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how can animals consent to sex? Anonymous 12/21/2021 (Tue) 00:20:33 No. 1393
not a zoo just open minded, how could a dog give valid consent a dog it doesn't understand what's going on for example if asked your dog if she wanted a treat da dog doesn't know if it's her favourite snack or rat poison
Consent is not a thing for most animals when it comes to sex.
>>1393 Animals can consent. If a male dog decides to mount a woman and penetrate her, he obviously wants to have sex and approves of it. He cannot give "informed" consent because he cannot fully understand the nature and consequences of his actions, but it is not clear that this principle applies to animals. Unlike pedophilia, which often causes psychological damage in children which manifests later in life, adult animals are equipped to enjoy sex without psychologic damage.
A dog won't eat food it doesn't like, and a dog won't even let itself be petted by a person it dislikes. If the dog doesn't want to have sex with you its teeth and growling will make that fact crystal clear.
>>1400 >Imagine on ironically putting yourself on a pedestal above pedophiles and not thinking that you can do harm >Imagine trying to convince the general public that you're so much different <MFW you have to come back down to reality
>>1400 I would argue that dogs can consent. You know when your dog is happy, sad, grumpy or playful by many different ques that you can pick up on the more you get to know a dog. Why not horny too? One other things dogs also understand is trust. They trust that what you feed them is good. The dog trusts that you would not harm them and you trust the dog that they will not harm you. That's called a relationship. Forcing a dog to have sex is called rape. It is harmful and wrong. Everyone here with a head on their shoulders should know that. But just like sex with a human if done right it can strengthen your bond and deepen your relationship.
>>1393 my dog gets a boner and cums when i fuck his butthole, after i finish, he almost always licks my dick, then my asshole, and wants to mount. doesn't get more consensual than that. actually it does, if i finger his butthole a bit with just one finger, he'll present.
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>>2022 That is so fucking hot, my dream is a verse dog like that. Fucking his hot dog bussy, then having him fuck me...
Cats don't consent to other cats, but you don't see people calling out morality of cat rape now do you? If a dog isn't being injured or coerced (aka peanutbutter) into doing anything sexual and are doing it on their own/showing interest. It's consent my dude. When an animal doesn't want something, they will let you know.
Only male animals can consent, which is by mounting or taking the first step in having sex. Female ones cannot consent and any sort of sexual interaction with them is 100% rape.
>>2064 >>2794 >>2023 would you fuck this dog (i know i wouldnt)
>>2805 Fuck no
>>2794 Are you just a troll or really that stupid?
>> 1393 I have got 2 important questions for you: 1. What makes you think that the animal(s) don't understand what's going on? 2. Why does it matter if they understand it or not? As long as there is no violence it's okay.
>> 2022 Very funny, also very pedophilia-like. Except some kids aren't as curious, but some despite that would still not dislike it. I argue that the trauma is dealt by the society rather than an pedophile that did not physical harm and to some extent mental harm, too.
Apparently foals love having their foal cunts and asses fucked, just saw it on the news.
>>1400 "Informed consent" doesn't make any sense in the context of bestiality. The reason normies see bestiality as wrong is because they apply human sexual logic to animals, but it just doesn't follow. It's not their fault though. Normies are genetically programmed to see the shit we do as disgusting. It's really difficult for them to allow logic and reasoning to override their natural sense of disgust.
>>3091 The logical explanation for the psychological damage we see in victims of childhood sexual abuse might simply be the realization that someone you previously trusted was selfish enough to take advantage of your childish stupidity/innocence to get what they wanted out of you: sex. But regardless of the reason for the psychological damage, there is no denying that it is very real. Animals, however, obviously don't spend any time reflecting on the times they've had sex in the past, like humans do.
If a dog is humping your leg it's a pretty good sign.
>>1393 >how could a dog give valid consent a dog it doesn't understand what's going on Why do you assume they don't understand sex? Virtually all animals have their own mating behavior that you can read about even on wikipedia. Being able to recognize these is how they survive as a species in the first place. Consent with animals works a bit differently since Fido can't sign you a waiver. So you instead try to find out their feelings via experiment - give an animal a hint and see how it reacts. We do it all the time with food or many other animal behaviors, and sex is no different in that regard. You're basically asking them a question, but via gestures and touching. So for example, you first get to know them a little, caress and pet them, then when you're all buddied up you can gradually move towards their funny parts (easy to liken to foreplay with a girl) and gently touch them down there - and they'll a) move away, b) stay put and basically not care, c) start backing against your hand or reciprocate in other ways. How to proceed from there should be self-evident enough, right? >for example if asked your dog if she wanted a treat da dog doesn't know if it's her favourite snack or rat poison Neither would a human. That's a stupid comparison. If I offered you a cup of coffee, how could you tell it's not poisoned?
Bait thread. But when your bitch literally puts her cookie onto your penis and rub her vagina onto you, the consent question is obvious. Same for mares. It even has a video “Consent question” where mare comes to her owner and while owner is washing her vulva, she cums and cums. Bitches do cum too, but without fluids or with a bit of precum.
>mfw i recognize that cringe raider flag on OP sorry for the low quality necrobmp but what are your thoughts on the rabid pro-lgbt pro-trans-grooming #ZoosArentValid movement on twitter? do you despise the wannabe 12 year old nazi-larping furry haters on reddit? what are your thoughts on them? do you think faggots like kero and foxler be shunned on sight? inb4 datamining
>>1398 yes, it is. mating rituals are a thing for a reason in most species.
>>1393 >not a zoo just open minded, how could a dog give valid consent a dog it doesn't understand what's going on for example if asked your dog if she wanted a treat da dog doesn't know if it's her favourite snack or rat poison Teams of the world’s leading linguists and etymologists are still working tirelessly to decipher what the fuck is going on in this post
>>5083 Leading scholars in Papua new Guinea believe it to be a treatise on ending world hunger, and have twice eaten the paper print outs of the post when it was presented to them by the international University interlibary loan system.
>>1393 Animals don't consent to anything we do with them if you apply human standards. Pet ownership? Slavery. Spay and neuter? Criminal genital mutilation. Euthanasia? Murder. Yet all of these are accepted as fine or necessary. Sex was cherry picked out some time in the middle ages after the fall of the roman empire, likely as a mechanism for religions to push higher breeding rates. A lot of rules in Christianity seem to revolve around maximizing the number of expendable men to defend and expand territory with. Animals. Enjoy. Sex. They fucking love it, just as much as we do. They like it more than playing fetch, but less than some good food. Every now and again, sometimes frequently, they'll vigorously participate in a good romp. How is this not good enough, that they're happy? Humans love to complicate things too much. That's all it is. >>1456 >Billion dollar industry geared around maximum profit through animal exploitation which routinely torments and kills animals for no reason at all Moral and just because there's enough profit to market to the public and lobby politicians. >A guy who genuinely loves his horse and gives the best care for her, which occasionally means the two mate as both their urges demand Immoral and harmful because the man is keeping to themselves instead of being a manipulative cunt. There is no way to ethically practice sexual pedophilia. It's been proven that sex with a gang of niggers has a high risk of causing permanent psychological harm, regardless of the reasons. No such proof exists for zoophilia, and anecdotal evidence exists for a higher quality of life given sexual interaction with a pet. It's why the q-tip technique is recommended for in heat indoor cats, and why many bird owners will just live with the fact that sometimes their bird will want to hump their hand, and that it's okay to let them. Don't be an irrational moralizing cunt on a fringe imageboard of all places.
>>5336 >and anecdotal evidence exists for a higher quality of life given sexual interaction with a pet Got a source to that? Also, what about the question of religion?
>>5343 Oh you are all going to hell according to every religion. You should for the record repent.
>>5343 >what about the question of religion? Who cares ?
>>5336 lmfao I just realized the word replacement with "a gang of niggers". That's supposed to be a word representing humans under a mature age. >>5343 >asking for sources for anecdotal evidence >giving a fuck about religion You're not a quick one, are ya? My source is from personally comparing the happiness of zoo owned pets to non-zoo owned ones. There's a clear difference by my eye, but also several confounders. For instance, zoo owned pets are much more likely to be sexually intact, and zoo owners may be more attentive to issues before they get out of hand just because they're more physically intimate and observant. But also, the animals get some great sex so I figure that's playing a part in their quality of life. There are no studies on this. You'd get tarred and feathered by the scientific community for trying. It's currently only okay to conduct social and psychological studies confirming that everyone is exactly the same and no culture is superior, except for straight whites, who are evil.
A female Pitbull being done missionary with her teeth just half an inch from your aorta is most certainly consenting. I tend to only be attracted to breeds on them “dangerous lists” and ultimately I want a wolf or wolf/hybrid if I can ever move where they’re legal.

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