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Bungie's death-spiral Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 13:11:47 Id: e4ecdc No. 997168
Well /v/ Bungie's spiral into death is finally happening and you might say, it was being bought by Soyny or being full of sjw leftoid commies. But I think the problems there even before all that cancer and it was after they left M$, Marty brought up an interesting quote "They were right to get Bungie out of Microsoft, but they needed to get the Microsoft out of Bungie." Bungie inherited much of the irrational decision making M$ has and it shows, with how much of the old guard from Halo they fired or made quit during 2010-2013. The new devs they got during Reach along with the inter years between it and Destiny 1, simply did not have the skillsets their predecessors had and the shit leadership failed to wrangle them. The problems were top to bottom, and the hard sjwification that hit the studio like many in the early 2010s only further ruined Bungie. Destiny is a walking corpse that is only animated from sheer monument, and Marathon's skinwalker is DOA as no one wants an extraction FPS in a sea of them. https://archive.is/aQATz
>>997168 About God damn time
>>997168 >The new devs they got during Reach along with the inter years between it and Destiny 1, simply did not have the skillsets their predecessors had and the shit leadership failed to wrangle them Given that this has been the story for nearly EVERY established company that lasts for longer than 15 years, I'm legitimately convinced the modern generation is inherently stupider, less competent, and helpless. Not even because they're leftists (though it certainly helps), it's just that they're physically inferior untermensch like we've devolved as a species in real-time.
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>>997169 I oddly feel mixed about this surprisingly anon. I hated what Bungie became this abomination of corpo and leftist filth, but seeing them about to die strangely makes me feel sad as I remember the good times.
Firstly, XENO PUSSY XENO PUSSY XENO PUSSY XENO PUSSY Secondly, there's a saying about dysfunctional institutions that roughly goes "everything worked until it didn't". Anybody not in the Destiny cult could look at Bungie and tell you it was not a well functioning company, if anything the only surprise is that it took this long for the cracks to finally become undeniable. This is quite analogous to what happened to Bioware and to a lesser degree Telltale; a deeply troubled studio that spent years coasting on passion and miracles until inevitably it caught up with them. Some Bungie employees are even quoted as talking about company leaders insistence on "Bungie magic", eerily echoing the "Bioware magic" studio execs often touted during Anthem's development. You will see this happen with other studios in the coming years. Several companies have a very unsustainable model that, by nature, will stop sustaining them. You'll hear the exact same stories in the same manner. Studio leadership is rotten to the core in this industry.
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>>997172 >Studio leadership is rotten to the core in this industry. I'm going to say something on this, while leadership is absolutely abysmal in every fucking way. I'm going to say the people under said leadership deserve blame, of varying degrees depending on role in development. So many of the development teams in not just Bungie are pretty terrible at their roles, many of them are out of fucking touch with the average gamer, and it shows with how they make design choices that make no logical sense. Now if good leadership was present, they'd never allow even a quarter of the slop we see to even make it pass the concept phases. It's a combination of bad leadership and incompetency at the lower levels.
>>997168 >full of sjw leftoid commies I don't think lucanio-tier talking points are the reason Bungie is struggling, the studio has been riddled with problems since before they left Microsoft. Look into the development of Halo 2, it was a shitshow. That awful company culture followed them well into the modern day, only being worsened by being much larger studio stuck in the live service mines. >>997172 >Bungie magic It's strange we now have three cases of studios rebuking poor working conditions by gaslighting their employees. Akrane also did this during Redfall's development with their own "Akrane magic".
>>997174 >I don't think lucanio-tier talking points are the reason Bungie is struggling, the studio has been riddled with problems since before they left Microsoft. Look into the development of Halo 2, it was a shitshow. That awful company culture followed them well into the modern day, only being worsened by being much larger studio stuck in the live service mines. Anon did you actually read my post? " you might say, it was being bought by Soyny or being full of sjw leftoid commies. But I think the problems there even before all that cancer"
>>997173 I agree with you, although I'd make the argument that the reason why the industry is so out of touch with the market is because they lack proper market research and don't have offices outside of California to tell them that what they're doing looks fucking boring and appealing to twitter/discord/reddit trannys is NOT good business sense since it's been proven that they're not the audience who buys these products despite claiming to love them. Although the issue is that said trannys are also trying to fuck with the statistics by using twitter bots and getting close to people in the industry in order to work for these companies and ruin projects. If I were working at Nintendo or SEGA's American branches, then I would be worried that one in five co-workers are secretly pedophiles. Funny enough I would make the argument that appealing to a community like one or 4chan since most gaming companies wouldn't know of this place due to Big Tech shutting down any mention of 8chan for political reasons. 4chan is filled with retards sure, although it has more of a reach than people think and it's actually centralized. So it's easy to gather feedback from an online imageboard or just look what people are saying on social media that aren't getting super huge amounts of attention. I'd argue that we're literally giving developers and publishers information on what we want seen just by talking about our favorite games, but because these companies have corrupt HR/PR firms dealing with this information they just take everything from ResetERA/Tranny Twitter and roll with it.
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>>997168 The moment they sold out Marty O'Donnel when he objected the direction Bungie was going with that deal with Activision, was the moment the moment the Flood took over Bungie. https://archive.is/CSHec
>>997176 The other thing is many of these new hires aren't gamers, or are openly spiteful and make the games ass to own the people who would pay their bills. >>997178 I feel fucking terrible for Marty since he saw the company, he helped build up fall to the ground. In general he's just sad about the state of the gaming industry as a whole.
>>997176 >the industry is so out of touch with the market is because they lack proper market research and don't have offices outside of California to tell them that what they're doing looks fucking boring and appealing to twitter/discord/reddit trannys is NOT good business sense since it's been proven that they're not the audience who buys these products despite claiming to love them Most online discussion's generated in echo chambers by the biggest losers whose perspectives get boosted and as trannies are some of the biggest losers there are they took over social media. Social media is bad market research as the market research rewards the biggest losers and punishes the actual customers. If market research is done online, companies should e-mail customers with single use survey links. Some companies already do.
>>997180 >The other thing is many of these new hires aren't gamers, or are openly spiteful and make the games ass to own the people who would pay their bills. That's also true, these people have no love for the craft and are basically DEI hires who just need a job. There's no love or passion for these games or the industry as a whole. It's all about unionization, representation, and the bastardization of what games were in the past. It goes back to the environment around the industry and how it rewards a hivemind circlejerk mentality rather than looking at what consumers want. >>997183 The issue is that surveys can easily be influenced by social media. Just look at the recent Capcom super election and how Dino Crisis dominated the survey despite only being talked about recently due to youtubers and social media people pushing for a Dino Crisis remake. I don't think a Dino Crisis remake is a bad idea, although it would basically just be another Resident Evil Remake since Dino Crisis is basically Dinosaur Resident Evil.
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>>997185 >it goes back to the environment around the industry and how it rewards a hivemind circlejerk mentality rather than looking at what consumers want. What pisses me off the most about it all, is how they are shocked these layoffs and lack of revenue are happening. You spent two console generations openly hating on your consumer base, and spending the GDP of a third world nation, of fucking course this is happening.
>>997194 >spending the GDP of a third world nation In some cases quite literally. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reportedly cost about much as Palau's entire annual economy.
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>>997196 > Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reportedly cost about much as Palau's entire annual economy. What did they even need to spend this money on?
>>997173 >>997176 Video-games are no longer developed by people that play video-games or want to play the games they develop. Plain and simply. And also, many of these large companies are very happy to receive the black money in investments that comes from negotiating with DEI firms, which just massively worsens every game it touches because THESE PEOPLE DO NOT PLAY VIDEO-GAMES.
>>997198 DIE hires.
>>997168 I'm know one of the concept artists who was let go. We spoke on the phone last night and a good 90% of what this thread talking about is true. I will be vague on their gender and race to avoid outting them. They joined Bungie around early 2015 as part of the art team for gun designs mainly. They told me that for most of 2015 and half 2016 it was a pleasure to work for Bungie and opportunity to work on a major AAA title. However during the development process of the second game the cracks starting showing. Much of the leadership and development team that helped with Taken King and Rise of Iron left or was fired. The next several years especially lightfall lead to a total lack of moral. The Sony buyout was a total surprise and several senior developers left in protest. The current layoffs are the final nails in the coffin.
>>997232 I wish we could get more information on the situation, seems like the industry is in the middle of a cluster fuck. If we could get some more information on the situation then it would be beneficial in making some proper changes.
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This is apparently from Bungie studio that dev there would understand. I'd like to know more too.
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>>997256 >we got another Cosby suite shit show on our hands
>>997256 If I were naive I'd say it's just someone making a joke about how taking a shit can be difficult, and that's like a motivational poster for the next shitter. Knowing how degenerate most AAA studios are though I can't really give them the benefit of the doubt, although it's severely more troubling their toilet stall is closed off by a fucking shower curtain instead of, you know, a door with a lock.
>>997256 This joke is written in a lot of bar stalls and is fairly common. Mentally unstable tranny can not handle something as simple as "be brave" on top of a shitter.
>>997238 I'm going to speak more with them sometime in the coming week so I'll keep the board updated. One thing that was fath in humanity restored surprise was hearing that despite how left leaning much of the staff at Bungie is. They really weren't comfortable with someone working on Marathon having an only fans account. Several were genuinely distributed by others in Bungie and industry as a whole being enthusiastic about Trump's attempted assassination. Several senior developers also took personal offense to others badmouthing Marty O'Donnell saying while they did not share his conservative political views. They said Marty O'Donnell was nothing but kind and respectful to everyone he ever worked with. That his musical direction made Halo iconic. Much of these devs quit over the course of several years.
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>>997315 Alright, let us know what you're able to share. Thank you anon.
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>>997168 >>997178 It still makes me wonder why did Bungie wanted to join with Activision instead of going independent. They should have made a small game instead of the cluster fuck that was Destiny.
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>>997392 >It still makes me wonder why did Bungie wanted to join with Activision instead of going independent. They should have made a small game instead of the cluster fuck that was Destiny. For better or for worse, companies want to grow bigger and developers (in all their naive feckless ambition) want to make grand projects of the kind that simply isn't possible without AAA funds.
>>997392 board of directors thought it's better $ but miscalculated
>>997446 I understand and fully respect the sentiment, but don't forget that lack of ambition and getting complacent and relying on a single IP to carry you through is how you get million-entry zombie franchises that outlive their prime like Pokemon or Final Fantasy.
>>997446 I don't get why "lazy devs" is such a common refrain, I've been guilty of this myself in the past but as you learn more about the industry you quickly discover that across the board devs are often overworked and paid like shit. I think it's fair to criticize the quality of work compared to decades past, you rarely ever see a LeFay or Carmack in modern gaming, but "lazy" just doesn't make sense to me.
>>997492 Perhaps lazy is the wrong word, maybe run of the mill or shit devs are better ones.
>>997492 While I can definitely think of lazy case studies in the industry, (Ubisoft lmao) a lot of gamedevs work unusually high hours compared to other tech jobs. Something like 60-70 hours per week when a project is in full production compared to the 52 weekly hours other dev fields report working. What people see as lazy is more likely incompetence, bad internal pipelines, hastiness, or some combination of the three. I'm reminded of Cyberpunk 2077's development, where devs had so little communication between teams you'd often get several different shaders implemented that all did the same thing because nobody knew who did what yet. It's a big reason why that game was such a buggy mess at launch.
>>997446 >Developers are a bunch of lazy bastards who want to have someone giving them money money without the need to work Wouldn't you like the same? If you even worked at all >Lazy Bastards <T. Written by a fat retard who doesn't get out of the internet living in NEETbux while being allergic of doing Even the slightest slimer of work If anything, every codemonkey in that godforsaken industry knows that working in Game industry, is the same as being treated as a nigger in the 1700s, and god forbid you try to ask for a raise
>>997492 Pretty sure the devs of the past were on average more competent than the current ones and really getting fucked out of the money they deserved for the work and competence level they provided, or at the very least now there's only a small core team of high competence people with an army of disposable people shitting out code without much regard for anything and it only gets fixed if it's unavoidable. >>997497 I wouldn't think to ubisoft for lazy devs, they seem more like the ones where management is willing to grind people into the dirt until they're not useful anymore (though feel free to provide a specific example if I'm wrong) What would come to mind is either big indie rolling on investor money like Mr shitface or some way smaller indie that either doesn't realize the actual scope of what he wants to achieve like Starbound or is riding on the success of one of his games thinking he's got all the time in the world to make a second game
>>997168 >only animated from sheer monument You mean momentum?
>>997522 Forgive my typo.
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>>997523 I REFUSE
>>997492 You're operating on commie logic there. Someone putting in those many hours is just wasting time, the tools for making games are better than ever and you have enough indie success stories where the person was just developing as a hobby to show that "More Hours"≠"More Work"≠"Less Lazy". And yeah, "I'm only doing what my boss told me to!" is not a defense, it is in fact the very definition of toeing the line ie not actually investing yourself. Thing is, nowadays everybody in management is a petty tyrant so yeah, you're going to do what they say and if you step out of line by trying to make something that's not leftist garbage then I hope you have another way to pay the rent on your pointless city apartment. Someone with actual work ethic knows the value of time and realizes that the landlord of an LA tenement is not putting in any more time than one in the boonies so if they're demanding more they're overcharging and move. Spineless nudevs will just get milked like cattle, lazy until the end. >>997516 Depending on how far in the past you go the past devs were both more competent and made gangbusters, of course back then publishers were literally just publishers, just a company sourced by the dev team to put their software on floppies and CDs. Then you had an environment arise where less competent devs sought to work under these original gurus so that they could become like them, which included eventually making their own independent studio with other devs they had good relations with. They didn't get payed well but the idea was you weren't supposed to be able to stay at the apprentice level, you had to become a journeyman. The current crop of lazy ass devs just wants to come in, work a job then go home. They have no greater aspiration than being a laborer...but unlike a real laborer they're not busting their hump at a construction site or something they're sitting in a comfy chair in a climate-controlled office.
>>997392 They pitched This Tiny and Activision-Blizzard were the most palatable when they showed their ambitious and insane 10 year plan that barely scratched 1/4 of it. Suffice to say, THEY LEARNED JACK SHIT! They repeated the mistakes of World of Warcraft and Warframe, but did it fucking worse.
>>997535 Oh, and they needed several fucking studios to help them waste time making a game that's smaller than fucking Fallout 4. Acti-Blizz loaned them a lot of their fucking studios.
>>997392 >It still makes me wonder why did Bungie wanted to join with Activision instead of going independent. One simple thing, freedom is fine but to make big things from your big ideas you need the big bucks and that practically only comes with a corporation attached not everyone can pull a Star citizen It's not even the most puzzling case of such a thing, fucking iO interative I will never understand, they literally still had everything (tech, IP ownership, a fanbase ready to shower them in money) and the only reason they joined is to have the infrastructure to pull their online required mechanics, granted as bad as WB could be I'm sure it was better than being a westerner in SQE.
>>997171 Don't be sad, be glad this shambling corpse of a company is finally being put out of its misery.
Tripwire is going down the same path, thankfully. They were fucking ass even before the Sabre Interactive buyout.
>>997516 >Pretty sure the devs of the past were on average more competent than the current ones I remember talks with some older devs and a lot of them mentioned how generalists (basically someone with skills in multiple areas) were way more common back in the day which made things easier to communicate and work on. Where now you have these huge teams of specialists who mostly all stick to their one area. This situation reminds me of the quote: >A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one
>>997557 > way more common back in the day which made things easier to communicate and work on I remember something similar to that being mentioned in the R&C 2 / 3 dev let's play (guy went from tester to junior dev to senior dev in the span of Spyro 3 to R&C3), though they also had that one guy™ which literally could make magical assembly code for the PS2 on demand which is how those games even managed to get made and be half as good as they were. that LP had some very depressing things too, especially when it comes to focus testing, thing trending towards standardized and corporate naturally and Activision cocksucking
>>997559 Link to this video?
>>997560 >vid Well a lot more than that, it's old so expect shit audio and shitty intros, but still there's a lot of interesting things in there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK6eeS1LPFQ&list=PLBE216F8E761D085C&pp=iAQB That's R&C 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF2Qzi3GTq4&list=PL7D649DF9B66678B7&pp=iAQB That's R&C 3
>>997562 Thanks anon I'm a big fan of R&C, so this will be interesting to watch.
>discussion on why Bungie failed >no mention of this GDC talk https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZLbvMWEAoyY <shame on you Now to be serious, this is a very insightful talk on how management worked on Bungie starting with Destiny 1, from the horse's mouth, but whereas he presents it as a good thing, it sounds horrible to the average gamer. Some key points from the talk >we stopped making games we would like to play <that's something only old white guys care about >we redefined what it means to have a successful product <so no matter how botched the launch is we can say that players used Axe #324 fifty thousand times so the game is successfull >speed is more important than quality <so it doesn't matter how shit you game is at launch, as long as you roll out patches on a daily basis it will somehow work >first trust, then retention, then revenue <basically you first release a good product and sell it at a loss, and once you got the consumer in you squeeze them of the money, see also what Microsoft is starting to do with Xbox Gamepass >beware of overdelivery, you are creating patterns <if a DLC is too good the consumers will expect the next one to be just as good, so just release slop to keep the consumers in check >disagrees with the famous quote of "A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever" And that's just some of the snippets of it, I highly suggest everyone who hasn't already, watch this video, it's really insightful, not just for Bungie, but for other companies as well, including even something outside of gaming like Uber.
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>>997619 >Replying to niggerpill
>>997627 What a disaster.
>>997627 Niggerpill is here to derail with ad nauseum points, he will never explain why and how it's the kikes.
>>997581 I saw that years ago and couldn't help but wonder how? How does someone get like this? How do you go on stage and unironically say your game can't be too good? Most of all I want to ask is: How did you get to a point where you thought this would be a good thing to announce? Did you think the average gamer would be happy to hear this?
>>997636 > he will never explain why and how it's the kikes. We already know, though.
>>997643 You get like that when someone is paying you to talk on stage like that.
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>>997581 >we stopped making games we would like to play
https://archive.ph/wip/M8QxG Claim Bungie literally scammed Sony into thinking it was worth more than a 20th than the entity of Activison and would have died otherwise. Unfortunately by a Kotaku fuckwit, so I doubt it's real.
>>997725 Here's my thoughts on what most likely took place >Sony wanted to buy them just so M$ couldn't own them again >Sony thought current year Bungie could make them something like Halo or Marathon but for PlayStation >Having them would enable better live service titles >Putting money into Bungie would rid Bungie of it's issues and make them bank
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>>997643 >How did you get to a point where you thought this would be a good thing to announce As he says in the presentation, he unironically think he is the one who saved Bungie with his method of releasing as much slop as possible "embracing the live service mindset", and he wants to tell all the other companies, how they to, can be as successful as Bungie. >>997689 Well you see anon, the people at Bungie are all old white men, so it makes no sense to make games only they would like to play, instead it's better to create worlds that inspire friendship, even though I haven't heard Destiny having a robust social aspect that encourages making friends with other people. Now I hope you do watch the presentation, again it's very insightful even if it's a bit of a black pill.
>>997743 I watched it and I'm fucking disgusted, I hope more layoffs happen since this mentality is so present in the gaming industry.
>>997232 >>997315 Tell your friend to post here (And his friends, too). >>997546 >blame the SHAREHOLDERS So you need to blame the Average Joe, since the overwhelming majority of share exist as part of the 401k program that makeup people's pensions. >>997643 >How do you go on stage and unironically say your game can't be too good? Most of all I want to ask is: How did you get to a point where you thought this would be a good thing to announce? Did you think the average gamer would be happy to hear this? Anon, have you ever actually seen Karl Marx explain how Socialism/Communism is actually suppose to work? The answer you're looking for is that these people exist in a world that has zero connection to reality.
We ended up meeting up over the weekend and spoke more on Bungie. Sony for all the faults it contains was being extremely patient with Bungie. They gave Bungie much freedom for whatever projects it brainstormed. However Sony started to become less than impressed over the handling of Bungie's internal affairs. A few Sony higher ups weren't pleased with Marathon trying to be Escape from Tarkov. Marathon has been controversial within Bungie and several developers resigned or were moved. The older staff at Bungie did not want this to have the name Marathon attached to it. From what I've been informed about regarding Marathon it's trying to chase the Valorant and Tarkov audience. The new head of Marathon being former Riot and putting a focus on Hero shooter aspects caused several staff to quit or return to Destiny. There was several plans for Marathon several which included a story driven FPS in the vein of Halo and the original Marathon. A hardcore FPS roleplaying game without the MMO bloat of Destiny and both were labeled as new IPs. Several of the laid off Developers are thinking of starting a new studio with ex 343 guys. Others are done with working in video games in general. Several accepted jobs at other studios. All are very resentful of Bungie. My apologies for the wait Anons. Had to really make sure none of what is being said can be traced. Had to cut stuff out due to it potentially being comprising.
>>998490 Wait the new Marathon is a hero shooter?
>>998490 Predictable and not of all surprising. Sony suits not getting their money's worth. >>998607 Battle Royale Hero Looter Extraction Shooter.
>>998623 >Battle Royale Hero Looter Extraction Shooter. Who the fuck even wants this?
>>998460 >Anon, have you ever actually seen Karl Marx explain how Socialism/Communism is actually suppose to work? The answer you're looking for is that these people exist in a world that has zero connection to reality. The rationalization of it in his Manifesto if you actually try reading it is literal bullshit equations he makes up in regards to labor, not much of any of it makes any sense, the Bolsheviks just used him as an excuse to kill Russians. He is also legit jewish.
>>997808 >(1), but (1)ing >doesn't already know it's the jews >doesn't already know how and why Are you sure you belong here?
>>998630 The dumb fucks left in Bungie.
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It's the only other shooter genre they could turn into a live service without being called Destiny copycats.
>>998490 Oh, thanks anon. Honestly what you said makes a ton of sense. I hope the new studio is run by Bungie illiminai rather than someone from Microsoft. Still it's a shame that a lot of good people seemed to have left the industry because of this rancid high school political bullshit.
>>998490 I'm gonna put on some tinfoil here, but anon are you the dev who was laid off? I'm asking because if you are then, it's understandable why you've been going "I know a dev".
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>>998490 > The new head of Marathon being former Riot and putting a focus on Hero shooter aspects Fucking nepobabies
>>997176 >the reason why the industry is so out of touch with the market is because they lack proper market research and don't have offices outside of California This reminds me of a story about the production of The Rings of Power. They actually did a lot on market testing, and by and large the audiences hated what they were doing -- except the west coast audiences. So the producers clung to that notoriously liberal outlier and disregarded
>>998908 Oops, clicked by mistake. Was saying: the producers disregarded what the vast majority of viewers wanted, because they really wanted to push the "strong female character" that everyone finds so annoying.
>>998490 >Marathon has been controversial within Bungie and several developers resigned or were moved. The older staff at Bungie did not want this to have the name Marathon attached to it. From what I've been informed about regarding Marathon it's trying to chase the Valorant and Tarkov audience Well, I suppose the new kids don't get what Marathon MEANS. As in, how it is so precious and meaningful to its fans. It was a very good Mac exclusive series, back when it felt like the Mac was a threatened system. So people who loved the Mac really bonded over those games, there was a feeling of "this one is ours". Now I'd love to see a proper remake or reimagining, but to see this name being given to something completely different is repulsive.
>>998912 >because they really wanted to push the "strong female character" that everyone finds so annoying Which was doubly retarded because said "strong female character" was Galadriel one of the most OP characters in Middle Earth. A Noldorian white sorceress that can read anyone's mind and who's magic can rip down a whole tower of Numenorian make and that was also corrupted and ensorcered by dark magic, with only her shear force of will. And they turned her into a generic nufantasy girlboss. The dumbest fucking shit.
>>998908 >>998912 That's retarded, I'm surprised the top brass actually allowed that.
>>998955 How is it surprising? They've been doing this shit for 10 fucking years now
>>998908 I doubt anyone likes or cares for it, I'm in doubt that anyone on the west coast would care either.
>>998957 I know, and I'm surprised they're stubborn enough to keep doing this shit.
>>998919 >A Noldorian white sorceress that can read anyone's mind and who's magic can rip down a whole tower of Numenorian make and that was also corrupted and ensorcered by dark magic, with only her shear force of will. Remind me, in which of Tolkien's writings do I find all of that?
>>998919 I read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion pretty recently. I thought the whole bit with Galadriel was just that she was nice and graceful and perhaps wise. She's mentioned in The Silmarillion but doesn't do much. Being powerful is never really a point in Tolkien's stories. All his stories are about how the little guys triumph over powerful evil because they are good and determined. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are specifically about how the guys who aren't warriors save the day. Ripping down a tower with mind powers wouldn't be a thing his heroes would do. Hell, I don't think Sauron would have the power to do it. Maybe Melkor. Maybe. But then I haven't read the whole History of Middle Earth series. So maybe I'm missing something.
>>997492 >>998908 I'll give you an example - >bosses want a "game like fortnite but make it more "dynamic!", "synergize!", "exciting!", "fresh forward younger audience!", just like my MBA friend at Epic "created"! <we can make a espionage themed procedural generated world filled with interactable npcs and objectives can be sabotaged by other players >does fortnite have it? <no >then make it like fortnite, add 100 players on a flying bus and let them battle royale out <we can add player engage in indirect combat,traps and sabotage to facilitate stealth and espionage >does fortnite have it? <no >then make it like fortnite, guns everywhere on an abandoned map <we can have side objectives player can follow which can increase his xp, get unique items and help him complete the mission >does fortnite have it? <no >then make it like fortnite, enemies drop lootboxes and emotes on them <we can add unique spy clothes and dresses to blend in the crowd and even change mid mission >does fortnite have it? <kinda yes but not mid mission >well what are you waiting for? You spent last 2 weeks on useless mechanic, scrap it. I gave you a brilliant idea that will change the industry, Im such a dynamic genius team leader I'll brag about it for the next 3 meetings finally you get a drab, generic fortnite clone with vague hints of a espionage world, sabotage, and changeable clothes which the marketing dept will inflate the fuck over because that's the only unique thing about it. The devs might have some good ideas but the suits want the safe, predicted product with just the slightest amount of uniqueness. Hence the perception of lazy products
>>999009 >I thought the whole bit with Galadriel was just that she was nice and graceful and perhaps wise. She's mentioned in The Silmarillion but doesn't do much. She was one of the last surviving beings who had ever directly seen the light of the Two Trees, and she was also a ringbearer. It makes sense that she'd be a Mary Sue.
>>999059 Yeah but wasn't the power of her ring just used to make her forest kingdom incredibly beautiful or whatever? I'm sure I'm missing lots of semi-canon info, but I'm just wondering the source for that claim of her power, because I'm pretty sure even Maia don't have that level of power, including Gandalf and Sauron. Not only does it seem like it clashes with the lore, but it seems like it clashes with Tolkien's philosophy. Even Melkor, the most powerful being except for Eru, isn't shown destroying things with his mind. He can turn into a mountain and change the shape of the continents, but that all seems like physical manipulation, not just willing things to be destroyed.
>>999036 >Lunch & Learn Anon you somehow made me hate corporate slaveniggers even more than before
>>997492 Devs these days are absolutely cutting corners. Cutting corners is associated with being lazy. Ergo gamers think devs are lazy. Laziness may not be the reason why they're cutting corners, but as long as they continue to cut corners gamers will think they're lazy.
(for the record, I'm >>999003) >>999059 >She was one of the last surviving beings who had ever directly seen the light of the Two Trees In Middle-Earth, you mean. The Vanyar, who have never come back from Valinor, all lived there still. And Gandalf obviously does not count, being an incarnated angel. >>999078 >Yeah but wasn't the power of her ring just used to make her forest kingdom incredibly beautiful or whatever? Close. The rings stop the magic from dying away, which is why Rivendell and Lorien keep the wondrous things that otherwise would have been lost. With the end of the rings era, the magic officially leaves the mortal world completely and it all withers away too. >I'm pretty sure even Maia don't have that level of power, including Gandalf and Sauron Yes, and moreover each of the Maiar is stated to have but one talent, though it varies a lot: Eonwe the divine herald is a weapon master (why? no fucking idea), Gandalf is the wisest, Saruman was a master craftsman, Sauron seemingly saw the truth of things and hearts and so was great inventor, organizer, and corrupter of peoples. Obvious magic, however, has never entered there; it's not our modern high fantasy. Even Gandalf's magic tricks shown in the book are all small, and all have to do with fire, which is because it's all the Elven Ring of Fire he bears, not Gandalf's own magic. But there are actual displays of power in the Silmarillion: the Valar, being embodied primordial powers, do come down on Melkor's stronghold at one moment, and rewrite the geography in the process; Sauron and Finrod have a duel of magic poetry; Sauron and Melkor have a few cases of shapeshifting; Lutien sings even Melkor himself to sleep. There's also the Numenor going under the waves, which is suggested to be an act of Eru himself. Oh, and the Ringwraiths are still a case of animating ghosts. Conversely, Melkor vs Fingolfin is a physical fight.
Apparently the shit with Marathon is even more fucked from what I've been hearing on the web.
>>997492 Developers cannot afford to make games without the investors giving them capital. Making games is too expensive for most studios to afford, and you have situations like with Bungie where they are given enough money to make a game without additional investment and they squander it on other projects. Investors are horribly afraid of real innovation. They want a safe investment which means copying what others are doing. It doesn't matter if following the trend isn't working for anyone else, they are terrified that their money will be used on something that is new. The closest they will come to innovation is combining two existing things and smash them together, i.e. Hero Shooters are a combination of League of Legends characters systems, and FPS/TPS. Investors also love it when people get fired because it makes a volumetric that they use to judge a business look good. Labor is the largest cost and when you cut that cost, it make it look like you have made a lot of money with little labor costs. This is retarded as the income on the books was generated via that labor that was cut which means moving forward that same income level will not likely be possible. It doesn't matter if that labor is directly generating profits. GE's CEO Jack Welch one closed a very profitable lighbulb factory to increase the companies stock price. He is the guy who started the practice of mass layoffs to increase stock price.
>>999381 The key is that there are spirits who can do physical things, but the spirits themselves don't change the physical world except through their bodies. So some beings like the Valar and Maiar can shapeshift their bodies, and they might have skills that can impact people's souls, like the magic poetry battle you mentioned, but even that is more just like being a very skilled artist. Like Saruman doesn't hypnotize people, he's just very charismatic and knows how to manipulate people. Are the ringwraiths even reanimated ghosts? I thought it was more like their rings just kept them alive like half-dead beings. They're spirits and can see the spirit world, but they still have bodies enough to interact with people in the normal world. In the books characters even mention talking to them and sensing they were weird, but not knowing that they're literal wraiths. The point is, magic is really subdued in that series. Aside from the literal Catholic God, who can do whatever, almost everything else is just about keeping spirits alive, or beings that are truly formless changing the forms they take in the world. The rest is just being really charismatic or a really good poet or whatever. And oh yeah there are crystal balls that work like a video phone, and Gandalf has a ring that can shoot fireworks. Those are legitimately the best examples of magic in the series.
>>997174 >halo 2 actually managed to look worse than 1 in many ways (texture quality) >LOD pop-in was so bad cutscenes were impossible to view in full quality all the way through >barely half finished >halo 3 >just use perfect dark zero's engine >runs like complete shit in every game they made on this engine, about 640p and unable to reach a stable 30fps ever >horrible character models >also horribly unfinished >odst is a potato budget game that lied, odst troopers are just spartans with rebranded mechanics and slightly weaker melee >still full price >runs slightly less shitty than 3 >reach >performance is in the toilet >story is retarded, gameplay changes are retarded, feels like it retcons the trilogy >343 takes over >despite everything else, the 360 version of 4 runs silky smooth at a full 720p with antialiasing Just on a technical level, bungie was fucking horrible. Must have gotten super lucky with whoever did their game engines and technical side up through halo 1.
>>1001442 Halo 2 confused the shit out of me when I saw someone else play it because it somehow looked worse than Halo 1 and Halo 1 unashamedly re-used levels.
>>1001442 >>1001463 A big reason Halo 2's graphics looks off is because all the Art was designed around Doom 3 style Stencil Shadows, but then the OG Xbox couldn't handle it so it got cut. Vid related is where the pics are from, it was brought attention to this topic recently. There are small parts of the game with more dynamic shadows, that you can place character models under to see something more close to how they were intended to be shown originally. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rSu0QkDIjMI
>>1001473 I figured it was something like that, kinda like the Dark Souls 2 bullshit because it just looked like a fucking beta.
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>>1001463 The big selling point of Halo 2 wasn't the storyline. A lot of people were already feeling burned by the shift to taking place on another Halo - rather than having a longer campaign for the defense of Earth like what was shown in the E3 demo footage. Not to mention having to play as the Arbiter when they just wanted to play as Chief. The biggest draw to Halo 2 was the expanded co-op multiplayer with shit like dual weilding, and the integration of Xbox Live for multiplayer. Halo 3 had a lot more hype for it's Campaign mode with the "Finish the Fight" and war memorial campaigns, as well as the landfall trailers. There was a much higher expectation for the story of Halo 3 to be great since it was returning to the fight for Earth and was supposed to be the grand finale for the trilogy - whereas even from the promos it was clear that Halo 2 was just kind of filler. All people really wanted was to defend Earth from the Covenant hordes and Flood (and Bungie still fucked you off into space half-way through the game). But at least you played Master Chief through the whole game. Say what you will about the games themselves, the Halo 3 advertising campaigns were a master class in effective hype building
>>1001481 the Halo 3 advertising campaigns were a master class in effective hype building This just shows how cancerous (((hype))) is.
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>>1001490 >Halo 3 advertising campaigns were a master class in effective hype building The believe trailer is still one of the most ionic trailers in gaming.
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>>1001495 It's almost a shame that the Halo 3 marketing overshadowed the "I Love Bees" campaign from Halo 2, which was one of the first examples of using the internet for viral marketing that had a lot of people kind of awestruck at how effective it was for so little money.
>>1001481 >The biggest draw to Halo 2 was the expanded co-op multiplayer with shit like dual weilding [sic], and the integration of Xbox Live for multiplayer. Just how exactly are you defining 'expanded co-op multiplayer' if dual-wielding fits that criteria? "expanded co-op multiplayer" how exactly? Co-op was exactly the same as it was in Halo 1, local, split-screen only. There were no medals, no scoring, and dual-wielding is present in the single player.
>>1001504 Because I'm retarded and didn't mean to say co-op. Just the local offline multiplayer. Tons of places around locally were running demos of Halo 2 in the run-up to the midnight launch, and none of them had demos for the campaign. It was all FFA/TDM for people to try while they waited for midnight.
>>1001511 > while they waited for midnight. I remember when you used to wait at Midnight for Console and PC game releases. I feel sad now /v/.
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>>1001523 oh shit, I get it now All these zombified hobos you see in those driving-slowly-through-major-burger-city videos? They are still waiting for their PS3 games.
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>>1001654 I don't know why people still cling onto the nogaems meme when the PS3 ended the gen with arguably the best library. 360 does not get enough shit for how hard it fell off around 2008.
>>1001661 I couldn't think of too many games worth emulating in RPCS3 that don't already have ports that are better optimized besides Demons Souls and maybe Tokyo Jungle I guess (I don't really like Tales games), the gameplay part of MGS4 looks alright.
>>1001667 You ever played Folklore? It is a pretty fun game with an interesting story.
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>>1001661 The 7th gen was awful all around. >360 starts out by defining and refining the experimental online pozz of the Xbox and to a lesser degree the Dreamcast into Horse Armor, CoD map packs and gay niggers until 2008 >but it does actually have games for a time due to decently-designed and powerful hardware unlike the insanely retarded competition >Nintendo does a low-cost Gamecube refresh marketed towards toddlers and retirees, accidentally taps into the hitherto unknown potential of electronic old men and enjoys PS2-tier sales until 2008 while thinking it was due to the miracles of wagglan and not being insanely lucky with their marketing >Sony does a PS2: Saturn edition with a severely over-engineered CPU, hardware PS2 backcompat, an integrated HDD and a brand-spanking BD drive all in one package too expensive for the average pre-GFC household at the exact moment when online video streaming stopped being a meme thus completely obliterating Sony's attempt to repeat the DVD format rape the PS2 enjoyed during its early days, on top of that the system sees comparatively few games until late 2007/early 2008 due to the idiosyncratic CPU architecture <GFC happens >Microshaft engages in second-generation judeo-cultural soyification/proto-ESG by fully buying into the delusion of the Nintendo Wee succeeding not off the backs of retirement homes ordering systems en masse because they thought it was a fitness device and not a game console, goes full soytard with the 2008 Dashboard update and the Kinect in 2009-2010 >billions of dollars burnt on cultivating an audience Steve Jewbs had already snatched away with the iPhone 3G while pissing of actual video game enjoying men who thus began to head elsewhere, leaving a charade of FIFA and CoD-addicted dudebros too dumb to use a computer at the end of the gen >Nintendo's Wii sales crash hard after the GFC because the iPhone exists and the console casual market is fully saturated, by now Nintendo's decision to completely skimp out on their sub-Dreamcast Internet services rears its ugly head as the Horse Armor model of DLC jewry is starting to turn big dividends for Microshit and Sony >Miyamoto's advancing brain age leads to him and Nintendo's upper management being unable to come up with any solid ideas for the next generation, first shitting out the 3DS to follow the 3D fad and the Wii U to...uhh...innovate? >Sony manages to "recover" by a hair's breadth due to Microsoft sucking on their own shitting dick nipples, devs becoming more accustomed to the Cell BE's architectural oddities and Weeb VN devs moving to the PS3 due to MS' faggotry and Nintendo's irrelevancy >by the end of the 7th gen this results in the PS3 arguably being the "best" system, but it's debatable as to whether the increased sales of the second half of its mainline lifespan are enough to make up for the shitshow of its first And yet all that was still objectively better than what the 8th generation ended up as.
>>1001668 It looks alright for a cinematic Capcom Sony funded brawler, I've heard too many people praise and shit on it to not bother trying it out.
>>1001680 Graphics fidelity went up along with game development costs, and fuck, it's depressing to see how many studios died during that time.
>>1001692 You've seen people shit on it? I never have. I haven't seen anyone else besides me and maybe a few anons even mention the game exists.
Also, Sunset Overdrive + Battleborn is what comes to mind with the gameplay.
>>1001701 Older posts in the archive I mean, the shit part being the repeated levels with the two character story paths. I've seen footage of it before and knew it looked ok. I wouldn't be surprised if the company went bankrupt because of the Majin game they did for Namco.
>>1001680 Is it bad I miss 7th Gen over the cancer we have now?
>>1001708 They did a few other games after Majin. One is called "Knights contract" which I couldn't remember anything about, Only that the girl looks vaguely familiar. It is a shame though, I heard Majin was a pretty good game. The studio in question made a lot of unique and imaginative games but none of them seemed to have been very successful. >>1001710 7th gen is where the cancer started. It is like a patient looking back at the good old days when he didn't notice the tumor growing inside of him.
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>>1001710 Most of the people looking back fondly at the 7th gen. only do so because of how terrible this industry has gotten since. The initial gimmick was co-op and multi player for any game driving a lot of resources to half assed modes that were pretty much DOA. Horse armor was 2006 and got progressively worse fast.
>>1001711 >Knight's Contract Think God of War gameplay especially the fucking cinematic QTEs with a partner system where your player character can't die, but if your AI partner dies, game over. It had some nice gimmicks but man, Game Republic gambled it all on that game, and it was flawed as hell.
>>1001735 I didn't realize Tadashi wrote it and the Brave Story PSP game. Funny.
>>1001735 I think I am starting to remember now. I vaguely remember hearing about this game getting pretty poorly reviewed due to being an escort quest. Actually there was another game like that. Neverdead or something. You're immortal but if the escort die you lose.
>>1001710 >Man I miss when I only had aids instead of aids + cancer
>>1001785 I mean if you have aids and get cancer you are pretty much done.
It's because 8th and 9th gen set the bar so low that 7th Gen looks like a golden age in comparison.
>>1001710 It was the last generation that had actual games outside of Nintendo and Xbox live for all its 12 year old CoD niggers allowed to you name the nog without getting anally prosecuted, so I can't blame you for having fond memories the same way I can't blame ex-GDR boomers for having ostalgia of a time when there were no trannies or niggers in East Berlin.
>>1001710 I think it's fine, mainly because there was still a degree of individual freedom when it came to the internet (ex. I can yell expletives at people without a tranny trying to find my place of employment and get me fired, also entire communities of gamers weren't centered around discord or reddit) and there were games to be excited for even if it was less than 6th gen, and even if it was marred by being the catalyst for modern DLC/Live Service jewery. For the most part devs weren't 100% on board with digital distribution so games were at least a full package on release in the 7th gen. Plus 6th gen was fresh in everyone's mind and the consoles still worked and weren't overly inflated in price because of the "retro" boom
>>1001710 It's been over a decade. Despite soycucks' attempts at redefining "nostalgia" and "retro" to apply ONLY to things from their childhoods (90s-early 2000s) and earlier, it has objectively been long enough for 7th gen to be a nostalgic era from an earlier time. Some shitty, casualized, consolized games aren't anywhere near on the level of having had to live through a decade of war and strife, so it's not like you'd be too traumatized by anything real to have that natural rose-tinted outlook on the past.
>>1001680 I'll also post this. >>1001710 I can't say I blame you/
>>1001859 Consider, the difference between each console generation used to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv0_qMA4Cj8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m92JFeUVOPw Or: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KzhEGPUNIk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxuWy8LXyUg But such radical leaps every few years don't happen anymore. There's plenty of X360/PS3 games - consoles from almost two decades ago - that still look perfectly modern. So it just don't FEEL retro.
>>1001788 Sounds like vidya
>>1004492 What a time to be alive.
The lead of Marathon got outed from Bungie for being a sexpest.
>>1006824 >sexpest That doesn't mean anything. It's a term to describe things that don't even qualify as sexual harassment, but to make you feel as if it's the same thing. And sexual harassment is already a term made to make you feel like it's the same as sexual assault, when really it isn't even serious enough to qualify as that. And sexual assault is already a term made to make you feel like it's the same as rape, when really it doesn't qualify as that. "Sexpest" literally means "man a woman doesn't like."
>>1001710 Portable? Absolutely. Fantastic library. Non-portable? There's some 4/5 games worth a try if you've gotten everything better in the genre and really need more, but even the absolute best games of the era really feel like they're held back by the system and development demands of "HD" (actually 720p most of the time). It's especially bad when you remember a lot of the best titles the gen had to offer and were remotely original flopped hard like Alpha Protocol or Valkyria Chronicles and even the ones that did well and were reasonably good got assraped by publishers demanding the sequel be made for wider audience/proto-GAS only to lose both (Saints Row 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 1, Sleeping Dogs, Marvel vs. Capcom 3)
I wonder if Marathon is going to be cancelled now?
>>1007577 >they might try to shift Marathon to a traditional singleplayer game. That's Sony's bread and butter. Sony's bread and butter is killing them, though. That's why Ryan tried the whole pivot to live service games to begin with. As it is now, according to the FTC leaks, Sony is relying on other live service titles on their platform (primarily COD) to subsidize the low and increasingly negative returns from their pozzed single-player titles. People criticize Microsoft for not even trying to compete with Sony, but really they don't need to. They just need to sit back, shill controllers and services, and watch Sony suffocate under their own weight. Until the Acti/Blizz aquisition - the entire Microsoft division was little more than a rounding error on Microsoft's financials - whereas Playstation is by far Sony's most profitable brand and if they fuck that up - it would take the rest of the company down with them. Part of the reason why Sony has been making moves to split off their financial services is because it's their second most profitable division, and they don't want a failure in the console space to take it down with the rest of the ship.
>>1007577 >Halo was going to be an RTS exclusively for Macintosh Huh, i guess that makes sense with all the weird, convoluted Lore bungie had going on, a sci-fi Myth.
I think Marathon might get a rebrand considering how even normalfags don't want more Heroshooters.
>>1007751 I wonder if Concord's flop is going to make Sony force Bungie to change directions?
>>1007766 It might just make them double down, to be honest. Try to force the idea to make up for the losses of another project?
>>1007783 I was thinking that they'd probably just double down since the new CEO is the Horizon guy.
>>1004492 That's because nothing has changed since then anyway, there's no reason the Gamecube couldn't have its own Concord
>>1007584 I remember being told that there's a metalore continuity from Myth and Marathon through Halo and continued on in zombie form into destiny.
Although the lore is only present in the first Halo game before being dropped.
Then again the security helmet made it's way into Halo 3 as bit of a nod back to Marathon.
>>1007792 Myth, the tactics games? I don't believe so, no. They're a blatant ripoff of inspired by a fantasy series called The Black Company.
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>>1007792 >>1007796 Oh no, the metalore its very real, its some wacky, interesting this, Mandaloragaming covered it. Basically Pathway into darkness, Marathon, Myth and Halo are all tangentially related by a couple of things, and a bit of that carried into destiny, but since the people that were actually working on those games are no longer there, in destiny its just a sort of injoke instead of a cool background thing to autism over.
>>1007797 The dead dreaming eldritch god is implied to be the background villian across it all. Even into Destiny.
The W'rkncacnter that's it.
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>>1007798 >>1007799 >The dead dreaming eldritch god is implied to be the background villian across it all. Even into Destiny.
>>1007766 >change directions That's the glorious thing about 4-8+ year devs cycles: They can't. Concord's 8 years of development started development when Overwatch was new and people were hotly anticipating GotG2 off the surprise success of the first film and it shows.
>>1008074 >That's the glorious thing about 4-8+ year devs cycles: They can't TF2 was in development for nine years and shifted four times, what are you talking about? Deadlock has been in development for six years and shifted at least three times. If anything, a protracted development is often a sign a game has changed direction. See >>1006741, Concord looks like it was supposed to have a different art style originally. The game taking this long to develop is probably a result of them changing it over and over.

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