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Known leaker claims that Microsoft's next Xbox won't be a console, but a pre-built Windows machine licensed out to third-parties Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:37:58 Id: f1229b No. 972640
https://archive.is/VfrK0 >The next gen Xbox will allegedly not be a single console but a Windows-based device that other manufacturers can make their own versions of. >Considering the Xbox Series X/S isn’t even four years old yet, you wouldn’t normally expect to start hearing about its replacement for at least a year or two – probably more given the pandemic meant the first two years of this generation started very slowly. >And yet by Microsoft’s own admission they are working on a next gen format, one that will allegedly involve, ‘the biggest technological leap ever in a generation.’ >Given how many unsubtle hints have been dropped about portables, it seems almost certain that at least one variant will be a handheld or hybrid device but the latest insider rumour suggests it might not necessarily be made by Microsoft themselves. >Previously, there’s been some debate as to whether Microsoft would even continue to make new consoles, if it’s pursuing a more multiformat publishing approach, but they do seem to have made it clear that they are. >However, a tweet from Windows Central’s Jez Corden suggests that not only will the next Xbox have ‘a heavy Windows slant’ but that it will be a ‘reference device for manufacturers.’ >Although the wording is a little vague this seems to imply that other companies will be allowed to make Xbox consoles with the same basic specifications but with additional (or less) features of their own. >Multiple sources have suggested that Microsoft is targeting a 2026 release for their next generation hardware, whatever it is, so that should mean that we start getting some official details next year at the latest.
>Windows steam machines
>your console is failing >pivot to a concept that already failed a decade ago when Valve tried it Microsoft really have no idea what the hell is going on do they
>>972649 >>your console is failing >>pivot to a concept that already failed a decade ago when Valve tried it Microsoft really have no idea what the hell is going on do they it's amazing how hard suits are fighting to not admit moving away from disk was a mistake.
>>972640 It doesn't matter what they do with the next console if the game making side of things is still mismanaged into oblivion.
>>972653 Hello newfriend
AAA is imploding and I can't stop laughing
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>But a pre-built Windows machine licensed out to third-parties Remember 3do?
>>972658 >Remember 3do? Yes it gave us gex that's more than the ps5 ever did for us.
>>972642 >>972649 Alienware $3000 xbox machine when??
How does MS expect to make any money off this short of being a third party on their own system? Valve's method of profit for Steam Deck is obvious: They own the biggest PC games store, getting a cut of every game sold, that's on the deck by default and are the only maker of the hardware so they make their money off that too. A Windows Box on the other hand, either has to be so locked down as to be pointless, or everyone will buy games from literally anywhere else. The Microsoft Store is known to be such crap everyone says to avoid it thanks to all the DRM (most mods are impossible on MS Store versions). All MS gets is the not that much Windows key price. Plus how is this going to handle different CPU and GPU processors? Is it just going to just be saying "Include at least this Intel and at least this Nvidia with this much RAM and it will run all WinBox 1 games fine" or are there going to be two CPU recs and three GPU recs?
Just make Xbox a goymer PC brand like Razer and Alienware and include a "toaster with LEDs" low-end model for the dudebros who only play FIFA and CoD and a "my parents paid all of this" top-end model for the retards who want maxxx graphixxx. MS already sells PCs (Surface) and the first and latest Xbox have been PCs with crippled OS.
>>972667 >so locked down as to be pointless Yeah, expect mandatory always online for all software run on it, as well as tying the hardware to your microsoft account so that if you try to homebrew or pirate anything your entire account is wiped.
>>972673 >consoles completing their slow transformation into pre-built PCs >consolefags start praising the benefits and freedom of PC gaming all of a sudden
>>972673 The first Xbox was based on the PowerMac G5, which Microsoft bought hundreds of for development and testing. I know someone supposedly found a beige box developer kit Xbox at one point, but if people really wanted to find the earliest dev hardware, they should've been looking at discarded Apple towers instead.
>>972642 >steam machines <but with Windows.
Consoles are sold at a loss, how the fuck would this work out for Microsoft if its just a prebuilt PC? The competitive advantage of a console is the lower entry cost.
>>972714 You mean the Xbox 360? The original Xbox came around the time of the PowerMac G4 and uses an x86 CPU unlike the Macs which used PowerPC. The Xbox 360 uses PowerPC however.
>>972731 Microsoft sells all the spyware data to Mossad
>>972653 It is not about admitting, but forcing control over everything or die trying. They literally prefer to go bankrupt than to let customers control the product. Which is good. Let them die. Any company that wants to take control away from the customer deserves to die.
>>972752 Microsoft used to have American MIC money to bankroll this but now that israel is in danger and Microsoft's MilitaryVR division failed to deliver a coherent product a lot of those MIC accounts have been drained.
>>972733 Oh! Well, look at that. Don't know how I got those confused. You're right; thanks.
>>972667 >A Windows Box on the other hand, either has to be so locked down as to be pointless, or everyone will buy games from literally anywhere else. The Microsoft Store is known to be such crap everyone says to avoid it thanks to all the DRM (most mods are impossible on MS Store versions). All MS gets is the not that much Windows key price. They will be gamepass machines. Most normalfags I know use gamepass. Microsoft's new scheme will try to lock people to use gamepass, and become THE subscription service of gaming. Locking it down is the feature. No different than how apple locks people down, and forces them to use their stores and services.
>>972756 >runs Windows11s TV edition
>>972756 >They will be gamepass machines. Most normalfags I know use gamepass Gamepass is what has M$ down the drain already, it's not sustainable on the gamedev / publishers end.
>>972761 Phil Spencer says it's profitable and generates billions of dollars.
>>972786 Philis a great liar, it's why he's the head of the company!
>>972789 They were the villain from day one
>>972793 even more broadly speaking Microsoft was founded in evil. They didn't even have a product, they just lied their way into contracts and build shoddy software to fulfill it afterwards.
>>972797 <The red ring of death was the first major red flag with Xbox lmao >Not the paid online >Not the paid MapPacks/DLC >Bot the push for making consoles more like PCs >Not paying for PC devs to develop for their console and ignore the PC version >Not being fucking Microsoft behind No, the RROD was the real issue!
>>972799 >The PS5 is a better, less immoral purchase Both are evil.
>>972799 >it's less immoral to buy from a company that censors all political thought outside of what trotsky wanted Off yourself.
>>972801 >>972805 >>972809 You're replying to the troll who made the Minecraft threads about how indies are killing gaming He just spams shitty bait to fish for (You)s
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>>972819 >Ideas are a finite resource, and once exhaused - no new ideas can be produced. What the fuck are you on about? People have been saying there's nothing new under the sun since literally before Jesus (Ecclesiastes) and yet it's indie games fault for the creativity well running dry for real this time?
>>972828 You're responding to somebody that has been shilling in favor of the PS5 in this very thread, he's beyond retarded.
>>972649 >failed a decade ago when Valve tried it It failed because that was before SteamPlay so almost no games were compatible. Most do now, look at the Deck.
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I just want them to announce this fucking leaked controller already, at least I hope this leak was real. I'v already disassembled and repaired the bumpers on controllers twice each already, and those screws are stripped. I'm not gonna be able to open them again next time they break. It would be nice to have an upgrade that isn't an Elite controller because I don't want all that extra shit, I just want a Controller that works.
>>972834 Greedy console makers still refuse to use hall effect analog sticks, which would vastly improve durability and precision. Good thing various chinese companies sell them now.
>>972830 Kill yourself
>>972834 >200 dollars >Thumbstick starts drifting in a month No thanks!
>>972714 I try not to think about it very often.
>>972895 kill all predditors
>>972895 >Give me the plant
I really wonder how Xbox's shooters online would react to this news? A lot of them have turned over the last few months, the recent shutdowns have almost entirely killed its hype. If the next Xbox really are a bunch of PCs with "Xbox" slapped on the side I think they'd lose their fanbase entirely, even if they sold better.
>>972877 It seems crappy thumbsticks can be an issue with the Elite controls, depending on your luck of the draw for the one you get. I remember there being people posting videos about faulty Elite controllers for a time, but from my experience, the standard Xbox controllers have had constant build quality for the most part. I never encountered Thumbstick drift in my years of using the Xbone, or Series controller. The real issue for them is the Bumpers, after enough use the plastic piece that actually clicks the button will eventually break with enough use, and it'll require a replacement or some superglue to give it some longer use time. The is also the issue of the pads for the triggers on the inside of the controller, there are little bits of sponge/rubber that dampen the noise from the triggers when they are pulled back all the way and make contact with the shell of the controller. Those little bits will eventually have the glue for them ware out, and them moving out of place can eventually cause the Trigger to stick. If those two issues can be ironed out in the next model of Xbox Controller then they'd be good to go, and if at the very least it's like how that "leaked picture" says and they make the process of repair and disassembly easier, then that would at least be preferable.
>>972834 >I'v already disassembled and repaired the bumpers on controllers twice each already I've had a sexbox 1 controller from way the fuck back and never had to replace the bumpers. Only issue with it was the control stick drifting a bit. Did I get lucky or something?
>>972918 It certainly depends on what games you are playing. In my case, i'v always played a ton of Devil May Cry, so the right bumper is used for Lock on constantly. I'm not at all surprised that the small piece of plastic responsible for clicking the bumper wares out and breaks after some years of usage.
>>972640 >>The next gen Xbox will allegedly not be a single console but a Windows-based device that other manufacturers can make their own versions of. Isn't that originally what the Xbox was "suppose" to be? >>972667 >All MS gets is the not that much Windows key price. Anon, M$ is a SOFTWARE company at the end of the day. Their money comes from selling SOFTWARE. >>972801 >>Not the paid online Sega did it before with the Dreamcast and Heat.net. >>Not the paid MapPacks/DLC Nintendo has been doing that since the Famicom Disk System. >Bot the push for making consoles more like PCs Amiga did it with the CD32, NEC did it prior with the PC-Engine/TruboGrafx, and Atari had been doing it since '79. >Not paying for PC devs to develop for their console and ignore the PC version Nintendo did that during the NES >>972812 >Until Nintendo actually releases a console with games like Stellar Blade on it Nier Automata is on the Switch. >or MGS1-5 on it Which you can currently do on a PS3. >or all the actual good Sony games You mean Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2. >>972830 >Where do you think games go from here? Going back to what worked during the sixth gen and early seventh and improving upon THAT. >The best selling ones are open world slop Because those are the only games heavily marketed, and the only reason why they're so heavily marketed is because the company wasted so much money making those games in the first place. The open world games of today are not even bigger or better than those from the seventh gen. Fuel still has the record for the biggest playable full 3D open world, and many open-world games today still lack the complex physics of something like Red Faction Guerilla and Mercenaries.
>>972895 >Wake up >Enter thread looking for some discussions about the topic <This pops up Thanks, fuck you too
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>>972927 >Isn't that originally what the Xbox was "suppose" to be? More or less, the part of the Xbox that was meant to appeal to developers was the fact that it's hardware was so similar to a PC. So if they were primarily PC developers, they would have already had their footing when making a game on an Xbox. The Xbox was supposed to simplify the idea of putting PC quality games in the hands of the consumer. The very fact the Series S exists is the kind of mentally retarded thinking that's the opposite of what the OG Xbox was supposed to represent, since that just doubles the work load of the Developers since they essentially need to port the game to Xbox Twice. It really is sad that Microsoft has needlessly fucked up the Xbox brand so much, I still have a lot of love for the Original Xbox, They really never recovered from that Xbox One reveal where they tried to make it online only, all the good will they built up vanished in an instant.
>>972927 >Comparing niche shit to popularization I guess Arcades created microtransactions too you dumb fucking big.
>>972933 >The very fact the Series S exists is the kind of mentally retarded thinking that's the opposite of what the OG Xbox was supposed to represent <Expecting rational thinking from the guy who placed the entire brand on being the Netflix of gaming
>>972756 Of course people use game pass, because it's free games. You know what that doesn't do? Make fucking money. Game pass is a money pit and the subs DO NOT make up for it. It was fine when Xbox was a rounding error in Microsoft's books and could basically do what they wanted. Then they ended up 70 billion in the whole buying a company and now the eye of Sauron is on them and they immediately started killing fucking everything. A "game pass machine" is not a win. It's a noose.
>>972933 >>972958 And yet the Series S is far and away the most successful thing Microsoft did this gen. It's almost as if most consumers buy consoles because they want to game cheaper. It's almost as if those gamers don't care about graphics. It's almost as if The Switch 2 is going to anally rape both Sony and Microsoft into oblivion. And no, before you sperg about it this isn't a "it's so great Nintendo is going to win" post. When one company dominates everyone tends to lose actually. This is a "oh many god Microsoft and Sony are so fucking stupid" post.
>>972964 Nintendo only got of it's ass because Valve lit a fire under it.
>>972964 To be fair, Xbox was already porting all of the games to PC by the time the Series X|S came out. So for the core demographic who brings people to these systems, there was no reason for them to buy an Xbox since everything on PC. The general rule of thumb is that you want to bring over your existing audience before attracting new ones. Nintendo was an exception because they saw a large demographic that wasn't being exploited and took the shot, and even then when it came time for their next system Apple took their lunch money and beat them into the dirt.
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>>972946 >I guess Arcades created microtransactions I wouldn't say they "created" microtransactions, but you were paying almost a dollar for a handful of lives or a few minutes of time. The games were designed to be infuriatingly tough specifically so that you wouldn't beat them - but could compete for the local high-score. Especially if the establishment owner was feeling particularly Jewish and fiddled with the dip switches to set the games to hard mode. Even in today's microtransaction and monetization live service wasteland, a game where you have to purchase continues would be unheard of. Of course EA was all onboard with bringing that model back, and it went over even worse than the mystery meat disabled lesbian World War II commando which obliterated the Battlefield franchise.
>>972969 >almost a dollar When adjusted for inflation.
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>>972969 >a game where you have to purchase continues would be unheard of I admit I haven't played this game, so take it with a grain of salt. From what I heard it is a free to play souls-like, where if you die, you either pay real money to revive the character on the spot, or restart from scratch and loose all your gear.
>>972972 It's been a long time since I played, but I don't recall ever spending a dime on it. Yeah, I think you could pay to get your character back after you died - but you could also just fight your way back to where you died at, and then kill (I think) your geared out character to get your stuff back. Or something like that. In any case, there's a fundamental difference between a game that sells a shortcut after being designed to be frustratingly hard, and game that's just an expensive flashing brick (or a digital crater on your drive) unless you regularly pay out like EA wanted. Shit, if you were REALLY good and lucky - you could beat an arcade title on a single credit, which is probably why EA chose to try to make you pay for reloads. Good luck getting that kill streak on a handful of shells and a stick of chewing gum.
>>972966 Plans for the Switch 2 were likely already being made before the Steam Deck came into existence. It was never much of a threat to Nintendo's market share. The Switch 2 might eat into the deck's prospects though. However, for the most part the Steam Deck will simply a companion piece to PC gamers.
>>972978 > It was never much of a threat to Nintendo's market share. It was to pretend it wasn't is being delusional, the deck put pressure on Nintendo and no amount of bold face denial will change that.
>>972978 >>972979 Didn't the deck sell a few million units compared to switch's 140 million?
>>972981 The Switch has also been out since 2017, but the deck selling selling a few million in 2 years is still pretty good. But the point is that the deck was definitely a factor in the Switch 2, now it's not the only factor.
>>972983 >The Switch has also been out since 2017 Exactly, it was more or less at the saturation point and the people at Nintendo all knew it. Sales were going to stop growing because the people who wanted a Switch had one for the most part. The couple million deck sales really didn't matter. Again, The Switch 2 was likely already well into development by the time the deck actually released.
>>972981 We don't know the exact numbers, but Valve has said "tens of millions" which implies it's more than what's led on.
>>972988 Wasnt Valve's main problem right now that they dont have enough supply for the demand? I know hte deck is being very sucesfull.
Googled and mathed omnia figures for deck and ir information and fiscal reports for switch, switch sells 10 times the deck for an average year, forecast is 8.25 times the deck for this fiscal year, over 33 times the deck since both were out
>>972988 No they said multiple millions
>>972981 About 0.80% of Steam users run the Deck's SteamOS. ~120 Million users are active every month. 0.80% of that isn't even 1 million. I doubt it's much higher than 3 million.
>>972972 Death Metal is what you pay for in Let it die, that and a 30 day Premium pass that gives you free use of the elavator, better daily rewards which include more death metals. Trust me while it's nice to have a few extra lives in your back pocket you absolutely can not pay to win in Let it Die. The game is grindy as fuck, and the grind is unavoidable. Beating the main game that's the first 40 floors isn't too unreasonable, but the game keeps going after you beat the main story, and the grind goes on and on and on. It's possible to eventually get to the end of the content, (The game is actually getting updated again tomorrow) but it'll take a long time to grind to get strong enough to stand enough of a chance to make it that far. If someone attempted to just pay their way to the end of all of Let it Die and expected to skip the grind they really wouldn't get too far, every time you die and use a continued, the amount of Death Metal you pay to revive is increased. So really using Revives is more of a sight to start thinking about getting the fuck outta dodge. You do get 1 free continue a day, so you're not automatic forced to use Death Metal every time you die. I only spent a bit of money on Let It Die because I enjoyed my time with it enough to decide that they deserved a bit of cash for that, If someone wants they can keep playing for free and make it to the end of all the content, premium stuff only helps so much, as stated it's all about the grind, and you can't do much to skip that grind. I would recommend the base story Floor 1 - 40, that's a decently balanced game that isn't unreasonable to beat, it'll only start getting hard at floor 31-40. It took me like 3 weeks playing without spending a sent to beat floor 40. Everything after floor 40, that's grinding for grindings sake.
>>972927 >Anon, M$ is a SOFTWARE company at the end of the day. Their money comes from selling SOFTWARE. Not exactly. The days of selling shrinkwrapped software are over. Their big money maker now is cloud computing services. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/microsofts-revenue-by-product-line/
>>972640 I didn't expect them to do this for another generation, but it sounds like their heads are out of their ass. They know which way the wind is blowing and they're trying to get ahead of it instead of waiting to be forced into it. Smart. >>972649 >>972653 Valve failed because the pieces weren't in place. Steam Machines were pre-Proton, had a very minimal Linux OS, and the offerings from manufacturers were poor. Consoles simply no longer make sense, and neither does maintaining two different ecosystems. Moving to a Steam Machines model is inevitable. You need PCs to be dumbed-down enough, and a stripped-down version of Windows is basically perfect and it helps leverage their advantage of owning the biggest desktop OS. Game developers can target DirectX and get PC and Xbox releases from them both. They should have tried this 5 years ago. The main question is how Sony will respond. If they double-down on dedicated consoles, they're going to get fucked. They have no exclusives, MS bought a ton of IPs, and every port for their console will need to be built targeting their hardware. All while PC sales are eclipsing console sales. If you're a small developer, your choice is to make an Xbox game that also compiles for PC or to make a Sony game that will need a bunch of extra work to make compatible with Windows. It will push cash-strapped studios towards Windows. I'd actually like to see Valve revive Steam Machines. They learned many lessons from the first attempt and used them to build the SteamDeck, which is a good product and very successful. Sony's a little fucked because their competitor owns Windows, so they can't just "make a Windows PC" themselves. Their best bet is probably to poke Gabe and see if they can make the next PlayStation run SteamOS. Nobody what Sony does, they're going to need to swallow a bitter pill. If they do not accept this direction, they die. If they do not adapt quickly enough, they die. They have very few options to get out of it with a viable product and none of them involve "just make another console like it's business as usual".
>>972933 I think GFWL was the beginning of the end. Patient zero for Microsoft saying "let's move everything to a single ecosystem!" and merging XBOX with PC. >>973103 >I'd actually like to see Valve revive Steam Machines Doubt that's gonna happen. Most of the draw of the Deck was the portability factor and it basically being a buffed up Switch. Most people who got one were core PC gamers who already had gaming rigs and wanted to bring a similar experience with them outside. New steam machines would just be "really good prebuilts" which most PC gamers don't really care about, and they would have to be sold at quite a loss to attract non-PC gamers. And unless they invent some tardproof, modular way to upgrade computer hardware, you can you can only dumb down the entry barrier for PC gaming so much on the hardware side.
>>973414 >I think GFWL was the beginning of the end. Patient zero for Microsoft saying "let's move everything to a single ecosystem!" and merging XBOX with PC. The idea could have worked if the first implementation was actually how it is now, and you could have got your games playable on both Xbox 360 and PC with a single Purchase, but they waited far too long. Any Xbox fans from that time like myself when they moved to PC used Steam because it was objectively the best choice, but if my catalog of Xbox 360 games could have be inserted / have been downloaded to my PC and have been playable, then things could have been a whole different story. Heck, if they could get that Xbox emulation they have put so much work into on their consoles, and implement that into their PC services, that actually is quite the selling point. Suddenly they'll have a ton of games that you can't get anywhere else on PC, aside from XEMU/Xenia Emulation that isn't perfected yet. >And unless they invent some tardproof, modular way to upgrade computer hardware, you can you can only dumb down the entry barrier for PC gaming so much on the hardware side. I mean, they could if they really wanted to. This idea came to me just now thinking about how the Series has SSD Memory expansions, and the N64 had a ram expansion, GameCube had expansion slots. Why not just take that concept of inserting expansions, but instead make that every piece of the hardware is easily replaceable? Building a PC is already a matter of slotting things into the correct spots, just streamline that. Have it, so each piece of the hardware has a protective little cube around most of it, and those cubes can just be slotted into the correct spots, and when upgrade time comes you just replace the cubes with a more powerful cube, and even the mother board could be replaced just make that a long tray at the bottom you slide in first.
>>973422 >Why not just take that concept of inserting expansions, but instead make that every piece of the hardware is easily replaceable? ain't that the framework laptop's whole shtick?
>>973422 >Why not just take that concept of inserting expansions, but instead make that every piece of the hardware is easily replaceable? Because that idea can become far too complicated too fast. And building a PC is already simple enough as all you need to do is just read a manual on which parts connect where. >>973437 The hook there is that it's a laptop. Laptops are not released in a customiable fashion like desktop PCs are, so that's where it's niche comes in.
>>973414 >modular… upgrade >>973422 >expansions One word: bottlenecks. You'll never have the performance possible with SoC components by having to design BRAND NEW AND UNIQUE-TO-COMPONENT connector pins for each individual upgrade (and you'd have to double the price for each, too).
>>972658 >>972789 >They'll buy up as much of the market as they can and run those things into the ground. Good i have been waiting for a crash for years the more microsoft force consolidation the more complete the burn when the crash come's i just hope the suits stay away from the new growth so we never get back to as bad as things are now.
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>>972834 GameSir G-7, best 3rd party one I've found, good grip texture, buttons are nice and clicky, no faults on triggers or drift on the sticks in 2 years.
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>>973103 >Valve failed because the pieces weren't in place. Steam Machines were pre-Proton, had a very minimal Linux OS, and the offerings from manufacturers were poor. A big thing people always forget is Valve never actually made any Steam Machines. They sort of half-heartedly put out the framework then promptly abandoned it. The Steam Deck feels like their first real attempt the (pseudo-)console market. >I'd actually like to see Valve revive Steam Machines. They learned many lessons from the first attempt and used them to build the SteamDeck, which is a good product and very successful. There have been rumblings for years now they're cooking up some kind of Steam console, what looks to be a photo of one leaked last year. There were also a lot of hardware and software specifications coming up but I think those turned out to be for the Steam Deck OLED.
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>>973455 >And building a PC is already simple enough as all you need to do is just read a manual on which parts connect where. It sure is, but it's still not at the same level of "it just werks" that more people than you think look for when buying a console. That is, normalfags afraid of assembling a PC with zero prior experience and somehow fucking up and frying $300 worth of hardware, and geriatric parents whose kids are begging them to get them a gaming PC like their favorite e-celebs, when their biggest extent of tech knowledge is using faceberg and turning on CNN and they clearly don't know what the fuck a "GEE PEE YEW" is. At the end of the day these people just want to drive to Walmart, Best Buy or whatever retailer they buy their TVs and vacuum cleaners from, buy the shiny black box that plays pretty looking current games at a decent framerate, take it home, plug it in and get playing without any inconveniences they can't fix with some clicks. Steamydick and other gaming UMPCs, as well as new Steam Machines done right could be a hook for those people, plus by bringing a decently priced, standardized out-of-the-box mid-high end PC gaming experience, they could kill two birds with one stone both by leaving shitty overpriced G4M3R scam prebuilts out of a market. I think microsoft would be hesitant to do the same with an Xbox machine for that reason, not wanting to piss off prebuilt manufacturers which they heavily rely on for 'selling' Windows.
>>989287 >What are prebuilts? >What are pay to assemble? Anon, even the dumbest of normalfag poornigs have a PC nowadays.
>>989295 >What are prebuilts? Underpowered, overpriced shitboxes to scam people >What is pay to assemble? Never did that but i assume it's a considerable extra cost unless some friend does it for you >even the dumbest of normalfag poornigs have a PC Yes, but are they GAMING capable PCs? even Steam Hardware Surveys show that many people are on some pretty toasty CPUs.
>>989287 >>989322 Even total normalfags I personally know were able to build a rig after sitting down for a Linus shill tips video or two. It's fucking piss easy these days to build .
>>989593 You underestimate how lazy a lot of people are in general. Yes, it's easy to do it, yet a lot of people would rather pay extra and not bother with it, even if it's just watching two videos from LTT.
>>989598 I also think you underestimate how not everyone is a drooling retard, I'm both shocked and amazed how smart or stupid normalfags can be.
I see that it sparked the usual "consoles vs PC" debate, but the point that tends to be massively overlooked imo is that consoles are social platforms. Consoles are bought to have a shared game experience with others IRL (family and friends), in addition of the other mentioned points such as the convenience, ease-of-use and the native game library. One main criteria of the Switch being such a massive success is as it really does emphasis on the social aspect between the hybrid form factor, the joycon gimmick and the large amount of local multiplayer games. Xbox and Playstation both going after the idea of a premium ecosystem was absolutely stupid (and rather short-sighted considering the current economy crisis), that much I can agree.
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>>989602 >Consoles are bought to have a shared game experience with others IRL (family and friends), in addition of the other mentioned points such as the convenience, ease-of-use and the native game library. None of this has been the case for a decade now anon, sure the Switch is a hit and many own it. But many went to PC to avoid the (((paid online))) and to play massive libraries of older games, or to emulate older games. Plus the reality is consoles are no longer plug or play, all of them (Switch included) have the need to have countless updates. Plus the easy of social chatting apps or etc has been, much much better then consoles for years now. Last standard home console I owned was a bloodborne box and after I pumped 400 hours into that game, I barely touched it.
>>989612 >But many went to PC to... play massive libraries of older games, or to emulate older games. This is a non-factor. People already have old computers that can emulate old games. Your grandma's tower desktop that she keeps in the kitchen can emulate everything from the 20th century. Nobody is buying a new computer to do that. You buy new hardware for new games. The only emulation that's a factor is slightly newer emulation, but that's a tiny percentage of emulation overall, and few people are buying a whole computer over a Switch for the sake of emulating PS3 or whatever. What really matters is the more recent games. As for things not being plug and play anymore, you're unfortunately correct that even Switch has more hassle than any console should, but even Playstation and Xbox are still more plug and play than PC. You never have to go online and search old forum posts to try to figure out why your game won't work, just to find "works on my machine." This goes triple if you're talking about old games, which you brought up in your post. You might think that amount of hassle is negligable, but normalfags find it to be a lot harder even compared to a modern console telling you you need to wait for an update before you can play. That's the max hassle you get on those machines. Well, that and then having to play the shitty new game you just uploaded, but they bought it and signed up for that.
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>>989694 >This is a non-factor. People already have old computers that can emulate old games. I love how you ignore what I posted, it was but of several factors that made people switch. >, but even Playstation and Xbox are still more plug and play than PC. They aren't they still require a fuck ton of patches for games and OS updates.
>>989694 >being this delusional and retarded
>>989739 I wasn't disagreeing with your other points. I don't see why you have a problem with that. >modern console game updates Annoying compared to old games, but nobody playing an Xbox ever needs to go and look up why their game isn't working. They never need to troubleshoot. Is it easy to you? Sure. You're not a normalfag. We are talking about dummies who bought or are considering buying a PS5 or whatever.
>>989980 >but nobody playing an Xbox ever needs to go and look up why their game isn't working. You act like PC games are super unstable, things have changed a fuck ton in the past 15 years.
>>990001 I gamed on PC 15 years ago, games were stable then too. Very rare a game.exe didn't work. I guess this steelmans your pro-PC position, didn't read the debate.
>>990060 You're whole argument screams of constant excuses for consoles.
>>990001 >>990060 Trying to play old games was brought up as a point, and the older the game the more likely there is to be something you need to do other than wait for the game to download an update. Even then, it's not that rare that I see people on this board come here and complain about trying to figure out why their game is running like shit. But lastly, you do perhaps make a good point that... >things have changed a fuck ton in the past 15 years. Maybe. I don't play many games from the past 15 years. In fact, it feels like just yesterday to me. God, where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday everyone was bitching about Arkham Knight and saying it was a bad game because it didn't work on their machine (unless that machine was a PS4). I'll concede that things keep getting better in that department over time, but my point is that if you think it's gotten literally as easy, and thus easy enough for normalfags, then you're overestimating normalfags.
>>989694 Steam made PC gaming extremely accessible to the point where you would have to be straight up retarded to not know how it works.
>>990199 >You would have to be straight up retarded We're talking about normalfags, Anon.
>>990199 It's so fucking easy in this day and age, especially since most of the console stores took notes from Valve.
>>990374 If only, Microsharts "unified UI" doctrine which is just a mobile GUI transposed to Xbox OS and Windows is absolutely atrocious, nonsensical ugly ass minimalist flat colored square icons and tabs everywhere. And the Fagstation GUI is just a less awful version of it since it has less tabs to waste your fucking time in. How can retards bitch about basic ass file drag and drop on PC while navigating that clunky ass shit? WITH FUCKING ADS AND "RECOMMENDATIONS" STICK IN BEWTEEN THESE ICONS Using the thumbstick as a pointer would be less awful than the shit they currently have. It's really no wonder a fucking Soytendo branded Tegra Tablet is actually selling, it's cheap and braindead easy to use. Seriously look at this awful shit.
So the board-tan will be like PC except his face says X?
(corrected a few typos that bothered me) >>989980 >People already have old computers that can emulate old games I argue to say even phones can emulate retro console libraries (it solely lacks PS2 for me but I get at least PS1 and PSP). While touchscreen is only suitable on turn-based and Japanese ADV titles imo, there is also the possibility to pair a bluetooth controller. >You buy new hardware for new games. >but normalfags find it to be a lot harder even compared to a modern console telling you you need to wait for an update before you can play. That's the max hassle you get on those machines I definitely agree to these points, consoles essentially remain far more ease-of-use and plug-and-play than PC for the average person. The anons pretending that consoles have somehow become more complex in recent generations; because of game updates, are either arguing in bad faith or wholly oblivious. And unless you're actually playing a multiplayer game with still active servers/community or whatever live service, updates aren't "countless" and neither constant. Again the main issue of the PS5 is that it's been stupidly expensive here in Europe (nevermind Japan itself) and many recent titles continue to be released on PS4. I don't know much in the case of Xbox Series (never owned a Xbox console to be fair), it seems that the GamePass is decent from a consumer's POV but not so much for the developers as it looks like the Pass prevents the incentive to actually buy the softwares. Anyway I suppose some of the mentality here is the belief PC to be the final destination as a game platform, no compromise allowed, ignoring the social aspect (which works in case you have your IRL buddies into PC too but consoles generally remain dominant socially as far as I've seen and experienced myself) and personal tastes in vidya.
>>990787 The main issue with consoles is that PCs are superior and easier to use.
>>990790 >easier to use Just wanted to highlight that you had the nerve to say this.
>>990796 They literay are
>>990796 PCs are quite literally easier to use nowadays. Looking at console UIs, they've become a complete fucking mess with shit spammed everywhere with no consistency. This isn't the launch 360 ui or the PS3/PSP ui days anymore. At least with windows with the exception of 8/8.1 its remained relatively consistent and anyone who's used windows 95 could easily get around 10 with little issue.
>>990811 If you use classic shell for Windows 10 it's even easier.
>>990811 The newest console I've seen is a PS4, but I'm confident that on newer ones as well, youjust click the game, and maybe you are told to update (or asked if you're not doing multiplayer shit), but there is never any troubleshooting or worrying if your hardware and software is compatible. Now are new consoles bullshit and more hassle than they're worth? Yes. But you're being completely disingenuous to act like they're harder to use just because there are lists of bullshit you can scroll through. And if you aren't a dumbass paying for digital shit, there isn't even that. If you put the game in it highlights it automatically, I'm sure. I mean I assume PS5 sucks, but this is absurd. And it's also absurd to say scrolling through a list of games is harder than ever having to worry about if your hardware and software are compatible with a game, or having to troubleshoot problems that can and do come up with games made for Windows. You're saying that isn't common, but it is more common than on even the worst console. You can say you find it easy, but it is not easier. You're being disingenuous. Right now on this board there are posts trying to troubleshoot why their Windows games aren't working properly. That literally never happens with anything on Atari, Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, or Xbox. Say whatever else you want, but ease of use is not debatable in this comparison.
>>990790 Considering where my tastes in videogames lie these days, as in primarily Japanese stuff, I'm more of a console user (aka the Switch) than a PC one (which has been greatly reduced for solely a bunch of console game ports not present on the current Nintendo console). That and the form factor of the small hybrid console made it possible for my IRL friends & relatives to discover games they've never, or barely, heard about. Regardless they plan on later getting on console or PC and I don't mind either way. Frequent game nights I get to participate are done on consoles too, both Switch and PS5. Hence I did not take seriously [1cf1f5 anon] after he tried to refute the social aspect I brought up but him living in a different country and culture, like the USA and a specific state within it, may play a different factor on that. I'm well aware of the advantages that a gaming PC can give (modding, not technically restricted by generations, etc.) considering my decades-long experience, but there is a reason why I did mention about personal tastes and convenience being quite important, both which can evolve over time. Depending of how the Switch successor turns out and its Japanese third-party support, I can see myself not needing a gaming PC for a full decade at the very least. Afterwards, who knows? >>990882 Good post. But I get the impression we're arguing with people who are dead set to hate on game consoles because it's the "right opinion" to hold regardless of the actual knowledge and experience on the matter. Nobody here is gonna argue they're flawless machines (and again I believe Sony was mainly stupid on chasing after the premium model business with the PS5 while poorly handling the scalping), but they just do the job simple and done for the purpose of vidya amongst the average folk. On that note, I remember helping someone IRL in troubleshooting a computer for work not long ago and I struggled at first with the UI changes made on Windows 11, namely the taskbar and such.
Why bother owning a Switch when you can emulate it's games with a better framerate then Nintendo's ass hardware? I legitimately don't see the point in owning any consoles anymore.
>>990882 How to tell you don't know anything about PC gaming the post.
>>990942 It's good for commutes when your on public transportation and as something you can throw at kids, but even then, I hear the steam deck does an even better job at that.
>>990919 My tastes in videogames these days is primarily Japanese too, but I primarily play on an expensive PC and a Switch. I tried emulating many games using Ryujinx and Yuzu but too many have horrible framerates compared to Nintendo's hardware, and major glitches, and random crashes, and troubleshooting like you said, so Switch complements PC there. Emulating predecessors was smoother, and except for emulation I can't remember when I last had trouble with PC games.
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>>990942 >has games that my family relatives and IRL friends can play straight away regardless of their skills (Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Suika, 51 Worldwide Games, Mario Party which are fairly common in other people's libraries too) alongside of titles that are closer to what I personally enjoy (amongst them: Earth Defense Force, Fire Emblem, Ace Combat, Xenoblade, Astral Chain, Nier Automata, Atelier, Akiba's Trip 2, Samurai Maiden, Vanillaware, musou titles like OPW3 and Samurai Warriors 4, Rabi-Ribi, Metal Gear Solid, Mad Rat Dead, Disgaea, Legend of Heroes, Muse Dash, Touhou fangames, Famicom Detective Club and other Japanese ADV games, etc etc) >same people discover games I play that they're not familiar with but end up having fun with them (some of the aforementioned titles above, Densha de Go with the train brake controller I imported from Japan, Taiko Tatsujin with the drum accessory also imported, Katamari Damacy, etc) >as an extra bonus, it received a good chunk of old western vidya that I either did enjoy long ago or hadn't the chance to play before (Portal 1 & 2, Bioshock 1 & 2, Batman Arkham Asylum & City, Red Dead Redemption, Serious Sam Collection, Binding of Isaac, Jamestown, Dying Light, Alien Isolation, Metro 2033, etc.) >games have always been working as intended with zero settings-tweaking and troubleshooting involved (Japanese games had quite a mediocre track record in the quality of PC ports) >it's a hybrid system with a seamless ability to alternate between TV / Handheld / Tablet modes, which I regularly do take advantage depending of the mood and place. >it's region-free meaning full access of Japanese-only titles but also getting the games fairly cheap on the Eshop thanks to the low value of the yen (something like 6500 yen is the rough equivalent of 36€~38€). Also cool to avoid the forced localization on western releases. I'd say the Switch library alone is massive enough to still keep me busy for years. The hardware is missing a few franchises/titles (From Software, EDF5&6, Ryu ga Gotoku and Aquaplus) I care but I expect them to be present on the successor. It just does the job well simple and good enough to play videogames and that's the basic and primary function of what a game console system should be. It managed to tick all the right boxes for me which was rather exceptional from Nintendo too. And while this can be an advantage for others without doubt, PC being now some sort of "proto-console" (for a lack of better word since there are no longer actual PC games catching my eye, it's just ports of console games instead) wasn't endearing to me. It's fine if you prefer PC as it's more up your alley, but you gotta learn that people can have different priorities, lifestyle and vidya preferences than yours. I think the PS5 is rather a worthless console for example but I don't sperg over people owning one nor did it ever prevent me on playing on someone's PS5, to test games like Stellar Blade and Lies of P. Assuming you're willing to read my post and not quickly dismiss it like you did with [anon b48de8] because he said things you refused to acknowledge. >>990946 >I hear the steam deck does an even better job at that It's honestly meh if you go by that metric as for the majority of games, at least the types I play, there won't be a noticeable difference in comparison of the Switch. Diminishing returns and all that jazz. And it has issues such as its dimension sizes (including its free case) too large for my regular method of transportation, its battery not being great overall (especially its ability to retain when left in sleep despite it doesn't download anything in this state) and I can safely state its hybrid functions are nowhere as seamless and trouble-free compared to the Switch (you're asking for trouble if you try in the middle of a game). But the important thing to remember, the Deck is more a gaming PC laptop in a (more practical) handheld format rather than an actual console, meaning it comes with all the pros and cons of a PC system in addition to Linux hijinks. It's not something I'd recommend for people looking for the full console experience, such as the ease-of-use and lack of eventual troubleshooting. My Deck has been mainly restricted for the few games not present on Switch albeit it's gonna become a EDF6 machine once it is out next week. But the moment these games and their eventual sequels are coming on Switch and its successor, I'll sell the Deck to someone else right away. Still, the Deck proved to be a better purchase decision than a PS5 (I considered one solely for EDF6 in 2022) but that was a low bar to begin with. >>990955 The problem with Internet people heralding emulation is that, in most cases, they're either just playing mainstream titles or trying out something for a hour or two (which is useless on anything relatively long to complete). Speaking from personal experience, PPSSPP on Android (which released in 2012) received an update in early 2023 to finally fix Super Robot Wars Z2 from crashes and other inaccuracies that were frequent mid-game, as well as the other SRW titles to emulate correctly. By comparison, I don't expect Switch emulation to reach full accuracy and stability before 2030 at the very least.
Why are biggest critics of PC gaming always the people who have least knowledge of it? Even downloading graphic card drivers is retarded easy nowadays. Steam whether you love it or hate it has made PC gaming mainstream and easy to get into.
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>>991484 It's the same reason people bitch about emulation, they tried it once like a decade ago, got completely filtered, and now they go around touting their two hour experience as "the truth". >t. anon who did this exact thing with Linux
>>991484 PC gaming hasn't been hard to get into for the last 30 years, it was always using the actual computer that was the difficult part for people. A game used to be just putting in the CD and hitting install and next on the wizard, assuming we aren't talking ancient shit like the 80s. Now it's just log into Steam and hit install instead.
>>991484 I don't think I've been actually criticizing PC gaming and I'm someone who has been familiar to a computer since the late 90's (old enough to vividly remember what it felt like to play on a Radeon X1200 and GeForce 9500GT). Just saying that consoles remain a totally viable alternative and in my case, a Switch (+ retro emulation on mobile) nearly replaced the need of a gaming PC. People will favor their own individual convenience, sometimes a PC will do the trick, sometimes it's a console instead because it's a easy no-brainer option that fits their lifestyle.
>>991484 Note that the people in this threads aren't doing that, though. It's not that autists here can't do it, but the conversation is about what normalfags act like. Even a small difference in ease of use matters to them because they're dumb and lazy. And then some dumbass came in and said that it was literally easier than using modern consoles, and that's just objectively false. Easy enough for you? Sure. That wasn't the thing in question. Some people have a hard time just responding to the words that are actually said. They instead imagine things nobody said and argue against them, wasting their time trying to convince people of things nobody argued against. >>991489 What you describe is only in best case scenarios. There are also scenarios of getting a game that doesn't work on your particular setup, or just having some arcane issue that requires scouring old forum posts, finding fan patches, searching a wiki to find just what to edit in a config file. Just getting controllers to work properly was a big hassle for many years, and still occasionally today. You can argue this is less common now, but don't pretend this isn't something that has ever happened. There's also the fact that just having to install 2 CDs or floppies to play one game would be beyond the capacity of most normalfags.
>>991615 >And then some dumbass came in and said that it was literally easier than using modern consoles, and that's just objectively false.
>>991615 Why are you mentioning double CDs? The era that was even used was the late ps1/early ps2 era and you can't even play those discs on a ps5. Hell you can't even play ps3 games on a ps5. Xbox series while better than PS has still nowhere near 100% compatibility and Nintendo with the Switch requires a subscription fee to play a very small curated list of n64 games and zero GameCube, and you can't use any of the discs or cartridges of said era on a switch.
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Is this guy just fucking retarded?
>>991670 >Why are you mentioning double CDs? The era that was even used was the late ps1/early ps2 era and you can't even play those discs on a ps5. Because I was replying directly to a post that said... >PC gaming hasn't been hard to get into for the last 30 years, I mentioned a common simple but normalfag-deterrant issue from within the last 30 years. What's not to understand? >Backwards compatibility I do like backwards compatibility, but I don't think Windows/Linux backwards compatibility is exactly normalfag friendly. Even here on this board you'll find people begging for rereleases of PC games because certain old ones don't work well, and some that do require doing some fixes. You have to understand, I'm working on the idea that normalfags don't want to do fixes. I'm pointing out that they'd rather just see "oh, it works on that particular system? I'll get that system." They don't want to have to ensure they have all the right pieces of hardware, and they don't want to look up fixes. And yet again we get retards in this thread saying "but it's easy!" Not realizing that that's not the point. It's harder than seeing a PS4 logo and knowing it plays on a PS4. That's what matters. It doesn't matter how easy it is to you. Normalfags are normalfags. This is why they buy rereleases and ports of old games, whether it be on Steam or Switch. They are too dumb for PC backwards compatibility too, so that's not a factor for them. You're also preaching to the choir when complaining about subscriptions, as if I'm defending them. I'm not. I'm just saying normalfags are dumb and pay for them. Because they do. They won't do it for PS and XB because those games suck balls and nobody in the world wants to play them, but they'll do it on Switch because they like Mario and Kirby, and this is easier to them than running an emulator that worked perfectly well on computers from the '90s. >>991692 What do you think I'm saying that you have a problem with? Try explaining the argument that you think is wrong.
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>>991615 I think the anons (specifically the ones who keep calling you stupid) are likely too terminally online to understand how normal and well-adjusted people function. Seems like they suffer of functional illiteracy too? >Even here on this board you'll find people begging for rereleases of PC games because certain old ones don't work well, and some that do require doing some fixes. Yeah I remember well that was a main appeal of GOG back when it started, you could have a bunch of old PC games that actually worked on the newer operating systems thanks to their custom installers while you were completely on your own in the case of Steam. Pretty sure titles like Max Payne and Bully on Steam for instance still do require applying a bunch of patches by yourself. I remember emulating a few PS1 ports of 90's point-and-clicks because I knew trying to make their original PC versions work would be a hassle. And I argue to say the average person is not going to own/play more than a dozen or so games, videogames for most are just a simple past-time that they may get bored of at some point.
>>991615 >controllers >for a PC setup Unless you're talking shit like joysticks, controllers were rarely relevant for PC gaming until a bunch of ports from consoles started coming in, and even then if it was genres like shooters, KB+M worked better. Your viewpoint is anachronistic and reaching for the fringe. >best case scenarios So, most PC games people would actually care about then? Yeah, if you're playing niche, foreign or old shit, there might be issues, but we're talking accessibility for normalfags, which for most people, would be the popular shit. Hell,the internet was nascent back then, most people wouldn't have even known what games were available beyond what was in their stores or what was shown through salespaper or TV ads to them. It wasn't hard to get stuff like Doom, Fallout, Diablo, C&C, AoE, Diablo, SC, WC, BG, HoMM, Duke Nukem, Tomb Raider, Quake, Civ, Xcom, or what have you working on a computer.
>>991712 This topic provokes your exact sentiments every single thread. <huwhatabout normalfags? <muh plug and play <console easy <I'm lazy Nothing has changed since last thread and retard is a title befitting of the ignorant and willfully ignorant. >>991721 >average person is not going to own/play more than a dozen or so games, videogames for most are just a simple past-time that they may get bored of at some point. Their limited and vacuous consumption of video games is irrelevant. You put a carrot on a stick and they'll follow it. Put Netflix on and they'll watch it. Show them a video of Terry explaining 1x1=2 and they become sentient.
>>991721 >And I argue to say the average person is not going to own/play more than a dozen or so games, videogames for most are just a simple past-time that they may get bored of at some point. This is a fair point. It depends how casual we're talking here. I suppose the biggest casuals ever will just play Fortnite and Minecraft or whatever. Even then I've seen kids get their parents to buy physical copies of Minecraft for consoles because they can't figure out how to use a computer. Y'all niggas don't realize how many people think computers are arcane magic. Again, this is why Nintendo makes money from subscriptions to play games from the '80s and '90s, when you could emulate them all for free on a regular computer from the late '90s. Would I recommend it? No. Do they do it? Yes. I don't see why retards here are getting mad at me for it. >>991729 >Unless you're talking shit like joysticks, controllers were rarely relevant for PC gaming until a bunch of ports from consoles started coming in But as we've been discussing, an argument for "PC gaming" is that it encompasses all games, including those ones you just dismissed. That includes an incredible number of beloved games. Why play Twisted Metal on your PlayStation when you can play it on DOS? Go try to do that right now and tell me how it works out for you. Not only will it be a pain in the ass to just get running, but even if we ignore all of that and assume it runs properly, have fun playing it with a keyboard. Now at least you can use an emulator, and most of the time modern controllers work fine on emulators, but back in the '90s? Good fucking luck. >So, most PC games people would actually care about then? Yeah, if you're playing niche, foreign or old shit, there might be issues >old shit We are talking about the last 30 years in general, since that was the dumbest specific claim that I am arguing against. Disregarding old shit is not appropriate in this conversation. For new shit? Yes, things are much easier. In that case I only argue about the claim of it being "as easy" or actually "easier," as at least two people claimed. That's absurd. >>991759 >Nothing has changed since last thread and retard is a title befitting of the ignorant and willfully ignorant. You're the one who can't read. If people didn't seriously make hyperbolic claims like saying that consoles are harder to use, then get butthurt when it's pointed that that's false (thus proving they were being serious and actually not hyperbolic), then it wouldn't be a problem. You're the fucking console warring idiot that has to try to "defend" your platform of choice, not realizing that nobody is arguing in favor of your hated enemies. Nobody is saying to go and buy a PS5 or whatever the newest Xbox is called. But it is an objective fact that it's easier to use. It's just not worth using. But if you were going to, then it's easier. Downloading an update when prompted is not as difficult as the even minor hoops that one might have to jump through when trying to play a Windows game. So if you're mystified why people sometimes choose options other than you, that's why. I'm not saying I agree, I'm saying that you're literally a retard for not being able to comprehend basic facts, and for acting defensive when nobody was even arguing against you.
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>>991759 >Put Netflix on and they'll watch it There's a huge difference in engagement between watching a movie and playing a game. The 85 year old grandma can comfortably be put on a sofa and be able to watch and maybe understand most mainstream movies and TV shows, but that doesn't mean she can properly play Devil May Cry 5 on a console or PC. >>991721 >understand how normal and well-adjusted people function Well in the European Union, on average, around 55% of people have at least basic digital skills(pic related), but keep in mind that around half of those have only basic computer skills, so 27% have only basic digital skills and the rest above. Now what the fuck is basic level? >Basic level: these are the fundamental skills that allow you to perform basic tasks such as using a touch screen, operating word processors, managing files, sending emails, filling out forms and searching the web. And keep in mind that there are countries like Romania and Bulgary where 70% of people are unable to do that, and even Germany, 51% don't know how to send an email. I have also attached the raw data, I tried archiving it, but it doesn't show the table. Now to be fair, this is data is skewed by old people and maybe migrants as well. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/isoc_sk_dskl_i21/default/table?lang=en Now I also have a theory that gen z and alpha will have much lower tech literacy than millennials as they spend most of their time on phones and consoles, not computers(inb4 that one single video of a kid wanting a PC instead of a PS5 disproves my claim), so they will lack even fundamental things about operating a computer such as the concept of a Double Left Mouse Click to open a file or executor, since they are used to only tapping once on their tablet, and they won't understand why a mouse has a Left and a Right Click. So if that is too alien for them, how can we expect them to manage files in My Computer or re-install Windows, even if it's piss easy for us. https://archive.ph/CObNY >Gen Z Kids Apparently Don't Understand How File Systems Work >That realization, academics told The Verge, has them teaching computer fundamentals to their students alongside their usual technical fields. >“These are smart kids,” Ford said. “They’re doing astrophysics. They get stuff. But they were not getting this.” https://archive.ph/GzZk6 >Why gen Z’s lack of IT literacy is a serious business risk >Yet, for all their familiarity with the digital world, significant problems have arisen for zoomers as they’ve entered the workplace and been confronted by antediluvian hardware and software. Reports abound of gen Z’s struggles with (admittedly infuriating) tech such as office printers and spreadsheets. >64% of zoomers did not rate cybersecurity as a high priority. They also reported a higher cybercrime victimisation rate than other age groups and were most likely to take phishing bait. >According to a survey by Security magazine, 38% of zoomers were logging four or more tech-related issues a week on average in Q2 2020, compared with only 12% of colleagues aged 45 to 54. >inb4 but what about that one kid who wanted a PC instead of a PS5? I never said that kids don't have PCs, I just think that more and more of them ditch computers for smartphones, tablets and consoles, either because their parents can't afford them a 1000$ PC(because the parents don't know how to build a PC at 300 dollars, and they don't trust their 10 year old kids to do that either, even if they say that Linux Tech Tips shows how easy it is). So yeah, these are the new normalfags, terminally on their phones who barely know how to operate a computer, so they will just buy a Play Station to play FIFA EA Sports FC
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>>991802 >Why play Twisted Metal on your PlayStation when you can play it on DOS? Twisted Metal's PC version requires Win95 at minimum. >>991729 >controllers were rarely relevant for PC gaming <what are shitloads of Commodore 64/Amiga games whose only method of input was the Joystick which functioned more like a gamepad than a flight sim autism joystick due to being derived from Atari-style sticks <what are the Gravis Gamepad and M$ Sidewinder series And if we're on the discussion of computer literacy, what exactly doth /v/ consider "arcane" in terms of getting a game up and running? When I was a child my parents' dysfunctional Win9x toaster with its constant BSODs necessitated some degree of tinkering for virtually every game, even if it was just using an alternate DOS/Windows EXE to get sound or edit an .ini so the controls would work/the game wouldn't crash etc.
Is he still trying to pretend he didn't get proved wrong?
>>991802 >But it is an objective fact that it's easier to use. You and ,let's say everyone because that's easier than thinking for myself (・ω<) , believes this. Your reaction solidifies that you think this statement is indisputable in the face of PC handheld gaming with software being suited and updated to accommodate the user. Dost protest too much.
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>>992011 > (・ω<) >>991802 The last time I had to fuck around with trying to fix a game was with Sekiro shitting itself with the config with it starting up and the Ninja Gayden vita-pc ports with missing keyboard mapping.
>>991818 >Romanians
>>991818 >51% of Germans can't use Email I didn't realize the immigration crisis was this bad
Why would the "next Xbox" even exist at all? Microsoft announces Xbox Amazon Fire Stick. https://archive.ph/j1SHI It's an Xbox without the Xbox (that is to say, it's just Game Pass). Because it's so much cheaper, it will sell like gangbusters. Normalfags only care about "access to games," not setting up hardware to do so. This gives them justification for never selling any more hardware iterations of "Xbox" and is another nail in the coffin for private property.
>>991818 I strongly doubt more kids are ditching PCs for consoles than before. I strongly assume it's the opposite. It's just not opposite enough.
>>972640 >Xbox always sucked dick Water is liquid
>>991847 >Twisted Metal's PC version requires Win95 at minimum. You're being pedantic. That doesn't change the point. >And if we're on the discussion of computer literacy, what exactly doth /v/ consider "arcane" in terms of getting a game up and running? I was referring to times when you need to go on the internet and look for forum posts of people that have your precise issue. Don't pretend this never happens. It does sometimes. Not every time. Not enough to run you off. But it's a well known experience. So people buy a system made specifically for games because they literally never have that problem. Now, the counterargument is that it's because if your game doesn't work on your Nintendo, your Nintendo is broken. That does not change the fact that it's simpler and easier, though. Your computer doesn't have to be broken, yet sometimes it won't run a game and you won't know why. That does happen sometimes. >When I was a child my parents' dysfunctional Win9x toaster with its constant BSODs necessitated some degree of tinkering for virtually every game, even if it was just using an alternate DOS/Windows EXE to get sound or edit an .ini so the controls would work/the game wouldn't crash etc. There's also this, but at least it's a lot less of a problem now. But talking about historically? It's funny how in threads like this, people will say it never happened, but then in nostalgia threads they'll talk about the fond memories of doing this in their childhoods. >>992011 >You and ,let's say everyone because that's easier than thinking for myself (・ω<) , believes this. Even ignoring the emoticon, your grammar here is very broken, making your meaning difficult to understand. Nobody has actually refuted the point you're mad at though. Nobody has even attempted to argue that it's wrong. It's just idiots like >>991881, too stupid to actually argue a point or admit they're wrong. He's so stupid he's essentially wrong on purpose. You seemed to try to say something, but you're too stupid to speak English, so it only makes it a bit better. But you used the phrase "PC handheld gaming," and since I haven't used a Steam Deck, I give it the benefit of the doubt in terms of ease of use, and I believe I even mentioned it earlier in the thread as an example of things moving in the right direction. As for those other ones that run Windows instead? They seem like they have massive advantages, but by running Windows, they make it not easier than using even a modern console. You don't understand. Just clicking through folders is more of a hassle. Too much of a hassle? Not for you or me. But is it easier than just having a line of nothing but games and no other programs you ever need to fiddle with, or that ever get in your way? No. It's objectively not easier. Better? Sure. Go ahead and argue that. Easier? Obviously not. The fact you still can't actually make an argument proves it right. Though maybe you tried and just failed because you're too stupid to speak.
>>992498 >I strongly doubt more kids are ditching PCs for consoles than before. I strongly assume it's the opposite. I share your takes except this. >>991818's arguments are impressively good. Additionally, Switch hit sales highs of 141 million units compared to Wii's 102, NES' 62, SNES' 49, N64's 33, GCN's 22, and Wii U's 14.
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>next Xbox is a pre-built windows machine
>>972640 >it seems almost certain that at least one variant will be a handheld or hybrid device 'icks on X?
>>991847 >And if we're on the discussion of computer literacy, what exactly doth /v/ consider "arcane" in terms of getting a game up and running? If you mean for a normalfag, that would be editing the .ini file. For me, it was getting Lost Planet 2 to work on Windows 10 to play online with another friend who also had Windows 10. First we tried pirating the game then using some sort of Tungle service to make it run while also using some fake emails for Windows Game Live or whatever that program was called, but it didn't work. Then we had to buy the game from a key seller because Steam is no longer selling it, and followed the yearly updated guide on how to get that piece of shit to run. It's not necessarily complicated, but there is a high chance that it will not work, and I think we spent 2 or 3 days getting that piece of shit to work. If I were to ever replay the game, forget playing it on the Linux distro I currently use, I would play it on a clean install of Windows 10 or 7, because any unnecessary update from Microsoft or any other program installed on the computer could make Lost Planet 2 simply not work. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1277648786 In the end the game was fun, but we got bored and didn't do the last level, and the more we procrastinated the less likely it was that it would still work. >>992498 I would argue that it's less that kids are ditching PCs in favor of consoles, but more that they don't have a PC at home, unless it's a very old one that doesn't play Fortnite, or it's mom's office laptop on which you can't install software, and are simply playing games on their phone, whether it's Fortnite or the latest gatcha. If they want to play "real" games they they would probably be given a console to play the games on.
There are kids who are saving money to get laptops or cheap rigs to play games.
>>992575 I agree and there are also kids who don't do that and just play on phone/console. The question is which one of these two categories is the majority?
>>991818 >I never said that kids don't have PCs, I just think that more and more of them ditch computers for smartphones, tablets and consoles, either because their parents can't afford them a 1000$ PC(because the parents don't know how to build a PC at 300 dollars, and they don't trust their 10 year old kids to do that either, even if they say that Linux Tech Tips shows how easy it is) That's exactly what I was alluding to in >>989287 my IDs keep switching before it somehow detonated the thread into an autistic nuh-uh fest. Hell, my parents and a few normalfags I talked to years ago didn't even know that they could build their own PCs and thought it was something to be done in a factory. Of course knowledge about PC building has grown with normalfags since then but some people really still are that clueless about PC parts or they know and just don't care to get all the right parts and put together one.
>>992575 They won't want a budget toaster PC that can barely emulate PS2 games over an used xbox S, PS4 or switch that plays all the modern games, or just keep playing online F2P goyslop on their phones.
>>992508 >The fact you still can't actually make an argument proves it right. Who needs an argument with this hothead. You don't know anything about what's easy to use. Where did you even get the impression I was upset? Being a faggot and claiming a preemptive win is a Pyrrhic victory at best. You're an ultra alpha and omega retard at worst. (╬ಠ益ಠ) >As for those other ones that run Windows instead? They seem like they have massive advantages, but by running Windows, they make it not easier than using even a modern console. >You don't understand. Just clicking through folders is more of a hassle. (「•-•)「 ʷʱʸ? You're uninformed. I thought you knew better than to perpetuate stale uninformed normalfag notions from yesteryear about PC gaming. Windows 10/11 gaming is ridiculously easier now. You click on the Xbox app and you're done. I concede that I leave the assessment of how easy that sounds to the witless Xnogs and Soyny chuggers. You can't fix stupid.
I tried looking up some data to see how many kids play on PC versus console and mobile, but I couldn't find anything like that, it's mostly console vs smartphone. Now even with consoles, the data is a bit iffy, like this one: https://archive.ph/wip/b4xC6 >More than 90% of children older than 2 years play video games, and three-quarters of American households own a video game console. Children 8 to 17 years of age spend an average of 1.5 to 2 hours daily playing video games. It says that 3/4 of American households have consoles, that might be true, but how many of them are current gen consoles, and how many of them are Wiis and 360 consoles? I have a 360 at home, but I haven't played it in almost a decade, does that count as me owning a console, even though I game on PC? Similar with this: https://archive.ph/VzL7K >Ofcom data shows that 74 per cent of UK children aged 7-18 have access to a tablet, while 68 per cent own a games console, and a further 9 per cent have access to one. Similarly in the UK 77% of children have access to a console, but is it current gen consoles or PS360? at least it gave me a link to Ofcom data where we get more useful data: https://archive.ph/wip/gdqcM > Our media literacy study found that consoles were more likely to be used for gaming by boys <see attached pic1 Now if we look at the data it seems to be the same amount of people who own a PC/laptop as those who own a console, but remember you can have a console for gaming and a laptop for school-work that doesn't have a GPU. >Most children were gaming using a console (59%), followed by a mobile phone (49%) and a tablet (43%). >overall use of tablets for gaming declined year on year (from 50% to 43%) as did the use of desktop/laptop computers (from 31% to 25%). <see attached pic2 Oh, oh, it seems like use of PCs for gaming has dropped with kids. Now look at the attached pic3, kids aged 5-7 browse the web more on a console than on a PC, and 52% of them game on console as opposed to 12% on PC. That doesn't look too good. Though I do admit I am surprised that they game more on tablet than on mobile. I understand it has a bigger screen, but I thought phones were more convenient to play on while on the bus or waiting in line. Even those aged 3-17 play more on console than PC, but they do spend more time online on PC at least, I guess it might be for school work to ask chat GPT to write their essay. What about older children? Look at pic4, again more of them play on console than PC, at a ratio of almost 2:1. At least they play more on PC than on tablet, but mobile phone and console dominate. I guess the reason why 5-7 year olds play more on tablet is that they stay in bed at home while playing games, while the 12-15 year olds do go outside and play in the bus or in classroom. The article was published last year in March 2023, so the data is still relevant, as such unless you can debunk the data, it's clear that gen Alpha play more on tablets, phones and consoles than they do on PC. Hell they even browse the net on a console more than they do on a PC.
>>992592 >Windows 10/11 gaming is ridiculously easier now. If you only play games made within the past decade. Anything prior to that and THEN you have to contend with playing around with game compatibility modes, forum posts, game cracks, etc. because of the fact that Microsoft removed vital drivers that legacy Windows games depended on in order to function. Unless you're playing one of the numerous newer games that companies cannot be asked to field test as the speed drops to a crawl because of shader compilations, which require you to exit the app and figure out what's wrong. Then there's the recent foul-up of Intel 13th gen and later CPUs having a 100% crash rate: https://odysee.com/@fireship:6/intel-chips-can%E2%80%99t-possibly-be-this:6 So, no. It's not as easy as "pushing a button and you're done". Steam has been trying exactly that since they implemented "Big Picture Mode" in 2012. And Microsoft even earlier with the Windows Media Center (Originally released in 2001, if you remember that) being comaptible with the Xbox 360 controller since 2005 (Which I did TRY use and was rather cool, but barely any game supported it so I never used it).
>>992595 And archive doesn't work, managed to downlaod the pdf, had to use a Chrome-based browser instead of Librewolf, so here is the source.
>>992596 Intel's been fucking up big lately. Vindicates my choice to go AMD.
>>992596 You know, Windows was never that bad. It had some issues but it fine for getting work done. I started off with Windows 95, and used all of them up since. Mostly because I have to for work. You'd get a BSOD due to a hardware issue or whenever there was some new technology, like when USB plug and play came out. They would eventually fix it, and it happened less and less. In the last twelve years, Microsoft has become increasingly Indianified, increasingly hired women and other varities of brown. A lot of the white guys who wrote the software back in the 90s and 00s are increasingly retired now. Not just because of their age, but a guy could comfortably retire based of the shares at 50 if he wanted. I knew one guy who did it at 42. He was accumulating stock for 10 years, dumping his wages into the stock market for cashflow, and when he'd done things like paid off his mortgage early he bought a rental property. There is a point where if your cashflow excluding your salary is like more than 10 grand a month from different sources you can very comfortably quit your job. I asked him what he's going to do and he just said: "play jazz guitar". And on boomerbook that's literally all I see, pictures of him playing jazz guitar for years. That said, I think the best days are past it for Microsoft. Especially when here's a Pajeet CEO. The termites are in the walls, the house might look fine on the outside but it's rotting inside. All of the stock market looks amazing and line goes up because Jews keep creating money out of thin air.
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>>992602 We are CEO sar. I fuck your mother vagene.
>>992596 That doesn't sound any harder than messing around with Wine these days.
>>992605 Do you also have to deal with Wine randomly using 100% of your CPUs power at any given time, or forcing a system restart, or reseting the OS to default settings every other month? Something a lot of "modern Windows", and Line-ux, users fail to understand is that Microsoft built the PERFECT OS with W7, followed by XP. This is NOT based off of "Muh indoctrination" or people sticking with their preferred team. This is after spending months (If not years) actually trying to setup and configure the computer to the point that it does exactly the thing you're using it for. Compare this to W10/W11 where you're going to use the computer the way M$ demands and you're going to like it, or MacOS which is the closest PCs have legitimately come to being a "consolized" computer and the result is no one uses it to play games, or Unix/BSD/FREE-tech that requires you to have no life as you might as well be using DOS again for all intents and purposes due to how no person with a functioning brain would actually design an OS like this despite how much they like to claim that it's "100% customizable" (Which is code for "Fix it yourself and don't ask questions OR fuck off"). I'd also like to add that it seems like the OS that does the exact thing that FREE-tech autists "claim" as being their strongest feature seems to be implemented a lot more reasonably with the AmigaOS, but almost nobody talks about aside from hardcore Amiga fans from the 90's.
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I virtualize my emulators to simulate my imitators.
>>992606 >the result is no one uses it to play games, or Unix/BSD/FREE-tech that requires you to have no life as you might as well be using DOS again for all intents and purposes due to how no person with a functioning brain would actually design an OS like this despite how much they like to claim that it's "100% customizable" That's for noobies. Real based and redpilled techmasters spend years to extract silicon from quartz, process it through carbothermic reduction, purify it with the Siemens process, fabricate wafers with the Czochralski process, UV circuits onto the wafers, etch into them proto-transistors, dope them with phosphorus or boron to create n or p type regions, fabricate logic gates, integrate them into circuits, test them, assemble chips and parts out of them, integrate the parts into a motherboard, write a programming language, write a compiler, install self-made firmware, install a self-made operating system, and program a translation of Windows APIs into this custom-made elitebox in order to play Windows games with shittier compatibility. God is my penis hard at how fucking smart and elite and better than you I am.
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>>992606 >Windows 7 dick sucking again
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Be real, Linux itself is a cyber Weimar of dicksucking faggots and on the information superhighway /v/'s a gay bar of Linux cockwrangling with you, Tux, and an orgy of guys opening each other's sources and mounting each other's data sticks over what special boys you are. If /v/ dicksucked any harder King Arthur himself couldn't pull Torvalds' sword from /v/'s throat.
>>992619 False, everyone mocks Torvald and you're a niggerfaggot with 2016-tier cuckchan rhetoric
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Yet in grasping at air to attack me the mocker, you only prove my point. Much to learn, false flagger. ;)
>>992619 All that sounds a little gay anon. Are you a homosexual?
>>992606 >Do you also have to deal with Wine randomly using 100% of your CPUs power at any given time Wine doesn't emulate svchost or the Compatibility Telemetry service to my knowledge, at best it stubs or shims if at all. >forcing a system restart That only ever happens when a game/application manages to crash your GPU driver with no survivors, which is extremely rare and painful. In most instances that worst that could happen is that your desktop session might be fugged so you'll simply have to log out and back in with/without tty, even a black screen with the rest of the OS functioning can be teeechnically fixed via ssh without rebooting the entire system. >or reseting the OS to default settings every other month? Jesus Christ no, Wine never changes your wineprefix' settings at random, let alone those of your GNU/Linux setup as it's just another app there. Am I the only nigger on this spherical turd who considers GNU/Linux and the Japanese language not "hard" compared to Windows and English, but simply different? Both take their time getting used to, but instead of taking "effort" banging your head against the wall like a retard and screetching that Linux/Japanese doesn't do what Windows/English does except it does in a different way but learning and adapting or even accepting that different methods of problem-solving/operation exist is too hard for modern audiences, also gotta get the latest 500,000k Japanese starter set Anki because Anki is sacred it's much better to simply observe things as they are, notice patterns and similarities and try to gradually solve problems from there to accumulate experience and ultimately knowledge. The sheer rejection of a differing modus operandi is bordering on the absurd, Linux as with most things coming out of the tech sector is obviously filled with the trannies but the difference is you can take the tranny code and repurpose it for your own anti-semitic desires with no (((legal))) hurdles in the way, whereas if you were to do the same thing on Windows it'd get you vanned in a flash with 50 years in jail and an explicit ban to work in the tech sector or use microelectronic devices without strict supervision. Fuck's sake this is CY+9 moe/v/, does the average Anon here used to 3D Platformers suffer an aneurysm upon encountering an turn-based strategy game? Does the DCS autist screetch at Ace Combat Zero for not having hyper-realistic flight models and aircraft systems simulation verified by Vietnam/Jugoslavia/Iraq war vets? Does the Soulsfag demand the Devil May Cry series to be censored, dumbed down and eventually banned at the federal level for being too fast-paced? Does the Sega fanboy commit ritualistic murder of filthy heretics in possession of N*nt*nd* products? Late 2000s console war discussions were less retarded than this shit assuming this Win vs. GNU/Linux flamewar isn't some ebin JIDF scheme to keep the filthy goyim from expanding their horizons.
>Forcing a system restart only ever happens when a game/application manages to crash your GPU driver Move over, Tux, for Buck Passem, the old blame-gaming mascot of Linuxland!
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>>992641 I experimented a bit in my distro-curious days, and flamed out like Johnny Storm in an Auschwitz oven when I found my oneitis Arch Linux, but it's okay. A concerned friend bought me a Windows PC and I rediscovered what it's like to play games that just work! I deleted my Tumblr, ditched my Discord, dug up my dumpstered dong, and slapped that bad boy back on my front butt. I'm detrans now!
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>>992658 >using nvidia on Ganoo/Linuchs >getting assfucked by Jensen Huwang's proprietary device driver >instead of buck breaking AMD hardware to do your bidding like a white man
>>992649 > Am I the only nigger on this spherical turd who considers GNU/Linux and the Japanese language not "hard" compared to Windows and English, but simply different? Linux isn't hard, it's inconvenient. Actually having someone sit down and explain in simple terms how to get a Linux computer up and running, and you come to the amazing realization that Linux is just the Windows 3.1 experience for pseudo-intellectuals and that is literally it. > but the difference is you can take the tranny code and repurpose it for your own anti-semitic desires with no (((legal))) hurdles in the way Sorry, but I have a life.
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>>992804 >Mac user >not an idiot You're paying to literally get fucked by a company, they have literally admitted to planned obsolescence in their products to explain why they degrade in performance so quickly. Plus Mac is nearly useless for gaming.
>>992804 Macs and iphones are designed so that literal babies can use them.
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>>992810 >>992819 Not him but I've always held the position Macintosh is popular solely because it has an actually functional UI. Windows is just miserable to use. Do you know it's been getting more popular, too? It was at 4% in the late 2000s but it's sitting at around 20% marketshare these days. Linux is currently as big as Macintosh was at that point which is just bizarre to me
>>992631 Where does BSD line up in that chart
>>992810 Not a word of that is true, but keep repeating Microsoft's lies from the 1990s, I guess. >>992832 They're preferred by data network infrastructure engineers (and, increasingly, as servers), as well. Surveys for decades have shown Macs as terminals have roughly a tenth the downtime of PC terminals (and correspondingly lower costs for service/repair in deployment).
>>992861 <not a word of that is true Parasites like you make me sick. So desperate to trust your pet company that you can't even be bothered to do a simple search (or just pay fucking attention), and instead wildly accuse anyone who brings it up a liar. Not only did the bosses make public statements confirming this, they've also paid out to multiple class action suits and large government fines involving these issues, with more on the horizon. https://archive.is/ON4iP https://archive.is/oqNW8 https://archive.is/hgEFU https://archive.is/eHs9x https://archive.is/g4DV5 Not to mention if you actually knew anyone who uses apple products, they will eventually report something about their phone or other apple product eventually going to shit (assuming they haven't just replaced it with a new model ofc, which is unfortunately a lot of them) The truly embarrassing thing is that they will continue fleecing people in spite of this because spineless cucks like you make up their userbase. That's not even getting into all the anti-repair bullshit they've been doing. >>992832 Of course. It's made as simple, accessible and easy as possible to use. That's why Winjews tried (and failed) to copy them. The fact that they are sleek, hip, and (at least used to be) a status symbol also helps.
>>972964 >cheaper >console >xbox/sony console Lol >>989980 I can attempt to fix a game on PC. I can't on console. Some console ports like the Dead Rising remaster ports don't function well and still crash a lot on console. >>990796 >>990882 UI on PS4 store when I had one was awful and clunky. Xbox One was worse. How is this easier than a fraction of the time spent clicking? You are just dishonest or retarded. >>990919 Oh fuck off. You can play almost every Japanese game ever, including Switch games on PC and every form factor you could ever want exists for computers. You are just making excuses for your static position from 10 years ago. >>991462 Majority of the games you listed are on PC, nothing you said can't be done with a PC. >It's honestly meh if you go by that metric as for the majority of games, at least the types I play, there won't be a noticeable difference in comparison of the Switch. Diminishing returns and all that jazz. No, you're just making excuses. Every single game you listed runs noticeably better on Deck than Switch. >PPSSPP on Android lol, lmao Guess emulation as a whole is shit and the majority of even niche titles don't run on most devices. >>991491 >Just saying that consoles remain a totally viable alternative For how long? They are clearly in a slow state of decline. >>991615 >What you describe is only in best case scenarios. You can't start off saying this is about how normalfags think and then launch into a rant about issues that will not effect the average normalfag, as they are not installing old broken games. They are playing the latest things like everyone else.
>>997016 >unironically owning a soystation 4 Explains the autism and retardation in this post I guess
>>991802 >textwall screed with zero arguments Console GUI is complete shit, and is only super straight forward on the Switch. Though that's partly due to the criminal lack of features the Switch has compared to it's competitors. Again, make a valid defense of how awful general usage is, especially storefronts, are with MS/Sony. Compared to browser>google>steam>install>navigate store with mouse and actual keyboard >>997017 ESL, learn what past tense is.
>>997030 >acting as if that changes anything <he even owned a fucking Xbone You are so incredibly retarded that it shocks the mind.
>>997034 His posts are so retarded I think he's baiting and I'm a PC gamer.
>>997017 >>997034 Do you have reading comprehension?
>>992893 >you can't even be bothered to do a simple search (or just pay fucking attention) I know, right. So just do it next time. <none of the links contain anything that was claimed Cool, thanks for proving you're just an Android shill. >Not to mention if you actually knew anyone who uses apple products, they will eventually report something about their phone or other apple product eventually going to shit I had the transistors of an iMac's PSU start to leak after 14 years. Could've swapped out the PSU, but... it was 14 years old and it was already only being used as a media server. Oh no, I "just replaced it with a new model;" what a travesty. I also had a MacBook Pro's 8600M GT fail due to nVidia (being forced to) admit a 100% failure rate on those chips. Nothing to do with Apple. Other than that, every Mac I've ever bought runs like the day out of the box. I have six Apple II of various flavors in my basement that still boot perfectly. Even the 5.25" floppies they use for software still work. My daily driver computer now has a 15 year old CPU and a 10 year old GPU. I don't really think you know what you're talking about whatsoever, particularly since every study of enterprise deployment of Macs says the exact opposite of your claims. Everyone in my line of work denounces anything made by Microsoft or its bitches (Dell, HP, etc.) for the absolute low budget (high maintenance) shit it is. >The truly embarrassing thing is that they will continue fleecing people in spite of this because spineless cucks like you make up their userbase. I won't apologize for knowing what I'm talking about when you make up random bullshit. >all the anti-repair bullshit they've been doing. Maybe update your talking points before parroting your manual next time, okay kiddo? https://archive.ph/CfmE6 https://archive.ph/FfJBC https://archive.ph/DBBMe https://archive.ph/NIDMJ
>>997075 >comparings the classic muhfuggen Apple II to modern gay macsl*p >replacing your iFag after a mere 14 years due to a faulty PSU instead of using a 23 year old Ship of Theseus WinXP+Linux machine with the only remaining original hardware being the motherboard, case and DVD drive >"kiddo" One would think that having a whopping six white man's computing machines from a time when Computers were neither made for niggers nor niggers unto themselves would give a man appreciation for the finer things in life, but the long-term effects of the Reality Distortion Field are even worse than I'd imagined.
>>997139 >using a 23 year old Ship of Theseus WinXP+Linux machine with the only remaining original hardware being the motherboard, case and DVD drive Ha! I have one of those, too. XP is turning out to be a better operating system than 8, 10, and 11 by far. It's fucking SNAPPY now, even on that ancient hardware. Most 10 terminals I've used take fucking minutes to boot and 2-3 times as long to do the same tasks. Just don't ask XP to search for files… >comparings the classic muhfuggen Apple II to modern gay macs I don't think you know anything about the topic, since there's no appreciable decrease in quality with those, either. Again, everyone who actually matters reports their reliability (and therefore lower costs of operation and maintenance) far exceeds hardware from anyone else.
>>997161 > It's fucking SNAPPY now I like XP but I don't know about that anon.
>>997162 Of course it's snappy when it was snappy on 233MHz CPUs with 64MB of RAM and 1.5GB of space.

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