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Sneks Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 07:43:26 No. 222
Snek fuckery. I prefer human male x cloaca, but snake dick is welcome too. As I've said before, I've no idea where to safely acquire real snake fuckery, but I do have some cartoons. Generally I prefer to see strange and large animal dicks fucking girls, but for some reason, serpents have the opposite effect on me. I could go either way with sharks. I really liked Caenemung from Terraurge.
I demand tripfaggotry. Only Cloaca is allowed the wonders of snek sex.
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>>225 Here you go, faggot. I have no fucking material to post
>>226 WELCOME! ah man I was wondering when you'd arrive. Read through the meta and general and get back here. A labor of love this board. I hope you like it Cloaca.
>>227 >Read through the meta and general and get back here. I have. Just didn't feel like posting until now. Doubt the board activity will last, but may as well participate while the iron is hot.
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>>229 Why did Acid mention Oregon in particular though? Pretty sure /zoo/ porn is illegal in plenty of other states.
>>230 I mean the act yeah. Possession of a jpg not so many I guess. Class a misdemeanor. Anyway who cares. I assume he sought a legal opinion. If not I highly recommend he retain an attorney if at all possible.
Ugh and so lazy. A search for the tag snake on sankaku black shows 2000 hits. Here have the best of both worlds. Snake x Horsedick.mpeg
>>231 >Possession of a jpg not so many I guess. At least a dozen. I can't find the fucking list again. >I assume he sought a legal opinion. I highly doubt it.
>>234 Well in his best interest you better get a list and Ill add them to the pasta.
>>234 You know as an investor Mark should really insist that everyone practice full due diligence.

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>>228 There's a bunch of zoophiles posting a zoo thread on 4chan's /b/ and they want a board like this. Or at least several of them do. Their thread isn't always up. I'd tell them about "8 chan . moe /zoo/" but I am long since banned
>>241 I believe you are referring to the thread that created this board. 3 days ago. >>>/b/24598
>>244 no, 4chan's /b/ It's there almost every night. They use a feral art pic of a german shepard last time I was there
>>247 I am rangebanned to hell and back. Damn. Well someone needs to find a way to pass a message in a bottle.

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SHoutout to cloaca, more snake
>>249 Moar snek
>>250 >anthro that's vile, terrible, don't let that slip into your posting
More snake, for cloaca and all who like snake
>>251 I mean once I blacklist anthro the available pics drop to a very low number. Here at least the snek isn't anthro.
>>268 I understand, a lack of options starts to lower your standards, but some lines you shouldn't cross
>>278 True true anon.
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>>353 Yeah I thought about uploading female x snek But Cloaca has very strict tastes.
Does anyone have the photos from that one snakefucker back on 8chan? Pretty please.
>>477 Pray for it! I'm hoping too
>>354 Upload whatever you want, fag.
finally a good thread! >>477 It depends which one. I probably have something but you will have to wait at least a week until I can post them
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>>778 >>779 >>780 >>781 Thank you so much, I was worried these were gone forever, gonna make sure to save them this time.
>>268 Snakes and horses are a strangely hot combination
>>779 can anyone identify this snake breed?
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some more old content
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I'm sorry I don't have ffmpeg skillz to match the content in here.
Hey guys. Does this Gatorfilled.avi contains a virus?>>816
>>870 No, there is no virus
>>876 Does monkeyfucking have viruses?
>>870 its just the dude that fucks a male gator
>>878 There is nothing more alpha in the world.
(21.85 MB 640x480 lizard2full.avi)

not a snake but still hot
who said snakes can't consent? sorry for the garbage quality, that's all I got. allegedly it was posted on the old 8chan shortly before the site got nuked
>>1275 snakes are cutes
Hey to the guy who posted the video of the person ducking that snake url the fike type is not rightand i cant watch it, would jtbe possible to change the file type? I'm on android if that helps
(2.67 MB 320x240 Gatorfilled.webm)

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reposting these as webm
>>1454 what post were you referring to?
>>1741 Florida Man got the right idea. Seriously though, how do you not suck that dick? It's begging for attention.
This is all one video cut down to fit size limits
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Not a snake but a relative
>>2324 we need more big reptiles
>>2325 we need someone to make more content
burmese python cloaca
Gonna ask here since no matching thread. Looking for video description as follow: >"That double, giant snail blowjob with cum shot webm"
>>3855 I mean we have a request thread. Granted its never once delivered so far.
>>3855 This?
>>222 I've heard of a place with a lot of herpephile content on tor called "cloaca club". Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>5208 no but I am interested
>>1275 I hope someone saved the original and can post it, along with the other vids. His stuff was great and I had an archive but lost it. Fuck.
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>>5483 Huh. its a dude fucking a snake.
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You know what I haven't seen once but have been searching for years? Hemipenes. I've seen tons of female snakes and snake's bodies being used like dildos... but no love for reptiles and their lovely unique cocks? Has anyone seen any real zoo vids featuring hemipenes? +100 points if the snake/reptile cums
>>5491 I have never seen that. Getting reptiles to have a boner sounds like a challenge. >I've seen tons of female snakes Was there anything that hasn't been posted here yet? We could use a bit more content.
>>779 This is why I don't make content anymore. I only shared these with 2 or 3 people and it got leaked. I mean, I understand the nature of the internet (hence why I censored as much of the background as I could, just in case), but still pretty shitty of my 'friends'. I have more snakes now, but I am not making more content.
>>5505 Didn't you post them to 8chan yourself?
>>1275 This was on zoovile before it went down and got shitty mods zoovile had an amazing reptile board.
>>5510 Damn I wish I had been there to see it. I find it such a shame that they decided to just revert to the old BF rules of "no reptiles allowed ever". It seems to show that even zoophiles can be bigoted.
>>5510 You don't happen to have the original, do you?
>>5509 Nope, I literally only ever shared the pictures with 2 or 3 people on Telegram years ago. Keep seein' them pop up. Because of course I do. There's also a video of me fucking this snake that I found again on ZooX18.
>>5514 Then I guess they were larping as you because I remember someone claiming to be the author have a long conversation in that thread. I do remember that this video >>5514 was also posted there but then deleted after some guy started threatening the poster. I am sorry to hear that this was posted against your will, but I have to say this is hot as fuck. And I can only implore you to reconsider your decision not post anything. Scaly content is already rare enough to come by and too few people are able to produce it. But if I may, could I at least ask you how big that snake is? Did she get any bigger since those pictures? And what other snakes do you have now?
>>5515 Thinking back on it, it may have been me, sharing the images AFTER they leaked elsewhere. I did post stuff on 8chan back in the day. Now that it's clear my memory isn't infallible I should probably just shut up. That said, yeah she's a bit bigger now. Now much, though. She's a ball python, so she won't get super big. Honestly, as time goes on I'm less horny for...anyone or anything. I've not done anything lewd with her since soon after these images were made. Clearly she's healthy and all that but I've always been worried about hurting her. I'd like to get a bigger snake, like a burmese python or something, but not for the sex. I just really like snakes.In fact, I have lost almost all sexual desires. (Would love to get fucked by a horse or have a mare to play with, but anything else isn't really my thing, be it human or dog or snake). I actually have multiple snakes now. Not gonna get too in depth since what snakes I have and what species they are and what they look like could very well be defining features and while I'm no longer an active zoo I am still pretty well known in certain groups. this snake is about 5.5 foot long now. She's the only one with a cloaca big enough to handle anything; I do have two bigger snakes but for some reason their cloaca are tiny by comparison and I can barely fit a finger in them. but again, haven't done anything with them for years now.
>>5529 This all makes me feel more intrigued now. I am still surprised that a ball python could fit a human. And that video was one of the hottest things I have ever seen. I hope you will still stick around here, but I also understand if you are no longer a zoo. Somehow this is reminiscent of another snake zoo who used to post in the old board just like you. He also had a ball python he used to play with but lost interest not long after he started posting. Out of curiosity, what brought you here again if you are not all that interested in that stuff anymore?
>>5530 I'm still a zoo and I still like the porn, but as time goes on I'm just not interested in sex with very few exceptions. And yeah, Snakes are quite stretchy. Just gotta make sure you use lube and work them up. Couldn't just go from zero to fucking her in a matter of seconds, really had to rub, penetrate, rub some more, tug ever so gently to test, make sure there's no cloacal mess, rub some more, apply more lube, and only once you could easily get 2 fingers in her, then you're welcome to give sex a try. And hooooooo boy. After having snake cunt wrapped around you, nothing can compare. They're basically nothing but a tube of muscle and can squeeze tighter than any human, dog, horse, or toy I've EVER fucked. And while she's never bled while I was playing with her, you could really go hard and deep. But again, my concerns overshadowed my horniness. While I did enjoy being balls-deep in her at the time, I felt guilty for a variety of reasons I don't wanna get into on here. Again, never hurt her, I just know it's not the same for a snake as it is for dogs or horses. As time went on, my own personal arousal and pleasure wasn't the point. I did what I did with most of my partners for THEIR pleasure. But snake brains don't think that way. So it was kind of not really something I was comfortable with. I acknowledged I was only fucking her because it felt good to me. Which is exactly the sort of thing I don't REALLY approve of and why zoophilia/bestiality is illegal and hated so many places. So yeah, in time I just stopped having interest in doing this sort of thing because my morals were pretty straightforward and this went against that. I know I'll probably get a tonne of flack for that on a board such as this. Which is why I'm really not interested in arguing with anyone about it. I do love making porn and am an absolute exhibitionist so if an opportunity arises again I'd LOVE to share, but as of now I have no interest in being physical with any of my snakes. (I also realize now that this might not register as 'me' since I'm on my desktop now instead of my laptop, so if the tag or identifier makes it seem I'm a different person, I'm not.)
>>5532 >I did what I did with most of my partners for THEIR pleasure. But snake brains don't think that way. So it was kind of not really something I was comfortable with. Care to go into detail about that? A lot of the discussion in the mammal threads talk about dogs and horses grinding against people. How do reptiles differ?
>>5532 >And yeah, Snakes are quite stretchy. Just gotta make sure you use lube and work them up. How long would you say it took for her to get big enough to take you? >make sure there's no cloacal mess How messy did she get actually? Did you need to clean up poop every time you had sex with her? >And hooooooo boy. After having snake cunt wrapped around you, nothing can compare. I want to believe that. The way her cloaca wraps around your dick when you pull out in that video really makes me want to try. >I did what I did with most of my partners for THEIR pleasure. But snake brains don't think that way. So it was kind of not really something I was comfortable with. I have seen a couple of people who claim they do experience pleasure and desire sex, and seeing this video >>1275 I want to believe it to be true. Of course this may also simply be wishful thinking, but I think sex needs to be pleasurable to induce a desire for reproduction, so I believe they do feel pleasure. And it is only because of our lack of understanding and inexperience with reptile sex that we are still unable to identify when they are enjoying it, and how to pleasure them. After all, having sex with reptile has never been a popular thing unlike with dogs or horses, so accounts of people having a mutually enjoyable sexual relationship with a reptile are understandably sparse. But I am optimistic in my belief that by making it more accepted and more popular, we will be able to see more instances of reptiles who enjoy having sex with humans. >I know I'll probably get a tonne of flack for that on a board such as this. Which is why I'm really not interested in arguing with anyone about it. I don't think you should get any flak for it. Your concern is very valid and commendable. I think more zoos should share that attitude and not just reptile lovers. >I do love making porn and am an absolute exhibitionist so if an opportunity arises again I'd LOVE to share, but as of now I have no interest in being physical with any of my snakes. Then I can only hope that the desire is not entirely gone, and that the next time you decide to try you will not forget to share your experience with us. >(I also realize now that this might not register as 'me' since I'm on my desktop now instead of my laptop, so if the tag or identifier makes it seem I'm a different person, I'm not.) This is an anonymous board. There is no way to know for sure who is who. Unless you start using a tripcode. Additional question: how do you feel about people reposting your content if it is already public?
>>5537 Well it took a few months of rubbing and fingering, working up as time went on before I was willing to try. Luckily, once I tried and had ample lube, there was little to no resistance. just gotta get in at the right angles. And doesn't make a tonne of mess, and it's mostly just white and chunky so a few dipstick fingerings usually was enough to clear her out if needed. As for sex with her being pleasant for her, I think it's important to note that the lizard/reptilian brain doesn't really process 'pleasure' like mammals do. they literally lack the mental capacity to consciously think beyond the very basics of 'am I safe, am I fertile, am I hungry, am I warm/comfortable?' so while a snake can be receptive to touch when in heat and trained to associate your fingers with mating, they're doing it because instincts tell them to, not because they find human cock/fingers to be desirable. did a lot of reading/studying on the matter. Mammals outside of a few barely have the ability to feel 'pleasure' the same way we do. IT's also why I'm so against anal-fucking male dogs or whatever. Dogs don't really acquire non-evolutionary based kinks. They might like it because of the association with you or making you happy or simply become indifferent to it, but it's not something they enjoy. not in the same way humans or other higher-functioning mammals might. Just not the same at all. I get a lot of flack for my views on zoophilia, especially on beast boards. mostly people just wanna fuck their dogs without care or what-have-you and don't think beyond their dicks. Kinda gross, but meh. On the grand scheme of things we have done to animals over time, fucking your dog is a whole lot less egregious than culling herds or hunting for pelts or trapping. Getting your dick wet in horse pussy juice is less egregious than forcing them to race for you or work on your farm, so go wild. And yeah, I might some day again but right now I have no plans. As for the existing stuff...I'm not stupid. Once it's out there go ahead and post it. If I post it to you, personally, in a chat and specifically ask you not to share it that's the only time I'm not interested in having my stuff get out there. Once it's out it's out. Fair game on the internet. simple as that. Like I said, I'm not stupid and I DO want to keep my identity secret as best I can, but I'm not dumb enough to think shit won't get leaked. So post to your heart's content!
>>5555 nice quads >I think it's important to note that the lizard/reptilian brain doesn't really process 'pleasure' like mammals do. they literally lack the mental capacity to consciously think beyond the very basics of 'am I safe, am I fertile, am I hungry, am I warm/comfortable?' I see where you are coming from with that. But personally, I don't think I believe in that. I think reptiles are capable of far more complex reasoning than we give them credit for. I think the only reason this is still accepted as fact simply comes from a lack of research interest in those questions. I remember growing up, when it was still held as truth that "only humans make and use tools", "only humans can laugh", "only humans have a sense of self", "only humans can get pleasure from sex", only for it to be discovered later that none of these facts were true, and that they were only assumptions born from a misplaced sense of human exceptionalism. Now we are discovering more and more how unexceptional we are, and how similar animals are to us. We are also realizing how animals that we thought were like machines only driven by instinct turn out to be far more intelligent than we thought. We simply had not tried to look for intelligence in the right way. Even now we are starting to realize that gators are surprisingly intelligent. We simply didn't know it because they just don't care to participate in our experiments. As another example, it was widely accepted among professional herpetologists, biologists and other specialists that lizards were too dumb to be trained for anything. Then recently I have been seeing more and more examples of people who taught some complex behaviors to reptiles, far beyond what "science" said was possible. Another striking example of that is when just a few months ago, a scientist just "discovered" that snakes have a clitoris too. It was not known until now, because no one had even bothered to check so they just assumed that they didn't. To me this is just more evidence of how much we still have to discover about reptiles and animal sexuality. I think reptiles are far more intelligent than we give them credit for. And even more, I think that reptiles, like most other animals are also capable not only to enjoy sex but also understand that it is something they can enjoy with humans. This is of course only my personal hypothesis, but history has shown that we are far more alike to other animals than we think, and that science only keeps catching up to that fact. I think we will eventually "discover" in the not so distant future that reptiles can enjoy sex the same way dogs and humans do, but we just need to experiment before we realize it. >I get a lot of flack for my views on zoophilia, especially on beast boards. mostly people just wanna fuck their dogs without care or what-have-you and don't think beyond their dicks. I think this is true. There is a real issue with people not caring for their partner's well-being during sex, but I don't think this is even unique to zoophiles. I also think the comparison between anal sex with dogs, and cloacal sex with reptiles is not inadequate. However, I do disagree with the general notion that dogs can't actually enjoy it beyond making their human partner happy. They may have no evolutionary reason to enjoy anal sex, but neither do we. And yet, humans enjoy anal sex, so why not dogs? Once again I think humans and animals are far more alike than not. And while dogs may not be horny or imaginative enough to try anal sex on their own, I think this is one of the rare cases where humans are different. Unlike other animals, human are actively looking for new ways to have sex. But if other animals shared this trait, I have no doubt they would be just as degenerate as us. In short, my conjecture is the following: I believe that reptiles, just like any other complex animal, are fully capable of experiencing pleasure during sex, including with humans. And while I recognize that there is not much evidence to support it, I also believe there is not much evidence against it either. In fact, I believe that recent discoveries in research about animal sexuality and herpetology show a trend in my favor, and that given enough time and research, I will be proven right. P.S. I know zoos can be assholes so I hope that this post does not come as aggressive in any way. Even if I disagree with some of it, I respect your opinion and I admire that unlike many other zoos you are at least consistent with your ethics.
>>5556 >And yet, humans enjoy anal sex, so why not dogs? Depends on if you're talking about men or women. Men lack many of the sensory facts that make anal enjoyable for women. But, I also suggest asking >>>/cb/ for their "professional" opinion on the matter.
>>5532 I understand and respect where you're coming from, but I think you're being a bit too hard on yourself and zealous on the whole morality thing. Way I see it, as long as an animal isn't being negatively affected, it's not immoral. What does it matter if an animal is standing around or being humped if they don't care either way? Now, I strongly prefer that the animal benefit from intercourse as well. I love seeing them get all giddy with pleasure and orgasm. It's one of the most gratifying parts of being a zoo. However if you have a snake who prefers to sit with you and be stroked, and doesn't care if your dick is in them, then why not do it? They're having a good day, you're having a good day. They don't need to be able to feel the same level of pleasure for it to be mutually beneficial. It's entirely different if you think your snake was being harmed. As soon as the balance tips into more harm than good for the animal (and harm weighs much more heavily than good), it's game over and becomes abusive. I figure, this threshold for a reptile must be straightforward to see. Any physical harm is a fail, and if they're displaying a desire to flee, it's a fail. Otherwise, like you said, their psychology is very simple. They won't be be getting traumatized about it in some hidden way.
>>5566 Agreed. I was going to post basically the same thing but you already expressed it more eloquently.
>>5557 Males have a prostate and females don't. Just ask all the guys here who enjoy taking the knot.
>>5555 how old was she when you started getting sexual with her?
I love the philosophical arguments about fucking snakes, it's like dinner theater
>>5858 You probably don't have anything better to do anyway, as evidenced by the fact that you are posting here. So why not join in and tell us what you think of fucking snakes?
A question of interest for this thread. Which species of snake that are available to the public as pets would be big enough to fit an average human dick? Asking purely out of academic interest.
>>5555 are you from the US?
>>811 does anyone know what species of snake that is?
>>6161 BCI: Boa Constrictor Imperator. Salmon coloration.
>>6145 Nope, but I won't be elaborating farther.
>>6141 Well with proper training, Ball Python worked, as displayed here.
>>6164 Would this be considered an average sized ball python? And assuming it is you in the video, how thick is your dick in diameter? And what about other species? I would like to make a list of reptiles that are big enough for humans.
would a boa constrictor be big enough?
>>6167 Yeah she's normal sized, and I'm average. >>6168 In theory, sure, but I found their cloacae to be way tigher than pythons. Could barely get a finger in.
>>6178 Interesting. Do you think they could stretch as much as a ball python with enough training? How tight would you say you python was when you started fingering her? I talked to a guy who claimed to have sex with his boa constrictor, and he said ball pythons were too small for him. I wonder how much it varies from snake to snake and between species.
Cloacal intercourse with a ball python will result in heavy internal injuries, please do not, like really. Even penetration of a larger snake like a burm or bci will likely result in some form of injury for the snake. This is zoosadism.
>>6180 Please see my above post.
>>6264 clearly you have been misinformed. Does this look like a snake being injured to you? >>1848 also I am sure that this snake doesn't enjoy being fingered either >>1275 how about you ask people who actually have experience with it instead of parroting whatever beastforum or zooville admins say?
>>6269 I have not, I am a studying vet aiming to specialise in herpetology, and I have worked with all different kinds of herptiles for quite a few years. I went onto this site out of curiosity, the idea of zoophilia is just "eh" to me, but this is plain animal abuse. A burmese python can suffer internal injuries from a full-sized human penis entering its cloaca, the cloaca is not designed to handle any mammalian penis, it's designed to handle the much smaller sized hemipenes of a male, snakes are great at hiding when they feel injured or are in pain. Penile penetration on a ball python however, will ALWAYS cause fatal injuries, this is not arguable or disputable, it is equivalent to having a foot wide metal pipe shoved up your anus.
>>6521 I want a second opinion.
>>6521 nigger, stop lying and talking bullshit. even humans can fit a 2 liter soda bottles and fucking horse cocks up their ass without injuries with plenty of training and lube. and snakes are a multitude more stretchy than other animals.
>>6521 You are the biggest most clueless piece of shit to have ever walked on the face of this earth. Just off yourself already. This is a python swallowing an entire wallaby whole. And you think that a human fucking them will even hurt them? Snakes are designed to stretch and contort to anything.
>>6528 You clearly have literally zero fucking knowledge on this subject, seriously, just by your response that entirely confirms that for me, you have no actual evidence or basis so you just result to "kill yourself", you know you're wrong, admit it dumbass. The shit of a burm is large and thus the cloaca often allows for such things to exit, however, the cloaca itself is NOT meant at fucking all for repeated penetration, the cloaca is very fragile compared to the ass or pussy of a human, reptiles are NOT mammals. Also, as a dumbfuck, you seem to not even know the difference between a ball python and a burmese python, for reference, a burm weighs around 50 times more than a ball python. Stay in your place, you're a horny ass who is probably a teen, you'll probably grow out of it eventually.
>>781 Oh! and would you look at that, a collapsed cloaca which requires immediate veterinarian aid.
>>6711 I mean she's still alive, well, and completely healthy many years later. Looking at her right now. I know you mean well but you're wrong.
>>6521 >I have not, I am a studying vet aiming to specialise in herpetology, and I have worked with all different kinds of herptiles for quite a few years. On the internet, anyone can claim to be anything. But if what you say is true, I suppose you should have some anatomy textbooks. I would be very interested to see proper anatomical diagrams of cloacas. >>6710 >the cloaca itself is NOT meant at fucking all for repeated penetration Neither are human asses, or any animal ass for that matter. But that doesn't stop people from from having anal sex and enjoying it without injuries. What makes cloacas so much more fragile according to you? And what sort of injuries would you expect a snake to get from cloacal sex?
>>6717 While you are looking at her, would you mind sharing new pictures of her cloaca? For research purposes...
>>5529 What got you to start fucking snakes? Were you always attracted to them? Did you just one day decide to try? Or was it a slow process? And have you had sex with other snakes than the on in the video? Or other animals?
>>268 i wish it were possible for snakes to give blowjobs like this irl, just imagine
(565.35 KB 1271x847 Untitled.png)

>>6864 It's certainly at least possible, if one is willing enough.
>>808 Any idea what kind of snake that is? It looks like a python, but what kind of species/morph I am not sure.
>>6888 Are there any videos of snakes giving deepthroats? I'd love to see that in action
>>6949 nothing consensual
>>6952 yeah let me just ask a snake if it can have sex. clown
What a quiet thread. I don't suppose anyone has any new content to post? Or personal experiences to share?
Bumping for interest
>>7154 I doubt anyone is still here to respond, but there is a clear difference between a snake that just lets a guy fuck it and a snake that is obviously in distress and actively trying to get away.
>>9983 im here.. and i respond to some old post so we had a very preachy "vet student" >>6521 so i recently watched a few movie involwing snakes, well more then dozen n fact What i infact watched was a number of egg collecting vid from JayPrehistoricPets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4OEg7MnETs > snakes are great at hiding when they feel injured or are in pain. snakes in general are very simple minded and if you piss them -they going to strike at you, fast. they absolutly not going to "hide pain and discomfort cos they are attached to owner" like some needy dog... meanwhile i saw several snake intercourse vids, where snakes are not in the least agressive (esp those from Petlovers) -isnt that interesting? could be related to simple fact that animals in general are motivated by pleasure now that is, somehow quite recent research that point that in theory -snake clitoris is not stimulated in snake on snake action. but possible in human interaction clitoris IS stimulated and snake find experience pleasurable -as a result it is not agressive https://www.dw.com/en/snakes-have-2-clitorises-but-do-they-have-sex-for-pleasure/a-64126181 still, mr.vet student is right about something -some snakes, of smaller size should be left alone im talking for example about that set >>778 snake is a living being, not some cum socket, that "its good cos it fit.. barely This could very easly end in cloacal prolapse and result in very fast death of the snake materals of that exact sort (and snake deeptrhoating >>6949 ) are obviously a zoosadism, and should not be promoted in zoo comunities and this is /zoo/ not some /zoocore/, RIGHT ?
>>10007 Yeah. Someone should clean up the snek thread. Cloaca its your fucking thread. you do it.
I've seen snakes have orgasmic contractions/convulsions during mating, so it obviously must feel pleasing for the female if she wants any part of it.
>>10007 >Why exactly animals developed genitalia that allowed them to potentially feel pleasure during sex is not yet clear. I don't know why people keep writing shit like that because it sounds like one of the most moronic sentences I have ever heard. Like "I can't possibly figure out why the most fundamental act of life would feel enjoyable to a creature meant to reproduce". It baffles me that we still have scientists in the 21st century who can't figure out why reproduction would have an intrinsic feedback system that rewards creatures that partake in it. With that being said, I am glad they are finally trying to research these topics so we can finally get better insight into animals' sexual lives. I hope some here will put this knowledge to good use.
>>10153 What's that exactly?
>>10166 Avian/Reptile focused space. With all the slitfuckin ya want and all the bird bangin ya wanna discuss.
>>10153 Could you send the URL so people can join?
>>10183 there isnt one, its just a group on the app.
my dear snakefrens make sure to bring back some good content from cloacaclub for this thread please
Alright reptile fuckers, it's time we have a little more activity in this thread. How many of you actually own a reptile? If not, why? Answer the poll and reply in the thread. https://strawpoll.com/kogjk4jLEZ6
>>4109 mm lecker
>>10785 Those of you who answered Yes (fuckable size), have you tried it? Those who are planning to get a reptile, what would you get?
>>10785 Does anyone have pictures of a python hemipenis? Or a boa.
I was hoping for this thread to get more active, but this is not really what I had in mind...
(26.72 MB 640x360 Snakeman Lady Fingers S.mp4)

>>10153 Alright, I'll bite the glowpost 0537daa0ecb3c77d6875d5a6a9655bcf92428d9d0ec7c73c95183df41283b3a10e Another Snakeman video as tribute. I had the originals of these at one point and lost them. Really wish I put them up somewhere. Zoox destroys videos so it's sad these are all I think we've got unless some godly anon has them kicking around somewhere still.
anyone got pics or vids of snakes swallowing cocks? I've seen all the ones on zoox18, and i want to see more.
Those of you who have a big enough reptile, have you tried having sex with it? If not, why not?
I wish there was a vid somewhere of someone bringing a male snake to orgasm, with their hemipenes out. I've looked forever and there doesn't seem to be any such thing in existence.
>>13036 Eureka! lol. Isn't science wonderful? They're always discovering shit we knew for years.
Anyone have any videos of a guy fucking a female ostrich? Can't find any on zooville, just a guy who supposedly used to post some. Thanks in advance
>>13074 They're on zoox, such as it is, good luck
>>13074 Check the bird thread >>3986
>>13036 that has already been posted several times in this thread
Is there really nothing available out in the web featuring hemipenes action?
I need a massive chonky snake like this to coil me up and squeeze me good in it's scales~ A firm neverending hug of feeling their muscles kneading around me, seducing me, claiming me <3 (Yes I know this is extremely unrealistic, I'm allowed to fantasize)
>>15256 Imagine how muscular that cloaca must be
(4.62 MB 716x942 ZtCBzDFCDwjCtruo.mp4)

>>15554 lucky guy
>>15554 Is that OC? That is a very nice snake.
>>15597 From @smokinSNAKEeyez on Twitter Alas the account is locked now, but I had this saved
>>15683 Thanks for sharing
Male snakes when though?
Does anyone know where to get a video called Serpent Sexuality? It's in quite a few torrents, but the file is always corrupted and won't play. Tried poking it a little with ffmpeg and the error I keep getting is 'moov atom not found'.
>>16375 Yes, it is also titled python pleasure. You can get it from here, but the link will expire in 30 days. Someone should convert it and reupload it here if possible. https://oshi.at/WaNi
>>16376 Thanks, managed to find it in some torrents that I'm now downloading :)
>>10785 I have an eastern blue tongue. Not a very large reptile of course.
Need male snake content. The only content I've ever seen is female.
>>15818 Can anyone here DM a moderator or admin of the Cloaca Club group on SimpleX so I(and other ppl) can join and see the content in there?
>>15256 Me too. I wanna never come back out of it.
>>16529 Nut on it
(1.50 MB 2000x2667 20231030_171805.jpg)

>>16866 Wouldn't like that. Is actually a wild blue tongue I took over looking after several years ago after the previous individuals already had him or her in their care for a few years (caught on glue or something), so I pretty much only handle when putting new substrate in. Probably is a way to get him more comfortable with me outside of feeding, but I don't know how to do that. Have had on my lap a few times between changeovers, and seems comfortable enough when stroking the top of the head.
>>16950 Aww, cute. Seems sad he was taken from the wild though. Could he possibly be returned? I don't know anything about them.
Sex aside, I think it wouldn't hurt to try getting him used to handling and petting. It will be beneficial for the both of you.
>>16950 Hmm, maybe just hover over him and get to jerking heh
(4.99 MB 676x500 you must eat the egg.webm)

>>16951 I don't doubt he'd do ok in the wild, but has also been in captivity for probably close to 10 years now, which is about two thirds or half their expected life. I'm at peace knowing he lives comfortably and wont get killed by someones dog (which happens often). >>16957 Well much like with birds, I feel like there has to be a proper procedure for gaining trust. I mean, has no problem going for food, even when I'm holding the dish, but can also be autistically skittish with even the smallest noises.
>>17274 Of course it takes time to build trust, but that's part of the game with having pets. Try this maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVng8JTCV8s
>>17274 so, any updates?
>>18294 Anyone know who this guy is~? Saw a few other videos involveing a snapping turtle that also had jaw damage. Cant see any others
Alright snake fuckers. I know at leas one of you must have a big enough snake. Get to work and post pictures.
I regret letting go of that python clutch. I could've had 3 pythons to cuddle by now.
>>20103 It is not too late to get some more
>>15814 When you get one horny enough to have a boner for humans
Now that it's the Year of the Snake, hopefully this thread becomes more active
>>6528 High key wish a snake would eat me though. Always wanted it to be a kept snake, never had any luck, been trying for years.

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