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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Huckleberrybleu Stuff Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 21:06:57 No. 65787 >>65794 >>65833
Basically I just want some of the Hungry Fox stuff he posted as he blocked me for thinking I voting for Trump which I didn't so if you could post any stuff of his that'd be awesome
>>65787 (OP) >loses his GF to a gross trannie >spergs out harder than ever before Not surprising.
>>65794 Yeah all I said to him is at least don't say "Fuck You" to the people who couldn't vote and all he said was "If a criminal can be a president then I can do as I damn well please" then he blocked me which is a ashamed as I really love his vore stuff.
>>65799 It's surprsing how many vore fag are also neck deep in political brain rot
>>65824 Yeah it's bizarre how vore creators are just into politics and have a pissy fit when their favorite person isn't president and I hate politics
>>65787 (OP) >he blocked me for thinking I voting for Trump >>65824 >surprsing how many vore fag are also neck deep in political brain rot You people are surprised by this? Where have you been for the past decade? This is the future and the world you chose.
>>65833 Jeez... Who let this liberal come by...?
>>65840 >liberal Guess again
>>65842 Huckleberrybleu himself? Idk.
To anyone what I said on Twitter before he blocked me this is what I said and what lead me to make this if anyone was curious
>>65854 No, jackass. I'm one of those "Right Wing Safety Squad" members you've been bitching about for the past decade. Who have been complaining about people never shutting up about their political opinions, tired of people making everything political or a statement (From video games to fucking beer), and censored off of half a dozen forums because I don't believe in the Postmodernist ideology that everything about reality (From language to sex) is a social construct enforced through power dynamics. At this point, I don't know what else to say other than consistently point out how you retards did this to yourselves. That this happened because you so desperately wanted your "Progressive utopia" without ever actually asking what exactly you're "Progressing" towards. And even then, I'm not asking for anyone to tell me that I'm "Right". I don't care if I'm "Correct". What I care about is people getting off their ass, take some responsibility, and fix the shit that they broke.
>>65868 Well geez sorry you thought I was "bitching" about anything I'm not right or left I was just saying is that I can't even vote and at least not be mean to others didn't think I was censoring anyone.
>>65855 Lmao what a sensitive faggot, no wonder his girl left him. Imagine, being seen as less of a man than a fucking trannie.

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