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Animal Enthusiast 10/06/2024 (Sun) 08:01:43 No. 19587
>15 years ago >human pussy first, then animal pussy >you can't be this desperate >but if you got the chance with (fantasy species) >still, human pussy first >fast forward I'm 28 and I'm just tired of not knowing what pussy feels like and if I can't get a girl to fuck me then I'll just find a way to fuck a dog so I'm no longer a virgin. If I'm being honest I'm curious to know how different human pussy would feel like if I ever get a chance. If it comes down to it I'd raise a puppy and train it for sex, I'm willing to give them the best possible care. I will value their health over mine if I have to. If I do this I would probably pick a large breed dog, there are some people nearby giving away st bernard puppies today and Ive asked them to hold on to one for me. These puppies have big paws so she's gong to be massive. I have a week to pick her up if I want her. If I can get a fuckable dog (im desperate so he the dog has to be hot) i may not adopt this pup, though i have fantasized about eating out a large breed. So who knows really... What do you anons think I should do? If I do this i might take requests. Give some content. I'm leaning hard on no but i might change my mind if i can even muster the confidence to act my plan out. unrelated giraffe cock While I'm making this thread ill also make some requests, i remember an otter thread on the old 8ch that was rich with content. It had so much sea otter stuff in It. Does anyone remember that?
Wtf??!!! You're literally me anon >be me >dad was an alcoholic and abusive all my life >grew up severely autistic >scared of girls, everyone calls me weird(even my uncle who's a doctor and knows of the abuse) >discovered bestiality at 14 >now 22 khhv, probably won't change >found 8chan and saw the men fucking dogs thread >decide i will adopt a dog when i graduate and have her be my partner It's sad that it has come to this. I know it's wrong but why do i have to align with the views of a society that knew i was being abused and did nothing? Fuck this world man >inb4 get a hooker incel nah, i don't want to get stds, and knowing that this woman is only doing it with me for the money is just sad. Also what is an incel? i don't have a gf but i don't hate women cus of that. Am i an incel cus i'm a virgin?
I'm also going to edge until i can find a suitable dog.
anons, how to get human gf?
>>19595 Unironically, do cult leader shit. Just need to make her a cult of one. Up to you how negatively or positively you take it from there.
>>19587 I have a similar plan. I'm conventionally attractive, got good money, and have a good sized dick but 1) I'm socially awkward , 2) My exes have been emotionally abusive and I'm just fucking done with the head games and 3) I can't support another human being if I intend to actually retire. I'm perfectly fine finding a bitch who loves me unconditionally and loves sex too. Nice and simple. Would be nice to find someone willing to share (so that I can go from 80% sure to 100% sure that I want to do this) but I fully understand why an owner would be hesitant to do so. Currently waiting until I buy a house before I make the big move.
It's sad that this thread didn't get more replies. Some of us don't choose to be zoos bit choose to do so to get intimacy. When we ask for help, we are ignored. Such is life >>19628 I'm the complete opposite. It never even began
cant you just dogsit?
>>19653 wouldn't be at this point if i could
>>19673 >wouldn't be at this point if i could You totally can. Faking dogsitting credentials is super easy. Maybe watch 1 or 2 youtube videos and you'll know everything you'd need to know. The true issue with that suggestion is that every dog is going to be spayed/neutered unless you live in rural america. Odds are low of it having interest in playing. You could look for a legit shelter that has intact dogs and ask to trial run a pup for a week or two "to see if you have chemistry".
>>19677 It's more of everyone who wants a sitter wants it done in their home where they have cameras I did think about this but no shelters around me let you take a dog for more than a few hours But i have news anons! i did find a dog i just need a few days to get everything in order
>>19727 Keep us updated... and post proof ;)
>>19758 girl was rehomed :( took too long she was a purebred I did find a husky with the hottest fucking face you've ever seen if i get her its i hope you find her just as hot, I've contacted them and i hope to hear back soon im in the process of settling for just a regular dog if i can't get her though
>>19587 I'm almost 34 and I still don't know what pussy feels like
>>19727 > in their home where they have cameras Easy. Unplug their internet router. The ones with cameras will ask and you'll just say that you tripped on the cable. The ones without cameras won't even know that the internet blacked out. >>19773 >I did find a husky Intact? How old?
ZT Horse predicted this.
I've always heard that sheep pussy is the closest to human. The advantage to livestock is unlike pets they're generally all intact (especially females). The disadvantage is you need a house outside the city limits.
>>21909 Predicted what?
>>22134 >I've always heard that sheep pussy is the closest to human. Close- but sheep are superior in so many ways. Temp, smell, taste, no bloody period, no bitching, no headache, no diamond ring. They're pretty passive but I like that. Get her warmed up and into a mating trance- Most guys aren't interested in finding out what they like and getting them to cum, but I love nothing more than feeling her contractions as she achieves a nice orgasm. They love it and will never forget, they'll treat you differently forever. All females love a good cum and will love you back for it. Sheep are sweet.
>>19820 >Easy. Unplug their internet router. The ones with cameras will ask and you'll just say that you tripped on the cable. The ones without cameras won't even know that the internet blacked out. > No. Onsite storage is a real thing. If you see cameras anywhere, there could easily be ones you cannot see. Take the dog "to the park" ie. your home, where you know it's safe. Oh, and don't cum inside unless it's their mouth.
You cant just grab any female dog and expect to fuck it. Dogs, even large ones are too small for human cock. Yes I know you've seen porn where some guy has is dick in a chihuahua. what you don't know, or notice is something that small has probably had puppies recently. That greatly stretches them out. I've been an active zoo for 35 years. I've never had a female dog I could have sex with, without special circumstances. The best and easiest is if she has had puppies. A couple of litters and she will permanently be loose enough for you. Or, with a lot of time and work over the course of a year you can slowly stretch with toys. Aside from that. Every husky or german shepherd I've had has been too small. And please, if you want to be with a dog do it with your own. Dont go trying to fuck your friends dog or some other random persons dog. Things like that and getting caught gives us all a bad name and makes it harder for zoo lifestyle to be accepted by non zoos.
>>22193 lolwhat have you seen the size of a German shepherds cock? around the same girth as a human if not thicker.
>>22220 And they have a bone in them so they go in small and only get a full erection once they're inside. totally different than a man who must be fully hard before he can penetrate anything. I see people try to write porn making this mistake all the time. Tell the dreamers from the doers.
>>22193 >I've been an active zoo for 35 years. I've never had a female dog I could have sex with, without special circumstances. Have you not seen the dozens of tutorials and instructions from Zoo Forums (and here) that spell out that a well trained pup can take human cock at the 2 year mark? Maybe you have a much larger than average penis?
>>23074 You said it yourself, well trained. that means stretching , over the course of months maybe a year. Trust me, you cant just walk up to a dog and fuck her unless she has either had puppies, or had extensive stretching. Most guys see a porn vid of a guy fucking a dog and think that's all that you need. A willing dog and it's all good. but it's not. dog vag is way different from human. without stretching or puppies, it wont fit. And, fun fact, when a bitch is in heat, she's actually tighter than when not in heat. Yes, I really do know what I'm talking about.
>>23169 Well that's a bummer. I was hoping my human cock would be the first thing to stretch out my girl, not some bizarre dildo thing or whatever. What about larger breeds, can't they take it without training?
>>22193 I've been a zoo for 35 years How old are you oldfag? What is your wisdom and advice for us young zoos?
>>23172 Don't listen to that retard, bigger breeds should easily be able to take humans unless you have a porn dick. We're talking about the size of a Golden Retriever or German Shepherd, so not huge but you won't be fucking a Yorkie.
>>23179 Really? That oldfag seems to have some kind of knowledge on the matter. Why should i believe him over you?
>>23179 >bigger breeds should easily be able to So you have no real world experience. Have you ever seen a dog cock when it's not hard? they are tiny, like the size of your finger. when dogs fuck the penis goes in before its hard and the erection comes after its inside. Thats how the OMG MASSIVE dog cock fits in. I dont have experience with danes, but I do know, lab, rotweiler, german shepherd, husky are all too small to just walk up to and fuck. After having puppies, yep. fits in fine. after a lot of stretching, yes it will fit. Think of it this way, go get a massive horse cock dildo. if you have a virgin ass do you really think it will just drop right into your asshole? NO! But, you can stretch your asshole out over the course of a year so it will fit. Dont think just because you have seen porn of something that you can just go fuck your friends dog when you get 10 minutes alone with it. It's not going to happen.
>>23201 I'll back up this anon, it took me maybe six months of regular gentle stretching a large female dog with my fingers, lube and medical gloves. I'd avoid using toys since you get less feedback on how she's loosening up and it's much nicer to feel her clench and contract on your fingers as you massage her in bed. It became just another form of petting and bonding with my dog and she would happily jump into bed and splay out on her back once she learned that it felt good. You have to be very patient to avoid hurting her but oh boy is the reward worth it. Please don't rape your friends pets. It will end badly.
>>23202 >>23201 ah shit. would a 130 lb mastiff fit me? no puppers from her so far
>>23230 Yes. Water-based lube and some gentle fingering. Wish I could join you

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