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someone like ultrakill? Anonymous 07/09/2024 (Tue) 13:46:51 Id: cc0877 No. 987917
is my first day here i just want to know if some pepole here like this game here the game for free if you dont know or never played: https://pixeldrain.com/u/mxeDKEVz
>pixeldrain It's gonna drain my computer, isn't it?
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no you can test it in a virtual computer if you want
I like the game, but I'm not all that fond of the newer updates limiting you, like the stale weapon system.
I like the soundtrack but haven't played the game. It is incredibly popular among trannies.
Holy shit the game actually runs at 60fps 1080p on my potato pc. How did they do it? Can you actually optimize unity this well? I used a torrent btw. I ain't clickin that shit
I'm looking through the steam reviews now and they are talking about sex and femboys and "getting hard over gabriel's voice" are there gay people in the game?
>>987954 devs are gay
>>987954 the lead artist or the lead character designer does gay porn (and /clang/) on twitter
>>987962 Gay /clang/?
I have deleted the game from my computer.
>>987921 What happened? I'm not keen on the latest updates because I stopped playing just before the chapter 4 was launched, did they change anything beyond adding new guns?
>>987969 Yeah. >>987975 Basically, instead of switching weapons giving you a freshness bonus for a time, you now have to "regenerate" your weapon by attacking with other weapons more often than that weapon or you get a style penalty that goes from x0.5 or x0.0. See the Freshness section here: https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/Style
>>987981 >Yeah.
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>>987969 Yes, and dude, holy shit - Ultrakill is FULL of gay clang. I've never seen this much for a series. Almost all its art is homosex.
Only non-porn game I know of with official buttplug support. https://github.com/PITR-DEV/ukbutt-mod
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>>987981 not a fan of that at all forcing the player to use weapons they like less to try to lessen the nerf to their actually liked ones
>>988091 I only played the demo for a bit so I could be wrong, but it felt like it was sort of just like Xonotic where you just swap to another weapon while your other one is literally reloading. You can just sit on the main gun while it manual reloads, but it's higher octane to blast with the shotgun, swap to the pistol while it's reloading, blast some headshots, then swap back. It's incredibly satisfying in xonotic and played well in the demo I tried for this.
>>988105 Ah no I see, you do get extra damage for using a new weapon, it just didn't apply to the pistol. But you still seem to be incentivized to do by bypassing reload times.
What did he do with the rapists?
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>>988022 Death to all coomers
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Just downloaded it since it always looked interesting but never felt the urge to actually go out of my way to get it. Cleared the first five levels and I gotta say it's pretty fun. The gameplay is incredibly fluid, fast paced, and the score system gives it replayability. Both weapons so far feel fucking amazing to use, but the real icing on the cake is the parry. I never seen such a satisfying parry in an fps game. This game feels like an fps version of pizza tower. This is a quick review so take it with a grain of salt. Too bad the devs are literal faggots.
>>987917 I didn't care for it personally speaking.
>friend gets it for me >Play it a few times >Learn about the dev, his faggotry & his giant Discord cabal of ass-kissing retards >The amount of faggotry "art" >It's basically just some self insert killing gods angels >Supposedly they fucked or some gay shit lmao (I'm making this one up most likely I dunno. The angels and your protag got a "history") >Dev makes tons of faggot art This is from what I gathered from other anons in past threads. Deleted the game and bought my friend a new game in response, I hate everyone. The end.
>>988187 Like with everything, fags ruin everything good.
>>988187 Discord was a mistake
>>988187 >refuses to use a product because its creator is a degenerate Hmmm, something feels a bit off. But I just can't quite put my finger on it.
>>988187 Also, the main antagonist (Gabriel) voice actor is Gianni Matragrano a pro grooming and pro tranny faggot. vid related is voice by the faggot himself (WARNING:CANCER)
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>>988287 He is right about vasectomies, plus they are fucking hilarious. Have you ever fucked a chick without telling her that you had a vasectomy, and then, when she comes to you pregnant and saying that you are the father you tell her that you won't pay her and her shitty spawn a fucking dime and that she should get an abortion if she doesn't want to pay it's way through life herself by actually working? She will threaten to take you to court and demand child support, and she will start a gofundme with all her dumb bitch friends who will throw money at her for a lawyer so that she can fight the patriarchy. You just laugh and tell her that, no matter what the courts rule she will never get a penny from you no matter what. Then when she has the shit that she thinks will be a gravy train you agree to a paternity test and ONLY THEN tell her that you had a vasectomy years before you met. Bonus lulz if you get on Maury.
>>988295 Vasectomy discussion online is retarded because it's just a bunch of disenfranchised young men that aren't having sex anyways being lectured to by nu-males who exclusively have sex with some of the most detestable women on the planet. The former party isn't capable nor interested in the kind of relationships that a vasectomy is useful for, and the later party only gets a vasectomy because they are manchildren and wouldn't in a million years want to be latched onto the only kind of women that give them attention. The "chad" narrative about vasectomies applies to a virtually non-existent number of people, the kind of men who wouldn't be on the internet talking about it to begin with. And so you can naturally assume every single person talking about vasectomies is a soy faggot, because people who aren't soy faggots will never talk about their vasectomy.
>>988287 >pro grooming I know that it's lame as shit to sell out to the Tranny crowd, but in what way is grooming related to him?
>>988295 Is that really a good reason to remove any ability to have kids, honestly?
>>988298 apparently all tranniggers are groomers these days (or so the prevailing narrative goes [not like they don't prove this to be the case repeatedly <but you could say the same for most people who crusade against lmao pedoshit that turn out to have cp>])
>>988298 My guess is that he supports "trans eggs" or "kids that are not trans yet but are curious about it" and "hatching" them. In other words, grooming. I heard a while back that there was a subreddit of school teachers that were trying to manipulate their students into trooning out. I assume that it's ten times worse on Discord.
>>988312 Aren't those usually people that are very vocal on twitter about anime being paedoshite but always get busted with actual cp?
>>988321 Pretty much, yeah
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>>988201 Nothin' is off, like anyone I've grown tired of retardation. >>988287 Wot a gay. >>988295 We get it, you're a nigger. Doesn't mean the rest of us should sufffer.
>>988321 How many people on twitter are very vocal on twitter about anime being paedoshite?
I saw this game, thought it looked interesting, then saw people talking about it being "trans-coded" and then lost interest in the game. Yes, I'll refuse a fun game because the fanbase is fags. It's easy, because after I make that decision and don't play the game, nothing has changed.
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I was looking up something completely non-sexual and unrelated to Ultrakill, and got this as a suggested search query lmao
>>988426 No idea I don't own a twitter account.
>>988598 I think it's fairly common to be turned off something potentially good because the fanbase is completely insufferable.
>>991137 If the robots were female I'd be all over the game. By which I mean I'd keep playing doom and solitaire but also look up porn of the game from time to time
>Game made by faggots >Game made for faggots Game's fun though. Just make sure to pirate it and not give any money to these kikes.
>>988091 To be honest the game is kind of about using different weapons to rank up style points. Game is good, the creator being a faggot doesn't bother me, he didn't seem overly obnoxious but maybe I don't know about something bad they did. They seemed to be keeping to themselves mostly. I can't stand Gianni though, he's an obnoxious, unbearable cunt that I wish was fucking fired from the game.
>>988392 Same dude, it's infested everything and they're so obnoxious with it
>>988392 >Nothin' is off, like anyone I've grown tired of retardation. No, something is definitely off.
>>987917 played it a while back, had fun for a while. Then realized Im not enjoying it as much Im tryharding them. Its not like Dusk or Prodeus where I had old school fun killing dozens, ultrakill is very much meant to be played as adhd points collection combo high score juggling hook. Im no longer the heavy gamer that'd grind for getting S rank or every badge. I just play to loosen up and try fun on a set way. I agree with anon here that its like pizza tower in fps form, great crack for speedrunners and grinding. Otherwise its not like Dusk or even Ghostrunner where guns and parkour are the focus respectively. These classically inspired fast-paced shooters are way different than quake/brutal doom

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