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Console OS Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:29:32 Id: d4ca62 No. 958101
As consoles become more like PCs, the OS becomes more important. Perhaps the most important aspect of an OS is the UI. Which console has your favourite OS and UI and overall experience? It can be anything from the PSX power-on THX-like FX to the chunky eject button on the SNES. And how come, how fucking come, of all three current hardware manufacturers does Microsoft, the one company that is known for operating systems, have the by far the worst OS and UI for gaming that I've ever seen? Using the Xbox Series consoles is ridiculous.
I loved the Wii's menu.
>>958104 The Wii was pretty great. It had great music and the UI was intuitive with the Wiimote as a pointer.
>>958105 The shop theme I remember hearing so much back then.
With homebrew, you could make and set your own custom themes on the 3DS, which was pretty great. The UI let you organize your apps and games well and as piracy/emulation station you had a decent library too. It also had some preinstalled 3D gimmicks which were fun to mess around with.
>>958104 >>958105 >>958110 >>958113 Feels like yesterday. Hard to believe it's going on 18 years ago now.
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>>958138 Man time fucking flies.
>>958105 >>958113 Memories of buying Golden Axe in the WiiStore and waiting for Mario to hit those bricks indicating the download's progress while that song played. Thank you for them feels.
Somehow the PS5 and Switch managed to remove features from the OS.
One under-appreciated good thing about modern (PSP/PS3 onward) console OS is that they handle most text output in a standardized way. No longer do developers or romhackers have to reprogram the game's text output in order to get Japanese games to be able to handle English. Now support for Latin characters and variable width fonts is built in and only the script needs to be changed.
The PS3/4/5's OS is just BSD with a fancy GUI
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>>958101 >Which console has your favourite OS and UI and overall experience? Though not a console. I would probably go with the Satellaview's BIOS because it's literally a game in of itself! I don't know how your console/add-on can have more personality than that, but I bet it could be an inconvenience for those who just want to get to whatever game they want to play. >>958224 It's a permissively licensed *nix system with tons of documentation and support for widely used libraries and APIs. Using that for a console OS should be a no-brainer.
The XMB was the best thing about the PS Triple, and it looks modern unlike the Xbox 360 Blades dashboard.
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>>958229 >the triple >not the PSP Though the 360 blades come a close second.
>>958224 >>958228 Isn't someone working on a PS4 compatibility layer rather than a straight up emulator?
>>958256 PS triple allowed you to access the dashboard while playing a game. The “updated” XMB was efficient for everything.
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>>958138 >18 years ago now. >Still remember the day my father bought a wii and how we played baseball together there, or tennis, or even boxing >Still remember the day my father bought table tennis from R* and we played it because i wanted to be better at table tennis What the fuck is this feeling, why do i feel so strange...
>>958272 >18 years ago >wii oh, okay
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>>958272 I'll be your dad and play Wii with you anon! I'll make you wear a frilly white dress and fuck you in the ass.
The Dreamcast was something special.
>>958386 That whole era of vidya was special 90s and early 2000s in videogaming were the peak of the medium.
>>958101 >caring about locked and restricted chink bootleg computer OS How does anyone genuinely play on consoles in 2024?
>>958408 Would you say that era was full of... soul?
>>958431 It had soul and edge
>>958440 You joke but you are spot-on. Games these days play it incredibly safe to avoid being cancelled. They have no edge. Games these days are designed by committee and focus groups, no driven by a singular vision from an auteur. They have no soul. We need to bring the soul and edge back into the hobby.
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>>958431 >>958440 Games like SoulCalibur put fightans on the stage of history
>>958113 I still have my red wii I got during the holidays of 2009 bundled with New Super Mario Bros Wii. on top of my Sony Trinitron. Use to beg my parents to get a wifi router or at the very least an Ethernet adapter for the system for about a year. When I first went to the Shop channel and realized I could purchase retro games, like Mario 3 and Sonic 1, I started using my allowance money to buy those points cards to purchase those games. Still have them saved. I remember spending a good hour playing around the news and Forecast channels just playing around with the globe to see what was going on in the rest of the world. Also, I would close and open the News channel just to see the little black cat. God, my kids would never experience the wonders of simple little touches with their tech. I don't know how to describe it. I compare it to the Sonic Mega Collection history music where you can sit in front of the TV for hours enjoying the music while looking over manuals and comics. Man, I'm old. Good thing I modded my wii to play pretty much everything I wanted as a kid.
>>958457 >Man, I'm old. Not for 8chan, our last age thread >>>/vb/res/1366.html averaged around 29. It's opt-in with few samples but the average is probably even older.
Meant >>>/vb/1366 for the link
>>958472 What are you testing?
>>958462 I didn't know about the age thing but I'm 40 this year.
>>958641 Wrong board and wrong thread bud
>>958646 happens to the best of us
>>958646 >>958647 I'm a low iq no brain having gorilla nigger. I'm sorry.
GameCube, Wii, and PS3 were my favorites.
>>958690 Gamecube UI with the little cube for options and settings and stuff was cute. Wii UI was pretty fucking great too, probably my favourite for how intuitive it was. PS3...it was OK. Not as bad as the Microsoft offerings but still decent. >>958698 I never owned a Vita. It might as well have not existed in Australia.
>>958698 This. Vita OS had a clean and intuitive UI, felt nice to use with either the touch screen or controller, had options to let you sort your shit the way you liked it, and had a ton of great features. Remote play with a PS4 worked great for anything that wasn't a fast paced action game, and I loved being able to stream anime from my PC to my TV through the Vita TV. It really was the little system that could, and it was probably the last console that was really worth buying.
>>958701 It's never too late to get one, I bought mine last year from Japan in great condition for ~150 USD, you can get them cheaper if you don't mind it being scuffed. Softmodding and installing pirated vidya is piss-easy, I'd say it's worth it if the catalogue appeals to you.
>>958386 When I was a kid, I thought the Dreamcast UI was made specifically with SA1 in mind. It's a total coincidence, but the rippling water and swirling vortex go really nicely with SA1's aesthetic. I especially loved the option to change your VMU icon, the Skies of Arcadia one was my favorite, though they didn't make it easy to change it without erasing everything on the card. There's a homebrew VMU editor program that lets you create your own VMU icon and unlock its unused blocks of storage.

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>>958822 I was thinking about buying one of the newer VMU projects that shouldn't have the issues of the original, foremost being the reliance on CR2032 cells which it drinks dry in less than a week. I already have a few sets of NVRAM chips to install in my Saturns, so I won't need to worry about losing saves due to battery failure in the future, but I really should get off my ass and get some sort of ODE for the systems, so I can play every Saturn game with all zero of my still-living friends who liked games in the nineties.
>>958260 Is this it? https://github.com/red-prig/fpPS4 The description makes it seem like the developer doesn't know the difference between a compatibility layer and an emulator.
>>958698 >>958749 I always thought that abandoning the XMB was a decisive downgrade. And to be honest, the bubble icons always felt a bit tacky. I supposed it made sense for a touch screen, but on the homescreen I hardly ever used touch for navigating it. Although I always enjoyed swiping to close a game/application.
Why are the Xbox OSes so fucking ugly? Even with how huge Xbox was in America, I never see anybody reference it the way they reference Nintendo or Sony's console OS.
>>964063 I really like the first XBox UI, though maybe that's just because it's a beautiful time capsule of that small era. It reminds me of all those cheesy 3D Linux wallpapers from that same time. The second it became a somewhat successful venture, it just became another profit driver for Microsoft, a soulless corpo that's never been very celebrated for much, ever, especially UI (with a few minor exceptions)
>>964063 Because they went to shit after Blades. Going with the Metro UI was a disaster, but it served ads which Microsoft probably made a lot back on.
>>964068 Actually, can a modded 360 get the Blades UI back? Or at least a less shit option? I've never bothered modding mine, but I'd do it if it meant getting Blades back.
>>964063 Because all their UI developers are hacks and Microsoft hired mobile devs for an All in One (Touchpads, Console, Mobile and Laptots/Desktops) approach trying to be Apple, that failed miserably with Windows 8 and they've stuck with it ever since fucking over anyone who isn't the 5 people using their overpriced trash Touchpads/Smartphones. Look at at all Windows UIs since Windows 8 original release in 2012, absolutely fucking terrible in function and design.
The PS2 and Wii had the best OS imo
>>964070 Couple months late responding but should be informative enough >Actually, can a modded 360 get the Blades UI back? It can, with some caveats. Blades dashboard in modded x360 17759 https://archive.ph/KHGjU <You need the stealth server in order to run it, without it it will say it cant run this program. <The games that you downloaded from xbox live wont appear (most of them). <There is some weird memory unit 'plugged in' according to the dashboard. I dont even own this and have it plugged into my console. <Being connected to Xbox Live only breaks the dashboard more, backing out of any menu causes a freeze (or trying to go into the games store that also causes a freeze). A skin that mimics Blades has been made for FreeStyleDash 3, but I've had that program crash on me whenever I wanted to update my library so I've never bothered using it again since. Far as I know, it has also not been recently updated as opposed to Aurora. >Or at least a less shit option? There's a skin you can use on Aurora that mimics the NXE dashboard that would replace Blades before it got replaced by Metro. It's missing name tabs on the left side of the pic, but it's close enough to the original theme. Aurora also works better. Just change the boot order from the default Home dashboard to Aurora with the NXE skin applied and you've got yourself a nice 360 time capsule before everything went to shit with Metro.
>>991648 Did the PS2 have an OS? I only remember a BIOS with a sleek UI.
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>>991679 XMB made it's debut on the sony PSX, a PS2 video recorder hybrid.
>>991700 ...But they already used that name.
>>991704 No they didn't. It always bugged me when people called PlayStation PSX. I never got why they didn't just call it PS. It got even weirder when PS2 came out, so it made at least some sense to call the first one PS1. I later learned PSX was some sort of code name, but it's retarded to keep calling it that. It's like if everyone kept calling the N64 the U64, or saying Dolphin instead of Gamecube, or Revolution instead of Wii. And remember the NX? And those were better names in the first place.
>>991710 >It always bugged me when people called PlayStation PSX. Because that was what the PS1 was being marketed as in early pre-release Western marketing material, until Ken Kutaragi basically fired everyone who approved it because the PS1 was being marketed on what amounted to a shoestring budget and SCEA had already blown much of that budget on that and Polygon Man.
I really hate the fact that modern consoles operating systems are actually regressing in terms of functionality. The 7th gen had tons of multimedia features, you could play videos from SMB, play CDs, they had comprehensive media playback controls, the PS3 let you fucking install linux, even the wii had all those wacky apps in japan and europe that let you order pizza or look at your horoscope. Now, consoles like the PS5 don't even have a user facing web browser and the switch doesn't even have most basic streaming apps.
>>991788 >Now, consoles like the PS5 don't even have a user facing web browser It's a security consideration. Building your own browser is impossible, so Sony and Nintendo just got BSD licensed WebKit forks. Problem is that since WebKit is open source and fixed vulnerabilities are documented, anyone looking to crack open the console looks to the browser first. Microsoft, of course, has no such issue because they can just put their own closed source browser on an Xbox and call it a day.
>>991723 I addressed that it was a pre-release name. It's what the post was about. >until Ken Kutaragi basically fired everyone who approved it because the PS1 was being marketed on what amounted to a shoestring budget and SCEA had already blown much of that budget on that and Polygon Man. How does dropping the X save any money? Changing the name does not save money. This is a ridiculous thesis.
>>991796 >It's a security consideration. It absolutely is not about security. There is still a web browser on the PS5. it's just made deliberately frustrating to access or use. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QnJj_gyBU-U
>>991800 >How does dropping the X save any money? You don't understand, SCEA wasted money rebranded the "PlayStation" as the "PSX". All of the original marketing and hype was built around the system called the "PlayStation" and Ken was very autistic about it's release across the globe because the device was mostly considered to be a "one-off" joke within Sony as practically no one took it seriously. By SCEA doing what they did, they jeopardized the image Ken had been building up around the PS1 and could have wrecked the American release of it.

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