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Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:32:22 Id: e9758f No. 972310
Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?
Can these threads not be pushed to /vb/? They shouldn't have become a fucking general.
>>972310 Second image is causing intense depression. Thanks OP.
>>972310 So the fat fuck Silverman finally made a cameo in Mega64, years after abandoning his only funny channel, he teased about a crossover with them during that era: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WgIpdUR4Ac4
>>972310 With time I have come to understand folks like Fitzthistlewits. It's better to get out on top and leave behind a legacy of knee slapping videos than to milk your audience for all its worth. AVGN right now is just one of those dine a dozen "safe edgy" shows where they really telegraph what you're supposed to laugh at, instead of the B movie quality thrill rides of the past. The entire Bugs Bunny routine is hilarious because you really don't expect it to escalate that much and get progressively grosser and violent. The internet culture around it was also much more receptive to it. Right now James pretty much reviews games and lets his crew/the game itself provide the commentary.
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>>972358 That's partly due to the spark James used to have for doing the show just not being there anymore. Oddly enough, he has all the time in the world for these kinds of videos now compared to back then, and it has become his full time job, but now he treats it like any 9-5 job and as such, doesn't show enthusiasm anymore. What you see with the latest nerd videos is mostly just bland corporate shit since they don't want to lose their #1 source of revenue (ad money) from a company known to be very flimsy with how they make their decisions (Youtube) and at a moment's notice, Cinemassacre could lose it all.
>>972370 Damn, I loved this channel.
>>972370 >That's partly due to the spark James used to have for doing the show just not being there anymore Marriage does that to all men.
>>972370 Wow I didn't know that it had gotten that bad.
>>972370 >he has all the time in the world for these kinds of videos now compared to back then No, because he has kids. Every minute making AVGN is a minute not spent with his kids. He was stuck doing years of "post-production" (really just extended regular production) on the AVGN movie when his first kid was born, and it made him realize what's important to him in life isn't filmmaking, it's his family. In his book he talks about how difficult that period was for him. He doesn't mention that it's what made him not actually care about filmmaking anymore, maybe it took some time to set in, and it became more impactful after his second kid was born, but he does say very clearly in "modern" videos that he just loves his kids and they take up all his time, he only rarely has an idea for an AVGN he actually wants to do, and he does the rest because it's a stable job that is better than any other job he could get.
>>972513 Some episodes still have some flare, but it's extremely rare. The Doom episode and the 20th Anniversary episode were alright in different ways. The first had some good toilet humour and skits and the 2nd had some nice insight about how his taste on the Castlevania series. But like I said, it's rare
>>972522 >2nd had some nice insight about how his taste on the Castlevania series. Did he say anything about Simon's Quest?
>>972518 This. It is literally impossible to work a full time job and still have time for your kids. And James barely has even a full time job, since Screenwave does the editing and writing for him.
>>972533 Well the question is how much time does he want to spend with his kids? The answer is all of the time. He is a very loving father. Also, Screenwave does the editing and writing, but he still has to act, and he has to tape his lights to the ceiling, and he has to make his own tripods out of vicegrips and blocks of wood, and he has to drill holes through his childhood desks made out of thick '80s wood, and he has to repair his own ancient computers and servers that use wires they barely make anymore and are hard to replace. For some reason he's outsourced all the creative work to Screenwave, but he still does all the technical stuff.
>>972527 No, he essentially compares all the games post 4 (his favorite) to everything else beyond 2.
>>972527 Also, it literally has no skits beyond James dressing like a vampire at the beginning of the video for like 10 seconds. It's just him talking about stuff he actually played.
>>972527 Aside from reusing the same old footage, the cuck went to his go to answer of Super Castlevania 4 b cause muh 8 directional whip
>>972554 Is he wrong though?
>>972554 Sure he has bias for Super Castlevania 4, but it not like he made that a secret. It was still a good video that would have been informative about Castlevania to normalfags, and he did raise a great point that if you put down Symphony of the Night for a good long while, and then play the game as Richter, it'll feel like a whole new classic style experience. It's easy to treat the Richter playthough as just a quick bonus you do right after the Normal Alucard playthough, but to treat it as if it's the real game? I think that's something I'll do next time I play Symphony of the Night.
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Look who shows up on the latest episode of smiling friends.
>>972566 I'll take your Richter playthrough of Symphony and raise you the Maria playthrough of Rondo as peak post Classicvania gameplay.
>>972568 Douge won. Unironically I believe Doug ended up better. He is staying in his lane, enjoying what he does, has plans for retirement already, and is fully able to make fun of himself. James Rolfe doesn't seem to have that attitude at all. Granted, James has kids and I don't believe Doug does, but it's not too late for Doug to start.
>>972568 Adult Comedy Animation has peaked
>>972574 Him and his wife are in their early forties, they should hurry up. Although it seems they already have two kids :^)
>>972568 Man, Zach and Michael are just having a field day with their show huh? This is the tru power level of a bunch of newground autismos when given a budget.
>>972568 Yeah, unlike a certain comic book reviewer, Doug can take a joke. He even liked Oney plays impersonation of him.
>>972589 >that punchline
>canerous again Is OP retarded?
>>972568 Hell yeah. >>972594 Please be kind, he was dropped on his head as a child.
>Anons want to bitch about e-celebs like teenagers on Discord for three threads 8chan prime would have ruthlessly made fun of this board, you know. Internet celebrity bullshit used to be banned.
>>972598 There's a place on Reddit called TheCinemassacreTruth and I'm almost certain this thread is full of crossposters from there because the main thing this "vidya e-celeb" thread is about is James Rolfe, doubly so seeing screencaps from the random "based" Twitter fags like >>972574. >Internet celebrity bullshit used to be banned. It used to be banned here, too! The rule was changed to specifically allow this thread to exist.
>>972598 We made plenty of fun of Yandere dev, plus all the LOL threads. On the other hand we did use to have an active /cow/ board to move discussion there, at most we could have this type of thread moved to /vb/
>>972598 It seems odd to me that "acceptable" e-celeb talk was always allowed like the AVGN and Boogie, but not general discussion of videos or channels which lends itself to more videogame-related discussion. 8chan prime also dispersed back to 4chan and Discord after the site eventually went down, I don't think that's a very good argument to use as a basis for what you want.
>>972606 >some faggots going back means everyone went back You should go back you fucking nigger.
>>972608 That wasn't my point at all.
Well, it looks like there isn't going to be a YIIK finale after all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6c4ckGBjho
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I hate Null and Foxfdicks with a passion.
>>972641 In many ways he is like the nega-Mark, equally annoying but in fat different ways.
>>972670 >fat *far
>>972310 Doug Walker had a cameo appearance in Smiling Friends, Channel Awesome surge
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>>972518 >>972533 >>972538 In short, marriage ruins a man's mind and makes him lose everything actually important, such as his passion and his good ideas.
>>972763 Anon, making videos about shitty video games aren't all there is to life.
>>972840 Putting video game coverage before his children would be the bad sign. He is being the father he should be.
>>972763 He's very happy being a husband and being a father to his kids. If James is happier being a family man at this point I respect that.
>>972840 >>972842 Regardless, marriage ruins men's lives. It is not about what he did before it, but what marriages causes to a man: ruin. >>972843 >He's very happy being a husband and being a father You can either be happy or be a husband/father. Never both.
>>973034 >(1) Ignored.
>>973034 >It is not about what he did before it, but what marriages causes to a man I seriously want to know the type of lifestyle someone was going through to think something like that.
>>972842 I think that's a false dichotomy. YouTube is also his job afaik.
>>973056 I think that's a false implication. He's doing his job, and doesn't owe fans 100% if he chooses family.
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>>972680 Holy shit guys Nicolás Raqueta is going to jail. He was caught with 10 kilos of cocaine in his rectum.
>>973080 Who is this guy? I saw some drama about his mugshot but I don't know who it is or what he's done.
>>973083 Youtube lawyer who got famous covering the Rittenhouse and Johnny Depp trials. Seemed like an honest family man, but got addicted to alcohol and drugs and became a degenerate. He was doing streams coked out of his mind and there are a lot of weird and funny clips of him. Before he got arrested he did a DSP and jerked off on stream.
>>973084 Thanks for the info anon. It's always sad to see someone self-destruct like that.
>>973086 Don't forget that he has a Chrischan medallion.
>>973083 >>973084 He also gain fame by involving himself in the Vic Mignogna lawsuit and making Vic lose by recommending him a shitty layer like Ty Beard. The funny part about that case was when it was discovered that Ty Beard "outsourced" his case to Rekieta who in turn "outsourced" it to his Discord community.
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>>973106 Is this true? If so then holy shit, what absolute fucking retards.
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>>973106 >Ty Beard "outsourced" his case to Rekieta who in turn "outsourced" it to his Discord community
>>973106 Rekieta almost got to be part of the legal defense for Rittenhouse as well. At least he had an interesting strategy of making a very multicultural team, to surround him with black and women attorneys for better optics as the prosecution was filled with whites jews.
>>972582 He definitely fucks that landwhale unlike the AVGN who sleeps on the couch.
>>973039 The truth stays the truth, regardless of what you think. >>973052 A perfect lifestyle, without worshiping the parasites.
>>973383 Pierce aged like fine wine
>>973379 I hope she doesn't eat him.
>>973379 She has a cute face, but she looks more scared than him
Not sure if this belongs here, but WT Dinner, one of the last few remaining flash artists(that includes Pokemon and various video games, to stay on topic) is retiring from porn. He's pretty much modern Zone, making one banger flash after another, and had a lot in his pipeline before he decided to call it quits. He seems to want to move on and focus on non-pornographic content, but he will finish what he started before he disappears from what remains of the flash community limelight. Tweet in question(dunno how you archive those these days so someone else can do so, if they care enough) https://nitter.poast.org/wtdinner/status/1795619428929008059#m His entire collection, I would grab everything and archive it now in case he decides to delete everything if I were you(Most of his stuff is also available on swfchan) https://mega.nz/folder/itRhjQAZ#S0I-mmPRTAcUJ4daskdSvA
>>973423 The absolute madman is even sharing Flash CS6 >I'm kinda getting sick of sex so much tbh. I don't know the guy but I can relate. I'm getting so much pussy all the time it's really tiring.
>>973704 I thinks shes the ones who's been having too many leftovers!
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LGR is a virtue-signaling shit for brains who begs for Patreon money to fund his geek crap collection. If you don't need Patreon to cover basic needs then you don't need Patreon.
>>973893 Back to Brazil, monkey.
>>972310 Wonder how the retrogame crash is affecting them videogame reviewers, because everyone finally fucking snapped that it's not the end of the world whenever a failed NES game doesn't have its faggy sticker misprinted.
>>974048 What?
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>>974048 Did the kike auction companies and autistic circles driving up the prices get fucked yet?
>>974086 There are two retro game stores near me and I don't know how they stay in business..prices are so inflated on relatively normal shit that could only ever possibly interest some little faggy kid who thinks he'd be the coolest kid in school for owning something like Gimmick on the NES even though he will probably never play it
>>974144 Hipsters and said auction houses and collectors.
>>974086 I wanna fug Cordelia so bad.
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The Backrooms image's orgin has been found. (Again, as it turns out.) The famous picture was taken around 2002 in the second floor of a Wisconsin hobby store, before some renovations. A bunch of guys on discord found it by autistically cross-referencing several old halfchan archives (one guy: "I, Serrara, have spent ~150 hours searching for file hashes and other metadata across every known 4chan archive") for thier images, image-hashes, and filenames. Particularly old.sage.moe . And as it turns out SOMEONE ON TWITTER ALREADY FOUND IT IN 2019 (Look in the Google doc if you want to see a tweet with a broken link.) The discord's google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G5rA1PseLZozA6oUYjdVN6Rn8GNdEVY7bTXV4SmVp7E - SERIOUS autism within. Actual address: HobbyTown 807 Oregon St, Oshkosh, WI 54902 YT vid on how it was found (Backrooms YouTuber, sorry he's a bit of a fag.): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=uUpH1LNkh10
>>974199 The meme was autistic to begin with, but this is advanced autism. Makes me even more paranoid about my own opsec.
>>974199 Ok but is there a way out?
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>>974199 Is it abandoned? Can I move in? I'm gonna build my epic gamer pad mancave in there.
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These are all the gaming channels I'm subscribed to: >Accursed Farms >AlphaOmegaSin >Bro Team Pill >Cinemassacre >Cleve Blakemore >Crowbcat >CwcvilleGuardian >Derrick NOT A FISH >DingDongVG >DingDongVG Streams >DNSL >Doctor Derrick >Doug TenNapel >EmptyHero >Gassious Clay >HappyConsoleGamer >Joey JoJo >Jon Tron Show >kitetales >Kojima Productions >Larry Bundy Jr. >LGR >Majuular >MandaloreGaming >Mark Mann >Matthewmatosis >Matthewmatosis Extra >Mega64 >Michael Does Life >Mike Matei >MrEdders123 >OneyPlays >PatricianTV >ROCKCOCK 64 >rockcock 64 full streams >Running With Scissors >Side Scrollers >SomecallmeJohnny >SsethTzeentach >SsethTzeentach2 >Steak Bently >strafefox >Synthetic Man >Tamers12345 >The Rageaholic >Timothy Cain >Ulillillia Archive
[Expand Post]>Worth A Buy Go ahead and bully me. And then post your subscriptions, if you're brave enough.
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>>974255 >Tamers12345 >Gaming >CwcvilleGuardian >Gaming >JonTron (modern) >Gaming >The Rageaholic >Gaming >Kojima Productions >Gaming
>>974255 >Ulillillia Archive Redeemed You're missing >avgnytpmv >decino >MarphitimusBlackimus
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>>974267 >Tamers12345 Of course he's gaming. He loves the Sonic Underground Tiger Electronic LCD game.
>>974048 If anything it would help reviewers just a tiny bit since a couple of them are too autistic to pirate and now they might be able to afford the games.
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>>974251 Looks like a shitty sportswear store
>>974366 >>974251 We postin' setups?
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>>974370 I just want something that looks like this
>>974371 Hey, the reddit opinion thread is that way >>>/vb/ Me too, if only because of the nostalgia and the importance of physical media
>>974401 >Nostalgia Not even, I didn't get to experience this shit, most of my rental days were DVD rentals in 2007 and it was already sterile as fuck. It just looks better, it's aesthetically pleasing.
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>>974078 Nobody wants to buy old games from their childhood because of sellers pulling out retarded excuses so they could sell them in a 4 digit price. Can you imagine fucking SMB3 has a rare variant? Literally a misplaced "bros" word on the cover of the cartridge.
>>974679 Why pay $200 at the cheapest for a copy of Pokemon Gale of Darkness on the GameCube when you can download Dolphin and a rom for free?
>>974267 >Tamers12345 >CwcvilleGuardian Sonic is video games. >JonTron >The Rageaholic They used to make videos about video games. >Kojima Productions Okay, you got me. Kojima has nothing to do with video games.
>>973083 Internet lawyer who lost control of his life the moment it looked like he was destined for the jewtuber big time. Ended up in an open relationship with another married couple where the dudes were fucking each other's wives while doing a bunch of various drugs including cocaine which he got busted with. He was also constantly drunk and let his alcoholism go completely wild. Add in the fact he has 5(?) kids who depend on him and his drugged out wife and shit just gets dark. Eventually a teacher or his pastor or something told the police after the kids complained about being dirty/going hungry so the cops got involved and found drugs/guns. I may be misremembering some bits but that is the gist of it. He was also involved in the clusterfuck of the Vic Mignogna lawsuit with the retard Ty Beard that left Vic in the red for a truckload of money. Everything about it annoys me when I think about it. What a fucking mess that was. >>974251 >>974366 (checked) Yeah that definitely looks like a store display at first glance.
>>974680 Shills are desperate to convince people to stop pirating, because shills wasted money buying useless software that is available for free and thought they could resell it later. >>974960 It all started with marriage.
>>972370 Is there an accepted cut off point for when AVGN turned uninspired?
>>974255 I'm subscribed to maybe a handful of those but I just don't have the time to watch shit anymore, I've been meaning to clean up my subscriptions for years.
>>974255 Also >no ManlyBadassHero
>>974975 Much like The Simpsons, it doesn't suddenly get bad, the general quality gradually decreases while classic episodes still happen here and there. By 2017 most would agree AVGN was already in a years-long decline, but that's the same year the Game Boy Accessories episode released which is arguably one of James' funniest. There were real duds like the Toxic Crusaders episode, but that was during his heyday. There isn't an exact cutoff point, it's more like a gradient. I'd say from 2012 to 2016 is the transition period from old AVGN to new AVGN. I don't like talking about AVGN though because the 'fanbase' is full of fucking weird scorned fans and entire communities dedicated to how much they don't like Rolfe personally. Lots of crossover with foxdix and the general lolcow community.
>>974975 Season 6 feels like a big drop in quality, it's not unwatchable from there on but it's rarely as good.
>>974987 Checks out, AVGN is basically the YouTube Simpsons if you see it like that, even more poetic is the fact that AVGN is one of the longest running internet shows, if not THE longest running one. At the same time, it generates the same feeling as The Simpsons when i watch an old episode of both... Huh... I'll watch some, just for the old days when i was still getting my hand in English, and watched him for the laughs, learn some curse words, and more
>>974975 There are multiple eras. >Classic Era: Episodes 1 (Simon's Quest) (2004) - 101 (Spielberg Games) (April 2011). At the end of the Spielberg Games episode, he announces the movie, which from then on begins taking increasing amounts of his time. >Pre-Movie Era: 102 (Making Of/Barbie) (July 2011) - 119 (Desert Bus) (May 2014) Output slows dramatically as more and more time is dedicated to the movie. The first 100 episodes came out in about 5 years (the first two episodes came out two years before the third), but now it's only 17 episodes in 3 years. The quality begins high in this era, but as the movie begins to eat more of his time, the quality suffers. It's not unfunny yet, but it's obvious what's going on. He has no time. Perhaps you can consider The Movie as the end of this era. It's very much tied up in this era. >Post-Movie Era: 120 (Beetlejuice) (October 2014) - 138 (Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero) (December 2015) Maybe some would argue the quality increased after the movie, he had a bit more time, but he was clearly burned out, and he had more passion for other works, notably Board James Season 3, which was coming out around this time, was clearly his passion project, and was pretty good, which made people overlook how these AVGN episodes might have been a bit lackluster. And don't get me wrong, some of the things from this era, like The Twelve Days of Shitsmas, and Bad Game Cover Art, are great. >Attempt at Balance Era (Season 10, 2016): 139 (Mega Man) - 143 (Sega Activator Interactor Menacer) The Mega Man episode (season premiere) is about how Mega Man (blatantly representing the AVGN series) is totally overdone, but at the same time, AVGN doesn't want to see it go away forever, he just wants it to slow down and only come out when the creators have a good idea for an entry. The Sega Accessories episode is the season finale and the last time Kyle Justin would work with Cinemassacre.
>Proto-Screenwave Era (Season 11, 2017): 144 (Power Rangers) - 156 (Earthbound) The Screenslobs began working on Cinemassacre one at a time. Big Ryan started working there years earlier. It's unclear when exactly they started to get more control, but in 2016 Tony was brought on to start editing videos, and in 2017 the other guys started editing and being noticed in other behind the scenes roles, and eventually on-camera roles. At this point, everyone thought they were just more of James and Mike's friends. Also in this era, Mike and Bootsy was cancelled, which we would soon learn was due to bad blood between the two, indicating the loss of a guy who was previously a significant presence. The fact that this coincides with the rise of the Screenslobs is of interest, but the precise relationship between these things is unconfirmed. I should also note that the Earthbound episode is technically the premiere of Season 12, but since it's one of the last times James has given a shit, and the episode immediately after is when the Slobs really started doing a lot more, I'm putting Earthbound with Season 11. It just took him forever to beat the game on account of being an RPG and him having no time. This Season is when he clearly starts doing stuff to try to appeal to the internet. Truthers think that the slobs got more influence partway through the season, but perhaps it was even before the Season. James never showed much interest in Power Rangers before, but got really into it so he could release a few videos, including an AVGN on it, just before the reboot movie. He did a Sonic '06 episode which was actually real complaints about the game, but then later in the season he did an episode of all the meme complaints about the game that you'd get from Game Grumps or whatever, if you never actually played the game. It's almost as if he did one real episode, then Big Ryan or Justin "Crusty Justy" Silverman told him to do one that's more of a "crowd pleaser." >Early Screenwave Era (Season 12, 2018): 157 (Dirty Harry) - 164 (Home Alone) Big Ryan and his Screenslobs begin to make more and more overt appearances on the channel, which coincides with them doing more work on AVGN. It would take time to realize just how much work, but eventually it became clear that James had become practically just an actor, with the Slobs not just editing, but even writing, which becomes terribly obvious as time goes on. This is when the Slobs start Rental Reviews, a show basically about them with James standing in the background and occasionally going "Yep. Mmmhmm." >Peak Screenwave Era (Seasons 13-15, 2019-2021): 165 (Chronologically Confused about Kingdom Hearts) - 200 (Every LJN game) The Kingdom Hearts episode begins with AVGN/James admitting he doesn't know anything about Kingdom Hearts and has never played any of the games. He then goes on to read a script by Kieran about how the timeline is confusing. Kieran, upon quitting a few years later, said he tried to warn Big Ryan that this was a bad idea, but Big Ryan made him do it. Episodes from this era not only have a bunch of episodes about stuff James obviously doesn't know anything about, but also has The Slobs guest-star in multiple episodes. None of these episodes are well liked. Episode 200 is a three parter because Big Ryan accidentally sold three times as many ads as he was supposed to, so he had to force James to make "Episode 200" three episodes. The episode is about AVGN hiring a guy to make a game (even though there are already two official AVGN games that exist in universe) and he realizes that due to technical and budget reasons, making a game is hard, so he should forgive LJN and not make fun of them. Like the Mega Man episode, the metaphor for his own series is very blatant. A couple of months before Episode 200, James released a "Behind the Scenes" video. He had done this before, Episode 102 was a "Making of" video, and Cinemassacre 200 was basically a documentary about himself, for just a few examples. But in this one he decided that he was finally going to address some complaints "of the assholish variety." This backfired massively. He previously never addressed any criticism, or even worse, attacks, such as when SJWs attacked him for not wanting to watch Ghostbusters 2016. But now he finally spoke up, and it was against people who were essentially just telling him that the people he hired sucked at their jobs. In the process, he also revealed many silly tech decisions which lead to silly creative decisions, and this lead to far more criticisms of the assholish variety. But then it turned out those fans of the assholish variety were right, as that year they marketed that Monster Madness was coming back and it was gonna be in the classic format again. Then on October 1st those fans of the assholish variety immediately noticed the video was plagiarized. They managed to get access to the second and found that was plagiarized as well. Busty Justy, essentially the manager of Cinemassacre by this point, looked into it and found they were all fucking plagiarized. The Slob that did it, TobyFromSmackTheBoobies' friend Newt Wallen, was fired. Justin and Big Ryan made Caveman Kieran re-do all 31 videos, with only a day to do each one (minus one or two days it took them to catch the problem). The poor Caveman never got paid, as Big Ryan considered it part of his regular duties, even though it obviously wasn't. >The Secret Slobs Era (Seasons 16-Present, 2022-Present): 201 (The Last Ninja) - 215 (What's the Best Castlevania?) Following Monster Madness 2021, which came right at the perfect time to make the fans of the assholish variety even more energized, it became impossible for James to continue ignoring how bad the Screenslobs were, and just keep saying anyone who tried to warn him was just of the assholish variety. At the beginning of 2022, he released a video announcing that the channel was going to try to get back to basics, focusing on nostalgia. He also said that the Slobs (of course, he didn't call them that) would be stepping to other projects or going behind the scenes. He released a few non-AVGN videos like this, and things seemed like they might be improving. But The Slobs were still writing and editing AVGN, so really, nothing got better. At one point Kieran, the guy who was by then writing and editing AVGN, quit, and some new Slob, Sean, replaced him. Nothing really got better. A couple of episodes during this era do a gimmick of flashing back to the past, with segments being in the style of old AVGN episodes. They're fairly accurate, indicating that they see the difference, but think this new era is actually better. Episode 214, My Horse Prince, was quickly regarded by many as the worst episode ever. Episode 215 is the most recent, and it's just him talking about other Castlevania games that he didn't talk about as much before, because he has no nostalgia for them. It's almost as if Big Ryan told him to talk about Symphony of the Night because it's popular, so he says it's good, but he likes Castlevania IV best because it's the one he actually grew up with, and Symphony of the Night is so different. I'd say Mega Man is the point that works best as an ending. It's him admitting he's pretty much done. But you could argue it's fine up to perhaps the Robocop episode. The one after that is Sonic '06 Part 2, where he went back to do a meme game with more meme complaints that he forgot to say in his first video (where he did more accurate commentary). The Screenslobs started some time shortly before this episode, but it seems like their involvement was gradual, so when they started it wasn't that significant.
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>>974680 Because it's not the same, despite the fact there are USB controllers that recreate the experience. >>975094 The biggest letdown has to be slobs when they joined, they were funny after telling ScrewAttack to neck themselves, even the hipster had his moments. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=eGXhsxhq3gA
>>974975 This one: >>975093 >Sega Activator This was the complete garbage that exposed James' lack of interest and reliance on inviting nobodies to fill the gap.
>>975094 Megaman was the end for me, people were already seeing where things were heading when the movie was announced and left right then and there. The Megaman retrospective was a great sendoff and I like to leave there.
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Why play runescape like an autist when you can watch giga-autists do it for you? >Settled's Swampletics - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiMc19-qaA3u1ZawZQIKAh0BknPvoK8a Colossal autist locks himself in Morytania with an ultimate Ironman account(no bank) and finds equally creative and completely retarded ways to grind up his skills and gear to take on a difficult raid in the area. >SoupRS' Gleinor Games What if runescape was a live action games show? Man gathers autists who know runescape inside out and has them go through challenges in an elimination format. Genuinely entertaining and season 2 is peak faction powerplays and backstabbing fuckery. >Limpwurt Extreme One Chunk Ironman - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDeBkMwh3gDO0nvTsWNJafdtz37IID1SF An even bigger autist decides to lock himself in chunks(map increments) until he has achieved everything there is to do in a chunk before rolling the next. This can be anything from getting all unique drops from a boss in a chunk to getting 99 woodcutting and defense in the lumbridge starting area and getting 99 construction without a saw. Extremely comfy.
>>975191 >This was the complete garbage that exposed James' lack of interest and reliance on inviting nobodies to fill the gap. The Sega Activator episode was actually his most expensive episode ever, and the last time Kyle Justin worked with him, in this case as a carpenter. I didn't know who that guest star was, and I didn't like him, but James seemed to like it and put a lot of effort into it. But yeah, I'd still say that after Mega Man the quality just kept going down, even though he slowed output in an attempt to only make episodes he cared about. Perhaps that's why that era was so short-lived, and then he brought in Screenwave.
You cannot find an e-celeb outside of Jewtube, then they're someone who's opinion is not worth listening to and who's videos are not worth watching!
>>975430 What?
>>975261 Some of my old friends who are into OSRS recommended Settled to me, and I've been on a tear the last few months watching all of his videos, and whatever else interesting creators in the OSRS community people can make. IMO he's the best and most likable of the bunch. Plus his tileman series is also great. But yes, they are all giga-autists. Hundreds to thousand+ hour grinds into the most menial, repetitive tasks mean little to them, its honestly mind-boggling. I was tempted to get back into OSRS after watching their videos, but then I thought about it and restrained myself after I made a new account. Too much investment for little reward (excluding being able to play with old friends, which honestly might have made it worth it but I don't really have time for that right now anyways)
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>>975444 Simple, if they're not spewing "capitalism bad, racism bad, white people bad" then they get blacklisted by the useful retards from TikTok.
>>975492 I like(d) settled but I really dislike his followup series. No more theatrics; you can pick just about any of his later videos at random and you'll see OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD at a drop, a slide show of level ups and the actual challenges are very poorly defined and boil down to "I grinded". Tileman is basically a regular ironman but with additional grinding and I don't really see the appeal of his 1hp mode because once he unlocks Protect From prayers he's more or less done and it's now a matter of what momentary lapse of judgement or server lag that'll kill him. >I was tempted to get back into OSRS after watching their videos I wouldn't bother. The game is no longer for casuls like us who want to jump in for some quick comfy times and quite frankly at this point in time you should have at least five dozen games you'd want to play over runescape whether it be new releases, backlogged games, mods or replays. Hell there's a singleplayer not-RS(3) if you're so inclined. I've only played like 5 minutes of the demo and I think it's still in early access but if you're interested look up Cursebreaker The Black Grimoire
Anyone got any recommendations for content creators who analyze/go into depth on RPGs? (JRPGs are preferred but any kind of RPG is fine too as long as they're passionate and reasonably articulate about it) I just wanna relax and listen to someone talk about a game they love or at least are very interested in.
>>975864 I wouldn't say he goes indepth into the mechanics of the games but Majuular has some really comfy videos and is currently doing an ultima retrospective. Word of caution is that he does the faggy "greenscreens himself into vidya footage" thing sometimes but it's not every video.
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The comment section of this video is so funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-x4zur30tc It is literally Joel 4chan fanbase vs his pronoun fanbase going at it because his Lucidid gameplay. Clash of worlds
The Lucidid dev is the definition of mentally ill twitter freak
Wait, that's not the e-celeb thread
>>977037 Give me a tl:dw

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>>977064 Streamer plays game, game has a bunch of pronouns in the character creator, comment section makes fun of game.
>e-celebs Regardless, I wonder how many of Vinesauce's modern fans know it started as a 4chan thing. It was a Minecraft server or something right? I read through a page or two of those comments and the only real thing I saw matching your description was "This game has pronouns but not once do the characters ever refer to you by said pronouns. Its fucking hilarious."
>>977100 I started watching Joel because of his windows destruction videos back in 2016 I guess; I've always thought this guy is way too funny and unrestricted for modern internet, but the fact that they use a Booru for storing their fanart what was gave it away.
Are there any good video game podcasts? I'm in desperate need of some background noise and everything I find is full of trannies.
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>>980617 there's Side Scrollers, they recently talked shit about Literally Wu, with Blabs even outright calling him a dude pretending to be a woman https://yewtu.be/watch?v=p2XILDhmcgM
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>>972310 I just found out that 3Lamestudios nuked his channel, the original wop who kick started this trend of brainrot with every fucking popular franchise known in humankind. >>977071 >The comments are the only funny part Now you know why Jewtube disable commentaries or manipulates the algorithm to ratio the wrong-thinkers.
an hour long video essay about the nerd, fresh out of the oven https://yewtu.be/watch?v=b3gZOt1Lo4A
>>982934 >Pedo Dan No.
>>982934 >Dan the Pedo Man Glad you outed yourself, faggotl
>>982943 You're either new or never posted in the GamerGay threads. A wise choice. In the early days of GG, Dan Olson, before he was famous and when he was still making videos with the puppet you see in his profile pic, made a tweet about how he downloaded CP from 8chan to show to authorities or something to that effect. Whether or not he actually did this is unknowable, but he was widely made fun of here as doing that would have been very illegal. Olson is also a complete dick who pretends otherwise. He's a lot like Foxdicks but with an air of sophistication, he does the same strangely nasty deep dives on random e-celebs but presents it in a intellectualized video essay format. He rightfully criticizes Cinemassacre "truthers" for being weirdo fucking alogs but fails to understand he's fundamentally the same as them, he tries to draw some arbitrary distinction relating to their racism and misogyny but both are irrelevant to their unusual fixation on and sense of superiority to Rolfe. His 48-minute "Comfortably Doug", a take down of Doug Walker's The Wall, is oddly cruel in a way that feels very genuine. The way he treated fellow "Breadtuber" Quinton Reviews best encapsulates this, randomly attacking him out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, but many of Olson's fans actually like Quinton and began accosting him over it, leading Olson deleting the tweets. When there's no negative predisposition against his targets it's much more obvious how unwarrantedly vitriolic and mean he can be. As much as he'd hate to hear it, he'd fit well into these threads.
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>>982944 Wow! Now I know two pedophiles with the name Dan!
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We're about to see some serious shit.
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>>982968 And so the cycle continues.
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>>982968 Holy Mother of God, please make it happen!
>>982977 When directed towards luciano, yes.
>>983031 >luciano is right Behind the keyboard of your post, that is correct.
>>983052 Especially Luciano.
>>983052 Post your hand with timestap
I found this channel called The Electric Underground. The guy makes fairly in depth videos about shmups and arcade games in general. I'm enjoying them so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoVVB3Va5kw Is there anything to be aware of with this channel? I'm at the point now where I'm expecting every youtuber to have massive skeletons in their closet (usually pedo shit) as a general rule.
>>983103 He has some good opinions and some REALLY spicy hot takes. For example, there's a video where he described Megaman X and said that the game was poorly designed because it has an idea of inherent Jan-Ken-Pon philosophy into the games design without an external source. If I recall correctly, he would go on to compare MMX to a SHUMP design, which I don't feel is fair to MMX since MMX is an action platformer rather than an action shooting game. Generally, I think the issue with Electric Underground is that he's a massive SHUMP and Ninja Gaiden fanboy, He also made this meme, which I thought was funny.
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>>983116 wrong image, my bad.
>>983103 Found him a while back too, I remember mostly agreeing with his points, worst reputation I think he has currently is his hyper autism/fixation on arcade gameplay being superior to everything else (which is true looking at the past few years of AAA trash), but other than that seems to be a good guy (a rarity in the eceleb space). >>983116 >REALLY spicy hot takes Doesn't that video above you imply DMC and Ninja Gaiden (when they're not speedran) are inferior to arcade Beat em ups due to the lack of timers? >Jan-Ken-Pon You mean Rock Paper Scissors? The thing that's half the core design of "ROCKman X"? I'll track it down and watch it tonight to see what he says but this might be his hyperfixation kicking in again as it did with DMC and NG. >massive SHUMP and Ninja Gaiden fanboy Underselling it, arcade SHMUPs and fightans are definitely his two main domains, closest he'd ever want to get to ANYTHING else would be speedrunning.
>>972310 >We now live in the timeline where people are singing the praises of Doug Walker, and turning on Red Letter Media. >Even 5 years ago, this would have been unheard of. I always told people Reddit letter media where hack faggots. Only Rich Evan’s tolerable because of the aids meme.
>>977037 >>977100 I keep forgetting vinesauce was a thing.
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Genuinely happy for this. When something bad happens to e-whores i rejoice. Turn my hobby into some sloth machine jigsaw puzzle with each piece sold individually filled with whores and niggers and you expect nothing will happen to you? I hope he actually kills himself.
>>983842 Its funny when you see Vinny or Joeal having to hold back on their old /v/ bullshit because of current year twitch. You can just hear what they want to say.
>>983887 > (((Herschel))) "Guy" Beahm IV
>>983887 What's the story with this guy? Everyone is talking about him now but I have no idea who he is.
>>983977 I only know he is a streamer that was allegedly sexting with a minor.
>>983977 Very quick run down >extremely famous Twitch streamer, known for being very good at PVP FPS like CoD, gets stadiums worth of people watching him every stream >gets streaming deal with Twitch worth like 2 million dollars >permabanned out of the blue for seemingly no reason, Twitch rarely hands out permabans like people have literally had sex on stream and not been permabanned >Twitch refuses to elaborate >DrDisrespect refuses to elaborate >DD sues Twitch, they settle out of court >internet baffled, lots of sleuthing but nothing concrete surfaces >years pass; former Twitch employee claims DD was sexting an soccer mom via Whispers (internal Twitch DMs) which Twitch had full access to >fits his MO as DD was known to cheat on his wife, previously admitted to having affairs in an on-stream apology >multiple other former employees corroborate >some journos come out and say they also heard this was the reason for the banning >DD's career thusly implodes
Btw "soccer mom" is a /v/ filter, replace soccer with underаged and mom with girl.
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>>984197 True Christorians know that the Sonichu Medallion isn't even the real source of Chris's power. The true power comes from his Amnyfest Ring. This is why Chris could replace his own medallion several times while still keeping his power. Like the time a troll got him to send the medallion so that he would destroy it on camera. Or the time Bluespike got Chris to put the medallion up his butt (which required him to cut it up first, because it was too big). If the medallions do have power, they are only conduits, and not the source. They only channel the power of the Amnyfest Ring, so it doesn't matter if the medallions are different.
>>984205 How does Chris selling and buying back the ring figure into all this?
>>984205 How do we stop the demon though? Must we find and burn the ring?
>>984217 >I think one of Chris's supervillain groups, either The Miscreants or The GayNigger Association of America, did start planning to do that, and Chris got wind of it, so he explained that the true power comes from within himself, and the ring only channels it (and then I guess it goes from the ring to the medallion).
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>>984218 Still, if the ring is the channeling point, then that would atleast stop the spread of his influence.
>>984219 Chris's powers have expanded greatly since the Golden Age. That was before he even realized his true form of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu, CPU Blueheart, and whatever other titles he has now. His dimensional merge abilities have been increasing steadily for years now. I fear he doesn't need any totems anymore. He even sold his famous Sonic Totem. He grew beyond the need for it.
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>>984220 ...We need help.
>>984222 The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. The new trolls, like the Idea Guys, or The Teen Troon Squad, or Bella, are doing it to try to hurt him, and by doing so, hurt the world. Perhaps Chris's well-being is tied with that of the world. Perhaps Chris was right all along.
>>984224 Chrisuhi Wilsumiya?
>>972310 Who had the biggest letdown? Personally i'd say Silvermania's Show: >Posers sucking off to corporations >Had a pedophile in the show and now redditors assume you're one of them >Also the edgy humor, that's a plus considering they all got troll's remorse Brilliant idea of wanting to cater redditors and pretend the past never happened.
>>983982 Disrespect said it was a kid though? (And also there was never any confirmation of actual sexting)
>>984224 > The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. The poor guy is retarded, he genuinely thought a girl was liking him, and he genuinely wanted to date her. What she and the pickle guy did was just cruel. Yes, Chris is a disgusting creep and retard, no girl would ever want him, but he does not know that. Why get his hopes up? People should have been just content with observing Chris's silly antics and laugh at him from a safe distance. But that wasn't good enough, the had to poke the retard and try to one-up each other. I bet Chris would not be anywhere was fucked in the head as he is now if it wasn't for the internet. He could have just been content being the village idiot and playing with toys.
>>984246 >Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. Yeah, but in-universe they had backstories that indicated it was about helping Chris and teaching him lessons. Like how Clyde Cash only did what he did to teach Chris responsibility because when Chris said he was quitting Sonichu, his brother Ryan Cash killed himself. That's what made Classic Chris so great. It was a whole alternate universe. Ironically, that's the one that did the Dimensional Merge, and ruined everything. But the point remains that the later trolls were something different. I think the old ones were doing it for the lulz, but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice, and sometimes a sense of righteous malice. There's a distinct difference between Clyde Cash and The Idea Guys.
>>984220 >CPU Blueheart I don't follow Chris chan lore for my own sanity, that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? >>984246 Some people are just built different, sometimes negatively. The TGT guy had almost as much potential to get fucked in the head as Chris chan did, got his fair share of bullying too, but he actually developed a sense of self awareness and humor that's made him far better off mentally than Chris ever will be.
>>984253 >but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice This what "lolcow culture" has evolved into: tens of thousands of weens who go after spergs online because they enjoy the thrill of the frenzy. They couldn't care less if it was funny or not. That's part of why it's so hard to find any fun lolcows anymore. They've all be scared off. The current crop of cows are just typical white trash with an internet addiction.
>>984291 >that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? He's a Sony fanboy who only owned a PS3, anon. Of course he dragged Neptunia into his delusions. Just like he did to Sailor Moon.
>>984324 The underage thing is deflection. Multiple twitch related (and employed) people have been caught in inappropriate situations with children and things never escalated.
>>984205 What if the medallion has a Chris pube in it, like Dick's has.
>>984291 >>984329 Not quite. The Neptunia stuff wasn't natural to Chris. It was installed in him by the Idea Guys, two weens who weren't just ruining Sonichu by making him insert their ideas into the comics They are the ones who pushed Chris into this Dimensional Merge shit. Like he did once say that he thought Sonichu was real in another dimension, but it was under the Idea Guys that he started talking about it a lot, like they took the one thing he said but probably didn't actually think about a lot, and then pushed him into it being his whole life. They also were doing this to get money and gifts out of him. One time they got him to send them hundreds or thousands of dollars (I forget just how much, but at least two PS Vitas were gifted) by sending him pictures of whatever chimpouts were happening at the time and saying that they were photos of CWCville after they attacked it with a laser on the moon. They literally held CWCville hostage and he actually sent them money to save it. Now granted, that actually was pretty funny, but the fact that they were actually getting money out of it ruins it a bit, and really shows what I mean when I say that these guys and the trolls after them are worse than the classic ones like Liquid Chris or whatever. The classic trolls were just trying to be funny.
>>984337 Those were the ones who got Chris to insert a war arc into Sonichu with Adolf Hitlerchu and his aryan Rosechu breeding centers, right?
>>984346 Yes. They also convinced him that Bob became a Sonichu and is now gay with Ted Bundychu.
>>984324 >Like what, if I trash talk a teenager on an FPS am I exposing them to something I shouldn't? Nine times out of eleven trash talking communicates to them that they'll end up a loser still playing FPS multiplayer games if they don't sort their lives out.
>>984324 No shit, everything on the internet is overblown tedious bullshit made by terminally online retards who have no idea how the actual world works. Everything is pedophilia/grooming now (because nothing else has the same sting anymore thanks to words being devalued). Talking to a teenager is now pedophilia, if you don't (somehow) verify someone's age online before you make a dirty joke, you're a sick raping fuck who deserves death and execution.
>>984466 Sorry, I don't like pedos,.
>>984458 Blame women for that. they are the ones who turn any environment into a pit of bitterness and overblown gossip/accusations.
>>984458 Meanwhile faggots who push for a sterilized internet tend to have pedophilic urges, notice how they want everything infantalized so they can lure little kids into their echochambers. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k7NyRXj8BHc >>984489 Their secret weapon whenever their fellow dykes run out of arguments.
>>984458 >who deserves death and execution Death and torture would have been less redundant.
>>984645 ...do you mean to say that people die when they are executed?
>>984632 >You actually have to be useful to society in order to make money Reality proved this to be false.
>>984693 Name a single country providing welfare that HASN'T failed or gone severely into debt.
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>>984699 Norway >>983116 No, More Heroes? 3 was a disaster of a game, only enjoyable parts ironically were the moon battles and the Diversity enemy description
>>984814 *mook
>>984199 how can a cripple be so muy basado maldito
>>984245 Should've asked for an ID for every failed abortion that gained access to the interwebs.
>>984699 Their failure is irrelevant. They stood many years having their elite making money without ever providing anything useful to society. Thus, that statement is false. You can become rich without ever doing anything useful and never putting any effort into meaningful work, just fine. The country falls, but you stay rich and move on to the next country. >dbet Lmao. Is this a joke? Nobody pays debt. If the country demanding payment does anything against the one in debt, it will just be hated by everyone in the world and will face a backlash so big that their finances will plunder even harder than the debt money not paid. "Borrow" without ever paying back is the norm. And "take the money without contributing anything to society" works just fine.
>>984245 It's worth mentioning that pedophiles that do have proof of sexting to underage little shits still have a platform on Youtube, recent example has to be Weegiepie, who also uses Nintendo's character for his persona meaning pedophiles will also use it for their comfort and to lure their prey. His videos are total "randum xD" cancer, what an odd coincidence on how the painfully unfunny fags who leech on current trends are the bigger narcissistics and potential sex traffickers.
>>983982 You forgot to mention that he was DMing a tranny streamer too.
Decided to re-watch two best friends's Downpour playthrough (probably their classic). Could barely get through the first episode. I'm wondering what i saw in these people back then. I vividly remember enjoying their RE 2 and Eternal darkness run.
>>985118 I feel this way about almost everyone I watched when I was younger. Even the older Oneyplays videos are a little tough to sit through.
>>985118 You were young, and thus, dumb The smarter you get (especially with age) the more you realize how retarded and tedious those liberal subhumans are, with their Monty Python-esque unfunny stupidity.
>>985118 Dude, I always tell this to people who say "[whatever] was better when [I was a teen]". Go watch 2000s/early 2010s YouTube, much of it is obnoxious and utterly brutal cringe.
/v/'s thoughts on SyntheticMan? I personally think he's too try hard contrarian at points, but I also respect that he's honest about his thoughts and buys every game he reviews.
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>>985134 As far as let's player go i only watched them, haxornova, spoonerism and the early creatures (like 2011/12) and the same goes for gamegrumps with Johntron. I vividly remember making lunch before going to the gym and watching them and being entertained. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=UQy2jl1ecTA I'm kind of amazed to be honest. Are we this fucking retarded when we are 19? Listening to them now it seems like their stuff was made for 13 year olds. >>985159 >>985176 I cringe whenever i read people reminiscing nostalgically about "how good COD was" or the "great 7th gen"
>>985187 > the "great 7th gen" Shit is so fucking cancer that I unironically miss 7th gen.
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>>985185 I haven't watched any of the videos but to judge a book by its cover, it looks like if cuckchan /v/ were a YouTube channel. >>985187 >Are we this fucking retarded when we are 19? (You were 19 watching this stuff? Really?) While I was too old to ever enjoy Minecraft content or even that style of YouTuber, I noticed when I was 20-21 my tastes shifted very quickly and stuff I used to enjoy became embarrassing to watch. I used to watch The Simpsons post season 12, I don't know how I did it. >I cringe whenever i read people reminiscing nostalgically about "how good COD was" or the "great 7th gen" This is true for basically every case of nostalgiafagging, it's only obvious when you're old enough to see other people do it. Look up a longplay of any shitty PS2 game and go to the comments, it will inexplicably be full of "omg I loved this soooo much😭😭 best era of gaming ever!!" and the game will be Brotherhood of Steel. You can do the same for bad NES games, too. For the 7th gen it's particularity odd though, because I remember a lot of people making fun of major gaming trends even at the time. Brown as an artstyle and monitors blown out with awful bloom.
>>985190 >>985187 >the "great 7th gen" I am still not sure if Crowbcat made this video ironically or not. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=w5u8jyPIrIY
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Sorry for doubleposting but I have to show you what later Simpsons seasons, "zombie Simpsons", are like.
>>985195 I thought the joke was going to be that they had already played the Wii Zii Sports game, like 10 years ago hated it, or that they had like 5 of those consoles laying in a corner, because their grand kids kept sending them one. Sure it's a bit wholesome, but very late for the joke, wait is this even a recent episode? >January 31, 2010 That's 14 years old, at this point it's "vintage" Simpons.
>>985193 360 fans are by far the worst nostalgiafags I have ever seen. Worse than 90s kids. Worse than N64 kids.
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>>985185 That's actually the only acceptable reason to miss the 7th gen. A lot of people's perception of reality is absolutely warped though >>985191 >I used to watch The Simpsons post season 12, I don't know how I did it. Me to. I watched them out of pure habit and i fucking hate The simpsons now. I never understood how people who were my age also watched stuff like adventure time, my little pony or rick and morty. Same thing for moeshit in anime. 15 years ago you were openly mocked nowadays it seems most series are comprised of moeshit+isekai and no fan service whatsoever. >>985193 The ending makes me thing it might be
>>985198 Yeah, but it's Crowbcat so I am 50/50 on this being "ironic", the fact that in ended on Skyrim and let the theme song play for 30 seconds, makes me believe he was just joking, of course the average jewtuber will take this at face value, "like oh my God! Skyrim is the best thing ever, 10/10 the badass seal of approval!" . At best it shows that big AAA games were getting released at a rate of one or two per month so gamers did have things to play, even if some of those were legit shit like Fable 3. PS5 gamers wish they had this amount of content. >>985200 >The ending makes me thing it might be What kind of gamer are you :^)
>>985187 >>985193 >>985198 I once saw somebody say Xbox as a brand has survived solely on nostalgia for playing Halo 3 in the summer of 2007.
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>>985187 >>985190 >>985191 >>985193 >>985198 >>985200 >>985201 I don't have any nostalgia for the seventh gen because my family was poor at the time so I didn't have any of the systems (Unless you count the DS), so my experience was mostly going straight from playing sixth gen to the eighth gen games and speedrunning people's 5-7 year decline in interest within three years. Now that I'm actually getting into seventh gen games nearly 20 years later and can afford it myself, I'd say that it's just okay. I can see why people were hyped the first couple years, immediately became tired when almost everything was just another shooter with another gimmick a couple years afterwards, and ended up being jaded by the hole experience with companies also piling on almost endless DLC (Ironically the Japanese actually being the most guilty of it); but I don't see it as being "as bad" as the memes made it out to be. There was a lot of good content, but you only realize this in hindsight.
>>985190 7th gen was actually good in terms of handheld gaming, even if the consoles sucked
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>>985185 >too try hard contrarian Nah he just aligns more with anti woke beliefs and virtue signals that every chance he gets. It gets tiring. >but I also respect that he's honest about his thoughts and buys >buys Why would you respect that? >>985187 Some people had weird youtube addictions back then, I had high school friends who were big fans of Vanoss, and his shit panders to twelve year olds severely. >>985191 >it looks like if cuckchan /v/ were a YouTube channel. Not enough buzzwords for that, or images of big tiddy women, or infighting of whether or not the culture war belongs on /pol/ exclusively. Endymiontv's got the first two covered though. >>985193 His fans sure are taking it unironically, does this guy not realize seventh gen was the start of all the bullshit he's complaining about? >experimentation and creativity >before they realized they could milk us Kiss my ass. It's a bitter taste knowing that kids today will look back on that era as the golden age and not understand shit about the retro enthusiasts (which at this point includes my pride and joy sixth gen), and retro enthusiasts kinda blew their load in the early 2010s hyping up every 10/10 nes/snes era game to the moon that those same kids addicted to COD and Skyrim won't see the appeal.
>>985241 >Why would you respect that? Because most of the reviewers get shit for free.
>>985242 He's buying shit, shit he 95% knows is going to be shit, just to tell his audience through first hand experience it's shit. I wouldn't need first hand experience to tell you that and I'd be right 95% of the time, you'd have to pay me to give a first hand review of something like AssCreed or Diablo or Whatever the fuck that I don't care about and will give 2/10 at best anyways, I'm not giving modern triple A $70 for that privilege. So in that sense specifically, Synthetic is retarded.
>>985241 >retro enthusiasts kinda blew their load in the early 2010s Yes, YouTubers especially. >hyping up every 10/10 nes/snes era game to the moon Sort of but less so. 2010 era retro enthusiasts talking about old games were like those people kind of into rock saying "dude, you've got to listen to this band called Nirvana!". If they did talk about NES a lot of it was going to be Metroid, Castlevania, Mega Man, Zelda, the kind of games everybody already knows about. But most of what they did was obsess over the Nintendo 64 for a few years, the problem with this is the N64 has a barren library once you move past the ten or so games everybody's heard of. This lead them to over hype honestly mediocre games like Goldeneye and Glover, so you get people busting out an emulator to give these games a try and coming away with the impression that retro gaming kind of sucks.
>>985200 >that pic Funny that's why a lot of people are getting kind of nostalgic about 7th gen, even though that's not the truth... it was the beginning of the end. But in a way it, worked in the era? Probably because a lot of devs didn't get on board with the new age of interconnection and multimedia and kind of just made 6th gen games with better graphics and mechanics. I dunno, I wouldn't mind waking up and having it be 2009 or something again, at least it was before the retro boom and you could actually buy obscure SNES and PS1 games for reasonable prices. >>985247 Everyone hyped up Goldeneye before that era, though, but it took a while for people to realize the 6th gen 007 games were way better.
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Thoughts on "Kino Casino"?
>>985399 >Andy Warski's third attempt at a show How long before the coke takes over again and he crashes and burns?
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Matthewmatosis made a puzzle game... for the GameBoy... https://www.patreon.com/posts/brief-update-106722754 It's not in a release state yet apparently.
>>985202 Yes. It wasn't a joke. Normalfags solely "reasoning" for still buying anything from microshit is saying: >"muh when I played Halo online was so nice. I want that feeling again." And they have been saying this for almost 20 years by now, never getting what they want, and still complaining but STILL buying and getting disappointed. Nostalgia like this is a mental illness.
>>985400 He was hitting the wine (and probably coke) pretty hard for a while during the show's life but seems to clean for now at least. Never really watched his shit but I want to like the poor guy. He's just dumb as shit.
>>985399 I'm just happy Andy is off the coke and is trying to fix his shit.
Does anyone enjoy what Samuel Hoydle has been churning out as of lately (last 2 years or so)? I'm just waiting on MDE 2 and the only reason i keep my hopes up for it is Nick and Charls.
>>986152 Why, you don't like seeing him having a jolly good time with his not-son?
>>986154 I'm glad he found his niche and is making good money. I just can't fool myself and think its any good.
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>>986152 They premiered WP2 in Vegas and in some of Sam Hyde's latest standup routines to very cold receptions, so they have kept it on hold. People will soon realize, if they haven't already, that WP was only good because of Andrew Ruse, who isn't involved in WP2. Not to mention how Sam has clearly changed mindset wise from before WP. I am certain Charls is just barely putting up with Sam because Nick is there, the only real talent of the three, but even Nick is better in his own lane, he can't do standup or make consistent sketches, he gets real good inspiration only on occasion.
>>986157 >>986222 Sam can be very funny at improvized videos but his post-MDE work is largely not funny. All he does is livestream and collect money from zoomer paypigs. Most fans don't seem to know Chaz wrote most of their scripts. If credits are to be believed, Sam helped write a single episode of World Peace.
>>986222 >>986234 I'll admit it took me a while to realize Sam isn't really that funny on his own, he was just part of something that was really funny. Watching his YouTube stuff makes that pretty clear.
>>986237 His youtube videos don't even seem to be trying to be funny. He's just making easy money from streaming. Sketch comedy is a whole different thing. It's not really fair to judge one by the other.
>>986254 >His youtube videos don't even seem to be trying to be funny He's not. He just gives questionable advice to 20 year olds now. Like Jordan Peterson.
>>986254 >It's not really fair to judge one by the other. What is funny is this thread suddenly going soft on an e-celeb because they like him.
>>986280 I asked the question because i started disliking him because of this >>986254 His whole change of persona to a money hungry jew isn't doing it for me. More power to you if you can drain zoomer's wallets without showing your asshole... I guess.
>>986280 >What is funny is this thread suddenly going soft on an e-celeb because they like him. I don't like him. I didn't say he was funny, either. I've never watched MDE. I have seen his pseudointellectual streaming recommended to me, and if I wasn't already aware that he was a comedian, I'd have no idea that was even the goal. Maybe he's funny, I don't know, because he's literally not even trying anymore. I'm not being generous, I'm being literal.
>>986254 Sure, but you'd think he'd still be humorous and not just give off the same vibe as a divorced middle aged man.
>>985499 Hey I say the same shit and I wouldn't count out others here thinking the same, but I would think most people here have no qualms about rejecting a game or entire company the single moment there's any issue with it. The problem normalfags have is they keep buying. Normalfags have no standards. I know the most anal left-wing activist people who continue to sub to WoW and play Overwatch and Hearthstone daily despite openly acknowledging Blizzard's terrible business practices and the scandals that went on. Vidya is less a treat or hobby for them and more a drug to just keep them satiated at this point.
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RANT INCOMING Remind me to never go on youtube again. I will eventually stumble onto culture war shit (which I don't even fucking like when it's "my side" making the videos) and internally rage for an hour because I hate politics and I hate leftards. These comments are from an FGC fag's channel who was feeling just a little political recently. >>986469 >I know the most anal left-wing activist people who continue to sub to WoW and play Overwatch and Hearthstone daily Because people are mentally ill and divide likes and dislikes among "red team" and "blue team" and Blizzard despite all evidence otherwise still virtue signals for "blue team" and they've gotta support the rainbow flag wavers whenever possible to signal their own virtues, it's disgusting and pathetic. By leftard's logic I should be jumping up and down excited over that boomer conservative cartoon that got a trailer recently because I hate the left so much, but the cartoon is such dogshit I never even bothered to learn its name.
>>986730 Why are you posting these caps?
>>985399 (checked) I like them for the most part. Great background noise when I'm working especially with how long they go for. >>985470 I remember him going for some game dev but didn't expect a gameboy game. I liked his videos so hopefully his game is good.
>>986152 Digital wiggers do. He's sensitive about the subject because it's mentioned so often, but Sam knows his old fans don't like his current content. It's really just a question of whether he cares. I think losing WP1 warped him from the kind of guy who would be on the verge of tears on camera because a fan with a tumor in his head said he likes his stuff to what he is now. Some of that charity existed with his handling of Don Jolly, but it seems like that dried up once the wigger crew came on board and Jolly's autism made them uncomfortable. If Jet is his !son, Jolly was his !nephew. Frank is in a similar situation. He made funny stuff on his own and when Sam was backing him. Now, his content has dried up since he's the designated retard of Fish Tank. >>986222 >WP was only good because of Andrew Ruse Don't forget the rest of the AS staff. If WP2 had started production at the same time as the beginning of KSTV2, HydeWars, and Crush 500, it would have been good. Sam needs a staff that's there for a shared creative vision rather than sycophants. >I am certain Charls is just barely putting up with Sam because Nick is there Look for Charls' drunk stream in Turkey. It's on Archive.org. At one point, Charls despised Sam and said he would rather die than work with him again.
>>986740 I was furious about those comments in particular and still am. It serves as a good demonstration of the retarded shit I see in the comments of these videos, and I want you to share in my suffering. Plus I felt >we should know a bit better the exact arguments these retards are using, fighting a strawman and fighting legitimate morons are two different things. People still believe shit like the third image because they can't understand nuance or complex arguments.
>>986730 >FGC I would like to see anons more engaged into digging this year's EVO child trafficking ring occurrence, when they moved the tournament to Las Vegas solely to cover for their child trafficking operations.
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>>986864 This is at least the fifth or sixth time you've said that, so you're either a shill or stupid. Do you need to be told again that EVO has been at Vegas almost twenty years in a row now? Unless a smash-esque pedo bust occurs (which requires victims coming forward to say "X RAPED ME"), I don't think anything special is gonna come about this year same as most of the other years.
>>986774 THAT FUCKIN' NERD!!!!
I know Maximilian Dood for all intents and purposes is a complete shill for Capcom, but this video caught my eye. It's not even a bad video in terms of the subject, the issue is that this video game out "this year" These are all obvious talking points that we've been saying for at least a decade. That the push for games with continuously improved graphics, are unsustainable and the cost of developing games this way leads to the industry killing creativity to avoid risks. It seems to have taken the normalfag discussion 10 years to catch up to us.
>>986854 There *is* no difference between them and that picture. The authors of each are of the same mindset and created their media for exactly the same purpose.
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>>987014 This faggot should go to the gamergate trials and get the rope. Motherfucker is responsible for the disastrous state of fightan games. 15 year deep into the worst pratices possibles (that he pushed and supported) and he could only come up with a 9 minute editorial. Hope he runs the same fate as totalbiscuit
>>987014 We're getting Unrecord, isn't the quest for graphics basically complete now? I don't think you can get much better than reality. The quest for muh grafix and muh realism culminated in Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that's very pretty and technically impressive but a fucking chore to play.
>>987034 >We're getting Unrecord, isn't the quest for graphics basically complete now? The "quest" has been complete for almost 20 years.
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>>982934 >r/cinesmassacre is literally rightwing memes Of course in current when you name the redditor, you're worse than hitler. In case you wonder what makes James Rolfe into one, watch his 10 ten best shows of all time video: It's all shit that broke both tumblr and reddit. >>985399 I can appreciate they're the few trolls to expose ReviewTechUSA, that 50 year old fagdolescent really deserves to get hanged upside down with a fork up his ass because of his constant change of scripts: An great example has to be his dicksucking to Cuckstar when the GTA Trilogy launched.
>>987073 Now do a non-racing game that doesn't have prerendered footage spliced in. Hard mode: no marketing material, organic gameplay only.
>>987014 It indeed reached normalfags. But this piece of shit is a paid shill. See what he really means about all that: The real intention with this video is to make normalfags accept Street Fighter VI's ugly visuals, by now dismissing the "need" to have good graphics. Don't forget the timing of this video. It came at this time when normalfags are actually fighting back against crapcom's decisions regarding their games' looks, and all the pozzed garbage in them. What this shill is trying to do is to make normalfags forget visuals, so they stop complaining about the game. SF VI was pretty much rejected even more than V, and all circles have people commenting on how ugly the game looks. This is a desperate shill trying to change subject, pretending to be on the normalfags' side.
>>987335 >visible polygons in the background and on clothes >subpar lighting effects >textures that look like someone slapped on a noise filter and called it a day >bloom like someone smeared the camera lense with vaseline Crysis I'll give you, even though that game ran like shit. For everything else, either get your eyes checked, or take a look outside at what the real world looks like.
iFunny vs India civil war >iFunny hired jannies from india >Start purging racist meme, memes that poke fun of the left and anti-Biden memes >Site and app is having a meltdown >Users mutiny the site and app Are kikes replacing niggers with pajeets as favorite pets? Didn’t 8Kun /v/ got taken over by Indians spamming pajeet YouTube channels a few years ago?
>>987335 You aren't much better than the nigger holding the welder by the tip
>>988337 >streetshitting, bobs vagene and scamming are the only things the entire userbase (and the rest of the internet) associates india with >hire jannies from india What did they expect?
>>988337 >Are kikes replacing niggers with pajeets as favorite pets? I mean, where the hell you were in the last two decades?
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>>987198 >ReviewTechUSA I am now obligated to remind everyone that this vile racist bigot stole an innocent black man's money. RIP BigCheese's $200
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>>986730 >Majin Obama Honestly his video on the X-Men thing was a reasonable stance that most people here probably agree with. Dude literally everyone who follows him is a black power free Palestine trans rights nigga that lives on Twitter. They unironically think that anyone who doesn't side with them is a slave-whipping ben shaprio clone. Don't need to tell you to never look at YouTube comments, ESPECIALLY with FGC fags, they take one iota of what the point of the video was and then amplify it with the nuance of a double digit IQ retard, even if the person who made the vid had an innocuous and reasonable video. YouTube comments are the epitome of bad faith arguments. Maybe there's some sort of extension that gets rid of them if you can't stop yourself from scrolling down? And if you have to view YouTube do it with jewgle's history turned off and clear your private data so it doesn't recommend shit that fucks with your emotions, as everyone knows the "algorithm" is set up to show you things that will get you pissed off, which today for everyone is culture war shit. The reccs on the sidebar of a video are good enough, they are usually neutral in content if you have history off. I think things like FreeTube are also pretty sanitary considering they're just a frontend.
>>986152 His blowup about free speech coincides with his hand-rubbing reaching an all time high and that bothers me a lot. >>986277 Clean your room dubsman.
>>988573 <Fuck you <BYEEEEEE
>>988604 >His blowup about free speech You mean blacklisted desperado sold out?
>>990069 I have grown to seriously dislike the direction Hyde has taken, but I think he's reacting like this because he did this exact same shit with World Peace and derailed his and his friends' careers completely due to the resulting shitstorm. Chaz didn't talk to him for years after that. He even says it at the end, "I've flushed away a lot of opportunities." I'm guessing he doesn't want others to fuck their lives up following that diehard "TRIGGER THE LIBS; OWN THE LIBS" mindset he used to follow.
>>990069 To some extent I understand his position, as he doesn't want to get cancelled again or even worse, arrested just because the chat keeps spamming something like "The Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.", or have one of his fish scream "Nigger", "Death to Kikes!" and "Hitler did nothing wrong!" over and over. With that said, acting like an emotional woman, just because someone asked a "dumb" question doesn't make him or his position look any better. He could have calmly said: <Look, in an ideal world I would be all for saying whatever you wanted, but we don't live in such a word, there are consequences and I don't want me, or my friends or even (You) the viewer to fall victim to Cancel Culture. Please be careful with what you say online and IRL, as life is more than just putting a racist remark on Twitter. I have done a lot of things in the past that I regretted and fucked me over, in life, with friends, financially and I don't want you to go through with what I did. So for the betterment of everyone, (You) included, no I will not allow anything to be said. Which is more or less what he already said, but packaged in a more diplomatic matter. Now, what the fuck does "Free Speech Absolutist" even mean? To say whatever you want without consequences? Is lying ok? Can my girlfriend say she is a virgin, but in fact she already had sex with ten men, and if I call her out, she says it's free speech? If I am at a theater, enjoying a play, and someone screams "Fire! Fire!" even though there is no fire AND he knows that and as a result the play gets cancelled, then am I not allowed to punch him for ruining my enjoyment? What about secrets? Such as Doctor-Client confidentiality, if someone goes to a Psychiatrist for instance, and tells him all of his problems, is it ok for the Psychiatrist to go on Twitter and tell all of his client's friends and relatives what's wrong with his client? What if there is a /jp/ style board where the rule is that everyone has to write in Japanese and someone starts writing in English and he gets banned as a result? Are these all examples of Free Speech? What is the Free Speech Absolutist answer to all of these scenarios?
>>990106 Usually "free speech" refers to being free from government restrictions. This extends to government funded and quasi-government institutions. You can kick anyone out of your house or convenience store for whatever reason you want, but the government or a school or a social media platform that gets government funding and special consideration and control cannot. It also usually doesn't extend to lying. The problem there isn't your speech, it's your breaking your promise. It's fraud. That would apply to all your scenarios. Though the doctor-patient confidentiality example perhaps not. In that case it would only apply if the agreement was in place. Due to current laws, the doctor isn't allowed to do that. So a free speech absolutist would say that law should be done away with, but if a doctor wanted to make that deal with his own patients, in a private agreement between he and each individual patient, then he can do that, and if he lies, then he's defrauding his clients. For the fire example, people think that's a real case but it's actually not exactly. It was a hypothetical to begin with. But since the person is lying, defrauding all those people, then he should be held liable for the costs incurred. Notice how all of this is completely unrelated to getting in trouble for hurting someone's feelings. It's all separate from the blasphemy laws which are a large part of what we're dealing with now. However, there is still a strong case to be made that the concept of fraud can still be difficult sometimes because it's often difficult to prove intent. Does the person know he's wrong? Do we actually know he's wrong? Now if your girlfriend lied about being in a gangbang or whatever, and it can be proved she was in it, then that might be an open and shut case, since it's first-hand, but it might be harder to prove the guy in the theater didn't think there was a fire. That would be the crux of that case. If the doctor made a deal with his patient to not share info, then he did, that would be another open and shut case.
>>990069 >You're stupid <For saying words And so his inner manipulate kike popped up, Tim Heidecker made a number on his ass after getting bukake'd at Adult Swim. During his fucking livestream show he also warned his retards to not say any slurs, god forbid if bankers rape him.
>>990166 >You can kick anyone out of your house or convenience store for whatever reason you want I assume this would also apply to my hypothetical /jp/ board that bans anyone who doesn't post in Japanese. But in that case couldn't Sam Hyde just say "I will ban anyone who post things that might trigger other people", and still be a "free speech absolutist", because he is not a government agent and can kick anyone out of his house chat?
>>990104 That mindset is good though. If you let your life be controlled by career, you are a slave. Ruin the lives of libs all the time, until they implode from in-fighting. Take control of all institutions and companies, and purge the libs from all industries and governments.
>>990189 You raise a good point. Much of it does come down to philosophy and reasoning. I would argue that it comes down to intent. If the intent is to try to false flag or just shit up his chat, or your /jp/ board, then I would argue that removing it wouldn't make him a hypocrite. I mean let's just use the example of this site, since that's ultimately what it comes down to. Or really, 4chan, since this site is just a continuation of its old culture. /b/'s Rule 1 applied to mods, so they could delete and ban for any reason. The key is that there was a culture that understood that the mods wouldn't do this just because they were triggered by particular topics. When moot got triggered by gamergate, everyone got mad, because it's one thing to ban on particular cases of shitters, or just because it was funny to do so, but it's another to say a whole topic or idea is off limits. I suppose what you've really brought up is the problem of legalism. We can understand what something is philosophically, but then someone can try to come in and rules lawyer it. But really, you can try to jew things as much as you want. The people will still know the difference. You and I both know there's a big difference between trying to maintain the quality of a board by saying that you have to speak a certain language, and that theoretical board banning anyone who talks shit about a certain anime, for example. Hell, on this board we are on right now, we are very well familiar with the fact that sometimes people spam certain ideas in certain ways just to try to poison the well, and those individuals are easily identifiable. It's not the ideas, it's the fact that we can easily spot people trying just to ruin the site and conversation, regardless of the ideas involved. >tl;dr: Fuck jews and their rules lawyering. We all know the difference between telling someone to stop being an annoying shitter, and just banning anyone who hurts certain people's fee fees, or spreads information the powers that be don't want spread.
>>990354 I agree with what you said, and I do agree that not all type of speeches are "free speech" like with lying which is a type of fraud. It's why the term Free Speech "Absolutist" confused me as I doubt anyone proclaiming to believe in such a thing actually thinks all types of speeches are ok. To give another example with the theater, instead of someone screaming "FIRE!", we now have a member of audience screaming "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" over, interrupting the play and he has to be escorted, not because he used a racial slur, but because he was an annoying fuck. Or to give a more realistic example, someone calling his friend during the play and talking loudly. Sure it's free speech, but there is this unwritten contract that when are a spectator at the play you are supposed to remain silent, as otherwise you ruin the enjoyment of the other people in the room and if you want to talk on the phone you exist the spectator area.
>>990244 Are you going to say that nothing ever happens next?
>>990106 > So for the betterment of everyone, (You) included, no I will not allow anything to be said. That doesn't sound any better. This sounds like what he'll say when he pulls the plug on TTS on Fish Tank altogether. >>990169 He got buckbroken by Tim years ago. Tim taught Sam's ass a lesson it won't ever forget.
>>990555 What this has anything to do with what was posted?
>>990169 >>990576 The Tim Heidecker shit was a fever dream, like sure Tim himself is a generally faggoty lib but it was clear Sam was having some sort of methhead meltdown or some shit when he called him. I don't know how his fanbase could see that and be like "yeah based Sam really showed it to that jew" after that.
>>990800 The trolls spamming Heidecker's feed was a lot funnier than whatever Hyde was crying about: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JRBfcYlJ9pE
>>972310 >tfw your faggot friends left out in good terms <while the spic dyke cries while she tries to strike you
>>992838 >that virgin-chad meme Man, these people are pathetic lmao.
>>992838 <while the spic dyke cries while she tries to strike you Anon im gonna need some context, what does this mean in regards to Oney?
>>990069 Typical Sam talking out both sides of his mouth. He lambasts degenerate art but in the same breath puts out stuff like Fishtank which has contestants puke on command, piss themselves for a challenge on camera, smoke multiple cigarettes a day, and all other things. He doesn't offer a solution to the free speech problem, only saying that one platform is the same as another when he knows he could easily create his own platform for discussing good and useful things which could benefit society as well as his community/fanbase, but instead uses his platform for making more money like paywalling videos and the horrible penny pinching going on with Fishtank. Like seriously, what is he afraid of, getting his self-hosted internet shows taken down? I'm not saying he should be promoting death threats and CP and shit, you can be free speech absolutist and still be a force for good positive change in the world, like what 8chan strives to be. He isn't saying this out of actual genuine thought-out concern, but because he knows that keeping his nose to the pavement is the easier road which leads to more money - a stable source of income, most importantly. Sam is getting older and can't live doing 'funny' stunts like boxing or live skits or rocking the boat, he is giving up the kind of work he used to do, what made him famous, for petty shit like whatever the fuck Fishtank was and has become. He is becoming milquetoast because milquetoast is what gets you on shows like Joe Rogain, Ben Shapiro, Gavin McInnes, other "right-wing personalities" like that, all for the purpose of giving Sam more exposure and money. He isn't a fraction as funny as he used to be, if you heard any stories about his latest standup you'll hear nothing good about it other than the fan meet-ups which happen AFTER THE SHOW. He is perpetually delaying WP2 even though they had it 100% done five fucking months ago, because they premiered it to an audience in Vegas and it was a flop. Sam Hyde's vaporware videogame is going to fail, assuming that ever gets released. All in all, Sam is just a failed normalfag now. And to return to the original point, he wasn't arguing against being free speech absolutist, he was arguing against the Sam his fans think (thought?) he is. Some people forgot he is no longer the Sam that went with Charls to the Harvard protests to stir up trouble, he isn't the Sam that went to a Chelsea Clinton rally to insult her to her face, he isn't the Sam that went to a Bernie voter meetup to subvert the people there, he isn't the Sam that made videos with Charls on how to stab the people ruining the world or deep political/philosophical statements or interviewing random yuppies on the street to expose the filth of the upper crust. This is the Sam that makes white people humiliate themselves on camera for small amounts of money and can't even come up with punishment/game/sketch ideas on his own.
>>992843 The girl in the first pic is Oney's ex and a whore.
>>992913 AND she doesn't have tits.
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>>992838 Is she the one referenced in this arin faggot pic? Also, I don't know who this brody foxx guy is, was that virgin chad meme made by him?
>>992845 Very sad to see him turn into this. I'd never watched anything from Fish Tank and I'm astonished by these contests. Who would agree to this?
>>992917 >I don't know who this brody foxx guy is He's been around for a while running a series called "Yo Mama" As it sounds, it's a channel where the humor is "What if we took yo mama jokes literally and animated the result."
>>992845 Charls mellowed after WP and I don't think it was ever stated what happened between him and Hyde but he did say he wanted to stop doing the hardcore political stuff with Hyde and that contributed to the split.
>>990106 I'd take it as you're free to state any of your own opinions with no state restrictions.
>>992843 Some illegal immigrant who got her American nationality through blowjobs and later on decided to leech on Oneyplays, she snapped because to the surprise of everyone: Chris had an ex before her and she thought they were fucking behind her back, or so everyone thought until she made a 1 hour long on how she was the victim and twisted her reality. She thought they would treat her like an Aztec cosplaying princess on the other side of the border, but real life happened and decided to suck off LSMark just to spite Oney, although she is one wearing the pants and got LPoserMark tied to a dogleash (so much for the guy who trashed cartoonists and corporate shit while looking cool and hip) >>992917 Chris basically dodged two 9mm bullets and decided to stay single and keep on touch with his local funny guys as far I can tell. >Brody Foxx A legitimate sperg who keeps regurgitating the same YoMama jokes while enslaving some artist and a Patrick Warburton impersonator while his crayon eating underage fan base praise him, a brainrot content channel to be precise before redditors found that genre problematic. That failed Chad vs Virgin image was made by one of his fans though.
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>>992941 Did you watch the video of Charls in turkey ranting drunkenly about Sam?
>>993131 A small amount of it, it wasn't very coherent and I missed most of it.
>>992845 Artistic accelerationism. Once again, Sam's angle is too advanced for brainlets like yourself to understand.
>>990069 I can't agree with Sam on this one. Loli is based.
>>990504 Realistically an individual or a compact of individuals or a completely private business should have the right to eject anyone from their property for any reason or even no reason. That's not really a speech issue as much as it is a property issue or a freedom of association issue. Like if the person wasn't saying anything but had an airhorn and was honking it. Or if the other patrons don't like him because he's a known asshole and trouble maker. Or if it's nothing more that he called you a niggerfaggot on the street 5 years ago. It's like casinos and card counters. Card counting isn't actually illegal but if casinos catch you they'll throw you out and ban you and possible beat your ass in the parking lot if the casinos are run by "old school" guys. But it's a case of their house their rules thing.
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>>993452 The anon you are replying to I agree with you, but this still goes back on what it even means to be a Free Speech "Absolutist" as opposed to just regular Free Speech. If it's just "I will allow you to say anything you want, as long as it's not illegal", you will still have some asterisks around that statement like perhaps banning people who spam links to CP sites a think I have seen done on the webring or crypto scams, maybe also people who post in bad faith to poison the conversation and are unnecessarily confrontational, we also said that by freedom of association Sam or his handlers could ban anyone who calls Sam a faggot, but that can also be extrapolated into anyone who posts sexist, racists, homophobic remarks. It's one thing to say you are pro Free Speech as in you don't want the Government to censor people, but you are fine with "censoring" people in a theater during a play, but it's kinda weird to be asked if you are a Free Speech "Absolutist", since everyone has a limit, so it's kinda vague what "Absolutist" even means. Unless it means actually being able to say whatever you want with no consequences, like blowing the horn during the play or to spam pornographic audio in children parks, but that clearly breaks the freedom of association and I think that is above "Free Speech" as a right. I guess I might as well post this infamous webcomic, and remind people that they are not allowed to make fun of me for posting it, because it's free speech :^)
>>993483 >people are posting this comic here unironically Anyone have the Vivian James version?
>>993499 I did call it an infamous comic and even added the ":^)" at the end for a reason. It's more that if we had replaced the 4th panel with "If you are honking the airhorn during a play and ruining the enjoyment of others, it's not your free speech that is violated." then it would have been more or less what I and 07ba46 would agree on. The problem with the comic is that public platforms like Twitter and Facebook, were initially pitched as "an open forum" to the government and received special rights, so that Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't be considered a Republican or Democrat or Fascist or Libertarian or Marxist or whatever, regardless of what people say on the platform and wouldn't be held accountable. It was initially pitched as an "open forum" to the masses, but sometime during 2016 they pulled the rug and started banning people with dissenting views, so they broke the contract they had with the state and people. Then it got even worse during Covid.
>>993433 t. plebbitor, thus, ///loser\\\
>>993483 >pic <Jon Stewart having a news reporter fired out of butthurt.
>>993483 >remind people that they are not allowed to make fun of me for posting it, because it's free speech :^) Nobody here would ever say you're not allowed to make fun of somebody for saying whatever. The question is if you can censor them. I think what it really comes down to is if their intent is to censor. Blowing an airhorn during a play is done to censor the play. In short, it's okay to censor censorship. The same way it's okay to punch someone who tried to punch you first. Really what it comes down to is that it's wrong to censor just because you disagree with the idea being expressed. Disagreement is not a form of harm. >>993508 It happened well before 2016. They were already banning gamergate for years by that point, for example.
>>992838 I find it so funny that all the supposedly no-no entertainers (Oney, Stonetoss, Pewdiepie) are absolutely thriving with their job/life while all the grifters and soyboys attacking them are turning on each other and latching on dumb politics.
>>993983 I'm particularly happy for Felix who is enjoying his new life as a father.
>>993983 >soyboys attacking them are turning on each other and latching on dumb politics. That's how most of them stay relevant.
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>>993983 There is this thing called "knowing you audience" that many have forgotten. As long as you take that into account, you should be OK most of the time.
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>>993995 >Oney >Knowing your audience >Constantly blueball people with games he stops playing midway I'd rather not give Chris that much credit.
>>994086 >Constantly blueball people with games he stops playing midway I think in an early dingdong julian episode that if you come to him to see games get completed he said his youtube is the wrong one for you. Or maybe he thinks it's funny and doesn't give a fuck what people think.
>>994114 I know, I mean I don't give Chris credit that he knows his audience that he can blueball them but more of just not giving two shits about what games they finish though Sonic games with Cory are a guarantee. >early dingdong julian episode Is it that far back? I remember him saying that after the two went their own ways.
>>994128 I THINK it might have been during the crash 1 or 2 playthrough, but for sure an early series if not those.
>>992838 >>tfw your faggot friends left out in good terms Shadman (and I think Stamper?) has openly called Chris somebody who takes sexual advantage of his female fans. Whether that's true I don't know, Shad is a fucking junkie pedophile after all, but his friends have not all left on "good terms". >>993983 I don't think I'd remotely put Oney and PDP on the level of Stonetoss, two are edgy and one is Austrian art connoisseur.
>>994128 The entire point of oneyplays is chris playing some vidya with his buddies while having a laugh, completing said videogames or even playingthem well is not really the point.
Mr Beast is facing issues. First the predator tranny, now lottery regulation and MrBeast Games being rigged in such a way that underwear was stole and people were medivacced out. https://youtu.be/DJvDLqDAM60?si=4hdpLZlDn1M_UagT
>>994139 Both Shadman and Stamper have hit rock bottom with drugs, there was another guy from TheSleepyCabin who also fell off but I forgot his name.
>>994331 Will this controversy take down the Mr Beast empire? The fabricated competitions are one thing, but letting that tranny-pedo be close to kids is another.
So Hyde had Pearl Davis on fishtank. This nigger is pretty much lost. I can't imagine what is he going to do to get into Joe Rogen.
>>994430 >Pearl Davis She's absolutely a grifter. I'll bet good money on her secretly fucking niggers on the daily. >born 1996 Holy shit I thought she was 40
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The Melee community has gone FULL libtard. There are 3 (yes, 3) tranny top players at the moment (Zamu, Magi, Salt) and all the other top players fully endorse liberal values with seemingly no pushback whatsoever. Mang0: Liberal Hungrybox: Liberal Axe: Liberal Armada: Liberal PPMD: Liberal Zain: Liberal Cody: Liberal You get the idea. BTW there have been multiple top 20 players who have spoken out against leftism and they were promptly lifetime banned.
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>>994649 >libtard
>>994649 > BTW there have been multiple top 20 players who have spoken out against leftism and they were promptly lifetime banned. Document the atrocities. Who was banned? What did they say? Who is running the matches and has the authority to ban anyone?
>Melee community is full of trannies and leftists >Melee community is also stereotyped as being full of pedophiles Like pottery.
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>>994651 Let him cuuck :^)
>>994658 >Who was banned Just off the top of my head without doing any research: "A Rookie" (Best mario player in the world): Banned for preaching christian values. "Zion" (top 20 Fox player): Banned for preaching general right wing values. >What exactly did they say: I don't know, as I've only heard second-hand from libtards who complain about them. >Who is running the matches and has the authority to ban anyone? The tournament organizers are all in cahoots. And they run the show. It seems to me that The Tournament Organizers and Top Players each share about 50% of the practical power in the community.
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Banned from Twitch chat for pic related 30 minutes ago.
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top 8 of a Melee major happening right now. Sorry about the resolution, but you can see that it says "she/her" for both players.
>>994649 Yes, we've known this for years anon. The smash bros competitive community is filled with pedos. Just look how they treat Hax
>>994666 And they're so painfully fucking unfunny, must be a personal hell just to limit your humor into retarded inside jokes from a half-assed game.
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>>994689 >olympics trans >vidya tourney trans I'm at my fucking limit. We need alternatives. What can be done in the face of such rampant faggotry? What servers/services can be hosted?
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>>993992 >censor pussy and nipples >don't sensor butthole ??? Also promotions
>>995141 IIRC Japanese law says a butthole isn't inherently sexual so you only have to censor it if its being shown in a sexual manner; i.e something is being inserted into it. Its been ages so I might be remembering wrong.
>>995198 Don't they treat unerect penises and vulvas without the clitoris showing similarly?
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>>995127 >Don't like it? <Make your own annual competitive videogame tournaments then
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>>995141 >>995198 In JAV movies they dont censor buttholes but sometimes the pussy censorship might reach the butthole.
>>995313 Are there any animes with uncensored buttholes?
>>972310 >It's alright if the trannies do it https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9Gt1dFehL2I
>>995774 >Consent What the fuck? >tranny-ism is okay >extrapolates marrying kids FUCK OFF I HATE EVERYONE
>>995774 >that former employee in the video >her >her >"minor attracted person" When will they learn
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>>995822 >(1) This nigger again. Anyway I'm one of the people you're quoting. Yes FGC has an issue, and it's huge, and it's dire. But you keep on making it out like Katsuhiro Harada and Daisuke Ishiwatari themselves are trafficking every summer at Mandalay Bay. How about you have an actual discussion instead of sounding like a qboomer while hopping IPs, faggot? I get the impression that you don't even play fighting games. >>995813 (Replying here because that thread is almost at 700 posts.) I mean, sure you can get people talking about it, but it won't have any effect, because the FGC is very elitist in a very certain way. If you did not dedicate the last 20 years of your life to the community and to playing every kusoge in existence, then you don't have a say, and random online personality like Stuttering Craig will instantly be deemed as an invalid grifter because the extent of his fighting game knowledge is "Ryu does hadoken." Despite how everyone in the FGC on the surface says they are inclusive to all opinions and new players and stuff, they do everything in their power to stay as the downs-syndrome blacksheep of esports. On the other side, this mentality of shunning anyone who is "not like us" to retain your own little clique is exactly what faggots do to try to retain social validity and the FGC provided a refuge for the sexual misfits, which is why it's been overrun. AND, it's not like people are hiding that drama goes on, but people just live with the weird dissonance that their lives and the community are fucked up and think that it's supposed to be that way. But again, nobody wants to admit that maybe there's a disproportionate amount of people participating in these communities that have a ton of problems. I mean sure, I jerk off to eromanga as much as the next otaku, but when I go to my locals or to my job I leave that behind. These people live a crumbling fantasy life defined by their sexuality, but that bleeds into the only thing they actually are good at, fighting games, and infects it. https://archive.is/kgneG >TempestNYC, who's won many majors including most recently EVO Japan for Strive, got drunk and hit on a tranny, after the incident being put out there he then quits FGC for the time being https://archive.is/ULwCX https://archive.is/SXacP >People dogpile up-and-coming Strive player RedIAmNot for "having bad vibes" and having his hand too close to someone while snuggling them. EVO champ and #1 Strive tranny Umisho is involved because open relationship faggotry. https://archive.is/ML8Z6 Also unrelated to Guilty but recently there was this Melty Blood player who shared how much they've been harassed for the crime of liking 2-dimensional drawn art of anime characters, like not just "fuck off lolicon" banter but actual stalking and death threat shit. But they still get banned from brackets because the cabal can't separate fantasy from reality. Of course, it's a few players players, but it's just a symptom of the larger issue. Strive now carries baggage that nobody wants to define, because as soon as you do you will get the mob set on you. Every local I've been to has faggots who are a pain in the ass to be around and cause issues. People have been ostracized from my local community for misgendering or "looking at me weird." And a lot of the people I know here, well into their 30's by now, were some of the most vile homophobic and racist people I knew in college. Maybe it's some sort of troll's remorse. Also worth noting that SneedChungus has never actually said anything "transphobic" either, despite getting banned from another bracket for "transphobia," he just has occasionally called out that people are acting hypocritical without ever even pointing at the faggotry.
>>995837 >This nigger again. Anyway I'm one of the people you're quoting. Yes FGC has an issue, and it's huge, and it's dire. But you keep on making it out like Katsuhiro Harada and Daisuke Ishiwatari themselves are trafficking every summer at Mandalay Bay. How about you have an actual discussion instead of sounding like a qboomer while hopping IPs, faggot? I get the impression that you don't even play fighting games. FGC #MeToo was always clout whores stabbing backs to get ahead. They don't give a fuck Bob touched their bobs when ThEy WeRe OnLy SiXtEeN, smearing Bob as a pedo just makes them viral.
>>995856 That too. The recent drama in Strive is all from shit that happened months or over a year ago. Socially inept retards realized in hindsight they were groped by a fat nigger autist and realized it was un-sexy as fuck, and they can't live with themselves, so they post 30-page google docs of discord screencaps for sympathy instead of confronting the person or bringing it to the police. I wish some sort of holy being would erase Strive and Sajam from this earth and Guilty Gear would have ended at Rev2.
>>995856 >>995860 I don't follow Strive but it's like that in Smash. Mostly faked, what's real was with cloutmongering teens, and the witch hunters would execute us with a firing squad for loliposting. "Victims" can victimize but saying so's social suicide unless the witch hunted are vindicated. Like, Nairo was crucified for gay shit with a teenager, CaptainZack, then it turned out CaptainZack raped Nairo in Nairo's sleep then blackmailed Nairo with "I'll #MeToo you for sex with a minor" for favors and money.
>>994003 >>993972 >>993992 >>995881 she's pretty femboy coded tbqh
<<996029 >average tomboy is now "femboy coded" This is your brain on tranny.
>>995881 >The butthole is educational. Pretty hot coming from such a cute girl
>>995837 Why are you defending the producers of games whose communities are cancer, instead of doing everything to take them down?
>>996077 (1) >you're defending them!!! Lying is jewish and black. It is absolutely the devs fault that the games suck and the communities are infested with fags. Saying that EVO is Epstein's Island 2.0 for no reason poisons the truth. That's why I said it's qboomer tier. Use your fucking head.
>>995805 And the funniest thing is that every redditor is shifting away the fact that Kris is the typical sexually deranged faggot that represents his flaggot kind accurately. God forbid if you expose Marx's chosen people: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=pIu8uqWMQ08
>>995774 lol i though that was penguinz0 or whatever his fucking name is. I'm so glad i can't tell this people apart. I hope they all get cancer.
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>>996215 >penguin0z The only funny thing he's ever done is ragequitting from the internets after pulling out his "hottake" of forcing children into trannies.
>>996215 >>996226 Wait... He is that faggot after all. Damn.
>>996226 > forcing children into trannies You mean forcing children into becoming trannies, right? RIGHT!?
>>996226 Man's a snake like 99.99999999999999999999999% of e-celebs. I despise him.
>>996036 the only difference is the presence of the dick
>>996198 It sounds more like you want to dismiss all of it and keep EVO existing, when the right thing to do is to completely destroy it.
>>996310 Events are made of people and some people make choices you won't like. Blaming the events then boarding the cancel train is communism.
>>996264 All he sees is money no matter what he says. The same goes for people like Daisuke.
>>996358 So, you are a confirmed shill. Trannies aren't a choice. they are a disease, and events like EVO need to be purged. The organizers are in league with the child rapists.
Watching zoomer eceleb faggots go down in flames is so satisfying. This needs to happen more often.
>>996425 Agree. I've been expecting some kind of e-whore burst for a while now. "Adpocalypse" is as closest as i remember.
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>>996232 Child corruption to be precise, the modern Pied Piper luring kids to mutilate their genitals or getting drugged up the ass into an irreversible state and taking pictures of their naked bodies just to share them on Discord, like the tranny who got the cops crashing down into his room (Keffals) >>996425 And seeing inbreedtubers shielding their beloved pedophile enablers, all because they kept regurgitating reddit topics and always check twice if it's okay to shit on current trend or they'll labeled as "DRUMPF supporters"
>>996226 >>996264 He got corrupted by his fame. He used to be respectable and somewhat funny. The moment he revealed his face, I knew it was over.
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<<996423 <<996310 >(1)
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>>985005 I thought this was pretty funny.
Will there a domino effect after normies finally figure it out that Mr.beast and his Agency Night Media are frauds?
>>996264 You mean 100%. >>996425 This. >>996495 It makes me wonder if the recent closure of Romhacking happened exactly because of their staff trying to shield some pedophile tranny, who blackmailed them.
>>997779 >normies
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>>995305 If I didn't know that wikipedia was a pack of kikes before, I would now.
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>>997816 >if you don't like it go make your own
>>984291 Doesn't the TGT guy also have a supportive family that helps keep him in check unlike Chris?
>>993483 free speech is a complete fucking meme. another bullshit idea just like any other that came out of the (((Enlightenment))) speech that is a THREAT TO SOCIETY'S VALUES MUST BE BANNED OR IT WILL SUBVERT AND DESTROY IT. leftists fucking understand that if you want you ideology to succeed you need to silence the opposing side. the fucking right on the other hand didn't do jackshit when they were in power and just bragged about muh freeze peach. if the eight EVER gets back in power, DO NOT GIVE FREE SPEECH TO PEOPLE THAT HATE YOU. IF YOU DO YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. I 100% blame the right of leftwing politics on the right not doing anything.
>>997779 >normies Die in a fire, plebbitor. >>998034 This.
>>998034 And get this, lefties don't like it when they shitcan their degeneracy.
>>998034 Ok, and who decides what speech constitutes a "threat to society"? The people in power? Well right now the left is in power, so by your logic they should ban any "transphobic" comments as they are a threat to trans society. Now you will probably say, "oh, I mean there should be free speech when we are not in power, but when MY GUY gets in power he should totally go full Hitler and ban leftists from everywhere, give them helicopter rides as well". Well, let's say YOUR GUY gets in power and uses full executive power to ban leftists from owning guns so they couldn't defend themselves and even legalize killing them. Sounds fun, for a year or two, before he is inevitably thrown out of power and a deranged leftists now gets in power and does even worse things to the right. But what about my Second Amendment? There is no more Second Amendment, YOUR GUY destroyed it, and now there aren't any barriers to protect you from the government. Also look at the legacy of Pinochet, after all the helicopter rides he gave, Chile is now in full commie control. It's because of people who actually believe like you, though I assume you are just a troll, that James Lindsey claims that the Right is just the Left's right hand.
>>998103 Don't poison the well by responding to someone with good points, you grammatically challenged faggot.
>>998108 >replying Retard, report and ignore.
>>998103 >>998113 There is no such thing as a left or right when it's just government white noise propaganda funded by the financial system. Lying isn't free speech and the government and companies being funded by it should be banned from doing it.
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>>998348 >two more weeks
>>998080 >irst pic The abomination just admitted that all lgbt are sex predators and nothing else. >second pic He is just lying. all countries have rules and regulations against swearing. Searing is taboo in any civilized country and even in countries of subhumans. >video Sex predator spotted.
>>998348 I don't know why I watched those (at least it was on 2X speed so it only took like an hour) but 80% of it is literally him looking at normalfag memes and laughing at them. Why did I waste my time. >>998080 >video >look, people on the RIGHT were harassing him too!!! REAL leftists wouldn't do this Literally nobody righter than my left nut gave a shit about about that jojocat guy at all, if anything right-wing people were the only ones defending him. These retards get so close to realizing they are the problem and then can't come to terms with it. Just like the people who won't admit that Kris Tyson's trannyism is an issue.
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>>998426 I was in that thread.
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>>998391 Funny how everyone is ignoring the fact that Tumblr banned porn was because of unsupervised failed abortions stripping naked and posting videos or photos in their blogs. >>998426 The real interrogative is: >Who or what is a rightwing chud to (((them))) Because some redditors said Jocat made liking girls gay (gay meaning lame before faggots keep bitching and moaning to stop using in vain that term). This reminds of Vaush advocating for his cattle to be more self-sustainable in order to stop becoming the cuckolded leftwing stereotype, in which he got shit on his socials over that, not because of his open statement that Democrat activism should fall into freedom of speech.
Any info on the real reason why Minato Aqua was fired?
>>998581 I've seen people say "creative differences" with the company, the given reason, which might mean any number of things. The most popular is that Hololive wants to focus on the Idol aspect, which didn't sit well with Aqua and her social anxiety, so she'd rather rebrand and just be a full time v-streamer. Some have speculated management were breathing down her neck and she was just tired of it, seeing in the past she's made more than a few apology videos. The last one is that she's had her fun and made enough money to live comfortably, so she's dipping out to enjoy the rest of her days in her Hikki cave.
>>998581 If she were fired it would have been swift and merciless like with that miserable cunt Rushia, full immediate channel deletion, this is just her quitting because she's a hikki introvert and doesn't want to do idol activities like >>998582 said.
>>998582 >>998584 I was thinking that those "creative differences" were due to the American branch trying to worm in t he Japanese branch, no? A lot of forced collabs that have the EN whores trying to push freakish things like lesbianism, and the Japanese girls seeing VERY uncomfortable about the "jokes". It made me think that the Japanese higher ups were pressuring Aqua to accept more of that nonsense and she didn't want to be a part of it, seeing how it always end in catastrophe.
>>998586 Eh... recent EN gen hasn't been too bad. Obviously FuwaMoco has been JP/EN hybrid from the beginning. The only bad ones are as always Austrian shitbird and Grim Wigger.
what's this thing i've been hearing about some trap vtuber named taiga doing nothing wrong and seemingly not being able to catch a break?
>>998348 >HE'S "COOKED".
>>998454 Tumblr didn't used to be like this in its really early days. By 2011 that scene was already dying and degenerates were pouring in.
>>998635 Then when Tumblr banned porn in 2017 all those users that only used the site to jerk off and groom sexually confused teenagers jumped ship to twitter.
>>998592 >Austrian shitbird and Grim Wigger. Kiara? And who the Grim would be? >>998454 That is the the point: ban porn = ban trannies. and the trannie itself admitted this. Which means that trannies contribute nothing and get into anything as sexual predators.
>>998707 >And who the Grim would be? Mori Calliope.
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>>998679 And those terminally online roleplayers are the modern jews, getting kicked out when they're next on the chopping block: >Yahoo Geocities >Public Chatrooms >Deviantart >Tumblr >Discord
>>998750 Not surprisingly, those two are the worst among the woke garbage from the EN branch. Kiara was even exposed as a coal burner. While Caliope is definitely preying on Kobo.
>>998769 don't forget IRC
>>998896 >While Caliope is definitely preying on Kobo. i don't think so https://invidious.privacydev.net/watch?v=ouWkA9-PJko
>>999086 She took the child to her home, make the child call her "dad", gave her food and let her bathe there. So, yes, Caliope is a child molester.
>>999108 Kobo isn't a child though.
>>999149 She's 22
>>999150 According to zoomers 22 is a "child adult."
>>999205 Stop it, I'm losing brain cells
>>999205 just for her fuck of it, is there an age that those """people""" label as "adult child"?, just to see if the reverse word order "alters the product" so to speak, you know?
>>999222 (nice digits) Permanently online assholes do the "the human brain isn't developed until 25-27" nonsense, that's all I can think of
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Anons, I genuinely need to tell y'all something. I had to come here and post about this cause it's getting more and more frequent as the years go by. Now I haven't admittedly been posting here as much anymore, Sorta just naturally started happening less and less after the initial shutdown. But I've specifically seeing internet content that reveals the posters age through their lack of knowledge on certain events. I know it's just "yfw the internet was over 9000 years ago" type posting, but it's been getting to me lately. Like I saw some depth of obscurity iceberg on lolcows on base google images, and near the bottom was fucking phil fish and Terry Davis. And I was losing it, because I'm like "You would've had to sleepwalk through GG to not know who Phil fish is, and to think Davis is obscure is for you to be so new you wouldn't even know where the term glownigger comes from" and then it hits me: they are fucking new, because that's all over decade old. Like if you went over to cuckchan right now and talked about Uwe Boll boxing lowtax or some shit, most there would look at you like you were fucking retarded. I know it's the natural flow of inspiration and ideas, but it's so weird seeing all these ideas and memes perpetuated but no one knows where they came from or the original context. A friend talked to me about internet experiences sort of becoming sort of like water drops in a bucket, so indistinct and fluid they become memoryholed. Fuck, the recent one was me clicking the first Neko sugar girls episode and seeing a comment that claimed that Neko Sugar Girls was the first ironic commentary on cringe otaku culture and predicted its rise; it had over 12k likes.
>>1001201 4chan is twenty years old this year, the original Habbo Hotel raids eighteen, Chanology sixteen, and Dashcon/GamerGate ten. Guy like Phil Fish and Arthur Chu haven't been relevant for over a decade, though they were big lolcows back during #GG. Terry is a little less plausible that people wouldn't know about him, but he's also been dead for almost six years now. Time just marches on, it's like how old pages on ED had all these jokes Cho Seung-Hui and V-Tech, now how many people know about the angry Chink and his ching chong school shooting? At least compared to Dylan and Eric being the first.
>>1001204 >They became irrelevant That's the thing though anon, a lot of that shit isn't irrelevant. Like phil was a contributing factor to nu male face and fish mouth syndrome, which sort of set the stage for the soyjak edits that zoomers can't fucking get enough of. Shit still echos, even though people like kuchera and the rest of them do not. I guess I really shouldn't be shocked by the basic telephone tag of history. We live in a world where Minecraft is now a staple that every kid knows. The Netscape is getting bigger, I'm getting older, and I don't like it. >Seung-Hui Cho's ED article I wonder, does anybody still do scoreboards for mass murderers anymore?
>>1001201 To be honest being new has nothing to do with not knowing who these people are. It's the lack of gatekeeping and/or the ease of access to many subcommunities that is killing the internet. Most people just expect to waltz in on a Fandom because it's the hot new thing and get mad if you do not disclose the secrets with them. I've seen some push back lately against Anime Tourists trying to make everything the same bland of isekai slop removing fanservice they don't see as righteous enough.
I miss old youtube. I hate how corporate everything is now. There isn't that level of authenticity of a shitty camera and a guy screaming at the screen while talking about something they enjoy. Now everything has extremely professional cameras and sponcerships for eve unknown stuff. I think it went downhill when comedy youtubers like fred and annoying orange got deals with companies and it was a downward spiral from there.
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>>1001201 >Fuck, the recent one was me clicking the first Neko sugar girls episode and seeing a comment that claimed that Neko Sugar Girls was the first ironic commentary on cringe otaku culture and predicted its rise; it had over 12k likes. I have seen teenage women irl around that time period about as cringe as the women in Neko Sugar Cat Girls, this kind of shit was sourced from reality and Gaia, the same way they repeat ya'll like retards in their speech.
>>1001252 YouTube was kill the moment they started offering their partner program to any random nigger above a minimum metric threshold, creating a generation of algorithmically cultivated soy clowns who started out as young idiots thinking that making Jewtoob vidyas could be their jerb, did it for a while and then Gamergoob habbened with the Susan&co. clamping down hard on anti-semitic content forcing the ensnared "professional" jewtubers to drink soy and promote transgender issues to children while rattling down their audible.com/Raid Shadow Legends/Manscaped/Soyshare advertisement lines as part of their external sponsorship the shekels of which are required for the average socially adjusted Jewtuber to meet xir monthly studio rent thanks to the monthly AdSense income reduction, with next to no jerb opportunities outside of Kiketube because failed Markiplier clones are surely what companies want these days. If there was no way to generate shekels from having your YT videos be washed by people/bots outside of big, glowing corporate contracts a la VEVO or per-channel individually arranged setups like classic AVGN YouTube would be 6 Gorillion times better even if every faggot creator were to shill for his Patreon.
>>998034 >anti-free speech kike You will never be a fuhrer. At best you would be the useful idiot lined up against the wall for the execution squads after the imaginary day of the rope is over. <ackshually being able to say things is bad <also I totally believe that any national leader is GOOD and will do good, benevolent things if they have MY beliefs!
>>1001201 >claimed that Neko Sugar Girls was the first ironic commentary on cringe otaku culture and predicted its rise nyan neko sugar girls was part of a whole subgenre of fanime on youtube doing that, started with lolhikiwi's Kawaii quest rainbow cotton candy girls ready? go!
>>998034 >muh speech Do not out(((law))) the utterance of drivel but make sure that such men carry the consequence of freedoms in the form of personal executions.
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>>994139 >Shadman So recently his contact list has been released while many recall the retcon of his Negrogrounds colleagues, one of them got shit on quickly: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zqYODVd55dI Reminder that Elvis the Alien not only has the iconic soy-voice, but also loved the zogfest Fagout fanfiction from Amazon: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=eT7hTQ5QH_8 A double faced dudebro who got troll's remorse once he found out that Youtube got clogged by redditors. >>999051 The same site that gained its popularity by SomethingAwful fags?
>>1001201 You're going through the monkeys and ladders meme anon.
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>>1001464 >IRC >site Anon...
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>>1001201 Also I think for some reason normalfags also put Terry as "oh my god what a horrible racist" when he was actually just super fun. I brought up the anniversary of his death to some vidya acquaintances and they all were like "but he called people the n-word :(((" He is literally Hitler to some people.
>>1001519 oh shit, Terry and I share the same birthday
>>1001519 8/11. A greater tragedy than 9/11.
>>1001201 >y'all Die in a fire, plebbitor.
>>1001568 >Southern slang is now reddit Anon, try fucking harder.
>>1001568 >Y'all It's considered a KKK racist dogwhistle by the Discord trannies can't find the video of a hipster calling out southern slangs, instead have these videos of inbreedtubers refusing to understand inside jokes
>>1001575 >thinking there's no difference between using slang irl and online Nah he's right, online leftists have been using that in an attempt to sound more personable and down to earth for years now.
>>1001585 I actually know of that second dude, he's an extremely obscure Aussie YouTuber. I'm talking less than 1000 views per video. Honestly I'm kind of amazed somebody else on this website is aware of him. I found him randomly while searching for something else, he mostly posts videos where he misunderstands imageboard memes. The guy himself is apparently an actual 4chan user which leads some commenters to assume this entire series is a very low-key trolling effort.
>>1001585 And sorry for doubleposting but I disagree with the first guy, the people on the Cinemassacre leddit are 100% tryhard alogs and anybody pretending otherwise is a disingenuous ledditor who's mad somebody called them out. Not that Dan Olson is any better, he's also a massive alog but smuggles his weirdly cruel criticisms and fixation on e-celebs as muh video essay.
>>1001593 Okay retard.
>>1001636 Dan Olson is a literal pedophile who tried to destroy 8chan during the early GG days with false-flag CP spam. He's known as "Pedo Dan" to those who remember. >>1001671 >being butthurt at being told the truth I suppose you think that "sweetie" is just something that moms say too or something?
>>1001699 I know right well who Olson is, but the GG stuff was a very long time ago from before he was famous so few would actually know about it. When his NFT and blockchain videos went viral I didn't realize it was him at first, he dropped that weird puppet thing he had going on and changed his video format.
>>1001699(checked) Wait, are you being genuine? I don't pay attention to these kinds of things.
>>1001713 Hate to double post, but I forgot I changed my IP. >>1001699 >Y'all is actually used by leftists who speak condescendingly now Is there a good substitute that isn't autistic sounding like ye or youse then? Folks maybe?
>>1001714 "You all." Some contractions are stupid or otherwise have modern implications you might not like. It's similar how you wouldn't use "'tis" on the internet anymore, even though it's a perfectly cromulent word.
>>1001714 "Folks" is already used by retarded leftists to have a gender-neutral term to refer to groups of people (instead of saying "hey guys" or something) They've also taken y'all for that purpose, which sucks because I come from the south so now I just had to remove that fucking phrase from my vernacular. It hit me really hard when I went to some trade show and this Matthew McConaughey looking fuck was doing it at a panel, and super-super-super accentuating the "y'all" and also making jokes about how millenial he was, like "do Y'ALL use the term swag anymore? Sorry, just my millennial side coming through"
Ninja groomed a child live on stream during a Fortnite match, using some lingo that is meant to say "asking for a blowjob".
>>1002081 The jewtube is taking down the original whenever posted. some people captured it and are posting it in the middle of other videos, to discuss, like this one: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=DfbI4FHwqiw
>>1002079 >>1002083 I watched the linked video, I don't think anything will happen. It's just as likely that in the heat of the moment he forgot he might be talking with children, started doing some shit-talking, immediately realized what he said then started apologizing and leaving the chat. The fact that he immediately backtracked and left the stream gives credence to this idea. With pedophiles you need that interaction where the Pedo says: "I wanna have sex with you", the reply he gets is : " I am only 10" and then the Pedo replies: "Even better, I will come pick you up from School to have some fun.", instead of "Oh shit! <User has left the chat>" Now, could Ninja have a stash of CP and actually groomed children, maybe, but this ain't it.
>>972310 Has anyone tried Soulbrothaniggah3 Visual Novel game? He finally reunited with his ex-lover: Lyle Doggy Style back then when they used to make SFM videos. From what I've seen it's all pop culture references every fucking second, with strangely white american waifus instead of their iconic brown skin with deformed features due to racemixing, tiktokers finally found something that is edgy but not so much like an Eminem album.
>>1002312 Based on what?
>>1001585 I went to that second guy's channel to watch some, it's pretty funny how serious he takes it, and actually taught me some that I didn't know existed. Of course he makes tons of really shitty arguments, like for example in the "Glowing" one he says that it is used on the left too, but it's okay because the left's distrust of the feds is from a "substantive and systemic critique" perspective but the right's distrust of the feds is just because they're big meanies. His entire channel is typical humanities major wannabe-revolutionary rhetoric, which he tries to cover up with a veneer of professionalism from his Cultivated Australian accent.
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Speaking of sexual interactions with children, the whole Rekieta kerfuffle exposed a literal pedo from kiwi farms who now Null is trying his best to defend.
>>1002399 Archives?
>>1002399 >Nick Rekieta's life starts spiraling out of control due to his own retardation and hedonism >he drags kiwi farms down with him as they try to turn his deteriorating existence into an even worse spectacle than it already was Hilarious outcome. Your post doesn't show anything about Null defending him though (besides the implication that Null let him continue posting like a regular user for all that time despite knowing he was a pedo) Though I second >>1002402 It doesn't mean shit without archives.
>>1002403 Considering Josh is a miserable fuck who calls people Pedos for liking anime, him running defense for someone actually convicted of CP seems like just desserts.
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>>1002399 BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! More proof loli is the ultimate sanity check. I don't even like loli, I think those who like it are creepy fuckers, but at least they're not legitimate sex offenders.
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>>1002402 >>1002403 ok https://archive.fo/UiqxV https://archive.fo/Xqpz0 https://archive.fo/XsPk9 >Your post doesn't show anything about Null defending him though (besides the implication that Null let him continue posting like a regular user for all that time despite knowing he was a pedo) https://archive.fo/dWl8R https://archive.fo/1KyZ8 https://archive.fo/7jqYr bonus https://archive.fo/dtL9i The guy is quite the fan of Tim Pool.
>>1002418 Wew, that attempt at deflection by Jewsh. >no, he's your pedophile. Trying to play hot potato with who the pedo "belongs" to, this is comedy gold.
>>1002418 I will say it still doesn't absolve Nick of being a drug addicted fuck who let his six kids starve while he and his wife bumped lines of coke and fucked random sluts they met on swingers sites. But good to see his lawyer instincts still work, try to change the conversation so people stop giving him flak.
>>1002426 >>1002426 >Nick of being a drug addicted fuck who let his six kids starve while he and his wife bumped lines of coke and fucked random sluts Excuse me? You just dropped a bombshell, is this why people care about e-celeb drama, because they're all terrible people? Tell me more, this is so bad it's good.
>>1002427 To summarize to the best of my memory from what I've heard on WATP. >Nick and Aaron Imholte starts swapping wives (Nick's wife is a lot older and a few kids deep compared to Aaron's blonde young piece of ass) >Aaron is left out of the sex and drugs because "he doesn't like it and drugs are bad m'kay (read cucked) >"Anonymous" tip to the police about drugs, guns and kids >Police bust down Nick's door and apprehends him and his wife and April (Around this time is when kiwi farms go apeshit and Null needs money for the police bodycam they don't get) >Aaron does a victory lap around the drama podcast scene and more or less admits to all kinds of wrongdoings, mostly moral but some actual criminal >Nick doesn't go to federal prison for 20 years and is let out as the legal system starts doing its slow job, also gets his kids back. <Plot twist, turns out Aaron Imholte has a history of domestic abuse towards his ex wife, mostly strangling <Now Aaron isn't to happy about speaking about this anymore, because "airing out peoples dirty laundry is wrong" That's the gist of it. Nick has started streaming again and Aaron is pathetically begging for money to reach his daily goal on his own show.
>>1002399 >Leftwing site that dickrides Israel It's worth mentioning they end up praising lolcows as long they're regurgitating marxist speaking points.
this one isn't the only pedo on the farms. our resident globally permabanned CP spammer also has an account there.
>>1002446 Is your screenshot supposed to be shifted a few dozen pixels to the right?
>>1002446 What account and proof?
8chan wordfilters direct image links?
Confirmed sitewide. Why?
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>>1002449 >>1002450 >>1002451 >>1002452 What the fuck are you doing you retard?
>>1002458 >Implying it's not the wordfilter that's retarded Did you code this piece of shit?
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>>1002459 Nigger if you have an image, upload it, or better yet just copy & paste it into your post, don't be a fucking dumbass.
>>1002459 >imageboard
>>1002460 >Breaks direct image links, expects people waste time, space, and bandwidth uploading the same fucking image for 1 minute instead of 1 second Oh, he's retarded.
>>1002460 >Do x stupid thing, not y smart thing, or you're the dumbass, not me No. Eat my ass.
>>1002461 Linked one.
>>1002466 >>1002464 >>1002463 I think you should describe the image using words. Then we can use AI to regenerate it.
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Newfags probably have no idea Null used to work on 8chan
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>>1002501 >second pic Maybe that's why he hasn't been assraped in a federal prison yet: he's already so good at discrediting free speech that they don't need to put one of their own in his place.
>>1002501 A lot of figureheads that worm their way into these, uh, positions come off like that. >>1002508 I remember people saying he was stealing money for drugs like Frederick.
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>>1002510 Josh is such a unlikeable sperg he's made people from here, 4cucks, anti sjw sub Reddits and beyond all feel zero sympathy. I only by sheer principles support him and his pesthole of a site. >Speaking of the Farms They've been ok with censorship and the typical enlightened centrist takes of "who cares lol" but when it's their turn on the censorship block they cried and bitched at how little support they were getting.
>>1002519 Same, I have no care in the world for any of this "milking lolcows" thing, and haven't even visited kf until that whole deplatforming debacle. But still his persistence in keeping the site on the web is commendable.
>>1002531 The irony is Josh himself is arguably one of the biggest lolcows on the internet
>>1002510 How the hell Lowtax also never set foot behind bars despite the open secret that his site was a pedophile ring?
>>1002633 Because all feds are also child rapists.
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>>1002633 It wasn't? You could say that of 8chan or any social media site. Vague related, but Lowtax looked so different later in life. Not even older, but a different person. I remember thinking how good he used to look for his age. He was around 30-31 here here but didn't really look it. Then he entered his 40s and the years hit him fast.
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Towards the very end of his life he lost a lot of weight and started looking like how he used to, but that might have just been the drug addictions he was battling. His ex-wives say he was a very troubled guy, immediately after his second divorce he killed himself. Like, within an hour of the ruling. His mother blamed her, but the guy was a washed up chronically ill abusive deadbeat dad with drug problems. The divorce probably sped it up but I think he always was going to go out like that.
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>>1002636 >It wasn't? How do you explain all the times someone got banned for exposing Shmorky? There was a reason why "goon" was considered synonymous with pedophile, until tiktokers appropriated the word for their ebonics. >Lowtax aged like shit He was the typical fratboy who refused to grow up and went heavy on drugs just to escape from his reality as Shmorky's babysitter and the many divorces he had (also take consideration he had children and Shmorky couldn't control his pedophilic urges near them), SomethingAwful being the cancerous site that predated Reddit didn't help either. >>1002639 Well it seems his fuckbuddy also committed suicide considering his last Patreon post read: >Bye forever Not surprising he got caught for the millionth time and Lowtax left him to suffer his consequences, these people were the first to get troll's remorse and pretend nothing happened back at their secret club just to not get fucked by their progressive followers.
>>1002446 Lel, i poasted in that thread.
>>1002645 > feds > pedos > diapers Im so glad i was in the dark on all this backstage baby mama drama during my time time at SA because i couldnt say that I literally dont care just make with the haha.
>>1002645 >these people were the first to get troll's remorse and pretend nothing happened back at their secret club just to not get fucked by their progressive followers. I always thought it was intriguing how the usual communist losers flocked to all those unfunny losers (Something Awful, That Guy With The Glasses and the like) as if they would somehow push the regressive agenda after making whole careers of basically mocking every communist loser/woman/faggot and variants like themselves. Was it a calculated move to become their audience and destroy those groups from the inside? Or do those losers are actually that insane and unable to face reality, and thought that "guys AND girls who mocked women and rape would become feminist"?
>>1002427 "People" care about eceleb drama because they have nothing better to do with their lives, and shit like microplastics fucking everyone's hormones to death has led to generations of "men" with womanbrains who think gossiping about famous people is a worthy pastime. >>1002508 INFINITY NEVER EVER The great INFINITY NEXT IP leak
>>1002778 >gossiping about famous people Lol, lmao. They're talking about eceleb lolcows, not some big named actor or something. It's Schadenfreude, Anon. Nothing to do with microplastics, or whatever /pol/ infographic Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. People just like laughing at retards and human trainwrecks because it's funny and it makes them feel better about themselves. How do you think that kike Jerry Springer kept his show on the air up til the day he died? Same basic idea.
>>1002760 In my case, I hold a minor grudge against the individuals in question. The first against Nick because he fucked over Vic Mignogna with recommending Ty Beard as his lawyer (and basically acting like Vic Mignogna's situation wasn't his problem years later after getting heavily involved and defending Vic at first), and against Jewsh for multiple reasons, including Infinity Never Ever, 9chan, and cultivating an anti-loli pro-censorship crowd of retards on Foxdicks. I usually don't give a fuck about 90% of the retards posted on this thread otherwise.
>>1002446 >>1002460 >>1002684 Better cap with archive link included should be posted when ever he shows his face.
>>1002784 I remember when he tried to get raids against us on The Sharty they largely told him to fuck off. I can't remember exactly what they said but it was along the lines of >That site is even smaller than us >They just ignore and delete basedjaks >You're a fail troll That last one was interesting because it suggested they knew who he was, meaning he probably tried it enough times for them to recognize him.
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>>1002784 >Pedokike from Israel That rings a bell.
>>1002784 >30+ Gameovers" Hold on a sec, I heard that in an 8chan song: >>>/vb/4401 What does "30+ Gameovers" refer to? What's the lore? t. newfag
>>1002981 Oh that is some brutal cringe. Like something from Dorkly in 2011. But the 30 gameovers thing I believe refers to Mark streaming Sonic Mania before it officially released, and dying several dozen times on the same part.
>>1002981 >>1002987 Found the anon who sucks at Zelda II. Wish OC like >>>/vb/4401 was posted more often, reminds me of songs from old /v/ in /v/ the Musical threads. Like "Play it on Easy," circa 2016, if oldfags remember. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v5TM70Zr0g Disney parodies were big in the Musical threads, like Cis-Fire and songs making fun of Feminist Frequency and game journos. Now 4's /v/ makes nothing but scribbles of soyjaks. Take me back, bros.
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Reposting to fix typos Considering I already brought them up, and what the topic of the thread is, I want to talk about Dorkly a little more. What the hell was this, why was there so much of it and why was it so popular? From like 2007-2014 there was this really specific strain of "nerd humor" that was surprisingly well produced and extremely unfunny which has almost entirely been memory holed. It's hard to articulate, not necessarily this animation style or even using game assets for skits, but the very nature of the comedy. Dorkly was the first one to come to mind but there others like early VSauce (before it shifted to a science channel) and RoosterTeeth. I'm struggling to even remember others because this style of comedy has so completely vanished from culture, but a lot of stuff on Machinma was in this vein. I feel like G4 also had some of this going on, though I barely remember anything about them. Sometimes I see zoomers nostalgic over the 2000s to early 2010s with transparent plastic, Winamp, and Frutiger Aero, but they're obviously too young to have really remembered the era because so much of it was shit like this, or Lil' Bush, or awful post-9/11 media. It's like how the 80s has been paved over with a wall of neon DeLoreans.
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>>1002992 >OC >AI slop Feminist Frequency went bankrupt, Sarkeesian became irrelevant, and gaming journos are less respected than ever. It's been ten years anon, let it go.
>>1002993 Most humor in Dorkly videos flatlines for me since the premise is usually "what if video game characters acted like REAL LIFE," a stupid premise that robs games of wonder. Like "LOOK AT MARIO SMOKING BLUNTS LOL" videos from teenagers on Newgrounds. They bridge gaps to normalfags through awkward inclusion of boring normalfag themes, like Bowser's normalfag voice and nagging ex-wife called Linda who wants to divorce him. Unlike Dorkly, >>>/vb/4401, "Play it On Easy" (youtube.com/watch?v=0v5TM70Zr0g), and old /v/ songs from /v/ The Musical threads don't bridge gaps to normalfags but gatekeep retards from video games through bullying. You're a retard so its message offends you and that's good. Retards have passed geeks as the main consumers of game products so most games are made casual to entice purchases from retards which has enshittified everything. I wish all games were hard. Sarkeesian herself became irrelevant but her influence became dominant so that's a red herring. Most game journos write from Sarkeesian's perspective in Tropes vs. Women and most game studios bend their knee to the ideological horror she created to appease game journos and evade negative publicity. Game journos are "respected" not like "what a wise writer," they're "respected" like "we must censor our product so journos don't make problems for us." This happens more than ever now while ten years ago the ideology of Feminist Frequency was a joke.
>>1002992 >>1002999 >Feminist Frequency 5 years and $160,000 and an entire production team to produce 10 videos btw >>1003013 This post is lolcow tier, please reconsider making posts like this in the future
>>1003014 Not an argument foxdick, go back to Kiwifarms.
>>1002993 >>1003013 >>1003076 Dorkly Originals were by CollegeHumor corporates who pandered with game characters as props for bits since mascots focus grouped as relatable to Millennial audiences. They weren't fans and didn't get the games or mascots so Dorkly Originals felt "off" and soulless.
>>998581 >>998581 if you want a more deep reason behind it, there's a rumor that she's getting married to a famous utaite (singer). given how vtubers are treated (fans don't like it when their "oshi" have boyfriends, which was actually the reason of Rushia's downfall), qutting and settling to a married life is the least controversial way of doing it.
>>1002779 True. Most of the dramafags, lolcow, commentary, tea channels, middle aged women etc are just seeking cheap entertainemnt. Basically losers looking at other losers to feel good about themselves. Remember most of the original cwcwiki authors turned out into bigger losers than chris chan. They focus on others life so that they don't have to introspect oneself. Terminally online, no social life, filled with discord "friends" who laugh at others' lives. This is becoming increasingly common nowadays with the rise commentary "the X situation is HUGE" easy clickbait topics. Most grow out of this phase, but even more stay inside and waste their prime age on this
>>1003013 In fact if you watch "TF2 but realistic" and get a laugh, it's because the guys behind played the game and definitely fell for its flawed logic: >Can't shoot through gates >Fire or explosions can go through depending on the trigger event <The fucking sniper shooting at the fire extinguisher What made those Newgrounds shitty flash animations funny is because of the many edgy posers who think they're Pedowood hotshots by producing half-assed animations of poorly cropped videogame sprites, that is until "le random XD" cucks showed up and raped everything into a sterile trend which snowballed into this slop cancer: >Dorkly >SMG3 >SML
>>1004226 I imagine half of the users on Discord are bots since IRC is about the same if not worse.

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