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Fighting Game Thread: God I hope I can change the face in Tekken 8 Edition Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:30:07 Id: ee87eb No. 948995
>News: <TEKKEN 8 Stream Confirms Iconic Costumes, In-Game Shop, Eddy Gordo on Character Select / Main Menu https://archive.is/SNs8h <Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves released a new trailer and gameplay information https://archive.is/Ltp8b >Project L Officially Named "2XKO", New Gameplay Trailer, 2025 Release Window Announced https://archive.is/7quK5 >Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising 2B Released, New Trailer / Character Guide, Version 1.21 Update https://archive.ph/EtazP <Street Fighter 6: Akuma DLC teased >EVO 2024 Games List Just look at the embeds <MultiVersus will relaunch on May 28 https://archive.is/EysY7 <Under Night in Birth 2 mostly fixed on PC https://archive.is/TicWs REMINDER Always remember to bully Josh! The only way the bullying will end is when the Gigamaidens finally releases. Which is NEVER Oh, and if you're sick of the modern gaming autism then just play Third Strike or Guilty Gear: https://fightcaderoms.com/
Sparking Zero is getting some gameplay in an hour https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vPpKUl9BvE8
>>949007 I truly hope they stick to how the original sparking games played and not the animated movies we've are subjected to since the ultimate ninja storm series. Xenoverse and Kakarot have this same problem. I fucking loath mashing 4 buttons to watch the game play by itself. Also hate niggers
>>949007 >No Manga characters TRASH
>multiversus >AGAIN Didn't they pulled the plug some time ago because nobody was playing that shit? >Oh, and if you're sick of the modern gaming autism then just play Third Strike or Guilty Gear Nah, thanks, i'll stick to MK Deception/Unchained PSP and **DoA 5 Last Round*"
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>>949055 >Fucked up formatting Man, i need a better sleep schedule ASAP
>>949055 It was always officially a beta. Except the released version to be even more microtransaction hell.
>>949055 >Didn't they pulled the plug some time ago because nobody was playing that shit? No, they pulled it because it apparently needed some more dev time. They uploaded a new trailer talking about their "updated game" but it looks literally exactly the same, just the same boring sluggish weak excuse for a Smash clone that it was already, but apparently it's in Unreal Engine 5 now. So they essentially just spend the last 9 months goldbricking.
AU where skullgirls becomes the giant woman game
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>>949224 I hoped, vainly, that ABA wasn't gonna get dragged into the trannification of Guilty Gear. Then I remembered she had a decent following in the west, and with ArcSys choosing to betray their country, it was only a matter of time.
>>949224 >>949232 Guilty Gear huh? More like Guilty Queer! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!
>>949232 >has the circles around her eyes on the artwork >but not in game
>>949224 Tranny game
>>949232 Absolute downgrade. Jesus Christ almighty.
>>949232 wtf how is that the same character?
>>949881 It's not, Xrd and everything after it might as well be reboot fanfiction.
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>>949232 Lmao feels good being a T O T S U G E K I and Ky main
>>949232 And i thought the worst that could happen to GG was to stay as a dead franchise. What they have done since they brought the franchise back (the first 3d game) has been a painful road for me. I never thought i'd say this. But i hope Ishiwatari fucking dies.
>>949881 The idea is that ABA's hair is supposed to be copper, and copper turns green with age. See also Statue of Liberty.
>>950047 With an asspull like that i wouldn't be surprised if Kubo was writting GG now
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At this point I hope the few games I love that haven't been remade or brought back stay dead. I had my reservations about xrd and even tried to enjoy it but xrd's balance patches were a hot mess and Strive might as well be Ishikawa's SF6 at this point. What a shitshow.
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>>950234 By merely stating all this you have begun the process of them developing the next Darkstalkers game.
City of the Wolves looks it'll be fucking cool, shame they censored Hotaru's super.
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>>950332 They fucking what?
>>950471 She doesn't do the pose at the end of her super where she cums on you.
>>949209 NEVER EVER
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>>950508 >Japanese man: "This move is no longer interesting because Hotaru is legal age now"
>>950516 >Japanese Not with modern SNK.
>>950516 "SNK" is a a Saudi Arabian company now. For almost 10 years, in fact. The real SNK died in the 90s and never came back.
>>950653 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=W7qRjZ7pYdI Jews lost, based sandniggers win.
>>950696 If we're getting censored content we all lost
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Absolute fucking cancer https://archive.is/DbWKU
>>950841 >Blaming Strive on the west DON'T BLAME US YOU SLANT EYED FUCK! THIS WAS YOUR PROJECT!
>>950841 Is this them trying to backtrack and blame America?
>>950878 Always blame it on imperialism whenever marxists butcher your shit, you don't wanna' lose them useful leftwing retards.
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>>950896 >pic The artist is completely correct, because fascism itself is not racist and antifascism is a rejection of it as a political movement. Leftist antifas are larping as antifascista but in reality they wish to impose Stalinist principles and use fascism (a left wing ideology) as a scapegoat for their violence. Actual Communists hate antifas because they engage in identity politics and ignore class struggle. Also, right wing antifascists exist, particularly among the clergy.
>>950901 The funny thing is that all but one of the altered pictures of Yehzov have been Yehzov'd from Wikipedia. The Leftists running Wikipedia are trying to disappear the Orwellian nature of Stalinism.
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>>951018 Love the 10+ years of being called a faggot loser at my locals for trying to get people into this "gay looking game," only for it to become the game for faggot losers who tell me I'm not a "real fan" because I don't like that they want Bridget to be a tranny
>>951030 They were completely wrong to call you a "faggot loser", you're not a loser at all and it was mean of them to say that.
>>951030 If that makes it any better, you're not the only one. The community of Strive seems to be the same kind of faggots and goons that plague the Persona community.
>>950841 >>951060 >The community of Strive seems to be the same kind of faggots and goons that plague the Persona community. and the second games are no longer trendy they will leave and pretend they always hated video games just like they pretend to be life long fans of them now.
>>951068 Pretty much, those fuckers are insane social parasites.
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>>950878 But who supported it wholeheartedly? The west
>>950841 >Xrd as a example of failure <Started in Strive just for curiosity, and don't playing it too much because it ran like ass, and was stiff as fuck <Played XRD Rev 2 who was milles better, more fluid, more characters and scenarios, and even have better moves even if i didn't like May's costume as much as Strive, had a fuckton of fun compared to Strive <Got my ass kicked by XX and the PS1 OG, but love them nevertheless, XX still My favorite to this day, XRD Rev 2 being the second one behind <Completely forgot about Strive until now, Saw it again, is the same sluggish shit that i've played >Nyehehe is da wes faurt hyehyehye Please choke in My cock you sellout chink, totsugeki fucking this
>>951111 (checked) Quads confirm!
>>951118 XX was the peak and Strive is literally slower and more like SF. It's a shitshow.
>>951126 I remember when ArcSys opened an office in Commiefornia, followed by creating an official account at RetardEra, and shills came here in full damage control telling everyone to "wait and see" and "it doesn't mean that the studio will become SJW itself". I laugh at those retards that didn't abandon ArcSys when they did that. If any studio or company gets along with the degenerate freaks, it WILL become one of them, and all of it's products will become shit.
>>950841 My friend was telling me a story about the mentally ill "people" who live in the discord server they are apart of and how they would trash talk GG but lo and behold as soon as Bridget came out they immediately wanted to play it because all of a sudden the series was interesting. Shocking no one, my friend told me the person has less than an hour on the game as of now.
Frankly, the worst thing about Bridget and other tokenist tranny iconography is how you can't discuss a subject as it was pre-poz since earnest attempts get derailed by political shitflinging.
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>>951048 Yeah I'll admit I fell for the trap meme at least... 15 years ago, thanks to /v/.
>>951805 if they weren't gay they wouldn't call them traps you can't say you weren't warned
>>951364 I always knew it was gonna happen if Bridget ever came back to the series (especially after Testament's they/them bullshit), but people were naive and thought ArcSys would be vague nips rather than purposefully stoke the fire to ride the wave of infamy into the mainstream. Now that ABA's gotten dragged into this too, I know Zappa's next.
>>952078 >I always knew it was gonna happen if Bridget ever came back to the series I expected it as well, but Strive was so fucking bad I didn't care at that point.
>>950841 Reminder the American audience is quite simply a plague that only shows up to gas up and buy the worst entries in a series so that dogshit gets bolstered as the series direction from now on. It quite literally keeps happening & I don't think this gets talked about nearly enough. If a JP dev ever mentions them in any way it should just be taken as a sign the game will be shit because simply shit is what the American audience likes.
>>952679 Fuck you man. Berseria is the second best game in the series and doesn't belong with the rest of those at all. And the game that followed was such complete unfiltered ass precisely because the devs weren't willing to follow up on what Berseria did right and instead made a game that's a complete schizophrenic mess trying to emulate older entries and grabbing surface-level shit from them in order to create one of the worst games I've ever had the experience of playing. Characters are great, world is great, gameplay is great, still has all the artstyle hallmarks of its predecessors, fanservice designs aplenty. All in line with the series save for the non-heroic protagonists thing who end up having to save the world anyway, something Vesperia and Abyss did as well to lesser degrees. And now compare that to the pathetic sludge that is Arise. With it's flat tropey surface-level characters, shitty gameplay borrowing from code vein and scarlet nexus, terrible world design, horrible raping of the artstyle, and iffy character design.
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>>952690 >game that abandoned the LMBS, the defining feature of the series that made its gameplay unique, to chase being more like other more shallow and generic ARPGs >second best game in the series Half or more of Arise's problems come from it doubling down on everything wrong with Berseria, because Zestiria tanked the franchise in Japan and the Western audience was left because after that happened and they rushed out Berseria in a year as damage control Americans ate it up (like >>952679 correctly pointed out), leading to Arise continuing to cater to Americans and Berseria fans. They made Arise because of people like you, sorry.
>>952679 Reminder that (((american))) audiences like (((sports))) like NFL and NBA, which call themselves (((Entertainment))), so whatever a murican says, automatically doesn't count
>>952703 Then why the fuck is the story so ass. The characters so fucking flat, the ai so nigger-tier retarded, the enemy design so shit, the artstyle abandoned, the world so fucking boring? No American fan of the series complained about any of this fucking shit or wanted dumbed-down characters or a shittier story ripping off Xenoblade 2 but without all the cool worldbuilding shit. Hell, most of the changes in Arise are related to the JP side of things shitting on Berseria so hard and Berseria being such a flop across the pond. With the new heroes being such goody two-shoes types because JP bitched out about the "evil protags" thing. Shionne being the worst mix of XB2's female love interests with all the negatives and none of the positives in an attempt to cast the waifu heroine net as much as possible, resulting in one of the most insufferable cunts I've ever had to put up with in ANY video game that makes fucking Chloe from Life is Gay look like a good time. The shitty sci-fi turn with nanomachines because "HEY LOOK THE FUNNY SWITCH GAME DID IT AND OUTSOLD US LETS COPY IT.". Why did they cut back hard on the background lore and fleshing out a setting when amerimutts eat that deepest lore shit up like hotcakes looking at shit like the souls series and all that. Why is the game so chock-full of repetition and restating of basic facts compared to the stories that actually partly respected your intelligence and expected you to pay at least some attention like before, hell even the loading screens get in on this by stating the most bog-standard basic-ass surface level information about the world that's already been explained at least in triplicate by everything else. Why the fuck is the game so fucking safe and tropey that it falls on its own sword to stick to the "don't kill in revenge because that's BAD" distinctly Japanese trope out of nowhere and completely ruin Rinwell and Law's character arcs? Why the fuck was the budget slashed in half and all the 2D shit taken out when that was one of the franchises key selling points, this hybridization of arstyles, and is one of the reasons it stood out from the competition and became popular over here in the first place. Continuing the safe story thing, where's all the raunchy jokes and such from Berseria that helped it to become so well known amongst American fans? Nowhere to be seen from what I can see. All this shit doesn't sound like appealing to burgerland to me. It sounds like doing mass appeal and general and groveling to the JP side to please buy gaem by kneecapping themselves and doing a """back to basics""" thing to try and apologize for Berseria. I get that you're asshurt about the LMBS thing but Xillia was in the process of killing that mega dead and Zestiria all but killed it dead. Berseria just finished the job by changing how lock-on works. Look past that and at everything fucking else about the game, because the combat is the last thing you hear when people discuss Berseria outside of the novelty that the Tales series has due to action combat. The director talked big about "emulating life is strange" and western games in general but in practice it's all talk. Until the DLC came out at least and just copied God of Soy/God of Boi/GoW4's story formula. Yeah, that game got DLC and NOBODY talks about it because nobody gave a flying fuck about it over on this side of the pond because Arise was shit and forgettable over here, compared to people still talking about Berseria to this day. I also don't know of a single American fan of Tales of that actually liked Arise. Most I've seen is mediocre reception, people who quickly forgot about it, or outright boiling hatred. Hell the most I've seen it mentioned was normalnigger outsiders talking about if other games are like it solely because it's the most recent in the series (in relation to Granblue Fantasy Relink), not because it's any measure of good.
Apologies for the tangent. To attempt to re-rail the discussion. Granblue Fantasy VS Rising is getting Vane as a new character on April 2, alongside the first major balance patch in months. Devs have said they're aiming to even the playing field by bringing up characters rather than nerfing them, but I do wonder if they're at least going to tone down Seox with his infinite pressure bullshit and Nier with her stupidly long midscreen combos. They did wait until after a major tournamanet thing to do this balance patch though, which makes me think that they will in fact be taking a nerf bat to a lot of more-played and "higher tiered" characters.
>>952719 >I also don't know of a single American fan of Tales of that actually liked Arise. I've heard them, but they're from the more normalfag sphere who think gaming is at it's "peak" right now.
Tales of Arise didn’t even start development as a Tales game hence why it’s fucking boring.
>>952767 Wait, really? That's news to me. What did it start development as then? Some new action RPG that Bamco didn't have the balls to let stand on its own or something?
Marie's finally out in SkullGirls long after the game's burned-out goodwill, especially after being teased since the first game came out. She's somehow still alive and is now an "unchained Skullgirl" as part of the game's supposedly retconned lore.
>>952811 >Future Club further looting Alex' old work so they can suck off more money from the goyim still playing Shekelgirls I fucking hate how cheap the story sections look.Is it just me or is there something off with the VA?
>>952690 >>952719 >Actual piles of amerimutt nigger babble Arise is the best selling game in the franchise now with 3M sales over Vesperias 2.4M across multiple releases. Dude is right and you're actually a massive retarded gorilla nigger for shitting on the floor this much as a cope.
>>952874 Go back
>>952811 >those in-game lines They just went with the very first thing they could think of, huh?
>>952874 This is a good argument that people want Arise more, but that doesn't mean Arise is better. If you appease the lowest common denominator of normalfag you sell more, people want rap music but that doesn't mean rap is good taste, it just means people have gotten dumber.
>>952811 >>952815 I will give Alex's IP back to him.
>>952972 >>952887 I get that >>952719 s post is actually such fucking nigger babble none of you actually want to read it but >>952874 is about how he's full of shit with retarded statements like. "I also don't know of a single American fan of Tales of that actually liked Arise. Most I've seen is mediocre reception" when it's literally the biggest selling game with nothing but dick sucking & most old heads for tales are actually gone now due to being shut down by faggot arisetards. It's not saying arise good because sales, it's saying >>952719 is a sub 80IQ amerislop faggot who literally can't see he is the reason the franchise is dead now.
>>953226 I didn't read the post he answered and I wasn't saying he's wrong, only adding input. But since the huemonkey Brazilian talking about soy-freak numales is wielding my words like a caveman club to inflict his mental disorder upon others, I probably fucked up and I'll take the L. I want no association with that sudaca, I am not his friend, and he can take his nose out of my stinkhole.
>>952922 No you won't
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Some fucking Mutt ape derailed the thread because they're in denial about my 200% true and accurate post that said his game is USA Slop. Everyone post some combos to get it back on track. Got some Ky examples I recorded to help a friend learn the game.
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Anyone wanna start a Tekken 8 group on Steam? I mainly wanna learn the game with some of you fags and have fun with it.
>>954703 Just play Tekken 4
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>>954702 To bad infinite world was rushed and put together sloppily. It could've been the definitive version of Budokai 3. Having shin budokai mechanics really added a new edge to the combos and gameplay. To bad they gutted the story mode in lieu of some mediocre mini games. Its a mix of budokai 2 story mode and superman 64.
>>954709 But I like Tekken 8
>>954700 >>954702 Guilty Gear is and always has been the most horrendously faggy shit in existence.
>>955140 Nigger you look like this, you know what they say about stones in glass houses.
>>955140 >Guilty Gear is and always has been the most horrendously faggy shit in existence. NEVER FUCKING EVER
>>955147 >You look like the most straight man in existence Uh, thank you?
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I've been seeing DOA mentioned on X the last few days, with the usual FGC fags saying it needs to be "fixed" if it wants to be taken seriously. My question is: Who wants to be taken seriously by those faggots and chomos? Does Evo really bring in that much money for KT, or would fan service and DLC do them more favours? The mind boggles, it truly does.
>>954709 >Tekken 4 We agreed ages ago that Tekken 4 never existed, and was called actually Tag Tournament 1. And if you want to make him play old Tekken, just make him play Tekken 5 although i love Reina, and having jun is neat >>954720 No other DBZ game will be like Budokai Tenkaichi 2/3, for better or worse. That was the peak, and only FighterZ came near it, but had DLC up his ass, and didn't even have a story mode that wasn't fanfic still, A21 a cute >>954766 Just play it, and remember that Eddie players deserve to be shot. >>955646 >Entering X >Taking the opinions of those mentally ill furries, unironic pedos, and clinical autists as valid That being said, DoA already did it with 6, and those same fags didn't even touched it and complained about it being too hard, despite being easier than 5. >would fan service and DLC do them more favours? Unironically this, is a reason why DoA 5 still rakes money today, and Xtreme Venus Vacation lowkey maintains the IP and KT afloat. Also, if the positive reaction at stellar blade is something to take into account, making a normal/Classic DoA would rake a good chunk of Money, Evo is just free press and publicity, but in all honesty nobody watches Evo, nobody cares about Evo, and nobody actually thinks about Evo, that's just a gigantic circlejerk. People will be dragged to fighting games thanks to the gameplay, the roster, and the fanservice after all Just see how MK1 is in comatose state, and SFVI only played by 3 people, while Tekken 8 sold absolute gangbusters and broke every fightan Game ass, until they started with the micro bullshit. Long story Short: Let the X subhumans live their fantasies inside their minds, and let KT suffer again and again for being such a bunch of stupid retards, until someone buys DoA and Nioh from them, or when they finally learn to have common sense and stop being stupid
>>955657 KT feels like it's in internal strife Their top selling games are heavily sexualized, meanwhile you have them still pushing these game with little to no service that aren't doing very well, but are likely giving them ESG/DEI/Bridge points. They don't know where to position themselves and the whole company is suffering for it.
>>955657 SF6 sold a shitton anon, even more than Tekken I hate that tranny filled garbagefire as much as I do Strife, but both games sold well because they appeal to the same demographic, Amerinigger urbanite trash. Tekken appeals to a more worldwide audience. MK1 is fucking dead though, yeah, though MK was never a competitive game even if Warner Kikes push for it.
>>955633 Damn fat, ugly, can't program, can't 3D model, lack quite literally any skill to make a product and illiterate on top man, pick a struggle bro.
>>955148 God, even for all the faggotry of Strive, Ishiwatari could have at least not made the music suck.
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>>955657 Well, SF6 is still absurdly popular, probably the most popular fighting game right now, and yeah Tekken is right next to it. They'll get watched at EVO as a result of being SF and Tekken. Other EVO games, nobody ever cares about, of course. >>955646 Of course, "core values" was just a symptom of the issue at large. If anything that reaction simply helped KT (ineffectively) gauge what they should do with the series and game. And they for some reason felt the need to make that choice of abandoning their identity to try to drum up more players, and of course it backfired and DOA6 was dead on arrival, and now the series is fated to be a gatcha that only Asia can play. I guess if there's talk of DOA, then there's talk of what to do for a possible DOA7, so I'm guessing now we have every tranny Sajam fan chiming in to say that they need to stop sexually hair-assing these imaginary video game women!!! For all the talk a lot of these people have about being comfortable with sexuality when it comes to real life issues, they don't seem to be comfortable with DOA. Or any other game with sexy characters, for instance. People genuinely went "thank goodness Cammy doesn't have her leotard!" when she was shown for SF6, or when that fake leak went around saying R. Mika and Elena in SF6 would have more clothing people were celebrating it. They are so ashamed of themselves and miserable that they have to fuck about and make others miserable for liking tiddies. A lot of people still think that DOA as a whole is just boobies with no substance instead of an actual fighting game. I don't even know what the bottom line I had was, I'm just pissed and salty. Jack Thompson was nothing compared to the gaggle of retards that call you a rapist for just wanting tiddies, skin, and non-ugly women in video games that already fucking had them.
>>956022 No grit, just his faggy voice in display with some shitty background riffs on the background.
>>956034 >a gatcha that only Asia can play. I still remember faggots defending the fact that DoAX3 wasn't coming to the West. Fucking wastes of space.
>>956034 that's such a cute cat.
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>>955661 >>956034 >Shitty slop games sold well As expected once they got the ESG backing their asses for every fuck up, they always come back.
>>948995 Any of you fags going to EVO in Vegas this year?
>>960810 I seriously hope we don't have any tournifags over here
>>960810 I'm not black so no
>>960810 >going into a venue with that many niggers in it I'm not that stupid, and this is coming from a burger-murrican.
>>960814 I'm not a tournyfag, but I'm going to meet a few friends and because I think it'll be a fun experience.
SF6 sucks so much ass. It literally is just a boring flowchart fighter. Master rank doesn't mean shit, everyone just mashes and plays on autopilot on every single rank in the game and Modern Controls is fucking retarded, it completely destroys the game because the frame data and attack timings were all configured with classic controls in mind. All the characters are fucking lame, either the corny ass 1991 GI joe action figure world warriors who are outdated, and old hat, have nothing new to offer, and had no reason to come back, or new ugly hyperdiverse shitty characters who are the most contrived designs ever. >An asian twink faggot named Jamie who needs to drink cum to stay alive >A literal gorilla named Marisa >Lily who is the most fucking disgusting, puke-inducing glass eyed ugly piece of shit character in the series since rufus World Tour is a boring, padded, 30 hour slog with brainless enemies who eat fullscreen supers but are capable of killing you in 3 hits because it's a stupid JRPG "my damage stat is higher" grind. MTX and battle pass trash on a $60 game. The beautiful manga art style of the previous games is thrown out for the ugliest, stinkiest looking "hyper realistic" characters, making the game look like Mortal Kombat for normies who'll think that the game is better because you're able to see the cavities in zangief's teeth. The music is the ABSOLUTE WORST in the entire series, and given that SF4 exists that is saying quite a lot. Complete trash fire of a game, everyone who made it should be dropped in a woodchipper. Can't wait to see how they butcher my beautiful kenyan goddess Elena, they'll probably give her cornrows and a nose ring or something.
>>960941 They're going to put a lip plate on her Screencap this
>>955661 >>956034 >SF6 sold a shitton anon >SF6 is still absurdly popular, probably the most popular fighting game right now Proof?
>>960976 I mean Capcom Lists this stuff. It sold 2.90 million so far, but that's less the Vanilla SF4 at 3.50 million.
>>960978 So it sold poorly then. SF4 was their best seller for a long time, and SF5 was a failure. SF6 sales didn't reach nor surpass a 10+ years old game. What about refunds and other losses? Are there numbers for those, regarding SF6? Companies conveniently leave those out when their overhyped products flop (see Square-Enix with their Final Fantasy games since 2010).
>>961000 anon 10+ years means more people bought it, while sf6 is out for less than a year and has almost 3M sales. This includes final sales revenue, minus refunds and all
>>961002 >anon 10+ years means more people bought it https://infogalactic.com/info/Street_Fighter_IV <By March 31, 2009, Street Fighter IV had sold over 3 million copies worldwide. In other words, SF6 has been out for two months longer than SF4 yet is still behind. Forget even trying to reach SF4 lifetime sales of 8 million after six years.
>>960817 The only funny thing that happened in las Vegas was the midget nigger breaking his cuffs, the whole place romanticizes criminals and the lowest pieces of shit... and there's a convention of fat cunts.
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>>961000 >tranny shit in character creator sells poorly for the brand and marketting put into it It remains an effective barometer to determining if a game is shit.
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Repost from >>957151 What I don't get is how come fighting games haven't figured out they could just have a beat 'em up style mode where you unlock character specials and supers overtime if they want players to have a greater understanding of how to play fighting games. Instead many especially those that want to cater to the FGC make things mechanically simple or gameplay notations simple. I used to be shit at fighting games until I played some games with single-player content like Blazblue Continuum Shift or other later games like Arcana Hearts 3 Love Max that at least have single-player modes that let you get a feel for a character and how their fundamentals work. Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds is the closest I've seen to someone pulling something like this off where they're just basic quarter-circle movements with major leniency.
>>961156 That would take effort, modern gayman is about cutting corners and selling digital crack to get you addicted.
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>>961156 This is not how I would do a single player mode in a fighting game, because what you're proposing entails playing as a created character where you unlock other characters' specials. Instead how I would do it is have the characters themselves be playable and be part of a focused narrative, and have all their specials/supers unlocked out of the gate. Then you can apply materia or whatever to them to give their attacks and movement different properties like super armor, fast startup, crumple on hit, etc. You can also apply them to yourself to give you faster meter build, an extra life bar, and other kinds of bonuses. The gameplay itself would be walking around an overworld and also having dungeons to complete, where there are non-playable simple enemies to battle as well as bosses that require you to use all your learned skills. All the battles against bosses and enemies are diegetic and occur in the same worldspace where you encounter them. And I'd stop pulling my punches early on in the game. After the first boss if you haven't learned how to do a fireball or a shoryuken you are fucked. No handholding in this bitch. There are ways to a compelling single player mode and making it like World Tour mode is not one of them. Absolute dog shit mode that holds your hand the entire way through, is just cobbled together with shitty RPG mechanics, hasn't been playtested for fun, padded out, full of braindead enemies and seems to be focused entirely on goading you towards the esports bullshit instead of being compelling on its own.
>>961294 Damn, that's a much better idea than what I came up with but still retains aspects I like such as exploration and customization. I thought starting out with a few special and unlocking them would help in a manner similar to rpgs would help you get used to using a character a certain way but your trial by fire approach sounds like it could work as well.
>>960978 >>961000 Don't forget the First Month of Sales rule, you got the recent failure that is the Dead Space Remake that sold for about just a million in an entire year, and some ramblings that I only moved 300-400k units in it's firstn3 months.
>>961002 >>961017 >>961322 Everything from the Sweet Baby exposure showed that companies lie about sales and "success" all the time, claiming that anything is a "success" by redefining the meaning of success to fit whatever numbers they achieve. SF6 clearly sold poorly, and crapcom is trying to spin it as being "successful".
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Marvel died for this lmao.
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>>961697 Thanks for the cancer!
>>960978 >>961322 I feel that this is proof that the market is completely oversaturated. A couple of niche games steal the scene for a couple of months and there's only a handful of titles that are widely played and remembered. This isn't really a Fighting Games issue, most live games barely make it past a few weeks before flatlining. >>952811 I'm still mad Steam censored the negative reviews. Even now unless you specifically remove a few filter it will only show thumbs up. >>961697 >Overdesigned ASSFAGGOT rejects #893467 Can't wait
>>961697 Why can't devs do clean and minimalist UI's anymore? look at that shit, near half the fucking screen is taken up by the life and power bars alone.
>>961823 >Why can't devs do clean and minimalist UI's anymore? I assume the same reason why compression is a lost art. Western brain drain is real, weaponized, and in full production.
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>>961813 >Steam censored the negative reviews And everyone forgot about that during the SweetBaby scandal, I'm even surprised the group gatekeeping their faggot shit was allowed to exist on the first place.
>>962020 Steam knows how to keep the frog in the boiling pot, they are probably the most skilled in the entire game industry at that.
>>961697 Hang modern game animators now, too many cinematics for a tagfighter. Could've at least had the decency to have teams interact with teammates ala Blazblue Cross Tag, or have team intros ala Tekken Tag. At least they don't have lines for Command Normals so they aren't screaming 200 lines a minute >>961813 >ASSFAGGOT rejects Mentally retarded, these are literal ASSFAGGOT characters, this being a spinoff game >>961823 Mentally retarded, UI no more noisier than your average animeshit or Marvel
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>>962040 Surprised nobody has done an edit of this image, replacing it with Gaben handshaking every leftwing-liberal ideology logo.
>Skullgirls just has a decade of blunder after blunder after blunder after blunder >A decade of idiotic devs, stupid decisions, released the game in an incomplete state, overinflated budget wasted on stupid shit, controvery after controversy, infighting between devs, lawsuits, bickering, community division, self-censorship, firing the creator, bad game design >It's still alive Fucking how?
>>962411 base game and base titty still good. also, nostalgia
>>962426 >Base game good No.
>>960976 Well "absurdly popular" in the vacuum of fighting games, of course it is not competing with the hundreds of thousands of double-digit IQ normalfags playing live service esports shooters and ASSFAGGOTS. But it has the most players of any fighting game on Steam right now, if that is any metric to go by. Tekken is not far behind. There is also stream viewership during the major tournaments being higher than fighting games ever get, actually attracting normalfags for more than two seconds. From a personal experience, SF6 dethroned Smash Ultimate as the most popular game at the three locals I go to. Tekken 8 had more players in brackets for about a month after it came out but now they're about even. Worst case, for the series, SF6 is slightly less popular than SF4 was. And I don't really think there's any point in comparing it to SF4 like other people are, I think SF6 is just popular in it's own right. Like it is actually back in the mind of the general person that plays video games like SF4 was. Splitting hairs between several hundred thousand copies when several million is already a lot, comparing to a game in a different console generation and where the culture was way different is not really apples to apples. Plus a bunch of fucking idiots probably bought the costumes and battle passes too, so it could be bringing in more money for Capcom, maybe. Not trying to make an argument that SF6 is good or anything but just because it has a lot of shitty things about it doesn't mean it's not doing well as a product and in the normalfag gamer consciousness. Full disclosure I actually like the game >>962411 Autistic faggots pretend to like Skullgirls and convince other people to buy it, where it then will rot in their Steam library. Plus doesn't it have a mobile gatcha game bringing in some spare revenue?
>>962411 Alive is a big word, it's more apt to say that the discord cabal who pushed away undesirables is gatekeeping the series. Remember that even at its peak popularity, MikeZ was struggling to find people to play friendlies with at freaking EVO. Also, you are severely underestimating how much money the shitty gacha version of the game made the devs.
>>962500 >China is cracking down on gachashit meaning we missed our chance to fleece gachafags for big money Fucking SG getting away with murder again.
>>962411 Don't forget the retards' second project and attempt at branching out with the shittiest Valkyrie Profile clone game, Indivisible. Not even paying Trigger to animate the opening made people give a shit.
>>961823 >Why can't devs do clean and minimalist UI's anymore? children and retards don't have the brain power to just remember what they have, remember old resident evil you had to remember how many bullets you have before a reload now the retards who have moved in need to be told.
>>962541 Mentally retarded, especially in regards to a fight game, especially a team based one where each character has separate resources, though I do think having to design a UI around mentally managing resources would be an interesting thought experiment. >Timer Visible >No Health/Super Meter >Not a 1 shot game ala Divekick >Super Stocks displayed through character having aura, density of aura flames show how many stocks (or go full letter again) >Team members have multiple kill conditions <Ring Outs <Land Super Attack (maybe level 3's or something) >No combo count indicator, Points indicator, Win Count, etc. >No Assist cooldown indicator either <This means locking assists out is unreadable, save for dead assists
>>962566 >>No Health/Super Meter >>Not a 1 shot game ala Divekick >Super Stocks displayed through character having aura, density of aura flames show how many stocks (or go full letter again) Why not just have the "armor" system present in Fighter's History and Fighting Vipers? >>No combo count indicator, Points indicator, Win Count, etc. Something I've noticed is that combos in fighting games are mostly trash.
>>961697 so much teal
>>962574 >Armor system Decent compromise, but too "easily" trackable, and it runs counter to the "kill condition" look. I do like your thinking though, if we're using armor to indicate health >Combos mostly trash Links, Juggles, and Special Cancels, I feel, are some of the truest forms of expression/mastery over a character's toolkit in maximizing damage. Mechanical Complexity 'is' a strategy gate that unlocks more higher risk options for those who can execute. Mash button for free string is dumb though
THE BUTT IS BACK IN TOWN wercum 2 shitty oda woor
>>961697 >"Nigga so black he stole time" now has a generic nigger hairstyle instead of his mohawk because "black peepo" look the same to their eyes L O L O L And not surprise it looks absolutely awful.
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>>963136 Why is all but TWO PEOPLE in the gym a nigger?
>>963169 They are the most physically fit people :^)
>963169 Niggers are incels who gymcel to compensate
>>963169 >>963176 Had a nigger moment with >>
>>963176 needs more buzzwords, try again
>>963185 It's concise, retard
>>963218 Outdo it then
Ez W, stay brown + mad
man i'm so glad i am not underage
>>963233 Worse, you're ESL
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>>962411 The game became a "cultural phenomenon" meaning all posers get to enjoy it because it's so out of the mainstream. Still Cuphead managed to blow Skullgirls out of the water when it comes to videogame with traditional animation. >>962479 I remember watching some Skullgirls' gameplay, I stopped when the robot catgirl showed up: Spewing out retarded memes that were never funny to begin with and the game was massively shilled in Newgrounds, such an edgy and mature site.
>>963169 They're Brazillian, all but two people in Brazil are niggers
>>963281 The retarded catgirls spouting memes could still be endearing if they were capable of writing well, but the hacks currently in charge of this game cannot write their way out of a wet paper bag.
>>963281 Was skullgirls meant to have traditional animation?
>>963391 It was meant to be a cartoony blend of western and eastern styles because that's just how Alex Ahad draws stuff.
Incidentally, Big Coomer is back in town. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_DSF87l8C8
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>>963394 >Coomer.
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>>963398 Who are you quoting?
>>963407 Are you retarded or just pretending to be?
>>963398 Aw man, remember when AI couldn't generate anything better than this? Those were the times.
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>>963415 Do you suck dick?
>>963169 There's more than two, take a closer look.
>>963394 I am looking forward to him :)
>>963483 You're right. There's three people in the gym. Anon forgot the bear.
>>963721 Never forget the bear, that's how it eats you.
>>963714 No smiling, only anger here.
>>962411 Stealing the company from the owner with the publisher's approval and being unable to sell any new games now that their company is registered as some esg turdification.
>>968511 >unable to sell any new games now that their company is registered as some esg turdification I know Future Club's full of turncoats who went along with Mariel Cartwright and co's coup and became Hidden Variable's dogs, but that part's new to me.
>>963394 They don't turn him in a parody of himself, the result could have been a lot worse. Misogi and Kongou Kokuretsu Zan can only be used after a special taunt.
CotW B. Jenet & Vox Reaper (quienes??)
>>976942 Two non-SF characters. Still no Sagat. WTF CAPCOM
>>976946 Healthy bosom...
>>976946 >>976969 >Healthy bosom yeah, but so far I don't like the way any of characters look in this game. especially the females. (have they dropped a link to that theme song yet?)
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>>976942 Guys CVS3 is finally real. lol Seriously those two alone make me question what the hell Capcom is doing with SF6, and then: >M Bison Goddamn, couldn't go one year without digging up his grave? Even Tekken 8 hasn't revived Heihachi yet. Elena's the only good character in that lineup for how many FGC fags will get triggered remembering her USF4 days. >>976946 >B. Jenet Definitely a good sign that she hasn't lost anything fanservice-wise >Vox Reaper (quienes??) Obviously Grant from MOTW moveset wise, don't know what's up with this new name/design though. >>976972 New girl is definitely trash but otherwise I remain cautiously optimistic. They haven't done anything blacklist worthy recently, but they've also slowed to a screeching halt production wise just to produce titles that most consider too samey these days.
>>976946 I do not like Jenet's look here. She has a slim youthful appearance in MotW, but this new game makes her look like she's a mother nearing (If not already in) her 40's.
>>976976 but this new game makes her look like she's a mother nearing (If not already in) her 40's. that would be fine if they were going for an anime style ara ara milf type. but this art style looks a bit too close to western trash for comfort. (does SNK think they need to copy crapcom?)
>>976981 >but this art style looks a bit too close to western trash for comfort The game's aesthetic is a comic book style one. You can't really escape it looking Western a bit, but I think I'm in the minority for it to be looking pretty good. At least it's not an abomination looking artstyle like SF6.
El Bipson gameplay trailer:
>>977105 Some asshat on Twitter started making a stink about this one move Bison has in the trailer, and he's a "Capcom Creator" hopefully he's ignored, but he's gonna do more harm then if he just kept his mouth shut. Since I can see one of two things happening, either this move is going to be changed and animation removed from the game which they don't have enough time to do yet, or it's going to be spammed on every black character in the game every time one fights Bison online, until it does get removed. Maybe nothing like that will actually happen, but his bitching increased the chances that it will.
>>977716 This guy created a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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>>977717 building the Pax Bisonica one knee-press at a time
>>976981 >>976976 >Implying lip stick makes you look like a 40 year old
>>977716 >>977717 I didn't even see it as a knee thing, but more as a rape position, especially if there is a female opponent on the ground.
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>>977730 >I didn't even see it as a knee thing, but more as a rape position, especially if there is a female opponent on the ground.
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>>977716 Disregarding how retarded that take is, it's amusing when people get surprised when a villain does villainous things. I have already seen some shitty dicksword takes that they shouldn't have brought back the classic outfit because it would be "glorifying fascists."
>>977739 >Taking discord tales seriously Man, it's like y'all REALLY like to bait and spew stupid shit just for the sake of it, taking seriously what one random stupid retard says with his shit opinión, and making a fuss about it, goddamn
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>>977793 >y'all I'm sorry anon, but it looks like you fell for a master baiter.
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>>978010 >y'all is retarddit, shitter or nigger Shit's why these yankee fucks shoulda been gatekept out of polite society, giving our language a bad name. >>977788 Being said, you act like shit takes don't get parroted and pick up traction by virtue of being on the "right side of history." What are you, fresh off the lily fields?
>>978480 t.plebbitor. And thus, retard.
>>977788 I just thought it was funny that they're so stupid. I also know these people from locals, you know, that place you go to play fighting games. (You don't play only online, do you?) To me they're more than just random retards. I tell them they're stupid and pathetic and how they're wrong all the time and then I go 0-2 kick their ass in every bracket.
Why do I never hear any anons, or anyone really, talking about these fighting games and other similar ones of their era? Why has no modern dev tried to replicate something like them?
>>978516 dude looks like an irl Second Life avatar
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>>977726 Are they pulling out the visual gag of her wearing 50 pounds of make up just look like her old self? >>977717 >Echo chamber You don't say, lefties love to play retard until you dish it out raw, that's where they get their panties in a knot and throw another peaceful arson to their globohomo sugardaddies. >>977739 And totally ignoring that democracy's chosen people love to wear what Hugo Boss designed.
>>979471 Because, all of those games suck ass by most metrics. If you want to not waste 4 years of your life making a fighting game you have to have a non-lame aesthetic concept with competitive autism, or else it will be dead on arrival.
Bump, another trailer for Blazing Strike is supposedly coming out this fall, another delay is expected since this isn't the first time. Just felt like bumping the thread with something.
>>987200 No new footage but at least the GigaMaidens cameo is front and center in every trailer :^)
>>987217 NICE!
>>987217 ... Where?
>>987340 OH SHIT NOW I SEE HER. I thought she was a mountain range.
>opponent has broken leg and enters stage on burger scooter <720 his ass and casually drop into a split God bless the Hayao, King of Clowns
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Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners crossover for Guilty Gear? Fucking WHY?
>>992377 >Dizzy with no tits God I fucking hate NuArcSys
>>992377 >Lucy over Dark Schneider Daisuke is a fucking hack.
>>992410 Not always, if it was 2000s Daisuke we would've got Guts or Dark Scheider due to the dark anime heavy metal story themes involved, now he's just turning it into a generic anime fighting game.
>>992456 Honestly, I would've preferred the actual protagonist of 2077. Although I'd rather have a character that actually fits the dark heavy metal anime theme that GG used to go for.
>>992488 Who are they going to get to voice him now? Since Ishizuka's been dead for six years.
>>992488 >>992497 >>992503 Here's the trailer. Bison's Back, Heihachi's Back, and a few years ago K9999, Rugal, & Ash came back. Who's next in line, Justice for DLC soon?
Is this supposed to be Terry Bogard? More like Tina Borat.
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>>992543 Why the fuck are they doing crossovers instead of focusing on the forgotten characters that never got a 3d model?
>>992547 Shekels.
>>992402 Why would Daisuke bring Darsh when he explicit said he want to move on from the style GG had before?
>>992601 You're right, and it's still shitty.
>>992616 >cringe image Go back to cuckchan /pol/
>>992635 >cringe
>>992635 You're a nigger, go back to the fucking cotton fields Tekken
He does sound brown
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>>992560 More they're trying to get that Fortnite fame after fucking up their hyped up half-assed games. >>992656 He will never be part of the King of Fighters' kool kid klub, bombing semite parasites with flying carpets.
>>992413 Always. He grew up in South Africa and praised ((multiculturalism))). >>992547 Normalfags only give money if there is something famous in it.
>>992890 >Something famous More like the game already fell off along side with the Mortal Kombat reboot.
>>993130 It did. Crapcom is producing a bunch of flops, so the retards at the company are just desperately trying anything, to see if something can work in deceiving normalfags into buying their shitty games and microtransactions cancer.
>>993141 >Flops >Normalfags Nigger OUT OF MY SIGHT
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>>993147 >normalfag as a "bad bad no no" phrase Nigger, get your black ass outta here.
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>>993147 What about those words are out of place for this imageboard, you fucking retard?
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>>992543 Poor guy looks like someone's gonna tell him to live or something.
>>993141 >the retards at the company are just desperately trying anything, to see if something can work in deceiving normalfags into buying their shitty games and microtransactions cancer Have they ever considered making a good game without microtransactions and DLC cancer? I know it's a crazy idea, but stranger things have happened.
>>993240 >A new slur for black people NInja daGGER, would it bypass Jewtube's censorhip?
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>>993309 ayy lmao, I can't unsee it.
>>993529 God I hope their hubris destroys them
>>993529 Millions must get their shit softlocked ala Ubisoft
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Next MK1 dlc >Story expansion >Animalities return and are free >4 costumes for (((pre-order))) >Returning characters: Noob, Cyrax, and Sektor >Guest characters: Ghostface, Ahnold Conan, and T-1000 >Cyrax and Sektor are women now >Robert Patrick is returning to voice T-1000
>>994458 Ghostface is a bit odd, no? I mean, I know humans scale ridiculously in MK verse, but still
>>994458 addendum, i cannot wait for the Conan v T-1000 voicelines
>>994458 >ever playing anything Mortal Kombat LOL!
>>994458 I remember when Mortal Kombat was fun retarded and not stupid retarded.
>>994458 Remember when people played fighting game characters because they looked cool and weren't from a preexisting franchise?
>>994599 name 1 new fighter with new ocs with traction
>>994605 Under Night in Birth?
Has Sion and Akatsuki, so no.
>>994605 The lack of those only proves that normalfags are retards. Not that the games are good. Fighting games were better when they had their own cast, instead of having pedowood and capeshit cancers.
>>994643 How does having two guest characters disqualify the rest of the game from having good "new OCs?"
>>994637 Anon... Under Night is 12 years old now...
>>994458 >Noob Two games in a row now he looks like fucking trash.
>>992488 >>992497 Didn't those idiots play up Heihachi's death in 7 so much that they cannibalized his moveset and gave shit like Electrics to Kuma and angled that Reina girl as his successor? I know he survives shit all the time, but they couldn't even commit to the bit by giving him a 1 game break?
>>995916 Basically, yeah. It would've been fine if it was non-canon DLC like Geese, but it appears to be part of the main story.
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>>995942 We call that M.U.G.E.N., or at this rate Super Smash Bros.
>>995942 >References: The Movie
>>995942 I realized how stupid that shit was several years ago when ERB began intentionally kneecapping characters for the purposes of making their "favorite" character the "obvious" winner.
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>>995958 It was stupid from day 1 I fucking hated all these super clean high production value 2009 channels with corporate networks backing and they were the death of the site, same as any kind of DLC in videogames at the time, guess I have a sixth sense to spot bullshit,
Where the FUCK do I download just a third strike rom? Not a 14GB .zip file containing every fucking rom in existence, not some retarded script to auto download shit, just a fucking third strike rom.
>>996008 https://cdromance.org/dc-iso/street-fighter-iii-3rd-strike/ Isn't the arcade version, but it's a single rom
>>996021 I need whatever the fuck works with fightcade
>>996026 https://gofile . io/d/2uMj9V got your dolphin porn right here
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Garou CotW Queen of fighters is back in town https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RoLli5LBE-4
>>1004020 Will the good mechanics come back? Or will all be dumbed down by committee for the braindead/normalfags/streamers?
>>1004031 i believe in saudi prince wanting game hardcore
>>1004020 God SNK's 3D games just look like shit with these special effects. Especially those fire effects looking like diarrhea
>>1004079 I think they look fine all things considered
>>1004055 He didn't stop the new versions of SNK games to be shit. >>1004079 True. The industry went back to the early days of the Playstation, in which good 2D is abandoned in favor of ugly and generic 3D.
>>1004079 It really does no justice to anime style, and people wills till dicksuck trying to find excuses that the game doesn't look worse than games 2 decades old
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Speaking of downgrades in particular, one example I have an issue with is Under Night 2's UI and layout. It's really stale and bland compared to the first game. The feel and flavor text in the background of the versus screen and victory screens made me feel like I was playing a game that would enhance my playstyle at the dead of midnight. UNI 2 should've just been a rollback update with more of the DLC cause even though there are some changes, the average man who plays both games will barely notice a difference. Tons of people who pretend to care would flock to uni if they just made it a rollback update but at least nothing dramatic got changed and the community is chill.
>>1006457 Luciano's still here? Some things never change.
>Enigma is back
>>1012154 never left
>>1012262 They removed it from one of the resident evil games due to the backlash. Although they're trying it again.
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>>1012154 >there are niggers who will in the same breath shit on companies for putting denuvo in shit then in the same breath slobber all over capcom's cock My hatred for normalfags will eclipse the earth
>>1012154 They do realize that I can just bypass all of this by playing the previous PC versions, in addition to the Saturn/PS1/Dreamcast releases, right?
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>>1012154 my mom has been playing return to innocence on fucking loop for the last 30 years mom I know it's your house but mom PLEASE
>>1012329 They want the screaming nigger audience (who will then just go back to playing the games on Fightcade with Mexicans after the hype wears off)
>>1012359 >Repeating the same shit over and over >While refusing to move on Brainwashed gentile. Something similar happened to me but with Bridget Jones, holy shit the movie fucking sucked it was all about some wagecuck whore deciding if she wants to blow a hobo or a zionist, whole thing felt like 2 movies in one, but the little princess demanded her shitty flick to be replayed over and over just to fantasize her repressed dreams of dating millionaires and traveling to expensive places instead of being stuck with a nagging manchild who knocked her up during one of his many tantrums. >>1012436 While ignoring the crossover went out with a wet fart, killing the whole thing in the process in favor of Yidsney's capeshit games, slave owners wished they had this level of loyalty of room temperature IQ shitskins begging for seconds after getting buck broken.
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! https://archive.is/PLtbs
>>1017029 >second pic Fidget Ball Run?
>>1017055 Yes, it's fucking hilarious
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Guess who's in the new Fatal Fury?
>>1012154 Is that why the online matchmaking was fucked on release until recently?
>>1017164 I like KOF15 and think COTW looks good :(
>>1017164 I don't think anyone could possibly think of this as a "redemption arc." Nobody who was upset in the first place would care about some third worlder that no civilized humans have ever heard of being added to a video game.
>>1017164 One character isn't going to ruin the game anon.
>>1017473 Say that to Danica Patrick and Yogcast in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed. People go out of their way not to unlock Patrick and hate seeing Yogcast online, respectively.
>>1017491 To be fair, the Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed Roster was fucking abysmal from the get-go. I honestly have no idea what they were thinking with some of the choices, why did Danica Patrick and TF2 get in over someone like Kiryu, Akira or hell even Bayonetta.
>>994458 >>994524 Tucker & Dale should guest in MK
>>1017491 Can't say I'm too familiar with Patrick or Yogscast. Mind filling me in on them a little (specifically on why people hate them)? >>1017029 I'm guessing Ronaldo is going to get a stage dedicated to him like Snoop Dogg did in Tekken Tag Tournament 2?
>>1017629 The fat retard had his fanbase brigade the public vote Sega had on who to add next as a DLC racer, beating actual video game characters like Bayonetta, after the disastrous reception to the DLC they stopped adding new characters to the game entirely.
>>1017629 People don't like Danica because she's just not a very good driver. Sega sponsors her car though, which is why she's in the game. Yogs had goons brigade the poll and ruin it for everybody as they always do.
>>1017639 YOGS literally stands for Ye Old Goon Squad. I should have mentioned that. Zoe Quinn was a goon who was active on their brigading boards.
>>1017636 >>1017639 >>1017640 Well fuck me, no wonder people despise him. After looking at the trailer, I noticed that some people defend it by saying it's for a charity called SpecialEffect. It honestly comes across as a pathetic attempt to shield the dlc from well-deserved hate rather than simply wanting to do a good deed.
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>>1017491 >Yogscast What is this, 2011? The only other time I can think of something like was Payday 2's bizarre h3h3 DLC. Except people do sometimes defend it because it added a few cool Israeli weapons with a decent perk deck, and because Hila's addition allowed you to play as an all female crew for the first time. There have been other female heisters since so this as relevant anymore.
>>1017653 You keep repeating that ever since its factually untrue. you dont play videogames.
>>1017720 You dont need to play video games to post about it on /v/ :)
>>1017721 The people who post most to /v/ don't play video games, they just post on /v/, so it looks like /v/ doesn't play video games, but occasional posters play video games.
>>1017930 Videogames are for fucking losers
>>1017721 >>1017930 >>1017940 Only playing videogames is for fucking losers but playing videogames isn't.
>>1017491 >Danica Patrick gets to be in Sega All-Stars >The protagonist of the original PS3 pack-in game isn't in PlayStation All-Stars I'm still waiting for the Sega/Sony crossover just so we can finally get TallaSega Nights, AKA Talladega NiGHTS Into Dreams..
>>1017961 >Danica Patrick gets to be in Sega All-Stars Pussy privilege.
>>1017166 That makes you a retard. >>1017720 Sure thing, paid shill. Crapcom is shit. Nothing will change that.
Capcom is the best videogames company.
>>1018080 On par with Nintendo
>>1017716 >cool Israeli weapons zuz >decent perk deck Tag-team is regarded as one of the worst perk decks in the game due to being centered around a finicky vape that you use to buff and regen health with other heisters. Said vape occupies your throwable slot, limiting your options with it equipped and and is argued to be a downgrade compared to other skills and items (such as how it isn't triggered though walls like how Inspire can, etc.) And Joy is a much better 4th female heister than Hila ever will be.
Rivals of Aether II's out next month.
>>1018139 Will it be better than Rivals 1? Rivals 1 felt like "we have Smash Bros. at home." Like Sakurai had no budget.
>>1017716 >>1018110 It's decently fun
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>Dizzy did not become a nonbinary black plus-sized lesbian with a cock bigger than my arm >Still married to a CIS white man What a disappointment from Arc System. Is your office in California just for show?
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>>1019017 More and more I'm seeing guille­mets being used in place of inverted commas. Do ESLs not realize we don't use those in English? >4chan filenames lmao
>>1019083 I have no idea what the fuck guillemets were until I looked it up and I speak English, that's a french word.
>>1019086 I think that should prove my point, most English speakers don't even know what they are. They're they're used for quotations in French, Italian, (European) Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, and most Slavic languages.
>>1019087 Well no shit, why the fuck should I care what other people call quotation marks in other languages when I'm typing in English.
There is nothing wrong with slayer But shitposting aside, how in the fuck did arcsys not know that he was going to be a massive ass raping machine of a gorilla?
>>1022561 forgot to post a pic as well, like a fucking 'tard.
So I take it that nothing new is happening?
>>1037576 [non sequitur demanding new Virtua Fighter 6] is no longer a meme.
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>Fish counters from afar with heavies >Corner carry >Wallsplat >Super >90% hp gone to a 7 hit combo >Losing character is now canonically a tranny Great fucking game there, Daisuke. Your vision is truly something else.
>>1037673 The thing I have to ask is anyone really "glad" that VF6 is now a thing? After we look at what happened to legacy series like GG and Tekken, and censorship that's happening everywhere.
>>1037576 VF6 is confirmed to be a thing, but yeah nothing new in the general fighting games scene.
>>1037709 I couldn't say. (Dunno the first thing about VF, apart from "bigbrain Tekken".)
>>1037709 Who knows, Denuvo is gonna fuck it up either way.
>>1037746 >bigbrain >fightan anon evo has actual niggers some games are bigbrain but not fightan
>>1037889 Could you at least try reading the rest of the post before chiming in, you doublenigger?
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>>948995 Which fighting game feels like the biggest ripoff? Tekken takes the cake, Street Fighter comes to a second, those turds might even get the 2 dollars tag plastered all over the plastic case or their respective fucking spyware eshop sites and still you'd feel robbed.
tekken 8 salt is amazing
>>1037946 >>1038187 >Tekken was created by the same guy who actually created Virtua fighter (Keichi Ishi, the creator of the VF engine AND characters, not that hack Yu Suzuki) Also as a double twist, Tekken is actually a knock-off of itself as Ishii and his team were only around for the first two Tekken games, before splitting to form Anchor (Fighters Destiny, UFC) and Dream Factory (Tobal, The Bouncer). Harada didn'tactually become involved in the series until Tekken 3.
>>1037946 If we're talking about current releases probably DNF Duel. I got it for free and I'm a huge fan of DNF/DFO and I still can't be arsed to play it, it's so garbage.
>>1038187 >That is what happens when you support any studio or company: it grows and becomes shit. That's something Lucario would say
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>>1038223 Maybe but it's true. Is anyone else old enough to remember when EA was good?
>>1038233 Having control over good games does not mean the company itself was good.
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>>1038233 If a game development company develop good games then it's a good company
>>1038233 That was a long time ago...
>>1017491 >>1017498 I liked Danica Patrick. It was weird. I think they chose her mainly because she was driving in Nascar at the time and she was selected by Sega to drive a car sponsored by the game.
<don't support game companies I dont see you making your own games as an alternative.
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>>1038331 Because then he'd be getting money and support as a game dev company. Although... what would people even be looking for in an "alternative" fighter? I'm struggling to think of ways to stay within the traditional genre while also trying to break the mold, I fear any attempt won't find any significant audience these days considering the discussion is drowned out by the FGC and casuals orbiting around SF, MK, GG, etc.
>>1038331 It isn't the consumer's job to produce.
>>1038339 >Although... what would people even be looking for in an "alternative" fighter? A practical system of parries, blocks, counter-punches, and feints.
>>1038440 Absolver? And For Honor too I guess before they added the Chink faction.
>>1038449 >>1038351 But if you make your own games you can make whatever you want
>>1038197 >before splitting to form Anchor <(Fighters Destiny, holy shit, I never new
>>1038482 Every indie/homegrown fighting game has been a disaster mechanically. The irony is that Tekken and SF are the bar for not being completely retarded gameplay-wise.
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>>1038233 EA was never good
>>1038339 Fighting game, but without any hitstun :^)
>>1038233 >>1038242 >>1038236 >>1038288 >>1038583 EA being good and innovative was so long ago. When they became massive and started buying everyone out (especially Westwood) the company turned into shit. >>1038323 Danica Patrick was chosen, because she was the most recognizable race car driver, because she was hot. She was leading the 2005 Indy 500 at one point, before running out of fuel and became the first female Indycar winner at Twin Ring Motegi in Japan. Her skill set was limited, cause she was crash prone, especially in NASCAR, but she still had mainstream appeal. That's why Sega picked her, because of her popularity with the mainstream media.
>>1038601 Danica Patrick was chosen because she was the most recognizable race car driving woman.
>>1038604 >>1038601 I think everyone can agree that Sega Racing Transformed has one of the worst rosters in a crossover video game in history.
>>1038582 >The irony is that Tekken and SF are the bar for not being completely retarded gameplay-wise. SF6 demonstrates otherwise.
>>1038668 No you're not.
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>>1038668 >>1038672 Focus on you Kasha game first. It's cute and you might be able to make some money off of it. In my opinion the next thing after that should be a beat-em-up featuring one or two of your characters, since brawlers are fighting game adjacent. Maybe you could combine it with some Rampage type mechanics. Good Luck.
>>1038672 why aren't you making prototype versions of GigaMaidens as a rough showcase of ideas and gameplay mechanics so you can refine that later with real programmers. The tools are so fucking easy these days.
He’s still more productive than all of you combined.
I can see the nose protruding from that post holy
>>1039445 Yeah I don't have much of a comeback. I love drive rush because of it being trashy and retarded. Unfortunately man Zeku will never be back because they got ninja negro girl, so I still play 5 a bit
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I don't. It's just one of many things that makes the entire game ludicrously shitty and extremely unfun to play once you reach Master. People shit on SF5 for far less than this. V-Trigger is nowhere near as anti-fun as the drive system. I don't want any of my mains to come back because I hate SF6 far too much to get sweaty at it. Sometimes I think my love of fighting games is honestly starting to die because of SF6 and I have to remind myself that the beautiful games I love still exist in order to calm down. Deep breaths... look at this kickass artwork of Mikey from TMNT Tournament Fighters... there we go, all better.
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>>1038610 And Mario Kart 8 can easily rivalize their retarded decision making, though no e-celebs yet. >>1039445 >SF5 was a much better game than 6 and I'm not joking. The waifus at least looked recognizable plus they rocked on those skins from neglected franchises, now look at the main three female characters that somehow won't die: >GG Allin Cammy >Ashley Butcher Chun Li makes a return >Tumblrina Juri And the other repulsive newcomers, Marissa was definitely a monkey paw wish, they managed to make Kolin look appealing.
>>1039445 Can't even go to a framework where nearly everything is already done for you like MUGEN or something to even test "Basic" ideas like Resource Management or Moveset stuff?
>>1039555 This doesn't exclude you from being able to see how kits could potentially feel in even a reduced environment. Could also go full shitpost and play with Fighter Maker for maximum "Kit Testing"
>>1039583 Stop entertaining PsychoJosh, he's literally jacking off to it.
>>1039534 >And the other repulsive newcomers, Marisa was definitely a monkey paw wish, they managed to make Kolin look appealing. Marisa is god-awful. That just isn't how you design a muscular female, she doesn't even look human, she looks like a shaved gorilla wearing lipstick. This thing too, Manon, it doesn't look even REMOTELY female. I swear to god they most likely wanted to make Manon trans when they designed her, she has an extremely abnormal and disgusting lanky bodytype that does not look female in the slightest, and she even has the transflag colors. But they probably changed it last minute to try and say she was a biofem because they're cowards. And now they're pissing in everyone's hair while saying it's raining. Oh yeah sure Manon was always a biological female. Fucking idiots.
>>1039695 That's a man, man.
>>1039695 >she looks like a shaved gorilla Don’t all the roided out characters look like that?
>>1039778 It's a complete art direction fail. Are they even trying to make Ryu look Japanese anymore? He looks Mexican or something. I know he hasn't looked Japanese in a long ass time but now they may as well stop trying to claim that he is.
>>1039787 This close-up of ryu highlights why using RE engine was just a bad choice overall: >hair just looks like shit, looking more akin to plastic >needless detail like pores, in order to make the game look more "realistic" This is probably the high LOD model of ryu, but even then: >the texture mapping on the gi looks like shit, especially with the darker colors >the seam with the texture above his collarbone, along with the different shading on his neck They should have use a dedicated engine for the game, but even then that would not have solved the problem such as with the art-style, mechanics, and even basic balancing.
>>1039790 They definitely sunk Street Fighter even lower without Yoshinori (Yoko) Ono and now they're relying on Fortine ass DLC, remember SpyXFamily having a lot of common with Shitter Fighter? No? Well have the murderous mother then, makes perfect fucking sense.
>>1039800 the 2 second pic reminds me that i need to play akustski blitzkampf sometime pian in the ass in finding the dl link for the ausf achse version
>>1039831 found a dl link but it's not the arcade version: https://archive.org/details/abk_20211219
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>>1039787 Aryan features give fighters sex appeal, no one wants to (physically) be Japanese.
>>1039787 Ehh, nips can look like that sometimes. I think most of the guys and old women characters look great but the new women characters mostly look fucking terrible. I remember when Manon was first revealed actual trannies were excited because they thought she was a tranny. That's how you know it's fucking bad.
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>>1039787 >>1040405 In the West we get a very specific kind of Japanese phenotype filtered down to us, but in Japan there's a lot of people who don't "look Japanese".
>>1040379 >>1040405 >>1040443 >specific kind of Japanese phenotype filtered down to us >a lot of people who don't look Japanese <1040405 is Ainu <1040443 ainu.jpg This thread's actually the media filtering a specific kind of Japanese phenotype down to us. 16,786 Ainu in Japan from 123,970,000 people. 1/7385 Japanese are Ainu. Japanese don't look Ainu.
>>1040405 Most SEA people don’t have squinty eyes either. Seems like the Yayoi were actually an outlier.
>>1040446 Ainu are just the last pure Jomon that know they are the last pure Jomon and weren't absorbed into a unified Japanese nation until after Edo. Mainlanders can be Jomon to verying degrees. Even with it watered down after hundreds of years of gooks moving in during their bronze age, they can still be really swarthy and have coarse facial hair. But yeah it does look like Ryu does have more deeply set eyes than a normal Jap
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>>1040446 Japs don't have to be Ainu to look like that, they all have Jomon ancestry. I found a schizo jap youtuber who clearly has Jomon features. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=9sWqW8I5zWY
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>>1042243 >shit Yes. Virtua Fighter was always shit. Classic Tekken (up until Tag Team 1) are better.
>>1042271 Classic Tekken was always shit. Mortal Kombat is better.
>>1042293 3D Mortal Kombat is so broken you can legitimately hear a retrospective say something akin to >he has a misflagged attack that does way too much damage and has multiple ways to turn any hit into 100% damage but nobody uses him and he's generally thought of as a a mid-tier
>>1042243 Oh, wow, another rerelease of a 20 year old game that still looks fine even to this day.
>>1042243 This game sold 25 copies in its lifetime in the west but nonetheless every time we get a new one of these, a quadrillion termite crawl out of the woodwork to pretend they care about this franchise and get mad that they're doing another rerelease of VF5 instead of doing a VF6 which they also would not buy or play. Only Japs care about this series, but in any case, at least they're finally bringing it to Steam. I will check it out.
>>1042293 Non-Japanese game = automatically shit.
>>1042341 I know this might be hard for your weeb ass to comprehend but "Japanese game" has not been a rock-solid marker of quality since the PS2. Keiji Inafune sold out the entire Japanese game industry in the middle of the Xbox 360 era and gaming never recovered.
Like you're calling SF6 a quality game? Are you stoned out of your fucking mind?
They're censoring the photo mode in STRIVE now. Any "improper angles" will result in transparency.
>>1042347 Transparency of what? Should be clothes.
>>1042351 The character models themselves.
>>1042318 I'll keep an eye out on how it does at least, now that it will actually have functional online and be on an accessible platform that people use. Let's see >VF5FS If your PS3 or 360 hasn't exploded yet personally I plugged both of mine in last month to play some random shit and they both yellow lighted/red ringed so rip it was a good run then you also will be dealing with nobody but half dozen autistic gods online. Good luck getting all the Strive trannies at locals to pick it up. >VF5US Paid online, and despite releasing it in the middle of memeflu they did not change the netcode so all the people who got it for free with PSN+ dropped it in two days. Other than that same status as original >this Will not be the VF revolution that the delusional "VF fans that never played VF" are hoping for, but it will at least be relegated to going on sale for $10, and whipping it out whenever you wanna fuck around with friends, and will hopefully be reliable online with rollback.
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>>1042352 When you know your game will suck tremendous cock you're better off waifubaiting, in fact a million dollar idea would be to lure the players into beating a game with retarded difficult and bullshit Ai just to unlock slutty outfits for the token waifus.
>>1042347 It's less transparency and more them getting replaced with an error sign like you forgot to load your Counter Strike Source files in GMOD.
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>>1042347 >Bridget gets fucked on the way into Strive >and on the way out of Strive George is getting upset.
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>>1042347 For some reason the decay of this franchise is hitting closer to home than others that have shared the same faith. One of my brother’s friend brought the game in the summer of 2002 and was hooked instantly. I remember when I saw the game on the Genshinken anime and became an even bigger fan, just because I was a huge weeb back then. Never played it competitively, always 1vs1 against the computer, maybe that is why I resent tournifags so much. When these games were played in tournaments and it was mostly a niche thing in Japan they didn’t seem to suffer in any way. People love those old games, even if the characters are not “balanced” or have a “problematic” design or backstory. And what probably hurts the most is Ishiwatari’s spitting on the face of the people that helped him build the franchise and other ventures. At least in other franchises you know the original team has been gone for a while, this is not the case. In 2008 I broke up with a Korean gf (before it was popular!) and stayed all night playing Accent core plus while talking on msn with a friend lost to time and life.
>>1043013 >even if the characters are not “balanced” "Balancing" is one of the greatest banes of modern games. Not just fightan either.
>>1043013 Strive pozzing the entire series hits me hard too. Nowadays you can't talk about the old games without some twitter tranny fucktard going "UMM THIS OLD THING WAS PROBLEMATIC AND IT'S SO NOT GUILTY GEAR OKAY?" Yeah, Strive trannies are going around saying old Dizzy "does not scream Guilty Gear" because she shows too much skin. However, one silver lining is that Strive community is slowly getting exposed among normalfags as the terrible human beings they are and are well on their way to be Smash 2. The series is fucked beyond repair, there's no turning back from Strive. But so are its players fucked and left with 0 credibility and respect.
>>1043106 What's stopping them from hopping off of GG and onto BB since some people still see the series as "GG Lite"?
>>1042639 >If your PS3 or 360 hasn't exploded yet personally I plugged both of mine in last month to play some random shit and they both yellow lighted/red ringed so rip it was a good run
>>1043111 Ass and titties. Quite literally. Works as the perfect deterrent against The Herd™.
>>1043126 Many porn artists on twitter bluesky who draw massive titties and ass are members of the heard though.
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AQUAPAZZA COMING TO STEAM BITCHES SUPPORT SMALL JAPANESE BUSINESSES WHO SAY NO TO THE WEF JAPAN WILL RISE AGAIN THROUGH THE UNBRIDLED FREEDOM OF PC https://store.steampowered.com/app/3229260/AQUAPAZZA_Aquaplus_Dream_Match/ but seriously though DMM should hop on the PC market bandwagon instead of just publishing, as a backup >>1043126 >>1043145 That's kind of the opposite of what's going on now though. Fanservice is coming back in vogue because normalfags have stopped spending money on vidya and companies don't feed themselves with Xitter likes or "IOUs" from GARM. Ishiwatari is going to regret his pandering once a few years pass. also the Jack-O pose that blew up came from Xrd, AKA the SEXUALIZED as hell arcade game with Jam's day of the week pantsu, Strive only has the fake tranny as its "cultural impact" Bridget being a josou seme fucking a girl when
Files that were intended to be in the previous post.
>>1043292 >Ishiwatari is going to regret his pandering once a few years pass. GG will either die and he'll start a new GG with blackjack and shota or he'll retcon/spin off away from the cancer and never mention STRIVE again.
>>1043292 >but seriously though DMM should hop on the PC market bandwagon instead of just publishing, as a backup I thought DMM had their own store.
>>1043330 They do but it sucks and they lock it mostly to Japan
>>1043292 >DMM should hop on the PC market bandwagon DMM has a shitton of porn games and manga, so does DLsite
Fighting games suck balls, every one. Real fighting is rapid and tactical. It's about guessing which of infinite possible actions your opponent will take and countering that, with real-time feedback in time-frames of a few hundred milliseconds. You punch high, unless he's guarding in which case you block low unless the high guard was a feint, in which case you move left to grab his right wrist unless he's not committed in which case you twist... fighting games are about placing your character exactly the right place and pushing the right buttons at the right time based on highly predictable patterns. Fighting games aren't about tactics, they're about reflexes, and not sophisticated ones. And that's boring and lame.
>>1042347 God forbid anyone should appreciate female sexuality. That's misogyny. Or ignore female sexuality, that's also misogyny.
>>1043382 Anon, female sexuality is writing books about getting raped or writing books about a man raping another man.
So tekken 8 is winning the game awards right? Audience vote is only 10%.
>>1043408 I'm hoping for Granblue VS Rising to win, personally. Found it the most enjoyable of the nominees and it's funny to see all the "literally who?"-esque reactions to the nomination alone, much less the storm and asshurt that would generate from it beating out MK and Tekken. Also has plenty of sexy women in it, including multiple lolis (even if one is just a fancy random button). The game also has the distinction of being the only UE5 game that doesn't run like a piece of shit and doesn't mandate the user employ a bunch of experimental upscaling tech in order to function, probably because the latency such introduces would make a fightan unplayable.
>>1043381 Modern fighting games are less tactical. Older ones were better at replicating this feel. I too pine for the day fighting games were intuitive and didn't revolve around idiotic mechanics that weren't necessary. By the way, just had to confirm for myself but Bluesky is a tranny hugbox because of course it is lol. Nothing but fucking rectangle-jawed "I pass" father haters and their braindead orbiters.
>>1043408 Are you kidding me? Geoff is most likely going to veto all the votes and make it so that Multiversus wins for the second year in a row (when it shouldn't even have been nominated the first time due to still being in early access). It'll give the game a shot in the arm and people will play it again for about a month and it'll die again. Don't place any importance on the game awards, what an absolute joke.
>>1043439 >Bluesky is a tranny hugbox Like most art sites, it's not even worth catching up to the flavor of the month artists whose genitalia will get mutilated just to fit in with the kewl kidz.
>>1043441 Literally THE MOST BEAUTIFUL woman, bigot. And her most beautiful five o'clock shadow, chud. This was an experience I had there earlier today and I ruined the days of like 20 suicidal troons who were crying about their rights being taken away. Kinda knew my account would get nuked but whatever lol
>>1043381 The flesh billboard (Justin Wong) even admitted on vide, years ago, that in order to win at fighting games you need to find the lamest invincible attack (or setup) and spam it over and over again, because until you miss, the opponent will be already near defeat, then you just start spamming again until you win. then repeat it through all matches. Indeed, it is literally for niggers and ant "people".
>>1043408 Does winning the game awards increase the enjoyment of the game?
>>1043381 >Fighting games aren't about tactics, they're about reflexes, and not sophisticated ones. And that's boring and lame. No fighting games are about playing as a cast of colorful ethnic and social stereotypes, hot girls, and the occasional freak of nature all using their personal magic kung fu and slinging fireballs against each other. Or at least they use to be before the FGC ruined everything. Fuck balance. Fuck DLC seasons. Fuck Core Values. Fuck everything being SF2 clones.
>>1043441 >First image These idiots do realize that there are other demographics in Israel, right? Such as the Christians and the Muslims that live in the country and are a large enough population that they can effect the politics and government of it. >Second pic <Social justice seeks to establish equality for everyone And it does it through the methods of equity, critical theory, and repressive tolerance because their concept of "equality" is "Only Socialists are equal, everyone else doesn't have a soul".
>>1043381 >Fighting games aren't about tactics, they're about highly predictable patterns and reflexes, and not sophisticated ones. >>1043463 >you need to find the lamest invincible attack (or setup) and spam it over and over again, because until you miss, the opponent will be already near defeat, then you just start spamming again until you win. then repeat it through all matches. Indeed, it is literally for niggers and ant "people". Fighting games do have more well-ranked niggers than any genre because, more than any genre, optimal metafagging's accessible to retards. SonicFox is a gay nonbinary black furry who attends fighting game tournaments in his fursuit, shit that never happens in genres like RTS (Korean-dominated) or puzzle (White and Asian-dominated) whose metas require intelligence. Fighting games still are exciting games, they don't suck balls. Games aren't Jordan Peterson with an office cabinet, they don't need to test your IQ to be exciting games, and reflex games aren't bad for being reflex games. Karate-kicking the shit out of some fag blows off steam.
>>1043456 That has to be a troll. No way would some fag call Shrek in lipstick the most beautiful woman he's seen all day.
>>1043440 >Multiversus launches again for real this time >Buy Geoff off >Nominated because technically it released this year >Multiversus wins WOW HOW SHOCKING >People play for a week or two >Ded >Come next year >Multiversus launches again for real this time I see your pattern WB.
>>1043381 Sounds like scrub talk to me
>>1043381 Please play fighting games before you talk about them. >>1043463 He always says this, he's known for "playing lame." But use your head about what you said, that is literally how you should play any game where you're against another person - don't get hit and hit them more. Mitigate risk and incentivize them to take risk. Don't go all "if you kill them, then they win." >>1043570 That niggerfaggot can't win at anything besides kusoge, unfortunately in modern communities you can go far by wearing your mental illness on your sleeve.
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If you've been seeing weird bumps on this thread know that was me trying to figure out why my uploads kept bugging out. In any case I now can present the other files that were meant to accompany >>1043292
Modern fighting games require you to do too much homework. They're made for esports faggots by suits who don't actually understand what makes them fun which is why they introduce complete anti-fun mechanics like drive rush and use the games as vehicles to sell burritos and gamer chairs.
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All you MFs talking about Modern Fighters this, Modern Fighters that, where the MFs playing classics at?
>>1043570 >SonicFox is a gay nonbinary black furry who attends fighting game tournaments in his fursuit, shit that never happens in genres like RTS (Korean-dominated) or puzzle (White and Asian-dominated) whose metas require intelligence. I guess technically speaking, the few tranny top players of Starcraft 2 are still white, but it's a stretch to say those types aren't seen in other genres
>>1043750 I'll be down to play some Marvel Super Heroes
>>1043750 >where the MFs playing classics at? Modern fighters have zero interest in playing anything that isn't popular and current. And I have tried seeing if I could get anyone playing anything from classic 3D fighters like Tech Romancer to "recent" 2D fighters like BB:CT. They just don't care. The only explanation I've seen people give is that, "No one plays those because no one else is playing them. And no one else is playing them because these people want to go to fighting game tournaments." The only exception I've seen was two guys playing DoA, but even they were playing the inferior DoA6 as opposed to DoA5.
>>1043751 I guess technically speaking, that is correct, though not a Starcraft 2 top player problem. It's a young adult problem which players typically are, in 2022 1 in 20 young adults identified as transgender or nonbinary. >Approximately 5 percent of young adults in the U.S. identify as transgender or nonbinary, and an increasing number say they know someone who is trans, according to data released in June 2022 by the Pew Research Center. Gender/sexuality and intelligence are weakly related though, while race and intelligence are strongly related. Trannies are unwise, but some are intelligent, like the Linux trannies who develop good open source software.
>>1043751 What are you talking about? There's only 1 high level tranny player in SC2, and the other top level pros are clearly better than him and have none of that gender/fag shit afaik.
>>1043024 Agree. >>1043106 >one silver lining is I think all tournifags should be ousted as terrible human beings, not only strivefags. >>1043310 Would you support him? I wouldn't. I don't care if he makes shotaxloli xx maximum impact revelations featuring sweat, dirt and bodily fluid physics ok maybe i would. But he won't >>1043750 Favourite era of fightan is 96 to 2006. I don't know if you would call that classic. I love ps1 fighters.
>>1043744 You say that, but when people go and make an intentionally simpler fighting game it gets mocked by people for being too simple instead. That's what happened to Granblue VS (the first one) at least and the non-soku touhou fighting games. Well, that and in GBFVS's case the game was horribly balanced at launch to such a degree it makes me wonder if the anons in this thread shitting on balance have ever played a truly unbalanced fighting game where 1-2 characters are far and away best in the roster across every skill level to a point it causes a prisoner's dillema surrounding the character. There's a difference between homogenized balance and reasonable "balance" where most matchups end up 6.5-3.5 at worst across most skill levels. Fighters ideally shouldn't devolve into RPS or tier whoring being required to be fun. And even with simple games, knowledge checks will always exist in some shape or form, and those will always be the biggest turnoff to outsiders of the genre and people coming from other fightans, if you try to get rid of those you just get rid of any uniqueness the game could have between characters. >>1043798 The issue often comes down to knowledge checks and the large amount of knowledge some fighters require if you want to compete with randoms/strangers. A lot of fighting games are good for BSing around with friends, given, and that's what they SHOULD be good for, but a lot of people have this odd mentality about fighting games where if the skill gap is too high to where they can't play it with randoms they shouldn't play it at all. I would never want to sit down and learn high-level Blazblue CF, for example, but unlike most people that doesn't turn me off from playing it with friends, so long as they can hold back and not abuse certain checks to kingdom come, the matches feel mostly fine.
>If you're better than me you're worse than me: shitposter edition: the thread
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>>1043954 Exactly. To avoid that i just play offline and don't have any friends. Then i just lie on the internet about how many tournaments i won.
>>1043819 I won't unless he shows legitimate remorse.
>>1043886 I'm of the opinion that fighting games need to be fun in single player before they worry about being balanced. Balance is not something you worry about at launch (or sometimes at all). If you can't have fun playing a game's single player modes then either your game just sucks or you're playing fighting games for the wrong reason. I can go back and play TMNT Tournament Fighters on Super Nintendo or Alpha 3's World Tour mode on Dreamcast and have a great time. This is the litmus test: the game isn't fun to play this way, then why would it be fun to play sweatily against anons online?
>>1044108 Don't forget that "fun" in fightan often means being unfair, like the final fight with Bison is SFA3 when he has full super meter at all times, forcing you to play defensively. Broken in MP, but for a SP campaign it's an anus clenching battle the first you you experience it.
>>1044108 Player opinions of Who's in what tier change as players improve too.
>>1044152 >>1044115 >>1044108 Fun also includes silly joke characters and gimmick characters that can be shitty or powerful depending on how you use them.
>>1044165 Fun also includes being able to fuck with dip switches like in Third Strike Dreamcast >Juggle Limitations Removed >Ability to use all Super Arts >Parry Timings >Parry Rewards >Health/Damage Scaling >
>>1044207 Dipswitch sounds like a slur. A dipshit bitch. Fucking dipswitches.
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>>1045357 What game?
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>>1045364 Dunno'. But we need to go back to fighting games featuring cute (and sexy!) jewish girls fighting each other.
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>>1045388 Touki denshou isn't exclusively high school related but Chibiko makes it all worth it.
>>1043441 >Fourth image Do these faggots not realize that the Japanese also hate this inevitable train wreck with a burning passion? >>1043292 I will forever be glad that BlazBlue ended when it did.
Question: how anal is fightcade about roms? Will any roms i get off internet archive work, or do i need to get specific ones?
>>1045397 They have a tool for automagically downloading the correct ROMs. afaik tho, if you get the correct ROM set specified, you could probably just plug and play
>>1045388 Only White girls can be cute and sexy. All jewesses are ugly freaks.
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>>1045810 Josh, just shut the fuck up.
>>1045821 >He thinks I'm that other guy Josh, for fuck's sake, that looks like a parody of your own art it's so bad.
At this point Josh can probably be b& under rule 8
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>>1045821 >morbidly obese species-mixed purple-haired girl-bossed nigger-skinned tumblr-style scaly freak
>>1045825 >At this point Josh can probably be b& under rule 8 Should under rule 3 too. >If you are not sure whether something is safe for work or not, err on the side of caution and spoiler it. At work, boss sees my fake nudes of Taylor Swift? He'd chuckle. "Get your randy ass to work, son." But catching me on >>1045821 which >>1045827's calls a: >morbidly obese species-mixed purple-haired girl-bossed nigger-skinned tumblr-style scaly freak Or Josh's butch WWE homofetish anthrotrannies, 95 percent naked and manlier than Stallone in fuckin Rambo? He'd be horrified, I'm fired in a second. "What the fuck? Get your things, get the fuck out."
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>Do shit majority won't like >Majority don't like it <How can the majority not like it? It's all the same guy. The same guy!!! What a dipswitch.
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>>1045842 His previous post was over 36 hours ago.
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>>1045825 Done and done.
>>1045919 That'd be big talk if you had an actual product but you don't; Not defending mork the pork here but you're a retarded faggot lmao. hire a coder & make a lewd game already you stupid nigger.
>>1045919 I wish your product flops and you go into depression and kill yourself. It will be funny to watch.
Fuck off Josh, no one wants you here.
>Josh is melting down
>>1045961 He's literally LCP/Willy tier, and I wish he'd fuck off from the internet forever.
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What in the sweet merciful christ is happening in here? Josh finally snaps? Half wonder if I could pull a "I'll follow your dreams" and make a giantess kaiju fightan before he could. Don't think I have that much 'tism in me to pull it off though.
>>1045973 Do it, it would be funniest shit if you beat him to market and stole his designs.
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>>1045973 >>1045974 >tetradev (forma gigantico) Imagine the sperging.
With speculation for Marvel vs. Capcom 4 increasing due to the collection, what kind of roster would you want to see as a roster (even if we know Capcom/Disney will fuck it up)? What do you think of other anon's hypothetical lists? Using MVC3's 36 playable character (18 each) plus 14 (7 each) added in DLC and expansions as a basis for size, I think this would be pretty nice, mixing Capcom Vs. mainstrays with new ones that haven't been in a Capcom vs. yet and including a broad (rather than deep) slice of both company's IPs. * indicates unlockable Capcom 1: Ryu 2: Chun-li 3: Akuma* 4: Morrigan Aensland 5: Mega Man (Classic) 6: Roll 7: Protoman EXE 8: Aile 10: Tron Bonne 11: Jill Valentine 12: Ryu (Breath of Fire, called either "Brood" or "Dragon Clan" by announcer. Uses original design to both be able to talk and reference every game, like Pit's new design in Brawl, judge interest in a new game.) 13: Dante 14: Amateresu* 15: Firebrand 16: Rathalos (2 slot) 17: Daimon (2 slot)* 18: Usagi Kurokawa (Actually stands in background while G-Red fights as an summon/assist based character. Every character that can speak shouts her name when calling her as an assist)* Capcom Extra 1: Zero 2: Frank West 3: Hayato Kanzaki 4: Super 8 (Devilotte) (2 slot) 5: Wesker 6: Liu Bei (Tenchi wo Kurau version. It can't be that hard to re-license given how few people remember it outside of Capcom's Destiny of an Emperor/Dynasty Wars/Warriors of Fate. Fights with a mix of Capcom brawler tributes, his horse, and summoning random Tenchi wo Kurau characters) 7: Jack the Slayer 8: (Viewtiful) Joe Black Marvel: 1: Captain America 2: Iron Man 3: Thor* 4: Spider-Man 6: Wolverine 7: Storm 8: Rocket Raccoon 9: Doctor Doom 10: Super-Skrull 11: Black Panther 12: Frank Castle 13: Blade 14: Shuma-Gorath* 15: Daredevil
[Expand Post]16: Hulk (2 slot) 17: Sentinel (2 slot)* 18: Power Pack (Primarily Alex with Julie, Jack, and Katie as projectiles and traps)* Marvel extra: 1: Venom 2: Namor 3: Deadpool 4: Rhino (2 slot) 5: Silver Surfer 6: Magneto 7: Joseph Bishop 8: Ghost Rider
>>1046023 I would actually prefer Megaman X to Classic since X was highly requested but appeared in the most unappreciated MvC game. Although I'd rather have something like a Jump VS Capcom or a Square Enix VS Capcom rather having Marvel again considering what happened with Infinite. Oh, and your list is missing Nero and Vergil as DLC
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>>1046124 >Picture Didn't read, fucking gross.
>>1046125 Man why are you even giving him attention, ignore and report
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>>1046124 I mean I think it's neat. >>1046130 >>1046131 >>1046126 Josh just make your own board and then post both there and here. That way at least you'll have a place where stuff can get archived where you have Janny level control. You can even make your own board CSS! It's fun!
>>1046149 >because I don't know how to do CSS stuff. Easiest thing in the world. Just go to a board with a non default CSS and Inspect > style editor > scroll down to custom.css on the left and copy and then swap things around until you like it. You can test our CSS up in the little gear icon on the site header. I'd suggest use >>>/delicious/ css as a base since it has all the basic elements without getting confusing. Good luck.
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>>1043578 Also the only rare instance of TimeWarner giving a shit about their many IP's. >>1045816 >>1045819 >>1045822 >>1045825 >>1045827 What did I miss, what shit did he post that has surpassed levels of disgust and horror enough to get banned?
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>>1046376 Hyperfat Giantess Lamia
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>thread is still on page fucking 1 >faggot retard makes a new thread
>>1046425 This thread has gone to shit tbh, better to make a new thread
>>1046428 That's not a reason to ignore the fucking board rules.
>>1046440 Perhaps you're right, but in this case I'm gonna make an exception due to certain factors in play.
>>1046463 So we moving threads then?
>>1046415 She's pretty fat, but I wouldn't call her hyperfat.
>>1045973 it'd be funny if we organized

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