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Silent Hill Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 14:16:55 Id: 84887d No. 1023706
Silent Hill 2 Remake is out. Discuss the abortion and the future milking of the series.
The whole turd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5X_GZsiL0k You can play a game where you spot every horrendous and missing the point changes and additions they did. Fucking Poles.
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/vb/ tier thread you will be forced to take the pyramid head cock as punishment
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Good news! They aren't using yellow paint!
>>1023717 At least it's more organic
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ShillmanShills found his next phenomenal achievement. I'm guessing the tranny will be dropping his shill video soon too.
Silent Shill
>>1023744 (checked) >description is just more shilling wew >>1023717 >fans tell them the yellow cloth bs is bad <alright white cloth it is! Modern devs always make me laugh. >>1023715 Sucking off remakes is good money I guess. >>1023706 They should have stopped making them a long ass time ago, but instead here I am looking at them continue to defile something I once enjoyed.
In regards to the yellow paint/white cloth/big white circle (I saw this UI monster on some review videos) issues, what would you guys recommend? In the older days, you could largely tell what was interactive simply because it was modelled and not part of the background, it stuck out like a sore thumb. Some shit glinted brightly. Now that everything is made at the same fidelity instead of divided between modeled/background, what would you suggest to increase visibility of small items stashed across maps?
>>1023812 >what would you guys recommend? How about what the Silent Hill games previously did? Where the characters head looked at the interactive objects. Or do what Shenmue did and majority of the adventure genre does, which was make everything interactive and let players figure things out for themselves.
>>1023744 >Description: My GOG affiliate link...
>>1023817 You just know if they remade Silent Hill 3 they would put yellow paint, a giant sign, or have in the bakery itself a note that tells you the tongs are located on the shelf behind you.
>>1023817 I forgot about the Silent Hill head turn, that was absolutely brilliant. >>1023822 >if they remade After this week, we'll see if it's "if" or "when". I inexplicably skipped Silent Hill 2 back when it came out, and the fan base to that one in particular always rubbed me the wrong way so I never felt compelled to go back to it on their recommendation, but Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3 are very dear to me. They better fucking not touch Heather Mason.
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>>1023744 Taking the "ilent " out of "Silent Hill"
>>1023812 Maybe design the fucking game around that? Have the object of interest stand out either by radio static, the character looking at the point of interest, placing the object where it stands out, giving clues to the players as to what he is supposed to look for... There are so many other ways to do stuff other than putting yellow paint and making it glint...
>>1023744 This guy is such a faggot.
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Maximum overshill.
>>1023879 It's entirely possible people like it, casuals have terrible taste. Bioshock Infinite is also overwhelmingly positive. >Pre-release review Don't forget Starfield pre-launched to glowing reviews from Bethesda diehards before sinking to like 29%.
>>1023909 From what I gather the game has some pretty bad stuttering issues and even normalfags are annoyed by those, so the reviews are definitely suspicious.
>>1023706 Why is this game in early access, I thought only scammers like Star Citizen use early access
>>1023916 >the game has some pretty bad stuttering issues That's been true of EVERY video game released for the past few years, effecting everything from "graphically intense" games like RoboCop and Jedi: Survivor to simpler games like Sand Land and Crisis Core. Because these developers keep frontloading the shaders for the entire game: https://archive.md/4BgCU
>>1023812 >what would you guys recommend Nothing, unless it fits the style (ex. things floating and shining in platformers). If the player can't think his way out of a cardboard box and lacks the visual comprehension to understand his surroundings, he shouldn't be playing a video game.
>>1023920 It's not Early Access, they give you "advanced access" to the game a couple of days early if you preorder the deluxe edition lol
>>1023706 I don't have to discuss objective shit. I am busy playing the pirated older games in the series. The good ones.
>>1023706 Cam we get a quick rundown from people who have ACTUALLY PLAYED the game instead of watching e-celebs doing it?
>>1023972 >Actually played the game >/v/ Where do you think you are?
>>1023984 I actually play games, but I don't talk about games I actually played on /v/, people either don't reply or insult them.
>>1023972 There's already a torrent out so you can try it for yourself. I played about an hour and a half I think, I made it to Neely's Bar and fought a bunch of lying figures. The game is very generic sloppish feeling and 90% of that is because of the fixed over the shoulder perspective. The camera work in general is a massive step down from the OG because even the cutscenes have generic uninspired camera angles now. The combat is pretty much Callisto Protocol or Homecoming in that it's involved enough to be annoying but too limited to be fun. You basically dodge with circle and the safe way to play is by waiting for the enemy to do something, dodge it and then attack once and go back to waiting, because the lying figures seem to randomly super armor through your attacks if you keep attacking and the game is very stingy with healing items so far. Enemies also seem to revive, I killed two lying figures inside a restaurant and they kept getting back up after a few minutes even if I stomp them a million times. So far it's exactly what I expected, SH2 though a generic western moviegame slop filter. Also, the ending credits are on youtube now and Hit Detection shows up so it's 100% guaranteed pozzed.
>>1023972 You're acting like a woman, so here, have a torrent infohash from your favorite repacker FB88F26BD640E0C43A7503419568E12BE21A9098 >>1024041 It feels like what Homecoming and Downpour should have been. But fucking damn it, there's this disconnect of the combat overplaying itself so hard that the environmental storytelling and the general unease and disturbing elements of the original gets fucking lost. IT'S A FUCKING POLISH RE-IMAGINING OF AN AMERICAN INSPIRED HORROR GAME IN THE LENS OF THE JAPANESE! MINUS THE JAPANESE HORROR THAT MADE THE ORIGINAL TEAM SILENT GAMES MEMORABLE!
>>1024049 Should have been? It's been a long time since I played Homecoming but I don't notice any improvement over that combat in the remake.
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>>1024069 The presentation, the promise of more exploration and more on point "better combat" that the revisionist retard shills back in 2007 would lie about to justify Homecoming missing the damn point. The combat of the Homecoming was pretty much proto-demon's souls but still a fucking chore to do. All I can say is the refinement of the combat because they just stole it Last of Us/Calisto Protocol like everyone, the fucking wombo combo of melee then gun-kata shooting with his handgun...fucking retarded. But more so with Alex Shepherd with his retarded infinite dodge rolling spam and his tacticool melee swipes that rarely works when the enemies would do random tard rage attacks that you cannot predict or telegraphed, huge improvement, and let's not talk about the "combat" in Downpour. But this still misses the point of the original SH2 game. The combat overshadows everything else now. And also, anyone who listens to the drivel that is called "voice acting" in this Remake. Blame this guy. https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/voice-directors/Mark-Estdale/
I never played the Silent Hill games but >>1023744 >I'm guessing the tranny will be dropping his shill video soon too. It's always so funny to me that the tranny that fucked Anthony Cumia for a pair of fake tits is now this big-time vidya "influencer".
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>>1023972 If the turd is already on the plate, and we can see it's shit, we're not obligated to eat it to tell if it's shit.
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>>1024086 >That random mish-mash and random bargin bin trash and sequels/reboots that absolutely no one had any faith in >lord of the rings gollum Konami is a giant retarded pachinko failure of a company that will forever be doomed to either make or provide the means to make slop to shit upon everything and everyone who once made them a successful company
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>>1024194 Oh it gets better. Pretentious hypocritical fuck.
>>1023972 Why play it when the originals exist? Remakes are useless.
>>1024349 You dont play videogames.
>>1024351 I play the good video games. And that mean never playing any remake nor remaster.
>>1024358 Then youre missing out on some arguably better videogames, like the remake ofthe first resident evil. You are a terminally online bitch, bitching and moaning endlessly is your favourite vidya, i have not yet seen anything on the remake of SH2, for all i know is shit, but to go out of your way to pretend remakes are useless or always shit just goes to show you are a retard, no product is perfect.
>>1024361 Then why make a remake if you are not getting perfection?
>>1024364 I meant that the original games arent perfect, stop being retarded on purpose, you IP hopping retard.
>>1024366 Ok so you are an imbecile and a retard
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>>1023710 >>1024402 So Konami published a CGI interactive movie with obvious implied nigger cult buttsex, sasuga.
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All the fucking time.
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>>1024467 >What could spook the spooker? A spook?
>>1024724 I'll never understand why these fucking clowns work in things that they just don't like I can understand waiters, mcdonald's employees and other ones, but in the games industry where you need some kind of education and such? Fuck them, i'd love working in an Office just doing nothing and having a Big paycheck, in a thing i actually love, what the hell
>>1024707 Nah, nigga just a giant retard who worked on the most divisive SH until 4 and the rest came, and the one that nearly crashed the franchise
>>1024730 kikes gonna kike
on a technical level sh2 for ps2 wasn't a very fun game to play. The story doesn't really resonate with me that much now either
>>1024361 The remakes that improve on the original are few and rare.
>>1025060 The remakes that improve on the original are many, you just only look at flaws.
>>1024724 >>1024730 That is very weird. The least I could feel when I used to watch his videos is that this person at least enjoyed video-games, albeit in this "over-analyzing bullshit" way that comes out as extremely pretentious and that I abhor nowadays. Am I just gullible?
>>1025063 Well he is jewish.
>>1024730 >work in things that they just don't like It's not about liking. They're ideologically commanded to destroy everything that exists (which is outside of their control) explicitly because it exists outside their control.
So Maria's original outfit does make an appearance in the remake. She finds it in a closet and says "Hey. You think I'd look good in this one?" while holding it up. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=_lxMYXMk2tQ It looks like journos and people on halfchan have noticed and talked about this already, so many of you might have seen it already too. But do you guys think it really is an easter egg meant to mock fans who believe Maria should wear her original outfit? Or was it made in good faith as a little joke? Of course, the devs haven't said anything about it, but people seem to be leaning in a more negative direction.
>>1025070 Needless filler bullshit, along with James ACCEPTING A DRINK from Maria in Heaven's Night while she does a little dance and tease that completely changes the dynamics of James and Maria's dynamic, another callback to those lying gaming magazines and cheat sites telling you how to make "Maria do a pole dance". Also James comments about drinking to cope in the original, and also he needed to stay sober to focus on searching for Mary. Same with every changes in the game that affect their personalities, even the way you view them. Eddie is now eats a fucking tub of melted ice cream WITH HIS HANDS! You don't view him with sympathy or a bit of awkwardness with the monsters in this town comment anymore. Just fucking disgust at the fat fuck.
>>1025070 >But do you guys think it really is an easter egg meant to mock fans who believe Maria should wear her original outfit? Yes, among other things. "Easter eggs" use to mean something as a little meta joke for the staff to point out themselves and laugh. Like Kevin Sorbo having to explain the Hercules whig and sword in the sci-fi show Andromeda, or the various MacGyver references you see throughout Stargate. Even the Deadpool movies are rife with these regarding Reynolds making fun of himself and his career. Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of these remakes, remasters, and revivals of past properties do not have this. Everyone who made those now iconic games on longer works at those companies, and even the ones that they do wrangle back in only exist to either rubber stamp the product or fix whatever the "new crew" messed up. If anything, the "need" to have references to the original content says two things. The first is that these people do not have any confidence in themselves. If they actually were very chipper and pleased with the game they were making, they wouldn't need to make pointless references to the past games as their own game should be able to stand on it's own. Which leads into the second reason that these people are using those easter eggs as a shield against criticism. This is an especially important aspect because this is a remake of what innumerable people consider to be one of the greatest video games ever made. So needing to first show how "different" things are sets off the warning that they're trying to push this forward as "Silent Hill 2 for a new generation". However realizing how badly people are going to react to that for not being the Silent Hill 2 people remembered, they then throw in such "easter eggs" as a half-hearted attempt to go, "Look, we acknowledge the old fanbase, we hear you." We've gone through twelve years of this shits, and it's the same thing each and every time.
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I just wish they would get away from Silent Hill 2's festering raped corpse already. Make something new for gods sake.
>>1025075 >James ACCEPTING A DRINK from Maria in Heaven's Night while she does a little dance and tease that completely changes the dynamics of James and Maria's dynamic Once again, a development team that has no respect nor care for the source material they are supposed to be polishing. It's also ironic, given how these big companies boast about being "progressive" and all, yet turn around and add a scene where a female character dances as a callback. If that was present in the original, they would have removed it in this remake. >Eddie is now eats a fucking tub of melted ice cream WITH HIS HANDS! You don't view him with sympathy or a bit of awkwardness with the monsters in this town comment anymore. Just fucking disgust at the fat fuck. Oh my, I can't believe Konami hired a fatphobic team to work on their video game, y'all. They should know to do better. >>1025082 Well said. I agree that it was likely done as, at the very least, a little jab at the fans who spoke out about the needless censorship of her outfit. If they wanted to do an easter egg involving her original clothes, they could have put it in the closet behind some other random clothes, and no one in-game would acknowledge it. It wouldn't be a very good easter egg, but it would be clear that it was there for people to chuckle about and move on. The fact that Maria has voiced dialogue and an animated pose of her holding the clothes means the devs wanted players to react strongly. Similar to the DmC vid you posted, it's clear that the devs are saying "Hey, we know you enjoy this outfit and remember it fondly. Look how close she is to wearing it. She even likes it. But too bad, she won't wear it, tough luck." >The first is that these people do not have any confidence in themselves. This is further shown how, before release, the team behind the remake responded to criticism not by ignoring it or giving confident counter arguments about how their game will be good. No, they asked fans to "give the game a chance." In fact, they were stuck in dreamland about the whole thing. <"“I am dreaming that gamers will trust us,” Babieno says, “but I realize that trust is earned through actions, not through words. So that’s why we have a policy of not commenting [on the specifics of the game] and raising hopes. We want to show our ambitions through our work, so we can’t ask for anything more than ‘give us a chance.'” <“We tried to make all possible fans happy, but, at the same time, be very faithful to ourselves,” And as we can see here, they don't care about the original game, they want to be faithful to their own artistic vision. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but when someone remakes a piece of media or remasters it, they should base it on the original media, not some fantasy they have in their head, right? The team didn't even consider their work a remake, but a "romantic vision" of what the game was. <Babieno wouldn’t necessarily call his team’s game a remake, but a “romantic vision of the game from more than 20 years ago.” https://archive.is/wAgi6 > Which leads into the second reason that these people are using those easter eggs as a shield against criticism. There's an example of this in the remake, apparently if you somehow clip out of bounds at the ranch, you can see the comic sans Silent Hill Ranch sign tossed away in a pile of old wood. As if the devs are trying to show that they dislike the HD remaster of the game just like the fans do to detract from the things they themselves did wrong in the remake. https://archive.is/Jta8V
>>1025075 Don't forget how fat and old they made Eddie. Rather than being an American chubster holding on to his youth, he's a gross, possibly Asian, oaf who looks like a man in his 40s in a mid-life crisis. In the original, he's ugly and fat, but not in a grotesque way. He could easily be better looking if he worked out and tried. He's a reflection of how James feels about living with his wife in her condition, what he missed out on by staying with her, and the way people look at him. There's also an air of boyishness that gives the impression he could be James's son or younger brother, and this is especially true in his interactions with Laura, where he befriends her while traveling to Silent Hill and lets her call him names without becoming murderous. In the remake, he is grotesque. Any nuance about his character in his appearance is lost.
Since before this game out there's a group of people who seem to furiously hate it for, as far as I can tell, James looking weepier. There are other other reasons now like the consultants, but they were mostly only known post-launch.
>>1025131 >Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but when someone remakes a piece of media or remasters it, they should base it on the original media, not some fantasy they have in their head, right? To be quite honest, it depends on the purpose. A remaster aims to be as close to the original presentation as possible, with the only reason for the remaster existing being due to deterioration in quality or methods over time. In examples of art, it means restoring the original picture. In examples with vidya, it would be making the image look as "accurate" as possible to how the game would look when being played (On a CRT in most cases) or closer to the original art style that was limited at the time due to technology. Though to be quite honest after seeing so many screw ups, I've come to the brutal conclusion that developers shouldn't touch a damn thing when it comes to "fixing" things and just leave everything with the "Biliniear" or "Nearest Neighbor" filter on if they cannot increase the default resolution of the game. A remake heads down a different path. A lot of people like to reference REmake as being a "perfect" remake of a game, where they take the original game, improve the graphics, expand the content, and keep the original story intact. But there are other examples of remakes that actually diverge from the original material (Mostly because it's a different team and era), apealing to that "fantasy in their head", and manage to be good in their own right. Examples of this are nuSplatterhouse and nuShadow of the Beast. So what's different? If you actually look up the development of nuSplatterhouse and nuShadow of the Beast, you'll see that the teams behind those games were fans of the original and were not afraid to touch the original games. They outright expressed that they kept what "worked", wanted to expand upon what was already there, threw out ideas that did "not" represent what the respective series was about, and were not afraid of the fans when it came to promoting and talking about the game. On top of all of this, arguably a winning feature of just the remakes alone was that they included the original game as an unlockable for people to play right alongside the remake. I am not saying these games are perfect, I'm just point out that they're being very respectful and faithful towards their respective series. Then let's compare this to nuSilent Hil 2. Practically the moment the remake was announced to the public, the very FIRST thing people are concerned out is how "accurate" the remake would be compared to the original. And every step of the way, we kept hearing nervous interviews admitting how "different" the remake was going to be until finally deciding on "returning" to being accurate to the original. This indicates that the dev team and the people at Konami had absolutely ZERO faith in what they were doing. They did not express any optimism over the idea of using the latest and greatest technology to improve the look and feel of a now 23 year old game, nor the excitement of finally making the "true HD SH2" that fans have been wanting, or even expanding upon the content that was already there. In fact about five years ago, they pulled Tommy-Boy out of the wordwork just have him rant about how he "did nothing wrong" and it was all just the toxic fans who "didn't understand": https://archive.md/KkYiJ This mindset goes to show that what Konami wanted was for people to buying the remake sight unseen and no questions asked. And if you did ask questions, then you are part of the problem. Because they did "nothing wrong", you're just being a toxic divisive person who cannot have "fun" and should give up video gamesbecause you clearly cannot have "fun".
>>1024361 I'm not missing out on anything, as all remakes and remasters are always shit.
>>1025062 There are none. And judging by flaws is what smart people do. Only retards ignore flaws to get hyped for garbage. And of course, the typical shills such as you. The remakes are shit.
>>1025160 No, "Remaster" has a very specific meaning: Created from the original "master" files instead of a release copy. Until relatively industry originals for music, film, and some TV far exceeded consumer standards and even most theater ones in quality. For a video game this would mean using the original source code, and some less/uncompressed versions of visual assets.
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>>1023972 Me, I'll post the cutscenes when I can.
Game got a small patch because the Italian subtitles contained spoilers lol. https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/10/07/silent-hill-2-update-100300-day-one-patch-notes/
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>>1025281 >please visit the link below >link just goes to this image >text says "Get the fuck over it, pussy." instead
>>1023706 Who is the girl in the video?
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>>1025289 It's nice to know we get to choose a funny hat right after. >>1025294 >girl
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>>1025294 >girl Anon...
>>1025294 >girl seriously though, seeing >her get triggered never gets old
>>1025294 >girl
>>1025300 >First vid Jesus, have these people ever heard of subtlety? Also looks like they remodeled James so that he looks very similar to how he did in the original, so any bets on if Guy Cihi will finally take the plunge and sue Konami for royalties owed? >Second vid <Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Silent Hill 2: The High School Production", with modern ideals such as Angela being played by trans-women Neville Longbottom. <Is the stuttter, screen tearing, slowdown, and models glitching caused by the video compression or is this in-game? <I hate the new third-person camera angle and negative space in close-ups. See my second vid starting at 00:35 <Was the original game this noisy? It's been years since I played it. <The toilet paper looks worse in-game <The fuck is with these animations that physically have James picking up and looking at an item? It begins as at 6:15 and looks God-awful <I just noticed this, isn't the fog suppose to be a lot closer to the player instead of being a hundred yeards away? <Three times, Jame's reaction to pushing gates is delayed to him pushing it after he's already hit it I've stopped trying to look at these problems just to nitpick, they're just happening that often. It's like they took everythig that they did RIGHT about Shattered Memories on the Wii, and found a way to screw it up to the point that this comes across like a low-nudget production.
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To show anons what the combat looks like. Expect a lot of window breaking as well. >>1025311 The slowdown might be on my end, I only turned off motion blur so the rest are on the highest settings.
>>1024730 >>1025068 It's also petulant resentment. A lot of these leftist devs wanna make their own big woke projects but their shekel-grubbing (((executives))) won't let them do anything that isn't safe bets. Bitter, they ruin the IPs they're entrusted with remaking to try and springboard their never-see-the-light ideas ahead via an established franchise. Said (((executives))) don't give a shit and are out of touch during the entire development process, so they legit believe it when the leftist devs cry that "nobody wants [x] anymore" as a way to deflect and keep their jobs, killing the franchise but keeping the parasites. Jap or West, executives are the stupidest motherfuckers in the world.
>>1025319 >that webm In SH2 as arguable of quality the combat was it was more than serviceable. When you hit foes, James had some strength and foes reacted. From this bit alone it seems like enemies just stand there doing nothing while you smack them gently with a pool noodle. There's no oomph, weight or desperation in nu-Jame's actions. >dodge button I roll my eyes at you ko-tard-nam-faggots Not you Konami lol NuJJ Abrams looks really bad. He's almostm ore jarring than the monster sme how I cant' describe what I mean but he gave me a sense of uncanny valley. And I like some weird looking non-humans
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>>1025311 >Jesus, have these people ever heard of subtlety? Also looks like they remodeled James so that he looks very similar to how he did in the original, so any bets on if Guy Cihi will finally take the plunge and sue Konami for royalties owed? He looks like his new voice actor, de-aged 15-20 years.
>>1025294 Troon Hulett
>>1025385 It is extremely funny seeing retards pretend to like shit, just to later admit they were disappointed all along, while I didn't buy it and instead spent my time playing actually good games, all for free, and never giving money to the company that made this garbage. With the added pleasure of watching it inevitably flop later on.
I'll tell you what the risk really is, with remakes changing too much. There's always a toin coss with new games, you can never say whether they'll be good or bad: aside from having good devs and good intentions, there's always a sizeable random element. 1. If you make a faithful remake of a good game, that die is not cast again. The luck you had back then, will remain frozen in time and still be there. 2. But if you change a good slice of the game, then the die will be tossed as if it was a new game. Or maybe a new version*** of the game, a spinoff, what you may call it. Fate will spin a new fortune for your game. That's about it: changing too much shit re-introduces the risk, that remakes were supposed to avoid. ***In fact, you might say that calling them remakes is the biggest success of the publisher's sales dept. Because smoothbrains will keep chasing their tales endlessly, at the apparent paradox that "this remake can't be bad, since the original was good and remakes are just like the original, else they wouldn't be called remakes". The healthy way to address this issue, is calling them different versions, like "Silent Hill 2 2024". This statement: >Silent Hill 2 did things better than the 2024 version is much more comprehensible and sane to normalfags, than: >Silent Hill 2 is like Silent Hill 2 but also unlike it
>>1025394 After what was done to Demon's Souls and Chrono Cross remakes are now my eternal enemy. I will hate the concept forever.
>>1025395 Chrono Cross committed a cardinal sin by being a spiteful shitty """deconstruction""" sequel to Chrono Trigger anyway.
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Switched puzzle difficulty to hard so had to replay a bit. The safe puzzle could have been a journalist filter. I don't know why but this game is giving me a headache while playing.
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>>1025387 >>1025390 >Replying to a shit stirring retarded faggot's bait >>1025394 "Faithful" and :Reimagining" should not be in the same fucking sentence.
>>1025401 Your body is rejecting it.
>>1025401 >I don't know why but this game is giving me a headache while playing. You're not the only one. My friend who bought the game said she gets dizzy from the amount of motion blur when moving the camera and it gives her a headache too.
>>1025062 >The remakes that improve on the original are many Care to list them.
>>1025401 >>1025411 >>1025418 I think it's the problem with the third person controls and the camera view, and lack of fixed camera angles, some of the in-door areas are more...nauseating and claustrophobic not in the good way as the original does it. Doesn't help that with how fast James is moving and if you don't have use the accessibility options to make the item interaction icon big enough for you to notice and there's no longer separate rooms with loading, you'll be rushing through rooms while ignoring where James' head is looking at. And there's also the speedy combat that's more fast paced than the original. Something I picked up when I played it and what I've observed on people who are playing the game, they rush through a room, if they don't have a item icon up, they'll ignore key items, then backtrack again. And because there's no fixed cameras and it's third person, they can barely notice James' head pointing to said interactable object or item.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Bluecreek just a regular empty apartment complex in the original? >White cloth on breakable walls Why? The cracks and seeping black goo wasn't enough of an indicator? >Angela's knife scene Didn't James touch her which set her off?
>>1025461 They give you an achievement "The Otherworld" after the Pyramid Head teleports besides you cutscene in Room 201. And everything else after this transition has more diseased looking environments and the monsters are fucking aggressive with new attacks. It's a pretty stupid change, James state of mind was more fucked up in the Hospital where after the fight with the Flesh Lips boss, the Hospital introduces you the change. And yeah, they fucking ruined every pivotal character interaction cutscenes in this game. Fucking phoned in bullshit acting that every retard is praising as "realistic"
>>1025394 Personally I am more in favor of remaking bad games or the "black sheep" of a series. Sure they were bad back then, but maybe it had some good ideas that weren't explored in the subsequent entries, or maybe the story was good, or maybe it had a rushed development, or maybe they needed to tweak the balancing a bit more, or it could have used a more modern combat system. Good games are already good, they don't need a remake, so why not give the lesser ones a second chance? Plus there won't be much of a fear of "new bad game" replacing "old good game" like with a lot of remakes, because in the worst case scenario it will still be "bad new game" replacing "bad old game". I am sure there are other examples, but these are the ones I know of.
>>1025518 Squeenix should remake games like Dawn of Mana and Brave Fencer Musashi 2 since they're pieces of shit is what you're saying, right?
>>1025530 I haven't played those games, so I don't know how good or bad they are, but my answer would be, why not? Better they remake those than Final Fantasy VII.
>>1025531 I haven't played Dawn of Mana. The main Mana series is good, but Dawn of Mana's a spin-off in the World of Mana subseries. I have played other spin-offs of the Mana series and they're bad so it's probably bad too.
Know what's sad? Near to 1:1 remakes exist & this just proves Konami was a bunch of faggots trying to pander to trannies. Did it to Demon's souls when a western company remade that ruining the artstyle, changing white people to niggers or ugly women. The games I have in mind are voodoo Vince Remaster, Legend of Kay Remaster Albeit i didn't play that one & it just looked the same to the console version. Probably only person to play that. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and they remastered most of them love Shazza she's a beauty.
>>1025518 >Personally I am more in favor of remaking bad games or the "black sheep" of a series >Good games are already good, they don't need a remake, so why not give the lesser ones a second chance? The issue here is that pupblishers don't see it that way. It's not like 'flipping a house' to them like it us for us, it's more like making another season of the Acolyte. They wasted a ton of money for demographic that isn't there, why try again on a 'obvious' flop?
>>1025533 The remake of Trials was competent but the remake of Secret was trash.
>>1025319 So they changed the first monster introduction from an underpass to a house. Also, I've seen more "realistic" window shatters in 20 year old games. James swing so hard that he turned that glass back into sand. >>1025401 >First webm Funny that you saw the monster and tried to hit it before grabbing the flash light. >Third webm How annoying is it to keep running into doors you cannot open compared to the older games just having a caption saying that they're locked whenever you tried to interact with them? >>1025461 >First webm The fuck is with this scene? In addition, why the Hell is James shooting at Pyramid Head? Isn't the fact that he doesn't react to getting shot short of imply that James and Pyramid Head have a connection? Also is the game auto-aiming? Skip to 5:30 to see what I mean. >Second webm Why is the game showing you which puzzle items you are looking for and where they belong? Also, that's disgusting to have Jame's arm caked in shit. And why is it a "fade to black" transition as James jumps down the hole? >Third webm I really hate everything about remake Angela, these camera angels, and how they make everything so obvious in regards to the twists. >Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Bluecreek just a regular empty apartment complex in the original? Yes. >>1025474 >And everything else after this transition has more diseased looking environments Wasn't that the big "catch" for Silent Hills? Where the Otherworld was going to trade in it's bloody metallic Hell looking for a more diseased and decaying environment. >Fucking phoned in bullshit acting that every retard is praising as "realistic" To be fair, these people probably haven't encountered another human being in their lives outside of their Silicon Valley bubble. >>1025518 >so why not give the lesser ones a second chance? I'm just sick and tired of remakes altogether. And I just look at it that if the game was good enough to get remade, I might as well just play the original game.
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I fucking hate how any mediocre game nowadays is praised by absolute fucking retards because it isn't filled with faggotry or isn't a live service.
>>1025660 >The fuck is with this scene? In addition, why the >Hell is James shooting at Pyramid Head? Isn't the fact that he doesn't react to getting shot short of imply that James and Pyramid Head have a connection? He actually does this in the original, but it seems less dumb because the hand gun works. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=-y1uhkTLbTA Notice in the ps2 clip he finds ammo in the closet probably justify why he's not wasting your in game ammo (or why he as some if you some how wasted it all). Also when he mag dumps him pyramid head it actually hurts him and flees (although not shown on screen). In the remake closet scene is the intention is to hype up pyramid head by making him major threat since he unfazed to getting shot in the head and after it just pulls one the bullets out of his helmet. James is only 'saved' by pyramind head thinking he's no threat what so ever. Unfortunately it makes James seem like a dumb ass.
>>1025570 The Secret of Mana remake was literally a phone game ported to PC. There's dev interviews that basically say Trials was a result of "We decided that since most of the world has never played this, we should put actual effort into since it's essentially a new game"
>>1025696 Bloober can't seem to know the difference of their pale imitation and imperfect recreation from a homage and inspiration. James enters the room, but he doesn't discover Pyramid Head doing the "deed", the origal had James hide quickly in the closet and having a close up of his face quivering in fear on what the fuck he just stumbled on, while in the remake he barely has any articulation of his fucking face other muh sad dead look, And the fucking Jacob's Ladder twitching yoga poses that Pyramid Head does is fucking needless and ruins the difference between him and the rest of the creatures in the game where he's imposing, now he seems like the Dead by Daylight version of him doing emotes.
>>1025688 The SH2 Remake was truly the worst thing it could have been: a bland horror tps that's just okay enough for normalfags to pretend is fine.
>>1025660 >Wasn't that the big "catch" for Silent Hills? Where the Otherworld was going to trade in it's bloody metallic Hell looking for a more diseased and decaying environment. The first 3 games did that first, SH1 with the rust and urban decay connecting to Alessa and the hospital hell she was in. The original SH2 with the diseased looking environment connecting to Mary's illness and James mental state, and SH3 with the whole demon god baby growing inside Heather. And that's pretty much just rumors' The one where Kojimbo, Junji Ito and Del Taco might have planned on the nightmare becoming more widespread with different nightmares intersecting like what happened in Silent Hill 2 with James', Eddie's, and Angela's nightmares crossing each other. It's like what that retarded game Silent Hill The Short Bus game tried to do.
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anyone got the webmb of the cult or whatever where the dude has to get raield in the ass?
>>1025712 It is kinda annoying that Silent Hill 2 is clearly of a gaiden/side story that asks "What happens if the otherworldly power is allowed to fester without a master to control it?" and yet it's the poster boy of the series,
>>1025714 Read the thread
>>1025715 I blame every fucking pretentious hipsters journos and the western ideas guys like Tomm Hulett, Devin Shatsky, and Tom Waltz for pushing the"Trouble in Therapy Town" angle over and over, to the point they have devalued and destroyed the concept. Now we're back with a fucking Remake and a goddamn movie in the horizon.
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>>1025518 >I am more in favor of remaking bad games or the "black sheep" of a series. Sure they were bad back then, but maybe it had some good ideas that weren't explored in the subsequent entries, or maybe the story was good, or maybe it had a rushed development, or maybe they needed to tweak the balancing a bit more, or it could have used a more modern combat system.
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Everything in this remake is shit or looks like shit
Curious what those resonance points are for, knowing full well those are either locations or puzzles from the original game? It's just collectibles for a fucking achievement. https://archive.md/rkxlU The fact that Bloober team had the capability to actually recreate these things and choose to just make them into a " haha remember this part in the original?" collectible in a game series, that if I recall correctly, had no collectibles is infuriating.
>>1025733 At least we got Krystal out of that and her tribal outfit too.
>>1025721 Fug. I didn't realize it was at the top & I passed by it like twice when I was scrolling. Dang man.
>>1025754 This is some luciano tier spergery, GCretard.
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>>1025828 People will say this about Mirror's Edge all the time as if that was a masterclass in art direction and diegetic signposting.
>>1025829 It was actually fitting in Mirrors Edge
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>>1025828 >>1025829 "Games have always guided the player in hamfisted ways, Half-Life 2 had to redesign levels because literally players kept walking in circles. This is just another non-issue gamers have blown out of proportion to complain." say the Extremely Intelligent individuals who cannot tell the difference between these two images.
>>1025831 Sorry, that was a typo. I meant "as if that wasn't a masterclass". Mirror's Edge does it brilliantly.
>>1025833 I miss games looking sharp They look like absolute sludge even at 4K due to modeen lighting and texture solutions along with untalented hacks making them.
>>1025836 What even is that about? I've heard it's something to do with how anti-aliasing is done today, but I don't know enough about computer graphics to understand why most games made in the last 10 years lack that definition of old Source engine releases.
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>>1025837 TAA is liretally just smearing off the screen with vaseline to hide jagged edges, but that isn't the only issue. It's mostly down to shit texture quality, bad color contrast and bad lighting.
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>>1025660 If you're wondering about the Pyramid Head boss, you can still dodge and wait it out but his attack isn't a one hit kill like in the original. I just recorded this one since shooting him is somewhat shorter and to show the original location being made into a collectible. >Maria encounter The last bit is to show that there's no more friendly fire. >How annoying is it to keep running into doors you cannot open compared to the older games just having a caption saying that they're locked whenever you tried to interact with them? It's worse given it's Silent Hill where some of the doors unlocking are event based so I can see anyone who's first Silent Hill is this get lost a lot. >Also is the game auto-aiming? Yes, you see it more when James does melee.
>>1025814 bot linkntally ill/buyfag.
>>1025712 Isn't part of the problem that Silent Hill isn't actually "true psychological horror" due to the fact that all the manifestations in and around the town are happening as a part of the occult? Or would that be too "on the nose" for everything we see happening in today's world with it's relevancy? And that's WHY they trying to take the horror out of the town and away from having anything to do with The Order. >>1025733 Fuck you, 'Assault was a great game. >>1025848 >First webm The first boss battle with Pyramid Head makes zero sense. >Second webm Texture pop-in at 3:05 >The last bit is to show that there's no more friendly fire. Isn't that going to screw around with how the player gets the endings?
>>1025846 I just use a sharpening shader and it usually looks clean enough without any aliasing with TAA, that doesn't solve the shitty as fuck contrast and lighting in new games though, I tried out RDR1 the other day with the Switch port/emulation and even though it looks ok (I don't really care for the game since it's just GTA4 with horses) it's completely washed out, the lighting and textures are alright but there's no reason why I should have to nuke the gamma and contrast to make it not look like dogshit, that's a game from 2010. The lighting in games went full retard with Fallout 3 and Twilight Princess.
>>1025859 Post processing as a whole became a crutch for shitty art designers.
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>>1025857 >Isn't part of the problem that Silent Hill isn't actually "true psychological horror" due to the fact that all the manifestations in and around the town are happening as a part of the occult? What kind of misunderstanding or misinterpretation is that? Because we've already seen what Silent Hill game gets made where they just drop the "occult" and supernatural, and just double down on their idea of "psychological horror" where's it's psychology and no horror. Now the"Psychological Horror" aspect should not to be blatant as this shit! It should affect you on your subconscious! You see a disturbing image and/or scene, and it bothers you on a deeper level than "MUH GUILT MONSTER CHASING AFTER ME!" or "SEXUAL FRUSTRATION!" And there's also a problem with the concept of "Occult" presented by the games like Homecoming (Just the movie cult where they kept shouting THE ORDER! over and over) or Downpour where they're only collectibles, and there's Origins where the occult is just a Diablo ripoff boss fight and the appearance of the Flauros. No expanded knowledge about real occult stuff like the notes in SH1 and SH2. >Or would that be too "on the nose" for everything we see happening in today's world with it's relevancy? And that's WHY they trying to take the horror out of the town and away from having anything to do with The Order. By taking it out from the town where it's a crazy demon worshipping cult that corrupted the land's spiritual power that got out of hand into "SILENT HILL THE PHENOMENON!" doesn't just cheapens the concept made by the first 4 games, it destroys everything original about Silent Hill. One last thing >The Order That kike Jeremy Blaustein just doing his localization shit on his own lonesome, while the game where he shat that out, Silent Hill 4 The Room, where every character just calls them "the cult" because the devs admitted it was to give them an air of mystery and a sense that they would not share their secrets to outsiders. That fucking shit name stuck out because of those retards from the Silent Hill wiki and of course Tomm Hulett and the retards at Double Helix doing Homecoming.
>>1025828 >>1025833 I noticed Lies of P used paint on ladders and on a few "switches" but it's MUCH more subtle than this, and that's considering some "hey look there" points of interest have literal spotlights rigged up and shining on them. It looks organic and probably can be put down to other Stalkers highlighting safe zones. Or just the Black Rabbits fucking around, which they seem to like to do. >first pic has an up arrow in addition to all the obvious paint Good God. Are modern gamers THIS brain dead or just modern developers?
>>1025865 >What kind of misunderstanding or misinterpretation is that? It's because of the fact that you're stilling fighting an evil entity at the end of the day. With the exception of SH2 (Which isn't really an exception considering the resurrection ending), the games lead up to you fighting a very real and very definite evil. And the "physiological" aspects mostly sprouts from the fact that the town is using people's very own problems against them for the purposes of killing them. Turning all the monsters and horrors into "MUH GUILT MONSTER CHASING AFTER ME" and "SEXUAL FRUSTRATION" does indeed defeat the greater point that the town is trying to use you to kill yourself and others. >>1025868 >Are modern gamers THIS brain dead or just modern developers? The latter. These people have admitted time and time again that they do not like video games.
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>>1025881 Psychological Horror = Yours or Someone else's Nightmare manifested by the town's power, the former is true for SH2, James, Angela, and Eddie's nightmares and inner darkness gets reflected back to them and intersects, like Eddie's Freezer Room boss fight and Angela's Stairway to Hellfire Heaven, Depending on how you play, you get the ending you deserve. >You face the truth no matter how horrifying it is then make a choice at the end >Leave and move on. or >Use the town's power for yourself own selfish need with an occult ritual that will only make it worse. >Avoid the truth, repeat your mistakes with a false imitation of the reason you went to the town, >Or get consumed by despair and end it all. Now on the latter is SH1, SH3, and SH4, the psychological manifestations of Alessa's nightmare, Heather and the cult's demon baby growing inside her and Walter's fucked up memories and his unhinged detachment of his humanity. That's the psychological aspects that no one talks about because Muh Silent Hill 2 Inner Demon, and when you play them, you find yourself in someone else's nightmare and it's alien to you and it is to the protagonist, that's a thousand times worse than your own inner demon nightmare. And no, don't go with the "Silent Hill is real town and it's using you to kill yourself or others, and you're a serial killer running around", it cheapens it. And please, don't think of the final bosses as the definite evil when your entire journey with the otherworld nightmare means it's the journey not the final boss destination that's the important thing. The psychological aspect is everywhere in the games, they show you something and not outright spell it out, this is why this remake is dogshit at even trying to imitate it. The fucking "realism" they're going with the Remake along with the new control schemes means Zoomers or "Fans who are now finally playing their favorite Silent Hill game for the first time!" cannot appreciate these. The Team Silent had dedicated employees who were "Town Designer" and "Room Designer", every room was a canvass that would stay in your mind.
>>1025829 >>1025831 >>1025834 It's down to the developers knowing what kind of a game they were making and coordinating that clearly with the environmental designers. It wasn't about making realistic world you want to stop and explore, or even about figuring out environmental puzzles - it was about having a robust handful of movesets and using them kinetically to get through an obstacle course as quickly and fluidly as possible. You needed clear environmental cues so that you could identify the correct course in a split second and respond accordingly so that you didn't lose momentum. This was countered by making everything else in the game world hewing towards bold monotones in order to set up a clear and consistent visual design and reduce visual noise. Though even that could be enhanced with Runners Vision to increase the contrast between background and gameplay. The problem with most modern games is that graphical fidelity has been pushed to such a degree that "realism" has trumped level design - and the amount of visual noise makes it hard, if not impossible, to separate signal from noise even when you take the time to really observe your surroundings. There are two broad solutions to this problem. Either you splash everything with obnoxious yellow paint to clearly outline what the player is supposed to be doing/interacting with - or you just make everything a part of the gameplay. The second option, however, isn't feasible with development budgets and gutted QA/playtesting staff. Two other options are to either scale back graphics fidelity so that you have more signal to noise - or you have competent artists and level designers actually make subtle lighting and level design cues which massage the player through the level and make them think it was their idea. These latter two options are pretty much non-options in the market today due to a lack of talent. For as expensive as graphics are to make continually better - they're far easier to "get right" on the first try than level design, reducing development time significantly. Until very recently, "eye candy" was a significant marketing advantage as well - which lead to this whole fucking problem to begin with.
>>1025831 You could even say it was transitive, before the DEI money I mean.
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>>1025892 > "Fans who are now finally playing their favorite Silent Hill game for the first time!" I hate this reality.
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>>1025865 >Jeremy Blaustein
>>1026019 I'm not deep enough into Silent Hill autism to understand thheir exchange, what's going on there?
>>1026091 It was tl;dr for me, but (((Jeremy Blaustein))) sounds Jewish so he's probably fucking up Silent Hill shit.
>>1026091 He's the fucking translator who kept overplaying his hand, using his "I was part of Team Silent!" cred to justify shit localizations. . He also did the shit localization of Castlevania Symphony of the Night, funny thing, that kike localized the "Materialize Cube" into "Cube of Zoe" after his own daughter.
>>1026125 Didn't he also screw up the translation for MGS? Which infuriated Kojima so much that he personally oversaw the translation of every MGS game from that point forward.
>>1026135 Yup, he changed the lines in the Psycho Mantis boss fight where went it was >This is the first time … I’ve ever used my power to help someone. It’s strange … such a … nostalgic feeling To >This is the first time … I’ve ever used my power to help someone. It’s strange … it feels … kind of … nice And you know what the flaming faggot said? "I STAND BY WHAT I DID", Kojima is a fucking auteur autist, he could have at least talked to him about any changes to make it better, then he wouldn't throw a shit fit. He might be an old school localize this shit for local audiences translator, but that shit don't fly anymore. Article here https://archive.is/qGqbs
Two more original locations turned into collectibles.
>>1026140 You're overreacting, what's so bad about that change?
I didn't record the first instance (Neely's Bar to Woodside Apartments) but Bloober team uses a storm to transition to the next area, I guess it's to give a sense of urgency but why have it, I have no clue.
>>1026144 >Overreacting By explaining him going behind the creator, Kojima's back and just unilaterally and arbitrarily doing these script changes instead of talking and explaining how this would improve the game, was he the fucking script writer??? This was the same shit he pulled when working with Team Silent as seen here >>1026019 Want to know his views of the current Localization bullshit? He supports Localizers instead of Accuracy. Tell me if if he had his way, he would be as accurate as he could with Metal Gear Solid 2 or Snake Eater, and if he had free reign playing ideas guy and overplaying his role in SH2 and SH3, that we would still have the same final product.
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>>1026091 >>1026097 >>1026125 <tl;dr >SH2 actors sued Konami for not being paid royalties for rereleases of SH2 >Konami decided to rerecord the voice acting in HD Collection using anime voice actors >SH2 actors, out of love for SH fans, decided to sign waivers allowing their voices to be used in the HD Collection >Blaustein claimed that he supported the actors >Cihi says Blaustein was the one that was supposed to get the actors the contracts they needed to sign in order to be paid royalties
>>1026143 Maria doesn't shut up, does she? Also, does the game start glitching out at 9:28? >>1026148 >First webm Funny how it's only the new games that completely have models that glitch out. >Second webm They sure are doing everything possible to make Maria into a slut, aren't they? >Bloober team uses a storm to transition to the next area, I guess it's to give a sense of urgency but why have it, I have no clue. Because these people do not know how to make genuine horror that exists outside of suspenseful situations.
>>1026203 >Because these people do not know how to make genuine horror that exists outside of suspenseful situations. Most "horror" I see has relied on jump scares and the dread of jump scares to build tension as a substitute for good direction.
I like how Bloober team's only take of Eddie is fatass so any food will do. >>1026203 >Maria doesn't shut up, does she? She does not, there are also lines if you stand and do nothing for too long. >Also, does the game start glitching out at 9:28? Yes, also enemy pop in >>1026148 at 9:10 mark of the 1st webm.
>>1026143 >>1026148 I've seen some pics of Maria holding up her OG Outfit. Is this a Donte white hair moment and she goes "Yeah right"?
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>>1026273 See for yourself
>>1026144 >overreacting The shills' and marketeers' buzzword for when people realize that a product is shit.
>>1026291 Something the remake could have done was having Maria gradually changing her outfit throughout the game until she eventually ends up in her original outfit, as if James is continuously being tempted into admitting that his relationship with Mary was more about lust than love.
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It seems like they made Brookhaven more confusing to navigate. You can still check up on Maria but not sure if the endings still work the same.
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The needle in the teddy bear is still there but the chest containing the hair to combine with is now a collectible.
>>1026329 Drama queen
>>1026416 Loser. Your product will flop and everyone will move on and forget about it ever existing.
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Only one Flesh Lips in the remake, the other is cutscene only. Also the damage after cutscene is from the fight. The chained chest that contained hair is now reused as Brookhaven's exit puzzle. The otherworld sections seem to follow the pattern of 3 key items/solution scattered about based on the last two major areas (Bluecreek's otherworld had James collecting the 3 clock hands and setting them according to the riddle).
One thing some people don't notice in Silent Hill games is how strict the game is in the order of doing puzzles. This remake doesn't have that so you can skip sections if you already know the code. As for the cutscenes, I can't believe there are people who think this is better than the original with how deadpan the facial expressions and voice delivery are.
>>1026798 I'm seeing the honeymoon period end, actually. Discourse online is trending more mixed to negative. A lot of people are starting to call out the game for it's length and padding.
>>1026799 What I hate the most about normalfags is how they activelly seek low quality products, een when they admit previous ones weren't good, then proceed to praise the new garbage and after a while, admit it wasn't good either. But then repeat the process again. They fall for this marketing trick a lot, and end up funding more garbage. If they took a cynical approach to everything, they would save money, save time, avoid disappointment and better yet, prevent companies from profiting off garbage.
>>1026799 That was quick, any comments about the combat?
>>1026812 >What I hate the most about normalfags is how they activelly seek low quality products, i really never understood this, finding quality is not hard it jump's out at you so how do they gravitate towards slop every time.
>>1026835 I think the anon in the Star Wars Outlaws thread said it best >>1023635 . These people look at videogames and purchase them, the same way you and me purchase shampoo or soap. We go to the supermarket, take a quick glance at the packaging, maybe read a few buzzwords like "rich in vitamins", "silky smooth", "cleanses the skin", "anti-dandruff" on the package and just add it to the shopping cart. Then on some skin care blog, users are baffled that so many hundreds of millions of people fall for such bullshit and buy literal garbage, instead of making their own soap or buying it from the indie local soap producer which is of much higher quality. Then someone starts posting about how soap used to be good, but then in a certain year, it became shit, when people stopped making their own soap or something like that.
>>1026812 >>1026838 >These people look at videogames and purchase them, the same way you and me purchase shampoo or soap. can't be if that was true they would just be buying what's cheapest instead of the new shit + all the dlc/gatcha.
>>1026839 It's not about buying the cheapest, but what is front and center, that means the latest AAAA goyslop, not some indie game hidden in the corner of Steam. Going back to the soap/shampoo analogy, most people just buy what they see on the shelves, instead of searching online for the cheapest soap available.
>>1026835 Low IQ = emotional and impulsive. The less intelligent someone is, the more likely he/all of "shes" is to just go on with whatever is louder and flashier.
>>1026835 >>1026838 You forget these people only finish 1-2 games/year, they have no standards to judge something's quality on since all they play is bottom of barrel popular shit.
>>1026870 Yes, it's why I think the shampoo analogy was very good. I would also add the majority of piratefags to this category, as they also play the same AAAA slop as the rest of normalfags, it's just that they pirate the slop instead of paying for it, but they still mostly consume it.
>>1026839 That mentality is closer to a comic book fan's 'loyalty'. In this case 'I gotta have the complete game'.
>>1026878 Yeah but Star Wars Outlaws bombed. The Acolyte bombed. That's the whole point. It's gotten so bad the "I gotta have my" thing isn't even happening anymore.
Thread theme >>1026119
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>Removed one of the most important notes in the game so they can make it into another nostalgiabait while also making the game vague
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>>1026956 Still there but no additional note about the key.
>>1026961 They fucking moved it to the end of the damn Hospital? Gonna have to stop wasting time exploring the damn town and just finish this game. This just pisses me off.
>>1026874 Piracy allows for freedom of choice without expenses nor losses. Buying is the retarded option.

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The part where Silent Hill punishes James for chasing a little girl. Is it worth taking it slow and exploring the area for supplies? No. Also Angela cutscene out of nowhere. >>1026963 The game either expands or rearranges something and it feels unnecessary. The city exploration seems like a better fit for Silent Hill 1, hell, 1st webm looks much more in line with Harry than it is with James.
>>1026883 I wouldn't say Star Wars Outlaws bombed, just fell short of Ubisoft's projected sales target.
>>1027399 Too early to know it did or didn't bomb. 45 days? Not yet on Steam, and Ubisoft didn't tell us the cost.
Has anyone heard or even played with the Japanese dub? As for the next part, no more Aztec tablets in the gallows and the candle + horseshoe handle to open a trap door is now a collectible. They also moved the hangman puzzle here. The gimmick this time is to collect weights to access the rooms and finally to open the hangman puzzle. Bloober team also added a prison hospital section so they can continue having the nurses as an enemy.
>>1027527 Team Silent were so disappointed at the Mandarins being so underused, so Bloober in their wisdom made them a fucking chore to handle. Same with the Hotel, the tiny clinic room, so more excuses to have the Nurses around. And fuck the puzzle changes, the "Realism" shit meant they changed the bent needle and string of hair, and swapped it some medical tube, way to lose the themes and surrealism there Bloober, but glad you kept referencing the older puzzles over and over. >>1026998 Fucking hate the entire cast choice, they couldn't get an actual 7 year old little girl to play Laura, so they got Evie Templeton who plays her in the Return to Silent Hill movie to also be her in the Remake, 14-15 year old teen's face superimposed on a tiny girl's body. Same with Eddie, he has a weird fucking face with little articulation, and then you discover he's the same with Laura, his voice actor in some fat suit and wearing facial prosthetic, his body proportions are so wrong and people are making excuses with "Body Dysmorphia". And for the Fuck's sake, they can't help themselves with the filler and padding with Angela and Maria sections.
The Abstract Daddy fight gave me a headache again so that's nice thing to add besides the whole fight being unnecessarily long, the flesh walls don't have the holes with something moving in and out as well. 1st webm has what I think is the cell where James get the wax figure for the horseshoe handle but it's not a collectible and the design for the new hangman puzzle just looks cramped, why not two pillars? I don't know. >>1027615 >the "Realism" shit meant they changed the bent needle and string of hair, and swapped it some medical tube, way to lose the themes and surrealism there Bloober I always thought the hair made sense since one of the focus of Brookhaven was a bunch of mental patients in an isolated section so the items are going to be unconventional. >glad you kept referencing the older puzzles over and over. It's a slap to the face seeing how Bloober team had the resources to at least do the puzzles 1:1 and then there's some of the original puzzles made into entire otherworld sections as if the game wasn't at a decent length already. >Fucking hate the entire cast choice Is the reason why Guy Cihi and Monica Horgan aren't in this like the Dead Rising remake situation again where TJ Rotolo didn't even get called?
>>1027980 Hate how they introduce Abstract Daddy via koolaid man style wall breakin, it's the same shit with Pyramid Head, instead of discovering a disturbing scene in the room with Angela crying about "Please Daddy No!" And Abstract Daddy being disturbingly closed up to show his lip movement (it was to show you Angela's personal monster and the horror) now with the new combat and that chase sequence, it's more terror(which is fleeting) then psychological horror(it stays in your kind). Absolutely hate the new boss fight design and the stupid flashback shit with the Televisions and environment breaking down, it's Homecoming and Downpour all over again. >I always thought the hair made sense since one of the focus of Brookhaven was a bunch of mental patients in an isolated section so the items are going to be unconventional. It's another major theme in Silent Hill that along with puzzles with themes about punishment and guilt (SH2) or fairy tales from one's childhood (SH1 and SH3), you also have using twisted logic that only makes sense for a person who is losing his mind to do some obstacle solutions. The rubber ball in the school in SH1, the needle and strand of hair in OG SH2, and using a hairdryer to get past a monster in the sewers. All disturbing and memorable, the childlike solution in SH1, some insane person thinking a strand of hair has enough strength in SH2, and SH3's bathroom electrical answer for an unknown monster in the waters. >It's a slap to the face seeing how Bloober team had the resources to at least do the puzzles 1:1 and then there's some of the original puzzles made into entire otherworld For a "Standalone Game" they keep referring to the good ones. Imagine that instead of the UFO ending in SH2 where it's just clearly a joke ending with PS1 blocky Harry appearing as not an overt cameo, you had constant references of Harry Mason with the notepad save points or Cheryl's doodles of him, or James looking at a pickaxe, katana, or rock drill and mentioning that he doesn't think they are good weapons for him to use. There's a difference with Heather mentioning James' toilet incident if you had a save game of SH2 to how annoying and immersion breaking it is with the constant recreations of the better game. and if a hypothetical SH3 remake happens, then they'll have her discovering the same damn things from SH2 like in the Inn, Bowling Alley, the Statues, the Hospital. This is nostalgiabait pandering and destroys each game doing it's own thing. >Is the reason why Guy Cihi and Monica Horgan aren't in this like the Dead Rising remake situation again where TJ Rotolo didn't even get called? It's a Remake/Reboot/Re-imagining, a three for three. Motoi Okamoto over there is succeeding where Tomm Hulett failed. He worked with Bloober who just got any B and and as always C list actor they could, and as always, Bloober is a pale imitation of Team Silent, over and over again. https://youtu.be/3STcIGEX3Tg?si=zDQJtg_W_erKtm9w.[Embed] Recasting them means you change the design and character to fit in with their new actors and script. It's not even comparable with the residue/royalty shit with Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster which is a one for one recreation of the first game and where there is now a mod to get the old voices back! Guy Cihi IS James Sunderland! Monica Hargan IS Mary and Maria! Now you got doppelganger new versions where the former is too soft-spoken and has little normal emotional range because some people think being a quiet beta idiot is a good indicator that James is a disturbed and damaged man so blatantly, even though that wasn't the intent! He talks normally and has normal reactions, thoughts, and conversations with people like his reaction to the dead bodies, his disappointment about not saving Maria, and talk with Eddie and Angela, but as soon as he keeps going through with his journey, his actions become more and more unhinged, jumping through holes with no hesitation, new James has rapid breathing and some hesitation about jumping so you have to prompt it! Way to kill another detail, Bloober! Then you got the latter with Mary and Maria, the fuckin filler and padding along with Maria's performance barely being different from Mary kills everything about their contrast and duality, and original intent of Maria to waylay you, now you're being forcefed to have some sympathy her with that Downpour tier chase sequence towards Heaven's Night and her moaning poetically back in the park with of course, new background for Rebirth Ending. tl:dr Capcom are cheap motherfuckers and hate voice actor Unions, same thing with Ada's old VA being replaced with movie Ada. And Konami needed a reboot and reimagining for the franchise, so back up plan because Ascension is written by some Norwegian Dyke who does not understand why Silent Hill was scary, and Okamoto and HexaDrive failed with Short Message because it's a misinterpretation of what made Silent Hill scary, another "Punish me, o monster who is a representation of my guilt and not a copy of Pyramid Head! Let me escape from this purgatory!" game. New heavily invested jumpstart for the franchise with Team Silent's number one imitators, new direction means new actors, redesigned characters, new script, new game design... it's all so tiresome, the constant point of comparison with the original and shit remake is draining my soul.
>>1027980 Forgot to add, they really toned down shit. Especially the pistons and the skin wall, the new boss fight means you will not give a damn about those details unless someone points it you for you. And that stupid addition of a supernatural wall and hallway of arms in the labyrinth. Doesn't seem to fit in this game, like they took it from Fatal Frame.
>>1025734 Angela's face is one of the worst parts of the remake, truly
>>1027527 >Has anyone heard or even played with the Japanese dub? It has one? The original SH2 & SH3 games only had subtitles even in the North American copies
>>1028030 >The original SH2 & SH3 games only had subtitles even in the North American copies Fuck are you on about? SH Western copies were all dub only
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>>1028021 Harry Mason is the only SH character that should look like David Duchovny
>>1028058 >Fuck are you on about? You can change the subtitle language to Japanese in those games, nothing about dubs
>>1026333 >>1026291 The OG outfit's origin is not as relevant, I could see it being justified to change so long as it has a similarly fucked up origin/source.

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