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General Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:23:31 No. 17
The catch all thread of zoophiles to talk and post whatever you want part of the discussion. Share experiences, whatever spurred you into this interest, or anything really. It can be kind of a hang out.
If you want to become a vol later, it'd be a great start to your track record to talk about how you got interested in zoophilia and talk about stuff
I knew two people that had sex with dogs while I was growing up. One had a german shepard named Jack. She was surprisingly uninhibited in telling me about it. I always got the trust of weirdos easily back then, I wonder why? Anyway, she had been at it for like 5 years by the time she told me about it. She loved Jack like her soul itself was bound to him, but she was open to getting a boyfriend or girlfriend, so it wasn't a replacement for romance. A supplement, I suppose. I also knew a third person, but it was a tranny so doesn't really count. They had a boxer.
A friend of mine dated a really weird lady. They dressed up as a goat together and hung out with goats one day. This is weird already, I know, but then a goat mounted them, and she jerked it off. He never knew what to really think of that experience. No one did.
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>>66 That picture...
>>111 Hey whatever stokes your goat, as they say.
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So this is the lounge? Ahh. Very relaxing. Well pull an overstuffed chair here by the fire, have a scotch and lets relax anons.
>>171 I will take a tall glass of mare piss.
>>172 Yeah we serve that here. One second while my manservent fetches a suitable mare from the stables.
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>>174 Ahh very good work Igor. >>172 Here you are sir. A la carte. Glasses are over the sink.
>>173 >>174 >>175 Actually, forget the glass.
Straight from the tap.
>>177 We aim to please at ye olde ranch.
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>>180 Cheers I'll drink to that
You know with Cloacas snake obsession, and all the time talking about wanting to fuck snakes. Well I mean now hes a vol on a zoophilia board. Why the fuck does the board not have a snake fucking general?
>>192 I'm not sure Cloaca knows about the board yet
>>196 Theres gonna be so many goddamn snakes anon. It will be weirdly awesome.
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>>197 I hope Cloaca finds this place and has a happy time
>>198 I hope its like christmas morning for him. Gonna be awesome.
>>199 let's do our best to make /zoo/ a christmas morning for everyone!
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>>200 Yes! Lets both do our best!
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>Dog >Goat >Horse >Snake Get on my level, faggots. I want to fuck a shark.
>>203 The worlds most dangerous pussy. I get an adrenaline spike and a raging erection just thinking of it.
>>203 I have dolphin porn, no shark
>>209 Fact. Dolphins are such mammal bros that if the hear or see a shark fucking with a human they will kill it. Ram it til it runs away. Fact 2. A dolphin penis is prehensile. Yes. Like a tentacle. He has complete 360 movement control over ever foot of his enormous cock. Fact 3. Dolphins are also amongst that select group of mammals that will rape humans. Regardless of how you feel about it if a male dolphin gets a boner then hes getting it in your butt.
>>210 Fact: you are a good quality anon
>>209 Fact 4 A dolphin can grab you by wrapping his cock around you and dragging you in. Like snek. Fact 5 In this position a dolphin cock is so long he has enough left over to penetrate you 3 foot deep. There is no resisting the dolphin cock I am a little afraid of flipper.
>>211 Hey thanks man! I think you're pretty cool too. Ugh now I cant stop thinking about Ecco the dolphin, that lady who got dolphins high on lsd and fucked them for science, margaret lovett, the dolphin house, and a dolphin that died of bullying from female dolphins for being a humielover.
>>213 I've heard about the dolphin house, that was wack, and great. I'd take a job sexually pleasing dolphins for science. You're a pillar of this budding community. How'd you get into beasty?
I want to get rammed up the ass by a dolphin kinda sorta.
>>214 Way long ago. In the early days of internet. Well I had just bought and listened to the Ride the lightning by Metallica. So I look these guys up on the brand new world wide webs. And these guys are all >hey man you like music? And Of course I was >well heres how to get it for free Lol. Not exactly but pretty much. How it played out in real life anyway. So I grab me some of that limewire, bearshare, kazoo, etc. And I started downloading. Paladin press manuals on assassination, explosives, firearms, music by the HDD, movies anon. All of them I ever heard of. Ahhh and the pornography. At first it was accidental. They mislabeled everything in those days. You get a boner watching pokemon? Well I did. Making sense of that lead everywhere. There are some pics of misty that I still have on a 3.5 inch floppy. Hentai so totally legal, but as a kid you hide everything. And it becomes habit. Anyway pertinent to here. I saw woman fucking dogs, men fucking donkeys, and everything in between. And in the ask jeeves, yahoo, etc era a search led everywhere. The internet was bigger. A search for bullshit got 10,000 on topic hits. That's what early image board was trying to recreate. Simulate. Or throw a mirror at. The vastness of voices. Opinions. I to this day remember a web page that began >well howdy folks today we are gonna be fucking a pig Zoinkies! Heres the medical science behind exactly whats happening, why its safe, whatever. And then pics of a guy fucking a pig. Or a dolphin in one instance. The joy in his vocab that I only half remember shittily here. It sticks with me.
>>217 And the videos I accidently at first, intentionally later, DLed. At first its the thrill of it being forbidden. And when your christian well you feel guilty about everything anyway at that age. Its all verbotten. Later you get an idea of what is actually shit that could get you in trouble. Some times I could only get aroused deep in webgrouplinks. Those old webrings. Later when it became possible to talk anonymously that became my life. Old message boards. IGN gamespy shit like that. Well I don't know. I just always liked zoo stuff. The more fucked up the better. I miss those days. Moments lost to time and failed hard drives. Like tears in rain. Im getting maudlin. That's no good. Anyway. Yeah. Specific questions?
>>214 No shit I think the dolphin house was super important. The closest we came to communicating with an alien intelligence. And the motivation was genius. Sex. Bonding as a couple. They gave him a girl friend and like koko he learned our language. If more researchers were willing to get fucked on psychedelics and really try to communicate non verbally with animals. Well we could really start cracking natural occuring language. An important direction if we ever plan to visit the stars. An avenue I feared was shut down too soon. We really should revisit the topic as a species. If we cannot communicate with the life forms closest to us how could we ever hope to do so with something truly alien?
I wish I was a researcher because getting fucked on psychedelics is not work.
>>220 Best job in the world.
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>Initial board activity has pushed /zoo/ above /hebe/ Noice. t. Cloaca
>>217 That sounds magical, anon! Very adventurous. >>218 Have you tried any zoophilia, or just watched? >>224 Welcome home, Cloaca.
>>213 >that lady who got dolphins high on lsd and fucked them for science <This was my introduction to that story.
>>238 Naw just watched.
>>239 Lol yeah thats a pretty fair synopsis.
Can anyone get the wkuk horses love stegosaurses sketch in webm?
>>255 I vaguely remember this.
>>258 Scene starts int. Barn <darren <(struggling) ugh >ent. Trevor >well howdy there billy. You seem to be having trouble. Whats the matter? <Darren camera pans out under male horse jerking giant stallion cock <well chester, I got this new mare and I wanna breed her, but I just cant seem to get old rufus here interested >Trevor chewing hay >well have you tried showing him a picture of a stegosaurus? <Darren aggravated <Why the fuck would I do that chester? >trevor undeterred >cause horses love stegosaurus >here let me show you >PULLS FADED PHOTO FROM POCKET >'''PINS PICTURE TO WALL CAMERA ZOOMS IN IN HORSES FACE A PING SOUND IS HEARD CAMERA CHANGED TO PHOTO ZOOMS IN ON STEGOSAURUS AND A PING SOUND IS HEARD SPURT SPURT SPURT LIKE A SPRINKLER IS HEARD <HOLY FUCKING SHIT CHESTER GET ME ANOTHER BUCKET >HAHAHA looks like that horse ain't seen a stegosaurus in quite some time <GODDAMNIT CHESTER GET ME ANOTHER BUCKET <CAMERA ZOOMS TO DARREN COVERED IN CUM HOLDING AN OVERFLOWING BUCKET FIN I don't know if the dialogue is accurate its been like 15 years. But thats the basic sketch. Funny and on topic was my reasoning.
WKUK was fucking hilarious
>>270 Agreed. Did you know they still do stuff? Even made a really terrible movie. I don't think anyone's surprised taking 5 minute sketch comedy and stretching it over an hour is bad.
I'm surprised this board hasn't run into any troublemakers yet Zoophiles are a nice wholesome bunch
>>271 Nah I didn't, I just remember watching the old shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQOvyGbBtY This is my fave skit tbh, also Trevor being a literal /b/tard has always made me happy, even if it was presumably only 4chan back in the day. Though who knows.
>>291 On the new stuff he hints at still being an active user. Miss march is terrible, but still watchable for what it is. A good bit that just went on too long.
>>291 Hehehe oh so good.
>>295 no u
Friend's dog is fat as HELL and constantly horny. He's shaped like a bean and his boner is always throbbing. Horny bean dog
>>255 Sorry I'm late
>>398 high value post
If you have a human partner that had sex with an animal, would you lick them clean after?
>>437 Only if it's a guy and a marevag.
I found porn when I was 10—a cousin showed me—and when I first came upon bestiality, I was grossed out. I immediately couldn't grasp why anyone would be into that. I love dogs, but that's just nasty. ...Wasn't that long until I felt drawn to looking at a bit more. Just hentai though—it's only gross if it's the real thing. ...Okay, so, after some time I started wanting to see the real thing. I'd never do it, I just want to see it. It's just porn, most people have kinks they like seeing but don't intend to participate in. >So there I am, around a year after I first saw bestiality, petting a dog's stomach and eyeing the red tip barely poking from the shaft. I obviously loved dogs, so I was on call to housesit, dog walk, so on. Here I am with family-friend's german shepard, playing, smiling, and having a very lovely time showering him in kisses and rubs. As I'm petting his belly, I can't help but stare at the tip peaking from the sheathe. All the dog-sex I'd been exposed to in the last several months flies through my mind so fast I could feel the friction burn. <I've never had a boyfriend, I'm a bit young for that, but as long as it isn't sex... Maybe I should try it. The massage I'm giving him is so slow, as I'm distracted by these thoughts, that he's starting to roll back over, and without thinking I quicken the pace of the rubbing and work closer to his groin. Content, the doggie lays back with his tummy exposed and leg raised. My eyes are completely glued to his crotch, and I'm barely breathing amidst the anxiety. Finally my hand is actually at the sheathe, and I'm not fully sure what I'm doing, but the witless stroking is making the dog move his hips a little and his dick is coming out more. My thighs and nethers are tingling, it's such a strange, giddy sensation. I'm giving in to the temptation and leaning forward. Smells strongly of dog, go figure. Hesitantly, I give his penis a lick, and the taste isn't revolting, so I don't really hesitate with more licking. The first few are such quick actions, darting my tongue out and slurping too fast to really get much taste. As I get comfortable, though, I start licking slowly. With a greater care to drag my tongue along and ponder the flavor, it's a little weird and hard to compare. I think I'm tasting some of the dog's slobber on here, and I guess that makes sense, but there's something else to it too. The smell probably influences it as well. Time to take it a step further, I guess, and I press my mouth around the tip. I'm meaning to do this gradually, but jerk back as the dog moves and shoves a couple inches in way too suddenly. Just surprised, that's all. I go down on him better this time around, realizing that it feels way bigger in my mouth than it looked. Like, way bigger. Maybe it's some sort of illusion as my mouth doesn't want to be filled so much I choke? I'm also worried my teeth would hurt him accidentally. To the best I'm able, I suck his dick without any teeth touching it, and it's really a different experience than licking. Even just on my tongue, having so much of my tongue pressed against dog dick at the same time is way different than just a little bit. Somehow I like the taste much more this way, and neither know nor will ponder why beyond this passing note. My body is all shakes right now. 100% anxiety, wonder, and thrill. It's getting very awkward as I try to take him very deep, but I can plant a little kiss on his knot if I overcome the instincts that hold me back. It must be something like a gag reflex, except I'm not gagging, I just forcibly stop at some depth and cannot take it any further without making myself relax in some very particular way. Look, I'm clueless as to what the hell I'm doing, the only thing I have going for me is enthusiasm. This would also probably be easier if he wasn't squirming and pushing into me. Trust me, pooch, if given enough time, I could throat this thing, I just need to do it at my pace. Alas, I can't explain this to a dog, and I don't want to try and hold him still, that feels mean. I just have to do my best and adapt. On another note about time, I have no idea how much of it is passing. At once it feels both so long and so short, and I feel a very warm fluttery feeling my chest. My breasts are hot too, what does that even mean? I don't know, my only way to describe it is that my body is in love with this experience. Clumsily sucking dog cock with no rhythm and improvised technique is somehow a heavenly experience and I want more. I try expanding my mouth as much as I'm able, I really want him to just wildly fuck my face. Bad idea? Probably. I can taste the hot musky maybe slightly iron-y or something fluid. I can taste *semen*. Even the thought is dizzying and I'm in a level of bliss beyond words. I'm so happy. I'm sucking and swallowing anything I can. All of it that I can. I lay off a little because I think I was about to suck too hard even. I'm desperately in love with everything that just happened. My face is flushed and warm, my body is sparks and tingles, and I'm really excited. When I pull away, he's still stiff, but before I can think about whether or not I should go back down for more, he adjusts position and licks his own dick. I lick my lips, smile, and kiss him on the head. He seems plenty happy himself and licks my face as I'm near, before going back to himself when I stand back up. I got away and curled up on the couch in the fetal position, hand in my pants, deliriously trying to process everything. Giddy, happy, shaky, and giggling too. That whole thing just took so very long to calm down after. I was over-energized and maybe a little jittery for maybe the whole day.
>>463 To be clear anon was 18 in the story being described. Which was very hot.
>>464 >they were 18 glad I didn't waste my time reading it then
>>468 do you buffer your brain to give it such a smooth finish or is it natural?
>>469 It's a joke.
>>470 sure it is
>>471 autism
>>472 misclick, meant >>470
>>472 you are, in fact, autism
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I got an erection...
>>486 good to hear!!! do you want to talk about it?
>>224 Has slowed some. Not as many zoophiles as much as just bestiality fetishists
>>492 The cringy human woman type at that.
>>504 gotta spread the word and link the board to other zoos
>>492 Guess we really are kind of rare. Or at least ones who have the balls to talk about it are.
>>508 Where can we reach out? Zoophiles deserve a home here.
Trying to convince this girl that I know who is obsessed and in love with her dog, to fuck him. Any advice? Pic related
>>1423 What have you tried so far? How much have you revealed about your plan? Does she know you're leading into this sex angle or are you coming here before getting that far? Is she a pervert? Is she degenerate? What are her views on sex? What is the "love", is it beyond a typical pet-owner dynamic? No one can really help you without knowing a lot more.
>>1424 >>1424 >>1424 1. I've used alts to send her various lessons, and materials. I haven't revealed anything, I've said before that humans must please male dogs while in captivity, she's a milita veganist but a total softie. She is very perverted, although her libido has dropped significantly but is very much into submission. She's a virgin, and rarely masturbates. Never been able to orgasm. When I have messaged her I've tried to convince her that being with a dog is the only true way to achieve orgasm, and then blocked the account and she messaged me on the my personal saying that, "you ever have sexual thoughts that are bad that you can't stop thinking about?" And I was trying to pry it out of her, but she just keep on telling me "I can't" She loves this dog more than anything, she sleeps with him all the time, spends all the time with him constantly, I know she'd be happy doing it as she is a bit of a neet as well and fails to socialise with anyone, so just want to make the best of both worlds
So like, when I was 18 I came to the realization that "hey y'know what? Relationships are getting kinda shitty" So I decided to live a bachelor life. Cue Covid 2020, I find myself alone playing video games in my house that I bought with money I have been saving up, the house feels empty since there is only 2 inhabitants me and my goldfish. One day, I heard my neighbor die of old age leaving behind a 1 and a half-year old German Shepherd named Bertha. Thus I now live with a dog. Then I felt horny towards her but suppressed it using Team Fortress 2. Just recently Bertha showed signs of heat. So I do what responsible dog owners do and find a way to fix it. Settled on finding a toy >Toy too expensive well shit I thought, now I have a horny dog that humps my hands but then recently I was introduced to Zoophilia and Zoos on Twitter, so I decided "Hey, I am gonna be single but I don't mind Bertha's company" So I decided to fuck Bertha >9pm >After dinner >Fed goldfish >Clean teeth >Call Bertha onto bed >She comes >Sit in bed and contemplate reality >"Wow I am gonna fuck you, Bertha" >She looks at me >I proceed to reach my hand to give her a chin rub >"Y'know I am kinda sorry, if you are hurt you can bite me" >She looks at me >I whip out my cock >"Welp here goes nothing" >I proceeded to give Bertha oral by licking her puffy pussy >I proceeded to think of that one meme I saw a while back >I laugh >After 30 mins or so I put my dick on her cookie >"Sorry" >I push in, I miss >I push in, I miss >I push in again, it enters >she clamps down on me >I moan >"Fuck" >I start moving >She clamps down tighter >I keep moving and fucking her. >I look at her >She seems to be enjoying it since her tongue is out >I lick her tongue >smells bad but manageable >I started getting close >"Sorry Bertha I can take it" >At that moment she pisses on the bed >"Bruh" >Me being too horny to be mad proceed to call her a good girl >Her insides start jolting like crazy. >"Please, Bertha stop" >I planned on cumming outside but fuck it >I give her a fat load >Her insides stopped twitching moments later >I unplug >It leaks out >"I gotta change the sheets in the morning." >We fall asleep in eachother's embrace >Fin I had severe post nut clarity afterwords but I got used to it. Now I and Bertha live a quiet life in a suburb far from the city with crickets and old war veterans to keep us company. I have no friends, my family is a state away. This is my life now, fucking a dog, no a partner, a loving partner.
>>1425 That all sounds pretty bizarre and weird. Well, you do you. I'll let nature take its course. >>1426 >>I proceeded to give Bertha oral by licking her puffy pussy >I proceeded to think of that one meme I saw a while back >I laugh givin' the ol lickeroo >After 30 mins or so I put my dick on her cookie >"Sorry" Love the super awkward campiness in the story. Sounds like a good life though, hope your life really didn't work out so nicely.
>>1426 So basically a non-zoo having sex with an animal, without any experience and thinking that it could be hurtful to the animal. Sorry, but this is wrong and stupid.
Damn, that's really hot :) I don't like people, either, because I dislike myself, so dislike someone else goes really easy for me. I wish I had a dog and lived alone >.>
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So I was thinking about moving to Mexico eventually once I've saved up enough money to retire there comfortably. Due to the expensive cost of living in America, fueled mostly by the insatiable greed of Jews, I fear my dream of having a mare wife will never come true. It seems everything in Mexico is super cheap; being able to afford land and a mare shouldn't be too much of a hassle. Bestiality is also legal so I don't have to worry about glowies knocking down my door. Are there any downsides to this?
>>2278 Cartels, diseased water, bad hygiene, and of course its also filled with mexicans.
>>2278 >tfw clipboard image doesn't work
>>17 Looking for someone to draw me a comic series. It takes place long before the first domesticated animal, but after the advent of humanoids (some of which are human, the others being homonids). The plot is an anthology that follows a cast of humanoid females in various locations around the world as they have sex with the various prehistoric animals (and some non-animal species, like plants and fungi) they encounter. In this setting, it's portrayed that these humanoid females are the ultimate sluts. They are obsessed with sex, always Horny and DTF. There is nothing they aren't sexually attracted to and sexually aroused by, everything is sexual for them, and they are up for doing anything with anything. They also seem to have the ability to seduce anyone or anything into sexual activity, an ability they use to not just to satisfy their unending lust and sexual curiosity, but also for other purposes. Such as to save their lives from getting eaten by a predator by convincing the predator to want fuck them instead, or at the very least into wanting to "play" with their food before killing it. This gives them just the chance they need to slay the predators after or during their coitus with them. Or, in the reverse, they could use their irresistible cross-species sex appeal to hunt, rather than survive being hunted. They seduce the prey animal, have sex with it, then use the opportunity this gives them to kill the beast for their tribe. In these stories, their penchant for interspecies fucking saves their lives, it keeps them from becoming dinner, it puts dinner on their table. There will scenes of them doing it with all manner of creatures, from predators to prey, large to small, mammals to marine life (birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods, all shall be represented). As stated before, they even do it with plantlife and fungiforms, by using them as toys for masturbation while they are still alive and rooted (in the story, they impale themselves on a giant mushroom before they gather it up for the tribe's dinner). There's also going to be many scenes of lesbian sex with female animals, in addition to the typical male-beast-on-female-human action. Such as one story where a group of women have a lesbian orgy with a pride of lionesses who lack a king, ending with one of the women discovering that she has somehow become the king of the pride after the orgy ended. Another story would be the same, except it's about a lesbian orgy with a pack of female hyenas, as you'd expect there's going to be lots of futa action there as the human women are mounted and penetrated with hyena pseudo-phalluses. Both of these are revealed to be a part of the same narrative in a third story where these two tribes meet for a fight between the human/lioness tribe and their rivals, the human/hyena tribe, which, as would expect, turns into another cross-species lesbian orgy (including the lionesses and the female hyenas having group sex with one another, in addition to their having lesbian sex with the humans). The idea is that while they enjoy sex with humans of both sexes, human genitalia is not all that interesting, it's good enough to be satisfactory, but it's familiarity makes it less appealing than the wide variety of cocks and pussies that nature has to offer on all the other species of the earth. They want something new and exciting to have sex with, they want strange new sexual experiences with a wide variety of interspecies partners, they have sexual fantasies abut the various animals and their strange sexual equipment, as well as how it would be like for them to have sex with them. As it takes place long before domestication, there's none of the animals who came out of that, no dogs, horses, pigs, cats, etc. at least, not as they were before they'd been altered by living with humans. It's a wild, wild world.
>>2452 STFU nobody wants to make your shitty game for you.
Any way of safely penetrating a cat? Scared of hurting the poor thing. This shit is making me wish I didn't have a large cock LMAO. I'm not trying to brag.
What's the deal with all the suspicous spam on sites like pornsocket and when is someone going to make a decent tube site that has some form of content curation?
>>2546 >What's the deal with all the suspicous spam on sites like pornsocket Running a video site is very expensive and no sane advertiser wants to advertise on a zoo porn website so only the shadiest ad companies do. > and when is someone going to make a decent tube site that has some form of content curation? when it becomes profitable
>>2538 I was /r/'ing a comic series, not a game. Learn2Read.
>>2560 Whatever. Nobody wants to make your comic either, you autistic fuckwit.
>>2571 You don't necessarily speak for everyone here, someone ITT might be interested in working on something like this. I just want to see some sexy cavewomen getting fucked by the inhuman-looking genitalia of wild animals in the days before animal domestication was discovered (possibly as the "true" explanation for it's invention, according to the alternative history of the comic).
My life has always been filled with hardships, my wife cheated on me, my family took her side, I was homeless and lived out of my car for 2 months but with hard work, I got my life together rather quickly. I moved away from South Dakota, to Arkansas, thanks to good money management and my beloved grandmother, I bought a small 2 story house in a small town with a decent job that makes a lot of money, I was alone but safe though a bit lonely. And then I started thinking... "Hey, why not get a pet?" after 3 weeks of preparation I contacted the shelter. Arriving at the shelter it was a rather a thing to remember, so many dogs, too many... all of them with different personalities from the happy and cheerful poodle to the proud, stoic German shepherd but I was there for one dog only. Then a young female employee tapped my shoulder. >"Hello sir. how may I help you?" >"Oh I am just looking for this dog" >I show her my phone >"Oh so you are here for her?" >"Yes, indeed." >"Ok, let's get you inside for some paperwork" >I do some paperwork probably took me more than 2 hours >"Now that you are finished sir, would you like to meet her?" >"Yes I do..." >Ngl I was kinda nervous >Outcomes my then pet (but now mate) a 1 year old female Australian Shepherd named Maria. >She is an intimidating looking dog, her snout had a cut running downward of it and one of her ears was clipped. >"Is everything ok sir?" >"Yes, everything is fine" >Maria came to my arms and I started to feel her. >She felt nice, she smelled nice and just her body against me gave me a sense of warmth. >"Thank you so much." >I waved my goodbyes to the employee and other dogs. Thus I arrived home with what I thought was a friend but unknowingly a partner. 7 months in. I find myself going about my schedule, taking her for a walk, getting breakfast ready, and going to work when all of a sudden I noticed Maria's vagina and it was puffed up. She was also a lot more needy, demanding more pets and rubs than normal. I proceeded to work at my home office but the picture of her pussy just never left my mind. So I googled it, and apparently, she was in heat but all of a sudden a photo caught my eye in the google image search, the image shown attached to this story, I was a bit shocked but then I was curious and that brought me down a rabbit hole of hentai to actual zoo porn to a forum. I didn't get any work in, I spend the rest of my days thinking about it, when I was eating dinner I saw my Maria's pussy in front of me, and all of a sudden it winked. I decided after 8 more days that I will be the one to take her. I then proceeded to look up tutorials and find some tips anything to help me prepare to have sex with her. And then my break day came. I go home from the gym and took a bath, I bathed thoroughly and I didn't jack off for 5 days to prepare myself for her. In the shower I kept thinking about her, her eyes, her scent, her joy when she saw me coming home and the excitement she gets when we play together. I get out of the shower and dry myself, then prepared dinner for us, her vagina now more puffed. I couldn't hide the boner as it almost ripped my boxers. Then the night came, I call her to bed and I took my cock out, my large 9 inch cannon, she doesn't seem scared of it and went to licking. Her tongue was rough and wet, her saliva drips down my shaft and it smelled strong. I let my voice out abit, I moaned with a girlish voice, I was being dominated by her. I held her head to force her to stop, the amount of saliva made my dick slimy like it was covered in mucus. I stood behind her, infront of me her vagina, I started petting and her calling her "Mommy" and she seems to let me take it. I proceeded to lick her holes from her vagina to her ass, they smelled foul but it made me act up more. After a few minutes of self-indulgence, I pulled my cock and started teasing her entrances, then I pushed in. And that was how I became a zoo.
>>2707 Fuck, a dominate girl. Best that led to some good orgasms
So, anyone interested in seeing a comic like what is described in >>2452? I'm the guy who suggested it, but I have no artistic talent to make it myself, and no money to pay the commission for someone else to make it for me. If this is getting made, it has to be someone else making it happen. I will take no credit for it, and I will gladly watch ads to the end and click on all sorts of clickbait to help fund this thing's production or compensate the creators for making it real.
>>2827 No one on this obscure bestiality board is gonna make your game retard
>>2840 It's not a game being proposed, it's a comic. A series of images that tell a story when looked at in sequence, and occasionally words might show up to convey speech and sounds. Why is everyone being so hostile to my idea here? I can't draw, or write, I just got a suggestion for the general concept of what I thought might be a hawt anthology series which you guys would appreciate. I've got crypto that I'm wiling to put towards this series, I'll pay per image, and an additional payment for a completed story. It's going to be an anthology, after all. I really think this kind of DIY attitude is the reason imageboards don't make wins anymore. What the fuck happened to us, that we've become so lazy and useless?
>>2961 >everyone It's just one guy talking to you so far. And yeah he really doesn't wanna help you. I don't either to be honest.
>>2978 >one guy This board is pretty dead
>>3045 I mean I've never checked to make sure, but I'm pretty sure it's just me and three anons. That's about the level of traffic we have anyway. And I never really post.
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>>3046 >, but I'm pretty sure it's just me and three anons. you mean 3 anons are engaged in discusing your stupid comic ideas, i hope? not "3-4 anons post on whole board, cos that would be silly >I just want to see some sexy cavewomen getting fucked by the inhuman-looking genitalia of wild animals lets say it, your whole comic idea is stupid, and you are hardly a "zoo", posting that shit on /zoo/ board >So, anyone interested in seeing a comic like what is described in im interested in seeing sexy animals, not some sexy cavewomans still if you want to get a comic, and are willing to pay, then whats your problem? i mean -you go here https://e621.net/posts?tags=bestiality+comic check artist with style you like, that draw feral X human, contact them and order some comic... just for doG sake dont mention >"In this setting, it's portrayed that these humanoid females are the ultimate sluts. They are obsessed with sex, always Horny and DTF." tons of those artist are ACTUALLY female (ye, i know i know...) and sort of butthurt when you carry such prehistoric view as "women are sluts, and crave animal dicks" still even in that you can find exceptions, and artist willing to draw "anything, if payment is right"
>>3052 No I'm not the comic guy. And no I mean I think theres like maybe 5 anons on the whole board.
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>>3052 > not "3-4 anons post on whole board as the former BO of 8K's /horse/ -- I think that's exactly what he meant of this place.
>>3065 horse pussy good
>>3065 >former BO Do you want to be a current BO?
>>3052 You are not very pleasant, not very smart, either. > lets say it, your whole comic idea is stupid, and you are hardly a "zoo", posting that shit on /zoo/ board Humans getting fucked by animal dicks isn't /zoo/ material, got it. >im interested in seeing sexy animals, not some sexy cavewomans The comic idea has both partners as the main focus, humanoid and animal. >In this setting, it's portrayed that these humanoid females are the ultimate sluts. They are obsessed with sex, always Horny and DTF" It's a porn comic, if the female characters weren't this way what little plot it relies upon to build up to it's sexual content wouldn't happen. >tons of those artist are ACTUALLY female (ye, i know i know...) Not as much of a revelation as you think, idiot. >and sort of butthurt when you carry such prehistoric view as "women are sluts, and crave animal dicks" No, they wouldn't be offended by that at all, porn relies upon it's characters being horny, bestiality porn relies upon them being horny for other species. If the character is a woman who has sex with animals, it's better to make her a zoophile who is sexually attracted to or aroused by animals and their genitals, the other option is them not having tis trait, and therefore not having a good time when they do the activity that this comic is centered on them doing. None of the content suggested by this idea would be offensive to woman, mostly because it's not intended to be taken as making a judgment on actual women. Why are you so retarded?
>>3077 man on animal > animal on some roastie
>>3078 Wow, that was fast. So this board has a problem with male animals on female humanoids, but not the reverse? You do know that male beast on female humanoid is the bulk of bestial content, right? Where should I go on this site for such content?
>>3079 Not even me, just weighing in. The bulk of anything is always the shittiest part of anything, retard.
>>3079 No we have that here too, and some people seem to like it, but it is definitely a minority of posted content.
>>3079 >So this board has a problem with male animals on female humanoids, but not the reverse? No nigger. One guy just said he's a faggot. That doesn't mean the mods will remove such content.
>>3084 Oh was that his concern? Because unless it's spam, and/or cp, I really don't care what you guys post.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/04/2022 (Mon) 03:42:50.

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>>3077 >>3079 oh anon, there is no point in being so rude, but whatever i guess your primitiveness comes in a package deal you want a comic, i give you direction how to get a comic you wanted, and you still complain? ungrateful brat >Humans getting fucked by animal dicks isn't /zoo/ material, got it. no, its sometimes zoo material, but usually its /bestiality/ material(esp when its woman X animal stuff) and you fucking reek of that kind of smell >So this board has a problem with male animals on female humanoids, but not the reverse? >You do know that male beast on female humanoid is the bulk of bestial content, right? lissen there anon, im wondering if you catch a diffrence: zoo = sexual orientation when you are attracted to animals. zoo = love, lust, husky-wife zoos wants to see animals in action, not humans. in fact its quite normal to watch/post animalXanimal stuff as "safe&legal" replacement for more hardcore (and illegal in some places) materials bestiality = some randos getting fucked by animals, in best case thats folks that treat animals as pets/living toys, but in most cases its about degradation -like "look at that silly slut, shes so hungry for cocks that she even go for that stalion rod. most bestialist dont give a shit about animals, and would never fuck a animal themself, even if they are all into IRL "breed wife with dog" yes you are right 90% of "animal related" content is bestiality, but in here we are on /zoo/. also if you go to other "zoo" related sites like calista/equiboru or liek zoovile then you hardly going to find any "bestiality" -and yes there are some animal x female, its not like all zoo are male (or straight) >>3084 nothing piss me off more then when i go to some stupid "mostly bestiality" site, of z18 kind and those stupid fucks classify man X female animal as "ghey/faggot porn" cos obviously real straight man aonly want to see bitches dogdilding so no "man on animal " is not a faggotry, i would enjoy if at least here you spare me that kind of tratment and btw if you want to see how more "proper" zoo comic about women X animal looks like - there is very interesting and new stuff - google/sad panda for "100-nichigo ni Aiken to Sex suru Jimi Kyonyuu Megane-chan"
>>3085 >spam OR cp vamp stop trying to trick people into spamming CP you are out of line
that is illegal follow the rules
>>3093 There's no law against entrapment.
>>3086 Your ridiculously complex standards really don't make any sense, you make all manner of baseless assumptions, and it seems like you are trying to impose your autistically narrow idea of what content this board should permit despite being a common poster. I think I don't like you very much. What the hell is your problem?
Why does it feel so wrong, but also so right?
>>3086 >you want a comic, i give you direction how to get a comic you wanted, and you still complain? ungrateful brat Your advice was "just hire an artist". Maybe I don't want to pay for the comic? Maybe I can't? Maybe I've tried already? Maybe I don't want my name or money attached to such a thing? Maybe it's just a fun idea that anons like the users of this board (besides yourself) might enjoy, rather than some serious undertaking? there's lots of reasons why your simplistic answer might not work. >bestiality = some randos getting fucked by animals, in best case thats folks that treat animals as pets/living toys. How would you treat them? if you treat them well, it's like a pet, if you treat them with detachment, it's like a toy. So, do you suggest abusing them instead? what are the alternatives here? >but in most cases its about degradation -like "look at that silly slut, shes so hungry for cocks that she even go for that stalion rod". Or she could genuinely be into the stallion, but why does any of this matter to you? more importantly, the assumptions you are making about my proposal are random, and rejecting my ideas on these grounds rather than trying to make them work is doing a disservice to the board and to the other users of it. >most bestialist dont give a shit about animals, and would never fuck a animal themself, even if they are all into IRL "breed wife with dog" I don't know about that, considering how many guys are genuinely into characters who are female animals, there might be a few out there who'd screw a real rabbit given the opportunity if their waifu is a rabbit pokemon. There's a lot of crossover between the fans of humanoid women getting bred by animal dicks and fans of human dicks entering into non-human pussies. Let me add to my proposal, we could make four different anthologies set in the same prehistoric universe as the one I'm proposing. One for humanoid women and male animals. One for humanoid men and female ones. One for humanoid x animal lesbianism. and one for your preference of humanoid men and male animals. The "spontaneous bestiality in the prehistoric era" angle is the one I'm looking to capitalize on, as so much bestiality/zoophilia focuses on domesticated animals, making a zoobeast porn set in a time before animal husbandry was even a thing would be a very interesting and unorthodox take. Also, being anatomically accurate with how the various species are being depicted in the series, many of whom are now extinct, is not just hot, but also educational. There could be some really good stories in this series, if it's drawn beautifully enough it could be more than just fap material, but also a work of art that revolutionizes the internet pornographic scene.
>>3429 Quality post tbh. And you raise some rather interesting points. I am curious if an answer exists for these questions as well.
I fucked a stingray when I was a young teen... > grew up on the coast > was cleaning fish after a fishing trip > had huge stingray with wingspan ~5' > before cleaning it, flipped it over and saw a slit/hole > "I could probably fit my dick in there" > with a bit of finesse and a lot of force it went in > pretty sure it died in the process > not sure what it's gender was, it was just a place I managed to stick my dick > first lifeform I busted a nut in was a stingray > RIP Steve Irwin feltgood.jpg
>Share experiences, whatever spurred you into this interest, Well my first experience, I was home alone one day. We had just gotten a dog not too long ago and she was a little older than a puppy (small but with the long leg growth spurt). I was sitting on the couch with the dog next to me curled up and I was playing with my dick. (You know when you're hard but you're not really jacking it, just kind of squeezing it, flopping it around, etc). The dog suddenly just moved her head over and started licking my dick unprovoked. I wasn't even trying to initiate anything. I swear it got me so turned on, like top 5 horniest ever. It felt so dirty but so amazing, like I had discovered some kind of life hack for blowjobs. I started jacking off and the dog was licking me while I did it. I didn't put any kind of food on my dick or anything. It felt so amazing because a dog's tongue has a specific coating to it, not like a human's. It like almost "sticks" to your cock while it licks. My dick was at its most sensitive and then the tongue ran across the head of my dick a couple times and I came. The dog, tasting cum, actually started licking FASTER, licking it all up. After that, whenever I was home alone I would get some caramel ice cream topping and rub it on my dick and let her lick it off. I remember one time putting some porn on while she did it and just being in ecstasy. After a while though once the dog got old, she would no longer do it. It's like she realized what I was doing it and wanted no part in it. So I never did it again after that. That's my only experience with this type of stuff. But man, it felt so amazing.
>>3461 how old we talking?
>>3437 Thank you. I want to see stuff created that fills in a gap that exists in actual content. There's not much bestiality porn of female humanoids with female animals, so we should have more of that. There's a lot of focus already placed upon domesticated animals, so lets get wild by blasting back to the past before animals were domesticated, so that we could see humanoids getting fucked by the feral species that lived back then . There's a lot of stories about premeditated sex with animals, so how about stories where it's more incidental (like a humanoid and a creature getting it on developing out of certain unplanned circumstances)? The story could be something like a cavewoman getting cornered by a sabretooth, out of pure desperation she decides to try and seduce the beast, which works better than she could have expected, but results in her now having to actually fuck the great cat, she initially hates it, but as it happens she finds that she loves the experience, so much so that she becomes a zoophile that would begin to actively seek the interspecies sex out again after it was finished (humanoid cock just doesn't cut it for her anymore, now its those spiny giant feline dicks which satisfy her).
Well, before you get to the point of needing an artist you should write out an issue.
>>17 how do you guys friend zoo friends? not even for sexual reasons I just want to meet people I can be open with.
>>3740 Hang out in farmland?
i'm not actively looking for anybody into zoo but if i happen to find someone that would be cool. how common is it to actually find people hinting about it, especially on the normie apps? like people on grindr with the dog lover tag and a pic of them with their dog, are any of them actually hinting they may be into zoo? i'm not about to reveal my power level by bringing it up, but if there's a chance then maybe i could make some joke and gauge their interest without being outed as a perv, but that's already a longshot and i wouldn't expect anyone to actually be into it (or willing to admit it). anyone have any experience here?
>>3740 Making friends with zoosexuals online is insecure and detrimental. A lot of jealous moralfaggots with wifes which does not let them have big dogs and neuter them can kill you or send you to jail. They will pretend they befriend with you but after the first zoo session they will expose you. Make friends with zoos ONLY through farmlands IRL as the anon mentioned, never go IRL from online and never leave your contacts. But you can go from IRL to online. If you cannot find zoo friends, just calm down, a lot of us like this. If you don't care about real life just find tg or discord channels and go and go through people. Again, be secure. You can't know if even the kindest zoo friend is not a psychopath IRL.
>>3773 there's no reliable way that I know to give or receive "hints," unfortunately. Only way to make friends is by starting with a website like this, I think. though obviously this guy disagrees. >>3781
>>3739 Already got one done, my dude.
>>3813 another part, done.
>>2542 >Any way of safely penetrating a cat? right after they give birth is the only possible timing, but it would still hurt the cat. they don't even like being fingered at this time, but it is doable. their insides are made to allow something about that wide to exit, but not enter repeatedly. internal damage is probable if you try it. some things are best left to imagination or art.
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>>4022 >spoiler Would a large domestic, such as a Maine coon, have a large enough pussy given their bodies are larger? Asking this for a (imaginary) friend of mine.
>>4024 large enough to take dick without having just given birth? not likely, unless you had something like a serval or caracal, and even then they would probably need a lot of stretching/training. if you can get even one finger halfway in, you can work from there, but the animal may not cooperate. and with even maine coon size house cat, I do not think you could get even tip of pinky, unless they just gave birth. assuming good timing (day of birthing a litter) the problem is not the dick fitting in the pussy (that is already stretched for you), but the reaction of the cat, and internal injuries, such as friction between bones and boner tearing through walls of reproductive tract. generally speaking, even a cat that likes you petting them, will move away from letting you put your finger in its pussy, even though it can fit, after they just gave birth. yes I have fingered cats. I'd be happy just to have a living cat that enjoys getting fingered, and stays loose enough for one finger. if you had a cat give birth to one litter, and kept it loose, would be easier than trying to stretch from how tight they are normally.
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IF YOU ARE FROM OREGON GTFO AND FIX YOUR STATE ACCORDING TO OREGON STATUTE THE LEGISLATORS AND REPS OF YOUR STATE ARE HELLA GAY FRAUDS WHO ARE FUCKING UP WHAT USED TO BE A BASTION OF FREEDOM. FIX THE HELLA GAY ANTI-ZOO LAW SHIT BEFORE IT SPREADS LIKE CANCER tbh they probably didnt vote for the fags who made that stupid law, oregon pioneered the mail-in vote fraud that got rolled out everywhere last round under the cover of coof, but lots of oregon chicks have tried fucking dogs, and lots of oregon farmers probably fuck their animals too. just more hella gay authoritarian "liberal" commie-fascism in clownworld. suppose it will get repealed, or spread like a cancer to other states?
>>4025 Thanks for the enlightenment, Bast likes it and so do i. Personally in my own experience, i have felt a she cat's outer vagina before when she was in season and she seemed to enjoy it but i never thought to finger her since that occurrence in the dark of night was enough to satisfy my curiosity. Felines are not ranked as a great animal of interest to me as equines are in my eyes, it's matter of preference as you know, nothing personal anon. >>4026 >FIX THE HELLA GAY ANTI-ZOO LAW SHIT BEFORE IT SPREADS LIKE CANCER Fuck Oregon anon is based, shitty laws like that are the bane of my existence.
>>4027 His one man crusade is a daily inspiration.
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>>4028 >His one man crusade is a daily inspiration If only there were more people under the same beliefs as other anons here as well as him and less normal fags who oppose the concept of Zoophilia, then there wouldn't be such states like Oregon or European countries who class it as 'animal abuse' and other crap countries that deem bestiality as against the gay government's randy rules and lousy laws. Alas, if that day ever comes where there are more places more accepting of sexual inter species relationships, instead of the reverse, then i shall gladly and gloriously die a happy anon! Until that day dawns i will thus wait in anticipation and hope for it.
is zoox18 "better" than APR or does it just have more content?
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Does anyone have hentai of, like, snake women fucking or sucking off dudes? I saw some snake related hentai in this thread which made me want some, lol. This seems like the best place to ask on the board.
Well this is cool
>>4034 That's the thing with fucking a really small pussy, be it cat or toddler, it's often just not practical, and forcing it could cause serious harm, though there are rumors of being able to stretch it out for increased accommodation (and even if they are true, and the advice works out, there's only so much you can get in). You see a lot of this stuff with porn about a human guy and a fairy sized chick, that she can magically turn her body into some plastic substance to take a dick bigger than she is. Though there are other variations where the minigirl and her partner simply accept that they can't get anything inside her, and instead turn to alternative sex acts which forego vaginal penetration, like with bodyjobs or a lot of oral and frottage, of having her be the one going inside the guy rather than the other way around. Same could apply to other tiny pussies, like cats or toddlers, I guess. There's a lot more to sexual pleasure than PIV.
For me it was looking up something in google when I was 12 of like werewolf or wolf person and then it went from there.Then I found fchan and found what furries were. then that went from there and it was all set for me haha but i always was more atrratcted to dogs than humans
>>211 I miss that asshole.
>>11628 omg I love this
>>3086 >black twitter shitskin memes fuck off
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why are goats the most attractive yet the most underrated in the scene?
No idea. Growing up, I thought their bare asses were kinda gross, like chimps. We had only one Saanen female, and I remember her just screaming her head off on occasion. Now I know she was just in heat and wanting some cock. I did try to finger her once but she wasn't interested at the time. After that, I never gave goats much thought until after I fixated on deer, which are just much more difficult to find photos of, and to mix with. Their junk is very similar- even though deer are infinitely more attractive- I am a practical person after all and I'm sure a goat would be lovely. In some of the dairy breeds like Alpine and Oberhasli, some of the females are very deer-like too, so. Cool part about the goat community is the (mostly female it seems) owners have this thing they like to do: Posting detailed and well-taken images of their goat girls' pussies onto goat groups asking the community whether they think they're pregnant. Also popular are very well-taken shots of dairy goats' udders, and butt shots of Boer goats (they have the nicest-looking pussies of all goats). In this way, I have found and collected easily thousands of photos of good-looking goat pussy. If you're curious to enter this rabbit hole, just image search "goat pooch" (some doofy owners like to call a goat vulva a "pooch" for whatever odd reason). Maybe someday I'll have some goats for fun. They seem pretty entertaining and I bet the pussy is top shelf.
So anons, tell me about Rhinos... heard they can be pretty playful and gentle with caretakers. Why theres no Rhino fucking porn already?
Hi friends. Do we have a booru style website for doggies? Something in the vein of Callista.
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>>12159 from what i've seen, they're as horny and sometimes even hornier than horses; the problem with fucking them is that they're almost blind so unless you're known to them they'll try to horn you to death (hell their mating courtship begins with them almost killing each other, and sometimes doing so). Then 1st method would be being a caretaker or a rhino vet but then you would be caught 4k drowning in rhinussy. 2nd method would be to go for a wild one but then the gut horning problem reemerges while at the same time having the risk of being caught by either poachers or anti-poacher authorities or life conservation innitiatives since they're endangered and most rhino herds are monitored by gps, all of that for some pussy that you can barely see past the 50 fat ticks that got to it first (seriously i haven't seen a wild rhino's pussy without at least 1 tick on it) Also supposedly they stink like shit TL;DR It fucking sucks
>>11628 Hot thanks
>>11646 most emotionally stable 8chan user
Maybe its because they're already a small part of the population, but I really wish there was trans females getting railed by dogs, literally never seen it sadly, the only transgirl I know thats into dogs is specifically drawn only sadly.
>>16459 I think i've seen that on zooville before.
Hey guys, so I really just want to fuck an animal. I would prefer a horse, dog or goat. (A chicken would also do fine but I dont want to permanently injure the animal.) Do you have any past experiences or advice on what to do? I'm working fulltime so getting a pet is not an option. I live in a rural area though, so "fencehopping" would technically be possible. Here are some ideas, feel free to comment on them: a) Hopping into an animal enclosure (e.g. Goat) at night, looking at, petting and possibly touching them sexually. b) Doing the same at an animal shelter with dogs. c) The above but also short-time "leasing" the animal, so I can enjoy it in my home. (I would obviously bring it back "unharmed" and well-fed.) d) Street-dogs (but they aren't really a thing where I live) e) Buying an animal at a farmers-market or pet-store. (I would have to find a place for them afterwards. Ty
I'd like to connect with zoos more but I'm socially retarded and paranoid plus the area I'm in seems to be pretty barren when it comes to zoo anyways
>>22138 Fencehoppong used to be viable. Not anymore with how much camera tech has evolved, and depending on where you live you're risking getting shot. Offer dog-sitting for people. Look for people asking for dogsitters. It doesn't guarantee you'll get laid but atleast you get to spend time with an animal and get some money from it.
>>22138 a) Unsafe in an wireless camera world b) They're all spay/neutered c) See above d) They won't trust you. You could get harmed. You'll bring fleas into your home. e) You'd need to find a place for them first, obviously. Get a good job, find a place of your own, buy a puppy - train her well, fuck 1.5 - 2 years later
>>22138 I'd go for a mare if possible, best pussy you'll ever have in your life. First and foremost, for multiple reasons DO NOT IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO MOLESTING AND TRYING TO FUCK HER. Even though most mares have been touched by men before (seriously! It's something you don't talk about in farming in polite company but it's known most mare guys are fucking them and the chances are if you're getting a new mare she's lifted her tail for a human before even if it's just so he can feel her up. It's accepted usually begrudgingly even by female farmers.), unless shes used to putting out for men she doesn't know, chances are she'll deny a strange man in the dead of night trying to touch her sex and you'll get kicked or bitten. Now, even if she wants you to fuck the shit out of her (unlikely because she'll more than likely be wondering who you are but it does happen), DON'T FUCK HER YET. As another anon said there's probably cameras about, linger around for a few days and see if there's any reaction or change from the farmer (also helps her get more comfortable with you), look around for any obvious cameras on the outside and inside because, usually, they WANT the cameras to be seen. Stops any would be thief's or mare fuckers from even trying. If you see even ONE camera, go for another stable because there WILL be more that you can't see. If possible, try to go for farms and stables with older owners, technology (especially hidden cams) is beyond their understanding usually and they've never needed it so... Why start now, right? Ignore any moral crusaders crying about you fucking their mare. Pussy that good is too good to pass up and should be experienced by everybody! If you ever get the chance take pics and videos! Don't go giving yourself away however just to take pics and such, bright lights will get you caught Good luck! As soon as you get your first experience on a mare you'll be hooked!
>>22313 In a dark barn, any IR-emitting camera is easy to spot with any cellphone running in video mode. Cameras that do not emit IR but use low ambient light to capture video exist, but are more expensive and less common. "Covert" cameras concealed in objects also exist, but any of there would stand out like a sore thumb in a barn as they are meant to be used inside a home. Smoke detectors, clock radios, etc. Less common than those are true concealments which have to be custom-installed. Even those have a tiny lens showing, there are devices designed to detect them as well. The presence of a strong local wifi can tell you whether you're in a barn with technology or not. There are handheld devices that can detect RF transmissions or noise, no consumer-grade stuff is shielded. Even so, I don't think I would risk trying something in someone else's barn anymore, people can be sneaky and just walk up on you.
>>397 Great name for a band.
>>463 Are you a man or a woman?
(1.30 MB 720x1280 XmasCheer.webm)

I know I'd seen a thread about peek-a-boo sheaths but can't find it now. So, have a general FB reel, almost guaranteed not to have been intended to be titillating, but here we are.
To the guys who have tried multiple animal vaginas: Please explain (in detail if possible) which vagina feels the best and how they feel. I'd love to hear you guys comparing Goat, Sheep, Horse, Dog and Pig pussy! Hit me with your tierlist. Merry christmas.
>>22426 >posted in 2021 <"I hope they reply"
>>22592 Dream: dolphin pussy Best: mare Great: human and sheep are tied and honestly are quite similar Good: canine It works: anal
>>22608 Filly is probably better than mare, but I don’t have personal experience to know for sure. And merry Christmas
I'm really surprised I haven't seen a single video of a transwoman getting knotted; the thought of a from-below view of someone with their boobs swinging and cock and balls squirting uselessly is so hot
Every Christmas I hope for someone to fuck a reindeer. Every year I am disappointed. They are such personable and fearless animals as well; you would think that it would be easy.
>>22687 Every year somebody fucks a reindeer, of that I have no doubt. It's just they don't video and post it, which is unfortunate. There's probably not much internet where the Sami live, and anybody else with captive pets would be too worried about being ID'd. I think about all those "christmas village" farms that have tons of cute "santa's reindeer" to pet and feed... there's no way that someone hasn't fucked some jtrh reindeer pussy before the tourists arrive (just remember to clean all your cum out of her pussy so she's not dripping during the photoshoots) I did read one nicely written account a long time ago on a forum. Seemed pretty legit and I busted to it more than once. I wonder if I saved it? If I find it should I post it in the deer thread?
Talking about special animals: I dont want to approve or promote this but did you guys ever fuck a chicken? How does it feel and would you say its worth it? I've seen lots of content on zoox18

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