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Canids. Beautiful coloration, very exotic and cute shape, and functionally wonderful No doubt people will argue the thoughtless sheer size of equines, or the prehensile tentacle-cock comparison of dolphins, but they just don't have as much going for them.
Horse, dog cocks are fucking disgusting looking.
>>372 Humans. >strong shaft that doesn't require a bone to get hard >round tip shaped like an arrow for deeper penetration without causing pain to any of the partners >sheet that offers additional protection and makes penetration smoother >thicker cum >highest stamina of all animals >looks really cute when soft >perfect size for fucking most of the animals listed in your images All these cocks were made for mating, but only human cocks were made for SEX However, if I were to have the penis of another animal instead of mine, I'd probably choose one that could be moved like a tentacle (not sure if roos, rinos, dolphins and orcas can move theirs, but they look like tentacles). I've fantasized with having a tentacle cock and move it inside my partner and hit her/his weak spots with it. But if I were to suck and fuck one of these cocks, I would choose any one that had a similar size to a human's and lacked "dangerous" elements like spikes. I'm a pervert, not a masochist. Also I fucking hate how there's a lot of penile variety, yet furfags can't draw anything other than human, horse, dog and tentacle dicks. What a bunch of useless creatures they are.
>>379 Yes. Furfags are fucking gay anon.
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Exluding mammals the size of elephants or giraffes the official ranking is: Future humans>Horses and equines>Upper echelon of modern humans>Upper echelon of dogs=Pigs and more niche animals>Average human>Average dog>Small mammals/unconventional animals. This is the objectively correct ranking and anything else is incorrect.
>>382 when you sneeze, does shit fly out of your destroyed anus?
>>382 I feel like I could outfuck a pig or dog.
>>384 that sounds extremely silly to say and you made me laugh anon thank you
>>384 But not a ferret. Anons ferrets fuck for days straight. Days anon. I know, I know. >I can, and in fact have fucked for days anon No, you have not. Anon let me describe ferret sex for you. First the Ferrets decide they wanna get it on, then they steal a bunch of food. >what if you gave them food They would ignore it, anon ferrets are deranged criminals that make australians look like mild mannered kleptomaniacs. To say a ferret has a penchant for theft ignores the point. Anon the word ferret is ye oldene englishe. It means thief. So anyway they drag the different foods sourced from various dead drops, to a source of water. Anon if they could steal water they would. I showed a ferret snow once. It lost its mind with joy and immediately made an igloo inside. Anyway then its fucking time. Anon there genitals never leave during the act of coitus. For 48 to 73 hours straight they will hump each others little brains out in all manner of devious positions known only to mammals with no spines, and some of the more deviant snakes. They eat and drink while fucking. Anon it makes one hellacious mess, and a stench like you wouldn't believe. And that is ferret fucking. No I dont think I could outfuck a ferret.
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>>385 >tfw they laugh at the setup, and then you deliver the punchline Timing anon. Very important in comedy.
>>387 >funny setup >unfunny punchline c l a s s i c
>>388 In soviet russia joke is (you)
>no octopus
>>391 Imagine soy sauce lube
>>372 I would suck all of them to be honest. Imagine the different textures of these cocks and tastes of their cum.
>>379 >round tip shaped like an arrow for deeper penetration without causing pain to any of the partners No, it's a shovel shape for scooping out other guys cum.
>>521 uuu~ cucky wucky
>>522 The above average dick size is for getting in deeper to outcompete other guys too. Human cocks evolved as they did because women are whores by nature. It's only otherwise with civilization.
>>521 That's your assumption and the assumption of that faggot who wrote "Sex At Dawn". And besides, that's not how sex fucking works. A single sperm will get a woman pregnant, the egg doesn't give a fuck that the second guy scooped a bunch of cum out, first guy got there first therefor his sperm touched the egg first. The fact that the dick of humans scoops out fluids is not evidence that this is its purpose. Evolution doesn't care about purpose, it makes random shit and if it lives it lives. It gives no thought to form or function. The penis is not "designed to scoop put cum", no more than a deers antlers are designed to scrape bark off trees, they just do, it's happenstance. Be a cuck or don't be a cuck but don't use evolution as an excuse.
Mares can't even get pregnant, so the whole argument is academic. t. knower
>>529 From humans I mean. Foals are real. t. knower
Dogs have the best dong. It is the best feeling thing to put inside a human (when sized correctly). Dogs were the first "dildos", bred by ancient man to fuck their wives and daughters when they weren't able to because they were too busy.
>>611 nah they are garbage horses are best
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>>372 Horses.
>>621 fact
>>626 this is the source right? This link sucks
Edited last time by Vampyr on 08/27/2021 (Fri) 19:39:27.
>>789 No one click this. I think it might be some IP harvesting thing.
>>789 source is machete01
its better if the animal was never domesticated its better if the animal is a carnivore that kills humans its better if the animal has a strange penis that is nothing like a humans its better if the animal is raping a human woman/girl who is afraid of getting killed and eaten, and is hoping bestiality would save her life from the predator its better if sex with the animal hurts her, at least initially, until she gets into it, but also feels way better than anything she'd ever done with her own species, making her an addict to sex with inhuman creatures.
>>842 shit taste consensual male on mare sex > this cringe shit
>>842 its better if the animal was treated how it should be. not raped
>>843 Your taste is shit, it lacks originality and a sense of thrill. Where is the passion? where is the excitement? it's so blah, run of the mill, and tame.
>>1317 it's better if it's the beast doing the raping.
Seriously guys, get on the wild side of things. The whole domestic life cliches aren't very interesting. The animals you like are so boring and tame, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, etc. I'd prefer a bit more ferality when it comes to the fantasies. Don't you want to see something like a princess getting force fucked like a living onahole by a dragon's dinosaur dick?
>>379 true i dont understand why people think fucking animals is ok. its animal abuse and rape
>>2830 The fuck is consent dude? If two people have sex and both were into it does it become rape if they don't speak the same language? That's no different than an animal and human. Just because no language is shared doesn't automatically make something rape.
>>2831 Anti-zoos have literal autism that stops them from realizing that normal beings can perceive nonverbal cues in one another.
>>2833 Sure
>>391 Octopus use a special tentacle to mate so... imagine a tentacle in uranus
Horse cock is the best cock there is. A bull cock is also nice, long and thin.
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This thread needs more fossa dicks.
>>2945 There is zero competing with horses in any category.
>>372 There's a reason why furfags slap horse, human, or dog dicks on everything. They each have their strengths and weaknesses though. Dogs are the biggest for their size, but they look ugly and are pretty strange. Humans are second biggest for size and/but are very normal and vanilla, obviously being what we're the most used to. Horses aren't that big for their size, but are so much bigger in absolute terms that they reign supreme. They have by far the best look and feel. The only outright downside is how little time you get to spend with them. Their size can also be a downside because it can make them unwieldy in practical application. But you have to take the good with the bad. Overall horses are definitely in first place. They also have the best nuts, but that's tangential to the point.
>>3751 Except that you're wrong on every count. Humans are by far the smallest by-proportion, and horses are definitely larger by - proportion. Have you ever seen a miniature stallion? A foot and a half long or more, three inches across (so, nine and a half inch circumference or so) and that's not counting the flare. Humans with that much mass are half that size, or less. Dogs .. aren't that weird. Pointy, with a flare at the base instead. Maybe that's a little bit weird, and yes some breeds are smaller by proportion, but that's mostly the really small breeds anyway; terriers whose two and a half inches are all they need since they'll be tied up with their girl for as long as it takes to finish enjoying the afterglow regardless of how loud she screams at him about it later.
>>3754 >you're wrong on every count >lists one incorrect statement and an opinion as refutation Best case scenario for horse, 24 inches at 400 kilos, with human at 5 inches at 80 kilos. Horse still loses even when it's very weighted in the horse's favor. If you want an equine with good proportions then go for a donkey. Don't need to bust out niche edge cases to make them look good. And dogs have horrible looks and proportions (of the penis in and of itself, not in relation to anything else). The things look like they aren't supposed to be exposed to the air, like they've had some covering ripped off of them.
>>3754 humans have incredibly large dicks for our size my dude. maybe you don't but generally speaking our length is good and our girth is far above the norm
>>3790 >>3807 Which rib can you reach? Because horses can reach past the lowest one. Amongst simians, we're pretty well endowed. That puts us above rabbits and cats, sure but I'm not convinced we're large than dogs because a dog half my weight can match me in length, and depending on breed, maybe girth too. Also, >24 inches at 400 kilos, You've never actually met a horse, and whatever research material you've looked up, was either miswritten or you misread it. I maintain, everything you said is wrong.
>>3815 >I'm not convinced we're large than dogs That's because humans aren't. Dogs have higher penis size to body weight than humans. >You've never actually met a horse, and whatever research material you've looked up, was either miswritten or you misread it. How so?
>>3807 >>3815 >>3820 Fucking autists. Humans have the largest penises out of all primates. Dogs have large penises compared to body size. Horses do too but less so. Tapirs mog them all anyway in every category of your dumb argument, and guess what, so do fruit flies, no one fucking cares.
>>372 Imagine a porn comic of human females trying out all these dicks for themselves by getting fucked by each animal. that would be hot.
>>372 Which type of deers does each one of those Deer Penises come from
>>3826 "Humans have the largest penises out of all primates." Your little 4-incher certainly isn't.
>>5961 Still bigger than all other primates.
Pig is interesting, but heavy. There is an option - a Vietnamese mini-pig, it is small, but the penis is like a large one. The horse is too big, I'm afraid of him. It can hit with a hoof, it can hit hard in the cervus, in itself it is big and strong and fucks for a very short time. The penis is also too big, it's even scary to look at it. I tried the pony, but did not like it - it ended too quickly. Very good dog and wolf. Especially the knot - if the penis itself is not too long, then the whole knot is placed inside and presses on the "G" point. And when the dog stands in the castle, the penis pulsates. If you follow this, then the sensations are the best. There was an opportunity to try with a dolphin, but I was afraid that they might drown - I didn’t have scuba gear.
It's a difficult choice, honestly. Our world has so many different cocks and I can't settle for one. My personal favorite is the horse cock. I love their size, the medial ring is hot as fuck to me, and the flare just looks delicious. Canines are a classic, very suckable shape and I'd love to get suffocated by a knot. A more unusual one for me is the otter. There's something about otter cocks that just.. intrigues me. I love fantasizing about animal cocks. Fuck.
>>3593 Fossas truly have the best dicks As long as their torsos Two knots Flared tip Texture for pleasure Sex lasts for over an hour https://youtube.com/watch?v=99rjB0qntJ0 Horses are two pump chumps
>>6379 wonder if its legal to own a fossa and where you can get one
>>524 Um, no, it isn’t the first sperm to reach the egg. Many sperm break down the protective layer, and there is some evidence that the egg has some amount of choice over which sperm it lets fertilize it
>>2830 Consent is the modern soft soap excuse because calling animal fuckers degenerate filth opens uncomfortable questions about faggots and troons, and we can't have that in the current year.
>>6503 The only consent that matters is the consent of Living White Men. If it's not alive, not adult, not male, not human, or not Europoid/Caucasoid then they should exist outside of the law. They aren't people, they are property, and they shouldn't have any rights of their own.
>>8912 So edgy
>>8926 We tried the whole "love the world" thing, it's not working out so well. TBH this solution should have been implemented back in the past, long long ago. There's been so much cultural evolution within a mixed globalist society that it'd be nigh impossible to implement today, at least on the "race" part.
>>6503 It really doesn't. Morality is completely subjective, so if people draw the line at interspecies sex but not LGBTQ+ then that's just how it is. You totally can have one without the other without the need for any "questions". Basically, right now the goal is to extend the range of acceptable sexual interaction to "living, consenting adult human x living, consenting adult human(s)". If you want extend that to animals, too, you've got to find a LOT of people, preferrably influential ones, too. LGBTQ has a much higher demand across all sorts of demographics, which makes it easier to apply pressure for change If you think that "degenerate filth" would apply to both zoophiles and LGBTQ+ people (which is the only way you could possibly come to that "uncomfortable questions" conclusion), then that is your opinion, but the two are not even close to being in the same boat as of right now, so don't even bother thinking that it's going to be an issue. TL;DR trash take because your comparison is unhinged and far away from the reality of the current situation. Good luck trying to convince the masses of your sense of morality.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
>>11758 The M(ass)es are just degenerate filth themself, everyone sees it diffrent so all and no one are right. They can all just kizz ma butt, il stay zoo 4 ever no matter what. I dont care for the opinion of dumb apes who think theyre god and all perfect while doing themself just what they want like those they criticise.
>>521 >>524 humans have a bulbous head as an unintended consequence of developing to look permanently aroused. the internal shaft grew in length, and the external shaft (ie the non-fleshy thing most other animals have) shrank to compensate. it doesn't serve a purpose.
>>3604 >t. never seen what chelonians are packing at 1/10th of the bodysize & mass of an average horse
>>3790 breeding donkeys are huge, still an equine obviously but proportionally larger than a horse

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