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webm thread - Long, long video edition Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 07:31:13 Id: a0b864 No. 992920
Last thread was bumped off but nobody made another one Last thread >>955993
(3.99 MB 1280x720 KpqrLmJ94_w-4lFq.webm)

(354.92 KB 720x720 piku vibing.webm)

(12.20 MB 1280x720 divinity.mp4)

(3.70 MB 720x610 hamburglar.mp4)

(4.93 MB 720x1280 citroen.mp4)

(2.43 MB 720x1280 corey.mp4)

(4.08 MB 576x1024 differences.mp4)

>>992920 >fourth video I love WASU_ART's work.
(1.03 MB 1080x1080 DdqqvraIS82321_N.mp4)

(2.80 MB 576x576 Ghetto Arc.mp4)

>>993167 I like that she isn't singing very well. I know nothing about the character except incidentally, but it's interesting to think about. Imagine an algorithm being able to accurately put something in someone's voice... and if that person is canonically a bad singer it will be able to replicate that rather than a simple perfect vocal match to the original song.
(7.67 MB 1920x1080 BROOKLYN.webm)

>>993208 Damn, I never thought about it that way. It would be likely considering she's a recluse with very little social connection before the Phantom Thieves and she hardly has any musical motifs or interests. This song would probably be an exception considering she's a full-on internet lurker and familiar with internet sub cultures.
>>992920 >Long, long videos
This is silly. The server keeps eating my attachments.
(4.92 MB 1920x1080 I AM THE PEOPLE.webm)

(30.99 MB 1280x720 leaked jackass 4 scene.webm)

(4.23 MB 1920x1080 jesuchriste.webm)

(2.76 MB 1280x720 goodnightsweetprince.webm)

(10.74 MB 1280x720 Tetrahedron of Truth.webm)

(16.18 MB 720x480 音楽 Your Grill .mp4)

(9.58 MB 1920x1080 2024-06-09 14-08-57.mp4)

I have no idea how to downsize and keep quality on handbrake..
>>993561 gold. Is he some comedian? >>994111 use nmkoder, its target filesize is close to accurate
(2.68 MB 888x490 aMHpDbe-i0wrNX39.mp4)

>Consolefag buys ps5 >Gets emotional >Starts crying >Clerk jumps over the counter to hug him and celebrate If you like happy horseshit you might enjoy this.
(8.12 MB 640x480 sexy_thicc_goblins.webm)

>>994194 My very own FIFA machine!
(735.31 KB 394x720 1677976561178785.webm)

>>994204 He got the Spiderman bundle
(139.62 KB 478x360 uhh... uhuhuh so.mp4)

>>994194 Ché, that's beautiful. I would suggest a different haircut to Nacho, though. Here's Chilean so-called "president" Gabriel Boric playing KI. As with everything else he does, he plays incompetently. Notice how he's the only one not wearing a tie and looking unkempt. At least he could be good at KI, but most certainly ain't none of dat.
(932.77 KB 250x250 1565072419920.webm)

>>994211 That's fucking hilarious
(5.97 MB 854x480 izutsumi.mp4)

(5.39 MB 854x480 More Herta Please.mp4)

>>994211 Why does your president play with such shit setup?
>>994213 If only that was the only thing he does in a shitty way...
(1.47 MB 460x574 1612796068548.webm)

(2.57 MB 480x480 1612915254269.webm)

(2.21 MB 480x320 1612655173638.webm)

(3.67 MB 540x304 1612711141264.webm)

(3.76 MB 702x370 1612711088553.webm)

>>994213 SNES on top of a 12 inch CRT on the corner of a table is optimal gamer conditions.
>>994194 mutts cant comprehend this level of emotion, unfortunately
(34.27 KB 275x444 Tiger sized laugh.jpg)

>>994221 I'm an European living off minimum wage and I can't comprehend this level of emotion either because I'm not an Argie shitskin niggerball/capeshit enthusiast with a double digit IQ and own a PC since I have enough self control to save up money.
>>994240 I can comprehend that it's marketing through the news since nobody would do this irl either way.
>>994242 With that in mind I wish I could find the video with the guy and his mom in a supermarket going on about Captain Marvel and the heckin Avengers, it must have been wiped.
>>994242 They were only successful on making sure I'll never visit Argentina. Imagine calling your kid "Nacho" Holy shit
>>994193 How do these dollies work? Are there tutorials to make them?

(1.53 MB 636x360 vr_kanojo.webm)

(5.54 MB 1280x720 rp_police.webm)

(11.77 MB 640x360 sneekybreekireload.webm)

(6.75 MB 1152x648 dumb_frogposters.webm)

>>994245 to be fair, Nacho is a nickname for the name Ignatius, like Bob for Robert and Dick for Richard. what I'll never get is Pepe for Jose-Luis
(993.01 KB 846x476 pokemanz brocks black.mp4)

>>994278 The irony is that capcuck's westaboo tendencies have seemed to contribute to their characters becoming less sexy over time.
>>994247 It's fairly simple to understand how she (he?) makes them. He is a drawfag first and foremost so he draws the figures out on paper and cuts it out into layers, for instance the eyes or the mouth may be a separate layer, then behind (where you see his hands) he places a kind of wooden peg to each dynamic part of the figure. For instance with the first .webm, for the girl with the fishing pole, he has a peg behind the hands, behind the thigh, and behind the head for support, then he has an additional peg/shutter for controlling the eyes and mouth. The shutter is as simple as something which drops an additional layer out over the eyes and mouth to give the illusion of 'life' or movement. You can see he has a few limbs positioned in such a way as to make it seamless from a 2D perspective. Like how the knee joint goes over the thigh joint, etc. All quite masterfully constructed and I bet he'd make a killing selling these things on an independent platform.
(9.19 MB 640x360 Gordon Freerunner.mp4)

>Hey this is a cool freerun mod for Gmod that uses the animations from Mirror's Edge with the maps from HL-2. >The creator is doxing people by collecting IP adresses of anyone who downloads it.
>>994680 An open source pirate port has already been made I believe. You also forgot to add that it's behind a paywall and a DRM layer.
(31.96 MB 181x75 soy in a postage stamp.webm)

(376.97 KB 432x240 30895311-2942146132.gif)

>>994726 cant watch
(31.18 MB 171x96 Pacific Rim (2013).webm)

>>994726 you put so much effort encoding a shit movie. Here's an actual good blockbuster movie Pacific Rim
>>994876 It's like a japanese tv show from the seventies, but not as good.
(6.27 MB 480x360 Midget_Supremacists.webm)

>>994903 >no webm born faggot
(2.05 MB 1920x1080 6 feet under.webm)

>>994903 >bitching about a "problem" while being an example of said problem
(5.63 MB 1440x1080 Rally Morning.webm)

>>994909 very nice good sir, here's a cutie lady with gun for you
>>994903 hownewru? It's been like that since the day it started.
>>994889 I want to headpat Suika
>>994910 I fucking hate those faggots that de-noise old anime. Not liking film noise is akin to being a nigger loving tranny.
>>994889 Cant have everything anon. Its still a good old school summer blockbuster movie till John Wick 4
(3.22 MB Anywhere.mp3)

>>994364 I preferred this rendition.
(16.00 MB 640x272 Kung Pow.webm)

>>992920 >Long, long video edition If you insist.
(30.47 MB 1280x720 Schmovement Villain.webm)

>>995471 I love osaker
Is it possible to download a threads images/videos automatically? Gallery-dl does not work on this site.
>>995652 Last I remember even Codexx's own tool for doing that didn't work on this site because of all the anti-spam shit. So probably not.
>>995672 They always trynna keep a nigga down
(4.73 MB 1280x720 Butchered liru cuck.mp4)

>>995672 manual click mines I go
(14.75 MB 854x480 Yoshi's war crimes.mp4)

Keep the discussion of filters in a separate thread.
(15.13 MB 1280x720 nmjNCvUXRqEAsZyL.mp4)

(3.35 MB 608x480 4_3JrBzGTC6Zl1S7.mp4)

(643.13 KB 768x576 Trump Vs. Harris__Do Not Come.mp4)

(3.85 MB 1280x720 Physiognomy is Real.mp4)

(722.20 KB 480x480 TOR.mp4)

>>995869 Where did you get these, the sharty? Painfully unfunny
>>995869 Holy shit these suck

(5.48 MB 1024x576 Boomer on the JQ.webm)

(8.36 MB 1024x576 Christians vs pagans.webm)

(2.25 MB 1024x576 Ice Cream.webm)

(10.52 MB 1024x576 Muh Legacy.webm)

>>995869 Murdoch Murdoch content is cinematography compared to this shit.
>>995869 Pure niggerhell coal. Die fugger
(3.64 MB 1088x544 Total Aryan Salvation.webm)

>>995869 LOL thread tier
>>995974 I would almost say they were produced by leftists as well poisoning, given that no one "on the right" actually supports Trump, et al.
(6.92 MB 640x480 Sanest Chinese Player.mp4)

(6.09 MB 854x480 Actual Black History.mp4)

(6.43 MB 854x480 Hells Kitchen in Miami.mp4)

>>996010 I was composed during that second video right up until >The whites, however, by this point had learned tricknology
>>996107 Reading Malcom X's Autobiography just tells me that it's an islamic shitpost to the equivalent tune of 'fuck whitey' someone made up given the slavery push in it from his 'islamic teacher'.
(4.41 MB 1152x720 Apu Fishing.webm)

(30.37 MB 1920x1080 DyE - Fantasy.webm)

(973.73 KB 444x320 Creeper in Minecart.png)

>>995869 This is like the late-Zoomer/Gen-Alpha brain rot version of Murdoch Murdoch.
(1.61 MB 640x480 Kinzo.mp4)

(9.16 MB 1280x720 dolphin love story.mp4)

>>996488 Keemstar should kill himself for keeping that fat retard LARPing for attention
Anyone got some of the animations anons have made through the years? My old HDD is missing a lot. Like that one animation of an anon walking through a wasteland (with a burning 8kunt in the background iirc for example), I believe he was carrying a backpack in it.
>>996520 Oh, and that one animation that was like a parody of Grinch's Ultimatum but made for 8chan.
(30.57 MB 1280x720 8chan Ultimatum.mp4)

(1.52 MB 307x370 Todd.webm)

(1.29 MB 1280x960 nomad.webm)

(1.49 MB 1280x720 wew.webm)

(1.62 MB 544x306 movie.webm)

>>996520 Not sure about some of them. >that one animation of an anon walking through a wasteland I have it as a gondola.
(5.34 MB 512x282 history lesson.webm)

(6.66 MB 640x360 BAPHOMET KEKS NOT KEYKS.webm)

(7.91 MB 480x360 Infinity NEXT.webm)

>>996520 Memories. Lost in the rain and DDoS
(5.04 MB 1920x1080 GABEBROUSE.mp4)

(7.29 MB 540x360 INtl.webm)

(7.29 MB 540x360 INtl.webm)

(1.67 MB 720x480 eee.webm)

(3.46 MB 1920x1080 1518197269.mp4)

(1.46 MB 1112x796 mericana.webm)

(574.05 KB 516x354 cutie patootie spider.webm)

The last one isn't an animation but a spider an anon caught and filmed. That's his filename by the way.
>>996641 I can't tell if that second webm is an accurate summation of what being on the Internet is like or if it's just bait to get you to look at furry porn.
(194.28 KB 961x793 yakub nation of islam.png)

(141.95 KB 924x275 louis farrakhan antisemite.png)

>>996107 >>996134 nation of islam and 1%ers have pretty ridiculous scientology-tier origin lore but even they somehow came to conclusion that jews aint that innocent and got labeled as antisemitic
>>996665 It does come off like the black equivalent of Scientology in that they're self-aware that they're making shit up but they really don't give a shit either since that's not the reason why they're running it.
>>996665 My ultra Orthodox Christian brother describes Nation of Islam as the Islamic equivalent of Mormons, but without the inventors.
>>996736 Weren't most Islamic inventors just White dudes from land Islam conquered who were required to convert?
>>996748 Possibly, but it was referring to the other side of the comparison. Mormon inventors invented a bunch of obscure devices you've never heard of like "television", "traffic light", "the odometer", "synthetic diamonds", "practical semiautomatic handgun", "automatic shotgun", and "practical self loading rifle". Their Church Patriarch for decades was a guy who was part of Oak Ridge (read: Manhattan Project).
(5.87 MB 640x360 videoplayback.mp4)

Sup faggots, dumping some 2014-2016 shit I've kept around for a while
(7.56 MB 640x360 ebola-chan theme.mp4)

(20.12 MB 640x360 good luck ebola-chan!.mp4)

(7.65 MB 640x360 got lucky, liru gawker.webm)

(4.02 MB 640x360 hotwheels int.mp4)

(410.80 KB 334x250 I WANNA JERK OFF!.mp4)

Fuck your spam!!!
(4.70 MB 496x360 lolicatgirls.webm)

>>997268 > loli catgirls Duh fug
(9.37 MB 1280x720 Ovenman.mp4)

(2.92 MB 1440x1080 assburgeer.webm)

(7.74 MB 960x720 ansur.mp4)

>>997286 >2nd video With working sound, don't know why it broke.

(6.36 MB 1280x952 fuckshit.webm)

>>997298 Holy fuck, Hideloc Burgerking, I forgot about him you got any more videos of him? >id reset because of vpn flush
(22.49 MB 1280x720 XCOM Combat Previs.mp4)

(5.03 MB 853x480 cirno damy 2hu.webm)

(4.79 MB 640x360 nikita and his cock.webm)

>>997304 I used to but my SSD died a few years ago and I don't have a lot of time to watch brainrot webms on KC anymore to try and recover more.
(3.93 MB 640x360 Girls' Rainbow Tour.webm)

(7.95 MB 640x360 Germany Yes.webm)

(3.78 MB 500x500 Firery Throne.webm)

(15.86 MB 960x540 Fingolia_Rising.webm)

(5.49 MB 1280x720 kc tier on porn.webm)

(9.09 MB 602x422 kc (2).webm)

(16.07 MB 1560x1120 Glifford.webm)

(15.78 MB 1920x1080 Gaming Community's discord.webm)

(127.31 KB 1280x720 (very loud) MY ASS IS HEAVY.mp4)

(3.95 MB 1280x720 TrumpFortress2.webm)

(6.97 MB 240x320 the 8chan moving team.webm)

>>997412 Simpler times
>>997412 Jesus how old is this? Mark looks so young there.
(115.48 KB 238x452 apng is best format.png)

Is WebmForRetards deprecated? I can only find a version that's 5 or 6 years old, and that directs me to download Avisynth at a dead url. Avisynth is dead, and there's a fork called Avisynth+, but I don't know if it would even work with WebmForRetards.
>>997521 There was some stupid bullshit over it using the word retard so it changed name then died and I lost track https://argorar.github.io/WebMConverter/ Looks to be the new alternative, or you can use Xmedia recode if you want more features but no CLI autism.
>>997524 This also requires Avisynth and links to a 404.
>>997521 https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter This does require AviSynth but it has an actual working link. Some subhuman retards got pissy because <waaaah you're using retard as a derogatory term waaaaaah we're the leftist asshole brigade and we own github ever since a little before Microsoft fucking bought it waaah so gitgud.io was made to reciprocate in the traditional >I'll just make my own github with beer and hookers Link works, by the way.
>>997526 >This does require AviSynth but it has an actual working link. <Not Found <The requested URL was not found on this server. <Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Am I just braindead? This is also the first one I found which brought me to posting here.
>>997530 Not sure what kind of configuration you've got on your end but the avisynth site works for me Maybe try https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/releases
>>995676 I can't believe this. What a fucking slut. I'm devastated.
>>997531 >Not secure Wew. Anyways, I installed AviSynth+, and it seem compatible, so all's well in the world. Here's a trimmed video from Telepurte that cuts out the punchline so it doesn't take away from the lewdness, and a couple other vidya related webms I ripped from his channel.
(4.86 MB 500x272 Fuck I'm old.gif)

>>997412 >11 fucking years
(447.86 KB 854x458 Its Fantastic.mp4)

(29.91 MB 1920x1080 Death Train [S2FM].webm)

>>997521 use nmkoder, its simple and has av1 support. I encoded all my stuff in it https://github.com/n00mkrad/nmkoder
>>998235 >windows only Where FOSS software goes to die
>>998235 While I have it installed, I wouldn't put it as one of the best options out there. >>998237 <windows only Ironically, the Linux scene is far superior when it comes to "set and forget" options. https://flathub.org/apps/net.natesales.Aviator Av1ator outstrips the Windows options by a mile and sets everything for you with a better user interface than most encoders out there. Ava1dor is a Windows option that is somewhat similar but has more kinks to work out and is not as updated as frequently.
>>998287 Doesn't appear to have target file size as an option which was the only thing about nmkoder that intrigued me.
>>998235 Was the animation made by a single person?
(4.70 MB 1280x720 how to play mgsv.webm)

(9.29 MB 1920x1080 40kGPQQt42lBf7jm.mp4)

(76.60 KB 192x282 MEDIC.webm)

(11.89 MB 640x640 Worlds_Apart.webm)

(13.84 MB 960x720 Scout's_Perfect_BONK_Class.mp4)

(3.76 MB 562x718 russian things.webm)

>>998510 That was great until the end.
>>998307 I think so, SFM has some good animators.
>>998306 >>998287 When you're encoding in a large resolution (greater than 480p) use this output argument -row-mt 1 -tile-columns 6 -threads 16 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 This is an old ffmpeg argument I picked up that still works >>998307 TheParryGod they are a russian group, they make use of sfm in source 2 and some in blender. Very focused
Does anyone have that old, I think, OneyCartoons video with the "magical wish fairy" that says "Nigger you're crazy, I can't afford an Xbox!". I'm pretty sure it's been removed from everywhere because it used the hard R or some retarded shit.
>>999738 Not oney, it's StamperTV But here you go
(3.85 MB 669x641 Kill all the Gays.webm)

>>999744 Danke.
>>999738 his whole youtube account got banned and everything was removed
(2.37 MB 540x716 bayonigga.mp4)

Another request. Anyone got that "real niggas hotline" parody video, where I think it's all anime or vidya characters?
>>999770 There was a song released in 2021 called Call a Nigga, so renamed it to it's original name of gangster hotline.
>>999976 Thanks. I'm certain there's a vidya version out there. I recall it had Vergil.
watch this all the wannabes, poltards and kfags who wanna fight
(67.67 KB 400x360 god_bless_america.jpg)

>>1000062 Take your own advice. Anybody unironically talking about an impending civil war in the United States is extremely online with little connection to the actual world.
>>1000062 >>1000122 Both of you are correct. The video has a valid point; the US regime usually ambushes individuals at early dawn with more than twenty armed men. They will not allow citizens to set the terms of combat. Organization and guns will be the only path to success if the violent path is pursued. I'm former military and he's absolutely correct. Half a century without mandatory conscription has meant that the population is not properly equipped and trained for war. For the veterans that are, and still retain their training and happen to have not let themselves go, they aren't being reached out to to train and properly plan for defenses and protracted conflict. The answer to a civilian wielding one or two guns max, the regime has found, is to bring a platoon of men with more gun. The American Revolution was successful because the colonies were filled with pissed-off soldiers who had already fought two wars back-to-back on behalf of the British Empire, and were now being taxed for it. Hardly the case now no matter how much the Iraq and Afghanistan shitshow is played up. So-called "doomers" and "blackpillers" don't touch this topic because they want to farcically promote the fantasy that if the 2024 election gets stolen the regime will leave them alne in their mancaves and permit them to go back to playing their garbage vidya, because they have zero frame of reference about life in the Armed Forces and the shit going on in the Department of Defense. It's honestly refreshing to come across a dude who keeps this real.
>>1000122 >Anybody unironically talking about an impending civil war in the United States is extremely online with little connection to the actual world. It's inevitable in a few decades or a century. What I know for sure is that the US is going full isolationist.
>>1000148 >The natives thought the foreigners were gods because of their paler complexion >Video makes him a dark nigger looking guy with the same skin tone as the natives Lmao. Is this some we wuz shit?
>>1000148 >>1000155 Nevermind, I watched the whole thing.

(361.56 KB 640x580 AI_orgasm.mp4)

(3.29 MB 640x480 Blame.mp4)

(1.60 MB 576x1024 addiction.mp4)

>>999744 Stamper really was always the Bam Margera of the NG crew, even down to the pretend faggotry behaviour.
(996.60 KB 504x380 gambler 3.mp4)

(10.79 MB 1560x878 gambler 2.mp4)

(5.48 MB 960x720 gambler 1.mp4)

>>1000158 $1500? That's rookie numbers.
(942.36 KB 1092x1260 Israel being israel.png)

>>1000148 <isolationist First off, the terminology of "civil war" keeps getting tossed around and I don't buy it for a second. I personally believe that it will be instead be a "revolt," that is, the native citizens vs a compromised government owned by foreign actors. That being said, naively buying that the Americans will magically win because they have le gunz is pure propaganda. The JP admiral citing that America can never be invaded because of muh gun behind every blade of grass keeps getting repeated pine, but that is the thing, it's not brought correctly into context. >it's not even certain if Yamamoto said that >Yamamoto was not saying it was impossible for America to be invaded, he was stating that attacking Pearl Harbor was necessary as invading by land would naturally be a nightmare logistically (as can be seen by Russia having to dedicate a considerable amount of effort to fight Ukraine even if they are winning) >obviously these words do NOT apply today to the US's own supposed government and Americans are much less disciplined Second off, much of the batshittery in current national and international affairs can be explained by globalist psychopaths being really mad at orange man momentarily disrupting their control they went full retard in deposing him and in doing so made themselves vulnerable and lost their source of power in the petrodollar. Their ideas when implemented for real turned out to be completely fucking retarded and on top of it their rivals figured out the easy lifehack to success was just attacking Israel directly. Now the psychopaths are cornered and since they just want to buttfuck the mudslimes and not actually fight them for real, the Jews want to bring back conscription to kill off all the goyim for the sake of their schnozzy hides. Essentially if Trump wins, the US goes isolationist and the average citizen has a chance at turning the WEF into a "haha wasn't that funny these jokes had power once" historical joke, but if Israel gets its way and installs Kamala, it's race genocide with a side of plausible deniability, and Americans are going to find out fast why they shouldn't have started the "boomer hate" trend.
(182.72 KB 480x360 heh.webm)

>>1000159 Amazing behaviour, you got the clip of the guy going "GUH" when he loads some stock app and notices he's lost all of his money?
>>1000062 > poltards and kfags Except we already know this information. It's part of what makes us us. >>1000148 Nope.
>>1000160 >orange man momentarily disrupting their control This literally never happened. You fell for their propaganda.
>>1000159 Didn't this fag make like several hundred thousand and then fucking gamble it away in an afternoon too?
(8.67 MB 800x360 Dokibird 3rd wheel.mp4)

(1.44 MB 418x432 698.gif)

(205.03 KB 1170x2532 woyek.jpeg)

(4.03 MB 1080x1080 BOMB.mp4)

90% of this board doesn't care about hip-hop but you may find this amusing regardless. It was recently revealed Kanye West is in the throes of NO2 addiction, likely the reason he's been acting so strange in recent years. As this leaked, West released what is widely being considered one of the worst hip-hop albums ever made. I would like to share a song from this album. It needs to be heard to be believed.
(994.98 KB 720x394 scott.mp4)

(3.58 MB 640x480 end.webm)

>>1000298 >Kanye West is in the throes of NO2 addiction, likely the reason he's been acting so strange in recent years. Not buying it.
>>1000300 He's had former employees come out and say as much. He has some celebrity dentist, Thomas Connelly, supplying him.
>>1000298 >NO2 addiction Damn, guess those blasted politicians from the 2000s were right about the dangers posed by NFS Underground to unwary children.
>>1000298 From all the "Bomb" related songs Morshu won't sell this one.
>>1000298 >oy vey goyim he was doped up on nitrous >THAT'S THE ONLY REASON HE HATES JEWS >IT CANNOT POSSIBLY BE FOR ANY REASON No one will ever believe you.
>>1000298 Who the fuck gets high on laughing gas? What's next? Car exhaust fumes?
>>1000298 Alright I gave that a listen. It doesn't sound any different from the one other song from him I remember hearing or whatever else black people make in current year. Is this what passes for hip-hop nowadays? What happened to stuff like pic rel?
>>1000375 For good hip-hop (not just rap) music you'll have to do lot of digging, go beyond top 100 even top 500 charts. Modern rap unfortunately has boiled down to guy screaming meaningless stuff into incoherent flow and "bars" that are just shock value. Keep in mind, you'll find a lot of hipster /mu/ hiphop fans claiming "I listen to real hip hop" when its just same generic stuff but less popular. But there is good hip hop out there, just buried under a slew of shit. One thing that is plenty however is good instrumental beats, i keep finding good hip hop beats being released over some dogshit rapper but the beats themselves are very talented, old school with charm. I listen to those as my background music. >>1000369 Ackshually no2 is relatively (lol) safe sedative that works differently than cannabis, if you administer it carefully. Otherwise its straight poison and kills like carbon monoxide
>>1000301 Also the former employee is none other than milo yiannopoulos, kanye's chief of staff a while back. He says his dentist thomas connelly (celebrity dentist) got him hooked and stealing money from him. Connelly himself has served other rappers, has suspiciously large wealth and all around looks shady as fuck
>>1000298 Why is he speaking Japanese?? He's literally saying "My name is Nōtsu(?)-chan" and "Good morning, hello." >>1000375 >>1000421 Try the Black Eyed Peas' first two albums Behind the Front and Bridging the Gap, a little dated and repetitive at times but fun. Elephunk has a few decent songs but I wouldn't dig deeper into their discog after that, their stuff gets really bad really fast. It's funny seeing will.i.am going from that super woke college progressive to the mindless pop goon he was by The E.N.D, and album that only has historical value as a reminder how awful 2000s pop music was.
>>1000466 Its his kid saying North-chan but with a racist accent. Did he let his kid write this?
>>1000369 Nowhere in that entire post did he even remotely imply that the no2 was the reason ye hated jews. You're literally knee jerking with extreme paranoia, with your own made up assumption, that saw him suggest his hatred for jews was chemically induced which is so retarded.
(476.51 KB 1802x1000 trainroll.jpg)

>>1000524 I think existing or being conscious in any sense in general would make anyone hate jews, including jews.
>>1000524 >what is a joke Holy fuck, redditor. Get a grip.
(227.28 KB 426x240 American Joke.mp4)

>>1000553 >backpedaling Then you really suck at jokes.
(3.41 MB 360x640 oo ee oo.mp4)

(2.78 MB 360x640 mikumikuplaylist v3.9.mp4)

(4.12 MB 360x640 Meet the M.mp4)

A random assortment of otomads/amv that some anon used to send in 8v a long time ago. I still have around 200 more in a single folder and around 100 more spread out in never-to-be-organized folders
>>1000565 I only remeber few of them being posted every webm thread
>>1000556 >didn't backpedal <i didn't get it therefore it's not a joke because i say so Get a grip, redditor.
(5.24 MB 1280x720 shut it down.webm)

>>1000604 So you assume everyone's a redditor to tell your bad reddit jokes here, got it.
(72.32 KB 1021x711 really do give a shit.jpg)

>>1000158 >>1000159 Holy fuck that hurt to watch
(3.39 MB 640x360 mgtow_gaming.webm)

>>1000653 Gambling is both the scariest and dumbest addiction I have ever seen. Maybe I just don't have the ego for it.
>>1000653 >lost 55 thousand dollars in a matter of seconds >the entire thing is hidden behind a layer of crypto so price changes could mean that all your winnings were for fucking nothing if a crash happened I'm almost astounded with how fucking malicious it is. With it all being electronic it's stupid easy to guarantee specific outcomes as well, perhaps even coding in pity wins when they start losing their nerve and start betting lower amounts. I swear the only way to do gambling in a fair way would be to pit gamblers against other gamblers anonymously and take 5% off every bet while guaranteeing neutrality, because this looks like it's just straight up >open your digital wallet and empty into mine
>>1000666 Some smart contracts do gambling in a fair way with no house edge.
(987.35 KB 1018x720 $60.mp4)

(10.00 MB 320x240 Kipper Kids.mp4)

(23.18 MB 1000x720 Digital Circus.mp4)

>>1000561 If you listen to the first video for long enough "Miku" starts sounding like "Nigger".
(845.86 KB 1280x720 NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN.mp4)

(2.32 MB 720x1050 MysteryGrove__Excalibur.mp4)

(3.97 MB 720x1280 Bowden__The Korean Stampede.mp4)

(2.80 MB 720x900 Project 2025.mp4)

>>1000647 >I am everyone >things said only to me are said to everyone Get a grip, redditor.
>>1000906 >Signalis >looks gorgeous >kind of wanted to try the gameplay <it's about fags Every time. Kill yourselves, devs.
>>1000941 As a fan of psychological survival horror, it was interesting but ultimately disappointing as a game. Like three weapons, only a handful of puzzles, and once you beat the game it turns out fuck you, there are four endings now play it again three times from the start.
(3.70 MB 646x480 osaker.webm)

I love osaker
>>1000931 >>I am everyone Or you could just be schizo, you know.
(5.10 MB 640x360 Balkans.webm)

(3.08 MB 640x480 australia.mp4)

(870.32 KB 654x480 soup.webm)

>>1001165 >3rd vid I love osaker
(440.62 KB 320x240 laughing fluffy.webm)

(1.09 MB 1280x720 laughingcaocao.webm)

(2.57 MB 492x360 skeletor laughing.webm)

>>1001165 What in the fuck is that 4th vid and where can I find the rest of it?
>>1001309 Mr vampire 3. Rutracker has the bdremux of it.
>>1001322 >old people watching modern "humor" I like this more than modern humor.
(23.30 MB 480x360 warcraft 2 rap song.mp4)

(625.54 KB 750x408 1612284879549.webm)

>>1001322 Why is Nathan never in these videos? He was the first TF2 VA to do this stuff but he stopped entirely awhile ago.

(18.98 MB 1280x720 Neco Arc GTA.mp4)

(9.16 MB 640x360 Neco arc moves like jagger.mp4)

(4.22 MB 1280x720 Neco Arc We Are.mp4)

I love Neco Arc covers.
(7.98 MB 892x586 Skeet Fighter.mp4)

>>999744 >>999756 i saved this one
(11.22 MB 1920x1080 Ken Ashcorp - Hanako.mp4)

(14.27 MB 1280x720 Kick the Ball.mp4)

>>1000298 >90% of this board doesn't care about hip-hop but you may find this amusing regardless. Hi it's me, the 10%. All you had to do was say that the person who broke the news was local Gamergay, Milo Yabbadabbadoo.
>>1000432 Disregard that I suck cocks.
>>1000298 I've heard far worse, it's just typical Kanye weirdness with a bit more cringe imo.
>>1001425 I dunno, this stuff with all the other voice actors happened after he stopped, didn't it? I think his twitter got hijacked/deleted and he just went silent forever, sucks because he seemed to be doing well. Maybe he hated being typecast as the scout.
>>1001491 someone tell Kanye to take vitamin b12
(14.77 MB 640x480 2 spooky 4 rave.webm)

(11.86 MB 720x406 super spooky.webm)

(7.17 MB 712x400 Spooky Scary Skeletons.webm)

>>1001795 What kind of crap is this? Is this supposed to be scary? You do realize there's no ten year old kids around here to be afraid of that stuff...
>>1001830 I've liked the weather service one since I first saw it posted, but I wasn't expecting the other local 58 videos to be that bad. The GPS one is like a bad creepypasta and the other is just random nonsense.
(8.06 MB 1280x720 BF1 TRAILER.webm)

(4.07 MB 1280x720 Thou_Shalt_Fuck_Off.webm)

(650.96 KB 600x606 concept.mp4)

(6.98 MB 640x360 draw_bones.webm)

>>1001830 It's so you can piss your pants about it but at least still post some videos, unlike >>1001836
>>1001830 The first one is complete shit. Local 58 is relatively good I recommend Real Sleep. And the last one looks like a meme parody of The Mandela Catalogue.
>>1001830 The creator of the Vita Carnis series actually leaned into how completely not scary his shit was by making a stuffed animal of one of his creatures that was so completely non threatening that people commented that they wanted one as a pet.
(198.51 KB 600x480 Aku_Laughing.webm)

>>1001830 That Jeremy video always makes me lose my shit.
>>1002025 The devs were kinda upset people laughed at that scene lmao
>>1002087 Which is why the GAY COWARDS removed it from the (((remake))).
(22.90 KB 640x448 boreal hound.png)

(8.38 KB 146x106 lomborealhound.gif)

>>1001830 That first one is fucking with me because it has almost the exact same start up as The Darkness Nova but then never properly gets off the ground.
Game called Crime Scene Cleaner has these as songs you can listen too.
>>1002411 Something like this?
>>1002411 >Crime Scene Cleaner Distinct from Serial Cleaners. Strange that this specific concept has two game franchises...
>>1002411 >released 3 days ago this is all AI generated shit isn't it
(217.84 KB 432x595 yo whens mahvel.png)

>>1002771 >all those upskirts >those thighs Man...
(4.54 MB 1440x1080 Who is LMFAO.mp4)

>>1002411 First song is great. If this is in fact AI its a (literal) game changer. I'm certain we'll be able to create whole concepts or playable demos with a lot of this technology. >>1002798 If all the girl power movies had a sexy protagonist wearing a skimpy outfit and action scenes with thigh and ass shots, they would be the only type of movie on the market. Hate that wooly nigger with a passion
>>1002559 >>1002846 Why do you guys think this is AI? It's by Polish duo called LULU Suicide, comprised of singers/songwriters/musicians Bobek Bobkowski and the pseudonymously known Flomblom, who's the female singer you hear in the second webm. They both do solo work if you're interested. Aptly enough, LULU Suicide sounds like a fusion of both their work. Bobkowski is a little more mellow and upbeat and Flomblom is more experimental and surreal. I don't know what genre you'd actually call LULU Suicide, a kind of poppy take on post-punk? Pop-punk? It reminds me a little of Grimes' early output.
>>1002852 Because i searched for "Lulu suicide" and there was only a chinese instagram with 30 followers. "She deserves a better life" reminds me of Perturbator's "Lustful Sacraments" album. Bretty neat.
>>1002846 It's not AI.There are 3 composers listed in the game credits and they're releasing the soundtrack in a week. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3153150/Crime_Scene_Cleaner_Soundtrack/
>>1002885 They put a lot of money on the soundtrack it seems. Game looks mediocre.
>>992920 Only carjacking OG's remember Flashmaker998's mental breakdown >>994213 He's trying to sympathize with the plebian chileans, just like Hillary Clinton with a gameboy.
(4.11 MB 720x720 ALSpeMximD_IFv4y (1).mp4)

>>1001425 I've heard he can't do the voice anymore, no idea if that's true, but it would make sense.
>>1003214 >racial slurs and "cruel comments" I hate the pussified internet.
>>1003235 He was just playing shadowman and forgot how the game was called. Common mistake.
>>1003214 Wow, he lost quite a bit of weight. Good for him, good for him.
>>1003257 That was only because he had his stomach stapled (or some other fat person surgery) iirc.
(6.42 MB 640x480 Folgore.webm)

(4.95 MB 480x300 brapull.webm)

(2.54 MB 640x480 DKrapsaboutfeminism.webm)

(4.99 MB 854x480 DKslamm.webm)

(9.81 MB 960x720 monkey soup.mp4)

(19.47 MB 640x480 Seems so slow.mp4)

2006 was 18 years ago
>>1002852 I don't keep up with the untenable field of AI detection. The only reliable metric of telling if something is AI generated is the release date.
he's the only one who still plays tf2 for fun
(1.47 MB 360x640 Miitomo.mp4)

(1.70 MB 960x720 Autism.mp4)

>>1003938 how will you spend your days in the nursing home, anons?
(1.15 MB 864x720 WCTQrMep7A.mp4)

>>1004364 I'll kill myself or flee abroad in a van before I get sent to a nursing home.
(8.71 MB 1280x720 dust_abortion.mp4)

>>1004383 I fucking hate video games now
>>1004384 Don't worry bud, this one is so bad even the majority of suckers isn't taking the bait. Plus, there are multiple claims that a good portion of the positive steam reviews were left by the developers themselves.
>>1004383 >mfw I paid for this
>>1004390 why the hell would norwegian film institue fund for vidya?
(7.54 MB 640x360 Danny Nedelko.mp4)

>>1004383 It's not even the intentionally provocative, tongue-in-cheek lefty politics that get me, it's how fucking bad the song is. How utterly devoid of energy it is, how simplistic its composition is, the terminally uncharismatic singer, the limp mixing, the sophomoric lyrics and its childishly basic rhyming scheme; not even the Seussian ABAB four-line stanza, but a monorhyme that would get low marks in a high school English class. We're the dust-born / This bug is airborne / We're the new porn / Our kind is newborn Here's a song with essentially the exact same sentiment that doesn't feel as that but with infinitely more sincerity.
>>1004406 Sorry, I botched that last sentence. *with essentially the exact same sentiment, but with infinitely more sincerity Originally I ended with "that doesn't feel as cringe" but wanted to say something a little less memey. I forgot to erase most of it.
(406.91 KB 981x777 tb.png)

Apparently that game has straight up plagiarized elements in it and its creator responded more or less "yeah lmao so what"
>>1004383 >vitiligo character This is the most extreme indicator of "muh representation" politics, isn't it? Normal non-hysterical media can have cripples, niggers, even faggots and trannies, but as soon as there's someone with vitiligo you basically know it's rabid progressivist shit or some kind of representation PSA.
>>1004411 Based.
>>1004411 >plagiarized apartment layout I've been to tons and tons of houses and apartments that have the same layouts of each other. This isn't a thing. Maybe if it was supposed to be some special landmark location, but that's me trying to be generous. Even then it wouldn't really be anything.
They've got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters Trash compactors, juice extractor, shower rods and water meters Walkie-talkies, copper wires safety goggles, radial tires BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters Paint removers, window louvres, masking tape and plastic gutters Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication Metal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors Tire guages, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers Soffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers
(83.36 KB 1024x1017 risitas1.jpg)

>>1004640 oh fuck I need more
(15.98 MB 640x360 Wacky Game Jokez, 4 Kidz!.mp4)

(14.80 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Game Chat.mp4)

Max peaked with these cartoons
(14.05 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Mario Vs Sonic.mp4)

(14.07 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Psychic Surgery.mp4)

(14.23 MB 640x360 WGJ4K The Tough Guy Front.mp4)

(7.19 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Confirmed 4 Brawl.mp4)

(12.42 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Robert Burgless.mp4)

(20.10 MB 640x360 WGJ4K Mickey's Rebuttal.mp4)

>>1004429 Yeah, I miss YTMND, too.
>>1004640 >video game flashbang sound when you get triggered Now we actually know what it's like to be inside the mind of a communist.
(1.47 MB 1280x720 scumborn.mp4)

>>1004640 >>1004646 Ignore the e-whore on the corner but I'm not actively looking for clips.
(2.72 MB 388x410 TODD.webm)

>>1004668 >even the twitch girl cant stand that shit Hot damn.
>>1004670 She probably knows people go for the "righteous indignation dollar" so she is playing her part like the dumb whore she is.
>>1004671 Yeah, never assume what a e-celeb twitch girl says or does on stream is according to her true feelings. There's no way that she is unaware about the low player numbers for the game and that people are only watching streams of the game to see how bad it is. So of course she'll have strong reactions to anything remotely gender or race related to really bring in those viewers. If the game was somewhat popular she would be praising it.
(4.20 MB 720x405 TIE Fighter.webm)

does anyone have the other parts of this?
>>1005052 The whole thing is here: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PN_CP4SuoTU But I don't know enough techwizardry to compress it as a webm..
(4.82 MB 540x960 Suck Dick for Cock.mp4)

>>1005164 >suck dick for cock what is even that guy achieving here? He sucks dick so he can suck more dick? Is he even walkable or just uses wheelchair as mobility scooter? >>1005084 why cant they fly in antifa for some actual enthusiasm? I mean its an election year and where are my black riots?
>>1005056 >>1005052 You know you can split video files and post in parts like the older days if you can't "techwizardry"... I might have to make a tutorial for encoding because people are still stuck at that webm4retards video with just cause 2 as their guide
>>1005217 here's an single video encoded
(4.63 MB 640x360 Dagoth Roast.mp4)

>>1005250 thanks lad
>>1004640 God this shit is awful >>1005164 How is he calling anyone a faggot?
>>1005164 >"He sucked it for cock!" >"Woo!" This belongs in the LOL thread
(267.79 KB 737x719 laughing chinese monkey(1).png)

>>1005164 What a fucking legend.
(42.86 KB 450x366 that's kind of wat.jpg)

>>1005164 >I suck dick for cock W-what?
>>1005204 >>1005536 >>1005554 >>1005564 As some anons seem to be confused, I will give you my interpretation. So he isn't sucking dick, because he needs money, or drugs, or food or anything other like that, he is doing it, just for the pleasure of cock. Or in other words, he sucks dicks, because he likes cocks.
(33.42 KB 800x800 Oekaki)

>>1005164 i dunno but this is the thing that popped in my head
(10.71 KB 226x255 meaty whack.jpg)

>>1005565 Based cumslut
>>1005565 So it's a Fellatio, Ergo Sum kind of situation.
I think "Cock" refers to a person, a bit like "Dick" could refer to someone named Richard.
(385.15 KB 636x360 You are all WEIRDOS.mp4)

(6.05 MB 440x320 v_on_sex.webm)

>>1005565 Are we at least talking about feminine cocks?
(339.04 KB 746x385 Pissed Shia.png)

>>1005620 Futafags be like.
>>1005565 I just assumed he gets more cock in exchange for sucking dick.
(2.25 MB 749x672 purge.gif)

>>1004383 >porn rhymed with newborn I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence guys haha
>>1005620 Hawt, and totally not gay.
(3.37 MB 2554x1292 Caretaker.png)

>>1004668 If it's of any help, the bot identifies as a she/her. Later you find out it was a robot girl whose memories got erased. The main character hates her at first because robots can't be manipulated with magic words like humans
(27.57 MB 1280x720 TIE Fighter.webm)

>>1005052 >>1005217 >>1005250 Look at you all tussling with workarounds while I drop a file in Aviator and get the results smaller than both of these videos at full resolution. No, seriously, something in SVT-AV1-PSY v2.2 brought it from merely interesting to unquestionably better than AOM AV1 at low bitrate. This upload is less than 600 kbps at 720p, encoded at CRF 56 at speed 2, and it's scoring a 92 VMAF. That has never happened with previous iterations; crf 56 was a setting I would put in as a joke, and yet now it's unironically holding up as viable. I'm encoding the creator's Alien followup he just posted and I can get more than twice the runtime at the same resolution with similar settings. I need to whip up an AV1 guide but the issue is that the encoding meta has changed from targeting bitrate regardless of visual quality to psychovisual quality and that necessarily means that you cannot just put in a number and expect to have good results.
(1.88 MB 1280x720 nMK6pbHvvnvE7TFM.mp4)

(1.69 MB 640x358 m16.mp4)

(4.59 MB 848x848 IMG_8716.MP4)

(2.62 MB 576x576 doctor.mp4)

(3.62 MB 640x480 conv.mp4)

(19.24 MB 848x476 IMG_2957.MP4)

(1.17 MB 848x624 RAPE AND RAPE.MP4)

(1.11 MB 360x640 bonk.mp4)

(162.23 KB 1280x720 cunny.mp4)

(1.37 MB 1280x720 alias.mp4)

(1022.24 KB 480x480 sir get down.mp4)

(1.42 MB 576x576 edit.mp4)

(702.28 KB 448x448 pokemon.mp4)

(15.72 MB 464x848 Nice stick.MP4)

(5.68 MB 576x1024 rocks.mp4)

(2.92 MB 576x576 Erika 3.mp4)

(249.73 KB 1000x564 Bear bot.jpg)

>>1005841 When I originally saw this game's trailers, the only thing that interested me was the robot. I thought he looked really cute, being a kind caretaker makes me which it was in another game because that's just too much. I fucking love caretaker robots, give me the loving carer robot without the shitty manipulative MC. >She/her The design would have made me think otherwise but I guess robots can be whatever you want. It's not the first game I know of to play around with robot gender.
>>1005963 >5th video >test performed doesn't reflect the claim made Imagine being that retarded and then claiming Apple is the one with a sense of "smug superiority."
>>1006013 I didn't watch the 5th video but many Apple consumers see Apple products as status symbols, some women even ghost people with Google phones.
>>1006128 Oh, sure. I don't understand that subset of "society," but I definitely recognize it exists. It's just that the video is complaining about something 90% of people genuinely don't give a shit about or just don't understand. And if you're going to try to refute '8 GB on MacOS is like 16 GB on Windows," you'd probably want to, I don't know… ACTUALLY USE A PC IN THE INDEPENDENT COMPARISON. Baffling, really. But yes, it has been EIGHT YEARS since 8GB became the base RAM in Macs and that's far too long. The fall releases will start with 16, at least.
>>1005963 Alicia doing that is pure sex. >>1005961 Gulf war and M16s are kino.
>>1005961 Also found a full version of that song.
(9.64 MB 712x480 ayylmao.webm)

>>1006570 apparently "ayy lmao" is now associated with the gay demon cartoon.
>>1005912 >format not supported ??? Is av1 not supported in librewolf?
>>1006614 >the gay demon cartoon You're going to have to be more specific.
>>1006614 >apparently its exactly 1 guy making game theory type videos
>>1006645 Vivziepop or whatever it's called. >>1006677 (checked) Yeah, I checked (heh). It's a youtube channel with the same name.
(30.55 MB 1280x720 Alien: Monday.webm)

(932.52 KB 640x360 Space Channel Live!!.webm)

Speaking of ayylmao, Alien encode uploaded. I also subbed to Otaking77077's gaytreon to nab the 4K cut for an exploitable, I'm shocked he actually got it finished after he originally made it for a contest on Tongal and failed to finish it by the deadline. The great benefit of Newgrounds' slight resurgence is a new source of /v/idya animated content.
(1.13 MB 3840x2160 exploitable.webm)

>>1006684 Exploitable aimed at imageboards.
>>1006684 God I love hi shading
>>1006684 What other 4K content and paywalled shit you got that people can't download from a site or torrent?
this is the new generation we are the old, out of touch boomers
>>1006819 This is just reddit with soyjaks, but everyone's already known that for years I suppose.
>>1006684 excellent. I have used av1-psy on this webm and it works exceptionally well with film grain noise footage like this one
>>1006887 compared to this vp9 webm which have same bitrate and filesize. See the difference yourself
>>1006823 Nah, this is pretty average /b/havior. Remember the anon who threw his mom over rogue the bat?
(19.60 MB 1280x720 The Office Lady.mp4)

(12.63 MB 854x480 keiichirou.mp4.mp4)

(2.04 MB 854x480 Scything lawn-length grass.mp4)

(3.28 MB 1280x720 Uno Reverse.mp4)

>>1000062 Honestly saying, the closest we've come to a civil war when trump got shot. If he died or been severely injured you'd have people actually grouping up to collectively disown the goverment, form a community militia between like minded gun owners and mask off of who just killed the closest threat to the establishment. There would be retaliation shooting attempts at key democrats and maybe even some successful ones. Then both left and rightoids would join together to quash this uprising, calling it a threat to democracy and mass arrests.
>>1007077 The American Psycho one falls apart as soon as he has breakfast. He's supposed to be hyper fixated on being perfect, he would know that breakfast cereal is bad for him. He would have some kind of blended smoothie with chia seed or something. He would still get starbux, but only to be seen with the cup. He would likely carry it on his commute and mime drinking it, then hand it off to a homeless person so he looks like he is being charitable.
>>1007091 Not all breakfast cereal is bad for you, just avoid boxes with cartoon characters.
>>1007118 He's not talking from a practical perspective, but from a new generation hipster/yuppie's perspective.
>>1007079 >the closest we've come to a civil war when trump got shot. Delusional. All the Qultists would have immediately rallied around Desantis, who would have abandoned every single (lie anyway) position Trump had and said "we have to come together as a nation by adopting the democrat platform" and everyone would have instantly gone along with it. You don't seem to know a damned thing about the world in the last 80 years, anon.
(937.61 KB 480x696 ubisoft.mp4)

Not mine but here
>>1007159 but ron does fight as governor
>>1007464 Main problem with all the "there will be a revolution" talk, is that noone on the right is organized in a way to make that happen. Overturning a government that's dug in and looking for trouble, is not just a matter of getting a few hundred thousand of your buddies to grab their guns and meet you in front of the White House. And most of the republicans, rhino or proper based motherfucker, are still trying to democratically vote, as if the system wasn't corrupted through already. Kamalah isn't going to officially loose any election. Not while the voting is done on hackable electronic voting machines, counted under suspicious circumstances and include countless mail votes from deceased citizens. She and her friends have too much to loose if they let trump get into power. If he can fire half of the FBI's leadership and have them investigate the democrats, they'd all be going to jail or worse. I don't think they will give up power easily. At best, Trump would get an engineered bank crisis Liz Truss had weeks after getting power. Such a "crisis" might just get Trump's second term cut short... Perhaps they'll manufacture some more of those rape accusations they like to dream up and put him in front of a "suitably progressive" judge who will send him to jail regardless of the evidence. Or have more assassination attempts with curiously lacking secret service protection. So many ways to cut a presidential term tragically short....
>>1007464 >anon... you're the one who's still stuck at 2016 and not seen beyond the few websites you visit for news QAnon schizos are still a thing, Trump was posting some of their memes recently. Their usual "Where we go one" shit. >And that exactly will lead to a much more violent sect that'll be no compromise, full secession, take the country back militia. There will never be a guerrilla civil war in this country, at least not without massive disruption to the state and federal governments for decades beforehand. Anybody who remotely knows about intelligence work will tell you any serious anti-government militia would be compromised before it got off the ground. There's also nowhere near enough discontented people for such militias to gain enough men or have enough popular support. This is just a revenge fantasy, thinkings those coastal liberals will be gunned down by true American patriots. It's never going to happen, the material conditions for some Liberia style revolution don't exist in America and probably never will. If we cease to exist as a nation-state some centuries from now, it will probably be some boring assimilation into a wider bloc á la German unification or an agreed political dissolution like Czechoslovakia. If it's an outright collapse it'll probably be due to some external factors like the sea levels rising several hundred feet, not an internal conflict.
(722.60 KB 480x360 clean burning hell.webm)

>Burgernigger politics start being discussed >Suddenly Niggerpill spam I hate American election years.
(3.12 MB 640x360 dup btfo.mp4)

>>1007626 I probably could have made it clearer but I was trying to say America is much more stable than happeningfags treat it, I don't know why blackpill is trying to spin that into his usual "IT'S OVER" spiel.
>>1007593 >schizos
>>1007626 <reports the guy refuting niggerpill <gets deleted <doesn't report niggerpill <niggerpill remains up Go fuck yourself, you incomprehensibly retarded faggot.
(3.20 MB 460x344 sheepswing.webm)

(1.61 MB 854x480 spheal.mp4)

(7.85 MB 570x854 Doggy Spa.mp4)

(6.60 MB 480x320 YMC Jumping spider.webm)


>>1007590 Sorry about the blackpil. I'm not trying to say it's over or inevitable. Just that we are fighting the wrong fight and our people on the front lines aren't ready for the kind of war we might have to fight. They mainly fight by subverting and controlling institutions with indoctrinated puppets, and controlling information. We have to find effective ways of fighting that or changing the battlefield into one we CAN beat them on. And to help take your minds off how bad shit is getting, have some silly animals being silly.
(826.04 KB 480x480 RAT.mp4)

(4.71 MB 640x360 Dixie land.mp4)

(5.37 MB 848x476 EVA 2.MP4)

(5.74 MB 480x480 CS2.mp4)

(8.04 MB 1280x720 babatomcatmayanosmall.mp4)

(1.24 MB 834x720 India.mp4)

(1.28 MB 720x720 Stalker 2.mp4)

(12.14 MB 464x842 BloodBorne.MP4)

(5.24 MB 1200x900 baba topgun repaired.mp4)

(1.41 MB 736x720 Darkness.mp4)

(27.86 MB 1280x720 BLART Side of the MALL.mp4)

>>1007913 I don't doubt shit will get bad under the hyena in chief, but I don't think she and her cronies are competent enough to maintain power. The real question is whether she's going to take the whole country down with her before power hungry cronies stab her in the back. Instead of becoming an hero, why not take the /k/ route? Learn survival skills, get some guns and movie into the wilderness. Should be places in the Rockies or Alaska where you can go to get to a safe distance before the chinese nukes drop on the cities or a bank crash erases all the fortunes of Wallstreet or somesuch disaster brings down the country as a whole. If nothing else, it would be a more productive use of your time than posting dank meme's on the internet while waiting for everything to come down in flames.
Big things will happen in 2025
(4.97 MB 640x360 Goomba Got Back.mp4)

>blackpill at it again why do you do this
>>1007928 Ignore him and he will go back to twitter like the attention starved whore he is.

(4.38 MB 1280x720 baldur_pocket.mp4)

(1.70 MB 364x480 fag.mp4)

(2.70 MB 576x1024 nuggies.mp4)

(9.06 MB 576x1024 pasta.mp4)

(1.04 MB 1280x720 k_tries_it_-_cooking.webm)

>>1008121 >5th Why would you do that? What did the chef do to you to make you ruin his food like that?
(4.11 MB 640x640 WASTNG_FOOD.mp4)

>>1008315 >Why Fat fucks.
(78.94 KB 680x907 Courgette loaf.jpg)

(392.55 KB 617x602 ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE.png)

>>1008319 >video Zucchini cake is absolutely a thing, mostly in the UK where it's called a courgette loaf, and it's essentially carrot cake with zucchini instead of carrot. What you don't do is throw radish and yellow carrot and fucking sprinkles in it. You can tell they started with a normal batter and threw all that shit into it because it's underbaked and doughy as fuck. The entire point of things like zucchini and carrot cake is the vegetables make them soft and moist as they cook into the batter. The vegetables added way too much moisture in these cupcakes and now they're raw mush. Black bean cake? I have heard of that but it's not a standard recipe nor is it being made right. It's intended for people who are celiac, there isn't even a point of making it if you're going to add flour anyway as the beans act as a flour substitute, and would also make the batter extremely dry if you added them with an entire packet of brownie mix!

(296.36 KB 617x602 brownie brownie.png)

I also question if the final result of the "beanie brownies" was what they made in the blender. Black bean cake is very dark in color and that would only be exacerbated by adding it to chocolate, while these brownies are about as light as regular brownies and they're not as dry as they should be. Baked black bean goods don't have a lot of liquid because the beans themselves add moisture, but throwing a bunch of flour mix into that would screw up the hydration ratio. The biggest point however is how strange this 'recipe' is, it's barely a recipe. If you have a brownie mix, use the brownie mix. Saying "yeah buy a mix but also add random shit that will ruin it" is not a recipe. This video looks like somebody heard of foods, and completely guessed what they were and how they were made. Sorry for the non-webm content but these bothered me so much I had to comment on it.
(53.54 KB 640x478 16jgfrocob241.webp)

(81.74 KB 360x240 plane.webp)

>>1008336 >This video looks like somebody heard of foods, and completely guessed what they were and how they were made. Typical of niggers, yeah.
>>1004364 >>1004368 Pretty much. I much rather die alone in my house and getting found 3 months later. Hope i have many more gamer sessions before that though.
(167.54 KB 1280x720 THUNK THUNK.webm)

>>993252 I fucking love GMod shitposts
(5.33 MB 1920x1080 Half_Life_3_Bad_Ending.webm)

>>1008377 *Loud techno playing OH SHIT!!
(7.45 MB 640x360 eh_eh_eh.webm)

>>1008333 >>1008336 Can't speak specifically to putting radishes in zucchini or carrot bread (sounds pretty foul, honestly) but adulterating whatever good flour you have on hand with whatever other starches you have has been around for as long as baked goods themselves. These people are doing it to farm content but until ~150 years ago cheap bread generally contained whatever the baker could get their hands on - beans, potatoes, taro, etc.
(27.11 MB 1280x720 4 Ogryn.mp4)

(1.43 MB 500x379 bart fucking dies.gif)

>>1009820 That UI is fucking enormous
>>1009820 Needs more UI windows
>>1009820 Pretty cool style. Would like if they just made the UI a bit smaller. Making the weapons a bit smaller would also be good I think.
>>1009835 Don't listen to this faggot. You need more windows.
(3.52 MB 720x406 Catboy.mp4)

(22.24 MB 888x696 LoR_Spoilers.mp4)

>>1009846 Hey bro, can you put a spoiler over that shit? I'm trying to eat here.
>>1009820 Cool style, if this is yours don't forget to post in the /agdg/ thread >>1008893 and keep everyone posted! :)
>>1009827 >UI windows I got something better.
>>1009955 i wan to IMPREGNATE clippy
>>1009988 Impregnate isn't one of your twitter maymay words like based or skibidi, you don't just say it randomly.
>>1010413 this is some peak tumblr autism but im not against it
>>1010432 I really really didn't need to see this today
(2.07 MB 640x480 Fluent German.webm)

(25.72 MB 1280x720 no girls allowed.webm)

I see a lot of children like this in my school
(319.91 KB 640x480 A House of Lies.mp4)

>>1011179 >subtitled in english
>>1011209 It's a jewtube embed probably since it's softsubs.
(221.21 KB 1280x1099 90ss kino aesthetics.jpg)

>>1011179 Thanks for reminding me about my shitty life you fag!
>>1011158 Dreadnought sounds too emotional Primaris Marines fucking suck
>>1011209 >>1011179 >imagine not knowing superior language stupides anglophones It shows different kids and how their mental development is affected by emotional neglect, deprived social bonds with parents and security from them. First child Emmanuel is raised good by loving parents and . He's exploring his surroundings and grabs toys to play with it and only pays attention to it, not his surroundings Second child Christine is also raised normally does the same things and tries to stack on top it Third child Caroline is raised without her mother in an foster institution (orphanage really). She's underweight and doesn't show much interest in playing with blocks. She grabs it but doesn't examines it or plays with it like other kids. She instead looks at the people filming her in the room more. She's more focused on people rather than the toys infront of her. Fourth child Veronique is also underweight and is refusing to grab the blocks at first, raising her hands away as if she's avoiding it entirely. Later she does pick up the block but doesn't play with it at all, instead she has a look of worry and anxiety in her face. Like she doesn't know what to do with block and is scared of a new thing, and is constantly looking at people for help in the room. Fifth thumb sucking child Jean didn't have a permanent home as she was transfered place to place for foster parents and is finally institutalized. She is completely disinterested in toys and looks only at the person behind it. As if she's looking for her mother in every person she sees, and prioritizes human contact. She doesn't offer any resistance when block is placed in her hands and doesn't pay any attention to it, only the one person who's giving it. Sixth child René is immobile infront of the toys, doesn't grab it and acts fearful of it. He eventually stops paying attention to people too and instead draws inwards and start sucking his thumb for satisfaction. Completely cutting out both toys and people around him. Seventh child Annette is also immobile and is totally disinterested from her surroundings, not even looking people in the eyes. She's anxiety as she has lips twitching and breathing heavily through her mouth in a stressful situation. Her lazy gaze also suggests she is developing autism. Final child Colette is deprived of love and affection and shows all the previous symptoms, immobile, anxiety, heavy breathing, disinterest in toys and scared of people. She's most likely gonna be autism and suffer anxiety throughout life. It basically says that neglect, both physical and emotional harms the child's brain development and makes them mentally weak and no exploratory desire. And leads to autism.
>>1011179 95% of the comments for this video on youtube are from women not trying to make a point, just thought it was interesting
>>1011238 Very coincidental that the WEF-sponsored public schools serving as test beds for German common core in the early 2000s I had to attend because home schooling is illegal in Krautland would constantly come up with new ways to deprive children of independent thought and action by forcing them into groups for even the most mundane tasks, teachers were also allergic to any child being by themselves for any amount of time when they didn't just fuck off for hours at a time. And that was with rural, healthy kids with stable families for the most part and no signs of autism.
>>1011238 Except I basically had no help growing up, constant struggle, neglect apathy you name it from my parents And I'm not a third worlder No autism but anyway my pointless rant is over.
>>1011263 The trigger for autism isn't anything that simple. For one thing, what kind of autism are we talking about? How severe? It was only a few years ago everyone seemed to know it was caused by quicksilver in vaccinations, back when it was real vaccines, not the jab for the wu flu. I've her others talk about possible links to gut bacteria changing peoples behavior through what nutrition they help the body absorb. For what it's worth, I have 2 older sisters, neither of whom was autistic, I am, and I didn't get markedly less attention or affection from my parents than my sisters. If anything, I got more attention from my mom than either of my sisters because I was the youngest of the kids. But I did get autism, unlike my sisters, back in the late 90ies, when it hadn't become fashionable to give the diagnose to any kid with trouble socializing. I got a friend I've known since school who was also autistic, who has an older brother that's schizophrenic. I don't think he was neglected by his mom either. Personally I suspect it's not a new thing, but it just went diagnosed before, explained as "some people are just a bit odd" "that guy isn't a sociable sort" or something else to that effect. If anything, what those kids are doing, sounds more like what I've read about "attachment styles" for romance. That theory revolves around parental neglect and how those people end up having a harder time developing emotional attachments as a result https://www.helpguide.org/relationships/social-connection/attachment-and-adult-relationships TL:DR, kids that lack safe emotional develoment end up having a hard time forming romantic relationships.
(7.66 MB 256x256 Storytime_with_E.webm)

>>1011357 forgot to attach the webm...
(555.70 KB 600x800 2322_jpg.png)

>>1011263 In case of high neglect there is also a chance of becoming a schizoid(not to be confused with a schizophrenic) and schizoids can not be autists, nor can autists be schizoids. The tl;dr of a schizoid >has perfect control over his thoughts and imagination, so no hallucinations or voices in his head >can understand social ques, emotions, subtle gestures, but simply does not care, unlike an autists who doesn't get it >has almost zero interest in human contact, tends to prefer solitary activities, and retreat in his imaginary words, but again can clearly distinguish between real and imaginary >appears to have almost zero emotions, almost like a robot >has one or two friends and appears aloof if he looses one >is unaffected by praise or insults >is very self sufficient, and prefers to live alone than with parents or have a family >doesn't seek treatment, nor is there any treatment for them, can live their entire life fine, without ever getting diagnosed >has almost zero motivation in doing anything, has a high chance of being depressed Now reading this, some kids might say "wow, what a chad, he doesn't give a shit about anything", but that last part is very important, almost zero motivation to do anything and high chances of depression, sadly a disproportionally high number of them end up homeless, because they cut off from all support, though those are the low functioning ones, the "moderates" will get the graveyard shifts, especially if it's something like IT guy or a night shift guard at a warehouse. The high functioning ones, can get a job in almost any field, and they will socialize, it's just that they seem a bit off, will tend to go either in the IT field or Psychiatry(some say Freud was a schizoid, and that psychoanalysis was invented by schizoids for schizoids). With that said, there are some psychologist who think that schizoism is bullshit, like you can't just say that just because someone doesn't talk all that much that he is mentally ill, and there are all sorts of contradictions when it comes to schizoids, such as "they don't care if they loose a friend", but the problem is that if he looses one of his 3 friends, that's 33% of his social life and it will affect him. Praises and Insults don't work, usually, but he might have a person he really cares about, and that person's insults and praises will deeply affect him. Some also describe schizoids as a seemingly abandoned, building with all the doors and windows covered off, so you can't see inside, but if you put your ear to the door, you might be able to hear what's actually the coolest party ever happening inside, and nobody can come in. I personally think of pic related, as "hollow men" or "the walking dead" are also apt descriptions for schizoids. Funnily enough when they are on anonymous forums, like this place, they are indistinguishable from normal people, in the way they type and communicate, because again, unlike autists it's not that they are incapable of acting normal, it's just that they don't usually care, whereas autists can't think like normal people, especially the low functioning ones. >t high functioning schizoid in the IT field
>>1011396 >Schizoid You're just a Zeta male m8.
I'm not an alpha male, I'm a turbo dude. That's one step higher.
>>1011472 That would make you an Upsilon male.
>>1011476 >soundless
>>1011510 >soundl-
(10.72 MB 720x720 Black Souls.mp4)

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(802.80 KB 640x476 Get the chip.MP4)

(9.40 MB 848x480 Stalker.mp4)

>>1011238 >>1011179 >>1011357 Maybe they say autism but it actually is symptom of ADHD. This was 1965. Also I believe emotional insecurity and not being taught how to manage emotions makes one vulnerable to borderline tendencies, obsessive behavior, and fear of rejection
(3.75 MB 960x540 3rd_wave_feminism.webm)

>>1011776 ADHD is just any normal boy being forced to sit in a chair and listen to some boring teacher talk at him for 4-5 hours a day. Modern schools have been made for the psychological profile of girls, with little room for burning excess energy with physical activity, practical hands on learning and little time spent teaching discipline. The school sees it's students as one of 2 genders. girls and boys poorly socialized girls with ADHD.
>>1011784 It's emasculation pretending it's education. Ted Kaczynski called it "oversocialization."
(124.57 KB 517x768 superlative laugh.jpg)

>>1012165 Valve now officially part of modern military. Can't wait to see deployed units putting customized drone HUDs and quick swapping between gyro controls also >90 degree usb c cable
(4.94 MB 1280x720 Cat Ladies For Trump.mp4)

(9.90 MB 1280x720 Tucker Vs Joe Rogan.mp4)

(2.09 MB 1280x718 Jersh Versus Concord.mp4)

(2.03 MB 640x360 Trumpian Wisdom.mp4)

(971.96 KB 848x592 Walz__Unmilked Horses.mp4)

(2.03 MB 960x540 The Batman__Cat.mp4)

(2.98 MB 720x720 SvenStoffels__Coconut Tree.mp4)

(7.89 MB 1280x720 Jersh Hates Troons.mp4)

(475.72 KB 720x752 JejsterHitler First Date.mp4)

>>1012197 >>1012199 JD Vance please, most of this board don't live in the US to actually vote.
>>1012230 I watched the entire anime and I still to this day don't know the fucking plot to Popotan other than that (uncontrolled?) time travel is involved.
>>1012345 The blue hair design reminds me of Moetan.
(1.50 MB 800x600 Popotan Caramel.gif)

>>1012345 >the fucking plot to Popotan Here's the fucking plot to Popotan: UOH LOLI CHEST AND BELLY EROTIC!!!!!
>>1012435 I bet Mii-tan smells nice~
(432.21 KB 1200x674 wMR9_zdBDbvyFcJh.mp4)

>>1012543 What a cute girl!
(3.47 MB 1280x720 d56ZeM4_Yl3_dS3d.mp4)

(20.10 MB 1280x720 aku no hana - lady amv.mp4)

>>1012165 console gamers could never
>>1013248 Aiming drones with a literal console controller... Did the engineers have to figure out how to do IRL aim assist for those drone operators? Is aim assist in games about to reflect real life warfare? Is real life going to give a handicap to drone operators that use mouse and keyboards so console scrubs can keep up? Do we want to live in a world like that?
>>1013311 AI will just handle targeting and only require human input to confirm the execution. If it can be built into monitors to instantly detect enemies on your screen and completely bypass anti-cheat then obviously it's being used in combat equipment.
(19.98 MB 1280x720 Porky s Ballets.mp4)

(2.58 MB 1280x720 A Beautiful Butterfly.mp4)

(13.79 MB 1280x534 KILLER7 - Cut Content.mp4)

>>1013465 >A Beautiful Butterfly.mp4 That fatty bugs me but the trans bug's worse
>>1013475 Hopper and his clan were like the ZOG toppled through an uprising among ants, A Bug's Life wasn't all bad.
>>1012197 Post more Joe rogan
(101.42 KB 1200x801 Joe Rogan.jpg)

>>1013680 Joe's not black
>>1013709 Still looks monkey to me.
(116.11 KB 1024x504 butterfly.jpg)

>>1013465 >3rd webm Reminds me of this.
So it took a long while to even ghet five relevant clips of worthwhile content together to compress since the well of creativity is dry this days, but I wanted to fire these encodes off before I send my rig off to the shop. Especially with the first beaut of a webm. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT SVT-AV1-PSY is now available for Handbrake in special patched builds. You too can discover the magic of the latest in video compression technology. https://github.com/Nj0be/HandBrake-SVT-AV1-PSY I often set my Opus bitrates to 16k because advances in opusenc v1.5 have made it roughly equivalent to 64k. I think Aviator is still using v1.3 though, so you can hear some bitcrunching. PSY does rocket up the bitrates if there are a lot of artifacts and blocking in your base video, and man do some of my Twitter rips have them. Last but not least, what happened to /v/ and Ace Attorney RPs? Gorilla vs. Bear is actually pretty funny for a normalfag meme, it's just that the latest revivals ALL shove in horrid ebonics. https://objection.lol
>>1014190 svt-psy uses film grain and dithering, its perfect for reallife shaky movement footage and realistic videos like s2fm ones. It does take more time than vp9 on my machine but its multithreaded well. See >>1006887 and >>1006889 for difference
(4.18 MB 480x644 ran_based_math.webm)

(3.25 MB 1280x720 Cirno day.webm)

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(1.79 MB 656x496 Tsukasa Attack.webm)

(2.21 MB 1280x720 Cirnos smokempcuatro.webm)

>>1013709 Joe Mama
(307.92 KB 640x454 Lain Terry.mp4)

(1.59 MB 854x480 t3FeQVZWBl4_upGA.mp4)

(3.07 MB 1280x720 SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.mp4)

(1.14 MB 544x968 Tunnel Rat.mp4)

(568.87 KB 494x360 yuzu.mp4)

>>1014920 I heard the ADL kept fucking with Johnny who sang the big black spook song and he apologized under duress.
More SVT-AV1-PSY encodes. My main rig being stuck at the shop isn't going to stop me. Third vid counts for the thread theme.
>>1015598 SVT-AV1-PSY pros/cons? Why encode with SVT-AV1-PSY and not other newer codecs?
>>1015651 There's a huge compendium as to why >>1005217 >>1005250 >>1005912 >>1006887 >>1006889 >>1006684 >>1006704 >>1014190 >>1014194 >>1015598 but the long and short of it is that it's objectively the best video codec right now that will compress your vid within reasonable times while slashing the file size by up to 8 times or more. Example, a 16 minute film was uploaded to this thread and if you were to compare the encode to the original you couldn't tell the difference. One vid used to be 140MB at 1440p but with PSY it's 20MB. It's perfect for WebM threads, in other words. Resolution, runtime, and bitrate are less of concerns than they were with VP9. I haven't even had to target bitrate at all, just set at CRF 56 and forget. I wish 8chan supported stuff like AVS3 but even then those codecs are more obtuse to use than SVT-AV1-PSY.
>>1015598 What are you using to open these files? Every media player i have won't play them properly if i move the track bar at all.
>>1015661 That's more of a personal configuration I made in order to lower file size as much as possible. My files are set with FWD frames rather than keyframes to maximize the GOP (the latest post used Staxrip rather than Aviator). You can replicate this in VP9 if you set the GOP to ludicrous numbers. Keep in mind this is AV1, although there's major backing it's only going to play back on modern stuff since support is still expanding. MPV works just fine for me.
>>1012752 That first one's was quite expressive.
(879.21 KB 720x720 6sUndULP6lM.webm)

(4.63 MB 1280x720 KoymzGMTmVs.mp4)

(950.35 KB 852x480 tn8mcbKJiog.mp4)

BIDEO GAYMS >>1014642 This LLM's logic is flawed tbh. Take a random number, f.e. 500. Assume that the body takes approx 4 hours to burn, thus 8 shifts per 500 bodies equals 4 thousands a day if there is no Holidays, weekdays, Christmas, and hannukah. Which should be achievable by the Great Hyperborean Germanic Engineering during wartime when they had trouble supplying their own army with gasoline, notwithstanding wasting it on some jews in camps. The modern shitty tech process that struggles with just 500 bodies a day would fail here. Multiply the figure of 4000 by a funny number, like 1488 and you get 5.952M, which is approx 6M -0.8%, that is less than 1 percent of difference. To get the TRVE 6 MILLION number you would need an indivisible number: ~4032.25806451612903225806.
>>1015740 >~4032.25806451612903225806. ah, truly the 2.5 children of burnt offerings
(2.44 MB 640x338 BULLIED.mp4)

(4.88 MB 720x1280 balkanbreakfast.webm)

(272.04 KB 480x360 1459322586643.webm)

>>1015755 >the first one isn't to the sound of Source ragdoll physics smacking around
>>1015661 works on my browser (librewolf)
>>1015745 0.25806451612903225806 is an irrational number. But you can probably ask jews to deliever it to you with interest. With 10% interest it will be more than 528.62 in the next year. Good luck paying that amount of children to Moloch!
>>1016132 I hear both the ragdoll sound and the metal object collision sound from source games >>1016256 >irrational <literally the result of a ratio>>1016132 I hear both the ragdoll sound and the metal object collision sound from source games >>1016256 >irrational <literally the result of a ratio

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