>Sonic1 spritesheet
If you want to avoid that potential mess, you could remap it to the original Sonic1 color palette with Aseprite: you can do this by grabbing an original Sonic1 spritesheet & opening it up in Aseprite and hitting the "Options" button above the color palette and saving that Sonic1 color palette.
RSDKv4 Palette Editor
^Use this to add more colors to base game by using it in the Game folder on the Gameconfig file (that is, RSDKv4 Palette Editor).
But ManiaPal is for Palette files.
1. In order to add more colors, you open the Gameconfig file with RSDKv4 Palette Editor and insert your colors in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) value #s.
2. For Aseprite, for the added colors, you have to mirror the RSDKv4 Palette Editor except move it 1 block to the right ---> extra to the side.
3. Then for LZ_WaterPal.act and SBZ3_WaterPal.act and the special stage act file under the Palette folder, you have to order them exactly like the Gameconfig file order.
^Ideally, you want to avoid having to do this, so I would recommend sticking with the original color palette from the Sonic1 spritesheet.
ONLY do this if an artist is using extra colors.
Try to avoid color palette issues because they can be a real headache.
If any artist or an anon does edit this, be sure to you have the original color palette from the Sonic1 sprite sheet. To get the palette, simply grab the Sonic1 spritesheet under Players folder, open it in Aseprite, and save it under the options menu.
It is better than having to edit and configure the Gameconfig file & a file files in the Palettes folder to fix that