/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Black Women as Preds Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 17:09:32 No. 49474
This is a thread dedicated to black women in vore (especially same-size) as preds. Pics can include both drawings and photomanips. Honestly, there aren’t enough depictions of black women as preds.
my favorite. black mommy preds
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Monkey thread
>>49576 Um akchewaly this pred´s a latina
>>49582 Um actually go fuck yourself
n word
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Opinions on black people as a whole are irrelevant. We are here today to discuss black female preds.
>>49659 agreed
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Weird how I find black women unattractive irl but appealing in vore. Maybe it's the cartoony look, or maybe it's just refreshing after seeing mostly white preds for 20 years. Or, I have jungle fever all along and just repress it. Idk, vore and autism is one hell of a ride and none of it makes sense.
>>52003 I'm exactly the opposite...22 years of being sexually active, longer into vore ( pre internet days) and I gravitated to more female black partners for their shape and open minds with "vore sexual talk) while fuking. There have been fun white/ European but black woman are proud of thick, soft bodies and have a constant sex drive ...my two cent as a white male with this cursed fetish for 30 years.
I think one of the reasons I find black women to be hot preds is the aggressiveness, pride, and sort of solipsistic vibe I sometimes get with many, but not all, black women. That goes double for the "big-momma" types, or the large "Lateesha" kinds (you know what I mean). Then contrast that with the image you get of white/asian women, who we often picture as more meek, or just more weak and delicate. Something just seems right about the idea of the large black woman swallowing and digesting a small white woman, especially in a malicious, or gluttonous way.
>>52345 Fuckin- Couldn't have said it better myself man!
>>52345 Dominant whites/asians/Latinas > laqueeshas
>>52345 yeah, we need more black ghetto women eating random white girls
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I just experienced exactly this vibe. I was eating lunch at a nice restaurant with my spouse. We were sitting next to a large black woman talking to a younger black woman. She was talking about personal relationships, loudly, and what she talked about was so callous about her now-ex-husband, and others in her life that she loves, and she was so self-aggrandizing that I was shocked. She said things like, "they are not on my level", "what I want, I get", and "don't get in my way". The other woman was feeding into it too. I was shocked. The vore-loving side of me went wild though. I could literally picture that if it was possible to swallow someone, no one was watching, and someone got in her way, she would probably do it and justify it to herself.
>>52345 I speculated a while ago this particular fetish is basically just advanced cuck porn. For the same reason Destiny wants to sit in his cuck chair and beat off while a big buck nigger fucks his wife like an animal. He doesn't see them as human, even though he'd never say it. This is basically similar - a pretty, weak, naive woman claimed by a loud, obnoxious beast. Not judging if any of you are gay enough to act offended. Just autistically saying shit how i see it.
I think you are definitely right for part of the audience for this interest. The raceplay cuck is definitely on the rise over the last few years, and it diffuses into the vore community too. In my case, I don't feel that black people, black women in particular, are less than human, or any other race. The loud/aggressive archetype has just been an interesting/attractive one for me because of my constant exposure to it where I live/work, and have lived/worked. I am in the vore camp where my foundation has always been the idea of degradation of women in general, in the form of consumption and digestion, whether the pred is human or non-human. Then after that, I prefer predators which willfully engage in the activity, and express power over others. In my bias, I have come to ascribe power in mind and body to black women, and because of that, I identify them as prime preds. I know I am splitting hairs here, but I am a degenerate in a different, possibly worse, way than the vorecucks.
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>>52532 >I don't feel that black people, black women in particular, are less than human, or any other race. That's not going to stop baizuo from calling you racist. Also, you guys are overthinking a lot of this stuff. The simple fact of reality is that white guys will fuck a woman of almost any race, meanwhile men of every other race are more likely to desire white girls (If not their own people). Why that is? No one fucking knows, but the Spics and niggers on this site find it to be funny as Hell. As far as raceplay/cuckplay/BLACKED, that only "works" when it's when it's a nigger fucking anything that isn't a niggeress. Why is that? Well, simply, it's harem rules (One guy to sire many children, but one girl can only sire one child every nine months), but it's more than that. It's because (And, yes, we're getting into "schizoid territory", for those of you who like to avoid politics and reality) it plays upon ideals of "cultural/ethnic genocide" and being taken over by an alien people. This isn't some conspiracy theory as politics have played upon these fears heavily for the past two centuries. And they are correct to a point. The reason why people hate the Muslims is due to their religion literally mandating that they wipe everything from the Earth that doesn't agree with Allah, and their jihad is what directly caused the Dark Ages in Europe as they took over the Southern half of the continent. As a darker aspect of American colonialism, European powers literally did destroy entire civilizations to the point that we don't have any record of them even existing outside of cave drawings, pottery, and fossil records (If that). So the fear of losing your entire existence to an outside race is justified as it has happened time and time again throughout history. However, it's especially poignant when it comes to blacks because they were the most savage and uncivilized people on the planet. This isn't to be mean or say who's culture is better, that's just the way things developed. When Europoors first arrived on the Western and Southern side of the African continent for trade, the blacks living there were already engaging in some of the most widespread slave trade next to the Muslims in the Middle East. Yes, you had the human sacrifices in Meso-America and the cannibalism in SEA, but all those areas were tamed and "civilized" to some degree. Meanwhile Africa still remains an undeveloped shithole to this very day (Though there's increasing reason to argue that it's more exploitation and infinite foreign aid that's keeping them down rather than something they did entirely to themselves). And you have emotionally-manipulative psychopaths that are taking advantage of the "historically subjugated" Africans as a way to push their insane political programs through, but only so much as they remain in power and get to keep their privileges. And the result is that you have sadomasochistic elites in power who are manipulating the average person's desire to "help" those in need, and then proceeding to mock them for daring to sympathetic with the image of their identity being erased from existence as an alien people steal your spouse and future. And that's the basis for raceplay/cuckplay/BLACKED. And, no, it doesn't matter that a woman can be a "dominant" one in the relationship. Unless she is literally cucking the guy by being impregnated by someone else, it doesn't count as "raceplay" or being "BLACKED". As our friends over on /h/ point, it still counts as being BLEACHED: >>>/h/2702 Now get to posting more niggeresses.
>>52653 Not reading all of that, don’t clog the thread with your research paper
>>52653 > "you guys are overthinking a lot of this stuff" > overthinks even more
Jesus Murphy! I fuck black woman because they have massive thighs,wide hips and a ass that appeals to me but Latina and Dominicans do too. It's a preference. Cuck is a soyboi,liberal fetish , showing weakness. How is it limited to black woman? White women promote that nonsense too. Let's just get back to posting pics ....
>>52653 Damn nigga shut up
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Right, back to the topic. Who are the best artists right now that have black female preds? A few of the artists I used to see seem to have moved on.
>>52848 sauce?
>>52850 Read the fucking title of the thread retard, it says black women
>>52897 But its a woman? Dont you see her tits?
>>53029 Buddy. Fat dudes. Have titties
>>52858 Do you have the source of this?
>>54796 Sacrifice to the vorny source gods.
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>>49707 sauce on the fourth?
>>54826 Rac0r
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>>52849 gave me a chuckle
There is at least 3 black gals lurking this thread.
>>57817 yeah cause theres alot of nut jobs in here who think "vore is my fetish im the only one who gets to say who can do it and in what way they can do it" theres even people complaining about how long it takes to make vore games or complaining about people making vore streams
>>59865 Those comparisons are not equal. Anons are against things like "vore streams" because they don't want normalfags getting involved in the fetish and proceeding to either sanitize or flanderize what makes the concept of appealing. People complain about porn games taking so long to develop because of how nearly all of them are attached to Patreon and similar services, platforms the incentivize developers to keep the game in a state of eternal development rather than reaching a point of completion because the money "ends" the moment you produce a finished product. And as for the "im the only one who gets to say who can do it and in what way they can do it", that goes both ways. I already mentioned the above instance where people act that way because they don't want normalfags ruining things. But then there also things from the opposite direction. Where someone who has zero connection to the topic of interest (Vore in this case) enters the conversation and demands that the entire world bend over backwards in order to accommodate them, and declare that anyone who doesn't agree to do so "Does not represent the interests and attitudes of the 'true vore community'," with the intention of getting those people kicked out for their "divisive" attitudes. None of this shit is new.
>>59871 Clearly you're making that stuff up because for one the people who do the vore streams don't give a shit who you are as long as you're not a shit bag of a person like a Nice person the games people complain about aren't even on patron and the people going like "this is my fetish I can say who can and can't like it" are doing it to people who don't do it to people like then so stop fucking gatekeeping a fucking fetish you dumbasses its not that big of a deal
>>59874 People do vore streams? Could you share examples? Don't fucking say voraisha or whatever her name is.
>>59865 nah i said that cuz ik theres 3 vore content creators who are black women that keep posting screencaps of these threads. our ebony queens really do be lurking.
>>60873 Who?
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