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DOOM/Retro FPS: Everyone is here Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:03:59 Id: b04abb No. 937850
Has anyone ever got a gamenight of Samsara going on? I know we had one for Christmas of 2018, but I'm surprised we haven't got one going since then. Here's a link to the updated mod if you guys wanna get a gamenight going on. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=74652 That being said: Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
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Need some Doom WAD recommendations. Mainly vanilla WADS >using Crispy Doom with OG controls & aspect ratio I was going to post this on the DOOM thread, >>670247 but its been bump locked and DoomWorld wont let me signup due to it being broken for a year now.
ok reddit I'm going to bless you with a mountain of classic work, brace yourself for 150 years of mystical wisdoom https://files.catbox.moe/8bzrza.rar https://files.catbox.moe/2c6zns.rar most is vanilla but there are TCs in there, the earliest being the Aliens TC which is really impressive for the time even if it has terrible level design
if the archive doesn't work right rename 8bzrza to "x.part1.rar" and 2c6zns to "x.part2.rar", they're two parts of the same .rar but catbox ate the original filenames
Pirate doom is a really good one. Highly recommended. Out of all the Doom mods I used to play pirate was the most memorable one for me.
>>929759 I remember it used to crash my machine, when I used to drive Windows but I'm trying again, maybe I picked the wrong renderer.
>>929764 I do remember the game killing you if you use Zdoom instead of GZdoom. Doesn't sound like that is your problem but I would still recommend GZdoom.
>>929768 I was using GZDoom. To be fair, I was using a 5 years old i3 HP laptop using a mechanical drive and running Zoom and OBS at the same time, so it's quite likely it was my fault for saturating my machine. Nevertheless I never had that kind of issues with GZ, not even on slower machines.
>>929775 I've heard VKDoom provides better results nowadays
>>929796 If your hardware has good vulkan support (Nvidia Mawell and up, AMD VEGA and up, Intel 6th gen IGPs) it'll be somewhat faster and overall smoother for the same WADs at the same settings while looking a bit better. Thoguh not every GZDOOM compatible WAD will play issue free, don't have any specific example but it's alpha software and it's yanked a ton of shit from the codebase.
>>929754 It's barely vanilla, but it sure is fun
Scythe 2 is great Myhouse.wad is fucking trash Freedoom > Doom
Compendium Lexicon
>>932333 >Freedoom > Doom Strongly agree, but I prefer the original sprites.
>>932333 Myhouse.wad is alright for what it is, it's just not that good at being an actual doom wad. It's more of an exploration game thing, with the encounters being just a pretext to get you to explore the whole thing.
>>932369 I don't remember which but one of these breaks some levels so it's actually kind of shit compared to just playing the actual one.
>>932333 >>932374 MyHouse is fun, it doesn't have a lot of combat but that doesn't make it bad, there are a lot of creepy wads that play with non euclidean geometry and gzdoom sectos to mess up with the player, it just happened that MyHouse became popular and made a lot of stuff with the non euclidean geometry part.
>>932406 Lexicon likely. had to go through effort to manually patch in Scythe 2's Keen and Nazi replacements. Compendium's not wholly authentic either, but its servicable
Play the game as God intended
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Does it run doom? her profile is literally about trying to install doom on everything
>>937866 That second picture looks like something I'd find off sankakucomplex.
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>>937866 <Gachashit <GOOK Gachashit
>>937866 With Id's permission?
>>937918 >Roguelite I agree but please do it yourself right afterwards >>937934 *Microsoft fuck that's depressing
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>>937850 That descent part should had been its own mod.
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Have you played Ashes 2063 yet /v/?
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>>937866 Wait a minute, that design...
>>938034 Ashes 2063 and Afterglow were fucking awesome.
>>937934 Nah they call it BOOM
>>938043 I think I've played it 4 fucking times now
>>938034 Only the vaccinated edition with lambda mod.
Lost In Darkness is shit. >strongest monsters spawning when you have no real weapons yet >no manual telling what any inventory does, few things stop bleeding >ghost can only be killed by cross but it will kill you before you can kill it >shit item-only save system >so many monsters do damage that bypasses IDDQD, need the ZDoom "god2" console cheat to bypass it >deadly traps randomly block off your path >Cyberdemon replacements are almost impossible to kill I thought Myhouse was bad but this is worse. Does no one beta test this shit before releasing it anymore?
>>938043 >like it for the most part >see Dumb Etardnal godjesus mural on a wall >deem creator a retard, send mod to recycle bin
Call me gay but the Brutal Doom Hell on Earth pack was the most fun I've ever had with a retro FPS.
>>938936 So you like kissing boys, don'tcha?
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>>938936 >Doubting the huezilian DoomGod
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>>938928 >Dumb Etardnal It's the original game reddit spacing niggerbrain
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>>938955 I'm gonna post more furries just to make you sneed more
>>938928 >drop a game over a nudoom picture autism
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I made this Longest Yard inspired map for Open Fortress and HL2DM, called the Widest Meter
>>938998 Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
>>939069 Outer Heaven...
>>938998 Not really retro FPS but still cool. Is it fully art passed? I can't tell if it's a blockout or if you're going for a cp_orange style with the almost dev texture look.

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>>939132 It's a dev texture blockout, I'm not really capable of/good at artpassing so I just try and at least make my dev stuff pretty since it's likely to be permanent unless picked up by someone else.
What makes a doom weapon mod good? I am seeking a serious discussion about seeing very good made doom weapon mods because I am interested what is everything needed to make it fun to use and doesn't feel boring to use all the various guns and gadgets a mod offers.
>>940415 Well made sprites, fluid animations, loud sound effects, particle effects and a short TTK.
>>940415 Every gun has a purpose, and doesn't step too hard on the toes on others. shit like: >Precision >Stunlock >High Damage >Room Evacuation >Splash Damage >Consistent/Reliable >Specialist Tool
>>940428 >Well made sprites In my case it would be 3D model since I am not a spriter artist and that is a hard skill to learn kekw >fluid animations makes sense, I still have a long way to go with learning how to make good looking animations, I'm pretty much a noob at this >loud sound effects Difficult, I am not a sound engineer so I can only rip off sounds from other games and mods >particle effects some what difficult since I am not good at making fancy looking particle textures so I often had to steal from others, I could make my own particle textures but the result is not good. I do can however write my own spaghetti particle effects code though. >>940459 So it sounds like you are more of the guy who is less focused on fancy stuff but more on the hard stuff where balance is more important then shotgun going brrrrrt, not judging you just saying. I don't really think balance matters that much for a doom game because the doom AI is primitive as hell but then again I often play on maps where there is quite a lot of monsters to kill, not slaughtermap tier though thats too overkill for my taste.
>>940464 I care less about balance so much as redundant design (Chaingun being a complete replacement to the pistol, assault rifle existing at all when smgs or something exist, etc.) Give me different ways to spend my ammo and make them feel different is all I want, rather than making guns feel like Functions/Reskins ala modern games
>>940472 Fair enough, my weapon mod would be nothing for you then since I aim for large quantity of weapons which means a lot of overlapping stats of the weapons but its mostly because I just enjoy having a large arsenal of weapons to select from to kill those enemies with. I can understand why you would rather prefer fewer weapons but more meaningful differences between each of them.
Well, Wrath actually came out and honestly, it is pretty damn mediocre. Every gun bar the SSG has no Ooomph when used, shooting enemies barely gives any feedback and most of the time they just ignore hits and carry on, all the levels are completely forgettable, the boss fights are all gimmick shit, and the game relies way, way too heavily on hiding monsters around corners for cheap free hits or using the old kill two enemies - walk forward - five more just spawn in behind you and instantly hit you shit which got real old, real fucking quick, and finally, the most annoying of all is that the aiming still feels like shit. It's hard to describe, but when you look up, down, left or right, it feels sluggish. Honestly, I have no fucking clue why it took four years to finish this game. I would like to know what the fuck they were doing this whole time.
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If anybody is interested I made a official release of my digital weapon mod which you can check it out here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=78838 I have so far 18 weapons with more planned soon.
>Bethesda DOOM represents masculinity
>>942377 nuDoom lives rent free in your head
>>942537 >defending nuDoom
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>>942377 That's hideous, what the fuck is that? >>942578 Christ, I didn't even notice it at first.
>>942758 That was one of the Doom Eternal Skins you needed Twitch Prime to get. As if the in game funko pop collectables weren't lame enough.
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>>929754 Sonic Robo Blast 2, unironically. One of the best 3D platformers out there.
>>942770 >>942377 Doom 2016 was so much better than Eternal it's not even funny, and the fact that you aren't allowed to say this even if you beat DE on Nightmare because its retarded fanboys will call you a game journalist even if you aren't mentioning the gameplay is fucking asinine. It's just an ugly game with no good style or direction. The gameplay's inferior to D2016 too, but to me that's the less offensive part considering they had cutscenes that were straight-up Marvel Avengers ripoffs expecting you to give a shit about their gears of war OCs
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>>943143 You forgot the Overwatch cooldown skills But let's not talk about the pile of garbage that is NuDoom. What .wad are you playing? What unreleased .wad are you eager for?
>>943151 Haven't played any Doom in a while but that Doom 64 port for the NDS looks pretty kickass.
>>943154 Got a source? Most ports I see of it are inactive
Does anybody know why obsidian generated maps doesn't produce a lot of items for ammo and health? I set mine to maximum value (whatever it's named) and ammo and health supplies around the map are scarce as fuck.
Speaking of Doom 64, I came across this guy a few weeks ago who was bitching that the final level was impossible, because he didn't know about the Demon Keys, and instantly my thought was "I can do that shit", [pistol start, Watch me die!] Took me 3 tries, all you have to do is save the BFG for the mother of all demons, I even did it on Controller, since if I recall he was a Switch player. It's can honestly be hard for me at times to put myself in the mindset of someone who's worse at games then I am.
>>943516 It's not hard for me, I just can't put myself in the position of someone who just gives up and doesn't try again. I just don't understand why people don't like overcoming a challenge when it's a videogame so there's little to no consequence if you fail. If anything, it makes some games more memorable.
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>have all the possibilities of Vulcan >only 00.1% of mods have 3d models in them like "hunters moon" or that robot girl mod the name i forgot Fucking tired of papercut mods for doom, they are all the same. They don't even look good with mouselook when you look down on mobs standing below and see 2d dogs of wolfenstein swarming like cardboards ready to be blown by a cardboard grenade.
>>942376 >my thread has about 700 views >not a single comment yet oh man
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>>942376 >>944071 Needs more fishguns
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>>944074 I have a FN-2000 (P) version model that I could add.
>>943578 I find it disappointing too that the majority of GZDoom mods still uses 2D sprites instead of 3D models despite the support for 3D models existed like what a decade by now?
>>945477 Sprites look better
Is there a texture mod for Doom 2 that replaces all the stock textures with stylized textures? Something that makes it look like its from mario or other games with saturated colors.
>>945477 sprites better imho. 3d models (or rather, the poor lighting environments) look like shit in GZDoom
>>947387 Graf Zahl is too retarded to add some few shaders for models.
What sourceport should I use for Quake 1 on Linux?
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A KILLER7 Doom mod is out in beta, the author goes by DoomerDev You can get the mod and leave feed back about it here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaYvx6PDjy8aGdqSCls5qXj1sCmi2e8XsMmblrJ81POJgsOw/viewform
>>944081 That's a boat gun, did you even look at the image?
This one goes here.
I'd kill for a good Turok clone. Ideally something that combines the best elements of Turok 1 and 2. I think the Amid Evil guys could probably pull it off.
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>>964085 Considering you've posted his work in other threads, I'm guessing you just discovered this artist? Are you a brony, is that how you found him? Almost all of his work is MLP or his furry OCs. >>964086 Have you played the PC ports? They're so smooth they make Turok feel like actually was a PC game originally, I can't imagine playing those levels on a goddamn N64 controller. Why do people always talk about the jank mess that is Goldeneye over Turok or Doom 64, both actually excellent first-person shooters?
>>964090 >Have you played the PC ports? I haven't yet. I kind of got turned off early on by reports that they had simplified some of the level design but then later on I heard that they included an option for the original levels. It's on my "give it a try" list. Didn't the originals also have PC ports too? I feel like they did. >I can't imagine playing those levels on a goddamn N64 controller. Honestly it's not that bad. Or maybe it is and I just played it so much back then that I got gud. >Why do people always talk about the jank mess that is Goldeneye over Turok or Doom 64 I was thinking the same thing myself. I know I was a pretty big Bond fan back then but even I could tell Turok was far better. Probably the main reason Golden Eye is so well remembered was that Golden Eye had 4 player deathmatch mode while Turok 1 was strictly single player only. >Are you a brony, is that how you found him? Almost all of his work is MLP or his furry OCs. No actually I had only known him before from his pink Medusa character but I didn't know who the artist was before just the other day when I came across him again. Thought it was a good excuse to try and revive the Souls thread.
>>964098 >they had simplified some of the level design Who the fuck stated that blatant lie? Levels are all there in Turok 1 and they're also there in their entirety in Turok 2, for better or more often, worse. Only thing that was added that "simplified" it are markers on your HUD in Turok 2 that direct you exactly to the interactable, usually hidden around the environment items, you need to interact it to advance on a level. Those are turned by default but they're optional and you can turn them off. >>964086 I think for a modern game they should just turn the game into something like the System Shock Remake. Multi layered backtrackable levels filled with items and an inventory system. Turok 2 didn't add much outside of a couple new weapons and fantastic animations. Shame the rest of the game suffers for in the worst of ways. I didn't want Turok 1 to end, in comparison by the 3rd level I just wanted Turok 2 to end.
>>929754 Some wads I've been playing or replaying lately: >Going Down One of Cyriak's wads, pretty funny >AUGER;ZENITH Not vanilla, looks like Blade Runner (the good one) >YouHave1HP You have 1 HP >Magnolia Very pretty >Altar of Evil Or any of Dutch Devil's work.
>>964103 I didn't like Turok 2 as much either, with the exception of the new weapons and monsters. Boss fighting in Turok 2 was kind of a mess compared to the original. I really didn't like how Turok 2 forced you to commit to a level once you entered it. In Turok 1 if you entered a portal to an new level you could always backtrack to it and leave. Turok 2 also tried some more gimmicky stuff that I didn't always felt like it really gelled. One thing that I always would have like to had in Turok 1 was access to some of the enemy weapons. Especially the witch doctor warclubs.
>>964098 >>964103 From what I think I know, they only altered The Lair of the Blind ones, which is the most maze like going around in circles level of the game, but I'v never gone through the effort of comparing the original to the remaster to see exactly how it's changed. The main thing I'm annoyed by is that they said they were going to add Steam Workshop support to Turok 2 like they did with Turok 1, and then they just never fucking did.
>>964112 >YouHave1HP Is it mega hard or is there some gimmick to it, like it playing like a cover shooter? I imagine it can't have many if any hitscanners.
>>964260 They're actually extremely small, very quick to finish maps with a "gimmick" to each of them. It's closer to problem-solving.
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>>964268 So the gimmick is combat puzzles? Interesting, it's like the Doom equivalent of chess problems, then. Is it any fun? I do like these unique kinds of wads but sometimes they're "bubblegum"; they lose any flavor fast.
>>964294 >bubblegum Fun expression, but I think it's short enough, and the puzzles varied enough, that it doesn't lose too much flavor.
>>939240 All that 40k posting but no Boltgun video
>>964250 >From what I think I know, they only altered The Lair of the Blind ones Oh yeah, they did you're right, they removed all the dead ends, and its still a gigantic shit maze. >The main thing I'm annoyed by is that they said they were going to add Steam Workshop support to Turok 2 That sucks, pretty sure they gave out official mod tools for it though. https://turoksanctum.com/category/turok-mods/turok2mods/ Still no mod that fixes the shit level design though.
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>>964294 As a chess autist I was googling en passant before fags here did a pipi in their pampers. I'm reporting live from the gamer gates to bless the thread with my mental masturbation and I'm about to Onan all over this .gif. If you don't like it you're a stupid shitter, go shove beads up your ass. After 2...e4 why's White 3.Kd2 to expose king and forfeit castling when d3's fortified and needs no more protection? White should just 3.dxe4 to take pawn free and gain center ground. If White must develop elsewhere, 3.Nc3 threatens Nxe4, and 3.Bb2 controls an important diagonal early on. Why's White completely blunder with 4.Kc3 and not take pawn free (4.exd3 or 4.cxd3)? 4.Kc3 can be wrecked by Black's absolute skewer of White's king through 4...Qf6+, limiting White to 3 doomed moves. The best, a 5.Kd2 retreat, loses queenside rook to 5...Qxa1 and later queenside knight (or worse). Another, 5.Kxd3, loses queen to absolute skewer 5...Qd6+. Finally 5.Kc4, if challenged by 5...b5+, either loses queen to 6.Kxd3 the same as 5.Kxd3, or gets mated (6.Kd5 Bb7# or 6.Kxb5 Qa6#). Black ignores 4...Qf6+ and plays a much worse 4...dxe2. White should take e2 with Qd1, Bf1 or Ng1. 5.Qxe2+'s best, unlike 5.Bxe2 or 5.Nxe2 Black's 3 answers to a 5.Qxe2+ check tie up Qd8 from Qf6+ (5...Qe7 pins her, 5...Be7 and 5...Ne7 block her), then Kc3 can escape to Kb2 so White may fortify him. But turn 5, White full-retards, ignoring e2 with 5.Kb2. Say White missed 5...exd1N#'s mate, even hyper-melanated space-black gorilla niggers can tell e2 can promote on 3 squares, capture on 2, and unpunishably (if naively) 5...exd1Q. Even patzers capture e2 on turn 5 to prevent promotion. And if Black took two pawns and's up a queen, 5...exd1Q's pretty much 5...exd1N# because it's fucking over for White, he's finished. He won't even the odds without a lightyear-wide skill gap, yet he's already proven himself retarded. Whether he prolongs the inevitable or resigns, he lost. I guess the puzzle here's Black's Mate in 1, unique in its novelty of mating by an underpromotion more advantageous than queening. It'd present better as a still of 5.Kb2 with "Black to move, Mate in 1" replacing the algebraic notation as the puzzle would be clearer and invite a solution. The abhorrent foreplay from both sides is like watching fat niggers fuck, it's both disgusting and retarded. The mate's cool. The modern variation of the Nimzo-Larsen opening's fine, Fischer borrowed it to dominate Ukrainian champion Tukmakov in 26 moves, but the rest of the .gif is pain. This is Donkey Kong monkey chess. I'll forgive a beginner for missing a 4...Qf6 skewer, but Black just marches a pawn down the board, and White just lets it happen. Doesn't take after 2...e4, or 3...exd3, or even 4...dxe2 when it threatens mate and, more obviously, unpunishable promotion. The brownest beanbrain from the slummiest favela knows where the pawn goes after 4...dxe2. The ones here? The most Mexican motherfuckers to ever fail the TOEFL who, when you say X, their ESL hears Y and they piss 2000 words of their worthless time down the drain beandicking a strawman's taco on how retarded you are to think Y? Even they know. If not a merely demonstrative pathway to 5...exd1N#, both players should volunteer at a shooting range for the position of target. When their mothers are told their stupid sprogs are dead, pants the hags then weld shut their retard incubators so the world never knows chess like this again.
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>>961258 Oh wow this looks great so far. Not sure how well Killer7 weapons will work in a traditional Doom framework, but there might be enough there to work with. >>942376 Great to see, was just mentioning you as "That GZDoom Renamon guy" as a good example of solo dev, since he was talking about some Metroid mod Discord getting tranny furry jacked. This video was supposed to be a Scarface inspired mod, but my OBS is borked.
>>942376 The weapons feel good, especially the single shot ones that make enemies explode. I think my favorite thing are the milk cartons though. In general I think it's pretty cool to make a mod for your waifu. It's commendable
>>964577 (✓) Thanks. Making new stuff for GZdoom is pretty straightforwarded so most of my workflow is just doing the modelling stuff. What happened exactly with the metroid dev? Is there a run down of that? >>964580 Thank you too. I tried with my best of ability to make the weapons fun to use, I am still tweaking around with sounds effect and weapon balance to make sure each weapon is not too weak or overpowered. Though it is a bit hard to find the right spot because a lot of monster mods are balanced differently. And yeah If somebody can make a gardevoir mod then I can do the same. >>961265 Just saying I have one of the weapons already modelled from that picture
I've started playing through Eviternity. Very sweet doomcute instances
>>964613 I like that demon texture on the wall in the first image, is that original? I don't recognize it.
>>964622 There are a bunch of small visual, musical, and gameplay changes, probably including these demon textures, because I don't recognize them either. They're definitely not from the original doom. There's some slight color changes such as white plasma and a colder green for the knight's projectiles. It actually makes things fresher and not just because the colors are colder. Same with the music, which includes remixes of original doom tunes. The pistol and chaingun are slightly faster and there's a faster green pinkie variant with more health but that's the only gameplay changes I've noticed so far.
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>>964629 If the mod has a page on Doomworld the author might credit where he got the textures, assuming he didn't make them himself. They're cool but still fit the game's original art style. I like that skull motherboard one a lot, it looks like a cut texture from Doom 1. >the pistol and chaingun are slightly faster I wish more wads messed around with the pistol, it's not very useful. <but sniping! You can do the same with the chaingun, but that isn't a bad idea. If the pistol was 100% accurate even when autofiring it would be a great sniping tool and actually give it a use. As it stands it's probably the worst weapon in Doom.
I just noticed my filename has a typo. Somehow I never caught that before.
>>964613 If you're enjoying Eviternity, you'll probably enjoy Eviternity 2, which was released in December of last year.
>>964647 Looks like I know what to do for the next few days. >>964631 I agree. Even with the increased fire rate, I stopped using it as soon as I got the shotgun (which is actually pretty damn good for sniping too)
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>>964577 The Metroid mod comment reminds me, has anybody played Spram's Metroid Doom? It was a 7 year project up to release. www.moddb.com/mods/sprams-metroid-doom
>>964596 >What happened exactly with the metroid dev? Is there a run down of that? Can't say, just heard about it from a friend. Mentioned that some furry with their protogen character started worming their way into the Discord, so friend decided to bounce when he saw which way the wind was blowing.
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>>964522 >It'd present better as a still of 5.Kb2 with "Black to move, Mate in 1" replacing the algebraic notation as the puzzle would be clearer and invite a solution. I turned it into one while following your analysis. It should be easy for anyone who knows the rules of chess.
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>>964522 I turned the kc4 board from your 4th paragraph into a puzzle too, about black's best move. That one's much harder. It interests me over knight promotion as a move puzzle. It's hard for how early in the opening it is, baiting midwits to eliminate the rook on a1. Nice catch with b5, I missed it. I'd have qc6'd since if white kd3's black gets white's queen. If white kd4's black can qc5 to pressure white into kd3. If after qc5 white ke4's instead, black can nf6 to keep that pressure. If white still won't kd3 after ke4 nf6 he probably gets backed into a wall by the queen, knight, and f8 bishop until checkmate. The results are like b5's but less elegant and more tedious, with more room for thoughtless mistakes or mouse slips in bullet chess. I just looked up the best move, the very disciplined nc6, which takes neither capture nor check bait. Why it's so strong isn't as intuitive as b5 or qc6 and harder to explain because of its computational complexity. Here's skill tiers with examples of likely moves. [spoiler]A midwit qa1's or captures a pawn. A good player qc6's. A great player b5's. The best player nc6's.[/spoiler]
Oh, new lines break spoiler tags, my bad. Someone with edit permissions can fix it if they want to.
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>>964294 >>964522 >>964842 >>964845 Nice update, and no longer in potato quality. The old .gif still gives me an autism attack and should be reported to time jannies and deleted from reality. It's like this .webm but worse. The umpteen ways White gets wrecked after 4.Kc3 Qf6+, especially if 5.Kc4 manifests your second puzzle, is a lesson to not dick your king around in the open. Protect him, don't send him naked and defenseless into battle. If he's lost, the game is. In the .gif, White's king's like a moron playing tag by running at the chaser. He's like a sheboon twerking in a Memphis clubhouse: a retard whose awkward moves show she wants to get fucked, and by another retard. A retardsexual retard. Meanwhile, Black's like a dementia patient forgot this is chess and thought it was Tetris, dooting one piece square by square down some low-res Game Boy board. It's sub-retarded, like a match between dirt-eating Nepali niglets. I once boxed (chessboxing's a thing), but retired for my health. I regret doing so, as that .gif gave me a brain injury anyway. May Fischer's ghost haunt whatever cowshit mud hut hosted that game.
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>>964906 >That webm Fucking lmao.
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>>964911 >white is facing THE WRONG FUCKING WAY
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>>964911 >Archvile is the Queen
(1.04 MB 498x322 SUMMON.gif)

>>964993 Are you implying she's not?
>>964996 Far from it.
>>965001 Then whom, the Spider Mastermind? She's much too big to fit on the board.
>>965003 I meant: far from implying she's not. Though now that I think about it, the Icon of Sin would be the real queen, but she's also too big to fit, poor thing
>>965004 It's a fault of the English language I suppose. >spoiler Romero is would fit better as the King, no? I guess you mean the Icon itself, canonically it's meant to be kilometers long right? Huge tendrils spreading out all across the landscape.
>>965007 >King >head on a pike Democrats get out >canonically it's meant to be kilometers long right? Miles of Hell's surface, yeah. She's a big girl
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Just finished playing enough of the Renamon Mod. Kinda like it, very basic sorta power fantasy sort of power level. Just wanted to one, report that upon opening the shop a second time, nothing will be selected, pressing enter to select at that time will crash the game with the following error message, and second I kinda wanna remove the helmet like HUD.
>>965118 >kinda like it What part of the mod made you dislike it and what part of it did you liked it? >very basic sorta power fantasy sort of power level. Yeah I didn't wanted to go overboard on that, my mod wasn't meant to copy the style of gun caster and trail blazer. I think the next version the weapons will be slightly more balanced so it should in theory feel even less power fantasy like. >HUD It's gonna get redesigned soon I just need to wait for another guy to finish the new HUD graphics for it. >Bug I must have missed it somehow, I will fix that for the next release.
>>964701 Has anyone played this mod to vouch for it? I'll play if it's good.
>>965242 >What part of the mod made you dislike it and what part of it did you liked it? I liked the initial pitch of playing as Renamon, and how you are free to build your own loadout from your funds. I wish the weapons were more Digimon themed to go with the fact you're playing as Renamon. >power levels Yeah sure, tune it down if you like. I appreciate the weapon options to fine tune damage. And good luck with the HUD graphics and bug.
>>965414 >and how you are free to build your own loadout from your funds. Yeah that's the whole point of the shop system, so that I can add as many weapons I can so that I don't have to worry about randomized pickups like how the majority of mods usually do. >I wish the weapons were more Digimon themed to go with the fact you're playing as Renamon. I asked somebody else who is good at drawing if they could make some Digimon themed guns and appearntly they are hard to make. I have planned to draw myself some concept sketches and make 3D Models out of that, so hopefully I can add Digimon based guns soon. >Yeah sure, tune it down if you like. I appreciate the weapon options to fine tune damage. I will try to add more options for customization that makes sense or is viable, since I want the player to have the options to have a fine tuned experience if they wish to do so. >And good luck with the HUD graphics and bug. For the bug it should be a simple fix, I just need to add a failsafe check somewhere that triggers it and it should be gone for good I hope. With the HUD I have to admit it was a quick job in Blender, I want to have a better looking HUD graphics before I release the next version.
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Was announced during April Fools last month, Nightdiver Remaster of PO'ed is releasing next week.
>>967290 oh shit it's real
(24.95 MB 1280x720 PO'ed Definitive Edition.mp4)

>>967295 Yep, New trailer too, releasing May 16th
It's the April Fool long con.
>>967311 I had forgotten how ugly that game truly is.
>>967290 >It's real Madmen
Classic Marathon is now released and free on Steam. It's Aleph One, so not really anything particularly new, but it's neat that the game is even easier to find, and it'll probably get a far number of new players trying it for the first time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2398450/Classic_Marathon/ Marathon 2 and Infinity have store pages as well, and will be "Coming Soon"
>>967596 >put port of game with linux version on Steam >don't include Linux version For what purpose?
>>942376 I released a v1.1 version of DWM mod. It contains a few new weapons, rebalanced weapons, HUD changes, a few bug fixes and other changes.
>>964613 Finished Eviternity. It was pretty cool. I liked it. The music for the final boss didn't fit at all, it reminded me of John William's work for Harry Potter. The rest of the soundtrack is great, though. All in all good experience, plenty of differently styled map (lots of slaughter near the end, very satisfying), 10/10 recommended
Wow didn't know that ZDoom form users are fucking gay. A guy is making videos where his thumbnail has attractive girls and when he tried to shill his video there some other user got butthurt about that. Imagine being a male and not liking 2D girls.
(23.72 KB 1080x679 25 gbs.jpg)

>>968528 Every doom forum has been fucked for a good long while and it ain't gonna change anytime soon. Avoid them unless you really want to see retarded shit and watch innocent people get consumed by the same retarded shit brainrot. Its honestly gotten so bad amongst most all retro FPS communities/forums it's not even worth browsing them for releases anymore. There are two that aren't complete shit but they are also dead for the most part
>>968528 I don't believe there's a single good forum for any game.
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>>968674 There are and I won't share.
>>968528 >A guy is making videos where his thumbnail has attractive girls Post the videos.
>>968730 Based and secret club-pilled
>>968662 Know any other alternatives? >>968790 https://www.youtube.com/@AndroidFerret/videos eh those are just click bait videos, but it's still funny to see that a forum user gets butthurt over a 2D girl.
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>>969072 wewlad
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>>969110 Who the fuck are you quoting, triplepost nigger?
>>969072 Peak internet
>>969107 I think the most recent doom mod I've played is Going Down from 2014 and it's fine, some parts reminds me of Plutonia, specially the Archvile warehouse level, very action focused. I can't really say from the rest of the mods. I'm also playing RAMP 2023 and it's mostly fine too, there's pretentious garbage made by retards with no writing skills but most of the maps are action focused. >>969108 Myhouse is fun, if you are into playing random single map wads and "this is my house recreated in doom" you will understand the appeal, the Entryway midi gets burn into your brain so when someone mess around with that basic concept then creates a very unnerving atmosphere. But yeah, it's mostly a streamers game for people who's not into Doom. I've seen a lot of people online talking about how "the game shows one sector over another!" like it was the most amazing thing in the world despite Doom modding using that for like two decades at this point. Heck, the "haunted doom wad" is not even new, I've played some Doomcute "my house recreation in doom" wad like a decade ago which had a similar concept.
>>969111 <triplepost nigger >triples
>>969117 >>969119 The first picture you posted is 0.01MB smaller, what did you change?
>>969120 I forgot a layer. I keep messing up, wew
(39.26 KB 600x454 148422166724930711.jpg)

>local /fur/ lolcow broke his containment against the real LOL?
I've noticed there is a few monster mods with a diverse cast of human sprites that I could steal off from. I think I could make a moonman monster only mod and add in a bunch of more niggers to kill. The mod will be uploaded on the based mods site, of course I will use a different account and handle for that, don't want the troons over at zdoom letting them know that I was behind moon man mod along with other anons. But not now because I am too busy with my DWM mod at the moment. Just throwing off this idea. I have no idea how I should approach a moon man themed weapon mod though since i would rather go for a different direction then what the moon mod is on it's current state.
>>969067 Duke4 Func_msgboard Quakeone Altar of Stone Everything else I've seen is either coopted by cancer or just plain cancer
>>969594 >don't want the troons over at zdoom letting them know that I was behind moon man mod along with other anons. >Not using the name of someone else on the Zdoom forum and watch them fling shit at each other.
>>969687 Would that even work?
>>969689 It could, worst case nothing happens.
(20.69 KB 404x394 DUDE.jpg)

>>969594 Wait, Alpha, you're the Renamon anon? I don't think I ever would have guessed you were a furry. That is so fucking funny.
>>969698 Alpha? Well I did worked on the Moonman mod before, did a few bugfixes and added some new stuff, though it fell apart since I lost people who did sprite editing for me but that was also my fault for my announcement that I would stop working on that mod eh. >>969691 Hmmm not so sure about that.
>>969714 Ah, so you're not him then? Alpha is another Doom modder who posts here that worked on Moon Doom. I assumed you were him because we don't have many anons from those days still on /v/.
>>969718 No I am not alpha. I'm basically known here for posting all the time on the agdg thread with my various projects, with my latest being a farming game for godot. I made like micro tank before for GZDoom and I don't feel like spending even more time on that mod since I spend over 7 years on this shit, then afterwards I found 8chan where it was still run by kikewheels and where anons would gather themselves together to make a moon man mod and we worked on it together for a good while.
Trying out trocket.wad
Just beat 1 Monster, an old gimmick megawad. It's alright until the last two or three levels where it becomes kind of a meme. I don't expect a level with nothing but Archviles to be easy, but it's weirdly designed and all the combat is game of peak-a-boo. The last level is platforming and obstacle courses on a time limit. Enjoyable other than that, though. The levels look great, too, very "official".
I wonder if the shit with VizDoom will lead to anywhere or are those eggheads just using VizDoom for toying around? I tried looking up a few kiketube videos on it and their result was pretty shit to be honest. I mean all they did was showcasing their beep boopers doing exercises on a few maps and it didn't looked impressive. There was not even one video of a VizDoom gameplay where a robot could finish a map.
>>970170 I'm completely unaware of where the modern Doom modding scene is at, can you explain what you're talking about?
>>969594 Sounds like an alright idea for a Moonman monster pack. As for DWM, tried out 1.1 today. The new weapons and rebalancing feel just right if you wanted to aim for something vanilla feeling. The new pickups graphics are fine, and the HUD is much better. Could maybe use some sorta labeling, but understood well enough where my cash/ammo/etc was after a Obsidian level or two.
>The Magenta Spire thanksdoc.wad
(7.41 KB 200x254 skin.png)

>>970540 >those melty HUD elements Very nice. What's the wad's theme/gimmick?
>>970545 Oh hey, I remember that gas mask.
>>970545 >What's the wad's theme/gimmick? Sorry for double post. The wad's theme seems to be that some kind of purple sludge is spreading all over. Also some monsters bleed gold. There are fucking flying imps. It's pretty eerie at times. A good wad with some good slaughter.
Alright, after getting stuck and looking through the doom forums, it appears there are several gamebreaking bugs in the wad. Not fun. Wouldn't recommend. 1/10 Sage for three posts in a row.
>>970564 That's a shame, would enemy and weapon replacements fix it, somehow?
>>970718 I don't know enough about doom modding and the way maps work to guess, unfortunately. Maybe I'm just playing in the wrong port. It did win a cacoward in 2022. I guess I'd still recommend it in case you're lucky enough not to stumble upon any problems, because it's fun and colorful.
>>970335 VizDoom is used to train bots so that they can play video games in this case doom but those eggheads aren't really doing that. They just run their stupid bots for whatever iterations on VizDoom provided training maps and that's fucking it, they don't actually use it to make bots so that they can actually play Doom. >>970436 >Sounds like an alright idea for a Moonman monster pack. You don't really sound satisfied from that. >As for DWM, tried out 1.1 today. The new weapons and rebalancing feel just right if you wanted to aim for something vanilla feeling. The new pickups graphics are fine, and the HUD is much better. Could maybe use some sorta labeling, but understood well enough where my cash/ammo/etc was after a Obsidian level or two. Good to know my rebalancing effort took a good direction then. As for the money items I will work on those more soon so that there is even more variety of those items with different amount of values. As for the HUD it was a quick job because I hate doing GUI shit in GZDoom as it is really annoying to tweak the fucking values to get it looking right.
Been playing Blood (fresh supply) and it's surprisingly good!
Played through another of Cyriak's wads, Overboard. It's just as funny and fun as Going Down. Full of doomcute and gags that complement the great gameplay.10/10 highly recommend. My only gripe is that it's too short
>>971191 That's good to hear. I feel like classic FPS games have made a decent resurgence in the past few years, especially after spiritual successors like DUSK became popular.
Shooter games rank as the most played gaming genre so shooters will never die. Money assures it.
(103.55 KB 800x800 Suckin cru-dicks for-u o.jpg)

>>971191 >fresh supply Throw that horse shit in the dirt where it belongs and pickup quite literally any other more competent and compatible blood port. Buildgdx, Nblood, Raze, or even Notblood; anything is better than Fresh supply
>>970936 >You don't really sound satisfied from that. I wouldn't say I'm not satisfied, more like "It'd be neat, but I wouldn't be chomping at the bit to grab it." And good luck with the money drops and good luck with the HUD tweaking, if you feel like doing that.
>>971719 Pardon me then. Yeah I guess maybe there needs to be more for a moon man monster mod then but I dunno what, I guess maybe the thrill of killing minorities in doom is not there anymore ah well. The shock value that the mod made is way over due now too, so can't piss off all those people now with a new moon man release. >And good luck with the money drops and good luck with the HUD tweaking, if you feel like doing that. Thank you anon. I will try to make some new changes and additions to those for the next release. As for the HUD asides from the missing labels I don't think I can do it any better I am not a graphics artist and the friend I asked for where he should make a new HUD graphic for me seems to be way too busy with live so he couldn't make one for me.
>>971722 What we need is a similar mod for Half Life
>>971725 Which mod do you mean?
>>971725 Fuck it Every game needs a MoonMan Mod
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>>971733 >SDT Moonman mod
>>971733 It's your calling anon, you are the chosen one.
>>971733 And after that's done we can start on HDuke and Hblood
this thread is doomed
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>>971947 Doom is doomed
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>>971947 >>971959 It's so over doom bros....
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I beat Freedoom, and I very much liked it. The big thing to catch me off guard was the music, which is fantastic. I've read it's changed a lot over the years and the OST I heard is relatively recent, but I loved it regardless. It's nothing like Doom but it still has a classic 90s MIDI sound to it. The other thing I liked are the sprites, especially the Trilobite who I like more than the original Cacodemon sprite. I played a small amount of Phase 2 years ago and remember thinking the Lost Soul being a redraw was disappointing, much to my surprise they completely resprited it to be a "hatchling" flesh creature along with a of the other monsters. The game's enemies have more of an alien theme than a demon one. I think Phase 1 is superior to Phase 2, but that's true for base Doom also. Phase 2 is definitely a lot better than Doom 2 anyway, even if some of its levels are kind of annoying.
>>972284 The music is top tier shit Closest thing to It is the Plutonia MIDI pack
>>972284 Holy shit, this slaps. I've played through Freedoom years ago and I'd never heard anything like this. I loved the spritework, though they seem to have replaced my favorite sprites, which used to be a dancing flame and a golden statue, with coloured keys. I'm gonna have to replay it now.
>>972284 I think your cacodemon has autism.
(25.14 MB E1M3.flac)

>>972286 From some basic research it looks like the game got a huge rework back in February, and that's when the OST was redone. >spoilers I vaguely remember you drawing these. Is that what they were from?
(2.65 MB D_E3M6.ogg)

>>972284 E3M6 had the best tune in the whole game by far
>>972292 Yeah. Back in 2014 there was a very talented sprite artist that went by the name Raymoohawk who just kind of showed up out of nowhere and led an initiative reworking all the monster sprites (and various other sprites) in Freedoom so they no longer looked like shit or were unfinished. This drove a lot of interest back into the Freedoom project and basically revived it from about four years of dormancy; and his work, quality, and speed were fairly astounding compared to most of the other artist in the community (not knocking anyone else but this guy was able to get complete spritesets done for 5 different enemies with all new designs done by him in about a month and a half) However something happened around 2017/2018 and since then they've basically dissappeared from doing things in Doom all together and elsewhere. I wanna say I remember people giving them shit and hounding them for making some kind of sprite work porn or furry around that same 2017/2018 timeframe so I'd imagine that may be why they went dark. All that time, effort, and passion bringing something back from the grave and the reward is being run off from the community and scrubbed from history because they of drew some monster pixel tits and ass.
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>>972298 I don't know if I agree, the episode completion music is so mysterious and serene. Almost ethereal. >>972299 Unfortunate, but it sometimes happens. The Doom community is full of a lot of older gamers who might find such things distasteful.
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https://archive.is/mPXx7 ID are making a Medieval-theme Doom game called Doom: The Dark Ages? I can't say I'm too interested, I'm not partial to Doom 4 or Eternal. Though I am curious what that would even look like. >What about Heretic? That's more fantasy than anything.
>>972299 >singular they Quit that faggotry. A person of unknown sex is by default a he.
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>>972303 Don't cut them any slack they deserve all the derision they can get. Old or not, no matter who they are or what they've done in the community anyone that does that shit is a gigantic faggot/nigger and is the exact reason why the current "community" and all of its hubs are piles of shit. And I say this as someone who has been involved in doom and the doom community for nearly 20+ years. Threads like this and what was had back in the old days on cuckchan's pre-exodus /vr/ are intrinsically better than anything you will find of the current community. Those places are so shit they exhausted Terminusest13, Scroton, Combine Kegan, and Marty Kirra, while also shunning mike12/Hdoomguy (although he is a faggot in a different kind of way now) >>972305 Not my fault retarded faggots ruined a perfectly good word, Anon.
>>972309 >Terminusest13, Scroton, Combine Kegan What happened to them?
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>>972305 Not true. Singular they has been in use since the 1300s which is only a hundred or so years after the word "they" even entered English. I don't know where this myth comes from. Probably fucking prescriptivists, they make up all sorts of things about the English language. >>972309 I meant to say, I like your AI Baronesses. I always liked their classic design with the weird teeth.
(202.12 KB 1080x1032 Termi.jpg)

>>972311 Shortly after fractal doom and burl_tmd got "known" Scroton was inquisition'd by the zdoom forums which led to everyone then having to "hate" him and his work by default which also led to the simple mention of him or his work a bannable offense on the doomworld and zdoom forums. I'm not too sure what happened to him but he basically dissappeared after the events of the exodus/gg and I don' remember him ever cropping up on og 8ch or elsewhere like on zandronum servers Term was basically driven to loathe the community and doom following him being appointed as a moderator on the zdoom forums after which they prohibited him from directly interacting with /vr/ a they would essentially excommunicate him for it. As a result of that and all nonsense of the doom community he got burnt out and hasn't really been involved in Doom-things since about 2017/8 focusing more on his real life pursuits. As for Combine Kegan, he still dabbles every now and then. But he basically seperated himself from everything after seeing what was going on only and only posts spairingly on [spoiler]twitter[/twitter] about his doom modding efforts and various work on other things >>972313 I applaud your refined tastes, but these ai baronesses are the work of marcus64. Sadly, more bestial interpretations of og doom monsters are still severely lacking and limited. If I had money or artistic talent I would erectify this problem myself.
>>972320 >[spoiler]twitter[/twitter] You can spoiler using two asterisks instead, it's a lot easier. >If I had money or artistic talent I would erectify this problem myself. I guess you could ask 702e48. I don't know if he does requests, but he draws a lot of monsters.
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>>972320 >All this drama surrounding the 4 modders Geeh whiz I wonder who could it be this time? Is it Graf? Rachel? Wild Greasel? Or all of those insufferable moderation teams of ZDoom? I very rarely post shit on ZDoom forum mostly because I don't like forums in general because it fucking sucks compared to 8chan. Most of my posting there was limited to coding questions related to ZScript and posting my mods there. So I wasn't really involved with one of those drama that happened. I am more of a introvert person so it's in my nature not to post much (at least not on other messaging/social media platforms) because I am not part of any fucking clique which makes everything worse because they are circle jerking each other and chasing off any newbies. I wasn't even active back in TA:Spring forum back when it was big when I played this FOSS RTS engine as I mostly just played against bots instead of having PvP matches with other player. But appearntly even TA:Spring community got their fair share of drama which chased off other people who made content for that engine. I don't quite understand what the fuck is up with the fucking FOSS community attracting so much drama, redditors, trannies and other dregs that turns the whole community into a fucking circle jerk just because they need clout from their fellow white knights, adding retarded rules and making overall a horrible experience to post there because they absolutely must experience having power over other people and dictating what they are allowed to post about and what not because otherwise their sensitive feelings may get hurt. Absolutely abhorrent. Fucking hate this shit.
>>972324 Modders attracting drama isn't limited to Doom. It's a widespread phenomenon, look no further than nexusmods for endless confirmation. And if you do look further, you'll just keep finding more and more whining and bitching and crying and hissy fit-ing.
>>972299 >>972309 >>972320 Extremely interesting, and a damn shame to see drama drive out talent. At least the keys still look somewhat female, with those cute almond eyes and pointy chin. Amazing baronnesses too. I agree with the previous anon, I love the fucked-up head. I did a little digging into the github archives https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/releases. I found a skeleton with unnaturally large hips in 0.6, Raymoohawk's red flame sprites in December 2015's 0.10 (alongside some other great seemingly Shadow of the Beast-inspired statues), and his golden statue in the subsequent 2017's 0.11. Great inspiration.
>>972356 It wasn't always like this
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>>972357 The keys look cool, I like the yellow one that laughs/smiles. The Soulsphere is also nice. >he wants to bone ms. bones If I'm not mistaken, that skeleton is the old Archvile sprite. Speaking of which, did you look at their Archy replacements? Its sprites are kind of intense, I like it.
(11.87 KB 200x315 Bouncy-flame.gif)

I made a small edit for you
(32.98 KB 57x75 spiiiiiiin.gif)

>>972398 Excellent edit, much appreciated and saved twice. I think I can even spot nipples... >>972380 The Soul sphere is adorable. She doesn't look scary at all, it looks like she's just saying "'awawa". I love the new Archvile. The flame animation is crazy and the huge eye is actually more creepy than Doom's flesh skeleton. Very nice
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>>972411 Looks a bit like puppets from LoZ:TP.
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>>972411 >>972429 In game and in motion.
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>>972411 The sprite work in the newest versions is very good in general, I wonder if they'll find their way into regular wads? The other Doom engine games like Heretic are getting their own conversions, too. None of them are as complete as Freedoom
>>972436 Also saved, also very much appreciated. Now she looks ready to feed whatever is in that belly on which I see you added a visible belly button you sly dog I had never heard about the other conversions. The Heretic one looks good, and closer in spirit to the original than Freedoom does to Doom.
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>>972324 The FOSS community started being used/treated as a way to gain employment and prestige in the very system it was supposed to be the alternative too. People and places that "were too good for their own good" were poached or targeted left and right, forced to play a game of chicken in which they were made to adopt and promote viewpoints and beliefs that made them into hypocrites countradicting their own mission and philosophy out of necessity/survival. Whether this was an intentional effort of subterfuge to destroy and stifle competition, just pure stupidity and greed, or both is unknown but it doesn't really matter as the end result is the same. A FOSS community in name only, wearing the title like a skinsuit forever unable to do anything because concepts like being anti-censorship, freedom, and independence are now "societally unacceptable" things that will get you removed. And that doesn't even touch upon the insane amount of worship corporations get or the introduction of CoCs. Can't exactly have "free as in freedom" if freedom isn't allowed.
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>>972500 that second one is interesting
>>937850 I just found about this: Project Osiris, a fan remake of Alien Breed 3D (amigafags will remember) on GZDoom. https://arcturusdeluxe.itch.io/project-osiris
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>>972561 >Alien Breed I know that series alright. >Overhauled graphics, textures and visual effects. >Redrawn graphics >This is not a 1:1 recreation of the original AB3D. Lot's of things are different either on purpose to improve the experience for a modern audience This makes me wonder if fans will care about it, though. I've seen fan-made graphics overalls and they're almost never good.
>>972500 Yes and now the FOSS community is heavily influenced by corporations and even accepting large sum of money by them, making them no more a viable alternative to commercial softwares so it is no more a software run by open source community. In some instance such as the Linux kernel and I think even some certain Linux distros are entirely run by corporations having a committee of those suits so where is the FOSS community there now when it's more influenced by corporations instead of people who are a interest in FOSS softwares?
>>972620 The original was extremely pixelated, so the redone art is a huge improvement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJjQopEx2D0
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>>972321 I remember that drawing! That was Wedgelor from Mr. Meaty, in a episode about super-wedgies. There's a follow-up with another demon whose shtick was that she encouraged artists to draw Mahomet. >>972620 >pic Agreed
>>972914 It's surprising they aired it on a kids channel, it's like an Adult Swim show. Did you know the creator of Nanalan made it?
>>972920 I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised. From what I've seen from both it's the same brand of weird. >picture That fist makes me think it might be AI-generated, but it's great nonetheless. We've come such a long way from dall-e mini, and so quickly too. Could we have imagined that type of Baron art last decade, or even last year?
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>>972932 He's done a lot of puppeteering work, he's still active by the looks of it. >might be Oh, it is. I thought that was obvious. Same as 'director' as the previous barons, though I edited it slightly. And the technology has improved a lot over the last year, I don't usually post AI but those titanic tits had me singing hymns. Outrageous.
>>972939 >no ammo Nothing I can't handle. I'll rule her day night with an iron fist. The brass knuckles will knock her up out.
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>Sex with demons Won't you get send straight to hell for this?
>>972955 not if you buy fallout 4 tbh.
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>>972955 I'm down to go live wherever she wants with her. I just hope I won't feel too homesick.
>>972959 God I wish that were me!
>>972962 It's very comfy inside.
>>972968 It's very comfy inside YOU bend over
>>972957 I pirated Fallout 4 tbh >>972959 Sex with doom demons seems to be intriguing but I don't want to get my shit fucked up for that.
>>972975 >I pirated Fallout 4 tbh SINNERS MUST BE PURGED
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>>972976 >Howard going after my ass
>>972977 AI-Dungeon-Todd raped me in the summer of '22 for not buying any more copies of Skyrim
>>972953 I don't know, anon.. if you put your fist in her you may never get it back out. She looks very strong.
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>>973030 >so strong she can flex her muscles and trap your entire arm >feel her cavity contracting and pulsing as she does Kegels on you fuck
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>>972939 >survive for a while >A baroness finds out about you >This Well if you made it that long I guess you could survive fucking her.
>>973175 All this survivng will turn you into crocodile and then you'll have to explain why you're larping as an argonian in court.
>>973204 >I slowly turn into Sniper As long as I stay human while banging weird alien girls. The court can do whatever they want to me. Those alien girls didn't complain.
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I have a radical idea. I will turn all health items into food and drinks and set the player to 1000 hitpoints + 4000 overhealth bonus which degenerates over time when the player is not eating food. My mod is from now on glom pilled, pls rate my new radical idea.
>>973272 Add a weight gain mechanic if the player eats too much I think it would be very funny hahaha
>>973300 You laugh but that was actually a pretty amusing Metal Slug mechanic that had its own benefits and hindrances.
>>973300 if the player reached critical mass he can also crush enemies with his sheer weight, haha if only...?
>>973300 >>973341 Not even hard to do with ZScript, kinda shocking some fag on ZDF hasn't made this already
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>>973272 So Adventure Island Doom?
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>>973418 Wots dat?
Always love it when I see toilets in a wad.
>>973946 >skeleton >in a toilet
>>974053 He needed to take care of that boner
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Finally getting around to playing Duke 3D 20th Anniversary. Despite my hatred for Randy Pitchford stalling me from playing the game, I have to admit that the Alien World Order Episode is pretty good so far. Randy only co-design a single level, so most of this had little to do with him anyway.
>>974441 Pretty sure you can download the Episode for free and play it via Eduke32.
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>>974445 Not Eduke32 but Raze, which is a Build Engine fork with GZDoom tech added to it. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=71989
>>974441 I've still got to give it a run sometime myself, pitchford's walled-garden faggotry preventing it being run with regular Eduke back then put me off of it entirely. I guess that's his way of tainting it since you can't really fuck up Richard Gray or Allen H Blum's ability to create great maps. I still wonder what Blood would've been like had 3d Realms not poached Gray from Monolith and replaced him with James Wilson.
>>974463 If there is one downside to the new maps, it's that John Saint John's lines aren't bitcrushed, so it's jarring selecting the Legacy Duke audio for the first 4 episodes, but then having crystal clear audio for the 5th episode. It's not so bad once you get used to it, but if someone made a mod to brtcrush all the new audio, i'd install it in a heart beat. Playing Duke 3D with audio this clean just feels off until you play long enough to get over it.
>>974740 Of course you'd be playing these kinds of wads.
Is there a reason why the majority of doom maps are made in Boom/MBF whatever format instead of utilizing ZDoom/GZDoom features such as 3D floors and portals? It is getting really boring to look at that a lot of doom maps I am playing through uses the same damn set of textures that are 20 years old and being restricted to the same 2.5D mapping limit.
>>974918 You can thank Doomworld purists and demo faggots for that (by demo I mean the attention-seeking fags that make it their sole mission in life to record their play sessions using the demo feature so that they can then post it on doomworld for Internet points and doom "cred") It also wasn't helped by the fact that Graf Zahl is a giant faggot himself that cares nothing for legacy support (one instance being when he stopped supporting opengl 2 instead moving to opengl 3 because he was installing Windows 8 and shat on everyone who disagreed with it by telling them to "get with the times" even though all their concerns were breaking nearly a decade's worth of mods and it becoming a more unoptimized pile of shit) So basically retards, attention seekers, and incompetent morons is the reason why
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>>974947 I always knew that Graf Zahl is a fucking retard, I used to mock him previously on doom threads for being a incompetent hack that he is, I even made a few memes about him, it pisses me off to no end that it's the year of our lord 2024 and Graf Zahl is still in fucking charge of GZDoom, but it's too late already as the damage he did is already done. As for Doomworld players that seems to confirm my suspicions that they are bunch of anal hammed autist that can only play doom in absolute vanilla form (i.e using only vanilla friendly source ports and playing on vanilla only maps), fucking christ the absolute state of modern doom gaming.
>>974791 Doom 2 In Name Only if you want to try it
>>972284 Have you tried out brutalfreedoom?
Is there a list of weapon pack mods that are fun to play with? I am just looking for something which has a set of conventional weapons and maybe some few other "special" weapons added to it. Because I do want to give other weapon mods a shot too but the few I have downloaded looked kinda ehhh.
>>975458 Final Doomer is pretty good, although I imagine you've already played with it. These are weapon packs themed around known mapsets.
>>975509 Yeah I played a fair bit of Final Doomer before, it's a nice mod for sure.
I finished playing Arch-Vile's The Experiment map pack and holy shit was it a massive slog fest to playthrough, I ended up cheating a few times because I couldn't be bothered doing bullshit maze and platforming sections which was awfully made. I will never play this map pack again because of that, it comes with a story of a guy who seems to be working on a collider but instead everything is massively infested with demons and I do mean massive as there is a lot of sections with slaughter tier shit going on. I would rate this map pack poorly, 3/10 points. If it didn't had so many bullshit sections and slaughter tier stuff going on I would give it more score but that's the best I can do.
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>>975539 What is this, HROT parody? Or HROT parody of that?
>>975542 >HROT No idea I didn't played this game. I only know it's a map pack where you are going to work but right off the bat at the train you are inside it is filled with zombies, then it goes to the train station which was some "funky" puzzles then towards the tunnel of the train station which leads to a Politbureao where you get to ruin a party and supposed to meet a political member there (which doesn't happen) then there is a undercover section where you have to swap clothes in order to prevent alarms from triggering then there is a speech going on which also can be ruined. By ruined I mean there is a switch nearby which causes the monsters to riot. That sort of stuff is going on but it is very lengthy due to all the fucking monsters you have to kill.
Just finished playing through Scientist 2023. It's a nice map pack edit of the original scientist version, it doesn't look like it got changed way too heavily from the original asides from some textures and eventually some map geometry touch up I think? (I can't remember the original design of Scientist map), it's a somewhat easy going map pack so the fights are not that too challenging but it does get ramped up in later maps, It makes good usage of custom assets so I give it a 8.5/10 rating.
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Going through Ichini map now. Meh I don't really like this map, it looks pretty standard doom mapping.
>>975542 Hrot mentioned!
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Surprised no one has mentioned Ashes: Hard Reset releasing in less than 4 days, last thread had several Ashes posts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFf65H8q1lg Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
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>>976327 I've been checking the modb page almost daily and it says jack shit about >RESET SOON, FELLOW SCAV
>>976327 I was busy with work related shit and completely forgot, thanks for the heads up anon, eagerly waiting to play it 5 times in a row!
>>976327 Why hello there.
>>976654 I bet she becomes a mutant and is the one standing next to Walker in his ending slide, being remarkably similar with some sort of staff and wearing a cloak. He does say something about keeping a "promise".
Any recommendations for how to kill NPC saber users in Jedi Academy without saber or force powers? Trying a challenge run and its not nearly as painful as I expected (Tier 1's sole mandatory force use when skipping the jawa level is one use for force jump to get out of the train after the forcefield and I'm sure some movement tech could bypass that, Hoth can be beaten with nothing if you know how to launch yourself past the wall with a tantan and how to save the tantan to use against the boss, and tier 2 pretty much only ever require a single jump each except the Rancor level which needs none at all), but now that I'm in the castle I can't just run past the reborn and my prior tactics don't really work on jumpsuit+chestplate guys (especially since I'm trying to save the good guns for the training room and the boss fight).
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>>974441 >>974463 I finished the Alien World Order and I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed. It felt a lot like the shovelware map packs of the 90's to me but with random invisible walls all over the place and haphazard enemy/weapon/secret placement (just kind of seemed like a lot of encounters weren't really well thought out and it's compensated by throwing shitloads of ammo at the player) The visuals and layouts of the maps also suffer from the same haphazard randomness, not really taking advantage of the real world spots they take place in (like not having to blow up Big Ben/Elizabeth Tower for the Bloody Hell map taking place in England, or not having some kind of mock bike race in the Tour de nukem map) They really dropped the ball in all regards besides "Mirage Barage" and "Golden Carnage" with the latter being the only one to really make good use of it's setting and setpiece while the former is just your bog-standard egyptian pyramid with booby traps level which is really hard to fuck up. I ended up playing through Duke Caribbean to wash the bad taste out of my mouth and kill some monsters with squirt guns (there should really be a female alien swap mod for duke caribbean so you can use your squirt guns to dissolve their clothing and see their crazy alien pussy/tits/ass)
>>977679 I suppose, after 20 years of user created maps, I can see your point. I haven't delved into any Duke Content that isn't official yet. So I'm sure there is a countless amount of Fan made Duke content I haven't played, that is much more impressive.
>>977679 >He trusted Randy
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>>975458 Aeons of Death
>>976941 Experimenting I've found that I can manipulate the AI to throw a saber then release a blaster charge shot, but it's RNG as fuck
>>972309 >Hdoomguy Didn't he have his own board on old 8chan?
>>977703 I remember talking to him years ago and asked him about 8chan, and unless I'm poorly remembering near decade old conversation which is likely, he said he didn't use 8chan. If he did make his own board, it must have been after that.
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>>977703 Nah you've gotta be mistaking him for someone else he did not come along with us during the exodus. Right about the time of GG/2014 was when he took to posting on social-media shitholes like tumblr/Twitter and forcibly separated himself imageboards/imageboard-culture talking shit about them and everyone that uses them (like noill, inkusan, and many other artists that got their start on imageboards) while also downplaying/gaslighting how severly fucked everything is and how nothing was actually happening (lies, abuse censorship, etc) and that people were just overreacting. I believe that was also the time when he was hired on to work on some "indie" projects so I'm sure they pumped his brain full of retardation that he will never recover from
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>>977949 He's a vtuber simp blowing like 500/mo on mid-level nobodies nowadays trying to get his e-peen stroked. To be fair though, he was always a tremendous gigafaggot (see: Marrub #vr IRC grooming situation, in which he actively took part in exposing a literal 12 year old to explicit sex topics and images). It's only a matter of time before someone comes out with receipts that ruin him online, mark my words. It's a shame that dudes like Term, Kegan, or even the Babel Guy never get asked to work on indie games because the mods they make are 100x better than anything Mike12/HDoomGuy ever made. Hell, half the fuckers who make maps for imageboard projects could probably out-design most AAA level designers if they had a full team to work under them.
I'm playing through HOCUS.pk3, a total conversion of Apogee's Hocus Pocus DOS game. It's very pretty and cartoony, and works very well. The weapons are different enough from DOOM that it doesn't feel like a spriteswap - for instance, the basic magic missile can be upgraded to increase its rate of fire by collecting little lightning bolts.
>>978627 The colors and the dark outline around the sprites remind me of an Amiga game. Looks comfy.
>>978627 I don't think I've ever seen a wad with this art style. If I'm not mistaken, that "weapon" sprite based on something from Heretic or Hexen, yes? It looks edited but I vaguely remember the two ringed hands.
>>978658 Good catch, looks like it's from Hexen.
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3 MINUTES BABY watch?v=HFf65H8q1lg
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>>978795 I'm so ready boys
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>people are hype for the Ashes mod >nobody cares about my mod why even bother making shit in the first place.
>>978801 What are you making?
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>not even 1min in and I get OOGABOOGAH'd
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>>978815 A weapon pack mod for Doom, I know it's quite generic. I can't think of much to make my stand out more with unique features. It has also a shop system so you can choose your own load out instead of being at the mercy of the RNG. >>978817 What happened?
>>978925 Why are the impact effects and sound effects so weak and puny? Did they took those ideas from CoD or what every all the effect designs are weak on purpose?
>>978925 Wow. Thats worse than your mistake.
>>978825 >What happened? I got supremely spooked.
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>>978825 You just have to post about it more my tender sweet Anon, just make sure you aren't doing it in a faggoty way >>978925 Oh boy, another case of "lets just call it [POPULAR THING] when it's clearly not that so it sells and dilute what [POPULAR THING] actually is" just like everything in this Industry anymore. Can't wait to see how they'll fuck this obvious Quake reboot that they weren't allowed to call Quake (probably due to the poor reception of quake champions) Will it be 500gbs? Will it run like absolute shit even if you have the best hardware and software? Will it have DRM/DENUOVO/or be online only? Will it insert retarded political nonsense and censor things? Will the developers act like/be gigantic faggots? Will it have an astro-turfed marketing campaign utilizing culture war or spite to artifically create problems and pit people against one another? Who knows, and who cares because it's probably gonna be a mixture or all of that and then some. Because at this point the entire industry needs to get wiped off the face of the earth for the bullshit it has pulled and allowed to happen for the last two decades. I already know not to have hope because if by some miracle they don't fuck it up then the success will just put money into the hands of the absolute worst people who will just ruin it the next time. We've long since gone beyond the "don't care so long as its good" phase of reality.
Please do not turn our retro FPS thread into a bitching thread about NuDoom, thank you NoodDood 3 probably warrants its own thread, in fact.
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>>978925 DOYIM
>>978969 Honestly, I kinda agree.
>>978969 Sort of on that subject but actually thread related, are there any old medieval FPSs or at least medieval themed Doom .ads that specifically focus on melee combat?
>>978993 *wads
>>978993 There's the gothicdm deathmatch maps, but they don't specifically focus on melee.
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>>978938 Hmmm okay. >>978953 >You just have to post about it more my tender sweet Anon, just make sure you aren't doing it in a faggoty way I haven't done any recent progress yet asides from these: >>969459 >>969573 and >>973164 yeah I procrastinated a bit too much recently now with my mod but I was also busy playing Fallout 4. So my recent additions were TOZ-34 shotgun, Molotov Cocktail (which is OP heh) and a bunch of hardware items as well some health related changes and a few more hardware and item pickups. I do kinda contemplate to do the grind and work far harder on my mod but that would cost too much of my energy then I can spend right now. I sadly suffer from depression so it takes more effort and will power from me to get things done. I am not really jealous of the success of other mod considering my mod is not that high quality as I am kinda grug tier when it comes to make asset but eh I am also shooting for quantity instead of quality so there is that. >>978993 Not necessary medieval but there is rekkr.wad which is norse based.
>>978969 I made a NuDoom thread here, if anyone actually wants to talk about the new game >>979111
>>978958 >Diosoth sperging against Where the fuck do you keep crawling out of from. Plebbit?
>>979226 I saw this a few days ago and meant to post it. SNES Doom might not be the best Doom port, but it's a technical marvel. This is great for the historical value alone. That reminds me, have there been any homebrew FPS on the SNES? Besides Noah's Ark 3D.
>>978993 I wouldn't say it focuses on melee combat but if you play Hexen as Baratus you get to break a lot of things using only your fists. In regular DOOM you can also punch a surprising amount of demons to death with the berserk pack.
>>978993 Not medieval, but there's this doom mod that turn it into a stylish action game. https://youtu.be/s31gir_uil8
>>978993 You could always just get GMOTA and a medieval-themed level set. It's more "arcade" than "dark fantasy" but if you play as Blaz the mod is largely melee.
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>>979411 GMOTA? How about HMOFA?
>>980449 >hmofa You mean humans on fuckable aliens? Those ain't anthro's m8. They're demons.
>>980449 HDoom could never
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>>980453 I just really wanted to make that joke Here, have some mutant titties
>>980467 Is Varni the sister of the psychic mutant from Afterglow? I get the impression that's what the dialogue was implying.
>>980471 I believe that's the case As much as I like tits I don't like how she's hot, I feel like mutants and other creatures should be horrible deformed creatures from another dimension
>>980449 >dress opening to reveal the fucked-up innards/skinless abs It's the little details.
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Finished Ashes: Hard Reset It's really good but you can tell this is a side project with different project leads. It doesn't get the tone and level design quite right, but still a great work nonetheless. This shit is some of the best free content I've ever played in my life.
>>980717 >some of the best free content I'd pay big mone to NEVER SEE A GODDAMN CANNIBAL GLADIATOR EVER AGAIN
>>980717 It's really good, but I don't think it's as great as the other Ashes games. I liked the first level inside the school and the one in the amusement park, since they had the survival horror feeling. The others were great as well, but some were retreads that felt kind of boring in comparison. The voice acting added some corny charm, but I ended up skipping a lot of it since it was just so tedious to listen to. The story is decent and ties the series together, but I felt the ending was anti-climatic.
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>>980755 THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP' >>980756 I'd say it's between the OG and Dead Man Walking. Afterglow > OG > Hard Reset > Dead Man Walking It's almost as good as the OG though. >Ending felt anti climatic, it really did, especially after that boss fight, I also don't like that Walker saving The Scav was premeditated bullshit instead of a coincidental encounter
>>980755 I think they're decent enemies but HR throws them at you as if they're common mutants. They really should be kept to 1 or 2 at a time, and never in tiny hallways or small rooms like it's done. Wendigos are the exact same enemy but because they're always outside and you can sneak by a lot of them, they feel fair to fight, it's a choice you make. >>980756 >I felt the ending was anti-climatic. Yes, it did feel rushed. The spire is a couple hallways and rooms and that's it, you don't get to see the rest of the bunker, and then Walker just goes "fuck this shit" and leaves. Then the final boss shows up out of nowhere? They really didn't think it through. You can also tell they ran out of level ideas because by the start you are managing your ammo and looking everywhere for even a single bullet, but then you get to Cordon and there's back to back to back gang fights that fill you up on ammo because every enemy drops some.
In theory, how hard would it be to port Doom 3 lighting to an id Tech 3 game or port an id Tech 3 game to id Tech 4?
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>>980990 It would probably be less hard to port an id tech 3 game into id tech 4 to utilize said features however the problem would then lie within Bumpmaps, the proto-megatexture system, and dynamic function of the volumetric lighting system inherent to idtech 4 which would requre more direct graphical/art reworking or else you end up with really nice lighting for things that are not complemented by it or take advantage of it. The big issue with trying to backport the dynamic/volumetric lighting system into id tech 3 is that it inherently lacks both Specular highlights and Normal mapping (bumpmapping/Dot3 Bump Mapping) which are what make id tech 4 lighting so sophisticated and robust. You would basically have to rewrite half the lighting system in idtech 3 as most of it is shader-centric and as a result is fairly self-relative or directly tied to per-map instances.
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Maybe most of you already knew this, but after all these years I just noticed the dot in Nightmare!'s the exclamation mark is a skull.
>>981212 That's a caco's bunghole
>>981212 A blushing skull, even. Great discovery!
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Talking about skelegtons, apparently there are friendly "revenants" in Strange Aeons. That's really nice but it took me a dozen maps to notice.
Gotta love the messages in Project Uber
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Figured I'd go ahead and drop this here, do not be surprised if 40oz goes apeshit or things start to massively fall apart over there
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>>988296 >My gf is pansexual non binary mixed race autist with Nancy Pelosi >The community I created should be a safe space for her and xir child along with people like her due to my own personal feelings >Lets also forget about all the pedophiles in Doom forums in positions of power with the same kind of mental illness as well Ah yes, the voice of reason! Intellect based factoids win again!!! Huzzah!
>>972284 Fuck, I always thought Freedoom was just a throwaway placeholder for software that couldn't legally give you doom. Should I play it vanilla? I've been playing it off and on with Brutal mod on GZDoom, not really thinking much about it.
>>988308 Get the smooth animation pack and the a compatoble gore mod.
>>988296 >40oz >made Auger,Zenith's fucking MAP12: Altered States Heh, that is a weird map
>>988308 Sure! The music is great and I like a lot of the level design. It's much harder than base Doom, note that. I think the second level has over 100 enemies
Currently playing Master Levels for Doom II. This is awful.
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>>990548 Awful good or awful bad? I've just finished Plutonia after putting it off for who knows how long and I actually liked the pain.
>>990550 Awful bad. Awful good for me would be something like E4M1 and E4M2. The master levels are just tedious to play, the level design is bad, some maps have Inescapable death pits that don’t even have a warning sign like Doom 1 and 2 have, the enemy placement feels completely random and not well though, the puzzles are confusing and finding secrets is annoying since some of them are hidden behind normal looking texture walls and not the typical offset texture. There some good levels but the majority are mediocre or frustrating to play.
>>990548 >playing Master Levels Why? It's literally a bunch of random community junk ID licensed for release. Do you want some real suffering? Play Maximum Doom, which is a collection of several thousand random Doom maps from the time, a decent percentage of all Doom wads ever made up until that point. The levels are exactly what you'd expect from random teens in 1995.
HEADLESS CHICKEN Good fun, something like 12 different difficulty settings, slight changes of gameplay (faster weapons and different sounds), pretty, excellent music, looks like a spiritual successor (or maybe a regular successor?) to Ancient Aliens. There's also an announcer who tells you when you've killed every monster and gotten every secret.
>>993428 Played it earlier this year, it´s pretty good. I wonder what skillsaw is up to these days, he made some of my favourite wads.
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>>993477 Currently playing through the Urbane District episode, it's super good. It reminds me of Auger Zenith (same music too), with great and funny little gameplay details like shooting at dispensers to get health and armor bonuses. It's shaping up to be one of my favorite wads.
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I tried some REKKR. By no means an obscure TC, but I was impressed by how authentically it feels like a mid 90s FPS. It reminds me a huge amount of Heretic in particular. A small detail I like is the ammo collection, where you have to catch a creature's soul as it's leaving their body. It creates a lot of situations where you either stay at a safe distance and let resources to go waste, or get up close at the risk of taking a lot more damage.
>in Heck >ad for job openings at the museum you decimated earlier High cake
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I just got 100% in Serious Sam: Next Encounter. I'v got to say I'm impressed, this is a full-fledged Serious Sam game with what feels like Zero corners cut due to it being on console, just the opposite actually, since there are some pretty cool features. There is Alt Ammo types. Homing Rockets, Sonic Blast Rockets, Homing Chaingun ammo, Bouncy SMG Ammo, etc... The most novel of which being the rare Laughing Gas for the Flame Thrower, which is a guaranteed death to even the strongest enemies in the game. Probably the best idea Next Encounter has is the Killing Spree, once you earn a 20 kill combo you enter Killing Spree mode which will double the points you get from kills, but best of all doubles the speed Sam Runs at. That Speed boost from performing well feels like it should be in every Serious Sam game, and getting high points actually has a Purpose since you can earn Gold medals at the end of levels which will unlock The Lost Levels, and Cheats. Next Encounter also features 3 Vehicles, although surprisingly you'll only see one in the main campaign, The Jeep that fires homing rockets, it's fun to abuse the Homing Rockets, but you also need to make sure enemies don't destroy the Jeep. The driving controls might be the only flaw with the game, since they control unlike any game i'v played. It took me a while to realize these were RC Car Controls. Left Joystick is forward and reverse, Right Joystick is turning. You can get used to it, but they made the right call in Serious Sam 2 by just having the Halo Ghost rip off Hover Bike controls. The other 2 Vehicles can only be found in the Lost Levels you unlock by earning enough Gold Medals. One would assume these were less polished levels they threw in as a bonus, but not at all. These levels are the exact same quality as the main campaigns, and they can be slotted in to the campaign neatly, Sam even has Unique Dialog in them. Maybe they though the campaign being 42 levels instead of 32 was a bit much, But as mentioned, Two entirely unique vehicles are found in the Lost Levels. The Combine Harvester which turns out was in Next Encounter first, and they re-used this idea in Serious Sam 4, and there is a whole level played in a Submarine equipped with double Mini-Guns and homing Rockets, Sam is shown entering the Sub in the main campaign, but you don't see it in action until this Lost Level. Overall very much worth playing, and after all those years of me seeing the cover of this game in the Block Buster as a kid but never renting it, I've finally corrected that mistake.
Classic DOOM is receiving another big update, it hasn't launched just yet, but the trailer is out in the wild so it'll be live soon enough. There is a new episode called Legacy of Rust, and other Enhancements.
>>998997 Oh another episode, cool. New enemies and weapons it looks like?
>>999001 Yeah, New weapons are "The Incinerator" and "The Calamity Blade"
>>998997 Pretty cool. The Bethesda account and internet connection requirements are bullshit but on par with the usual these days. >>999001 Looks like some kind of white Lost Soul, some kind of red Lost Soul but with less bones, an even balder-looking Cyberdemon, and this Icon of Sin-looking guy with anthracite skin.
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All the frames of the new Icon. I hope she's female. On another note I love the look of that weapon. It really looks like a retouched photo of a toy, there's even the parting line of the plastic mold on the handles-looking things on the sides.
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>>999007 Do you know what the Red Soul reminds me of? That cut enemy from Doom, the one that eventually turned into the Pain Elemental in Doom 2. Though they don't look like they work remotely like the original concept, which was a wall-mounted enemy that spit Lost Souls at you. Also, I'm pretty sure the new weapons are based on the same toys Doom's weapons were based on, which is a wonderful touch. They need to clean those sprites up though, you can clearly see the plastic seam in the handles.
>>999010 Personally, I think it looks a bit too toylike. Needs to be more compressed or something.
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>>999016 YES E S
>>998997 holy shit i fucking nut i was so mad that the console ports didnt have online like quake and quake 2 did
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>>999013 Holy shit, you're right. Looks like those two guns, mirrored. That's really cool. Anyway I hope she doesn't turn out to be a mook enemy. I can kinda see two of them in the video after the weapon hits, but maybe she can duplicate herself or something.
>>998997 Looks pretty interesting. I'm guessing the wad isn't available for free. I'll probably obtain it the John Carmack approved way.
Okay I wasn't expecting "Doom Nigga" when I looked at the ID Vault. I suppose this is what Phobos looks like without his Helmet. Kek.
>>999146 Hells Closed due to Aids Also, Dood:Eternal got official Mod Support with an actual devkit and everything. Maybe someone can make the game not play like ass or at least make some fun Custom Weapons. https://idstudio.idsoftware.com/
>>999154 Doom Eternal, but without faggot ass stupid fucking QTE mechanics!??!
>>999054 I'm not sure she's meant to be the Icon of Sin, just another demon. >>999168 >>999154 Somebody actually modded Doom 4 to not have all that stuff. But this is the retro FPS thread, so that can be left to another discussion.
Doom Classic Unity port got another update called Doom + Doom II >features additional enhancements, notably Boom compatibility, and support for a new episode with new weapons and monsters. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Classic_Unity_port https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_%2B_Doom_II https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Legacy_of_Rust
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>>999277 >Unity Port >All new episode created by individuals from id, Nightdive, and Machine Games
>>999277 >>999356 Unity was the prior port, this is a whole new port in Nightdives Kex engine, which I have no idea how that thing works since it doesn't seem to mater if they port a 2D sprite based game, or an entirely 3D game into it.
>>999356 Unity port ended up being pretty good after they fixed the login garbage and all the graphical and sound issues >>999294 How can they keep fucking up something that was solved for 25+ years
>>999356 Technically, the (now) old unity port did not use unity. As the wiki says: >Although utilizing the Unity engine, this is a true Doom engine port, not a Unity recreation. Unity is merely used as a shell—more formally referred to as an abstraction layer—for handling input and output, while rendering is still performed by the original Doom engine. The actual Doom game code is contained in a DLL which is loaded by the Unity framework to run the game; this allows simplified portability. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Classic_Unity_port#Architecture
Is legacy of rust an iwad, or just a pwad? Can it be played over odamex? I don't see any servers for it.
>>998997 >>999277 Wish they could have thrown in Hexen, Strife, et cetera as well. Maybe HacX is available through the in-game modfront.
>>970540 >thanksdoc.wad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusIBg6_Rbk I miss old /v/. It was less terrible.
>>999928 Am I retarded, or is YouTube's compression making the game look like it has motion blur?
>>999929 🤷‍♂️ I know YT compresses videos the older they are so maybe , I'd be lying to you if I told you I remember how crunchy this video did or didn't look back in 2012 though.
>>999929 Yeah, it looks awful. I suspect something like this is happening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Rp-uo6HmI
>>999928 Thanks doc.
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>>999016 >>999054 I wonder what color her ass and pussy are. Nukage green? Neon pink? FIREBLU? Would it do damage over time if she sits on your face/cock?
One game I never hear anyone mention is Chasm, I think I'm the only person I know that has played or loved it. Spent a month mowing yards to get the shekels to buy it from Walmart. So worth it.
Where can I find the .pak files (not windows installer) for the Quake shareware? (Yes, I know the full game is out there, but I need the shareware version and not locked behind a windows installer)
>>967596 Marathon Infinity is now on Steam, and now all 3 games have Steam Workshop support.
>>1004545 Pretty amazing that happened with no copyright fuckery.
>New old Doom release For what purpose? Newfriends don't know anything about ZDaemon, Zandronum and GZDoom source ports that they could use instead.
>>1008271 i'd say consoles (and an excuse to make a new episode), but wasn't the Unity Doom already on PS5, Xbox, and Switch?
>>1008314 Yeah, The Unity ports released 4 years ago, while not bad they were bare bones. I guess they felt like they could do better since now aside from Switch Consoles can download mods, and there is online and crossplay mutiplayer/co-op. As well as a bunch of other option settings, the Unity port just lacked.
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No particular reason why I'm posting these. I was just reading over the Nashville Trannifesto the other day and went back to compare it to Eric & Dylans writings and thought some of the DOOM/Quake stuff was thread appropriate. Sure most people have see it already, but it's an old enough event that some people might not have realized that stuff is still floating around out there. Trannifesto was 100% the scribblings of a mad woman with her tits cut off. The writing styles, scribblings, and subject matters talked about are so starkly different between male and female killers that it's not even a comparison.
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>>1011665 >>1011666 It really is a shame about Eric and Dylan considering they were talented kids who threw their literal lives away because of some asshole bully. I wonder how things would've turned out if they decided not to go through with the shooting and became game developers instead.
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>>1008271 >>1008314 >>1008403 I think the reason Bethesda chose to make a full re-release was two fold. 1. They had been in contact with the guy who made the Rum and Raisins Doom source port which had a true multithreaded software renderer. They used his code to make it actually run well on consoles, since to my understanding the unity port wasn't properly hardware accelerated on consoles(?). Plus I'm sure there were some other technical benefits by moving over to the KEX Engine instead of Unity. Since I know the unity version had a significant number of problems that doom purists were complaining about up to this new release. 2. Prior to this, selling classic Doom on PC was a mess. Because on Steam they had separate pages for doom 1, 2, master levels, final doom, etc. Plus expansions like No Rest for the Living had never officially come to PC (I think?). So they wanted to consolidate it and bring it all under one purchase. This also could consolidate all doom content on consoles, since the unity version didn't have the master levels. Plus the final doom expansions could only be added through the bethesda.net vetted mod loader thing for some reason? So I'm not complaining, Legacy of Rust is pretty solid.
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>>1011682 I mean, I don't know - I never played their maps. They might have been completely talentless hacks. We'll never know now. I wonder if there is more of their design scribblings out there and if anybody has ever tried to finish/recreate their maps just for shits and giggles. The Nashville shooter is even more tragic IMO because, like I said, she was never at any point a "man in a woman's body". She was always only ever 100% a brain-broken female. Those kids lives could have been spared if somebody - anybody - in her life would have just recognized what she was going through and given her a good smack or a dicking or whatever it was she needed to snap her out of it. But no... everyone wanted to tiptoe around some pretend fucking mental condition while ignoring her real mental condition (which was harder to diagnose and would have require somebody actually care for the dumb bitch). Who knows, maybe one of those kids would have grown up to create some great fucking games
>>1011721 The more I think of it, the more I wonder that if - had they not gone through with it and lived up to today, would they be here with us complaining about how shit modern games are, how shit modern society is, and just playing DOOM 25 some odd years later like the rest of us?
>>1011721 Dylan and Eric were cool. They did cool shit. They marked the end of a century and a millennium. They became pop icons. They are associated with huge franchises (Doom) or successful artist (Marilyn Manson) The rest have tried to be 1% as cool as those motherfuckers were, but they can't.
I feel like I need to know more about this Fight Knight game before the AMA so I can ask non stupid questions. It's basically a first person puncher right?
>>1011721 some pajeet in /news/ posted the shooter's manifesto and turned out it was nothing more than a diary detailed her state of mind. Its r9k stuff about how everything hurts and nobody loves her, so she decided to end it and take others with her. Her main obsession was with her college teammates who she wanted to fuck, so maybe that was a reason she wanted to become a boy
>>1011811 Women are self-destructive retards in the best case scenario so it's hard to have sympathy unless you like getting hurt.
>>1011811 So why was everyone so obsessed with keeping it suppressed?
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>>1011693 >Plus expansions like No Rest for the Living had never officially come to PC (I think?) It had, but only as a bonus in some specific re-release of Doom 3.
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>>1011830 I am a retard, and found their maps in like two seconds. So here. Videogames. Maybe we should play them on the anniversary next April. https://archive.is/FhBk6
Got The Force Engine working (Linux flatpack doesn't have ability to see alt drives by default, you need to use Flatseal to enable it) and played Dark Forces for first time seriously (Aside from MotS after DF2, I've accidentally wound up playing this series for the first time in reverse order). Just cleared level 4 and got the Phrik. I'm not impressed. It's got some TECHNOLOGY for when it came out (10 months before DN3D, so having the verticality, proper 3D geometry, voices, proper cutscenes etc. is pretty big), but the gameplay so far is meh boring. Weapon are >fists <aren't a case of hard to use but powerful like the good FPS melee, they're just junk you can theoretically defeat an opponent with if you run out of ammo >a pistol >a rifle <the pistol but better, even using the same ammo type, except ammo efficiency (which isn't an issue if you short burst) and accuracy (except you so rarely attack at long enough distance for it to matter >grenades <enemy variety so far doesn't really have anything worth using them on >a heavy repeater <seems to have accuracy and ammo efficiency of pistol as long as fired in short bursts, but at least the power of a rifle so it pretty much obsoletes the rifle aside from using different ammo. Has a shotgun altfire I haven't gotten to try much since a double tap kills every enemy so far First two levels are fine, then 3rd is a literal shitty level with a switch hunt, and 4th is a bunch of instant jumping puzzles (in a game that as released only lets you save at the start of a level!) followed by a generic base and some random puzzles (including one where the "puzzle" is realizing you can look at a keycard in the inventory and see the code is written on it). Wonder if it will get better.
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>>1011811 >I Will Regret Nothing She will never be him
>>1012006 Beat two levels. Mine is pretty good, but falters near the end because the area with the dark trooper is just pointless (nothing in the corridors except turrets and common pickups, while the dark trooper itself goes down quickly enough and the objective/escape is right in front so you have zero reason to bother) and the hold switch sequence could have been a bit clearer (I'd make the drill platform stop working so the player is locked in the room with the switch, and make the switch a bit fancier so the player will see and understand it better). Prison however was the worst so far. >outdoor part is OK but unexceptional >once you get indoors its full of absolute bullshit "puzzles" >like a door that kills you most of the time and is harmless for a brief period you will only notice through careful observation >or a switch you have to shoot (only one in the game so far, so not like DN3D where every switch is like that and you're trained to know it's a valid method of interaction) >one idea for secrets (damaged wall) repeated over and over >the mines don't detonate each other and only a near direct hit with a grenade will blow one up, which makes dealing with them tedious >not to mention they seem to have some amazing IFF for mines and the player is the only one that will ever trigger them >the code "puzzle" appears again, but even more tedious since you've got 5 to input >the mission briefing tells you to use stealth, which literally doesn't exist in the game Nicest thing I can say about it is literally the elevators. Elevators connecting more than 2 floors is something even FPS newer than it by a few years didn't do, and getting on top of an elevator's cabin to access a secret is still a fun mechanic (I think it may even be the first instance in an FPS)
>>1011811 >>1011820 >>1011824 >>1012227
>>1012255 The industrial revolution didn't turn women into aggressive retards with the ability to pin crimes on people out of convenience.
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Without the industrial revolution there would be no Doom What now faggots?
Smuggler port level is actually decent. I think it's the first time the game obviously introduced a new enemy type in a "safe" manner: You open a door early in the level, and are confronted by a Gamorrean, a melee only enemy that has high HP and heavy damage but is melee only and slow. Luckily it starts a good distance away and you're in an open area. Only later in the level do you deal with large groups and ones that start much closer to you. Most of the level is generic imps and grenade tossers though, and there's way too much backtracking through linear corridors for my tastes, but better than switch hunts. Next level has some pretty fun parts, combined with really bizarre parts >Dark Forces Ice Level introduces slippery ice >literally a couple of meters into first patch you get an upgrade that completely nullifies it Huh? What's even the point of this? This game is full of mechanics that don't really have a gameplay reason to exist just to be technology. Headlamp has more than enough power for the few dark areas, but the fact that a science fiction flashlight has a battery life measured in minutes is dumb. >conveyor belts Another bit of TECHNOLOGY for the time. Doom didn't have these (had to be added in Boom 3+ years after DF) and DN3D wasn't out yet. >only route forward is into room full of toxic gas >put on a fork where one route leaves you to wander to your death and the other near immediately gives you total immunity It's moments like this that tell me the game was not designed with mid-mission saves in mind and makes me feel completely justified using them. >put power up item in room with boss >it's right behind him so you can't actually use it to fight him without knowing about it in advance and deliberately not taking the safe and easy option Weird. Second dark trooper in vent is actually more of a threat since the AI in this game seems to shut down at longer range. I guess I am playing the game at much higher than intended resolution though.
>>1012277 Nar Shadda is a good level, except for the sheer ammount of Trandoshans it spams. Fuck spamming hitscanners with high damage and little warning. The urban area is nicely made for the era besides this, but the enemy spam brings it down. Jabba's barge... I never thought I'd see a level where you lose your gear and get it back midway that's more fun before you get your gear back. First part is a carefully paced gauntlet forcing you to use your limited resources wisely and a decent change of pace. Second part is spamming mines (which can't be seen at all before priming and blowing up because of sprite layering) and the most annoying enemy types way too much. Oddly stingy on E-11 ammo.
>>1012373 Imperial Center is a fine (but unexceptional) level. The end boss is pretty laughable. Boba Fett hangs back and fires easy to dodge projectiles while eating repeater shots. The puzzle at the end of the core is OK and understandable (I actually liked finding the solution on my own), but ultimately artificial and gamey (do the enemies just live in there?). The enemy density is getting absurd, not in difficulty but in "did Kyle kill half of Imperial intelligence to get them out of his way?".
>>1012801 Finished last three levels. All decent. Third to last is possibly hardest in game for a first time playthrough for the sheet number of enemies thrown at you with limited health/shield pickups, but I think you can avoid half of them on a second+ play. Second to last is a goodie bag to get the player full for the last mission. Final is a bunch of corridors with two random but basic puzzles. A lot of early FPS titles get accused of having bosses that are circle strafe and fire, even by fans, but the final boss here doesn't even get that: Just a few missiles from the assault cannon and he's dead before you can even get strafing. Arguably less of a threat than the midbooss rush that proceeded it due to his lack of mobility meaning he can't avoid the missiles like those can. I asked myself "That's it?" when he died. Game doesn't even make clear who he is (the imperial officer with Vader who hasn't been seen for several missions) if you don't recognize the voice. Overall Dark Forces is a 4/5 with some 1/5 sections. It would absolutely not be as celebrated as it is if not for its relatively advanced engine and the Star Wars setting (with a very complex plot for the era with every level having plot importance). It has a lot of gameplay issues that had already been solved in the genre, massive weapon imbalance, and the game's occasional "fuck you" instakill moments in a game with no mid-level saves.
GREZZODUE 2 DLC + ENGLISH TRANSLATION DOWNLOAD NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!! https://giochipenosi.itch.io/grezzodue-2
>>980990 i'm pretty sure tenebrae q1 source port uses doom 3 lighting code
What good DOOM mods convert other games? I want mods like >>942882 (Sonic), >>964701 (Metroid), or >>978627 (Hocus Pocus).
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>>1015619 Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch, featuring 8-bit graphics, 108 deathmatch levels, 25 capture the flag levels, every Robot Master from Mega Man 1 through 6 as playable characters, and each Robot Master's weapons.
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>>1015619 There's an upcoming one called Fallout: Bakersfield. It's been in development for god knows how long now. The guy making it is an actual gamedev who's also busy with real games, so don't expect it soon.
>>1015823 >Implying DOOM isn't real games
>>1015619 GoldenEye Doom2 https://www.moddb.com/mods/goldeneye-doom2 >In this mod you are in the loafers of the World's most Famous Secret Agent, Agent 007 James Bond. Featuring weapons like the covert PP7 (Walter PPK) to the mighty RC-90(FN P90) and new alternate firings to mix up the action. >Play 32 action packed single player levels and new James Bond Movie levels. >With the new doom source engines such as Edge, we are able to put in even more cool stuff that was impossible with the orginal Doom2 engine. >There are 3 versions of it: >1. Edge - tons of cools new features, designed for single player. (Download this version if you don't know what to download.) --- ge64ddf.zip >2. Legacy/Zdoom/Boom version suggested for multiplayer. --- gedoom2.zip >3. Vanilla Doom2 version (maps only). --- ogedoom2.zip==
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>>1015846 The chubby chaser James Bond?
>>1015846 He should do Perfect Dark.
>>1012853 One small point I should have mentioned: You get and can carry an unusually high amount of grenades for an FPS. I'm pretty sure this is to compensate for their incredibly awkward controls: They're thrown at a very steep angle which will hit the ceiling if you're indoors and use the contact detonator option. You have to get really good to use them effectively, and it's rarely rewarding since its generally just as quick to kill large enemy groups with the blaster rifle instead of swapping to grenades. >pistol is useless except for pot shots at far away enemies you wouldn't be able to see at original res >blaster rifle is generally solid and has ammo everywhere so gets loads of use >grenades mentioned above. >heavy repeater is better than blaster rifle in most ways but uses different ammo so both are used, alt fire is only useful on a few large enemy types >fusion cutter does more damage than assault blaster, but still only two shots most enemies and is too slow for most bulky ones so its only real use is on the oddly durable turrets >mine is usable for a few mini-boss fights that chase you through a arena, but otherwise crap >grenade launcher has same issues as grenades but without the common ammo >concussion rifle has uses, but like grenades it suffers from any group of enemies large enough to warrant splash damage weapons being quicker to keep the blaster out and shoot rapidly into >assault cannon is anti-boss due to rare ammo Not the worst arsenal in a classic FPS, but hardly good.
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Been working on shit, lörs onions?
>>1017305 Give a stock to that SMG, even if its retractable.
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>>1017338 Can do
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>>1015619 Not really a game but......
>>1017367 Windows 95 turns 30 next year.
>>1017305 You're getting better, anon. Good work. That CB-M2 looks great. Did you know your model is on the first page of Google Image results for it? Odd request and not at all retro related, but could you try to model the 12.7mm submachine gun from Fallout, but less weird and "industrial nailgun"-looking? >>1017393 As do people born in 1995!
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>>1017707 >You're getting better, anon. Good work. That CB-M2 looks great Thanks, I hope my mod will look better when I make the models have a standardized look instead of this mess I have right now because I thought back then that using Substance Painter will be enough to make my models stand out more but it turns out that is not the case, beside the PBR rendering of GZDoom is buggy and high polygon models don't look that much better. >Google Images didn't know that my Newgrounds profile is becoming soon a micro celebrity heh, I guess all the work showcasing my models paid off then, it seems my other models are on the front page of google too despite I have made them last year. I will be still using my Newgrounds profile at least just for the sake of being able to showcase my stuff I have made recently. >12.7mm SMG The gun from Fallout New Vegas? I thought it was a mod weapon because I have never seen this gun when I was playing New Vegas, I will note it down. >As do people born in 1995! >mfw I'm 31 year old Boomer tier tbh
Just finished the Locust Rocket Launcher now, I should have done it yesterday but I kinda was not in the mood for it, ah well.
What retro game would be cool to see in Doom's engine?
>>1017910 Zombies Ate My Neighbors, I think its format would fit well into a retro FPS. You could even make the levels more dynamic, have the mall levels be on actually different floors instead of the fake depth SNES games were forced to do. I know Doom's 3D is also semi-fake, yes
>>1017912 Theres already a zombies ate my neightbors WAD.
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>>1017914 Zamn! Looks sick.
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>>1017984 >Zamn!
Are there Boltgun mods yet?
Something kind of insane. A group of researchers got Doom running on a neural network. None of the game's code is running here, it's running the game "by memory". There are no textures, wad files, level data, scripting, or anything from Doom here. This is entirely generated by the network itself. You can see the slight artifacts and warping in rendering as a result. For all intends and purposes, the model is 'dreaming' Doom and responding to inputs by how it thinks Doom would respond. This could technically be done for any game.
>>972324 People think foss = a cathedral that the community builds instead of sometimes being an art gallery you can take photos in. >>1015619 wario land https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=66995
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>>1020563 Saw it a few days ago. Impressive, sure, but I don't see it applicable to anything but some novelty roguelike streamerbait title. I'm more interested in texture generation.
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Been playing Blood and Cultic alot lately, very good games If you read manga, consider reading Priest, it takes direct inspiration from Blood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql5edE8zje4 Not strictly doom, it's a walking sim level editor for gba.
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So it looks like DOOM got ported to a Quantum Computer. Well, more accurately a VERY highly stripped down shell of DOOM was ported to a Quantum Computer emulator - since currently you'd need a Quantum Computer roughly 70 times as powerful as the most powerful current system to run this. As far as I know, this is the first piece of recognizable software to maybe run on a Quantum Computer that doesn't exist yet. https://github.com/Lumorti/Quandoom/
>>1022545 >Hitscan imps Absolutely fucking cursed.
>>1022545 Does the quantum computer calculate anything better?
>>1022857 >Does the quantum computer calculate anything better? >QuanDOOM requires 5~6 GB of RAM to run at 20fps. No.
>>1022545 From what I understand, aren't quantum computers kind of a meme? They're just something that sounds cool in headlines but don't a lot of real practical uses.
>>972630 NTA, but yes, this is ideed true in more ways than one. That doesn't mean that you should blackpill yourself.
>>1022871 That doesn't answer his question of if it calculates anything better, it only proves it generally calculates worse.
>>1022857 >>1022958 Without actually looking at an article since the other anon is too lazy to too, I think qubits are like ram used for quantum computing to hold all possible cryptographic answers at once to solve correct passwords, rather than trying then one by one traditionally. Last I heard thry passed 300 or maybe 500 qubits which was a major milestone in encryption it can crack.
>>1022973 The context for my reply was someone asking if it calculates anything better for Doom.
>>1022979 Yes if they fixed the wrong value of pi thing that original Doom has.
>>1022984 >Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. Its value to 10 decimal places is '3.1415926535', and its approximate value is '3.141592654'. However, the value of Pi introduced in Doom was '3.14159265 7 '. This is because developer John Carmack 'misremembered the value of Pi'. In fact, Carmack himself acknowledged this fact. TIL.
>>1022984 Does this affect Doom gameplay?
>>1023050 Probably not. Mathematicians rarely need that accuracy though JPL goes past that accuracy for interplanetary navigation.
>>1023085 I'm sure replay files would, eventually, desync if the value were corrected. Curious how far a full game speedrun's file would last. There's a video of someone compiling Doom with all sorts of whacky values for pi and even things as simple as "pi=3" instantly desyncs the title screen demo.
>>1022984 >the wrong value of pi thing that original Doom has. there ain't no wrong value, just more or less fun values https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=_ZSFRWJCUY4
>>1023102 >pi=3 I remember our math teacher telling us that the pyramids were built on the assumption that pi=3, because the Ancient Egyptian didn't have decimal point numbers in their Mathematics. Another example of not needing precise Mathematics is that the Apollo program, as in sending someone on the Moon and back, used Newtonian equations, and not Relativistic equations, even though the latter were more precise, but the former were simpler to compute.
>>1023050 This was actually tested not too long ago. No, not at all. You can actually make it considerably less accurate with no effect.
>>1023186 GPS is an example of needing precise mathematics in general relativity, clocks under more gravitational pull when observed from afar move slower than clocks under less gravitational pull.
>>1023186 factually 12 picoseconds of research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_fraction
>>1023271 no functional difference

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