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Something about Elephants Animal Enthusiast 04/11/2022 (Mon) 00:34:49 No. 3202
Let's Talk and share some things about Elephant. Have you ever been seen some zoo content about a Elephant? like...masturbate an elephant penis? :o
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This thread approved by Tom Green.
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I can say elephant pussy in a way can be wonderful, it might look loose while dangling but it's highly elastic and will always be snug. Female elephants as well can be receptive to human courtship so if you want to try you can although... You really should know where their clit is to impress them with your tools. I've seen circus elephants have their legs tremble after a proper pussy fisting... Too bad they give no trunkjobs
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Sorry anons, I'm a total noob posting here, I forgot this last picture... Might post more after working lol
elephants are one of the few mammals with internal testicles
>>4015 >I've seen circus elephants have their legs tremble after a proper pussy fisting sounds thrilling. Would love to see a female really loving her human.
>>4020 You know anon? I remember in Zooville some old boomer dude who told me he had fisted a female circus elephant in the 80s. No pics or the like naturally... Elephant content is rare as it is even today since most of it is a faggot sausage fest and that's it. Even worse when it comes to art. At most all your can find today is a CG comic of a huge dong elephant fucking a girl or horror grade scat filled furry comics, Kinda wish I downloaded everything from the /beast thread in the old 8chan website before shit hit the fan with that pew pew the jew. I would join the ZV forum again but I've yet to know how to get past the ban and as well find the original thread again, there's also a rumour of a defunct Telegram chat with elephant stuff. Anyways elephant boobs can go here too? These are all I could find.
>>4160 >elephant boobs go here maybe? Yeah sure whatever. The only real rule is don't piss off the BO and you can basically do whatever you want.
>>4160 so, let me talk a bit about the wonders of elephant pussy before the oversized dongs come in. Compared to any other land mammal, female elephants got alien-like anatomy. Their pussies are 3-4ft long and it's vertical going forward instead of rear like your average horse/cow. Any phant that wants to fuck the cow must thrust into their small trunk-like entrance and now some more fun facts. Their pussies as well are the most elastic of any in the animal kingdom, in theory you could even shove a anon inside their cunts with with no problem. Elephant pussy as well looks oversized/loose but can be both thin and flexible, if you're big they can make some room, they'll always be snug around the tool though. And no, you won't be able to fuck one with your tiny cocks, you'll have to go in with the arms and find the spot that makes their legs shake, and if trained they can return the favor. As far as I know there was one zoo who had a elephant sow as his mate, really wish I remembered where I saw it though
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Oh, forgot to upload the last one.
>>4178 best photo
>>4179 If I remember correctly from a past thread on the old /zoo/, that particular elephant had to have an artificial vagina made because she was unable to give birth through her natural vagina, that's why it's in an unnatural position for an elephant sow.
>>4182 Wait for real? I always thought that it was just a malformation on that one. I still wonder where's the elephant 3D comics, although that would be for /beast in the old 8ch
>>4189 Yeah idk. We allow comics and hentai. But it is rarely posted it seems.
Well here's a furfag vomit inducing comic... I can't deny they did a good job on the anatomy.
Could you train a elephant sow to do this?
>>4215 Kinda hot
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Found a short clip, shame I've heard about this being a scat movie
>>4303 I've seen what I thought was the whole thing and I don't remember any scat. It was just a naked lady with an obviously uninterested elephant (that I think was also female anyway). I think that short clip was about as "intimate" as things got if I remember correctly, the only reason the elephant was interacting with her at all was to get food. I, of course, could be wrong and there could be a longer version with scat but I haven't seen that one. (If you're wondering where I saw it, I think it was a Mega link on the old /zoo/ board and I didn't keep the file after watching it.)
>>4311 yeah she once crapped and the elephant ate the brown log straight off her ass Shame that there's no real elephant content which isn't just vanilla posing or degenerate furfag porn, countries like india or Thailand certainly have potential but... Hey. From what I've heard, they're clever enough to realize when they're getting advances, and they flirt with humans too!
>>5583 I think the amount of sexual things you could even hypothetically do with an elephant without serious risk of getting trampled, crushed, gored by a tusk, or split open is next to null anyway. Even direct stimulation of the penis doesn't do much for an elephant. When zoologists collect sperm for artificial insemination, one of them puts on long gloves and sticks an arm in the elephant's anus to stimulate the prostate while another collects the sperm with a bag on a loop on a stick.
>>5598 That's actually kinda hot, would love to see a human cock using that elephant trunk and fucking it like a fleshlight. I'm sure someone has done it before, now they just need to post it.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/12/2023 (Thu) 04:32:56.
>>5738 Edited for clarity. Anon confused the namefield for the reply field. So added >>5598 to his post and his name to his name field. Also Welcome anon! And happy posting.
>>5738 Has someone like a mahout (elephant trainer in India) ever received a snort job from an elephant? Probably, I guess. Would they likely film it? I doubt it. It would probably be too easy to identify the elephant and, by extension, its mahout.
>>5738 As far it's concerned... I do know one who got a trunkjob from one trained... And it certainly feels overwhelming first time. But it's incredibly erotic Like yeah... The entrance is narrow in her nostril, what follows later is her trunk full of undulating and contracting muscles, sometimes you get a squeeze, others a suction... What matters most is that your girl is not a tease but a seductive one
>>5766 I highly doubt that in a country full of street shitters they would be able to do that, they canot even locate a damn scam center
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Alright Anons, here's a extremely rare elephant Mating video as close as possible... Too bad this shit is straight impossible to find unless s fuckin' miracle occurs. You can REALLY see the force of her vagina as it clenches around his throbbing penis man, like did anyone even try to fuck an elephant pussy? I've heard from some zoos that it's always snug and will clench
>>5776 >>5766 They film themselves committing rape all the time so I wouldn't be surprised if they had some elephant play recorded somewhere
>>7999 man this is awesome...
>>8013 It's indeed awesome anon, elephant pussy is pretty unexplored compared to the fairly common canine or equine pussy that some zoos describe as heavenly. I do know this thanks to a zoo in a circus who had the luck to get it on with the herd... And he described their pussies to feel like heaven in terms of warmth and tightness. "Granted that positioning yourself is awkard with a plastic stool, risky too considering you're just beneath their huge stinking shitter too. But let's just say that despite how loose the entrance looks, you couldn't be any more wrong..." He described it looking loose, but the second you plunge inside all of those boiling hot muscles clench around your length almost hard as a goat would. It's Also extremely warm and snug so... You'll get some fun out of the ordeal before blowing your load after 15 thrusts. He described the main problem being pleasing them,he often would finish them with his arm and wait until they shuddered and clenched hard against his arm. Sometimes he commented he almost got pussy swallowed if he didn't brace himself against their backside since they're apparently big enough to do so. Safe to say, he'll never share his elephant fucks videos... He told me it's way too risky, even if the circus he did his stuff at is largely unknown and they got no way to ID him or the elephants. I Frankly believe he's just a pussy, bigger than the one he fucks. Wish he would invite me to the fun rather than pester him on Discord for him to at least Tell me about his lastest experience... Namely a trunkjob trained female.
>>8025 >he almost got pussy swallowed New fetish unlocked
>>8030 Apparently, elephant vaginas are big enough to swallow a fully grown man... Average man is 1.8m and their pussies can be around 2-4 meters deep since they go back and forth on their body. In theory... Just hope he never finds out how deep the elephant hole goes
>>8038 C'mon Anon, I think he's fucking with you... At most you're fitting an arm in and half a human, not a whole man in there. Some furfag didn't do their basic anatomy... Great
>>8045 I would gladly volunteer to see if it's true or false. All in the name of science, obviously xD
>>8045 >. At most you're fitting an arm in and half a human, >"Baby elephants weigh around 200 lbs at birth and over the next 20 years grow to be 8,000 -15,000 lbs! They can reach a height of 10-13 feet! Depending on the kind and gender of elephant, babies can start out as “little” as 150 lbs or be as big as 360 lbs." Based upon those stats, and that diagram, you could probably doggy style her pussy from inside her pussy.
>>8050 Thanks anon, I need to unfuck my mind right now... Now you'll say that you will soon be trapped on her uterus and cum like a malfunctioning firehoose until she jetpacks out of the jungle with the cum hosing out of her vagina?
>>8075 Is the request thread still open? I need someone to draw that, I just can't live without it not being drawn, it's so hilarious.
>>8049 Here comes the Furfag, of course there had to be one... >>8038 Yeah, they're big enough but it would be highly abusive. I think that >>8025 is fucking with you, there's no way a female elephant will allow you to cave dive her pussy. You'll get gored like the retarded nigger you are. >>8007 Wouldn't be surprised if you can secretly book elephant sex in a country full of street shitters. Look anons, this thread is dead... accept it, you can't fuck an elephant.
>>8294 Aww... you are the special kid who feels good only while mocking the others. Every respectful thread needs at least one of your kind. How cute :)
>>8294 Fuck off shitskin, this a zoo board and if I want to fuck Cthulhulu I will fuck the monster whatever way I can.
I wonder how it is to touch into this dick..
>>8487 As a matter of fact, elephant penis is phrensile... So it's like a second trunk. And I can tell out of experience that it's hard like stone and smooth like polished basalt
>>7999 is there a longer version of this????
>>8504 oh my
>>8512 If you push hard enough... You can even fuck it with your own cock
>>8521 Cockception!
>>8521 the problem is elephants are very aggresive
So I know they're prehensile, but just how much control does a male have over his cock? Are they sheathed like horses, or does it always hang out?
>>8559 Elephants are only agressive to those they don't know in the slightest. You would naturally stomp whoever started to touch your junk out of the blue, and as someone who eventually managed to play with a horny female... let's just say they're remarkably intelligent to eventually figure out what you want from them. >>8997 As for you, I've seen them capable of slightly guiding it through all the way to the elephant's pussy, and their cocks aren't sheathed... they're just retracted into their bodies until they're hard. There's a reason you avoid elephants who have their junk out
So anons, I've recently heard about a caretaker caught in a Memphis zoo fisting one of the elephants, anyone know Anything?
>>9264 No, and you have to do that to clear constipation.
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Alright anons, I've been fishing around different social media sites and... I've managed to find more content similar to what >>7999 has posted here. By the looks of it, it's getting more common in X to see these extreme closeups in elephant mating videos. It's mostly from Thailand or japanese accounts in general, tjat and the fact Thailand zoos like a plump swollen dogussy. A new golden age is beginning anons!
i found this on facebook a thai chick playing around with a elephants dick
heres another one
>>10870 >>10871 What surprises me in the first place is that the elephant ain't goring her the second she touched his dick.
Why surprised? You never had somebody touch your dick for you? I'll clue you in: It's pleasant. Domesticated Asian elephant zero different than you. As long as he's aware she is there and is used to being touched, it's totally fine. Why, he might even gain some pleasure from a gentle touch... We're not talking "jump out of the safari Jeep in Africa and grab the nearest telephone-pole cock you see. That is guaranteed liquefaction. These are Asian elephants, wonderful creatures, self-aware. Ever seen the one paint a self-portrait? It boggles the mind we treat them as inferior intellects.
>>10871 this...is incredible, I nevew saw someone touching an elephant dick like that before
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>>3202 >>3417 >>4303 >>10870 >>10871 has anyone actually ever found or has come across an elephant having sex with a hot 18 to 20 something model tier looking girl?
no???? lmao thats something you'd dream of in your fantasy land
>>10837 >"On X" we're not fucking calling it that, retard
>>10899 Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
Anyone have any close ups of elephants mating? Been trying to find some but so far no luck.
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>>12044 Nigga are you stupid? havent you seen the thread? I already posted two closeup mating videos and you just tardposted.
Wow. No need to be rude.
There was someone on Zooville by the name RK50 a few years ago. Had uploaded some good close up videos of elephants mating. Could someone post them?
>>14740 I got banned from ZV a few years ago due to my bad English, supposedly I mistook some terms but lf course ZV admins being the same retards as always. Heck there's some rare llama porn and Ostrich stuff in there too, I do remember one of the members talking about experiences with a female elephant at a circus on the 80s, really wish I could figure out how to bypass the ban filter so I could get some of the stuff in there
If anyone has them. Please post them here. We need more elephants.
>>14750 I second this, can we have someone sneak into the forums and fish for content?
>>14740 I know RK50 from the ZV forums, is there any particular videos you are looking for?
Do you have any close up videos of elephants mating? RK50 had a lot of really good ones. I have been trying to find them again.
>>14970 I'll send a link to this message to RK50
>>14970 RK50 here, I have quite a few videos showing penetration, but I will need to go through my archives and find them. In the meantime, here are some closeup pictures you may find of interest...
>>14970 I'll go through my video archives and post to this thread in due course, please bear in mind this could take a while, I have elephant material going back to the days of VHS. Cheers, RK50
Thank you so much RK50. I've missed seeing you post these amazing pics and videos.
Thanks mate
Here are some older elephant mating videos showing penetration, unfortunately the quality is not perfect. Much more on the way. RK50
>>4215 Well you can certainly cry bout it
neat. thanks anon. keep it coming
We need more elephant butthole stuff
>>15208 I second this. Some shoulder deep fisting would be great
HD 4 more to follow! RK50
Elephants have some amazing looking penises and vaginas. Thank you RK50 for sharing these awesome videos!! 10/10
Stared a seal mating thread. If anyone has any videos or pics. Please post them there.
HD 1
HD 2 More to follow...
documentary excerpt regarding elephant genitalia and mating
These are awesome!!
file too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
file too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
file too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
an enhanced version of a previously uploaded closeup view...
When I was a boy there was a text going around with funny search requests from the local google equivalent, and I swear that from the timing it absolutely must have been me who looked for "elephant penis photos" in our language
>>15729 thank you based anon
do any of these have a clear rear view? I want to see an elephant's balls and perineum throb as he ejaculates
Male elephants have internal testicles. So you are out of luck there.
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
video too large to upload, so split into part 1 and part 2
These are great!!
Hey RK50. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing these awesome videos and pics. Also I wanted to ask if you have anymore elephant seal or sea lion mating ones. If not I understand. And thank you again.
>>16014 I'll check my pinniped folder once I've finished uploading the elephant archive.
That's the end of the archive, if I find any new pictures and videos I will add it to this thread. RK50
I wonder if elephants take the wrong hole sometimes. Or if there are gay male elephants out there, somewhere...
>>16174 I am not aware of any male-male multimedia, but this video apparently shows brief anal sex between male and female elephants...
>>16177 Oh, cool! He definitely went in her pooper :D
>>16174 Oh bull elephants get hella gay. As seen here it takes some difference in height to happen. Its almost certainly happened but its understandably rare as hell.
>>18974 Would you happen to have any cow content?
>>18979 Cow mating is extremely brief and simple - there are a lot of examples on YouTube, check Vietnamese and Cambodian farm channels in particular
Some more elephant matings...
>>23380 Great work
Any videos or pics of lemurs mating? Or hyenas?
>>23408 I posted my hyena archive in this thread: https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/18702.html
Ah ok. Thank you. Do you have any lemur mating videos or zebras?
>>23433 You can find zebra material in the general equine mating thread here: https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/17366.html I do not have any lemur material archived.
>>15508 Kek that mouth open!

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