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Cookies Cookiehound 10/24/2021 (Sun) 19:52:36 No. 1054
Can we have a fem dog thread? So many dicks not enough cookie love
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Somebody explain me how whole dog/human cocks manage to fit in holes that are the size of a finger without being teared apart.
>>1064 Nobody is telling to you to fuck chihuahua, if you look on penis sizes of medium to large breeds they are more than capable to take a human without a problem.
>>1064 The vulva is made of the same tissue as your lips. You can pucker up to make your mouth really small, or you can open your mouth so wide you can fit your whole fist inside. The real entrance limitation with dogs is the size of their pelvic opening. If your erect cock is less wide than a newborn pup of the breed you're fucking, she can take it. >>1074 I've actually seen men fucking a chihuahua on zoox18 with no damage done to the dog. Video title is "Tag team group fuck with small dog"
>>1117 very hot
>>1117 nothing beats that lifting up of the vulva like in the dane video. so hot knowing she's 100% ready for sex. and that husky walk ... not to be a downer, but i was so sad for her owner to hear she died last year.
Dog vulva in the face prank: https://youtu.be/SnCChCVwV-I
As soon as my pup gets old enough I'll surely send vids/pics she's a almost 4 month old german shepherd.
(2.11 MB 3760x1880 33463668898_6a8a049a5b_4k.jpg)

Wanted to share this photo I just found. These prehistoric lookin jungle dwellers are a rare South American canine called Atelocynus microtis.
>>1221 Fascinating! At its very best /zoo/ always feels like an issue of national geographic from Hunter s. Thompson.
>>1117 What is the context of the great dane video? Do you have a link to the original?
Anyone has videos/gifs with female dogs having orgasms?
(2.80 MB 1280x720 female dog orgasm.mp4)

>>1525 what is that? so hot!
(105.03 KB 1024x768 dog.jpg)

For those who loves that...
(74.74 KB 655x585 BxaUa5XIUAAvbnV.jpg_large.jpg)

(373.87 KB 480x268 Pitbull Orgasm.mp4)

>>1592 Holy shit I absolutely have to ask for more
Does anyone have any dog pussy endoscope videos? This is the closest one I could find.
>>1643 I want to feel that orgasm on my dick. Man I bet she'd be soaking wet
>>1740 the way that cookie perks up. Fuck I wanna fill it
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Any makers of fleshlight-like masturbators that have a cookie-shaped entrance? (closest I've seen is american-meat.com theirs look kinda gross because they sculpt hair into the silicone)
>>2344 Bad Dragon is the best!
>>2344 https://www.american-meat.com is the best for cookie masturbators! (available on etsy too https://www.etsy.com/shop/DirtyInternetToys ) Bad Dragon’s management likes to ripoff people’s ideas and give nothing in return. Their penetrables are crap if you’re larger than average (way too tight to be pleasurable / pushes you out). I avoid them and advise others do the same.
Does someone has female dogs and dildos?
>>2631 I do happen to have a female dog and a dildo but they will not interact with one another in any way, good day sir.
>>2632 And why if I may ask?
>>3060 Holy shit, this photo really exist? So fucking hot!
>>4517 Bro! this is art bro! this is a completely art! 0w0
>>4517 What a nice pussy!

(148.56 KB 1024x768 German_Shepherd_vulva.jpg)

>>4517 Wow! That's a great cookie
>>4614 you have more?
>>2344 >>2360 so which one for the most anatomically correct and closest to the real thing
>>4979 The one from dirty internet toys is very accurate. Bad dragons Natasha is designed after a goats vagoo
>>4614 The thing with canine pussy is that it's far more muscular than human and tighter... Far more stimulating than anything else out there, take as well the rare case pf getting stuck to one and you'll soon find out what you're missing on.

(213.66 KB 720x1280 73967.jpg)

(185.04 KB 881x877 dalmatian_dora (1).jpg)

(1.31 MB 854x384 female orgasm.mp4)

Can we have more stuff with sex toys?
Happy happy happy
Happy happy happy
>>8612 get this infantile cartoon shit outta here man. you have to be 18 to be here.
bump lazy bump geta edited lazily. Do better negro.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 10/13/2023 (Fri) 06:03:59.
>>2146 >>2145 >>2147 Some men have all the luck.
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(5.31 MB 720x1280 005.mp4)

>>1117 Anymore like this?
(2.18 MB 640x352 60702_SD.mp4)

More dildo stuff
(10.61 MB 720x480 Dildog.mp4)

>>9585 Nice do you have more?
Does any one has something with bigger dildos, plugs or other sextoys?
>>9645 If you're the same fag baiting people with vids on all the other threads going "ShOuLd I pOsT??" Fuck off, tard.
>>9645 You're getting ridiculous, you know?
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>>6554 Holy…
Yes I know this has been posted before but it's my favorite cookie pic and without nasty JPG compression
>>13960 I've seen several vids of that dude fingering and toying with that Dane But no penetration pics or vids Where did he go
>>13977 You got any source on those videos?
(3.92 MB 1278x720 ssstwitter.com_17185289.mp4)

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>>14428 >2nd pic Hot
(853.01 KB 1366x768 Screenshot (137).png)

>>14399 Knowing that this gape is due to a big human cock makes it incredibly hot
(802.57 KB 448x480 Plap.mp4)

guy posted this one on the request thread. too bad it doesn't have sound
omg that's super hot! where did you find it?
(10.27 MB 720x1280 VID_20490915_152202_162.mp4)

>>15374 Get this shit outta here you creepy ass nigga
>>16710 Should have been plowing that cookie. She wants it
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A few of these have been shared before, but here's the full original set
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I have no idea how anyone is able to live with a female siberian husky and resist the temptation
>>17561 Honestly? Yeah, same. I'd be plowing that cookie regularly.
(528.26 KB 1184x720 WQdmQniOShwzCSbK.mp4)

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(3.18 MB 720x960 OUW-Kb5sNRixgYcj.mp4)

(73.25 KB 720x464 NhsEl_IEXaLXxCtO.mp4)

>>18230 more husky pleaSe
>>18228 Holy shit German shepherd poon looks like THAT?! I need to get me a gsd girl so fucking bad
Hey everyone Does someone know a side like callista for dogs?
>>18228 That gsd is hawt, have more of her?
(151.31 KB 960x1280 IMG_4565.jpg)

>>21458 how did you get this picture?
>>21558 uhhh ohhhh....
>>22663 Ugh, the breeding one is so hot. I just want to make out with her pussy and his balls and drool all up and down where they're knotted.
>>22665 i want to "fag" too - do i need to take a number?
More dildos and plugs pls!
>>9523 Wait why is ht pussy split in 2 canals?
>>24057 from the vid viewpoint on her back, the top part would be the clitoral fossa, and the bottom part would be the actual vaginal canal standing pic for ref: yellow = vaginal canal blue = clitoris green = clitoral fossa learn your dogfucking anatomy, furfag. goddamn
(236.64 KB 1638x1285 femdoganatomy3.jpg)

>>24060 and I forgot the pic lol
>>24061 Zooville fag. Gi back
>>24061 thanks - now demonstrate with a dildo pics or didnt happen
>>24068 who cares
>>24101 that works <3
>>24098 Nice
Since the dudes on bitches thread is dead, I guess this is my new home.
(92.05 KB 675x856 GjKRAqoXEAAhAfr.jpg)

God I fucking need dog pussy so bad. I need it so fucking bad. I want to have an entire day of doing nothing but getting stoned and cumming in dog pussy. Can't wait to get a bitch or 2 soon.
>>24340 That is so fuckig hot.
>>24376 >God I fucking need dog pussy so bad. I need it so fucking bad Same anon. Same. Ever since I've seen a video of two Rottie girls in heat (wasn't even sexual) I've had this GREAT NEED. I'd love to get myself a dog, even ignoring the sex, but I'm far, far to lazy to actually take care of one. And I have a cat that would not be too happy either lol.
>>24340 Hnnnnnnngh!! Watching a homo sapien male touch and stimulate animal pussy is so hot. I can't wait to get a doggo someday >>24450 >>24376 Same
>>24339 Who are you? Why did you keep this stuff to yourself this whole time, post moar please XOXOXO
>>24457 Dude, I got that from zooville. I'm just some anon.

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