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Ow the Edgehog - Movie Trailer Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 13:47:46 Id: 65fa11 No. 1006023
Finally here. Keanu's voice seems surprisingly tame here
>>1006023 Meh, I'd rather have a retelling of SA2 than what this is.
I find it endlessly funny that Keanu Reeves turned down acting in the acolyte to play shadow, thanks sanic.
>>1006029 To be fair, he probably doesn't want to ruin his image by being in a star wars project since they're known to be very bad these days.
>>1006031 He also turned down marvel to play a bush in spongebob.
Okay, but when do we see fat bat tats?
Wasn't Amy supposed to be on this one?
>>1006023 Is edge back on the menu? Are we going to have a silver age of edgy media?
Keanu's really getting into VA stuff lately, he's also going to be in the Armored Core short. >voice Honestly? The only one of these VAs who actually fits the character so far, though he sounds way older than he should. Also COME TO >>>/fast/ PLEASE. WE HAVE THE RABBIT CUNT, WE HAVE THE BAT TITS, WE HAVE THE INEXPLICABLE MANCHILD AUTISM
>People excited hollywood is gaining more ground in vidya <B-BUHT KEEH ANUS
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I already gave up on the series as a whole, anything they do to it should be like beating a dead horse to me, but I wish I could numb myself to the point that this doesn't disgust me so.
>>1006039 >>1006063 Fat bat tits are canceled due to covid.
>>1006023 >>1006023 >the trailer tells the whole story I hate this incompetence!
>>1006023 I actually support Keanu Reeves as Shadow. I also support Jim Carrey being on screen with Jim Carrey for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I like this a lot for the camp. No, I haven't seen either of the other films yet.
>>1006023 Is this going to turn into a Sonic Cinematic Universe? >>1006055 On that same note CUM COME TO >>>/fur/2886 WE HAVE A TRULY STUNNING AMOUNT OF SONIC DEGENERACY, I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND IMAGE
>>1006023 Jim Carrey's homoness has increased even more with this one. I bet /v/ will like this a lot!
>>1006079 Come on, it doesn't show a thing from the B plot of Shadow joining Hamas and team Sonic defending Israel's border wall with the IDF
>>1006032 Oh, he probably dislikes Disney then.
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>>1006078 I don't even want to fuck it That didn't go as planned
Are the race mixers back for round 3?
>>1006116 I don't know, but hopefully this follows in Knuckles' footsteps and includes a 40-minute lecture about traditions in the Jewish faith. I simply couldn't imagine anything more Sonic related than that.
>>1006151 >Shadow has Knuckles pinned to the ground, ready to deliver the final blow >"You did pretty good, boxing gloves. Even made me break a sweat…" >a single bead of sweat drips off Shadow and falls on Knuckles's face >Knuckles's eyes widen and we flash zoom into his face for a montage of black and white photographs of echidnas in concentration camps as jewish fiddle music plays >children torn screaming from their mothers' arms by robots >lines of echidnas marching stoically toward a brick building with a smoking chimney (detached) >flash zoom back out to Knuckles's face >"Oy… vey…" >Shadow looks confused >two human cops come up and hold him by the shoulders >"You're under arrest for the genocide of the jews–I MEAN–echidnas." >Shadow taken to prison >movie ends
>>1006116 They now have too many characters to be focusing on the human dogshit arcs, I refuse to believe we will see them onscreen for more than 10 minutes unless they're the hostages sonic needs to rescue at the end once more.
>>1006199 Anon, I'm so sorry you have to hear this, but CGI costs money .
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>>1006204 I'll be happy if I can at least see my favorite character, Bartleby Montclair of Dresdin.
I want to watch it exclusively because I want to see if Shadow tries to cock an MP5 like in the intro to shadow the hedgehog.
>>1006158 Shadow is black he could just resist arrest while shouting "I can't breath" and that will absolve him of all his crimes.
>>1006254 His fur is black but his skin is white. Just like amy's asshole.
>>1006108 >rimming >not snorting her asshole while dryhumping her leg
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>>1006044 >>1006078 >>1006199 >>1006204 If we see amy, it's going to have to involve metal sonic somehow.
it sure is culture war in here
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>>1006308 Shadow is a nigger
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>>1006320 Your soul is that of a nigger.
>>1006199 Knuckles could have had The Chaotix as sidekicks. Pachacmac was in the show, but only for two scenes. Tikal wasn't seen or mentioned. Instead, the main character wasn't even Knuckles, it was pic related. >>1006208 To be fair, the main character of the Knuckles TV show did look and act just like Bartleby's Bitch.
>>1006088 Can't wait to see Eggman killing his love interest, just like Carrey overdosing his girlfriend.
>>1006055 >Keanu's really getting into VA stuff lately He's getting too old for stunts.
>>1006380 It was proven that the documents were forged by her "friends," though.
>>1006380 >schizo shit >like literally >>1006314 <shadow d' edgehog >black >2 guns gangsta style wielder >steals regularly >own his gang >anarchist >runs faster than Usain Bolt from justice >assassin >obsessed with jewelry and power Sounds like a nigger to me
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>>1006380 Why would Carrey overdose his own girlfriend? That's like breaking your own car.
>>1006618 Maybe she wanted to break up and take half of his shit, anon.
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>>1006361 That reminds me, enjoy being somewhat out of the loot with some shit since they're trying the MCU tactic of character development in a spinoff show for knuckles. I didn't watch it and if this movie tries to acknowledge anything that happened on it, I will brand it as immediate shit.
>>1006772 He said girlfriend not wife so probably not
>>1006575 Shadow isn't an anarchist, though. Shadow works for the government. Sonic is closer to being an anarchist. He sometimes works in line with the government, but that's just because he doesn't give a fuck about anything. He doesn't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck. Anyway Knuckles was the black one until the TV show when they confirmed he was a jew. >>1006618 Doesn't have to be on purpose. I heard he convinced her that her psychiatric meds were a scam, so she stopped taking them, then killed herself. Not sure if that's the same girlfriend. He could have killed multiple. He's a real piece of shit. He is Ace Ventura, though, so he can kill as many women as he wants, as far as I'm concerned. >>1006774 Don't worry. Nothing happened in the Knuckles TV series. Remember Sonic's adopted human dad who was a cop? Remember his deputy? No? Well he's the real main character. He goes on a road trip to a bowling tournament and Knuckles tags along for something to do. Along the way they stop at the dude's mom's house and spend an entire episode of the six episode series learning about Judaism. In the next episode, they have a flashback to Knuckles' past when he fought "The Flames of Disaster," which fans will recognize is the name of Iblis, the bad guy from Sonic '06, the most powerful entity in the Sonic franchise. The series doesn't know this and they say Knuckles killed it and stole its power in the backstory and that's why he has fire punches. Also they couldn't afford to animate it so the episode is told in puppet form. That's as close as you're gonna get to lore, and no way are they gonna reference it again. Oh yeah, two rogue GUN agents want to capture Knuckles and sell him on the black market. Their buyer, who is only called "The Buyer" (likely because they literally forgot to give him a name) fights Knuckles in a mech at the end. He loses. And oh yeah, Sonic's dad's friend wins the bowling tournament.
>>1006825 Knuckles is basically jewish but the Echidna tribe are definitely still mesoamerican inspired.
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>>1006825 >kill as many women as he wants, as far as I'm concerned. that's just what gets those pussy juices flowing, anon
>>1006866 >pic What the fuck.
>>1006871 This has been a thing since time immemorial
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>>1006023 >Maria is already dead in the trailer
>>1006023 I'm going to be an autistic sperg and dress up as Sonic Man for this movie, just you wait. >>1006288 But she was in the first movie :^)
>>1006871 He's handsome, that's literally it. Don't tell them to look up pictures of his rotted meth mouth, though. Their panties might start to dry a bit if they see that.
>>1006825 >shadow works the government So he get government gibs? That's pretty NigNog if you tell me
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>>1006825 >Shadow works for the government. Shadow worked for eggman last time i checked SA2. Then he died.
>>1006921 Didn't women do something similar during the Unabomber's trial?
>>1007021 He got better and made a full recovery then got a job for the Government agency that killed Maria
>>1006864 Isn't Knuckles a kike in the live-action TV show?
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>>1007115 Okay, he isn't literally jewish. But he spends an entire episode having a jewish ritual dinner with Sonic's dad's friend's family. The mom goes on and on about how Knuckles is practically jewish due to his tribe being genocided. Knuckles loves their gross jew food, and that joke comes back in later episodes. Then some guys come and attack the house and Knuckles fights them in the kitchen while that one jewish song plays. You know, that one jewish song that you think of when you think of "jewish song." And during the whole fight, he is very careful to not let their magic jewish candle get snuffed out, since the mom said it's sacred or whatever. In his actual backstory in the film continuity, his tribe wasn't genocided by Chaos in the ancient past, but by Sonic's adopted owl family in the recent past. Knuckles was present and was the only survivor. Also the echidnas wiped out the owls, hence Sonic escaping to Earth. Pachacmac does appear in the series, played by Christopher Lloyd, and he's the only funny part. However, he's only in two scenes. He's an ancient chief, but evidently he didn't get their tribe wiped out. He's also a nice funny wise guy instead of a warmonger who kills Chao and doesn't care. And in the puppet episode, a puppet of Knuckles' dad appears and he has a moustache, and people said it made him look like Ken Penders. Someone showed Ken Penders and he first said he was going to sue Paramount over the idea of Knuckles having a dad, which he claimed to own. Apparently his lawyer told him this was stupid, or something else happened to calm him down, because when the series came out and someone showed him a pic of Knuckles' dad and said he was based on him, Penders said he was flattered, since of course he does consider himself to be the "father" of Knuckles. >>1007024 Women do that for every killer. It's not because he's handsome, it's because chicks dig bad boys. Especially famous ones.
>>1007192 >an aylmao that vaguely resembles an echidna does not literally have jewish dna Is that a fact?
>>1007218 Well sure but the post I was replying to seemed to be under the impression he was literally jewish, since it was replying to a post saying that he was only "basically" jewish. Archie Knuckles also seems to have a lot of weird jew undertones. Dingoes and Tazmanian Devils are Palestinians. Penders literally quoted Mein Kampf in one issue, but made it about echidnas.
>>1006825 >Shadow works for the government Shadow only worked with G.U.N. in the Archie comics, which were never canon. The closest he's ever worked for someone other than himself, outside of SA2, was when he was a member if Team Dark. And even then he wasn't the leader, Rouge spearheaded the team.
>>1007251 I GUESS you can kind of go either way with Shadow in Sonic 06. It's never explicitly stated from Shadow himself if he actually works for G.U.N, or it's some other kind of arrangement. When Shadow first meets up with Rogue at the start of his story, there's an unused piece of dialog that's restored in Project 06 where he says he's there as a request from the President. So Rogue and Shadow are both willing to work with the President. And given that, naturally they'd have G.U.N. resources at their disposal. But I'd say it leans toward Shadow working for G.U.N. because he's frequently referred to as "Agent Shadow", and the Town Missions he's performing other Tasks for G.U.N. instead of just focusing only on the main reason he's there.
>>1007266 >When Shadow first meets up with Rogue never got that pun before
>>1007445 Miles "Tails" Prower also puns on "miles per hour." The resident Sonic autist may have a list of these.
>>1007098 He works for the Shadow government and Sonic does odd jobs for the Sonic military.
>>1007251 >>1007266 >I GUESS you can kind of go either way with Shadow in Sonic 06. It's never explicitly stated from Shadow himself if he actually works for G.U.N, or it's some other kind of arrangement. That's a pretty major stretch, anon. He's clearly working for GUN in that game. You might as well say Rouge isn't working for GUN. Even that thing about "on request from the president" still means working for the government. This is like how the CIA never actually does anything because they hire "contractors" that they claim aren't technically CIA employees. >>1007470 Sonic is Sonic because he moves fast like sound. lmao. Super Sonic is faster than sound. Also originally they had an idea that Sonic would be in a band, because it would make sense for a character named Sonic to have some relation to music, but they didn't actually put it in the final game. The producers of Sonic Underground then made the same connection and thought they were clever for it, so they made it the entire TV show. To be fair, "The Sonic Underground" is a pretty sick name for a rock band. Knuckles is called Knuckles because he has Knuckles. Not a pun, but Amy Rose and Charmy Bee have names like that (not Amy the Hedgehog or Charmy the Bee) because they're originally from a manga. I suppose Tails doesn't have the naming scheme either, but then that just explains why the manga people thought Amy Rose and Charmy Bee wouldn't be the least bit strange as far as names go in the series. Vector the Crocodile also appeared in that manga series before the games. He was originally made to be in Sonic's band that didn't make it into Sonic 1, then appeared in many pieces of art for the manga, but never in an actual story. Dr. Eggman is called Dr. Eggman because he's an egg-shaped man. Also his big moustache and the yellow on his shirt (which sometimes is part of a cape, but not always) make the yellow on his shirt look like walrus tusks. He is the eggman, but he is also the walrus. This almost justifies Ken Penders' first Sonic story being nothing but Beatles references, except there is no way he knew that Robotnik was called Eggman in Japan when he wrote that story. Metal Sonic is called Metal Sonic because he's like Sonic but Metal. But also Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 is called that because he's a deliberate reference to Mechagodzilla. It's less clear in a 16-bit sprite, but the concept art shows many more deliberate details that are clear references to Mechagodzilla. This also explains the "mystery" Sonic robot outside of Final Egg in Sonic Adventure. It's just Mecha Sonic, now with graphics that let him look even more like Mechagodzilla. I suppose they could have given him more Mechagodzilla-like eyes in Sonic 2, but they evidently didn't decide on that detail until Sonic Adventure. Bean the Dynamite is a reference to the arcade game Dynamite Dux, starring characters called Bin and Pin. Bin and Bean could just be alternate transliterations of the same word, but Bean has a different color and in some games he appears in (including non-Sonic games, like one Sega Soccer game) he has an alternate color that makes him look like Bin. Also, in the Master System port of Dynamite Dux, Bin and Pin are humans who get transformed into ducks. What this says about Bean is unclear. The villain of Sonic Shuffle is called Void. In mythology, Chaos is the Void. They're the same thing. In Sonic, Void is the god of nightmares, so essentially of negative thoughts. Chaos was filled with negative thoughts and destroyed the world, hence why he's called Chaos. Chaos became Chaos because he came to embody Void. Also they have similar eyes, and Void's hair vaguely resembles a shortened version of Chaos's tentacles or Sonic's spines. Oh yeah, Chaos's tentacles are analogous to Sonic's spines. The characters deliberately mirror each other. Both being blue might not be a coincidence either, though there is the aspect that Sonic's weakness is water. Chaos is the legendary and prophecised destroyer, and Sonic is the prophecised savior. They're also the two characters shown fully using the Chaos Emeralds. Also, in the manga, Sonic is also a legendary hero who saved people in the past, before he even should have existed. That's not explained before the series got cancelled, though. Big the Cat is a big cat. Froggy is a frog. Gamma is a codename for E-102. His older brother is E-101 Beta. Why is 101 Beta? Because E-100 Alpha is actually in the game, but is usually called Zero. In production materials and even in the code, Zero is called Eggrobo, which makes sense with his role as Amy's antagonist, since Eggrobo was Amy's rival in Sonic R. Sonic R's story was about Robotnik using robot copies of the protagonists to try to beat them, with him inventing Tails Doll and Metal Knuckles to try to counter those guys, but he didn't bother with an Amy Doll (though that does appear in Sonic Mania), and instead he just sent an Eggrobo to counter her. The manual for Sonic Adventure also explains that most of the Eggman's Robots in the game are also E-Series robots, but E-10 series, not E-100. They are all E-xx. Some of these perhaps apply to earlier versions of these same enemies that appeared as early as Sonic 1. Shadow is called that because he is the faker. He's a pale imitation of the real thing. He's based on the Super Sonic mural in Hidden Palace Zone, but he's not the actual figure it displays, Sonic is. Shadow is just a shadow of Sonic. I don't have much about Emerl's name except it's like Emerald, but remember how Chaos 0 resembles Sonic? Now realize how much Emerl resembles Chaos 0, and thus in turn Sonic. But Emerl is ancient was was literally based on Chaos 0 before Sonic was born. Cream the Rabbit isn't just a name, it's an instruction. Chip is called Chip because he likes Chocolate Chips.
>>1007683 >That's a pretty major stretch, anon. I know it's a major stretch I only go that far because after Sonic 06 G.U.N. in general is pretty much never touched upon again within the games, and who knows if Team Dark's association with G.U.N. well be something that just stays swept under the rug. Still, while I get why Shadow and Omega would work with G.U.N. since fighting Eggman with the backing of military information is more Efficient. For Rouge it feels like it's more in character for her to be a type of mercenary spy she was in SA2. Being able to take a job at her Leisure rather than being given orders by a commander on a daily bases.
>>1006575 You forgot that he also plays basketball, like in the totally canon Pakistani commercial. >>1006825 >so he can kill as many women as he wants, as far as I'm concerned. Same thing with Patton Oswalt and he had a fucking role in the feminist Ghostbusters, or the most well known cases: OJ Simpson.
>>1007705 White ink, and he'll be Michael Jackson the Hedgehog bro
>>1007683 You should start a Sonic fansite.
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A cut trailer just got leaked.
Fucking thumbnail...
>>1008120 That's some ow edge if I ever saw ow edge.
>>1006885 Are you 3D printing that Blender model as a wearable headpiece? Did you design it?
>>1006023 shadow's a nigger
>>1008250 Shadow is a hedgehog. That's why he's called Shadow the Hedgehog.
>>1008250 His skin is orange. >>1008272 He was made with aylmao satan dna though,
Younghood is idolizeing sonic, adulthood is realizeing shadow is right...
>>1008119 Those last few seconds feel like a youtube poop.
>>1008286 Orange is just a bright brown. Further proof that shadow's a nigger.
>>1008376 Holy shit! Trump is a nigger?!
>>1008380 Maybe he is a hedgehog?
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>>1008385 By god...now it all makes sense...
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>>1008250 >>1008272 He is a squid
>>1008394 imagine
>>1008394 At last I truly see
>>1008394 Are you cold? Oh... Good Hunter.

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