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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Better Days With Best Console Edition Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 22:39:47 Id: f9c1e5 No. 1080940 >>1080999
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: <The Dreamcast like, JFK, was an INSIDE JOB! >USAID Website Goes Dark As Trump Reportedly Plans To Shift Agency Under State Department; Agency revealed to have engaged in wasteful spending including combatting "misinformation" on the Internet such as 4chan and Reddit https://archive.ph/h4nEx >Companies beginning to abandon DEI and other Affirmative Action temp filter due to raidicies following 2024 US Election Results: https://archive.ph/GW9C8 https://archive.ph/OqPGJ https://archive.ph/WlVIj >Guillemot Family And Tencent May Move Select Ubisoft Assets To New Venture After Assassin's Creed Shadows is delayed to March 20th 2025 https://archive.md/NMr6d https://archive.ph/zL2AP >Dragon Age Veilguard Director Leaves EA After Disappointing Attempt At Series Revival https://archive.ph/yoQe1 >Feminist Frequency is dead https://archive.is/gHAZc >Buzzfeed News is shutting down https://archive.is/mI2rz >The Gamer Praises Censorship in ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >Chris Avellone wins seven figures lawsuit, possible return to video games industry https://archive.is/ZDgT7 >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again:
[Expand Post]https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>1080942 #NotYourShield :^)
>best console Perhaps, if we're just talking home consoles I guess. Being backwards compatible with the PS1 definitely helps it a lot. Many of its multiplats were often better on other platforms though.
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Archive of previous thread: https://archive.md/UWhZ8
>>1080942 >Ubisoft's latest agenda
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>>1080959 Too bad /moonman/ is dead.
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>30 Years Ago, The Grandfather Of Game Journalism Told 2D Fighting Game Fans To "Get A Life" https://archive.ph/R6kWH Attached image is the full thing, but here's just a sliver of the rant: <My point is that you pathetic individuals who spent years of your life mastering these goofy commands on fighting games need to Get A Life. <It's time to kick this genre in the head. Admit it; you spent years learning a skill that serves absolutely no use whatsoever in the real world. In the old days, players who mastered Space Invaders and Pac-Man at least learned pattern recognition. What have you idiots learned? A bunch of non-standard fatalities and babalities and clayalities, and you're all no better off than you were when you started. Move on. <Move out of your momma's home. Learn to try other types of games. At least move into three dimensions with Virtua Fighter or Toshinden. Try sims, sports games, RPGs; just try something other than an interconnected series of spastic twitches, signifying nothing (Street Fighter Alpha is not an option). <Grow the hell up. In the future, try doing things like reading the works of Chinese philosophers or viewing the cinematic ontput of John Woo. Simply understand that you were seduced by an over-hyped, two-dimensional genre and move beyond this point.
>>1080967 I'll never understand why someone would bother being a gaming journalist if you hate video games. Just get a different fucking job.
>>1080960 Except for the last one, those aren't niggers, you nigger. Tan/brown =/= nigger.
>>1080969 >Just get a different fucking job. They can't, that's the core of their enmity. They went into college with useless journalism degrees expecting to be part of legitimate big news media, and managed to not meet the requirements to get hired. Games Journalism was the only field willing to take them (because the bosses in charge didn't care about integrity and just wanted whoever was cheapest) and they'll never feel any pride in having to serve something childish like video games while barely making ends meet, so they unfairly take their frustration out on the people who enjoy it while eventually building up numbers to stage a hostile Human Resources takeover and try to FORCE their game journo rag into acting like it's a big name rag by reporting on non-vidya shit (while still shitting on vidya in order to sometimes attract game companies looking for someone to shill - for money). It's the same reason leftists were able to conquer translation: they got their language and writing degrees, proved too incompetent to get the REAL big money jobs like translating documents or writing for Hollywood, settled for a field where Jap companies only give a shit about who's willing to pay for pennies, and let their resentment build and used their position to live their dream vicariously, while locking leftist ranks.
>>1080942 >>1080959 >>1080960 >>1080962 Funny enough I came across this just now as I'm reading this thread. Don't forget to say NIGGER tonight, anons!
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits ☑ Actually, it's about ensuring children are left alone ☑ Channeled decades’ worth of bigotry and hatred embedded into systems, platforms, and communities both online and off ☑ Ignited a fundamentally misinformed firestorm against Sweet Baby Inc ☑ Becoming Spiteful Failsons ☑ It cannot be overstated how much of an influence Gamergate2 et al had in reeee-electing Donald Trump ☑ Elon Musk's war on federal workers
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I'm trying to archive this pcgaymer article about helldivers but it keeps fucking breaking, am I retarded? I don't usually do gaymergay shit but I actually liked helldivers and now this retard took a media literacy shit on everything.
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>>1080942 >>1080960 >>1080972 >>1080975 Don't fuck niggers. FUCK CLOWNS
>>1080981 Didn't you Helldiver players have to stage a community wide riot before because the devs wouldn't listen to you? You shouldn't be surprised.
>>1080984 The PSN debacle, people only cared because it impacted every single pc player.
>>1080981 That just show UN can't tell the difference of how people perceive a game and reality.
>>1080986 If that's the case, my cynical take is that people STILL won't care until it affects them personally. Story of every faggot enabler normalfag's life.
Gay incest is coming for us all: https://archive.ph/rsuzy
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>>1080992 Whatever happened to good old fashioned heterosexual parricidal incest?
>>1080989 The point is this is the CEO Pilestedt saying the game is brainwashing people into facism >Of course, you might start to wonder how fun it’ll actually be once you consider the implications of dressing players up in fascist uniforms and calling them to arms under the banner of an imperial state to die, die, and die again in the name of democracy. "We asked ourselves, could we brainwash an entire community to fight for a fascist state? Would they? Would we be okay with that? And turns out, yeah, actually," Pilestedt said in his talk. The context you need to understand is community has always been absolutely inundated with media literate niggers constantly baiting with the DON'T YOU KNOW SUPER EARTH IS THE BAD GUY? Devs previously pushed back on the attempts at capture saying they weren't interested in making grand political statements, but now here we are, and that was a lie.
>>1080994 I always assumed it was a lie so it didn't impact me much reading what he said.
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>>1080992 >gay incest instead of selfcest
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>>1080940 (OP) The archives of the Kennedy files. And it was the jews all along: https://archive.md/BWfHF https://github.com/amasad/jfk_files
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>>1080993 Does Andrew have any feelings towards his sister in the non-canon route? I know they fucked like everyone else does but that's besides the point. I know his sister does albeit in a fucked up way at best he seems very protective despite being justifiably pissed off at her own antics.
>>1080999 Some more info I found: https://archive.ph/NMswW Also, for the lulz: https://archive.ph/rGyyy
>>1080999 Trips don't lie but also we all knew this. It tells us nothing.
>>1081000 All of this bullshit AND more in the brand new episode of Andy and Leyley! Releasing this April!
>>1080986 No? I made a throwaway psn on launch when it was still mandatory.
>>1081004 I need my fucking incest fix god damn it!
>>1081004 Oh, there's a date now? Guess that means The Coffin of Andrew and Renee will be finished shortly after, too.
>>1080992 im sure this would get some of those oldschool fujo juices flowing maybe nemlei's too
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>>1081009 >fujo juices
>>1081008 Apparently they held a poll for releasing the next episode now or delay until everything's finished. The overwhelming majority voted for the early release https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2378900/view/523084408406671661
>>1081000 >Does Andrew have any feelings towards his sister in the non-canon route? He can't NOT have feelings at any and all times. The problem is, he's lying to himself about how much control he has over Ashley and how willingly he engages her bullshit. If there's one thing Ashley's right about, it's that Andrew uses her as a scapegoat, and as a frustration outlet for the fact he's a failed normalfag. He can justify anything unhealthy about himself as being victimized so long as she's around and causing woman moments, but deep down he can't live with himself without her, as demonstrated by his constant fixation of romantically dying together (like in the future vision where he slits her throat but Ashley refuses to shoot him, where he says he'll be suiciding to join her shortly). Most outrage he portrays regarding her actions on decency grounds - even murdering their parents - is disingenuous. He doesn't give that much of a shit outside the consequences, he admits as much in his dream sequence. It's probably best demonstrated with his relationship with Julia. He only dated her to dispel rumors that he was incestuous only to have her fashion herself like Ashley to sate his urges. He plays dumb about the constant death threats she sends Julia (and emotionally manipulates her to make her feel like it's her fault for "fighting") until the very moment he has an opportunity to hold it against Ashley when Julia dumps him in Chapter 1. For god's sake, he finds every excuse he can to sleep in the same bed as her (if you check their motel bed in Chapter 2 during his solo sequence, he admits he's been making up how often he has nightmares). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LBhJPq6HlI
>>1081008 >Oh, there's a date now? >>1081012 Not exactly. Since the routes diverge so greatly, there's a 3A and a 3B, which presumably means a 4A and 4B unless one route ends prematurely. Part 4 is supposed to be shorter and take less time, so Nemlei wanted to finished everything at once, but now has gone back and said she's gonna release 3A for now. However, 3B is the wincest route, so incest will have to wait, possibly until 2026. And then part 4 possibly in 2027. Because dev time is always understated and nothing is ever finished on time, let alone early.
>>1081014 Sounds like a bunch of gay emo shit for teenage girls from 2005.
>>1081017 >gay emo shit for teenage girls Teenage FINNISH girls, if we're being specific.
>>1081017 A story about codependency is gay emo shit. But it's spiced up with incest and cannibalism and patricide and murder.
>>1081017 >>1081019 And evil cult gods.
>>1081019 Very poorly, frankly. I still don't know why it's so goddamn popular, the fucking game's drivel at best.
>>1081021 Incest porn is the reason why.
>>1081022 Not even good incest porn. The art style's fuckin' awful, everything about it from top to bottom has something off about it.
>>1081021 Modern internet's so sanitized that something like this being able to skirt past the censorship brigade (and survive attempts to cancel it) is able to resonate nowadays. That's really all you need to succeed nowadays - which is sad.
>>1081023 Incest porn is usually drawn in a different art style. To clarify, I was talking about fanart. TCOAAL is shit but has lots of r34 that makes people like it. It is like overwatch in this regard. Sorry if that bothers the one female who visits this place.
>>1081023 >The art style's fuckin' awful Nah, you got shit taste. Opinions discarded.
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>>1081014 He sounds even more pathetic then I thought. I assumed he was a heartless scumbag with barely a sense of humanity but he's ultimately an emotionally unstable emo with extreme codependency issues even more so then his own sister. >>1081025 A bit of edge always breaks the mold but things are so dull that a slight stub with no visible risk of injury is now profound.
>>1081027 His opinion is objectively correct, though.
>tcoaal >the coaal >the coal
>>1081017 That's exactly why it's successful, it's like heroin for angsty internet nerds with unmet sexual needs.
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>>1081017 Yes. With incest.
Mark keeps deleting any mention I make of "Heter Iska," a way for Jews to get interest-free loans in the United States. https://archive.ph/5NQWN https://archive.ph/yqGAB https://archive.ph/HYSXz https://rumble.com/v66o1rm-usury-and-the-one-group-exploiting-it-matt-kim-131.html
>>1081017 It's core audience is probably the same type of girl as fujoshis, so I think it's fine for what it is, just not my type of game. The real way to appeal to females is stuff like this that's Twilight/50 Shades of Gray tier trash, not super ugly women who like men bleating about social issues.
>>1081041 look like men*
>>1081000 It's the same story with every BPD bitch, it's just his sister. "My Little Sister Can't Be This BPD" is what the game should be called. I love it and look forward to more.
>>1080981 >People roleplay for the game <Haha! we brainwashed them to be fascist! Bunch of retards
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>>1080999 >Trumpstein allowed the jew to be named No fucking way!
>>1080981 >Only give you the choice to play as Le Ebil Faciss faction >Act like it was some master plan people play as them. I also want to play Devil's Advocate and say that this might be (((PC Gamer))) cherry picking quotes out of context.
>>1081018 Of course something like that wiuld come from Finland.
>>1081081 Is Finland emo land or something or are you talking about the autism
>>1080953 Updated archive of previous bread https://archive.md/GFBBl
>>1080960 Niggers don't exist in the nijigen. All those 2D girls just have a tan.
>>1081002 >Steven Crowder Who was this one again?
>>1081036 The incest is part of the emo shite though. Its >nobody understands our forbidden love. Same thing that motivated vampire romance shit. That's the reason why girls like it anyway.
>>1081057 wtf, is this a teaser for the third one? Switch 2 release title?
>>1081104 The "change my mind" guy.
>>1081095 >picrelated A mecha? I wish Kageaki was as cool as he look in the pic most of the story
>>1081108 > Its >nobody understands our forbidden love Not really. It's more like they know it's wrong and they don't care. Same with the murder and cannibalism. It's about a couple of people that are just unrepentantly evil on a downward spiral.
>>1081108 >>1081122 There's a lot of nuance to the incest stuff. Personally, I think it's less about a fantasy of actually inbreeding with your blood relative, and more about this idea of true romantic love between two individuals sprouting despite there being an overwhelming taboo. For the majority of people, at least. Also consider that there are many who like the idea of incest with one's sister, but have never actually had a female sibling in their lives. They can only presume what their attraction to their own imagined sister would be.
>>1081124 >Also consider that there are many who like the idea of incest with one's sister, but have never actually had a female sibling in their lives. My sister is hot, and not BPD.
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>>1081127 gay incest ❌😒 straight incest ☑️☑️☑️💯💯
>>1081040 Because buying part of your business and forcing you to buy it back for more money is pilpul interest to jew god. Also /pol/
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>>1081126 Hopefully, this kicks off a chain of events that’ll boost Japan’s fertility rates and ramp up its racism and anti nigger/western attitude. They have played nice for 80 years. I think it's about time they are allowed to play god again.
>>1081136 >and ramp up its racism and anti nigger/western attitude. Are you even aware of what's going on in Japan right now?
>>1081137 I’m guessing from your question that I don’t.
>>1081138 Off the top of my head, there's huge backlashes against the foreign nationals causing troubles in Japan (Mainly against the Kurds), they've tripled the tax on tourists because of overtourism is disrupting daily life, the government is currently re-assessing about foreigners having the right to buy Japanese real estate, a party that's one of the biggest supports of globalization is about to lose their status as a "National Party" (Which revokes their ability to influence the Diet), the government pushed through a new law several months ago that basically revokes your residency status as a foreigner if you haven't paid your taxes, and that's just off the top of my head. Oh, and they told the UN to fuck off and cut off funding about a month ago for demanding that Japan change the their system of monarchy to allow a woman to become emperor. A lot of Japanese are increasingly tired of this shit and are getting pissed. And this is everything I'm finding from just ONE guy's account: https://xcancel.com/Arin_Yumi However if you just paid attention to the "regular news" that's coming out of Japan, the only thing you'd be hearing about is the certificate scandel with Ishiba and how Trump is being "big mean man" for demanding that Japan be entirely fair with the U.S.. All AssCreed Shadows is doing is adding fuel to a fire that's already ablaze.
>>1081145 >the government is currently re-assessing about foreigners having the right to buy Japanese real estate I'll grant that chinks like Tencent are invisible and international leftist pushes like ESG took decades and tipping their hand aggressively to finally have Western normalfags acknowledge them (let alone Japanese ones, which is always 20 years behind the west) , but the fact SNK the King of Fighters guys got bought by some Saudi sandnigger oil baron who's literally the only thing keeping them from bankruptcy wasn't alarming in implications?
>>1081136 >boost fertility rates In any country, this can only happen by eliminating rights for women. It turns out that some of the third world characteristics are the only right ones and should not be changed/devolved into liberal retardation.
>>1081151 >It turns out that some of the third world characteristics are the only right ones Are those same third-world nations currently the ones ALSO suffering the most heavily from the fertility crisis that's effecting nations globally?

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>>1081108 The interest in emo aesthetics have nothing to do with my incest fetish. It's just a bonus.
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>>1081108 >>1081124 Speak for yourself. I love nutting in my (fictional) moms.
>>1081017 Yes, that's exactly what makes it so good. It's like a game from the best period of the internet. The target audience is also women into true crime according to the dev.
>>1081030 >He sounds even more pathetic then I thought. I assumed he was a heartless scumbag with barely a sense of humanity but he's ultimately an emotionally unstable emo with extreme codependency issues even more so then his own sister. The game literally advertises itself with that anon. What were you expecting? The steam page literally calls him "Doormat extraordinaire".
>>1081135 >Because buying part of your business and forcing you to buy it back for more money is pilpul interest to jew god. What?
>>1081152 Even if they are, their fertility is still way higher than first world countries were people actually stopped having children (as opposed to having only 1 or 2 when they used to have 5 to 7, in third world countries). The common point being: rights for women = low fertility.
>>1081161 ...F-femanon, is that you?
>>1081168 Fortunately I'm a guy.
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>>1081128 But what if lil bro is a power bottom tho?
The news about AssCreed Shadows is such a fiasco that even regular news sources are picking up on it: https://archive.ph/qLAmk >Europe games industry on edge as 'Assassin's Creed' hits shelves <Thursday's release of action-adventure epic "Assassin's Creed Shadows" marks a make-or-break moment not just for struggling French games heavyweight Ubisoft, but for the entire European gaming ecosystem. <With its almost 18,000 employees and global footprint, Ubisoft has nevertheless suffered one setback after another in recent years with disappointing releases, a dwindling stock price, harassment allegations against former bosses and repeated strikes. <The company is falling back on its longtime major money-spinner "Assassin's Creed" to pull it from the doldrums, this time with an episode set in medieval Japan. <"I've never seen things this way" as the whole European industry looks to Ubisoft, Midcap Partners analyst Charles-Louis Planade told AFP ahead of the launch. <More than 17 Ubisoft studios employing hundreds have poured five years of work into "Shadows", with an estimated budget running into hundreds of millions of euros. <... <He said a poor sales showing could provoke a knock-on effect across the entire industry, noting that in France alone, Ubisoft accounts for almost one-third of the country's 15,000 jobs in games development <Many budding creators pass through Ubisoft after completing their training, while former employees have founded new studios in France and around the world. <... <Ubisoft shares had fallen almost 5.6% on Wednesday to trade at 12.60 euros by the time markets closed, despite the good early reviews for "Shadows". <Even before release of the hoped-for blockbuster, Ubisoft said it was "actively exploring various strategic and capitalistic options" for its future. <Early rumours suggested that could involve going private with help from Chinese tech giant Tencent, a major investor that holds 10% of Ubisoft. <More recently, multiple outlets have reported the group could sell off much of its games catalogue to focus on its core titles. <"Every option is on the table" for Ubisoft's future, Planade said, with commercial success for "Shadows" likely to strengthen Ubisoft's hand in the negotiations.
>>1081177 I don't get how they fucked it this bad. It MUST be intentional but it's almost too retarded to have been intentional at the very same time. All they had to do was make a shittier knockoff of Sekiro and they would have made bank and no one would have complained.
>>1081165 Thats what I got from actually reading one of the articles anon posted instead of reading headlines.
>>1081177 I did hear they might form a company with the blockbuster titles and sell ownership shares in it.
>>1081174 Remain heterosexual at all times, brother
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>>1081184 Where do you think we are?
>>1081177 The writer's trying REEEALY hard to skirt around the issue and make them look good.
>>1081186 Oh my bad, carry on then.
>>1081127 Is that second panel edited? What's it from?
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>>1081201 Gantz didn't end?
>>1081201 Yeah. They are definitely using AI for this tripe. Even for the backgrounds. >>1081202 Gooks figured out you can milk a franchise with lazy spin-offs and sequels just by slapping the original author’s name on the cover. This shit is 'Gantz:E.
>>1081201 Why does it look so bad, is this fucking AI?
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>>1081205 The artist had a style similar to Oku and was genuinely talented. No clue why they went this direction.
>>1081176 Just in fiction obviously, incest IRL is pretty bad unfortunately
>>1081221 Incest is only for anal.
Stop being gay Gaymergays, Have sex and make babies.
>>1081221 I heard there's only genetic damage from second generation inbreeding. Also if physical console games are made in mexico does this mean gta6 will be $125?
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>>1081230 gotta find a girl that wants to touch my wang.
>>1081230 But Abe sama the gates to glorious nippon and its bounty of women are being closed down to petty outsiders like me how will I ever have sex??
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>>1081230 If they keep importing Kurds and other dune coons, Abe will get his wish - whether they want to or not.
>>1081230 How do I find a woman who isn't a whore and has remained a virgin, like me?
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<<1081229 Of course the furfag would have this opinion.
>>1081238 Improve yourself and date a younger gal.
>>1081221 You disappoint me.
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>>1081236 Takatsu is God
>>1081177 Please fail Please fail Please fail
>>1081252 >>1081177 Please excuse the "chud" shit, but that's my sentiment exactly.
>>1081252 Probably will because the game is an outright disaster from start to finish. However there's some blatant stat manipulation tomfoolery taking place as an attempt to hide this. For example, the game hasn't managed to crack 42k players on Steam: https://steamdb.info/app/3159330/charts/ Which means just as many people are playing this game as using the program Bongo Cat: https://steamdb.info/app/3419430/charts/ With the player count peaking about five hours ago before plateauing. Meanwhile in those five hours, that game has "somehow" gone from being absolutely unable to break into the top 30 best selling games on the platform: https://archive.ph/AaFjB To now topping the global sales charts: https://archive.ph/cJoZZ
>>1081179 > It MUST be intentional A part of me wishes but we all know they are just that incompetent.
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>>1081261 IT'S FUCKING BOTH HAVE YOU BEEN ASLEEP THESE PAST 12 YEARS? https://archive.is/xk5xQ
>>1081260 Owari da...
>>1081264 This is what happens when you hire on anything else besides merit. You get a bunch of ideologically minded incompetent fuckwit. The truth is it shouldn't matter what race/gender/sexuality you are when making games. How good you are at making games matters, but because those companies were lied to by shitty investment groups funded by governments that want to sow dissent, that made fallacious studies that said that "Diversity is what will make your company be better!", they've been fooled into hiring based off of irrelevant fucking factors like "being a woman" or "being black". Really, true for everything.
>>1081230 I am not going to repeat the process that creates dysfunctional slave niggercow autism babies. I'd rather die an unlovable incel chud than contribute to the further degeneration of the gene pool.
>>1081257 At the end of the day it's a massive failure and it doesn't matter how they try manipulating stats or numbers
>>1081201 Did his artstyle get worse with time?
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So where do you think they'll go from here in the wake of the Tesla cyber truck vandalism?
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>From the Asscreed thread This is most likely very accurate as look at the actions of Ubikie. https://archive.ph/CpzfP
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>>1081156 Damnit, now I have to fap.
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>>1081276 >Ubisoft had a golden opportunity to craft the biggest, most lavish middle finger to the right-leaning anime fandom that they could Very ironic when ubisoft brought many of those Japanese games to the west. Seems more like a middle finger to themselves & they're trying to wash their own hands off their past of bringing such games. Reminds me of goons in a way.
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>>1081267 Nigger read the linked archive
>>1081274 > So where do you think they'll go from here in the wake of the Tesla cyber truck vandalism? If Trump has balls, they'll go to Guantanamo Bay. This group https://archive.ph/C8CIm is led by known Al-Qaeda and was already on the FBI's radar before they tricked another branch of the Bureau into suppressing everyone who had ever disagreed with them as a "harassment campaign". Trump does not have balls. He already had an entire 4-year term to do something about this and did nothing, and it looks like that is happening again. The communists that we were fighting at the beginning of GG were actual Russian agents all clustered around a think tank that the Russians set up in the 1960s as an outlet for Soviet propaganda. https://archive.ph/croLa and they were funded by the Russian state bank. https://archive.ph/YgKSe The "goons" that backed them up are likely https://keywiki.org/I_Wor_Kuen It really was the Rothschilds and the Anti-Defamation League funding them and protecting them, and the World Jewish Congress actively siding with Russia. And a shitload of our enemies were likely Indians and other foreigners on a PR subcontract. Many of them balked and burned their British handlers who were running a "Social Innovation and Civic Participation" project out of the White House.
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>>1081276 >they forgot Japan was not a fictional creation they can edit at will, but a real country with a real history. Japan has always been treated that way in western media, just look at all of the most popular depictions of it from the Anglosphere like ghost of tsushima, the last samurai and shogun. The difference is that authors, producers and videogame writers can't just make bullshit up nearly as easily now that information about Japanese is so easy to find and everyone has internet access. Remember when people seriously believed that samurai didn't use guns, wore wooden armor and were allowed to kill commoners at will?
>>1081311 The difference also is that those people also didn't claim to be historical. They just thought "Samurai cool".
>>1081252 It's numbers aren't great right now. Keep in mind even if it does decent that's still not good enough. It has to be a mega hit to save Ubisoft.
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>>1081313 OH, BA NA NA
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>>1081284 While I was looking at more games, I also remembered Ubisoft made My Japanese Coach
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>>1081311 Ghosts of Tsushima came out at a time when most people didn't have instant access to literally the whole of humanities collective knowledge and most of the ongoing conversations at the moment? Literally in the palm of their hands, virtually everywhere. Must have really sucked trying to download that fuckhuge game over dial-up. >Remember when people seriously believed that samurai didn't use guns No. Lots of people knew that. They just didn't care because Samurai and Ninjas were fucking cool.
>>1081311 To be fair Japan itself has made lots of Sengoku era fiction that has all the trappings of the era but is semi-divorced from reality. See Sekiro, Ninja Scroll, Inu Yasha, Sword of the Stranger, etc. I think Shogun is just bullshit though. The author just retold William Addam's story but changed everyone's name. I don't know how it's so popular.
>>1081323 > I don't know how it's so popular. Because it has actual effort put into it and isn't just flaming garbage like most live action shows.
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>>1081322 Forgot to mention, I think the biggest difference is in how Ubisoft approached their marketing. Japan doesn't care about silly, fantastical, or even disrespectful depictions of their history and culture in most cases. Sometimes they even enjoy it, in the same way western countries enjoy it when Japan butchers our cultures. The difference is that Ubisoft marketed Shadows as being a highly historically accurate depiction of the era, meant to do honor to the Japanese. Then they turned around and slapped them in the face with a wet nigger cock. And it wasn't just a rug pull on the Japanese, but Ubisoft is still persisting in treating the game as having an eye toward authenticity - potentially giving a bad reputation of Japan in front of "millions" of foreigners. The very people who crow so hard about cultural authenticity and representation are just fucking lying to everyone about Japan. That, I think more than anything, is what made it offensive to Japan.
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wrong video
>>1081324 >and isn't just flaming garbage like most live action shows. You do know that Shogun is a remake, right? And both version of the show are based off of a book. >>1081326 >The difference is that Ubisoft marketed Shadows as being a highly historically accurate depiction of the era, meant to do honor to the Japanese. Then they turned around and slapped them in the face with a wet nigger cock. That feels like an understatement when the game was announced around the same time as there was a massive media campaign trying to make Yasuke out to be some big "important" figure in Japanese history using completely fictional and inaccurate accounts. It wasn't them "disrespecting" history as much as them attempting to outright rewrite it. Contrast that to the original game where the premise was about a time-spanning medieval treasure hunt for alien technology, and the most "preachy" it got with it's historical fiction is just the standard "Chariots of the Gods" silliness about how religion is just a concept created by unenlightened men who mistook knowledge for magic.
>>1081330 >Contrast that to the original game where the premise was about a time-spanning medieval treasure hunt for alien technology, and the most "preachy" it got with it's historical fiction is just the standard "Chariots of the Gods" silliness about how religion is just a concept created by unenlightened men who mistook knowledge for magic. Also want to specify something. Despite how this sounds, the Assassins were NEVER the good guys in the series. In fact, the entire story of the first game is ironically about how the Assassins are corrupt as fuck, and the actual reason WHY the Middle East has been in nothing but a state of constant bloodshed for centuries (With you being the primary cause of it during the Crusades). So Ubisoft trying to play the Assassins off as the "Good guys" all the time comes off as extremely humorous when viewed in context.
>>1081336 >LAND OF THE RISING POOP Are you sure that isn't South Korea?
>>1081322 >a time when most people didn't have instant access to literally the whole of humanities collective knowledge Smartphones weren't widespread until 2021?
>>1081338 Nope. They spread as early as 2007, when the first iPhone came out. One could argue 2008, when Android found it's way to market with HTC's 'Dream' phone.
>>1081322 Goddamnit, don't crush my entire argument just because I was completely wrong. I suppose I'm now obligated to start throwing add-homs at you for the rest of the thread, as is traditional for the GG threads. >>1081323 Most of the Japanese fictionalization of it's history strikes me as closer to standard cultural mythologization of history like Arthurian legend or Romance of the Three Kingdoms. While the Western stuff set in Japan usually has this strange theme of a civilization in decline, unable to deal with changing times or current events like Mongol invasions or Perry showing up, like Japan is always about to fade away at any moment. Contrast the last samurai and rise of the ronin or way of the samurai 4. In the former, modernization is depicted as some tragedy, directly compared to the indian wars, while in the the latter two modernization is a mixed bag that is up to you to decide whether it is good or bad.
>>1081343 That was a rhetorical question.
>>1081322 >They didn't care because samurai and ninjas were fucking cool. I kind of miss that era. Where everything would have a badass ninja just for the hell of it or because plot.
>>1081348 I miss that too "so anyway here a badass ninja", i also miss stuff like Sengoku Basara just all around exagerated
>>1081349 We're not allowed to have heroes anymore either. Everything's just mass consumption garbage where any hero ends up some flavor of fucked up, whether it's a writer with a fictional hero or a real person who can't stop speedballing drugs while fucking trannies, being the polar opposite of who they were when the cameras were rolling. They're mass produced, offered up until they drop off and then mass production hero #2 pops in and we're supposed to suddenly give a shit about them in some meaningful way like we weren't betrayed prior.
>>1081345 Way of the Samurai 2's intro puts it well, and it's not even in the Meiji yet, just Bakumatsu. >It is the late Edo period - the last days of the samurai. >Japanese society is undergoing dramatic changes. Much has been gained and much has been lost, but the heart of the samurai remains the same...
>>1081348 Unfortunately what happened is that people forgot how to have fun and started looking at art and entertainment as some kind of social influence over the real world. Partially because of government propaganda, partially because a lot of pop-social science has been used for political gain.
>Deleting all of that talk Probably a good call tbh
>>1081373 Too many cooks in the kitchen. That would mean that a lott of people have been shuffled through this project. Not really that weird seeing that Ubisoft was going through big ass.
>>1081374 Honestly, I just hope this means that the industry will start downsizing.
>>1081373 >>1081374 And 17 minutes of that is 'just EULAs.'
>>1081374 >Too many cooks in the kitchen No, it's not actually. If you looked in the AC thread, the reason it's so long is because they literally put entire copyright documents in the game's credits. Some are literally copy and pasted without even having the proper years inserted.
>>1081375 The most important thing is that companies are slowly moving away from DEI-shit because they realize it's not making them money. >>1081377 I still hold onto my opinion, because the only way that someone would be so incompetent to do so would be if they had so many fucking people shuffling in that it becomes this fucking mess.
>>1081377 Dubs for truth. The dead giveaway was Havok's copyright year being 2029.
>>1081378 >because the only way that someone would be so incompetent to do so would be if they had so many fucking people shuffling in that it becomes this fucking mess. It's not imcompitence. In fact, there's a segement in the credits dedicated to supporting labor unions. This shit is intentional.
>>1081377 >If you looked in the AC thread, the reason it's so long is because they literally put entire copyright documents in the game's credits. Some are literally copy and pasted without even having the proper years inserted. Those are only about 15 or so minutes of it though?
>>1081380 >Labor unions You know, I don't even think that labor unions are an INHERENTLY bad idea in every case. But the very fact that every one of those faggots keep clammering for them is going to turn me against it completely.
>>1081382 >I don't even think that labor unions are an INHERENTLY bad idea in every case The only type of unions I can defend are when they're made as a grass-roots organization. Everything else is nothing more than an subvertion and extortion racket designed to exhert authoritarian control and monopolization.
>>1081382 >>1081383 Hence why mandatory union participation/dues is usually the line in the sand.
>>1081383 >>1081382 Yeah, in the case of the games industry it's just a power grab.
>>1081382 Unions generally protect their monopoly over a job sector, private or otherwise. That's one explanation for a sector of the opposition toward Tesla. It's UAW trying to protect their unionized companies/employees.
>>1081387 The very idea of collectively demanding different pay/conditions from employers and organizing oneself around that isn't a bad idea in principle. The issues are that unions are first of all ideologically captured and basically always leftist, and second of all - that any organization with any sort of power becomes corrupt. I just kind of accepted the idea that Selectorate Theory is right and all human forms of organization will always 100% of the time suck fucking cock.
>>1081387 Wait a second, could all the recent terrorist attacks against Tesla owners have something to do with the UAW?
>>1081179 It is always malice. They want to humiliate Japan for not bowing to jews. Thankfully, the rest of the world is following the Japanese example.
>>1081389 I wouldn't be surprised, unions can act like basically mobs. I doubt that all violence against Tesla owners is union-supported, but I'm sure that at least some of it might be. People DESPERATELY want to have their jobs, and they don't care what will be sacrificed in the process.
>>1081389 It's a valid explanation of government preferring everyone but Tesla in rebates, at least. Not that cyclists need any special promotions like that, mind.
>>1081387 >That's one explanation for a sector of the opposition toward Tesla. It's UAW trying to protect their unionized companies/employees. Wouldn't be the first time.
The thing about unions now when you mention it, to bring it back to vidya somewhat - is that those organizations basically try to keep people in their jobs. But the issue is that this can be both good and bad. There are geniuently good and skilled personell who get unfairly fucked over by firms, but there are also just retards who are protected and are unable to be switched due to union protection. The issue that gaming industry has is that it has currently NO GOOD GUYS. The actual people at the top are out of touch retards who don't know the industry and think that they can treat it like making a car, the developers are very often ideological morons who want to push agenda shit into the games so whenever devs clamor for "unionizing" it basically means that those pieces of shit would be harder to get rid off of.
>>1081394 Yeah, I would NOT trust the current union heads when it comes to organizing a Union. Especially when said unions are being heavily pushed by the SJW/Left wing types.
>>1081396 Your labor benefits the economy enough.
>>1081396 Yes, you're morbidly obese and obviously on welfare, I get it.
>>1081373 Concord credits was only 1 hour..
>>1081371 Man, now I wanna know what it was.
>>1081401 It was just an unrelated news story about a person stuck in antarctica and suffering from Cabin Fever and some talk about /pol/.
>>1081402 Oh. Lame.
>>1081401 Just the usual anon ass grabbing.
Edited last time by Mark on 03/21/2025 (Fri) 02:15:42.
>>1081161 It’s like a game from the worst places on the internet during best period of the internet. The community which eventually left deviantart for tumblr, became even more insane there, and contributed to the globohomo pizza that ruined the internet. Sadly there were women on the internet even back then. And they ruined it.
>>1081409 Don't grab my ass, Mark.
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>>1081412 It was always too late for you.
>>1081409 >being unable to post pngs is super gay. Hope they find a solution soon. Gifs are an import part of image board culture and not being able to post PNGs kneecaps things too.
>>1081186 Cuckchan evidently
>>1081411 Not exactly, there was more to this than that. The thing is there were geniuently self-aware women who didn't give a shit like the creator of this game and Omori, it's just that sycophantic, narcissistic cunts usually latched onto that while.
>>1081420 For a moment I read that as Gilf's were an important part of imageboard culture.
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>>1081373 They didn't even fill in their own fucking legal documents.
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>>1081421 >Implying 8chan wasn't always filled with a little faggotry
>>1081430 >Little
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>>1081426 Them too.
>>1081345 Japan has a weird history with the Meiji restoration, where they take a "heroes on both sides" approach. Where the Shogunate is seen not as evil, but simply unwilling to change, and in fact a bit heroic for wishing to preserve Japan's culture in the face of the "barbarians". Look at how many games and anime have the Shinsengumi depicted heroically, either outright or as tragic heroes.
>>1081391 The funny part is: their jobs themselves will be sacrificed. They are now on permanent black lists to never be hired for destroying equipment just for "muh protest".
>>1081434 >heroic for wishing to preserve Japan's culture in the face of the "barbarians" Anon the shogunate were the ones willing to import foreign help. The rebels were the ones who wanted to expel all foreigners and see a return to Tokugawa era isolationism. This is why the Bakematsu era is so amusing to watch libfags come to grips with. They WANT it to be simple evil feudal regime vs plucky rebels, but the plucky rebels are staunch nationalists and xenophobes while the feudal lords are willing to embrace globalism.
>>1081435 Humans are generally not very rational.
>>1081442 The issue is that such a system doesn't exist. The truth is that meritocratic systems are ALWAYS the best systems but we will never have a true meritocracy. The closest is a no government involvement free market, but I unfortunately don't think a pure ancap system is possible so even that would have to be minarchist at best. Human rights are a thing besides the moral arguments that is because you don't become competent overnight, you do have basic talent but even that needs cultivation, you do have to fail over and over until you actually get good at something. So if we removed human rights we would have to kill everyone and trample the potential of most people. The problem is that many, if not most people geniuently DO have potential for greatness. They just choose not to use it or lie to themselves to keep comfortable. We are literally going in the direction of becoming Nietzsche's Last Men.
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>>1081453 >rather than capitulating to society’s standards of greatness Is "society’s standards of greatness" actually that "great"? I'm not asking this for some post-modernist bullshit, I'm actually if that standard actually exists. And even then, is it a "valid" measurement? Most common that I've seen is people bitching till the cows come home about how the "current generation" is "lazy" for not wanting to work long hours over the decades to "build something great" like a career. But is that actually something "great" when: <1, If I have a wife, I wouldn't be able to spend my "best years" with her <2. If I have kids, I wouldn't be able to spend the most important years of their life raising them and being there for them <3. I cannot do the things I want to do if I'm busy working for someone else and building up their dreams
>>1081456 Luciano posts are that of a spoiled, 16 yo, chuni larper. I highly doubt he even understands what he's saying.
>>1081456 The point was clearly that society’s standards are arbitrary.
>>1081456 I mean, you're not wrong. That's probably why people turn to religion, wanting something better to be after this life.
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>>1080942 DON'T MIND IF I DO!!!
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>>1081456 >I'm actually if that standard actually exists. No, by design. >[list of complaints] You're right, and that's by design. They've been forcibly lowering birthrates for decades through various means. "Society" upholds only the sole doctrine that your immediate, physical, personal pleasure should be pursued above all else. Thus, all economic activity (and law) has been restructured around this.
>>1081465 >condom FUCK that. Give her to me RAW.
>>1081471 Open the last image dear anon
>>1081472 I saw, but that doesn't excuse the others.
>>1081456 Society's standards are arbitrary and suck dick and post-modernism is just existentialism for people too stupid to embrace existentialism. Create your own values and live according to them.
>>1080975 This is absolutely great.
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Hey guys. You hear about video games? Warframe released a new update recently. Introducing new protoframe characters in the 1999 setting. Including Flare. An official NONBINARY they/them rockstar. Because glamrock. Please ignore how every classic glamrock band has nothing to do with gender identity expression & was just used as a gimmick. Or how even Freddy Mercury did drag but never demanded he be called a woman nor some unknown third thing. So anyone I'm no longer playing Warframe.
>>1081481 I keep forgetting warframe is still going.
>>1081481 >So anyone I'm no longer playing Warframe. Everything I'd ever heard about it indicates it's run by greedy Canadians, so you haves no one to blame but yourself.
>>1081483 Depends how you look at it. It has a battlepass system where you can't buy it & have to actually play the game to get everything from it. You technically don't have to buy anything if you can just manage to trade items for currency with other players. They are still canadian though & that's ultimately the cause of their downfall here. Despite being owned by China, they still allowed pride month celebrations yearly but at least those are only stupid sticker cosmetics.
>>1081481 >Playing warframe. >ever. Ya did this to yourself
>>1081484 >You technically don't have to buy anything if you can just manage to trade items for currency with other players. After a horrific grind, I'd bet. That's what they all say anon, and I'm disappointed (but not surprised - we've had people here recommend gachashit that's "lenient") that you feel you have to make excuses for having an addictive personality. >Despite being owned by China, they still allowed pride month celebrations yearly but at least those are only stupid sticker cosmetics. Your mistake is conflating "being chink dominated" with "being immune to gayness". Riot Games making Arcane should have disenchanted you of that.
>>1081479 Your own values would be just as arbitrary.
>>1081481 More time for destiny 2 amirite.
>>1081373 Who do they think they are? Kojima?
>>1081373 >>1081375 It's time for games to shrink back down to a modest size again.
>>1081511 This, games should focus more on the cup size, not the budget size.
>>1081484 >Despite being owned by China, they still allowed pride month celebrations yearly but at least those are only stupid sticker cosmetics. China is one of the biggest pushers of this cancer
>>1081465 >Nigger on nigger >Not bleached Fag.
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>>1081529 To think; all I knew was that three comics I randomly encountered and saved back in 2008. Never read the main comic; never knew or cared about the characters or stories. Now I discover it was all... that.
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>>1081491 >reject perspectivism, embrace objectivism <NOOOOO THAT'S JUST AS ARBITRARY! Go away. >>1081516 I want 70,000 triangles on each boob, not on each sandwich. >>1081527 >>1081529 Oh, it's dykes. Makes sense, then. Never mind. Thanks, man.
>>1081520 >Anything that isn't pale is a nigger Why are Americans like this?
>>1081533 We don't like miscegenation, is all.
>>1081534 <Jamie pull up the demographics please
>>1081535 Less than five percent, yeah, even after 80 fucking years of propaganda. That's how much we don't like it.
>>1081533 >Why are Americans like this? Because for a liberal, you are either white, or a person of color. >>1081531 Not gonna lie, that picture is kinda cringe... it's perfect for xitter.
>>1081533 Nigger, that negro anon posted is unarguably black. Not spic swarthy, not tanned, straight up brown. Go suck nigger dick on /interracial/ if you love it so much. >inb4 muh facial features Jap anime characters don't have Japanese facial features either. The only nigger facial feature the negress has is lips, but it's still clearly intended to be a negress.
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>>1081534 >Nigger, that negro anon posted is unarguably black. Can you stop thinking about nigger cock for one single second? >Jap anime characters don't have Japanese facial features except on this case where they do IQ of a turnip
>>1081541 You replied to the wrong person.
>>1081543 No worries. Some Switch games seem to have 60FPS mode, waiting for Switch 2 https://archive.ph/I0BjS https://bgr.com/entertainment/hidden-mode-in-new-switch-game-hints-at-exciting-switch-2-feature/ >We’re less than two weeks away from the Nintendo Direct focusing on the Switch 2, where we expect to learn much more about the console’s capabilities. We already know that the Switch 2 will run the vast majority of both physical and digital Switch games, but Nintendo has yet to talk about how those games will run on the new hardware. >For the time being, we don’t know if Nintendo will attempt to match Sony’s PS5 Pro with its own AI-enhanced upscaling technology, but a recent game might have given us an early look at how the Switch 2 will make Switch games look better. As spotted by Wccftech, Switch modder MasaGratoR recently dove into the code of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, which launched for Switch on March 20. During the search, the modder uncovered a line of code for an unused 60 FPS mode that would presumably allow the game to run at 60 frames per second. >MasaGratoR notes that the mode is only partially implemented, which could mean one of a few things. First, it could just be leftover code from a feature the development team scrapped during development. Of course, a more exciting possibility is that developer Monolift Soft is working on a Switch 2 patch for the game that would allow it to run at 60 FPS. >Someone in the comments asked the modder if that could be a feature specifically for Switch 2, and this is how MasaGratoR responded: “It can be a groundwork towards it, no other Xenoblade game has something like this from what I found.” If this is a sneak peek at a Switch 2 feature, here’s hoping we learn more about it on April 2.
>>1081541 Neither of your counter examples has been as dark as the nigger anon posted. The first one you posted wasn't even close. This has to be bait.
>>1081541 Sometimes it's hard to tell but it's probably a nigger as opposed to the usual tan/shadow men.
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>>1081545 >Neither of your counter examples has been as dark as the nigger anon posted He's literally the /fit/ tanned coach stereotype, you just can't look at a skin tone that isn't pale and not immediately think of niggers just like you can't think of rainbows without thinking of faggots. That's how hard kikes mindbroke you
>>1081491 >Your own values would be just as arbitrary. But they would be your values that you actually believe in.
>>1081486 Eh not so bad. If you're just doing the challenges, you can complete them in less than a couple hours if that depending on what they are. True but Arcane was licensed to a French studio & not handled by Riot directly.
>>1081532 >I want 70,000 triangles on each boob >total 140,000 in the whole rack >14 that's a dangerous take you have there, boyim
>>1081565 We must secure the existence of our hobby and a future for sexy NPCs. Because the beauty of Western character design must not perish from video games.
>>1081567 Well fuck, the second one only has 13. Just append ", kikes." to it.
>>1081537 I still have yellow fever.
>>1081575 >you're a jew if you're against the genocide of all other races At least make the trolling believable.
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>faggot doesn't understand
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>>1081578 Sorry there's no >we here, tourist.
>>1081583 Yeah, it's still not working. No matter how many times you post your shit, we still have collective interests.
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>>1081583 Don't directly respond to the fag roleplaying as what he thinks a /pol/ poster would be like in an attempt to "fit in" on the board that is not fucking /pol/.
>>1081586 Hey, coward. Show the class where I'm talking about /pol/ at all. Read the context, dumbass.
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>>1081565 But why? Khazar milkers are also welcome.
>>1081606 im making a joke from 7+7=14 due to 1488 that >>1081567 clearly got, while doing a "boyim" at the end, not a typo, but what i envision a yenta saying about a cut goy boy she fancies, hence "boyim", & no one has caught that, cause im likely stupid >cue that pic of negev saying "oy vey, it's anothah shota", which i cant find right now
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>>1081608 You didn't have to explain that dud of a joke to me, I already understood and I didn't laugh.
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>>1081517 >Fighting the Americans and British in the Pacific has truly yet to be tried
>>1081517 >>1081614 Funniest thing about this is that it's being funded by the chinese.
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>>1081615 Indeed, the Chinese Capitalist Party
>>1081537 American blacks and latinos almost all miscegenated.
>>1081620 *are almost all miscegenated
>>1081620 Yes, but the key point here is that they're not Americans. Meanwhile American whites have lowest incidence of miscegenation of all whites.
>>1081620 Which demographic miscegenation with black the most, the Irish?
>>1081624 Their jewish slaveowners, centuries ago.
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>>1081623 >Yes, but the key point here is that they're not Americans Niggers are as American as American Pie!
>>1081623 >miscegenation is 0% because if anyone does it I remove them from the figure Victory.
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>>1081588 I genuinely hope you two have fun, anon. :)
>>1081626 Well, you're not wrong. Pic related. >>1081632 No one said that. You're not even fucking pretending to do your job. https://archive.ph/1WBl0
>>1081633 This is how the NBA looks today.
>>1081623 >Yes, but the key point here is that they're not Americans. What is an American?
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>>1081636 You wish, it looks way worse
>>1081639 So what are American Indians?
>>1081639 Savages
>>1081641 Indios living in the Americas. Why would that be confusing?
>>1081584 There is no >we here. You don't get to walk in and decide that everyone here has common interests or what those interests are. >>1081639 A country is not bound to the original ideas of its founders, regardless of if those ideas are superior or not.
>>1081635 American pie is so American. You faggots think jews are not American? Did you forget that protestants are the protectors of jews or something? Biggest evidence is the SS Liberty. God, you faggots are retarded.
>>1080983 what the fuck, man. I stumbled across this and now I am a ClownC0re fan, these guys are awesome.Reminds me a lot of Naked City - Torture Garden, which is one of my favorite albums ever.
>>1081645 >You don't get to walk in and decide that everyone here has common interests or what those interests are. Video games. If you're not here for them, you don't belong here at all. Either leave or admit you were wrong. There are no other options. Now shut the fuck up, you goddamned whore. It's always you, every thread, trying to drive a wedge. Collectivism exists. Nothing you say or do will ever stop it.
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Well at least this explains the schizophrenia derail from the last thread.
>>1081665 What?
>>1081667 Last thread anons were going on about the differences between schizoids and schizophrenics or some shit, and I think anon here is having schizophrenic episode.
>>1081663 >Video games. If you're not here for them, you don't belong here at all. Yes. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of your post or your eight posts before that. >Either leave or admit you were wrong. There are no other options. Now shut the fuck up, you goddamned whore. It's always you, every thread, trying to drive a wedge. Collectivism exists. Nothing you say or do will ever stop it. You're retarded. God, you're so retarded that it's not even worth the time to dissect that. Kill yourself.
>>1081665 >>1081671 >I think anon here is having schizophrenic episode. Which one?
>>1081671 Ah, gotcha.
>>1081663 >Video games. If you're not here for them, you don't belong here at all. Either leave or admit you were wrong. There are no other options. Now shut the fuck up, you goddamned whore. It's always you, every thread, trying to drive a wedge. Collectivism exists. Nothing you say or do will ever stop it. Collectivism is frowned upon here, and it's that way for a reason. Take this >we bullshit and shove it up your ass. Stop trying to group yourself with other people, it's not welcome here. Learn or fuck off.
>>1081683 >other people other anons*
>>1081675 1c5b74, I dunno, maybe he's just having a bad day.
>>1081673 >>1081683 >brand new IP addresses saying the same thing OH NO, YOU'RE NOW WE! CLEARLY YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! YOU AGREE ON SOMETHING! THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN! CLEARLY YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE! Kill yourself. Singular. Because it's obvious.
>>1081588 Average white nationalist.
>>1081686 Yeah, he's clearly off. >>1081687 I genuinely mean this, seek mental help.
>>1081689 I genuinely mean this, fellate a shotgun. Pop quiz, dipshit. Is someone who supports "social justice" in gaming welcome here?
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>>1081547 >He's literally the /fit/ tanned coach stereotype Yes, and also a nigger. >you just can't look at a skin tone that isn't pale You've posted spic swarthy, bronzed tan, and now have posted a lighter natural nip tan. None of those are the highly melanin enriched shit brown of the nigger depicted. You must be colorblind, and should probably get that checked out.
>>1081692 >fellate a shotgun Oh, you're that fag. Thanks for letting me be sure I can discard everything you say.
>>1081692 >Pop quiz, dipshit. Is someone who supports "social justice" in gaming welcome here? They're welcome to post their opinion I think, they would just be laughed at.
Where is Luciano in all this?
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>>1081694 If you need context, today is Down syndrome awareness day.
>>1081675 All of them. >>1081663 Lucario tier posting.
>>1081692 Tachyon Blue would plug his channel here regularly, was a massive fenceshitter and leaned just a bit in that direction, if I recall.
>>1081699 >Oh, you're that fag. Yep. You nailed it. Another identity in the GG thread. Because "fellate a shotgun" is a very rare insult that only one person here ever uses. Go fuck yourself with a cactus. :^)
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>>1081663 >Collectivism exists Hopefully not for much longer.
>>1081671 Not the anon who was in that thread but my psychology education is going to pay off just by being able to diagnose the retards posting here lmao.
>>1081716 >My highly subverted soft science education will totally justify my playing armchair psychologist online, unlike everyone else who does it via Jewgle Lmao.
>>1081716 >psychology Why would you get a degree in the biggest joke of all the sciences?
>>1081699 >REFUSES to answer And that's why (((you))) will never be we. You're not allowed to deviate from your script, are you?
>>1081717 Not being able to see jokes or irony are quite obvious symptoms of autism anon. >>1081720 I don't get what you mean, I'm not studying sociology?
He's gone full retard.
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>>1081723 >Not being able to see jokes or irony <Merely pretending
>>1081692 If white nationalism is a type of social justice, yes.
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I feel like the discussion here would improve dramatically if we changed the subject to titties.
>>1081730 Agreed
>>1081730 >we No, you're not allowed to share any interests with anyone else.
>>1081723 >I don't get what you mean, I'm not studying sociology? I honestly forgot about that one. >>1081730 Yes, please.
>>1081730 I want to be smothered between those glorious mammaries and drown in breast cream. This world's overdosed on The Gay™ and that death might be the closest to heterosexual we'll ever get these days.
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>>1081730 >we I concur, but refuse to stop saying things you don't want to hear about.
>>1081734 Psychology gets a bad opinion mostly because of psychoanalysts, but I'm avoiding psychoanalysis like cancer. We have a lot of interesting experiments showing human behaviour - the issue is that for some reason the science clings to outdated concepts by a bunch of people who didn't really do research and just kind of "guessed". Generally modern psychology follows far more in the footsteps of Wundt than Freud or his company. There's also the replication crisis but it's not that hard to distinguish between bullshit and truth (Generally APA is completely ideologically captured and they are retarded).
>>1081730 Something >>>>>>>>>we can agree on.
>>1081739 Well I do like flat girls technically. But I like big titties just as much.
>>1081738 >I'm avoiding psychoanalysis like cancer. >>1081716 >my psychology education is going to pay off just by being able to diagnose the retards posting here lmao. But you're going to psychoanalyze the thread? wew lad
>>1081741 First of all psychoanalysis is a school inside of psychology, and second of all, nigga it was a joke if the usage of "lmao" didn't clue you in then I don't know what will.
>>1081740 Titties are titties even if they are flat.
>>1081740 I like big titties i don't like massive tities though
>>1081743 I just like petite girls. And muscular girls as well, though I hate how muscular girls have become some retarded controversy today due to political shitflinging.
>>1081738 Sorry, anon, but most of it just seems like bullshit.
>>1081747 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>1081746 >muscular girls How muscular?
>>1081742 >Merely pretending >lmao now implies being facetious, rather than mockery lmao
>>1081749 Not to the point of insanity. I would drop something from my folder but unfortunately my PC broke so I don't have it with me.
>>1081749 Ripped but still feminine is good for me. Pic related is too far though.
>>1081755 That's just a dude.
>>1081758 Read the fucking spoiler, nerd.
>>1081759 I did, I don't think this is comparable to a muscular girl is my point.
>>1081760 Which is exactly what I meant by saying it went too far. You're literally agreeing with me while trying to argue.
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>>1081755 >spoiler why not just post a girl then?
>>1081763 Teagan is sex >>1081762 I get gratification from being pedantic due to my incurable autism.
>>1081763 Because it's funnier. >>1081764 Fair enough.
>>1081765 That one's actually pretty nice. I wish png posting was back, is the spammer dealt with yet?
>>1081752 Ah, damn. >>1081755 ...Interesting.
>>1081373 AAA gaming is truly grim. I can't imagine how much money it is to pay all of these people, even if most are probably just temporaries.
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>>1081776 What video games do they play?
>>1081777 Let's Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice
>>1081777 Stardew Valley, Phantasy Star, and PalWorld. See >>1081588
>>1081701 Is that faggot still around?
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>>1081588 Is this how you met?
>>1081533 >Anything that isn't pale is a nigger Yes.
>>1081787 What about albinos?
>>1081776 >>1081465 Exactly what specific set from Komusou is this from? It seems like the images are scattered among image sets by this artist and she doesn't have an name outside of "chairman" if rule34 is anything to go by.
>>1081790 "Anything that isn't pale is a nigger." does not preclude "Some things that are pale are niggers."
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This thread is officially CURSED. Thank you for reading this post.
Potion seller! I need your strongest schizoposts!
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>>1081824 There is lot of chinese too
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>>1081824 How long were the credits in MGS4?
>>1081830 10 min
>>1081824 So it was the Jews Pajeets all along!
>>1081824 that can't be real, they didn't really leave in boilerplate shit like that
>>1081831 >10 minutes used to be an absurdly long credits runtime in 2008
>>1081833 Anon, the game is 90% the work of chinks and poos simply being directed to craft pozz by the frogs.
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>>1081831 >10 min Is that 10 min part of the epilogue? MGS4 still holds the record for the longest cutscene at, what, 79 minutes? Do we count the credits as cutscenes or not? Because if we do, then that means ubisoft takes over Kojima as the new world record holder, and Kojima's MGS4 game is already infamous for having lots of cutscenes.
>>1081836 >79 minutes? Jesus fucking christ am I glad I never got into Metal Gear autism.
>>1081836 It's not a cutscene it's just a wall of text, there is some games that have some extra stuff in the credits and it could be counted but not here
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>>1081846 Looks like the schizoids talked about in the last thread all turned up in this thread.
>>1081783 Different ID due to browser deleting cookies. Gotta love Librewolf. Anyway, no, we meet in a little-get-together with some friends. I was suppose to meet someone that day but was canceled due to person having to take care of something at work so I ended up going to this guy's apartment 5 miles from where i lived. Him and his wife are long time friends, the wife is a hot white Dominican that loves to cook everything the sun while my friend is the tallest motherfucker out there, I legit call him The Giraffe. Giraffe invites two of his co-workers, both friends with the latina wife. One was a freshman college student and the other was the girl who would become my girlfriend whom I'm just going to refer as Cass from here on out. The freshman was cute and honestly really attractive, but Cass was average. No make up, wore an oversized sweater and jeans, and you can tell she doesn't go out much. We ended up watching the Greatest Showman together. Terrible movie but the women chose it so the guys had no saying. I don't know how we got into the discussion but Anime became a topic. The freshman didn't care much for it and Cass, meanwhile, mentioned she's a fan of Dragon Ball. Every anime I mentioned Cass either didn't know or just didn't care to watch. How the fuck you call yourself a weeb and don't know Evangelion or Serial Lain? Fuck whatever, the night wasn't that great due to the shitty movie. Giraffe drives me back home after an hour or so and called it a night. A few weeks go by and I bumped into Cass at a Mcdonald's. I wanted my fries and I didn't want to go the super market to buy potatoes because I'm just going to buy more shit than I need. I honestly don't remember why she went to Mcdonald's for considering she doesn't like going out for any reason even for food since her dad buys her everything. Her and I talked for a bit and we ended up exchanging numbers. Thought nothing of it and moved on with my day. We texted on and off sending stupid memes. One day out of the blue, she asks me to call her. WTF.jpeg? Called her later that day and I ended up inviting her to go a Manga store in the Downtown area. The area has a bunch of Japanese otaku shit too so we can eat around there. We ended up spending all day in a bunch of Japanese theme stores. She wore the same outfit as last time but had her sleeves rolled up to reveal that she had a bunch of tattoos on her arm of different cartoon characters and she was supper skinny. She eventually shared me her Anime watch list. Has a MAL account and a spreadsheet of all the shows she watched. Turned out she has a thing for Romance anime and likes Berserk and Clannad. She told me that she doesn't like bringing up Berserk in any situation because people in the past thought she had a thing for rape. No I'm not joking. Some asshat made fun of her in the past for liking Berserk by bring up that scene with Griffith raping Casca and turning it into Cass having a fetish for it. This was back in her high school days. She also confided in me that once she finished High school she decided to NEET as much as possible. After we day, we texted each other regularly which turned into calls. We ended up going to different places in the area until a couple of months later after we were in a karaoke with a couple of other friends and in the subway home, she kissed me on the cheek. I didn't know how to react to that since she did it in the most awkward way. We made it official a week after properly confessing in the most awkward phone call of my life. I blame our autism. Been together since. We are planning on moving in together once I save up enough cash and we roommate with some mutual friend of ours. She has her moments, of course she's a woman, and is certainly a NEET. She dropped out of Community after a semester due to the stress and the professors that were in charge of the CS department. Yeah, she thought since I went for IT and CS for 4+ years and ended up working on multiple projects from home, she could do the same. Oh the reality of being a CS major hit her like a ton of bricks when it required her to put in a lot of time and effort just for one Java programming course. As a programmer, I hate Java with a passion so I don't blame Cass for dropping the course when she did. What me to go more into depth and tell some other autistic stories? I have a couple of them. >>1081634 Thanks anon. :) >>1081779 Don't forget the SIMs. She didn't play Stardew until I saw me playing on Switch. Before, she use to put in a lot of hours into the SIMs and Phantasy Star before I came along.
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What's wild is I'm a nog listening to some med mutt going full oil drill.
>>1081861 I didn't realize how many grammer mistakes I made. Jesus Christ.
>>1081864 Hasn't that been the joke for the past decade? Where non-whites guys chase after white girls, yet white guys chase after non-white girls.
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>>1081861 Didn't really want your life story bro. I assume you mean PSO2:NG when you say she likes Phantasy Star. If she's autistic over the classic franchise, well... I'm going to steal your girlfriend.
>>1081861 >friends You made me depressed right there. It did not get better as I read on.
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If I remember correctly, we had boss anon marry a Indonesian. The guy who posted this pic came back, and informed us he married her plus with kids. Any other love 8/v/ love stories?
>>1081870 > I assume you mean PSO2:NG when you say she likes Phantasy Star. Yeah. She plays that on a daily next to PalWorld. She brought me Pal last night so I can play with her. So far it ehhh.. for me. I genuinely don't see the appeal. >>1081871 Sorry Anon. I hope things do get better for you. >>1081873 nigger.
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>>1081864 >ASMR Who is she, nog-anon? >>1081879 >Sorry Anon. I hope things do get better for you. Thanks, anon.
>>1081849 Schizoids wouldn't be posting here to begin with I think, I think you mean schizophrenics.
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>>1081882 You think.
>>1081880 Some half black half Jap girl named Melondy.
>>1081907 Is the father still out for milk?
>>1081908 I think there is an interview of her talking about herself, and yes her father is the nog. I know of her because, guys in my Rogue Trader session have been wanting to bleach her.
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>>1081533 You're absolutely retarded if you think that that art was representing a swarthy jap.
>>1081907 Found her, thanks. Shame what the nog genes do to someone. No offense.
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>>1081588 Yah, that totally happened.
>>1081921 Like you?
arise my xenoblade harem
>>1081911 >guys in my Rogue Trader session have been wanting to bleach her Tell them to have some fucking self respect for themselves. Cunt is fuck ugly.
Not sure if anyone here has been watching the synthetic man KCD2 drama. But he caused the KiA center left to centrist types all over to meltdown.
>>1081824 >nigger fetishist She would get along really well most of the resident here!
>>1081972 *with*
>>1081969 Over what? Shitting on the game? Vavra deserves all the flak he gets for selling out like he did.
>>1081974 He called the game woke and provided proof over three hours. Now synthetic man is a sperg with zero filter and too halfchan for my liking. But he put a mirror to the anti SJW centrists for having double standards. Almighty Loli someone had an 11 hour wig out on Twitter over Synthetic man.
>>1081978 Got any links to it or did they delete everything already.
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>Muh eceleb slapfight Did he do anything interesting? Does he have any interesting digs or insider info? Does he have enough overreach to meaningfully disseminate information that might make him useful?
>>1081983 >No, no, you don't understand! You have to watch this three hour video that couldn't possibly be condensed about how my eceleb's argument is totally correct!
>>1081983 >>1081988 It is tangentially related to how Warhorse lied and it did provide evidence of said lies.
>>1081969 Why should I care about that retard? He has terrible takes about anything gameplay or story related, and can't imagine people using anything but the most efficient tactics in any game ever. The only thing he's good for is pointing out when leftist political policies ruined a game and how, and even then his bullshit-o-meter is way too overtuned and his spergy rambles take up way too much time in a review, if they're even relevant at all. >>1081989 TL;DW or fuck off, I'm not watching his bullshit.
>>1081993 You know you can say the whole word here, right? It's not illegal.
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>>1081969 >Trivial celebrity bullshit I hoped that we'd move on from this, but 2015 onward proved me that I was terribly, terribly wrong
>>1081999 Vtubiggers
>>1081969 who cares lol
This thread more butthurt then normal what happened?
>>1081978 >Almighty Loli someone had an 11 hour wig out on Twitter over Synthetic man. Wait, did Almighty Loli had a huge sperg out? If so, that's disappointing since he's a decent YouTuber that I used to watch. >>1081996 The reasons why people tend to watch Synth is because he's unfiltered on his feelings on a game that he reviews, especially his takes on Leftists politics that will make some Leftists scream like banshees. I understand that he can be retarded at times and make hyperbole statements, but his unapologetic attitude seemed unique to some when it comes exposing "Progressive" ideology.

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>>1082009 Not enough videogames
>>1082011 >Not enough of the correct videogames Fixed that for you
>>1081824 >4th pic I understand why she was working on Shadows. After all she creates a big enough one.
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>>1081907 "My father was a kokujin. You know that word, kokujin?" "Nigger?" NIGGER I need to watch that movie again
Wasn't Xenochron shit on when it was released? Why the fanfare now Is this the last of WiiU titles they can poach?
>>1082055 The original Wii U version in North America was censored. Is it still the case in the re-release?
>>1081969 Synthetic Man is a overzealous sperg who calls anything woke, but Vavra can go fuck himself for making established characters playersexual/bisexual all for "player choice" when they aren't avatars and centrists for defending it. So meh let them fight it out. I figured everyone already moved to Assassin's Creed drama anyway
>>1082057 Sex is listed in the rating info on the back of the new release >>1081925, so probably not.
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>>1081864 >>1081861 Stop being black
How many should I buy?
>>1082061 I wonder if these will all end up in the same pit as the millions of unbought star wars toys or will they get their own special assasins creed pit next to the ET one?
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>>1082060 Wasn't there an X-Files episode about a vampire who sucked the blackness out of niggers?
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>>1082066 haah waaw
>>1082059 Ratings are based on whoever the fuck ends up doing a content review of that game and what content of the game was forwarded to the rating agency. The same game released later could easily earn a different higher or lower rating and it's happened before. I'm betting it's still censored given that simply releasing the same localization is faster and cheaper for developers than doing re-translation and whatnot for the parts that were cut.
Any anon here have the kani/cunny dance video posted on one of these threads?
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>>1082082 This one?
>>1082086 Yes, though it was edited to where it had lewd loli images. You know which thread it was?
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>>1082088 Have all the cunny I got.
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>>1081824 Lead writer looks like something Andrew Dobson inflated. These creatures that no longer resemble a human shape curse my eyes with their existence.
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>>1082091 >>1081824 How do you even land a writing gig with a AAA developer when you’ve got no resume to show for it? Has anyone dug into who she is or how she pulled that off? Imagine being handed the reins to lead the writing team for a multimillion-dollar video game set in feudal Japan; the possibilities, the resources you’d have at your fingertips... I mean, i don't even know what the fuck is the story about.
>>1082097 wasn't ubisoft the company that said they would only hire writers if they weren't white men? Like they put out an ad for it saying that?
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>>1082097 >How do you even land a writing gig with a AAA developer when you’ve got no resume to show for it? Sucking dick. >Has anyone dug into who she is or how she pulled that off? She's not jewish, so clearly she just sucked dicks.
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>>1082099 Five months of getting railed by the executive board must have paid off.
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>>1081824 The credits are 2 hours long because Sony had to make it into a movie somehow
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>>1082105 Online?
>>1082108 25% of Coca-Cola's US revenue comes from welfare. A quarter of the entire company's revenue… comes from subhumans on welfare getting chips and soda for free. That's why this happened.
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Noticed today a lot of X accounts pushing same talking points against banning the purchase of soda with government SNAP (food stamp EBT) benefits. Turns out of course that they're paid shills. Influencers getting kickbacks to shill against SNAP soda ban: https://xcancel.com/nicksortor/status/1903581785818026421 - https://archive.fo/ynMGd Some faggots even tried to backpedal by deleting their posts before the 24h mark when they'd get paid because they could already see the script-reading being called out. Unfortunate that idiots exist who'll forgive them, ignoring that they've only backed away due to exposure & will gladly do paid posts if they think they can get away with it.
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>>1082109 I mean, it is a basic necessity! Americans need at least 1L of soda just to survive.
>>1082111 >Consumers, especially those relying on SNAP, deserve autonomy in their purchasing decisions I wish I had autonomy in whether I'm taxed so these types can live for free period >>1082109 Be it food, drinks, or entertainment, normalfags will always gravitate towards the lowest quality Critical quality analysis is hard and mean apparently
>>1082115 >Critical quality analysis is hard and mean apparently Are you some kind of elitist nazi???
>>1082116 Fuck you're right Better consoom the yearly sportsball game while sucking down corn syrup juice and munching on colorful cereal (there's a chance I'll find a funko pop hidden inside!)
>>1082111 >>1082114 Wasn't this tried before in NYC but failed or something?
>>1082120 No, you're thinking of NYC communists banning "Big Gulps" because "it's too much soda and you're too fat because we say so." This is corporate backlash against the removal of soda and junk food from EBT and SNAP food welfare because subhumans stealing taxpayer dollars to eat shouldn't be allowed to eat WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT since OTHER PEOPLE ARE PAYING FOR IT.
>>1082111 That reminds me in my town, people on SNAP buy the cheapest cases of water, empty each bottle, and take it to the redemption to get 5c a bottle and spend that money on drugs. Every time I go to the grocery store there's people in the parking lot emptying water bottles. I don't want to sound like a bigot but I think the system is flawed.
>>1082125 How fucking cheap are drugs that you can buy them by doing that? Each bottle is what? 5 cents a pop? Maybe 10 in some states? And there's what? Maybe 20 waters in a case? Each case would be like 1 dollar. Most snap benefits cap out at 250-300 dollars a month. Even if you spent every cent on water I don't think you'd get THAT much money.
>>1082111 Ironically read this with the pepsiman banner on this board
>>1082128 Yes, it's painfully cheap, meth, heroin, and fentanyl can all be had for like $1-2 a dose. So each 20 pack of water or two you buy will get you high for a day, provided you aren't such a junkie that a single normal dose can still get your rocks off. Of course junkies also panhandle and whore themselves off and steal too so recycling redemption change is just one of many sources of "income."
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>>1082082 >>1082088 Now with extra kani.
What about the U.S finally leaving NATO, and the sperging going on among the inferior caste (the left and their journos)?
>>1082135 I've seen more sperging out about grocery prices. Specifically lefties being angry they're going down.
>>1082137 > they're going down. Proofs? I never see any necessities get cheaper, things just get pricier more slowly.
>>1082057 >Is it still the case in the re-release? Yes, it retains all of the censorship, except it's also in the Japanese version this time around. >>1082078 >Ratings are based on whoever the fuck ends up doing a content review of that game and what content of the game was forwarded to the rating agency. The same game released later could easily earn a different higher or lower rating and it's happened before. This happened with Night Trap ironically enough. One of the games that "required" the reason for the ESRB back when it first launch on the Sega CD was given a Teen rating in it's 20th anniversary release on the fucking Switch without having to censor a fucking thing.
>>1082143 Redditors who don't know anything about economics amuse me.
>>1082137 >>1082141 Egg prices are back down to pre-Inauguration prices. https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/eggs-us The national average price of gas is down to $3.12 as of today: https://gasprices.aaa.com/todays-state-averages/
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Thought this was a little funny
>>1082154 >Jehovah's Witnesses What the Hell were THEY doing in Germany?
>>1082156 https://archive.ph/8704R Skimming the article, the title is bait as he's talking about how companies are trying to "slip in" all of the subversive content and propaganda, but then concludes the article talking about players not even buying the games and reverting to even just sticking with the older games.
>>1082111 Given that the Left doesn't see how demeaning it is to Working People that you can buy steaks with SNAP, yeah, sure. I expect this.
>>1082153 This is with more cases of egg smuggling than fentanyl being caught at the land borders recently.
>>1082155 They're missionaries
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>>1082141 Hello?
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>>1082131 lol. What're the odds? >>1082111 Pepsico & Coca-Cola have deep pockets. Was trying to remember which one wanted to do space advertisements. There was also a guy who wanted to own a patent for all water on earth or something like that. These companies get so monopolizing & wealthy, then do a bunch of villain shit. Paying to flood social media with their talking points is on-brand. I also recall the top editors of Wikipedia entries are the companies themselves.
>>1082156 >>1082157 First paragraph: >You can make a case that contemporary politics is downstream from Gamergate. If you think that is too strong a claim, back in 2014, I said that Gamergate showed that what we thought of as organic developments in a niche industry — which games were considered good, which developers succeeded, what got high ratings from video-game magazines — was largely artificial. They were the result of video-game journalists working together or in close networks with people they knew, either out of personal connections, political sympathies, or both. Journalists covered games differently according to their politics, attacking traditional games and promoting “socially conscious” ones. Most of these new projects opposed masculinity, traditional white themes and settings, and the political Right. Sounds about right to me. Much of the "trends" being pushed were inorganic. >The reaction to SJW’s was extreme because the typical gamer is powerless and politically unrepresented, a young (often white) man told he is evil and worthless by the educational, political, and entertainment industries. Increasingly, young men aren’t even dating, and now, they can’t even escape into a world of fantasy without being scolded. Gamers are the most oppressed! Gamers, rise up! (but unironically, yes. industry is filled with ideologues who openly hate the audience) >However, in the new game, the protagonist Henry can choose to have a homosexual relationship with his best friend, who was his companion-in-arms in the first game. It makes no sense in the historical context of the game, and it helps destroy male camaraderie. Such a “relationship” in medieval Bohemia is theoretically possible but so is converting to Zoroastrianism. The publisher posted a how-to guide for virtual sodomy shortly after the game’s release. You have to confirm your age to watch it. >There is also a black character, “Musa of Mali,” who looks and acts like something out of Afrocentric accounts on X and TikTok. He lectures the main character about Europeans’ lack of education, their mistreatment of women, their bad sanitation, and even their dull cooking. The game player is also sent on a mission to infiltrate a meeting of “antisemites” and defend a synagogue from Christian zealots. While the politics of the first game was dynastic struggle, ethnic tensions between Czechs and other Europeans, and the Hussite Wars, politics in this game are what you would get from Teen Vogue. Talking about Vavra's 180 should include his previous quotes which are the total opposite of what was done with the sequel. Without that crucial context those actions are often handwaved. With KCD1 Vavra set a precedent that he held convictions which later proved to be false. Article then goes on to talk about Civilization & Dragon Age, but these properties went south long before KCD. I didn't know (Jared Taylor's publication?) talked about gaming, but it makes sense to acknowledge the cultural impacts of such a large industry. Here's an obligatory video of Jared talking to Japanese news crew & warning them NOT to diversify Japan. Let us hope they heed his warning, although I've heard bad things with certain areas in Japan ruined by migrants.
>>1082155 Huffing Cyclone B, apparently. >>1082111 Is this what Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr is up to now? This is the kind of change that the Democrats could sponsor that people would get behind, if they weren't too busy being a party of puppets. I insist on pointing out how much of this MAHA stuff is actually Democratic politics, Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr just made a Faustian bargain to get it done. Maybe that's what the Left has against Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr: he actually believed the things that the party claimed to stand for.
>>1082184 >Huffing Cyclone B, apparently. so THAT's what they mean with "dank"...
>>1082184 >Maybe that's what the Left has against Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr: he actually believed the things that the party claimed to stand for. That's the reason why, immedaitely after nearly every successful revolution, the first people who are killed off are the most devoted followers and the true believers. Yet you still have people who declare that the Great Purge, the Russification campaigns, the Night of the Long Knives, and the Down To The Countryside Movement are surely "never" going to happen to them because it's "different" this time.
> Let us hope they heed his warning, although I've heard bad things with certain areas in Japan ruined by migrants. Well they have communist parties so they are bound to struggle, doesn't help politcans have pushed hard to make Japan a tourism country,which obviously backfired.
>>1082189 >Well they have communist parties so they are bound to struggle as a spaniard, we know
Was gamergate inevitable? If it wasn't for the whore of five guys, would it have been something similar? Should we be thankful for her whoredom?
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>>1082199 Maybe, though Zoe was the right kind of connected rich kid to get even website administrators to defend her honor that made her the proper powderkeg and got people to notice. Sleeping around for good coverage is one thing, getting even Moot to cover for you is where things got truly suspicious. I struggle to find a better combination of utterly useless, morally repugnant and stupidly entrenched in the industry than her and it would've not been as noticable if not for that.
>>1082199 It happened before with Doritos Gate, the difference is that with GamerGate we had definitive proof and didn't let it die like Doritos Gate did.
>>1082111 Its common sense that you shouldnt be able to buy soda with SNAP benefits. There is alot of shit you shouldnt be allowed to buy but when they added cash to benefits people have been getting away with murder at the supermarket.
>>1082206 >and didn't let it die like Doritos Gate did. Ironically, the journos didn't let it die either, despite constantly claiming it was dead.
Just something mildly entertaining. Was going through the old Vita threads and found this, just another example of a game company (Lab Zero in this case) showing contempt for their actual fans. Its actually worse than what anon described since he framed it a lot more nicely than they deserved. If you'll watch the clip, they clearly wanted to publicly humiliate the anon who asked the question as well as the userbase as a whole and were so taken aback by the response that the dev who said that had to backpedal. it was also hilarious and satisfying to hear someone shout "IN YOUR FACE" in response to the retard in question What's more telling is that *only* this question is removed from Skullgirls' official AX panel 2016 video. I had to find the clip from someone else's recording from the audience. I believe this was around the time they started censoring too, and the devs looked pretty faggy.
>>1082230 >What's more telling is that *only* this question is removed from Skullgirls' official AX panel 2016 video. I had to find the clip from someone else's recording from the audience. I believe this was around the time they started censoring too, and the devs looked pretty faggy. Can you link the original video?
>>1082234 This is where the clip is from: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=4uj90tLFSto This was Skullgirl's official AX video: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=tPzRWpxOmfs I should clarify and say it was the only skullgirls-related question I saw that was removed. There were Indivisible questions, that were asked, but those obviously don't need to be included on the Skullgirls channel.
>>1082172 >the top editors of Wikipedia entries are the companies themselves. One more reason for the "national bank of Jimmy Wales" to be considered unreliable wholesale.
>>1082199 >Was gamergate inevitable? no?.. i mean, in a sense i suppose that if it weren't for retarded niggers niggering retardedly, this whole ordeal would not have occurred, so perhaps it's a consequence of that "competency crisis" i keep hearing on about
>>1082262 >if it weren't for retarded niggers niggering retardedly, this whole ordeal would not have occurred But niggers niggering retardedly is a universal constant. If it weren't for this retarded niggering, it would have been some other event. And it's not like GamerGate created a "woke backlash" that set up the last 10 years of feminist/tranny hellscape. This shit still would have been pushed into games, people still would have been asking questions about how so many companies can suffer the most embarrassing failures time and time again and not suffer any repercussions. The gaming media would have inevitably run cover for them, and that would have kicked things off. GamerGate failed. At changing the culture at least. What it did do, though, is set the groundwork for later consumer backlashes by establishing patterns of behavior as well as connections between journalists, corporations, and government agencies which saved a hell of a lot of time in cutting to the heart of the issues - rather than having to start to digs at square one and not really knowing what we were dealing with.
>>1080978 ☑ Winning, except in video games. see: >>1082156 + archive: >>1082157 >>1082175 Further down: >Audiences are not happy. Electronic Arts reported that the game attracted only half the players executives expected <executives being out of touch Well. gosh.
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>>1082279 They are out of touch and soon hopefully they will be out of time as well.
>>1082172 >There was also a guy who wanted to own a patent for all water on earth or something like that Sure you aren't mixing it up with Nestle?
>>1082296 Watching libs try to come to grips with how their losing and bending over backwards to try and find an answer that isn't "we've been insufferable for 15 years and alienated the majority of normalfags" has been very amusing to watch.
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>>1082296 The lack of fucking self awareness is fucking crazy. One of the few leftists who had this self awareness is the Dem congressman who has literal brain damage.
>>1082296 >They don't learn do they? Any Communist capable of learning swiftly ceases to be Communist. This goes for all flavors of Marxist ideology.
>>1082296 >Something Awful And you care about what they have to say...WHY?!
>>1082296 They're so close, but right before they reach the logical conclusion they slam the breaks and drive back to delusion.
>>1082296 Reminder that trolls remorse is a meme, goons were always edgy shitlibs that stopped saying nigger/faggot after Obama became president. Some of them became commies/anarchists(laissez faire subforum) due to contrarianism and started believing their own trolling due to irony poisoning.
>>1082312 I suppose anonymous was comprised entirely of them.
>>1082312 What replaced the goons were KF who are this mix of edgy self righteous centrists and shitlib, the site is pretty much SA 2.0 at this point.
>>1082297 They’ve always been insufferable though.
>>1082317 But it wasn't at the levels we see now.
>>1082314 No, but they did snitch on the actual members until it became a reddit mouthpiece. Probably around the time occupy wall street was replaced with identity politics distractions.
>>1082317 They were better at hiding it before. They went full mask-off the last 12-15 years or so and they are finding out now they went mask off way too early.

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