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Mr.Ed Video Thread Horse Boy 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:07:25 No. 18793
Anyone got Mr Ed's / OnlyFlares video saved? Since he got kicked off the forum I'm missing his content. Esp if anyone has the condom on the stallion video
>>18793 What forum did he get kicked off of? ZooVille?
>>18793 Yeah, I saved almost everything in that thread, except anything during the last week of that thread. I skimmed through for the condom video but couldn't find it. It's probably just lost somewhere in my unsorted collection. If you know a good anonymous site I can throw the files onto in bulk, I can see about doing that. Don't get your hopes up for anytime soon, though; I'd need to sort through my stuff and that'd take time. In the meantime, if you know roughly what month he posted the video in I could sort by date and try to find it. >>18851 Yep, Zooville. Ed was a retard. ZV's got a rule that says "No posting of contact information on the forum." Simple, right? Easy to follow. Well, Ed decided to post a few videos with his Telegram on them, so staff deleted only those videos (I think maybe half a dozen?) and asked him politely not to break their rules. Ed instantly goes full fag mode, tantrum posts about how shitty Zooville is and how he's leaving, then the thread gets deleted (by him as far as I know).
>>18793 He has a telegram channel where he uploads stuff, t.me slash OnlyFlares You can also find it by searching "artist:MisterED" on Callista's equibooru.
Does he still publish his sex videos somewhere?
He hasn't got anywhere to upload them yet. He says he is still working on it, so might be a while.
>>18882 I thought it was because he mentioned somewhere that the horses are not his and the owner is unaware. That's mentioned on his banned profile. Fuck.. it is what it is.. Could be the actual owner is hardly around the stables and he lives there as stable manager, maybe also decently educated on horse fertility or whatever.. I don't think he's just average stable hand. He mentioned on ZV a few things about the place. MisterED is legendary. I don't care much for the stallion stuff but I bet it's great too. The videos he made with mares are amazing. I love that you can see those beautiful girls entirely in many videos. It drives me insane, the ones where they are in heat, taking a wide stance with their hind legs, squatting and letting their love juice flow all over. He's got a great big dick for breeding those girls too. Also thumbs up for the stable management, it's a proper example. The horses look healthy and clean, stables are clean, the girls are well into it. He's clean himself and handling respectfully. I was surprised and sad to see him banned. Maybe his content was not so much within the aim of ZV, it's straight up high quality pornos and a lot of them, maybe also attracting unwanted attention to the forums but I'm not sure of that. I just think he should've been more cautious about things shown in the videos and information provided about the place, maybe it's better some things are now removed.
>>18886 >>18898 >>18967 I wasted a good half hour or so acquiring a burner number for Telegram (because it glows) only to find that he doesn't post any sex videos in that channel. I scrolled through a bunch of messages and eventually found one where the owner of the channel (presumably Mr. Ed?) made a vague reference to the existence of such videos but did not provide any links or anything and stopped replying when questioned further. How does this work exactly? Do you somehow "befriend" him within one of the public channels (despite having limited opportunity to even engage with him) and then he eventually grants access to a private channel where he posts the good stuff?
>>19061 So, telegram doesnt actually allow zoo stuff, his open channels get away with it because it's not sexual. I don't know if he has a closed channel with horse sex. Callista has some sex videos from him. I'm not gonna spoonfeed, it's a booru and is very easy to search
>>19080 >telegram doesnt actually allow zoo stuff what. then how come there's so much spam from people wanting to join zoo telegram channels
>>19095 Well, just because it's not allowed doesn't mean people don't do it. Honor system type thing, you don't report me I won't report you.
>>19080 He does have a closed channel with "hands-on" horse content. He won't let you in unless you are VERY active, kiss his ass regularly, constantly tell him how sexy his horse pictures are, you constantly talk about how much you want to fuck a horse and what you'd like to do with one, he decides you "aren't just a gooner", his gf likes you as well, and you have an already existing several year old FA account with which to send his burner account on there a message with. Dude sucks. I tried to get in but I just couldn't no matter what I tried, because I wasn't in chat being like "ohmmmmg *drool* horsecocks are SOOO yummy I wish I could deepthroat one and feel it cum and fill up my stomach with all it's delicious horse cum!!!"
>>19001 He could've been a fencehopper, but I know for sure the final straw at ZV for him was the dumb telegram watermark thing. He did have some weird vibes, but that's to be expected from someone who takes horse cock up the keister that often. Honestly, I'm only in those threads to grab content and nut. 95% of Zooville posts aren't worth reading since they're usually just "hot" "id fuck u and dog then slurp creampies out" "more" "the video doesnt work." I think I only have a few of his mare videos, I don't recall seeing many posted to begin with. You're absolutely right that he did take good care of the horses; they were always clean, healthy, and the property always looked well kept. >>19061 >>19138 Thanks for checking it out, I figured it'd either be that, hardcore pay-walling, a honeypot, or all three. >>18793 Hey OP, I sorted through a decent chunk of my files and I found the condom videos. Next post of mine will have them; I hit the file size limit if I post them together. Good uncompressed stuff. Like I said in my last post, I've got about 138 videos from MisterED I can dump if someone gives me an anonymous file drop site I can upload the files in bulk to. Plenty of images, too, but I haven't sorted through any of them yet; I've got over 3,000 zoo files and sorting through them all is something I've been neglecting to do for a long time.
>>19156 Alright thanks for clearing it up I missed the part on ZV where he went on a tantrum. I just went on the forum again after a month or so and couldn't find his threads anymore. Then in dumpster fire section there were some discussions and questions about his ban and it was explained that it was because the horses were not actually his and he had no permission from the owner, that 'he's a stable hand who can't keep his dick in his pants'. There was a long going thread in solo animals section 'MisterED's mares' or something with lots of content that was not just solo. Also pics of sewn up mares, talk about how many horses were there and what kind, a video with people talking in the background while he's playing with a mare laying down in a stable (he comments he couldn't get other footage because there were people around as you can hear), objects in vids that give away the country, one video where he didn't censor his face for a split second, many pics showing parts of buildings and what the outside look like etc.. Fuck so many stables look the same but the dude just seems a bit careless about what he does. I sure as shit wish for him that he will never be caught by the wrong person, it will be like throwing solid arguments to a flat earther..
>>19568 sum up what you said in like 10 words plz
>>19568 ZooVille's rules are retarded, it doesn't really matter if he owns the horses or not if he's been working there long enough to be intimately familiar with them and they consent to sex. At the same time though, if Ed himself was the one to come out and say that he doesn't own them on ZooVille, he's also dumb because the rules explicitly say that this isn't allowed. But maybe it was someone else who leaked that information from a Telegram group, in that case they're an asshole.
ZooVille's moderators are retarded 99% of videos and pics on zv are made with people that don't own the animals; including the famous horsecore; however just a few "lucky" ones get banned and their content deleted And their on a jihad now with "animal abuse" considering animal abusers even those that share some link to a youtube video where one might see a rope or something somewhere
>>19578 good thing everything's inevitably uploaded to zoox18. which I scrape so I don't give a fuck what they do on ZV
his mare videos were the best but that whole thread is gone, i regret not backing anything up
>>19633 dude really did have the best hands on mare stuff, i only found the thread like a week before they wiped it all away. hopefully he starts uploading again somewhere
>>19138 So apparently if you vote for the channel with Telegram Premium and then apply through a link, he'll add you to an exclusive channel where he shares "hands on" videos. Link to said channel: no telegram I'm not willing to pay for premium using a card linked to me and apply for a zoo channel, but if anyone else is... it would be greatly appreciated to share it all here.
Edited last time by emp on 11/03/2024 (Sun) 19:35:00.
i have several of MRED videos but they are all way way to large to post here. i have one small one of him and one that is random not ED.
ok i did a bit of editing to try and get them to fit. some will.
>>20113 Could upload to catbox.
now this is one hot mare.
>>20046 Hold up, can you elaborate? How did you find this out? How do you "apply"? I might be willing to get a prepaid card just for this.
>>20205 It's in a message. I attached it. I assume you vote for the channel with Telegram and then click the apply button.
(8.74 MB 480x854 4_5845780300394665037.mp4)

a filly from his collection
>>18882 Fuck ZV mods
(177.69 KB 1920x1920 IMG_20241031_161634_796.jpg)

just had this one posted on my Discord.
>>20360 Attached where?
>>20687 Mods deleted the attachment for some reason. No idea why.
>>20666 Fuck mods here too it seems. They won't let me attach the screenshot of the Telegram group. If I post it again I'll probably be banned.
>>20710 I mean I don't think I need any additional info, I saved the link you posted earlier, I should just be able to join and "vote" for the channel, I'll search through the messages if I have to
>>20710 you bet, and I’ll keep global reporting outside chats and links as long as it takes
>>20713 Who hurt you? Trying to get some of this asshole's locked-away paywall stuff posted here and you're ruining it for everyone.
Would be eternally grateful if someone would leak the private telegram content.
Surprised nobody’s really uploaded his mare stuff yet.
>>21745 i can't find any of his mare stuff, this is the most content i've seen since it got nuked off of zville
>>21756 I’d usually just save the things I liked the most so I still have a bit of his mare stuff, not much though sadly.
>>21795 Whoops, accidental reupload.
>>21795 thanks king, for sharing what ya got
(28.79 MB 1080x1920 VID_20241209_212529_267.mp4)

>>20122 Not sure if I'm just being dumb but I don't see the mega mare thread here anymore. Was it deleted?
>>21962 It hit a thousand replies, its anchored and dropping, currently on page 4. Someone needs to make a new one. Congrats. You finally have a finished thread on this board! Congratulations! BAKER WE NEED NEW BREAD
>>21964 You guys are so lazy. Fine I made another one. You can make your own threads you know. I don't even run this board anymore. Technically not my job guys.
>>21967 who's the board owner now?
>>21980 I honestly forget his name, but he's cool your fine. Also as a global I still have to mod this board.
>>21980 OH was it emp?
why doesn't he upload here ?
>>23336 >encourages it to be shared >I will not leak content he doesnt want shared so he encourages it to be shared but also doesn't want it to be shared? what??
>>20119 why only dudes are crazy or horny,,, enough to attempt to film vids like the third one?
>>23338 Uncensored or unedited content. Anything without his watermark was leaked and Im not reposting that either. Find me on TG, mods deleted my last comment with my UN so, sucks to suck I guess. He doesnt have a paid channel and doesnt charge for content. Anyone who claims so is a scamming fuck.
>>23337 Neither of us will ever use this place as a host. File limit is too small and other reasons including allowing abuse content and sadist users.
>>20676 >10 This is Pauls content. He goes by Spirit. He has an invite only group that requires a TG premium account to join, but is not paid. Main group is called OnlyStallions. Not MisterED.
>>23711 >allowing abuse content Be more specific? You know, some people would describe anything involving bestiality to be abuse. I was under the impression that mods delete stuff that's too extreme. >sadist users That's not really preventable on an anonymous online board. You can just ignore threads you don't like and that solves your issue. This website is meant to provide a place for free expression. You should just be thankful these kinds of places are even allowed to exist in 2025. Anyway, Zooville has stricter rules and you don't post your content there so don't act like it's because you're sick of sadism or whatever. You clearly just want money.
>>18793 i need this condom - its obviously my size

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