/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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"Rokka" appreciation thread Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 00:35:09 No. 33730 >>33831
Rokka, for many of you who do not know, is this guy. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Rokka He is not an artist. None of what he has is his own art. In fact, having known him and long since parted ways, he straight-up admitted that he doesn't know how to draw. The thing is, he never cites any of his artists or writers. He would be content for everyone to believe it's just him. So here's a thread of all "his" content. Yar Har'd, of course, it's the pirate life for me. Please show some appreciation to the REAL creators. Ono fire (Artist, just google) aryc99 (Artist on Discord) https://twitter.com/po_ki_yu?s=21&t=NwF4SUrd_uReK8B6v7YBqg (The guy who animates it all) yuuki_0629 (Artist on discord) hades (artist, ???)
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Heine's Peril
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here is that one sketchpack that one anon keeps asking for
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>>33730 (OP) >"I may not be an artist but I'm an ideas guy, and my artist friends help me bring these ideas to life! >>33731 >"Auntie your boobies are mine now, your my tummy's food and tummy food doesn't need boobies." I am speechless
I have one request for this thread, please stop saving/copping images so they have the "image0" name stuff
Bump so someone leaks the new beach sketchpack
>>34479 literally was just coming here to ask for it it's the Beach babes Vore sketch pack by the way
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>>34480 mentlegen.
>>34517 very nice man
because it wasn't added here when it was added to the shota vore thread, here's "A shotas vore day surprise"
mf thought just because he coud 'ask' the artists draw his idea he thinks its instantly his art. while it could be commissioned art or the artist drew it but ran away later. sick fuck
News of the latest pack?
>>38019 In General Requests thread.
So why is this guy's signature/watermark on these pictures that he didn't draw? He claims to be an 'ideas guy' but his ideas are just 'what if girl in belly but very tight' and his dialogue writing is beyond laughable.
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Anyone got these?
Can someone update this thread?
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>>40143 >>40144 I asked someone in the general request thread >>40354 (25973)
Anyone have Rokka’s new animated uploads? Fateful Night and Uzaki VR image?
Anyone got Rokkas new thing?
The inhuman and Unforgivable horror.
last chance to get any of his shit on gumroad before it disappears for good
Anyone have the new comic Roka posted? https://www.fatfreecartpro.com/i/13lcc?card
>>48795 Bump for this

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