/2434/ - Nijisanji

We Are Pomu

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Check the updated rules pertaining the discussion of ex-livers

Welcome Papaya Board owner 03/25/2023 (Sat) 20:19:04 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to /2434/, the board dedicated to the discussion of the virtual Youtuber group Nijisanji's talents and activities. Board Rules 1. Global rules apply. Please familiarize yourself with them. 2. No shitposting. Self-explanatory. 3. No encouraging of raids or harassment against Nijisanji livers. Self-explanatory. 4. No numberfaggotry. Will be enforced loosely. Mentions of numbers as milestones will be tolerated, but shitposting using numbers as a basis will not. 5. No off-topic discussion. Attempt to keep discussions pertaining to Nijisanji and Nijisanji alone. Collabs and livers showing up in other's people chats are ok. Personalities of ex-livers are held to the same standards as outside vtubers and will be upheld to the same rules 6. Spoiler NSFW images with extreme fetishes. Things like scat, guro, vore, etc should always go spoilered. Please feel free to write suggestions on how to improve the board down below.
Edited last time by Koikoi on 06/02/2024 (Sun) 23:43:15.

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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 22:34:32 No. 72237 [Reply] [Last]

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LMAO We got another Vanta situation
Wilson would sacrifice Finana for Bunny Garden streams to be back
Vanta anti slutshamed Wilson because he should be more proud of dressing like a slut

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Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 06:10:55 No. 135 [Reply] [Last]
I love Enna so much bros It started with her Detroit Become Human playthrough. Her love of Connor RK900 was hilarious and refreshing to me to see a vtuber not just play the gay card and actually show some heterosexual attraction (I felt the same way when I watched through Pomu's MGS series). And then she went through the entire David Cage catalog and all those videos are super fun, I recommend them, and I don't know but at some point I just felt super connected to her. She's like the girl I always wanted to meet, but never did. I liked how real she felt. I even actually liked her collabs with Kyo. I found her chemistry with him to be endearing. although I'll never admit it in /NijiEN/ because Enna-schizo will pounce on it, I did feel a bit of a pin prick in my chest at some of her interactions with Kyo that made me realize I was jelous of him. I was becoming truly parasocial I had to distance myself a bit to get rid of the parasocial feelings, and I recently came back to watch her Bully playthrough, that was great. I think instead of lusting after Enna I'm going to embark on a much more healthy expedition of lusting after chinese western girls. I plan to move to Toronto in the future in hopes of finding someone like her, or at least go to an anime con there or something. Wish me luck!
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>>72218 Nijifes is organized months before it gets announced so I imagine she found out about it very early. Also why does she keep calling it "Nijifest" with a t at the end.
I enjoyed the heart-to-heart birthday voice pack talk, that very small bit about having less time to spare for her exactly describes where I'm at now. I'll be slowly going through the birthday batsu karaoke VOD to pass the time till Overture. >>62356 I wonder if she was referring to this VP but it's nice that we'll still get to see what she originally planned.

Fujothread Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 03:53:41 No. 84 [Reply]
Post homos and the homo-adjacent here.
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Time to revive this thread
>>21788 Okay, so when do we start?

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General Female Lewd Thread Anonymous 02/12/2025 (Wed) 21:12:42 No. 72653 [Reply]
(1000+ images in a thread makes it load really slowly so this thread has to get remade every once in a while) A thread for posting lewds of the female livers from Nijisanji, Nijisanji EN and VirtuaReal Pixiv Nijisanji tag https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%81%AB%E3%81%98%E3%81%95%E3%82%93%E3%81%98/artworks?mode=r18&s_mode=s_tag Pixiv NijiEN tag (sometimes people use this one): https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/Nijisanji_en/artworks?mode=r18&s_mode=s_tag Pixiv VirtuaReal tag https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/VirtuaReal/artworks?mode=r18&s_mode=s_tag Vtuber nude model edits: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1hbE-XXKLBiiC2URlyZH0ERcFcMashU9L NijiEN R18 tags Elira: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23elilust&src=typed_query&f=live Finana: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ryugasm&src=typed_query&f=live Rosemi: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23erorose&src=typed_query&f=live (Unofficial) Petra: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23gur18n&src=typed_query&f=live (Unofficial)

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/nijisanji/ にじスレ Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 01:41:20 No. 68 [Reply] [Last]
IM@S edition
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She's so dorky when she sings this song
I see a lot of Reimu's regulars in Hana's chat. What a weird overlap
Full setlist

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VirtuaReal Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 07:11:33 No. 227 [Reply] [Last]
Official site: https://vrp.live/ Main Bilibili: https://b23.tv/LQ21oaK
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Nox's performance with Yukie from Bili2 Fire-Ice Music Festival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xjk8cC_YwM

Btw we are near post limit, can someone make another thread since Ren's 3D is in 3 hours?

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Scarle Yonaguni Anonymous 04/11/2023 (Tue) 03:05:29 No. 586 [Reply] [Last]
I love Scarle!
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>>70124 Thank you anon!
Finana he's like 23, he's no DILF
Feesh is down bad for the guy lmao

>Layla got bamboozled by the "doubles money" thing kek
Layla's is too deep into it... She was gonna end stream like 20 minutes ago
>I'm Layla not Aia kek

NJU Watch Thread Anonymous Board owner 12/19/2024 (Thu) 00:08:27 No. 65978 [Reply] [Last]
An anon was kind enough to provide us with a re-stream of day 1 and 2 (Day 3 is free for everyone) and I will be sharing the link with regulars of this board. Just so you know the rules if you weren't here last time: >Reply with your email account (heavily recommend making a burner with proton) >I'll look into your past posts and see if you at least have 5 posts before this thread was made >If you have a dynamic IP, VPN, etc. then I'm going to ask you to search and send me 5 of your posts so i can verify your identity, you can email them to frogbert2232@proton.me >A few hours before the event i will send you en email to your provided account with the link to the stream >If something happens to the stream and if i get another link, it will also be provided to you >All the emails will be coming from frogbert2232@proton.me and I will post in the thread the moment I send them >Please don't share the link with anyone, gatekeep it as much as you can to keep the integrity of the stream and the goodwill of the re-stream anon >If you still have an email from an earlier watchalong and are on the list of emails I have saved then just reply with the email and you'll be given access without the 5 post rule to speed the process up As an added please use this thread to discuss NJU and NJU related stuff
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Maririn will be yapping about NijiFES in about an hour. Don't see much point of liveposting this in this thread, so just do the discussion in the main one

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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 01:56:57 No. 64898 [Reply] [Last]

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Pomu would love this Easter Egg if chat actually backseated her into doing it. Instead all easter eggs tha are always backseated are the ones where Johnny is shitting...
>>68030 Or them yelling at her about the hidden flashback

/2434/ is formally invited to the /christmas/ interboard event of 202 Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 01:34:02 No. 64802 [Reply] >>64811
Merry Christmas, anon. You are invited to this year's >>>/christmas/ event. This project aims to gather anons from different board from inside and outside 8chan and hang out together and have fun. The planned date is December 14 and 15, so I hope I'll see you there. If you have any questions about the event, please make me know here or in the organization thread >>>/christmas/3691
>>64802 Thank you for the invitation! Although I don't know if it'd be a great idea since our community is very hermitic for a good reason, also since this board is dedicated to streamers and they have streams along the day we usually tend to stick to whatever stream is going on at the moment. Thank you very much again, this isn't a "nobody will attend" because I'm not every anon here but it's more of a "please don't expect us to be there"
>>64811 >our community is very hermitic for a good reason That's completely understandable. The point of the project is to set aside differences for a couple of hours and have fun, but if you don't feel like sharing Christmas festivities with other random anons then it's fine too.

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