the issue is that what I want to pull off is "Guy is head over heels for a girl but due to not properly dealing with it he gets in trouble" and He technically never gets her again. I just want to avoid something like Rent-A-Girlfriend where that fucking page exists
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>>991741 You know anon, I think potential NTR adjacent feeling inevitable with a theme like that. Screwing up a potential relationship with someone and watching them slowly drift away from you and live their life, potentially with someone else, is goint to feel that way. It'd be like if the creators of toph from avatar the last airbender gave her shoes and tried to write around how she can see without contact with the ground because they were afraid of foot bros. Theres a fetish for everything and if you try to avoid it you are going to fail and probably create new fetishes. Just write the story you want to write, normal people will understand your intention. Consider reading "Winter Dreams" by F Scott Fitzgerald, I think it hits the feeling youre trying to convey.
>>992092 >I think potential NTR adjacent feeling inevitable "I think potential NTR adjacent feelings are inevitable" I gotta learn to read what I write BEFORE I post it.
>>985335 Another wedding dream image. No porn edits this time
>>992095 you know the more I see of this game the less I understand what the heck it's going to be.
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>>992092 Well given that one of the motivations for the character is that he lost this person who was important to him, many years prior to the events in the game (think Martha by Tom Waits), and that he's not actively pursuing her, but isn't letting go of it either, it is a bit more of a gray area. I guess the main issue is just not letting schizos and nonsense in my head rent free. I wish I was less susceptible to that kind of gay ops. At the end of the day she is just a tool to keep the plot going forward and not the goal. On another note, I'd also like to know if you know about some exercises or tips when it comes to writing. I won't pretend that what I want to pull off is a masterpiece, but it's not something I want to also be so angsty or off-putting that people drop it, I got this issue with a lot of media surprisingly so. Again, thanks for your reply, it's incredibly awkward for me to get this out of my chest, so I'm glad I can get some constructive feedback without a lot of other commentaries I'd rather not face.
>>992098 It's pretty much an excuse for me to show off a variety of characters and a bit too ambitious for a "first game". At least some stuff went forward but if I ever declare the game finish, I want to try a simpler game or at least relearn some stuff.
>>992149 I have literally ZERO writing experience. But I think Yoko Taro's (though I'm sure he credits someone else for this) idea of backwards script writing is the ideal for people who are imaginative but have little writing experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQxhyHMUJ74 If you start with the ending and then outline yourself back to the start, you can help flesh out more what you're trying to accomplish. Thats the only advice I got, but I'd suggest you watch a few of yoko taro's GDC and other writing and gamedev videos.
Trying out some new form of note-taking since I kinda got lost when I was planning out my current project on trello. Thing I'm using now is something called Obsidian https://obsidian.md/ At the very least the ability to map out inheritance trees in my notes is really cool
Anyone have some good pixel art guides/books/etc? I want to go revisit some old art I did for a mod, but I still suck so I want to go study some shit before I try again. Figured I'd ask here before I go randomly searching for things.
>>993254 Arne's guide is a classic. http://androidarts.com/pixtut/pixelart.htm A fun exercise/study can be to read through his general art tutorial http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm and try to copy and adapt the examples using pixel art.
>>993275 Thanks anon.
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>start project >time passes >realize I've fucked up catastrophically, need to just wipe the slate clean >start next project >time passes >same fate Not a blackpill, as every time I learn a lot, but how many false starts/learning experiences have anons had before they actually had something they could realistically cross the finish line with?
>>993365 As many as it takes until you're able to look at a problem and figure out most of its hurdles before you stumble across them.
>>993365 I think all of my projects, but part of it is pipeline problems, part of it is boredom/lack of focus
>>993365 I can't count the numbers of projects I've started and will probably never finish and the dozens of hours I've spent filling out details that will never come to life. The projects that did come out were either small enough that I could finish them in a reasonable amount of time, or modular enough that I could work on them from time to time. They were also simple enough that I didn't get stuck trying desperately to fix a problem. The small projects also definitely required knowledge that I'd gained over the years for things to be fast and efficient.
>>993365 Aggressively version control so you can get it back to before you fucked it up?
>>993502 That might not save you if your design is fucked from the outset.
https://gitlab.com/coledingo1 Took some time to learn my way around gitlab and post my projects to the Godot asset library. Still has to go through moderation first though.
I got a bit sidetracked. Over the last couple of weeks I've been trying to commit to studying unreal, and I've been making progress, but then last week a friend tried to pull me aside to work on a game jam game about shadows and alchemy. We were gonna make this little game about Kasha harvesting milkshake ingredients in the summer heat, using Milchi's big body as shade. Unfortunately there was too little time and too much to do so we ended up tapping out. I was working on some 8way sprites for Kasha before we threw in the towel. Back to the study grind I guess.
>>994371 director? should know scale back. even if big thing thing.
>>994379 Only had two weeks to finish it. I was making good progress but then I learned that my programmer didn't have enough time to work on it and also was learning a new engine to make it. So that kinda killed it.
>>994371 Thats a cute sprite anon.
>>994371 Your spriting is getting better all the time.
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Didn't to much but got my android environment set up, and also made sure that the game stays in the center of the screen when the window is stretched to adapt to different displays, though on android the screen was a smidge too tall, thus the black lines. so I have to fix that.
>>992561 Looks better than my stuff (handwritten notes in onenote)
mh, if RGB is health, stamina and mana, should CMY be them as well but in negative on a system that allows for those stats to be in a form of "debt" so to speak?
>>995213 Yes, but MYC
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went back to this game for a bit to add some debug tools. game hasn't been selling a lot but I've been getting at least one or two sales a day since release so I'm gonna just gonna add some tools to make solving problems a little easier if they come up.
>>997421 Have you caught anyone playing it yet?
Is there gonna be a demo day or anything
>>997592 there should be but progress has been a bit slow for everyone it seems like.
>>990544 NixOS has been taken over by trannies regardless.
>>997424 A few, but the two most recent players have been trannies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn3CJGTpqUM[Embed] So I admit I'm worried I'm going to draw a bit of a bad audience. But I guess if someone has a freakout towards me all it'll probably do is get my name out there, but I really don't wanna deal with the extra stress right now lol. Though then again I'm fairly open about where I stand politically so if they follow me they are probably willing to overlook that. At least until a more militant progressive spurs them into action.
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>>997592 >Is there gonna be a demo day or anything I might be able to crunch something to release.
>>997594 >Haven't worked on dev seriously or browsed 8ch in years >Made the retarded choice to browse fullchan /agdg/ randomly >It's absolute shit, no surprise there How's the community here doing? Looks a bit slower, but the content is better as usual
>>997688 The 8ch community or its dev community? 8ch is slower browner dumber gayer and transer but it's the devil I know, there's nowhere else to go. Dev is better since it filters retards. This AGDG's highlight is probably https://cole-dingo.itch.io/sylish-menu-demo
>>997701 I would say gayer and furrier. I don't think anyone here is a troon.
>>997688 It's kinda empty since a lot of devanons finally got some funding and are working on their games. Also by fullchan are you talking about 8kunny or halfchan.
>>997905 >by fullchan are you talking about 8kunny or halfchan The latter, I saw 8ch as I was typing that post and my brain said full when I meant half. Please wait patiently for my retardation to end. I might even progress post at some point
>>984252 yes, it's been posted ~2015, with long periods of hiatus until now
>>997916 Don't worry about it, we're all autistic homosexually niggerish gamer dads here.
>>997857 Our gays have power, numbers, and support to be public. Our troons don't. I'm positive 1 of our extra active autists is a troon. >>997905 8kunny still /agdg/s and isn't just a qult? >>997943 >dads Lower birth rates here than South Korea.
>>997956 >8kunny still /agdg/s and isn't just a qult? Dunno, I don't pay attention to 8kunny. I assume it's just QAnon shit these days.
>>997956 >is a troon. Which?
Anybody here familiar with modding Minetest? If so, how did it go?
Ethics of using AI for game content (sprites, art, not code since that's a bit different, etc.), and selling games with it. Right? Wrong? Kinda wanna use it, but I'm not too sure if people are either treating it like a good thing, or like the devil
>>998447 Amazing as placeholder art, nothing wrong there. As a full game... eeeeeh idk. I'd say do it while its legal if it doesnt bother you, it might attract some attention to your game if its fun. And since you will be attracting negative attention. It better be good.
>>998447 Yeah I'd say along the lines of the other guy, it's understandable if you can't do art yourself but it does look like a cop out. As long as your game isn't a clear $1 hackjob to launder Steam items and you make a real game, I'd say you should be up front with what the art is from, or at least not attempt to pass it off as self-made. Surely if you're considering AI stuff, there's some sort of cheap-ass itch.io content packs that would be fine?
>>998447 You'll be lynched by the gang of roving Anti AI niggers, jealous of AI pushing all the mediocre artists to the wayside
>>998447 >AI >sprites Bad idea for any kind of finished art. AI fucks up pixel art worse than it does hands and genitals. You'd have to go over everything by hand any way and unlike say generating a pixel art BG or art piece, sprites have to have a certain consistency from frame to frame so you'll doubly have to go over everything. And then there's trying to keep consistency of style between different characters. That's a lot of work to try to do less work. I would suggest instead to just purchase some premade sprites, especially if for background or environmental elements.
>>998447 I heard someone describe it as >If you need to use AI, then don't >If you don't need AI, then use it Basically it comes down to using it as a shortcut/tool for stuff you already know and do. Streamlined process. Otherwise like >>998482 said, use it as a placeholder, mockup, demo, whatever until you get hard assets and a near complete project
>>997676 Well, demonstration has gone and passed, no need to crunch out the project. . . which is pretty good! I'm struggling to figure out how to compile this shit!
>>999612 *demonstration day, or demo day for short You anons didn't forget about 8/8, right?
>>999613 I knew it was a demo day, but I don't have anything particularly neat to share even though I've been plinking away at things
>>999613 I'm kinda loosing focus on what I want to do. I've been trying to draw more to get my skills up but I think that I should just concentrate on getting some proof-of-concepts created to see whats fun, then take one of those and work towards a demo.
(18.68 MB 1150x784 Draggable.gif)

>>997421 Added draggable windows since a few users were requesting them, but I assume they'll also want the positions to be saved when the close the game so I'm gonna have to write that out too. I don't wanna.
(91.98 KB 798x184 executed.png)

>>999655 Nice to see dynamic draggable windows like that. Dingo is very "draggable" as well, he'd look good in it.
>>999946 Faggot faggot faggot gay faggot
>>999946 I hope your arm is ok anon cause you were really reaching for that one.
>>1000232 Thus the execution I assume
(6.44 MB 1920x1080 Nortubel Uulga companion.mp4)

Next update of Nortubel will have a fantasy world. Uulga will be a third companion in Herrko level 4.
>>946073 >y'all I hate (((localizers))) as much as I HATE NIGGERS.
Didn't know what thread would be best to put this in: >Software innovation just isn't what it used to be, and Moxie Marlinspike blames Agile https://archive.md/mRAsH <"Anybody who is managing an engineering organization will have some kind of management philosophy that is in some way downstream of, derivative of, in the zone of, or somehow related to agile," Marlinspike said. <Instead of allowing developers to operate from the bottom up in a way that lets them combine engineering expertise with the vision to see new capabilities in existing technology, agile teams end up siloed, working separately from each other, and without much visibility into what other teams are doing, he argued. <These black box teams also tend to lack visibility into some of the fundamentals of what makes their own products work, Thistle Technologies founder and CEO Window Snyder added later, during the Black Hat Locknote wrapup session. <Programming students aren't learning low-level languages, or how to interact with machine code, Snyder said - just high-level languages that make app development smoother, but leave engineers without needed context to understand how their pieces of the puzzle fit into a larger, vastly interconnected whole. <That, as Marlinspike explained in the morning, has left software engineers unable to do more than be derivative. <"The picture that I'm trying to paint here is that we spent the past 20 years onboarding people into software by putting them into black box abstraction layers, and then putting them into organizations composed of black box abstraction layers," Marlinspike said.
>>1000367 Agile is make-work for girlboss managers who feel important when barking orders at smart people.
>>998447 You should actually do whatever it pleases you. Don't listen to anyone and just do your fucking thing. If you have any critical thinking you will be able to point out the good parts from the bad ones and fix them yourself or your small team. Specially in this god forsaken century. Be yourself and don't stop into retarded arguments about "morality" and its use on any project you have.
>>1000299 Also not a big deal but I felt like redoing the artworks for Ricotto and Matysha. With Rico, I just gave him strapped socks because I used Ciel from Black Butler as a reference. With Matysha, I just gave her an extra image with a basic display of her face and clothes (Even if the game's art style is still shit). But I also did a cute image of the 2 together since their relationship ranges from criminal partners to like a mother and son.
>>998447 Ethics aside, if you are going to use AI, I highly recommend that you use open-source AI tools that you've installed on your computer over any online service because otherwise you are bound by their TOS. Even if they do allow you to use the AI art commercially, they may still own the assets it generates. But like other anons said, it's nowhere near as good as making your own art or even using stock assets. From my experience, it's only good at generating backgrounds and icons for mobile games, right now.
>>997596 Your brain has been taken over by trannies living rent free. Nix is the best unless you prefer doing everything in virtualized container like a pajeet webdev.
The newest version of Godot is 4.3 now. Where is your gaym? Check it out: https://godotengine.org/article/design-of-the-skeleton-modifier-3d/ Japs are learning Godot to animate 3d models in it. Golden age of porn is upon us gaymers! The most oppressed class will RISE UP! Fisting android girls! Abandoning RPGM and Pascal could not come soon enough.

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I think this sort of means I'm technically /agdg/ing now. I fell into it completely by accident, I swear. I've brainstormed basic flow of combat while working on it. >cobra = block with hand >cyclops = fireball, duck >stabber = backhand >bomb = duck >ghost = wave, duck
>>1003555 When you programming it, buddy?
>>1003571 Don't even have a clue how to get started, although I am trying to look around on how to do a custom LCD.
>>1003573 You mean you'd make it for real life, with a real LCD screen? That's be quite the project, rather feasible too, I imagine you could do it with one of those raspberry pico kits, which can be programmed with a watered-down version of Python. There are also services to print custom PCBs, so I wouldn't be surprised if there existed companies that make custom LCDs for a price.
>>1003573 DIY electronics is 2 blocks down. If your LCD is very simple and requires just a line update to get the image going then you should only update that part of the screen, or queue it for the update to limit the amount of draw calls. This way you will free processing power and LCD clocks for more useful tasks.
Oh cool, no bumplock at 500? anyway, was doing some intensive wrestling with Godot. Hate GDscript Hate inline languages. Hate hate hate hate its functionality. Imagine getting fucking errors for copy-pasting the fucking tutorials/wikis verbatim. I've had a better time ramming my head against a brick wall brute forcing C++/SDL2 . >>1003555 However, managed to get a working "Gameplay Prototype" (no visuals, that's another painful battle. . . ) That's one thing I like about Game and Watch/LCD style games though. They're mostly just about working timers.
>>1003573 Chinese manufacturers will do a handful of manufacturing samples for under 200 buckaroos.
Wow look at this ancient shit I found
>>1004479 Hellas?
(1.01 MB 1034x450 Debug_Example.gif)

I was wasting a bunch of time trying to code my own debug tools when I stumbled upon this console plugin, it does a lot, but the thing I appreciate is I can execute functions from a command line with history and autocomplete. I was already starting to go down this path since I realized I didn't wanna create buttons and UI for EVERY single thing I wanted to test, sometimes a method call is enough. It SHOULD be saving expressions I put into that unnamed group but its not, though I don't mind having a list of expressions I can copy and paste if it comes to that. being able to poke at my code without having to put printlines everywhere or create some kind of fancy test harness is nice.I probably still will have to do that, but this will at least make things go a little faster. Here's the tool if it looks cool to you. https://github.com/Ark2000/PankuConsole
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>>1000469 NPC stuff. You'll get to give Uulga her towel.
>>1004489 Yeah, I think that was his project. How far along is it now?
I'm a dev now mom
>>1007289 Hey, that's how it starts anon. Good job
>>1007548 Thank you Anon. I'm working on the UI now.
(302.88 KB 401x716 Card_Socket_System.gif)

Making a combat system for my next project. There's more going on in the background, but basically I wanted to have cards that can represent characters you are able to hot swap in real time, and can be mixed in with other card types and such. I'm probably going to take a lot of what I end up doing here and pushing that back into the vtuber blackjack game, since the way I did cards and decks was too rigid and when I went in to make cards with bizarre effects it was too annoying. Side note: there is SO much code in that blackjack game that didn't need to be there. Keep things simple folks, any code you write WILL get in your way in the future, and you'll only know what you need when you need it. course I'm still gonna end up over complicating things in the future, but I'm gonna try harder to not do that.
Hey so... despite being anchored this thread is getting buried, do we need a new agdg thread?
>>1008593 >>1008893 New thread.

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