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Webcomics Thread. Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 15:07:04 No. 8642 >>9457 >>43743
Any interesting webcomics you've been reading lately? Post them here.
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Magellan killed everybody at the start of the current arc and now they're backtracking to explain how they'll stop that from happening. They hint loudly at which superheroes' powers will undo the disaster, but let's watch the story unfold. http://magellanverse.com/comic/parargdox/ Rusty & Co split up the 3 main monsters and had fans vote on which side characters to send on quests with them. The first adventure worked out really well and they just started the second. http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-9-1/ Twin Dragons is just cute and comfy. I smile when I read it. http://www.twindragonscomic.com/
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minus, Wormworld saga and Kill six billion demons. The first one is a slice of life about a girl with godlike powers, it's quite fun and comfy, the second one is the journey of the boy on a mysterious land, the story is all over the place but the art is precious. The last one is about a girl who enters into hell and has to save his boyfriend. I've also been reading Voihon but the author is a fag, so stopped caring. I think Alfie also counts although I only read it to touch myself I know there's a plot somehow.
Persona FTW started as a gag comic focusing on a comic per game day for a 100% run in P3 later expanded to the other Persona games worth a chuckle
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>"Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. >It's a story about friendship and exploring a forgotten world, with some horror, monsters and magic on the side. http://sssscomic.com/ This comic is quite the gem, it has excellent world building, art, pretty decent characters and for being Scandinavian centered is surprisingly free of pozz There are 2 characters that might be gay for each other, but that's about it, it's made by a cat lover Finnish girl, the comic also has a lot of jokes and other things only Scandinavians will get. My only gripe is that i'd like it more if it focused more on the horror aspect, the comic tends to be rather lighthearted despite also trying to be horror, i can see some people getting annoyed with the tone changes. Imagine if Darkwood had a not always lighthearted comic spinoff.
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This one is pretty interesting. :^)
>>8671 Im still astonished Bleedman is still continuing his shit after all these years.
>>8708 He's still going!?
Do people still read webcomics? Is there any money left?
>>8732 Keeping in mind how big and how much views webtoons has I would say yes
>>8732 Those who dont try to monetize their work (like selling physical copies) tend to die off.
>>8735 >>8733 I wonder how do you monetize your webcomic in 2021.
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>>8772 Merchandising, subscribestar and consistent updates.
By any chance, did any of you drop some webcomics other than "infinite hiatus"?
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>>8802 I dropped alice and nightmare last year because I couldn't get used to the artstyle. It feels somewhat off just looking at the art despite me not being able to come up with a reason why. Another webcomic who's name escapes about some weird guy/girl thing being pursued by and haunted some cat demon because the author was the type to subscribe to the whole "genderfluid" identity and other sorts of crap related to it.
>>8804 >cat demon Ava's demom?
>>8805 No, it had a more simplified art style with a darker color pallet. Plus the protag was "agender" according to the author. Had an androgynous look.
>>8807 Was it made by tatsuya ishida?
>>8808 Of sinfest, fame? No. I've longed forgot the comic's name.
>>8809 What happened to him? Did he finished killing his own creation already?
>>8829 Nah, he's still making shit comics as usual.
>>8831 Reminder that Tatsuya Ishida is in his sixties.
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>>8909 Holy shit, i had no idea he was that fucking old.
>>8909 >sixties Im surprised he hasn't killed himself.
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>>8642 (OP) There's one I've really been into lately by a guy who's unknown but starting to make a name for himself. His writing's top-notch and his art is Marvel Comics circa 1987 levels of awesome.
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>>8909 >Ishida is in his 60s Based on what? There is no information on Ishida online besides a single photo, and even that could be fake. That and the fact that Ishida was a penciler at Dark Horse in mid to late 90s. Given Ishida's style and interests from back then, he is probably in his 50s at most, more likely in mid to late 40s. It is pretty surprising how one of the most spergy comic creators somehow managed to reveal no personal information about himself.
>>9457 Why must you hurt me so
There was this lovecraft romcom comic I used to read years ago. The premisse was that the guy was living with with lovecraftian creatures in the shape of cute girls. I just remember the last chapter I read where some robot showed up to study humans because they found the human leaps in logic interesting. Does anyone know the name? I want to know if it holds up, even if I'm 90% sure it's trash.
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Getting a huge kick from reading Awful Hospital: Seriously The Worst Ever after some guy on /v/ kept making threads and reaction pictures with the main character. I thought it was going to be a lolsorandom kinda thing but it seriously hooked me in. Shame I caught up with the author and now the waiting game commences.
>>17599 Glad to see you're into the series now. I hope it was worth all the posts I made. I kept posting these images because I thought they looked rather nice since the comics are a decent repository for reaction images.
>>9462 Is he still simping for second wave bra burners and desperately pretending he's not a pedophile?
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>>9476 I do what I must.
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More sinfest crap.
>>20033 >he is now both a TERF and an anti-vaxxer. Is this the start of his redemption arc?
>>20012 Depends how you look at it. Lately he became anti-cancel culture and anti-woke. Sinfests' current antagonists are social media mobs, trannies, twitter communists, and woke corporations. Combining that with his anti-porn views puts him pretty close to being a religious conservative. The biggest twist is that Ishida finally discovered .png and .jpg image formats. He retired static .gifs after over two decades,
>>20033 Don't tell me, he is a centrist now?
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Evan Dahm's Vattu ended in 2023 and he's started 3rd Voice. Looks good so far.
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>>32762 >When being a regular bigot isn't enough and you have to oppress EVERYBODY
What's the webcomic scene now that 2024 us here? Is Megatokyo finally out of it's years long hiatus?
>>38047 >What's the webcomic scene now that 2024 is here? Thriving if webtoons are anything to go by. Unfortunately, the site's been pandering to horny teen girls if the moderation is anything to go by and it's not the only site to do that so that host webcomics. There are still a few sites on the internet that host their own comics, such as Killixbillion Demons, salvadora, and so on. They're as slow as they usually are when it comes to updates.
>>38047 How the hell his site stays afloat? He's better off dumping his shit into a DeviantArt and use its paywall feature, like with the other forgettable webcomics that weren't CAD or Tom Preston.
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Evan Dahm finished the 1st Passage of 3rd Voice, some 380 pages. Also creator of Rice Boy and Vattu is streaming an after-party Q&A right now: https://www.twitch.tv/evandahm
>>8772 I wonder how do you monetize your webcomic in 2024.
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>watching youtube brainrot >main character from Paranatural appears briefly <ah shit I remember reading this for a bit when it was new let's give it a whirl >begrudgingly overlook a major character being revealed as gay >lesbian mudslime shows up (who later becomes a semi-major character) >lesbian fat black woman shows up also she's blind >suddenly changes to a web novel with occasional panels >transvestite rich girl appears >minor character is revealed to have super rare powers that will probably lead to singlehandedly saving the day, also shortly after revealed to be a fucking tranny and was actually the little brother of the gay guy from earlier Fuck this I'm out, I shouldn't have stayed as long as I did. There were some funny moments and the potential for a good story but it just keeps dragging on and on (14 years and not much has really happened) and the artist keeps choosing to make his own characters diversity hires
>>42067 Do you know of any good alternatives to "Paranatural"?
>>8708 >>8732 Some shit just needs to die out already, it has to get embarrassing at some point. At least they haven't gone out in absolute shame like VG Cats did.
>>8732 Fetish crap that is. But then you get repulsive shit like The Rock Cocks. >>42070 >VG Cats did. Recap? >1st pic Was that piece drawn by fucking Shmorky?
>>42073 >VG Cats iirc Scott grew disenfranchised with it, got divorced which took a toll on the guy, turned to drawing canonical porn of them (which can still be found if you were to look up VG Butts) and then gave up on that once "fans" complained it looked like shit. To be fair I just checked the site and it seems like he's back to drawing regular but sparse stuff.
>>42067 It was over as soon as he decided to make his stuff "impalatable to cuckchannel" despite the great interactions he'd had (overwhelming positive replies, fun threads with every new page solving the riddles and coded messages he put in his pages, etc.).
>>42070 >Las Lindas is 20 years old Holy fuck. Did it ever amount to anything other than blatant furshit? >>42078 LOL
>>42075 >canonical porn of them <then gave up on that once "fans" complained it looked like shit. Wasn't that the point of VGCats? Fetish shit in disguise? Has there been cases of artists giving up and dive straight into the porn industry? >>42080 >blatant furshit? And masochism, I've only read the first pages where some twink calf getting shackled by one of the cow dykes.
>>42070 >bittersweet candy bowl I looked up the latest chapter. What the hell is even going on with them? They've been in highschool for like a decade now.
>>42102 That, and if I'm not mistaken, some characters SUDDENLY decided they're either gay or bi. You got Paolo, the fuckbuddy of everyone in town suddenly having gay thoughts just because. It would be funny if the author is purposefully passing a message that being overexposed to sexuality makes you look for bigger highs but I sincerely doubt that's the case here.
>>20102 He didn't change, leftists just kept running further to the left, leaving everyone behind as they carried off the overton window out of sight.
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>>42453 He either got burned out by his fellow limpdick faggots or decided to parody /pol/'s shitposting and mock how bigoted they are. Better archive his wrongthink comics before he changes his script.
>>42453 Nah, he flipped. Some of the things he rails against now are directly opposite of what he said before, not simply "the same things but leftists don't like him anymore" like you describe.
>>8671 >>8708 >>8730 I think it's finally dead. Last chapter is from March last year. The one before that is from September 2022, then July 2022. It's normal for it to stop for months, but this is a record hiatus, and most of the now very old comments on the latest page are pronouncing the series dead. However, Powerpuff Girls D is still actively updating. Grim Tales was by Nek and Bleedman, and some other guy is working with Bleedman for Powerpuff Girls D, so I'm guessing Nek who was a writer just gave up.
>>42518 Oh, and Bleedman finally stopped being a tease and doing lewds and explicit lewds. There is this one old one from 2009 I just found though. Never knew he did anything explicit that far back.
>>42519 started doing*
>>42518 I never knew Bleedman had a writer, whose idea was to have Mandy causing 9/11?
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Jesus fucking Christ! Nothing is safe today, is it?
Every so often I go back and check on webcomics I came across before knowing any better. Between Failures is an odd case- Running for eighteen years straight and apparently the author's life work, his running commentary below each strip is probably more interesting than the comic itself (a Questionable Content style "what if I had an idealised normal life experience and also people thought I were cool and women noticed me" Slice-of-Life). It charts his decline as the notes share increasingly more of his personal circumstances and he becomes more irate and despondent with the years. He also tied his real name to the webcomic and opened a Dobsonian Xitter account which directly ties into it (@BetweenFetishes). An excerpt from the addendum to strip number 2603: >If you think I’m misogynistic, sexist, or whatever label you want to slap on me, I just don’t care anymore. I have taken abuse from the kinds of people who like to do that for 17 years and the one thing I’ve learned is people like that never stop, they never help, they never support. They simply attack forever and nothing you do can stop it. So if I’m going to be treated badly either way I’d rather be abused while drawing however the way I fucking want. I’m at the point in life where god starts taking everything good away from you, so I’d like to squeeze whatever tiny amount of joy I still can out of life now that the truly grim decline has started. >If you’re not okay with that I don’t know what to tell you. I’m old, alone, & everything I’ve ever enjoyed is being ruined. The last thing you can take from me is my life and at this point I welcome it. Honestly kind of sympathetic apart from the inflationary infatuation.
>>43736 >I’m old, alone, & everything I’ve ever enjoyed is being ruined. every webcomic author ever.
>>8642 (OP) So like Encyclopedia Dramatica got a new domain and I've decided to browse some of their ancient articles for nostalgia's sake: Pretty surprising how lewd artists back then already stood on a high pedestal, shitting on anyone who doesn't agree with their political views while shamelessly promoting their degeneracy expecting to be taken seriously. >>43736 He could just shitcan his webcomic just to focus banking on the welfare of inflation autists, he's doing well despite not improving his art, then again there are no standards in the fetish spectrum.
>>43743 >Encyclopedia Dramatica got a new domain. Most of the new articles look like they were written by fags from the sharty. Man... I hate that the original generation of trolls are quitting the internet due to terminal old.
>>43743 Man I really wasted so much time reading chugworth academy. I struggle to remember the few other comics I read years ago. Diesel sweeties was one (checked it recently and it is extremely left leaning), krakowstudios was another featuring probably the artist's self insert and a lamia demon girl which occasionally had some high effort pinups of the demon girls, and some comic that has all but faded entirely from memory that was kind of bland but had a distinct style to it... christ I can't think of the name, I remember one of the last panels I saw involved the protag I think finally having sex and using his newfound man energy to build an ark to survive a great flood and one character that was written out of existence because she got yeeted into hell body and soul. Oh yeah, there's womp! that stopped updating, and... I forget the one where the artist stabbed his hand on purpose and he introduced a trans character for his self-insert to get fucked by
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Speaking of webcomics, somehow... Dobson has returned. https://bsky.app/profile/adcomics.bsky.social/post/3lis7ritc2v2j
>>43873 Questionable Content by Jeph "Handstab" Jacques, the board has some threads and used to have a nice niche community around mocking it until the big OC producer(s) suffered mental anguish at the relentless inane troonery and had to give it up for their sanity Womp! may also soon/be updating again, or so I picked up from somewhere.
>>43874 This year just keeps getting better.
In the same vein as Between Failures and QC, another autistic's life work depicting the reality he wishes he lived in is El Goonish Shive- also with a side-line in fetish content and tied to, presumably, the author's real name- Dan Shive. With 23 years on its website -and a legacy stretching further back into the mists of time as the autistic powers of the author compelled him to produce and publish his fetish comic for his school newspaper- it is THE longest running webcomic I know of, unless Phil Foglio's (Girl Genius) complete body of work stretches back further. The fetish content is more overtly displayed here, although not so sexually (until the artist sufficiently developed his skills), with the central theme of the "comic" being transformation. Despite the blatant nature of this slice-of-life low-stakes-adventure series (although within the last decade or so the stakes have risen and cosmic bullshit been introduced, it's nature as a coping mechanism/outlet for sexual frustration ensures the day is always saved by some instant gratification McGuffin that transforms the user into the opposite sex) to this day he has yet to draw so much as a defined nipple, even on the alternate sites/accounts (twitter, tumblr, deviantart etc) specifically for "lewd" material" (so far as I can recall. It's not interesting enough to go looking for). Similar to BF each strip is accompanied by commentary, which was introduced in 2008 and added to earlier strips. It too tells the tale of a broken oldfag, a mere innocent coomer fully taken in by the values of the Current Year which happily align with his fetish-oriented worldview. Lots of insufferable newspeak and virtue signalling are to be found here, but less personal details (he is now extremely active on bluesky and just as boringly autistic as expected). As far as I know he has not trooned out, but only for practical reasons. He beats out Jackie Wohlenhaus (Between Failures) for fan/gooner income at $3,529/month by a minimal difference of $800, possibly aided by suspiciously wealthy furries due to aligned interests.
>>43874 >tfw it's not actually dobson >tfw AI has gotten so far it can easily replicate Dobson's style and story telling,
>>43907 Well good on you. IDK dude
>>43876 We need another pandemic and some neetbux to get things going.
>>43896 > it is THE longest running webcomic I know of, unless Phil Foglio's (Girl Genius) complete body of work stretches back further. Sluggy Freelance, Kevin and Kell, and Freefall are some other old fart comics that go back to the 1990s. Sabrina Online is still going. That one is so old that the MC used an Amiga. EGS was great when it started out as teenagers with superpowers doing random shit with plots stolen from anime or wherever. It was simple silly fun. Then it took itself too seriously and tried to make sense. The author handled it well but dropped a few interesting subplots to make everything fit into the box. Then for several years it fell into a rut of being only about sex-swap transformation, with that being everyone's main plotline. That is sort of excusable since everyone is a teenager and they would want to try it out once the geek had the power to sex-swap anyone at will, but everyone lost their uniqueness. The author hit the Magic Reset button and started doing new things again, which is much better than being stuck in a rut.
They're not long-running because they're complete, which is rare for webcomics, but here are two mildly interesting specimens to scrutinise: Serenity Rose by Aaron Alexovich, who is probably well known in /co/ for working on Invader Zim (or so his website says, I don't know anything about it). I picked up the archived comic some years ago, presumably because of the description implying a shortstack goth MC. It has remained, half-read, in my collection of links ever since. So maybe not that good? Last Blood by Bobby & Chris Crosby, who may or may not have some mild notoriety for being absolute hacks, serial idea guys and pathetic clout chasers, or something. It's been twelve years since the last update on the comic's site and all it was was cope about how the thing would soon be adapted into an epic movie. The comic itself is a fairly by-the-numbers vampires and zombie survival setup, complete with dastardly nazi zombie vampire supervillain evil scientists and so on. Engaging enough to kill time with. Zombies reminds me of one currently (glacially) updating and one abandoned undead nightmare; Dead Winter and The Zombie Hunters, both by female artists and started in the mid 00s. Was that when The Walking Dead got popular or something? Dead Winter got infected with lesbianitis and updates so slowly that although it's been running since 2007 it has less than 700 comic pages and pretty much no overarching plot. Nonetheless, a fun one to go through. The Zombie Hunters ran from 2006 to early 2018 and is similar to Dead Winter in that it's a mix of comedy and zombie survival. Despite a similarly sluggardly output to DW, the plot manages to go much further, but the whole comic was abruptly dropped when the highly-strung, presumably drugged up on anxiety medication white woman author had a mental breakdown over losing her pet bird (why did you take it outside then retard? Or out of it's cage if you had windows open?). Existing mental illness also ensured she caught the libtard disease and can currently be found on bluesky with pronouns and dyed hair. It was pretty good and did some zombie tropes well. Worth a read before the website dies completely- already a lot of the extra content is disappearing due to lack of maintenance. >>43958 I finished catching up after writing that post and it definitely still takes itself too seriously, the latest multi-year arc is doing the same thing as previous, all over-explained magical bullshit wordy lore (the main difference is now there are magic space whales and ascended ancients like from stargate but cringier, or something) culminating in "here's another character with a convoluted backstory who is basically the same as every other character and will just talk about feelings and relationships while doing magic sex changes" etcetera One doesn't really expect anything different of course but it's definitely not a series I'm invested in enough to check up on more than once every three years or so
Anons how do i get into creating comics and shit? My drawing is alright but i can improve, either way i'm more interested in the scriptwriting part of it and find an illustrator i can exploit
>>44215 > i'm more interested in the scriptwriting part of it How to do scriptwriting: 1. write a script Seriously. Write out a plan for your story, then divide it up into comics, then divide the comics up into panels. If a strip has too little content to carry it, merge it with a neighbor (even if you have to drop some content) or add a scenery panel to fill it out.

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