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Intrinsic Zoo complications Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 02:41:00 No. 1084
Usually when people talk about the problems one faces as a zoo they talk about how the "outside" affects them: problems embodied by the statements "society doesn't accept me" or "my family keeps asking me when I'll get married," so let's have a thread about the intrinsic complications one has with being a zoophile and how one deals with them. That's not to say you can't talk about problems with extrinsic elements, but try to keep the discussion centered around things one can change or change one's outlook on without having to worry about other people. For example, you can talk about how you reconcile with the possibility of living through 4 to 9 canine partners in your lifetime; how you deal with only being able to have the most primitive of conversations with your partner; or how you approach not being able to cohabitate with a partner due to size constraints.
I'll start with something I've yet to come to terms with myself: being the sole holder of responsibility in a relationship. I've never had the "leader" personality. I find taking on the responsibility of others and delegating out tasks to be more trouble than it's worth. I'm capable of doing it (my current relationship being proof thereof), but I'd much rather be in the supporting role, holding down the fort so to say. This, of course, is at odds with how one has to live with an animal companion. Animals don't have an understanding of the greater human society, so they can't integrate with it to the extent that a human would. Even taking on the pseudo submissive role that befaults irresponsible dog owners isn't wise as one poorly timed show of affection can bring the ire of those around you. Not to mention that if one were caught, allowing one's partner to take on that role is often seen as "aggressive" and can and does result in the partner's death. I've been dealing with it mostly by trying to ignore it. I try to just let my partner be to the extent that I can. He doesn't over eat, so I leave his food down and let him eat when he wants; I let him roam around the house and up on my bed; and I try to let him roam around my yard off the leash. It isn't perfect as I'm probably too close to letting him run rampant, but I don't know what else to do besides just ignoring my nature entirely.
>>1085 Yep. These are issues. And hats off to you for putting this much thought into it.
>>1085 >>1084 I'm kinda surprised more people don't get in touch with other zoos to form relationships. I suppose that wasn't easy before the internet but it's getting simpler.
horse pussy is expensive to house and feed
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I am one of those people who is considered to be a "hyper conservative zoo" that is someone who will only love one partner for their entire life time, who will not have sex or have any sexual interactions with other canines or equines when their partners passes. This has brought me great troubles interacting with other zoos who are more open. I remember during the early 2017-2018, I would try to interact with other zoos both (both online and irl) and it seems everyone is just horny for other people's partners, I once posted a video of me just taking my partner for a walk and everyone was like "hey can I try her out" , "Dude, we live in the same state, lets definitely switch partners" and sometimes it just seems the zoo community is filled with touch starved degenerates who rely on zoo to get their dick wet and not actually wanting a meaningful relationship. One of my worst experience was going to a supposed "friendly zoo meetup" in 2018 that had 19 people with their partners involved. Me and my partner went there to chill and maybe meet like-minded people, since this group was known to be friendly I was tasked to went off to get some snacks, I went back to the place to get my money, and lo and behold 3 of the guys started molesting my partner, and duct taping her snout. I ended up leaving early after a fight broke out which lead to me recieving a stab wound on my throat and one into my liver. I got home and blocked the group on everywhere and called the police on the place. It seems people nowadays are just as selfish and psychotic as people say.
Yeah I gotta agree most of the zoo community is poly or just like to get their dick wet. It seems you got a short end of the stick when it comes to community
they just like getting laid but not willing to be in a relationship
>>3743 Or maybe some people incorporate sex into a meaningful relationship? The story you posted is pretty messed up, I don't judge you for being bitter if it's true. Perhaps I'm too optimistic, but I think most people aren't that vapid and self-serving and more just.. Open.
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>>1084 i mainly just got super depressed after losing my first dog and ever since then my life is just several years of mindlessly going to work and sitting on the couch waiting to die at home i'm not sure i ever want to go through another loss like that
Glad this thread gained some traction. One problem I’ve been thinking about lately is how there isn’t any practical way to "date" as a zoophile. You can interact with animals in pet shops, breeders, shelters, farms, etc. but those interactions are short lived both in their duration and repeatability. For all intents and purposes, you can't keep coming back for weeks or months to scope out desires and personalities before committing to an animal. Someone else might come along and adopt him before you’re ready, and people might get annoyed by your indecisiveness. When you do get an animal, you have to hope you'll be compatible as giving back an animal you've taken in is a shitty thing to do because he’ll still end up getting attached to you. >>3738 I feel weird about getting into a relationship with someone else. Sure, getting together with another zoo would make some things easier, but I just don’t see a relationship working out if I don't find my partner attractive. >>3743 I do get that impression as well. Even through the lens of "the internet is for porn," people seem to be super horny to point that everything must include pornographic-esque sex. I'm hesitant as it is to bridge my offline and online worlds, so to go to a meetup organized online about zoo stuff sets off all sorts of alarms in my mind. I don’t know if I’d be able to do it. >>3750 Sorry for your lose, anon. I hope you find meaning to be happy again.
>>1084 >how you reconcile with the possibility of living through 4 to 9 canine partners in your lifetime Picture yourself as a Methuselah superhuman living centuries and you'd arrive at the same conundrum with human relationships as well. It's not your fault that you're long living. Sure it sucks losing a partner early and there's not much to be done (except for perhaps getting a horse instead), but on the other hand you don't stay shackled to one SO for the rest of your life. You get to brighten up the lives of more animals during your lifetime while feeling closure in that you haven't shortchanged them regarding their lifespan. >how you deal with only being able to have the most primitive of conversations with your partner Have human buddies that aren't morons. Actually quite hard >or how you approach not being able to cohabitate with a partner due to size constraints. Detach yourself a bit from your animal. Remember that animals are a lot more casual when it comes to sex, as far as one can tell, for many it's effectively something like "end stage petting", but it nevertheless solidifies trust and strengthens bonds. You can't treat them as a surrogate wife. They're still pets except you have something extra going with them (and they will get closer with you because of that for sure). A pet certainly has potential to be a soulmate, but the arrangement carries a different set of expectations. You can have a great relationship with an animal, but the dynamics will always be a lot different than with a woman (or a man for that matter).
>>3743 >This has brought me great troubles interacting with other zoos who are more open You do you but I just don't see the logic in it. "Til death do us part" is a christian romantic ideal. There are a lot of animals out there that are neglected and loveless and my involvement could make a difference, so why wouldn't I use all that time I have left to help them out? >rest of post Ugh only in burgerland
I think the problem of having many partners in a life time, stems from being too bonded with the previous partner. Its just hard to move on, we can't love one thing after another, it takes time to heal from the lost of a previous partner. I don't condone people who only love 1 partner in their entire life, chances are they gave that one partner a 1000 years worth of love since they will only have 1 they will cherish the time with that partner even more than people who have multiple partners in one life time.
>>3810 While it boils down to one's personal established philosophical worldview, in my eyes I can only see it a symptom of an inflexible personality. Mourn if you must, and certainly nobody will blame you for doing so - but get ready to eventually accept that this chapter of your life is never coming back, so cherish the memory and get ready to turn the page. Or you can linger in your sadness forever and waste your precious time on this earth that you will never get back. It's entirely your choice, but I see the latter as a spiritual dead end. You're not bound to live out merely one "life" in this existence, you can start another, elsewhere, under different terms. But you might ask yourself, isn't it pointless if it all will too inevitably end up in vain? Perhaps so. Putting aside all the ephemeral spooks of socio-political ostracism hanging over us, the ultimate conundrum of our zoophilia is that by itself it fundamentally leads nowhere. It doesn't really have a value-producing practical purpose to speak of. It's more or less just a hobby. You face a challenge: do you want to keep reliving the same zoophile experience over and over or do you want to fundamentally repurpose your life experience into something entirely novel? Which path is more meaningful?
>>3811 that is seriously the most moronic dumb shit i ever saw and it's made entirely by someone that is not even a real zoo and someone that choses humans
I'm married with children and have no opportunity to find an outlet to my deviation. I would like to find some alone time so I could indulge in my wild side, but it's unfortunately not viable long-term. I would either have to sneak out of family life which will raise suspicion, or I will have to get us a dog which will be extremely bad if it gets sexually involved with a human. This will clearly show around the family. To you who already sate your desires - consider yourselves lucky. That's all I wanted to say.
>>3811 Honestly though this can be extended to any facet of human life. Ultimately, does anything we do accomplish anything in the inevitable obliteration of our planet and later the heat death of the universe? I like to hope so but I don't know, really. I don't think there's anything wrong with enriching one's own life through following one's desires. I find following my heart is the most fulfilling, and for me that does mean persuing honest 2-way relationships with my animals. My definition just goes somewhat further than most other people's.
>>1084 >when married not your own business >doesnt accept fuck succiety, i already have lots of zoofriends irl and on the web, not to say about how many new zoos on zooville are coming every month and year. solution: stop talking to npcs /thread
>>3743 I'm sorry to hear what happened to you bro. I meet people in my telegram group every now and then and hangout. It's hard for me to imagine one of them stabbing me.
>>3750 >>3803 >>3810 The solution is very simple. Create a breed of dog that'll live longer than all other breeds of dogs. Too often do people settle for 15 years, when zoo wolves have been known to live to be 18. One day I'd to form a kennel club with the goal of making a breed that'll die in it's mid 20s.
One huge issue that keeps popping up in my experience is that female animals so rarely seem actually interested in diubg anything sexual. Which is a problem if they do actually make you hot and bothered, and especially in a public farm setting where opportunities to even consider doing something privately are already rare to begin with. How do you deal with it? Just fold it up and wince through the blue balls? That's what I've been generally doing, but it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. Just once in 2 years I had a good opportunity to do the deed, but the anxiety over lack of privacy was so overwhelming that I couldn't even get a boner.
>>12526 (I should clarify that the "good opportunity" involved the animal being in heat and eager)
I can't be the only one who finds this topic crucially important
>>14249 Same here. One of the few healthy and constructive threads on the board that's not just porn. Have a bump.
>>3743 Yeah I hate to say it, but the vast majority of zoos seem fucked in the head. Even other owners. I don't want to risk my partner's or my livelihood for some psychopathic degenerate

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