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Learn to code for hardcore gamers Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 17:53:43 Id: 03745e No. 988356
point me to a way to "learn" to code for hardcore gamers ex-retail wow glad, ex 18 hour classic wow rank14 poopsocker multiple servers, league challenger quit s5, SMT:I endgame grinder, gunz:the duel bf style top 10 players, chess 2k, i can play all these fucking games at a strong level, im not looking for a job, i'm not retarded, i'm looking to hash out my own shit for whatever the fuck i wanna do, i don't need to learn to do things well, i just need to pick things up to the point where i can just sloppily write some absolute hackjob that gets things done, idgaf about getting a job, i just wanna make my own shit and dont much care for the properness of it, i managed to do some things with LLMs/AI and get some pythonslop going but it felt like a slog especially since AI sucks ass at anything that's actually useful and debugging the garbage whats the most efficient way of just making things that "just work" with an abhorrant set of code that'd make someone cringe, i dont care about that i'll optimize/get better later, i just wanna get my feet on the ground, asking here before i ask in /g/ because i imagine theres major overlap and they're extra faggy in /g/ and would suggest i go read a book on C++ and spend 2 years doing fuckwott udemy courses just to make a calculator app >but OP there are tons of newbie courses and shit yea but they're all for midwit retard fags and made for you to understand the fundamentals on shit, i don't need fundamentals, crash course put me in a foreign car and tell me where the gaspedal is i'll figure out the rest, if you fags don't have anything i'll see if /g/ has anything, otherwise i'll just go back to some turbogarbage AI/LLM and suffer through it pic unrel
You should really study the fundamen... >i don't need fundamentals, crash course put me in a foreign car and tell me where the gaspedal is i'll figure out the rest, Alright faggot, install Unreal Engine 5, and make a game, that is where the pedal is, now go figure out the rest.
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>>988356 Well if you're such a fucking smart ass and books are below you, then start at the deep end with C++ and make your own 3D engine with Vulkan as your first project. https://vkguide.dev/ Follow this guide and comprehend everything to completion, if you can do so and then continue building on your project from there, you will have learnt everything there's to know about programming in C++ and computer graphics. After that you may start with building a game around your shitty monolithic spaghetti engine. >but this is too difficult Well you asked for it, and everything you'd learn from making your own VK engine in C++ far out shines anything you'd learn from starting at a simpler language like Python or Lua. You will be forced to learn about important data structures, proper control flow, memory management, how math is expressed in programming langs, and more excitingly how 3D games are rendered from small triangles.
>>988356 Read learn python the hard way and then read a bunch of algotithm books, only after that can you specialize into doing whatever you want to make. boot.dev has all courses visible but no interactivity without paypigging if you want a more comprehensive course.
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>>988357 >>988358 listen here fa/g/s, this is counterintuitive but i am INTENTIONALLY asking to learn to write bad code, not good code, the type of shit that guy in your project tries to push to prod and makes you wanna grab a chair and smash it over his head >>988359 skimmed the hard way, looks good, will report back in a month
>>988362 >but i am INTENTIONALLY asking to learn to write bad code Oh so you're a midwit retard fag, probably best to start with the fundamentals then
>>988362 Easy: Have sex with women and have a good social life.
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>>988356 Did an actual good thread die for this cuckchan summer spergout? If you want to skip learning shit traditionally I suggest getting into reverse engineering. Look up open source games on their repos and ogle their code and brute force associations that way. Decompile and take apart pirated games like a chink. It's going to be "faster" but you will make a lot of mistakes on the way if you want to be forged by fire. Also just steal config vars from the Engineini subretarddit if you want to come across as more accomplished than triple gAAAy devs, and learn file compression.
>>988367 I have learned a great deal of how to think about this shit in LUA making my own addons for WoW and tinkering with existing ones for years, but never felt like "real" coding fucking around manipulating information thats specifically tailored to be used like that, never felt like i was doing anything new just shit that people are too fucking lazy to do themselves, like people would coom over the gladius addon when it was so barebone also im not looking to make games, fuck that, i have no passion for that
>>988362 If you want to be a shithead just make sure to never switch jobs, and work at a medium sized company, everyone better than you will hire up while you will be the only one senior enough to lead new ones.
>>988369 >also im not looking to make games, fuck that, i have no passion for that You're on a videogame board you inane pretentious retard. What the fuck are you planning on using your shit code for then. Outside of videogames Lua is used for scripting Neovim and thats pretty much it. If you want to write shitty spaghetti code, then at the very least the shitty spaghetti code has to serve a single fucking purpose
>>988362 >but i am INTENTIONALLY asking to learn to write bad code Yeah, as I said just install Unreal Engine 5 and start making your game. When you encounter an obstacle go on Stack Overflow copy and paste the solution, don't try to comprehend anything, just treat the code like lego blocks, and without even trying you will make horrendous code, don't worry. Now if you really want to intentionally make Clean Code Foul Code, put all your code in one single file, name the variables a1, a2, a3, a4, and so on, name every function f1, f2, f3 and every class as c1, c2, c3, oh and make sure you never ever put any comments into your code, if the code you copy and pasted from stack overflow has comments, just delete them. Hard mode: Don't create functions or classes, put everything in the int main() loop. So what is your endgame plan OP?
>>988374 likely what he said, enough knowledge to be an easy hire
>>988376 OP said specifically >idgaf about getting a job He's obviously a bored NEET with too much time, who's getting anxious over still being a know-nothing shitwipe at 30.
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>>988376 >likely what he said, enough knowledge to be an easy hire If that is the case, then he should do most of these coding challenges, put them on his github and and link it on his CV. Whoever can do most of these is an instant hire in my opinion. t. Software Engineer
>>988376 no, i don't care for working with this shit ever, i have a comfy job in a mega insurance company and enough networking to stay in this circle for the rest of my life purpose is literally for anything i want to do, heres the most recent one: theres some script extender for BG3 that requires you to have the most recent version of BG3 installed, when i first downloaded bg3 i pirated because fuck buying games without giving them a try, pirated versions lag behind by a version a few days/week maybe depending on crack source i for the life of me couldn't find where in the code stated game version requirements/dependencies to remove that cocksucking requirement the oldtwitter addon gets you de-authenticated and flagged as a bot a shitton lately, i imagine its because query rate is too high, but I dont know where i would fuck around with this to make it work I need a better base of programming knowledge to get around my minor annoyances, not massive, just enough
>>988378 Waste of fucking time, make a 3D computer graphics engine instead. You'll learn more than all of these popcorn challenges combined, and you'll have something actually impressive to show off, and something that be constantly improved and utilized to create further projects like videogames, offline rendering or a custom DCC tool. t. professional graphics programmer
>>988380 Too inefficient, learn to make microchips and code your own arcade machines, using PCBs you designed and manufactured in your garage, with coin cell drm that wipes the contents so nobody can duplicate them. t. electrical engineer
>>988379 You are never, and I mean absolutely never, going to get enough of a baseline understanding of programming without falling down the rabbit hole completely. It's a myth. You don't spend enough time learning something to the point where you can use it for the majority of inconveniences and sporadic ideas you encounter, without having real purpose or motivation. If your motivation is "I want to find the digit in a script so I can change it" then you're doomed to a life of script kiddie insignificance and you will never learn anything. Better to just give up now.
>>988379 Honestly I think you are better off paying a script kiddie from India to do those things for you, rather than learning them. You want to do very specific high level stuff, where the knowledge of doing one thing does not transfer to another and everything will probably be written in a different programming language anyway, worst case scenario binary decompiled into assembly. Again, just hire a script kiddie from India or Eastern Europe.
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Started getting into gaymdev this week because I'm tired of my support tech role for retarded engineers who can't even connect a docking station properly. Thanks to all the fags giving good advice that OP's ignoring, at least I can make good use of it.
>>988386 my ego is too big for that, also fuck not being able to form my own ideas, fuck contractors/consultants , and fuck the nonbelievers, not knowing how to code in 2024 is like being a fucking serf >look you just HAVE to know every aspect i'll just reverse engineer like this >>988367 and take side doors till i see it's holding me back, then i'll have sufficient knowledge of what i lack to know where to proceed in the rabbit hole >thats being a script kiddy so what fag, good lot of you started out with cheat engine and poorly built trainers on random forums back in the day
>>988362 >but i am INTENTIONALLY asking to learn to write bad code Learn Java You're welcome
>>988390 Your ego and lack of proper punctuation are bigger problems than your lack of coding knowledge. All I can say is, just do it. You see a problem you want to fix with coding, then smash your head against a wall trying to reverse engineer and barely understand stuff, eventually you will solve it. <but I don't know where to look Then google it, if that fails take the code line by line until you find where it happens or reverse engineer everything.
So where can i start learning kindergarten level c++ ?
>>988396 If you want kindergarten programming then you learn with Scratch or Python if you want an actual programming language. If it's C++, then easy, you write C code in C++ learn if statements, while and for loops, then how to determine if a number odd or even, if it's prime or not, if it's equal to it's reverse(ex 1221), and if it's a perfect number(equal to the sum of it's divisors minus itself so 6 because 6==1+2+3), though I guess that requires second grade math so it's a bit too advanced for "kindergarten" level, as such stick with Scratch.
>>988398 Long story short: dropped out of high school to work, now after 15 years i'm able to have some leisure time and i was thinking in educating myself with something i think will come in handy nowadays and in the future. I'm not trying to make a career out of it or anything. Just interested in the subject. Do you think after i can proficient in scratch and python i can safely move on to C++ or should i start learning math as well?
>>988406 scratch will just teach you "logic", i'd skip that shit unless you want to bore yourself, you dont need math...depending on what you want to do
>>988407 Gotcha. So just stick to python move to c++ once i'm comfortable enough with it. Thanks, anon.
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>>988406 I initially thought you meant actual kindergarten level, if you are an adult you can safely skip to Python or even C++. There are fields that require a lot of math knowledge such as Graphics or Wave Interpretation(Fourier and all that), but for the most part second grade math is what you need, with the addition of knowing floating point numbers. As for starting points, last month I started doing the 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for shits and giggles, and I do think it's a good course in that each day you make some popcorn application such as a password manager, Snake and bootleg Anki. Every course takes between 1 and 2 hours so it's not a huge time investment. Most of the stuff I have already done previously in College, but I do like the way the course is structured and presented, so if I were to ever teach Python I would steal copy most of that stuff. You will have to find yourself where to pirate the course. Of course there are also plenty of free video courses on Jewtube, then there is this pic. >>988409 >So just stick to python move to c++ once i'm comfortable enough with it. It's not that one language is superior to the other. There are plenty of applications written in python, and plenty of senior developers who work with Python at a professional level, it is by no means a kid's programming language like Scratch. Now if you want to work closer to hardware or write a game engine you are better off working with C++, but Python is good enough to make a 2D game or other simple applications. t. C++ Developer
>>988411 >for the most part second grade math is what you need If you get into games you're going to need geometry at a minimum. I regularly dip into calculus as well, but I do realtime GI.
>>988414 I did say Graphics require higher level math.
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>>988411 >first substep of step 1 >SICP
OP has an ego too big for his own smarts, because if he actually had the smarts he would have realized (trivially) that he should just straight up open a random engine and just start flinging shit and googling if that's what he wants to do. Undertale was done like that, Balatro, etc, and these devs do not seem particularly sharp. Smarter people than him just got the right software and started writing shit without trying to act like a smartass.
>>988421 there are pathways and optimizations even the most clever people dont realize when under guided mentorship, i come to 8chan, the last bastion of *chan culture to seek wisdom on the opening steps and have found some
>>988411 That Computer Science step is not a beginner approach after the game programming. All of those books are for those who have a good foundation. To even approach the algorithm books you need to have taken a discrete mathematics course along with some calculus and the computer systems and architecture book come after some digital design and C programming course. I know OP is being an arrogant teenager but this is going overboard.
>>988379 >i have a comfy job in a mega insurance company and enough networking to stay in this circle for the rest of my life Implying that this whole thread and post isn't bait, this absolute schizo and autists are the ones who are making (and helped Made) the World an absolute shit If My manager at the company was an absolute freak who was Challenger in league, and also a mega autist in wow, i would kms asap
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>>988419 >>988485 >All of those books are for those who have a good foundation SICP is an entry level textbook.
>>988513 SICP is for MIT students who were probably already programming before they entered university. But I do agree with the fact that it's probably the most accessible book on there/
>>988358 >Well if you're such a fucking smart ass >>988365 >Oh so you're a midwit retard fag >>988372 >you inane pretentious retard >>988377 >he's getting anxious over still being a know-nothing shitwipe at 30 >>988382 >you're doomed to a life of script kiddie insignificance and you will never learn anything >>988394 >Your ego and lack of proper punctuation are bigger problems >>988421 >OP has an ego too big for his own smarts, because if he actually had the smarts he would have realized (trivially) that he should just straight up open a random engine and just start flinging shit >>988485 >I know OP is being an arrogant teenager but this is going overboard. >>988499 >Implying that this whole thread and post isn't bait, this absolute schizo If he's actually Challenger in League, 2K in chess, and his other grand assertions, he's about 150 IQ, smarter than anyone on /v/ by miles. He gave zero proof, so rubs me as an midwitted and insecure ego accustomed to masking mediocrity with bullshit. Someone not even half as smart wouldn't need counsel from NEET "inferiors" and he'd foresee his reception.
>>988378 >>988380 >>988381 ur gay t. John Carmack
I'm not in OP's situation, but I'd like to be a translator. I've already manually extracted and translated ~50% of the text of a game I'd like to reverse-engineer and insert English text into. Haven't dived into the technical side of it at all. If I learn the target game's programming language (68K assembly), how much C++ should I have under my belt? How much computer architecture would I need to know from there, or how far would I have to get into something like SICP? Would knowing modern assembly assist in learning assembly for older game consoles, or would it be useful for something else during the translation process? What are some good sources for learning the programming languages of older consoles? What else should I know?
>>988846 I think you are better off asking other translator groups, especially those that already did a translation for a similar game, since they will probably know the solutions to most problems you will encounter. Not everyone is on Discord, I am sure some still respond to email. Good luck to you translator-kun, what game are you working on by the way?
>>988879 >I think you are better off asking other translator groups I'll keep that in mind. I forgot to include that I am also interested in doing PC ports of older titles similar to Sonic 3 A.I.R. and Super Mario 64 Plus. >what game are you working on by the way? Mainly Popful Mail for Sega CD, but I've also been working on the PC-98 and SFC versions in between. I'd eventually like to translate all four versions of the game, the audio dramas, and the manga.
>>988356 if you just want to make a game the RPGMaker guys are apparently making what amounts to a visual scripting engine built using godot. you can use that as a way to dip your toe in before diving headfirst into code. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvVJ2ouS3o8 There's also a good amount of tools that will give you guardrails to start coding that will let you learn as you go, like Stencyl. If you want to learn real coding, suck it up and make the faggy calculator app. then make some small projects. the thing that'll make it hardcore is how much time you put into it.
>>988768 retarded to think you have to be a genius to be good at games, especially games that just ask for you to sink a ton of time into, anyone can reach 2k without talent in chess as long as you're not retarded you'll never go above 2200 FIDE without talent though, the best players i've ever played alongside in all games were all NEETs and didn't have a wife/family so just did one thing over and over all day, you don't have to be a genius to be good at stuff, people who have done stuff before you have an experience edge and learned experience from time is wisdom, fuck yourself nigger >>988985 I've started with >>988359 this guy's book suggestion, it's good, setting up development enviroment on windows is aids so i've just booted up virtualbox and did it through linux, i should burn through the book by end of month and be less retarded in this, also sage
>>988406 >>988411 I've been searching for a couple courses on python and decided for this one https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XKHEtdqhLK8 >>988513 Is this a good book for a novice?
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>>990238 >I've been searching for a couple courses on python and decided for this one Great job anon, hope you enjoy programming. >Is this a good book for a novice? Looking at the content of the book(pics related), I would say no. https://web.mit.edu/6.001/6.037/sicp.pdf I know I am the one who posted the picture with all the books, but honestly if you just want to make some small applications, like a Python program that sends you an SMS whenever it's about to rain in that day, or a Tetris game, you don't need to know Computer Science. If you want to make a 3D engine from scratch or a C compiler, then yes, you would need to know some Computer Science. At this point you are better off being a codemonkey that can make simple programs, even if they are inefficient and cobbled together from StackOverflow, than to spend weeks or months reading theory and not code much of anything.
>>990246 >At this point you are better off being a codemonkey that can make simple programs I've been wondering what's my goal with this as well. I decided to just stick with that python tutorial. I'll just repeat the exercises one time after the other until i can memorize this shit and get comfortable with it.
>>990255 It:s much better to understand how a program works than to memorize instructions or how to write an if statement. You will naturally learn how to write a for loop, just by making all sorts of programs. >I've been wondering what's my goal with this as well. Well if you just want to make some simple programs in Python, here are some good ideas as a starting point. After that you can learn how to make programs with a GUI using TkInter or PySide2/PyQt5 if you want something more advanced. https://www.veritasai.com/veritasaiblog/20-python-projects-for-beginners-in-high-school Being able to do even half of these simple applications, is more useful than redoing some exercises over and over so that you can memorize shit. Also, don't worry, take your time, hopefully nobody is rushing you and have fun. If you want to make a habit out of it, then it's better to do 10 minutes a day of coding/learning, than 70 minutes of learning.coding one day per week. Start out with how much you are comfortable with and keep at it.
>>990276 >https://www.veritasai.com/veritasaiblog/20-python-projects-for-beginners-in-high-school That's fucking neat, anon. This is exactly what i was looking for and didn't know. >it's better to do 10 minutes a day of coding/learning, than 70 minutes of learning I'll take my time and won't force myself. I'll take this as learning another language or guitar. Eventually it will click and i'm going to be able to play with it. Thanks for all the help.
No matter how good you get you have to come to terms with the fact that you only have one body and there are limits to how much you can do on your own.
>>990335 That's poppycock. I'm going to become the next codemaster, believe it!
you're like me. well, except you're competent in games or whatever. Here's real best way if it hasn't already been said. Get into some actual code from some games or whatever, and start ripping that shit apart. Fucking change shit up, start reverse engineering, fuck all those fundamentals and shit, other fuckers did the fundamentals for you already. then learn from your mistakes years later and regret not learning fundies as you're a decade too late
Now that I think of it, isn't there some kind of faggy new age "Gamified" course for learning coding? Get points for correctly making this for loop, or making this ship fire at the correct interval!
>>990386 Wouldn't that be any coding website that offered challenges and gamified them with XP/level system, or leaderboards, or even completionism? I'd have to check which sites offer that and whether they're effective but searching "gamified programming" turns up a few lists >CodeGym.cc >Screeps >CheckiO >VIM adventures >Cyber-Dojo >Ruby warrior
>>990386 Yes, there's even things like that forever. But gamification is gay, you will forever remain a "dabbler" and the only thing you'll be able to do is make a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter in C#. If you study like a normal person, by the time you leave the realm of beginner, you will have surpassed those kinds of websites and services. This goes for all "gamification" rackets, like language. If Duolingo actually got you good at Spanish or Nipponese, then nobody would want to use it after they got good. They are okay for seeing if you're interested in the subject, though.
>>990238 >Is this a good book for a novice? Depends on your math inclinations, but probably not. It's more about being a good programmer than building things which is what you should aim to do at the start. That's why the MIT-niggers retired it.
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The only way to properly learn pogramming is by doing a shit ton of programming. No amount of books or JewTube videos or spoonfeeding will make you a good programmer. The bitter truth is if you cant get into programming on your own, you were never meant to be a programmer.
Is this the same deranged retard who kept making nonsensical rambling threads on /loomis/ and /co/ asking for "successful numbers" and shit, or is there just a surplus of legitimate retards who've been posting lately? Myself included obviously.
>>988362 >but i am INTENTIONALLY asking to learn to write bad code, not good code Get a chat GPT subscription, tell it what you want the code to do and then paste in the code. Its been working well for me, though, I'm using it to reverse engineer and port code from one language I don't know to another language that I don't know. You will need some basic understanding of how coding works. Maybe try scratch. Its a very good visual system for children and is wonderful for people who know nothing about coding.
>>990978 That explains why I wake up completely Blacked every time I try to learn how to code
>>990980 A surplus of legitimate retards took over this site since the third world boards
I can code and live nowhere important. How to job?
>>992623 Remotely
>>992624 But how? I have no education and literally live in my parents' basement.
>>992633 Go to some coding company and work for free to prove you're worth :^) Or code for me, I'm a poor ideasfag artist who needs programmers to make his dream game!!!
>>992633 Do you have a portfolio? I suppose you can put what you code on github or something to prove to employers that you can code
>>992642 Shalom
>>990386 OP here this was clearly clever sales slop, i avoid this entirely, i can smell salesfaggotry a mile away, i was just looking for optimal start the truly best thing i could've done was pay someone experienced to personally tutor me, but i couldn't stand just meeting up once a week, and i don't have the pocket to stomache paying someone who knows their shit what their time is worth to actually teach me, i might cave if i hit some roadblock >>988359 once again, this book is great >>990319 keeping tabs on this shit for when im done with book to see how retarded i still am
>>990980 >on /loomis/ and /co/ He was fucking everywhere, if we're thinking of the same guy. He was on /animu/, he was on multiple boards on smug, and I think he was on anon.cafe while it still existed.
>>988768 >2K in chess 2000 rating in online chess is not equivalent in rarity to an IQ of 150

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