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Good games fucked by their makers Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 19:40:22 Id: d35d0e No. 983301
>List games you wanted to love and play, but got fucked by some meta element. >StarCraft II. Had good fucking gameplay, a decent campign (WoL) and some great custom maps. Always online was bad enough from the get go, but the constant large updates meant whenever I logged on to play with a friend, one of us had to wait 20ish minutes to play, so we just stopped. Blizzard progressively circlejerking itself into the ground didn't help. Damn shame. >World of Warcraft I had fun in vanilla wow. Less so in outlands. WotL was pretty good because a friend dragged me into it after deplayment, and we games all day every day for months. But blizzard just fucking fell off a cliff. >Star Wars: The Old Republic Great story, atmosphere and voice acting. Also scratching my Star Wars itch. Fucking UI. It's constantly spamming some add for an offer, suggestion PVP or shilling Cartel Coins, and you cannot disable all of it. The gameplay outside dialogues is mostly shit and we end up with a game that lives by it's immersion yet constantly does everything to break it. BioWare joining in on the Circlejerking didn't help and requiring admin priv to launch made me drop it. >Surviving Mars Pretty chill builder sim that got sold until it had udeless DLCs (I'm looking at you Above and Below) as well as built in spyware. >Kerbal Space Program Same as Surviving Mars. Got filled with Spyware. RIP Jeb. >Baldur's Gate 3 It was OK-ish in the alpha, not a DOS2, but ok, but Larian drank the coolaid and filled the game with progressive shit and changes all the models to trannys. >DwarfFotress Trannies. They can be disabled in the configs, but fucking hell why would you include that in the first place!
Dragon Age is one that comes to mind since they had a good thing going with DA:O and then completely fucked over its CRPG roots by making the second game a shitty console focused ARPG instead of something like Baldur's Gate 3 or Dragon Age Origins. Now t\he fanbase in exclusively made of shipping faggots. I'd say Japanese term for it, but I kinda forgot what it's called in Japan. Fujitos or some shit?
>Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fuelled Pretty good recreation of CTR, but with (modified versions of) all the Nitro Kart levels, plus more characters. Then you have all the fancy graphics and all that. And they promised no microtransactions, too. Then a month after release they added tons and tons of microtransactions, so you could never ever get the whole game without paying tons of money. My brother was after buying that game, and CTR is one of my favorite games, so I 100%ed the game and then proceeded to grind further so I could buy all the micro-transactions with in-game points without paying any money. I managed to do so on the very last day of the first month of microtransactions. Then the next month there was all this other shit and they told me to keep grinding. Fuck that. Never touched the game again. I hope my brother enjoys all the stupid shit I unlocked for him. This is why I always avoid online games. You should do the same, OP. >Crash 4 That same brother keeps trying to get me to play Crash 4, but I'm not going to. I saw what they did to Tawna. It's clearly them saying they think the original game is for shitlords. If they don't like Crash 1, then I don't want to play their sequel to it. Then again, I'm skeptical that the game is good at all. I'm skeptical that people who don't like the original can make a good sequel. I also think they have some nerve invalidating all the other sequels. Wrath of Cortex and Twinsanity have a lot of problems, but at least they respected the originals. >Sonic '06 There's also like five or six Sonic games that probably could have been good if Sega let Sonic Team actually finish them, instead of making them rush out alpha prototypes. Sonic '06 is the chief example, but there are many such cases. And there's Sonic X-Treme, which didn't even get finished or released at all because of the same kind of mismanagement. >Spyro (Japanese version) Have you guys ever seen what they did to Spyro in Japan? They made him so slow that his charge is only as fast as his walking speed in the American version. And that's just one of many changes that completely ruin the game. They also added hidden dragonfly collectables that interact with Pocketstation, which is cool, but the basic movement was completely fucked for no good reason. They said the original would cause motion sickness, but it was already out in America and that didn't happen.
>fully implement playable lolis >then remove lolis even though they're in the game and fully functional with just a memory poke alone >do same thing with feminine hairstyles >add cameo of tranny streamer to game with giant gold nameplate so you can't ignore it >be so busy doing all this you forget to include a New Game option at release >add two different types of DRM that make the game chug on a super computer >promise fix >then release no fix three months later and just stop communicating >know lack of enemy variety was biggest issue with original >include even fewer enemy types >spam irrelevant, boring, timed quests so the player can't actually explore in a game about exploring >>983338 I actually do get sick from Spyro, but I get sick from all full 3D PS1 games and the speed has nothing to do with it.
>>983301 >Surviving Mars >spyware Wait, really? What'd they add? >KSP >spyware That was removed forever ago. And you can always just pirate it and the DLCs. KSP2 being literal abandonware after seven years of lies without anyone saying anything was the real tragedy there.
>>983355 >I actually do get sick from Spyro, but I get sick from all full 3D PS1 games and the speed has nothing to do with it. Then why?
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>>983301 <Paladins Doubling down on the same mistakes as Team Fortress 2 and now it became a shell of what it used to be <GTAOnline Prioritized on how to squeeze the last shekel to their sheeple by adding Saints Rows vehicles such as the flying bike that shoots missiles and later a stronger version in case you wanna' get fucked even more. Console version demands you to subscribe to shitty online services while the PC version gets you doxxed. THEY HAVEN'T FIXED THE MONKEY BUSINESS MISSION IN WHICH IT GETS DISRUPTED FOR NO FUCKING REASON That's how much they gave a shit about Story Mode. >Valve games <Pretty much what happened to most of their online games <They either get mutilated beyond recognition or ditched into negligence, even hackers can post Democrat activism with no consequences
>>983332 Fujoshi. "Rotten Girl"
>>983359 >Wait, really? What'd they add? No idea, but I'm prettty sure the EULA rape wasn't forshits and giggles. The very first thing the game does upon starting is to block the GUI with a pop-up demanding us to go see their privacy EULA (*) and then accept it. It won't even allow single-player gaming, NOTHING until you accept their EULA. * where you agree to complete, utter rape of all your privacy, including comprehensive "waiving" of all new rights set by GDPR and even as far as agreeing to not sue them. >That was removed forever ago. True. Still made me drop the game and stop supporting them. Well sort of. I bought* the shitfest that is KSP2 and it's just as bad as everyone says. * Because we won't get good games if devs aren't getting paid
>>983384 PS1's implementation of 3D graphics is just crap. The point precision errors inducing constant wobble, and lack of z-buffer making layering weird are unique to it, not seen in contemporary 3D (even multi-plats) on PC or N64 (all the Saturn games I've played were 2D, so no idea there).
>>983476 >The point precision errors inducing constant wobble SIN does that as well. Was a problem with the quake 2 engine that I truthfully do not understand.
>>983476 Yeah but every other kid could play those games just fine and not get sick. What fucked up disease do you have?
>>983398 Ah, thank you anon.
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>FarCry 5 Gameplay was ok, ubisoft controls and shooting being what they are. Just wandering around and killing baddies was pretty good. Terrain was fine, both for sneaking up close, and for long range sniping. Best sniping I've had since Delta Force Task Force Dagger. Absolutely ruined by resistance modifier. For the uninitiated, everytime you harm the baddies, your resistance modifier goes up. Once it reaches a milestone, you get a forced cutscene and you're teleported into some storyline quest (by questionable means, just as getting hit by a tranq dart while flying a plane over a mountain valley) that permanently removes some of the baddies from the map. Just let me play the good parts of the game instead of forcing me into some shitty content.
>>983386 >Team Fortress 2 Funny this one hasn't been listed yet, I guess it goes without saying.
>>983506 Far Cry should've died after the third one, the commercials with the mystery meat actor from Breaking Bad were more entertaining than whatever half-assed game they shit out.
>>983510 > "Stop liking what I don't like!" This isn't the thread for that kind of cancer. Go to cuckchan.
>>983556 >don't be negative about modern games! >go to cuckchan! We like modern games here! Only cuckchanners dislike modern games!
>>983564 Not what I implied and not the thread topic. This is a thread for posting games that were screwed by their makers. Not for discussing what degenerate hentai visual novel you like or don't like.
>>983566 Then say that, if that's your complaint. That's incredibly different from your previous post.
>>983483 Quake 2 was a bit of a different problem where they didn't use skeletons for their models and animations, they moved every vertex of the model for each key-frame to make the animation. This was very imprecise so would lead to that Quake 2 wobbliness, but the wobbliness was not as annoying on lower resolution monitors back in the day.
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>>983566 >thread literally about games that ended up being bad >stop hating games! Nigger you're defending fucking Far Cry 5
Every single gacha game would have been a better game if it wasn't a gacha game
>>984038 You know I've actually heard several people say 5 is the best in the series, never played it personally though. Of the ones I've played (FC1, FCI, FCI:E, FC2, FC3, FC:BD) I'd say Blood Dragon is my favorite. I know a lot of people love 2, and while its TECHNOLOGY is neat, the game is a absolute chore to play.
>>984127 >I know a lot of people love 2 Anons tolerate FC2, and any praise it receives is almost exclusively in regards to the tech and a backhanded compliment for being better than all the FC3 variants (Best of which is Blood Dragon) that have been made afterwards.
>>984134 >a backhanded compliment for being better than all the FC3 variants (Best of which is Blood Dragon) that have been made afterwards. I'd rather play any other FC game than play 2 again, it's in no way better any than 3 and you're smoking rocks if you think so. Anybody who says otherwise is either blinded by nostalgia, hasn't played it in 15 years, or absorbed all their opinions from that Crowbcat video. The map is a nightmare to navigate, all weapons besides snipers are barely viable, camps respawn every 4 seconds, there's no variety in combat, the side quests are all the same 3 missions copypasted over the entire game, your AI buddies are suicidal and feel impossible to keep alive on higher difficulties, this is just the stuff I can think off of the top of my head. If I booted the game back up I could write out more.
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I got curious so I decided to look what the Steam scores for the series was. In order of highest to lowest: >Far Cry 3 - 89% >Blood Dragon - 87% >Primal - 85% >Far Cry 4 - 83% >Far Cry 1 - 81% >Far Cry 5 - 80% >New Dawn - 76% >Far Cry 2 - 76% >Far Cry 6 - 72% Not saying I agree with this placement, only that it's interesting to see what casuals think of the series. The real surprise is how high Primal ranks.
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>>983301 >always online >niggers and hackers can literally harm your single player experience via base raids >facebook tier resource collecting >every mission, weapon, armor is resource tied (not just unocking them, but using them) >the potential of the world map and tech were hindred in favor of hollywood >unfinished >the last legacy of an already assfucked series You probably already know...
>>984134 If somebody actually thinks the slog that is FC2 is better than Blood Dragon, I don't know what to tell them. Can't help masochists I guess.
>>984148 Never played MGS but every single point you listed is spot on for the thread. If they're all true for spoiler, then I feel for you.
>>983507 Same with Bethesda. >>983556 Holy shit, it's a miracle you managed to turn on your device without bashing it with a baseball bat with that fucktarded cognitive of yours. I've said: >FarCry should've died <SHOULD BE MORE DEAD THAN A SPIC IN CHICAGO AFTER THE THIRD ENTRY >>984148 The best part is that they genuinely believe Hideo Kojima was a (((genius))), I guess bitching and nagging to the wagecucks while regurgitating marxism on social media puts you on the spotlight.
>>984136 That's all true but I still liked crawling through the jungle and some of the map was quite fun to explore. A lot could be fixed by making the weapons more lethal and toning down weapon degradation.
>>984136 >I'd rather play any other FC game than play 2 again Here's your game bro But yeah I really think the overall vision of 2's gameplay really got hampered by being on a 7th gen console, although the next two games are also those consoles. But maybe 7th gen hardware wasn't ready for those FC2's attempts at "realism"
>>983338 >Crash 4 >Default playstyle is modern where the character has no life counter however one of the relics for each level is no deaths >Levels are 5+ minutes long, I think one of the levels has 18 minutes for the blue time trial relic >Besides Time Trial, introduces a inverted level gimmick and a graphical gimmick per level for extra relics >Tawna, Cortex and even Dingodile have their own levels with the same relic requirements >There's also flashback levels which are all breakable boxes only It's that rare case that the game dumped so much content that I just wanted it to be over when I got to the halfway point.
>>983301 Tribes, then and now it's still getting fucked over
Mass Effect series. The first game was not amazing or very original but was a good setup for a series that had a lot of potential. I liked the sci-fi stew settings where they were ripping off everyone but managed to make it fit in nicely. Gameplay mechanics they used were interesting as well and sort of forced you to pay attention to gear and making sure that your shots count. Then ME2 came out, and was a big success despite being clearly rushed out, with a simplified GOW game play, stupid story, and nearly every companion's character arch boiling down to daddy issues. And it only got worse in games that followed. >>983332 Only good things about DA:O were interplay between different abilities, some quest resolutions, and the unintentional comedy. Bioware kept insisting that they are trying to make a mature game with mature themes handled in a mature way. Instead, they made game with a Saturday morning cartoon plot. It's funny how their impression of mature means PG13 sex scenes where everyone has underwear on and everything being doused in buckets of blood almost constantly. >>984238 >The best part is that they genuinely believe Hideo Kojima was a (((genius))), I guess bitching and nagging to the wagecucks while regurgitating marxism on social media puts you on the spotlight. Parts of Kojima's legend are only due to his relation with the western gaming media. Right now Geoff is the most prominent one.
>good waifus to marry >nice village >good vibes >good music <runey system can completely destroy your save and go into a downward spiral where it will take more time for you to balance out the runey levels in each area and the next day you have to do all of it again. the moment you unlock the runey system is the moment it goes from nice farming life game with a pinch of fantasy into a caos management and putting out of fires everywhere. i hope whoever made that fucking mechanic never works in a game ever again.
>>984148 >niggers and hackers can literally harm your single player experience via base raids I loved retaliation raiding those people using a trainer of my own. Just put on the heavy armor that tranqs can't penetrate and turn on god mode plus "all base defenders sleep immediately" and then even if the guy gets alerted and comes after you, he can't do a single thing about it and you can just destroy his shit in return. >every mission, weapon, armor is resource tied (not just unocking them, but using them) That was infuriating until I just gave myself infinite resources. Then I could play singleplayer however I wanted.
>>983355 It has been months and I'm still not over the absolute pain this game causes me, it's as if they spiritually ripped something from inside me with it. They had literally everything to do it right this time, but they managed to fuck up in such colossal manner that I can't help but think that it's intentional, it just had to be somewhere along high leadership. Or maybe Itsuno just has that bit of Molyneux inside him? >>983301 >Stellaris At the start they had a lot of good ideas that they unfortunately cut off (My favorite was the 3 types of FTL), but gradually they started filtering more and more content behind their paid DLC. I know the patches affect the base game somewhat still and that's just Paradox's modus operandi, but it's just aggravated when the shit behind the paywall breaks the game. That's not even to mention the myriad of glitches that ALWAYS comes with every new patch, DLC or not, every single one, and the fact that they took THREE FUCKING YEARS to finally optimize the game enough as be even able to go past the 2400 without a spaceship for a computer, AND IT STILL LAGS. They even went as far as to add the option to remove xenocompatibility in vanilla just to try to deal with that, the fuckers.
>>986013 RF4 was ruined by the romance system working on RNG and an even more insane time lock. RF3 was the perfect entry in the series in my humble opinion. RF5 was just....bad. Bad bugs, bad variety, took way too long to build up romance, etc. All of these games just made me wish I was replaying RF3. Also want to say RF3 had much more quality romance options. RF4 had like, two (saber and the butterfly girl) and RF5, I honestly can't even remember a single girl from it even though I last played it about a year ago. The girl who runs the shop, I think? That should go to show how lame it was.
>>984148 For a second I though you brought up GTAO, but at least you can play its Story Mode offline.
>>987805 yeah, Rune Factory 3 is quite possibly the best og the series, and if not the best in the genre, at least on the top of the chart. i wanted to buy it on steam, but they are asking way too much money for a DS port.
The mainline pokemon games. They just keep getting worse man.
Everafter Falls. It was a promising stardew clone minus the faggots and niggers until... >1.1.0 patch notes >Non-binary gender selection added
>>983301 rent-free
>>983386 >Valve games That’s the one that hurts the most, it’s fucking awful to see tf2 be the last of the orange box era games alive, and it be kept on life support by skial 2fort. Every server is run by discord troons now, yes every. There were two outliers but they are now gone from the dedicated server browser. Kind of hard to build back a community better when everyone is a revenge oriented freak or spiteful homosexual. The mlp 2012 era of tf2 wasn’t even this faggy and dogshit
>>983506 > resistance modifier I honestly didn't mind the milestones events for the first brother (the sadistic religious dude), because the attacks would be a full on horde chasing your down so you got to at least have fun seeing how long you could last before they finally took you out, the second brother and drug bitch's milestone events were just lame instant lose cutscenes. In fact everything about FC5 fell off a cliff after you completed the first act.
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I know I'll get shit for this from every ace combat fan, but this would have been a perfectly enjoyable game (even with the shitty turret gunner missions) if they just hadn't included that forced dogfighting mechanic that absolutely destroys the core gameplay of a ac game.. Hell Ii even thought the helicopter piloting missions were a interesting change of pace and a response to long time jokes and cliches about how the series often uses jet fighters for mission types that no sane military would ever send jets on.
>>983301 >2024 <Dipshits are now defending Bethesda after the pozzed Fallout show got shit out <Ignoring the recent multiplayer fiasco that'd charge you a fuckton of shekels for just existing >>992501 They definitely shoved in Overwatch's retarded moderation as long it's on (((their))) terms.
>>983301 It probably was never going to be as good as SC4, but I felt like if it weren't for EA fucking SimCity 2013 with the always-online DRM and prohibiting mods that actually fix the game, then we wouldn't see the series die.
>>992209 neck yourself, fucktard
>>992837 EA deserves its own genre: >Cancer that expanded all over the industry
SteamWorld Heist 1 & 2 There's a tranny in the OST band and the devs put it in the game as an NPC. Slime Rancher 2 While it currently seems highly unlikely that this game will ever be as good as the first one, it doesn't matter because the devs added a faggot flag to the game.
Terraria's 1.4.5 patch coming "soon" (i.e. next year) is going to remove the gender selection from character creation. https://thatparkplace.com/report-re-logics-terraria-removed-gender-selection-13-years-after-release-in-most-recent-patch/

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