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Game of the Month #11 (August Edition): YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin (PC) Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 09:30:07 Id: 4941fc No. 996324
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin (PC) >Where do I get this? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727000/YuuYuu_Jiteki_no_Yuukarin/ Or else, one of the following links https://pixeldrain.com/u/q6UCdEje - Steam files https://moriyashrine.org/files/file/936-yuuyuu-jiteki-no-yuukarin/ Alternate download site https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uIct-JcbURHTkf8WXHtT4A pass: 9999 >How does it play? Cute Touhou doujin platformer. Heavily requested by one particular anon. >Troubleshooting -If the game throws an error where "○○ .dll" does not exist, try installing either "32bit VC ++ Runtime" or the trial version of "Pixel Game Maker MV". -To get the game to play in baka gaijin English, press the "F1" key to display the menu bar at the top, select「ゲーム画面」from「設定」, then from the「言語」list, select English, finally select OK and then refresh the game with "F5". GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: https://poal.me/bvfx9d If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: https://rentry.co/p58zse2f OP Copypasta: https://rentry.co/akaqy3oq
Edited last time by Zoom on 08/02/2024 (Fri) 20:43:19.
I am convinced this won through somebody samefagging the poll, this game looks terrible and there were some great choices on the list last time.
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And that's almost a full year's worth of Games of the Month, everybody! How are you liking thing so far? Once again, I'm apologizing profusely for having such a hard time making the threads and looking for games each month, my schedule is absolutely packed. I have some remarks about the choice of future games as well and wanted to put this to a vote. Rather than using external sites though, please answer by replying to this post: 1) The tool I have been using so far to determine new games has been a "democratic" vote over at Poal. As the above anon mentioned, this can be jerrymandered and fixed in any way specifically autistic anons want, but as long as the game is bearable and playable, it should not be a big issue. Anyhow, which approach do you think we should take when choosing new games? A) Poal is fine. B) Another poll-making site. C) Game gets decided by the administration. D) We propose games and vote directly on 8ch. 2) I have not really taken into account any sort of theme for the GotM. This is because I don't want some months to have a "forced" choice (i.e. there's only so many okay-to-good Christmas themed games, and most anons have already heard of them anyhow). It also allows us to look for hidden gems here and there that are not usually discussed on the internet. What are your opinions on themes? A) I like themeless GotM. B) I'd like a themed GotM, at least for specific holidays/months. C) I'd like a themed GotM based on current events (i.e. Elections, Wars, Sports...). D) I'd like a themed GotM based off a voting system (i.e. anons vote for "SKELETONS MONTH" so the GotM choices must be about games based on Skeletons in some way). 3) The emulation scene has been bustling with activity, apparently there's both a PS4 emulator in a working state as well as improvements to XBOX emus. Additionally, limiting the games to stuff that can be run on a toaster or a previous gen hardware might also remove a ton of potential candidates from the pool. Which games would you like to see added to the GotM rules (aside from the rule of up to the Wii/PS2 era)? A) GotM choices are fine as they are right now. B) Games running on PS4 C) Modern PC games (up to the current year) D) Flash games and web games E) Multiplayer games running on currently available servers F) Modern indie games Feel free to answer to any of the questions and use either one of the answers or rank them by preference. You can even write your own.
>>996334 >We propose games and vote directly on 8ch >I like themeless GotM. >Multiplayer games running on currently available servers Here are my votes
>>996334 I'm gonna be using ranked voting for these :^) >Anyhow, which approach do you think we should take when choosing new games? 1 - A 2 - D 3 - B >GotM themes 1 - B 2 - A 3 - D >Additional rules 1 - D 2 - F 3 - C
>>996330 I mean I was the one who added it for a few months but on the last poll it was already here with a couple votes when I got around to it. >>996334 >1) Poal seems fine, another poll making site isn't gonna be any better than it, at least i don't have any reason ot think so. Game chosen by administration doesn't seem like a good idea considering most thread seem to have favored an anon's choice? Proposing the games within the thread might just clutter things up / artificially inflate post count more than anything. >2) I don't mind a themed game on top of the regular choice, but otherwise if it's just 1 single game there's no need to force it, it will happen naturally if people want it through voting for a game. >3) Adding more modern stuff would add to the pool of choice but it would decrease the pool of potential players, PS4 is fine and all but emulation is neither guaranteed nor achievable for most PC users and people with an actual PS4 probably are a minority, similar issues apply to PS3 / X360 / WiiU / 3DS / Switch. I don't see any real reason flash games can't happen within the current system same with current indie games (I mean the current game is from 2021). MP stuff is the realms of gamenights more than GotM imo, they fit better as spread activity throughout a month is gonna go over a lot worse than a specific date and time
>>996334 A) Poal is fine. On somebody samefagging YuuYuu, Poal alternatives are also riggable. In practice on Poal some games win fair, recently Baten Kaitos which actually lost June by a bit to Mr. Domino before winning July. In a democracy of interest, voters discuss games more (even if they already beat them), while staff picks can kill threads. A) I like themeless GotM. In your words, "there's only so many okay-to-good Christmas themed games, and most anons have already heard of them anyhow." The themeless GotM lists are already short. A) GotM choices are fine as they are right now. Your rules from "Guidelines for Future GotMs" make sense.
Well this is interesting, a GotM that I've actually played already. Never thought I'd see YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin get its own thread. "Cute Touhou doujin platformer" is a decent way to sum it up. I haven't finished the game, mind you, so if it suddenly takes a turn at the end I wouldn't know. But I doubt it does. The movement is somewhat satisfying. Walking speed isn't unbearably slow nor is it too fast to control. You even have a dash attack that can also function as a movement tool. You also have a couple different attacks, so that adds a little bit of variety. But most of the time, you will be jumping and floating using Yuuka's umbrella. Character designs, at least the ones I got to see, are very nice. If you are a Touhou fan, you can easily recognize who is on the screen, but they look different enough from ZUN's official art to be something unique. The main selling point of the game, and where its issues lie, is in its difficulty. The platforming tends to be very precise and at many times simply dashing in the wrong direction will send you down into a pit and kill you. Enemies can also deal a ton of damage just from touching you. This will happen often because you have a very large hitbox that sometimes feels too large. On top of this, enemies tend to swarm you from all sides, requiring you to be perfect with your attacks or risk losing a lot of your health. This type of game design might even frustrate fans of unforgiving platformers who usually don't mind attempting a level multiple times. It's certainly the thing that kept me from playing the rest of the game. I felt like my time was best spent somewhere else, and if I wanted to play a difficult platformer, I'd choose to play one with better designed levels and game balance.
Is it bad that this is the first game of the month thread I've noticed despite checking this board almost daily for years?
>>996421 Nah, the 2hu characters are eyecatching.
Wasn't the previous game of the month supposed to go up to the 17th?
>>996421 It's fine, hope you'll enjoy this one >>996427 I am truly sorry if we missed it by a day or two
>>996324 >unknown.spam The fuck is this shit? Anything I can't emulate is a write off since I'm not running cracked software. But the previous month link is dead, or more specifically it looks like it was caught in a spam filter?
>>996421 Yes, it means you're a brainrotted weeb :^) From reading reviews, once you filter out the shitposts which make up a majority of reviews, many of them say the game is boring and not well designed. A few singled out the level design as especially unpleasant.
looks like shit
>>996334 >Which games would you like to see added to the GotM rules (aside from the rule of up to the Wii/PS2 era)? I'd like to see games subtracted from the GotM rules by >>996470. >Anything I can't emulate is a write off since I'm not running cracked software. It's a safety concern, I won't run it either. I'm not accusing you, Zoom, but you could aid a skid by mistake who could virus a rare game, publish the crack, fix the poal, then spy on GotMers who get it.
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>>996330 >>996470 >>996480 >>996510 >>996542 Art's ok but I'm not paying and don't trust cracks. I'll sit it out until later games. If last month's 2nd wins 1st (>>996356), then like BK in July, stats project Tomato Adventure in Sep. with 3/2 the votes of 3rd in Aug., a "Great" rating on GameFAQs, and perfect emulation with no glitches to the end on budget rigs. If it GOTMs I'll come by then.
"A skid could virus a rare game, publish the crack, fix the poal, then spy on GotMers who get it" is a reasonable threat, not "paranoia," and >>996470 raised a reasonable concern. >need someone to put a virus in an obscure game 20 second job in a few clicks by anyone with a program joiner. >need that person to be someone that cares what happens around here Most regulars do. We do when we try to change security practices for the worse and better. >need the OP to actually pick out that source instead of another Not needed. Skid picks obscure game where his crack's the only or first one. >need people in the thread not to source shit themselves Not needed. Skid picks obscure game where his crack's the only or first one. >And I'm fairly sure there's easier ways to do the same thing that don't rely on that Few that infect an equal number of us. >I can always tell you that one could virus a DRM free or freeware games as well. Impertinent. >hijacked a real link What? >Or even craft a rom you can exploit (if you think the only exploitable emulators are the old ones everyone talks about you've got another thing coming). The only emulators 8chan can exploit are those old ones and I have nothing coming. Were I wrong (I'm not), zero-days can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find. Intrusion cost, in money or time, is security. They're secure. If not because you're infecting (you linked files), you're a skid's dream audience for exploitation as your overconfidence without security knowledge puts you at risk then makes you mislead others into risk.
Cracks are dangerous. Your word salad of tech jargon you don't understand sounds at times like Markov chain text generation. You're overconfident without security knowledge and can mislead dumb people to infect themselves. Your relentless resolve to discredit facts also grows suspicious when you linked game files. >Need a payload, granted can't be too hard to find a RAT or something Not hard at all. Tried, searched, 14 seconds to find and start a download. Skids already have RATs. >spinning up a few VMs wtih proxys. Assuming everyone VMs. Most don't. Games break in many VMs. Proxies in a VM are useless after malware executes and stacking proxies is a useless threat response. A gaming VM should be offline, not using proxies. You don't need "a few VMs" to run a game. >Most obscure game are gonna be DRM free DRM's impertinent to the threat. >Also it's fairly easy to spot a file that didn't exist until a few months back Not always. Crack site's literally Chinese with no clear upload timestamp. >What are malformed image / videos Not a threat from 8chan, browsers patched those. >Impertinent doesn't mean what you seem to think it means Sure does. A game's DRM status is impertinent to a skid joining a virus to it. >That applies to any executable, not just cracked ones. Obviously. I called this a crack because it's a crack. >Make it link his files instead of the original A crack of an obscure game on a Chinese site is dodgy, original or not. >You seem to cherry pick what to be wary about when all are equally valid threats (as in plausible but not actually probable) Do it then. Picking isn't cherry picking. My threat's realistic, yours is not. It's not plausible or probable to "craft a rom you can exploit" in the current version of a popular emulator. Zero-days can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find and intrusion cost, in money or time, is security. >There are easier ways to achieve what you're afraid of Maybe. They're not being done, GotM is. It's one of the easiest, a long sticky with a crack download encouraged to participate. >the actual kinds of threats you're gonna encounter out there are more along the line Out there, not in here.
>>996737 >can mislead dumb people to infect themselves Anon dumb people deserve infection. It's cyber-Darwinism and the fittest survive. Who cares if the retard convinces a stupid nigger to download possible malware? Total brown infection. Put malware on brown PCs. Infect all browns with computer AIDS.
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Since we're doing 2hus and obscure games, I'd like to nominate Tempest of the Heavens and Earth: https://store.steampowered.com/app/994020/Tempest_of_the_Heavens_and_Earth/ It's basically a cuhrayzee 2D hack & slash with some pretty unorthodox and interesting mechanics.
Is picrel a 2hu? She a cute.
Fuck happened to the poll? Remade? I see less than half the total votes than yesterday.
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>>996744 Yes, of course. Wait, you haven't started collecting Mokous? You'll never catch up to the veterans who have been collecting for years.
>>996753 >Can't talk about Devil of Decline but Genius of Sappheiros is a 100-150+ hr long JRPG, actually hard and really autistic in how much optimization you can do, I wouldn't mind personally but might be too much for those threads Devil of Decline is a sequel so yeah...
It's a random executable a paywall bypasser posted to a dodgy Chinese site. To suspend trust is reasonable concern and absolutely not "paranoia." You're overconfident without security knowledge and can mislead dumb people to infect themselves. You argue hours long to control thinking after linking game files that could infect people, as a controlling person would want to do. >English's not your strong point eh? Mine's fine. It's not yours when you Markov chain tech jargon you don't understand. You use "DRM-free" or "freeware" to mean "virus-free," think 8chan's being infected by images, randomly talk link hijacking (impertinent to the threat), and think it's plausible to "craft a rom you can exploit" in current versions of popular emulators. You bring up crypto miners when a controlling person like you infects 8chan for control, not to crypto mine. Strangers make better mining targets as you infect more of them. You don't know what "cherry pick" means. Word salad. >Either you accept the risk You don't just accept the risk. You post game files then downplay the risk to others in arguments for hours. >I can prove those files I uploaded to pixeldrain are untouched steam files if you really want. Not trivial so your "proof" wouldn't be proof and would mislead people. >It is only relevant to the "fix the poal" point*. "A few VMs" is impertinent there too. >Not everyone runs up to date or common browser Browsers update automatically. >pic re No context pic. File and system metadata is trivial to modify, not a security guarantee. Using it to reassure misleads into a false sense of security. >Impertinent still doesn't mean what you think it means, the word you're looking for is likely "irrelevant", and you're literally making the same point I did but phrasing it like I'm wrong. A game's DRM status is impertinent to a skid joining a virus to it. This is correct use of "impertinent." The point you made was I used "impertinent" wrong. I used it right. I proved it. That wasn't the same point you made. Your recommendation of "irrelevant" disproves your understanding as "irrelevant" is literally a definition of impertinent: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/impertinent "not pertinent : irrelevant" If it's "not pertinent," what's pertinent? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pertinent "having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand" Understand now? You're as overconfident in your bad English as your bad security knowledge. >if the GotM was any sort of PC game including some freeware it could have that issue Impertinent. It's not freeware, it's paywalled. Freeware's also less risky if from the developer, not a dodgy Chinese site. >infect people in the single, maybe double digit range to rig a poll You don't follow at all. A skid may rig the poll to get a crack advertised that infects people, not infect people to rig the poll which makes no sense. >not a any more realistic of a threat that using a crafted rom to infect people. I said do it. You didn't. Why? You can't. Using a crafted rom to infect people on current versions of popular emulators is not realistic at all. Zero-days can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find and intrusion cost, in money or time, is security. >Out there as in on the internet in general, imageboards are part of it and aren't some kind of special threat landscape They are a special threat landscape. You argue hours long to control 8chan users' thinking about this. The threat from a person like this is they get control over 8chan users. RATs do. Your crypto miner example doesn't and strangers make better mining targets as you infect more of them.
>>996772 >Browsers update automatically. Why are you allowing browsers to update automaticlaly
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>>996772 Why not just run a sandbox with malwarebytes to look for rats? Who's to say any dev on Steam can't just put a rat in their own game when MMOs do it all the time?
>>996776 Dunno about him but I never turned off browser updates because I'm not a retard with an abuse kink who likes getting fucked in a Swiss cheese of random security holes
>>996780 So you like getting fucked by the corpos instead, i see
>>996782 >Not using a browser that doesn't fuck you NGMI
>>996786 >I know there are risk in running random executable from the internet, but you're trying to make it seems like this thread is some high risk prime target for it which it isn't and you've not proven otherwise. It's almost never a "high" risk to pirate anything. But anyone who isn't a retard simply isn't going to run random binaries linked from a third-party source on principle. I don't really care whether or not the OP is about a cracked game or not though, I was just pointing out the reason why I wanted to see the old games of the month. >So your threat model is even more retarded than I thought, what would even be the point of doing that? His scenario is retarded as fuck, but it doesn't really change how someone with even the most basic security knowledge is going to handle the issue of cracked software. It's not worth the time and effort to do the calculus on the percentage change that software someone linked you on an esoteric basketweaving forum might be tampered with based on all the information. >I find it funny that you're trying to make it seem like other anons are complete tards Most anons are complete fucking retards, doubly so when it comes to computer security.
>>996801 >Run it on a isolated machine that doesn't run anything important and gets wiped every so often. Uh yeah, I know how to handle potentially risky software in the event I want to run it. I'm just not going to put that effort in for something as mundane as this thread. The point being made is that if you want people to play games and talk about them you're going to increase engagement by not filtering out people like me that aren't going to waste their time running your random game in a sandbox. But it's like I said, there's a good chance 99% of anons here won't be bothered by running cracked software so don't stop on my account. >but if you compare to the average computing device user not sure it's actually that bad The average computing device user uses the same 3 centralized websites on a typical windows install running windows defender. Anons are actually worse than the average user because of the dunning kruger effect where they have just enough knowledge to be more confident than they should be and incentives to do things with their computer that no typical person is ever going to do.
>>996777 Any dev on Steam can put a RAT in their own game and MMOs do do it all the time, you're correct. I'd rather catch a RAT from a dev on Steam with 100,000 installs than from 8chan, so limited dev attention divides over 100,000 people and not 5.
>posting walls of texts about how we should baby others anons. Lying. I said you posted suspicious game files 17 posts in, then, without security knowledge, made dodgy arguments of word salad for 5 hours of relentless resolve to convince 8chan to run suspicious game files, dismissing reasonable concern as "paranoia." You start an argument, say something wrong, I say "It's wrong, here's why." Repeat for 5 hours. If that babies anyone, it's you. >I know there are risk in running random executable from the internet, but you're trying to make it seems like this thread is some high risk prime target for it which it isn't It is high risk. A long sticky (Game of the Month), with an executable download from a dodgy Chinese site encouraged to participate, where a voter could rig the poll so an executable they virus wins GotM. What's higher risk or more prime to infect here? You're relentless with narratives. 5 hours in 1 day! The control you want over 8chan is beat in 5 minutes by a virus and blackmail. You linked suspicious game files. You defended suspicious game files for 5 hours. >I didn't You did. I said "skid picks obscure game where his crack's the only or first one." You said "most obscure game are gonna be DRM free." >it does mean it doesn't need to be cracked which was my point. Impertinent to the threat of a skid joining a virus to an executable. >don't remember those images that crashed browsers Impertinent, crashes aren't infection. >You seem to know a lot more about crafting malware than I do, does that mean you're trying to infect people Not when I argue against downloading dodgy files and you for it. >You deciding some very specific thing can happen when some other very specific similar thing cannot is in fact cherry picking Not can't, won't. The similarity isn't in risk. Joining a virus to an executable is easy, skids can in minutes, so executables are risky. "Crafting a rom you can exploit" in the current version of a popular emulator finds a zero-day. Not easy. It can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find and intrusion cost, in money or time, is security. "P's a realistic risk, Q is not, see proof R" isn't a cherry pick. It's a pick, for a reason. You don't know what "cherry pick" means. >No it is not Yes, "a few VMs" is impertinent there. You don't need "a few VMs" to rig a poll. Word salad with tech jargon used where it doesn't belong. >If you let them Browsers update by default, no action needed from the user. >what shows when you actually look at the first link in the thread The first link's Steam. Second link I see Chinese gibberish except "wzy****929" and "©2024 Baidu." >Thanks for taking the time to proving me right on your own time. I didn't say what you quoted. I can forgive your bad English with endless mistakes (here too, "to proving"), but you think me using another definition makes usage wrong? Beyond dumb. Is "you're gay" to a homo wrong usage? Only means happy? You didn't know "impertinent" had another definition. Always overconfident, you concluded a native speaker's wrong, instead of "I missed something, being ESL." >So it is true that low IQ people can't into hypotheticals. The hypothetical's impertinent. If I argue a file's risky and you respond "what if meatballs were made of cheese" your response is low IQ. Associating "hypothetical" to "IQ" but not why is low IQ, like a dog trained to bark at a bell. Don't lean on IQ as an ESL who understands little, you max out in the 80s. >So your threat model is even more retarded than I thought, what would even be the point of doing that? Of advertising something to infect people? The point's to infect people. I wrote it right there. You call me retarded when you can't read. >You didn't do anything either, does that mean you're wrong? "Do it" meant find a zero-day in the current version of a popular emulator if it's plausible. My position's it's too hard. It can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find and intrusion cost, in money or time, is security. "It's too hard" isn't hurt if I don't do it. Yours is if you don't. >Takes two to tango mr projectionist. You posted suspicious game files 17 posts in, then, without security knowledge, made dodgy arguments of word salad for 5 hours of relentless resolve to convince 8chan to run suspicious game files, dismissing reasonable concern as "paranoia." I opposed. Our hours may be, but we are not the same.
>>996808 If you think having a dedicated sandbox machine isn't considered effort then you're an idiot. The effort is also magnified by the fact everyone here is a 25+ year old adult man deciding to play some potentially shit game they otherwise had no interest in playing before this thread shows up. Any barrier to entry to playing the game has a chance of drastically lowering engagement.
>>996824 >Any dev on Steam can put a RAT in their own game and MMOs do do it all the time, you're correct. I'd rather catch a RAT from a dev on Steam with 100,000 installs than from 8chan, so limited dev attention divides over 100,000 people and not 5. You are thinking there is a single person managing the said RAT, its also assuming the MMO in question will have 100,000 installs what for smaller MMOs ?
>>996830 What i'm trying to say is don't try to bring numbers into this you don't know shit that is going in the back, those 100,000 users you think will "cover" for you might be all being handled by a group of indian group specialized with this kind of stuff and you are thinking you have less of a risk.
>>996830 A steam game that has malware has a very high likelihood of that information being exposed at some point, and when that happens there is a high likelihood it will reach relevant news channels. A random cracked game having malware has essentially zero accountability. Unless you're actively checking the comments surrounding the crack for an extended period of time there is basically no reliable way to learn that you've been compromised unless the malware exposes itself in some way. There is also an incentive for legitimate software made by actual developers not to infect you. Some shitty MMO will get a lot more value out of microtransactions than it ever would from scooping up a bunch of cookies and logging into some Gmail accounts briefly.
>>996836 >It isn't Okay, you're wrong.
>>996840 More likely that you've tricked yourself into thinking you have passable reading comprehension.
>>996835 > There is also an incentive for legitimate software made by actual developers not to infect you. Some shitty MMO will get a lot more value out of microtransactions than it ever would from scooping up a bunch of cookies and logging into some Gmail accounts briefly. There is actually incentive to infect you, because anti-cheats that are massively invasive are allowed, there is no reason why a legit game software would feel that there is harm in having ways to track your information and make side money with it.
>>996849 >There is actually incentive to infect you, because anti-cheats that are massively invasive are allowed, there is no reason why a legit game software would feel that there is harm in having ways to track your information and make side money with it. Games with invasive anti-cheats are known, these aren't things that have ever been quietly swept under the rug. You can look at any game that has it and find a steam review mentioning it. There is no incentive for a developer to risk the reputation of their game pushing some hyper invasive code into it just for the sake of it. You do not make significant money off of the data that you would harvest from doing so, if you think otherwise you simply don't understand how data brokerage works. All the risk in this equation is relative to the risk involved in cracked software. The risk for someone producing a malicious cracked piece of software is virtually nothing. They can just put it out without a second thought and hope it catches some whales. The chances, and risks, of someone being able to put a malicious rootkit into their game while having that information never be exposed, are astronomical. In almost every scenario rootkits in games are public knowledge and you can simply not install the games.
temp unsticky for the THQNordic event.
>>996862 >But it has already happened to some degree Cool, and then people hear about it and you can avoid using the software. So it's unlikely to occur, and when it does occur because it isn't impossible that it can happen, you can take the appropriate steps to handle it. There is no such accountability for cracked software. If you are compromised you'll simply be silently compromised unless the malware is shit or they decide to start executing on using your accounts.
wtf is this autistic dumpster fire of a thread
>>996830 "So it is true that low IQ people can't into hypotheticals." The number's just an example. 50,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000. Doesn't matter. My point? I'd rather catch a RAT from a dev on Steam than from 8chan when the Steam dev's attention divides over more people.
>Yet you complain about the ones in the OP, funny how that works On OP I said "I'm not accusing you, Zoom, but you could aid a skid by mistake who could virus a rare game, publish the crack, fix the poal, then spy on GotMers who get it." Unlike Zoom, you personally seem dodgy when you posted suspicious game files 17 posts in, then, without security knowledge, made dodgy arguments of word salad for 8 hours of relentless resolve to convince 8chan to run suspicious game files, dismissing reasonable concern as "paranoia." >you ignored the part where I asked I didn't. Responded it's not trivial so wouldn't be what you say it is and would mislead people. >funny how you ignore parts that aren't convenient to you. Funny how you lie about what I do. >It's almost like you can't crack DRM free things. If it's cracked or not is impertinent to the threat of a skid joining a virus to an executable from 8chan or the dodgy Chinese site. >Ah so you don't know how exploits work then. I brought up a potential GotM exploit: virusing a rare game to spy on people. You denied it thinking infection's easier by crashing browsers through malformed images. I taught you crashes aren't infection as you're ESL and didn't know what infection meant. Now you project not knowing how exploits work. You're overconfident without security knowledge and talk like a Markov chain of word salad of tech jargon. >So you do infect people other times, good to know. Never said that. I argue against downloading dodgy files and you for it. >Zero days aren't all made equal, the reason why you don't see exploit in emulators is mostly that nobody is looking because there's too little users for it to be worth bothering Are you nuts? We're talking current versions of popular emulators and you think they have too little users? RetroArch has 5,000,000+ downloads on just Google Play. Yuzu made a year's salary per month on Patreon. Just one game, TotK, had a million downloads and before it even released! Zero-days in popular emulators are a gold mine. Literally, if hackers cashed in on a crypto botnet. Your argument's exactly why it's hard, for exactly the opposite reason. There's too many users and they're worth a fortune. It doesn't happen because it's hard. >You might depending on how the poll is protected. No, you don't need "a few VMs" to rig a poll. Never. You're throwing around tech jargon you don't understand. >Yes that's what "if you let them" means. Implies they update if you do something. They update by default. We're off the point, most browsers are up to date. >No but you linked it, did you not read what you linked even though it's a central part of your argument? Words have different definitions. I used "impertinent" by Merriam-Webster's "not having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand." You said it also means rude (right), then said that makes my usage wrong (WTF?). I can forgive your bad English with endless mistakes but this is beyond dumb. Is "you're gay" to a homo wrong usage? Only means happy? You didn't know "impertinent" had another definition. Always overconfident, you concluded a native speaker's wrong, instead of "I missed something, being ESL." You're too overconfident to realize when you're this obviously wrong, argument looks worse. As >>996805 said, "Anons are actually worse than the average user because of the dunning kruger effect where they have just enough knowledge to be more confident than they should be." >Infecting people in itself isn't an endgoa, and the scope of this thread is too small for any realistic use beyond infecting people for the sake of it therefore yes there is no point and your threat model is retarded. You're relentless with narratives. 8 hours in 1 day! The control you want over 8chan is beat in 5 minutes by a virus and blackmail. That's an end goal. You linked suspicious game files. You defended suspicious game files for 8 hours. Retarded is dismissing this threat model as unrealistic. >But I didn't call you retarded I called what you claim is happening retarded You agreed "most anons are complete fucking retards," called me a "low IQ person," and repeatedly called what I'm saying retarded. Don't play cute games. >You didn't craft a virused game download either, so again you're still wrong by your own definition. You argued crafting a virused rom people download to infect themselves in current versions of popular emulators is plausible, not me. I'm not wrong by any definition. I argued finding a zero day in those emulators isn't easy. It can take months, even years, for top hackers (not 8chan) to find and intrusion cost, in money or time, is security.
>>996883 You can either buy the game on steam or download a pirated copy at your own risk, I think that's fair.
>>996470 It's the rentry site getting wordfiltered. I really need to find the time and discuss it with Mark, also editable blacklisted words are kind of a security issues that should be addressed. >Anything I can't emulate is a write off since I'm not running cracked software. If it helps determining it, I got it off of cs rin. I'll update the OP with the steam files provided by >>996701 just to be on the safe side. >But the previous month link is dead, or more specifically it looks like it was caught in a spam filter? Restored. You can also use the archive if you have a link to the old thread. >>996542 >I'm not accusing you, Zoom, but you could aid a skid by mistake who could virus a rare game, publish the crack, fix the poal, then spy on GotMers who get it. No it's fine, sorry about that. I'll keep both download links but make the Steam files the first option. >>996701 Thanks buddy. >>996751 Yeah, it's weird. Ate the one I voted too but left the extra options. >>996753 >Might've been reset by the maker I didn't do anything to it.
>>996953 >also editable blacklisted words are kind of a security issues that should be addressed. Word replacement was always retarded and should have been an actual black/block list that prevents posts from going through if the words are detected. But when I proposed this to StephenLynx he called it "rule cucking" and refused to implement it. And that was like 4 years ago.
>>996971 They're useful for indicating to newfags when they are fucking up and should reflect on the stupid shit they wrote without requiring a bunch of people to start bullying and shitting on them while rerailing a thread.
>>996880 It's Biggest Loser of the Month. Since the Game of the Month is weeb shit, the circus brought jobless losers, who spent all fuckin day sperging novels to compete for the last wall of text in 8chan's exciting autistic showdown, Biggest Loser of the Month. 361c73 holds the crown for Biggest Loser. Autism is his superpower, and it comes from his brown skin. He loves long walks on the internet and trojaning suckers on 8chan. But wait, there's more! Challenger 221f9b trails near. Will he come out swinging with a mightier autism, waving a dictionary in one hand and a red flag in the other? Or will underdogad9aba make a surprise comeback on the short bus? Find out next episode of Biggest Loser of the Month!
>>996880 It's a shame cause I like this game, and was interested in seeing anons try it. Difficulty's a bit high during the end half, but mostly not bad if you're not a shitter. I vaguely remember getting pissed off at a ghost ship stage I think. Yuuka can get a lot more air than you'd think if you experiment with her moveset, which helps a ton with the platforming, letting you float over shit even by endgame. Also it's fun to abuse the goblins with what's basically just Kirby's grapple ability.
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I think the game looks fun :(
>>996324 >>997055 It is fun, had a blast with it. Played on normal before and after the additional checkpoint update. First was suffering, then it was a regular challenge... until I reached the extra stages... After farming for live I started the hardest of them with 99 and ended with 10. Great visuals an platforming. Jumping mechanics are top notch. Worth playing. >>996742 Also a great one.
>>996829 Your common sense isn't commonly written here as a minority of narcissistic faggots who think everyone's time's worthless as theirs make a majority of posts then content's out of touch with common men. Similar rot that turned Twitter politics head-in-the-clouds when Pew finds 10% of users tweet 92% of the volume. I have 60 or 90 mins free a day, other shit I do, and a game backlog. Oh, I should prioritize your game instead? K, what's your sales pitch? "Pay to do my will?" Pass. Oh, "waste your week configuring dual boot with GRUB, downloading and installing ISOs, virtual machine management, and PCI/GPU passthrough on Proxmox VE to run notavirusgame.exe"? Haha fuck off you loon. "Drag HenryHatsworth.nds on an emu"? That I may do.
>>997078 >until I reached the extra stages This is gonna be painful isn't it?
>>997153 >Your common sense isn't commonly written here as a minority of narcissistic faggots who think everyone's time's worthless as theirs make a majority of posts then content's out of touch with common men. Similar rot that turned Twitter politics head-in-the-clouds when Pew finds 10% of users tweet 92% of the volume. I have 60 or 90 mins free a day, other shit I do, and a game backlog. Oh, I should prioritize your game instead? K, what's your sales pitch? "Pay to do my will?" Pass. Oh, "waste your week configuring dual boot with GRUB, downloading and installing ISOs, virtual machine management, and PCI/GPU passthrough on Proxmox VE to run notavirusgame.exe"? Haha fuck off you loon. "Drag HenryHatsworth.nds on an emu"? That I may do. I wouldn't run a shady binary for a shitty pick anyway but if I would, the forced shilling and manipulation for YuuYuu Jiteki by the gigashill in this thread would turn me off. >997158 >King of narcissistic faggots with the most worthless lifestyle who wasted his whole Friday acting right about everything to shill his shady binary's back for damage control You shilled until blue for nothing. Basically I'm just not gonna run it (your shady binary!). You reversed who's asking for shit too, >>997153 asked for nothing. You did because you want people living your empty lifestyle more badly than anyone. Like or hate it, the average user's like >>996829, >>996695, >>997153, and me, not like you, and won't fuse their ass with a spinny chair jumping through hoops like a fucking Barnum animal just to amuse you by playing some esoteric Japanese kusoge your control freak ego samefagged up a poll on a snail-paced basketweaving forum. Get real. >>996330 I wasn't convinced this won through somebody samefagging the poll but became convinced by this autistic dumpster fire of a thread where a fucking (17), admitting he "was the one who added" YuuYuu Jiteki, appeared yesterday from the third world to waste thousands of words setting shilling records to shill his shitty pick. Somehow, you knew before it was obvious, now you look like Nostradamus.
>>997158 >followed by "please cater to my lifestyle" No one cares if you "cater" to them or not. No one is begging anyone to enable them to play random video games. Me playing games of the month is an effort to contribute back to the board with engagement. It is not intrinsically fun or something that I go out of my way to do. If you put up a barrier to entry on an internet forum where virtually every single poster is nearing their thirties then you're simply going to get low engagement with your thread. It's as simple as that. It isn't about wanting to be catered to, it's about describing the reality of the situation. Maybe advertise these posts on cuckchan or something if you want people with infinite time and energy.
>>997223 >Judging by what happened in this thread can you really say that with a straight face Yes. You're conflating people describing how to get more engagement with the thread to improve the board with people feeling like they are being personally left out of an activity. >Then we simply have a different idea of what this thread is about I'm telling you how most people are interacting with this thread. I don't care how you personally go about it.
Sanae a slug.
>>997212 >I wasn't convinced this won through somebody samefagging the poll but became convinced by this autistic dumpster fire of a thread where a fucking (17), admitting he "was the one who added" YuuYuu Jiteki, appeared yesterday from the third world to waste thousands of words setting shilling records to shill his shitty pick. I gave feedback on proposals for GotM here: >>996356 After thread developments, I change A) Poal is fine to C) Game gets decided by the administration. The "(17)" here, who's a "(21)" now, spends infinite time socially engineering an image board with guileful arguments from mental disturbance over most people not thinking like him. Between this individual or the administration deciding GotM for the board, I choose the administration.
>>997247 You're probably right the administration should choose, at-least this way we don't have a chance of this kind of thread happening again
>weaklings complaining about muh dual boobing Can Sember's game be one for men accustomed to perils of a better age, when 3D accelerators were daisy chained to VGA cards, 漢字 used bitmaps and SB-derived soundcards dominated the desktop sphere? I nominate SDS ス夕ーダイバーズ、it is of beutiful DirectX5.0 dithered UI and state of the art bilinear texture filters. Entire setup can be put into zip with preconfigured HDD image, ISO and 86Box emulator so Anons don't have to engage in unnecessary thinking before palying gaem. If yuo are men then Japanese Win95 shouldn't be much of an obstacle as it's just plain ol' Windoze which (You) ought to be able to navigate in you're sleep. Alternatively it could just be 妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精 for obvious raisins.
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should i go for the hardest difficulty at once?
>>997312 No, especially if you intend to do the EX stages.
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>>997313 thanks
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>>996695 The screenshots in your Tomato Adventure grid remind me of Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Wouldn't getting preexisting cracks/releases with known file signatures fix or at least alleviate most of the autism dumpsterfire security concerns? Unless Jewish space magic can predict the future any malware contained within such wouldn't be targeting Anons specifically, and if the crack has already been around for a few months/years even goystream anti-virus niggerware should pick it up firejailing wine isn't hard either. Open sores software like Emus are even easier as those can be checked against existing releases unless illegitimate Chinese are involved and ROMs have extensive databases in the form of no-intro, Redump and TOSEC.
Running untrusted programs from unofficial distributors is retarded whether they target Anons or not. Not wanting to run untrusted programs is the standard position of a sensible person. It's an autism dumpsterfire to expect >>997153 >waste your week configuring dual boot with GRUB, downloading and installing ISOs, virtual machine management, and PCI/GPU passthrough on Proxmox VE to run notavirusgame.exe No shit you can mitigate A with B, C with D, E with F, G with H etc with enough time and research and downloads and configuration until things are trusted but it's an autism dumpsterfire to not realize >>997220 >No one cares if you "cater" to them or not. No one is begging anyone to enable them to play random video games. Me playing games of the month is an effort to contribute back to the board with engagement. It is not intrinsically fun or something that I go out of my way to do. If you put up a barrier to entry on an internet forum where virtually every single poster is nearing their thirties then you're simply going to get low engagement with your thread. It's as simple as that. It isn't about wanting to be catered to, it's about describing the reality of the situation. Maybe advertise these posts on cuckchan or something if you want people with infinite time and energy.
anons who wanna run it will, anons who don't won't, noone needs a million obnoxious posts pushing anons to run it
>>996695 >>997339 >>997358 AlphaDream's kill but the Mario & Luigi coming November to Switch has old AlphaDream employees involved.
>>997208 Oh, yes... But if you manage to beat this one, the others are still difficult but a cakewalk in comparison...
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>>997572 None of the M&L games post Superstar Saga hold a candle to it. They're not bad, but they'll never come close again.
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Game's alright, I guess. My toaster suddenly had framerate issues on the first water level, so I shut it off after that. I'll sit this one out; attractive 2hus aren't enough to keep me playing.
>>1000088 That's just the XMR miner.

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