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Legend of Nayuta / Nayuta no Kiseiki Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 22:17:45 Id: 9f9a73 No. 958929
YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING LEGEND OF NAYUTA I often lament that the industry doesn't make games for people like me anymore because everything is either pozzed, shit, or in some genre I don't like gothic horror TPA souls bullshit. And it remains true because this game came out in 2013 in Japan for the PSP. But recently there was a fully voiced, faithfully translated US release on Switch and Steam and this game fucking rocks. Its a spinoff of Trails in the Sky. >2.5D side scrolling action/platformer with very strong RPG elements. >Graphics look like hi-rez Megaman Legends with excellent styling and an absolutely silk smooth 60 FPS. >Story is oldschool - basic but with a couple unexpected twists that were done really well. >Every character is likable, from the tsundere childhood friend to your loli fairy partner to the random shopkeeps and people around town. >The game is about 60% voiced in English and the voicing is done well. >Combat reminds me of YS but simpler and better at the same time. As you unlock more moves it starts feeling like a 2.5D Devil May Cry almost. >Levels are short, tasty, and eye-poppingly beautiful and meant to be ran multiple times each, with varying routes and a solid amount of very well done platforming. >Overall difficulty is middle of the road (I Game Overed maybe 3 times in a whole Normal playthrough) but every level (20+ in all) has optional side goals that ramp the difficulty considerably, and which grant rewards like rare gear and stars that unlock new moves. There's also a Hard mode and a NG+ Very Hard mode where getting hit is instant death. >Boss fights are fun and force you to simultaneously solve a puzzle of :"how do I damage this thing" with no hints or handholding. Very refreshing. >You get a cute fairy loli who follows you around, lets you use her magic and you can collect outfits to dress her up in. >Its one of those games where changing your equipment actually shows on your character, which is something I love. >Quite a lot of customization and also a giant museum where you can display all the collectibles you find I haven't played a game this good in years and its tragic to me that the US release flew under the radar.
>>958929 Wait, what the fuck? Didn't this game come out years ago?
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>>958930 No, like 2 months ago in the US. The JP PSP release was 2013 but never came stateside.
>>958932 Ah, well it's made by NISA, right? I don't trust em.
>>958941 Then pirate it. Seriously its great, and they actually didn't fuck anything up. It was a low budget release with no marketing hype so they didn't have the budget to pay for pozz injection services.
>>958943 Really, that's a surprise. Guess I'll give it a go.
Here's a gameplay trailer from the release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRDdM61wAzg
>>958946 >8 months I'll probably wait for a sale then, not to outright dismiss the game, but because I already spent 200 bucks on games this month.
>>958929 There is a Nihon Falcom thread (with recent posts at that) that this would be better suited for rather than pushing things off the catalog. For those interested in playing, looks like FG has a repack available and there is a fan translation for the original PSP release at https ://www.romhacking.net/translations/3560/ if someone wants to compare it to this official release. Prepatched PSP version available at CDR.
NISA can't market for shit, I remember every XSEED release being talked about on every social media when Tom was still around.
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Eh, I didn't really care for it. The general gameplay concepts are decent enough, but they felt like they weren't really executed as well as they could be. The story was ok, but nothing special, and the combat didn't feel anywhere near as fast-paced or responsive as an Ys title. To be honest I had a hell of a lot more fun with Zwei II. What it lacked in mechanical depth, it made up for in snappy responsive combat that felt good to engage in. Nayuta's big gimmick is the season changing mechanic which lets you run remixed versions of levels you've already completed - which opens up new paths to find treasures, story items, etc. If you're going to be backtracking, it's not the worst solution to keep things fresh, but I'd rather not backtrack at all if possible. It's also a bit frustrating since there's times you can see a treasure chest and you'll be searching all over for a path to get to it - only find out later that it's impossible to get until later when you unlock the ability to change that land's season. If you're trying to get a full three stars on everything to fill out your training book - there's a good chance you'll be over-leveled by the end of the game too. I was, anyhow. Zwei II had a novel sort of leveling system that I felt was really well balanced, but didn't feel right because it breaks decades of conditioning by JRPG games. You don't actually get experience from defeating monsters, you just get money and food. Money is near worthless about mid-way through the game - but food is what you use to heal with and food is what gives you EXP. So when you go into a new area and start to get smacked around a bit - the more healing you need, the faster you level up. If you go into an area that's too high of level, you'll run out of food before you can get the XP to reach a character level that compliments your skill level. If you're really good, you'll need less healing and the bosses will be tougher - but if you're trash, you'll heal a lot and level up more, making bosses easier. The only thing it's missing is a reward system where you can donate food in order to reach a reward of some kind that gives you an incentive to try to play better. Otherwise, Zwei II is charming as fuck in both story and art design, while Nayuta felt really generic - probably because of it's aping the art style from later Trails games and the gameplay from Ys. It just didn't come together well IMO and makes the game feel like it doesn't really have it's own identity. The girls were pretty cute though. I like how the shop-keep girls did a little dance for you when you bought something, and I guess filling out the museum was a lot more fun in Nayuta than it was in Zwei II.
>>958929 >You get a cute fairy loli who follows you around, lets you use her magic and you can collect outfits to dress her up in I will now play your game.
I enjoyed Nayuta for what it was. Not as good as the Trails games that came before it but better than any that came after it. It's not even really a Trails game at all. It held my attention all the way to the end which is more than I can say for most games like this. It's just a fun little side-scrolling action rpg like the kind Falcom made in the 8 and 16 bit eras, only with 3D graphics and a comfy hub village where you can mess around in between stages. >>959175 I played Zwei II up until you run into the characters from the Zwei. I figured it would be better to play that first before going any further in the sequel so I got pretty far into Zwei I, lost all of my saves and haven't had the motivation to start it up again so I can play the sequel.
>>958929 There's already a Falcom thread.
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>>958950 >>959364 Thank you for your service, thread police. I don't know what we would do without you.
>>958929 Not on steam? If not, don't care.
>>959351 I keep meaning to play Zwei, and put off playing Zwei II for the longest time. Started a few times, but, it just never hooked me. Moving on and just playing the sequel was the best choice. Pokkle and Pipirio only make passing references to their game, but mostly there's just there for fanservice and flavor text. The stories aren't connected.
>>959899 Am I the only one on this board who doesn't use Steam? Enjoy your DRM and data collection, nigger cattle.
>>959948 I don't either. Let's do a poll. https://poal.me/a4pq8y
>>959949 I'm not touching your poll unless you buy me a drink first.
OP here. I am still playing this. I just hit the 60 hour mark in NG+, got all the equipment and extra mission stars, and I'm level 97 at the second to last dungeon before the epilogue. NG+ is a wild ride, especially if you start on the "Infinity" difficulty like I did. You will git gud or die in one hit to everything for hours but its super satisfying when you master it. NG+ aso adds more story bits, more sidequests, new NPCs, and a special menu where you can raise your level and arts level caps, reduce Gear ability costs (to the point you can make them free), lets you unlock 4 more super hard dungeons with optional megabosses, and more.
Finally got around to starting this. I've only done a handful of stages but I'm enjoying what I've played so far. The chain system keeps things tense while forcing you to git gud since it requires that you don't get hit, and it seems like combat will get a lot more complex once I unlock more moves. It also looks great. I've always liked that old Falcom aesthetic, low poly but excellent designs and texture work make it very nice to look at. I spent all my money on a sexy red china dress for the fairy and now I can't afford a better weapon.
>You get a cute fairy loli who follows you around, lets you use her magic and you can collect outfits to dress her up in. >The JP PSP release was 2013 Is there fairy pantsu?
>>1002362 Unfortunately not, she just has a black void.
Do the boobs still jiggle when you talk to the shopkeepers, it did in the PSP version.
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Plane remains uncrashed. >>1002434 Yep, weapon shop girl is best girl.

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