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webm thread - No more 360p rips edition Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 02:44:13 Id: b2d671 No. 1018065
Hey, did you know Bobbypills of Peepoodo fame put out an animated series for Dead Cells? Me neither, but here're the encodes of the first half of the series. >where other half Working on those when the time comes. On another note, have you a moment for the word and gospel of our savior SVT-AV1-PSY? https://github.com/gianni-rosato/aviator (Linux only) https://github.com/Nj0be/HandBrake-SVT-AV1-PSY (All desktop OSes) https://github.com/staxrip/staxrip (Wangblows) >why use this Maximum bitrate efficiency in compression, mah boi. Set speed to 4, CRF to 56, Opus bitrate to 16k, QP compress to 3, and variance octile to 8/8ths and you're off to the races, now faster than ever. Higher resolutions, longer runtimes, the works. With enough ingenuity entire shows and movies can be uploaded here. If you want to stick with VP9 and are on Linux I heartily recommend https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko/ as your one-stop shop to eliminate any encoding headaches. Here's to a better 8chan on mark/v/ and no more 360p videos unless they're super long, of course Last bread >>992920
>>1018065 >I heartily recommend https://codeberg.org >codeberg.org >codeberg >berg
I would like to collect short video/audio clips of anime characters stating the name of each month. They can come from any source. I have September already. Does anyone know of any clips (or even suggesting entire episodes of something where you happen to remember a character saying the name of a month) that meet this criteria? Length of original clip (or even just a reference) doesn't matter. I can trim them myself. Thank you.
>>1018336 >Does anyone know of any clips (or even suggesting entire episodes of something where you happen to remember a character saying the name of a month) that meet this criteria? Try one of the Persona animes since the games use a calender.
>>1018336 The Simpsons, "Treehouse of Horror VI," "Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace."
(118.16 KB 592x389 whatcouldgowrong.png)

>>1018203 <(((codeberg))) Yes, I wish I still had the /intl/ webm summarizing kraut history, for some reason, the repo maintainer just moved his project from Github to (((Codeberg))), likely as a result of the Microshit acquisition. Also, as it turns out I fucked up some of the Dead Cell webms so I'll try to get them properly synced sometimes.
>>1018482 Why would you want anything from the sperg central that was /intl/
>>1018484 It was REALLY FUNNY in how hilariously and obviously biased it was shitting on krauts, complete with an ironic condemnation of Hitler and defense of Amerilard at the end that made it clear it was a shitpost.
(7.95 MB 640x360 German History.webm)

>>1018482 >>1018487 Ah yes, the webm, the webm about Germany, that German webm that I have right here, this German webm.
>>1018494 KC tier
(159.15 KB 450x450 bapho.png)

>>1018494 >some backwater prince >Franz Ferdinand
>>1018516 That is true. Central Europe was never truly civilized. It's backwater territory.
>>1018520 A backwater is more civilized than a metropolitan area colonized by shitskins.
(7.29 MB 540x360 int btfo.webm)

i miss /intl/ :^)
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>try out aviator >encode a TV episode that's 11 min. & originally 72MB in mkv format at 480p <result: 9.5MB >encode another TV episode, this time at 23 min. & originally 280MB in mkv format, also at 480p <result: 25MB <mfw There's just a slight sacrifice made to the audio quality but it still sounds fine. Video quality is good too. Gotta say, it's nice they didn't turn out dogshit. However, it feels like it takes longer for the encoding process to be done compared to the usual preset Handbrake has. Maybe the other options on OP are better. aviator doesn't seem to have settings for QP compress or variance octile. Also don't know if putting 16 for the bitrate size counts as 16k Could entire shows be done? Perhaps, haven't encoded an episode yet that is 45 min. from other shows that run longer their peers. Movies? I don't know. It would be an interesting challenge to take on considering their longer running times, but I have a feeling they would need to be shrunk down in video resolution to maintain a smaller file-size. They would be like videos for the apple iPod! At either 320x230 for full screen or 320x180 for wide screen. Wonder if animated/CG movies will take up less space than live-action ones, or if it doesn't make a difference. Animations would probably be better at adapting to smaller screen sizes than live action, I can't imagine how much would be lost or unreadable if a movie like The Matrix got shrunk. Hell, try a documentary or something that requires you to read articles & imagine how illegible the text would be. Worth trying anyway if you can still get the point across
(8.62 MB 640x360 Louis de La Taille.webm)

>>1018065 >French animated show Might as well dust off this old one from my collection.
>>1018516 Autria-Hungary WAS a backwater and calling their ruling family emperors was absurd. They lost to fucking Italy! ITALY! In the last thousand years, who has ever done that?
>>1018604 Österreich-Ungarn is an exemplary case of the failures and incongruities inherent to multi-ethnic governance.
>>1018565 /intl/ was such a fucking tumor, I have no idea why I see some anons talk about it wistfully. 90% of what they did was talk about how 8chan was dying because they didn't let them spam. Prime did die but not remotely because of that. I remember the old meta boards were flooded with them. For shitposters they were shockingly thin-skinned and whiny.
>>1018559 Snowniggers thinks he's white, lol
>>1018569 Still better than Xmedia Recode
>>1018611 When you're nearly ten years removed from something it's very easy to romanticize it. Even Prime itself is heavily romanticized when it was a mess of a website that constantly broke and was embroiled in 24/7 drama and infighting. Anons say they miss Prime, but do they miss the CP spam and Qboomers? Do they miss Hotwheels and Josh? Do they miss the dreaded Alacrity Daemon?
>>1018621 Nobody has ever said that prime was perfect, you dumb nigger. The flaws you refer to were also not issues one had to deal with every day in ordinary posting. Hotwheels became the colossal fag he did only after he sold the site. Qboomers came late into 8chan's lifecycle and usually stayed in their containment board. The only times I remember seeing them actually leave their board was during the 8kunt period. I have seen more CP spam here than I ever did on 8chan, but I avoided the pedo boards so my viewpoint there might be colored by that. Almost nobody ever had to actually deal with Jewsh as a poster/figure, his issue was that he failed to actually do his fucking job, and as a result that 15k went to waste. He was cancer, but he wasn't 8chan. Alacrity Daemon was annoying, but it was not something ever-present and only occupied a relatively brief period of time in 8chan's history. I also don't know what specific "infighting" you're referring to. There were minor incidents here and there, but that comes with any large population, which is mainly what's missed. No idea what drama you refer to either, that's not specific enough to mean anything, but either way, dramashit was never as big or significant enough to actually affect the site that much compared to the webring era where a single autist with a grudge can shit up multiple communities. Are you just bringing up random issues without considering context? These things you refer to are years apart, affected the site for a generally limited period of time (if at all), and are practically anachronistic. These flaws are nothing compared to the overall value that 8chan brought. Anyone with a half-functioning brain could tell you that.
(8.00 MB 640x360 #ponygate.webm)

>>1018621 The old /pone/ board on prime had it's moments...
Post bump video like this >>1018611 they were dramafags first and foremost, with weird mod team that was also as schizo as userbase, banning anyone for seemingly no reason. They said they were used to bantz and lulz but their board was anything but fun. Like a fringe pol offshoot.
(137.64 KB 350x350 you know who.png)

>>1018565 i miss int too everything's about real numbers and complex numbers now
Does someone have the DK version of janitors doing 4free?
(19.45 MB 1920x1080 osaker 64.webm)

i love osaker
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>>1018569 >now try to encode a DVD rip of a CG movie from a 3.5GB mkv file that is 80 min.., still at 480p <result: 59ish MB <mfw Audio quality took more of a hit than the TV shows did, it's especially notable when they play the songs & the singers voice had more artifacts to them. Downmixing from 5.1 surround to stereo might've played a part in the quality but it must've also saved a lot of space. Also shrank the video resolution to 320x230. Video quality is still decent considering the compression, but as I warned earlier some text may be illegible. Definitely still a challenge worth taking to find a movie & have it under 32MB. Only suggestion I might have is to shrink the video display size even more than what was attempted. Forget the iPod, how about taking after the Game Boy Advance or Nintendo DS? The GBA's display resolution is 240px x 160px & the DS is 256px x 192px Does anyone remember those short-lived GBA Videos? They got a couple Dreamworks movies like Shrek on there to work, with many sacrifices made to video & audio quality to fit that hardware. This challenge is giving me those vibes. I have a feeling 1 hour may be the best amount of time one can push for their video at iPod resolution (or smaller) & 30 minutes for 480p resolution. Hopefully there's something found that works!
(5.13 MB 640x360 Touhou on Gameboy.mp4)

(3.34 MB 640x360 Trump New Vegas.mp4)

(5.93 MB 640x360 Welcome to tf2 AI.mp4)

(13.84 MB 1280x720 Superstar Smash Bros Saga.mp4)

>>1018752 That is impressive
>>1018759 >5th vid Same video but with SVT-AV1-PSY. Was planning to do the rest but I have to run off to something now.
>>1018752 I remember rvmb's being around 60 megabytes and those were always kind of bad quality, it was fun to be able to watch Sonic X and Kirby fansubs though.
(1.41 MB 480x270 sweating.gif)

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(13.47 KB 132x239 Mini_iPod.png)

(18.73 KB 500x213 center_for_ants.jpg)

>>1018752 >do a 3rd attempt at encoding that same DVD rip & same specs <reduce video size to 240px 160px, taking inspiration from the GBA display resolution <result: 49ish MB - Shaved off 10MB from previous attempt, still too large to upload I am getting closer to hitting that max 32MB size that the site allows for uploads. Still using the same recommended settings in the OP of the thread. Audio quality is still the same as the last encoded webm reported on my previous post which is good. The video still holds up okay, frame rate hasn't tanked to GBA Video-tier slideshows, but it's gotta go even smaller! So what have I found that's smaller than a GBA for display resolution? Earlier iPods! Sure they didn't originally play video on them or have album art, but there was some themes & mods made by the rockbox community that made it possible to play MPEG-2 on those tiny things & even integrate album art, all of them being in monochrome! I'll bring your attention to two particular models: The very first classic model from 2001 & the Mini The 1st gen iPod's screen size is 160px x 128px & the iPod Mini's is 138px x 110px. At that point, you may as well be making a movie theater or film for ants! Wish me luck on this finally working out!
>>1018890 What anime?
>>1018752 >>1018781 Didn't GBA Video also cut the framerate of the source vid in half? Sure that is a compromise but that's basically allowing you to half the bitrate. And for a lot of media I'm sure going from 30 to 15 FPS won't be so bad if you're already viewing it on a small screen. (We didn't give a shit as kids anyway) Man I remember autistically converting anime to fit as much as possible in my 4GB Nano without it looking too bad. It's actually still nice to watch stuff while relaxing in bed but the battery is shot and lasts like 10 minutes...
>>1018890 too bad they'll have lesbian sex instead of sex.
Since the last attempt made it too big to be uploaded, I've changed the bitrate to 8kb & CRF to 63 (the max in aviator) while keeping the 138px x 110px resolution, speed, & stereo downmixing. Kept an eye on the file size at every ten percent just to see if I could predict it going under or over 32MB. Here's how they looked >10% - 2MB >21% - 5MB >32% - 7.5MB >40% - 9.5MB >50% - 11.8MB >60% - 14.2MB >70% - 16.0MB >80% - 18.5MB >90% - ??? (Was AFK) <100% & final result: 23.4MB It successfully stayed under 32MB but I do not want to upload it as it sounds like shit with the reduced audio quality & looked worse for video quality. The best way I can describe the final video is if you were stuck with one of those old phones from the late 1990s/early 2000s & you not only filmed it with its shitty camera but you also used the phone's weak microphone that adds more noise & artifacts. In other words, it would be the halfway point in that King of the Hill video where Hank asks if he knows what a JPEG is before the video shits itself to noises. Gonna tinker around and add just a bit more video & audio quality to hopefully find a sweet spot where it's a bit more presentable while staying near 32MB. >>1018901 >Didn't GBA Video also cut the framerate of the source vid in half? Sure that is a compromise but that's basically allowing you to half the bitrate. It did and it also reduced the color depth. See webm related for a comparison
>>1018901 Note that movies and TV shows aren't at 30 or 60 anyway, they're at 24. And cartoons are usually animated on twos, at least, meaning they actually run at twelve frames per second. It's not uncommon for some scenes from cartoons to be animated on threes, so eight FPS. This doesn't apply to 3D films like Shrek, though (until that fucking awful Ultimate Spider-Monkey movie that they keep trying to pretend looked good), which is part of what made it so impressive on GBA. Though yeah, the framerate was cut to hell. I heard there was a Shrek + Shrek 2 GBA Video Combo Cart. I saw some Youtube guy talk about it and post comparisons between the solo and combo carts, with the combo cart looking worse due to needing more compression, but looking online now, I can only find a combo pack with two carts in one box, not two movies on one cart. Either way it's very impressive, but I want to find the most impressive possible, if it exists. I moved last month and while waiting for internet to get set up, all I had was my laptop, and the only movies I had were GBA Videos, because I don't download movies much, but I do download entire romsets, and these were included in the GBA romset. But it was missing the full length Shrek, Shrek 2, and Shark Tale movies, which I know exist. Still, those GBA Videos got me through a rough couple days. Some good episodes of Spongebob and Johnny Bravo and stuff. Frankly, Fairly Oddparents doesn't even look much worse, since that show kind of looks like shit anyway. And at such a low resolution, you don't notice how badly the graphics on Jimmy Neutron have aged compared to other CGI cartoons of the time. >>1018909 Also note that the full length films on GBA video obviously needed to be way more compressed than the carts that only had a few episodes of cartoons. So this Shrek example, while more impressive, does look worse than if you were to watch an episode of Sonic X or Dragon Ball GT. It's very strange how the GBA video version of Shrek, in your example, is way more orange. Way more vibrant in general. I kind of like the colors better.
>>1018914 Wait, I couldn't find Shrek + Shrek 2, but I did find Shrek + Shark Tale combo carts. That's nuts. That's over 2.5 hours of movies which were originally 24fps (not 12 or 8 like a lot of the other cartoons released on the format), all on a GBA cart. I wonder if it looks even worse than the Shrek example posted above, though.
To show you the power of Av1-psy, I encoded this 6min intro scene in very high quality, under 32mb. Took about 11 mins in my 3700, I used Av1ador for windows because it shows side-by-side comparison between frames. It could be much smaller in size but Im satisfied with higher size.
>>1018909 >webm Damn that really was a cutback. Also that makes me wonder if you could possibly inject a video into a GBA Video ROM, it would definitely have to be the format used back then (guessing MPEG-2) but then it would be beholden to those old codecs so it'd be harder to get something good in there... I'm gonna guess some homebrew wizards have done something like that already. >>1018914 >full length films on GBA video obviously needed to be way more compressed Okay that's what I thought, yeah I don't remember the cartoons looking too bad. Now I kind of want to go back and buy some but tons of GBA carts are fakes these days... I even bought a listed "authentic" Castlevania GBA cart off of eBay and it was a fake. >>1018930 That's really sick, anon. I gotta upgrade my webm-fu now. I'm still using webm for retards and struggle to get nice looking results for anything beyond tiny clips.
>>1018932 I should make a new guide since people are still following the just cause 2 webm for retards tutorial. The av1-psy encoding renders all previous methods obsolete (except for increased time), though vp9 should still be plenty common in coming days. Will recommend av1ador for windows for av1 webm if you want nice simple GUI.

(363.88 KB 1200x1800 Kung Pow.jpg)

Finally figured out the setting to get a Webm that would work with the site while teetering near the max 32MB size. For a CG movie at 80 minutes of runtime >CRF: 61 >bitrate: 10kb (also make sure its downmixed to stereo) >video display size: 138px x 110px Sound & video quality are still dogshit though with the compromises made so I won't upload it & torture the anons. If nothing else, it should be amusing I was able to produce a webm of a movie & cram all the stuff in with that 32MB limit in mind. One really could "Stream that film if you're so great", turning the entire Kung Pow movie into a 32MB sound Webm since it has 81 minutes of runtime. Just bear in mind the dogshit quality mentioned above. >>1018932 >Also that makes me wonder if you could possibly inject a video into a GBA Video ROM, it would definitely have to be the format used back then (guessing MPEG-2) but then it would be beholden to those old codecs so it'd be harder to get something good in there... I'm gonna guess some homebrew wizards have done something like that already. Yes they do & that program is Meteo Avi-2-GBA. You take a video in either MPEG-1 or AVI format, then have it get converted to a rom image for the GBA. The program requires Direct X 8.1 & it hasn't been updated for 20 years.
>>1018944 I mean its alright, but would anyone even watch it? I doubt anyone watched kungpow 16mb version other than as a curiosity. Its a nice showcase of what technology can do but wouldn't it be better to encode some better movie? Or even upto 360p to make it somewhat watchable? We even have post limit of 50mb to it'll be prudent to split into 32mb + 18mb. Otherwise it'll serve nothing but as a cool showpiece.
>>1018909 Some advice I'll give you for video compression: always value audio over video. You can also increase audio quality by changing the sound to mono, allowing you to double the quality for the same bitrate.
(2.76 MB 1280x1803 dvd.png)

>>1018945 >We even have post limit of 50mb to it'll be prudent to split into 32mb + 18mb Oh yeah, didn't think about that >Its a nice showcase of what technology can do but wouldn't it be better to encode some better movie? Or even upto 360p to make it somewhat watchable? I'm attempting an encode of the entire run of Animusic 1. It's 33ish minutes which should play nicer than that 80 minute CG movie although I predict there will have to be some quality changes to get that sweet spot of 32MB. How's that for a nice & cool showpiece if the music still sounds good & the CG animation still looks great?
>>1018895 Seven of Seven
>>1018953 The filename suggests Paheal but I think I originally found it in some thread, but the quality was so I reverse image searched it and found a better version of it there. It's not like you could organically find it on Paheal by looking for it, it's barely tagged. Why, is it yours?
(13.24 MB 950x720 One More Time +Aerodynamic.webm)

(8.10 MB 950x720 Digital Love.webm)

(12.45 MB 950x720 Crecendolls + Nightvision.webm)

(7.50 MB 950x720 Superheroes.webm)

TO SHOW YOU EVEN MORE POWER OF AV1-PSY here's part 1 of entirety of Interstella 5555, split up into songs that matched up. Listen in order to get the story. Intestella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem is an hour-long anime set on Daft Punk's Discovery album. Directed by Leiji Matsumotos, creator of several classic mangos like Captain Harlock, Space Battleship Yamato, Gun Frontier, it was a collaboration between Daft Punk who wanted an experimental music video for their songs. Leiji the old fuck somehow was intrigued by future synth and french house, and agreed to make it.
(768.84 KB 640x360 cat sees cunny.webm)

(6.45 MB 1920x1080 dog sees cunny.mp4)

(11.77 MB 1280x720 giraffe sees cunny.mp4)

no cunny?
>>1019116 I have no idea why that first one feels so much like an old Sam Hyde video. It's not even human.
(2.38 MB 854x478 7_pRiUfp938.mp4)

(1.26 MB 854x476 chibi cum.mp4)

(1.63 MB 1920x888 CHYEB_zBASc.mp4)

(266.45 KB 848x480 e6evgJ9PKlA.mp4)

I hope I won't get banned for the lewd.
There is more where I coom from. **There are fetishes for every kind of degenerate nowadays, check it out: https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLHxdAiobNw3I5I0o6fR6Hn4KJGr4TKvIR THAT'S FIVE HUNDRED (QUINIENTOS for americans) VIDEOS of cartoon girls being licked by various animals. Sick world.**
(16.00 MB 640x272 kung pow.webm)

>>1018944 >he doesn't know
(972.79 KB 1280x626 floydal japan.mp4)

>>1019143 >final webm That dancing cat gonna be in my nightmare for sure.
>>1019181 So do people love or hate George?
>>1019143 Cats and dogs did it better.
>>1019116 >>1019140 >>1019143 what's wrong with you
(1.51 MB 324x476 George_Floyd_in_the_jungle.mp4)

(305.04 KB 724x1080 mario64.webm)

>>1019203 I love him for the best reasons.
>>1019230 Makima is an asian demon
>>1019230 It's funny how a meme started by a pretty overtly racist misogynist got picked up by leftie Twitter circles.
(7.29 MB 854x480 [adult_swim]_do_it.webm)

(7.98 MB 640x360 AN A PRESS IS AN A PRESS.webm)

(7.30 MB 1280x720 bagochips.webm)

(1.15 MB 640x570 chris_rocked.mp4)

(2.37 MB 700x800 RUN.webm)

>>1019233 Makima is a semen demon
>>1019242 >first webm That was made by an actual Adult Swim editor wasn't it? I always found the music choice interesting, that's a kind of obscure Death Grips track from easily their least known album Fashion Week. Kind of a shame, it's an interesting electronic album from a group that usually only makes rap.
>>1019237 Incel culture and terminology getting picked up by women though to be fair incel culture online was started by a woman so it's just full circle is absolutely wild in general. You can tell they're insecure about it too, they've been trying to whitewash the -maxx suffix as supposedly coming from video games even though nobody has ever spelled "min-max" "min-maxx" because they don't want to admit they're using the language of those they condescend to. As always Japan comes up with better meme templates, as always the West seethes over it and calls it "bad."
>>1019310 >1st webm Man, it's like I'm back to 2008!
(2.61 MB 480x360 Intensive Cher Unit.mp4)

(2.18 MB 480x360 Cher Believe.mp4)

(7.95 MB 950x720 High Life_.webm)

(9.55 MB 950x720 Something About Us.webm)

(6.24 MB 950x720 Voyager.webm)

(14.71 MB 950x720 Veridis Quo.webm)

(6.03 MB 950x720 Short Circuit.webm)

>>1018997 Part 2, I love the first song High Life because it shows more of the world, more of Stella and Daft Punk themselves.
(7.17 MB 950x720 Face to Face.webm)

(18.48 MB 950x720 Too Long.webm)

(3.73 MB 950x720 Intro.webm)

>>1019505 Done. My favorite song is Face to Face as it shows the power of human nature of coming together to send aliens back home. And the most layered and complex song arrangement with good lyrics. The last song, aptly titled too long, seems only extended to fit in the rest of the story. Also added in intro sequence of movie where it shows daft punk and Leiji talking together All in all, it took 120MB of space for an hour long 720p anime with good visuals and great audio. If anyone else want something encoded ask away
>>1019508 High quality shit anon, thanks!
This is an OG call >>1019505 >3.17 min song is 7.95mb >3.44 min song is 6.24mb >3.48 min song is 9.55mb ??
>>1019209 1. Nothing is wrong with me. 2. Nothing is wrong with me. 3. Nothing is wrong with me.
Once again I try to write up an AV1 encoding guide proper, once again I am left with no time. Here's are 3 new encodes of top quality content, 2 filler enocdes I had already posted in previous threads. impressive that now you can fit HD clips with audio inside the same file size of a JPEG
I couldn't get the entire run of Animusic onto 1 webm, so here are the music videos split into single webms. Sound is in Stereo & the audio bitrate was set to 32 as opposed to 16 as I wasn't too thrilled at how they originally sounded.
>>1019947 Remainder of Animusic 1. Also includes the first Animusic animation, Beyond the Wall, from 1996 as a bonus feature
>>1019947 >>1019949 Forgot webms
(716.61 KB 286x360 BABA BOOEY.mp4)

>>1020155 To this day I will never quite understand why Madness was so popular.
(8.02 MB 1920x1080 DaleandDawson.mp4)

(7.11 MB 1280x720 DaleandDawson3.mp4)

(7.48 MB 1280x720 DaleandDawson5.mp4)

>>1020155 >New e;r upload >New Madness Combat >New jontron >Jackbox night <All on the same day Great night we got >>1020225 Well-animated, edgy, amazing music, short and sweet. What's not to love?
(254.46 KB 464x498 Violence Acquired.png)

>>1020155 AH YIS
>>1018917 yeah, if i remember correctly it cropped both movies
>>1020225 Personally I found this episode less interesting than previous ones. Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take him
And here are more music videos split to 1 webm each from Animusic 2, the sequel to the original Animusic. Just like the previous sets uploaded, the audio is in Stereo opus format at 32kbs & the video quality should be just as good with it being a 16:9 widescreen format as opposed to the 4:3 fullscreen format. There are more tracks here than the first iteration, having 8 total as opposed to the original's 7. The 3rd iteration of Animusic has been in development hell since 2007, had a kickstarter in 2015 & there's been no update in nearly a decade after that.
(170.88 KB 385x314 doublesguypleased.png)

>>1020363 >>1020366 >Animusic Never heard about it, but damn, this is pretty damn rad.
>>1019947 Man, Future Retro is tickling a nostalgic memory I should have. It sounds familiar in that I've heard it somewhere but it's been so long I can't recall where.
(1011.84 KB 640x360 Cinemassacre without Mike.mp4)

>>1020544 >It sounds familiar in that I've heard it somewhere but it's been so long I can't recall where. Final Countdown Similar synth sound

(269.54 KB 1678x944 MSZGNT Haman Yes.webm)

>>1020377 I keep clicking on her but I don't get a free instant answer from a community of experts, instead nothing happens, the video just keeps pausing. How could Catherine lie to me like this?
>>1020438 2 was even better, then the guy got multiple kinds of cancer or something and the kickstarter for 3 collapsed into vaporware, which was a shame.
>>1020544 >Future Retro They used to play individual Animusic songs during breaks on PBS (partially to shill sales of the physical DVDs), so it's likely you heard/saw it while waiting for a show to come on as a kid.
>>1019947 Someone actually recreated Pipedream in Roblox
>>1020729 Well, there's a fucking old dream of mine fulfilled. The creator of Animusic always said that once he had the instrument sets "built" in CG they were able to "play themselves" simply by feeding them a MIDI, and I always wanted him to release that so people could make their own songs. Now with him dead (or whatever), leave it up to the Roblox autists to figure this out on their own. Fantastic.
>>1021269 >Lady P vs Thicc Puppet of the Future Indasting. Tell me more.
(20.25 MB 960x540 Test 2.webm)

(23.06 MB 960x540 Test 3.webm)

>>1021274 French Revolution soulslike from the devs behind Greedfall. Has somewhat the same ki pulse mechanics from Nioh but it has the risk of overcooling and some of the weapon types is a little different(chains, fans, arm muskets and war wheels).
>>1021274 He has to win He has to win His pelvis will not survive defeat
(384.23 KB 553x937 Laure.PNG)

Need Laure GF
(31.66 KB 594x276 Untitle22d.jpg)

(896.93 KB 960x720 n3Au10aF.mp4)

>>1021695 I fucking loved Greedfall. It was like a Roger Corman film in that it tried to make something original and clever out of pocket change and recycled materials. Yeah, it still turned out looking like cheap shit, but I would replay it before I would any AAA action game.
(5.30 MB 1920x1080 South Varrock but in AV1.webm)

>>1021885 This kind of shit is why I gave the thread its title. 9 times the resolution, twice the framerate, smaller file size.
>>1022054 Compared to another compression or no compression?
>>1022054 How can I use this StaxRip thing with yt-dlp? If at all? On Wingblows btw
>>1022056 The clip in >>1021885 is H.264/AVC, which while an universally supported codec is very very outdated when it comes to compressing stuff down to reasonable bitrates. A lot of anons have a bad habit of just picking the default 360p rip from YT downloaders because of muh convenience, when modern standards allow for much more. SVT-AV1-PSY (which has a website now at https://svt-av1-psy.com/) is what I am pushing as it is much faster than AOM-AV1, which turns a lot of people off by how long it takes to encode for good quality. PSY addresses that by encoding everything within reasonable times to the point that there is little to no excuse why people aren't using it more often. Also, as it turns out FFMPEG fucked up the cutting...but it's not an issue as I just reencoded the video correctly with the exact frames needed to cut out the subscribe blurb at the end. In fact, it encodes so fast I was able to redo all of the vids in >>1018759 before making this post. >>1022062 Staxrip and yt-dlp are separate programs. dlp rips the video from Youtube, Staxrip helps you prepare and encode the video. I recommend Staxrip precisely because it's an accessible Windows GUI for SVT-AV1-PSY. However, it does have a lot of quirks and bugs that annoy me a lot even though it's fully featured (for example, it errors out muxing any video with hardcoded subs, meaning I have to use ffmpeg to assemble all my hardsubs manually). The website should link you to a bunch more programs that allow you to use it with an interface if Staxrip isn't your cup of tea.
(7.55 MB 640x360 BrunoMiddle.mp4)

(6.49 MB 640x360 MiddleGrenade.mp4)

Just me doing some bored shit that I want to share ... somewhere that isn't run by raging faggots. Yes, I suck at editing.
>>1022165 Is the comparison to show how guys are willing to give up everything for the girl they love, meanwhile women will rarely (If ever) do the same for their BF?
(22.27 MB 1920x1080 Mashup Bruno mars.mp4)

(10.64 MB 1920x1080 Mashup_Av1ador.webm)

>>1022165 here, I improved few things by using fading effects on video and audio >>1022169 nah I think its just supposed to be a mashup of two songs
>>1022169 Women have weak bodies and rely on manipulating others into workhorses to survive.
>>1022096 Does AOM-AV1 take longer but encode smaller files than SVT-AVI-PSY at identical quality?
>>1022169 That is a point of view that comes from having lived as a reasonable guy who's a 6 to 7 out of 10. Hot 9 or 10 out of 10 guys, especially if they are suitably "badboy" aka violent drug dealers or pimps, can get girls to pay for everything or travel 5 hours each way for a booty call, in the vain hope the guy will make her his girl friend if she just does enough for him. Just look at the kind of crap Andrew Tate could get away with while keeping a whole harem of hot chicks working for him. It's kind of depressing when you realize how easily otherwise sane women can be end up acting like complete sluts if the right guy hits on them. It's not just men that will do stupid shit for the promise of sex, women just have different standards for their partner before they do it.
(2.79 MB 720x576 systemd.webm)

(2.79 MB 720x576 torvalds-doesnt-care.webm)

>>1022233 Why do people hate systemd? I never looked into it and I'm not enough of a Linux nerd to notice any problems with it.
>>1022244 Imagine an OS based around a simple concept: Each piece of code does one thing, one thing only, and does it really well. Is easily understood and it gets used and re-used. Enough of those and you've got an operating system. That was Linux. It wasn't perfect, but it worked. Now imagine a black box. You don't know what's in it. You don't know how it runs. You don't even know what it runs, but it's now in charge of booting up your OS and handling user accounts. It's handling all sorts of jobs and is so obfuscated by design that you will probably never know why or how it's doing what it's doing. FOSS? Fuck that noise. This shit might as well be proprietary. Now imagine a bunch of security-conscious users are forced to update their OS to run code they haven't vetted and aren't allowed to question. That's SystemD. It solved a messy situation in the most non-Linux way possible and was forced down everyone's throats. One of the last holdouts were the Debian couple but they died and then SystemD was forced into the OS shortly after.
>>1022246 bsd still doesn't have systemdick from what I read, openrc was also a thing iirc.
>>1022259 Neither does Void, which is a fantastic operating system if you know Linux kung fu.
>>1022453 Too bad Void is pozzed. They have trannies on their team and have refused to package Hyprland with bullshit excuses. I'm still using it because every distro and OS is shit in its own unique way, so pick your poison.
>>1022184 Nice fades. >>1022169 It's a mashup that shows how one song is a reply to the other. And, it could go either way: > Why don't we meet me in the middle? < Because I'm more heavily invested than you will ever be. OR > I will murder people for you. < Whoa, calm down, chief. Why don't we meet me in the middle? Another thing to note is that Miley Cyrus just got sued for writing a response song to a different Bruno Mars song. I made this because I generally hear Bruno Mars respond every time I hear that hook from The Middle played on the radio.
>>1022476 install gentoo
(22.88 MB 960x540 Webm4Retards.webm)

(14.87 MB 960x540 Handbrake with AV1-SVT-PSY.webm)

(31.38 MB 480x270 Zone.webm)

This isn't very watchable, this was just to test compression and encoding settings.
We have fans creating masterpieces while big studios pisses away and launders money
(15.86 MB 1920x1080 fallout frontier sans.mp4)

>>1022756 Can't wait to see it all in a single video
>>1022769 >second webm Is this the O-WA-A-A-A guy?
(29.29 MB 420x316 Dumbo (1941)].webm)

This could definitely be done better, or maybe animation doesn't encode well at lower bitrates.
(1.01 MB 1080x720 that's gay.webm)

>>1022776 Yeah, filled with artifacts which gets worse with movement, which animation, especially older ones, have tons of. Tried upping the video bitrate?
>>1022779 >that clip For fuck's sake, that stuck with me so hard after I first saw it. Any time since I've heard or read anyone say "That's gay," I've heard that fucking remote bounce off the TV in my head. What serendipity to see it again.
>>1022779 The bitrate can only be upped a little bit more before it hits the limit. The audio takes up a mere 16% of the total file size. I made a version that looked a lot better, but it clocked in at 52MB.
>>1023179 >generic anime memes post more

(6.76 MB 854x480 Ass_is_superior.webm)

(7.28 MB 640x360 CheekiDesu.webm)

(11.30 MB 1280x720 D.webm)

(1.01 MB 960x540 moe gets comfy.webm)

(4.02 MB 640x360 never_ever.mp4)

(443.57 KB 720x392 no you're fucking not.webm)

(4.07 MB 640x360 power level threads.webm)

(7.35 MB 640x360 Prism_Sympathy.webm)

>>1023222 >hyperedgy Nazi edits of Trump and Vance >a Zionist who worships Israel and a racemixer who dresses up as a girl and had a bunch of trans friends in college Well they fit the bill for most whitenats at least lmao
>>1023234 Zion Don shit literally started from paid shills on /pol/, it was in their leaked shill manual.
>>1023240 I never used /pol/ so I don't know what you're referring to, I'm talking about Trump's actual real-life activities, not obscure internet shit.
(4.14 MB 640x360 How an AK-47 Works.mp4)

(4.60 MB 640x360 How a Glock Works.mp4)

(6.37 MB 640x360 How a Pump Shotgun Works.mp4)

>>1023240 It is so very funny you can be presented photographic evidence Trump and crew aren't some secret Hyperborean cryptofascists ready to fire up the camps and the response will be "that's a psyop". It's beyond delusional, it's an active self-deception.
>>1023240 No one will ever believe you. Holy fucking shit, commit suicide.
>>1023254 >strawman Doesn't change that you're literally repeating lines from a leaked shill manual paid shills used to spam /pol/.

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