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The insane defense of the modern state of gaming Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 16:52:18 Id: 4ba64c No. 950740
I decided to make proper thread about the state of idiots who defend the horrible state of gaming today. Not to be confused with that one retard who is trying to keep his (games don't need anything past the GameCube's tech) argument, I want to talk about the overall defense of shit that is actively ruining our hobby. >The defense of bad localisation Now I'll add a different spin on this on for you anons, I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. >The defense of horrid optimisation Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. >The defense of bad business practices Now this is the current talk of the town with Dogma 2's blunders blowing this conversation throughout the web. Now I'll say this some of them do have a some valid points which I'll address >Capcom did this for years and now you give a shit? >Many of the people are doing this because of Twitter or YouTubers and following trends >Sensationalism Now while they aren't totally incorrect about the above, this is still deflecting from the elephant in the room that being none of this shit should be tolerated period. The whole "this doesn't effect me or it doesn't effect the game as it's minor" bullshit you hear from people, is the reason why this shit has gotten worse and worse in the past 15 years. Also Nintendofags do this to a cultish degree for Nintendo. >The defense of the politicisation of gaming Regardless of political spectrum (Right, Left and centre) this politicisation of the gaming industry has fucked the hobby and the retards who try to spin "games have always had political subject matters" ignoring that much of those themes weren't based on contemporary politics like who you hate in office. >The defense of tumblr gender pronouns Need I say anymore /v/? >The defense of the casualising or dumbing down of various game genres The fags who defend this shit to appeal to newcomers need to be fucking shot, as back in the day you either learned the mechanics or fucked off. I feel this should be a better thread as it's actually talking about problems in gaming.
I'm not talking about among the media and normalfags, I mean on imageboards. It seems like, over the past few years, there's been more and more vocal people trying to defend the current industry with arguments that typically appear like the following: >These games require more powerful systems This is one of the most common ones I see. Typically in regards to the Switch but it's more than just that. Over the past console generation, companies have been releasing almost entirely their back catalog of titles dating all the way back to the 1980's. While this isn't entirely "new", what IS "new" is how companies are increasingly treating these releases like they're big blockbuster productions. For some reason, compilations like the MM Battle Network and the MGS collection are treated just as big as a singular Mega Man or Metal Gear game used to (If not, bigger). And this is if they're not outright remaking the game, but with "modern sensibilities" and cut content (That will be sold as DLC) like what happened with Persona 3 Reloaded and REm4ke. And seeing the fact and overwhelming amount of these games date from the fifth and sixth gen (Now moving onto the seventh gen with Dead Spoace and TLoU), the question quickly becomes why do ANY of these games require the latest systems when we're playing the same games from 20 years ago? Better graphics? Games from as far back as 2007 look fine and still look fine. Better gameplay? They're lowering the skill level and difficulty required to play games in order to be "accessible" to "new players" (IOW people who never play games and never will play games) and any and ALL complaints made about means you’re justing being an “elitist” or liking “dated gameplay”. Better technology? They're doing the same shit people were already doing for the past 30 years, except now it requires 10x the amount of power to do it and often implement it in such a shitty way that it might as well not be there. What is the point of a new console when nothing has progressed, and even companies are admitting (By their own actions) that games from 20 years ago looked and played better than games of today? >Why are you making a big deal about the games being pozzed/censored? Because that tells me that the games are being made by political activists who want to shove their agenda down my throat. And I cannot ignore these guys when they have friends in or ARE the very media and companies who promote and release video games. This isn't comparable to the typical "Cigar chomping executive" who's one and only concern is if they'll make a profit. What these people care about is forcing their political opinion onto each and every person across the globe (They'll never be satisfied with controlling only their own little corner of the market) no matter the cost. And will do everything within their power in order to ensure people who disagree with them are never heard from. Even if, you somehow go behind their back and become successful without any of their input, these people have made it abundantly clear that they will make it their life's sole purpose from that point forward to ruin you and everyone around you for daring to defy them. Why do you want to support an environment like that? >I don't care if the game is pozzed or made by political activists, I only care if the game is good. Ignoring the points of the previous paragraph, why are you supporting these people who make it clear that they hate your very existence? In literally every other context, for example you have a guy selling something but he constantly exposes how he'll "Mow down niggers" the first chance he gets, you would never give that person money. So why is it different the moment it comes to entertainment? There is no separating an "artist" from their "work" when said artist uses the profit made from that work to literally change the environment everyone else operates in to benefit them and only people that think like them. Much more, it's become abundantly apparent who's effecting the world and what agenda they're trying to push, but you think that somehow benefiting that game that only pushes a "fraction" is going to result in things change course. No it won't. All it does is makes them become more bold in their actions as they "salami slice" their way to controlling everything and the ground around you crumbles from a lack of foundation. So why are you benefiting these people instead of playing games that DON'T have any of this political activism thrown in?
It doesn't matter what skinsuit you wear. People are still not going to believe your bullshit about game systems and PCs not needing to be any more powerful than the gamecube.
>>948706 yeah but I see it across all mediums, movies, books. Only gonna talk because its popular, only gonna watch it so they can talk about it online
>an entire thread asking why people make (You) bait posts >>>/vb/
>>948706 Oh god, this is gonna be fun.
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>GC Nuke this thread and move on.
>>948735 The post in your image is agreeing with OP's point but for some reason acting like it disagrees. Yes, the hardware has gotten better, but that doesn't matter if the software hasn't gotten better. That's the whole point. The software hasn't gotten better. The games aren't better. They look and play almost exactly like games from several generations ago. Previous generations had big improvements that changed the games that were possible. That stopped at least two generations ago. Things like "Mode 7" and sprite scaling and rotation, not to mention simply much higher resolution (and relative resolutions which made it so a higher resolution was actually noticeable) made a big difference between games from the NES era and the SNES era. And though we got a couple of early 3D games like Star Fox, the difference between SNES and N64 was so absurd it was like a whole new world, or rather, a new dimension. Whole genres that weren't possible before, like 3D platformers and 3D fighting games, which play totally different than their 2D counterparts, were now possible. Then there are things like racing games, which technically existed going back to Pole Position or whatever, but 3D made them so much more playable it made you question how you ever bothered with 2D ones trying to pretend to be 3D. And this is ignoring the video and audio enhancements CD brought to the table. Yes, there was the Sega CD and Turbografx CD, but they barely made a dent in the market, and it took until the PS1 before the sound and video capabilities were used very effectively, especially regularly. Then the PS2 came around and we got not only noticeably better graphics, but much more feasible netplay (well, I should credit the Dreamcast with that), as well as a plethora of open world games. Yes, there were a couple on PS1, like Driver, but clearly it was the generation after that that made them a lot more feasible, hence how they flooded the market. And as much as I'm sick of open world now, it was a technological leap. Even with 360 and PS3, I can't deny that the difference in graphics was staggering, and online became much more standardized, but that latter bit was a double edged sword, as it lead to the rise of downloadable garbage. Things that previously would have been unlockables were now DLC. Go download your games so that they can be taken away from you later. It sucked, but it was a difference. But PS4 and Xbox One? Can you even tell the difference between games for those and games for the systems before them? You have to count the fucking pixels like some sort of photoshop expert detecting shoops just to tell the difference. People make fun of the "bit wars" and how advertising put everything down to numbers back then, but you could glance at games and games from different gens looked a world apart, or at least the good ones that sold the systems did. But now you legitimately have people arguing about differences in resolution and framerate that nobody can notice at a glance, and I know they can't because if you take their arguments at face value, it means every game from the 20th century, and the early 2000s, for that matter, is literally unplayable, because they weren't at 4K 120fps or whatever. Ocarina of Time is literally unplayable, because it runs at like 20 FPS. Absolute garbage game. But Last of Us? Well it was shit on PS3, and it was shit on PS4, but the PS5 version? Finally runs at a high enough resolution and framerate to let us all appreciate how it is the best game ever made. Finally, video games are finally good.
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>>948706 >I've rustled your jimmies twice now
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It feels like we have 5 threads which are more or less the same bitching about the industry all worded in different ways
>>948755 This thread is just GC trying to start his same old bullshit, at least the Framerate guy had the decency to fuck off for the most part save for his occasional "I'm not that guy but I'm going to proceed to defend him super hard" stuff.
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>>948755 There's only so much to say positively about vidya without repeating ourselves, especially when good new games are so few and far between now. It's the same reason /vr/ never has that much activity. There's only so much to say about retro games. Sure, you can replay them a lot, but there's only so much to talk about.
Reminder that HBO publicly admitted to hiring fake reviews and shills for its content. If HBO was doing it everyone in entertainment over a certain dollar value has been doing it.
Protondb has all you need to know about a game's performance. If it's reported to run like shit there then don't buy it. If your gaming pc has worse specs than a $400 handheld then what are you doing?
>>948755 Anons are very good at writing
>>948757 I disagree, there's always a new perspective that can be gleaned from things and not everyone is around the time where certain things were discussed last occasion most have seen, nevermind the reality that rarely does one thread or discussion cover everything in a game/piece of media. Though I suppose ecelebs are to be blamed for opinions and discussion points homogenizing and making things less fun to talk about overall. If old media in general have something noteworthy they can be discussed over and over with newer detail coming to light, especially when talking about them with newer people. Even if discussion tends to go in circles there's the benefit of hindsight divorced by years providing further understanding.
>>948767 Well sure. That's why I'm not complaining about the repetition. It's fine because sometimes new stuff does pop up, but don't be surprised if that doesn't happen often.
>>948767 So a talmud of commentary for favored games?
>>948767 Damn, now I wanna stream that movie.
>>948706 Consoomer brand loyalty, console war faggotry, and company dickriding. If some dude spent two decades defending the honor of the PlayStation or Square Enix or some sell-out series, his identity's so thoroughly tied to it it that when you show him that what he fondly remembers got pozzed with buttfucking AIDS and died, in his gone mind you may as well have spit on his mother. It's what drawing Mohammad is to a Muslim, so he'll charge into battle in defense of his sacred cow, shooting the messenger in the head and downplaying the infection with cope. And it DOES suck balls to have your culture destroyed. Can't expect everyone to handle it like a pro.
>>948776 I don't get it. I have no problem at all admitting that things I love are flawed, or that things I used to love have now been ruined. Even many of my favorite TV shows, for example, when I watch them, or if I try to show them to friends, I make fun of them as I do, because I can acknowledge the flaws and still like them. And I can also tell my friends to stop after Season (whenever it became bad), or to stop looking at entries after (whenever the series got shitty). But then some of those same friends will try to show me things they like, and I'll act exactly the same as when I watch things I like, and I'll make fun of the silly things, even if I'm enjoying it, but they'll get all offended. It's like it's all or nothing with some people. I don't get how they can't understand how you can love something but still see flaws. In a way, you can even come to enjoy those flaws, but while still acknowledging that they are flaws.
>>948706 >It seems like, over the past few years, there's been more and more vocal people trying to defend the current industry Think about it. The industry has been shit for what? almost two decades now? During that time more and more people grew up with this as their vidya. They defend crap because this is all they know. They were never there for the better times, so they will happily consume trash because that is normal to them. Honestly, I'm just glad so many have been waking up to this fact in recent years. >>948790 >they'll get all offended People can get really invested in shit and having you mocking their time waster of choice is akin to directly mocking them. Some fags need to remember that you don't need to agree on everything to be friends with someone. I mean I used to be able to have civil/respectful debates over political shit, but I won't even try it these days. People have been conditioned into being extremely tribal over everything.
>>948706 Paid shills and marketeers. all desperate and irrelevant. Even among normalfags, the industry is seem as cancer. Remove the jews and the leftards, and the industry will be good again.,
>So butthurt about being told he made a whole gaslighting thread
>>948790 >and I'll act exactly the same as when I watch things I like, and I'll make fun of the silly things, even if I'm enjoying it, but they'll get all offended. The attitude your friends have is the same one I have when it comes to watching anime and someone comes by and points about the "Squaky voices going 'Nip Nong Ping Pong'". In my case, it's not that I'm offended or can't take a joke, it's because of I have a certain mindset while I'm watching it because I'm immersed in the show and it's story. And someone coming along and breaking me out of that immersion ruins the "fun" I was having. Don't know if that's what's going on with your friends, though.
>>948820 You forgot about removing feds who are funding the industry in the first place
>>948798 >mocking their time waster of choice is akin to directly mocking them. But that's the thing. I'm not even really mocking. I do it with things I like, too. It's just having fun. Acknowledging the flaws can be fun, and it doesn't have to mean you dislike it. I can play Sonic, for example, and make jokes about how it's autistic as fuck. I'm included in that autistic fanbase, and I can joke about that. I'll admit when shows I like are super gay or whatever, and I can make jokes about that while still enjoying it. It's not a big deal. I'll watch Dragon Ball Z and joke about how they charge their attacks for 10 episodes, but if I make a similar joke about some show they like, they get butthurt, even if I'm watching it and enjoying it with them. >>948821 Notice how people opposed to you make actual points and arguments, but you don't. >>948832 Fair enough point. I suppose I can respect that. Nobody has put it to me that way before, though.
>>948838 >But that's the thing. I'm not even really mocking You may be joking, but that is not how they are taking it. Some fags really need you to sugarcoat shit otherwise the kneejerk reaction kicks in and they get upset.
>>948838 >Acknowledging the flaws can be fun, and it doesn't have to mean you dislike it. "Ironically" shitting on something often eventually leads to it being unironically shat on by everyone, which is frustrating if you actually like it and want to discuss it like a human being instead of an ADHD meme-spouting retard.
>>948858 It's not "ironically shitting on something." It's just enjoying it, warts and all.
>>948773 Obligatory >>948706 The important thing about all this is that it is unsustainable, the market for non-gamers has been tapped out, and the relentless quest for extra shekels is at it's end. The free money has mostly, fuck Canada stopped, and companies are a moderate flop away from bankruptcy. I'm just waiting for gaming to reach Dog TV a channel with nothing but shows for dogs levels of absurdity.
>>948749 >Can you even tell the difference between games for those and games for the systems before them? No because the PS4 and Xbone have no games.
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Grandius Autismus is the name! Shitposting is my Game!
Now this is some proper autism!
>>I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. Overpermissive creative license is bad, but not the same and not as bad as SJW manipulation. But 1 leads to 2, so neither should be tolerated. >>Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. The Switch is friendly to this argument as it enforces optimization through the limited space on their game carts. PC has the worst bloat as space is cheap now. More rely on game engines with bulky dependencies. >>bad business practices Depends on the business practice. Businesses not ruthless don't survive long. >>The whole "this doesn't effect me or it doesn't effect the game as it's minor" bullshit you hear from people Hard sell. What should I care about that doesn't affect me or the game and why? Dogma 2 players should care about its shit performance, of course, but that affects them and the game. >>The defense of the politicisation of gaming Everyone grooming people into DEI through games should be shot. >>tumblr gender pronouns Should be shot. >>the casualising or dumbing down of various game genres It ruins hobbies by packing them with retards, but isn't preventable on a grand scale. Companies seek profit, lower challenge means wider appeal and more profit outside of arcades.
>>950787 >Making inaccessible games for a niche audience objectively does not make sense if your ultimate goal is profit, which for almost any company it will be. Not necessarily, if you pander to the rich autists it can definitely turn out well for you.
>>950785 >. What should I care about that doesn't affect me or the game and why? Because it will fuck you in the long run as look what happened when people ignored the left pushing sjw shit in or DLC cancer.
>>950740 Do not buy any games, problem solved.
>>950806 If it fucks me in the long run it clearly affects me. SJW shit and DLC cancer affects me.
>Another rage bait thread *Sigh*
>>950809 >nobody actually buys games anymore >all games are now either flash tier or "free" to play games like gatcha, Fortnite, mobas and so on <I wonder why the industry is so shit? Am I saying that people should buy the latest AAA slop? No. Am I saying that people should buy the latest flavor of the month, early access game that will get abandoned by devs? No. All I am saying, is that even if "everyone" where to stop buying games, it wouldn't make games better, it would just move the industry even more into the free to play shit, and that's also not good. >inb4 that anon is a bot or spammer The reply was less to him, and more to the anons who might be influenced by such thoughts, as I have never really seen an attempt to rebuke such a claim.
>>950817 If you wish to rebuke it, a similar claim is made repeatedly starting at https://8chan.moe/v/res/938101.html#q949688 though it's been pretty crushed in the comments.
>>950817 The "industry" is the reason games are shit, encouraging people to buy one good game to fund one bad game won't work. And most indie games that blow up go to shit from listening to retards and doing post-launch patches, and the rest are derivative to the point of being boring.
Gaming was ruined by the far left and CEO fucks in skyscrapers.
>>950740 >Not to be confused with that one retard who is trying to keep his (games don't need anything past the GameCube's tech) argument Jesus Christ, how much asshurt does this guy cause you guys to the point that you have to make another thread?
>>950874 The original thread was him trying to start another thread arguing about the same autism he's been about for a year now. I thought about why not make a thread talking about actual industry issues instead, and mark merged them.
>>950879 >I thought about why not make a thread talking about actual industry issues Except, you're not doing that. You just made a thread to be a whiney bitch about something without actually addressing what's going on, what are the common argument for it, why those arguments are bad, and then flipping around and suggesting what could be done better. It especially doesn't help when you're repeating the same exact points of the original thread, that you only hate because it comes from soneone you don't like but cannot actually disagree with him on any point.
>>950909 Hi GC.
>>950817 AAA dying has brought in quite a few really good AA games.
>>950740 >UnicornOverlord's localisation i heard that the director of Final Fantasy tactics saw it and complained of how botched the thing actually is
>>950974 And people still try and defend it?
>>950740 >The defense of bad localisation Not a problem at all if you know japanese. Why are you buying japanese games and playing them tainted by english text? You only have yourself to blame.
The things that make a good game are not the same as the things that make the most money. Although these days AAA game executives are making bizarre decisions that cost them millions of dollars that I can't really explain.
>>950999 Therefore, when games were made by starving devs who got almost no money from consumers, they were better. Supporting them only makes their studios and companies become worse.
>>950844 There are many people to blame, from the top executives for financing shit games, to DEI for fucking up productions, to consumers for buying the shit games. All I am saying is that if everyone were to stop buying any game, that won't make things better either. >>950914 Sure, and those AA games appeared, because there is a market of people willing to buy those AA games.
>>950740 Got more? >Chore gameplay >COD plague >Anti-climax ending or final boss >Forced cutscenes during game >unskippable narratives >1 hour tutorial >tourist difficulty >Pseudo RPG elements >Asset flip
>>950976 after he manifested himself, i dont know, probabbly since woketards accusing the creator of not understanding their own crestion is nothing new.
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>>950740 >>I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. I think it stems out of desperate defense for being able to enjoy a translated Japanese media but they don't like the idea of said translation being a total fanfiction which could invalidate the experience. Especially for Unicorn Overlord where it's more or less obvious the ENTIRE script has been rewritten to be "spiced up". Some people also have a preconception of the Japanese language being stiff (despite it's completely the contrary) and that fantasy medieval settings should have this flowery language (regardless it's written like an amateur). >Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. Depends by what you mean with terrible optimization. I don't think anybody will defend the Switch port of Batman Akham Knight for instance (should have ported Origins instead imo), but ports such as Earth Defense Force 4.1 and Kingdom Come can be given slack due of the devs actually caring. >Regardless of political spectrum (Right, Left and centre) this politicisation of the gaming industry has fucked the hobby I do want to stress about English-speaking retards making a fuss over innocent shit such as yuri, regardless of their political leaning, and thus poisoning any form of discussion with their sheer narcissism and autism.
>>951090 How would you guy's rate unicorn as a game to practice japanese that font looks pretty clean and makes radicals easy to find and look up in the dictionary how's the vocal level?
>>951090 I hate the fact that I am part of the problem now. I love vanillawares games and I thought to myself that even if the translation is a bit of a hack job it would be fine. I personally haven't noticed anything overtly political that has been shoved in but now there is always the lingering doubt in the back of my head that this isn't the real script.
>>951097 >but now there is always the lingering doubt in the back of my head that this isn't the real script. I'd say look at it something like Robotech. Where we "know" that this isn't the "correct" story, just leave it at that, and base that story on it's own merits because it is it's own "seperate" thing for all intents and purposes.
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>>951093 The fonts in modern Japanese games are generally clean these days, so recognizing Kanji characters is no difficulty (unlike I remember in certain PSP games). I wouldn't recommend Overlord Unicorn as practice material if you're still at a rather early stage of proficiency (both kanji + grammar, for example certain characters will conjugate in the classical negative form by using ぬ), better to use raw manga volumes that have furigana instead. I won't deny I even consumed Japanese fanfictions to be more knowledgeable in rare kanji and idioms >>951097 I don't have a problem towards people who still have to consume English translations of Japanese media because learning a foreign language takes skill, dedication and patience. Especially for something like Japanese where you have to start from scratch, unlike English <-> French where the writing system remains the same and many words are shared between the two languages. And I say this as someone who had to learn Japanese from English sources while there was a severe lack of good materials in my native tongue, adding an extra layer of barrier. It becomes an issue when people do actively defend localization changes though.
>>951090 If it has a shitty translation I'm just not going to give it any coverage or attention, let alone buying it and "fixing" the dev's mistakes. There's other games to play.
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>>951100 Just to add said examples of an old game (Mana Khemia 2 on PSP) where the kanji font can be a bitch to read, even for the natives.
>>950817 >it would just move the industry even more into the free to play shit, They are doing it regardless,and even more expanding into always online bullshit and shit DRM,you won't vote with your wallet because this is not a democracy they are going to push this model regardless of market reaction unless its something actually big
>>951101 >there are other games to play <saying that about a Vanillaware game You'd have a point if it was 99% of other developers, but Vanillaware deserves better.
>>951148 If they put out a shit product, I'm not sure why you would reward the decision to get a bottom-barrel localization. And buying a japanese copy just tells them the domestic market was the correct priority.
>>951184 Ah, I misunderstood what you were saying, my apologies.
>>950817 >buy all the shit so that liberal companies don't make X kind of shit Even if that were true, no one likes DRM and free to play, so the collapse would continue. Giving them your money is exactly what they want. That is why the Sweet Baby Detected group was targeted so viciously. Boycotting works. We said this 10 years ago and we've been vindicated. Do not give them money whatsoever. If you absolutely must, only do it during seasonal sales at steep discounts where the publisher makes almost nothing.
>>951109 And as I said, it would simply accelerate the process even more. Even in the worst case scenario there will still be a market for single player games either from indie or AA devs, and if absolutely nobody buys those games, then you will be left off with F@P games. >are you saying that we should buy the latest AAA slop? Re-read my post you replied to. >>951215 >no one likes DRM and free to play, so the collapse would continue. There are enough people who support those practices whether we like it or not. Even something like Diablo Immortal earned half a billion dollars in one year. Hell, Steam in of itself is a form of DRM, it's just that it's not as bad as SecureROM that existed on DVDs for PC games, and people but games on that platform. The only shinning light is that alternatives like GoG exist, even though those are not perfect either. >Boycotting works I agree with boycotting certain studios and games. My comment was arguing against the idea of everyone not buying any game whatsoever, even if it's made by "one of us", was the most "based and redpiiled", was only 5 dollar and had outstanding gameplay. >Do not give them money whatsoever To whom? To absolutely no-one, or to (((them)))? If it's the former then I disagree, if it's the later then I have no problem if you also add chinks to the list.
>>951361 >the idea of everyone not buying any game whatsoever, even if it's made by "one of us", is the only correct one. They will always turn into the enemy once they get money. >Do not give them money... >...to absolutely no-one Yes. >(((them))) All companies and studios in existence are compromised by jews. You are arguing to keep seeking places to waste money on, when the money will inevitably fund marxism, sooner or later. The only correct course of action is to never fund anyone, ever.
>>951396 >always turn into the enemy once they get money. Tell me, do you believe that money corrupts or that it reveals the character?
>>951396 I'm sure just existing in an economy or in society benefits people you don't like too. Why don't you go live in the woods like Uncle Ted?
>>951090 >he doesn't remember the localization of Dis-Gay-Uh 2 killing save files on the psp version >he doesn't remember the evil witch game that got localized so badly it bricked Pee Ess Triples There ate more examples but retards that can't translate properly tend to break the game in more places than just the story.
>>951437 On a similar note, this game >>951099 can be used to boot swiss on the gamecube.
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>>951439 Forgot to mention that it can also be used to softmod the OG Xbox.
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>>951440 And this is to go further beyond!
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>>950740 >First pic >Lists no more demos as a reason why games are dying Piracy and online gameplay have replaced most of the need for real demos. Also, you walk in to most any gayme store, and they will have consoles hooked up and ready for you to play demos, you just can't take the demos home. And some games still have at-home demos. I think Gravity Rush and know Nier: Automata had them.
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>>950999 >SEGA So like they did hire a terminal online dyke from cuckchan who personally doxxed some guy for shitting on Phantasy Star Online 2: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=eONML3KmBrM Remember how back then everyone was joking about Chris-Chan will never be hired by SEGA? However everyone forgot how incompetent they are and they do hire manchildren who don't take criticism (no wonder why Sonic got raped during Saturn's era) <Saging because I can't find the e-celeb thread
>>950740 I really hate the bitching about jewish monetary practices because they detract from the real issues and can be circumvented with piracy. So whenever you complain about the modern state of vidya, you get normalfags who think you're complaining about DLC and microtransactions and then point you to a shitty game that's slightly less Jewish than something published by EA. And you'll get >SEE?!?!? We still got some good companies in the industry! No, I don't give a shit. Game design is fundamentally flawed right now and made to appeal to 40 year olds who just want to kick back and relax after their shitty jobs.
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>>948821 >Mark eats cheese-flavored Munchies Not bad taste, but I eat the hot-flavored ones.
>>948706 >Games from as far back as 2007 look fine and still look fine. You could show Crysis and tell people it's new, they'd believe it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMHgBplll8Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r59Orqo5QOM
>>973271 Crysis was special in many ways and there are games that objectively aged like milk.
>>973286 Games don't age. They stay exactly the same, unless you're a retard playing online multiplayer games, which are all shit anyway. This entire concept is retarded. All that really happened is that you were a bandwagonning faggot who played bad games, probably because they were the flavor of the month (or the year, or whatever), and now that they aren't as "hype," you can admit to yourself that they're bad. You could have just had good taste back then, but you didn't. In short, games I like aged well because they were always good and I had good taste. Games you liked aged bad because they were always bad and you had shit taste.
>>973311 >Games don't age. Games can age poorly there are plenty of games with mechanics and etc that aged poorly.
>>973311 Nah, Crysis aged pretty poorly compared to the competition.
>>973313 No, they can't age because they don't change. Aging is changing. I can play Space Invaders on Atari right now and it will be exactly the same as it was 45 years ago. It didn't age at all. Maybe World of Warcraft or TF2 or whatever "aged" because the developers kept fucking with it after release, but good games don't do that. Most bad games don't do that either. Most games just release and don't change. They don't age, you just had bad taste. If it was good it's good and if it was bad it's bad.
>>973314 >Nah, Crysis aged pretty poorly compared to the competition. Only if you play it like a regular action FPS like a retard.
>>973319 Wait. so you're telling me the super soldier alien killing game isn't a regular action FPS?
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>>973320 Yeah, you dumb cocksucker
>>973317 Do you truly fail to understand what the term means, or just pretend to? An "aged" game is one that uses designs that fell by the wayside since. For example, QAOP or AZNM controls (standard on the ZX Spectrum) would feel alien now. That's badly aged. >>973320 Doing so often gets you killed. Crysis is meant to be played more stealthily.
>>973333 I know what you people intend it to mean, but I think that's a stupid definition that doesn't actually make any sense. If a game is good, it doesn't matter if its mechanics aren't used often anymore. It will still be good. Yes, old games may have limitations, but good games would work within those limitations. The game would be designed around them and work well. PS1 games might have lower polygon counts, but Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon look a million times better than modern games because they were well designed with the console's limitations in mind. Hell, the same principle also explains why Mario is a well designed character, compared to modern shit like, idk, Penny's Big Breakaway (might be a good game, idk, but that character is hideous). QAOP controls are just fine if the game was designed properly with them in mind. To mention a game I personally love that has a similar "problem," I'll mention Mega Man Legends. People bitch about Mega Man Legends either not using dual stick shooting or not just plain controlling like Mario 64, but that game was designed with its control scheme in mind. The actual things you do in the game were designed knowing how you control it, and it works perfectly well, and it's an excellent game. The game didn't age, it's the same as it always was, which is excellent. Would I like the game better if it controlled like a modern third person shooter? I don't know. To do that properly, the whole game would have to be redesigned to take proper advantage of it. Like do you see when people hack games like Goldeneye or Metroid Prime to use mouse controls? Yeah, I get it, you like mouse controls better in general, but those games weren't designed for them, and the result is that if you use a mouse the game becomes much easier than intended. Does that mean those are bad games? Somehow worse than they were when they came out? No, they're excellent. They're just designed to use a different control scheme, and since they do that well, it's fine. Most of the time when people say a game aged badly, it's just a game that was never good in the first place. Super Mario Bros. didn't "age" just because Super Mario Bros. 3 is the same mechanics but with better graphics. It's Super Mario Bros. It's excellent and it always will be. This logic is why you keep getting remakes and remasters. They gotta "fix" those "aged" graphics, right? If you're lucky they'll fix the aged mechanics, and hopefully the aged storylines and dialogue. Paper Mario is so much better now that they fixed the aged aspects.
>>948821 Mark looks like a fatter Mike Stoklasa I mean that in a good way
>>950740 >last pic It should get extended with all the political shit, lootcrates, and aids. And also being banned for not smiling to everyone or some tranny being offended by a random thing like a banana. It's tiresome at this point. It was tiresome at the last 50 points as well. Just remove the filth that supports this garbage. It's the same issue as with garbage remakes being done of everything.
>>973311 This.
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>>973355 >I think that's a stupid definition that doesn't actually make any sense. Are you really being this retarded? Things can age well and some can age badly, you can have good games with elements that aged poorly. This isn't a difficult concept.
>>973529 The very post you quoted explained why what you just said is wrong. Why would you quote a post and just repeat the thing it already refuted?
>>973529 They never age. They are the exact same thing they always were. You aged. You just had bad taste and liked shit, and now realized that they were always shit, after YOU aged.
>>973802 The horse and buggy never aged.
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>>973757 >>973802 Things can fucking age you fucking retards.
>>974104 Digital stuff doesn't age you dumb cocksucker, you did. If the software was released in 1987 and never updated, it's stuck on that decade. It doesn't age
>>974113 >decade *year
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>>974113 Are you genuinely obtuse? Please tell me you aren't that retarded anon.
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>>974117 Maybe you should learn about the meaning of words dear anon! I am still using CMD, CMD will still exist once our useless piles of flesh give out.
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>>974121 >He doesn't actually understand what is being discussed I'm blown away at how little reading comprehension you have.
>>974129 You don't even know that games are software, how do you expect to continue this conversation, stupidity born stubbornness? You're talking about how games age, the anons on top are right, games don't fucking age, software doesn't age. There are games made today with unconventional controls ala System Shock 1. Games don't fucking age, software doesn't age, unless updated.
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>>974148 Have you read anything posted?
>>973358 t-thanks
Wait are some of you honestly telling this board that there aren't aspects of games that don't show age?
>>974164 ERm, are you suggesting things I don't agree with?
>>950811 The problem, as >>950806 alludes to, is not understanding when something affects you until it's too late. Horse armor was just something to laugh at Elder Scrolls for so who cared...until the practice of tearing shit out of games to sell to you later became commonplace. Or the fucking idiotic refrain from a few years ago of "learn Japanese and you'll never be affected by bad localization" that resulted in the leftist freaks gaining enough of a foothold to start affecting shit at the source of development (IE Rune Factory 4's fag romance). Taking a stance of "I'll speak up when it bothers me" generally results in subversives getting free reign to embed themselves and become a pain in the ass to try and remove.
>>974172 OH, BUT IF I'M THE AGGRESSOR I'LL GET IN TROUBLE FOR NOT PLAYING BY THEIR RULES! IT'S NOT A PROBLEM NOW THOUGH! DO UNTO OTHERS! LIVE AND LET LIVE! I DON'T HAVE ANY AMBITIONS ANYWAYS JUST A DESIRE TO CONSOOM! There's too many excuses that justify that exact mentality of >"I'll speak up when it bothers me" When's humanity as a whole gonna get their balls back? We're at the point where a lot of shit needs to burn and be recreated, but we need people with conviction, desire, DREAMS to begin creating good things again. It's pathetic that we've collectively let it get this bad. Reading comments like this and responding really make me wanna start devving, I just need some way to keep this fire going after tonight
>>974172 >"learn Japanese and you'll never be affected by bad localization" Those stupid fucks, I told them they're eating crow now, this shit affects every facet of the modern world and they were burying their head in the sand like fucking ostriches.
>>974186 I'm glad I lernd2code instead of keeping up with a language I barely have a reason to use.
>>974192 Nothing wronh with learn a new language, especially for something you use daily for media consumption. But holy shit, pretending like somehow Japan is this insular island that doesn't pander to muttmerican standards is absolutely fucking retarded, it's not knowing anything about how modern companies and these fucking commie kike leeches work.
>>974194 They keep up with stuff from Europe and North America in various ways.
>>974186 >this shit affects every facet of the modern world No it doesn't. Fanita, NicoNico, and DLsite are in the process of removing Western payment processesors from their sites.
>>974203 Yeah, because they got fucked by them genius.
>>973757 I see that a lot here. It comes from mental illness and paid shilling.
>>974203 And you'll still the NTR as the top tag Porn isn't commercial works for mainstream users you queer.
>N-Gage had more exclusives worth playing than PS5 or Xbone 2 >N-Gage is technically Microsoft console now and it's somehow not their worst
>>974153 Evidently you haven't, since the argument against your point has already been posted and never refuted. See: >>973355 >>974164 "Show age" and "aging" are different things. Aging implies change. Or to use the different definition that people here are trying to push, it implies that it's worse because it's older, but that it somehow used to be better. No. Either it was good then or it wasn't. Some games back then were bad because they were experimental and the experiment failed, sure. But they were bad then too. Just because some trends caught on doesn't mean games from before those trends are retroactively bad. Either they found a way to do it well or they didn't. Either they were good then and they're good now or they were bad then and they're bad now.
>>950740 You know that this it's not going to stop or change right? Why do you keep complaining?
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>>974372 >it's not going to stop or change right? Already is
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>>974335 >He's this fucking purposely obtuse Games can age you fucking moron, some age like wine some age like milk left out in summer heat. To give an example of a game that is great but feels it's age at now is Demon's souls. That game I still play to this day and love, but I can objectively say it's aged compared to say the most recent in the souls family lets use Elden Ring. Let's look >ER has a much more advanced and updated engine >Has even better art direction >Better movement (having a dedicated jumping button is a game changer) >Ashes of war >Magic is better >Character creation >Game has less technical jank than DeS >Qof improvements >Exploration >Level design >Enemy encounters Or if you're not a fromfag we can use Spyro 1 to 2&3 or Rachet and Clank 1 to the rest of the series.
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>>974396 >it's aged compared to say the most recent in the souls family It didn't age you stupid motherfucker, you did. You literally just admitted it by making the comparison with newer games you experienced. This is like saying that Romeo and Juliet "aged". No, it's still the same novel it was and always will be you goddamned retard. I'm an ESL and I'm asking you! Take some English lessons, please!
>>974396 I agree that mechanics from newer games can be more convenient, but you're completely ignoring the fact that certain game design decisions contribute to the feel and design that a developer is going for. You're arguing that "having a jump button is better" despite Demon's Souls and Elden Ring having completely different level design and Demon's Souls being designed so that you don't need to jump barring like one even where you can hop over a wall. You can argue not having a jump button makes a game better because it makes you feel heavier (like your character wearing armor) and more restricted, forcing you to consider your actions and route through a level more seriously. This is without pointing out how you just list more stuff like "magic is better" and "level design" without explaining what you mean or why.
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I feel like I'm talking to a wall, what I'm saying isn't difficult to comprehend.
>>974396 >>974407 I also agree with the other anon you got pissed at btw, "showing age" and "aging" are two completely different things. Games are objective products and the only things that change over time are the player's perception and memory of them and the modern gaming zeitgeist. I can go and play Perfect Dark and I know it's not going to hold up to my memory of it, because I'm 20 years older and have been exposed or hundreds of more refined and better-designed FPS games than the ones that blew my mind as a kid, but it's still the same game. It didn't change. My memory and expectations of it did. That said I do think most people use the term "age" the same way, to say that an older game pales in comparison to modern or newer ones. That's still retarded though because it removes the context of when the game originally came out and what the expectations and achievements of it were at release. This is getting really semantic though, and I just wanted to explain why you're argument is a poor one. We can get even more technical if you bring "live" games like online ones or MMOs into question: World of Warcraft is a game I'd argue has actually aged (which is to say "changed over time compared to its past iterations) and terribly at that. TF2 has also aged in that regard, ruining balance and bloating itself when it used to perform and play far better in the past
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>>974417 I understand what you're saying, and you're wrong. You however do not understand what others are saying and just reiterate the same idea 300 times. Media and ideas are a product of their time, they do not age.
This feels like GC tard teir arguments. The anon talking about how games do age is just saying that games can have parts that are outdated in comparison to newer games or even new games in from the same series. I wouldn't be surprised if he was here.
>>974426 I agree that's what he's trying to say, but he keeps disagreeing with people who are arguing the same point, but clarifying that the game itself didn't change, only the player and the world outside of it.
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>>974426 >GC Don't remind me.
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>>974426 >>974432 The funniest thing about the GC autist is that due to the GCs mini disks with much lower limits than regular DVDs, PS2 games usually looked better due to being able to store all the textures and decals at higher resolutions.
>>974418 >I can go and play Perfect Dark and I know it's not going to hold up to my memory of it, because I'm 20 years older and have been exposed or hundreds of more refined and better-designed FPS games than the ones that blew my mind as a kid, but it's still the same game. The problem with that is that then you encounter people who never "grew up" with that material, such as in my case. Outside of ports/compilations, the "oldest" games I had were what was playable on my GBA and GC. With my "newest" game console up through high school being the 3DS. Since them, I've dived head first into newer and older games, and realized just how much better designed and more content was accomplished with older games than the games of today. >That's still retarded though because it removes the context of when the game originally came out and what the expectations and achievements of it were at release. That only furthers the argument. >>974426 >games can have parts that are outdated in comparison to newer games or even new games in from the same series Excuse me, outdated in what way? For example, I've often heard of people talking about 2005's F.E.A.R. as being an "outdated game", but it's never explained what is it about the game that makes it "outdated" in comparison to newer FPS games. >>974433 >GCs mini disks with much lower limits than regular DVDs, PS2 games usually looked better due to being able to store all the textures and decals at higher resolutions Are you sure? Are you willing to put it to the test? The next series of images will be taken from different versions of games that I recorded in the best quality possible. Which version do you think looks better?
>>950740 the explanation is very simple: good games don't sell you don't sell with gameplay, you cannot show gameplay in a screenshot or video that is why you need graphics - to grab attention you can sell any sort of crap as long as it has attention if your game is on the front page of steam or the apple store top10 it will sell game companies are not in the business of making games they are in the business of making money if people buy DLC they will add DLC if they can get ESG funding for adding a few rainbow fags in the game they will because its guaranteed money and some people don't care or notice politics and will buy the game anyway if people were informed and actually paid attention who made their games none of this would happen and these companies would pay attention gamers literally needed gamergate to happen to notice that there is liberal agenda now many people are naive and think its only got there recently political activism and propaganda in entertainment is nothing new and if you think it's just activists like sweet baby inc and they are the cause you are dead wrong many devs are liberals, just take a look at twitter: Sean Barrett (engine guy for thief games) is a full blown TDS liberal fag, John Romero is an ukraine flag trans rights liberal etc. the list goes on many gamers don't even know who these people are - nobody pays any attention
>>974433 >>974470 >>974472 Here are the versions I took these images from: <Crazy Taxi: 1 is the PS2 version, 2 is the DC version <Evil Twin: 1 is the DC version, 2 is the PS2 version <Headhunter: 1 is the DC version, 2 is the PS2 version <Splinter Cell: 1 is the PS2 version, 2 is the NGC version <XII: Set 1 is the NGC version, set 2 is the PS2 version Yes, the frame you see in image 2 is entirely absent from the version of the game you see in image 4. It should be noted that I have not modified these the recordings I got these images from in any way. The NGC and PS2 images were both upscaled with the same device, and all of these images were played on the same monitor with the same display settings. Any differences that you see are not of my doing.
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This thread went to the final layer of hell.
>>974470 >>974472 Left looks better in most of these, even with the higher res.
>>974474 >Headhunter Yeah, no wonder right looked better GC multiplats looked like ass, that's just a fact man.
Oh no, did uttering his name bring him back?
>>974474 Dreamcast has more vram than any 6th gen console 8 megs vs 4 megs (PS2) and 3 megs (GameCube), and supports SSAA unlike the PS2 which doesn't support AA at all. Dreamcast and GameCube also support Progressive scan far more often than PS2 for whatever reason. These are the more likely reasons for Dreamcast and GameCube looking better than PS2 in these games.
>>974104 They never age. They are the exact same thing they always were. You are a retard.
The darling in the franxx image is actually envriomental story telling about how >>973529 is actually such a fucking retard
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>I really made fags butthurt Just to add more fuel to the fire, games can age like wine or milk.
OP it's as simple as new suckers going into the system then defending what they know, you think all these record breaking sales somehow doesn't mean new retards are coming in?
>>974649 >>974653 Games, media and art never age. >>974654 >all these record breaking sales Such as?
>>974656 I was agreeing they don't. Also >Such as? So look at the list I lazily grabbed of the best selling games. Look at the slop with cancer monitary shit in the top 10 which aree also all from post 2010 games meaning playing them as a kid would make you an adult now perfectly able to enter and ruin adult forum discussion with defence of goyslop design. >GTA Most modern play of this is the online component with literal robux fake money you have to buy >PubG Modern tastes in royal games can be found here with fortnite and other clons being branches from this point >Red dead 2 See GTA >Overwatch We still have people who'll unironically defend their paid for product having most unlocks be tied to look boxes, then just straight converting the game to a f2p model and calling it the sequel but also the original game you paid for doesn't work anymore. These are all massive games braking into the top selling games that have only actually brought cancer & then kids who played them then add 5+ years from when they did and now they're the shitters defending it because when they were young this is what they known.
>>974656 >Games, media and art never age.
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>>974660 <Redditors Dead Redditdemption Online It's abandonware, unless someone profits from its assets, Cuckstar just ditched it to rot because they couldn't bring the expensive and retarded gimmicky vehicles from Saints Row unlike GTA, whose real story mode requires internet.
>>974711 Shut your ass up, you schizophrenic furry.
>>974653 You are functionally retarded.
>>974717 Says the retards who legit are trying to conflate me saying games can't age means, they can physically age (which isn't what I even fucking mean you lack of reading comprehension fuck wits) or due to said lack of reading comprehension can't fathom that like what I said here >>974396 is that even good games can show their age in comparison to newer entries in their own series or newer games (not to say that makes said older games bad or that Newer games are much better then older games). It's like talking to GC.
>>974741 >It's like talking to GC. Or it could be that you just make shit arguments and don't understand why people are calling you out.
>>974750 >He thinks if Trump loses things will be less pozzed Nigger they will only get worse, you have no understanding of how crazed the left is.
>>974755 I should also add they are trying to fuck with Japanese games now.
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>>974764 You've been under a fucking rock if you think things are improving, some things have gotten better. But a lot has gotten worse, your whole "just play Japanese games" doesn't mean shit as the left has been fucking super hard with localisation. Or even worse they've been using ESG to fuck with products in Japan, only a niggerbrain baboon is this obtuse to the issues.
>>974750 Nigger, they started doing this shit before Trump ever announced he was running for office. Also Japan isn't safe from this shit, Japan is already trying to emulate the West.
>>974780 You aren't Jesus of Nazareth, you are a known image board spammer who's mostly known for being delusional and posting on halfcuck. Kindly fuck off.
Is this the reverse of Niggerpill where, we have someone who is blinding trying to whitepill?
>>974783 You know you've spammed us before. We remember you, and your insane claims. Now fuck off before I make you fuck off.
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>>974784 Is he posing as his picture while acting like a schizo retard on purpose to trick Anons to personal army that guy?
>>974787 No, he just likes posting pictures of his asshole on halfcucks /pol/. And also on our /b/ and /vb/. Apparently he's also jewish, hates goyim whites, and hates trump. Other than that idk and idc. He crazy and he spams. Also he's a heretic, which isn't illegal but should be.
>>974771 >Or even worse they've been using ESG to fuck with products in Japan, the only silver lining is that all the free games means that unless your game is actually good most people will just stick to there free gaas slop so all these esg dumpster fires are burning money.
>>950740 That's why I just go offline on steam and play through the game before refunding if it seems shit. Eventually you can just look at a game and feel if its shit though, if others can't then that's on them.

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