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Pre-2012 Isekai Games Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 16:51:33 Id: 795017 No. 985217
Let's talk about isekai in video games before isekai was totally ruined by a terrible but inexplicably popular work in 2012. >Final Fantasy Tactics Advance A bunch of kids are sucked into a fantasy world by a magic book, with the weak bullied kid being its ruler. Every character (except some bullies, but their cursed existence in the new world is something only a very observant player will ever notice is a thing) has a genuinely better life within this book so the main character decides to destroy the world and restore the original. The game is legendary for how poorly developed his motivations are, and how the plot sucks from it, and how it (and the law system) ruin the otherwise sold gameplay >Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Sequel to above. Another kid (just the one) is sucked into the same fantasy world. Plot is pretty aimless and mostly him witnessing other people's story and waiting for stuff to happen around him, but it's not the actively broken >Summon Night Japanese high school girl winds up in fantasy world populated primarily by natives of other worlds who have been one way summoned to the world. All future games in the franchise drop the idea of having the main character being from Earth, but do have some random characters who were summoned from it. >Baten Kaitos Unusual execution where the player is summoned to the game's world as a spirit to help guide the main character. The games actually do a lot of interesting things with the framing device. Pretty solid jRPGs with interesting battle systems and worth a play. Don't play the HD re-release because a tranny re-localized it to death. >every Alice in Wonderland/Wizard of Oz game I'm not aware of any that are particularly interesting in execution, but there's a few dozen of these and I mention them for completion.
>>985217 FFTA would've had a better motivation if you were separated from your family. You've got your mom and dad and Doned, but the game only ever talks about Doned. If the game explained that Mewt couldn't bring Marche's parents because he didn't know them well enough, that'd be something to properly motivate the protag into shutting down the world and bringing the real world back. What I'm wondering is why your clan is helping you do this. >"I want my family, Mewt!" >"I'll make you a new one! Would that work? Stop wrecking my world!"
Even if its not the literary definition, I still consider isekai to be trapped in another dimension/world permanently rather than sucked into an object temporarily like the stories of inkheart or the lion witch wardrobe. The suspension of disbelief crumbles when you think about your main character in ffta stabbing people or using a bow skillfully and then just being plopped back to middle school.
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>>985217 >Let's talk about isekai in video games before isekai was totally ruined by a terrible but inexplicably popular work in 2012. Isekai was always terrible wish fulfilment power fantasy garbage for pretееns. Before you point to classic stories like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; they were apart of a largely British literary genre called portal fantasy that spanned from the 19th century to the mid 20th century. Isekai in earnest originates in early 1980s novels and anime.
>>985227 >Isekai was always terrible wish fulfilment power fantasy garbage for pretееns. Yeah, but that's why I love it.
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>>985227 Isekai in earnest originates from older fantasy stories since fantasy has always been like that, an escape from reality. Portal fantasy is specifically an English definition but most countries have written down fables and fantasy trash for hundreds of years based around their own countries/religions. DnD is based off of Portal Fantasy, SMT liberally borrows from it along with other religions, portal fantasy in general is specifically western while gook shit is typically Shinto/Buddhist/etc
>>985227 Isekai is a writer's tool to introduce the reader/watcher to a new world through the eyes of a fresh off (of) the boat character. It has existed for hundreds of years, with The Divine Comedy being one of the oldest and best known examples. Even something like Master and Commander counts as "isekai" since it uses that same writing technique.
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>Alice in wonderland games There are only 2 worth caring about. American mcgees alice is a really fun and cool looking adaptation. The sequel I didn't get very far in because I couldn't get past the anti-piracy measure.
Super Mario Bros. 1 is an isekai. Mario and Luigi are ordinary plumbers from Brooklyn who get sucked into a magical world of mushrooms where they gain super powers and need to defeat an evil dragon to save the princess. Ever after that game Mario has been an inhabitant of a magical kingdom, but up to then he was just an ordinary guy. He did not even have jumping super powers, he could only jump one tile high and would die if he fell from too great a height.
>>985261 Was the Brooklyn part ever part of the Japanese canon or was it just NoA being anti-Japanese in the 80s
>>985262 >>985261 Doesn't SMB2 count since it's in a dreamscape? As far as I can tell Doki Doki Panic is also in a dreamscape, but the player characters are natives.
>>985262 In the old Japanese movie they're from 'current reality', I can't remember if they're specific about it or not.
>bringing up anime autism in vidya For what purpose? Also, people actually liked the SAO games. This is like saying Harry Potter is shit (because its easy to shit on) but ignoring that people actually enjoyed the games generally.
>>985271 The source material that became popular in 2012 was cancer 100%.
>>985262 I don't know if NoA made up the Brooklyn part, but SMB1 was from the start about Mario being from the real world. I would not be surprised if Brooklyn was originally an idea from NoA that got canonized by Japan even before the game's release. The name Mario was definitely NoA's idea and it got adopted by the Japanese immediately.
>>985288 This is a video games board, and the source material is a light novel that is treated a lot more favorably than the 2012 anime anyways.
>>985300 The games didn't influence every isekai work going forward >a light novel that is treated a lot more favorably Anyone have the scan of that scene handy?
>>985303 Transformers is a reverse-isekai
>>985304 So, what prize do I get for naming these games?
>>985302 >As I shoved myself into Asuna, I released all of the pent up sensations that I had stretched to the limits. “A…Asuna…!” “Aaaah—!!!” Sword Art Online Volume 1 – Aincrad Chapter 16 235 I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head. “Ah…ah…” After receiving all that I had to give her, Asuna’s strength gave out as she fell on top of me. “Ah… Ha…” I gently embraced Asuna while she continued to gasp and convulse as if she was being stimulated by the fluids inside her body as my consciousness dimmed. A single candle atop of the table stayed burning, its thin rays of light made Asuna's skin glow faintly as she slept in my arms. I ran a finger gently down her white back; the warm and smooth feeling that traveled up from my fingertips was absolutely intoxicating. Asuna slowly opened her eyes and looked towards me. She blinked twice and then smiled. “Sorry. Did I wake you?” “Yeah. I had a strange dream. One about the real world…” She continued to smile as she rubbed her face against my chest. https://pastebin.com/sjnuUGZL
>>985308 That's the one. >>985305 >>985304 >>985303 >Let's talk about isekai in video games >talk about Did they do anything interesting with the plot hook?
>>985302 >isekai "work" Who gives a shit, this isn't an anime or /jp/ board. Unless you have actual vidya affected you can talk about WRT to this shit, fuck off. Not to mention SAO is extremely limited in how it can affect vidya because it's a work about going into a fucking vidya world, it doesn't make sense for video games to bother with that shit. That's like expecting a movie about a guy playing a VR game to influence VR games into becoming about playing VR games in VR, it makes no fucking sense.
>>985316 Technically speaking it's .hack fanfiction that got turned into something similar in the end.
>>985217 >Don't play the HD re-release because a tranny re-localized it to death. What, is even the PC release impossible to hack?
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Unreal counts. You crash land on Na Pali and are viewed by the natives as their savior/messiah.
>>985226 As the other posters mentioned in this thread "portal fantasy" is just a easy writing tool, it brings both a 'fresh eyes' to the world making exposition easily justified, and character motivation "I gotta get back home!". What's midly novel about reincarnation isekai, is that it gets rid of the "go back home" motivation since the character can no longer go back home since they died. Apparently on sad panda isekai characters that reincarnate into the opposite sex don't count as gender change on sad panda. The reasoning is retarded.
>>985341 It's not worth it.
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Magic Knight Rayearth Because I'm a huge faggot and love to play as cute magical girls! Also, Legend of Himiko, which I never played since I don't think it ever left nipland, but I did watch the anime back in the day and it was pretty ok. FUCK YOU JEWTUBE, you can attempt to block my video downloader, but you can't stop me from recording my screen faggots! SUCK MY BALLS
>>985345 You're just restating what I already said! FF:TA used it as an easy writing tool without understanding that a lot of the kid stories mentioned have them acting as observers or getting magical powers that go away outside of the "portal's" domain. Returning and having experience being mercenaries for hire is different from essentially being escorted through a very large theme park by outside characters that ask you morality alignment questions.
>>985349 Oh, and not to forget Ultima - which most of them, if not all of them, are Isekai.
>>985352 Did Ultima do anything interesting with it besides making the PC a level 1 virgin every game?
>>985359 Maybe? Never actually played more than about an hour or two of any of them. I was always more a fan of Wizardry, and by fan of Wizardry - I mean I played that one nip Wizardry game that had nothing to do with the rest of the franchise. At least Andrew doesn't go around wearing a cape and crown while insisting people call him "Lord Greenburg of Cornell".
>>985217 FFTA Damn the plot is shit in that game considering how great the gameplay is. Even though the gameplay is a noticeable step down from the original FFT, it's still great. And that was certainly due to the limits of the GBA compares to the PS1. I wish the game had mission packs or something available. I played it until there was just no more juice left in that orange and I was still thirsty.
Isn't Touhou technically an isekai for Green Reimu and Gap Hag?
how about a game like valkyrie profile where you are the one in charge of isekaing heroes to other worlds, and you operate in two worlds for each hero, preparing them to be the candidate you need them to be while they are on earth, and then aiding them on their journeys after transporting them? itd also be like a management sim and a visual novel where all your interactions and decisions factor into the outcomes of the heroes journeys. choose the right guy, interfere with his life to make him ready for isekai, choose how he ends up in the other world, and aid/guide him on his quest after he arrives.
Why are a lot of recent vidya adaptations isekai? I don't get it
>>985442 Sort of but at the same time not really, 幻想郷 is more akin to a 2D gated community within the 3D realm encased by a 4D barrier.
>>985349 >you can attempt to block my video downloader yt-dlp.exe -U
>>985217 >before isekai was totally ruined by a terrible but inexplicably popular work in 2012. such as?
>>1014166 Because isekai sells.
>>1014266 Probably thinks sword art online is an isekai.
>>1014277 Leda was one of the better movie OVAs for Isekai.
>>985352 >>985359 Ultima did not really become an Isekai until IV. I don't know if the player was canonically from earth in I - III or if that's something that got retconned in, but it doesn't really matter because it has no bearing on the end result. IV is interesting because the Isekai part is explicit in the intro and part of your character creation. Depending on how you answer the personality questions you start out with a different class in a different town. I always end up becoming a bard, whatever that might say about me. In V and VI the plot was always some unintended consequence of your actions in IV. Since time passes faster in Britannia years or even centuries can pass in Britannia between your arrivals. In V Lord Blackthorn has taken the virtues you helped establish in IV to their utmost extreme and created an authoritarian dystopia. In VI it turns out the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom you took from the Abyss actually belonged to another race who are now waging a holy war on Britannia while their world is literally falling apart. VII, VIII and IX introduce the demonic Guardian, who is an otherworldly entity and wants to destroy Britannia. And when he's done with Britannia he wants to go after Earth next, so if you fail in the game the real world is next. But if by "anything interesting" you mean something like knowledge or technology from the real world carrying over into the fantasy world (like in Army of Darkness), then no. Ultima does not do anything like that.
>>985217 Aren't some of the might and magic rpgs reverse isekais? Where the fantasy world is a simulation running on an alien computer and your character goes outside of it on several occasions?
>>1014277 If Shit Art Online isn't Isekai, what the fuck is?
>>1014277 How is it not an isekai idiot? I could understand if he wasn't trapped in the game but he was. Now saying .hack is an isekai would be retarded.
>>1014401 Overlord. >>1014403 It's not an isekai if he jacks in to different mmos as some sort of net cop. You might as well say capeshit is isekai because of all the multiverse garbage canon to the entire brand.
>>1014404 Nigger who cares about SAO after the first part?
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I'm shocked in all this isekai discussion Another World didn't come up once, it's in the title and premise and everything. Magi-Nation for Game Boy Color akso qualifies. It does bring up some discussion of the distinction between portal fantasy and isekike. I would have to say in the former the focus is on the world and the protagonist is merely a means of experiencing it to the consumer; there are no exceptions for the protagonist and he often has to integrate with the setting to survive. Whereas the latter is just a mechanized onahole for the consumer to jerk himself off and the world contorts itself to do so, see the "special protagonist lifehack" that is a staple of the genre.
>>1014405 They get out during the first part too. Extremely few isekai ever have characters go back, so even in your definition of the series, it isn't a pure isekai.
>>1014411 >Extremely few isekai ever have characters go back Most isekai aren't finished yet. More importantly, he was clearly brought to another world and lived and survived there, I don't see how it isn't an isekai. >>1014404 >It's not an isekai if he jacks in to different mmos as some sort of net cop. That has no bearing on anything.
>>1014411 Literally all three in the OP have the player go back (second pic even manages to get her wife in the real world), and player isn't even trapped in the third.
>>1014403 > Now saying .hack is an isekai would be retarded. Well the games don't count...
>>985352 What's a paladin?
>>1014442 Paladins are a "righteous knight" character class in video games, it evolved from TTRPGs like D&D.
>>1015260 I can't tell if this is intentional or not
>>1014442 >>1015260 To be more specific they are are a cleric + knight with a focus on smiting undead and other evil beings and usually with an additional focus on party defense and healing. The other kind of /tg/ type righteous knight in the more mundane sense of "I work for the Church and beat the shit out of heretics" are called Templars.
Is Star Ocean: The Second Story isekai?
>>985231 >I have the worst taste imaginable Noted.
>>1015862 >People in an isekai thread like isekai. This upsets me greatly Noted.
>>1015808 From the point of view of the FeMC and her people, I'd say yes. From the POV of the male MC, I'd say it's more like Robinson Crusoe. Wait, is Robinson Crusoe a type of isekai?
>>1016119 If so, then so is Buck Rogers.
>isekai You're all wapanese niggerfaggots with brains rotted by crappy jap novels. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidental_travel
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>>1016147 That's the joke.
>>1016147 In the west we call them Narnia :)
>>1016147 >>1016148 Vintage exchange.
>>1016147 Is isekai always accidental?
>>1016096 Isekai is objectively garbage.
>>1016264 >My opinions are facts! Hop on the Magic School Bus, ESL. we're going back to Grade 2.
>>1016277 That chart is fucking terrible, it's way too close to misleading.and implies that awards and critic opinions are objective rather than subjective determinations. Yes, it might be an objective fact that something won awards, but that doesn't mean it's objectively good by any means.
>>1016284 Shut up, ESL
>>1016277 >>1016284 No, ESL, it implies receiving 10 awards is something that objectively happened. "Good" is subjective, if 90% like something and 10% don't no one's "objectively wrong." "Objectively good" is a retard phrase by and for retards and saying it beams a big blazing bat signal into the sky that you're retarded. Congratulations, you failed Grade 2! >>1016286 What 8chan needs is a big beautiful wall.
>>1016287 I was being sarcastic, spicnigger. Your tard chart equates critic opinions with objective fact.
>>1016264 >>1016277 >>1016286 >>1016287 People's reading comprehension here has swirled the drain since /hisparefugio/, /arepa/, and /mex/ became top boards, don't expect Pablo to read that chart right even when it's literally from "ESLBUZZ." These retards dropped /v/'s IQ below 90 and understand nothing but terrible tequila and Taco Tuesday.
>>1016287 >>1016286 >retards can't see the issue with comparing critic opinions and one's own opinion to explain the difference between subjectivity and objectivity >then accuses anyone who disagrees with this of being ESL Spics were a mistake, if only because their mere existence brings out prime examples of Dunning-Kruger effect like you fags. When someone says that something "objectively" received awards and has critical acclaim, what do you think the person saying that intends to convey with such a statement, retard? It's almost like it's attempting to claim those are an objective assessment of quality. It even includes shit like measurements and metrics in the definition to grant legitimacy to what is ultimately a subjective determination of taste. If they wanted to use something for the objectivity side of things, a better example would have been something like scientific phenomena or mathematics.
>>1016277's chart files "This movie won 10 awards and received critical acclaim" under "objective" because it's objective. It doesn't say your strawman "critical acclaim is an objective assessment of quality," idiot, because quality's subjective. It explicitly files "I think this movie is the best one ever made" under "subjective." Yes, most people sharing an opinion doesn't make the opinion a fact. That's not the fucking claim, you glaze-eyed monkey-fucking shit-for-brains. People make fun of you because you're the idiot spic who can't read nor handle being taught you're wrong. You misunderstood a chart made for second language speakers like you then projected your Dunning-Kruger onto everyone who reads at levels past a nine-year-old.
>>1016314 >critical acclaim is an objective assessment of quality That's exactly what the chart is insinuating when all of its examples center around judgements of value. "I said that [opinion]" is every bit as objective a statement as "critics said that [opinion]".
>This educational material for second language speakers is wrong because ummmm... because of shit it never said! If I keep attacking shit it never said, it'll hide my disastrous dumb-ass misread! Even common educational materials for second language speakers are past your reading level. Choose one of these, you'll make better progress.
>>1016286 >Shut up, ESL <Narrator: And ESL didn't shut up. ESL, with a stupidity exceeded only by his certainty, went on, and on, and on, and on.
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Klonoa thread, you say? Whatcha playan? What's the best bonus stage? and most importantly Which Wa would you hoo?

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