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Fursuiters and animals Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 05:32:30 No. 1338
A thread for fursuiters fucking animals. Doesn't have to be m/m only, but it seems that's all there really is so far.
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>>1340 >>1341 >>1339 Is my impression or this guys looks really similar to the @K9cassius in the Twitter?
Where can I find stuff like this? Every results a scam site or low quality shit
>>1338 you are the reason people stereotype furries
>>1391 god i love "fullsuits" where the suiter has the full suit, plus a wearable, or one of those "puffy doughnut" things. really completes the transformation into a character. >>1338
>>3753 cute
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>>3753 yeah I follow that guy on twitter. thanks anon! Here's what a "puffy doughnut" looks like to anyone curious
>>2829 Imagine caring about what people think
>>3924 Furry + Dog + sex of three? holy shit! i want a video of that! 0-0
>>3923 is that that faggot sonicfox?
>>3934 sonicfox?
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>>3937 a faggot esports fag who wears his fucking fursuit to events, screams he's gay on a mic, and got his OC forcefully shoved into skullgirls. If that's actually him getting assfucked wit ha dog, that'd be fucking hilarious.
>>3940 furry aspect aside sex should be in more games, just not random shit like a 2D fighter, but an RPG where you can do more than just fade to black would be good.
>>3940 That's actually a different SonicFox in that comic. The fighting game player is SonicFox5000. As it turns out, a blue fox fursona named Sonic is not a very unique idea.
>>1344 this is disgusting jesus this shit can't be real
>>3949 What the hell do you mean? That's hot as fuck.
>>1344 lucky bitch
Definitely need more of this. more furry stuff in general.
>>4357 any content to share?
I wish. I have the secret suit, just not the animal to assist with it.
>>4510 Oh wow, that's DobiePincher! https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dobiepincherfur/ I do think it's the same suit thats getting railed by the horse in the posts above, too.
>>4511 the similarities are huge
>>4510 Ok...I fell in love with it, do you have more videos like this one?
I still hope for the day I can fool around with some animals while in fursuit. If I lived by myself I would've gotten myself a bitch to do that with already, but, sadly, not the case yet. Hoping to change that soon. It'd be easier if I knew other furries nearby into it with access.
>>4510 Sexy shep!
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>>2654 Anyone know who that suiter is? Looks familiar, sergal maybe?
Why the constant trying to doxx these people on a zoo board? Fucking hypocrites, let them have their fun. All furries are in denial of their animal desires and are displacing that to "acceptable" fur activity anyway. Is anyone really attracted to stinky man in a pile of polyester fur? Or is it the wish for the actual animal? js
>>5064 Who the fuck said anything about doxxing? >>5064 Who the fuck said anything about doxxing? >Is anyone really attracted to stinky man in a pile of polyester fur? Cause it's hot. Go somewhere else if you don't like fursuits.
Identifying the handle of the guy that wears that suit isn't doxxing? Yeah, ok, sure, you didn't give his real name and his address, but the next time he shows up at a con in that suit the anti-zoofur faction will. Even throwing the suit away won't fix it if ppl both know his face and that suit. Oh, and you, heh! If I don't like stinky men in suits *on a zoo board* I'm to go elsewhere? Maybe follow your own advice, twat.
>>5073 Well don't wear your suit in a video then. You know boards have threads, right? Different threads for different interests that fall under the same category. Stop clicking on this one then, idk.
not a troll but how do i unsee this? i just wanna puke my keyboard
You know 8chan has boards, right? There are multiple furry ones if that's what you like. Stop clicking on "zoo" then lol
>>5079 Xanax
>>5064 Imagine being so completely shit-all stupid that you cannot grasp the concept that your fursuit is a fingerprint that is every bit unique down to the patterns, colors, and maker, that nobody else owns. Imagine then that you take this fursuit to every furry convention where it is seen by half a million people every year, and then post it all over the internet. AND THEN GET THIS....you take that same suit and then post you in it being fucked by a dog or horse and then share those videos to fake friends on telegram that could give two fucks about you and only want to be yor friend for free porn, who then post those videos and photos all over the internet - the same internet where you posted your fursuit all over the place. And you call this doxxing?????? Hahaha no dude that is not how it works. Nobody is being doxxed. You might want to look up the definition of that word since you are struggling badly to grasp that concept too.
>>5064 Making random crackpot theories on what suit it might be does not equal doxxing. If it turns out to be obvious enough that a dead board full of coomers gets it right then that's on them for making the content in the first place.
>>5106 I need more of this
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>>5197 Oh shit, I recognize that first one from way back when the first 8chan was up. I was almost gonna ask if someone had it but figured it was lost. The suit is an Okapi, and I swear there was one more pic.
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>>5198 found it in a photo collection on zoox18, these two were also in there. Was there any more?
>>5199 I don't recall. I could have sworn there was one of him getting fucked but I could be misremembering things. Oh well. I'm just glad you posted what you have, I thought these slipped away from me.
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>>5205 Neat
does somebody have vids of fursuiters fucking dogs?
>>5205 I wonder how many people on FA are into this sort of stuff, and know he's into it. That horse he was with was hot too.
>>5576 You just know that motherfucker screwed the horse.
>>2650 Anybody have more pup hood stuff? Normally I'm not fond of it, but it just feels right when they're actually being a dog's bitch.
>>5576 sad that him haven't made anything with the horse..
>>5205 anyone ever try contacting him?
>>5205 Do you enjoy doxxing people and potentially destroying their lives? Maybe someone should dox you.
>>6052 when it comes too finding fellow zoofurs, its best to observe from a distance. most are not open about those desires, and your likely to scare them
>>6074 Read this you low IQ scum >>5127
anyone know a website with fursuit zoophilia on it
>>6094 just the thought theres a chance that those furries fucked them... mmf. such a tease
>>6114 Honestly, if I were taking risque fursuit photos near animals with some close friends... I likely would have done so afterwards too. Temptation would be too high, hah.
>>1338 There were recently some leaks on Twitter, and a few people got banned from fa, and stuff.. might be time to check your groups and make sure you don't have any untrustworthy people. If you know any of those people, make sure to pass along some support.
>>6157 i hate how stuff like that makes it hard to meet fellow zoofurs :(
>>6159 That's the consequences of your actions when little sell righteous little 17 year old homosexual virgin shit for brains losers with no job that need a bullet put through their skill think they can start clearing the fandom out of people they think are not allowed to be in it and make it safe for little toddlers and 9 year olds to be furries so this can be Disneyland costume fandom with no sex, everything G rated.
>>6157 link to a list?
>>6200 onion?
>>6275 It is using the tor protocol. You should research it, not for this, though it will allow you to go that site, but for your own general knowledge.
>>6200 To much effort, anything cool in it to upload here?
>>6289 its just spam that has nothing to do with zoo whatsoever.
>>6290 Shit. My bad yo. I meant to check it for exactly that reason and spaced. Apologies brothers.
>>6291 all good. i thought it was kinda wierd for something niche like fursuit zoo to be using onion links. the search for fellow furries being naughty zoos continues....
>>6292 they all circle jerk each other in an echo chamber. find one of the popular gsd feral furries and you will find the rest. egotistical ones usually yell the loudest.
>>6473 >popular gsd feral furries Funny how true it is. It's always a husky or gsd into feral.
anyone have the full video of fursuiter pakytodingo and a dog named loki?
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Been wondering if anyone happens to have this video, too.
>>6626 Looks like Sephius. I've seen some other pics and vids but never that one.
>>6627 ugh i fucking hate that guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1QBs6wNUtA fuck dogs all you want but zoosadists need to die
>>6628 you need to die first.
>>6628 I agree.
>>6630 Yeah to hell with anyone thatd intentionally hurt an animal. Even a hunter tries to make a kill clean and painless.
i have the Sephius video :)
>>7538 Can you post them? I'd love to see them.
>>7538 can you post would love to see
>>7723 Anon hes fucking with you.
>>7724 Very true. That being said, anything new?
Here's a different frame to prove I have it :)
>>7853 Looks hot
>>7853 keep this disgusting freak off my monitor, zoosadists have no place here
>>1338 >>7853 Damn, that's really hot. Very lucky to have it
>>7857 Yeah, unless the video is of Sephius getting lynched by an angry mob I don't want to see it
>>7853 kys
>>1344 i feel sorry for the horses forced into gay sex. They can't exactly clean the messy shit off their dicks/eurethra afterwards
Is there a video for that 3 some?? Mmmm >>3924
>>7853 What can we do to get this from you? <3
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I need more of this so badly.
>>8164 omg..this is very hot!
>>8164 where you found this video?
>>8164 good shit anon, that's really nice. i dont blame him for wanting to get face deep into a shep's hole
>>6157 Retards, you just did that... >>6192 If you post it on the internet it's no longer private, someone eventually uses it for bad and that's it. It's your fault for carelessly sharing the stuff on a public forum
>>1338 >>8164 Damn this is super hot, recognize the suit too. Guess the rumors were true.
>>8214 as a furry i really wish there was a way to identify fellow zoos without nonzoo furries catching on. would love more degen friends
>>8225 There's quite a few ways, and namely those who share art of certain furry artists. Although it's a 50/50 to nail an actual zoofur or someone who doesn't understand the secret meaning, we probably could work on something better.
>>8235 im curious as to what you mean by "secret meanings". usually you have people being way too obvious with the zeta symbol, or way too lowkey to the point i could never tell, even if they were trying to hint at their degeneracy
>>5127 >lol it's not doxxing, we're just doing all the legwork for antis for them, just learn the difference lol You retarded nigger. Just a fursuit hand or nondescript ass is harder to track down exactly unless some faggot goes "Oh yeah, that's JohnFox's suit for sure, here's their account!" You're either the dumbest fuck alive, or intentionally wanting people to keep linking names to suits in vids that get leaked so you can target them. Fuck right off with that self-righteous bullshit.
>>8261 I've known about Mrianti getting outted by the earlier pictures of him getting railed by horses, but the fucked up thing is that the retard has effectively doxxed himself on Twitter. And the guy who did it? he's got weapons grade autism, only needed a couple pictures on his timeline, triangulated the position of each picture and eventually located the house of Mrianti. Stay safe fellow zoofurs. They're coming and they're coming hard for us
>>8293 well, since he's already outed. Is there any more stuff of him?
>>8298 I highly doubt he'll go back to it, hopefully there's not much of an impact the nigger that outed him did. But he likely won't do much more content
>>8299 i meant old stuff. I've seen those pics before but was curious if there were others floating around I missed.
https://www.zoox18.com/video/139080/sephius-plays-with-himself one of the sephius videos popped up on zoox18 recently. there was an old clip of this, but this is the most ive seen of the full thing. would be curious if theres more out there
>>8675 Actually fuck off with that Sangie shit.
>>8679 sangie shit?
>>8293 people who browse here should reach out to him and offer support.
>>8731 Apparently he's still active on Twitter. And followed by Bad Dragon. Pottery.b
I'm curious on what these popfurs do after they get caught, like what do they do with their suit? Do they throw it away or just put it in hiding? I wonder how they are now
>>9096 go quiet for 3 or 4 years, say they didn’t do it, say them not being in jail proves it, then goes back to making popufur content
can you share it? :)
>>6626 someone uploaded it to zoox18 today. its okay, but i was expecting much better. its phone pointed at screen quality too so its meh https://www.zoox18.com/video/140763/sephius-mounts-a-dog
>>9195 Damn, this is still super hot, thanks for sharing.
>>6626 here you go~
>>9097 I'm sure they either swap suits and change... And most extreme cases are them leaving the fandom just like kero. I've talked with him in discord a few times
>>9216 So what's the context with the sticker reactions going on? Was this some kind of dog fucking live stream?
>>9267 top one is definitely olli alpaca though i doubt theyre a zoo. probably just someone in their tele that uses that uses that sticker everywhere. dont know what the bottom is. really fucking annoying though.
>>9277 >i doubt theyre a zoo He might be. The artist posted a piece not too long ago with elements that bear a striking resemblance to something a zoo-friendly artist did. If he's not a zoo, he's at least zoo-friendly.
>>9289 >posted a piece not too long ago with elements that bear a striking resemblance to something a zoo-friendly artist did. What was it? And I wouldn't be surprised. So many of these artists draw feral, or have draw dog cocks so detailed they had to have used real images for reference material.
>>9290 52975553 on FA. It's not feral art, but the pool toy in the background looks identical to a template made by Birtyfur.
>>9298 >Birtyfur I didn't see him in this thread, and beyond a couple of faved feral images nothing really claims that explicitly. Got something to add here?
Saw some post of this guy on twitter and love what he looks at ζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζζ https://www.zoofilialovers.com/users/dangderg/videos/
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>>9307 He's an artist who has done a lot of profile pictures for zoos on Twitter. This is the pooltoy ych in question.
>>9308 im not exactly convinced that guy is the real dangderg. i know nothing about the situation but its more likely imo that some hater made an account for his shit to set up him up to look like a zoo. youd have to be a complete retard to set up a zoo account with the same name all the info and pfps and shit and then be shocked when you get sussed out.
>>9310 These are based off of an actual pooltoy that exists iirc, so I'm not sure if I'd consider it evidence per se
Seeing that Dangderg is a pop fur who goes to fur meetups. I personally think Derg is hella smart for hiding in plane sight like that. Its so unbelievable that not even his fans will believe it and i bet if he told them it wasn't him they would believe him. I think he's a really smart zoophile who knows his way to work around the fandom. Most furs are zoos btw. He looks at pretty good zoo porn too. Im going to join his discord and try to hang around him for a while.
https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/1338.html#9308 Meh i call bs Tons of furs are zoos and i support him and his lady
>>9732 Can confirm, I think most furs are zoo or just in denial until they see some really hot zoo porn. At least that's how it all started with me. This fursuit zoo stuff is top notch it's just a shame it's so rare to find and even more rare to find peeps who are willing to share it.
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>>9732 ζ I can see why Dangderg is acting like he doesn't watch animal porn. He was to open about it like others have been in the past. hopefully a you-tuber doesn't make a video about him like H-sapho ζ. ζ
Back in the early 2000s many furry web sites straight up linked to zoo porn sites or zoom support sites. It was pretty common. A lot of the backlash we are seeing are from boomers that have grown up with "LGBT is okay, furries are okay, zoos are just people, be yourself." So naturally the pendulum has swung in the other direction due to counter-culture. There are a lot of young teens than are anti-Trans, anti-LGBT, anti-zoo, and hell even anti-furry. There are furries that argue against animal genitalia for fucks sake. None of this would really be a problem if they weren't causing actual harm, which they are. The leaks, targeting, and swatting are real, and it sucks. There's no good way to be a Zoo except to know someone already, then only meet new people through mutual trusted friends. And don't share ANYTHING that could be leaked back to you.
>>9915 This sucks though, I'm zoo but I don't know anyone that is also and it's not really something you can just bring up with mutual lol quickest way to get cancled and your life ruined. I guess just sending feral art and go from there might be the way to do it??? Hard to say a good way of finding if people are into it.
>>9915 >Back in the early 2000s many furry web sites straight up linked to zoo porn sites or zoom support sites. It was pretty common. This is actually true. It was 1998 when I saw the internet for the first time. And I searched for "animal sex" and found it. This stuff was everywhere, low quality and always the same pictures but it existed. I remember the links to zoo and furry sites but I didn't understand what furry is. It took me some time to realise that there are people who are into animals, wear fursuits and draw anthro porn and are generally open minded about their sex life. And yes I remember, I fell for the trap goatse.cx I remember thinking what kind of camera took this ultra high resolution picture. I think it was like 1600 x 1200
>>9915 Oh yeah, I think I met one of my old zoo friends on furaffinity in 2006. He posted about his pitbull on Beastforums by the name of Bella. I remember zoos being rather easy to look for on furaffinity during that time.
>>9918 In the past there aren't any problem to say that you're zoo and a furry to the public?
>>9959 Yup. We were far more open about it back then. Furries were already vilified and hated back then more frequently on the net, so people didn’t see a reason to hide what they are. Also there were less laws and regulations about zoophilia/bestiality in the past. Its a shame, really. I dont have many zoofur friends anymore sadly.
>>9967 That's really sad...I wish people could love bestiality..much more the furry community, I saw some furries being zoo and I even know some. However all of them have a fear of being discovered and then get their life destroyed.
It's crazy how much the internet has grown and zoo communities are almost all gone. I miss when there was an actual gathering place with BF, but I doubt we'll see anything like it for a long, long time. ZV is a joke and there isn't really anything else atm.
Does anyone have a file full off zoofur videos
Where is the best place to find fursuit zoo content?
>>9967 Some of the anti-zoofur stigma is probably justified by them (owing to their overwhelming autism) being the segment of zoos probably most prone to hurting animals, either due to plain sadism like e.g. Kero or due to having sperg courage, low empathy, and using yiff art as a reference for animal behavior rather than a proper textbook.
>>10898 These days you probably just have to know someone who makes their own. With suits being so easily identifiable people don't freely share that stuff as much as they used to. I know a couple zoofurs that are still active but I haven't seen a video from either of them in years... I could be totally wrong. There could still be an old forum or a telegram group somewhere. If someone has a link I'd love to get involved.
https://www.zoox18.com/video/145162/pakyto-dingo-plays-with-his-dog pakyto video from a long time ago just popped up on ZX18. about 8 minutes long but most of it is pretty meh imo. mostly just him on his bathroom floor jerking off his dog but since the fursuit hand is so big you cant see anything. dog licks his cock a bit too but rarely are there good viewable angles. zoo fursuit stuff is pretty rare so i figured id show those to all who interested. its 8 minutes long though so i cant post here.
>>1338 https://www.zoox18.com/video/146136/mango-with-his-dog the whole mango vid got posted. Could someone rip? It's not privated.
>>11560 Lol that was me. Here it is without the dumb ass watermark. https://file.io/jTRfds7b08Lm
>>11618 >Deleted :(
>>11618 Where'd you conjure that vid from, anyways? Last I know that guy vanished off the face of the planet.
>>11630 TBH, I have no idea. Maybe a telegram group I think. I have the memory of a gold fish.
>>11630 >>11630 I'm like 70% sure he's got a new suit and does mostly ABDL mursuit stuff now. Goes by Paci
>>2654 Does anyone one have the full video or have more content from this fursuiter?
I'm waiting for the day where one brave soul gets their hand on a suit and exclusively does zoo porn with it, so no one can make any connections.
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>>3924 Another from here
>>11702 Hopefully that will be me someday.
>>11709 I'm sure somewhere you're gonna find people who can help you fund it.
>>11717 I'd do it for free, honestly.
>>11720 Good luck getting a free fursuit lol Genuinely, though. Someone's gonna pull through with it eventually, and i can't wait till the day comes.
>>11722 I know people that have made their own. Seems challenging but easy enough to still do. It's not rocket science. l after all. Plus, that has the added benefit of not giving someone my name and address to order a suit.
>>11735 Oh hell yeah. I think there's also meshes and stuff that you can order, as well as pre-made eyes. Man. I'm hoping you actually go through with it.
>>11741 i'm a long ways off so don't hold your breath. Need a dog first.
>>11742 Oh that's easy. I'm gonna guess getting a dog is much easier than getting a fursuit.
>>11768 Not really.
>>1338 Popular mursuiter Cenny is zoo. Posted it in his bio. Wild he feels comfortable putting it out in the open. Hope the blowback isn't too bad. Wonder if he's done anything in suit...
>>11862 He's been more low-key about it ever since all the kero shit.
>>11862 Do you think he’s made any videos?
>>11862 I've known this for a couple of years now. Traded lots of stuff with him back then. He didn't have any actual experience at the time but for some of the videos he recorded he would have zoo porn on an off-cam screen.
>>11990 jerking off to them? sounds awesome
>>11862 What about popular murrsuiter Akari? Guy has tons of super questionable stuff and always seems on the edge of stating how many dogs they've fucked.
>>11990 Oh god, that's hot...
>>11806 In any case, keep us updated if you do anything with the idea
>>12064 Don't count on it but if I get the chance to I'll do it.
>>12065 I'm rooting for you!
>>12097 Thanks, I'll do my best. Not sure where I'd ever share it. Probably here, I guess.
>>12098 Whatever you feel is safest.
>>12098 Hope you have a ton of fun. And like the other user said, only share what you feel is safe and makes you comfy. But either way, Have fun and enjoy :3
Does anyone have more videos of kylefoxx >>2652
>>7853 Sephiusssssssssssss Almost six years! If I can't get you arrested, guess I'll just have to kill you! :-)
I can't help but check this thread every now and then to see if that one anon actually ordered a suit.
some popular fursuiter on twitter got exposed as a zoophile, and immediately openly stated they are indeed a zoophile. Thoughts?
>>13255 someone named Cenny
(18.52 MB 848x464 135105_SD.mp4)

more from that Kyle Foxx >>12597
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>>4511 i dont think so here you can see the paws are really different, and the head doesnt seem to have that tongue out
any idea who these my be?
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please someone edit a "you died" message at the end like in dark souls lol
>>13511 yeah, he now proudly wears the zeta symbol on his twitter accounts.
>>13511 his balls are not "massive" he regularly injects them with saline and makes them huge on purpose until they are ready to pop. he's a massive drug addict and will just casually pump all kinds of shit into his gonads
>>13654 You sound judgemental and mad Good on him for embracing who he is
>>13390 The zoosadist Tekkita Akita
>>13680 get out of here with your "zoosadist" bullshit you ignorant little zoomer kids. newsflash moron - just because some other little kid types out bullshit lies on a phone screen doesn;t make it truth. there is a reason why kero never went to jail. because it was all made up lies typed out by pestilent little kids that are mad their mom wouldnt buy them call of duty
>>14151 You retarded fuck. He didn't go to jail because his ass was saved by the Statue of Limitations in his state. There is extensive evidence he hung around the worst sacks of shit and consumed sadist content. Fuck out of here with your "it's all made up" shit. What are you his cock sleeve?
>>14151 Literally kill yourself. People like you are why the rest of us have to hide from the general public. Sick fuck.
>>14161 Bro I found this thread while trying to Google how to get horse cum out of my boyfriend's suit. I'm already having a stressful fucking time, why are you all subjecting me to this shit?
>>14196 Your faggot ass shouldn't have came in here spewing bullshit at us. Go swallow your tongue in your sleep like the retard you are
>>14196 Have you tried, I dunno, washing the damn thing? :^| You subjected yourself to it man. You decided to come in here bitching and complaining about zoosadists. If you were already having a stressful time, you should've just asked your question and scurried along.
>>14196 Oh man that's pretty easy. Step 1 is to go over it with Folex as described on the bottle. Just keep applying and rubbing till the stains mostly look clear. Step 2 is to just wash it in a tub of cold water with woolite. Agitate it with hands and keep going for a bit. Drain the tub and just keep running fresh fills with cold water till it runs clear. Step 3 is to wring the suit out and press with towels to get most of the moister, than drape over a chair and keep fans on it rotating pretty frequently. If you can get a scuba hanger with a fan it's great here too. Unless horse cum is magically different from human it should be good as new. Don't forget to gently brush once it's fully dried and you'll be ready for general use until your next red hot horse dicking. Be sure to film it too ~
On saturday 2 new videos appeared all over telegram of this suiter, I have no idea who they are, I saw people speculate that its a secret suit since it looks cheap but the videos are very nice.
Second video
>>14687 >>14688 Heads up a namefag purge was declared this week. So. Because you namefagged for these posts then this contents about tk get deleted. Please try and read the rules bro. It's been a rule for 4 years now.
>>4510 Anyone have more of this? Or handjobs?
bumping this
>>14688 Damn, he's hot!
>>15367 The guy's fine too I guess
>>13389 Literally two completely different fursuits. This video is RuttPup aka FoxB/FoxBerance, his alternate 'incognito' fursuit/persona.
I'd love to see a guy in fursuit anal topping a dog. Probably too niche to have much content though.
>>15567 We only got that sephius video, the low quality lemur(?) suiter on a dalmatian and a short video of one on a g-shep. Compared to what we have already, I wouldn't say it's the most rare content in terms of fursuiters and animals.
>>15569 yeah, its the hottest type of fursuit zoo video though
>>15569 wheres the one with the g-shep?
>>8164 oh my god give me more
>>15945 https://www.zoox18.com/video/146136/mango-with-his-dog full thing has been up on zx18 for a while now. more of the same stuff really. nuzzling up to that shep ass. half way through he takes off his head and starts sucking on that hole. good video up until the halfway point. dog isnt really interested so last 1:30 nothing really happens.
>>15960 >>15935 I was actually referring to this one https://www.zoox18.com/video/110754/rough-fursuit-fuck It was posted here but the video doesn't work.
>>2654 This video btw
>>15964 Oh, I ripped that a while ago before ZX18 imploded on itself. It's standard def though.
>>15974 Does anyone have more videos of this fursuiter?
>>15974 fuck thats hot, wish more people would fuck their pets in their fursuits
Well this died
>>16970 unfortunately theres only so much zoosuitting out there.
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>>17215 Damn thats hot shit. Fuck...
Fuck yeah love seeing fursuiters and furries in general embracing that they love fucking animals and/or getting fucked by 'em!!
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>>14687 >>14688 He's Honk14 on zooville, he's a 21 y/o canadian. Pretty sure he made his own suit. The dog seems to be named Copper. His early vids kinda suck but I'll upload them anyway.
>>17765 seems alright to me
2 months of nothing
>>20796 Sure it may be 2 months of nothing, but there may be somerhing in the future, i do hope so. Because I do have seen fursuiters fucking dogs, but never seen fursuiters fucking horses. Let's see what.the future will bring us
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Cant find these anymore anywhere.. Anyone have the original videos he used to do?
>>22449 They were in the ZooSad leaks from KiwiFarms a few years ago but link died. seems to be gone.
>>22449 I had this saved somewhere for sure, but I don't have access to my main drive at the moment, and I tend to schizo panic-delete stuff. It should be on zx18, that's where I got it from.
I try not to make accounts to log in for those sort of websites… Feels insecure, and there’s no real getting in without one. But I I appreciate it!
>>22478 Well you're not gonna get help here then.
>>22449 There's still this version on ZX18: https://www.zoox18.com/video/145162/pakyto-dingo-plays-with-his-dog I didn't bother downloading it since it's got some annoying fucking furry stickers on it, but idk I know some of you gooners enjoy that shit.
>>22478 Oh. You should've mentioned you're an antizoo cuck. The vast majority of furries are zoophiles, they just don't talk about it publically.
>>22498 I am a furry and I can agree with it, it is really dangerous to talk about zoo into the furry community, I’m slowly becoming an artist and my zoo side is something that I need to take secret as much as possible…I don’t think zoo is abuse, zoo is the love of the animals as much as possible and zoos and furries share the same things. We just, see the world a bit different from each other, but our mentality is the same.
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>>8164 Lookie what I found~
>>22714 One day I’ll do the same as this guy
>>22498 Do you have a Session? Id love to commission you, im a feralfur and it'd be nice to commission someone I know is like me..
Meant to put >>22507.. Wouldnt mind meeting any other furs into it though.. 0510f3c15af994a4dde2a2d9a2b3fdc8fb5b05d3dc2cd3cafbe8ef44b039170a77
does anyone have the BaniBun horse videos? I see there's already one in this thread but its #12 I found it really cute, even if there was no zoo happening, and i'd like to see more ;3
>>22777 Theres are the only two I've seen. I just know there must be one hell of a "Director's Cut" floating around somewhere.
>>22821 You can't tell me that they didn't have sex with that horse
>>22820 >>22821 >we don't condone sex with animals. nope. we're just highly suggestive of it god I fucking hate furfags
Bani 1000000% fucked that horse.
>>22820 >>22821 That's honestly awesome that they would make that public. It's like a way of showing off and bragging that they had sex with a fucking horse while wearing a fursuit, but they still have plausible deniability. Makes me wonder if they did this with the goal of having people "in the know" bring it up to them at cons.
>>22820 Back in the day this shit was so common, furries jacking off while touching animals. I think during the 2010-2014 era of Fur Affinity it was like a right of passage in some circles. Thats how I met my current zoo clique.
>>22845 We called "initiation into mother nature's rectum of filth and debauchery", so fucking cheesy I loved it back in the day ;_;
>>22845 >>22846 I wish I had gotten the chance. Why did furries become such cowards about bestiality.
>>22847 Social pressure, they want to be accepted into society instead becoming ostracized. I feel like with the bad apples already in our modern furry culture, might as well.
>>22848 But atleast I got this place to share about the old days, my circle is starting to feel a little used up after a decade.
It's really funny to me how defensive the silent majority of furries is. Yes, we dress up as animals and consume animal porn, but we aren't zoophiles I swear! look, it walks on two legs I'm not one of those filthy animal fuckers can you normies accept me now??, Anti-zoos should've been ostracized from the start, now the furry community is not a safe place for the origin of the concept. All Furries Are Zoophiles; and that is not a bad thing in the slightest.
>>22849 Happy for you. I was always a lurker for the longest time and only recently got around to making a fursona and talking to and meeting other furries like a year before all the kero shit happened. So by then the semi-open zoophilia was already fading away and his dumbass being the thing to talk about for a few years just sealed the deal and made everyone keep quiet about it. I would have loved to have been around during the golden years. I bet it was awesome. >>22874 What always confused me was how people could normalize highly detailed and anatomically correct animal cock but the second art depicts an anthro with a realistic canine or equine pussy then suddenly that's zoophilia but the penis isn't. It's crazy.
>>22876 Feral furfags have been normalizing animal pussy the last half decade, though. And that's great. Furfaggotry is slowly reverting to its bestiality loving mean.
>>22876 The golden years were awesome, I helped so many furries become zoos and got to meetup with so many cool people.
>>22897 I'm jealous. How long ago was this and what was it like, if you don't mind me asking. I mean, where and how did you find other zoo furries and what kind of stuff did y'all do when you met up? Despite missing out on the golden age I do consider myself kinda lucky. Got zooey with a few animals in the past and go fursuiting at cons from time to time. It's just that my zoo and furry identities are two completely separate parts of me. Always hoped for a sort of "renaissance" one day where I can finally combine those two parts of me and maybe meet others.
anyone got some horsey content?
>>23153 Legit some of the very first posts
>>23000 2010-2016 Anytime before Kerothewolf exposed videos, it was a playground for zoos. I met up with alot of folks from telegram and we met up either on con days or independently on set dates. Twink furries were my favorite, pretty handsome and cute. Big perverts if everyone around them allow them to. They were the easiest to groom into zoos because they were already zoo curious. Meetups would be either group masturbation or if anyone us are able to get a dog it would be a gangbang. Once we did a blowbang on a guy's poodle that we payed to fly over here, we mostly used dogs. My favorite was bringing my own dog over and we ran a train on him while someone played with his genitals. One of the twinks took pics of it and we made him pay for those pictures by making him provide the next dog which was a young less than 1 year old gsd. My group has downsized alot but its still going strong today eventhough alot of the members have gone away.
>>23486 Mind giving us a sneakpeak if you got any saved?
I wish I could accept myself as a zoo.. I keep coming back looking and turning back
>>23488 With how sketchy this board is no, besides I have the pictures anyways. But I dont mind telling stories if you guys want. Though it might sound too good to be true. >>23491 Back then, people like you would have been swept up and put infront of animal to really test it if you knew the right people. Sadly nowadays zoos are more separated than ever.
The sad thing is, I think alot of zoos will partake in the dogpiling of other zoos just so the zoophobes won't get suspicious. "Oh, why aren't you joining us to bully this dogfucker? Are you one of them? Don't give us furries a bad name, we're already disliked as is" Of course there are a few levels. Complete puriteens who don't like you putting anatomically correct genitals on anthro characters. Puriteens who don't like quadrupeds/pokemon. Normie pleasers who dont like feral. It's such a shame. Normies will never accept us, but this could have been a push to mass-legalize zoosexuality (or at least stop more countries from outlawing zoophilic intercourse) and give us a big safe space. Zoosexuals? In MY dog cock fandom?
>>23507 >mass-legalize zoosexuality >give us a big safe space I would never want to join what moralfag ridden uppity little furfag infested "safespace" that would become I'll take "persecution" from normies thanks
>>23486 From what you said about the meetups, makes it sound like you had only male dogs for fucking. Did somebody provided a bitch eventually ?
>>23586 No, male dogs were our go to because they aren't as moody as female dogs. One person brought a girl in heat but she only wanted 1 creampie before she stopped.
>housing market is cooked >job market is cooked >furry convention horse and dog gangbang market is gone what the hell man, us young ones can't have shit :(
it feels like I missed the train. like twice by now. was too pussy to ever connect with anyone dunno if it'll ever come again given how censored the internet has become at least I have money and I can just get all the animals I want but it'd be nice to share with some other zoo who's not a fucking psycho. being alone sucks
>>23679 >>23680 Yeah you guys missed out. I feel bad for alot of young zoos with no guides who are then groomed into zoosadists. Back then it feels like zoosadists were a drop in the bucket. Not saying that we werent a little rough on the dog we fucked but it everyone was alot more normal back then. Nowadays I cant even recruit people into the circle anymore because they will literally go "Hey what if we tied him up" slowly to "What if we crushed his balls while we fuck him".
>>23685 >preaching about zoosadists I've only ever heard that from zoomer furfags you've never had a dog go fuck yourself
>>23686 NTA, but I can't even tell what the point you're trying to make here is or what you're getting angry over in the first place... Are you defending Zoosads? What makes you think he's a zoomer? And do you not agree that contant today has been grossly exaggerated and made more extreme and overstimulating? Ironic for me to say, since I'm into ZMV's n stuff, but you cannot deny that there's this VERY concerning explosion in popularity of the shit that Nonny up there is describing. I'm not gonna lie, I've sifted through my fair share of gooner circles and I've stopped doing that for various reasons that all boil down to mental health and one of the things that surely fucked with me with the sheer degree of grooming that ocurred there, I mean there were kids there that were too young to even be allowed to make accounts and I WISH I could tell you that most of them were just feds, but from what I've seen, idek anymore.

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