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GOOD games where you are the villain Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 14:45:44 Id: ac0bc1 No. 974994
I not talking about games where you're a misunderstood "villain" who turns out to be the "good guy" only because of plot reasons. I mean games where you're an unapologetic evil person and the game doesn't try to shy away or ridicule the player for it. The reason I bring this up is beause I've been recently thinking about the games released during the late seventh gen, like Spec Ops: The Line and Bioshock Infinite, where the games outright ridicule the player for having played the game all the way to the end with a message that the player needs to "kill himself" in order to "atone" for the "sin" of having played a violent video game where you kill NPCs, and just how disgusting the entire concept of. Why make a game where you "trick" the player into playing the game the way you wanted them to play it, and then ridicule the player for having played the game exactly the way you wanted them to play it? So how about listing off some games where you are the villain, the game doesn't feel guilty over that fact, and the developers have fun with the player taking on the role of being a bad person doing bad things?
>>974994 Saints Row 2 is a good example, shame they'll never deliver on that PC patch since Volition is dead and Deep Silver are a bunch of faggots.
Obligatory New Vegas mention
>>974994 That bitch reminds me to Vampirella.
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Masternind: World Conquest is a classic of the Flash era. Also, the Rance games. The 'hero' is a small-minded idiot who thinks with his dick and only cares about sex and power, and he has an evil-looking demon-possessed sword named Chaos. He would be a C-grade villain in any other media, but the games have him fight bigger and greater villains because he believes that no one but him should be allowed to rule the world / get the girl / etc.
Infernax has a an evil playthrough. It plays more like Zelda 2 and Simons Quest Then again you need to play in a specific order to get the ultimate evil ending. Even has a coop mode if you have friends.
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Soul Nomad and the World Eaters has an optional path on NG+ where you fall to the corrupt sword's influence on purpose and wind up so vile you end up scaring the demon sealed within it.
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It also has a sequel, though I've never played it.
>>975008 OP asked for good games.
>>974994 Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 Dungeons 1, 2 & 3 Evil Genius (original) > Games where you have the option to be evil Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2 SW:TOR if it's still alive had some good old fashioned evil sith options Kotor 1 & 2 to a lesser degree Prob also BG3
>>975031 >Also Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous I suppose the old Manhunt and Postal or whatever the fuck those edgy games were called qualifies.
>>974994 >GOOD games where you are the villain
>>975034 In Bloodborne you are not the villain, just the victim.
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>>974994 'ere ya go anon
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>>974994 Oh wait a second, completely forgot about Carrion. This one's worth checking out.
>>975039 Well kind of an unwitting villian. You're definitely not in the know until you've already participated in some atrocities. Or possibly being inserted into a "replay" of someone else participating in past atrocities. The reality of your experience in Yharnam and how current events actually are is tenuous at best.
>>975048 I really wish that game was good. We could use an edge sim these days
Why are villain chicks so hot?
>>975039 >>975054 Please elaborate. I have played Bloodborne, but I guess the story went over my head, because all I got out of it was "Victorian era guy killing werewolves and tentacle monsters to pass the time until sunrise".
>>975068 Well, the thing is that you try to help and everything just goes worse, so the happiest ending is the one where you don't do any side missions. Also you might be responsible for the dead of an innocent elder god and an elder god baby just to stop the fucking madness that is the hunt and you have three endings. One where you just get killed and escape the Dream and the hunt even if you have no fucking idea what's going on, but at least you are free. The next one where you kill the best hunter after rejecting the mercy of killing you and you end corrupted and crippled by the last elder god that might or might not be the mastermind of everything going wrong. And the last where you kill the elder god and you became an elder god baby and are taken care by your doll mommy.
>>975068 What >>975070 said. Additionally about the uncertain chronology thing there's quite a few pieces of evidence that there is only one Night of the Hunt, at least from the perspective of inside of the Night. There's lost of things that clearly have taken pace in various times in the past but from your perspective they appear to have just happened, are currently happening, or are about to happen. Like Old Yharnam was burned on a "previous" hunt but when you get there everything is still smouldering like it had just happened. The Blood Moon is another thing that is in a state of flux of happened/happening/ not yet happened. There's a bit of the same with Cainhurst and the Watchman to forbidden Woods too. The Hunters Dream there's a note that almost plainly states that the night seems to go on forever and the only way to stop it/escape is to hunt beasts. There's also a couple of things that are cut or unused content, so while you can't treat them exact canon it does show the direction they're thinking in. One is the dialogue of the Forbidden Woods watchman where he has a line that states that he hasn't had a visitor for X number of years and there's several versions where X is stated from being anywhere from a few years to decades to hundreds of years. Another one where the doctor that you meet in the opening cutscene is an actual NPE and if you attack him he kind of just chuckles and says something like "Well it is your dream after all." I think in an earlier build a number of NPC's seem to acknowledge the fact that they are in a dream or in not exactly reality. From Djura's perspective it seems to be that Hunters are the real beasts and beasts are normal people. From Eileen's perspective Yharnam seems to have fallen and she says there are no humans left. Valtr is clearly a man from the past, possibly distant past, but is in the "present" when you meet him. So your experience in Yharnam is convoluted and it seems like it could even be multiple choice.
>GTA III You're a bad guy out for revenge on other gangsters that fucked you over. You feel pretty justified going after the other guys, but they don't really make a pretense of you not being a bad guy >GTA Vice City Here they lean a little more into the angle that you're actually bad and driven by greed, but the game does the thing just a little that OP doesn't like, where you're supposed to feel a little bad. But it's GTA. It's incredibly cartoony and it doesn't seem like a very wholehearted attempt at moralizing. >GTA Vice City You're a black guy this time so everything you do is justified and you're actually just trying to help "the community." Really you're doing the worst fucking shit so far in the series, but it's fine because you're black.
>>975048 >>975055 >I really wish that game was good. Same, it's get so boring and repetitive after the first few levels alone and the difficulty spike in Army Base made me wanna rip my hair out (I was playing on extreme difficulty just so I could unlock cheats) and Survival Mode is nothing special either just a repeating wave system of "Human Shields" starting with Cops, SWAT then the Army before it resets back to Cops, they tried adding tougher enemies but they're nothing but bullet sponges that hit hard. The 1.666 mod is absolutely essential for future playthroughs for me, being able switch between 3 perspectives is nice, playing the game in first person feels a lot better then top-down and the mod changes the final levels. Instead of going to a Army Base then Power Plant (which you can still do if you want) you go to a place called Rockshield and after completing all the side missions you go to a Elementary School where you can mow down and even execution hundreds of children before you either die from the police or kill yourself after you survive long enough. Despite all the flaws it has I still enjoy playing it every now and then, it's a great BRUTAL simulator and perfect for edgelords such as myself. >>974994 Is it cheating to list something that isn't even out yet? TORMENTOR looks so fucking sick! I really can't wait until this comes out. I just hope Madmind doesn't release it in a buggy mess like their last game Paranoid. Fingers crossed.
>>974994 I guess I should've also listed Agony: UNRATED and Succubus. I played Agony which reminded me a lot of Amnesia:TDD theres about 8 endings in the game one which I know of is that you can become the king of hell. Succubus on the other hand I haven't played but it seems to get more favorable reviews then Madminds other titles. In case the title wasn't obvious enough you play as a succubus in hell, gameplay is more like Hack-and-Slash then the Survival Horror that is Agony. also sex, lots of gory blood soaked sex!
>>975099 The only thing I remember about Agony was people upset you didn't get to fuck Onoskelis, apparently one of the trailers was edited to look like that and there is sex elsewhere.
I don't play many games like this, but I can agree these games are quite rare. People just don't like being the villain most of the time. All I can think of are the Fable games letting you be an absolutely evil asshole to the point of comedy or saturday morning cartoon villain, and the first one has an "evil" ending of sorts but I don't remember the details. And Biomutant, some random AA game I played years ago, where if you sided with any of the dark-aligned factions you'd usher in the "end" of the world tree and cause mass mutations and evolutions in a "survival of the fittest" sense. >>975048 >>975098 Here, a funny video for you two. >>975100 Agony also got butchered hard on original release in order to meet the M rating and be able to be sold on consoles, which caused sales to tank massively due to so much of the game getting ripped out or butchered in the process.
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>>974994 The 7th Stand User has a lot of great moments thanks to it adapting SaGa's role-playing mechanics, and in some of them you can choose to be a complete diabolical fuckhead. The Dark Side ending has you betraying both Stardust Crusaders' protagonists and DIO and killing them all, becoming a villain usurping the latter. This thread is going to be filled with a lot of RPGs, probably because the active choice to be evil is all more delicious when you have to strive for it as opposed to being locked into it.
>>975139 Forgot this in the previous post.
Any good video games where you KILL the villains? And I don’t mean this faggy ‘self-defence’ shit, I mean Total Villain Death.
>>974994 Black souls, you can rape girls and kill everything you find.
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>>975168 Not as unique as you believe it to be. Hell, Yoko Taro made his name because he was one of the first people to question the notion of killing in video games, not with moralfaggotry, but simply, "isn't murdering more than a thousand soldiers unusual in real life?" Caim from Drakengard was essentially him pointing out vidya protags are murderhobos, during a time when it was just accepted you delete the pixels from existence. Of course, Yoko Taro >wasn't (((Jewish))) >Drag-On Dragoon dragged on >liked sex >liked vidya >wasn't pretentious so the West never got their mitts on him until Automata.
>>975178 >isn't murdering more than a thousand soldiers unusual in real life? Unusual, but not impossible.
>>975178 Giant babies
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Rampage. Be a giant monster smashing buildings, eating people, punching helicopters out of the sky, fighting off the Army that tries to stop you
>>975193 >mixels Especially jarring because the pixel art looks pretty good otherwise
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>>975099 >Succubus Here's some gameplay I posted way back. I wish they had more female models than freckled asian that they also used in Paranoid.
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>>975209 2nd half
>>975178 >>975179 Yeah, but is the mc actually going out and cleansing the streets or is he just rescuing his girlfriend?
>>975250 That picture makes the Punisher look like a clown.
>>975250 He even cleanses the forest of child(as in 10 year olds) soldiers. He doesn't care, he just kills anyone with a weapon pointed in his general direction.
>>975101 >Biomutant That's the game everybody hyped which turned out to be total shit, right? I vaguely remember it being pitched as an open-world Ratchet & Clank style game only for the combat and gameplay to be nothing like R&C.
>>975257 >That picture makes the Punisher look like a clown. Meet the newest antihero, the Funisher! < kick a mobster in the face with 2-ft-long clown shoes < dissolve a mobster in acid shot from a squirting flower < throw a pie in a mobster's face with enough force to knock him out a fifth-story window < escape the coppers and press on a getaway tricicle Backstory: Frank Asshole was a circus clown in a circus that was failing and going out of business. Even while going broke, the boss refused to sell to the mafia so they killed him and burned down the place. The Funisher is going to pay them back in the funnest way possible!
>>975287 You pretty much just described Robin's / Nightwing's backstory and motivation. The only part that doesn't apply is the clown shoes. Even the acid-squirting flower is a thing that he uses in Return of the Joker. (Well, technically that's a different Robin, but I'm sure Dick Grayson has been jokerized at some point in the comics and done the same thing.)
>>975267 I think anon was asking what his motive is? Is it ‘Total Villain Death’ or ‘my pee pee hard when people dead’?
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>>975031 >TORtanic wew lad
>>975178 >"isn't murdering more than a thousand soldiers unusual in real life?" t. Man who has never heard of Stalingrad or even the battle of Iwo Jima his own country fought in.
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>>974994 I know this ain't what you intended but it ticks all three of your reqs. I await your rapid response within 6-18 months.
>>975250 In the story it's explicitly acknowledged and shown in an early cutscene that Calm attacks corpses long after they've died. I love how you can have two gameplay segments where the protagonist kills entire battalions and fleets of child soldiers, his party members are a pedophile and a cannibal elf who exclusively preys on and eats babies, and the sequel has him show up as an unironic villain who the previous game's villain is horrified by (with zero PROTOTYPE character assassination), and people will still question if that means he's evil and not just misunderstood. Two more titles. >Mad Father Another RPGMaker title. Moeblob finds out her mad scientist father has killed her mother and she is now in his crosshairs. Moeblob grows up to get her own Manga Time Kirara series where she sedates and kills her patients just like daddy did. Thank you so so much for playing! >DoDonPachi So you genocided the entire human race. Wanna get lunch? Yes, these are twist endings, but I argue they qualify.
>>975609 What are you talking about? He's not referring to battles, but individuals killing that many people
>>975008 Spec ops the line was a pleasant surprise.
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Ravager. You play as a dragon doing typical dragon things like kidnapping maidens and laying waste to the countryside. Although the game does give you the option of being somewhat respectful of your victims, you are always unapolagetically bad. Beware that this game is NSFW in a way that will make people look at you funny if they find out you played it.
>>974994 >Villain thread >Not a single fucking peasant or even farming game in sight OP is the type of guy who thinks RWBY is a 'american' anime.
>>975891 Anon farming isn't evil. What in the fuck.
>>975891 >Kingdom Come Deliverance Can you even be unapologetically evil in that game? Closest I thought you could be is a thieving little shit and that doesn't affect the story? Though I never did finish it. It also has fuck all to do with farming. Unless you're just trying to say that poor people are inherently evil, which I have seen argued in a thread here before, funnily enough.
>>975600 Go on, Anon, what controversy did I miss?
>>975894 At worst thats just minor levels of societal ill. Thats not really villainous though. I think we made need to break out a dictionary. Because apparently not everyone here understands the meaning of words? Maybe we are over thinking this. Maybe instead of villain he thought it said villager?
>>975892 >>975896 The etymology of villain comes from villanus just means 'someone who is bound to the villa' in otherwords a serf or peasant. It only became derogatory when the nobility started using it as an insult since peasants have no manners. Basically it's like how SJWs use the word chud as an insult but actually stuck. >>975894 >It also has fuck all to do with farming. You are a blacksmith and there's a grinding wheel minigame, but that's not really blacksmithing is it? And later in the game it turns out you are a nobleman's bastard child so not truly a peasant either. So I will apologize mentioning kingdom come, not an evil or a peasantry game. I guess I only posted it since I was thinking 'medieval game'.
>>975903 >it's like how SJWs use the word chud They're still forcing it really hard.
>>975903 Fascinating, but still off topic.
>>975907 What does chud even mean?
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>>975048 >>975055 >>975098 >>975101 I think there is a Janky charm to Hatred. Obviously this isn't for everyone, but if you crank Hatred up to Insane difficulty, then it becomes allot more interesting to play. It essentially becomes a real life Mass Murder simulator since you can be gunned down in a second. You have to use every cheap trick that you can to survive until the end. If you're someone like me who like the idea of taking on an impossible challenge, then I'd recommended giving insane mode a shot, but you're gonna have to be really persistent if you ever want to beat it.
>>975903 Man, shut the fuck up, seriously
>>976071 Their retarded baby talk, imagine being so emasculated to the point of throwing playground insults without upsetting the faggot kind.
>>976184 Sjws are fucking losers.
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>>976071 >What does chud even mean? Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller
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>>976257 ANTI-SEMITE!
>>975903 Just hop back in your time machine, fossilfag.
>>976071 I'm assuming it's meant to be derogatory alteration of "chad". Basically another rendition of "dudebro".
>>976382 They also segregated the term "nerd", so if you want to insult the posers you refer them as "techbro". However these terms came from scenegirls who barely can get their dildos working without the help of rocket scientists.
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>>974994 >>975008 But in Spec Ops: The Line the MC isn't an unapologetic villain. In fact most of the time he doesn't even really realize all the harm he's causing. Besides the antagonist and his soldiers are no saints either. He's more of a stubborn idiot who keeps turning a blind eye to all the collateral damage and mayhem he's causing, with a one-track mind like many in the military.
>>976997 Except that was a trope film trope that started in the 1970's and wore out it's welcome by the 1990's.
>>977000 Apocalypse Now and First Blood are not good examples of that at all. They're more about how war will fuck you up to the point you're barely a human anymore.
>>976997 She better put in a CG of their inbred baby in the ending
>>977028 you know the game is going to cuck out before anything like that happens. its on steam after all.
>>977000 >Universal Soldier Van Damme's character is the one who tried to put a stop Lundgren's character since he went crazy and that was only at the beginning since the focus was more on a corporation creating super soldiers from dead ones. >>977003 >First Blood >war will fuck you up to the point you're barely a human anymore Didn't the cops keep treating Rambo like shit because they mistook him for a hobo then double down when they find out he's a war veteran?
>>977033 >Didn't the cops keep treating Rambo like shit because they mistook him for a hobo then double down when they find out he's a war veteran? didn't they also try to rape him?
>>977033 It's talking about how Vietnam vets got fucked up by the war, but that was coupled with hostility or indifference from civilians that fucked them up even further. >>977036 They were trying to shave him to make him "presentable" but the sight of a straight razor triggered his PTSD of being tortured by the NVA while he was a prisoner of war.
>>975052 that game kicks ass. nice and short too
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>>975052 Here's some gameplay for it
>>977054 Thanks Evan, looks fun.
>>977058 >>977061 Oh I get it now. It's the username of the guy I pulled the video from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJcnCthlAUw
>>976088 Fuck that, best part is the fps mod, story mode difficulty, and sticking pantera tunes on. Not the same edgyness but I also love IS Defence. for anons unaware, it's a turret shooter but only the first level is good imo
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>>978769 >IS Defence The fucking community posting though.
>>975014 The sequel is shorter even if it has a few new ideas. They're just not fleshed out or given enough time to enjoy them. >>975034 You're not the villain at all in Bloodborne. The only bad ending means you just take Gehrman's place as the tool for the Moon Presence.
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>>979466 wew lad
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Don't know if he's really the villain, since I haven't gotten too far into the story yet. For now I'm just having fun shambling around eating cops and pedestrians - so close enough. Nice sense of humor, responsive controls, great art style and retro-futuristic setting. The biggest complaint I have so far is that health regenerates, so if you ever get into trouble - just back up and command your zombie horde to attack the enemies. Would have been better if the game forced you to eat brains to regain health. Maybe it does force you to do that on higher difficulties, but I just started on Normal mode to see if it was worth a full playthrough.
>>980479 You're going to rely a lot on Stubb's detachable hand and stun fart on higher difficulties which requires eating brains to recharge and there are later sections where you can barely a form a horde due to how sparse the area is or the enemies having better defenses. Stubbs is the mayor's father and the whole game is a journey to reunite with the mayor's mother and turn her into a zombie.
>>980479 Stubbs isn't exactly the villain as much as he is a force of Nature, as the story progresses you get the idea that the ones who built Punchbowl kind of had this coming due to Karma... That being said A lot of innocent people are caught in the crossfire so Stubbs isn't a good guy either.
>>974994 What about games where you can fuck the villain?
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>>980691 Stella glow.
There are two examples where you're playing an outright villain. 1. Saints Row 2 You're playing a violent and ambitious criminal mastermind looking to control your hometown and murdering anyone and everyone in your way. You're fiercely loyal to your crew, and them to you. My favorite moment in the game is when you coldly watched your best friend brutally beat a teenager at a cemetery for interrupting his wife's funeral and helped him put the kid into a recently emptied casket and bury him alive. 2. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance You're trapped in a final fantasy themed world along with your friends and your families. The world is a place where all of your friends are happier, healthier, and have a sense of purpose. But it's escapism, and you're determined to destroy the illusion and get them to face reality. In doing so, you have to destroy the world. As for games where you were the bad guy all along (Bioshock Infinite, Spec Ops: The Line, TLOU2) are straight railroading, pure and simple. They admonish you for wanting to see how the story ends and call you a monster for "being a murderer". You are given no choices of getting through the game non-lethally. You're only allowed to run and hide, which doesn't change the ending or make you less of a monster. People get to crit health and start begging for their lives. If you do spare them, they get back up and try to kill you. The game screams at you to use the White Phosphorus and tells you THERE'S NO OTHER WAY. So you do. Then the game asks, HOW COULD YOU? THE WHITE PHOSPHORUS IS A WAR CRIME! YOU MONSTER. So the game railroads you. Then blames you for being railroaded. Then the developers say there is a way to get a better ending. Put the game down. Fuck you. Give me a refund, then.
Deception IV comes to mind Fun game about cute devilish girls setting traps for saints and knights to fall into
>>980746 I was just about to post this as the series gets overlooked so often. Some titles cast the protagonist as sympathetic but IV definitely qualifies. It's a real shame the series is finished unless Koei Tecmo pulls its head out of its ass and realizes the ESG/DEI pozz will lead them to bankruptcy.
>>980849 I tried Deception IV years ago, because I liked Tecmo's Deception on PSX, but couldn't really get into the newer waifu edition. Also, I never played it, but would No Heroes Allowed count? Synopsis says that you're trying to take over the world for some demon lord, but it's kind of a comedy so I wouldn't be surprised if they "do the right thing" in the end - even if because continuing to conquer the would would screw them over even harder than how they have it now.
Why would you want to play as gay jewish niggers?
>>980849 >It's a real shame the series is finished unless Koei Tecmo pulls its head out of its ass and realizes the ESG/DEI pozz will lead them to bankruptcy. I think a game about traps is right down their alley.
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I want to rant about something. I played the darkspawn DLC years ago thinking I was going to get to play a campaign as the darkspawn. Like I was actually going to go on an evil adventure. Instead it was just the final mission but you play as the bad guy (and not even the big bad, just one of his goons). Still disappointed by it. This isn't a evil campaign, this is a shitty one shot you play and immediately forget.
>>975903 I'll give you points for trying anon but thats too far too autistic even for us.
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>>983329 > thats too far too autistic even for us. Speak for yourself.
>>975903 That's makes me wonder are there any evil farming games? The closest that I can think of is Graveyard Keeper which is a. not very good and b. unethical at best. It's a shame that the over all gameplay is so bad because the very core kernal of the gameplay is really kind of fun. If there was ever a game that needed a complete overhaul mod it's that one.
>>983435 There was the rumored "evil farm" game that everyone seems to remember differently but can never find a copy of it. But that game seems to be just a mandela effect caused by joel from vinesauce Idea Guying a farm game where you commited manslaughter on your wife so you buried the body and shit.
>>983435 Cult of the Lamb? Also the No Heroes Allowed series.
>>983435 The closest I can think of is a Harvest Moon clone I came across on rpgmaker.net once that warped the concept into a horror premise where you are on a space station and the "plants" you farm are Lovecraftian meatforms. Unfortunately I can't find it right now.
>>975032 Postal 1 absolutely, man shoots up everyone even going worldwide Postal 2 is a maybe because you can choose to kill nobody, and the town is the aggressor in most cases even if you do go lethal
lemme just fuck the villainess instead.
Say what you want about Toddrim but you can totally do a playthrough where you unironically swear yourself to Vaermina, murder her good guy lost disciple, take her staff, and become an evil necromancer who goes around collecting women's corpses and piling them on your bed for lonely nights. You don't even have to be a good guy in the main story. Just kill everyone. The guards fighting the dragon at the watchtower? Kill them along with the dragon. Kill every NPC in Whiterun and resurrect them with the Ritual Stone + Aetherial Crown trick and use them as undead minions to win the war for the Stormcloaks.
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There's a new HoMM game announced, how bad is it gonna be?
>>1004913 FUCK. My rose-tinted nostalgia glasses are actually making me like this. They are definitely looking to tickle every HoMM3 fan's bone. If anything I'd pirate, the original devs are long gone and giving any money to Ubisoft is out of the question. >inb4 they make Kyrre into a tranny
>>1003525 No one's really had the idea of being the Rapeman going around building a harem of villainesses, surprisingly.
>>974994 Black souls? >>979550 I wanted to try but i got filtered with having corrupting the girls with gangbang and shit, i just can't take being full evil but allowing others touching the girls i want lol
>>1005104 >ubisoft It's gonna suck
>>977031 It's gonna go the oreimo route isn't it
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>>1003552 >>1005139 >Adventuring with Serana. >Come across Nord red-head unique bandit. >Reload the quicksave I made outside. >Tell Serana to go back to the LOTD Museum. >Wait for night. >Use invisibility, detect life and muffle spells. >Silently kill all other bandits. >She's fast asleep in a bed. >Collar her and tell her to go player home deep in the mountains that's in no way a rape shed. >Spend 3 in game weeks taming her. >Bring her along now that she's an actual companion. I like to imagine Serana's face when she sees the Dragonborn engaging in Slavery like this.
>>1005596 Bro she went on Molag Bal's Riveting Rape Adventure what you did is small time to her.
>>975107 Funny seeing this post as the suffering games are being removed from gog.
>>1005598 >She gets raped Again glad I never got far into the DLC's lmao Skyrim is a joke, let ME rape the fucking vampires dammit.
>>1005596 This but I did it in Fallout 3 instead,
>>1005804 I tried, but I couldn't actually sell Bumble to the slavers. As much as I hated the concept and execution of Little Lamplight, I ain't selling a little girl into slavery. Ended up downing a bottle of whiskey and lighting Paradise Falls on fire before they could take her from me.
>>1005816 Who the hell said anything about bumble and little lamp light? I was after other bandits
>>1005801 Not just raped, raped by the god of rape.
>>1005139 >No one's really had the idea of being the Rapeman going around building a harem of villainesses, surprisingly. Not in a vidya, of course, but I'm sure I've read more than one internet quest with that premise.

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