In the same vein as Between Failures and QC, another autistic's life work depicting the reality he wishes he lived in is El Goonish Shive- also with a side-line in fetish content and tied to, presumably, the author's real name- Dan Shive.
With 23 years on its website -and a legacy stretching further back into the mists of time as the autistic powers of the author compelled him to produce and publish his fetish comic for his school newspaper- it is THE longest running webcomic I know of, unless Phil Foglio's (Girl Genius) complete body of work stretches back further.
The fetish content is more overtly displayed here, although not so sexually (until the artist sufficiently developed his skills), with the central theme of the "comic" being transformation.
Despite the blatant nature of this slice-of-life low-stakes-adventure series (although within the last decade or so the stakes have risen and cosmic bullshit been introduced, it's nature as a coping mechanism/outlet for sexual frustration ensures the day is always saved by some instant gratification McGuffin that transforms the user into the opposite sex) to this day he has yet to draw so much as a defined nipple, even on the alternate sites/accounts (twitter, tumblr, deviantart etc) specifically for "lewd" material" (so far as I can recall. It's not interesting enough to go looking for).
Similar to BF each strip is accompanied by commentary, which was introduced in 2008 and added to earlier strips. It too tells the tale of a broken oldfag, a mere innocent coomer fully taken in by the values of the Current Year which happily align with his fetish-oriented worldview. Lots of insufferable newspeak and virtue signalling are to be found here, but less personal details (he is now extremely active on bluesky and just as boringly autistic as expected). As far as I know he has not trooned out, but only for practical reasons.
He beats out Jackie Wohlenhaus (Between Failures) for fan/gooner income at $3,529/month by a minimal difference of $800, possibly aided by suspiciously wealthy furries due to aligned interests.